Couzins, Mrs. J. E. D., as a nurse, iii, 596.
Covenant, Ladies' National, ii, 39.
Cowan, Senator, speech on District of Columbia suffrage bill, ii, 163, 110.
Cowles, Betsey M., i, 104.
Cox, Rt. Rev. Dr., i, 782.
Crandall, Prudence, iii, 316, 560, 703.
Craven, Rev. E. A., on Woman in the Pulpit, iii, 485.
Crawford, S. J., ii, 251.
Cromwellian era, i, 775.
Crosby, Howard, letter to Mrs. M. J. Gage, i, 798.
Crow, Wayman, iii, 595.
Crowley, Richard, argument Miss Anthony's trial, ii, 648.
"Crown and Anchor," i, 438.
Culver, Hon. Erastus D., speech at Cooper Institute Convention, i, 709.
CURTIS, Geo. Wm., i, 668; ii, 378; iii, 440 —speech on woman suffrage, ii, 795 —speech, Constitutional Convention at Albany, ii, 288 —suffrage for women, favors, i, 672.
Cushman, Major Pauline, ii, 20.
Cutler, Hannah M. T., i, 123, 163, 380, 384; ii, 773, 788, 809, 818, 823, 853; iii, 561, 614, 675.
Dahlgren, Madeleine, ii, 494, 495, iii, 101.
DAKOTA, iii, 662 —address to women of, M. J. Gage's, iii, 663 —Constitutional Convention, iii, 664 —Legislative action, iii, 662 —school suffrage, iii, 663, 666 —suffrage bill passed Legislature, iii, 667 —vetoed, iii, 667.
DALL, Caroline H., "Drawing-room Convention," i, 276 —lectures, i, 262 —letter to The Nation, ii, 101 —petition, i, 262 —reports National Conventions held in '66 and '67, ii, 899 —speech, New England Convention, i, 265.
Dana, Richard H., on womanhood, i, 367 —woman suffrage, on, i, 41.
Darlington, Hannah M., i, 349 —letter to Mrs. E. C. Stanton, i, 344.
Darrah, Lydia, i, 321.
Dartmouth College case, ii, 725.
Daughters of Liberty, i, 203.
Davis, Senator, speech against woman suffrage, ii, 144.
Davis, Edward M., ii, 358, iii, 45, 462.
Davis, Jefferson, ii, 542.
Davis, J. J., iii, 154.
Davis, Mary F., ii, 390, 791, iii, 480.
DAVIS, Paulina Wright, i, 37, 46, iii, 823 —colored women on, ii, 391 —death of, i, 827 —Fifteenth Amendment, on the, ii, 336 —portrait, i, 273 —President, made, Boston Convention, i, 255 —President, made, Worcester convention, i, 221 —President, made, Worcester National Convention, i, 227 —reminiscences of, Elizabeth Cady Stanton's, i, 283 —speech, Boston Convention, i, 256 —speech, Syracuse National Convention, i, 533 —The Una, i, 246 —woman's rights movement, review of, ii, 428.
Deaths, Mrs. Dall's report, ii, 905.
Decisions and Trials, ii, 586.
Declaration, Channing's, i, 129.
Declaration of sentiments, i, 70.
Declaration and pledge, ii, 486.
DeFoe, Daniel, i, 29.
Delaware, iii, 817.
Democrats advocated woman suffrage, ii, 320.
Denmark, iii, 914.
Dentistry, Lucy B. Hobbs, iii, 401, 455.
Dentistry, women in, iii, 452.
Deroine, Jeanne, address to women of America, i, 234.
DICKINSON, Anna E., ii, 375, iii, 320, 811 —California, in, iii, 752 —Chicago Convention, at, ii, 368 —Fifteenth Amendment, her suggestion, ii, 227 —letter to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 916 —speech, Chicago, iii, 567 —speeches, ii, 40 —tribute, ii, 433 —"Young Elephant," ii, 42.
Dilke, Sir Charles, iii, 847.
Dimock, Susan, tribute, iii, 827.
Dinsmoor, Orpha C., sketch of, iii, 693.
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, iii, 808 —Conventions (see Conventions); —Miner Normal School, iii, 809 —Organic Act, iii, 812 —suffrage bill, iii, 809, ii, 103, 482 —Universal Franchise Association, iii, 809 —women admitted to District bar, iii, 812 —women in government departments, iii, 808 —women in the profession of medicine, iii, 812 —women writers and teachers, iii, 813.
Disraeli on woman suffrage, iii, 839.
Dix, Dorothea, i, 479, ii, 12.
Dix, John A., i, 530.
Dix, Morgan, Lenten lectures, iii, 436 —Mrs. Blake's reply, iii, 436 —coeducation, on, iii, 410.
Divorce (see Marriage and Divorce).
Dodge, Mary Mapes, i, 49.
Dolph, J. N., iii, 778.
Doolittle's, Senator, speech against woman suffrage, ii, 150.
Dorsett, Martha Angle, lawyer, iii, 660.
Dorsey, Sarah A., iii, 794, 807.
Doud, Katharine R., iii, 645.
DOUGLAS, Frederick, i, 74, 584, 585, 587, ii, 391, iii, 74, 125 —discussion with Olympia Brown, ii, 311 —Fifteenth Amendment, on the origin of, ii, 326 —Kansas campaign, ii, 265 —letter to Elizabeth Cady Stanton, ii, 328 —Loyalists' Convention, delegate, ii, 329 —refuge in Mrs. E. C. Stanton's house, ii, 382 —Revolution, on the, ii, 382 —wolf-skins, in, ii, 377 —speech, Washington Convention '76, iii, 7.
Douglass, Sarah M., i, 332.
Douglass, Stephen A., ii, 263, 301.
Dow, Neal, i, 121, 154.
Downing, Geo. T., ii, 214, 215, 377.
Downing, Lucy, iii, 296.
Downs, Cora M., made a Regent, iii, 706.
Doyle, Sarah E. H., iii, 344.
Draper, E. D., ii, 242.
Dresser, Horace, ii, 952.
Duchess of Sutherland, i, 421.
Dugdale, Jos. A., on wills, i, 357.
DUNIWAY, Abigail Scott, arrest of, ordered, iii, 774 —career, iii, 768 —egged at Jacksonville, Oregon, iii, 775 —Constitutional liberty, on, ib. —lecturing tour, iii, 769 —temperance meeting, at a, iii, 772.
Eaglesfield, Elizabeth, iii, 549.
Earl, Sarah H., tribute, i, 217 —President New England Convention, made, i, 254.
Eastman, Mary F., speeches, ii, 829, 840, 845, 854.
Ecclesine, Thos. C, iii, 420.
Eddy, Eliza F., will case, iii, 312.
Edgerton, A. J., on woman suffrage, iii, 666.
Editor, first colored, i, 91.
Editors, opinions of three liberal, ii, 227.
Editors interviewed, iii, 623.
Edmunds, Senator, on State rights and suffrage, ii, 561, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573. 580 —woman suffrage, on, iii 70.
Education, Mrs. Dall's report, ii, 900.
Education, compulsory, iii, 61.
Education, equal, ii, 909.
Educational movement, iii, 398.
Eggleston, Edward, on woman suffrage, ii, 810.
Eldridge, Edward, iii, 781.
Electors, qualification of, ii, 272, 463-4.
Eliot, Rev. Wm. G., i, 171.
Elizabeth, Queen, i, 30.
Ellsworth, Bertha H., iii, 700.
Elstob, Elizabeth, i, 30.
Emancipation Petition, ii, 78.
Emerson, on Power of Human Mind, ii, 427.
Episcopal restrictions, i, 785.
Essex County Society, iii, 270.
Estabrook, Prof., speech for woman suffrage, ii, 839.
"Eumenes", i, 451.
Evans, L. D., ii, 10, iii, 801.
Evarts, Wm. M., upon woman's subordination, i, 789, iii, 53.
Fable, "The Selfish Rats," iii, 114.
Fales, Mrs. I. C, speech on suffrage, ii, 851.
Fairchild, Governor, ii, 375.
Faithful, Emily, letter to Mrs. P. W. Davis, ii, 440.
Farnham, Eliza W., iii, 750 —speech at Mozart Hall, i, 669, iii, 750.
Ferrin, Mary Upton, i, 209, iii, 289 —speech before Judiciary Committee, Massachusetts Legislature, i, 212.
Ferry, Thos. W., ii, 568, iii, 28, 154, on the Pembrina Territory bill, ii, 568.
Feudalism, i, 761-3.
Flanagan, Senator, on Sargent's amendment to Pembrina Territory bill, ii, 552.
Florida, iii, 829.
Field, Anna C, ii, 398.
Field, David Dudley, iii, 647.
Field, Kate, i, 620.
Fields, Jas. T., letter to H. B. Blackwell, ii, 838.
Fifteenth Amendment, ii, 314, 327, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 387, 455, 463, 478, 479, 502, 503, 556, 557, 569, 616, 618, 619, 641, 642, 663.
Filley, Mary Powers, iii, 97, 380.
Foeking, Emilie, iii, 816.
Foley, Margaret, iii, 301.
Folger, Chas. J., i, 750, ii, 271, iii, 801.
Folsom, Marianna, iii, 703.
Foltz, Clara S., iii, 757.
Foote, Samuel A., i, 629.
Forbes, Arathusa L., iii, 596.
Ford, Jennie G., iii, 693.
Forney, John W., on women and hospital clinics, 3, 450.
Foster, Abby Kelly, i, 40, 53, 101, 134, ii, 216.
Foster, J. Ellen, iii, 536.
Foster, Julia, i, 301.
Foster, Rachel, i, 391, iii, 474.
Foster, Stephen S., i, 141, ii, 381, iii, 372.
Fourteenth Amendment, ii, 313, 315, 323, 324, 327, 407, 411, 412, 422, 455, 457, 461, 463, 468, 478, 479, 499, 500, 501, 502, 503, 556, 586, 590, 593, 595, 596, 619, 617, 618, 619, 621, 622, 624, 625, 626, 641, 642, 663.
Fox, Charles James, i, 453.
Fox, W. J., on women in politics, iii, 836.
Fowler, Lydia F., i, 178, 478, 491.
France, ii, 202 —agitation in, address of Pauline Roland and Jeanne Deroine, i, 234 —international woman's rights congress, iii, 896.
"Frank Miller," ii, 19.
Franklin, Benjamin, i, 324, ii, 244, 475.
Franklin, William, i, 441.
Freedmen's Relief Association, Mrs. J. S. Griffing, ii, 26 —Josephine Griffing's letter to Lucretia Mott, ii, 869 —letters on the, ii, 45 —originator of, ii, 38.
Freeland, Margaret, arrest of, i, 475.
Frelinghuysen, F. G., speech, ii, 135.
Fremont, Jessie B., letter to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 911.
Fremont, Jno. C., Presidential campaign, i, 651.
French, Charlotte Olney, iii, 784.
Frothingham, O. B., ii, 186, 248, 380, 545.
Fry, Elizabeth, i, 479.
Fry, Elizabeth, and Lucretia Mott, i. 423.
Frye, Wm. P., iii, 105, 366.
Fuller, Margaret, i, 40, 49, 217, 801; iii, 307.
Fulton, W. C., iii, 776.
Furness' church, iii, 35.
GAGE, Frances Dana, ii, 112, 113, 114, 116, iii, 561 —Cleveland Convention, at, i, 124 —lectures in Iowa, iii, 613 —letter to American Woman Suffrage Association, ii, 769 —at Cincinnati, ii, 857 —letter to Matilda Joslyn Gage, i, 117 —letter to National Anti-Slavery Standard, ii, 176 —letter to Lucy Stone, i, 656 —letter to Rochester Temperance Convention, i, 845 —letter to Washington Convention, ii, 424 —mothers and their children, on, i, 360 —National Convention, Philadelphia, at, i, 325 —negro testimony quoted by Senator Cowan in U. S. Senate, ii, 115 —Nichols, Mrs., and, i, 198 —orator, as an, i, 168 —portrait, i, 128 —reminiscences of Sojourner Truth, i, 115 —reply to Gerrit Smith's letter to Mrs. Stanton, i, 842 —speech, Akron Convention, i, 111; Broadway Tabernacle Convention, i, 563; Winchester, Ind., Convention, i, 308; Equal Rights Association Convention, ii, 197, 200 —her last speech, ii, 223; temperance and the ballot, ii, 211.
GAGE, Matilda Joslyn, i, 589, 591, iii, 65, 151, 227, 437 —address to women of Dakota, iii, 663 —Anthony case, her letter to Albany Law Journal, ii, 947 —appeal, iii, 413 —argument before House Committee, iii, 167 —Carpenter Hall, application for, iii, 17 —church influence on woman's liberties, iii, 74 —divorce on, i, 566 —Grant and Wilson campaign, appeal, ii, 517 —letter to wife of Admiral Dahlgren, ii, 494 —letter to Dakota Constitutional Convention, iii, 664 —letter to Omaha convention, iii, 259 —Minor suit, her review of Judge Waite's opinion, ii, 742 —National Citizen prospectus, iii, 116 —National Citizen and Ballot-Box, i, 47 —petition, political disabilities, iii, 60 —portrait, i, 753 —report, iii, 522 —sketch of, i, 466 —speeches: Centralization, at Washington Convention, ii, 523; Congressional Committees, before, ii, 415, iii, 10, 93; Furness' church, in, iii, 35; Rochester Convention, i, 579; Saratoga Convention, i, 622; Syracuse National Convention, i, 528; United States on trial, not Susan B. Anthony, ii, 630; Washington National Convention, iii, 4 —Sunderland controversy, i, 543 —Van Schaick, and Mr., i, 406 —Woman, Church and State, i, 753.
"Gail Hamilton," iii, 365.
Gaines, Myra Clark, iii, 801.
Gale's, Senator, insulting epithets, i, 483.
Gallup, J. D., iii, 319.
Galusha, Eben, address, i, 55.
Gardner, Nannette B., ii, 587 —votes in Michigan, iii, 523.
Garfield, James A., letter to Susan B. Anthony, iii, 185.
Garret, Eliza, iii, 582.
Garrett, Thomas, iii, 818.
GARRISON, Wm. Lloyd, argument at Cleveland National Convention, i, 136 —attacked by Dr. Nevin, i, 144 —on Gen. Carey, i, 162 —letter to American Woman Suffrage Association meeting in Philadelphia, ii, 816 —letter to Concord Convention, iii, 368 —letter to Rochester Convention, iii, 122 —letter to Worcester National Convention, i, 216 —London Anti-slavery Convention, and the, i, 61 —marriage and divorce, on, i, 733 —National Convention, Philadelphia, at, i, 378 —speech at Broadway Tabernacle Convention, i, 548, 570 —tracts and petitions, on, i, 383 —tribute to Mrs. J. S. Griffing, ii, 38 —woman suffrage, apathy, ii, 322 —women in national councils, on the right of, i, 672 —World's Temperance Convention, on the, i, 160.
Gay, Sidney Howard, ii, 369.
Gaylord, Senator, iii, 623.
Geddes, Geo., on the Property bill, i, 64.
Generals, why kept in the army, ii, 75.
Geneva, iii, 909.
George Eliot, i, 302.
Georgia, iii, 830.
Germans against woman suffrage, ii, 231.
Germany, iii, 902.
Gibbons, Abby Hopper, i, 40.
Gibbs, Sarah A., dissection of a sermonizer, iii, 391.
Gibson, Anthony, i, 29.
Giddings, Joshua R., on woman suffrage, i, 128 —World's Temperance Convention, on the, i, 162.
Giddings, Maria L., i, 114.
Gillette, Rev. Mrs., ii, 837.
Gillingham, Lydia, i, 324.
Girls and boys, ii, 541.
Gladden, Washington, on woman suffrage, ii, 815.
GLADSTONE, ii, 293, 366 —Catholicism, i, 27 —speech on woman suffrage, iii, 850, 854, 877, 883, 888.
Goddard, Sarah, i, 44.
Godwin, Parke, on the higher education of women, iii, 433.
Goodell, Lavinia, iii, 648.
Goodrich, Sarah Knox, iii, 765.
Gordon, J. W., i, 307.
Gordon, Laura DeForce, iii, 6, 751 —Lectures, iii, 755 —Letter to Washington Convention, iii, 64 —Senator, nominated for, iii, 756.
Gougar, Helen M., iii, 540, 552, 697, 702, 708, 857.
Government, Hooker on, ii, 475 —Paine on, ii, 474 —Pillsbury on, ii, 201 —Priestly on, ii, 476 —Radical basis of, ii, 290 —Sharpe, Granville, on, ii, 475 —Summers, Lord, on, ii, 475 —theory, true, ii, 474.
"Grace Greenwood" (see Mrs. Sara J. Lippincott).
GRANT. U. S., ii, 88 —campaign (1872), Tremont Temple meeting, iii, 278 —XV. Amendment, on the, ii, 646 —talk with Susan B. Anthony, ii, 544.
Grant and Wilson campaign, National Woman's Rights Association's appeal, ii, 517.
Graves, Ezra, ii, 282, 307.
GREAT BRITAIN, ii, 202; iii, 833 —associations formed, iii, 841 —circular to Members of Parliament, iii, 881 —Conference, Edinburgh, iii, 878 —Conference, Leeds, iii, 874 —Conference, St. James' Hall, iii, 888 —demonstration, Birmingham, iii, 868 —demonstration, Manchester, iii, 867 —demonstrations, iii, 869 —education act, iii, 850 —education bill, Scotch, iii, 851 —household suffrage, iii, 886 —Isle of Man, iii, 870 —letters, woman suffrage, iii, 865 —Manchester Liberal Association, iii, 876 —married women's property act, iii, 872 —medical relief bill, iii, 890 —meetings during 1870, iii, 852 —memorial of the Birmingham conference, iii, 855 —memorial to Gladstone, iii, 883 —memorials, iii, 853, 854, 873 —municipal franchise bill, iii, 845 —municipal franchise bill for Scotland, iii, 871 —Northern Reform Society, iii, 838 —Parliament debates woman suffrage, iii, 850, 861, 862, 863, 873, 884, 889, 890 —petitions, iii, 866 —petitions and pamphlets, iii, 840 —petition to Parliament, Mary Smith's, iii, 835 —reform act, ii, 590 —Sheffield Association, iii, 837 —suffrage bill before Parliament, iii, 842 —chronological table of successive steps towards freedom, iii, 980 —women householders, iii, 881 —women in politics, iii, 835 —woman suffrage, able advocates of, iii, 836 —women suffrage meeting, first ever held in London, iii, 848 —Woman Suffrage Journal, iii, 850 —women vote, iii, 843 —women vote in Scotland, iii, 871.
Greece, iii, 919.
Greeley, Ann F., iii, 356.
GREELEY, Horace, ii, 227; iii, 408, 773 —abolitionists, denounced, ii, 287 —bullet and ballot, ii, 284 —defranchisement, panacea for, ii, 101 —enfranchisement of women, on, ii, 103 —Kansas campaign, ii, 230 —letter to Susan B. Anthony, i, 628 —letter to Cleveland National Convention, i, 125 —letter to Paulina W. Davis, i, 520 —letter to Mrs. J. S. Griffing, ii, 36 —letter to Sam'l J. May on woman's rights, i, 653 —marriage, on, i, 730 —marriage and divorce, on, i, 740 —Owen, R. D., discussion, divorce, i, 296, 746 —Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, and, ii, 287 —support of, lost, ii, 269 —temperance speech, Metropolitan Hall, i, 491 —universal suffrage and universal amnesty, ii, 315 —woman and work, on, i, 589 —woman suffrage, opposed to, iii, 185 —woman suffrage, report against, ii, 285 —criticism, New York Independent, ii, 305.
Greeley's, Mrs., petition, ii, 287.
Green, Anna R., Md., iii, 815.
Green, Beriah, i, 417 —speech at Cooper Institute Convention, i, 699, 450, 487.
Gregory, Samuel, i, 38.
Grew, Rev. Henry, on woman's rights, i, 379.
Grew, Mary, i, 325 —speech at Cooper Institute Convention, i, 735 —woman suffrage, on, ii, 814 —President, iii, 457.
GRIFFING, Josephine S., i, 110; ii, 345, 422; iii, 810 —Freedman's Aid Association, letter to Lucretia Mott, ii, 869 —Freedman's Bureau, originator of, ii, 38 —Freedman's Relief Association, ii, 26 —letter to Horace Greeley, ii, 36 —letter to Lucretia Mott, ii, 33 —letter to Catharine F. Stebbins, ii, 874 —report 1871, ii, 484 —"Shirley Dare," on, ii, 30 —speech, Equal Rights Association, ii, 221 —testimonials of Congressmen, ii, 33 —tribute from Wm. Lloyd Garrison, ii, 38.
GRIMKE, Angelina, i, 39, 52 —anecdotes, by her husband, i, 402 —letter to Wm. Lloyd Garrison, i, 397 —sketch of "E. C. S.," i, 392 —speech against slavery, i, 334.
GRIMKE, Sarah Moore, i, 39, 53, 406 —letter, West Chester, Pa., Convention, i, 353.
Grover, A. J., iii, 560, 591.
Guardianship law, i, 749.
Gurney, Samuel, i, 421.
Guthrie, Clara Merrick, iii, 790.
Guthrie, Mrs., daughter of Frances Wright, ii, 543.
Haggerty, James, ii, 210, iii, 434.
Hale, Sarah Josepha, i, 45, 388.
Hall, Israel, ii, 377.
Hall, Mary, admission to the Bar, iii, 330.
Halleck, Sarah H., ii, 60.
Hallock, Frances V., ii, 435.
Halstead, Murat, iii, 593.
Hamilton, Alexander, ii, 413.
Hamlin, Senator, ii, 411.
Hampden Society, iii, 270.
Hanaford, Phebe, ii, 398, 791; iii, 327, 479, 481.
Hancock, Gen. W. S., iii, 185, 431.
Hanna, Laura, iii, 720.
HARBERT, Elizabeth Boynton, iii, 560, 592, 621 —delegate to Republican National Convention, iii, 26 —oration, iii, 581 —speech before Congressional committee, iii, 76.
Harberton, Lady, speech at Edinburgh, iii, 879.
Hare, Thomas, ii, 292.
Harper, Frances E. W., ii, 838.
Harrington, Mary L., iii, 374.
Harris, Sarah, ii, 376.
Hartford Courant, iii, 322.
Hartford Times, ii, 538.
Harvard Annex, iii, 294.
Haskell, Mehitable, Worcester Convention, i, 232; iii, 286.
Hatch, Junius, "pin-cushion ministry," i, 539.
Hatton, Frank, iii, 617.
Haven, Gilbert, ii, 388; iii, 268, 528, 620; ii, 839, 398, 840.
Havens, E. O., iii, 526 428.
Haviland, Laura C, iii, 532.
Hawley, Jos. R., letter to Mrs. Stanton, iii, 28, 30, 90.
HAY, William, letter to Broadway Tabernacle Convention, i, 655 —letter to Susan B. Anthony, i, 631 —letter to The North Star, on the Saratoga Convention, i, 621; paper, property rights, 607.
Hayes, R. B., iii, 165.
Hayhurst, Martha, i, 348.
Hazard, Rebecca N., ii, 855, iii, 604.
Hazlett, Adelle, ii, 787; iii, 522.
Heath, Jeannette Brown, i, 642.
Heloise, i, 759.
Henderson, Miss A. M., iii, 654.
Henderson, Senator, ii, 98.
Heroism, Kate Shelly, iii, 633.
Herricourt, Madame, ii, 569, 395.
Hertell's, Barbara, will, i, 63.
Hewitt, Rev. Dr., i, 502.
Heyrick, Elizabeth, i, 41.
Heywood, E. H., ii, 222.
Hiatt, Hannah, i, 306.
Hiatt, Sarah W., iii, 803.
Hicks, Elias, i, 412, 415.
HIGGINSON, Thos. Wentworth, iii, 275, 277, 305 —Brick Church meeting, i, 500 —coeducation, on, iii, 496 —Kansas campaign, ii, 265 —Kansas campaign, ii, 237 —letter to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 917 —letter to Cleveland National Convention, i, 131 —letter to Lucy Stone, i, 566 —marriage ceremony, on, i, 260 —Massachusetts Constitutional Convention, i, 253 —New York Times, on the, i, 648 —speech, in Cleveland, O., ii, 802 —speech, in Cooper Institute, ii, 828 —speech, Broadway Tabernacle Convention, at, i, 656 —speech, Cleveland Convention, ii, 760, 771 —speech, National Convention, New York, i, 642 —voters, qualification of, i, 249 —temperance and woman suffrage, on, ii, 819 —theological discussion, i, 647 —woman's rights almanac, i, 863 —women in Christian civilization, on, i, 791.
Hilda, Abbess, i, 30.
Hill, Benj. H., speech, iii, 217.
Hill, Charlotte, iii, 365.
Hill, Peter, iii, 524.
Hillier, C. J., iii, 756.
Hinckley, Frederick A., on woman suffrage in Rhode Island, iii, 349 —speech at Washington Convention, iii, 222.
Hindman, Matilda, iii, 459, 522, 621, 719, 723.
HOAR, Geo. F., minority report, iii, 131, —presents petitions, iii, 104 —letter to Washington Convention, ii, 858 —speech, women in the Supreme Court, iii, 139 —select committee, U. S. Senate, iii, 198-216 —speech in 1871, ii, 820.
Hobart's, Ella F., services as chaplain in Union army, ii, 18.
Hobbs, Lucy B., dentist, iii, 401, 455.
Holland, J. G., iii, 46.
Holloway, Wm. R., iii, 534.
Homeopathic College, ii, 765.
Holland, iii, 907.
Holmes, Jennie F., iii, 683.
Holmes, Rev., iii, 390.
Hook, Frances, as a soldier, ii, 19.
HOOKER, Isabella B. iii, 194, 327 —argument before House Judiciary committee, iii, 103 —before Senate committee, iii, 105 —declaration and pledge, ii, 486 —letter to New York Convention, twenty-fifth anniversary, ii, 534 —police, how she would rule,, iii, 73 —receptions in Washington; iii, 99 —reminiscences of, iii, 320 —report, National Association, 1872, ii, 496 —speech before House Judiciary committee, ii, 458 —speech before Senate Judiciary committee, ii, 499 —thanks the champions of woman's rights in Congress, ii, 489 —Washington Convention, notes ii, 425.
Hooker, John, iii, 101, 327, 957.
Hopkins, E. A., on legal grievance of women, i, 584.
Hosmer, Harriet, iii, 143, 301, 595, 951.
Hospital clinics, iii, 448.
Houghton, Agnes A., iii, 359.
Hovey, Charles F., i, 625 —Bequests, i, 257, 258, 667.
Howe, Frederick B., iii, 438.
Howe, J. H., on women as jurors, iii, 736.
HOWE, Julia Ward, ii, 757, 770, 792, 873, portrait, 783; iii, 270, 275, 276, 371 —Fifteenth Amendment, on the, ii, 335 —President of Am. Woman Suffrage Association, made, ii 834 —Speech in Philadelphia, ii, 817; in Detroit, 834 —Woman Suffrage in New Jersey, on, ii, 847.
Hoyt, John W., Gov. of Wyoming, iii, 241, 474, 730.
Hoyt, Mrs., on anti-slavery and woman's rights, ii, 59, 61, 63.
Howitt, Wm., letter to Lucretia Mott, i, 434.
Howland, Emily, i, 688.
Howland, Fannie, description of Washington Convention, ii, 416.
Howland, William, iii, 437.
Hubbard, R. D., iii, 326.
Hugo, Victor, ii, 369, iii, 75, 127.
Hulett, Alta C., iii, 572.
"Human Rights," Hurlbut's, i, 38.
HUNT, Harriot K., i, 219, 224, 255, 356, 531, 535, ii, 583 —medical education, on, i, 356 —physician, as a, i, 260 —speech at Broadway Tabernacle Convention, i, 564 —taxation, protest against, i, 259, iii, 298.
Hunt's, Ward, Judge, decision Anthony trial, ii, 689 —resolution against, ii, 537.
Hunt's, Richard, tea table, i, 68.
Hunt, Seth, iii, 270.
Hurlbut's "Human Rights," i, 38.
Husband and wife, act concerning rights and liabilities of, i, 686.
Hussey, Cornelia Collins, iii, 482.
Husted, James W., favors suffrage for women, iii, 409, 417, 424, 437.
Hutchinson family, ii, 59, 239, 262, 309, 542, 934; iii, 35 —Letter, John W., i, 627.
Hutchinson, Anne, i, 206.
Hutchinson, Nellie, iii, 752.
ILLINOIS, iii, 559 —Art Union, iii, 587 —Bar, Myra Bradwell's application, ii, 601 —opinion denying, ii, 609 —Carpenter's, Matt. H., argument, ii, 615 —opinion of Justice Bradley, ii, 624 —report of proceedings in Illinois and U. S. Supreme Courts, ii, 614 —U. S. Supreme Court decision, ii, 622 —writ of error, ii, 614 —centennial celebration at Evanston, iii, 581 —Conventions (see conventions) —Elmwood church trouble, iii, 563 —Garrett Biblical Institute, iii, 582 —houses of ill-fame, licensing Chicago, iii, 572 —married women's earnings act, iii, 570 —Master in Chancery, Mrs. Schuchardt, iii, 588 —Moline Association, iii, 589 —Monticello Ladies Seminary, iii, 579 —petitions, toils of circulating, iii, 590 —pulpit utterances, iii, 564 —Social Science Association, iii, 584 —Suffrage Association formed, iii, 569 —suffrage society, first, iii, 560 —temperance petition, iii, 587 —Woman's College at Evanston, iii, 578 —woman, as preacher, first in, iii, 579 —women elected as school officers, iii, 575 —women eligible as school officers, bill making, iii, 575 —women, trials and triumphs of, iii, 560.
Impeachment, articles of, iii, 31.
INDIANA, i. 290, iii, 533 —appendix, iii, 965 —campaign of 1882, iii, 543 —colleges open to women, iii, 548 —constitutional debates, i, 296 —Conventions (see Conventions) —electoral bill, iii, 541 —Equal Suffrage Society Indianapolis, iii, 536 —laws for women, changes in, iii, 544 —legislative enactments, iii, 544 —legislative hearings, iii, 538 —liquor law, i, 307 —mass meeting in Indianapolis, iii, 541 —newspapers, iii, 555 —Republican State Convention, iii, 542 —secret conclave, iii, 535 —temperance petition, Mrs. Wallace, iii, 539 —women in schools, iii, 547.
Infidelity, i, 143.
International Convention, iii, 157, 585, 896, 952.
IOWA, iii, 612 —churches indorse woman suffrage, iii, 620 —Clergymen's tract, iii, 624 —Conventions (see Conventions) —Fort Dodge, iii, 617 —friendly associations, iii, 635 —Governor Kirkwood appoints women to office, iii, 626 —Governor, first, to recognize woman suffrage, iii, 622 —Governor Sherman interviewed, iii, 624 —Inventions by women, iii, 632 —Journalism, iii, 629 —laws, improvement in, iii, 636 —lectures, iii, 630 —Legislative action, iii, 619 —Legislative action, summary, iii, 625 —mass meeting at the capitol, iii, 619 —medical profession, iii, 631 —Polk County Society, iii, 614 —Republican Convention, women's plank, iii, 620 —County School Superintendents, Attorney General's opinion, iii, 627 —school offices, eligibility of women to hold, iii, 628 —societies organized, iii, 615, 617 —State Register, iii, 620 —women in office, iii, 626 —women employed as teachers, iii, 627 —woman suffrage, first agitation of, iii, 613 —woman suffrage society, first, iii, 614 —women in positions of trust, iii, 616.
Island No. 10, ii, 10.
Italy, iii, 899.
Janney's, Mrs. R. A. S., recollections, i, 122.
Jay, John, ii, 413.
Jackson, Rev. E. M., i, 502.
Jackson, Francis, i, 189, 257, 634, 667, 743, will case, iii, 310.
Jackson, James C., ii, 582.
Jackson, Mercy B., letter, ii, 920.
Jenkins, Lydia Ann, i, 145.
Jerry, rescue trials, i, 474.
Johnson, Andrew, ii, 205.
Johnson, Mariana, i, 103, 351.
Johnson, Oliver, i, 101, 367, 671; ii, 786, 813.
Johnson, Rev. Samuel, letter to National Convention in New York, i, 635.
Johnson, Wm. H. and Mary, letter to Westchester, Pa., Convention, i, 832.
Jones, Mrs. E. C., Jailoress, iii, 488.
Jones, Jane Graham, delegate to National Convention at Washington, ii, 522, 442; iii, 229, 580 —address International Congress at Paris, iii, 585 —Genevieve Graham, daughter, iii, 586, 897.
Jones, J. Elizabeth, report, i, 168 —speech at Cooper Institute Convention, i, 694 —speech at Syracuse National Convention, i, 530.
Journalism, women in, i, 43, iii, 303, 629, 761, 813.
Judge direct a verdict of guilty, can a, ii, 690.
Julian, Geo. W., ii, 333, 489, 490, 552, 727 —amendment to District of Columbia suffrage bill, ii, 282 —speech on woman suffrage, ii, 801.
Juries, venerable decisions on, ii, 705.
Jury, women on, iii, 732.
Justice of Peace, Mrs. Esther Morris made, iii, 731.
Kalamazoo college, iii, 525.
KANSAS, Mrs. Nichols' account, i, 185, iii, 696 —appeal, ii, 247 —campaign, 1867, ii, 928 —campaign, S. N. Wood's summing up of, ii, 254 —Champion (Atchison) on woman suffrage, ii, 240 —Commercial, (Leavenworth) on the campaign, ii, 262 —constitutional amendment to strike word "white" from suffrage clause, ii, 229 —Conventions (see Conventions) —elections, iii, 701, 708 —Harvey, Governor, message, iii, 696 —legislative action, iii, 709 —Lincoln suffrage association, iii, 701 —Lincoln Auxiliary of the National Association, iii, 698 —parties in convention, action of, iii, 707 —press, iii, 699 —property rights, iii, 704 —Radical Reform Christian Association, iii, 703 —reminiscences, Helen Ekin Starrett's, ii, 250 —schools, iii, 706 —Stanton Suffrage Society organized, iii, 702 —suffrage organizations, history of, iii, 698 —suffrage song, the Hutchinsons, ii, 934 —Superintendent of Public Instruction, Sarah A. Brown nominated, iii, 705 —suppressed proceedings, ii, 931 —Temperance Convention, ii, 231 —woman suffrage facts, iii, 709 —woman suffrage indorsed by Republican State Convention, iii, 707 —woman suffrage petitions, report of Judiciary Franchise Committee, i, 194 —Women's Christian Temperance Union, iii, 703 —Women's Impartial Suffrage Association, address, ii, 932 —women run for office, iii, 708 —women in office, iii, 706 —women in the professions, iii, 706.
Kasson, John A., iii, 619.
Keating, Harriette C., iii, 791.
Kelley, W. D., suffrage resolution, iii, 71.
Kelly, Abby (see Foster).
Kemble, Fanny, i, 412.
KENTUCKY, iii, 818 —architecture, Miss White, iii, 820 —education, facilities for, iii, 821 —Louisville School of Pharmacy, iii, 821 —woman suffrage society, ii, 862 —school suffrage, i, 869, iii, 821.
King, Susan A., sketch of, iii, 420.
King, Thos. Star, i, 666.
Kingman, Judge, Kansas, i, 192.
Kingman, J. W., ii, 836, iii, 727, 241.
Kingsbury, Benjamin, iii, 359.
Kingsbury, Elizabeth A., ii, 310, iii, 476.
Kingsley, Henry, letter to Mrs. P. W. Davis, ii, 438.
Kirk, Mrs. Eleanor (Nellie Ames), ii, 390.
Knight, Ann, i, 438, iii, 837.
Knowlton, Helen M., iii, 302.
Ladies' Art Association, iii, 399.
Lander, Mrs. Dick, iii, 852.
Lane, James H., i, 191.
Langdon, Lady Anna G., iii, 854.
Lapham, Elbridge G., presents petition, ii, 283 —votes for, ii, 304 —Anthony trial, ii, 647 —printing speeches in the House, iii, 174 —vote in Senate, iii, 218 —Senate committee, 228, 231 —Senate report, 232 —thanks to, iii, 252.
Lawrence, Amos A., iii, 330.
Lawrence, Sybil, iii, 532.
Lawyers, women, iii, 575.
Lee, Mary B., legacy, iii, 624.
Leftwich, i, 649.
Legacy, iii, 624.
Leipsic, iii, 902.
Leslie, Mrs. Frank, iii, 441.
Lester, Louise, iii, 780.
Letters: Alcott, Louisa May, to Lucy Stone, ii, 831 —Amberly, Lady, to Mrs. P. W. Davis, ii, 439 —Andrews, Margaret H., to S. J. May, i, 531 —Anthony, H. B., to S. B. Anthony, iii, 350.
Letters, Anthony, Susan B., to her family; Boston Convention, i, 256; to Brooks, James, ii, 97; to Foote, E. B., ii, 941; to Garfield, iii, 185; to Mott, Lydia, i, 748; to National Democratic Convention, ii, 340; to Wright, Martha C., i, 676.
Letters, Barton, Clara, to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 916 —Bascom, E. C., to S. B. Anthony, iii, 647 —Becker, Lydia E., to Susan B. Anthony, iii, 62 —Beecher, H. W., to St. Louis Convention, ii, 825 —Bennett, Alice, to Susan B. Anthony, iii, 472 —National Association to Berlin Congress, ii, 404 —Briggs, Caroline A., to S. B. Anthony, iii, 250 —Blackwell, Elizabeth, to Emily Collins, i, 91 —Blackwell, Antoinette Brown, to Cooper Institute Convention, i, 862 —Blackwell, Elizabeth, to Westchester, Pa., Convention, i, 831 —Blackwell, H. B., to E. C. Stanton, ii, 232, 235 —Blair, Henry W., to Susan B. Anthony, iii, 380 —Bowles, Samuel, to Mrs. Hooker, iii, 325 —Bright, Jacob, to Mrs. P. W. Davis, ii, 438 —Brown, Olympia, to S. B. Anthony, ii, 259 —Bruhn, Rosa, to Mrs. P. W. Davis, ii, 439 —Burleigh, Celia, giving account of Saratoga Convention, ii, 402 —Burns, Alexander, to Des Moines Convention, iii, 618 —Burr, Frances E., to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 912, iii, 334 —Butler, Benjamin F., to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 539, iii, 255.
Letters: Carpenter, C. C., to Iowa W. S. Association, iii, 621 —Carpenter, M. H., to Elizabeth C. Stanton, ii, 423 —Channing, Wm. Henry, Cleveland National Convention, i, 129 —Child, L. Maria, to St. Louis Convention, ii, 825; E. C. Stanton, ii, 910 —Clemmer, Mary, to Senator Wadleigh, iii, 111; to S. B. Anthony, iii, 262 —Cobbe, Frances P., to Paulina W. Davis, ii, 438 —Cole M. M., to H. B. Blackwell, ii, 832 —Colvin A. J., to Susan B. Anthony, i, 691, 750; ii, 914 —Corner, Mary T., to Mrs. Bloomer, i, 122 —Corson, Hiram, to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 472 —Cutler, Mrs. H. M. T., to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 915 —Dall, Caroline H., to The Nation, ii, 101 —Darlington, Hannah M., to Mrs. Stanton, i, 344 —Deroine, Jeanne, to women of America, i, 234 —Dickinson, Anna E., to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 916 —Douglass, Fred., to E. Cady Stanton, ii, 328 —Faithful, Emily, to Mrs. P. W. Davis, ii, 440 —Fields, James T., to H. B. Blackwell, ii, 838 —Folger, Charles J., to Susan B. Anthony, i, 750 —Foster, Rachel G., to Our Herald, iii, 243 —Freedman's Relief Association, on, ii, 35 —Fremont, Jessie B. to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 911.
Letters: Gage, Frances D., to Cincinnati Convention, ii, 857; Steinway Hall Convention, ii, 769; Gage, M. E. J., to, i, 47; Rochester Temperance Convention, i, 845; Stone, Lucy, i, 656; Washington Convention, ii, 424 —Gage, M. J., to Mrs. Dahlgren, ii, 494; to Omaha Con., ii, 250; to women of Dakota, iii, 663 —Garfield, James A., to S. B. Anthony, iii, 185 —Garrison, Wm. Lloyd, to American Woman Suffrage Association meeting in Philadelphia, ii, 816; to Third Decade Convention, Rochester, iii, 123; to Concord Convention, iii, 368 —Geddes, George, to M. J. Gage, i, 64 —Greeley, Horace, to Susan B. Anthony, i, 628; Cleveland National Convention, i, 125; Davis, Paulina W., i, 520; Marsh, Rev. John, i, 503; May, S. J., on woman's rights, i, 653. Severance, Mrs. C. M., i, 125 —Griffing, Josephine S., to Catharine A. F. Stebbins, ii, 874; to Greeley, ii, 36 —Grimke, Angelina, to Wm. Lloyd Garrison, i, 397 —Grimke, Sarah M., to Westchester, Pa., Convention, i, 353 —Grover, A. J., to Mrs. Stanton, i, 591.
Letters: Hay, Wm., to Susan B. Anthony, i, 631; Broadway Tabernacle Convention, i, 655 —Higginson, T. W., to S. B. Anthony, ii, 917; Cleveland (Nat.) Convention, i, 131 —Hooker, Isabella B., to Susan B. Anthony, i, 535; to Mrs. Dahlgren, iii, 100; Stone, Lucy, i, 566 —Howitt, Wm., to Lucretia Mott, i, 434 —Hugo, Victor, to Clemence S. Lozier, iii, 75 —Johnson, Samuel, National Convention in New York, i, 635 —Johnson, Wm. H. and Mary, to Westchester, Pa., Convention, i, 832 —Kingman, J. W., to Lucy Stone, ii, 836 —Kingsley, Henry, to Mrs. P. W. Davis, ii, 438 —Lawrence, Amos A., to Abby Smith, iii, 330 —Leo, Andre, to Second Decade meeting, ii, 439 —Livermore, Mary A., to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 921.
Letters: Manderson, C. F., to O. C. Dinsmoor, iii, 688 —Marsh, J., to Horace Greeley, i, 503 —Marsh, L. R., to Mrs. E. C. Stanton, ii, 922 —Martineau, Harriet, to P. W. Davis, i, 229 —Mott, Lucretia, i, 437 —Mayo, A. D., to Syracuse Con., i, 851 —Mendenhall, H. S., to Dr. Avery, iii, 724 —Meriman, Emelia J., to the Second Decade meeting, ii, 451 —Mill, John Stuart, to Paulina W. Davis, i, 220, ii, 419; to S. N. Wood, ii, 252 —Miller, Francis, to S. B. Anthony, ii, 536 —Mills, Chas. D. B., to Mrs. Matilda J. Gage, ii, 424 —Mott, Lucretia, to Daniel O'Connell, i, 432; to Josephine S. Griffing, ii, 873; to Salem, Ohio, Convention, i, 812 —Mott, Lydia, to Susan B. Anthony, i, 630 —Mott, Mary, to Westchester, Pa., Convention, i, 829.
Letters: New York Tribune, on, canvass of 1859-'60, i, 677 —Nichols, Mrs. C. I. H., to Rochester Tem. Convention, i, 847 —Owen, Robert Dale, to Susan B. Anthony, i, 292 —Pastoral, i, 81 —Phelps, Almira L., to Mrs. Hooker, iii, 100 —Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, to Am. W. S. Association meeting in Cooper In., ii, 831 —Phillips, Wendell, to S. B. Anthony, iii, 62; to Third Decade Convention at Rochester, N. Y., iii, 122 —Pickler, J. A., to Matilda J. Gage, iii, 668 —Pomeroy, C. R., to Des Moines Convention, iii, 618 —Post, Amy, to S. B. Anthony, iii, 48 —Pugh, Sarah, to Salem, Ohio, Convention, i, 814 —Rose, Ernestine L., to Susan B. Anthony, i, 98; ii, 423; iii, 50, 120; to Mrs. J. S. Griffing, ii, 356 —Russell, Lucinda, to Harriet S. Brooks, iii, 682.
Letters: Sanford, R. M., to Cleveland Con., i, 819 —Sargent, A. A., to Third Decade Con., iii, 121; to Omaha Con., iii, 245 —Sargent, J. T., to E. C. Stanton, ii, 911 —Saxon, Elizabeth L., to Mrs. Minor, iii, 791 —Severance, Caroline M., to Mrs. E. C. Stanton, ii, 911 —Shaw, Sarah B., to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 239 —Smith, Gerrit, to Susan B. Anthony, i, 497; ii, 317, 538, 941; Garrison, Wm. L., i, 223, 620; Stanton, E. Cady, i, 708, 836; St. Louis Convention, ii, 825 —Somerville, Mary, to Mrs. P. W. Davis, ii, 440 —Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, to Akron, O., Convention, i, 815; Cooper Institute Con., i, 860; Greeley, Horace, i, 738; Mott, Lucretia, iii, 45; Omaha Convention, iii, 244; Salem, O., Convention, i, 810; Smith, Gerrit, i, 839; Syracuse Convention, i, 848 —Stanton, Harriot, to Nebraska voters, iii, 247 —Stebbins, Catharine A. F., to Lucretia Mott, iii, 47 —Stone, Lucy, to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 237, 919; to Elizabeth C. Stanton, ii, 234; to Salem, O., Convention, i, 813.
Letters: Taylor, Mrs. M., to Mrs. P. W. Davis, ii, 438 —Tenney, Mrs. R. S., to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 257 —Tilton, Theo., to American Woman Suffrage Association, ii, 770 —Wade, Benjamin F., to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 117, to Josephine Sophie Griffing, ii, 35 —Wallace, Zerelda G., to Susan B. Anthony, iii, 257 —Wattles, Susan E. to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 255 —Weber, Helene M., to M. A. Spofford, i, 822 —Weld, Angelina G., on organizations, i, 540 —Whiting, N. H., letter to Cooper Institute Convention, i, 861 —Winder, R. B., to Susan B. Anthony, iii, 817 —Wright, Elizur, to Paulina W. Davis, i, 217 —Wright, Henry C., to Garrison, i, 310 —Wright, Martha C., to Pillsbury, ii, 240.
Lewis, Ida, iii, 347.
Lily, The, i, 486.
Lincoln (Kansas) Beacon, Lincoln (Kansas) Register, iii, 699.
Lippincott, Sarah J., i, 46 —Saxe's poems, on, i, 828 —Washington Convention (Nat.), description of, ii, 359
List, Charles, address at Worcester National Convention, i, 232.
Little, Knox, iii, 471 —sermon to women, i, 728.
Livermore, Mary A., ii, 777; iii, 268, 274, 279, 388, 561, 565, 570.
Livingston, William, i, 441.
LOCKWOOD, Belva A., ii, 522, 240, 443, 523, 537, 585; iii, 64, 177, 809, 811, 818 —attempted to vote, iii, 813 —admitted to U. S. Supreme Court, iii, 141 —brief to U. S. Senate, on women as lawyers, iii, 106 —motion to admit Lowry to Supreme Court, iii, 174 —speech in Dr. Furness' Church, iii, 35 —women's rights, the way to get, iii, 73.
Logan, John A., on woman suffrage, iii, 207.
Longfellow, Samuel, speech at Cooper Institute Convention, i, 711
Lord, Mrs. A., iii, 703.
Loring, Geo. B., iii, 154.
Lords, feudal, i, 760, 762.
Loud, Huldah B., iii, 279.
Loughary. Mrs. H. A., iii, 774.
LOUISIANA, Constitutional Convention, iii, 789 —married women, laws relating to, iii, 799 —press, iii, 798 —St. Anna's Asylum, iii, 789 —schools, physiology in, iii, 797 —women eligible to school offices, iii, 795 —women's club, iii, 796.
Love, Mary F., i, 583, 587, 589 (See Davis, Mary F.).
Lovering, J. F., iii, 371.
Lowell, Jas. R., poem "Endurance," iii, 695.
Lowell, Josephine Shaw, appointed to office, i, 473; police matrons, iii, 432 —Com'r of Charities, made a, iii, 417.
Lozier, Clemence S., M. D., iii, 405 —sketch of, iii, 411, 416, 421 —presided, 425 —seats for shop girls, 433 —protest against District Attorney Russell, 436 —appeal to voters, 437.
Lukens, Esther Ann, i, 311.
Lunt's, Bishop, defence of polygamy, i, 776.
Luther, Martin, will of, i, 358.
Luther and polygamy, i, 775, 776.
Lyford, Rev. C. P., on polygamy, i, 778.
Lynn, Eliza, i, 34.
Macaulay, Catharine Sawbridge, i, 32, 790.
McCarthy, Justin, iii, 864.
McClellan, Geo. B., ii, 42, 75.
McClintock, Thomas, i, 539.
McClintock, Mary Ann, i, 67, iii, 454.
McCook, Edward, on suffrage, iii, 713.
McCook, Mrs. Mary, 715 —tribute, 718.
McDonald, Joseph E., women to the Supreme Court, iii, 111, 139, 155 —moves Standing Committee, iii, 190 —tribute, iii, 553.
McDowell, Anna E., Woman's Advocate, i, 388 —Sunday Dispatch, iii, 446 —J. Edgar Thomson's will, iii, 468 —Rev. Knox Little, iii, 471.
McDowell, Gertrude, iii, 693.
Mackey, T. J., iii, 828.
McLaren, Mrs. Duncan, iii, 842 —portrait, iii, 849; 951.
McLaren, Charles, Mr. and Mrs., iii, 927.
McLaren, Walter, iii, 874, 936.
McRae, Emma M., argument before House committee, iii, 161.
Madison, James, ii, 632.
Mahan, Asa, i, 151 —argument at Cleveland National Convention, i, 133.
MAINE, iii, 351 —Bar, admissions to, iii, 355 —conventions (see Conventions) —faithful friends, iii, 365 —Goddard, Judge, iii, 353 —Industrial School for girls, iii, 356 —legislation, iii, 357, 364 —married women, law, iii, 352 —"Moral Eminence of Maine," iii, 359 —suffrage society, first, iii, 352 —women holding office, Supreme Judicial Court opinion, iii, 361 —women in office, Gov. Dingley's message, iii, 363 —women on school committees, iii, 351 —woman suffrage, progress made, 1873, iii, 357 —women tax-payers protest, iii, 356.
"Male" in the Constitution, ii, 91.
Manderson, Charles F., iii, 678 —letter to O. C. Dinsmoor, iii, 688.
Mandeville, Dr., i, 486.
Manikin, i, 37.
Mann, Horace, i, 356.
Mansfield, Arabella A., case of, ii, 606.
Manufactures in hands of women, i, 291.
Marcet, Jane, i, 34.
"Maria" and "Old Betty," ii, 114.
Marriage amendment act, English, ii, 293.
Marriage a cause of disfranchisement, ii, 621.
Marriage and minority disabilities, ii, 603.
Marriage, "Mrs. Schlachtfeld," on, iii, 723.
Marriage, what is legal status of, ii, 456.
MARRIAGE QUESTION: Church views, i, 758 —devils, with, i, 769 —Greek church, under, i, 773 —heterogeneous, i, 719 —law, i, 107 —law of 1860, i, 686 —protest, Robert Dale Owen's, i, 295 —protest, Lucy Stone's, i, 260 —relations, i, 293 —Rose, Ernestine L., on, i, 237.
MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE: Anthony, Susan B., on, i, 735 —bill before New York Legislature, i, 745 —Blackwell, Antoinette B., on, i, 723 —drunkenness, for, i, 485 —Garrison, Wm. Lloyd, on, i, 733 —Greeley, Horace, on, i, 740 —Greeley-Owen discussion, i, 296, 746 —law amended in Massachusetts, i, 211 —Mott, Lucretia, on, i, 746 —Phillips, Wendell, on, i, 732 —Rose, Ernestine L., on, i, 729 —Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, on, i, 716 —Stanton, Mrs., letter to Horace Greeley on, i, 738.
Marriages solemnized by women, iii, 301.
Marquette, i, 762.
Marsh, John, letter to Horace Greeley, i, 503.
Marsh, Luther R., iii, 408 —letter to Mrs. E. C. Stanton, ii, 922.
"Martian Statutes," i, 31.
Martin, John A., ii, 249.
MARTINEAU, Harriet, i, 34; iii, 854 —letter to Pauline W. Davis, i, 229 —letters to Lucretia Mott, i, 437.
MARYLAND, iii, 814 —Baltimore Dental Surgery, iii, 817 —Equal Rights Society, iii, 815.
Mason, O. P., iii, 683, 691.
MASSACHUSETTS, i, 201, iii, 265 —Association, anniversary, iii, 272 —association, work done, iii, 269 —conventions (see Conventions) —Democratic Convention, action, iii, 278 —divorce law amended, i, 211 —Governors, action of, iii, 287 —Grant campaign, Tremont Temple meeting, iii, 278 —Harvard Annex, iii, 294 —Legislative, action, iii, 284 —Legislature, petition before, i, 258 —New England Women's Club, iii, 304 —petitions, iii, 274, 285 —Philosophy at Concord, School of, iii, 307 —prohibitionists, alliance with, iii, 280 —Republican Convention, action, iii, 277, 278 —school committees, women, iii, 290 —school suffrage, iii, 280, 288 —suffrage associations, iii, 273 —Supreme Court decisions, iii, 290 —women in the civil service, iii, 306 —women delegates to Republican Convention, iii, 277 —women opposed to suffrage, iii, 275 —women at the polls, iii, 282 —women, social condition, iii, 294 —woman suffrage political party, iii, 276 —woman suffrage ticket, iii, 281.
Mather, Cotton, iii, 303.
Maule, Mollie K., iii, 693.
Maxwell, Lily, iii, 842.
May, Joseph, iii, 34.
May, Samuel J., i, 40, 485, 518; ii, 418, 422 —"Colored," on the word, ii, 215 —Kansas campaign, ii, 265 —President Rochester Convention, made, i, 578 —speech at American Equal Rights Association meeting, ii, 191 —speech on temperance, i, 478.
Mayo, A. D., letter to Syracuse Convention, i, 851.
Medical, iii, 299, 549.
Medical College, first opened to women, i, 88, 389.
Medical Education, Harriot K. Hunt on, i, 356.
Medical profession, i, 37 —Iowa women, iii, 631.
Meetings (see Conventions).
Memorials, ii, 226, 497; iii, 130, 480, 517, 539, 855 —Democratic Party, iii, 182 —Gladstone, iii, 883 —Greenback Convention, iii, 180 —Ohio Constitutional Convention, i, 105 —Republican Party, iii, 177 —Woodhull, Victoria C., ii, 443 —Legislatures, i, 673.
Mendenhall, Mrs. H. S., letter to Dr. Avery, iii, 724.
Meriman, Emelia J., letter to Second Decade meeting, ii, 441.
Meriwether, Elizabeth A., iii, 27, 154, 822.
Merrick, Caroline E., iii, 789 —women as school officers, iii, 795.
Merrick, Mrs. E. T., speech, Louisiana Constitutional Convention, iii, 792.
Merrill, Catharine, iii, 548.
Merrimon, Senator, on the Pembina Territory bill, ii, 552-560.
Merritt, Paulina, T., iii, 540.
Methodists and women preachers, i, 784.
MICHIGAN, iii, 513 —churches, attitude of, iii, 521 —constitutional amendment, iii, 518; lost, iii, 522 —Conventions (see Conventions) —Episcopal Church bill, iii, 529 —legislative action, iii, 516 —local societies, iii, 529 —memorial, iii, 517 —Northwestern Association, iii, 516 —State Suffrage Society, iii, 515 —University, iii, 525 —State University, Ann Arbor, opened to girls, iii, 525 —vote for woman suffrage, iii, 522 —women's literary clubs and libraries, iii, 513 —women voting in Sturgis, iii, 514.
Middlesex society, iii, 270.
Miles, Nelson A., iii, 779.
MILL, John Stuart, ii, 341, 378, 727, 833 —death of, iii, 853 —Fifteenth Amendment, on the, ii, 334 —"Household Suffrage Bill" amendment, ii, 182 —Letter to Paulina W. Davis, i, 220; ii, 419 —letter to S. N. Wood, ii, 252 —women government, on, iii, 77.
MILL, Mrs. John Stuart, essay, i, 225.
Miller, Francis, argument, ii, 523 —Argument Spencer-Webster suit, ii, 595 —letter to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 536.
Mills, Chas. D. B., letter to M. J. Gage, ii, 424; ii, 915.
Milton, John, i, 779, 780.
Ministers, charges against, i, 135.
MINNESOTA, iii, 648 —Appendix: Early friends, iii, 973; school officers, 973; authors and poets, iii, 974; graduates from State University, iii, 974; teachers and professors, iii, 975; medical profession, benevolent institutions, painters in oil and water colors, iii, 976; musical clubs, speakers and writers, iii, 977 —coeducation, iii, 656 —constitution, bill to amend, iii, 651 —Conventions (see Conventions) —Evangelists, iii, 657 —homestead law, iii, 655 —Kasson Society, iii, 652 —legislative hearing, iii, 651 —petitions to Congress, iii, 651 —property rights of married women, iii, 655 —Rochester society, iii, 651 —school officers, voting for, iii, 653 —school suffrage, iii, 652 —State association organized, iii, 657 —teachers, iii, 660 —temperance question, iii, 655.
Miner, Myrtilla, iii, 808.
Minor, Francis, resolutions St. Louis Convention, ii, 407, 717.
MINOR, Virginia L., Dahlgren's, Mrs., memorial, on, iii, 103 —delegate to Nat. Democratic Convention, iii, 27 —labors of, iii, 596 —sanitary work, iii, 597 —speeches: St. Louis Convention, ii, 409; Washington Convention, iii, 257 —suit, ii, 715 —Chief-Justice Waite's opinion, ii, 734 —decision reviewed by Mrs. Gage, ii, 742 —reviewed by Central Law Journal, ii, 748 —taxes, refused to pay, iii, 607 —vote, attempted to, iii, 606.
MISSISSIPPI, iii, 806.
MISSOURI, i, 194, 594 —address to voters, iii, 599 —Church and State, iii, 601 —colleges and law schools, iii, 594 —Conventions (see Conventions) —petition to Legislature, iii, 601 —suffrage movement, facts and incidents, iii, 604 —taxation, iii, 600 —Woman Suffrage Association organized, iii, 599; division, iii, 603 —woman's union, iii, 607 —women in the war, iii, 596.
Mob Convention, Broadway Tabernacle, i, 546.
Mobs, i, 467.
Moody, W. W., iii, 662.
Morelli, Salvatore, iii, 898.
Morgan, E. D., i, 687.
Morgan, John T., on woman suffrage, iii, 210.
Morgan, Middie, live-stock reporter, iii, 403.
Morinella, Lucrezia, i, 29.
Mormonism, see Polygamy.
Morrill, Senator, on Sargent's amendment to Pembina Territory bill, ii, 562 —speech on woman suffrage, ii, 118, 563.
Morris, Esther, made Justice of Peace, iii, 731.
Morris, W. H., iii, 691.
Morrow, Jane, sketch of i, 313.
Morton, O. P., iii, 114, 553 —Pembina Territory bill, on the, ii, 549, 569, 571.
Moss, Charles E., speech, ii, 200.
"Mother Bickerdyke" iii, 709.
Mott, James, i, 69, 174, 438.
MOTT, Lucretia, ii, 177, 184; iii, 456 —address at Westchester, Pa., Convention, i, 355 —Bible, on the, i, 143 —Bible, position of woman, on the, i, 380 —Cleveland National Convention, at, i, 124 —dangerous woman, spoken of as a, i, 423 —divorce, on, i, 746 —eulogy by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, i, 407 —Farewell, last Convention, iii, 125 —funeral, i, 835 —Furness' church meeting, at, iii, 35 —home of, i, 411 —Howitt, William, correspondence, i, 434 —letter to Lydia Mott, i, 746 —letter to Josephine Griffing, ii, 873 —letter to St. Louis Convention, iii, 144 —letter to Salem, O., Convention, i, 812 —letter to Saratoga Convention, i, 626 —Luther's will, on, i, 359 —marriage of, i, 408 —marriage, on, i, 79 —Martineau, Harriet, correspondence, i, 437 —memorial service, iii, 188 —ministry, engaged in, i, 412 —O'Connell, Daniel, correspondence, i, 432 —portrait, i, 369 —President of the American Equal Rights Association, made, ii, 174 —President, meeting in Dr. Furness' church, iii, 35 —President National Woman's Rights at Syracuse, made, i, 519 —President Washington National Convention, made, ii, 346 —Pulpit, on the, i, 73 —recollections of, by Robert Collyer, i, 409, 414 —religion and theology, on, i, 422 —Rochester Convention, at, iii, 123 —sketch of, i, 407 —slavery, on, i, 416 —speech at Broadway Tabernacle Convention, i, 557 —Syracuse National Convention, argument, i, 527 —tribute, Susan B. Anthony's, iii, 189 —womanhood, her reply to R. H. Dana's lecture, i, 368.
Mott, Lydia, i, 376, 476, 519, 578, 593, 623, 744 —letter Susan B. Anthony, i, 630; iii, 409.
Mott, Mary, letter to Westchester, Pa., Convention, i, 829.
Mottoes, Washington Convention, 1880, iii, 151 —Newbury Society, Ohio, 502.
Moulton, Louise Chandler, i, 49.
Nash, Clara H., iii, 358 —admitted to the Bar, iii, 355.
Nash, Mary E., iii, 623.
National Association, officers 1886, iii, 956.
National Citizen, iii, 114, 116, 125.
Nations, mortality of, ii, 201.
Neal, Alice Bradley, i, 386.
Neal, John, ii, 435; iii, 352.
NEBRASKA, iii, 670 —campaign, iii, 241 —canvass of the State, iii, 686 —Constitutional amendment, iii, 683; again defeated, 691; convention, 677; debate, 678; new constitution, 680 —Conventions (see Conventions) —description of, iii, 671 —electors, qualifications of, iii, 680 —Fourteenth Amendment ratified, iii, 675 —Frontier life, iii, 671 —legislative action, iii, 672, 674, 675, 676, 683, 695 —State, made a, iii, 675 —suffrage societies, first, iii, 681 —Thayer County Association, iii, 686 —Woman Suffrage Amendment beaten at the polls, iii, 677 —woman suffrage bill passed House, beaten in Senate, iii, 672 —woman suffrage, first work in Lincoln, iii, 675 —women, leading, iii, 692.
Negro, civil and political right of, argument, ii, 59.
Negroes opposed to woman suffrage in Kansas, ii, 232, 238.
Negro suffrage, ii, 103, 106.
Nevin, Dr., defence of the clergy, i, 140.
New England Convention, i, 262.
NEW HAMPSHIRE, iii, 367 —married men, bill to protect, iii, 372 —married women, Judicial decision, iii, 379 —petitions, iii, 371 —Republican Convention, iii, 373 —State Association formed, iii, 370 —woman suffrage, first organized action, iii, 367 —women on school committees, iii, 374 —women voting, iii, 376.
NEW JERSEY, i, 441; iii, 476 —Conventions (see Conventions) —Constitution, defects in, i, 451 —Historical Society, i, 447 —legislative hearings, iii, 490 —memorial to Legislature, iii, 480 —mothers' legal claim to their children, iii, 483 —property of married women, iii, 484 —State Society, iii, 479 —suffrage, progress made, iii, 479 —Women's Club of Orange, iii, 482 —Woman's Political Science Club, iii, 481 —women in the pulpit, iii, 484 —women as school trustees, iii, 484 —woman suffrage, celebration of, ii, 846 —woman suffrage, origin of, i, 447 —women voted, iii, 476.
New Orleans Picayune, iii, 798.
Newspapers, women in, i, 43.
NEW YORK, i, 63, 472, iii, 395 —appendix, iii, 959 —Constitutional Convention, ii, 269, 282 —Constitutional revision commission, iii, 409 —Conventions (see Conventions) —disfranchisement bill, Attorney-General Russell's opinion, iii, 434 —Lansingburgh taxpayers, iii, 441 —Legislative hearings, i, 464, 489, 605, 679, 745; iii, 406, 409, 417, 420; disfranchisement bill, iii, 426, 431, 434; reports on petitions, i, 612; report on woman suffrage, i, 629; school suffrage bill passed, iii, 424; suffrage, power to extend, iii, 959 —License Law of 1848, repeal, i, 474 —property rights granted, iii, 438 —reception at the capitol, iii, 438 —results, iii, 443.
New York Christian Enquirer on the Worcester National Convention, i, 243.
New York Evening Express, ii, 95.
New York Evening Post, ii, 102.
New York Herald on Senator Wilson and woman suffrage, ii, 325.
New York Independent on the New York Constitutional Convention, ii, 305.
New York Times, i, 645, 648.
New York Tribune, ii, 101, 103, 304, 491, 820; iii, 46 —support lost, ii, 269 —World's Temperance Convention, on the, i, 511 —woman as a voter, on the, ii, 248 —Kansas campaign, on the, ii, 232.
Neyman, Clara, speech at Washington Convention, iii, 258.
Nichols, Elizabeth Pease, iii, 837, 925-6.
NICHOLS, Clarina I. Howard, iii, 704 —Centennial protest, iii, 49 —education of women, on, i, 356 —Kansas campaign, ii, 258 —letter to Rochester Temperance Convention, i, 847 —portrait, i, 192 —reminiscences, i, 171 —speech at Broadway Tabernacle Convention, i, 561 —Syracuse National Convention arguments, i, 522 —tribute, iii, 764 —work in Vermont, iii, 383.
Nicholson, Mrs. E. J., iii, 798.
Nightingale, Florence, ii, 14; iii, 854.
Nixon, Jennie C., iii, 798.
Northcote, Sir Stafford, iii, 873 —speech on woman suffrage, iii, 887.
Norton, Caroline, i, 229.
Norway, iii, 912.
Nye, Joshua, iii, 359.
Obituaries, ii, 905; iii, 891.
O'Connell, Daniel, letter to Lucretia Mott, i, 432.
O'Connor, Henry, iii, 617.
OHIO, i, 101; iii, 491 —centennial celebration, women decline to take part, iii, 507 —Constitutional Convention, iii, 565 —Conventions (see Conventions) —Equal Rights Association, iii, 491 —Painesville Equal Rights Society, iii, 509 —Senate Committee report on the suffrage question, i, 870 —Soldiers' Aid society, first, iii, 491 —Toledo society, iii, 503, 506 —women of Oberlin protest against enfranchisement, iii, 494.
Oliver, Anna, debate upon ordaining, i, 784 —suit, iii, 440.
Oliver, Lewise, letters, iii, 40.
Omaha Republican, iii, 682 —on Omaha Convention, iii, 251.
OREGON, iii, 767 —clergy favor woman suffrage, iii, 778 —constitutional amendment lost, iii, 778 —Convention at Portland, iii, 773 —Donation Land Act, iii, 770 —legislative action, iii, 779 —married woman's property bill, iii, 775 —married woman's sole trader bill, iii, 771 —school offices, women made eligible, iii, 775 —suffrage organizations formed, iii, 774 —suffrage society, first, iii, 768 —Temperance Alliance, iii, 771 —woman suffrage bill, iii, 771 —woman suffrage bill passed Legislature, iii, 776.
Oren, Mrs. Sarah A., iii, 548, 972.
Organizations, Angelina G. Weld, on, i, 540.
Orth, Judge, votes woman suffrage in Congress, ii, 483 —on national platform, iii, 225.
Orient, iii, 918.
Orme, Miss, iii, 928, 982.
Ostrander, Mrs. R., i, 180.
Otis, James, ii, 291, 644.
OWEN, Robert Dale, Women's Loyal League, ii, 50 —"male" in Federal Constitution, ii, 91 —birthday anniversary, 83rd, i, 619 —Greeley discussion on divorce, i, 746 —letter to Susan B. Anthony, i, 292 —sketch of, by Rosamond Dale Owen, i, 293 —speech at meeting in Philadelphia, ii, 817 —speech, property rights of married women, i, 296 —spiritualism, i, 301 —testimonial, silver pitcher, i, 300.
Owen, Mrs. Robert Dale, i, 302, 313, (see Robinson, Mary).
Owen, Sarah C., letter to Emily Collins, i, 91 —speech, i, 78.
Pacific Northwest, iii, 767.
Paddock, A. S., iii, 674.
Painter, Hetty R., iii, 693.
Paist, Harriet W., iii, 467.
Pan-Presbyterians, i, 783.
Panim, Ivan, i, 773.
Parasol-makers, ii, 829.
Parker, Alex., speech at Broadway Tabernacle Convention, i, 560.
Parker, Julia Smith, argument before Senate Committee, iii, 156 (see Smith, Julia, and Abby).
Parker, Mary S., i, 39.
Parker Theodore, i, 626; ii, 207 —sermon "Function of Woman," i, 277.
Parnell, Stewart, M. P., iii, 71.
Parnell, Rosina M., iii, 956.
Parody, woman suffrage in the courts, ii, 599.
"Pastoral Letter," i, 81, 84.
Pat and the Locomotive, ii, 188.
Patridge, Lelia E., ii, 852; iii, 461.
Patterson, Catherine G., iii, 712.
Patterson, Jessie, iii, 708.
Peckham, Lilia, career, iii, 642.
Peel, Sir Robert, iii, 835.
Pellet, Sarah, speech at Saratoga Convention, i, 621.
Pembina Territory bill, U. S. Senate debate on Sargent's amendment, ii, 545 —bill rejected, ii, 582 (see also Congressional).
Penn, William, i, 320.
Pennell, Mrs. Horace, i, 92.
PENNSYLVANIA, i, 320; iii, 444 —anti-slavery struggle, i, 323 —appendix, iii, 961 —Century Club, iii, 469 —Citizens' Suffrage Association, iii, 460 —common law, iii, 961 —Constitutional Convention, iii, 495 —Conventions (see Conventions) —Fugitive Slave law i, 328 —hall, destruction of, i, 333 —Legislature recommends a sixteenth amendment, iii, 474 —literary women, iii, 469 —medical school controversy, iii, 447 —petitions to Legislature, iii, 463 —property law, married women's, iii, 445 —school officers, women elected, iii, 467 —school offices, women made eligible, iii, 465 —statutes and court decisions, iii, 963 —suffrage association formed in Philadelphia, iii, 457 —report, annual, iii, 459 —Swarthmore college, iii, 456 —temperance work in, i, 344 —University, attempt to open to women, iii, 474 —University, clinical instruction, iii, 448 —Woman's Medical College, i, 389 —Woman's Medical College, report on hospital clinics, iii, 450 —woman's rights, first legal argument, iii, 462 —women sold with cattle, iii, 445.
Perry, M. Frederica, lawyer, iii, 574.
Peru, iii, 6.
Peterson, Myra, iii, 703.
PETITION to Congress for a XVI. amendment, ii, 851 —first, sent to New York Legislature, iii, 395 —Sherman-Dahlgren against woman suffrage, ii, 494 —Woman's National Loyal League, ii, 78.
Petitions, i, 262, 308, 315, 489, 588, 625, 629; ii, 91, 282, 283, 286, 401, 514, 516, 560, 698; iii, 58, 104, 790 —form of, i, 676 —New York Legislature report, i, 612; against, iii, 571, 841.
Petitioners, four classes of, ii, 283.
Phelps, Almira L., letter to Mrs. Hooker, iii, 100.
Phelps, Elizabeth B., woman's bureau, ii, 431.
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, ii, 831.
Philadelphia Press, ii, 359; iii, 44 —Ledger, iii, 43.
Philadelphia Anti-Slavery Society, i, 325.
PHILLIPS, Wendell, ii, 317, 268; i, 469 —Anti-Slavery Convention, London, i, 54 —Grimke, Angelina, his opinion of, i, 399 —Kansas campaign, ii, 230 —last letter on woman suffrage, iii, 122 —letter of regret, Saratoga Con., i, 627 —letter to Susan B. Anthony, iii, 62 —letter to Mrs. Stebbins, iii, 522 —marriage and divorce, on, i, 732 —Mrs. Eddy's will, iii, 312 —self-government, on, i, 258 —speeches: Broadway Tabernacle Convention, i, 572, 637; Cooper Institute Convention, i, 701; Mozart Hall Convention, i, 674; National Convention, Boston, ii, 178; New England Convention, i, 273; Woman's National Loyal League, ii, 84; Worcester, Mass., Convention, i, 227 —treasurer of Jackson fund, i, 189 —woman suffrage, apathy, ii, 318 —World's Temperance Convention, at the, i, 152.
Philosophy, school of, at Concord, iii, 307.
Physical culture, ii, 908.
Physicians and nurses, iii, 298.
Pickler, J. A., letter to M. J. Gage, iii, 668.
Pierce, J. D., on woman suffrage, iii, 739.
Pierce, Wm. S., on woman suffrage, iii, 458.
Pierpont, Rev. John, iii, 294 —speech at Broadway Tabernacle, i, 451, 569.
PILLSBURY, Parker, speeches, i, 427, 671; ii, 173, 176, 201, 375; iii, 173, 196, 275, 367, 478, 948 —appeal for, universal suffrage, ii, 917 —editor, The Revolution, ii, 264 —Fifteenth Amendment, on the, ii, 265, 335, 337 —Kansas campaign, ii, 265; iii, 367, 945.
Pitkin, Benjamin C, on woman's rights, i, 209.
Playfair, Lyon, iii, 850.
Plumb, P. B., the Kansas campaign, ii, 231, 253.
Plumly, Rush, i, 364.
Pochin, Henry D., iii, 847.
Pochin, Mrs., iii, 848, 929.
Poem, "Endurance," Lowell, iii, 695 —Frances D. Gage and the Hutchinsons, iii, 38 —"From Clatsop," iii, 780 —"Pastoral Letter," i, 84 —"Ancient Usage," i, 371 —"The Times That Try Men's Souls," i, 82 —"Woman's Cause," Lowell, i, 263 —Tennyson's Princess, iii, 258.
POLAND, iii, 917.
Police, women as, iii, 397, 431, 432.
Political campaigns, Anna E. Dickinson, ii, 43.
Political disabilities, ii, 315.
Polygamy, i, 776, 777, 778 —Miss Couzins on, iii, 223, 128, 130 —Bishop Lunt's defense of, i, 776.
Pomeroy, C. R., letter to Des Moines Convention, iii, 618.
Pomeroy, Senator, S. C., i, 185 —speeches, ii, 151, 324, 346, 419; iii, 727, 811.
Poppleton, A. J., speech at Omaha Convention, iii, 241.
Porter, Albert G., iii, 538, 553.
Portugal, iii, 901.
POST, Amy, i, 75 —letter to Susan B. Anthony, iii, 48 —Third Decade Meeting in Rochester, N. Y., iii, 117 —tried to vote, ii, 647.
Potter, T. B., iii, 848.
Powell, Aaron M., i, 468, 671; ii, 783.
Pray, Isaac C., speech at Broadway Tabernacle Convention, i, 571.
Presidential campaigns: —1856, John C. Fremont, i, 633, 641, 643 —1872, Grant and Wilson, ii, 217, 520 —1876, Hayes and Tilden, iii, 22, 26, 415 —1880, Garfield and Hancock, iii, 175, 187, 431.
Preston, Ann, i, 389, 390 —address at Westchester, Pa., Convention, i, 360 —Dean Medical College, iii, 450.
Pretorius, Emile, letter to Woman's Nat. Loyal League, ii, 86.
Price, Abby, speech at Syracuse National Convention, i, 532 —Worcester Convention, i, 218, 242.
Priestley, celibacy, i, 759, 760.
Prince, Bradford L., iii, 417.
Privileges and immunities, ii, 453.
Progressive friends, i, 141.
Prohibition Convention, iii, 183.
Prohibitionists, alliance with, iii, 280.
Property Bill, i, 64 —bill, New York, i, 256 —laws, i, 171 —rights, Wm. Hay's paper, i, 607 —rights of married women, iii, 325 —opinions of Indiana Legislators, i, 299.
Prostitution, i, 264; iii, 144, 397, 398 (see, also, Vice).
Pryor, Margaret, iii, 477.
Pugh, Sarah, i, 327, 337, 376 —letter to Salem, O., Convention, i, 814; iii, 19, 34 —at Third Decade Convention, iii, 125.
Pulpit, ii, 902 —charges against, 135.
Pulte medical college, iii, 511.
Purvis, Robert, ii, 183, 265, 347, 358, 418; iii, 63, 72.
Quakers, i, 412, 783.
"Queen's women," i, 794.
Ransier, A. J., ii, 542; iii, 829.
Raymond, Henry J., i, 547, 649.
Reconstruction, ii, 313.
Reed, C. A., iii, 768, 773.
Reed, Thomas B., in Congress, iii, 219, 366.
Reformation, i, 774.
Reid, Mrs. Hugo, iii, 836, 838.
REMINISCENCES: —Collins, Emily, i, 88 —Davis, Paulina W., by "E. C. S.," i, 283 —Grimke, Angelina, by "E. C. S." i, 392 —Nichols, Clarina I. H., i, 171 —Stanton's, Elizabeth C., i, 456; iii, 922 —Starrett, Helen E., ii, 250 —Thomas, Mary F., i, 306 —Way, Amanda, i, 306.
Remond, Charles L., i,, 214, 220, 225.
Republican Party, iii, 279.
Republicans, treachery of, ii, 322.
Reports (see Woman Suffrage).
Resolutions: i, 71, 219, 254, 535, 537, 542, 570, 574, 580, 593, 633, 641, 644, 646, 673, 694, 706, 708, 716, 723, 787, 808, 814, 816, 817, 820, 821, 823, 825, 827, 833, 834, 855; ii, 57, 84, 154, 171, 190, 213, 358, 384, 388, 396, 407, 420, 436, 493, 521, 533, 537, 583, 584, 780, 809, 810, 818, 826, 837, 843, 859; iii, 5, 19, 61, 69, 74, 124, 128, 152, 252, 256, 493, 566, 619, 641, 676, 707, 708, 780.
Retrospect, iii, 51.
Revelation, i, 647.
Revolution, 1776, i, 747 —Arnett, Hannah, i, 441 —battle, first, i, 203 —girls, two, with a drum and fife, i, 204 —spy, female, i, 323 —women in the, i, 201, 321, 444.
Revolution, The, i, 46; ii, 317, 319, 321, 324, 333, 340, 344, 345, 372, 381, 382, 400, 401, 407, 411, 426, 431; iii, 397, 398, 478, 752, 802 —editorial correspondence, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, ii, 362, 367 —establishment of, iii, 401 —founded, when, ii, 264.
RHODE ISLAND, iii, 339 —Conventions (see Conventions) —legislation, iii, 346 —State Association, organized, iii, 340, address, iii, 345; work done, iii, 343 —women represented, iii, 349 —Women's Board of Visitors, iii, 345 —women on school boards, iii, 341.
Richards, David M., iii, 715, 716, 719, 721.
Richardson, Susan Hoxie, iii, 560.
Ricker, Marilla M., iii, 106 —first woman to cast a vote, ii, 586 —prison reform, on, iii, 578.
Riddle, Albert G., iii, 106 —speech at Washington Convention, ii, 421 —speech before Congressional Committee, ii, 448 —Spencer-Webster suit, argument, ii, 587.
Roberts, Mrs. Marshall O., iii, 400.
Roberts, William H., iii, 777.
Robinson, Charles, i, 191.
Robinson, Emily, i, 103.
Robinson, Harriett Hanson, iii, 125, 196, 222, 227, 229, 265.
Robinson, Lelia J., application to the bar, iii, 307 —Supreme Court decision, iii, 308.
Robinson, Lucius (Gov.), defeat of, iii, 423 —vetoes school suffrage bill, iii, 418.
Robinson, Mary, sketch of, i, 293.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle on Miss Anthony's trial, ii, 715.
Rochester Evening Express on Miss Anthony's trial, ii, 714.
Rocky Mountain News, iii, 715.
Roebling, Mrs., iii, 440.
Roebuck's flattery of woman, i, 537.
Rogers, Nathaniel P., i, 61, iii, 367.
Roland, Pauline, i, 234.
Rome, "The City of God," i, 794.
Root, H. K., speech at Broadway Tabernacle Convention, i, 560.
Root J. P., on the Kansas campaign, ii, 258.
ROSE, Ernestine L., i, 38, 52, 619, 624, 626, 636; ii, 390; iii, 514 —biography, i, 95 —debate, Cleveland National Convention, i, 133 —English women, on, i, 645 —Equal Rights Association, on the, ii, 397 —Letters: to Susan B. Anthony, i, 99, iii, 50; to Mrs. J. F. Griffing, ii, 356; to Rochester Convention, iii, 120 —marriage, on, i, 237 —marriage and divorce, on, i, 729 —portrait of, i, 97 —propagandist, Albany Register charges, i, 608 —resolutions, i, 707 —Speeches: Broadway Tabernacle, i, 562, 661; Cooper Institute Convention, i, 692; New York Legislature, i, 607; Philadelphia Convention, i, 376; Rochester Convention, i, 579; Syracuse Convention, i, 537; Woman's National Loyal League, ii, 60, 64, 73; Worcester Convention, i, 237 —tribute to Frances Wright, i, 692 —Westchester, Pa., Convention, at, i, 357 —women in colleges, on, i, 144; ii, 208 —in London, 1883, iii, 940.
Ross, E. G., letter to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 423.
Ross, James, i, 449.
Ross, Laura J., ii, 374; (see Wolcott, Laura Ross).
Russell, Leslie W., iii, 434 —defeat of, iii. 437.
Russell, Lucinda, correspondence, iii, 682 —sketch of, iii, 692.
Russia, iii, 915.
Sacrilegious child, Cardinal Antonelli's, i, 788.
Safe deposit companies, iii, 402.
St. Chrysostom's description of woman, i, 758.
St. John, Gov., J. P., ii, 258. iii, 706.
St. Paul, quotations, iii, 720.
Salic law, i, 774.
Sanborn, Frank B., ii, 765.
Sandford, Arch-Deacon, iii, 848.
Sanford, Rebecca M., i, 77 —letter to Cleveland Convention, i, 819.
Sandige, John M., iii, 791.
Sanitary Commission, ii, 13.
SARGENT, A. A., iii, 108 —California Constitution, on the, iii, 760 —District of Columbia suffrage bill, on the, ii, 483 —letter to Omaha Convention, iii, 245 —letter to Rochester Convention, iii, 121 —Pembina Territory bill, amendment, ii, 545; bill rejected, ii, 582 —Pembina Territory bill, on the, ii, 546, 555, 564, 567 —resolution, woman suffrage, iii, 70 —speech in San Francisco, on woman's rights, ii, 483 —speech in Senate, iii, 9 —woman suffrage, joint resolution, iii, 75 —minister at Berlin, iii, 944.
Sargent, Elizabeth, M. D., iii, 763.
Sargent, J. T., letter to Mrs. E. C. Stanton, ii, 911 —speech at New England Convention, i, 270.
Saunders, Alvin, on woman suffrage, iii, 226, 674.
Savage, John, i, 38.
Saxe, Dana, and Grace Greenwood, i, 828.
Saxon Elizabeth L., iii, 180, 197, 241, 690, 791 —argument before Senate committee, iii, 157.
Scatcherd, Mrs. Oliver, iii, 875, 878, 923, 929, 936.
Schell, Augustus, favors woman suffrage, iii, 422.
Schenck, Elizabeth T., iii, 750, 754.
School of Design for Women, i, 390; iii, 399.
School officers, bill passed New York Legislature, iii, 417; vetoed by Gov. Robinson, iii, 418.
School suffrage (see Suffrage Gained).
Schurz, Carl, i, 42; ii, 370; iii, 46.
SCOTLAND (see Great Britain, iii, 833).
Scott, Thomas A., ii, 5.
Scovill, James M., ii, 420; iii, 477.
Sears, Judge, in Kansas campaign, ii, 240, 253.
See, Rev. Isaac M., trial of, i, 780; iii, 485.
Segur, Rose L., iii, 103.
Selden, H. R., Miss Anthony's counsel, ii, 629, 647, 652, 654, 679, 680, 689; appeal to Congress, 698.
Seneca Falls Convention, i, 67.
Severance, Caroline M., address at Broadway Tabernacle, i, 569 —New England Convention, i, 262 —letter to Mrs. E. C. Stanton, ii, 911.
Sewall, Samuel E., iii, 269.
Seward, Wm. H., on self-government, ii, 76, 77; iii, 85 —on woman's rights, i, 457.
Sewall, May Wright, iii, 226, 534, 557, 259.
Seymour, Horatio, thirty pieces of silver, i, 473.
Shattuck, Harriette R., iii, 226, 257.
Shaw, Sarah B., letter to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 239.
Shelly, Kate, heroism of, iii, 633.
Sherman-Dahlgren petition against woman suffrage, ii, 494.
Shields, M. F., iii, 719.
Sholes, C. L., report on rights of women in Wisconsin, i, 315; iii, 640.
Shuman, Andrew, iii, 561.
Silk Culture, iii, 762.
Simpson, Bishop, favors woman suffrage, iii, 460, 616.
Sixteenth Amendment, ii, 333, 350, 351, 352, 353, 400, 420, 422, 425, 436; iii, 112.
Sixteenth Amendment, reasons for a, iii, 235.
Sixteenth Amendment, renewed appeal, iii, 58 —press comments, iii, 67.
Sketches, see Biography.
Slave law, fugitive, Pennsylvania, i, 328.
Slavery, Angelina Grimke's speech, i, 334 (see, also, Anti-Slavery).
Slavery sustained by the North, ii, 542.
Slavery and the war, ii, 77.
Slavonic countries, iii, 915.
Smith, Elizabeth Oakes, iii, 117, 128, 328, 826 —Massachusetts Constitutional Convention, at the, i, 253 —speech at Syracuse Convention, i, 522 —Worcester Convention, at, i, 231.
SMITH Gerrit, home of, i, 471 —letter to Susan B. Anthony, i, 497; ii, 317, 538, 941; Wm. Lloyd Garrison, i, 223, 620; St. Louis Convention, ii, 825; Elizabeth Cady Stanton, i, 708, 836 —speech at Syracuse National Convention, i, 526 —petition for woman suffrage, refused to sign, ii, 317.
Smith, Mrs. Gerrit, petition, ii, 98.
Smith, Hannah Whitehall, speech at Philadelphia Convention, iii, 230.
Smith, Julia and Abby, iii, 76, 98, 328, 336.
Smith, Sidney, iii, 834.
Snow, Lucy and Lavinia, iii, 365.
Social relations, Channing's report, i, 233.
Sojourner Truth, i, 115, 567; ii, 193, 222, 224, 926; iii, 458, 531.
Soldiers, women as, ii, 18, 869.
Somerville, Mary, i, 790 —letter to Mrs. P. W. Davis, ii, 440.
Song, "A Hundred Years Hence," iii, 38.
Song, "Kansas Suffrage," ii, 934.
Sorosis, iii, 402, 571.
South, what the, can do, ii, 929.
Southwick, Thankful, i, 341.
Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. N., iii, 813.
SPAIN, iii, 901.
Spencer, Herbert, i, 26.
SPENCER, Sarah Andrews, iii, 35, 66, 97, 103 —argument before House Committee, iii, 166 —before Senate Judiciary Committee, ii, 543 —before D. C. Committee, iii, 12 —delegate Rep. Nat. Convention, iii, 26 —resolutions, iii, 152 —speeches, ii, 539 —suit, ii, 587 —Chief-Justice Cartter's opinion, ii, 597.
Spider-crab, Theodore Tilton, ii, 93.
Sprague, Homer B., ii, 425.
Stanford, Leland, iii, 764.
Stansfeld, M. P., James, iii, 872 —speech, iii, 886.
Stanton, Edwin M., and Mrs. J. S. Griffing, ii, 33.
STANTON, Elizabeth Cady, i, 61, 67, 79; ii, 322, 360, 361, 381, 382, 383, 391, 417, 418, 428, 430, 456, 582; iii, 7, 35, 40, 195, 222, 529, 560, 630, 644, 811 —Abolitionists, and the, ii, 264 —address to New York Legislature, i, 595 —appeal to women of New York State, i, 676 —appeal to women of the Republic, ii, 51 —appeal for Woman's Rights, i, 858 —argument before Senate committee, iii, 228 —"Bloomer," in a, i, 128 —California visit, iii, 756 —call, loyal women, ii, 53 —candidate for Congress, ii, 180 —children i, 457 —civil rights bill for women, ii, 541 —"copperheads," ii, 320 —divorce for drunkenness, argument, i, 485 —editorial correspondence in The Revolution, ii, 362, 367 —eulogy: Lucretia Mott, i, 407 —Equal Rights Association, ii, 173, 174 —eternal punishment, on, iii, 196 —Fifteenth Amendment, on the, ii, 333 —girls and boys at school, on, ii, 541 —Grant and Wilson campaign, in, ii, 520 —Greeley, Horace, and, ii, 287 —Hurlbut, Judge, i, 39 —Kansas campaign, i, 200; ii, 253, 254, 261, 262, 263 —lecture, "Education of Girls," iii, 536 —lectures in Omaha, iii, 675 —lecturing tour, Ohio, iii, 491 —Letters: to Akron, O., Convention, i, 815; to The Ballot Box, iii, 64; to Cooper Institute Convention, i, 860; to Gerrit Smith, i, 839; to Gen. Hawley, iii, 28; to Horace Greeley, i, 735; to the National Citizen, iii, 147; to Omaha convention, iii, 244; to Salem, O., convention, i, 810; to Syracuse convention i, 848; to Washington convention, iii, 261 —London visit, 1882-3, iii, 922 —"male" in the constitution, on the word, ii, 91 —manhood suffrage, on, iii, 566 —marriage and divorce, on, i, 716, 738 —Michigan campaign iii, 521 —"Negro's hour," ii, 94 —Newport Con., ii, 403 —Oregon, Mo., visit, iii, 609 —portrait, i, 721 —President Albany convention, i, 592 —President Loyal League, made, ii, 66 —press comments on Rochester and Seneca Falls conventions, her reply to, i, 806 —reception, Sorosis, Chicago, iii, 571 —reconstruction, on, ii, 214 —Reminiscences: i, 456, 836; iii, 922; of Angelina Grimke, i, 392; of Paulina Wright Davis, i, 283 —resolutions before Congress affecting women, on, ii, 92 —resolutions, Washington convention, ii, 542 —sermon, St. Louis, iii, 148 —Sixteenth Amendment, urges a, ii, 350 —Smith, Gerrit, refusing to sign petition for woman suffrage, on, ii, 317 —Speeches: Cooper Institute, i, 716; Congressional committee, before, ii, 411; Furness' Church, in, iii, 35; Legislature, claiming woman's rights, ii, 271; Milwaukee, iii, 641; National protection for National citizens, iii, 80; New York Legislature, i, 679; New York National convention, ii, 154; Rochester Convention, iii, 117; Rochester Temperance Convention, i, 481, 493; Senate Judiciary Committee, before, ii, 506; suffrage, question of, ii, 185; Washington Convention, ii, 495; Washington Nat. Convention, ii, 348; Woman's National Loyal League, ii, 87 —testimonial ii, 533 —Train, G. F., and The Revolution, criticism, ii, 264 —tribute from Leavenworth Commercial (Kansas), ii, 263 —view of, an objective, i, 456 —Wadleigh, Senator, on, iii, 93 —western trip, ii, 367 —Wyoming visit, iii, 734.
Stanton Harriot, letter to Nebraska voters, iii, 247, 933.
Stanton, Theodore, iii, 262, 895, 928.
Starrett, Helen Ekin, reminiscences Kansas campaign, ii, 250, 348.
Stearns, O. P., iii, 528.
Stearns, Sarah Burger, iii, 527, 649.
Stebbins, Catharine A. F., ii, 26, 514 —before House committee, iii, 162 —letter to Lucretia Mott, iii, 47 —vote, attempts to, iii, 523.
Steck, Amos, iii, 714.
Steele, William, iii, 319.
Stephens, Alexander H., reception, iii, 98, 830.
Stevens, Louisa B., iii, 633.
Stevens, Thaddeus, ii, 354, 632.
Stevenson, Emily Pitts, iii, 752.
Stevenson, Sarah Hackett, iii, 579.
Stewart's Home for Working Women, iii, 420.
Stewart, Senator, on the Pembina Territory bill, ii, 548, 558, 559, 564, 573, 579.
Stone, Dr. James A. B., address at St. Louis, ii, 821; iii, 525.
STONE, Lucy, i, 473, 619, 626; ii, 56; iii, 268, 279, 513, 722, 724, 818 —Constitutional Convention at Albany, ii, 284 —husband, and her, i, 164 —husband's name, refusing to take her, i, 261 —Kansas, in, i, 200 —Kansas campaign, in, ii, 232 —letter to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 237, 919 —letter to Salem, O., Convention, i, 813 —letters to E. Cady Stanton, ii, 234 —letter to The Una, i, 501 —marriage of, under protest, i, 260 —meetings held in New Jersey, iii, 479 —petitions, iii, 104 —National Convention, Broadway Tabernacle, i, 631 —Philadelphia National Convention, at, i, 375 —portrait, ii, 761 —report, American Woman Suffrage Association, ii, 803 —scripture, on, i, 650 —speeches: Broadway Tabernacle Convention, i, 554, 565, 632; American Woman Suffrage Association meeting in Cooper Institute, ii, 829; in Steinway Hall, ii, 811; in Detroit, ii, 837; in St. Louis, ii, 823, 827; in Washington, ii, 858; Cincinnati, i, 165; Cleveland, i, 163; Concord, iii, 271; Woman's National Loyal League, ii, 64; Worcester, i, 233 —suffrage, negro, first, on, ii, 383 —Syracuse National Convention, i, 524 —taxes, refused to pay, i, 450.
Story, Judge, on the Constitution, ii, 477, 478, 588.
Strahan, Robert H., iii, 417.
Strong, Rev. A. H., iii, 155 —on subordination of women, i, 787.
Stuart, Abby H. H., iii, 787.
Stuart, Mary A., iii, 158, 817.
Studwell, Edwin A., ii, 398.
SUFFRAGE GAINED: Full suffrage, Isle of Man, iii, 870, 982; Utah Territory, ii, 426, 432; Washington Territory, iii, 777; Wyoming Territory, ii, 426, 432; iii, 730.
SUFFRAGE GAINED: Municipal suffrage: Canada, iii, 832, England, iii, 845; Madras, iii, 983; Scotland, iii, 871, 983.
SUFFRAGE GAINED: School suffrage: Canada, iii, 831; Colorado, iii, 718; Dakota, iii, 633; England, iii, 850; Kansas, i, 185, iii, 701, 710; Kentucky, i, 869, iii, 821; Massachusetts, iii, 288; Michigan, iii, 515, 530; Minnesota, iii, 652, 653, 654; Nebraska, iii, 675; New Hampshire, iii, 375, 376; New York, iii, 424; Oregon, iii, 775; Scotland, iii, 851; Vermont, i, 171, iii, 304.
Suits (see Trials).
SUMNER, Charles, ii, 35, 81, 168, 169 —ballot, on the, ii, 95 —equal rights to all, ii, 322 —Fourteenth Amendment, opposed, ii, 323 —voted for, ii, 324 —letter, Woman's National Loyal League anniversary, ii, 86 —"male," and the word, ii, 91 —petition, presents, under protest, ii, 96 —petitions, asks for, ii, 93 —rebuked by Senator Cowan, ii, 113 —speech in U. S. Senate on presentation of petition of the Woman's Nat. League, ii, 78 —Taxation without Representation, on, ii, 114.
Sunday-school teachings, i, 786.
Sunderland-Gage controversy, i, 543.
Sunderland, Mrs. H. E., iii, 564.
Sutherland, Julia K., iii, 6.
Swank, Emma B., i, 307 —sketch of, i, 313
Sweet, Ada, pension agent, iii, 6.
Swisshelm, Jane Grey, i, 386; iii, 650, 813 —Saturday Visitor, i, 46 —letter, "Borders of Monkeydom," i, 807 —speech, Washington Convention, iii, 61.
SWITZERLAND, iii, 909, 911.
Taney, Justice, ii, 639.
Tax, society, anti, iii, 413 —Susan A. King, iii, 420 —protest, Harriet K. Hunt's, i, 259 —Report of N. Y. State Assessors, iii, 412 —representation, without, ii, 114, 169, 274, 475; iii, 289, 397 —Lucy Stone refused to pay, i, 450.
Taylor, Helen, ii, 425; iii, 852, 923, 940.
Taylor, Mrs. Mentia, letter to Mrs. P. W. Davis, ii, 438 —Mrs. P. A., iii, 848.
Taylor, R. B., in Kansas campaign, ii, 231.
Tea, Anti, Leagues, i, 202.
Telegrapher, Hattie Hutchinson, age ten years, iii, 805.
Teller, Willard, iii, 715.
TEMPERANCE conventions: —Albany, i, 489 —Dayton, Ohio, i, 118 —Half World's, i, 506 —Lawrence, Kansas, ii, 231 —Pennsylvania, i, 348 —World's, i, 152 —press comments, i, 854 —daughters of, i, 474 —New York, Brick Church meeting, i, 499 —New York, Metropolitan Hall meeting, i, 490 —New York Woman's State Society, i, 484 —Woman Suffrage, and, ii, 819.
TENNESSEE, iii, 822.
Tennessee campaign, Miss Carroll, ii, 3-9.
Tenney, Mrs. R. S., letter to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 257.
TEXAS, iii, 801 —Constitutional Convention, iii, 801 —Legislative action, iii, 802 —women in government offices, iii, 804.
Theological discussion, i, 647.
Thirteenth Amendment, ii, 77, 313, 663.
Thomas', Mrs. Abel C., farm, iii, 469.
Thomas, Julia J., and Greek prize, iii, 6.
Thomas, Mary F., ii, 860 —reminiscences of, i, 306 —sketch of, i, 314 —speech, Winchester, Ind., convention, i, 308.
Thompson, Geo., speech, i, 56.
Thompson, Mary A., iii, 97, 775.
Thomson, J. Edgar, will of, iii, 468.
Thornton, J. Quinn, iii, 773.
Tilden, Samuel J., i, 473; iii, 417.
Tillotson, Mary A., iii, 103.
TILTON, Theodore, ii, 117, 376 —Beecher colloquy, ii, 167 —Fifteenth Amendment, and the, ii, 327 —Kansas campaign, ii, 230 —letter to American Woman Suffrage Association, ii, 770 —speech at Nat. Convention in New York, ii, 154.
Tod, Isabella M., iii, 866, 888, 938.
Toucey, Sinclair, ii, 419.
Train, Geo. Francis, ii, 381, 431 —Constitutional Convention at Albany, before, ii, 284 —Kansas campaign, in, ii, 243, 254, 264.
Tracts, prize, i, 379.
TRIALS and Decisions, ii, 586, 934 —Allen, Jane, case of, ii, 592 —Anthony, Susan B. (see Anthony) —Bly, Mrs., ii, 671 —Bradwell, Myra (see Bradwell) —Burnham, Carrie, suit, ii, 600 —Gardner, Nannette B., ii, 587 —Huntington, Sarah M. T., ii, 628 —Inspectors of election, ii, 691 —jury convicts, ii, 696 —pardoned by President Grant, ii, 715 —sentenced, ii, 698 —trial, motion for new, ii, 696 —Mansfield, Arabella A., case of, ii, 606 —Minor, Virginia L., ii, 715 —Chief-Justice Waite's opinion, ii, 734 —opinion reviewed by Mrs. Gage, ii, 742 —reviewed by Central Law Journal, ii, 748 —parody, ii, 599 —Ricker, Mrs. M. M., ii, 586 —Spencer, Sarah Andrews, suit, ii, 587 —Chief-Justice Cartter's opinion, ii, 597 —Van Valkenburg, Ellen Rand, suit, ii, 600 —Waite, Catharine V., suit, ii, 601; iii, 571 —Webster, Sarah E., ii, 587; iii, 571 —5,000 women householders and Lord Coleridge, iii, 884.
Truman, James, on Women in dentistry, iii, 452.
Trumbull, Lyman, ii, 498.
Tudor, Mrs. Fenno, reception, iii, 197.
TURKEY, iii, 919.
Turner, Eliza Sproat, iii, 451.
Turner, Jennie, iii, 407.
Tyler, Moses Coit, ii, 813.
Tyler, W. S., iii, 497.
Tyndale, Sarah, tribute, i, 218.
Tyndale, Sharon, ii, 371.
UNA, Mrs. Paulina Wright Davis, i, 46, 246.
Uncle Tom's Cabin, i, 102.
Underhill, Sarah E., i, 308 —sketch of, i, 313
United States a nation? Is the, ii, 529.
Updegraff, W. W., Kansas campaign, ii, 250.
Upham, Hon. Charles W., i, 210.
Underwood, John C., iii, 823 —tribute, ii, 538, 640.
UTAH, ii, 325.
Van Cleve, Charlotte O., iii, 653.
Van Lew, Elizabeth, postmaster at Richmond, iii, 824.
Van Pelt, Maggie, journalist, iii, 629.
Van Valkenburg, Ellen Rand, ii, 600.
Van Voorhis, John, ii, 692-697.
Vassar College, iii, 398.
Vaughan, Mary C., speech on temperance, i, 476.
VERMONT, i, 171; iii, 383 —homestead law, i, 172 —St. Andrew's letter, iii, 384, 389 —school suffrage, iii, 393 —University opens to women, iii, 389 —woman suffrage amendment, Reed's report, iii, 385 —Vermont Watchman, iii, 386.
Vest, Senator, on woman suffrage, iii, 199, 203.
Vice, legalization of, i, 795, 796; iii, 145, 397.
Vicksburg, naval attack on, ii, 11.
VIRGINIA, iii, 823 —Woman Suffrage Association, iii, 823.
Voltaire, i, 658.
Voris, A. C., ii, 837.
Vote, first woman to cast a, ii, 586 —first woman to claim the right, iii, 815 —Mrs. Gage attempted to, iii, 406 —woman earned her right to, ii, 89 —in Scotland, iii, 871 —reports of voting in New York, iii, 429 —voted with Miss Anthony, list of, ii, 647 —voted in New Jersey, i, 448; iii, 476 —voting in 1776, i, 33 —persons entitled to, ii, 272.
Voted, 1867, Lily Maxwell, iii, 981.
Voters, qualification of, T. W. Higginson's speech, i, 249.
Wade, Benjamin, F., ii, 9 —letter to Susan B. Anthony, ii, 117; J. S. Griffing, ii, 34 —speech, ii, 123 —remarks to Anna Ella Carroll, ii, 9 —letters to Miss Carroll, ii, 866, 867.
Wadsworth, L. A., iii, 352.
Wait, Anna C., iii, 696, 709.
Waite, Catharine V., ii, 601; iii, 571.
Waite, Chas. B., iii, 569.
Waite, Jessie T., argument before House committee, iii, 161 —report of National Convention, iii, 254-260.
Waite, M. R., iii, 505 —Supreme Court opinion, ii, 734-742.
Waldo, Peter, ii, 27.
Walker, Dr. Mary, ii, 20, 813; iii, 103.
Wall, Sarah E., ii, 636; iii, 310.
Wallace, W. D., iii, 540, 966.
Wallace, Zerelda G., iii, 536-7, 539-40, 551 —argument before Senate com., iii, 155 —letter to S. B. Anthony, iii, 257.
Walling, Mrs. M. C., speech in U. S. Senate, ii, 327.
Walter, Cornelia, iii, 303.
War, woman's patriotism in, ii, 1, 863; iii, 596, 631.
Warn Kate, iii, 398.
Warner, Esther L., iii, 693.
Warren, Mercy, Otis, i, 31; ii, 201.
Washington Conventions (see Conventions) —(see also District of Columbia). |