Harlem Heights, battle, 114
Harper's Ferry, 339
Harrison, Benjamin, 422, 484
Harrison, W.H., 198, 263f.
Hartford convention, 201ff., 238
Harvard, 44
Hawaii, 484f.
Hay, John, 477, 500ff.
Hayne, Robert, 256
Hays, President, 416f.
Henry, Patrick, 85
Hepburn act, 523
Hill, James J., 429
Holland, 130
Holy Alliance, 205
Homestead act, 368, 432
Hooker, Thomas, 5
Houston, Sam, 279ff.
Howe, General, 118
Hughes, Charles E., 602
Huguenots, 10
Hume, David, 132
Hutchinson, Anne, 5
Idaho, admission, 442
Income tax, 459, 466, 528, 588, 606
Inheritance tax, 606
Illinois, admission, 226
Illiteracy, 585
Immigration: colonial, 1-17 before Civil War, 302, 367 after Civil War, 410ff. problems of, 582ff.
Imperialism, 494ff., 498f., 502ff.
Implied powers, 212
Impressment of seamen, 194
Indentured servants, 13f.
Independence, Declaration of, 107
Indiana, admission, 226
Indians, 57ff., 81, 431
Industry: colonial, 28ff. growth of, 296ff. during Civil War, 366 after 1865, 390ff., 401ff., 436ff., 559 See also Trusts
Initiative, the, 543
Injunction, 465, 580
Internal improvements, 260, 368
Interstate commerce act, 461, 529
Intolerable acts, 93
Invisible government, 537
Iowa, admission, 275
Irish, 11, 302
Iron. See Industry
Irrigation, 434ff., 523ff.
Jackson, Andrew, 201, 204, 246, 280
Jacobins, 174
James I, 3
James II, 65
Jamestown, 3, 21
Japan, relations with, 447, 511, 583
Jay, John, 128, 158, 177
Jefferson, Thomas: Declaration of Independence, 107 Secretary of State, 162ff. political leader, 169 as President, 183ff. Monroe Doctrine, 206, 231
Jews, migration of, 11
Johnson, Andrew, 365, 368, 371f.
Johnson, Samuel, 132
Joliet, 59
Jones, John Paul, 118
Judiciary: British system, 67 federal, 152
Kansas, admission, 441
Kansas-Nebraska bill, 333
Kentucky: admission, 224 Resolutions, 182
King George's War, 59
King Philip's War, 57
King William's War, 59
King's College (Columbia), 45
Knights of Labor, 575ff.
Kosciusko, 121
Ku Klux Klan, 382
Labor: rise of organized, 304 parties, 462ff. question, 521 American Federation, 573ff. legislation, 590 World War, 608ff.
Lafayette, 121
La Follette, Senator, 531
Land: tenure 20ff. sales restricted, 80 Western survey, 219 federal sales policy, 220 Western tenure, 228 disappearance of free, 445 new problems, 449 See also Homestead act
La Salle, 59
Lawrence, Captain, 200
League of Nations, 616ff.
Le Boeuf, Fort, 59
Lee, General Charles, 131
Lee, R.E., 357
Lewis and Clark expedition, 193
Lexington, battle, 100
Liberal Republicans, 420
Liberty loan, 606
Lincoln: Mexican War, 282 Douglas debates, 336f. election, 341 Civil War, 344ff. reconstruction, 371
Literacy test, 585
Livingston, R.R., 191
Locke, John, 95
London Company, 3
Long Island, battle, 114
Lords of trade, 67ff.
Louis XVI, 171ff.
Louisiana: ceded to Spain, 61 purchase, 190ff. admission, 227
Loyalists. See Tories
Lusitania, the, 601ff.
McClellan, General, 362, 365
McCulloch vs. Maryland, 211
McKinley, William, 422, 467ff., 489ff.
Macaulay, Catherine, 132
Madison, James, 158, 197ff.
Maine, 325
Maine, the, 490
Manila Bay, battle, 492
Manors, colonial, 22
Manufactures. See Industry
Marbury vs. Madison, 209
Marietta, 220
Marion, Francis, 117, 120
Marquette, 59
Marshall, John, 208ff.
Martineau, Harriet, 267
Maryland, founded, 6, 49, 109, 239, 242
Massachusetts: founded, 3ff. See also Immigration, Royal province, Industry, Revolutionary War, Constitutions, state, Suffrage, Commerce, and Industry
Massachusetts Bay Company, 3 founded, 3ff. See also Immigration, Royal province
Mayflower compact, 4
Mercantile theory, 69
Merchants. See Commerce
Merrimac, the, 353
Meuse-Argonne, battle, 612
Mexico: and Texas, 278ff. later relations, 594f.
Michigan, admission, 273
Midnight appointees, 187
Milan Decree, 194
Militia, Revolutionary War, 122
Minimum wages, 551
Minnesota, admission, 275
Mississippi River, and West, 189f.
Missouri Compromise, 207, 227, 271, 325, 332
Molasses act, 71
Money, paper, 80, 126, 155, 369
Monitor, the, 353
Monroe, James, 204ff., 191
Monroe Doctrine, 205, 512
Montana, admission, 442
Montgomery, General, 114
Morris, Robert, 127
Mothers' pensions, 551
Mohawks, 57
Muckraking, 536f.
Mugwumps, 420
Municipal ownership, 549
Napoleon I, 190
Napoleon III: Civil War, 354f. Mexico, 477
National Labor Union, 574
National road, 232
Nationalism, colonial, 56ff.
Natural rights, 95
Navigation acts, 69
Navy: in Revolution, 188 War of 1812, 195 Civil War, 353 World War, 610. See also Sea Power
Nebraska, admission, 441
Negro: Civil rights, 370ff. in agriculture, 393ff. status of, 396ff. See also Slavery
New England: colonial times, 6ff., 35, 40ff. See also Industry, Suffrage, Commerce, and Wars
New Hampshire: founded, 4ff. See also Immigration, Royal province, Suffrage, and Constitutions, state
New Jersey, founded, 6. See also Immigration, Royal province, Suffrage, and Constitutions, state
Newlands, Senator, 524
New Mexico, admission, 443
New Orleans, 59, 190 battle, 201
Newspapers, colonial, 46ff.
New York: founded by Dutch, 3 transferred to English, 49 See also Dutch, Immigration, Royal province, Commerce, Suffrage, and Constitutions, state
New York City, colonial, 36
Niagara, Fort, 59
Nicaragua protectorate, 594
Non-intercourse act, 196ff.
Non-importation, 84ff., 99
North, Lord, 100, 131, 133
North Carolina: founded, 6. See also Royal province, Immigration, Suffrage, and Constitutions, state
North Dakota, admission, 442
Northwest Ordinance, 219
Nullification, 182, 251ff.
Oglethorpe, James, 3
Ohio, admission, 225
Oklahoma, admission, 443
Open door policy, 500
Oregon, 284ff.
Ostend Manifesto, 486
Otis, James, 88, 95f.
Pacific, American influence, 447
Paine, Thomas, 103, 115, 175
Panama Canal, 508ff.
Panics: 1837, 262 1857, 336 1873, 464 1893, 465
Parcel post, 529
Parker, A.B., 527
Parties: rise of, 168ff. Federalists, 169ff. Anti-Federalists (Jeffersonian Republicans), 169ff. Democrats, 260 Whigs, 260ff. Republicans, 334ff. Liberal Republicans, 420 Constitutional union, 340 minor parties, 462ff.
Paterson, William, 196ff.
Penn, William, 6
Pennsylvania: founded, 6 See also Penn, Germans, Immigration, Industry, Revolutionary War, Constitutions, state, Suffrage
Pennsylvania University, 45
Pensions, soldiers and sailors, 413, 607 mothers', 551
Pequots, 57
Perry, O.H., 200
Pershing, General, 610
Philadelphia, 36, 116
Philippines, 492ff., 516ff., 592
Phillips, Wendell, 320
Pierce, Franklin, 295, 330
Pike, Z., 193, 287
Pilgrims, 4
Pinckney, Charles, 148
Pitt, William, 61, 79, 87, 132
Planting system, 22f., 25, 149, 389, 393ff.
Plymouth, 4, 21
Polk, J.K., 265, 285f.
Polygamy, 290f.
Populist party, 464
Porto Rico, 515, 592
Postal savings bank, 529
Preble, Commodore, 196
Press. See Newspapers
Primary, direct, 541
Princeton, battle, 129 University, 45
Profit sharing, 572
Progressive party, 531f.
Prohibition, 591f.
Proprietary colonies, 3, 6
Provinces, royal, 49ff.
Public service, 538ff.
Pulaski, 121
Pullman strike, 465
Pure food act, 523
Puritans, 3, 7, 40ff.
Quakers, 6ff.
Quartering act, 83
Quebec act, 94
Queen Anne's War, 59
Quit rents, 21f.
Radicals, 579
Railways, 298, 402, 425, 460ff., 547, 621
Randolph, Edmund, 146, 147, 162
Ratification, of Constitution, 156ff.
Recall, 543
Reclamation, 523ff.
Reconstruction, 370ff.
Referendum, the, 543
Reign of terror, 174
Republicans: Jeffersonian, 179 rise of present party, 334ff. supremacy of, 412ff. See also McKinley, Roosevelt, and Taft
Resumption, 454
Revolution: American, 99ff. French, 171ff. Russian, 619
Rhode Island: founded, 4ff. self-government, 49 See also Suffrage
Roosevelt, Theodore, 492, 500ff., 531, 570
Royal province, 49ff.
Russia, 205, 207, 355, 479, 619
Russo-Japanese War, 511f.
Saint Mihiel, 612
Samoa, 481
San Jacinto, 280
Santa Fe trail, 287
Santo Domingo, 480, 513, 592
Saratoga, battle, 116, 130
Savannah, 116, 131
Scandinavians, 278
Schools. See Education
Scott, General, 283, 330
Scotch-Irish, 7ff.
Seamen's act, 590
Sea power: American Revolution, 118 Napoleonic wars, 193ff. Civil War, 353 Caribbean, 593 Pacific, 447 World War, 610ff.
Secession, 344ff.
Sedition: act of 1798, 180ff., 187 of 1918, 608
Senators, popular election, 527, 541ff.
Seven Years' War, 60ff.
Sevier, John, 218
Seward, W.H., 322, 342
Shafter, General, 492
Shays's rebellion, 142
Sherman, General, 361
Sherman: anti-trust law, 461 silver act, 458
Shiloh, 361
Shipping. See Commerce
Shipping act, 607
Silver, free, 455ff.
Slavery: colonial, 16f. trade, 150 in Northwest, 219 decline in North, 316f. growth in South, 320ff. and the Constitution, 324 and territories, 325ff. compromises, 350 abolished, 357ff.
Smith, Joseph, 290
Socialism, 577ff.
Solid South, 388
Solomon, Hayn, 126
Sons of liberty, 82
South: economic and political views, 309ff. See also Slavery and Planting system, and Reconstruction
South Carolina: founded, 6 nullification, 253ff. See also Constitutions, state, Suffrage, Slavery, and Secession
South Dakota, 442
Spain: and Revolution, 130 Louisiana, 190 Monroe Doctrine, 205 Spanish War, 490ff.
Spoils system, 244, 250, 418, 536ff.
Stamp act, 82ff.
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 564
States: disorders under Articles of Confederation, 141 constitutions, federal limits on, 155 position after Civil War, 366ff. See also Suffrage, Nullification, and Secession
Steamboat, 234
Stowe, H.B., 332
Strikes: of 1877, 581 Pullman, 581 coal, 526 See also Labor
Submarine campaign, 600ff.
Suffrage: colonial, 42, 51 first state constitutions, 239 White manhood, 242 Negro, 374ff., 385f. Woman, 110, 562ff.
Sugar act, 81
Sumner, Charles, 319
Sumter, Fort, 350
Swedes, 3, 13
Taft, W.H., 527ff.
Tammany Hall, 306, 418
Taney, Chief Justice, 357
Tariff: first, 167 of 1816, 203 development of, 251ff. abominations, 249, 253 nullification, 251 of 1842, 264 Southern views of, 309ff. of 1857, 337 Civil War, 367 Wilson bill, 459 McKinley bill, 422 Dingley bill, 472 Payne-Aldrich, 528 Underwood, 588
Taxation: and representation, 149 and Constitution, 154 Civil War, 353 and wealth, 522, 551 and World War, 606
Tea act, 88
Tea party, 92
Tenement house reform, 549
Tennessee, 28, 224
Territories, Northwest, 219 South of the Ohio, 219 See also Slavery and Compromise
Texas, 278ff.
Tippecanoe, battle, 198
Tocqueville, 267
Toleration, religious, 42
Tories, colonial, 84 in Revolution, 112
Townshend acts, 80, 87
Trade, colonial, 70 legislation, 70. See Commerce
Transylvania company, 28
Treasury, independent, 263
Treaties, of 1763, 61 alliance with France, 177 of 1783 with England, 134 Jay, 177, 218 Louisiana purchase, 191f. of 1815, 201 Ashburton, 265 of 1848 with Mexico, 283 Washington with England, 481 with Spain, 492 Versailles (1919), 612ff.
Trenton, battle, 116
Trollope, Mrs., 268
Trusts, 405ff., 461, 472ff., 521, 526, 530
Tweed, W.M., 418
Tyler, President, 264ff., 281, 349
"Uncle Tom's Cabin," 332
Union party, 365
Unions. See Labor
Utah, 290ff., 329, 442
Utilities, municipal, 548
Vallandigham, 360
Valley Forge, 116, 129
Van Buren, Martin, 262
Venango, Fort, 59
Venezuela, 482ff., 512
Vermont, 223
Vicksburg, 361
Virginia: founded, 3. See also Royal province, Constitutions, state, Planting system, Slavery, Secession, and Immigration
Walpole, Sir Robert, 66
Wars: colonial, 57ff. Revolutionary, 99ff. of 1812, 199ff. Mexican, 282ff. Civil, 344ff. Spanish, 490ff. World, 596ff.
Washington: warns French, 60 in French war, 63 commander-in-chief, 101ff. and movement for Constitution, 142ff. as President, 166ff. Farewell Address, 178
Washington City, 166
Washington State, 442
Webster, 256, 265, 328
Welfare work, 573
Whigs: English, 78 colonial, 83 rise of party, 260ff., 334, 340
Whisky Rebellion, 171
White Camelia, 382
White Plains, battle, 114
Whitman, Marcus, 284
William and Mary College, 45
Williams, Roger, 5, 42
Wilmot Proviso, 326
Wilson, James, 147
Wilson, Woodrow, election, 533f. administrations, 588ff.
Winthrop, John, 3
Wisconsin, admission, 274
Witchcraft, 41
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 556
Women: colonial, 28 Revolutionary War, 124 labor, 305 education and civil rights, 554ff. suffrage, 562ff.
Workmen's compensation, 549
Writs of assistance, 88
Wyoming, admission, 442
X, Y, Z affair, 180
Yale, 44
Young, Brigham, 290
Zenger, Peter, 48
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Printed in the United States of America.
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[Transcriber's notes:
Punctuation normalized in all Underwood and Underwood, N.Y.
Superscripted letters are denoted with a caret. For example, G^O WASHINGTON.
Period added after Mass on verso page. Original read "Mass, U.S.A."
Chapter I, page 19, period added to pp. 55-159 and pp. 242-244.
Chapter IV, page 61 cooperation changed to cooeperation twice to match rest of text usage. Also on page 620.
Chapter VI, page 121 changed maneuvered to manoevered.
Chapter VIII, page 185, period added to "Vol." Original read "Vol III,"
Chapter X, page 219, changed coordinate to cooerdinate to reflect rest of text usage.
Chapter X, page 234, Italicized habeus corpus to match rest of text.
Chapter XI, page 257 changed reestablished to reestablished to conform to rest of text usage.
Chapter XI, page 259 changed reelection to reelection
Chapter XII, page 269 added period after "Vol" Vol. II
Chapter XII, page 270. Title of work reads "Selected Documents of United States History, 1776-1761". Research shows the document does have this title.
Chapter XV, page 351. changed "bout" to "about". "for only about"
Chapter XVI, page 385. changed "provisons" to "provisions".
Chapter XX, page 478. changed "aniversary" to "anniversary".
Chapter XXIV, page 579 word "on" changed to "one" "five commissioners, one of whom,"
Topical Syllabus. Missing periods added to normalize punctuation in entries such as on page 648 (4) Sixteenth Amendment—income tax (528-529).
Appendix, page 631, comma changed to semi-colon on "bills of credit;" to match rest of list. Also on "obligation of contracts;"
Index, page 657, changed "Freesoil" to Free-soil to match rest of text usage.
Index, page 660, space removed from "396 ff." changed to "status of, 396ff."
Index, Page 662, added comma to States: disorders under Articles of Constitution, 141]