Hindoo Tales - Or, The Adventures of Ten Princes
by Translated by P. W. Jacob
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"One day, as if in all simplicity, she said 'Surely people are very wrong in reckoning virtue, wealth and pleasure as the three great objects of life?'

"'Tell me,' he answered, 'how far do you regard virtue as superior to the other two?'

"'A very wise man like you,' she replied, 'can hardly learn anything from an ignorant woman like me; but since you ask, I will tell you what I think. There is no real acquisition of happiness or wealth without virtue; but the latter is quite independent of the other two. Without it, a man is nothing; but if he fully possesses it, he is so purified by it that he may indulge in pleasures occasionally, and any sin connected with them will no more adhere to him than dust to a cloud. Look at all the stories of the amours of the gods. Are they the less worshipped on that account? I think, therefore, that virtue is a hundred times superior to the other two.' With many such specious arguments as these, and by her winning ways, she contrived to make him madly in love; so that, forgetting all his religious duties and former austerities, he thought only how to please her.

"When she perceived this, she said to him 'Let us stay no longer in the forest, but go to my house in the town, where we can have many more enjoyments.' Utterly infatuated, he was ready to do her bidding; and she, having procured a covered carriage, took him in the evening to her own house.

"The next day there was a great festival, at which the king was accustomed to appear in public and converse familiarly with his subjects. On such occasions he would often be surrounded by actresses and dancing girls.

"On that day Kamamanjari persuaded the muni to put on a gay dress and accompany her to the park where the festival was held; and he, thinking only of her, and miserable if she were away from him even for a short time, consented to go. On their arrival there, she walked with him towards the king, who, seeing her, said, with a smile: 'Sit down here with that reverend man.' And all eyes were directed towards him.

"Presently one of the ladies rose up, and, making a low obeisance to the king, said: 'My lord; I must confess myself beaten by that lady; I have lost my wager and must now pay the penalty.'

"Then a great shout of laughter arose; the king congratulated Kamamanjari, and presented her with handsome ornaments.

"After this she walked away with the astonished muni, followed by a great crowd, shouting applause.

"Before reaching her own house, she turned round to him with a low obeisance, and said: 'Reverend sir, you have favoured me with your company a long time; it will be well for you to attend now to your own affairs.'

"Not having his eyes yet opened, he started as if thunderstruck, and said: 'My dear, what does all this mean? What has become of the great love which you professed for me?'

"She smilingly answered: 'I will explain it all.'

"'One day, that lady whom you saw in the park had a dispute with me as to which was the most attractive. At last she said: "You boast of your powers, forsooth; go and try them on Marichi. If you can persuade him to accompany you here, then indeed you may triumph; I will acknowledge myself your inferior."

"'This was the reason of my coming to you; the trick has been successful; I have won my wager, and have now no further occasion for you.'

"Bowed down by shame and remorse, the unhappy man slunk back to his hermitage, miserable and degraded, bitterly lamenting his folly and infatuation, but resolved to atone for it by deep repentance and severe penance.

"I am that wretched man; you see, therefore, that I am now quite unable to assist you. But do not go away; remain in Champa. After a time I shall recover my former power."

While he was telling me this sad story, the sun set, and I remained with him that night. The next morning, at sunrise, I took leave of him, and walked towards the city. On my way thither, as I passed a Buddhist monastery, I was struck by the appearance of a man sitting at the side of the road near it. He was extraordinarily ugly; his body naked, with the exception of a rag round his waist; and his face so covered with dirt, that the tears he was shedding left furrows as they rolled down his cheeks.

Moved by compassion, I sat down near him, and inquired the reason of his distress, at the same time adding, "If it is a secret, I do not wish to intrude upon you."

"'My misfortunes are well known,' he answered; 'I can have no objection to telling you if you wish to hear them.' Then he began:

"My name is Vasupalika; but from my ugliness I am generally known as Virupaka,—the deformed. I am the son of a man of some importance here, who left me a large fortune.

"Among my acquaintance there was a person called Sundaraka, remarkably handsome, but poor. Between us two some mischievous persons strove to excite a rivalry, pitting my money against his beauty and accomplishments.

"One day, in a large assembly, having got up a dispute between us, they said: 'It is not beauty or wealth, but the approbation of the ladies, which stamps the worth of a man; therefore, let the famous actress, Kamamanjari, decide between you, and agree that she shall say who is the best man.' To this we both assented, and she, having been previously prepared for the part which she was to perform, was brought into the room, and passing by my rival with scorn, sat down by my side, and, taking a garland from her own head, placed it on mine.

"Greatly flattered and delighted by this preference, and blinded by a mad love for her, which I had not ventured to express, I most readily gave myself up to her seductions, and in a very short time she obtained such an influence over me that everything I possessed was at her disposal. Before long, she had so plundered me, and led me into such extravagance, that I was reduced to the most abject poverty, and had nothing I could call my own but this miserable rag which you now see me wear.

"Cast off by her, blamed and reproached by the elder men, laughed at and despised by those who had been my companions in prosperity, I knew not where to turn; and as a last resource I entered this Buddhist monastery, where I obtain a bare subsistence.

"Distressed by the cutting off of my long hair, and by numerous restrictions as to eating, drinking, and sleeping, like a newly-caught elephant; and hearing every day abuse of those gods whom I used to worship; filled with remorse for my departure from the religion of my ancestors; I am utterly miserable and only wish for death."

Having heard this pitiable story, I did what I could to comfort him, and said, "Do not despair; I have heard already of that wicked woman, and think I shall be able to find some means of making her restore to you a part at least of your property."

After leaving him, I went into the city, and finding, from popular report, that it was full of rich misers, I resolved to bring them to their proper condition by taking away their useless wealth.

Occupied by this thought, I went into a gaming-house, where I was much interested and amused by watching the players and observing their tricks, their sleight-of-hand, their bullying or cringing behaviour to each other; the reckless profusion of the winners, the muttering despair of those who had lost.

While overlooking a game of chess, I smiled and made some remark about a bad move of one of the players, upon which his opponent, turning to me with a sneer, said "No doubt you think yourself very clever, but wait till I have finished off this stupid fellow, and I will play you for any stake you like."

When the game was over, accepting his challenge, I sat down to play, and won altogether sixteen thousand dinars. Half of this sum I kept for myself, and half I divided between the gaming-house keeper and the players who were present. The latter were loud in praise of my generosity, and of the skill which I had shown in beating that boaster; the former asked me to dine with him, and I often went to his house and became very intimate with him, and obtained from him much information, especially such as had reference to my purpose.

One very dark night, fully directed by him, I set out, determined on robbery, equipped with a dark dress, a short sword, a spade, a crowbar, a pair of pincers, a wooden man's head,[4] a magic candle, a rope and grappling-iron, a box with a bee in it,[5] and some other implements.

Selecting a house where I knew there was much money, I made a hole in the wall, and finding all quiet, enlarged it, entered boldly, and carried off much booty.

As I was returning, looking cautiously about me, I came suddenly upon a young woman, who was much alarmed at seeing me. Perceiving her agitation, I spoke to her kindly, and assured her that I would much rather assist than injure her.

Encouraged by my words, she told me her story: "My name is Kulapalika; I am the daughter of a rich merchant in this city, and was from childhood engaged to the son of another rich man, named Dhanamittra: he, however, being of a very generous disposition, when he had succeeded to his father's property was preyed on by pretended friends and reduced to comparative poverty. Seeing this, my father refused his consent to our marriage, and, in spite of my reluctance, is determined to give me to a rich man, called Arthapati. To escape this marriage, I have slipped out from home by a secret passage, rarely used, and am going to the house of my lover, who is expecting me and will take me away to some other country; pray do not detain me, but accept this." So saying, she put one of her ornaments into my hand. I did not refuse it, but walked by her side, intending to escort her to her destination.

We had, however, only gone a few steps, when I saw coming towards us, at no great distance, a large body of the citizen guard. Without losing a moment, I said to the trembling girl, "Don't be alarmed; say that I have been bitten by a serpent, and I will manage the rest."

By the time they reached us I had thrown myself on the ground, and lay as if insensible, and she stood over me, crying. On being questioned, she answered, with many tears, and in evident distress: "My husband and I, coming from the country, lost our way, and have only lately entered the city. Just now he was bitten by a serpent, and is all but dead. Is there any one among you skilled in charms who can recover him?"

Among the guard there chanced to be a very conceited man, who had often boasted of his skill, and was now delighted to have an opportunity of displaying it. He stood over me while the others waited, and, with many gesticulations, muttered various charms supposed to be efficacious in such a case; but finding all of no avail, said at last, "Ah! it is too late; the poor man is past all remedies: what a pity I did not see him sooner!" Then, joining his companions, who were impatient to be off, he turned to the sobbing girl and said: "He was evidently fated to die; who can prevail over fate? It is useless to lament; nothing more can be done now; wait a little while, and when we come back we will remove the body."

As soon as they were out of sight I rose up, took her to the house of Dhanamittra, and said to him: "I met this lady just now; I have brought her safely here, and now restore the ornament which she gave me in her fright; for, though I am a robber, I would not steal from one like her."

Delighted at seeing her, he answered: "O, sir, you have indeed rendered me a great service in bringing this dear one in safety here; such conduct is very extraordinary in a man of your way of life, and I am quite unable to understand your motives for acting thus. At all events, I am under very great obligation to you; command my services in future."

After some further talk, I asked him: "Friend, what do you now intend to do?"

"It will be impossible," he answered, "for me to live here if I marry her without her father's consent; I propose, therefore, to leave the town with her this very night."

"A clever man," I replied, "is at home in any place. Wherever he goes he may say this is my country. But, in travelling, many hardships must be endured—hunger, thirst, fatigue, and dangers from men and wild beasts;—how will this tender girl be able to bear them?

"You seem to be wanting in wisdom and forethought in thus abandoning home and country. Take courage! be guided by me, and you shall marry her and live comfortably here. But first we must take her back to her father's house."

To this he consented without hesitation, and we set out at once. Guided by her, we entered through the secret passage, carried off everything of value, and got away without exciting alarm.

Having hidden our booty in some old ruins, we were going home, when we fell in with some of the city guard. Fortunately, there chanced to be an elephant tied up at the side of the road. We quickly, therefore, unfastened the rope, mounted him, and urged him at full speed; and before the watchmen could recover from their confusion, were out of sight. Halting the elephant close to the wall of a deserted garden, we got over it with the help of the trees growing there, escaped on the other side, and reached home undetected, where we bathed and went to bed.

The next day we walked out carefully dressed, and were amused at hearing an exaggerated account of our adventures of the preceding night, which had caused much alarm and excitement in the city.

I had hoped, by robbing the old man, to prevent the marriage of his daughter with Arthapati. But this hope was frustrated; for the latter was not only willing to take Kulapalika without a dowry, but even made presents to her father; and it was settled that the marriage should take place at the end of a month.

Finding this to be the case, I felt that something more must be done; and having hit upon a plan which I thought would be effectual, I gave Dhanamittra directions how to act.

Accordingly, a few days afterwards, he went to the king, to whom he was previously known, and having asked for a private audience, said: "A very wonderful thing has happened to me, of which it seems right that your majesty should be informed. You have known me as Dhanamittra, the son of a very rich man. During my prosperity, I was engaged to the daughter of a wealthy merchant; but when I was reduced to poverty, he refused his consent to our marriage, and is now about to give her to another.

"Driven to despair by the double loss of fortune and wife, I went into a wood near the city, intending to put an end to my wretched life.

"There, when in the act of cutting my throat, I was stopped by a very aged devotee, who asked the cause of the rash act.

"'Poverty, and contempt,' I answered.

"'There is nothing more foolish and sinful than suicide,' he replied. 'A man of sense will endure adversity rather than escape from it in such a manner. Wealth, when lost, may be regained in many ways; but life in none. A broken fortune may be repaired; a cut throat can never be joined again. But why should I preach to you thus? Here is a remedy for your misfortunes. This leather bag will give you abundant wealth. I have used it for assisting the deserving; but now I am old and infirm, and am not long for this world. I give it to you.

"'Go home; if you possess anything wrongfully acquired, restore it to the right owner, and give away the rest of your property to brahmans and the poor. When this has been done, put away the purse carefully; and in the morning it will be found full of gold. Remember that whoever possesses it must comply with these conditions, and that it will yield its treasures only to a merchant like yourself, or to an actress.'

"With these words, he handed me the purse, and immediately disappeared.

"I have now brought the purse to your majesty, to know your pleasure concerning it."

The king, though much astonished, believing the story, told him to keep and enjoy it; and in answer to his entreaty, promised that any one attempting to steal it should be severely punished.

After this, Dhanamittra, making no secret of his acquisition of the purse, disposed of all his property somewhat ostentatiously, leaving himself absolutely nothing but the clothes which he wore; and in the morning, having filled the purse with gold—the proceeds of the robbery—he showed it to his neighbours, who were fully convinced of its magic powers.

The fame of the purse was thus spread abroad; and we were able to account for our newly-acquired wealth, without incurring any suspicion as to the manner of obtaining it.

At this time; for reasons which will presently appear, I induced Vimardaka to enter the service of Arthapati; and directed him to use all possible means to excite his master against Dhanamittra. In this he had no difficulty; for the father of Kulapalika, hearing of his sudden acquisition of wealth, did not even wait to be asked, but of his own accord renewed the former engagement, and rejected Arthapati.

About that time it was publicly announced that a younger sister of Kamamanjari—Ragamanjari by name—would make her first appearance as a dancer and singer. Great expectations having been raised, a large number of spectators, including myself and my friend Dhanamittra, were present at the performance.

I was struck by her beauty the instant she appeared on the stage; but when I heard her sweet voice, and saw her graceful movements, I was perfectly enchanted, and unable to take my eyes off her for a moment.

The performance being ended, she withdrew, followed by the longing eyes and loud applause of the spectators; and giving, as I fancied, a significant look at me.

The next day I was anxious, restless, and unable to eat; and could do nothing but roam about listlessly, or lie on the couch, thinking of her, and making the excuse of a bad headache.

My friend, seeing me in this state, easily guessed the reason of it, and said to me in private: "I know the cause of your uneasiness, and can give you good hopes. That girl is virtuous, whatever her mother and sister may be; and having watched her closely at the performance, I am convinced that she was much struck with you; therefore, if you are willing to make her your wife, there will be no great difficulties to overcome as far as she is concerned; for, resisting all seductions and the persuasions of her wicked mother and sister, she has declared: 'No man shall have me except as a wife; and I must be won by merit, not by money.'

"On the other hand, her mother and sister, fearing lest she should be withdrawn from the stage, have gone to the king, and obtained, through many tears and entreaties, a decree that if any man shall take the girl, either in marriage or not, without her mother's consent, he shall be put to death like a robber. Therefore, when you have gained her love, you must also obtain the mother's consent; and that can only be done by means of a large bribe; she will not listen to any other inducement."

"I am equal to all this," I answered; "I will win the young lady, and find means to satisfy the old one." And I lost no time in accomplishing my purpose. It was first necessary to make acquaintance with Kamamanjari, and to this end I found out a woman often employed by her as a messenger, and having gained her over by bribes, sent, through her, a number of small presents, till at last Kamamanjari was disposed in my favour, and received me at her house. Meanwhile I contrived to have secret interviews with her beautiful sister, who consented to be my wife. As soon as this was settled, I said to Kamamanjari, "I am desirous of obtaining your mother's consent to my marriage with your sister, who has accepted me. I know that if she ceases to perform, you will lose a large income; and, therefore, offer you in return something better and more certain. Procure for me the desired permission, and you shall have Dhanamittra's magic purse, which I will safely steal for you."

Delighted at the thought of possessing inexhaustible wealth, she agreed to this; the mother's consent was formally given; and on the day of my marriage I secretly handed over the promised purse.

Very soon after, Vimardaka, by my directions, in a large assembly, began to abuse and insult Dhanamittra, who, as if much astonished, said: "What does all this mean? Why should you annoy me? I am not aware that I have ever given you offence."

He answered furiously: "You purse-proud wretch, do you think I will not take my master's part? Have you not robbed him of his intended wife, by bribing her father? Do you think he has no cause for anger against you? His interests are mine; I am ready to risk my life for him, and I will pay you off. Some day you shall miss that purse, the source of the riches with which you are so puffed up." Saying this, he rushed out of the place in a rage; and though nothing was done at the time, his words were not forgotten.

Then Dhanamittra went to the king, and declaring that he had lost the purse, mentioned his suspicion of Arthapati, and the reason for it. He, having heard nothing of what his servant had said, when summoned and asked "Have you a confidential servant named Vimardaka?" answered without hesitation, "Certainly; he is a very trustworthy man, entirely devoted to my interest."

"Bring him here to me."

Thus commanded, he searched everywhere for his servant, but was unable to find him; and for a good reason, for I had furnished the man with money, and sent him to Oujein, to look for you.

The supposed thief having disappeared, his master was put in prison till further evidence could be procured, for no one but those in the secret doubted that he was the instigator of the theft.

Meanwhile Kamamanjari, anxious to make use of the magic purse, proceeded to fulfil the conditions attached to its use. She went secretly to Virupaka, and restored the money of which she had robbed him, and then gave away all her furniture, clothes, and ornaments. This, however, she did so incautiously, that attention was drawn to it; upon which Dhanamittra went again to the king, saying: "I suspect that the actress, Kamamanjari, has got my purse; for though notoriously avaricious, she is giving away everything she possesses, and there must be some strong reason for such a proceeding."

In consequence of this information, she was summoned to appear the next day, together with her mother; and the two women came in great alarm to consult me.

I said to Kamamanjari: "No doubt you are suspected of having the purse. This suspicion has arisen from your own imprudence, in giving away your property so openly. I much fear that you will have to give it up, and you will be fortunate if you escape without worse consequences. But you must on no account implicate me; for then I should be put to death, all my property would be confiscated, your sister would die of grief, and you would be utterly ruined."

She answered, with many tears: "It is indeed my own fault, but you shall be safe. That niggardly wretch, Arthapati, is known to be intimate with me. I will say that I received it from him; and, as he is already suspected of stealing it, I shall probably be believed."

To this I agreed, and the next day, when questioned, she at first denied all knowledge of the purse, then admitted having received it, but refused to say from whom, and at last, when threatened with torture, confessed, apparently with great reluctance, that Arthapati was the giver; and this being considered sufficient evidence against him, he was condemned to death.

Then Dhanamittra interceded for him, saying. "A decree was formerly made by one of your ancestors, that no merchant or trader should be put to death for theft. I humbly entreat, therefore, that his life may be spared."

To this the king consented, the poor wretch was banished, and all his property confiscated, a portion of it being given to Kamamanjari, at the earnest entreaty of Dhanamittra, who got back his purse, and shortly afterwards married Kulapalika.

Having thus performed the promise to my friend, I increased my own wealth, and kept up the reputation of the purse by going on with my robberies, and so impoverished the rich misers, that some of them were glad to receive a morsel of food from the beggars to whom they had formerly refused help, and who were now enriched by my liberality.

Still no suspicion fell on me; but fate is all-powerful, and it was decreed that I should be caught at last.

One night, sitting with my charming wife, intoxicated, partly with wine and partly with her sweet caresses, I was seized with madness, and started up, saying: "All the wealth in the city is not too much for you; I will fill the house with jewels for your sake." Then, like a furious elephant who has broken his chain, I rushed out, in spite of her remonstrances, with a drawn sword, and attacked a body of police, who happened to be passing. Shouting out, "This is the robber!" they soon overpowered me, and I fell to the ground.

The shock sobered me at once, and all the horror of the situation into which I had brought myself by my folly came into my mind. I thought to myself, my intimacy with Dhanamittra is well known; suspicion will fall on him; and unless I can turn it off, he, as well as my wife, will be arrested to-morrow; and I quickly formed a plan by which they, and perhaps I myself, might be saved. But no time was to be lost; and as they were about to take me away, I called out to my wife's nurse, Sringalika, who had followed me, "Begone, old wretch! and tell that vile harlot your mistress, and her paramour, Dhanamittra, that she will never see her ornaments, nor he his magic purse again. I care not for life, if I am revenged on those two wretches."

The old woman being remarkably quick-witted, at once understood my object in speaking thus, and very humbly accosting the police said: "Worthy sir, I entreat you to wait a moment, while I ask your prisoner where he has hid the ornaments of my mistress."

To, this they assented, and coming to me, she said: "O, sir, your jealousy is without cause; whatever attentions that man may have paid my mistress, she is not to blame. Now that you are taken from her, she will have no means of support, and must go on the stage again. How can she do this without her ornaments? Take compassion on her, and say where you have hid them."

Then, as if my anger were appeased, I answered: "Why should I, who am about to die, harbour resentment? Come close, and I will whisper where I have put them." In this manner I managed to give her a few hurried instructions. She went away, with many blessings on me, and thanks to the men for their kindness; and I was taken to the king's prison.

At that time the governor of the prison was a very conceited young man, named Kantaka, who had lately succeeded to the office by the death of his father. When I was brought in, looking at me in a very contemptuous manner, he said: "So you are the thief who has committed so many robberies. If you do not give up the stolen property, and especially the magic purse, you shall suffer every possible variety of torture before you are put to death."

I answered, smiling, "Even though I should give up all the other stolen property, I will never let the purse go back to that wretch Dhanamittra, my greatest enemy. You may try all your tortures; you will never get this secret out of me."

Finding the fear of torture to have no effect, the next day he tried promises; and so went on from day to day, with alternate soothing and threatening.

Meanwhile, my wounds were attended to, and I was well fed; so that I had regained my strength when, one day, Sringalika made her appearance, well dressed, and with cheerful countenance.

To my surprise, she was allowed to speak to me in private. She said to me, joyfully "Your plan has succeeded. As you directed, I went to Dhanamittra and told him, from you: 'You must go to the king, and say, "The magic purse so lately restored has again been stolen by one whom I regarded as a friend—a certain gambler, the husband of the actress Ragamanjari. He has taken it from spite, being jealous of his wife, to whom, from kindness, I often made presents. He is now in prison for other offences; and if, he is put to death immediately, as he deserves, I fear that I shall never recover my purse. I pray, therefore, that he may not be executed before he has confessed where it is concealed. For he admits having taken it; but declares that he will not give it up, unless his life is spared." Your friend, admiring your ingenuity, and having full confidence in your resources, immediately went to the king and obtained his request, so that your life is safe for the present.'

"Meanwhile, with the help of gifts furnished by my mistress, I have formed an intimacy with the nurse of the Princess Ambalika, and have been introduced by her to the princess, whose favour I have gained by telling her amusing stories, and whom I have induced to feel an interest in the misfortune of my mistress.

"One day, when I was standing near her in the gallery round the court-yard of the palace, Kantaka, having some business or other, passed through below us. Picking up a flower which the princess had dropped, I let it fall on his head; and when he looked up to see from whose hand it came, I managed to make the princess laugh at something which I said; and the conceited fool, thinking that it was she who had dropped it to attract his attention, went away looking quite pleased and confused.

"That same evening I received a present for my mistress, a small basket marked with the signet of the princess, and containing articles of no great value. This I took to Kantaka; and begging him to observe the strictest secrecy, made him believe that the princess had sent it to him. He was even delighted when, another day, I brought him a dirty dress, telling him that she had worn it.

"Finding him quite ready to believe this, and convinced that she was in love with him, I kept up an imaginary correspondence, bringing very loving messages from her, which I invented, and receiving many from him in return, which I took care not to deliver. His presents, of course, I kept for myself.

"In this manner I have raised his hopes very high; and to encourage him still further, I said: 'I have heard from a learned astrologer, with whom I am acquainted, that you have certain marks upon you which indicate that you will one day be a king. This love on the part of the princess tends to the fulfilment of the prediction. You are therefore on the high road to fortune. If you have spirit enough to pursue it, all you have to do now is to obtain a secret interview with the lady; the rest will follow in due time.'

"'But how can I manage this?' he asked. 'The wall of the garden,' I replied, 'communicating with the princess's apartments, is separated from those of the gaol by a space of a few yards only. You could not get over these walls; but you might make an underground passage, and slip in unobserved; and I will take care that there shall be some one to receive and conduct you to the princess. When once with her, you are safe; for all her attendants are attached to her; not one would betray the secret.'

"'But how can I make this underground passage?' he asked. 'I cannot dig it myself, or employ workmen.'

"'Have you no clever thief here,' I replied, 'accustomed to such work?'

"'Well suggested,' he answered. 'I have just the right man.'

"'Who is he?' I said.

"'That man who has stolen the magic purse,' said he. 'If he will set to work with a good will he will soon dig his way through.'

"'Very good,' I answered. 'You must persuade him by promising to let him go when the work is done. But it would never do for him to be in the secret; therefore, when he has finished, put on his fetters again, and report to the king that he is exceedingly obstinate; that you have tried all other means to make him confess, and that nothing remains but to put him to torture. No doubt the king will give orders accordingly; and you can easily manage so to inflict it that he shall die under it. When he is dead, your secret will be safe; you can visit the princess as often as you like; and, doubtless, in the end the king, rather than disgrace his daughter, will consent to your marriage; and as he has no other child, will make you his successor.'

"With this proposal he was quite delighted; and has been treating you well, that you may have strength for the work. He intends to ask you to begin to-night; and has sent me to persuade you, believing me to be devoted to his interests, and looking forward to some great reward when he has got his wish."

Having heard this from the old woman, I gave her great praise, and said: "Lose no time. Tell him I am quite ready to do the work."

After this, Kantaka came to me, told me what he wanted, and swore a solemn oath that I should be liberated when the work was done; and I, in return, swore to keep his secret.

Then he took off my fetters; I got a bath and a good dinner, and presently set to work in a dark corner, under the wall. Soon after midnight the work was done, and an opening made into the courtyard of the women's apartments.

Before returning, I thought to myself "This man has sworn an oath which he intends to break: for the preservation of my own life, therefore, I shall be justified in killing him."

Having formed this resolution, I went back to the prison, where Kantaka was waiting for me. He told me it was necessary to replace my fetters for the present; and I appeared to acquiesce. But as he was stooping to fasten them, I gave him a violent kick; and before he could recover himself, I had snatched a short sword which he wore, and cut off his head.

I then returned to Sringalika, who had remained in the prison, and said to her: "I am not disposed to have had all this toil for nothing. Tell me the way into the ladies' rooms. I will go there and steal something before I make my escape."

Having received her directions, I passed again through the tunnel which I had made, came up into the court-yard; and from thence entered a large, lofty room lighted by jewelled lamps, where a number of women were sleeping.

There, on a couch ornamented with beautifully carved flowers and resting on lions' feet, I saw the princess, covered only by a thin silken petticoat, half sunk into a soft white feather-bed, like lightning on an autumn cloud.

Fast asleep, as if wearied by much play, she lay in a very graceful attitude, with her delicate ancles crossed, her knees slightly drawn up; one lovely hand laid loosely on her side, the other beneath her head; her full bosom, slowly heaved by gentle breathing, illuminated by the ruby necklace strung on burnished gold; the top-knot of her loosened hair hanging down like some graceful flower; her lips so bright that the opening of the mouth could hardly be distinguished; her features in calm repose, shaded by her lovely ringlets.

I had entered so softly that no one was disturbed; and I stood gazing for some time lost in admiration of her beauty, quite forgetting the purpose for which I had come.

I thought, she is, after all, the lady of my heart. If I do not obtain her, Kama will not suffer me to live; but how can I make known my love to her? Were I now to wake her, she would start up with a cry of alarm, and I should probably lose my life. I must think of some other way of letting her know my love.

Then, looking round, I saw laid on a shelf a thin board prepared for painting, and a box of paints and brushes. With these I made a hasty sketch of the princess as she lay, and of myself kneeling at her feet, and underneath it I wrote this verse:—

"Of thee thy slave in humble attitude thus prays: Sleep on, not worn like me by pervading love."

I then painted on the wall near her a pair of chakravakas in loving attitude, gently took off her ring, replacing it with mine, and slipped out without disturbing any of the sleepers.

There was at that time among the prisoners a man named Sinhaghosha, formerly a chief officer of police, but now imprisoned through a false accusation made by Kantaka.

With this man I had already made acquaintance, and I now went to him and told him how I had killed Kantaka. With his consent I went forth from the prison, and walked away with Sringalika. We had not gone far when we fell in with a patrol. I thought to myself I could easily run away from them; but what would become of the poor old woman? she would certainly be caught. Hastily determining, therefore, on what was best to be done, I walked right up to them with unsteady gait and idiotic look, and said: "Sirs, if I am a thief kill me, but you have no right to touch this old woman."

She, perceiving my intention, came up, and very humbly said: "Honoured sirs, this young man is my son. He has been for some time confined as a lunatic; but was supposed to be cured, and I brought him home yesterday. In the middle of the night, however, he started up, and calling out: 'I will kill Kantaka and make love to the king's daughter,' rushed out into the street. I have at last overtaken him, and am trying to take him home. Will you be so good as to help me, and tie his hands behind him that he may not get away again?"

As she said this, I called out: "O old woman, who ever bound a god or the wind, Shall these crows catch an eagle?" and started off at full speed. She, renewing her entreaties, begged them to pursue me; but they only laughed at her, and said: "Do you think we have nothing to do but to run after madmen? You must be as mad as he is to have taken him out;" and so they went on their way.

I stopped when I found I was not pursued. She soon overtook me, and we went to my house, to the great joy of my wife, who had scarcely hoped for my deliverance.

In the morning I saw Dhanamittra, told him all that had happened, and thanked him for following my directions so punctually.

After this I went to the forest, to see Marichi. I found him restored to his former condition, and able to give me the desired information. From him I learnt that you would be here about this time.

In the morning after my escape, Sinhaghosha informed the king of what had happened, and how Kantaka had been killed when about to enter the princess's apartments. Being found to be innocent of the crime of which he was accused, he was appointed governor of the prison in Kantaka's place.

Before the underground passage was filled up, he permitted me to pass through it more than once to the princess, who was favourably disposed towards me through the picture and verse, and still more by all that Sringalika had said in my favour.

No great search was made after me, and by keeping quiet and going out only at night I escaped further arrest.

You know how Chandavarma besieged Champa, and how Sinhavarma was defeated and taken prisoner. When I heard this, and how the conqueror intended to force the princess to marry him, I went to Dhanamittra and said: "Do you go about among the ministers and officers of the imprisoned king and the principal citizens, and tell them to be ready to attack the enemy as soon as they hear of the death of Chandavarma. I will engage to kill him to-morrow."

How Dhanamittra has performed his part you have just seen. As to myself, I put on a dress suitable for the occasion, and, as many persons were going in and out of the palace, managed to slip in unobserved and get very near the intending bridegroom. Suddenly stretching out my arm as he was about to take the hand of the princess, I gave him a mortal wound with a sword; then saying a few hasty words of encouragement to her, I defended myself against those who endeavoured to seize me, till I heard your welcome voice, deep as the sound of thunder, and had the happiness of embracing you.

Rajavahana, having heard this story, said "You have indeed shown wonderful ingenuity and courage;" then he turned to Upaharavarma, and said: "It is now your turn;" and he, having made due salutation, thus began:—

* * * * *


While wandering about like the others, I cams one day into the country of Videha. Before entering into Mithila, the capital, I stopped to rest at a small temple, and found there an old woman, who gave me water for my feet.

Observing that she looked at me very hard, and that tears came into her eyes, I asked her: "O, mother, what is the cause of your grief?"

"You bring to my mind," she answered, the remembrance of my lost foster-child, who, if he lives, is just about your age. But I will tell you how he was lost.

"Praharavarma was formerly king of this country. His queen was a very dear friend of Vasumati; wife of Rajahansa, King of Magadha, and he went with her and his twin sons to visit that king. How he was conquered and driven from his dominions by the King of Malwa you have doubtless heard. It was shortly before that invasion that the visit was made. In the battle which was fought, Praharavarma assisted his friend, and was taken prisoner, but was subsequently liberated.

"When returning to his own kingdom, he heard that a rebellion had broken out, headed by his brother's son, Vikatavarma. He therefore turned aside through a forest road, in the direction of Suhma, hoping to obtain assistance from his sister's son, the king of that country. On the march, he was attacked and plundered by Bheels; and I, having charge of one of his children, was separated from the party, and left behind in the forest.

"There I was attacked, by a tiger, and dropped the child. The tiger was killed by an arrow; but I fainted away, and when I recovered, the child was gone, taken away, I suppose, by the Bheels. Having been found and taken care of by a compassionate cowherd, I stayed at his cottage till my wounds were healed.

"Longing to get back to my friends, and to hear some tidings of my mistress, I was surprised one day by the appearance of my daughter, who had been, with me, in charge of the other child.

"After mutual congratulations and embraces, she told me her story as follows: 'After we were parted, I was wounded by the robbers, lost the child, and was found wandering about by one of the foresters, who took care of me, and afterwards wished to make me his wife. I was too much disgusted with him and his way of life to consent; and, after many threats, he would at last have killed me, but for the opportune arrival of a young man who happened to be passing, and rescued me from his hands. That young man has since become my husband. We have been searching for you, and have now happily found you.'

"I asked who the man was. He answered: 'I am a servant of the King of Mithila, to whom I am now going.' Then we all three went to Mithila, and told the king and queen the sad news of the loss of their children.

"The war was still going on, and at last the king was overcome and imprisoned, together with his queen, by his wicked nephew.

"Since then I have been living as a mendicant. My daughter, whose husband was killed in the war, being destitute like myself, has entered the service of Kalpasundari, queen of the usurper. Ah! if those princes had lived, they would have rescued their father from such degradation."

She began then to weep and lament; but I comforted her, and said: "Do you not remember speaking to a certain muni, and telling him of the loss of the child? That boy was found by him. I am he, and I will contrive some means for killing that wicked usurper, and setting my parents free. No one can recognise me here, not even my own mother, were she to see me; therefore I shall be able at my leisure to consider what is best to be done."

Exceedingly delighted at hearing this, she kissed me again and again, and said, with tears of joy: "O, darling! a glorious fortune is before you. Now you are here, all will be well; you will soon lift up your parents from the sea of sorrow which has engulfed them. Happy is Queen Priyamvada in having such a son!"

Then she gave me such food as she had, and I stayed with her, and passed the night in that temple.

As I lay awake, I turned over in my mind every plan that suggested itself to me for the accomplishment of my purpose. Knowing how ready-witted women are in general, and their fondness for tricks and intrigues, it occurred to me that my foster-sister, from her position near the queen, might be able to give me material assistance.

In the morning, after worshipping the gods, I began to question the old woman as to her knowledge of the interior of the palace, and asked whether she had frequent opportunities of seeing her daughter. Scarcely had she begun to answer my questions when I saw some one coming towards us, and she exclaimed: "O, Pushkarika, behold our master's son; that dear child whom I so carelessly lost in the forest was found and preserved, and is now restored to us."

Great was the daughter's delight at seeing me; and, when her agitation had subsided, her mother said to her: "I was just beginning to tell my dear son something of the arrangement of the palace, and the habits of the inmates; but you can give him the required information much better than I can."

In answer to this she told me all the arrangements of the palace, and added: "The Queen Kalpasundari, the daughter of the sovereign of Kumara, is exceedingly beautiful and accomplished. She despises her husband, who is exceedingly ugly; but though unkindly treated, and neglected, she has hitherto been faithful to him."

Hearing this, I said to her: "Whenever you have an opportunity, dwell on the king's licentiousness; find out, if possible, his scandalous amours; make much of them; tell her how other women have behaved in similar circumstances; in short, do everything to stir up her indignation and jealousy against him; and, as soon as possible, let me know what she says. You may help me greatly in this affair; therefore be diligent and observant, and be as much as possible with your mistress."

Then I said to the old woman: "You must also play your part. You can be introduced to the queen as a woman skilled in charms and fortune-telling. When you get her to listen to you, make the most of the opportunity, and second your daughter's endeavours."

They both promised to do their utmost. After they were gone I took a small house, close to the wall of the royal gardens, and waited patiently for the result.

After some days the old woman came to me, and said: "Darling, we have done exactly as you wished. The queen has taken a great fancy to me, is very indignant with her husband, and thinks herself greatly to be pitied. What is now to be done?"

I then painted a portrait of myself, and said: "Show this to the queen; she will no doubt admire it, and say: 'Is this a portrait or a fancy picture?' Then do you answer: 'Suppose it should be a portrait of some living person; what then?' And whatever she says in reply let me know as soon as possible."

The next day she came to me again, and said: "When I showed your portrait to the queen, she gazed at it a long time, and seemed lost in admiration; then she exclaimed, 'Who can have painted this? Is it possible that such a handsome man can exist in the world? Surely there is no one here like this!' I answered, 'O lady, your admiration is quite natural, such a handsome man is very rarely to be found, but still there might be such a one; and if this should be really the portrait of a young man, longing to see you—not only thus handsome, but of good birth, very learned, accomplished, and good-tempered —what would you say then?' 'What would I say? I say, that if he will be mine, all that I can give him in return, myself, my heart, my body, my life, will be all too little. But surely you are only deceiving me; there never can be such a charming person as this picture represents.'

"In answer to this, I said: 'I am not deceiving you. There is really such a person, a young prince, who is staying here in disguise; he saw you when you were walking in the public park, at the feast of Spring, and immediately became a mark for the arrows of Kama. Moved by his entreaties, and seeing how suited you are to each other, I have ventured to take this means of making his passion known to you. If you will but consent to see him, however difficult access to you may be, his courage, prudence, and ingenuity are so great, that he will certainly effect it; only say what your pleasure is.' Then, finding her quite disposed to see you, I told her your real name and birth. After reflecting some time, she said, 'Mother, I will not conceal from you a circumstance which his name brings to my memory. My father was a great friend of the deposed king, and their queens were very much attached to each other. It was settled between them, that if the one had a son, and the other a daughter, the two children should be engaged for marriage; but when the Queen Priyamvada had lost her sons, my father gave me in marriage to Vikatavarma. This young prince was really destined to be my husband, and I ought to have had him, instead of that ugly wretch, who is stupid, ignorant of all the arts of pleasing, brutal, rebellious, cruel, boastful, false, and, above all, most insulting in his behaviour to me; only yesterday he ill-treated my favourite attendant, Pushkarika, and gathered flowers from a plant which I had especially cherished, to give to one of his paramours, a low vulgar woman, who is trying to put herself on an equality with me. He is in every way unsuited to me, and my misery is so great, that I am ready to catch at any means of escape from it. It was wretched enough while I thought on no one else, but now that I have heard of this charming young man, and seen his portrait, I will endure it no longer, whatever the consequences may be. Therefore, let him come to-morrow evening to the Madhavi bower in the garden. I am impatient to see him; even the hearing of him has filled my heart with love.'"

When the old nurse had given me this account, I determined to risk the adventure, and obtained from her a minute description of the garden, the direction of the road and paths, the exact situation of the summerhouse where I was to meet the queen, and where the guards were stationed.

Having carefully impressed all these details on my memory, I waited impatiently for the following night, and lay down to rest. As I lay I thought on the difficulty of the enterprise, of the sin of seducing the wife of another, and of what Rajavahana and my other friends would say to such conduct. On the other hand, I seemed to be justified by the object I had in view; the liberation of my parents.

Perplexed with these conflicting thoughts I fell asleep, and dreamed that Vishnu appeared to me, and said: "Go on boldly, without hesitation; what you are about to do, though it may seem sinful, is approved of by me." Encouraged by this vision, I rose in the morning, fully confirmed in my purpose. The tedious day came at last to an end, and darkness set in.

When the proper time arrived, I put on a close-fitting dark dress, girded on my sword, and set out on the dangerous enterprise.

Concealed at the edge of the ditch, I found a long bamboo, which the old woman had procured for me. This I laid across, and so got to the bottom of the wall. Then, cautiously raising it, I climbed to the top, just where a large heap of bricks had been piled up inside. Using these as steps, I got safely to the ground, and walked northward, through an avenue of champaka trees, where, as a favourable omen, I heard the low murmuring cry of a pair of chakravakas. Taking an almost opposite direction, I saw before me what appeared to be a great building, and it was only by touching it that I found it to be a clump of trees. Going eastward, and turning once more to the south, I passed through some mango trees, and saw the light of a lantern shining among the leaves. I then knew that I was right, and went straight up to the bower, inside of which was a summer-house, with steps leading up to it, and spread with soft twigs and flowers for a carpet. The room was furnished with a handsome couch, a golden water-jar, trays of flowers, fans, &c. After I had been seated a short time, I heard the tinkling of ornaments and smelt a powerful perfume. Rising up hastily, I slipped out, and stood concealed by the shrubs outside. Presently I saw the lady enter; she looked about her, and not seeing me, was evidently disappointed and distressed. I heard her say, with a sad low voice, "Alas! I am deceived, he is not coming; O my heart, how can this be borne? O adorable Kama, what have I done to offend thee, that thou thus burnest me and dost not reduce me to ashes?"

Having heard this, I made my appearance, and said: "O lovely lady, do you ask how you have offended Kama? You have given him great offence, since you disparage his beloved Rati by your form, his bow by your arched eyebrows, his arrows by your glances, his great friend, the perfumed wind of Malaya, by your sweet breath, the notes of his favourite bird by your voice. For all this Kama justly torments you. But I have done nothing to offend him; why should he so distress me? Have pity on me, and cure the wound inflicted by the serpent of love, with the life-giving antidote of an affectionate look."

Delighted at seeing me, she required no entreaty on my part, and readily yielded to my embrace; and, sitting down on the couch, we conversed as though we had been long acquainted.

At last the time for separation arrived, and I rose up to go; but she with tears detained me, saying: "When you depart, my life seems to follow. If you go, let me go with you."

I answered: "O my beloved, that is impossible. If you love me, be guided by me, and we shall soon meet again, not to be parted."

This she readily promised, and I told her exactly what was to be done. Then quitting her with reluctance, I returned safely by the way I had come, and she went back to the palace.

The next day she showed the picture to the king, who greatly admired it, and asked her where she had got it. She told him: "I have lately made acquaintance with a very wonderful old woman, who has travelled over many countries and seen many strange things; she is very skilful in charms, and has brought me this picture, saying: 'It has very great magical powers, and so confident am I in their efficacy that I ask for no payment or reward until you have fully proved them.' She tells me that if certain ceremonies are performed, and mantras which she has taught me, are recited in a retired spot at midnight, I shall be changed to a person exactly resembling the portrait, and shall have the power of transferring that form to you while I regain my own shape. I have thought it right to tell you this; but do not act hastily: show the picture to your ministers and consult them."

The king, greatly astonished, but very desirous of obtaining such a handsome body, asked the opinion of his counsellors and younger brothers, and they saw no reason why the experiment should not be tried.

The hour of midnight on the day of full moon was therefore appointed for the ceremony, and there was much talk in the city about it.

"O the wonderful power of magic! Through the skill of the queen, the king will obtain a new body fit for a god."

"But is there no danger?"

"How can there be danger when the ceremony is to be performed by his own queen, in his own private gardens, where no stranger can enter? Besides, have not the learned and clever ministers and counsellors approved of it, and is it likely that they would be deceived?"

The city was full of such talk as this, and the people awaited with impatience the night appointed for the working of the miracle.

When the time arrived a great heap was made in a part of the garden where four roads met, not far from the summer-house, with large quantities of sandal-wood, lignaloes, and other sweet-smelling woods, camphor, silk dresses, sesamum, saffron, and various spices; and several animals, duly slaughtered by the priests, were laid upon it; and the fire having been lighted, every one withdrew except the king and queen. She then said to him: "You know how faithless you have been to me, and with this handsome body you will be a much greater attraction to other women. I know the fickleness of your disposition. Can you expect that I will confer on you this beauty for the sake of my rivals?"

Then he threw himself at her feet, and said "O my darling, forgive my transgressions. I swear by everything solemn that in future I will keep to you only, and not even think of any other woman."

After these and many other protestations, she appeared to be satisfied, and said: "Now withdraw to that clump of trees, and stay there till I ring the bell; then you may come again to the fire and see the wonderful change in me."

Meanwhile, under cover of the thick smoke arising from the burning of all those substances, I had climbed the wall as before, and was standing in the summer-house when the queen came in. She said: "Everything is ready. I regard myself now as entirely yours; nothing shall part us any more;" and, throwing her arms round my neck, she kissed me again and again.

Saying to her, "Stay here concealed while I finish the work," I quitted her, went to the place of sacrifice, and rang a bell hanging on a neighbouring tree; and the sound summoned the king, like a messenger of death.

He found me standing by the fire, throwing on it more sandal-wood, lignaloes, and other precious things; and as he stood gazing in fear and astonishment, and hardly believing his eyes, I said to him: "Remember what you have promised, and now swear to me again, taking this sacred fire as a witness, that you will renounce all other women, and keep to me only."

He answered: "O queen, there is no deceit in me. I will do all that I have promised," and he repeated his former oaths.

But as if not satisfied with this, I said: "I must have some other proof of your sincerity. Tell me some of your state secrets."

Then he told me: "My father's brother, Praharavarma, has been for a long time in prison; with the consent of my ministers, I intend to poison him, and give out that he has died of old age and infirmities.

"I am preparing an army, to be commanded by my brother, for the invasion of Pundra without any declaration of war.

"There is a merchant here possessed of a diamond of immense value. I 'am contriving a plan by which I shall get it from him at a tenth of its worth.

"There is a man of wealth and influence very displeasing to me. I have engaged a certain person, named Satahali, the governor of the district, to bring a false accusation against him, and by that means to stir up the people, and so cause his death in a popular tumult, which will take away all blame or suspicion from me."

When I had heard all these things, saying, "Die the death which your wicked deeds deserve," I suddenly seized him by the throat, stabbed him in a moment to the heart, and threw the body into the great fire, where it was quickly consumed; after which I went back to the queen, who was anxiously awaiting me. Though much agitated, she was more relieved at having got rid of that wretch than shocked at the manner of his death; and having quieted and consoled her without much difficulty, I went at once with her to her apartments.

On seeing him, whom they believed to be the king, so changed, the women and attendants who met us were evidently much astonished, but so much had been said beforehand about the wonderful transformation to be expected, that no one seemed to doubt that I was really the king with a new body; and having said a few words of encouragement to them, I was received with great respect.

The rest of the night was passed in hearing from the queen as much as possible about the court, the ministers, &c., so that I might not appear to be ignorant of what the king must have known, when I should meet them on the morrow.

In the morning, after the performance of due worship of the gods, I met the ministers in council, and they also were so convinced of the power of magic that they did not hesitate to acknowledge me as their master, expressing their delight at the happy change.

Then I said to them: "With this new body I have new feelings and purposes. I repent of my cruelty to my uncle, and instead of getting rid of him as I had intended, it is my pleasure that he shall be taken from prison and treated with all proper respect.

"That diamond, of which I had intended to get possession, must not be obtained by fraudulent means. If I should decide on having it, I will pay the full price."

To the brother who had been appointed to command the army, I said: "Dear brother, our purpose is changed with regard to that invasion. You will only watch the frontier; and if there is any beginning of war on the part of the Pundras, attack them vigorously; but not otherwise."

I sent also for Satahali, and said: "You know that I wished to get rid of Anantasira, because he was suspected of being a partisan of the deposed king. Now that I am reconciled to my uncle, there is no occasion for anything to be done to him; you will therefore take no further steps in that affair."

When the ministers heard all this, and perceived me to be acquainted with secrets known only to the king and themselves, they were quite confirmed in their first impression; and while congratulating me and the queen, were loud in their praise of the power of magic.

My parents were immediately liberated from prison; and having been informed by the old nurse of what had been done by me, were quite prepared when I went to them in public; and afterwards, when we met in private, were able to give way to their feelings of affection and delight at seeing me again.

After a short time, with the consent of my wife, I resigned the crown, and reinstated my parents in their former position; retaining for myself the dignity of heir-apparent.

Soon afterwards, a letter arrived from Sinhavarma, an old friend of my father's, congratulating him on his restoration, and asking for help against Chandavarma, who was marching to attack him. Upon which I hastily equipped an army, and marched to his assistance; and have now had the great happiness of meeting with you, as well as of helping to defeat the enemy.

Rajavahana having heard this story, smiled, and said: "Truly, our friend here has committed great sins; but how can I blame him when his motives were so good, and he had the praiseworthy object of liberating from a long imprisonment those who are so dear to him, and of punishing the usurper and oppressor? His courage and ingenuity have been great; and I congratulate him on his success."

Then turning to Arthapala, he said: "Do you relate your adventures." And he immediately began his story in the following manner:—

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My Lord, having the same object as your other friends, I wandered about over various countries in search of you. In the course of my travels, I arrived one day at the sacred city of Benares. There I bathed in the pure crystal water of the river; and duly worshipped the mighty god, the slayer of Andhaka, at his temple outside the city. After finishing my devotions, I was going on my way, when I saw a tall, stout man, carrying an iron club, with his eyes red and swelled from weeping, and engaged in making a noose with his sash.

I thought to myself: "This man has fallen into some great calamity. He is thinking of doing violence to himself or to others. I will see if I can assist him." I therefore went up to him, and said: "This conduct of yours seems to indicate some rash purpose. May I know the cause of your grief? Perhaps I may be able to help you."

He hesitated for a moment, and looked very hard at me; but at last he said: "What harm can there be in telling you? You shall know my troubles, if you wish to learn them."

Then we sat down together under a shady tree, and he began his tale as follows: "O, fortunate sir, I was once as happy as you appear to be. My father was in good circumstances, and brought me up carefully; but I preferred a wild, dissipated life, and at last became a robber. One night I broke into the house of a rich man in this city, was caught in the act, and condemned to death.

"My hands were fettered by being passed through holes in a heavy piece of wood; and in this state I was led out for execution into a public square, where a furious elephant was brought forward to trample me to death. When he came near me, I shouted as loudly as possible, in order to frighten him; and lifting up my arms, gave him a violent blow on the trunk. Upon this, he turned away; and as I continued to shout out and abuse him, all the efforts of the driver to make him attack me were in vain.

"Again and again, with much difficulty, the driver brought him in front of me; but each time, instead of attacking me, he turned back, alarmed by my menacing appearance and loud shouts; and at last ran right away, leaving me uninjured.

"The courage which I had shown was observed by the king's chief minister, Kamapala, who was looking on from one of the towers of the palace; and he sent for me, and said: 'You seem to be a very strong, brave man. I did not think that elephant could have been so cowed by any one. It is a pity that such qualities should not be better employed. Are you willing, if you are pardoned, to forsake your evil ways, and lead an honest life? If you will give me a promise to this effect, I will take you into my service.'

"I gladly gave the promise which he required; and he obtained my pardon, and became my protector and master; and I have served him faithfully ever since. After some years, seeing my devotion to him, he placed great confidence in me, and one day told me his own history.

"'There was,' said he, 'formerly at Pushpapuri a very learned and pious man, named Dharmapala, one of the king's ministers. His eldest son was like him; but I, the youngest, was of a very different disposition. I had no inclination for work or study; but thought only of amusement, and spent my time among gamblers and disreputable characters. My father and brother did all they could to restrain me; but, impatient of their control, I left my home and friends, and wandered about the world. One day I came to this city, Benares, and not long after my arrival, I made acquaintance with the king's daughter, who, with her female friends, was playing at ball in a park outside the town. We fell in love with each other; and I contrived, by disguising myself as a woman, to enter her private apartments and to have many secret meetings with her; the result of which was the birth of a child.

"'The devoted attendants kept the whole affair secret, removed the infant as soon as it was born, and telling the mother it was dead, gave it to a savari woman, who carried it to the public cemetery and left it there.

"'As she was returning; she was stopped by the watchmen, and in her fright told them what she had done. Information was given to the king, and further inquiry being made, my offence was discovered, and one night I was arrested, while quietly sleeping unsuspicious of danger. Being condemned to death, I was led to execution outside the city. By a fortunate chance I got my hands free, and snatching the sword from the executioner, laid about me so vigorously that all the men fell back, and I made my escape to the forest. There I wandered about for some time, subsisting on wild fruits and roots, and sleeping in the trees.

"'While living this precarious life, I was one day astonished at meeting a young lady, with many female attendants. She addressed me by my name, and desired me to sit down with her, under a large tree.

"'When, with much surprise, I asked who she was, and how she came to be in that wild forest, with such a retinue, and why I was so favoured by her, she told me the reason of her coming, saying: My name is Taravali. I am the daughter of a chief Yaksha. A short time ago I went to visit a friend, living on the Malaya Mountains, and while flying through the air on my return, as I passed over the cemetery of Benares, I heard the cry of a child.

"'Moved with compassion, I alighted on the ground, took it up and carried it to my father. He took it to our master, the god Kuvera, who sent for me, and asked, "What induced you to bring this child?" "A strong feeling of compassion," I answered, as if it had been my own.

"'You are right,' he replied; 'there is good reason for what you have done;' and he showed me how, in a former existence, when you were Sudraka and I Aryadasi, the child, now born of the Princess Kantimati, was ours; therefore, I am really your wife, and it was indeed a maternal instinct which prompted me to save the infant. Kuvera, however, would not allow me to keep the boy, but ordered me to take him to the Queen Vasumati, that he might be brought up together with her son, who will one day become a great monarch.

"Having performed the command of the god, I am permitted by him to find you out, and relieve you from your present distress."

"So saying, she embraced me, and afterwards took me to a fairy palace in the forest, furnished with all comforts and luxuries, where I passed some time with her in great happiness.

"One day, when she was expressing her great love for me, I said: 'I have a strong desire to take some vengeance on the king who would have put me to death.' Upon which, with a smile, she said, 'Ah! you wish to see Kantimati; I am not jealous, I will take you to her.'

"Then lifting me up, she bore me through the air to the palace, and without disturbing the guards, placed me at the bedside of the king.

"Grasping a sword lying near him, I awakened him, and said: 'I am, your son-in-law; I took your daughter without your consent, and am now come to make submission and atone for my fault."

"Seeing the drawn sword held over him he was much alarmed, and said: 'I must have been mad to act as I did and reject such a son-in-law; I will now acknowledge you, and you shall duly marry my daughter.'

"He kept his word, the next day announced the intended marriage to all the court, and shortly afterwards publicly gave me his daughter.

"Taravali remained with me, became great friends with her fellow-wife, told her the story which she had related to me, and how her son had been preserved and was taken care of by Queen Vasumati.

"Thus I have for some years lived happily, holding, as you know, a very important office."

[End of the story of Kamapala as told to his servant.]

* * * * *

"Some time after this, the death of the old king occurred, and as the eldest son had died during his father's lifetime, of consumption brought on by dissipation and debauchery; my master, together with the other ministers, placed Sinhaghosha, a boy about five years old, on the throne, and had him carefully educated.

"As the young king grew older, he was surrounded by companions nearer his own age, and they not liking the restraint put upon them by the wise and prudent Kamapala, endeavoured secretly to excite a prejudice against him, saying, 'This fellow, who sets himself up to be so wise and virtuous, is a wicked wretch, who first seduced the princess, and then, having escaped the death he so well deserved, managed to get to the bedside of the sleeping king, and to frighten him into compliance with his demands. This Kamapala intends to make himself king; he poisoned your eldest brother, and only spared you in order to obtain the support of the people, knowing that the real power would remain in his own hands. Depend on it you will not be suffered to live when you are old enough to shake off his authority. If you wish to be safe you should get rid of him at once.'

"With these, and other similar speeches, they so prejudiced the young king against his guardian and minister, that he would gladly have got rid of him at once, but was deterred by fear of the power of his Yaksha wife.

"One day the queen, seeing the Princess Kantimati very sad, asked her the reason of her sadness, saying, 'Tell me the truth; you cannot deceive me; what is the cause of this depression?' 'Did I ever deceive you?' she answered; 'my friend and fellow-wife, Taravali, has taken offence at something done or said by our husband, and though we tried to soothe her, she went away, and has not returned; this is the cause of my distress.'

"The queen hearing this, immediately told her husband, 'Kamapala has quarrelled with his fairy wife, and she has left him. There is nothing now to prevent your proceeding against him as you please.'

"Sinhaghosha, longing to be freed from restraint, caused his minister to be arrested, when he came the next day to the palace, as usual, unsuspicious of danger. This very day he will be led round the city, be proclaimed a traitor, and have his eyes put out.

"I, having lost my only friend and protector, have no wish to live, and was fastening my sash to hang myself, when you interrupted me."

When Purnabhadra had finished this story, I said to him, "I am that child who was exposed in the cemetery, and saved by the fairy. My coming here is indeed opportune, and with your assistance I will engage to deliver my father. I would boldly attack the guards as they lead him round the city, but fear, lest in the confusion he might be killed, when all my exertions would have been in vain; some other plan must therefore be thought of."

While I was thus speaking to him a serpent put out his head from a hole near me, and, knowing how to charm serpents, I made it come forth, and secured it.

Then I said to Purnabhadra: "O friend, this is just what I wanted. I will mix with the crowd when my father is led round, let this serpent fall on him as if by chance, and then run up to him and say that I am skilled in charms, and can save his life. No doubt they will allow me to try, and I will stop the effect of the poison in such a manner that he will not die, and yet remain insensible, as if dead. Meanwhile, do you go to my mother, ask to see her in private, and tell her that the son whom she had lost is now here. Explain to her my plan for saving my father, and say that when she hears of the death of her husband, she must go to the king as if in the greatest grief, and ask for permission to burn herself together with the dead body. When this request is granted, as no doubt it will be, she must prepare the funeral pile, and make ready for self-immolation, laying the apparently dead body on a couch in a private room till I come, when I will tell her what is further to be done."

Purnabhadra, delighted with the plan which I proposed, no longer wished to destroy himself. He set out at once to do as I had directed him, and I went immediately into the city. There I saw great crowds already collected, and ascertained where the executioner would stand when the proclamation was made.

Overhanging the place, there happened to be a large tree, with thick foliage. Into this I climbed, and waited patiently, listening to the talk of the people collected underneath.

Presently the executioner and his men came, bringing the prisoner, and the proclamation was made three times.

"Know all men that this traitor, Kamapala, has not only poisoned the late king and his eldest son, but has been convicted of plotting against the life of his present majesty; he endeavoured to persuade two of the king's faithful attendants to administer poison, but they have given information, and his life is justly forfeited; the king, however, in consideration of his being a brahman, and nearly connected with himself, has spared his life, and only sentenced him to have his eyes put out. Let all evil-doers take warning by his punishment."

While this proclamation was being read, I climbed to a branch of the tree just over my father, and dropped on him the poisonous serpent, which immediately bit him. In the confusion which ensued, I slipped down from the tree, and, having mixed with the crowd, managed, while shouting out "This is a just punishment from heaven; so may all traitors perish," to get close to my father, and quickly applied a charm in such a manner that, though he fell down apparently dead, the effect of the poison was stopped. The executioner being also bitten; and his assistants, as well as the crowd of spectators, being alarmed and dispersed from dread of the poisonous serpent; this act of mine was not noticed.

Meanwhile, my mother, who had been prepared by Purnabhadra to hear of her husband's death, went immediately to the king, attended by a large number of friends, and said; "The gods know if my husband was your enemy or not; I will not now attempt to defend him; but, whether he was innocent or guilty, your anger should cease now he is dead. I pray you to allow me to burn his body, and according to the custom of widows of my rank, to ascend the funeral pile together with him. Were I not to perform this duty, disgrace would fall on you and on the whole family, as well as on myself."

The king, well pleased to have got rid of the obnoxious minister, without incurring the sin of killing him, exclaimed: "This death is indeed the act of fate!" And, immediately granting her request, permitted the body of Kamapala to be taken to his own house, where I had by that time arrived, and was ready to receive it.

Meanwhile, my mother prepared for death, and, resisting all the entreaties of her friends and servants, expressed her determination to be burnt together with her husband.

When everything for the funeral was arranged, she came into the private room, where the body had been laid, and there saw her husband fully recovered, and me sitting by him. Great was her delight and astonishment at this wonderful and sudden change; and having first embraced her husband, she threw her arms round me, and, with a voice broken by sobs of joy, said: "O, my darling son, how can I deserve such happiness?—I, who so cruelly abandoned you at your birth, and suffered you to be taken away, as if dead? but your father was not to blame for that; he, indeed, deserves to have been restored to life by you, and to have the happiness of seeing you. Cruel, indeed, was Taravali, who, when she had received you again from Kuvera, did not bring you at once to me; but what could I expect from her? It is through her unkindness in leaving us that all this misfortune has happened; but I must not complain; I was not worthy, without previous suffering, to enjoy such great happiness. Come and embrace me."

Saying this, she again threw her arms round me, and kissed me repeatedly, trembling with emotion, and shedding many tears of joy. My father's feelings were scarcely less excited. He seemed to have risen from the lowest depth of misery to the summit of felicity, and esteemed himself more fortunate than even Indra the King of the Gods.

When we were all somewhat calmed, and I had explained to my father all that had occurred, I said: "There is much yet to be done; the king will soon find out the deception which has been practised, and send to arrest you again; so we must consider how we can defend ourselves."

My father answered: "This house is a very large one; the walls are strong; there are many secret passages; I have a great store of weapons; my servants are brave and faithful, so that we could hold out for several days. Besides this I have many friends in the city; most of the authorities will favour me; many of the soldiers will be on my side, and there are many persons discontented and ready to rebel against the king. Therefore, if we act prudently, we shall have much assistance, and be able to cut off that tyrant."

With this I entirely agreed, and we prepared for defence. As I had expected, the king, finding how he had been deceived, sent soldiers to take us; but, though they made many attempts, we drove them back day after day, with very small loss to ourselves.

Meanwhile, fearing lest we should at last be overpowered, if something more were not done, I determined, if possible, to seize the person of the king; and, as my father's house was not far from the palace, I began to make an underground passage inside, in order to reach his sleeping-room, the exact position of which I had learnt from my father. After digging for some distance, I came, to my great astonishment, into a large, lofty, well-lighted room, occupied by a number of women, among whom was a young lady of surpassing beauty, resembling the wife of Kama, or the tutelary goddess of the city, who had hidden herself here to avoid the sight of so much wickedness above.

The women were equally astonished at seeing me, and ran away, alarmed, into other adjoining rooms. One old woman, however, remained behind, and, falling at my feet, said "Have pity on us poor helpless women; surely thou art a god, for no mortal could have thus found his way hither. O tell us why thou art come."

"Calm yourself," I answered, "You have nothing to fear from me. I am Arthapala, the son of the minister Kamapala and the Princess Kantimati, and have come thus unexpectedly on you while making an underground passage from my father's house to the palace; but tell me who you all are, and how you come to be living here."

"O prince," she answered, "I had heard of your birth, but not of your preservation, and happy am I now to see you. Know that the young lady whom you have just seen is the granddaughter of your maternal grandfather, Chandasinha. The eldest son of that king died before his father, leaving his wife pregnant, and she lost her life in giving birth to this daughter, who was committed to my care. One day the king sent for me, and said: 'I intend this child when grown up to be given in marriage to Darpasara, son of the King of Malwa; and, remembering the misconduct of her aunt, I am determined that nothing of the kind shall happen with her. I have therefore caused a spacious palace to be made underground, and have furnished it with provisions and all other necessaries for even a hundred years. I have great confidence in you; you will therefore go down into this subterranean dwelling, taking with you the princess and such attendants as you may think desirable, and will remain there until she is grown up, when I shall fetch you from below, and give her in marriage as I have intended.' So saying, he lifted up a small trap-door in the court-yard close to his own apartment, and showed me the steps leading to this place. The next day we all came down, and have remained here ever since. Twelve years have now passed, and the king seems to have forgotten us. I must tell you also that the princess, though destined by her grandfather for Darpasara, was originally intended for you; for her mother, while the child was as yet unborn, promised that her daughter should become the wife of the son of Kantimati if he should ever return. Look on her, therefore, as your intended, and do what is best for us."

Having received this account from the old woman, I told her to have no fear on the princess's account, but to trust entirely in me, and that I would soon liberate them from their long and tedious imprisonment.

She then took a lamp and showed me the steps leading to the trap-door, which I forced open, and soon found my way into the king's bed-room. There, before he was sufficiently awake to call for help, I seized, gagged, and bound him, and dragging him along, as an ichneumon drags a serpent, past the astonished women and through the tunnel which I had made, I brought him, trembling with fear and bowed down by shame, to my father's house, and showed him to my parents, telling them how I had captured him, and how I had discovered the princess in the subterranean palace.

When the seizure of the king was known, those who were previously well-disposed to my father immediately joined us, and all opposition ceased.

Soon afterwards I married the princess, who looked on me as her deliverer from the dungeon; Sinhaghosha was deposed; and I, having double claim to the throne, was acknowledged king in his stead.

Hearing that the King of Anga, a devoted friend of your father, was at war, and attacked by a strong enemy, we have marched hither with an army to his assistance, and I have had the pleasure of helping to deliver him from his enemies, and the still greater happiness of meeting with you. I now beg of you to decide what shall be done with the deposed king, our prisoner, whom we have brought with us. My mother is very anxious to liberate him, but hitherto it has not been thought safe to do so.

The prince answered: "Let that unworthy young man be freed, on condition of giving up all claim to the throne and leading a private life; and let him devote himself to pious meditation, which is the purifier of evil deeds." Then turning with a kind look to Pramati, he said: "Do you now relate your adventures," with which request he at once complied:—

* * * * *


My lord, while wandering like the rest of your friends in search of you, I found myself one evening in a large forest, far from any habitation. Thinking it useless to attempt to go further in an unknown country and in darkness, I prepared to sleep there. Having bathed in the water of a small lake, and made myself a bed of leaves, I lay down under a large tree, commending myself to the deities presiding over the place, and was very soon asleep.

Presently a strange and delightful feeling came over me, gladdening my inmost soul; and I awoke, hardly knowing whether what I saw was a reality or a dream, for on looking round me I saw that I was no longer in the forest, but in a very large and lofty room, lying on a soft couch with white muslin curtains; all around me were a number of sleeping women. Among them my eyes were especially attracted towards a young lady of exceeding beauty, lying in a very graceful attitude, covered only by a silken petticoat, her bosom slowly rising and falling, and her bud-like lower lip quivering with the soft movement of the breath in quiet sleep.

Lost in astonishment, I said to myself; "What has become of that great forest wrapt in darkness? How is my bed of leaves exchanged for this soft couch? Whence is this dome above me, lofty as the great temple of Siva? Who are all these lovely women, like a troop of Apsaras lying down wearied with play? And who can this beautiful lady be? She cannot be a goddess, for the gods do not sleep thus, nor do they perspire, and I see the drops breaking forth on her forehead. She must then be a mortal; but O how lovely! how peacefully she sleeps, as if she had never known the anxieties of love! My heart is drawn towards her."

With these thoughts I rose up and approached the bed where she lay, and stood looking at her as if entranced, becoming every moment more enamoured, longing to touch her, but held back by the fear of disturbing her.

While I was thus gazing, she gradually awoke, and raising herself into a sitting posture, looked at me attentively with eyes more than half closed. At first her lips were opened, as if she were about to cry out; but, apparently restrained by some secret power, she remained silent, trembling all over, and showing in her countenance the signs of mingled doubt, fear, astonishment, bashfulness, and love; till at last, overcome again by sleep, she slowly sank down again on the bed.

Almost at the same time I felt myself irresistibly overcome by drowsiness, and was very soon fast asleep.

When I awoke, I found myself on the bed of leaves once more, alone in the gloomy forest, and day was beginning to appear.

When I was quite awake I had some difficulty in collecting my thoughts, and I said to myself: "Can all this of which I have such a vivid impression be other than a reality, or was it only a dream, a magical delusion? Whatever it may be, I will not quit this place till I find out the truth, and I will place myself under the protection of the deity who sent the vision."

Having formed this resolution, I was waiting where I had slept, when I saw approaching me a female form faded like a flower scorched by the sun, with eyes red from weeping, lips parched by the hot breath of sighs, wearing a scanty black dress, without ornaments, and with her hair in a single braid, like an affectionate wife mourning for the absence of her husband;[6] and with all this having an air of divine dignity, which made me regard her with reverence, and think that she might be the tutelary goddess of the place, to whom I had commended myself; and I prostrated myself before her. But she raised me up with her arms, and after kissing me again and again, said, with a voice broken by tears and sobs, "O, my darling, surely you have heard from the Queen Vasumati how one night a fairy appeared to her, and placing the child Arthapala[7] in her arms, told her husband's name and her own; and how the child was brought by order of Kuvera; and then disappeared. I am that fairy—your mother. Bewildered by unreasonable jealousy and anger, I abandoned my husband, your father, Kamapala; and for that sin I was cursed by Durga, who condemned me to be possessed by an evil spirit for a year. That year, which seemed to me like a thousand years, is ended; and I am now come from the great festival of Siva, where I have met my relations, who had assembled there, and have received full pardon from the goddess.

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