Gar fish— description of, 276-277 Gaillard—61-63; 65 Games— Indian, 347 Geese— wild, 127; 259 Gentilly—52 Germans— in La., 29 Gold—145; plentiful in Mexico, 150 Gourges, Dominque de—2; 8 Grapes—208-209 Grass Point—17 Great Sun—40; 42-43 burial, 333-336 Green flies—272 Grigas Indians—298 Guenot—34 Gulf of Mexico Coast—1; northern boundary, 13; description of land bordering, 135-137 Gypsum—124
Habitations of Indians—341 Hakluyt (Fla.)—2 Halcyon— description of, 263-264 Hatchet-bill—262 Havana—102 Hawks—258 Hedge-hog—253 Hennepin, Father—3 Herons—126; 261 Hemp— cultivation, 180; 238 Hickory Trees—213 Horn Island—16 Hornbean Trees—226 Hops—177; 234 Howard, John—58 Hubert— planter, 20; 22; 24; 25 Hubert, Mme.—136; 167 Humming Bird—270 Hurons—93 Hurricane—30; 31; 32 Huts— how made, 341
Iapy, Commander—104 Iberville— made Gov. Gen. of La., 4; his death, 5; 8; 10 Iberville River—113 Illinois— visited by Hennepin and LaSalle, 3; hurricane, 30; 57; 58; 88; 162; 163 Illinois Indians—66; home of, 300-301 Illinois River—110 Indians— travel, 60-61; how to fight, 99-100; origin of, 279; descended from Europeans, 281 Indigo— cultivation and processing, 168-171; for export, 181; Dumont's method of making, 191-193 Iron—145 Iroquois—93; destructive wars of, 291 Ivy— ground, 237
Jamaica—13 Jesuits—51; 58
Kappas Indians—304 Kansas Indians—59; 60; 61; 62; 66; 68; 69; 305 Kansas River—63; 64; 110; description of, 159 Kayemans—13 Kaskasia—58 Kaskasia Indians—301 King-fisher— description of, 263
la Chaise, Director Gen.—44; 45 Lake Borgne—17; 138 Lake Erie—111; 161 Lake Maurepas—17; 113
Lake Pontchartrain—17 Lake St. Louis—17; 46; 49; 52; 113; 135 Lafourche (the Fork)—141 Language of Natchez—311 LaSalle— travels from Canada to the Gulf, 3; is killed on second trip, 4; 116 Lavert—273 Laudonviere, Rene de—2 Laurel Trees—217 Laval, Father—XXIII; XXV Lavigne, Sieur—18 Law, John—29 Lead—132; 145; 158; 163 LeBlanc— grant, 56; 88 LeSueur—83 LeSueur, Bayou—116 Levans—29 Liart Trees—226 Lime Trees—226 Linarez, Duke of—7-9 Lion's Mouth (flower) 239 Lizards—257 Locust Tree—222 Longevity of Indians—329 L'Orient—29 Loubois, Lieut. de—83; 84 Louis XIV—3; 5; 107 Louisiana— poor colonization, XXVI; named after Louis XIV, 3; names, 15; boundary of, 107; description of soil, 117-118; a fine country, 185; fertility of, 197 Luchereau, M. de—4
Magnolia Trees—218-219 Magpie—268 Maize—163-165; 202-203 Manchac River—111; 114 Mangrove—223 Maple Trees—220 Marameg Mine—158 Marameg River—58 Margat River—57; 93 Marriage customs—326-328 Massacre Island— Now Dauphin Isle, 13; how it was named, 14 Massacre of French at Natchez—73; 82 Medicines—44; 45; 181; 215 Medicine, Indian—26; 27; 43; 44 Mehane—22 Mexicans— descent from Chinese or Japanese, 284 Mexico—6; 7; 10; home of ancient Natchez tribe, 279; natives kill themselves, 291 Mezieres, Marquis de—52 Miami River—111; 161; 162; 163 Michigamias Indians—304 Mines in Illinois—163; in La., 195-196 Miragouine, Sieur—103 Mississippi River— lands of lower basin, VI; VII; commands continent, IX; navigation of, XI-XII; mouths of, XIII; reached by Hennepin, 3; 15; 18; 24; hurricane, 30; 47; 48; 49; 51; inhabitants along, 52; 53; 55; 58; 59; 63; 107; As names, 109; attempts to find source, 109; mouths of, 114-115; the passes, 117; 133; soil at mouth, 138-139; on east bank, 141-142; lands west of, 145; 161; 162; 163; voyage to source by Indian, 289-290 Mississippi Scheme—II; 58 Missionary—23 Missouri Indians—59; 60; 66; home of, 304-305 Missouri River— navigation of, XII; 60; 63; 69; 110; description of, 159
Mobile— barren lands, XX; 9; 11; birth place of La., 15; 45; 49; 89; native of land, 135-136; fertility of animals and women, 136 Mobile Bay—114 Mobile Indians—294 Mobile River— Canadians settle on, 4-5; 46; 135 Moingona River—110 Moncacht-ape, old wise man of Yazoo tribe— his voyages, 285-290 Montplaisir, M. de—27 Montreal—59 Mosquitoes— description of, 272-273; how Indians fight, 333 Mulberry Trees—145; 158; for silk growing, 167-168; 212; feast of, 321 Muscadine Grapes—209 Mushroom—231 Myrtle Wax-tree—220
Narvaez—1 Natchez— goodness of the country, 20-21; commandment, 27-28; terrible storm, 30-32; settlement at, 38-39; 55-56 Natchez Indians— DuPratz arrives among, 23-27; first war with French, 32-36; second war, 38-39; 55; 69; council of war, 76-77; 84; destroyed by French, 86-87; 153; grow grain, 156; origin of, 279-280; 297; home of, 298; power of, 299; description of social habits— birth and rearing children, 306-311; language, government, religion, 311-320 Natchitoches— French settle, 5; St. Denis at, 6; Spanish settle near, 8; 54; quality of land, 148; silver there, 195 Natchitoches Indians—112; home of, 303 Negroes— revolt, 71; choice of for slaves, 357; how to handle, 361; odors of, 362 Nesunez, Pamphilo—1 New Orleans—V; health good, IX; settlement of, 11; founded, 15; 17; 18; 22; physicians and surgeons of, 26; 30; 45; 46; forts below, 48; description of, 49-52; harbor of, 52; 58; 71; climate, 108; 136; nature of soil, 141; distance from Canada, 162 New Mexico—6; 54; 55; 112; nature of land, 147; hunting there, 155 Niagara Falls—286 Nightingale—269 Nobility— Natchez, 328 North America— extent of, XV; its products, XVI
Oak Trees—IV; V; 223-225 Oats—203 Ohio River— navigation of, XII; 58; 111; 161; 162; 163; skeleton of elephants found, 290 Ochre—23 Olivarez, Friar—9 Olive Trees—213 Orange Trees—212 Opelousas Indians—302 Opossum (wood-rat)—251 Orignaux—162 Osage Indians—59-60; 66; 304; 305 Osage River—159 Othouez Indians—59; 60; 61; 62; 66; 305 Otters—253 Otter Indians—287-288 Ouachas Indians—140 Ouchitas Indains— former home of, 303 Ouachita River—113 Oumas Indians—52; 80; home of, 297 Ouse-Ogoulas Indians—300 Owls—268 Oysters— in La., 277; on trees in St. Domingo, 278
Paducah Indians—59; 61; 62; 63; 65; Customs and manners, 66-68 destructive wars of, 291; 305 Paillou, Major General— at N. O., 15; 18; 39 Parroquets—266 Palmetto—231 Panimahas Indians—59; 63; 66; 305 Panis Indians—305 Partridges—144; 265 Paseagoulas River—114; 136 Pasca-Ogoulas Indians—15; 46; 295 Patassa (fish)—276 Pawpaws—158; 210 Peach Trees—210-211 Pearl River—114 Pelican— description of, 259 Pensacola— description of, XXIII; 2; Spanish settle, 8; captured by French, 100-105 Perdido River—104; 116; 135 Perrier— Gov. of La., 71; 73; 83; 85; defeats Natchez Indians, 86-87; 153; leaves La., 186 Perrier de Salvert—72; 86 Persimmons—209 Peru— natives killed themselves, 291 Petits Ecores—52; 53 Pheasant—264 Phoenicians— ancestors of Natchez Indians, 283 Phenomenon— alarming, 30; at Natchez, 36-38; extraordinary, 70 Pigeons— description of, 266-267 Pike—276 Pilchard—14; description of, 276 Pimiteouis Indians—301 Pin—IV; for tar, 193-194; 217 Pipe of Peace—59; 60; 63; 65; 258 Pitch— how to make, 194 Plaquemine Bayou—114 Plums—210 Pointe Coupee—52; 53; 54 Pole Cat—252 Pope (Bird)—269 Poplar—222 Porcupine—253 Port de Paix—13 Puerto Rico—11 Potatoes (sweet)— cultivation in La., 204-205 Pottery— how made, 342 Provencals— in La., 29 Prud'homme Cliffs—93 Prud'homme River—57 Pumpkins—206
Quail—266 Quebec—3; 111
Rabbits—251 Raimond, Diego—6; 10 Rattle snake— cure for bite, 237; description of, 255 Rattle-snake herb—235-237 Red fish—14 Red River—54; 55; 112; nature of land, 148; 151 Red Shoe, Prince of Chactaws—95 Religion of Natchez—312 Rice— how grown, 165; how eaten, 166; in La., 204-205 Richebourg, Captain—101; 102 Ring-skate (fish)—276 Rio del Norte—6 Rochelle— author leaves, 11; returns to, 187 Rye— in Illinois, 162; 203
Saffron—180 Sagamity—348; 349 St. Anthony's Falls—109; 110 St. Augustin, Fla.—2 St. Bernard's Bay—116 St. Catherine's Creek—33; 34; 35; 38 St. Come— Missionary, 71 St. Croix River—110 St. Denis— journey to Mexico, 6-11; 54; 104; popular with natives, 150 St. Domingo—4; 11; 13; oysters on trees, 277 St. Francis River—57;
lands around, 157-158; 112 St. Hilaire, Surgeon—42 St. Laurent—93; 94 St. Lawrence River—111; 161; 286 St. Louis Church—51 St. Louis River—3; 4; 8 St. Rose Isle—101; 102 St. Peter River—110 Sallee—58 Salmont, Com. Gen.—85 Salt— in lower La., 147; spring near Natchitoches, 149; mines, 153 Salt petre—147; 180 Samba—72 Santa Fe—112 Sarde (fish)—14 Sardine—276 Sarsaparilla—233 Sassafras—181; 220 Saw Bill—261 Scalping—283 Scotland— tobacco trade, 199 Scurvy— how to cure—360 Sea-Lark—263 Sea Snipe—263 Ship Island—16; 28 Shrimp—277 Siam distemper—13 Silk— growing experiments, 167-168 cultivation possible, 176; worms, 271 Silver—145; 151; 158; 163; 195 Sioux Indians—109; home of, 301-306 Skunk—252 Smallpox— fatal to Indians, 291 Snipe—266 Spanish— claim La., 5; 54; 55; on west of La., colony, 146; near Natchitoches, 150; how they hunt in Mexico, 155; commerce with La., 183-184; attempt to settle Missouri, 305 Starlings—268 Stag—242 Spatula— description of, 261; 276 Spiders— description of, 257 Squirrels—252 Stink Wood Tree—226 Strawberries—238; feast of, 320 Stung Arm—79; 80; 81 Stung Serpent—35; 40; death of, 335-336 Sturgeon—14 Sun of the Apple Village— negotiates with the French, 73-78 Swallows—269 Swans—127; 162; 259 Sweet gum—181; 215
Tamarouas Indians—58; 162; 300; 301 Tangipahoa River—113 Tar— how to make—193-194 Tassel—258 Tattooing—346 Tchefuncte River—113; 136 Teal—261 Temple, Indian— description of, 333 Tensas Indians— near Mobile, 294; language, 297; 300; former home of, 303 Tensas River— lands along, 152 Termites—273 Thioux Indians—299 Thomez Indians—294 Thorn, Passion—229-230 Thornback (fish)—14 Tigers—134; description of, 249-250 Timber— for shipbuilding, 179 Tobacco— trade, XVII; plantation, 25; 145; 158; in Illinois, 163; how cultivated, 171-174; for export, 181; DuMont's description of cultivation, 187-191; advantages of La. cultivation, 197-198; British imports and exports, 199; worm, 271 Tombigbee—46; 89 Tonicas Indians—23; 27; 44; 80; 84; 85; language of, 298 Tonti, Chevalier de—3; 4 Topoussas Indians—300 Torture, Indian—354-355 Tortuga—13 Tooth-ache Tree—228 Tradewinds—12 Troniou—270 Turkeys, wild—120; 144; description of, 264; feast of, 324 Turkey Buzzard—258 Turtles—253
Ursuline Nuns—51
Vanilla—184 Vasquez de Aillon, Lucas—1 Vauban—46 Vaudreuil, Gov.—95; 96 Vinegar Tree—227 Virginia—58
Wabash River—110; 111; 161; 162; 163 Walnut Tree—158; 213 War— with Natchez Indians, 32-36; 38-39; causes of Indian wars, 96-97; how they fight, 350; war feast, 352-353 Wasps—271 Water-hen—262 Water Melons— how grown, 166; cultivation of in La., 206-207; feast of, 321 Wax— from Wax Tree, 220-222 Wax Tree—176; 220-222 West India Company— Takes over La., 10; sends colonists, 11; 18; 32; 44; gives up colony, 85 Wheat—145; in Illinois, 162; in La., 203 White Apple Village—33; 39; demanded by French, 73 Whortle-berries—212 Wild Cat—251 Wild Geese—22; 259 Wild Turkey— description of, 264 (see turkey) Willow Tree—226 Wolves—134; 144; kill buffaloes, 156; description of, 244-245 Women— "fruitful" in La., 185 Woodcock—266 Wood-pecker— description of, 268-269 Wood-Rat—251 Wren—258
Yapon Shrub—228 Yaws—359 Yazoo Indians—56; kill the garrison at their Post, 83; 300 Yazoo River—56; 112 Ydalgo, Friar—5; 7; 9