The armies of Meade and Sherman were now concentrating on the hills about Washington, preparatory to passing in review before President Johnson; and Dwight being ordered to report to Willcox, then commanding the Ninth Army Corps, and to follow that corps on the occasion of the review. Willcox inspected the division on the 12th of May on the parade ground of Fort Bunker Hill.
Sheridan, although he had brought up his cavalry for the great review, had been ordered to take command in the Southwest, and as Grant deemed the matter urgent, because of French and Mexican complications, Sheridan was destined to have no part in the approaching ceremonies, yet he could not resist the chance of once more looking at what was left of the infantry that had followed him in triumph through the Shenandoah. When the men saw him riding at the side of Willcox, mounted once more upon "Rienzi" and wearing the same animated smile that had cheered and encouraged them in the evil hour at Winchester, before the cliffs of Fisher's Hill, and in the gloom of Cedar Creek, they were not to be restrained from violating all the solemn proprieties of the occasion, but broke out into a tumult of cheers.
On the 22d of May, Dwight broke camp near Bladensburg, and, marching to the plain east of the Capitol, near the Congressional Cemetery, went into bivouac with the Ninth Corps. Here the men, after their long and hard field service, gave way to open disgust at hearing the order read on parade requiring them to appear in white gloves at the great review. On Tuesday, the 23d of May, the review took place. The men were up at three, and were inspected at half-past seven, but it was half-past ten before Dwight took up the line of march in the rear of the Ninth Corps, followed by the Fifth.
On the 1st of June, 1865, the breaking up began. The 114th and 116th New York were taken from Beal's brigade, and the 133d from Fessenden's, and ordered to be mustered out of the service of the United States. The 8th Vermont had already gone to the Sixth Corps to join the old Vermont brigade. The rest of Dwight's division embarked on transport steamers, under orders for Savannah, where they landed on the 4th of June. There they found many of their comrades of Grover's division.
To return to Grover. Embarking at Baltimore about the 11th of January, after some detention, the advance of his division landed at Savannah on the 19th of January. The rest of the division gradually followed, and at Savannah the troops remained doing garrison and police duty until about the 4th of March, when Grover was ordered to take transports and join Schofield in North Carolina, in order to open communication with Sherman's army, then advancing once more toward the sea-coast. Wilmington had fallen on the 22d of February. Then Schofield sent a force, under Cox, to open the railway from Newbern to Goldsboro, on the south bank of the Neuse. D. H. Hill met and fought him on the 8th, 9th, and 10th, on the south side of the river; but, the Confederates retreating to Goldsboro to oppose Sherman's march, Schofield occupied Kinston on the 14th and Goldsboro on the 21st. In these movements the 3d brigade, formerly Sharpe's, now commanded by Day, took part, while Birge's brigade was posted at Morehead City, and Molineux's at Wilmington.
On the 1st of April, Schofield's force, composed of the Tenth Corps, under Terry, and the Twenty-third Corps, under Cox, was reconstructed by Sherman as the centre of his armies, and designated as the Army of the Ohio. The next day the troops of Grover's division, then in North Carolina, were attached to the Tenth Corps, reorganized into three brigades, and designated as the First division; the command being given to Birge, and the brigades being commanded by the three senior colonels, Washburn, Graham, and Day. Some time before this, Shunk's 4th brigade of Grover's division had been broken up and its regiments distributed; the 8th and 18th Indiana to Washburn, the 28th Iowa to Graham, and the 24th Iowa to Day. The 22d Indiana battery formed the artillery of the division. All active operations coming to an end with the final surrender of Johnston on the 26th of April, about the 4th of May the division went back to Savannah. On the 11th of May it marched to Augusta, leaving Day with all his regiments except the 24th Iowa and the 128th New York to take care of Savannah.
Meanwhile, orders being issued by the government for disbanding the regiments whose time was to expire before the 1st of November, and the re-enlisted veterans of Dwight's division beginning to arrive in Savannah on the 5th of June, Birge's brigade came down from Augusta on the 7th and Day marched on the 9th to replace it.
From this time the work of disintegration went on rapidly, yet all too slowly for the impatience of the soldiers, now thinking only of home, and soon sickened by the weary routine of provost duty in the first dull days of peace. What was left of the divisions of Dwight and Grover continued to occupy Charleston, Savannah, and Augusta, and the chief towns of Georgia and South Carolina.
When at last the final separation came, and little by little the old corps fell apart, every man, as with inexpressible yearning he turned his face homeward, bore with him, as the richest heritage of his children and his children's children, the proud consciousness of duty done.
(1) Beal's, of Dwight's division. Dudley, having rejoined November 2d, commanded it till November 14th, when Beal came back and relieved him; again from November 18th to December 7th, when a dispute as to relative and brevet rank was ended by Beal's receiving his commission as a full brigadier-general.
I. DEPARTMENT OF THE GULF. As of March 22, 1862.
First Brigade: Brig.-Gen. John W. Phelps 8th New Hampshire Col. Hawkes Fearing, Jr. 9th Connecticut Col. Thomas W. Cahill 7th Vermont Col. George T. Roberts 8th Vermont Col. Stephen Thomas 12th Connecticut Col. Henry C. Deming 13th Connecticut Col. Henry W. Birge 1st Vermont Battery Capt. George W. Duncan 2d Vermont Battery Capt. Pythagoras E. Holcomb 4th Massachusetts Battery Capt. Charles H. Manning (1) Capt. George G. Trull A 2d Battalion Massachusetts Cavalry Capt. S. Tyler Read
Second Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Williams 26th Massachusetts Col. Alpha B. Farr 31st Massachusetts Col. Oliver P. Gooding 21st Indiana Col. James W. McMillan 6th Michigan Col. Charles Everett 4th Wisconsin Col. Halbert E. Paine 6th Massachusetts Battery Capt. Ormand F. Nims 2d Massachusetts Battery Capt. Henry A. Durivage (2) Capt. Jonathan E. Cown
Third Brigade: Col. George F. Shepley 12th Maine Lt.-Col. W. K. Kimball 13th Maine Col. Neal Dow Col. Henry Rust, Jr. 14th Maine Col. Frank S. Nickerson 15th Maine Col. John McClusky Col. Isaac Dyer 30th Massachusetts Col. N. A. M. Dudley 1st Maine Battery Capt. E. W. Thompson B 2d Battalion Massachusetts Cavalry Capt. James M. Magen
(1) Resigned October 20, 1862. (2) Drowned April 23, 1862.
II. TECHE AND PORT HUDSON. As of April 30, 1863.
FIRST DIVISION. Maj.-Gen. Christopher C. Augur
First Brigade: Col. Edward P. Chapin 116th New York Lt.-Col. John Higgins 21st Maine (1) Col. Elijah D. Johnson 48th Massachusetts (1) Col. Eben F. Stone 49th Massachusetts (1) Col. William F. Bartlett
Second Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Godfrey Weitzel 8th Vermont Col. Stephen Thomas 75th New York Col. Robert B. Merritt 160th New York Col. Charles C. Dwight 12th Connecticut Col. Ledyard Colburn Lt.-Col. Frank H. Peck 114th New York Col. Elisha B. Smith
Third Brigade: Col. Nathan A. M. Dudley 30th Massachusetts Lt.-Col. William W. Bullock 2d Louisiana Col. Charles J. Paine 50th Massachusetts (1) Col. Carlos P. Messer 161st New York Col. Gabriel T. Harrowee 174th New York Col. Theodore W. Parmele
Artillery: 1st Maine Capt. Albert W. Bradbury Lt. John E. Morton 6th Massachusetts Capt. William W. Carruth Lt. John F. Phelps A 1st United States Capt. E. C. Bainbridge
SECOND DIVISION. Brig.-Gen. T. W. Sherman.
First Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Neal Dow 6th Michigan Col. Thomas S. Clark 128th New York Col. David S. Cowles 26th Connecticut (1) Col. Thomas G. Kingsley 15th New Hampshire (1) Col. John W. Kingman
Second Brigade: Col. Alpha B. Farr 26th Massachusetts Lt.-Col. Josiah A. Sawtell 9th Connecticut Col. Thomas W. Cahill 47th Massachusetts (1) Col. Lucius B. Marsh 42d Massachusetts (1) Lt.-Col. Joseph Stedman 28th Maine (1) Col. Ephraim W. Woodman
Third Brigade: Col. Frank S. Nickerson 14th Maine Lt.-Col. Thomas W. Porter 177th New York (1) Col. Ira W. Ainsworth 165th New York Lt.-Col. Abel Smith, Jr. 24th Maine (1) Col. George M. Atwood
Artillery: 18th New York Capt. Albert G. Mack G 5th United States Lt. Jacob B. Rails 1st Vermont Capt. George T. Hebard
THIRD DIVISION. Brig.-Gen. William H. Emory.
First Brigade: Col. Timothy Ingraham, 38th Massachusetts 162d New York Col. Lewis Benedict 110th New York Col. Clinton H. Sage 16th New Hampshire (1) Col. James Pike 4th Massachusetts (1) Col. Henry Walker
Second Brigade: Col. Halbert E. Paine 4th Wisconsin Lt.-Col. Sidney A. Bean 133d New York Col. Leonard D. H. Currie 173d New York Col. Lewis M. Peck 8th New Hampshire Col. Hawkes Fearing, Jr.
Third Brigade: Col. Oliver P. Gooding 31st Massachusetts Lt.-Col. W. S. B. Hopkins 38th Massachusetts Lt.-Col. William L. Rodman 156th New York Col. Jacob Sharpe 175th New York Col. Michael K. Bryan 53d Massachusetts (1) Col. John W. Kimball
Artillery: 4th Massachusetts Capt. George G. Trull F 1st United States Capt. Richard C. Duryea 2d Vermont Capt. Pythagoras E. Holcomb
FOURTH DIVISION. Brig.-Gen. Cuvier Grover.
First Brigade: Brig.-Gen. William Dwight, Jr. 6th New York (2) Col. William Wilson 91st New York Col. Jacob Van Zandt 131st New York Lt.-Col. Nicholas W. Day 22d Maine (1) Col. Simon G. Jerrard 1st Louisiana Col. Richard E. Holcomb
Second Brigade: Col. William K. Kimball 12th Maine Lt.-Col. Edward Illsley 41st Massachusetts Col. Thomas E. Chickering 52d Massachusetts (1) Col. Halbert S. Greenleaf 24th Connecticut (1) Col. Samuel M. Mansfield
Third Brigade: Col. Henry W. Birge 25th Connecticut (1) Col. George P. Bissell 26th Maine (1) Col. Nathaniel H. Hubbard 159th New York Col. Edward L. Molineux 13th Connecticut Lt.-Col. Alexander Warner
Artillery: 2d Massachusetts Capt. Ormand F. Nims L 1st United States Capt. Henry W. Closson C 2d United States Lt. John L. Rodgers
(1) Nine-month's men. (2) Detached for muster out May 20, 1863.
1st Louisiana Native Guards (1) Col. Spencer H. Stafford 2d Louisiana Native Guards (2) Col. Nathan W. Daniels 3d Louisiana Native Guards (1) Col. John A. Nelson 4th Louisiana Native Guards (1) Col. Charles W. Drew 13th Maine (2) Col. Henry Rust, Jr. 23d Connecticut (3, 7) Col. Charles E. L. Holmes 176th New York (3, 8) Col. Charles C. Nott 90th New York (4) Col. Joseph S. Morgan 47th Pennsylvania (4) Col. Tilghman H. Good 28th Connecticut (5, 7) Col. Samuel P. Ferris 15th Maine (5) Col. Isaac Dyer 7th Vermont (5) Col. William C. Holbrook
Artillery: H 2d United States (5) Capt. Frank H. Larned K 2d United States (5) Capt. Harvey A. Allen 1st Indiana Heavy (1) Col. John A. Keith 12th Massachusetts (1) Lt. Edwin M. Chamberlin B 1st Louisiana N. G. Heavy (2) Capt. Loren Rygaard 13th Massachusetts (2) Capt. Charles H. J. Hamlen 21st New York (2) Capt. James Barnes 25th New York (2) Capt. John A. Grow 26th New York (2) Capt. George W. Fox
Cavalry: 1st Louisiana C and E (1) Capt. J. F. Godfrey 1st Louisiana A and B (6) Capt. Henry F. Williamson 2d Rhode Island Battalion (6) Lt.-Col. A. W. Corliss 2d Massachusetts Cavalry Battalion A (2) Capt. S. Tyler Read B (1) Capt. James M. Magen C (2) Capt. Jonathan E. Cowan 14th New York Cavalry Col. Thaddeus P. Mott 1st Texas (2) Col. Edmund J. Davis
(1) With Augur. (2) Defences of New Orleans. (3) La Fourche District. (4) Key West. (5) Pensacola. (6) With Weitzel. (7) Nine-months' men. (8) Partly nine-months' men.
FIRST DIVISION. Brig.-Gen. Godfrey Weitzel. (1) Brig.-Gen. William H. Emory. (2)
First Brigade: Col. N. A. M. Dudley Col. George M. Love 30th Massachusetts Lt.-Col. W. W. Bullock 2d Louisiana Col. Charles J. Paine 161st New York Lt.-Col. W. B. Kinsey 174th New York Col. Benjamin F. Gott 116th New York Col. George M. Love
Second Brigade: Col. Oliver P. Gooding Col. Jacob Sharpe 31st Massachusetts Col. Oliver P. Gooding Lt.-Col. W. S. B. Hopkins 38th Massachusetts Lt.-Col. Jas. P. Richardson 128th New York Col. James Smith 156th New York Col. Jacob Sharpe 175th New York Lt.-Col. John A. Foster
Third Brigade: Col. Robert B. Merritt 12th Connecticut Col. Ledyard Colburn Lt.-Col. Frank H. Peck 75th New York Capt. Henry P. Fitch 114th New York Col. Samuel R. Per Lee 160th New York Col. Charles C. Dwight Lt.-Col. John B. Van Petten 8th Vermont Col. Stephen Thomas
Artillery: Capt. E. C. Bainbridge 1st Maine Capt. Albert W. Bradbury 18th New York Capt. Albert G. Mack A 1st United States Capt. Edmund C. Bainbridge 6th Massachusetts (3) Capt. William W. Carruth
(1) To December 9th. (2) From December 9th. (3) From Artillery Reserve, in December.
SECOND DIVISION. Broken up July 10th.
THIRD DIVISION. Brig.-Gen. William H. Emory. Brig.-Gen. Cuvier Grover.
First Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Frank S. Nickerson 14th Maine Col. Thomas W. Porter 110th New York Col. Clinton H. Sage 162d New York Col. Lewis Benedict 165th New York Lt.-Col. Gouverneur Carr Capt. Felix Agnus
Second Brigade: Brig.-Gen. James W. McMillan 26th Massachusetts Col. Alpha D. Farr Maj. Eusebius S. Clark 8th New Hampshire Col. Hawkes Fearing, Jr. Capt. James J. Ladd 133d New York Col. L. D. H. Currie Capt. James K. Fuller 173d New York Col. Lewis M. Peck
Artillery: 4th Massachusetts Capt. George G. Trull Lt. George W. Taylor F 1st United States Capt. Richard G. Duryea Lt. Hardman P. Norris 1st Vermont Capt. George T. Hepard Lt. Edward Rice
FOURTH DIVISION. Brig.-Gen. Cuvier Grover. Col. Edward G. Beckwith.
First Brigade: Col. Henry W. Birge 13th Connecticut Capt. Apollos Comstock 90th New York Col. Joseph S. Morgan Lt.-Col. Nelson Shaurman 131st New York Col. Nicholas W. Day 159th New York Col. Edward L. Molineux
Second Brigade: Col. Thomas W. Cahill 9th Connecticut Lt.-Col. Richard FitzGibbons 1st Louisiana Col. William O. Fiske 12th Maine Col. William K. Kimball 13th Maine (1) Col. Henry Rust, Jr. 15th Maine (1) Col. Isaac Dyer 97th Illinois (2) Col. Friend S. Rutherford
Artillery: 25th New York Capt. John A. Grow 26th New York Capt. George W. Fox C 2d United States Lt. Theodore Bradley L 1st United States (3) Capt. Henry W. Closson Lt. James A. Sanderson
Cavalry: 3d Massachusetts (4) Col. T. E. Chickering Lt.-Col. Lorenzo D. Sargent 1st Texas (5) Col. Edmund J. Davis 4th Wisconsin (6) Col. Frederick A. Boardman Maj. George W. Moore
Reserve Artillery (6): Capt. Henry W. Closson 2d Massachusetts Capt. Ormand F. Nims 6th Massachusetts (7) Capt. William W. Carruth L 1st United States (8) Capt. Henry W. Closson Lt. Franck E. Taylor
OUTSIDE OF THE DIVISIONS. Headquarters Troops Companies A and B (9) Capt. Richard W. Francis Troop C Capt. Frank Sayles
DEFENCES OF NEW ORLEANS. 24th Connecticut (10) Col. Samuel M. Mansfield 31st Massachusetts Capt. Eliot Bridgman 170th New York Col. Charles C. Nott Maj. Morgan Morgan, Jr. 1st Louisiana Cavalry Lt.-Col. Harai Robinson A 3d Massachusetts Cavalry Lt. Henry D. Pope 14th New York Cavalry Lt.-Col. Abraham Bassford 12th Massachusetts Battery Capt. Jacob Miller 13th Massachusetts Battery Capt. Charles H. J. Hamlen 15th Massachusetts Battery Capt. Timothy Pearson 91st New York (11) Col. Jacob Van Zandt
PORT HUDSON. Brig.-Gen. George L. Andrews 1st Michigan Heavy Artillery Col. Thomas S. Clark 21st New York Battery Capt. James Barnes Battery G 5th United States Lt. Jacob B. Rails 2d Vermont Battery Capt. P. E. Holcomb
(1) In 3d Brigade, 2d Division, Thirteenth Corps, December 31st. (2) December 31st, from 2d Brigade, 4th Division, Thirteenth Corps. (3) From Artillery Reserve, in December. (4) At Port Hudson. (5) At New Orleans. (6) At Baton Rouge. (7) In First Division, December 31st. (8) In Fourth Division, December 31st. (9) Raised in Louisiana; re-enlisted nine-months' men. (10) Nine-month's men. (11) Heavy Artillery.
IV. RED RIVER. As of March 13, 1864.
FIRST DIVISION. Brig.-Gen. William H. Emory
First Brigade: Brig.-Gen. William Dwight, Jr. 29th Maine Col. George L. Beal 114th New York Col. Samuel R. Per Lee Lt.-Col. Henry B. Morse 116th New York Col. George M. Love 153d New York Col. Edwin P. Davis 161st New York Lt.-Col. W. B. Kinsey 30th Massachusetts (1) Col. N. A. M. Dudley
Second Brigade: Brig.-Gen. James W. McMillan 12th Connecticut (1) Lt.-Col. Frank H. Peck 13th Maine Col. Henry Rust, Jr. 15th Maine Col. Isaac Dyer 160th New York Col. Charles C. Dwight Lt.-Col. John B. Van Petten 47th Pennsylvania Col. Tilghman H. Good 8th Vermont Col. Stephen Thomas
Third Brigade: Col. Lewis Benedict 30th Maine Col. Francis Fessenden 162d New York Lt.-Col. Justus W. Blanchard 165th New York Lt.-Col. Gouverneur Carr 173d New York (2) Col. Lewis M. Peck Capt. Howard C. Conrady
Artillery: Capt. George T. Howard 25th New York Capt. John A. Grow L 1st United States Lt. Irving D. Southworth 1st Vermont (3) Lt. Edward Rice 1st Delaware (4) Benjamin Nields
SECOND DIVISION. Brig.-Gen. Cuvier Grover
First Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Frank S. Nickerson 9th Connecticut (1) Col. Thomas W. Cahill 12th Maine (1) Col. William K. Kimball 14th Maine (1) Col. Thomas W. Porter 26th Massachusetts (1) Col. Alpha B. Farr 133d New York Col. L. D. H. Currie 176th New York Col. Charles C. Nott Maj. Charles Lewis
Second Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Henry W. Birge Col. Edward L. Molineux 13th Connecticut Col. Charles D. Blink 1st Louisiana Col. William O. Fiske 90th New York (5) Maj. John C. Smart 131st New York (6) Col. Nicholas W. Day
Third Brigade: Col. Jacob Sharpe 38th Massachusetts Lt.-Col. James P. Richardson 128th New York Col. James Smith 156th New York Capt. James J. Hoyt 175th New York Capt. Charles McCarthey
Artillery: Capt. George W. Fox 7th Massachusetts Capt. Newman W. Stores 26th New York Capt. George W. Fox F 1st United States (7) Lt. Hardman P. Norris Lt. William L. Haskin C 2d United States Lt. John L. Rodgers
Artillery Reserve: Capt. Henry W. Closson 1st Delaware (8) Capt. Benjamin Nields D 1st Indiana Heavy Capt. William S. Hinkle
(1) On veteran furlough. (2) The 174th consolidated with the 173d. (3) In Reserve Artillery, April 30th. (4) In Reserve Artillery, March 31st. (5) Three companies. (6) In district of La Fourche, Col. Day commanding the district. (7) With the Cavalry, April 30th. (8) In the 1st Division, April 30th.
V. SHENANDOAH. From June 27, 1864.
FIRST DIVISION. Brig.-Gen. William Dwight
First Brigade: Col. George L. Beal 29th Maine Col. George L. Beal 30th Massachusetts Col. N. A. M. Dudley 90th New York (1) Lt.-Col. Nelson Shaurman 114th New York Col. Samuel R. Per Lee 116th New York Col. George M. Love 153d New York Col. Edwin P. Davis
Second Brigade: Brig.-Gen. James W. McMillan 12th Connecticut Lt.-Col. Frank H. Peck Capt. Sidney E. Clarke Lt.-Col. George N. Lewis 13th Maine (2) Col. Henry Rust, Jr. 15th Maine (2) Col. Isaac Dyer 160th New York Col. Charles C. Dwight Lt.-Col. John B. Van Petten 47th Pennsylvania Col. Tilghman H. Good Maj. J. P. Shindel Gobin 8th Vermont Col. Stephen Thomas
Third Brigade: Col. L. D. H. Currie 30th Maine Col. Thomas H. Hubbard 133d New York Col. L. D. H. Currie 162d New York Col. Justus W. Blanchard 165th New York Lt.-Col. Gouverneur Carr 173d New York Col. Lewis M. Peck
Artillery: 5th New York Capt. Elijah D. Taft
SECOND DIVISION. Brig.-Gen. Cuvier Grover
First Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Henry W. Birge 9th Connecticut Col. Thomas W. Cahill 12th Maine Col. William K. Kimball 14th Maine Col. Thomas W. Porter 26th Massachusetts Col. Alpha B. Farr 14th New Hampshire Col. Alexander Gardiner 75th New York Lt.-Col. Willoughby Babcock
Second Brigade: Col. Edward L. Molineux 13th Connecticut (3) Col. Charles D. Blinn 3d Massachusetts Cavalry (dismounted) Lt.-Col. Lorenzo D. Sargent 11th Indiana Col. Daniel Macauley 22d Iowa Col. Harvey Graham 131st New York Col. Nicholas W. Day 159th New York Lt.-Col. William Waltermire
Third Brigade: Col. Jacob Sharpe Col. Daniel Macauley 38th Massachusetts Maj. Charles F. Allen 128th New York Lt.-Col. J. P. Foster 156th New York Lt.-Col. Alfred Neafie 175th New York Lt.-Col. John A. Foster 176th New York Col. Ambrose Stevens (4) Maj. Charles Lewis
Fourth Brigade: Col. David Shunk 8th Indiana Lt.-Col. Alexander J. Kenney 18th Indiana Col. Henry D. Washburn 24th Iowa Col. John Q. Wilds 28th Iowa Col. John Connell Lt.-Col. Bartholomew W. Wilson
Artillery: A 1st Maine Capt. Albert W. Bradbury
Reserve Artillery: Capt. Elijah D. Taft Maj. Albert W. Bradbury D 1st Rhode Island Lt. Frederick Chase 17th Indiana Capt. Milton L. Miner
(1) On veteran furlough in August and September. (2) On veteran furlough in August and September, at Martinsburg afterward. (3) On veteran furlough in August and early September. (4) From November 19, 1864.
DETACHMENTS LEFT IN LOUISIANA. The following troops served under Canby in the siege of Mobile, March 20 - April 12, 1865: 1st Indiana Heavy Artillery. 31st Massachusetts, as mounted infantry, from Pensacola, with Steele. 2d Massachusetts Battery. Also engaged at Daniel's Plantation, Alabama, April 11, 1865. 4th Massachusetts Battery. Afterward at Galveston. 7th Massachusetts Battery. " " " 15th Massachusetts Battery. " " " 4th Wisconsin Cavalry. Afterward on Rio Grande in Weitzel's corps. 1st Michigan Heavy Artillery. 161st New York, in Third brigade, First division, new XIIIth Corps, Kinsey commanding the brigade. Loss: 2 killed, 1 wounded. Afterward in Florida. 7th Vermont, in First brigade, Third division, new XIIIth Corps. Loss: 18 wounded, 43 captured. Afterward on Rio Grande in Weitzel's Corps of Observation. 18th New York Battery. 21st New York Battery. 26th New York Battery. Battery G, 5th U. S. Artillery.
8th New Hampshire, as mounted infantry, served at Natchez and at Vidalia, opposite. 91st New York, after returning from veteran furlough, September, 1864, went to Baltimore as part of Second separate brigade, VIIIth Corps. March, 1865, joined First brigade, Third division, Vth Corps, Army of the Potomac. Fought at White Oak Ridge, March 29-31, and Five Forks, April, 1865. Loss: 61 killed and mortally wounded, 152 wounded, 17 captured or missing; total, 230. 110th New York, at Key West, Florida, from February 9, 1864.
3d Massachusetts Cavalry, detached to remount December 26, 1864; with Chapman's brigade; in cavalry review May 23, 1865; afterward in Kansas, Nebraska, and Colorado.
BATON ROUGE. August 5, 1862. Killed Wounded Captured or missing COMMAND O E O E O E Aggregate General Officers 1 1 9th Connecticut 1 9 4 14 21st Indiana 2 22 7 91 4 126 14th Maine 36 7 64 12 119 30th Massachusetts 1 2 3 12 18 6th Michigan 15 4 40 1 5 65 7th Vermont 1 9 5 15 Troop B Massachusetts Cavalry 1 1 2d Massachusetts Battery 4 1 5 4th Massachusetts Battery 1 5 6 6th Massachusetts Battery 3 1 8 1 15 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total 4 80 23 243 1 32 383
GEORGIA LANDING. October 27, 1862. Killed Wounded Captured or missing COMMAND O E O E O E Aggregate 12th Connecticut 3 16 1 20 13th Connecticut 1 5 1 7 1st Louisiana Cavalry, A, B, and C 1 18 1 20 8th New Hampshire 2 10 1 34 1 48 75th New York 1 1 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total 2 16 1 73 1 4 97
BISLAND. April 12-13, 1863. Killed Wounded COMMAND O E O E Aggregate First Division, Second Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Godfrey Weitzel 8th Vermont 1 7 8 75th New York 2 2 23 17 160th New York 2 5 7 114th New York 11 11 12th Connecticut 2 1 12 15 Total Weitzel's Brigade 7 3 48 58 Third Division: Brig.-Gen. William H. Emory Second Brigade: Col. Halbert E. Paine 4th Wisconsin 5 8 13 133d New York 4 1 20 25 173d New York 2 5 7 8th New Hampshire 2 2 7 11 Total Second Brigade 13 3 40 56 Third Brigade: Col. Oliver P. Gooding 31st Massachusetts 1 5 6 38th Massachusetts 1 5 1 28 35 156th New York 1 3 18 22 175th New York 1 6 7 53d Massachusetts 1 2 9 12 Total Third Brigade 3 12 1 66 82 Total Third Division 3 25 4 106 138 Artillery: A 1st U. S. 4 5 9 F 1st U. S. 5 5 1st Maine Battery 1 1 2 6th Massachusetts Battery 1 3 4 18th New York Battery 2 2 1st Indiana Heavy 3 3 Total Artillery 5 1 19 25 1st Louisiana Cavalry 3 3 _ _ _ _ _ Total 3 37 8 176 224
IRISH BEND. April 14, 1863. Killed Wounded Captured or missing COMMAND O E O E O E Aggregate Fourth Division: Brig.-Gen. Cuvier Grover First Brigade: Brig.-Gen. William Dwight 6th New York 91st New York 2 1 10 13 131st New York 3 3 22d Maine 1 1 1st Louisiana Total First Brigade 2 1 14 17 Third Brigade: Col. Henry W. Birge 25th Connecticut 2 7 5 72 10 96 26th Maine 11 2 48 61 159th New York 4 15 5 73 20 117 13th Connecticut 7 4 43 54 Total Third Brigade 6 40 16 236 30 328 Artillery: Battery C 2d U. S. 1 7 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total 6 43 17 257 30 353
PLAINS STORE. May 21, 1863. Killed Wounded Captured or missing COMMAND O E O E O E Aggregate 2d Louisiana 2 11 1 14 30th Massachusetts 1 3 4 48th Massachusetts 2 7 11 20 49th Massachusetts 1 4 1 6 116th New York 11 1 43 1 56 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total 15 3 68 14 100
PORT HUDSON. May 23 - July 8, 1863. Killed Wounded Captured or missing COMMAND O E O E O E Aggregate First Division: Maj.-Gen. Christopher C. Augur First Brigade: Col. Edward P. Chapin (1) Col. Charles J. Paine 2d Louisiana 32 5 103 4 144 21st Maine 1 14 3 60 1 9 88 48th Massachusetts 1 8 7 46 62 49th Massachusetts 1 17 10 73 1 102 116th New York 2 18 4 101 5 130 Total First Brigade 5 89 29 383 1 19 526 Second Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Godfrey Weitzel Staff 1 1 12th Connecticut 18 5 78 101 75th New York 10 4 88 1 4 107 114th New York 1 10 4 56 2 73 160th New York 2 4 35 41 8th Vermont 1 24 4 128 9 166 Total Second Brigade 3 64 21 385 1 15 489 Third Brigade: Col. Nathan A. M. Dudley 30th Massachusetts 1 18 19 50th Massachusetts 1 4 5 161st New York 3 14 17 174th New York 2 9 3 14 Total Third Brigade 5 2 45 3 55 Artillery: 1st Indiana Heavy 4 1 10 7 22 1st Maine Battery 1 19 20 6th Massachusetts Battery 1 1 18th New York Battery 3 3 Battery A 1st U. S. 3 1 12 3 19 Battery G 5th U. S. 2 2 4 Total Artillery 10 2 47 10 69 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total First Division 8 168 54 860 2 47 1139
(1) Killed May 27th.
Killed Wounded Captured or missing COMMAND O E O E O E Aggregate Second Division: Brig.-Gen. Thomas W. Sherman (1) Brig.-Gen. William Dwight Staff 2 2 First Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Neal Dow (1) Col. David S. Cowles (2) Col. Thomas S. Clark Staff 1 1 26th Connecticut 1 14 9 151 1 176 6th Michigan 1 19 5 124 149 15th New Hampshire 17 3 55 2 77 128th New York 2 21 3 97 1 5 129 162d New York 1 5 3 47 3 59 Total First Brigade 5 76 24 474 1 11 591 Third Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Frank S. Nickerson 14th Maine 5 5 23 33 24th Maine 13 13 28th Maine 3 1 8 12 165th New York 1 15 7 80 3 106 175th New York 1 5 5 38 2 51 177th New York 1 3 2 17 25 Total Third Brigade 3 31 20 179 5 238 Artillery: 1st Vermont Battery 1 6 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total Second Division 8 108 46 659 1 16 838
(1) Wounded May 27th. (2) Killed May 27th.
Killed Wounded Captured or missing COMMAND O E O E O E Aggregate Third Division: Brig.-Gen. Halbert E. Paine (1) Col. Hawkes Fearing, Jr. First Brigade: Col. Samuel P. Ferris 28th Connecticut 2 5 1 43 1 10 62 4th Massachusetts 1 7 3 57 68 110th New York 1 4 2 21 9 37 Total First Brigade 4 16 6 121 1 19 168 Second Brigade: Col. Hawkes Fearing, Jr. Maj. John H. Allcot 8th New Hampshire 4 26 7 191 2 28 258 133d New York 1 22 5 85 2 115 173d New York 2 11 6 72 1 92 4th Wisconsin (2) 3 46 9 108 1 52 219 Total Second Brigade 10 105 27 456 3 83 684 Third Brigade: Col. Oliver P. Gooding 31st Massachusetts 13 2 47 62 38th Massachusetts 2 13 5 85 3 108 53d Massachusetts 2 15 7 92 5 121 156th New York 3 2 25 30 Total Third Brigade 4 44 16 249 8 321 Artillery: 4th Massachusetts Battery 2 2 Battery F 1st U. S. 1 2 3 2d Vermont Battery 2 2 Total Third Division 18 166 50 830 4 112 1,180
(1) Wounded June 14th. (2) Includes losses at Clinton, June 3d.
Killed Wounded Captured or missing COMMAND O E O E O E Aggregate Fourth Division: Brig.-Gen. Cuvier Grover First Brigade: Brig.-Gen. William Dwight Col. Joseph S. Morgan 1st Louisiana 1 30 3 86 3 123 22d Maine 4 2 17 1 5 29 90th New York 7 1 42 50 91st New York 2 19 8 112 8 149 131st New York 1 20 2 86 2 8 119 Total First Brigade 4 80 16 343 3 24 470 Second Brigade: Col. William K. Kimball 24th Connecticut 14 6 46 66 12th Maine 10 2 57 1 70 52d Massachusetts 8 2 12 2 24 Total Second Brigade 32 10 115 3 160 Third Brigade: Col. Henry W. Birge 13th Connecticut 1 6 3 20 1 31 25th Connecticut 5 4 35 2 46 26th Maine 5 1 11 5 22 159th New York 17 1 53 2 73 Total Third Brigade 1 33 9 119 10 172 Artillery: 2d Massachusetts Battery 2 3 5 Battery L 1st U. S. 2 2 Battery C 2d U. S. 1 1 Total Artillery 5 3 8 Total Fourth Division 5 145 35 582 3 40 810 Total Nineteenth Army Corps 39 587 185 2,931 10 215 3,967
Killed Wounded Captured or missing COMMAND O E O E O E Aggregate Cavalry: Col. Benjamin H. Grierson 6th Illinois 1 6 1 5 13 7th Illinois 4 4 1st Louisiana 5 16 19 40 3d Massachusetts 1 1 5 2 9 14th New York 2 6 20 28 Total Cavalry 1 9 37 1 46 94 Corps d'Afrique: 1st Louisiana Engineers 1 7 26 19 53 1st Louisiana Native Guards 2 32 3 92 129 3d Louisiana Native Guards 1 9 1 37 1 2 51 6th Infantry 1 1 2 7th Infantry 2 3 5 8th Infantry 5 1 5 1 12 9th Infantry 2 2 10th Infantry 1 4 2 3 10 Total Corps d'Afrique 5 62 5 166 1 25 264 2d Rhode Island Cavalry 1 5 2 8 _ _ _ __ _ _ __ Total Port Hudson 45 658 191 3,139 12 288 4,333
COX'S PLANTATION, OR KOCH'S PLANTATION, BAYOU LA FOURCHE. July 13, 1863. Killed Wounded Captured or missing COMMAND O E O E O E Aggregate First Division: Brig.-Gen. Godfrey Weitzel First Brigade: Col. Charles J. Paine 2d Louisiana 7 21 9 37 116th New York 1 5 18 20 44 Total First Brigade 1 12 39 29 81 Third Brigade: Col. N. A. M. Dudley 30th Massachusetts 8 2 37 1 48 161st New York 7 1 38 7 53 174th New York 1 17 1 28 7 54 Total Third Brigade 1 32 4 103 15 155 Artillery: 1st Maine 1 1 14 1 17 6th Massachusetts 1 1 Total Artillery 1 1 15 1 18 Total First Division 2 45 5 157 45 254 Fourth Division: Brig.-Gen. Cuvier Grover First Brigade: Col. Joseph S. Morgan 1st Louisiana 3 14 13 30 90th New York 2 1 20 48 71 131st New York 2 10 1 42 55 Total Brigade and Division 7 1 44 1 103 156 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total Nineteenth Army Corps 2 52 6 201 1 148 410
SABINE CROSS-ROADS, April 8 and PLEASANT HILL, April 9, 1864. Compiled in the War Department from the nominal returns; impossible to separate the losses for each day. Killed Wounded Captured or missing COMMAND O E O E O E Aggregate Thirteenth Army Corps (Detachment): Brig.-Gen. Thomas E. G. Ransom (1) Brig.-Gen. Robert A. Cameron Staff 2 2 Third Division: Brig.-Gen. Robert A. Cameron 1 4 1 6 First Brigade: Lt.-Col. Aaron M. Flory (1) 1 12 3 21 3 126 166 Second Brigade: Col. William H. Raynor 11 3 66 6 59 145 Total Third Division 1 23 7 91 9 186 317 Fourth Division: Col. William J. Landram First Brigade: Col. Frank Emerson (2) 1 18 4 79 28 398 528 Second Brigade: Col. Joseph W. Vance (2) 2 5 9 50 20 438 524 Artillery: 1 1 1 5 2 23 33 Total Fourth Division 4 24 14 134 50 859 1,085 _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Total Thirteenth Army Corps 5 47 23 225 59 1,045 1,404
(1) Wounded, April 8th. (2) Wounded and captured April 8th.
Killed Wounded Captured or missing COMMAND O E O E O E Aggregate Nineteenth Army Corps: Maj.-Gen. William B. Franklin (1) Staff 3 3 First Division: Brig.-Gen. William H. Emory First Brigade: Brig.-Gen. William Dwight, Jr. 29th Maine 1 26 27 114th New York 3 3 10 4 20 116th New York 2 2 27 3 34 153d New York (1) 1 28 4 33 161st New York 1 8 4 39 38 90 Total First Brigade 1 15 9 130 49 204 Second Brigade: Brig.-Gen. James W. McMillan 13th Maine 5 1 29 20 55 15th Maine 1 3 13 11 28 160th New York 2 6 4 23 9 44 47th Pennsylvania 1 6 34 41 Total Second Brigade 3 18 8 99 40 168 Third Brigade: Col. Lewis Benedict (2) Col. Francis Fessenden 30th Maine 1 10 3 55 69 138 162d New York 3 13 3 45 1 46 111 165th New York 3 3 21 70 97 173d New York 4 1 38 2 155 200 Total Third Brigade 4 30 10 159 3 340 546 Artillery New York Light, 25th Battery 2 3 5 1st United States Battery L 2 1 4 7 Vermont Light, 1st Battery 1 1 Total Artillery 4 1 8 13 Total First Division 8 67 28 396 3 429 931 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total Nineteenth Army Corps 8 67 31 396 3 429 934
(1) Wounded, April 8th. (2) Killed, April 9th.
Killed Wounded Captured or missing COMMAND O E O E O E Aggregate Cavalry Division (1): Brig.-Gen. Albert L. Lee First Brigade: Col. Thomas J. Lucas 16th Indiana (mounted infantry) 1 3 2 17 32 55 2d Louisiana (mounted infantry) 1 11 19 31 6th Missouri 1 5 10 3 19 14th New York 4 1 18 2 17 42 Total First Brigade 2 8 8 56 2 71 147 Third Brigade (1): Col. Harai Robinson 87th Illinois (mounted infantry) 4 2 13 2 21 1st Louisiana 4 4 27 1 13 49 Total Third Brigade 8 6 40 1 15 70 Fourth Brigade: Col. Nathan A. M. Dudley 2d Illinois 2 1 39 3 45 3d Massachusetts 8 1 51 11 71 31st Massachusetts (mounted infantry) 3 1 38 16 58 8th New Hampshire (mounted infantry) 2 22 1 31 56 Total Fourth Brigade 15 3 150 1 61 230 Fifth Brigade: Col. Oliver P. Gooding 2d New York Veteran 1 5 6 18th New York 1 1 1 9 2 14 3d Rhode Island (detachment) 1 1 Total Fifth Brigade 1 1 2 15 2 21 Artillery: 2d Massachusetts Battery 1 2 16 1 20 5th United States, Battery G 4 13 17 Total Artillery 5 2 29 1 37 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total Cavalry Division 3 37 21 290 4 150 505
(1) Losses at Wilson's Plantation, April 7th, also included. _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Grand total 16 151 76 911 66 1,624 2,843
SPECIAL FIELD RETURN AFTER SABINE CROSS-ROADS. Killed Wounded Missing Effective strength next day
TROOPS O Men O Men O Men Total O Men Total Nineteenth Army Corps: First Division (infantry) 2 22 10 138 1 174 347 243 4,910 5,153 153d New York Volunteers (guarding train) 31 605 636 First Division (artillery) 9 348 357 Thirteenth Army Corps (detachment): General and staff 1 1 2 Third Division: Infantry 1 23 6 78 9 198 315 77 1,475 1,552 Artillery 2 173 175 Fourth Division: Commanding officer and escort 1 1 Infantry 2 23 6 82 59 929 1,101 56 1,418 1,474 Artillery 1 5 3 24 33 5 204 209 Staff of the Major-General Commanding 3 3 Aggregate 6 68 27 304 72 1,325 1,802 423 9,133 9,556
O Men O Men O Men Total O Men Total Infantry 6 43 18 261 3 369 689 243 4,802 5,045 Artillery 4 1 14 1 5 25 8 331 339 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ Aggregate 6 47 19 275 4 374 714 251 5,133 5,384
PARTIAL RETURN OF LOSSES AT CANE RIVER CROSSING. April 23, 1864. THIRD BRIGADE, 1st DIVISION: Col. Francis Fessenden Killed Wounded Missing Lt.-Col. J. W. Blanchard O Men O Men O Men Total 162d New York 1 3 1 26 1 32 165th New York 3 1 4 173d New York 3 2 25 1 31 30th Maine 2 11 2 64 7 86 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total 3 17 5 118 10 159
THE OPEQUON. September 19, 1864. NINETEENTH ARMY CORPS: Killed Wounded Captured or missing Bvt. Maj.-Gen. William H. Emory O E O E O E Aggregate First Division: Brig.-Gen. William Dwight First Brigade: Col. George L. Beal 29th Maine 1 23 24 30th Massachusetts 1 4 17 22 114th New York 1 20 8 156 185 116th New York 9 39 48 153d New York 10 4 55 69 Total First Brigade 2 43 13 290 348 Second Brigade: Brig.-Gen. James W. McMillan 12th Connecticut 3 7 3 57 1 71 160th New York (1) 2 13 3 58 1 77 47th Pennsylvania 1 8 9 8th Vermont 9 28 37 Total Second Brigade 5 30 6 151 2 194 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total First Division (2) 7 73 19 441 2 542
(1) Non-veterans of 90th New York, attached. (2) The Third Brigade guarding trains.
Killed Wounded Captured or missing COMMAND O E O E O E Aggregate Second Division: Brig.-Gen. Cuvier Grover First Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Henry W. Birge 9th Connecticut 1 1 12th Maine 2 12 6 77 15 112 14th Maine 1 6 6 46 3 62 26th Massachusetts 38 11 69 2 19 139 14th New Hampshire 4 27 9 79 19 138 75th New York 17 4 41 1 10 73 Total First Brigade 7 100 36 313 3 66 525 Second Brigade: Col. Edward L. Molineux 13th Connecticut 6 39 2 30 77 11th Indiana 1 7 2 56 1 3 70 22d Iowa 2 9 3 60 31 105 3d Massachusetts Cavalry (dismounted) 2 17 3 84 106 131st New York 9 9 56 74 159th New York 5 4 46 1 19 75 Total Second Brigade 5 53 21 341 4 83 507 Third Brigade: Col. Jacob Sharpe (1) Lt.-Col. Alfred Neafie 38th Massachusetts 8 3 44 8 63 128th New York 6 5 46 57 156th New York 20 3 88 111 176th New York 5 3 30 9 47 Total Third Brigade 39 14 208 17 278 Fourth Brigade: Col. David Shunk 8th Indiana 2 5 2 9 18th Indiana 1 5 1 31 38 24th Iowa 1 9 4 53 8 75 28th Iowa 1 9 8 48 21 87 Total Fourth Brigade 3 25 13 137 31 209 Artillery: 1st Maine Battery 2 1 5 8 _ _ _ __ _ _ __ Total Second Division 15 219 85 1,004 7 197 1,527
(1) Wounded.
Reserve Artillery: Capt. Elijah D. Taft 17th Indiana Battery 1 1 Battery D 1st Rhode Island 4 4 Total Reserve Artillery 5 5 _ _ _ __ _ _ __ Total Nineteenth Army Corps 22 292 104 1,450 7 199 2,074
FISHER'S HILL. September 22, 1864.(1) NINETEENTH ARMY CORPS: Killed Wounded Captured or missing Bvt. Maj.-Gen. William H. Emory O E O E O E Aggregate First Division: Brig.-Gen. William Dwight First Brigade: Col. George L. Beal 29th Maine 1 3 4 30th Massachusetts 3 6 9 114th New York 116th New York 1 9 10 153d New York 3 3 Total First Brigade 4 1 21 26 Second Brigade: Brig.-Gen. James W. McMillan 12th Connecticut 160th New York (2) 47th Pennsylvania 2 2 8th Vermont 1 3 4 Total Second Brigade 1 5 6 Artillery: 5th New York Battery 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total First Division (3) 4 2 27 33
(1) Including casualties incurred on the 21st. (2) Non-veterans of 90th New York attached. (3) Third Brigade guarding trains.
Killed Wounded Captured or missing COMMAND O E O E O E Aggregate Second Division: Brig.-Gen. Cuvier Grover First Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Henry W. Birge 9th Connecticut 3 10 13 12th Maine 14th Maine 26th Massachusetts 14th New Hampshire 1 1 2 75th New York Total First Brigade 3 11 1 15 Second Brigade: Col. Edward L. Molineux 13th Connecticut 2 2 11th Indiana 2 8 10 22d Iowa 4 4 3d Massachusetts Cavalry (dismounted) 2 1 3 131st New York 1 1 159th New York Total Second Brigade 4 16 20 Third Brigade: Col. Daniel Macaulay 38th Massachusetts 1 1 128th New York 2 4 6 156th New York 1 4 5 175th New York (three companies) 176th New York 1 1 2 Total Third Brigade 4 13 12 29 Fourth Brigade: Col. David Shunk 8th Indiana 1 1 18th Indiana 2 4 6 24th Iowa 1 4 5 28th Iowa 5 5 Total Fourth Brigade 3 14 17 Artillery: Maine Light, 1st Battery (A) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total Second Division 11 3 54 13 81
Reserve Artillery: Capt. Elijah D. Taft 17th Indiana Battery Battery D 1st Rhode Island _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total Nineteenth Army Corps 15 5 81 13 114
CEDAR CREEK. October 19, 1864. NINETEENTH ARMY CORPS: Killed Wounded Captured or missing Bvt. Maj.-Gen. William H. Emory O E O E O E Aggregate Corps Staff 2 2 First Division: Brig.-Gen. James W. McMillan Brig.-Gen. William Dwight First Brigade: Col. Edwin P. Davis 29th Maine 1 17 4 105 127 30th Massachusetts 1 11 5 91 108 90th New York 2 3 3 43 22 73 114th New York 1 20 6 80 1 7 115 116th New York 7 4 39 9 59 153d New York 8 7 56 10 81 Total First Brigade 5 66 29 414 1 48 563 Second Brigade: Col. Stephen Thomas Brig.-Gen. James W. McMillan 12th Connecticut 2 20 5 52 93 172 160th New York 9 3 31 23 66 47th Pennsylvania 1 36 1 88 28 154 8th Vermont 1 16 11 55 23 106 Total Second Brigade 4 81 20 226 167 498 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total First Division (1) 9 147 49 640 1 215 1,064
(1) Third Brigade guarding trains.
Killed Wounded Captured or missing COMMAND O E O E O E Aggregate Second Division: Brig.-Gen. Cuvier Grover (1) Brig.-Gen. Henry W. Birge Staff 1 1 First Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Henry W. Birge Col. Thomas W. Porter 9th Connecticut (battalion) 2 2 13 1 7 25 12th Maine 1 6 3 20 1 50 81 14th Maine 1 4 34 1 42 82 26th Massachusetts (battalion) 3 2 8 16 29 14th New Hampshire 8 3 48 1 17 77 75th New York 3 1 18 33 55 Total First Brigade 2 26 11 141 4 165 349 Second Brigade: Col. Edward L. Molineux 13th Connecticut 2 1 16 10 29 11th Indiana 4 4 35 10 53 22d Iowa 1 6 43 2 21 73 3d Massachusetts Cavalry (dismounted) 6 2 29 39 76 131st New York 2 1 21 9 33 159th New York 2 2 1 12 6 23 Total Second Brigade 2 17 15 156 2 95 287 Third Brigade: Col. Daniel Macaulay (1) Lt.-Col. Alfred Neafie Staff 1 1 38th Massachusetts 1 18 35 54 128th New York 5 14 2 74 95 156th New York 1 7 5 31 48 92 175th New York (batallion) 1 2 3 176th New York 1 5 4 11 1 31 53 Total Third Brigade 2 18 11 76 3 188 298 Fourth Brigade: Col. David Shunk 8th Indiana 2 2 4 33 4 21 66 18th Indiana 5 6 43 27 81 24th Iowa 8 6 37 41 92 28th Iowa 1 8 2 69 10 90 Total Fourth Brigade 3 23 18 182 4 99 329 Artillery: 1st Maine Battery 1 2 1 16 8 28 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Total Second Division 10 86 57 571 13 555 1,290 Reserve Artillery: Maj. Albert W. Bradbury 17th Indiana Battery 4 1 8 3 16 Battery D 1st Rhode Island 1 8 3 12 Total Reserve Artillery 5 1 16 6 28 _ _ _ __ _ _ __ Total Nineteenth Army Corps 19 238 109 1,227 14 776 2,383
(1) Wounded.
BATON ROUGE. August 5, 1862.
Brig.-Gen. Thomas Williams Lt. Matthew A. Latham 21st Indiana Lt. Charles D. Seeley " " Capt. Eugene Kelty 30th Massachusetts
GEORGIA LANDING. October 27, 1862.
Capt. John Kelleher 8th New Hampshire Capt. Q. A. Warren " " "
BISLAND. April 12-13, 1863.
Capt. Samuel Gault 38th Massachusetts Lt. George G. Nutting 53d Massachusetts Lt. John T. Freer 156th New York
IRISH BEND. April 14, 1863.
Capt. Samuel S. Hayden 25th Connecticut Lt. Daniel P. Dewey " " Lt.-Col. Gilbert A. Draper 159th New York Lt. Robert D. Lathrop " " " Lt. Byron F. Lockwood " " " Lt. John W. Manley " " "
PLAINS STORE. May 21, 1863.
Lt. Charles Borusky 116th New York
PORT HUDSON. May 23 - July 8, 1863.
Capt. John B. Hubbard (1), Assistant Adjutant-General Lt. Joseph Strickland (2) 13th Connecticut Capt. Jedediah Randall (1) 26th Connecticut Capt. John L. Stanton (1) " " Lt. Harvey F. Jacobs (2) " " Lt. Marvin R. Kenyon (1) " " Capt. David D. Hoag (2) 28th Connecticut Lt. Charles Durand (2) " " Col. Richard E. Holcomb (2) " " Lt. Martin V. B. Hill 1st Louisiana Lt. James E. Coburn 2d Louisiana Lt. J. B. Butler 1st Engineers, Corps d'Afrique Capt. Andrew Cailloux (1) 1st Louisiana Native Guards Lt. John H. Crowder (1) " " " " Maj. Adam Haffeille 3d Louisiana Native Guards Lt. John C. Fulton (1) 14th Maine Lt. Charles I. Stevens " " Lt. Aaron W. Wallace (1) 21st Maine Capt. Henry Crosby 22d Maine Lt. Solon A. Perkins (2) 3d Massachusetts Cavalry Capt. William H. Bartlett (2) 4th Massachusetts Lt.-Col. William L. Rodman (2) 38th Massachusetts Lt. Frederick Holmes (2) " " Lt.-Col. James O'Brien (1) 48th Massachusetts Lt. James McGinnis " " Lt. Burton D. Deming (1) 49th Massachusetts Lt. Isaac E. Judd (1) " " Capt. George S. Bliss (2) 52d Massachusetts Capt. George H. Bailey (1) 53d Massachusetts Capt. Jerome K. Taft (2) " " Lt. Alfred R. Glover (2) " " Lt. Josiah H. Vose " " Lt. Frederick J. Clark (1) 6th Michigan Lt.-Col. Oliver W. Lull (1) 8th New Hampshire Lt. Luther T. Hosley (2) " " " Lt. George W. Thompson (1) " " " Lt. Joseph Wallis (2) " " " Maj. George W. Stackhouse (1) 91st New York Capt. Henry S. Hulbert (2) " " " Lt. Sylvester B. Shepard " " " Lt. Valorous Randall (2) 110th New York Col. Elisha B. Smith (2) 114th New York Capt. Charles E. Tucker (2) " " " Col. Edward P. Chapin (1) 116th New York Lt. David Jones " " " Lt. Timothy J. Linahan (2) " " " Col. David S. Cowles (1) 128th New York Lt. Charles L. Van Slyck (1) " " " Lt. Nathan O. Benjamin (2) 131st New York Lt. Benjamin F. Denton (2) 133d New York Lt.-Col. Thomas Fowler 156th New York Maj. James H. Bogart (2) 162d New York Lt. John Neville " " " Lt. Stephen C. Oakley (1) " " " Lt.-Col. Abel Smith, Jr. (1) 165th New York Lt. Charles R. Carville (1) " " " Maj. A. Power Gallway 173d New York Capt. Henry Cocheu (2) " " " Lt. Samuel H. Podger " " " Lt. Morgan Shea (2) " " " Col. Michael K. Bryan (2) 175th New York Capt. Harmon N. Merriman (1) 177th New York Lt. James Williamson (1) " " " Lt. Stephen F. Spalding (2) 8th Vermont Col. Sidney A. Bean 4th Wisconsin Capt. Levi R. Blake (3) " " Lt. Edward A. Clapp (1) " " Lt. Daniel B. Maxson (3) " " Lt. Gustavus Wintermeyer (2) " " Lt. Benjamin Wadsworth 10th U. S. Volunteers, Corps d'Afrique
(1) In the Assault of May 27th. (2) In the Assault of June 14th. (3) In the affair of Clinton, June 3d.
COX'S (or KOCH'S) PLANTATION. July 13, 1863.
Capt. David W. Tuttle 116th New York Lt. De Van Postley 174th New York
THE RED RIVER CAMPAIGN. March 10 - May 22, 1864.
Lt. Louis Meissner 13th Connecticut Lt. Charles C. Grow 30th Maine Lt. Reuben Seavy " " Lt. Sumner N. Stout " " Capt. Julius N. Lathrop 38th Massachusetts Capt. Charles R. Cotton 160th New York, April 9th Capt. William J. Van Deusen " " " " " Lt. Nicholas McDonough " " " " " Lt. Lewis E. Fitch 161st New York, April 8th Col. Lewis Benedict 162d New York, April 9th Capt. Frank T. Johnson " " " " " Lt. Madison K. Finley " " " " " Lt. William C. Haws " " " " " Lt. Theodore A. Scudder " " " " " Lt.-Col. William N. Green, Jr. 173d Infantry Capt. Henry R. Lee 173d New York Lt. Alfred P. Swoyer 47th Pennsylvania, April 8th Lt. James A. Sanderson 1st United States Artillery
THE OPEQUON. September 19, 1864.
Lt.-Col. Frank H. Peck 12th Connecticut Lt. William S. Bulkeley " " Lt. George W. Steadman " " Lt. William S. Mullen 11th Indiana Capt. Silas A. Wadsworth 18th Indiana Capt. David J. Davis 22d Iowa Capt. Benjamin D. Parks " " Lt. James A. Boarts " " Capt. Joseph R. Gould 24th Iowa Lt. Sylvester S. Dillman " " Capt. John E. Palmer " " Capt. Scott Houseworth " " Capt. Daniel M. Phillips 12th Maine Capt. Samuel F. Thompson " " Lt. William Jackman 14th Maine Lt. Ajalon Godwin " " Maj. William Knowlton 29th Maine Lt. Jasper F. Glidden 3d Massachusetts Cavalry Lt. John F. Poole " " " Maj. Eusebius S. Clark 26th Massachusetts Capt. Enos W. Thayer " " Lt. John P. Haley 30th Massachusetts Col. Alexander Gardiner 14th New Hampshire Capt. William H. Chaffin " " " Capt. William A. Fosgate " " " Lt. Artemus B. Colburn " " " Lt. Jesse A. Fisk " " " Lt. Henry S. Paul " " " Lt. George H. Stone " " " Lt. Moulton S. Webster " " " Lt.-Col. Willoughby Babcock 75th New York Lt. Edwin E. Breed 114th New York Capt. Jacob C. Klock 153d New York Lt. Herman Smith 159th New York Capt. Sir N. Dexter 160th New York Lt. B. Frank Maxson " " "
CEDAR CREEK. October 19, 1864.
Capt. John P. Lowell 12th Connecticut Lt. George M. Benton " " Lt. Horace E. Phelps " " Lt.-Col. Alexander J. Kenny 8th Indiana Capt. William D. Watson " " Lt. George W. Quay " " Lt.-Col. William S. Charles 11th Indiana Maj. Jonathan H. Williams 18th Indiana Lt.-Col. John Q. Wilds 24th Iowa Capt. John W. Riemenschneider 28th Iowa Lt. John E. Morton 1st Maine Battery Lt. Henry D. Watson 12th Maine Lt.-Col. Charles S. Bickmore 14th Maine Lt. John L. Hoyt 29th Maine Lt. Lyman James 3d Massachusetts Cavalry (dismounted) Lt. Albert L. Tilden 26th Massachusetts Lt. George F. Whitcomb 30th Massachusetts Lt. William F. Clark, Jr. " " Maj. John C. Smart 90th New York Lt. Thaddeus C. Ferris " " " Capt. Daniel C. Knowlton 114th New York Lt. Isaac Burch " " " Lt. Norman M. Lewis " " " Lt. William D. Thurber " " " Lt. Christopher Larkin 156th New York Lt. Johannes Lefever " " " Maj. Robert McD. Hart 159th New York Capt. Duncan Richmond " " " Lt. Julius A. Jones 176th New York Capt. Edwin G. Minnich 47th Pennsylvania Capt. Edward Hall 8th Vermont Lt. Nathan C. Cheney " " Lt. Aaron K. Cooper " "
Note.—Unfortunately, it has been found impossible to obtain a complete list of officers who fell in skirmishes or minor affairs.
Officers and men who volunteered for the storming party under General Orders No. 49, Headquarters Department of the Gulf, June 15, 1863 (1):
Col. Henry W. Birge, 13th Connecticut, Commanding.(2)
STAFF. Capt. Duncan S. Walker, Assistant Adjutant-General.(3) Acting-Master Edmond C. Weeks, U. S. Navy, A. D. C.(2) Capt. Charles L. Norton, 25th Connecticut.(2) Capt. John L. Swift, 3d Massachusetts Cavalry.(2) 1st Lt. E. H. Russell, 9th Pennsylvania Reserves, Acting Signal Officer. Asst.-Surgeon George Clary, 13th Connecticut.(2) Lt. Julius H. Tiemann, A. A. D. C., 159th New York.(2)
FIRST BATTALION.(4) Lt.-Col. John B. Van Petter, 160th New York. Capt. Edward P. Hollister, 31st Massachusetts, Senior Major. Capt. Samuel D. Hovey, 31st Massachusetts, Junior Major. Capt. Isaac W. Case, 22d Maine, Quartermaster. Capt. William Smith, 2d Louisiana, A. D. C. Lt. G. A. Harmount, 12th Connecticut, Adjutant. Surgeon David H. Armstrong, 160th New York.
SECOND BATTALION.(1) Lt.-Col. Charles S. Bickmore, 14th Maine. Maj. Albion K. Bolan, 14th Maine, Major. Lt. I. Frank Hobbs, 14th Maine, Adjutant. Lt. Edward Marrenee, 174th New York, Quartermaster.
12th CONNECTICUT. Company Capt. Lester E. Braley G Lt. A. Dwight McCall G Lt. Stanton Allen (2) K Lt. George A. Harmount (Adjutant) Pvt. Charles J. Constantine A Sgt. John Mullen B Pvt. Charles Duboise B Cpl. John Moore C Pvt. George T. Dickson C Pvt. Willoughby Hull C Pvt. William Putnam C Pvt. Christoher Spies C Pvt. George W. Watkins (3) C Pvt. John P. Woodward C Sgt. Alexander Cohn D Cpl. George Shaw (2) D Cpl. James Robertson, Jr. (2) D Pvt. L. P. Farrell (3) D Pvt. George Kohler D Pvt. Reuben Miles D Pvt. Frederick C. Payne D Pvt. William P. Smith (3) E Pvt. Edward L. Millerick (2) E Sgt. Charles E. McGlaflin G Sgt. Andrew H. Davidson (3) G Cpl. John T. Gordon G Pvt. Oliver C. Andrews G Pvt. J. E. Chase (2) G Pvt. James Dunn G Pvt. Patrick Fitzpatrick G Pvt. Patrick Franey G Pvt. William Tobin (2) G Pvt. Joseph W. Weeks (2) G Sgt. Solomon E. Whiting (2) H Sgt. John W. Phelps H Cpl. Joseph W. Carter H Cpl. Charles E. Sherman (3) H Pvt. Edwin Converse H Pvt. Hugh Donnally (2) H Pvt. Warren Gammons H Pvt. Joseph Graham (2) H Pvt. Miles P. Higley (2) H Pvt. William Lenning H Pvt. Thomas McCue (2) H Pvt. Melvin Nichols H Cpl. Daniel B. Loomis (2) K Pvt. Francis Beaumont (2) K Pvt. A. M. Perkins (2) K
13th CONNECTICUT. Company Capt. Apollos Comstock (commanding regiment) Capt. Charles D. Blinn C Capt. Homer B. Sprague H Capt. Denison H. Finley G Capt. Charles J. Fuller D Lt. Perey Averill B Lt. Frank Wells I Lt. Charles E. Tibbets A Lt. William F. Norman K Lt. Charles Daniels K Lt. Charles H. Beaton E Lt. John C. Kinney A Lt. Louis Meisner I Lt. Newton W. Perkins C Lt. Louis Beckwith (2) B Cpl. Francis J. Wolf A Cpl. Christopher Fagan A Cpl. Andrew Black A Pvt. William Bishop A Pvt. Michael Cunningham (2) A Pvt. Walter Eagan A Pvt. John Fagan A Pvt. Francis J. Gaffnay A Pvt. James Gilbert (2) A Pvt. Edward Lantey A Pvt. John McGuire A Pvt. Joseph Mack A Pvt. John Martin (2) A Pvt. Henry Morton A Pvt. Loren D. Penfield A Pvt. John O'Keefe (2) A Pvt. John Quigley (2) A Pvt. Thomas Reilly (2) A Pvt. Charles R. Rowell (2) A Pvt. John Smith (2) A Pvt. Edward Stone (2) A Sgt. George E. Fancher B Sgt. George H. Pratt B Sgt. Alonzo Wheeler B Cpl. Francis E. Weed B Cpl. Roswell Taylor B Cpl. Isaac W. Bishop B Pvt. George M. Balling B Pvt. John J. Brown B Pvt. William B. Casey B Pvt. Balthasar Emmerick B Pvt. Peter Gentien B Pvt. Dennis Hegany B Pvt. William W. Jones B Pvt. John Klein B Pvt. Benjamin L. Mead B Pvt. John Mohren B Pvt. Charles Nichols B Pvt. Victor Pinsaid B Pvt. George Prindle B Pvt. Morany J. Robertson B Pvt. Sidney B. Ruggles B Pvt. Felix Schreger (2) B Pvt. Louis Schmeidt B Pvt. Frederick L. Sturgis B Sgt. Everett S. Dunbar (2) C Sgt. Charles H. Gaylord (2) C Sgt. John N. Lyman C Sgt. John Maddox C Cpl. Lewis Hart (2) C Cpl. Homer M. Welch (2) C Pvt. Willis Barnes (2) C Pvt. Seymour Buckley (2) C Pvt. Chauncey Griffin C Pvt. Charles Hotchkiss (2) C Pvt. Charles Mitchell (2) C Pvt. John O'Dell (2) C Pvt. Frederick W. Pindar (2) C Pvt. Joseph H. Pratt C Pvt. George Roraback (2) C Pvt. Mortimer H. Scott C Pvt. Joseph Tayor C Pvt. Daniel Thompson C Sgt. John J. Squier (2) D Sgt. Ezra M. Hull (2) D Cpl. Edward Allen D Cpl. William Fennimore (2) D Cpl. Andrew Holford (2) D Pvt. Thomas B. Andrus (2) D Pvt. Antonio Astenhoffer (2) D Pvt. Henry F. Bishop (2) D Pvt. Charles Bliss (2) D Pvt. John Crarey (2) D Pvt. John Dillon D Pvt. John Fee D Pvt. Henry F. Fox (2) D Pvt. Gotleib Falkling (2) D Pvt. Thomas Fitzpatrick (2) D Pvt. Joseph Gardner D Pvt. Newton Gaylor (2) D Pvt. Gaspar Heidsick (2) D Pvt. Louis Hettinger (2) D Pvt. Julius Kamp (2) D Pvt. Henry Kuhlmaner (2) D Pvt. Henry Long (2) D Pvt. George Losaw (2) D Pvt. Luke McCabe (2) D Pvt. Henry E. Polley (2) D Pvt. Frederick Poush (2) D Pvt. Horace B. Stoddard (2) D Pvt. William H. Tucker (2) D Pvt. Martin Tyler (2) D Pvt. Louis Walters (2) D Pvt. Edward Welden D Sgt. Nicholas Schue E Sgt. Richard Croley E Cpl. Robert C. Barry E Cpl. Leonard L. Dugal E Pvt. Jacob Brown E Pvt. Adam Gerze (2) E Pvt. Frederick Hanns E Pvt. George W. Howland E Pvt. Michael Murphy E Pvt. Charles F. Oedekoven E Pvt. Fritz Oedekoven (2) E Pvt. F. F. F. Pfieffer E Pvt. Andrew Regan E Pvt. Frederick Schuh E Pvt. Joseph Vogel (2) E Pvt. August Wilson E Sgt. Eugene S. Nash (2) F Sgt. John T. Reynolds (2) F Cpl. James Case (2) F Pvt. James Barry (2) F Pvt. George Bogue (2) F Pvt. David H. Brown (2) F Pvt. Henry Cousink (2) F Pvt. James Cosgrove F Pvt. Byron Crocker (2) F Pvt. David D. Jaques (2) F Pvt. Abel Johnson (2) F Pvt. Patrick Leach F Pvt. Patrick Martin (2) F Pvt. Thomas R. McCormick (2) F Pvt. James O'Neil (2) F Pvt. Henry E. Phinney F Pvt. Thomas Powers (2) F Pvt. Orrin M. Price (2) F Pvt. Theodore Secelle (2) F Pvt. William L. Webb (2) F Sgt. Samuel L. Cook (2) G Sgt. Charles B. Hutchings G Sgt. John W. Bradley G Sgt. Francis Huxford G Cpl. Moses Gay G Cpl. Louis Frotish G Cpl. Edmund Bogue G Cpl. Timothy Allen G Pvt. Frank Austin (2) G Pvt. George I. Austin G Pvt. John Brand G Pvt. Octave Ceressolle G Pvt. William B. Crawford (2) G Pvt. Charles Culver G Pvt. James Gay G Pvt. Albert Hopkins G Pvt. John Hoyt G Pvt. Henry A. Hurlburt G Pvt. Asahel Ingraham G Pvt. Jeremy T. Jordan G Pvt. Michael Kearney G Pvt. Joseph Kemple G Pvt. Albert Leleitner (2) G Pvt. Walter McGrath (2) G Pvt. John McKeon G Pvt. William M. Maynard G Pvt. Daniel Moore G Pvt. Morris Newhouse (2) G Pvt. Timothy O'Connell G Pvt. William H. Reynolds (2) G Pvt. Ellis D. Robinson (2) G Pvt. Henry Robinson G Pvt. John Ryan (2) G Pvt. Anton Schlosser G Pvt. Martin J. Shaden G Pvt. Martin Sheer G Pvt. Charles Sidders G Pvt. Edward Skinner (2) G Pvt. John Suarman G Pvt. Anson F. Suber (2) G Pvt. Sebree W. Tinker G Sgt. William H. Huntley H Sgt. Dennis Doyle H Sgt. Herman W. Bailey H Cpl. Thomas Harrison (2) H Pvt. Philo Andrews H Pvt. Niram Blackman H Pvt. John Blake H Pvt. Frank Patterson H Pvt. George H. Twitchell H Pvt. William H. Smith (2) H Sgt. John Duress (2) I Sgt. Abner N. Sterry I Sgt. Samuel Taylor I Sgt. Engelbert Sauter I Cpl. Francis W. Preston (2) I Cpl. Joseph Franz (2) I Cpl. Garrett Herbert (2) I Pvt. William Albrecht (2) I Pvt. Fritz Bowman (2) I Pvt. Ulrich Burgart (2) I Pvt. Michael Burke I Pvt. James Dillon I Pvt. Patrick Hines (2) I Pvt. Thomas McGee I Pvt. Clifford C. Newberry (2) I Pvt. Henry Reltrath (2) I Pvt. Edward Smith (2) I Pvt. Edward O. Thomas (2) I Pvt. Henry Whiteman (2) I Sgt. Miles J. Beecher K Sgt. George H. Winslow K Sgt. Charles E. Humphrey K Cpl. Herman Saunders K Cpl. Herbert C. Baldwin K Cpl. John Nugent K Cpl. Robert Hollinger K Pvt. John Bennett K Pvt. Benjamin E. Benson K Pvt. Frank C. Bristol K Pvt. William Call (2) K Pvt. George Clancy K Pvt. William J. Cojer K Pvt. Thomas Duffy K Pvt. Samuel Eaves (2) K Pvt. Edward Ellison K Pvt. John Gall (2) K Pvt. Thomas Griffin K Pvt. William Kraige (2, 5) K Pvt. Patrick Mahoney K Pvt. Thomas Morris K Pvt. Richard O'Donnell K Pvt. George C. Russell K Pvt. Bernard Stanford K Pvt. John Storey K Pvt. Bartley Tiernon K
25th CONNECTICUT. Company Lt. Henry C. Ward (Adjutant) Lt. Henry H. Goodell F Sgt.-Maj. Charles F. Ulrich Pvt. Eli Hull (2) B Pvt. Samuel Schlesinger F Pvt. John Williams (2) H
1st LOUISIANA. Company Capt. J. R. Parsons I Lt. C. A. Tracey (3) I Lt. J. T. Smith (2) I Sgt. Michael H. Dunn I Sgt. James York (3) I Sgt. George McGraw I Cpl. Henry Carle I Cpl. John Emperor I Cpl. Jos. A. Scovell I Cpl. John Lower I Pvt. Charles Baker I Pvt. Richard Balshaw (3) I Pvt. Patrick Brennan I Pvt. Joseph Briggs I Pvt. Leonard Demarquis I Pvt. John Fahy I Pvt. John Hunt I Pvt. Henry Kathea I Pvt. Alex. Kiah (3) I Pvt. James Manahan I Pvt. James McGuire (2) I Pvt. John Reas I Pvt. Joseph Reaman (3) I Pvt. Jerry Rourke I Pvt. James Smith I
2d LOUISIANA. Company Capt. William Smith (2) H Pvt. Lewis Diemert A Pvt. Henry Mayo A Pvt. Frederick A. Murnson A Sgt. Albert Sadusky B Cpl. John Hoffman B Pvt. James Clinton B Pvt. Michael Dunn (2) B Pvt. Barney McClosky B Pvt. William Rocher B Pvt. James Sullivan B Sgt. B. E. Rowland (2) C Sgt. Andrew Harrigon C Pvt. Patrick Brown (2, 6) C Pvt. James Donovan C Pvt. John Fry (3) C Pvt. William Hayes (2) C Pvt. Adolph Joinfroid (2) C Pvt. Daniel Theale C Pvt. William Wilkie C Pvt. Leon Paul D Pvt. Joseph Dupuy F Pvt. William Gallagher F Pvt. George Tyler F Pvt. Eugene Gallagher G Sgt. Theodore Lederick H Sgt. Benjamin C. Rollins (3) H Cpl. Jacob Stall (3) H Pvt. John Brennan H Pvt. Patrick Devine (3) H Pvt. John Eldridge (3) H Pvt. Patrick Garrity (3) H Pvt. Louis Harrell H Pvt. John Hayes H Pvt. Louis Icks (3) H Pvt. John Luke H Pvt. Thomas R. Blakely (3) I Pvt. Louis L. Drey I Pvt. James E. Mariner (3) I Pvt. Francis McGahay (3) I Pvt. Edwin Rice (3) I Cpl. Otto Fouche (3) K Pvt. Henry Gordon (3) K Pvt. George Seymore (3) K Pvt. Paul E. Trosclair (3) K
1st LOUISIANA NATIVE GUARDS.(3) Company Sgt. Joseph Frick C Sgt. Charles Dugue C Sgt. Ernest Legross C Cpl. Arthur Meye C Pvt. Valcour Brown C Pvt. Camile Cazainier C Pvt. Edmond Champanel C Pvt. Eugene Degruy C Pvt. Clement Galice C Pvt. Louis Lacraie C Pvt. Pierre Martiel C Pvt. Joseph Moushaud C Pvt. Armand Roche C Pvt. Francois Severin C Pvt. Henry Smith C Pvt. J. Baptiste Smith C Pvt. Martin White C Pvt. Joseph Lewis G Pvt. Robert Lotsum G Cpl. Jules Frits H Pvt. Jaques Auguste H Pvt. Henry Bradford H Pvt. Joseph Carter H Pvt. Isidore Charles H Pvt. Emile Chatard H Pvt. Frederick Derinsbourg H Pvt. Franics Fernandez H Pvt. Arthur Guyot H Pvt. Samuel Hall H Pvt. John Howard H Pvt. Joseph Jackson H Pvt. Richard John H Pvt. Joe Joseph H Pvt. Auguste Lee H Pvt. Henry Lee H Pvt. Oscar Pointoiseau H Pvt. Joseph Patterson, Sr. H Pvt. Joseph Patterson, Jr. H Pvt. Perry Randolph H Pvt. James Richards H Pvt. Benjamin String H Pvt. Ralemy Walse H Sgt. John J. Cage I Sgt. John W. Berweeks I Cpl. Thomas Alexander I Pvt. Charles Branson I Pvt. Alexander Jones I Pvt. William McDowell I Pvt. Collin Page I Pvt. Thomas Redwood I Pvt. William Wood I Pvt. George Burke K Pvt. Ed. Madison K Pvt. Charles Smith K
3d LOUISIANA NATIVE GUARDS.(3) Company Pvt. Abram Frost A Pvt. Henry Marshel A Sgt. Wade Hambleton C Cpl. Massalla Lofra C Cpl. William Mack C Cpl. E. Thominick C Pvt. Daniel Anderson C Pvt. —— Bracton C Pvt. William Dallis C Pvt. Jack Dorson C Pvt. William Finick C Pvt. Solomon Fleming C Pvt. William Green C Pvt. George Joseph C Pvt. Victor Lewis C Pvt. —— Sanders C Pvt. —— Taylor C Pvt. —— White C Sgt. Thomas Jefferson E Pvt. W. Henry E Pvt. Benjamin Johnson E Pvt. Joseph Miller E Pvt. Thomas Simmons E Pvt. J. W. Thomas E Pvt. Edward Brown H Pvt. Isaac Gillis H Pvt. —— Johnson H Pvt. Silas Huff H Pvt. Lewis Paulin H Pvt. John Ross H Pvt. J. Smith H Pvt. Silas Dicton I Pvt. Loudon McDaniel I Pvt. John Taller I Pvt. Isaac Twiggs I Pvt. George Washington I Pvt. —— Williams I
12th MAINE. Company Capt. John F. Appleton (2) H Lt. Daniel M. Phillips H Lt. Marcellus L. Stearns E Pvt. John Cooper A Pvt. Isaac R. Douglass A Pvt. Almon L. Gilpatrick A Pvt. John Weller A Sgt. Seymour A. Farrington E Cpl. Henry S. Berry E Pvt. Edgar G. Adams E Pvt. Oliver D. Jewett E Pvt. Nathan W. Kendall E Pvt. James Powers E Sgt. William M. Berry H Sgt. James W. Smith I Sgt. Henry Tyler (3) H Pvt. Frank E. Anderson (2) H
13th MAINE. Lt. Joseph B. Carson (2)
14th MAINE. Company Lt.-Col. Charles S. Bickmore Maj. Albion K. Bolan Capt. George Blodgett K Lt. John K. Laing F Lt. I. Frank Hobbs G Lt. Warren T. Crowell K Lt. Merrill H. Adams B Lt. William H. Gardiner G Lt. Charles E. Blackwell (3) I Sgt.-Maj. Charles W. Thing (2) Sgt. Jos. F. Clement A Sgt. George C. Hagerty A Cpl. William C. Townsend A Cpl. Otis G. Crockett A Cpl. Alva Emerson A Pvt. Peter Beauman A Pvt. Wilson Bowden A Pvt. Richard J. Colby A Pvt. Seth P. Colby A Pvt. Peter Misher (3) A Pvt. Irvin Morse A Pvt. Edwin Ordway A Pvt. Albert Webster (3) A Sgt. John Dougherty B Sgt. James Shehan B Cpl. Peter Emerich (2) B Pvt. John Darby (2, 6) B Pvt. Benjamin Douglass, Jr. B Pvt. James Elders B Pvt. George N. Larrabee B Pvt. John Dailey C Pvt. Simon Beattie E Sgt. F. H. Blackman (2) F Sgt. Jos. W. Grant F Cpl. William M. Cobb (2) F Cpl. William F. Jenkins F Pvt. Edward Bethum F Pvt. William E. Merrifield F Pvt. Horace Sawyer F Sgt. Archelaus Fuller G Cpl. Edward Bradford G Pvt. Samuel Connelly G Pvt. Ezra A. Merrill G Sgt. Calvin S. Gordon H Cpl. Louis C. Gordon (3) H Pvt. John Cunningham I Sgt. C. Pembroke Carter I Sgt. Samuel T. Logan I Sgt. John S. Smith I Sgt. William L. Busher (2) I Cpl. John Hayes I Pvt. William R. Hawkins (3) I Pvt. Jos. Preble I Pvt. Albert B. Meservy I Pvt. Benjamin F. Roleson I Sgt. William Muller K Sgt. Alex. Wilson K Sgt. Bazel Hogue K Cpl. John Moore K Cpl. William Darby K Pvt. Daniel Connors K Pvt. Benjamin Sandon (2) K Pvt. George Waterhouse K Pvt. Julius Wendlandt K Pvt. Charles Wilkerson K Pvt. Elliot Witham K
21st MAINE. Company Capt. James L. Hunt (3) C Capt. Samuel W. Clarke H Pvt. J. Mink (3) A Pvt. Otis Sprague (3) A Pvt. Sewell Sprague (3) A Pvt. Joel Richardson (3) B Pvt. Andrew P. Watson (3) B Pvt. John H. Brown C Pvt. John E. Heath C Pvt. Charles T. Lord C Pvt. George F. Stacey C Pvt. William N. Tibbetts C Cpl. Galen A. Chapman D Cpl. Alonzo L. Farrow D Pvt. David O. Priest (3) D Pvt. David B. Cole (3) E Pvt. Charles S. Crowell (3) E Pvt. Melville Merrill (3) E Pvt. William Douglass (3) F Pvt. Gustavus Hiscock (3) F Cpl. Minot D. Hewett G Pvt. Leander Woodcock (2) G Pvt. Frederic Goud (3) H Pvt. Thomas Wyman (3) H Pvt. John B. Morrill (3) I Pvt. James S. Jewell (3) K Pvt. Frank S. Wade (3) K
22d MAINE. Company Capt. Isaac W. Case H Capt. Henry L. Wood E Lt. George E. Brown A Pvt. Van Buren Carll B Pvt. Daniel McPhetres B Cpl. D. S. Chadbourne (2) E Sgt. Samuel S. Mason F Pvt. Timothy N. Erwin G Pvt. Amaziah W. Webb K
24th MAINE. Company Sgt. George E. Taylor H Pvt. James Hughes H
28th MAINE. Pvt. James N. Morrow
3d MASSACHUSETTS CAVALRY. Company Col. Thomas E. Chickering (3) Capt. John L. Swift (2) C Capt. Francis E. Boyd H Lt. William T. Hodges C Lt. Henry S. Adams (3) (Adjutant) Lt. David P. Muzzey G Lt. Charles W. C. Rhoads H Sgt.-Maj. William S. Stevens Pvt. Ferdinand Rolle A Sgt. Nathan G. Smith C Sgt. Horace P. Flint C Cpl. George D. Cox (2) C Pvt. Joseph Elliott C Pvt. Edward Johnson C Cpl. Patrick Dunlay G Sgt. Jason Smith (2) G Pvt. Simon Daly G Pvt. Peter Donahuye G Pvt. James Gallagher (2) G Pvt. John Granville (2) G Pvt. James McLaughlin (2) G Sgt. Patrick S. Curry (2) G Pvt. Solomon Hall (2) G Sgt. William Wildman H Sgt. John Kelley H Sgt. George E. Long (2) H Cpl. William S. Caldwell H Cpl. Randall F. Hunnewell H Cpl. William P. Pethie H Cpl. Charles Miller H Cpl. William R. Davis (3) H Pvt. Edwin T. Ehrlacher H Pvt. Gros Granadino H Pvt. Eli Hawkins H Pvt. Patrick J. Monks H Pvt. John Veliscross H Pvt. George Wilson H
13th MASSACHUSETTS BATTERY. Pvt. Cesar DuBois Pvt. John V. Warner (2)
26th MASSACHUSETTS. Lt. Seth Bonner (2), Company F
30th MASSACHUSETTS. Company Capt. Edward A. Fiske D Lt. Thomas B. Johnston H Lt. Nathaniel K. Reed C Lt. Ferdinand C. Poree (3) C Sgt. W. H. H. Richards B Cpl. George E. Coy B Cpl. Thomas Courtney B Pvt. James M. Brown B Pvt. Andrew Cole B Pvt. Martin Hassett B Pvt. George Toowey B Sgt. Luther H. Marshall C Pvt. William McCutcheon C Pvt. Charles B. Richardson C Pvt. George Sutherland C Sgt. George H. Moule D Sgt. John E. Ring (3) D Cpl. Charles D. Moore D Pvt. James Boyce D Pvt. William Kenny D Pvt. Horace F. Davis E Sgt. Murty Quinlan F Sgt. Thomas A. Warren F Cpl. Michael Mealey F Pvt. J. Sullivan (2, 7) F Sgt. John Leary G Sgt. Willard A. Hussey H Pvt. John Battles H Pvt. John Higgins H Pvt. Paul Jesemaughn H Pvt. William F. Kavanagh H Pvt. John Welch H Pvt. John Wilson H Sgt. Samuel Ryan I
31st MASSACHUSETTS. Company Capt. Edward P. Hollister A Capt. Samuel D. Hovey K Lt. Luther C. Howell (Adjutant) Lt. James M. Stewart A Pvt. Chester Bevins A Pvt. Patrick Carnes A Pvt. Frank Fitch A Pvt. William Thorlington A Pvt. Peter Valun A Pvt. Ethan H. Cowles B Pvt. William J. Coleman K Pvt. Maurice Lee K
38th MASSACHUSETTS. Lt. Frank N. Scott, Company D
48th MASSACHUSETTS. Pvt. Michael Roach, Company G
49th MASSACHUSETTS.(3) Company Lt. Edson F. Dresser F Pvt. James W. Bassett A Pvt. William E. Clark A Pvt. Willard L. Watkins A Pvt. George Dowley B Pvt. Henry E. Griffin B Pvt. Conrad Hiens B Cpl. Thomas H. Hughes D Pvt. Peter Come D Pvt. Edwin N. Hubbard D Pvt. Franklin Allen H Pvt. George Knickerbocker H Cpl. John Kelley I Pvt. Zera Barnum I Pvt. Philadner B. Chadwick K Pvt. Thomas Maloney K Pvt. Albert F. Thompson K
50th MASSACHUSETTS. Company Cpl. E. S. Tubbs G Pvt. James Miller G
53d MASSACHUSETTS. Company Pvt. Peter T. Downs G Pvt. Peter Dyer H
6th MICHIGAN. Company Pvt. Robert Atwood A Pvt. John R. Cowles A Pvt. James E. Root A Sgt. Lester Fox C Sgt. Albert B. Chapman (3) C Cpl. William A. Porter C Pvt. Walter B. Hunter C Pvt. Joseph W. Rolph C Cpl. Charles St. John D Pvt. Peter Dorr D Pvt. Henry Plummer (2) D Pvt. Tobias Porter (3) D Sgt. Frederick Buck E Sgt. William L. Leinrie E Cpl. Harry S. Howard E Cpl. William Kelly (3) E Cpl. Henry Rhodes E Pvt. John Austin E Pvt. Daniel Fero E Pvt. William Hogue (3) E Pvt. James R. Johnson E Pvt. Augustus Jones E Pvt. William Rapsher E Pvt. Jacob Urwiler E Pvt. Alfred E. Day F Pvt. George W. Sparling F Sgt. George H. Harris G Cpl. Peter A. Martin (3) G Cpl. Francis M. Hurd G Pvt. George W. Dailey (3) G Pvt. Freeman Hadden (3) G Pvt. John W. McBride (3) G Pvt. Robert Payne (3) G Pvt. Charles E. Plummer (3) G Pvt. Enoch T. Simpson (3) G Pvt. Osborn Sweeney (3) G Pvt. Theodore Weed (3) G Sgt. A. C. Whitcomb (3) H Pvt. Henry B. Dow (3) H Pvt. George A. Benet (3) I Cpl. Levi A. Logan (3) K Cpl. John H. Wisner (3) K Pvt. Simon P. Boyce (3) K Pvt. David H. Servis (3) K Pvt. Francis E. Todd (3) K
8th NEW HAMPSHIRE. Company Capt. Jos. J. Ladd (3) D Lt. Dana W. King A Pvt. John Riney (3) B Sgt. John Ferguson (2) I
16th NEW HAMPSHIRE. Company Capt. John L. Rice (3) H Lt. Edgar E. Adams F Lt. Edward J. O'Donnell C Cpl. Daniel C. Dacey A Pvt. Edward J. Wiley B Cpl. Clinton Bohannon C Pvt. Asa Burgess C Cpl. William A. Rand K Pvt. Rufus L. Jones K
75th NEW YORK. Company Pvt. Edson V. R. Blakeman B Pvt. Levi Coppernoll B Pvt. Lenox Kent B Pvt. Ethan Bennett (2) I Pvt. Martin Norton I Pvt. Jonas L. Palmer (2) I Pvt. Charles Wright (2) I
90th NEW YORK. Company Capt. Honore De La Paturelle E Sgt. Henry M. Crydenwise A Pvt. Nichoals Schmilan (2) A Pvt. Albert Barnes (2) B Pvt. George Robinson (2) B Cpl. John Neil F Pvt. John McCormick F Pvt. Martin McNamara F Pvt. James Proctor (3) F Cpl. Willam Dally (2) G Pvt. Timothy Quirk (2) G Pvt. —— Serriler (2) G Pvt. Christopher Autenreith K Pvt. John Heron K Pvt. Amos Maker K Pvt. Nelson Root K
91st NEW YORK. Company Pvt. Samuel Webster A Sgt. James A. Shattuck B Pvt. James T. McCollum (3) B Sgt. Edward R. Cone C Cpl. Platt F. Vincent C Pvt. Edwin De Frate C Cpl. Charles E. Bowles E Pvt. Jos. C. Wallace E Cpl. Charles Kearney (2) K
114th NEW YORK.(2) Company Sgt. William H. Calkins I Cpl. Nathan Sampson G Cpl. C. L. Widger I Pvt. Herbert Chislin G Pvt. Warren H. Howard G Pvt. William Potter G
116th NEW YORK. Company Cpl. Frank Bentley A Pvt. Isaac Colvin A Pvt. Andrew Cook A Pvt. Daniel Covensparrow A Pvt. Philip Linebits A Pvt. Jacob Bergtold (3) B Pvt. Sylvester Glass (3) B Cpl. George W. Hammond (3) C Pvt. Henry D. Daniel C Pvt. Charles Fisher C Pvt. Frederick Hilderbrand C Pvt. Christain Grawi (3) D Pvt. William W. McCumber (3) D Pvt. Cornelius Fitzpatrick E Pvt. James Gallagher E Pvt. Theodore Hansell E Pvt. Thomas Maloney E Pvt. Henry C. Miller E Pvt. Frederick Webber E Cpl. Joshua D. Baker F Pvt. Jacob Demerly F Pvt. Frederick Jost G Pvt. William Martin G Pvt. Samuel Whitmore G Pvt. Henry Trarer (2) H Pvt. Jacob Tschole H Pvt. Jacob Zumstein H Pvt. Philip Mary I Cpl. Albert D. Prescot K Pvt. Nicholas Fedick K
128th NEW YORK. Company Capt. Francis S. Keese C Sgt. Theodore W. Krafft A Sgt. Freeman Skinner A Cpl. Milo P. Moore A Pvt. Jos. M. Downing A Pvt. John N. Hague A Pvt. Jared Harrison (2) A Pvt. Jos. C. Mosher A Pvt. James Mosherman A Pvt. Freeman Ostrander A Sgt. Charles W. McKown C Sgt. Henry A. Brundage C Sgt. John H. Hagar C Cpl. Clement R. Dean C Cpl. David H. Haunaburgh C Cpl. Elijah D. Morgan C Cpl. George F. Simmons C Pvt. Albert Cole C Pvt. George Cronk C Pvt. Edward Delamater C Pvt. Peter Dyer (2) C Pvt. Albert P. Felts C Pvt. Charles Murch C Pvt. Daniel Neenan C Pvt. George A. Norcutt C Pvt. John R. Schriver C Pvt. John L. Delamater D Pvt. William Platto D Pvt. Charles P. Wilson D Cpl. Charles Brower F Sgt. C. M. Davidson (2) H Pvt. John A. Wamsley (2) H Pvt. Charles F. Appleby I Pvt. Stephen H. Moore I Cpl. Sylvester Brewer K Pvt. Thomas Rice K Pvt. William Van Bak (2) K
131st NEW YORK. Company Lt. Eugene H. Fales C Lt. Eugene A. Hinchman H Lt. James O'Connor F Lt. Louis F. Ellis I Lt. James E. McBeth K Pvt. William Burris B Pvt. Charles Cameron (2) B Pvt. Nicholas Hansler (2) B Pvt. George E. Stanford B Sgt. Robert W. Reid C Cpl. Jonas Cheshire C Cpl. Edward Northup C Cpl. Isaac Ogden C Pvt. Henry Ayres C Pvt. Richard M. Edwards C Pvt. Theodore Kellet C Pvt. Charles W. Weeks C Pvt. Jacob Hohn I Pvt. Ferdinand Nesch I
133d NEW YORK. Company Capt. James K. Fuller (3) C Lt. Richard W. Buttle D Lt. Henry O'Connor I Pvt. Nicolas Pitt B Pvt. Nelson Beane C Pvt. Patrick Boyne C Pvt. Joseph Finn C Pvt. Peter Hudson C Pvt. James G. Kelly C Cpl. John Eisemann D Pvt. John Newman (2) D Pvt. John A. Shepard (2) D Pvt. Patrick Callanan E Pvt. Cyrus Tooker F Sgt. George Giehl G Pvt. Joseph J. Burke G Pvt. George Schleifer G Pvt. James Brenna I Pvt. John H. Dawson I Pvt. John H. Gale I Sgt. George Hamel K Cpl. William Stratton (3) K Pvt. Patrick Costello K Pvt. Henry Hodinger K Pvt. Philip Ready K
156th NEW YORK. Company Pvt. Innus A. Graves (2) B Pvt. Thomas Horton (2) B Pvt. Henry Jones (2) B Pvt. Philip Lewis B Pvt. Benjamin Roberson (2) B Pvt. Simon Washburn (2) B Sgt. C. G. Earle (2) C Sgt. Daniel B. Degs (2) C Sgt. Clement Y. Carle (2) C Cpl. J. B. Barlison (2) C Pvt. Stephen R. Acker (2) C Pvt. Mathew Diets (2) C Pvt. Stephen Ernhout (2) C Pvt. John Herringer (2) C Pvt. A. Jarvis Hater (2) C Pvt. Abraham Keyser (2) C Pvt. Alexander Lown (2) C Pvt. F. L. Scampmouse (2) C Pvt. A. C. Schriver (2) C Pvt. W. Shadduck (2) C Pvt. A. G. Slater (2) C Pvt. J. R. Slater (2) C Pvt. John Strivinger (2) C Pvt. William Thadduck (2) C Cpl. Richard Ellmandorph (2) D Cpl. Archibald Terwilliger (2) E Sgt. John D. Fink F Sgt. Hiram S. Barrows (2) F Cpl. George Bradshaw (2) F Pvt. James R. Lane (2) F Pvt. Edward Liter (2) F Pvt. Michael McGorm (2) F Pvt. Charles L. Meguire (2) F Lt. Edward Olbenshaw (2) H Pvt. John Marvell (2) H Capt. Orville D. Jewett (2) I Lt. James J. Randall (2) I Lt. Charles W. Kennedy (2) I Sgt. Edward Steers (2) I Sgt. William S. Costilyou (2) I Sgt. Thomas F. Donnelly (2) I Sgt. Thomas Saunders (2) I Pvt. James Brougham (2) I Pvt. Welkin Moorehouse (2) I Pvt. John Provost (2) I Pvt. James Watson (2) I Sgt. Charles B. Weston K Sgt. Henry Abbott (3) K Cpl. Ivan Netterberg K Cpl. Isaac W. Fullager K Pvt. Simeon Fritter (2) K Pvt. Charles Gay K Pvt. August Leonard K Pvt. Neil Neilson K Pvt. Samuel Outerkirk K Pvt. Chalres Podrick (2) K Pvt. Sven Svenson (2) K Pvt. Charles Stump K Pvt. Augustus Swenson (2) K Pvt. Joseph von Matt K Pvt. Thoeodore Webster (2) K Pvt. Alexander Wehl (2) K
159th NEW YORK. Company Capt. Robert McD. Hart F Lt. Alfred Greenleaf, Jr. B Lt. Duncan Richmond H Pvt. Amos Hark B Pvt. George W. Hatfield B Pvt. Hugh McKenny B Pvt. John Taylor B Sgt. Michael Hogan C Pvt. Christain Schnack C Sgt. James T. Perkins E Pvt. John Thorp E Sgt. Gilbert S. Gullen F Pvt. Bartholomey Toser F Cpl. E. Hollenback (2) H Pvt. H. McIlravy (2) H Pvt. D. C. McNeil (2) H Pvt. James Braizer, 2d. I Pvt. George W. Schofield I Sgt. Thomas Bergen (2) K
160th NEW YORK. Company Lt.-Col. John B. Van Petten Asst. Surgon David H. Armstrong Lt. William J. Van Deusen A Lt. Robert R. Seeley I Pvt. Oscar Curtis (3) B Pvt. A. A. Hammer C Pvt. Joseph S. Insley (3) C Pvt. Henry F. McIntyre C Pvt. George Matthies C Sgt. J. Sahvey (2) E Pvt. Michael Hill E Pvt. John Long E Pvt. John O'Lahey (3) E Sgt. B. F. Maxson G Sgt. Elon Spink G Sgt. Samuel Kriegelstein G Sgt. Jacob McDowell K Sgt. Michael Hewitt (2) K Pvt. Arthur Clarkson K Pvt. Lewis Kraher K Pvt. John Raince K
161st NEW YORK. Company Maj. Charles Strawn (3) Lt. William B. Kinsey (Adjutant) Capt. Benjamin T. Van Tuyl A Sgt. George E. Rosenkrans (2) A Cpl. Clark Evans A Pvt. William Jolley A Pvt. Cornelius Osterhout A Pvt. James Anderson B Sgt. Lewis E. Fitch C Cpl. Mahlon M. Murcur C Pvt. Edgar L. Dewitt C Pvt. Henry W. Mead C Pvt. George Oliver C Pvt. Charles Spaulding C Sgt. Dennis Lacy D Sgt. Bradford Sanford D Pvt. James E. Borden D Pvt. Luman Philley D Pvt. Thomas A. Sawyer D Pvt. John Van Dousen D Pvt. Madison M. Collier E Sgt. Baskin Freeman F Pvt. Charles Robinson F Sgt. De Witt C. Amey H Cpl. Samuel Robinson H Pvt. John F. Young H Pvt. John Reas (2) I Sgt. Silas E. Warren K Pvt. Charles A. Herrick K
162d NEW YORK. Company Capt. William P. Huxford C Lt. John H. Van Wyck G Lt. William Kennedy E Lt. R. W. Leonard (Adjutant) Sgt. John McCormick A Sgt. Thomas Barry (2) A Sgt. John E. Burke B Sgt. Henry Landy C Sgt. Frederick Shellhass C Pvt. Anton Bleistein C Pvt. William F. Eisele C Pvt. John Engel C Pvt. Alex. Herrman C Pvt. Leo Kalt C Pvt. Conrad Siegle C Sgt. Theodore Churchill D Sgt. William Kelley (2) D Cpl. Thomas McConnell D Sgt. James Stack E Sgt. George W. Keiley E Cpl. John McLaughlin E Cpl. George W. Waite E Cpl. James Ball E Cpl. Lorenzo Sully (2) E Pvt. Thomas Clarey E Pvt. Peter Corbett E Pvt. Thomas Duff E Pvt. Daniel W. Dunn E Pvt. Patrick Ginett E Pvt. Daniel Gray E Pvt. Hawrence Halley E Pvt. George Larmore E Pvt. James McCall E Pvt. Mathew Mullen (2) E Pvt. Thomas Perry (2) E Pvt. Patrick Sweeny E Cpl. Gustave Normann F Pvt. John G. Thalmann F Sgt. George W. Gibson G Sgt. Edmund Nourse G Pvt. William Ferguson G Pvt. William Ketaing G Cpl. Edward Murphy I Cpl. Joseph Martines I Cpl. Maxamillian Miller I Cpl. David Hart (2) I Cpl. George Welch (2) I Pvt. James Brady K Pvt. Peter Cherry K Pvt. Eugene Detrich K Pvt. John Frazer K Pvt. Jos. Gitey K Pvt. Fleming Knipe K Pvt. Dominick McConnell (2) K Pvt. John McDonald K Pvt. Lewis Young K
165th NEW YORK. Company Capt. Felix Angus A Capt. Henry C. Inwood E Lt. Gustavus F. Linguist C Sgt. Walter T. Hall A Sgt. William T. Sinclair A Sgt. John Fleming A Sgt. John W. Dicins A Cpl. Richard Baker A Cpl. Josiah C. Dixon A Cpl. George E. Armstrong A Pvt. James E. Barker A Pvt. Peter Beaucamp A Pvt. Samuel Davis A Pvt. Gustav Druckhammer A Pvt. Thomas Kerney (2) A Pvt. David Lewis A Pvt. George McKinney A Pvt. George A. Metzel A Pvt. Elias H. Tucker A Pvt. John H. Vale A Pvt. Edward Vass A Drummer Michael Donohue (2) A Pvt. Elisha E. Dennison (2) B Pvt. Patrick H. Matthews B Pvt. John Cassidy C Pvt. Robert Hobbey C Pvt. Laurentz Lange C Pvt. John Laughtman C Cpl. James F. Campbell D Pvt. Eugene Deflandre (2) D Pvt. Henry Edward (2) D Pvt. Henry R. Loomis (2) D Pvt. Thomas Belcher E Pvt. John Feighery E Pvt. Stephen Gilles E Pvt. Edwin A. Shaw E Pvt. William Vero E
173d NEW YORK. Pvt. Alexander Hendrickson, Company C
174th NEW YORK. Company Lt. Edward Marrenee I Lt. Latham A. Fish E Lt. Eugene E. Ennson C Lt. Charles Emerson (3) I Sgt. Samuel Wilson (2) A Sgt. Morris Lancaster A Cpl. Louis Hageman A Pvt. William Coopere A Pvt. John Cullen A Pvt. John Maloney A Cpl. George Anderson B Sgt. John Gray C Pvt. John Kuhfuss C Pvt. Gustavus Heller (2) C Pvt. George W. Jones (2) C Pvt. William McElroy (2) C Pvt. Ernst Schmidt C Sgt. John Kenney E Cpl. Joseph H. Murphy E Pvt. Thomas Williams E Pvt. Thomas Fletcher G Pvt. Henry D. Lasher G Pvt. Charles N. Thompson G Sgt. Charles Gardner H Pvt. Thomas Carroll H Pvt. William Johnson H Pvt. Henry Jones H Pvt. Cornelius Mohoney H Pvt. Joseph Messmer I Pvt. Henry Pooler I Pvt. Richard Schottler I Sgt. Charles Draner K Pvt. Frederick Bandka K Pvt. William Heinrichs K Pvt. Edward Kuhlman K Pvt. Julius Ladiges K Pvt. Frederick Nilsen K
175th NEW YORK. Company Lt. Seigmund Sternberg I Sgt.-Maj. Abraham Loes Pvt. Frank Markham A Cpl. Timothy Allen B Pvt. Otto Dornback C Pvt. Richard O'Gorham C Pvt. Patrick Manering D Sgt. William O'Callaghan E Sgt. James Hillis (3) E Sgt. James H. Callor (2) E Pvt. John O'Conner E Cpl. Philip Daub (3) K
177th NEW YORK. Company Sgt. John D. Brooks A Cpl. Percy B. S. Cole A Pvt. Seymour D. Carpenter A Pvt. John J. Gallup A Pvt. Thomas J. Garvey A Pvt. William Hemstreet A Pvt. John Housen A Pvt. Barney Lavary A Pvt. Richard C. Main A Pvt. Adam Milliman A Pvt. Henry von Lehman A Pvt. Willard Loundsbery (2) A Cpl. George A. McCormick B Pvt. Eben Halley B Pvt. David N, Kirk B Pvt. Charles M. Smith B Pvt. Samuel H. Stevens, Jr. B Pvt. John Gorman C Pvt. Moses De Coster D Pvt. Charles W. Lape E Cpl. Alonzo G. Luddes G Pvt. S. W. Meisden (3) G Pvt. Elias Nashold G Pvt. Jeddiah Tompkins G Pvt. Russell W. Cooneys H Pvt. George Merinus I
8th VERMONT. Company Capt. John L. Barstow (2, 3), Acting Assitant Adjutant-General Pvt. John Adams (2) C Pvt. James K. Bennett C Pvt. Francis C. Cushman (2) C Pvt. T. E. Harriman (2) C Pvt. Frank Lamarsh (2) C Pvt. Jovite Pinard (2) C Sgt. George G. Hutchins (2) E Cpl. N. H. Hibbard (2) E Cpl. Benjamin F. Bowman (2) E Pvt. Thomas F. Ferrin (2) E Pvt. Thomas Holland (2) E Sgt. Byron J. Hurlburt F Cpl. Edward Saltus (3) F Pvt. George N. Faneuf F Pvt. David Larock, Jr. F Pvt. Abner Niles F Cpl. Abner N. Flint G Pvt. Seymour N. Coles G Pvt. Lyman P. Luck G Pvt. Andrew B. Morgan H Pvt. Patrick Bloan I Pvt. D. Martin (2) I
2d U. S. ARTILLERY. Pvt. J. D. Hickley (2), Company C
4th WISCONSIN. Company Lt. Isaac N. Earl C Cpl. L. C. Bartlett C Pvt. Patrick Pigeon (2) A
Note.—On the 28th of June, 1863, Birge reported to Headquarters, 2 battalions of stormers, of 8 companies each, present for duty—67 officers, 826 men, total 893. His duplicate roll, evidently of later date than June 28th and not later than July 7th, accounts for 10 companies with 71 officers and 865 men, total 936. The list here printed gives 1,230 names, probably representing 1,228 persons.
(1) The original roll of the storming party was made up in duplicate. After the siege, one copy was retained by General Birge, the other being turned in to the Adjutant-General's Office, Department of the Gulf, by Captain, afterward Brevet Brigadier-General Duncan S. Walker, Assistant Adjutant-General. The latter copy has not been found among the documents turned over to the War Department in 1865. All Birge's papers and records were captured by the Confederates and among them his copy of the roll was lost. In 1886, from one of his officers he obtained a book containing a third copy of the roll, described by him as "complete and perfect," and placed it in the hands of Captain Charles L. Norton, 25th Connecticut (Colonel 29th Connecticut), himself one of the stomers, by whom the volume was delivered to Colonel D. P. Mussey, President, and Captain C. W. C. Rhoades, Secretary, of the Forlorn Hope Association. The list here printed is made up by collating with this roll the detached and obviously incomplete memoranda gathered into the XXVIth volume of the "Official Records." So many mistakes in names have been found in the certified copy of Birge's list as furnished by the author, that others are likely to exist among the names marked (2), that could not be compared with the records. For example, it is found that Privates F. L. Scampmouse and Levi Scapmouse, Company C, 156th New York, are the same man and, Seven Soepson, same regiment, is Sven Svenson.
(2) Not on the roll as printed in the Official Records, vol. xxvi., part I., pp. 57-68.
(3) Not on Birge's duplicate roll.
(4) The names of the Battalion Field and Staff Officers appear again under their proper regiments.
(5) Probably Krug, or Kramer.
(6) Not on muster roll.
(7) Jeremiah, Co. B, James, I., or Michael, F.?
Proposed between the commissioners on the part of the garrison of Port Hudson, La., and the forces of the United States before said place, July 8, 1863.
Article I. Maj.-Gen. F. Gardner surrenders to the United States forces under Major-General Banks the place of Port Hudson and its dependencies, with its garrison, armament, munitions, public funds, and material of war, in the condition, as nearly as may be, in which they were at the hour of cessation of hostilities, viz., 6 A.M., July 8, 1863.
Art. II. The surrender stipulated in Article I. is qualified by no condition, save that the officers and enlisted men comprising the garrison shall receive the treatment due to prisoners of war, according to the usages of civilized warfare.
Art. III. All private property of officers and enlisted men shall be respected and left to their respective owners.
Art. IV. The position of Port Hudson shall be occupied to-morrow at 7 A.M. by the forces of the United States, and its garrison received as prisoners of war by such general officer of the United States service as may be designated by Major-General Banks, with the ordinary formalities of rendition. The Confederate troops will be drawn up in line, officers in their positions, the right of the line resting on the edge of the prairie south of the railroad dept, the left extending in the direction of the village of Port Hudson. The arms and colors will be piled conveniently, and will be received by the officers of the United States.
Art. V. The sick and wounded of the garrison will be cared for by the authorities of the United States, assisted, if desired by either party, by the medical officers of the garrison.
(1) See ante p. 231 and Official Records, vol. xxvi., part I., pp. 52-54.
NOTE ON EARLY'S STRENGTH. By Brevet Brigadier-General E. C. Dawes, U.S.V.
The return of the Army of Northern Virginia for October 31, 1864, gives the "present for duty" in the Second Army Corps commanded by General Early, in the infantry divisions of Ramseur (Early's old division), Rodes, Gordon, Wharton, Kershaw, and the artillery as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,516
The cavalry division of General Lomax, by its return of September 10th, numbered for duty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,605
The cavalry brigade of General Rosser (1) about . . . 1,300
The cavalry division of General Fitz Lee (2) . . . . . 1,600
The casualties of the army at Cedar Creek were . . . . 3,100
Total force engaged at the battle of Cedar Creek . . . 22,121
Lomax's division probably lost 500 men in the different actions prior to Cedar Creek after its return of September 10th. To offset this no account is made of the "Valley Reserves" (men over and boys under conscript age) and "detailed men" (those subject to conscription who were permitted to remain at home to do necessary work), who joined the army after its defeat at Fisher's Hill. General Lee wrote General Early 27th September: "All the reserves in the Valley have been ordered to you." That the order was obeyed appears from the following extracts, from the diary of Mr. J. A. Waddell of Staunton, Virginia, printed in the "Annals of Augusta County, Va.," page 325 et seq.