PRIVATES: Anderson, E.J., Burt, A.H., Barkley, E.N., Bartley, J.W., Brigs, A.J., Brigs, H., Brigs, J., Bussey, W.N., Bussey, J.A., Broadwater, N.A., Broadwater, S., Brooks, R., Colloham, M., Garvett, W.A., Hammond, C., Holmes, S., Holmes, L.E., Jennings, W., Middleton, W.E., Matthis, W.H., Menerether, N., Morgan, E., McGee, T.W., Oham, R., Prince, J., Prince, D., Parkman, J.P., Parkman, S., Pressley, T.N., Patterson, T.H., Price, A.J., Parkman, N., Prescott, H.H., Shafton, J.S., Shafton, B.F., Shanall, J., Percy, J.H., Thernman, J.W., Thernman, T.B., Thomas, T.B., Bruse, J.W., Wood, H., Wood, J., Whitlock, ——, Whitaker, N., Wesman, C.L., Whitlock, W.
CAPTAIN: Burees, J.F. LIEUTENANTS: Talbert, J.L., Berry, J.M., Chetham, J.W. SERGEANTS: Culbreath, O.T., Martin, W.N., Reynolds, W.M., Lamer, L.W., Burress, C.M. CORPORALS: Reynolds, J.W., Shibley, L.D., White, W.G., Williams, T.R.
PRIVATES: Adams, B.O., Blake, J.E., Carthledge, T.A., Crafton, T.M., Coleman, W.L., Coleman, G.R., Culbreth, J., Deal, A., Devore, C.L., Franks, J.A., Hammonds, C.T., Harrison, C.H., Henderson, J.T., Henderson, J.E., Holmes, W.L., Holmes, H.J., Howell, H., Lamer, T.B., Lamer, O.W., Limbecher, C.H., Lockridge, J.L., Mayson, J.H., Quarles, H.M., Reynolds, J.C., Reynolds, E.W., Rountree, T.J., Rush, T.P., Stalmaker, G.I., Stalmaker, J.R., Stalmaker, J.W., Timmerman, G.H., Williams, J.R., Wood, W.B., Yeldell, W.H.
COMPANY "L." CAPTAINS: White, W.C., Litchfield, J.L., Litchfield, G.S. LIEUTENANTS: Beaty, T.W., Petman, S., Cooper, T.B., Newton, K.M., Grissett, J.D., Reves, J.W. SERGEANTS: Waid, G.W., Nercen, J.W., Floyd, A., Johnson, J.M., Anderson, ——, Gregary, T.H., Granger, J., Prince, J.L., Rabon, D., Johnson, C.L., Anderson, D.R. CORPORAL: Green, S.F.
PRIVATES: Barnhill, W.H., Barnhill. H., Cooper, L., Cooper, R., Creaven, W.H., Creach, C., Chesnut, D.M.W., Cork, M.C., Cox, P.V., Cox, G.W., Dussenberry, J.H., Dussenberry, N.G., Edge, D.M., Edge, W., Faulk, G., Floyd, W., Faulk, L., Faulk, J.L., Foreland, N., Fund, G., Grattely, J., Granger, J., Granger, W., Granger, F., Graddy, N., Graham, D., Graham, D.N., Gore, F., Grant, J.E., Hacks, ——, Harden, A.J., Harden, W.H., Hardwick, ——, Howell, ——, Harden, C.B., Hamilton, W.H., Hamilton, ——, Holland, W., Jenkins, Wm., Jewreth, ——, Jones, J., Jordan, J.T., Jordan, J., Johnson, T., Johnson, J.J., James, ——, Jenningham, D., King, J.J., King, J.D., King, G.W., Lilly, D., Murry, J.T., Murry, E.H., Misham, T.K., McKnot, Wm.R., Martin, B.W., Norris, J.K., Oliver, J.M., Powell, L., Perkins, ——, Parker, A.D., Parker, H.H., Powell, F.L., Powell, J.M., Roberts, J.T., Rhenark, J.C., Stalvey, C.M., Stalvey, J.J., Squers, J., Smith, Wm., Savris, A., Sessions, O., Sengleton, M.J., Vaught, S., Vereen, J.T., Watts, ——, Wade, K.
* * * * *
Field and Staff. COLONELS: Cash, E.B.C., Henagan, Jno. W., Stackhouse, E.T. LIEUTENANT COLONELS: Hoole, A., McLeod, ——. ADJUTANTS: Lucas, Thomas E., Ingliss, Wm. C., Mullins, W.S., Weatherly, C.M. QUARTERMASTERS: McClenigan, Jno., Henagan, J.M., Hunagan, J.M. COMMISSARIES: Cawley, J.H., Griffen, E.M. SURGEONS: Wallace, W.D., David. W.J., Pearce, J.F., Coit, D. ASSISTANT SURGEONS: Dunlop, R.J., Dudley, T.E., Murdock, Byron, Henson, J.B., McIver, Hansford, Bristow, C.D. COMMISSARY SERGEANTS: McCown, R.A., Coker, C.W. ORDERLY SERGEANT: Tyler, H.A.
CAPTAINS: Hoole, A.J., Muldrow, J.H., Odum, Wm., Odum, E., Rodgers, E., Rouse, J.J., Bryant, Jas. T., Goodson, J.T., Hudson, J.E. LIEUTENANTS: Reynolds, W.C., Gardner, E.M., Bruce, C.A., Large, James F., Farmer, S.P., Branch. B., Morris, J.B.
PRIVATES: Reddick, W.H., Bryant, James, J., Boone, L.P., Blackburn, Wade, Bradshaw, J., Beck, W.D., Bass, Jesse, Blackman, John, Bradstraw, M., Beasley, O., Barns, Robt., Carter, W.R., Cox, B.F., Clemens, J., Dennis, Thomas A., Ervin, J.R., Flowers, C., Florence, T.D., Farmer, G.B., Garrison, J., Gorman, C., Goodson, J., Gudgen, J.I.B., Goodson, A., Gray, R., James, J.C., Gardner, C.D., Jordan, Wm. A., Gardner, P.T., Hill, W.M., Hill, B., Hill, E.T., Johnson, William, Johnson, Peter, Johnson, Robert, Langston, Jno. F., Langston, Ira D., Law, Frank, Large, N., Morrell, H., Morrell, W.E., Morrell, Isaac, Muller, J., Maye, R.F., Neal, Jno., Neal, J., Odom, J.S., Odom, S.J., Outlaw, James, Outlaw, John, Privett, E., Reynolds, E.J., Reddeck, W., Reddick, A., Stokes, J.F., Stokes, A.D., Sandesbery, J.H., Privett, W.B., Eligah, ——, Stakes, A.D., Stokes, J.H., Sandbarry, J.H., Severence, R.E., Stewart, A.C., Stewart, Hardey, Smith, S., Sexton, Thomas, Scott, W., Wingate, W.Z., Williams, W., Wadford, N., Woods, S.J.
CAPTAINS: Hough, M.J., Powell. R.T. LIEUTENANTS: Parker. G.A., Thurman, M.T., Turnage, P.A., Sellers, D., Johnson, C.B., Hough, J.M., Moore, P.A., White, J.F., Chapman, H.C., Courtney, W.R. SERGEANTS: Jones. J., Rivers, W.F., Douglass, W., Rivers, W.F., Douglass, J.B., Sellers, R.C., Evans, B.F., Kite, B., Hammock. J.E. CORPORALS: Rivers, W.B., Rashing, J.P., Sellers, P.A., Herst, L., Campbell, J.A., Hancock, R.F.M.
PRIVATES: Anderson, B., Adams, B.P., Brown, V.F., Brown, D., Boon, E., Boon, C., Boon, A., Beaver, M., Brock, C., Boon, W.B., Cassadlay, A.J., Courtney, O., Courtney, J., Courtney, J.P., Cross. H., Cross, P., Chapman, A., Davis, F., Deas, T.A., Driggers, T., Dixon, R., Funderburk, H.W., Funderburk, J.B., Gaskins, J.B., Horn, J.D., Horn, J.W., Harp, W.C., Hancock, J.T., Hicks, J., Johnson, W.B., Johnson, T.B., Jordon, J.W., Lisenly, S., Lear, B.P., Lewis, T.H., McBride, J.A., McPriest, P., Massey, B.F., McKey, D.A., McCrany, D.A., Melton, J., Melton, A., Melton, W., Moore, H., McDuffie. J., McLean, J.W., McLean, D.A., McNair, ——, McManus, R., McNair. N.C., Nelson, M., Nelson, H., Price, H., Polson, J., Rivers, P., Rogers, P., Sellers, J.D., Sellers, W.B., Sellers, W.R., Sellers, H.J., Sillivan, T., Sillivan. S., Sweatt, W., Sweatt, S., Stricklen. H., Teed, T.B., Tarnage, D., Threatt, J.W., Threatt, W., Threatt, T., Threatt, H., Terry, J., Timmons, W., Tadlock, W., White, H., Whittaker, J.W., Wilkerson, J., West, J.S., McNair, N.
CAPTAINS: Coit, W.H., Powe. T.E., Malloy, S.G. LIEUTENANTS: Gillespie, G.S., McIver, D.W., Evans, R.E., Hurst, L. SERGEANTS: Strother, J., Gayle, H.A., Crail, C.W., Crail, T.P., Stancel, J., Smith, W.P., McCallman, J.C., White, B.S., Coit, J.T., Grimsley, S.B., Sellers, J., McIver, H. CORPORALS: Malloy, C.A., Godfrey, W.R., Callens, J., Sellers, S.
PRIVATES: Adams, W., Adams, J., Bevil, J., Buchanan, J.A., Braddock, R., Clark, J., Cadien, B.F., Coker, H., Coker, M., Chapman, W.G., Chapman, A.G., Craig, J., Crawford, F.D., Campbell, D.A., DeLorne, T.W., Dickson, S.G., Douglas, A., Douglas, M.A., Ellerbe, A.W., Emanuel, E., Freeman, J., Freeman, W., Gardner, J.N., Gaskin, J.D., Goodwin, J., Grimsley, W., Grady, J.A., Goodwin, D., Grant. H.P., Grant, H., Grant, A., Graves, S., Hicks, W.H., Hayes, A.A., Haggins, A., Inglis, W.C., Inglas, L.S., Inglas, P., Knight, W.W., Lang, J., Link, J.A., Lisendy, W., Linton, J.H., Lee, H., McBride, F., McLean, J.K., McColl, W., Murphy, C.W., McIver, F.M., Mahon, J., McDuffie, F.J., McMillan, J.D., Malloy, J.H., Murray, J.C., McIntosh, J.W., Melton, H., Moore, H., Melton, E.H., McRa, D., Mash, ——, Melton, W., Nichols, W.P., Odom, D.P., Odom, J., Petter, L.L., Pinchman, H.C., Powell, A.H.C., Poston, H.C., Poston, W., Purvis, W., Purvis, L.D., Poston, J., Quick, B., Rainwaters, W.T., Richards, J.G., Roberson, G., Spencer, S.H., Sellers, H., Smith, S.S., Sweatt, T., Stacey, O., Spencer, T.D., Sellers W.B., Smith. T., Smith, J., Turnage, T.D., Turner, W.W., White, D., White, J., Wright, J., Wallace, J.C.
CAPTAINS: Miller, J.S., Miller. R.P., Spofferd, P.F. LIEUTENANTS: Blakeney, H., Timmons, J.J., Baker, L.C., Kirkley, W.P., Lowry, J.H. SERGEANTS: Jackson, H.H., Baker, A.J., Gatlim, J.B., Jackson, A., Wesh, S. CORPORALS: Hendrick, J.H., King, E.T., Lee, J.C., Sowell, W.H.
PRIVATES: Adams, J.J., Carter, S.H., Carter, G.W., Calege, J., Crain, J.A., Crowley, B.D., Crowley, T.W., Dees, T.M., Dees, W., Foster, S., Griffith, J., Gandy, E., Gandy, W.H., Gibson, A., Handcock, J.P., Handcock, J.J., Handcock, J.J., Handcock, J.T., Handcock, R.F., Handcock, J.L., Hudrick, R., Hudrick, J.L., Horn, L., Horn, J., Horn, M., Horton. G.W., Horton, S., Holly, P.W., Hough, J.T., Hough, J.E., Jordan, H.S., Jordan, J., Jordan, A., Key, A., Key, J.A., Knight, J.H., Knight, J.R., Knight, J.A., Knight, W.H., Knight, T.J., Knighton, J.T., Kibbie, J., Lowery, J., Lowery, W., Love, J.J., Mangum, J.C., Mangum, W.P., Myers, J., Miller, J.T., McMillan, T.E., McMair, D.D., McManus, M.B., McLauchlin, D.A., Oliver, J.T., Ogburn, L., Philips, E., Philips. A., Philips, C., Plyler, A., Pate, Rollins, B.F., Rollins, G.W., Rollins, J., Rollins, J.C., Robinson, G., Robinson, S., Sinclair, J., Sinclair, J.A., Stricklin, J., Stricklin, M., Stricklin, M., Small, C., Threatt, J.S., Threatt, J., Threatt, R., Therrill, L., Terry J., Talbert, O.W., Talbert, W.S., Thratt, J.A., Watson, M., Watson, E., Watts, J.J., Williams, B.B.
CAPTAINS: Young, J.D., Joy, W.D. LIEUTENANTS: Westhimes, H., Hewitt, T.M., Halford, J.J. SERGEANTS: Athenson, S.R., Ward, R.H., Hollyman, M.W., Miller, T.J. CORPORALS: Philips, J.R., Moody, E.T., Moon, W.W., Morris, T.E.
PRIVATES: Allen, R.M., Anderson, T.J., Anderson, W.D., Alford, R.H., Askin, J.A.J., Anderson, C., Anderson, J.F., Anderson, W.H., Anderson, W.T., Anderson, G., Anderson, J.M., Barfield, M., Bristow, C.C., Bristow, J.N., Barefoot, D.R., Brookington, E.S., Byrd, J.E., Carter, W.A., Carter, G., Carter, H.M., Carter, N.S.J., Carter, H., Carter, R.M., Carter, S.B., Coward, W., Cook, T.J., Courtney, S.J., Connor, E.J., Connor, G., Chandler, T.A., Cone, R., Danels, E., DaBase, A.E., Doralds, M.H., Evingston, G., Elliott, A.J., Graham, C.S., Gilchrist, J., Gee, S., Gardner, J.D., Gardner, C., Ganniginn, D., Hill, E.F., Hill, J.J., Hill, B., Hill, H., Hill, J., Hill, R.M., Hill., I.T., Howall. W.H., Hollan, J.S., Hollan, S.S., Hamphury, S.S., Hamphury, R.F., Hane, H.W., Hane, A.J., Hane, H.A.W., Hane, W., Hatchell, I., Hatchell, C.A., Hatchell, L., Hancock, H., Hollyman, A., Halford, J.M., Hix, T., Hase, G.N., Hickson, J.S., Jackson, T., Jones, R.M., Jordan, P.A., Kerth, J.H., Kirby, S.J., Kirby, H., Kent, J.L., Lockhart, J.C., Lockhart, R.C., Lockhart, G.R., Lockhart, W.J., McCoy, C.D., McCoy, T.G., McCoy, J.J., McCoy, S., McCoy, J., McGee, J.M., McGee, W., McKnight, W., Moore, J.G., Moore, J.D., McGill, J.F., McGill, J., Morris, M.E., Morris, H., Morris, J.L., Matthews, W.A., McKessick, W.J., Nettles, L.F., Nettles, G.T., Nettles. R.C., Norwood, J.E., Philips, J.R., Philips, L.A., Price, J.A., Price, G.P., Pool A.A., Pawley, J.H., Plummer, C.H., Powers, M.J., Powers, A.D., Powers, W., Rollins, R.D.F., Rice, D.H., Rogers, M.D., Singletary, C., Smoot, W.B., Smoot, W.L., Snipes, M., Timmons, W.H., Timmons, W.B., Truitt, J.E., Turner, J.C., Ward, J.W., Ward, R.H., Ward, C.E., Ward, J.J., Witherspoon, S.B., Windham, J.R., Windham, I., Windham, J.H., Wooten, S., Wittington, J.W., Wadford, N., Wadford, G.W., Winburn, S., Young, W.W.
CAPTAINS: Evans, W.H., Howle, T.E., McIver, J.K., Bass, J.E. LIEUTENANTS: McIver, J.J., Kelly H., James, W.E., Ferguson, J.W., Griffin, P.E., Griffin, E.M., Rhodes, J.T., James, R.E., Coker, W.C., Smoot, J., Rhodes, W.B., Williams, J.A., Williams, A.L., Howle, J.F., Evans, C.D., Bearly, J.M., Wilson, I.D., Carter, W.P. CORPORALS: Parrott, A.W., Hearon, G.W., Bruce, C.A., Harroll, L.B., Parrott, B.M.
PRIVATES: Alexander, A., Atkinson, W.K., Bacot, T.W., Bass, J.C., Bass, B., Bass, J.B., Baswell, L.T., Bozeman, B.C., Bozeman, J.W., Bozeman, P.W., Bozeman, J., Bozeman, H., Bozeman, W., Brown, W., Byrd, D.M., Coltins, A., Colvin, J.R., Cook, D.B., Davis, J.M., Dixon, A.P., Dixon. J.E., Elliott, W.A., Ervin, E.M., Fraser, J.G., Fort, J.E., Flowers, J., Garland, W.H., Galloway, A., Galloway, W.M., Galloway, W.L., Galloway, M., Galloway, G.W., Gullege, A., Gullege, J.L., Gatlin, H., Hale, J.O., Halliburton, J.J., Halliburton, R.J., Harrall, J.M., Harris, D.J., Hazelton, J., Higgins, R.D., Hurst, S., Jenks, M., Jenks, G., Jordon, A., King, T.F., Kelly, T., Lawson, J.T., Lee, J.T., Lewis, W., McCown, R., McIntosh, J.H., McKenzie, W.W., Marco, M., Mazing, W.H., Mixon, J., Martin, W., Nettles, R.F., Outlaw, B., Outlaw, J., Parrott, J.R., Peoples, R.H., Price, A.J., Privett, J.H., Privett, J.H., Rhodes, J.D., Rhodes, F.E., Rhodes, R.B., Smith, A., Smith, J.S.M., Skinner, B., Shumaker, S., Stukey, A.F., Suggs, R.B., Stokes, R., Tallevasb, H.P., Thomas, J.M., Thomas, R.C., Tyler, H., Thomlinson, ——, Wallace, G., Wordham, A.E., Wilk, J., Wilson, P.
CAPTAIN: Harrington, J.W. LIEUTENANTS: Townsend, C.F., Parker, John, Weatherly, C.M. SERGEANTS: Dudley, T.F., Lester, I.B., Murdock, John T., Odum, L., Crosland, W.A. CORPORALS: Easterling, Thomas, Townsend, H.E., Cook, John A., Tatum, R.J., Gillespie, O.H., Douglas, H.J.
PRIVATES: Adams, E., Adams, H.A., Adams, J.T., Andrews, S.D., Briston, C.D., Briston, E.D., Bullard, Henry, Bundy, William, Butler, William, Butler, E., Campbell, J., Caulk, D., Cook, T.A.M., Cowen, L.M., Crosland, Samuel, Connor, R.D.T., Cooper, Wm.C., Cooper, V.H., David, E.C., David, R.J., David, J.H., Dudley, James, Drigger, Jesse, Drigger. J.G., David, A.I., Easterling, A.A., Easterling, R.C., Easterling, J.K., Easterling, W.T., Easterling, Elijah, Edens, T.W., Emanuel, C.L., Fletcher, J.D., Gibson, W.L., Grant, J.S., Graham, H.C., Gillespie, S.J., Harvel, John, Henagen, James M., Heyward, Isham, Hinson, J.B., Hinson, P.H., Huckabee, J.L., James, J.H., Hambrick, J., Irby, W.W., Jackson, I.A.L., Jackson, Enos, Johnson, N.D., Johnson, H.I., Johnson, D., Laviner, G.W., Laviner, D., Long, H.A., Lyles, J.R., Miller, J.M., Munnerlyn, C.T., Miller, Henry, McCollum, J.H., McIntosh, N.H., McIntosh, A., McQueen, J., McIrmis, S.J., McKenzie, A., Odum, Josiah, Odum, S.W., Odum, P.W., Parker, H., Prince, John T., Potter, Sol., Privatt, Evander, Pearson, R.C., Roscoe, John, Roscoe, G.W., Rowe, J.H., Roundtree, M., Skipper, J., Snead, Israel, Stanton, Noah, Stanton, J.A., Stanton, Milton, Thomas, C.J., Thomas, J.M., Thomas, R.D., Thornwell, C.A., Williams, David, Wright, D.G., Wright, F.E., Wright, G.W., Webster, H.D., Webster, T.M., Webster, H., Sutherland, T.A.
CAPTAINS: Singletary, B.L., McIntire, Duncan. LIEUTENANTS: Myers, M.G., Brunson, J.B., Culpepper, George, McPherson, P.E., Gregg, Walter, Cooper, R.D. SERGEANTS: Gregg, Smith A., Gregg, McF., Moore, B., Gregg, John W., Mathews, Frank, Hughes, G.W., Godbold, D., Colston, G., Stone, W.C.P., Armfield, A.L., McWhite, E.
PRIVATES: Altman, J., Bartley, J.G., Barthy, Charles, Barthy, E., Bellflower, H., Bragton, J.J., Balley, John, Broach, G.W., Cain, S.G., Cain, K.S., Cain, J.J., Cain, R.M., Cain, Church, Cain, J. Coon, Cain, J.H., Cox, J.T., Cooper, Brunson, Cooper, Witherspoon, Christmas, Jarrett, Davis, J.G., Deas, Simeon, Eagerton, H., Finklen, John, Flowers, W.D., Guy, J.H., Graham, J.M., Hampton, Thomas, Hampton, George, Hutchinson, George, Hutchinson, W.C., Hutchinson, Samuel, Hunter, D., Harrall, E., Harrall, N.W., Harrall, W.T., Hyman, Benjamin, Hughes, R.S., Holland, J.S., Holland, George, Hodges, Barney, Kennedy, Alfred, Kennedy, Andrew, Kersey, E., Lewellyn, J.B., Leach, Julius, McKissick, A.G., McKissick, M., Myers, William, McWhite, A.A., Myers, A.A., Pearce, R.H., Prosser, Michael, Rodgers, C., Rodgers, M., Roy, A., Stephenson, A., Stone, F.F., Williams, H., Williams, Thomas, Williams, R.L., Williams, S.B., Weatherford, W.S., Weatherford, Benjamin, Gregg, S.J., Gregg, S.E., Howard, Tillman, Powers, Jonas.
CAPTAINS: Stackhouse, E.T., Harllee, A.T. LIEUTENANTS: Cook, H., B., Ross, J.N., Rodgers, R.H., Carmichael, W.D., Stafford, D.C., Cusack, G.W. SERGEANTS: McClenagham, H.H., Harllee, Peter S., Pearce, J.F., Ayers, E.S., McDuffie, D.Q., Harllee, R.A., Gregg, A. Stuart, Jenkins, R.W. CORPORALS: Woodrow, J.E., Huggins. Geo. W., Harelson, Joel, Sparkman, Levi, Cusack, S.C., DeBarry, Edmond, Robbins, J.B., Fenaghan, James, Rodgers, E., Carmichael, Alex., Brigman, A., Butler, J.A., Butler, Silas W.
PRIVATES: Bigham, W.H., Bullock, Joel, Benton, Joel, Benton, G.W., Baker, John, Cox, G.B., Cribb, Levi, Collin, E.H., Crawford, H.W., Cottingham, Stewart, Cottingham, Thomas F., Cohen, David, Cohen, Isaac, Dove, J.W., Dove, H.G., Ellen, E.J., Elvington, Dennis, Fryer, A.J., Freeman, Joseph, Gaddy, R.M., Gaddy, W.D., Gregg, T.C., Harralson, M.J., Harralson, E.P., Herring, E.B., Hinton, J.W., Jones, J., James, Robert, Loyd, Henry, Llewellyn, B.F., Mace, James C., Meckins, P.B., Morgan, W.C., Miller, W.H., Myers, John E., Moody, John B., Murphy, J.C., McCall, L.A., McRae, James, Owens, D.R., Owens, S.S., Sparkman, G.R., Snipes, Michael, Smalley, Isaiah, Turner, John C., Watson, John R., Watson, Quinn, Woodrow, W.J., Whitner, J.N., Woodberry, W.D.
CAPTAINS: McLeod, D.M.D., Manning. Frank, Rodgers, Ben. A. LIEUTENANTS: McQueen, S.F., McLucas, John D., Hearsey, Geo. R., Rodgers, W.T., Peterkin, J.A., Alfred, J.M.I., McQuage, J.J., Smith, J.W., Alford, M.N., McCall, H.D., Willis, Eli, Smith, W.D., McRae, Frank, McLucas, Hugh, McKinnon, C., Gunter, John, Calhoun, J.C., McLaurin, L.A., Edens, J.A., McCall, C., Covington, J.T., Alford, N.A., Hargroves, David, Bruce, J.D.
PRIVATES: Allen, E., Barrington, H., Bruce, T.R., Bundy, W.R., Cottingham, C., Covington, E.T., Covington, J.T., Crowey, R.C., Crowley, William, Cape, Thomas, Curtin, ——, Clark, J., Drake, Ansel, Davis, C., Driggers, R.S., Dupre, Thomas J., Edens, Joseph, Edens, T.H., English, William, Emanuel, J.M., Easterling, Lewis, Easterling, David, Freeman, L.D., Freeman, Benjamin, Fletcher, W.R., Greggard, J.W., Graham, E., Groomes, F., Gunter, John, Hargrove, James, Hargrove, D.T., Harvel, Tristam, Hathcock, W., Hayes, J.J., Hayes, Robt. W., Hasken, John W., Huckabee, John, Huckabee, John W., Hodges, Thomas C., Ivey, H.W., Ivey, Levi, Jones, John C., Jones, Martin, Jacobs, Robert, Jacobs, J. Frost, Jackson, John C., John, Daniel C., Joy, W.H., Kirby, H., McCall, C., McCall, Alex., McCall, John T., McRae, A.D., McRae, John D., McRae, John C., McDaniel, J.R., McLucas, A.C., McLaurin, John F., McLeod, M., McPherson, Malcolm, McPhearson, Angus, Matherson, Hugh, Manship, John, Rodgers, C., Rodgers, F.A., Roscoe, Daniel, Smith, W.D., Stubbs, Lucius, Sparks, George, Sarvis, A.S., Staunton, A.A., Webster, Wm. R., Williams, Lazarus, Woodley, Alex., Weatherly, A.W.
CAPTAINS: Stackhouse, E.T., Carmichael, W.D. LIEUTENANTS: Higgins, W.D., Clark, G.W. SERGEANTS: Carmichael, D.D., Ayers, E.S., Rodgers, E., Manning, Eli, Murchison, Duncan. CORPORALS: Carmichael, Alex., Page, J.N., Roberts, J.H., Barfield, Thompson.
PRIVATES: Alford, Robert, H., Alford, Artemus, Alford, W. McD., Ammonds, J.D., Ayers, D.D., Barfield, R. Tally, Barfield, M., Barfield, H., Bethea, J. Frank, Bethea, H.P., Bridgeman, A.P., Byrd, H.G., Carmichael, A., Carmichael, D.C., Cottingham, C., Candy, S., Clark, R. Knox, Crawley, W.C., Coward, H., Cook, John, Harper, J.M., Herring, Samuel, Huckabee, John, Hicks. John C., Huggens, W.E., Huggens, D., Hunt, J.E., Herring, E.B., Irwin, I.R., Jackson, Robert, Jackson, M., Jackson, N., Lane, Samuel, Lane, E., McPhane, D., McRae, Colin, McRae, N., McRae. Roderick, McRae, Franklin, McGill. Colin, McLaurin, D., Morgan, W.C., McGill, David, Owens, S.I., Page, D.N., Page, D.P., Rogers, Thompson, Rogers, John F., Rogers, William D., Rogers, E.B., Rogers, L.B., Sarris, John, Turner, John C., Turberville, Calvin, Waters, John W., Watson, John R., Watson, Quinn, Watson, Lindsay.
CAPTAINS: Howie, Thomas E., Coker, William C. LIEUTENANTS: Howle, James F., Rhodes, W.B., Galloway, W.L., Smoot, J., Galloway, George. SERGEANTS: Brearly, James W., Halliburton, Robert, Garland, W. H, Mixon, J. CORPORALS: Mozingo, W.H., Philips, J.C., McKenzie, W.W., Harrell, L.W., Mozingo, E., Howle, R.F.
PRIVATES: Alexander, H., Atkinson, Wiley, Byrd, D.M., Byrd, G.F., Bozeman, Peter, Beasley, Burton, Beasley, Ira, Bruce, C.A., Coker, C.W., Collins, E., Flowers, William, Galloway, Abram, Galloway, Nathan, Gainey, Isaiah, Gainey, Peter, Gulledge, Alex., Goodson, Robert, Halliburton, J.J., Harris, D.J., Hill, William T., Hill, William M., Hill, Nelson, Hudson, Jesse, Hall, David, Jenks, Mark, Jenks, Thomas, Jenks, G.W., Kirven, M.L., King, J.B., King, C.R., Lewis, Zach., McCown, J.M., McCown, J.J., McPherson, Robert, McKissick, ——, Moore, William H., Mathews, William, Mozingo. William, Morrell. Peter, Northcoat, ——, Norwood, James Peebles, W.D., Peebles, Robert, Privett, J. Hamilton, Privett, J. Henry, Privett, John H., Parrott, Pinkney, Parrott, Benj. M., Plummer,. William, Rhodes, John J., Rhodes, John B., Skinner, Benj., Smith, J.S.M., Smith, Bryant, Suggs, A.T., Suggs, R. Rush, Thomas, J.M., Williams, David, Wright, Jonathan, Wright, Thomas L., Wright, J.B.C., Wilson, Peter, Wilson, Joseph, Woodman, A. Edward, Smith, Alex., Matuse. William, Colvin, John, Dixon, James, Bass, J.C.
* * * * *
CAPTAIN: Radcliffe, Thos. W. LIEUTENANTS: Beard, Henry, Brown, Pressley, Shields, Wm. SERGEANTS: Black, J.E., Campbell, J.S., Cathcart, J.N., O'Neale, Richard, Beard, T.A., Zealy, R.F. CORPORALS: Pollock, T.M., Long, S.S., Hutchison, J.H., Bruns, J. Henry.
PRIVATES: Anderson, W.C., Assman, W.J., Asbury, W.E., Anderson, Richard, Brown, Ira B., Baum, M.H., Branham, R.T., Beckwith, Wm. H., Boscheen, Charley, Blankenstine, Jacob, Bedell, Allen, Bynum, Ben, Beckwith, L.R., Brown, Fred. J., Beck, Robt. C., Brown, J.H., Burrows, DeS., Beckham, W.M., Bass, Toland, Crawford, D.H., Capers, Geo. R., Clarkson, E. McC., Crawford, Daniel, Davis, John, Dougal, C.H., Dixon, S.W., Dreisden, Julius, DeSaussure, W.D., Ehelers, Geo., Emlyn, H.N., Edwards, J.G., Frazee, P.F., Fritz, J.A., Gibson. F.A., Gibenwrath, J.F., Grieshaber, Fritze, Gardener, C.H., Glaze, Wm., Green, M.B., Gandy, J.H., Graham, Wm., Geiger, J.G., Gunther, Jno., Gaither, J.W., Goodwin, G.W., Howel, D.B., Henrick, Lewis, Hardie, J.W., Howell, O.F., Johnson, C.P., Johnson, J.R., Isaacs, J.H., James, Joseph, Kaigler, I.A., Killian, Jno. II., Keenan, Roland A., Levin, G.W., Ledingham, W.J., Lesher, Wm., Lumsden, J.L., McCammon, G., McCammon, ——, Morgan, Isaac C., McGorvan, Jno., McKenzie, Frank L., McCoy, John M., Milling, James, Orchard, Henry Pearson, A.W., Price, J.R., Puryear, R.T., Poppe, Julius, Parker, Wm. E., Perry, G.H., Pollock, B.C., Peixotto, S.C., Pope, F.M., Radcliffe, C.C., Reynolds, Jno. H., Roberts, W.H., Row, Louis, Rawley, Jno., Reed, R.C., Stark, A., Smith. J.C., Smith, Warren, Scott, John M., Stork, A., Stork, J.J., Stork, W.H., Schnider, Henry, Scott, W.H., Schultze, George, Stewart, Edmond, Starling, T.J., Tourney, Tim. J., Templeton, I.G., Templeton, Wm. A., Templeton, W.L., Townsend, J.V., Veal, J.M., Wells, Jacob H., Walker, T.P., Walsh, P.H., Wade, T.H., Wade, Geo. McD., Wallace, A., Yates, Joseph.
CAPTAINS: Gist, Wm. H., Sheldon, S.H. LIEUTENANTS: Rogers, J. Rice, Barnett, Wm. R., Huckabee, ——, McWhirter, ——, Smith, W.M., Yarborough, P.P. SERGEANTS: Giles, C.H., West, John I., Haselwood, Hosea, Bailey, W.P.H., Bobo, Barham, Williams, J.H. CORPORALS: Hughes, J.A., Lowe, M.V., Lancaster, W.A., Young, I.H., Williams, Gordon.
PRIVATES: Abernathy, John, Anderson, Thomas, Barrett, T. Lyles, Barrett, Alonzo, Barnett, W. Franklin, Bethany, Jesse, Briggs, B. Franklin, Bogan, Isaac C., Bogan, P.P., Boram, W.H., Bobo, Jason, Canaday, C., Canaday, David, Sr., Canaday, David, Jr., Clefton, Wesley, Dillard, Wm., Eubanks, Shelton, Eubanks, Charner, Foster, W.A., Foster, I.F., Gee, P.M., Gossett, T.G., Goodlin, W.P., Gossett, Henry, Gist, D.C., Grass, J.C., Hembree, Ervin, Hollingsworth, Benj., Huckabee, W.P., Huckabee, James M., Huckabee, Philip, Huff, John, Huff, W.M., Haselwood, A., Haselwood, Thomas, Huges, Thomas H., Huges, E., Holcomb, Wallace, Jennings, Elias, Kelly, I.H., Lamb, Marion, Lamb, Robert, Lamb, John, Lamb, David, Lamb, Elijah, Lancaster. F.M., Lancaster, J.B., Lawson, Lemuel, Lawson, Munro, Lawson, J.H., Lawson, Elijah, Lawson, Charles, Lawson, Franklin, Lawson, Levi, Myers, G.W., Powell, James W., Prickett, H.P., Pool. Wm. M., Prince, Spencer, Prince, Franklin, Ray, Robt. F., Ray, Jeremiah, Ray, B.C., Rains, Wm., Rook, James, Rook, Franklin, Robinson, G.M., Sparks, William, Starns, W.A., Stone, H.C., Smith, Nimrod, Smith, Wm., Sumner, I.M., Sumner, F.S., Sumner, John, Sumner, Mattison, Templeton, Jno. A., Waldrip, W.M., West, B.E., West, W. McD., West, Jno. P., West, Isaac T., West, C.P., West, E.I., West, W.C., Whitton, John, Willard, Benj., Willard, William, Wilbanks, F., Wilbanks, T., Whitmore, J.F., Whitmore, E.H., Whitmore, Thomas, Whitehead, James, Whitehead, Stephen, Yarborough, Hiram, Young, George, Young, Thomas, Young, Francis W.
CAPTAINS: Lewie, F.S., Lewie, J.H., Griffith, D.J. LIEUTENANTS: Swygert, Y., Lewie, S.T., Fulmer, W.W., Spence, S., Jumper, J.B., Shealey, Lewis. SERGEANTS: Kyzer, S.W., Lewie, E.W., Derrick, H.F., Sanders, W.F., Lammack, J.S., Leaphart, F.E., Jumper, J.W., Butler, J.W., Derrick, D.S., Anderson, F.S., Hare, J.W., Heister, M.W.C., Price, H.L. CORPORALS: Sease, D.T., Earhart, C.B.W., Black, J.W., Oswalt, F. Wade, Huer, W.B.
PRIVATES: Adams, I.P., Alewine, Philip, Alewine, W.W., Alewine, W.H., Alewine, J.L., Addy, M.W., Addy, S.L., Addy, E.I., Addy, J.W., Amick, E.R., Amick, H., Anderson, E., Anderson, J., Black, S.L., Blum, John, Busby, Tillman, Caughman, D.S., Craps, J.W., Craps. H.H., Crout, John, Crout, Ephraim, Crim, R.F., Derrick, A.E., Derrick, W.T., Derrick, Oliver, Fridell, J.M., Griffith, Allen, Hyler, N.W., Hare, D.T., Hare, L.P., Hallman, E., Hallman, W.B., Hartly, J.L., Hendrix, J.P., Hendrix, G.W., Hite, D.W., Kite, Noah W., Holeman, D.P., Jumper, D.A., Jumper, W.T., Jumper, H.F., Kelly, G.J., Kelly, Jasper, King, Luke, Hyzer, Henry L., Hyzer, J.T., Hyzer, J.S., Laurinack, Samuel, Laurinack, J.J., Laurinack, Noah, Laurinack, Paul, Long, L.W., Laurinack, E., Long, W.A., Long, J.W., Long, W.W., Long, Jacob, Long, I.A. Mettze, J.E., Nichols, Levi. Nichols. L.E., Nichols, Wesley, Oswold, Wilson, Oswold, James, Oswold, L.B., Oxner, N., Price, R.E., Price, Danl., Price, Jacob, Price, G.W., Sr., Price, D.W., Price, R.I., Plymale, W.W., Rysinger, David, Rysinger, Noah, Rysinger, Geo. D., Rysinger, Wesley, Rawl, L., Rawl, Christian. Rawl, O.D., Rawl, Franklin, Sanford, Wade, Sanford, S., Salther, H., Snelgrove, M., Lybrand, Wm., Sease, M.T., Shull, John, Seay, Danl., Shirey, I.P., Snyder, John, Shealy, Albert, Shealy, E.H., Shealy, Littleton, Shealy, Wiley, Shealy, Henry, Shealy, A., Shealy, P.W., Smith, Henry A., Swygert, E., Taylor, Ruben, Taylor, I.L., Taylor, David, Vansant, Addison, Warren, T.I.
CAPTAIN: Warren, Thomas J. LIEUTENANTS: Davis, James M., Lyles, James V., Schrock, I.A. SERGEANTS: Burns, O.B., Somers, Adolphus, Huckabee, J.J., Davis, J.J., Fisher, C.A. CORPORALS: Springer, Rudolph, Stewman, P.A.H., Wolf, Eugene, Young, Jno. W., Crosby, Geo.
PRIVATES: Ammons, H., Brannon, John, Brannon, Wm., Sr., Brannon, Wm., Jr., Brannon, David, Bradley, John, Brown, Wm., Corbitt, J.C., Corbitt, H.F., Copell, W.H., Copell, J.B., Copell, S.B., Creighton, E.E., Creighton, H.L. Collier, F.J., Evins, John, Evain, Samuel, Fulghum, James, Falkuberry, John, Ford, E.J., Fletcher, David G., Gardner, Lewis, Gardner, James L., Graham, Wm., Griffin, Stephen, Gaymon, John B., Hays, Joseph, Hays, E., Hayes, James, Harrall, Jim, Harrall, John, Hornsby, Joseph, Hornsby, Samuel, Hornsby, S.W., Hough, Hollis, Hinson, John, Sr., Hinson, John, Jr., Hunter, A.A., Hall, Russell J., Johnson, Ben F., Johnson, W.B., Jackson, Douglas, Jordan, W.H., Jordan, D., Kirkley, D.C., Kemp, Tira, Kemp, Warren, Kelly, B.P., Kirby, A., Kirby, J.W., Munn, A.J., McInnis, N.M., Mattox, James, Mattox, Isaac S., Mattox, Sam., Mattox, Geo. W., McLeod, N.A., Moneyham, John, Marsh, Gates, Marsh, James, Marsh, John, McCullum, H.B., Minton, C., Minton, Jno. B., McGuire, Henry, Outlaw, Jno. E., Parker, Wm. E., Parker, Redding, Parker, B.B., Richburg, J.J., Ray, James, Scott, Hasting, Scott, Manning, Shedd, Jesse P., Smith, J.W., Spradley, W.J., Spradley, John, Shaylor, T.S., Shaylor, C.H., Shivey, Jos., Turner, Jno. F., Hassein, A. Von, Wilson, Joel, Wilson, Henry, Wilson, Paul H., Williams, A.W., Williams, B. Frank, Watson, W.W., Warren, Wm., Watts, C., Watts, Jno., Workman, W.H.R., Waddell, N.T., Ward, John, Watts, Frank, Young, Jno. W., Yates, Saml., Yates, Willis.
CAPTAINS: Davis, J.B., Dawkins, W.J., Kirkland, W.W. LIEUTENANTS: Smart, Thomas H., Martin, Joseph B., Pearson, J.W., Hoy, J.B., Blair, C.B. SERGEANTS: Pettigrew, J.H., Blair, W. McD., Robinson, K.Y. CORPORALS: Gladney, J.D., Bridges, W.A., Gladney, Samuel.
PRIVATES: Aiken, W.B., Aiken, D.M., Bagley, J.S., Bagley, Lee, Barker, W.J., Barker, S.C., Butner, J.J., Barrmeau, J.J., Bridges, F.C., Barber, James, Cloxton, Wm., Cotton, W.J., Cotton, Joe, Crossland, Wm., Crossland, A.T., Camack, Samuel. Camack, A.F., Coleman, Robt, Coleman, H.T., Crumpton, W.C., Crumpton, T.H., Crumpton, W.S., Clarke, J.S., Crawford, Robt., Carlisle, Jno., Dickerson, W.P., Davis, J.B. Davis, Ross, Evans, J.W., Fenley, W.P., Fenley, D.D., Gladney, Amos, Gladney, John, Gladney, J.F., Gladden, W.A., Gibson, T.D., Gregg, C.D., Hamilton, D.G., Hodge, J.M., Hodge, R.B., Hodge, A.F., Hodge, J.C., Hutchinson, J.B., Hutchinson, J.P., Hunt, C.M., John, J.A., John, James, Kirkland, W.F., Kirkland, J.M., Lyles, I.B., Lyles, W.W., Lyles, A.C., Long, W.W., Long, J.J., Ligon, I.N., Morris, T.S., Martin, R.L., Murphy, W.E., Murphy, S.A., Murphy, E.E., Murphy, Jno. R., Moorehead, W.J., McCormack, Hugh, McConnell, W.H., McClure, John, McDowell, Alex., McCrorey. James, Neil, J.H., Pettigrew, W.T., Pettigrew. A.R., Pettigrew, D.H., Pettigrew. G.B., Poteet, Lafayette, Price, Fletcher, Price, J.W., Parrott, R.L., Pearson, G.B., Powell, R.M., Rabb, J.W., Richardson, J.D., Sprinkler, Hiram, Smith, D.A., Smith. J.W., Smith, W.E., Seymore, Jno., Tidewell, B.N., Veronee, C.B., Varnadoe, Henry, Wylie, J.T., Wylie. T.C., Wylie, Frank, Wylie, James, Walker, Danl., Walker, Alex., Williams, G.W., Yarborough, T.J., Yarborough, W.T., Yarborough, I.T.
CAPTAINS: Boyd, C.W., Jefferies, Jno R. LIEUTENANTS: Norris, James, Walker, S.S., Steen, Geo., Jefferies, J.D., Hart, W.D., Wood, Moses. SERGEANTS: Rowland, Jas. A., Boyd, R.W., Kendricks, M.S., Lipscomb, Smith, Shippey, Dexter, Wilkins, W.D., Jones, B.F., McKown, G.W. CORPORALS: Spears, G.S., Morgan, George, Balue, Thomas, Mays, Jno., Littlejohn, I.H., Reavs, Z., Vinson, Richard, Jones, N.C.
PRIVATES: Alston, M.K., Bailey, T.J., Berbage, D.B., Blanton, Ambrose, Blanton, D.D., Brown, Wm., Burgess, Thomas, Betenbough, Joseph, Betenbough, Jno., Blanton, N.A., Burgess, L.I., Cellars, Wm., Clary, Herod, Clary, G.B., Clary, Singleton, Clary, Wm., Carter, E.L., Dukes, I.C., Edge, Jno., Fowler, B.F., Fowler, Jno., Fowler, R.M., Fowler, Wm., Fowler, Richard, Fowler, W., Farr, F.M., Goudlock, T.D., Griffin, Thomas, Goforth, W.M., Hames, L.A., Horn, Asbury, Horn, Elias, Hughey, J.R., Horn, Wash., James, Wash., Jefferies, Hamlet, Jones, James, Jeter, S.A., Jones, S., Kirby, Wm. D., Knox, James, Kendrick, T.J., Knox, Morgan, Knox, Thomas, Lee, W.A., Leonard, Wm., Littlejohn, C.T., Littlejohn, Henry, Littlejohn, M.R., Lockhart, J.C., Lockhart, J.N., Lenoad, J.M., Lockhart, R.M., Maberry, Saml., McCafferty, G.A., Macornsor, D.R., Mayes, L.C., McKown, F.M., Millwood, J.C., Millwood, J.H., Millwood, Morgan, Moorhead, J.T., Moorhead, W.G., Mosely, D.P., Moseley, W.D., Murphy, M., Murphy, S.M., Peeler, J.R., Page, J.L., Page, R., Peeler, A.J., Peeler, D.M., Perkinson, S., Phillips, S.G., Puckett, I.H., Pearson, I.A., Phillips, G.M., Phillips, J.T., Phillips, T.J., Rodgers, W.N., Scott, H.W., Scott, T.E., Scates, L., Spencer, D.N., Sprouse, W., Stroup, T.H., Sartor, T., Shippey, M., Spencer, J., Sanders, A.J., Thompson, M.D., Wakefield, L., Ward, I.L., Ward, I.N., Wilkins, R.S., Wilkins, T.T., Ward, W.
CAPTAINS: Chandler, J.B., McCutcheon, J. LIEUTENANTS: Haselden, W.M., Barren, B.P., Timmons. F.M., Cooper, F.E. SERGEANTS: Fulton, T.M., Wilson, W.J., Eaddy, T., McClary, J., Gamble, H.D., Cox, W.G., Lenerieux, F.M. CORPORALS: Brown, J.J., Johnson, M.M., Burrows, J.T., Nesmith, J.
PRIVATES: Autman, J.A., Altman, L.C., Abrams, I.B., Abrams, W., Ard, R., Ard, J., Ard, F., Avant O.R., Barrimeau, B.T.L., Barrimeau, J.J., Baxley, O., Bratcher, A., Brown, J., Brown, A.W., Brown, D.L., Bowden, H., Buckles, H., Buckles, L., Buckles, J., Burns, J., Burrows, I.T., Burrow, W.S., Carter, E.W., Carter, A.W., Carter, A.B., Carter, J.D., Carter, T., Colyer, J., Cox, L., Cox, F., Cox, W.I., Cox, J.R., Cox, J.T., Cox, I.G., Cockfield, J.C., Christman, G.W., Cribb, C., Cribb. D.W., Donahoe, A.W., Eaddy, I.F., Eaddy, W.S., Eaddy, G.J., Eaddy, D., Ferrel, F., Flagler, A.P., Gaskin, J.J., Gaskin, E.V., Gaskin, J.C., Gaskin, C.A., Gaskin, A.M., Gist, G.G., Gordon, H., Graham, J. McC., Graham, W.L., Gurganus, J.E., Hanna, G.W., Hanna, R., Hanna, J.F., Haselden, S.B., Haselden, A.J., Haselden, J., Haselden, J.R., Haselden, W.B., Haselden, J., Hudson. J., Hughes, ——, James, J.A., June, T.G., June, A., Johnson, E.H., Kinder, H.H., Lambert, B.P., McDonald, ——, McAlister, W., Marsh, J., Matthews, J.J., Matthews, W.W., Matthews, J., Maurice, R.F., McConnell, W.S., McDaniel, J., McLellan, A.K., Miller, J., Owens, J.A., Perkins, W.G., Paston II, A., Ponncy, J.A., Ponncy, M., Scott, A.W., Scott, J.C., Scott, G.C., Spring, G.W., Spivey. H.E., Stone, P.T., Stone, T.B., Tanner. T.A., Tanner, J., Thompson. S.B., Thompson, J., Tomas. J., Tilton, H., Venters, L., Venters, J., Whitehead, N.M., Whitehead. J.
CAPTAINS: Sims, W.H., Farr, W.P., Briggs, W.R., Farr, F.M. LIEUTENANTS: Barley, J.L., Porter, J., Parr, W., Howell, M. SERGEANTS: Savage, J., Greer, F., Barley, J., Smith, H. CORPORALS: Fair, G., Coleman, B.C., Morgan, D.V.
PRIVATES: Adams, A.R., Adams, B., Adis, J., Adis, Wm., Adis, R., Alverson, W.G., Bentley, John, Bentley, James, Burgess, F., Burgess, R., Bevell, W., Bevell, W.H.H., Bends, L., Barnes, M., Conner, W.F., Conner, W.E., Cadd, F.R., Cadd, W.F., Chapman, J., Davis, J., Davis, P.A., Dabbs, W., Dabbs, J., Edge, J., Farr, D., Farr, D.A.T., Farr, D., Farr, N., Fausett, K., Fowler, J.M., Fowler, T., Fowler, G., Fowler, M., Garner, G.W., Garner, W., Garner, C., Garner, L., Garner, J., Gault, H.C., Gregery, A., Gregery, F., Griffin, W., Griffin, D., Hawkins, W., Howell, W., Howell, S.J., Hames, E., Hames, J., Haney, J., Haney, F., Humphries, A., Inman, D., Ivey, Wm., Ivey, Wiley, Ivey, R., Milwood, Frank, Milwood, E.V., Milwood, James, Milwood, Wm., Mitchell, A., McKinney, G., Motte, Jno., Mott, Jeff., Nance, N., Palmer, J., Palmer, E., Parr, R.T., Parr, D., Parr, Richard, Savage, A., Sharp, C., Simpson, C., Smith, M., Smith, W., Smith, Jno., Stears, A.D., Stears, D., Sprouse, L., Sprouse, Jno., Sprouse, A., Tracy, J., Vaughn, K., Vaughn, A.L., Vinson, J.W., Vaudeford, H., Vaudeford, W.M., Vaudeford, J.W., Wishard, J., Wix, James, Wix, Joel, Worthy, C., Worthy, Richard, Leverett, J.
CAPTAINS: Koon, J.H., Derrick, J.A. LIEUTENANT: Frick, R.W., Derrick, F.W., Lake, J.T., Fulmer, H., Monts, F.W., Davis, R., Wessinger, H.J., Lybrand, J.N., Keisler, Wade, Shealy, W.C. SERGEANTS: Wiggers, H.J., Frick, A.J., Lindler, S.P., Eargle, J.A., Long, P.D., Derrick, J.F., Frick, S.J., Frick, L.A., Wessinger, W.F., Amick, H.L. COPORALS: Fulmer, C.N.G., Wessinger, N.J., Ballentine, C., Bowers, A.J.
Privates: Amick, J. Wesley, Amick, Joseph W., Amick, James J., Amick, S.D.W., Amick, E.L., Amick, V.E., Amick, G.H., Amick, D.I., Amick, L.J., Amick, J.L., Bickley, J.H., Bickley, D.W., Bickley, J.A., Bickley, J.I., Busby, W.T., Boland, S.B., Ballentine, W.P., Ballentine, J.W., Coogler, D., Crout, J., DeHart, D., DeHart, J., Derrick, D.I., Derrick, F., Derrick, J.A., Dreher, G.L., Epting, D.W., Eargle, G.E., Feagle, George, Fulmer, L.J., Fulmer, W.P., Fulmer, D.J., Frick, I.N., Griffith, A., Ham, D., Hodge, A., Holman, W.W., Jacobs, J.E., Keisler, J.J., Koon, G.E., Koon, J.B., Koon, H.M., Koon, S.D., Koon, S.W., Koon, W.F., Koon, J.F., Koon, John F., Koon, Walter W., Koon, Hamilton, Koon, J.D., Koon, J.F., Koon, H.W., Lindler, S.G., Lindler, Jacob, Lindler, John, Long G.J., Long, J.J., Long, J.W., Long, Jno. W., Lybrand, J., Monts, G.M., Mayer, A.G., Metz, O.P., Perkins, W.S., Risk, W.I., Risk, J.A., Sutton. J., Shealy, N.E., Shealy, M., Shealy, G.M., Shealy, G.W., Shealy, S., Shealy, J., Shealy, W.W., Smith, G.W., Talbert, J.W., Turner, C.B.; Wiley, E., Wheeler, J.W., Wheeler, L.G., Wessinger, H.J., Wessinger, J.A., Wyse, W.M., Wiggers, A., Wiggers, J.D.
CAPTAIN: Bird, H.J. LIEUTENANT: Rodgers, W.M., White, A., Taggert, W.H., Smith, W.A., McCaslan, W.M., Henderson, O. SERGEANTS: Dean, B.A., Smith, S.B., Jennings, J.C., Freeland, S.E., McBride, S.S., McBride, J.B., Calvin, A.P. COPORALS: Deason, A., Ballard, F.S., McCaine, J.K., Hendrix, M.F., Berdeshaw, W.C., Dorn, J.J., Bird, M., Attaway, S.
Privates: Adams, J.Q., Bearden. W., Bangham, W.W., Bell, E.B., Bouchillon, H.M., Bouchillon, J.S., Bull, W.W., Bussey, T.J., Bird, D., Bird, W., Brown, R., Brown, W.M., Brown, E., Brown, M., Brown, J., Bussey, D., Bodie, J.R., Carr, N., Caldwell, J.W., Corley, J.A., Corley, C., Collins, J.F., Crawford, J.R., Cothran, J.M., Crestian, J.T., Covin, O.W., Cook, S., Curry, W.L., Dean, F., Devore, S., Devore, J.S., Devore, J.W., Doollittle, J.E., Doollittle, S., Ennis, J.O., Ennis, G.W., Ennis, T.W., Elam, J., Evans, J., Freeland, J.P., Frith, T., Gardner, W.T., Gardner, A.H., Glansier, P., Griffin, E., Hamilton, W.M., Harrison, H.C., Harrison, J., Hasteing, J., Harris, A., Henderson, C., Henderson, J.E., Hendrix, H.H., Hughes, J.S., Hill, T., Horn, S., Hannon, W., Holsomback, H.H., Hill, J., Hemphill, ——, Hardy, J., Holloway, W.J., Ivy, T., Irvin, J., Johnson, E.C., Jeno, M., Jennings, C., King, W.M., King, T., King, S., Lawton, F.E., Lawton, J.W., Lawton, A., Lawton, L., Ludwick, W.C., Lukewire, H., Mathis, T.E., Mayson, R.C., Mayson, P.A., Mayson, J., Mayson, J.C., Martin, H.D., McCain, W.J., Miner, J., Miner, W., Merriweather, R., McKinney, J., McKelvin, G.T., Martin, A.M., McCannon, W.R., Moore, J.D., Medlock, A., Newby, G.W., Purdy, J.H., Price, W.C., Price, R., Price, H., Rich, J.S., Robertson, J.B., Robertson, H., Rearden, L.D., Rodgers, P.A., Rodgers, P., Sperry, E.C., Shadrack, T.N., Shannon, W.N., Scott, W.D., Shover, W., Steadman, J., Sheppard, L., Towles, E., Tompkins, S., Tompkins, W., Timmerman, F., Taggart, P., Vaughn, J., Vaughn, D., Weeks, C., Whitton, C., Walker, B.C., Walker, C., Whatley, E., Weeks, S., Weems, J.T., New, S., Smith, W.H., Robertson, J.S., Davis, W.M., Reynolds, J.M., Crawford, J.W., Vaughn, W.
* * * * *
CAPTAINS: Rice, W.G., Townsend, J.M. LIEUTENANTS: Anderson, J.W., Anderson, D.W., Anderson, Jno. W., Murchison, B.K., King, A.A. SERGEANTS: Craig, J.D.. Wilcutt, B.F., Moore, G.W., Anderson, J.J., Calhoun, J.W., Hunter, W.S., Nickols, R.J., Anderson, J.S. CORPORALS: Davenport, L.P., Elmore, L., Teague, L.
PRIVATES: Anderson, P.K., Anderson, A.W., Anderson, A.T., Anderson, J.B., Burns, W., Busby, J.S., Calhoun, J., Calhoun, J.W., Chaney, T., Chaney, J.R., Craddock, J.R., Cannon, B., Clardy, B.S., Connor, L.D., Davis, J., Davis, W.D., Davis, A., Davis, T., Davis, B.F., Dodson, W., Elmore, Massalome, Elmore, J., Elmore, Maston, Elmore, G., Fooshe, J.A., Fooshe, J.D., Foose, J.C., Finley, J.H., Goddard, J.E., Goddard, W.E., Graves, W., Golding, J.J., Griffin, W.H., Griffin, E.W., Hines, G.W., Hill, M.S., Hill, B.T., Hill, N., Hodges, M., Knight, J., King, R., King, J.J., Lomax, W., Lipford, A., McGee, L.H., Martin, L., McPherson, J.M., Martin, L., Nelson, J.M., Nelson, E., Nelson, W.A., Norman, J., Nichols, J.H., Nichols, J., Owens, B.L., Owens, J.T., Owens, E.N., Pinson, E.M., Pinsom, C.F., Puckett, W.H., Puckett, S.D., Puckett, K.C., Redden, Hazel, Rampy, J.M., Redden, Harry, Saxon, P.A., Shirly, D.A., Shirley, Tully, Sims, Thadeus, Sims, S.C., Taylor, J., Taylor, Jno., Taylor, G., Watts, W.D.
CAPTAINS: Williams, J.G., Ligon, R.B., Watson, O.A., Wells, W.A., Pitts, W.S. LIEUTENANTS: Roberts, J.C., Fuller, A.A., Ligon, J.W., Miller, C.M., Dunlap, R.S. SERGEANTS: Davis, J.W., Watson, J.E., Starnes, R.C., Waldrop, R.G., Nance, W.G., Bryson, H., Wright, W.W., Dunlap, R.S., Griffin, R.S., Grant, G.W. CORPORALS: Milam, A.R., Cox, M., Sims, L.S., Fuller, J.C., Walker, F.M., Jones, J.A., Nance, R.G., Fuller, W.B.
PRIVATES: Austin, I.G., Austin, I.S., Boazman, W.M., Boazman, B.S., Brown, T.S., Bailey, J., Butler, R.P., Boozer, J.J., Butler, W.L., Brown, H.R., Benjamin, S.R., Bailey, M., Crawford, J.W., Coleman, T.T., Coleman, O.A., Calhoun, T.H., Cook, W.I., Cole, W.M., Daniel, T.D., Duncan, J.G., Dalrymple, J.H., Dendy, E.G., East, O.D., Fuller, A.S., Fuller, P.A., Fuller, E.P., Fuller, J., Fuller, E., Finley, S.J., Goodman, B., Goodman, B.B., Griffin, E., Harvey, J.H., Hitt, H.L., Hitt, P., Hitt, Robt., Hazel, G., Hazel, J., Hollingsworth, R.S., Hollingsworth, A., Hughes, J.H., Hand, W., Hacot, B.C., Irby, W.L., Kissick, F., Ligon, J.S., Ligon, G., Ligon, J., Lindsey, D.W., Lowe, I.G., Lake, R.S., Mates, W.M., Miller, W.P., Madden, W.C., Myres, Z.E., Milam, H.W., Milam, J.A., Milam, W., Nelson, M.L., Nelson, J.F., Nelson, A., Nelson, J.M., Nelson, W., Nance, F.W.N., O'Neal, J., Pitts, G.W., Pitts, F., Reed, J.Y., Reed, B., Roberts, J., Richardson, W., Smith, M., Snow, A.J., Thompson, W., Williams, R.E., Winnebrenner, G., Wells, W.J., Wheeler, M.A., Watts, E.C., Watts, J.G., Waldrop, W.E.
CAPTAINS: Shumate, J.J., Hudgens, W.L., Irby, G.M. LIEUTENANTS: Woods, T.R.L., Henderson, M.W., Cooper, J.N., Fuller, H.Y., Wadkins, H.H., Baldwin, S.B., Fuller, A.C. SERGEANTS: Boyd, W.L., Hudgens, A.W., Donney, J., Bolt, W., Cooper, T.P. CORPORALS: Culbertson, Y.J., Anderson, D.S., Stone, W.W.
PRIVATES: Abereromble, J.C., Andrews, W.W., Avery, S.K., Avery, J., Adams, J.P., Boyd, J.Y., Burton, J.J., Bolt, S., Bolt, Saml., Bolt, Jno., Bolt, James, Bolt, Franklin, Brown, G.M., Brooks, J.P., Brooks, N.P., Baldwin, J.E., Baldwin, D.H., Baldwin, V., Burgess, E.R., Blackwell, J.H., Box, W.I., Cooper, H.H., Cooper, J.Y., Cooper, J.A., Cooper, D.M., Culbertson, Y.S., Culbertson, J.B., Culbertson, M.M., Culbertson, W.P., Culbertson, T.H., Culbertson, W.S., Culbertson, J.R., Culbertson, J.M., Culbertson, J.H., Cheshire, L.H., Cheshire, C., Cannon, W.N., Cannon, R., Duvall, J.H., Dugnall, W., Elledge, J.P., Fuller, I.M., Godfrey, J., Hudgens, R., Hudgens, C., Hellams, C.C., Henderson, L., Hill, W.T., Johnson, M., Johnson, B.F., Jenkins, J.A., Jenkins, R., Jones, B.F., Jones, J.B., Knight, W.D., Lindley, H., Lindsey, T., Lindley, W., Mitchell, M., Murff, M., Micham, A., Moore, L., Moore. M., Moore, Jackson, Moore, Frank, Moats, W.C., Morgan, W., Manley, B.T., Manley, P.J., Moats, T.A., McClellan, J.A., Malvey, P.W., Medlock, A., Nash, W.M., Nelson, W.Y., Nelson, J.W., Nelson, F., Pitts, J.W., Pitts, J.S., Puckitt, G.W., Puckitt, W.A., Robertson, J., Robertson, H.D., Ryley, J., Ross, A., Ross, T., Saxton, F., Shumate, R.Y., Shumate. L.J., Shumate, H., Sullivan, H., Stevens, J.P., Terry, B.F., Taylor, H.P., Taylor, B., Vaughn, B., Watkins, T.J., Watkins, L., Walker, J.A.
CAPTAIN: Gunnels, G.M. LIEUTENANTS: James, B.S., Kirk, C.E., Allison, R.W. SERGEANTS: Harris, J., Potter, B.L., Dial, D.T., Armstrong, D. CORPORALS: Shell, J.H., Allison, J., Ramage, F., Simmons, W.
PRIVATES: Adams, J., Adams, Robert, Armstrong, S., Atwood, M., Abrams, G.W., Babb, William, Babb, Doc, Babb, J., Belle, L.G., Barger, H.M., Boyd, E., Boyd, D.W., Bailey, A.P., Brownley, J.R., Burdette, G.W., Bishop, W., Bishop, J.W., Bailey, M.S., Bishop, J.C., Blalock, R., Chappell, W., Chambers, J.B., Cunningham, M.C., Cunningham, R.A., Curry, L., Cason, M.J., Crisp, A., Duncan, R., Epps, W., Eutrican, W.M., Evans, W.R., Garlington, C., Gunnels, W., Graham, A., Hollingsworth, J.I., Hollingsworth, A.C., Hellams, W., Hellams, Y., Harmond, F.F., Harris, S., Hatton, T.J., Hollingsworth, W., Joyce, J.C., Jones E.P., Jones, H.C., Johnson, Dr. J.P., Kelly, F., Knight, D., Langston, Henry, Loyd, T., Madden, D.C., Martin, J., Mason, A., May, J.P., Metts, M.B., McCawley, Martin, McCawley, James, McKnight, W.D., Milam, W.S., Munroe, W., Neal, A.T., Owens, J.H., Owens, L., Parks, A.R., Peas, Jno., Potter, Moses, Price, James, Ray, J.J., Rook, S., Rowland, A., Richardson, Jno., Shell, E.C., Shockley, J., Shockley, R., Simmonds, J., Starks, D., Spears, R.S., Spears, G.T., Speake, J.T., Speake, J.L., Stoddard, W., Taylor, A.S., Thomas, J.H., Tribble. E.E., Wesson, Thomas, West, S., Whitton, D.M., Winn, C., Wolff, W.Y., Harris, W.C.
CAPTAINS: Hunter, Melnott, Fowler, W.H., Ware, H., Burnside, Alien. LIEUTENANTS: Riddle. A.J., Cooper, E., Cox, M.C., Henry, B.L., Moore, P. SERGEANTS: Fowler, W.D., Farburn, N., Mills, J.A., Armstrong, D., Owens, M. CORPORALS: Riddle, M., Ball, S.P.
PRIVATES: Balle, L.G., Bramlett, C., Bramlett, H., Bramlett, J., Bramlett, R., Brown, J., Bryant. T.T., Bryant, W., Burdett. J., Burns, J., Burns, R., Cheek, J., Cook, W.C., Cox, S., Culbertson, B., Culbertson, M., Farrow, T., Fleming, P., Fowler. J.R., Frank, J., Fowler, W., Garner, J., Garrett. P., Garrett, W.A., Gillian. W., Gideons, J.L., Guinn, M., Gray, J., Grumble, W., Hand, W., Handback, M., Handback, W., Higgins, A.H., Holcomb, A., Holcomb, H., Holcomb, J., Holcomb, S., Holcomb, Wm., Hunt, ——, Hunt, ——, Kernell, Wm., Knight, J., Long, J., Long, T., Martin, J.R., McNeely, J., Miller, J.D., Moore, G., Newman, B., Newman, S., Osborn. W., Owens, A.Y., Owens, G., Owens, T., Owens, Y., Park, J.H., Park, T., Patton, W.P., Powers. B., Powers, P., Prior, L, Riddle, D., Riddle, F., Riddle, G., Riddle, L., Riddle, M., Riddle. N., Riddle, W., Robertson, J.R., Ropp, H., Spelts, R., Stuart, B., Stuart, J., Stuart, John, Stuart, Joseph, Stuart, Robt., Sumerel, M., Sumerel, T., Sumerel, W., Switzer, L.O., Thompson, W., Todd, R.J., Garrett, J., Morgan, S.
CAPTAIN: Miller, D.B. LIEUTENANTS: Percival, E.S., Morrison, R.S., Freidburg, Joseph. SERGEANTS: Percival, F.H., Kirkland, R.S., Diseker, J.H., Keough, P.H., DeLoria, A. CORPORALS: Friday, S.D., Montgomery, G.B.W., Scott, F.J., Cathcart, W.J.
PRIVATES: Altee, J.W., Barefoot, Sion. Bates, O.B., Baugn, Wm., Boyer, Moses, Bull, Thomas, Burroughs, W.D., Bellinger, Wm., Cloffy, P., Campbell, James, Cooper, Jesse, Cooper, Thomas, Curlee, John, Dennis, H., Denkins, Saml., Flemming. A.H., Forbs, J.G., Friedman, B., Fulmer, W., Gardner, J.H., Glaze, Jno., Glaze, Allen, Gladden, L.T., Hickson, Sam, Howell, R.E., Jones, David, Legrand, W.W., Lever, Geo., Marsh, Edward, McCauley, J.B., Miles, E.H., Miot, C.H., Moye, J.E., Munson, W., Moore, Allen, Neely, Jno., Norman, Chas., North, S.R., Percival, G., Percival, N.N., Purse, T.P., Pollock, J.L., Reiley, James, Rembert, Jno., Reaves, Jno., Ross, Thos., Sill, T., Saunders, J.W., Senn, Dedrick, Schultz, W.C., Smith, T.N.C., Smith, Sol., Spriggs, H.V.L., Stokes, E.R., Jr., Turner, W.T., Taylor, Wm., Taylor, Jno., Thrift, Robt., Tradewell, F.A., White, E.C., White, G.A., Williamson, T., Williamson, D.W., Wardlaw, W.H., Aughtry, Jno., Davis, Andrew, Elkins, James, Elkins, Spence, Hammond, E., Lee, John, Sealy, Wm., Wooten, Danl.
CAPTAINS: Irby, A.P., Whitner, B.M. LIEUTENANTS: Gladney, Wash, Robinson, J.S., Shedd, J.P., DesPortes, R.S., Jennings, R.H. SERGEANTS: Martin, D., Ashford, J.W., Gibson, H.T., Trapp, Laban, Watt, B.F., Trapp, L.H., Mason, W.N. CORPORALS: Beard, J.M., Robinson, Wm., Blair, A.F., Craig, T.N.A., Craig, Wm.
PRIVATES: Aiken, Jim, Aiken, H.G., Aiken, H.N., Aiken, Robt., Brown, U., Brown, J.W., Brown, T.G., Brown, J.R., Blair, Thos., Blair, A.F., Boyd, John, Boney, Jesse, Bull, Thomas, Brown, Chas., Beard, James, Brown, Frank, Crawford, R.B., Crompton, Thomas, Carman, Sam., Carman, Jesse, Crossland, H.J., Chandler, W., Craig, Wm., Crossland, Jasper, Carmack, Warren, Davis, T.C., DesPortes, J.A., Douglass, C.M., Douglass, W.T., Douglass, S.M., Flanigan, Z., Gladney, B., Gladney, W.R., Gradick, Jesse, Gibson, H.J., Gibson, Green, Hamilton, Wm., Hogan, Pink, Hawes, Tatum, Haigwood, Jeff., Haigwood, R.M., Hook, W.T., Hopkins. Wm., Irby, W.F., Irby, Wm., Johns, Wm., Jennings, Robt., Lyles, B.F., McConnel, Butler, McClure, Jno., Millings, Rus., Mann, Thos., Martin, Jno., Morgan, Wm., Mason, W.N., Millings, J.N., Moore, Nathan, McKintry. T.B., McConnell, A.C., McCreight. S., McCrady. M.H., Milling, Hugh, Martin, Newton, Martin, Wm., Nelson, J.T., Paul, J.T., Porter, C., Pouge, W.C., Robinson, James, Robinson, W.W., Robinson, I.Y., Robinson, S.N., Robinson, W.I., Ragsdale, E.R., Rabb, Calvin, Russel, Jno., Shedd, W.H., Scott, Jesse. Tinkler, George, Tinkler, Wm., Turkett, T.W., Trapp, U.C., Wilson, Dave, Withers, James, Weldon, Wm., Veronce, C.B.
* * * * *
Field and Staff. COLONELS: Keitt, L.M., Boykin, S.M. LIEUTENANT COLONELS: Dantzler, O.M., McMichael, P.A. MAJORS: Mimms, A., Partlow, J.M., Leaphart, G. ADJUTANTS: Chisolm, R., Hane, W.C., Wilson, Jno. A. QUARTERMASTERS: Kinard, Jno. P., Woodward, T.W. COMMISSARY: Heriot, Jno. O. SURGEON: Salley, A.S. ASSISTANT SURGEONS: Fripp, C.A., Barton, D.R. CHAPLAINS: Meynardie, E.J., Duncan, Y.W. SERGEANT MAJORS: Quattlebaum, T.A., Quattlebaum, E.R. QUARTERMASTER SERGEANTS: Barton, T.F., Wannamaker, F.W. COMMISSARY SERGEANT: Solomons, J.T. ORDNANCE SERGEANT: Phillips, T.H.
CAPTAINS: Partlow, Jno. M., Woodin, C.H.A., Lee, Jno. LIEUTENANTS: Talley, Dyer, Williams, D.O., Norton, E.R., Siddall, Jno., Barr, S.A. SERGEANTS: Lusk, Newt., Wilcox, F.H., Knee, Hermon, Wilson, Mack. CORPORALS: Ansel, Harmon, Smith, C.M., Norrell, John, Fisher, James.
PRIVATES: Anderson, John, Appleton. Wm., Atkinson, Thomas, Burrell, Miles, Beiman, Henry, Bracke, Henry, Bramlett, Wm., Ballinger, Wm., Babb, ——, Brace, ——, Bowlin, Thos., Brown, Lee, Butler, Levi, Craine, Wm., Craine, Isaac, Cannon, S.C., Carpenter, Wm., Crow, Isaac, Dawkins, ——, Darby, Thos., Ellenburg, Jno., Elrod, ——, Ellis, G., Fisher, Wm., Fisher, B.P., Heddin, J.P., Heddin, Isaac, Heddin, D.B., Holcomb, ——, Hembree, Wm., Handcock, Thos., Holly, James, Ivester, Anderson, Knight, Jno., Kelly, Wm., Kelly, W.N., Lusk, Jno., Lyda, Jno., Owens, Riley, Partlow, Pickens, Patterson, Wesley, Powell, Ashley, Randolph, S.H., Reid, Samuel, Reid, Massey, Reid, James M., Rochester, W.T., Richie, D.L., Sanders, Elijah, Smith, Ezekiel, Smith, D.W.S., Teague, Wm., Teague, Isaac, Turner, Pickens, Vinson, D., Vinson, Jno., Ward, Nathaniel, Woodsin, C.H.A., Wilson, Mack.
CAPTAIN: McMichael, P.A. LIEUTENANTS: Barton, B.H., Whetstone, N.C., Cox, J.R. SERGEANTS: Inabinet, D.J., Way, A.H., Myers, D.D., McCorquodale, ——, Donald, J.A. CORPORALS: Shuler, J.W., Murphy, J.C., Grambling, A.M., Buyck, F.J.
PRIVATES: Arant, J.T., Bair, J.S., Bair, S.H., Barber, W.E., Bars, W., Baxter, D.F., Bolin, J.E.A., Bolin, J.S., Boltin, J.H., Boltin, E.A., Bonnet, J.D., Bonnet, W.R.E., Bozard, D.B., Bozard, J.D., Bozard, C.F., Brantley, E.W., Brodie, J.W., Brodie, John W., Brodie, Judson, Brodie, J.R., Buyck, J.W., Clayton, W., Collier, L.P., Cook, J.M., Cox, A.M., Crum, J.W., Crum, A.F., Culalasieur, N.W., Dantzler, G.M., DeWhit, M., Dixon, W., Dixon, Henry, Dukes, T.C., Elbrooks, H., Fair, G.S., Fair, J.W., Felkel, J.R., Felkel, J.A., Friday, P.D., Grambling, F.H., Grambling, J.H., Grey, A., Haigler, J.A., Heiner, H.W., Herron, R.R., Holman, A.C., Horger, J.F., Houck, J.J., Houser, J.D., Hutchins, J.C., Hutchins, J.A., Huff, G.W., Hunkerpieler, T.N., Hunkerpella, L., Jackson, J.F., Jackson. J.C., Joyner, D.P., Judy, H., Judy, H.I., Keiser, W.J., Keiser, F.D., Leaird, H.D., Lyles, T., Mack, J., Metts, D.G., Metts, G.W., Metts, W.J., Murphy, H.H., Murphy, L., Murphy, H.B., Murphy, P., Noble, S., Patrick, J., Patrick, D.W., Patrick, E., Patrick, S.P., Patrick, V.V., Pearson, J.H., Pooser, F.N., Pooser, E.H., Rast, J.A., Rast, J.C., Rast, J.L., Rast, T.F., Rast, J.S., Rast, G.D., McReady, E., Reay, M., Riley, H.W., Riley, O.B., Rutlin, W.W., Rutland, A.E., Rutland, H., Seagler, J.E., Sellars, G.D., Shuler, J.W., Smoak, R.F., Smoak. A.B., Smoak, M.T., Smoak, G.W., Stellinger, T.W., Stellinger, F., Till, H.F., Till, T.J., Walsh, J.J., Wannamaker, H.C., Wannamaker, F.M., Way, R.F., Way, J.D., Wolf, W.S., Zeigler, H.H., Zimmerman, D., Bonnett, J.D., McMichael, O., Smoak, G.W., Knights, J.D., Huff, D.W., Wethers, M.L., Kennerly, L.D.S.
CAPTAINS: Leaphart, G., Haltiwanger, G.T. LIEUTENANTS: Huffman, J.E., Eleazer. W.S., Haltiwanger, H.W. SERGEANTS: Houseal, W.F., Metts, S.S., Eleazer, J.M., Haltiwanger, J.H., Burkett, T. CORPORALS: Hipps, I.A., Williamson, W., Addy, T.M.G., Ballentine, S., Haltiwanger, D.K., Smith, S.L.
PRIVATES: Arnick, T.W., Arnick, I.A., Arnick, W.R., Arnick, D.W., Addy, J.B., Addison, H.T., Archart, H.M., Baker, J., Black, N.L., Black, W.E., Bookman, S.W., Bouknight, W.J., Bouknight, J.W., Busby, L., Busby, W., Buff, H.J., Buff. J., Bickley, H.W., Bouknight, J.M., Bundrick, J.M., Bundrick, J.A., Bristow, J.M., Cumelander, W.N., Cumelander, A.W., Sr., Cumelander, A.W., Jr., Cumerlander, J.S., Cumerlander, S.C., Counts, H.A., Caughman, J.C., Coogler, J.P., Coogler, R.E., Clocus, H., Counts, H.A., Daly, J.T., Daly, W.A., Dean, J.A., Derrick, J.H., Derrick, J.S., Derrick, W.C., Derrick, J., Derrick, H.D., Derrick, J.D., Derrick, G.J., Derrick, S.W., Dreher, O.A., Dreher, E.J., Eleazer, R.J., Eleazer, G.B., Epting, D.J., Epting, J.H., Eargle, J.J., Eargle, A.D., Eargle, J.D., Eargle, J.W., Eargle, A.D., Fulmer, W.F., Fulmer, J.F., Farr, G., Farr, B., Freshley, G.W., Frick, E.D., Geiger, J., Geiger, D.W., Geiger, F.S., Geiger, J., Geiger, M., Geiger, E.W., Geiger, G.M., Geiger, J.A., Geiger, L.S., Haltiwonger, G.C., Haltiwonger, J.S., Haltiwonger, G.J., Haltiwonger, D.J., Haltiwonger, J.E., Haltiwonger, J.J., Hiller, P.J., Hiller, S.B., Hiller, S., Hiller, J.A., Hyler, J.B., Hunt, N., Hameter, G., Jacobs, W.A., Jacobs, J., Kibler A., Koon, W.W., Koon, J.F., Koon, J.L., Keitt, J.D., Lorick, J.D., Lowman, J.P., Lowman, S.G., Lowman, P.G., Lowman, J.S., Lowman, P.E., Lybrand, B.C., Long, D.E., Long, W.W., Mayer, G.W., Metts, G.S., Metts, G.S., Metts, J.F., Metts, M.S., Metts, E.C., Metts, J.C., Metts, R.A., Metts, J.T., Metts S.J., Metts, C., Metts, L., Metts, E.W., Mathias, L.S., Mathias, T.S. McCartha, R., McCartha, J., Monts, J., Nates, J.T., Nates, J.A., Nunnamaker, A.S., Nunnamaker, J.H., Nunnamaker, D., Nunnamaker, W.A., Revel, J.W., Shuler, P.I., Shuler, J.L., Shuler, J.R., Stack, W., Stack, H., Sheeley, J.D., Sheeley, P.P., Sheeley, D., Sheeley, J.J., Sheeley, J.M., Suber, W.F., Slice, J.J., Slice, J.W., Slice, J.D., Summer, J.W., Sr., Summer, J.W., Jr., Seigler. J., Seigler, W., Schmitz, J.D., Stone, H., Swygert, J.W., Taylor, C., Williams, W.H., Williamson, W., Whites, E.M., Whites, A.E., Whites, S.H., Wessinger, G.S., Wessinger, J., Wessinger, J.D., Weed, C.A., Weed, J.C., Youngenener, J., Leaphart, L.
CAPTAIN: Donnelly, R.V. LIEUTENANTS: Livingston, B., Jeffcoat, N.P., Inabenat, T. SERGEANTS: Jeffcoat, H.W., Jeffcoat, J., Redmorn, I., Livingston, J.S.
PRIVATES: Axson, W.A., Axson, F.D., Bailey, G., Brown, W.F., Bonnett, P., Cartin, E., Casson, J., Carson, R.A., Carton, W., Carton, E., Carson, W.H., Cain, W.P., Carson, T.J., Carton, W., Cook, J.A., Cook, J.Q., Cook, S., Crider, T.J., Crider, A., Crider, A., Crun, V.V., Crun, H., Culler, J., Chavis, P., Chavis, J., Cubsted, J., Davis, J., Evans, A., Fogle, P.S., Fogle, P., Fogle, J.W., Furtick, G., Furtick, W., Furtick, I., Gantt, C., Hughes, M.L., Hughes, E., Hughes, J.W., Hughes, A., Hughes, W., Hutts, J., Hutts, Jacob, Hooker, J.W., Hooker L.S., Hooker, J.L.G., Hooker. J.O.A., Hooker, G., Harley, J.M., Harley, J.H., Harley, G.W., Harley, J., Harley, T.W., Hoover, J., Inabinett, G., Jeffcoat, C.A., Jeffcoat, J.J., Jeffcoat, E.D.A., Jeffcoat, J.W., Jernegan, L., Johnson, P.P., Johnson, J.W., Johnson, J., Jorner, J., Jorner, H.W., King, W., Kneese, J., Kneese, W., Livingston, G.H., Livingston, W.B., Livingston, R., Livingston, M., Livingston, J.H., Livingston, F.D., Mennicken, J.A., Mack, J.B., Mack, W.C., Mack, F.H., McMichael, R.V., McMichael, W., Mixon, L., Murph, T.W., North, J.F., Ott, J.T., Oliver, T.W., Pou, J.A.R., Pou, W.G., Pou, B.F., Pound, J., Price, P., Porter, D.A., Porter, E., Porter, J., Porter, J.A., Phillips, J.F., Phillips, J.T., Phillips, G., Peil, W., Reed, J., Reid, J., Reid, R., Reid, W.H., Rucker, R., Rucker, W., Redman, A., Redmond, P., Robinson, L., Robinson, J.T., Starns, J., Searight, J., Stabler, M., Stabler, H., Tyler, L., Wacor, W.L., Williamson, W., Williamson, E., Williamson, T., Williamson, D.R., Williamson, G., Williamson, W., West, W., Wise, D., Wise, J., Wise, J., Witt, W.P., Zeigler, A., Donnely, O.
CAPTAIN: Cowan, N.A. LIEUTENANTS: Shirley, J.J., Pruitt, W.C., King, J.A., Mattison, J.F. SERGEANTS: Copeland, J.J., Clinkscales, F., Parker, J.P., Hall, A.M., Broom, W.J. CORPORALS: Kay, C.M., Hanks, Luke, Shirley, N.A., Acker, W.H., Parker, R.E.
PRIVATES: Armstrong, J.A., Ashley, J.T., Adams, A.B., Armstrong, A.S., Ashley, John, Ashley, J.R., Ashley, J.T., Ashley, E.W., Arnold, Joel, Anderson, T.W., Brock, R.B., Brock, J.L., Bannister, M., Brock, J.H., Brock, W.C., Bancum, A., Bannister, Thomas, Bannister, W.L., Bannister, J.H., Sr., Bannister, J.M., Bannister, J.H. Jr., Bannister, J.N., Broom, J.N., Broom, A., Bagwell, Baylis, Bigby, J.A., Coker, J.J., Cummings, C.C., Callahan, J.F., Cowan, W.M., Cummings, H.A., Callahan, J.R., Callahan, D.P., Coleman, Robert, Fox, F.J., Cobb, M.A., Crasberry, A., Cox, Mac, Diver, B.F., Dunlap, W.F., Drennan, S.A., Davis, A.M., Dalrymple, J., Drake, E.H., Elgin, H., Flower, J.Y., Fields, Stephen, Fields, T., Freeman, W.G., Gambrell, S.V., Gillespie, A., Gilkerson, W.D., Gilkerson, J.A., Gantt, E.S., Grubb, C.C., Gambrell, P.M., Gambrell, E.H., Greer, J.W., Greer, George, Hawkins, R.L., Hall, J.B., Haynie, S.P., Haynie, James, Haynie, J.C., Haynie, Pink, Holliday, J., Harris, E., Hall, W.C., Hanks, J.M., Hanks, Thomas, Harper, N., Johnson, W.G.W., King, D.P., Kay, W.R., Kay, M.V.S., Keaton, J.J., Kay, J.L., King, J.D., King, J.D., Jr., Kay, M.H., Kay, J.B., Kay, W.S., Leopard, H.B., Lathan, J., Lusk. J.F., Mattison, James, Mulligan, W.H., Mann, S.H., McDavid, J.Q., Martin, Samuel, Mann, A.K., Martin, W.A., Morgan, David, Mattison. W.H., Massey, J.C., Massey, S.B., McLane, John, Murdock, J.T., Murdock, Stephen, McCoy, E.W., Morrison, O.D., Mitchell, John, Mitchell, E.M., Martin, Welborn, Neighbor, J.T., Owens, A.W., Pruitt, J.B., Pruitt, Joshua, Pruitt, E.O., Pruitt, E.D., Pruitt, T.C., Pruitt, J.P., Pearman, W.L., Pearman, W.C., Pearman, S.N., Pepper, E.K., Posey, R.L., Pack, J.B., Pitts, J.G., Pruitt, B.F., Robinson, Isaac, Robinson, Jesse, Robinson, R.B., Robinson, J.A., Robinson, J.H., Robinson, G.B., Robinson, J.M., Robinson, S.E., Robinson, R.B.A., Recketts, William, Ragsdale, F.A., Saylors, J.N., Saylors, Isaac, Shirley, S., Smith, William, Shaw, R.M., Shaw, C.M., Saylors, W.P., Saddler, Isaac, Saylor, J.W., Saylors, W.P., Saylors, W., Stone, A.H., Stone, J.B., Shaw, H.W., Shaw, J.C., Shirley. F.F., Shirley, J.J., Shirley, J.M., Smith, J.N., Smith, C., Saddler, William, Southerland, W.F., Simpson, J.D., Seawright, John, Seawright, J.S., Taylor, J.W., Tucker, L.P., Tucker, W.T., Tucker, Wm. L., Todd, I.A., Tribble, L.W., Tribble, S.M., Thurkill, ——, Vandiver, D.J., Williams, Ira, Woods, W.J., Wilson, J.J., Woods, Robert, Wilson, R.C., Wilson, J.M., Wilson, W.R., Wilson, W.N., Wilson, J.R., Wright, C.J., Wright, J.W., Wright, T.T., Williamson, M., Williamson, James, Walden, J., Willingham, A.P., Willingham, J.N., Cowan, Andrew.
CAPTAINS: Kinard, John M., Kinard. Wm. M. LIEUTENANTS: Sligh, Hilary, Kingsmore, E.R., Cannon, W.S. SERGEANTS: Reid, S.W., Buzzard, B.M., Epting, J.N., Graham, F.D., Goree, W.O. CORPORALS: Richie, C.M., Dickert, Jesse C., Rikard, Frank D.
PRIVATES: Abrams, Z.P., Abrams, S.S., Abrams, Daniel, Baker, M., Barrett, B., Brooks, H.J., Boozer, Tim, Boozer, Henry, Brown, M.L., Beard, S.P., Buzzard, O.H., Buzzard, Jeff, Buzzard, W.F., Buzzard, William, Bowles, W.H., Barre, S.C., Bedenbaugh, W.P., Cady, F.N., Calmes, C. Wash., Campell, Ed., Cannon, Geo. W., Chapman, D.N., Chapman, Henry, Counts, John C., Counts, Adam, Counts, A.B., Cromer, John R., Cromer, Jacob L., Cromer, Enoch, Cromer, R. Press, Collins, A.B., Crooks, John, Denson, John F., Denson, George, Dickert, Wm. T., Dickert, Marion, Dunwoody, S.H., Davis, John D., Dominick, L.F., Ducket, John. Epps, Wm. T., Epps, Micajah, Eady, Wm. H., Folk, Ham H., Farrow, Wood H., Glenn, Wm. H., Glenn, John D., Glenn, William, Glenn, Daniel, Glymph, B.J., Greer, R.P., Gary, I.N., Gaunt, Jeff., Henson, H.O., Hough, Andrew J., Houseal, John I., Hentz, Julius D., Hawkins, George, Herbert, Sullivan, Jones, J.E., Jones, Lewis, Kibler, Adam, Kibler, D.W.T., Kissick, J.W., Koon, W.F., Kinard, Miner, Kinard, N., Lane, J.C., Livingston, J.C., Livingston, Robert J., Livingston, Ham, Lindsay, James, Martin, Cline, McGill, Archie, McCullough, H.S., McCullough, W.P., Miller, J.F., Miller, Joseph T., Miller, J.D., Montgomery, William, Moody. J.P. Nates, Jacob, Norris, John E., Nichols, Andrew, Rikard, A., Rhodes, J.W., Rook. J.T., Rook, S.J., Rook, J.W., Ropp, A.J., Rumbly, A.J., Reeder, William, Sanders, J.M., Setzler, W.A., Sloan, John P., Stone, J. William, Stone, Henry, Suber, D.F., Stewart, John C., Stewart, S.F., Singley, G.M., Singley, J.H., Bedenbaugh, Pink., Cook, C.J., Cowan, E., Sligh, Munroe, Spencer, M., Thomas, Ed., Thrift, John, Watts, W. Peck, Wedeman, J.D., Wedeman, Silas, Wheeler, J.F., Williams, Robert, H., Wilcox, W.P., Wicker, Lang., Wicker, D., Wicker, D.R., Wicker, T.V., Wicker, Belt., Willingham, P.W., Wilson, J.S., Wilson, J.C., Wilson, H.C., Wilson, G., Wright, M.J., Wilcox, W.P.
CAPTAINS: Boykin, S.M., Herriott, R.L., Mosely, A. LIEUTENANTS: White, L.A., Rhame, G.S., McCaskill, K., Belvin, W.T., Herriott, J.V. SERGEANTS: Lafan, M.L., McLeod, William, McCaskill, F.D., Boykin, J.J., Boykin, S.B., Hancock, W.J., Jones, G.W., Madison, K., Mathis, J.R., McEachern, J.R. CORPORALS: McEachern, W.D., Allen, J.C., Andrews, O.T., Barfield, R.E., Mathis, J.V., Eachern, W.C., Smith, T.W.B.
PRIVATES: Atkinson, William, Atkinson, Wash., Andrews, E., Boykin, William, Boykin, Drewry, Boykin, S.L., Boykin, Elias, Boykin, M.H., Boykin, James, Boykin, C.M., Bounds, John, Brown, I.T., Brown Joshua, Button, C.S., Bradley, S.B., Bird, James, Baker, A., Brunson, J.I., Bradley, William, Croft, William, Croft, Wesly, Cannon, G., Corbitt, J.A., Collins, Alex., Caughman, Joe, Corbitt, J.N., Dorety, T.G., Dunlop, Samuel, Dorety, William, Dorety, Manning, Dorety, Henry, Dorety, Thomas, Dorety, Laton, Druggus, M.D., Dixon, Benj., Davis, G.P.W., Davis, Joel, Davis, J.D., Davis, Lucas, Davis, Offel, Davis, C.R., Deas, E., Duncan, George, Daniels, Wes., Daniels, Alf., Genobles, Rufus, Gaillard, Rufus, Gaillard, W.F., Hawkins, Wash., Harmon, James, Hatfield, Benj., Hatfield, William, Hatfield, Caleb, Hatfield, Charles, Hatfield, Wesly, Hancock, E.J., Hancock, T.D., Hancock, G.W., Hawkins, John, Huggins, Willie, Hutchens, ——, Hyott, James, Jeffers, Daniel, Jeffers, H.J., Jones, R.L., Jones, C.L., Jones, Henry, Jones, M., Jones, Francis, Jeffers, John, Kirby, ——, Lee, John, Lee, William, Lucas, T.B., Lucas, M.B., McCaskill, Robert, Mathis, William, Mathis, G.M., Mathis, E.B., Mathis, S., Mathis, Alex., Murph, Henry, Moseley, William, Moseley, George, Myers, T.S., Myers, P.A., McKensie, L.A., Moonyham, Stephen, McCutcheon, John, Marsh, J., McCaswill, ——, Neighbors, H., Neighbors, David, Neighbors, Isaac, Neighbors, Thomas, Nichols, W.A., Otts, James, Partin, William, Partin, J.W., Rhame, Thomas, Rodgers, J.D., Rodgers, Latson, Rodgers, Manning, Smith, J.M., Smith, Tally, Scott, Fleming, Scott, Benjamin, Syfan, C.E., Solomons, T.J., Solesby, ——, Stokes, J.L., Shiver, John, Sexious, ——, Tuninel, ——, Tensley, Thomas, Tidwell, Adison, Tidwell, William, Vassar, E.A., Vicks, William, Whites, Henry, Watson, J.T., White, John, Weldon, Benjamin, Weldon, Pake, Wacton, R.C., Watts, William, Boykin, M.S.
CAPTAINS: Kinsler, Edward, Roof, S.M. LIEUTENANTS: Hook, E.E., Hook, R.T., Hook, J.S. SERGEANTS: Mills, Jack A., Sox, Jeff., Senn, J.E., Senn, A.D., Roof, Henry J., Hook, J.D. CORPORALS: Roof, D.J., Dooley, James L., Sox, H.E., Griffith, D.T., Hutto, Britton E., Hutto, Paul P., Sphraler, J.J.
PRIVATES: Bachman, C., Bachman, H.H., Bachman, R.H., Buff, M.W., Buff, T.J., Buff, M.B., Blackwell, C.B., Berry, Jacob, Berry, George, Berry, Treadway, Berry, John, Bell, John, Clark, P.P., Clark, J.D., Churchwell, Thomas, Cook, E.E., Cook, John C., Carter, Henry A., Chaney, J.T., Dooley, Jesse K., Dooley, Jacob E., Dooley, J.L., DeVore, Thomas, Fry, J.R., Fry, Tyler, Fry, Thomas A., Gable, Godfrey, Gable, E.E., Gregory, Franklin, Gregory, John G.A., Hook, M.M., Hook, Jacob, Hook, J.V., Hooks, J.G., Herron, E., Hutto, Murphy, Hutto, F.M., Hollman, J.H., Howard, Alex., Huckabee, Oliver, Joyner, William, Kirkland, E., Leach, R.P., Leach, Iseman, Lybrand, D.W., Lybrand, M.H., Lybrand, J.H., Lever, Jacob, Lecones, G.D., Miller, S.S., Miller, Thomas, Mathias, L.M., Mathias, J.B., Mack, J.F., Mack, H.L., Monts, George, Parr, Starkey, Pool, Isaac, Pool, Hiram, Reeves, J.C., Roof, Jesse M., Roof, Benjamin J., Roof, T.J., Roof, J.L., Roof, J.W., Roof, T.E., Roof, Martin, Roof, Jesse, Ramick, John, Rich, Michael, Roland, John, Sharp, Uriah, Sharp, P.M., Sharp, Lewie, Sharp, Barney, Sharp, J.D., Sharp, Jacob, Sharp, Reuben, Sharp, Calvin, Sharp, R., Sharp, D.J., Sharp, Emanuel, Sharp, Felix, Senn, R.N., Senn, W.B., Senn, Jacob, Stuart, Robert, Shull, H.W., Shull, D.E., Shull, R.W., Shull, H.M., Shull, John W., Roof, L., Shull, John, Shull, D.P., Shull, M.A., Shull, J.E., Smith, T.C., Sox, E.G., Sox, C.S., Sox, J.E., Sox, D.M., Sox, Jesse, Sightler, William A., Spraler, W.A., Spraler, E.C., Spraler, F., Spires, J.H., Spires, D., Spires, Amos, Spires, J.H., Spires, I.J., Spires, Andrew, Spires, Henry, Spires, W.A., Spires, James, Stuckey, C.R., Stuckey, D.C., Stuckey, Wesley, Schumpert, D.P., Schumpert, N.P., Taylor, J.F., Taylor, J.G., Taylor, James G., Taylor, B.J., Taylor, Andrew, Wilson, George A., Wilson, Henry, Wilson, William, Wilson, David, Williams, Sampson, Williams, T.J., Williams, T.D., Williams, F.E., Wise,. James F., Wingard, Thomas A., Younce, George, Zenkee, William, Zenkee, John C.
CAPTAINS: Jones, J.M., Gunter, Elbert. LIEUTENANTS: Coleman, J.E., Gunter, M., Pitts, W.W., Gunter, Leroy, Gunter, D.B. SERGEANTS: Jones, N.T., Gunter, Zimri, Gunter, Emanuel, Jones, John, Gunter, Levi, Gunter, Elliott, Gunter, W.C., Wise, John W. CORPORALS: Gunter, Mitchell, Abels, Pierce, Garrin, Robert.
PRIVATES: Ables, Burk, Altman, James, Altman, Rufus, Altman, Ruben, Bennett, Tyler, Baggant, Freeman, Baggant, E.F., Brogdan, Jesse, Brogdan, M., Brogdan, William, Bryant, Mark, Burnett, Brazil, Burnett, D.P., Burnett, Willis, Burgess, Felix, Burgess, J.S., Braswell, George, Baltiziger, A., Blackwell, James, Burgess, N.J., Christmas, S.B., Creed, B.O., Cook, Chesley, Cook, Wyatt, Courtney, Young, Courtney, James, Fulmer, Adam, Fox, James H., Gunter, Drabel, Gunter, H.J., Gunter, Abel, Gunter, A.E., Gunter, Alfred, Gunter, Balaam, Gunter, Felix, Gunter, Joshua, Gunter, Lawson, Gunter, Macon, Gunter, Marshall, Gunter, M.B., Gunter, Stancil, Gunter, V.A., Gunter, W.H., Gunter, William, Gunter, W.X., Gunter, Felix M., Gantt, E.M., Gantt, M.A., Gantt, William, Gantt, A.B., Garvin, C., Garvin, E.J., Garvin, J.C., Garvin, Larkin, Garvin, Wesly, Garvin, W.R., Gunter, Riely, Garvin, J.A., Gunter, Elridge, Hall, Jeremiah, Hall, Wayne, Heartly, Willis, Heartly, M., Heron, Abner, Heron, David, Huckabee, J.F., Huckabee, John, Hydrick, Emanuel, Hydrick, John, Hutto, W.B., Hall, J.C., Hall, J.T., Jernigan, L.W., Jones, L.C., Jones, Gideon, Jones, J.B., Jones, John P., Jones, Stanmore, Jones, W.B., Jones, N.B., Jones, Watson, Jackson, J.M., Jackson, J.P., Jones, Ezekiel, Kennedy, William, Kennedy, Alex., Kirkling, E.S., Kirkling, G.W., Kirkling, Tillman, Kirkland, Hiram, Kneece, Jacob, Kennedy, Matthew, Kirkland, J.F., Mixon, D., Nobles, Ed., Pool, Elzy, Pool, J., Pool, Tillman, Pool, Elvin, Pool, John, Price, T., Rawls, Theodore, Rich, W.B., Richardson, Harrison, Richardson, W.B., Richardson, G.W., Rich, John, Sawyer, J.D., Sawyer, P.S., Sanders, John, Sanders, E., Starnes, Ezekiel, Starns, Wesly, Starns, Randy, Starns, John, Starns, Joshua, Storey, Wesly, Shelly, Melvin, Smith, I.B., Ward, A.G., Ward, John, Williams, G.W., Williams, Hiram, Williams, Rowland, Williams John, Williams, R.F., Williams, J.M., Wells, William, Wells, Thomas.
CAPTAINS: Harman, W.D.M. LIEUTENANTS: Haltiwonger, S.A., Harmon, T.S., Harmon, M.H., Seay, H., Harmon, F.J., Leaphart, J.E., Harmon, M.D. SERGEANTS: Sease, J.R.W., Quattlebaum, T.A. CORPORALS: Hendrix, J.E., Brown, S., Wingard, H., Earhart, J.W., Taylor, M.L., Rawl, E.A., Keisler, L., Wingard, J., Shealy, L.F.
PRIVATES: Alewine, J., Amick, J., Berry, J., Black, J.R., Blackwell, B., Boles, S.F., Bonenberger, P., Brown, J., Busby, P., Caughman, J.T., Caughman, L.W., Caughman, N.S., Caughman, H.J.W., Crout, L., Crout, J.T., Crout, W., Corley, E.L., Corley, L.W., Corley, S.A., Corley, W., Corley, W.A., Calk, W., Cook, W.L., Cook, W., Crapps, S., DeHart, A.H., Eargle, A.L., Eargle, F.P., Eargle, G.W., Fikes, J.A., Frey, J.W., Gross, A.H., Gregory, J., Gable, J.D., Gable, D.T., Gable, M.M., Hipps, W.S., Hite, J., Hicks, D., Hicks, R.J.A., Harmon, P.B., Harmon, G.W., Harmon, M.B., Harmon, G.M., Harmon, J.W., Harmon, J.A., Hartwell, J.J., Heyman, O., Hallman, M.L., Hallman, S.T., Hallman, E.R., Hallman, A.J., Hallman, E., Holeman, D., Hays, J.W.P., Hays, A.W.N., Hays, A.D.J., Hendrix, G.S., Hendrix, H.J., Hendrix, J.E., Hendrix, J.S., Hendrix, S.N., Hendrix, T.A., Hunt, J., Jackson, N.L., Jumper, H., Kyser, D., Kyser, J.I.B., Keisler, H., Keisler, S., Keisler, C.S., Keisler, D.F., Kaminer, W.P., Kaminer, J.M., Kaminer, J.A.W., King, E., Kistler, A.T., Kleckley, H.W., Kleckley, D.D., Kleckley, J.T., Kleckley, S., Kleckley, J.W., Lominack, D., Long, J.C., Long, J.A., Long, A.M., Long, J.H., Livingston, S., Lybrand, I.W., Lucas, M.H., Lewis, T.J., Harmon, L., Lewis, G.W., Leaphart, H.H., Miller, J., Mills, J.B., Meetze, G.A., Meetze, F.R., Mouts, S.P., Mouts, J.T., Mouts, J., Oswald, D., Price, W., Price, E.J., Price, I., Price, L., Quattlebaum, E.R., Rawl, B., Rawl, P.J., Rawl, J., Ranch, W.W., Ranch, C.S., Reeder, G.W., Reeder, J.W., Rich, ——, Roof, J.N., Roof, S.G., Roof, R., Satcher, S., Shealy, W.P., Shealy, U., Shealy, A., Shealy, J.J.B., Shealy, W.R., Shealy, N., Shealy, J.M., Shealy, P.W., Smith, J.W., Smith, A.J., See, J.B., See, D.E., Shirley, S.W., Snelgrove, C.P., Snelgrove, E.E., Steel, J., Steel, Z., Taylor, G.W., Taylor, J.W., Taylor, E., Taylor, W.C., Taylor, Z., Taylor, H., Taylor. H.W., Taylor, J.W., Taylor, J., Wingard, J.S., Wingard, T.J., Wingard, S., Wingard, G.W., Wingard, M., Wiggins, S.J.
CAPTAINS: Sparks, A.D., Bolton, C.P. LIEUTENANTS: Peterkin, J.A., Kinney, W.F., Moore, A.E. SERGEANTS: Hodges, G., Emanuel, E.M., Walsh, W.W., Covington, J.T. CORPORALS: Manning, J., Rowe, A.J., Montgomery, J., Allen, E.
PRIVATES: Allen, J., Bridges, J.W., Bristow, J.D., Bristow, J.M., Bristow, R.N., Anderson, T.F., Bethea, J.W., Buzhart, J.T., Buchanan, J.A., Calder, W., Carter, W., Berry, D.F., Carrigan, W.A., Clark, R., Cope, E., Cottingham, J., Cowan, W.T., Coxe, R.A., Croley, D., Croley, R., Culler, C.W., David, A.L., DeBarry, E., Bridges, J.H., Bridges, S., Dunford, A.J., English, C., English, J., Evans, T.A., Fowler, W.D., Frasier, C., Frasier, W., Goss, H.L., Grice, E., Grice, J., Grice, T.S., Graham, W., Graham, Windsor, Graham, W., Havse, D., Hearsey, G.R., Holeman, E., Henegan, A.B., Henegan, S.A., Hubbard, J.G., Hodges, T.C., Hodges, W.L., Graham, J.J., Ivy, L., Jackson, J., Jackson, A., Jackson, O., Kendall, R.A., Lemaster, B.B., Lipscomb, E., Lipscomb, W.R., Manning, E., Manning, J.R., Moody, G.W., McCaskill, K., McCall, D., McCormie, A., McCall, C.S., McCall, J.D., McCall, L.H., McCall, P.R., McKee, J.A., McGee, A., McLeod, M., McAlister, J., McAlister, C., Mumford, W., Parham, I.H., Parham, H., Parham, H.A., Parham, W.H., Miles, G.W., Polson, C., Polson, J., Parish, J., Parish, H., Pearson, M., Pearson, P., Rascoe, W., McLane, G., McDaniel, J.R., McDaniel, W.W., Rodgers, H.J., Rowe, S.H., Cope, I.T., Byrd, J., Quick, A.W., Smith, H.B., Spears, H., Sports, G., Sports, J., Sturgis, J., Strickland, M., Stubbs, A.A., Stackhouse, W.R., Turner, I., Truwic, C.L., Ware, G., Wetherly, E., Wilkins, J., Willoughby, R., Willoughby, J.T., Woodle, J., Williams, S.V., Miller, P.A., Welch, H., Welch, T., Windham, R.E., Hinds, J., Hale, R.W., Wallace, G.T., Wallace, W., Webster, G.W., Webster, J., Wilson, M.R., Walsh, J.R., Wright, J.G., Watson, S., Watson, W., Wicker, J., Page, W.J., Lampley, J., Gay, J., Snead, L.P., Johns, P.M., Burlington, H., Stanton, J., Littlejohn, J., Murchison, R., Berry, F., Ivy, W.H., Hamer, J., Bethea, W.H., McLeod, B.F., McPearson, A., McPearson, M., Medling, J., Baggett, H., Conner, D., Conner, W., Covington, R., Covington, E., Covington, T., Proctor, C., Fletcher, J., Emanuel, J.M., Thomlinson, L., Thomlinson, J., Moore, B.P., Moore, T., Reese, J., Reese, John, Cottingham, A., Cottingham, J., Crabb, H.B., Leggett, A., Calhoun, J.C., Calhoun, H., Sparks, B.M.
* * * * *
Agitators at the North, 10 Assault of General Longstreet, 117 Army, United, 144 Aiken, Col. D.W., sketch of, 164 Army, Corps formed, 166 Antietam, battle of, 154 Adjutants of Regiments sketch, 223 Address of General Lee, Maryland, 230 Alexander, General Commanding Artillery, 243 Allen, Lieutenant, death of, 304 Beauregard, General appointed to command, 21 Beauregard, General, sketch of, 22 Beauregard, General, transfer of, 93 Bonham, General M.L., resignation of, 85 Bonham, General M.L., sketch of, 51 Bonham, General M.L., staff of, 44 Bull Run, battle of, 61 Bee and Bartow, death of, 62 Bacon, Colonel Thos. G., sketch of, 101 Bragg, General Braxton, Army of, 266 Bland, Colonel Elbert, sketch of, 282 Bentonville, battle of, 520 Brigades of Longstreet, 297 Brooks, Captain J.H., sketch of, 481 Bean Station, battle of, 319 Brock Road, battle of, 356 Bloody Angle, battle of, 361 Berryville, battle of, 420 Convention. Secession called, 12 Cash, Colonel E.B.C., sketch of, 103 Conscript Act, 104 Civil and Mexican Wars compared, 194 Columbia, burning of, 514 Chancellorsville, battle of, 208 Charleston, Evacuation of, 518 Connor, General James, sketch of, 444 Cedar Creek, battle of, 447 Cedar Creek, stampede at, 452 Carmichael, Captain W.P., sketch of, 484 Chickamauga, battle of, 271 Chattanooga, encamped around, 289 Council of War between President Davis and Generals, 339 Coal Harbor, battle of, 372 Coal Harbor to Petersburg, 375 "Crater," battle of, 393 Dr. Saussure, Colonel, sketch of, 250 Duel between Seibles and Bland, 79 Deserter, shooting of, 319 Davis, Colonel J.B., sketch of, 334 Doby, Captain D.A., death of, 348 Deep Bottom, battle of, 389 Elliott's, General, Brigade at the "Crater", 396 Eighth Regiment, capture of, 422 Enrolment of Troops, 15 Ellsworth, Colonel, killing of, 60 Engagement of the Second and Eighth Regiments, 64 Evacuation of Manassas, 91 Eighth Regiment, enlistment of, 33 Ewell, General, victory at Winchester, 228 Evans, Dr. James, happy event, 264 East Tennessee, Longstreet in, 297 Firing of first gun, 29 First assembling of regiments, 33 Fairfax Court House, arrival and retreat, 46 Flint Hill, encamped at, 74 Foster, Lieutenant Colonel, sketch of, 100 Frazer's Farm, battle of, 130 First enlistment of troops, 33 Fifteenth Regiment, joins brigade, 170 Fredericksburg, battle of, 177 Fredericksburg, Lincoln's instruction to Burnside, 196 Federal Commanders changed, 296 Fort Sanders, assault of, 307 Federal Generals grades of, 73 Gaines' Mill, battle of, 125 Gregg, General Maxey, death of, 188 Granger, General (U.S.), bold move of, 274 Gaillard, Lieutenant Colonel, sketch of, 354 Gettysburg, first day's battle, 231 Gettysburg, second day's battle, 233 Gettysburg, third day's battle, 241 Gettysburg, Pickett's charge, 242 Gracie, General, relieves Kershaw at Chickamauga, 275 Gist, Major W.M., sketch of, 312 George, James, death of, 290 Grant General, Army of, 342 Grant, General, before Petersburg, 379 Griffith, Captain D.J., sketch of, 397 Hill, General A.P., at Mechanicsville, 117 Harper's Ferry, taking of, 148 Hancock, at the Wilderness, 346 Henagan, Colonel, sketch of, 423 Hoole, Lieutenant Colonel, sketch of, 284 Hampton, General, joins Beauregard, 512 Harllee, Captain Andrew, sketch of, 483 Johnston, General, arrival at Manassas, 61 Johnston, General, wounding of, 119 Johnston, General, conference with President, 90 Jackson, General T.J., called Stonewall, 62 Jackson, General T.J., sent to meet Pope, 140 Jackson, General T.J., at Chancellorsville, 212 Jenkins, General M., at Seven Pines, 118 Jenkins, General M., death of, 349 James, Colonel G.S., sketch of, 175 Kemper, Captain, Battery of, 54 Kershaw, General J.B., sketch of, 86 Kershaw, General J.B., promoted, 85 Kershaw, General J.B., moves to Yorktown, 93 Kershaw, General J.B., staff of, 114 Kershaw, General J.B., charge at Antietam, 156 Kershaw, General J.B., made Major General, 328 Kershaw, General J.B., reinforces Early, 418 Kershaw, General J.B., at Chancellorsville, 215 Kershaw, General J.B., ordered to South Carolina, 501 Kinard, Captain, J.M., sketch of, 441 Kennedy, General J.D., sketch of, 476 Knoxville, Tenn., operations and battles around, 300 Keitt, Colonel L.M., sketch of, 374 Keitt, Colonel L.M., death of, 368 Lincoln, A., elected President United States, 11 Louisiana Tigers, Wheat's, 74 Long inactivity, 84 Lee, General R.E., in command of Army, 120 Lee, General R.E., moves to Southside, 127 Lee, General R.E., address of, 145 Lee, General R.E., invasion of Maryland, 145 Lee, General R.E., loss at Antietam, 159 Lee, General R.E., recrosses the Potomac, 160 Lee, General R.E., position of Army, 342 Lieutenant Generals, appointment of, 226 Longstreet, strength of Array in East Tennessee, 297 Longstreet, at the Wilderness, 348 Ludicrous scene, officers in arrest, 259 Lookout Mountain, scenery of, 292 Loss, in principle battles of, 537 Loss, in Northern Prisons, 538 Law, General, Court-martialed, 337 Lewie, Colonel, sketch of, 335 Morris' Island, occupation of, 23 Magruder, General J.B., 96 McClellan, in command of Union Army, 157 McClellan, removal of, 166 McCall, General U.S.A., captured, 130 McLaws, General, follows Lee, 143 McLaws, General, relieved of command, 327 Manassas, second battle of, 141 Militia called out, 496 Maffett, Lieutenant Colonel R.C., sketch of, 424 McGowan's Brigade, charge of, 361 McGowan's Brigade, at Chancellorsville, 214 Malvern Hill, battle of, 136 McIntyre, Captain Duncan, sketch of, 217 McLeod, Major D. McD., sketch of, 251 Mountaineers of the South, 224 Nance, Colonel J.D., sketch of, 353 Nance, Captain, 478 Old Army Officers, 85 Ox Hill, battle of, 142 Pope, General U.S.A., in Northern Virginia, 139 Peck, Major W.D., sketch of, 162 Pickets, fired on at Fairfax, 48 Peace, talk of, 85 Pope, Adjutant Y.J., sketch of, 228 Prisoner, how it feels to be a, 458 Potomac, crossing at Williamsport, 229 Peace Conference, 468 President visit General Bragg, 295 Reorganizations of Regiments, 107 Reinlistments of Troops, 164 Review of Longstreet's Corps, by Lee, 340 Rice, Colonel W.G., sketch of, 313 Retrospect, 532 Secession Convention, 12 Secession, causes of, 1 "Stars of the West," fired on, 17 South, rush to arms, 30 Surrender of, General J.E. Johnston, 530 Sumter, Fired upon, 24 Sumter, surrendered, 26 Second Regiment, enlistment of, 33 Seventh Regiment, enlistment of, 33 Scouts, on Potomac, 47 Strange find at Yorktown, 96 Seven Pines, battle of, 117 Stuart, General, raid of, 120 Seven Days battle around Richmond, 123 Savage Station, battle of, 129 Shell, Captain G.W., sketch of, 163 Salmond, Doctor T.W., sketch of, 253 Stackhouse, Colonel E.T., sketch of, 285 Sherman's march through South Carolina, 513 Sherman's Army Divisions, 511 Shenandoah Valley, 424 Third Regiment, enlistment of, 33 Third Battalion, sketch of, 172 Twentieth Regiment, sketch of, 365 Tombs, General and Colonel Webster, 131 Todd, Colonel R.P., sketch of, 478 Virginia, Secession of, 32 Virginia, Lee's return to, 256 Virginia, Lee's return to, 340 Williamsburg, Battle of, 98 Wigfall, General W.T., sketch of, 27 Winter quarters at Bull Run, 82 Winter quarters near Richmond, 471 Wallace, Colonel Wm., sketch of, 479 Wilderness, Battle of, 344 War, cost of, 537 Yorktown, Kershaw shipped to, 95 Yorktown, retreat from, 97 Zobel, Julius, sketch of, 315 Zoar Church, battle of, 259
* * * * *
It is with regret, that the Author and Publishers acknowledge, so many typographical and other errors in this work. We crave the readers pardon and indulgence, and ask him to overlook them, as the matter was quite unavoidable on their part. During most of the time in which the work was in progress, the Editor was absent and could not give it his personal supervision, as he so much desired. The Author did not have an opportunity to read the proofs, and the first intimation he had of errors was after the work was completed, too late to make the corrections. Below will be found the errors that are misleading and at variance with the Author's meaning, and the truth of history. Those that are of minor importance, we have passed over, trusting to the charity and indulgence of the reader to make due allowance and changes, as will tend to make intelligent reading.
Page 57, line 25, read "Ewell" for "Buell."
Page 87, line 34, Insert "General" between "Lieutenant" and "Ewell."
Page 91, line 29, read "mush" for "much."
Page 110, line 18, read "Langford" for "Sanford."
Page 120, line 36, read "communications" for "communicators."
Page 125, line 10, read "around" for "aroused."
Page 130, line 27, read "commander" for "commanded."
Page 142, line 29, read "Semmes" for "Sumner."
Page 157, line 22, read "Governor" for "General."
Page 173, line 31, read "James" for "Jones."
Page 197, line 14, read "Monitor" for "Monster."
Page 207, line 22, read "Mirage" for "Menage."
Page 216, line 22, read "Eighth" after word "Battalion."
Page 217, line 2, read "in water" after "beaver."
Page 230, line 17, read "promptly" for "probably."
Page 233, line 12, read "brigades" for "regiments."
Page 235, line 32, read "noon" for "now."
Page 236, line 24, read "Semmes" for "Sumner."
Page 237, line 7, read "Hool" for "Hood."
Page 238, line 26, read "cannoneers" for "comoners"
Page 239, line 4, read "partially" for "practically."
Page 241. After 7th line one entire section omitted, relating to Federal officer of Artillery.
[Transcriber's Note: I was unable to find and fix the above error]
Page 242, line 14, read "Jenkins" for "Pickett."
Page 259, line 18, read "howitzers" for "powhitzers."
Page 273, line 41, read "Hard" for "Hood."
Page 277, line 30, read "pale" for "pole."
Page 278, line 13., read "Hard" for "Hood."
Page 298, line 31, read "Loudon" for "London."
Page 299, line 34, read "Loudon" for "London."
Page 337, line 33, read "enviable" for "enabling."
Page 340, line 15, read "Charlottesville" for "Chancellorsville."
Page 421, line 6, read "Adjutant" after "Assistant."
Page 437, line 6, read "despondent" for "dependent."
Page 437. First and second paragraphs should be inverted, second commencing "The situation" should be read first, then at top of page.
Page 453, line 40, read "sabring" for "sobering."
Page 492, line 30, read "dusky" for "dainty."
Page 493, line 39, read "evaporation" for "co-operation."
Page 497, line 23, read "collusion" for "collision."
Page 500, line 46, read "statutes" for "statistics."
Page 502, line 13, read "immaculate" for "immoculate."
Page 504, line 1, read "mementos" for "momentuos."
Page 505, line 13, read "replacing" for "replenishing."
Page 511, line 20, read "parallel" for "paroling."
Page 518, line 4, read "parallel" for "parole."
Page 519, line 32, read "prospects" for "protection."
Page 520, line 7, read "latent" for "latest."
Page 521, line 13, read "stores" for "stones."
Page 527, line 28, read "their homes" for "these horrors."
Page 535, line 11, read "grand" for "merry."
Page 539, line 30, read "Crimean" for "crimson."
Page 543, line 30, read "marshalled" for "marshall."