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History Of The Missions Of The American Board Of Commissioners For Foreign Missions To The Oriental Churches, Volume II.
by Rufus Anderson
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In Armeno-Turkish there were printed in 1869, 398 consecutive pages and 16,000 copies.


Under the direction of Dr. Schauffler, an edition of the New Testament, of very beautiful typography, was issued in 1862. Also, Matt. v. in separate form. A Commentary on Matthew and Mark, 400 pages, 1,000 copies. 1864. The Decalogue, one page, 1,000 copies. 1867. The Beatitudes, one page, 1,000 copies. 1867. Selected Texts, one page, 1,000 copies. 1867. Selected Texts, one page, 1,000 copies. 1867. On Belief and Worship: an Explanation of the Christian Religion as understood and professed by Protestants, 128 pages, 3,000 copies. The Primer, 64 pages, 5,000 copies. 1869. Notes on the Decalogue, 80 pages, 3,000 copies. Teachings of the New Testament, concerning the Judgment, 16 pages, 5,000 copies. Firman of the Porte in relation to the Protestant community, 300 copies.

In this dialect, in 1869, were printed 161 consecutive pages, 13,300 copies—total, 531,300 pages.

In the Koordish Dialect, previous to 1863, 13,000 copies of the Scriptures had issued from the mission press.


In the year 1844, a small volume in this language was issued at Smyrna. It was Part I. of Gallaudet's Child's Book on the Soul, 61 pages, 2,000 copies. In 1851 and 1852, several Tracts were printed, in all 8,000 copies. In 1853, the Book of Psalms. In 1860, 59,000 copies, in part of the New Testament, and in part of other books and tracts, making 3,332,000 pages. In 1861, the New Testament, Biblical Catechism, Child's Book on the Soul, etc., 1,195 consecutive pages, and 60,000 copies. In 1863, 1,896,000 pages. Up to this time, 4,000 copies of the New Testament. In 1864, 303 copies of tracts, etc., 39,000 consecutive pages. The issue of the Old Testament, following the New, commenced 1866. The Zornitza, or Day Star, a small monthly sheet, was commenced about 1866, having 750 subscribers.

After this time, the printing was as follows:—

TOTAL PAGES. COPIES. COPIES. The Bible, commenced, imperial, 8vo 624 5,000 3,120,000 The Pentateuch 352 1,000 352,000 Book of Genesis 167 1,000 167,000 Book of Proverbs 91 2,000 182,000 Hymn and Tune Book, finished 44 3,000 132,000 Dr. Goodell's Sermons 522 3,000 1,566,000 Sermon on the Sabbath 12 2,000 24,000 Commentary on Matthew 240 3,000 720,000 Spiritual Worship 156 2,000 312,000 The Bible and Tradition 35 3,000 105,000 Protestants the Ancient Orthodox 43 3,000 129,000 Baptism 28 3,000 84,000 The Lord's Supper 34 3,000 102,000 The Pope and the Roman Catholic Church 74 3,000 220,000 Answer to Infidel Objections 36 3,000 108,000 Bruch on Prayer 48 3,000 144,000 The Way of Salvation 8 3,000 24,000 Poor Joseph 8 3,000 24,000 The Two Lambs 18 3,000 54,000 On Fasting, third edition 16 3,000 48,000 The One Thing Needful, second edition 7 3,000 21,000 The Enlightened Priest, second edition 22 3,000 66,000 Index to Sermons 4 3,000 12,000 The Heavenly Voice, and What it is to believe in Christ 16 3,000 48,000 Confession of Faith 8 1,000 8,000 Zornitza, "The Day Star," 12 Nos. 4to 96 2,000 192,000 ———- ———— —————- 2,709 70,000 7,964,000

In the Bulgarian, in 1869, were printed 519 consecutive pages, and 19,000 copies.


The Psalms, 3,000 copies, 1836. An edition in 1853, 5,000 copies. The Pentateuch, 500 copies. Second edition of 2,000 copies. The Old Testament, printed at Vienna, 3,000 copies. The same, second edition, 5,000 copies, printed at Smyrna. Oppenheim's Hebrew Grammar, at Smyrna, 2,000 copies. It was designed to lead the Jews from a fanciful to a grammatical construction of the Hebrew Oracles. A Hebrew Vocabulary. A Hebrew-Spanish Primer, of 20 pages. A Hebrew-Spanish Lexicon, in part; extending to 187 consecutive pages; number of copies 8,000. So far in 1851. It appears to have been since completed. In 1855, just before the close of the Jewish mission, 319 pages of Hebrew-Spanish literature were printed in Constantinople, 5,000 copies. Between 1840 and 1860, 23,000 copies of the Hebrew-Spanish Scriptures, under the supervision of missionaries of the American Board.


Previous to the arrival of the Mission Press at Beirut, the following tracts had been issued from it at Malta:—

Farewell Letter of Rev. Jonas King to his friends in Syria, in 1825. Asaad Shidiak's Statement of his Conversion, and of his Persecutions. Mr. Bird's Reply to the Maronite Bishop of Beirut, 535 pages.

In 1836, amounting to 380,800 pages, as follows:—

Spelling Cards, 8 pages, 500 copies. Watts's Catechism for small children, 16 pages, 1,000 copies. A Lithographic Copy-book, 200 copies. Elements of Arabic Grammar, 168 pages, 1,000 copies. Hymn Book, 24 pages, 200 copies. Alphabet, lithographed, 200 copies. The Dairyman's Daughter, 96 pages, 2,000 copies.

Since 1836, the issues of the press were as follows:—

Extracts from Chrysostom, 166 pages, 2,000 copies. Extracts from Thomas a Kempis, 60 pages, 2,000 copies. Smith's Arithmetic, 84 pages, 1,200 copies. Proverbs of Solomon, 4,000 copies. On Self-Examination, 40 pages, 4,000 copies. Sermon on the Mount, 12 pages, 6,000 copies. Tract on the Cholera, 12 pages, 4,000 copies. Child's Book on the Soul. Part I., 104 pages, 2,000 copies. Epistle to the Ephesians, 24 pages, 3,000 copies. The Psalms of David, 276 pages, 5,000 copies. Confession of Faith, 60 pages, 400 copies, On Temperance, by Mrs. Whiting, 96 pages, 2,000 copies. Child's Book on the Soul. Part II., 116 pages, 2,000 copies. Little Henry and his Bearer, 84 pages, 2,000 copies. The Acts of the Apostles, 150 pages, 2,000 copies. Arabic Syntax, 74 pages, 2,000 copies. The Passion of Christ, as in Matt. xxvii., 16 pages, 6,000 copies. Thomas a Kempis, revised, 343 pages, 2,000 copies. The First Sixteen Psalms, for Schools, 23 pages, 1,000 copies. The Office and Work of the Holy Spirit, 256 pages, 2,000 copies. Spelling Book, 63 pages, 2,000 copies. The Westminster's Assembly's Catechism, 43 pages, 2,000 copies. Good Works, their place, 87 pages, 2,000 copies. Nevins's Thoughts on Popery, 156 pages, 2,000 copies. Watts's Catechism for Children, 2,000 copies. The Assembly's Shorter Catechism, with proofs, 1,500 copies.

In 1842, the Arabic printing at Beirut amounted to 1,708,000 pages. In 1843, to 13,000 copies, and 1,282,000 pages. Number of pages from the beginning, 6,077,000.

After the year 1845, the printing proceeded from year to year, and the number of copies and pages was reported as formerly; but the titles do not occur in the printed Reports, except as follows:—

The Spelling Book, from Bible; 59 pages, 1,500 copies. Letter to the Syrian Clergy, 20 pages, 1,200 copies. The Book of Genesis, 136 pages, 1,200 copies. Union Question Book, Vol. I., 1,500 copies. An Arithmetic, by Butrus el Bistany. Mrs. Whiting on Temperance, second edition. Mr. Johnston's tract on Good Works, their Place, second edition. Mr. Bird's Reply to the Maronite Bishop, second edition. Mr. Calhoun's Companion to the Bible. Dr. Van Dyck's Geography. Dr. Alexander's Evidences of Christianity. Dr. Van Dyck's Algebra. Dr. Van Dyck's Sermon on the Second Commandment. A small Arabic Grammar. Dr. Meshakah on Skepticism. Dr. Schneider on Rites and Ceremonies. A new edition of the Psalms of David.

The New Testament, in the version made by Dr. Eli Smith, assisted by Butrus el Bistany, and revised by Dr. Van Dyck, with references, and also a Pocket Edition of the same, without references, of 5,000 copies, was issued from the press in March 1860.

The printing of the WHOLE BIBLE IN ARABIC was finished in March 1865. Upon this great work Drs. Smith and Van Dyck had labored with zeal and energy sixteen years, from 1838. Of this translation, ten different editions, of the whole, or of parts, had been printed in 1865, comprising over 40,000 copies.

Two hundred copies of the first three chapters of the Gospel by John were printed in raised letters, for the use of the blind.

Printed in 1866: volumes of all kinds, 28,434. Copies of Tracts, 23,000. Copies of Scripture, 14,554. Pages of Tracts, 888,000. Pages of Scripture, 2,872,000.

Printed in 1867:—

Edwards's History of Redemption. Bickersteth's Scripture Hand-book. A large Psalm and Hymn Book. A Psalter, versified. A Children's Hymn Book. A Monthly Missionary Arabic Journal. Mr. Bistany's Elements of Grammar. Two editions of his Arabic Lexicon.

In 1867, were printed 16,800 volumes of all kinds, and 20,700 Tracts.

In 1868, 726,000 pages of Scripture, and 1,300,000 of other works.

In 1869, 5,147,000 pages of all kinds.

The reports for subsequent years are defective.


The printing, in the year 1843, was 860 volumes, 6,940 tracts, and 611,580 pages.

In 1844, the Four Gospels, and the Dairyman's Daughter, were printed. Whole amount, 437,800 pages. The New Testament, with the ancient and modern Syriac in parallel columns, was printed in 1846. In that year, 2,500 books and tracts, and 1,114,000 pages, were printed; of which about 1,000,000 pages were quarto. Among the books was a new and enlarged edition of the Nestorian Hymn Book, a Spelling Book, and a Question Book. The Pilgrim's Progress was commenced in 1847. A monthly paper, entitled "The Rays of Light," was begun in 1848, and has continued till the present time. In 1853 and 1854, an edition of the New Testament entire, was printed; also a Hymn Book, and a volume entitled Scripture Facts. In 1855, Green Pastures for the Lord's Flocks, 392 pages. In 1856, Barth's Church History, and a Scripture Geography.

Whole number of volumes printed this year, 3,000; 880,000 pages.

In 1857, 934,000 pages, of which 768,000 were of Scripture, in large quarto.

During the eighteen years following the arrival of the press, from 1840 to 1858, 68,000 volumes were printed, comprising 13,493,020 pages.

In 1860, the New Testament, with references, had been printed. The Old Testament is spoken of as having been previously printed in that form. A Christian Almanac was issued in 1862. The Word of God was largely printed from year to year. In 1866, Rays of Light, a monthly paper, 8vo, 384 pages, 400 copies. Wayland's Moral Science.

Volumes printed in 1866, 1,250. Tracts, including the monthly paper, 5,500. Pages of Scripture, and other works, 381,300.

Whole number of volumes from the beginning, 91,350. Number of pages, 18,052,050.

In 1867, Dr. Perkins's Commentary on Genesis; also a Christian Almanac. In 1869, Rays of Light, monthly, 104 pages, 400 copies. Night of Toil, 221 pages, 500 copies. Signet Ring, 65 pages, 200 copies. Revival Hymns, 32 pages, 200 copies. Dialogue on the Papacy, 12 pages, 200 copies. Almanac, 44 pages, 200 copies. Dr. Perkins's Commentary on Daniel, 154 pages, 500 copies.

Printed in 1869, 632 consecutive pages, 2,200 copies.

Total pages from the beginning, November 1840, to the close of 1869, 19,529,150.

INDEX. [not included]


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