Falier, Ludovico, 179. Farnham, 370. Ferdinand of Aragon, his negotiations for Catherine's marriage, 11, 14, 26, 45, 47; claims Castile, 27; his methods of government, 37; advises Henry VIII., 43, 50; his schemes for the aggrandisement of his family, 50-52, 60; attacks the Moors, 55; makes peace with them and attacks France, 56; conquers Navarre, 57, 58; betrays Henry, 59-62; his duplicity, 61, 70, 72, 73; his death, 92; other references to, 28-30, 51 n, 52-54, 67, 75-77, 85, 88, 100, 105, 107, 145, 174-176, 179, 284, 351. ————- Archduke and Emperor, 51 and note, 52-54, 61 n, 71, 76, 94, 101. Ferrara, 100, 153, 159, 283. Ferrers, Sir Edward, 252 n. Ferrers' case, 258, 259. Fidei Defensor, 107, 126, 325. Field of Cloth of Gold, 141-143, 151, 294. First-fruits and Tenths, 324, 327, 336, 368. Fisher, John, Cardinal Bishop of Rochester, preaches Henry VII.'s funeral sermon, 43, 44; denounces Luther's books, 125; defends the validity of Catherine's marriage, 222, 236, 282; his treasonable practices, 282, 305; sent to the Tower, 324; attainted, 331-333; created Cardinal, 332; death, 333; other references to, 1 n, 50, 150, 279, 280, 287, 289, 319, 331 n, 350, 438. Fitzgerald, Gerald, eighth Earl of Kildare, 9, 11, 149, 305, 366, 367. Fitzroy, Henry, Duke of Richmond and Somerset, 183-185, 197, 213, 348. Fitzwilliam, Sir William, Earl of Southampton, 144, 146, 147, 157, 203, 254 n, 385, 389 n, 390, 393. Flanders, 52, 93, 140, 144, 223, 224, 308-311, 358, 359, 373. See also Burgundy and Netherlands. Flodden Field, 49, 66, 80, 87, 200, 408. Florence, 51, 86, 226. Floyd's case, 259 n. Foix, Germaine de, 29, 100. —— Odet de. See Lautrec. Fox, Richard, Bishop of Exeter, afterwards Bishop of Winchester, baptises Henry VIII., 16; his fortunes linked with the Tudors, 48; chancellor of Cambridge, 49; founder of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 49; an intimate counsellor of Henry VIII., 49; retires to his diocese, 92; debates the legality of Henry's marriage, 174, 198; death, 117; other references to, 62, 98, 109, 114, 158, 159, 273. Foxe, Edward, Bishop of Hereford, 211, 214. —— John, martyrologist, 191. France, unity of, 30, 31; Roman law in, 32; English antipathy to, 53; invasion of, 57, 60, 62-66; friendship with Venice, 61; truce with Venice, 60; war against, 64, 65; campaigns in, 68, 69; Suffolk's embassy to, 85; Wolsey's embassy to, 112, 144-146; treaty with England, 138; Henry's visit to, 140-143; war with Spain, 144; English pretence to the crown of, 149, 150, 158; suggested assembly of cardinals in, 201; alliance with England, 223; threatens Italy from the North, 51, 228, 229; other references to, 29, 108, 181, 204, 220, 370, 373, 393. ——— Catherine of. See Catherine. ——— Kings of. See Charles VIII., Francis I., Louis XI., Louis XII. Francis, Duke of Angouleme, afterwards Francis I. of France, description of, 39, 78; relations with Mary Tudor, 78-83; designs on Milan, 85, 86; omnipotence in Italy, 93; joins second League of Cambrai, 94; is deceived by Charles V., 96; his efforts to be elected Emperor, 98-104; rivalry with Charles V., 108, 312, 429; his pensions to Wolsey, 115, 116; his claim to Naples, 136; Wolsey's opposition to, 137 and note; is anxious for a personal interview with Henry VIII., 138, 139; meets Henry VIII. at the Field of Cloth of Gold, 141-143; his war with Charles V., 144-148; his immorality, 150, 186; his influence on the papal election, 154, 155; is convinced of English hostility, 156; English make war on, 157, 158; his defeat at Pavia, 30, 163, 164; signs Treaty of Madrid, 168; suggested marriage to Princess Mary, 195-197 n; his defeat at Landriano, 226; is appealed to by Wolsey, 247; his alliance with Charles V., 250; his meeting with Henry at Boulogne (1532), 294; disapproves of Henry's breach with the Church, 306; meditates fresh Italian schemes, 310, 351; his meeting with Clement at Marseilles (1533), 316; orders Pole to leave France, 359; his friendship with Charles V., 371, 381, 382, 392; his meeting with Charles V. and Paul III. (1538), 372; his breach with Charles V., 404, 405; intrigues with James V., 406, 409; his peace with Henry (1546), 412; his advice about Parliament, 436; other references to, 81, 88, 94, 97, 127, 129 n, 137, 151, 162, 163 n, 169, 173, 193, 216, 225, 280, 297, 302 n, 311, 315, 334, 349, 361, 369, 370, 376, 377, 383, 386, 393, 396. ——— Dauphin of France, 138, 143, 148. Frederick II., Emperor, 329. Frith, John, 272. Fuentarabia, 160.
Gardiner, Stephen, Bishop of Winchester, goes to Rome to obtain a commission to try the divorce case in England, 214, 220; would be more powerful if he abandoned his order, 237, 273; his pocket-boroughs, 254 and note, 317, 390; secretary, 273; led the bishops in the House of Lords to reject the concessions made to the King by the Church, 293; retires to Winchester, 294; his opposition to the divorce, 306; on parliamentary liberties, 259; on the limits of Henry's power, 323 n, 330; encounters Barnes in a theological discussion, 394; patron of Catherine Howard, 397, 399; champion of the Catholic faith, 416, 418; other references to, 211, 259, 290, 316, 327 n, 336, 435 n. Gattinara, Mercurio, 147. Gatton, 253 and note. Gaunt, John of, 6, 180. Genoa, 51, 70, 71, 76, 147, 168. George, Duke of Clarence, 8, 18, 305, 314, 358, 373. Germany, 30-32, 69, 101, 104, 124, 139, 272, 311, 381, 382, 393, 418. Ghinucci, Girolamo, Bishop of Worcester, 202, 206, 207, 218, 318, 338. Giglis, Silvester de, Bishop of Worcester, 86, 229. Giustinian, Sebastian, Venetian ambassador, 67, 72, 77 n, 87, 88, 92, 97, 98, 102, 106, 108, 109 and note, 110-115, 118, 121, 127, 129, 132, 177, 181, 240. Gloucester, 40. Gordon, Lady Catherine, 11 and note. Grammont, Gabriel de, Bishop of Tarbes, 173, 195-197, 280, 281. Gravelines, 143. Greenwich, 15, 16, 22, 46, 83, 86, 134, 239, 300, 324, 385. Grey, Lady Jane, 19, 435. —— Lord Leonard, 366, 367. —— Thomas, second Marquis of Dorset, 37 n, 57. Guelders, 54, 144, 168, 383, 393. Guienne, 57, 58, 61, 62. Guildford, 389, 421. Guinegate, 64, 65. Guipuscoa, 57. Guisnes, 129, 140, 141, 375. Gustavus Vasa, King of Sweden, 238.
Hadrian de Castello, Cardinal Bishop of Bath and Wells, 97, 112, 115. Hailes, Blood of, 380. Hales, John, 433 n. Halidon Rig, 407. Hamburg, 311. Hampton Court, 140, 239, 398, 410, 421. Harwich, 375. Henry II., 4, 271 and note, 275. ——- IV., 4, 6, 15, 180, 232. ——- IV. of Castile, 207. ——- V., 53, 66. ——- VI., 5, 7. ——- VII., his descent, 5-8; his birth, 7; His claim to the throne recognised by Parliament, 8, 13; Yorkist rivals to, 9; his sons and daughters, 13; marriage, 13; bestows Greenwich on his wife, 15; sends Arthur and Catherine to Ludlow Castle, 14; centralising policy, 17; Irish policy, 18; Renaissance under, 20; praised by Erasmus, 23; his theological conservatism, 24; proposes marriages for his children, 26; discusses Catherine's dower, 26; suggests marrying her himself, 27; entertains Philip of Burgundy, 27; designs on Castile, 28, 29; his suggested marriage with Margaret of Savoy, 28, 48; his methods of government, 36-38; last advice to his son, 43; death, 43; funeral and tomb, 44; his treasure, 149, 245, 246; other references to, 79, 80, 173, 178, 180, 182, 183, 232, 284, 374, 409, 426. ——- VIII., his descent and parentage, 5; birth, 15; baptised and said to have been destined for a clerical career, 16; offices and titles, 16, 17; his tutors, 20-22; his handwriting, 21; studies languages, 22; is visited by Erasmus, 22, 23; corresponds with Erasmus, 23; studies theology, 24; is devoted to music, 24; his minstrels, 24; his choristers and compositions, 25, 47; becomes heir-apparent and Duke of Cornwall, 25; created Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester, 25; suggested matrimonial alliances, 26; is betrothed to Catherine of Aragon, 27; protests against the marriage, 28; methods of government, 36; decay of the peerage under, 37; the ministers of, 38, 48-50; peaceful accession, 43; executes Dudley and Empson, 44; marriage to Catherine, 45, 46; coronation, 46, 48; intervenes in favour of Venice, 53; renews his father's treaties, 54; his first crusade, 55; joins Ferdinand against France, 56; unsuccessfully attacks Guienne, 57, 58; his league with Maximilian, 61 and note; his desertion by Ferdinand, 61-63; his success in France, 64-66; the pacific character of his reign, 67, 68; makes the Treaty of Lille, 69; his honesty, 72, 73; discovers duplicity of his allies, 73, 74; makes peace with France, 74, 75; his promotion of Charles Brandon, 80; anger at Brandon's marriage to Mary Tudor exaggerated, 82-84; rivalry with Francis I., 86, 87; claims title of "Protector of Scotland," 87, 88; is suggested as Emperor, 99, 102-104; allows Wolsey much power, 109 sqq.; his services to the Papacy, 107; his book against Luther, 123-126; receives title of Fidei Defensor, 126; his political activity, 128-131; his meeting with Charles, 139, 140; his meeting with Francis at the Field of Cloth of Gold, 141-143; his second meeting with Charles, 143; his rights to the crown of France, 149, 158; his recourse to war loans, 164, 165; doubts the legality of his marriage with Catherine of Aragon, 173, 174, 195-199, 219; the premature death of his children, 174-177, 182; his passion for Anne Boleyn, 189-192; his conscience, 193, 194, 209, 218; his first steps towards divorce, 198-201; his justification for expecting divorce, 199, 200; licence to commit bigamy, 206; ceases to work in harmony with Wolsey, 203, 204; his canonical affinity to Anne Boleyn, 206-208, 344; is urged by Clement to settle the divorce for himself, 213; attends the Legates' Court in person, 221; praises Catherine, 221, 222; finds the impossibility of obtaining a favourable verdict at Rome, 226; breaks with Rome, 228, 231, 428, 429; appeals to a General Council, 230; contends for the supremacy of the State, 233; his support necessary to the Church, 238; makes peace with Charles, 224; reproves Wolsey, 242, 243; the difference between the results of his policy and Wolsey's, 244, 245; the difficulty of his position, 250; his divorce interwoven with the question of papal jurisdiction in England, 251; he summons Parliament, 251 sqq.; his harmony with Parliament, 256, 261 sqq.; his observance of the constitution and parliamentary privileges, 258, 430, 435, 436; his interest in Parliament, 263; encourages the Commons to bring complaints to him, 266; his recognition as "Supreme Head," 268, 286, 325, 328, 330 n, 331; is compared to Henry II., 271 and note; his anti-clerical bias, 272, 273, 285; his position between two parties, 276; decisions of the Universities, 283, 284, 288; his influence with Parliament, 284, 285, 287 sqq.; meets Francis at Boulogne, 294; his marriage with Anne Boleyn, 295, 296, 300; Cranmer pronounces the divorce, 296, 300, 302; sentence of greater excommunication drawn up against him, 303; his treatment of Catherine, 303, 304; his position abroad, 305 sqq.; closes the Staple at Calais, 308; his position at home, 313; his episcopal appointments, 318; his marriage to Catherine pronounced valid by Clement, 321; becomes more despotic, 322, 323; sends Fisher and More to the Tower, and the Friars Observants to the block, 324; position as Supreme Head of the Church, 325-330; executes Fisher and More, 331-334; rejoices at Catherine's death, 335; obtains the Statute of Uses, 336; orders a general visitation of the monasteries, 337-339; dissolves the monasteries and divides monastic spoils with the laity, 341; dislikes, divorces, and beheads Anne Boleyn, 343-346; marries Jane Seymour, 346, 347; power to bequeath the crown given him by Parliament (see Acts of Succession), 348; his position strengthened by the death of Catherine and of Anne Boleyn, 349, 350; refuses to side against Francis I., 350, 351; deals with the Pilgrimage of Grace, 355; his answer to the rebels, 356; conference with Aske, 357; establishes Council of the North, 358; his relations with Cardinal Pole, 358, 359; his good fortune culminates in the birth of Edward VI., 360, 361; development of his intellect, 363, 364; completes the Union of England and Wales, 365, 366; establishes peace in Ireland, 367; thinks of marrying a French princess, 369, 370; and then of Christina of Milan, 370, 371; desecrates the shrine of St. Thomas, 372; is excommunicated by the Pope, 373; removes possible claimants to the throne, 374, 375; and takes other measures for defence, 375-377; issues the Ten Articles, 378, and The Bishops' Book, 379; permits the Bible in English and destroys images, 379, 380; and dissolves the greater monasteries, 381; issues a manifesto against the Pope's authority to summon a General Council, and enters into negotiations with the German princes, 381, 382; marries Anne of Cleves, 382-386; but remains a Catholic at heart, 387-389; and presses the Six Articles, 390; repudiates the German alliance, 393; ruins Cromwell, 394; and divorces Anne, 395; marries Catherine Howard, 398, 399; renews his alliance with Charles V. and represses heresy, 400; erects new bishoprics and endows new professorships, 401; executes the Countess of Salisbury and Catherine Howard, 403, 404; makes war on Scotland, renewing his feudal claims to that kingdom, 406 sqq.; joins Charles V. against France, 409, 410; marries Catherine Parr, 410; invades France and captures Boulogne, 412; is deserted by Charles, and left to face alone the French invasion, 413; on its failure makes peace with France, 415; issues various religious proclamations and The King's Book, 416, 417; debases the coinage and appropriates the lands of chantries, 418, 419; his last speech to Parliament, 419, 420; his illness, 424; and death, 425; will and burial, 426. ——- —— descriptions of, as a child, 19; on his accession, 39; by Mountjoy, 40; by Sir Thomas More, 48, 428; by Falier in 1529, 240; in 1541, 402. ——- —— his popularity, 35, 38; his accomplishments, 22, 25, 39, 40, 239; his athletic prowess, 39-41, 95, 239; his display of wealth, 96; his love of pleasure in the beginning of his reign, 46-48; his morality, 185-187; his love of gambling, 241; his hasty temper, 132, 133; his hardening of character, 240, 323, 402; his affection for Mary, 304; his egotism, 427; his imperial ideas, 362-364; his piety, 105, 106, 274; his illnesses, 240 and note, 402, 424. ——- —— gradual evolution of his character, 427, 428; causes of his dictatorship, 429; a constitutional king, 430; the typical embodiment of his age, 431; careful of law, but careless of justice, 435; use of Acts of Attainder, 436; imitates Tiberius, 436 n; illustrates the contrast between morals and politics, 437, 438; character of his aims, 439; comparison of the good and evil that he did, 439, 440. "Henry VIII." by Shakespeare, 110, 116 n, 197 n, 434 n. Henry of Navarre, 186. Herbert, Lord, of Cherbury, 16. Hereford, Bishops of. See Foxe, Edward, and Bonner, Edmund. Hertford, Earl of. See Seymour, Edward. Hildebrand, 233. Hobbes, Thomas, 433. Holbein, Hans, 140, 371, 384 and note. Holy League (of 1511), 55, 64, 88, 107. —— ——- (of 1526), 168-170, 225. —— Roman Empire. See Empire. Horsey, Dr. William, Chancellor of London, 236 and note. Houghton, John, 331. Howard, Admiral Sir Edmund, 63. ——— Catherine. See Catherine. ——— Henry, Earl of Surrey, poet, 21, 422, 423. ——— Thomas I., Earl of Surrey, afterwards second Duke of Norfolk, one of the four dukes in Henry VIII.'s reign, 2 n; Lord High Treasurer, 49; wins Flodden and is made Duke of Norfolk, 68, 80; his opinions on the imperial election, 102; his pensions, 116. ——— Thomas II., Earl of Surrey, afterwards third Duke of Norfolk, was one of the four dukes in Henry VIII.'s reign, 2 n; his military campaigns, 157, 413, 422; his relationship to Anne Boleyn, 203, 343 n; takes the seal from Wolsey, 246; his pocket-boroughs, 253; speaks of the "infinite clamours" against the Church, 271, 291; sent to the papal nuncio, 282; talks to Sir Thomas More of the fickleness of princes, 248; presides at Anne Boleyn's trial, 344; is sent to the North, 355, 357, 358 n, 407; mouthpiece of the King in Parliament, 391; his relationship to Catherine Howard, 397, 399, 416; possibility of ruling during Edward VI.'s minority, 421; is attainted, 423, 424. Hull, 357. Hungary, 51, 226 n. Hunne, Richard, 236 n. Hurst Castle, 375. Hussey, Sir John, Baron Hussey, 353. Hutton, John, 370.
Imperialism, Henry VIII.'s, 362, 363. Indies, the, 51, 104. Innocent III., 334. Inquisition, the, 292. Institution of a Christian Man. See Bishops' Book. Intercursus Magnus, 48. Ireland, Yorkist influence in, 9; rebellions in, 10, 11, 305, 306, 366, 367; Henry VIII. made Lord-Lieutenant of, 17; Henry VII.'s policy in, 18; English hold over, 245, 250; tributary to the Pope, 275; English rule firmly established in, 367; other references to, 131, 150, 373. Irish Parliament. See Parliament. Isabella of Castile, 11, 14, 26, 27, 30, 51 n, 370. Isabella of Portugal, 96, 167. Italy, 29-31, 51, 53, 56, 58, 60, 66, 67, 69-71, 76, 90, 93, 94, 100, 104, 105, 114, 144, 148, 154, 159, 164, 168, 170, 215, 216, 224, 225, 227, 228, 251, 294, 358, 376, 382.
James II., 186. ——- IV. of Scotland, 11, 12, 22, 48, 65, 66, 87, 88, 105, 200, 229, 234. ——- V. of Scotland, 13, 180, 305, 314, 315 n, 357, 369, 373, 402-403, 406. Jane Seymour, Henry's attentions to, 343 n, 346-348; her marriage to Henry, 346; birth of her son, 360; her death and burial, 360, 361; other references to, 379, 384 n, 426. Jesus College, Oxford, 21 n. John, King, 275. Juana, Queen of Castile, 27, 28, 51 and note, 52, 93 n. Julius II., his warlike tendencies, 1 n, 52, 53, 228; grants the dispensation for Henry VIII. to marry his brother's widow, 26, 45, 173, 193, 316 n; joins the League of Cambrai, 29; renews his treaties with Henry VIII., 54; is besieged by Louis at Bologna, 55, 56, 106, 107; Ferdinand's relations with, 59, 60; supposed existence of a brief of, 218; is succeeded by the peaceful Leo, 69; other reference to, 176.
Keilway, Robert, 234 n. Kelso, 407. Kent, 11, 252. Kildare, Earl of. See Fitzgerald, Gerald. Kimbolton, 335. "King John," Shakespeare's, 35, 308. King's Book, The, 417, 418. Knight, Dr. William, 94, 189, 206 and note, 207, 208, 210, 214.
Ladislaus of Hungary, 90. Lambeth, 120. Lancastrian claim to the throne, 7, 8, 32, 180 n. —————- rule, 32, 33. Landriano, battle of, 226. Langton, Stephen, Archbishop of Canterbury, 270. Lark, Peter, prebendary of St. Stephen's, 117, 118 n. Latimer, Hugh, Bishop of Worcester, 273, 354, 401. Lautrec, Odet de Foix, Sieur de, 215, 216, 224. Lawson, Sir George, 407. Lee, Edward, Archbishop of York, sent to Spain to examine the forged brief, 218; opposition to the divorce, 306; letter to Cromwell, 366 n. Leicester, 248. Leith, 413. Leo X., his election as Pope, 229; styles Henry defender of the faith, 3, 126; gives Henry permission to bury James IV. who was excommunicate, 66; becomes Pope, 69; makes Wolsey a cardinal, 77 and note; interview with Francis, 86; forms a Holy League, 88, 107; sends Campeggio to England, 97; desires neither Francis nor Charles as Emperor, 101, 102, 104; refuses preferment to Spanish inquisitors, 105; intercedes for Polydore Vergil, 112; issues bull against Luther, 124; receives Henry's book, 126; negotiates with Charles, 147; is anxious for family aggrandisement, 153; death, 154; supposed attempt to poison, 230; efforts at reform, 234 n, 268; other references to, 70, 100, 108, 121, 146, 234 n. Leviathan, The, by Hobbes, 433. Lewis the Bavarian, 329. Lewisham, 15. Leyva, Antonio de, 163. Lichfield, Bishopric of, 318. Lille, 65, 69, 80. Lincoln, 353. ———- Earl of. See Pole, John de la. ———- Bishops of. See Longland, John; Wolsey, Thomas. Lisle, Viscount. See Dudley, John. Llandaff, Bishop of. See Athequa, George. Lollardy, 232. London, 11, 52, 128, 129, 147, 165, 166, 177, 187, 221, 225, 236, 247, 253, 260, 298, 313, 318, 319, 353, 358, 366, 388, 421, 439. ——— Bishops of. See Bonner, Edmund; Stokesley, John; and Tunstall, Cuthbert. ——— Treaty of (1518), 110, 138, 144, 147. Longland, John, Bishop of Lincoln, confessor to Henry VIII., 198 n, 306, 403; defends the divorce in the House of Lords, 259 n, 318; for a time is in confinement, 402. Longueville, Duc de, 64, 74. Lords, House of. See also Parliament. ——- ——- passes attainder against Wolsey, 246; freedom of speech in, 259 n; clerical representation in, 287, 318; is anxious to abolish the Pope's authority, 319; Henry's last address to, 419-421; passes bills of Wills and Uses, 293. Louis XI., 30, 136. ——- XII., joins in League of Cambrai, 29; anxious to prevent Catherine's marriage to Henry, 45; at peace with Henry, 47; besieges the Pope in Bologna, 55, 106, 107; his impiety denounced, 56; his secret negotiations with Ferdinand, 59, 60; rumours of his intention to proclaim the White Rose King of England, 64; agrees to Ferdinand's Italian plans, 70, 71; makes peace with Henry, 74; marries Mary Tudor, 74; anxious to attack Spain, 75; his death, 78, 79; other references to, 52, 53, 62, 81, 87, 176, 212, 297 n. ——- XIV., 432. Louise of Savoy, 138, 150, 167, 201, 224. Lovell, Francis, first Viscount Lovell, 9, 10, 50. Luebeck, 311. Ludlow Castle, 14. Luke, Ann, 16. Luther, Martin, Henry's book against, 24, 123, 124, 126; his books burned in St. Paul's Churchyard, 125; his books, 272, 388; Pope's bull against, 124; other references to, 193 n, 351. Lydgate, John, 21.
Macerata, Dr., 161. Machiavelli, Nicholas, 69, 276, 436 n, 440. Madrid, 68. ——— Treaty of, 168. Magna Carta, 35 and note, 271. Maidstone, 380. Mainz, Archbishop of, 100. Manners, Edward, third Earl of Rutland, 253 n. Mannock, Henry, 398, 403. Mantua, Marquis of, 86. Manuel, Don Juan, 154. Marck, Robert de la, 144, 168. Margaret of Burgundy, 9, 10, 51 n. ———— of Navarre, 370. ———— of Savoy, 27, 28, 45, 48, 65, 73, 80, 81, 89, 139, 224. ———— Tudor, Queen of Scotland, her children, 12, 13; visited as a child by Erasmus, 22; increases English influence in Scotland, 87, 88; divorce granted to, 200, 212; is lectured on her sinfulness by Henry, 209, 210; Mary's issue preferred to her's, 84, 348. Marguerite de Valois, 28, 146. Marignano, battle of, 86, 89, 132. Marillac, Charles de, 393-395, 397, 398, 403. Marny, Harry, Lord Marny, 50, 355. Marseilles, 162, 316. Marsiglio of Padua, 329 and note. Martyr, Peter, of Angera, 66, 176. Mary of Burgundy, daughter of Charles the Bold, 30, 51 n. —— of Guise, 369. —— Queen of England, her birth, 176; her claim to the throne, 179, 180, 309, 310, 312, 344, 348 n; proposed marriages for, 97, 138, 143, 146, 148, 156, 167, 168, 173, 177, 185, 195-197, 213, 305, 422; her legitimacy, 273, 300 n, 348; Henry's affection for, 304 and note; treatment of, 304, 347, 349; accession, 430; conscience of, 194; persecutions of, 401; childlessness 12; other references to, 261, 342. —— Queen of Scots, 348, 362, 407-409, 415. —— Regent of the Netherlands (sister of Charles V.), 344 n, 370. —— Tudor, daughter of Henry VII., is visited as a child by Erasmus, 22; proposed marriages for, 26, 28, 29, 45, 65, 71-74; marriage to Louis XII., 74, 107, 188; her appearance, 78; her marriage to Suffolk, 78-85, 83 n; her children to succeed to the crown by Henry's will, before those of her elder sister Margaret, 84, 348; other reference to, 212. Mason, Sir John, 402, 432 n. Matilda, Empress, 179, 180. Matthew's Bible, 379. Maximilian I., Emperor, his designs on Castile, 28, 29; marries Mary of Burgundy, 30; the lands of, 51; his alliance with Henry, 61 and note; serves as a private soldier, 64, 65; signs the Treaty of Lille, 69; his intended attack on Venice, 70, 71; renews his truce with France, 70, 71; makes a secret treaty with Ferdinand, 72; his perfidy, 74; joins the Holy League, 88; his Milan expedition, 89-91, 93; shifts for money, 89-91; joins second League of Cambrai, 94; failing health, 98; death, 99; other references to, 51 n, 52, 53, 55, 56, 59, 69, 72, 73, 75, 77, 81, 101, 105, 108, 133. May Day Riots, 119, 135. Medici, Cardinal de. See Clement VII. ——— Lorenzo de, 86. Melancthon, Philip, 396. Melfi, 215. Membrilla, 50. Memo, Dionysius, 25. Mendoza, Inigo de, Bishop of Burgos, imperial ambassador, 114 n, 132, 202, 203, 220. Michelet, Jules, 32, 36, 142 n. Milan, 51, 52, 61, 66, 70, 71, 75, 76, 78, 85, 86, 89-91, 93, 99, 101, 107, 108, 115, 116 n, 136, 147, 154, 155, 163, 168, 310, 351, 393, 404, 412. Military science in the sixteenth century, 68, 69. Modena, 153. Mohacz, battle of, 164, 312. Monarchy, mediaeval and modern, 29-32. Monasteries, condition of, 338-340; visitation of, 337 sqq.; dissolution of, 339, 341, 342. Moncada, Hugo de, 170, 171, 215. Montdidier, 160. Montmorenci, Anne de, grand master of France, 203 n, 247 n. More, Sir Thomas, Lord Chancellor, 2, 273; visits Henry with Erasmus, 22, 23, 42; a friend of Richard Pace, 89; opposes the divorce, 293 n; resigns chancellorship, 294; anxious for peace, 158, 159; as Speaker, defends the liberty of the House of Commons, 165; his persecution of heretics, 194 and note; denounces Wolsey, 278; is sent to the Tower, 324; attainted, 331; refuses to acknowledge the royal supremacy, 332; death, 333; other references to, 110, 133, 150 and note, 236, 248, 293, 328, 331 n, 350, 428, 438. Morlaix, 157. Mortimer, Margaret, 199, 200. Mortimer's Cross, 5. Morton's fork, 49. Mountjoy, Lord. See Blount, William. Muxetula, J.A., Spanish ambassador, 215.
Najera, Abbot of, 163. Naples, 29, 51, 52, 71, 93, 100, 101, 104, 136, 147, 168, 215, 216, 225, 230 n, 380. Napoleon Bonaparte, 154. Nassau, Henry, Count of, 144. Navarre, 29, 57-59, 75, 85, 93, 96, 136, 144, 147, 148, 168. Navy, the, 57, 63, 109, 122, 126, 127, 157, 315, 369, 375. —— the French, 145, 413. Necessary Doctrine, The. See King's Book. Nero, Henry VIII. compared to, 172. Netherlands, the, commercial treaty with, 27; Margaret of Savoy regent of, 27, 28, 65; joined to Austria, 30; aided by Henry, 54; armies in, 69; Charles assumes government of, 85; Maximilian joins Charles in, 93; wool-market of, 137, 299; protection of, 156; union with Spain, 181; executioners in, 344 n; other references to, 96, 104, 272, 370, 383, 393. See also Burgundy and Flanders. Neville, George, third Baron Abergavenny, 305. ———- Sir John, 402. ———- John, Baron Latimer, 410. Newgate Prison, 5. Nice, 295, 372. Nix, Richard, Bishop of Norwich, 273, 319. Nonsuch Palace, 239. Norfolk, Dukes of. See Howard. Normandy, 148, 150. Norris, Henry, 343, 345. Northumberland, Duke of. See Dudley, John. ——————— Earl of. See Percy, Henry. Norwich, Bishop of. See Nix, Richard. Nottingham, 248. Novara, French defeat at, 66. Noyon, Treaty of, 93, 94, 147.
Oatlands, 398, 421. Orleans, Louis d'. See Longueville, Duc de. ———- Charles, Duc d', son of Francis I., 168. ———- 283. Ortiz, Dr. Pedro, Imperial ambassador, 305. Oxford, 9, 49, 123, 243, 254, 255, 274, 283, 334, 401. ——— Earl of. See Vere.
Pace, Richard, Dean of St. Paul's, his mission to Maximilian, 90, 91, 99; mission to the Electors, 102, 103; his treatment by Wolsey, 114 and note, 116, 129, 130, 155, 161; other references to, 77 n, 89, 121, 123, 124, 128, 152, 159, 230, 236, 237. Padua, 283, 329. Paget, William, first Baron Paget of Beaudesert, 194, 424. Papacy, the, its triumph over general councils, 174, 328; its corruption in sixteenth century, 154, 229; becomes increasingly Italian, 153, 226, 229, 230; Englishmen excluded from, 230; confusion of temporal and spiritual interests, 153, 228-231; its subservience to Charles V., 153, 169, 216, 224, 225. Papal Curia, 230, 294, 300. ——- powers of dispensation. See Dispensation. Paris, 65, 68, 83 and note, 127, 141, 283, 358, 386, 411, 439. Parlement, the French, 436 n. Parliament, discredited by failure of Lancastrian experiment, 32-34; distrusted by Wolsey, 120, 235, 258; revived by Henry VIII. as an instrument of government, 236, 257, 264; Henry's treatment of, 258, 260, 262, 263 and note, 264-266; how far packed (in 1529, 1534, 1536, 1539), 252 sqq., 252 n, 260 and note, 261, 389, 390; elections and royal nominations to, 252, 261, 368, 389, 390; extensive powers of, 259 n; freedom of speech in, 235, 259, 260, 288; Strode and Ferrers' cases, 259; resists Wolsey's demands (1523), 165; independence under Henry VIII., 259 and note, 262, 264; refuses to grant taxes, 260; rejects Statutes of Wills and Uses, 262, 289, 293; rejects bill against Wolsey, 246, 278; rejects first draft of Proclamations Act, 391; refuses taxes, 246, 260, 289; criticises Henry's divorce, 259, 260, 289; modifies Government measures, 263 n; but supports Henry against the Church and the Papacy, 266, 267; complains of clerical exactions and jurisdiction, 235; and passes measures against them, 279, 289, 293; passes the Act of Annates, 289, 290; Act of Appeals, 298, 299, 319; Act of Supremacy, 325; Acts of Succession (see Succession); other references to, 2, 8, 13, 35, 159, 166, 234, 238, 250, 257, 270, 272, 273, 284, 286, 313, 315 n, 329, 336, 337, 341, 348 and note, 392, 400, 401, 419-421, 427, 430. See also Lords, House of, and Commons, House of. ————— of Drogheda, 18. ————— Irish, 367. Parr, Catherine. See Catherine. Pasqualigo, 66, 73, 79, 86, 240. Passages, 57. Paston, John, 253 n. Paul III. publishes bull against Henry, 302; creates Fisher a cardinal, 332, 350; finds himself powerless to deprive Henry of his kingdom, 334; sends Pole to Flanders, 358, 372; other references to, 339, 361. Pavia, 154, 163, 169, 216, 283, 351. Peerage, decay of the, 37. Percy, Henry, Lord Percy, afterwards Earl of Northumberland, 188, 344. Pescara, Marquis de, 163. Peter's pence, 320. Peterborough, 335, 401. Petit, John, M.P. for London, 260. Peto, Cardinal William, 338. Petre, Dr. William, 378, 431 n. Philip of Burgundy, King of Castile, 23, 26, 27, 38, 51 and note, 93 n, 137. ——— of Hesse, 311. ——— IV., 329. Philippa, granddaughter of Edward III., 180. Physicians, College of, 401. Piedmont, 351. Pilgrimage of Grace, 357, 358, 369, 406. Pisa, 55, 69. Plantagenets, the, 4. Plymouth, 14, 55. Pole, Edmund de la, Earl of Suffolk, the White Rose, 27, 38, 43, 44, 64. —— Margaret, Countess of Salisbury, 358, 373, 403, 436 n. —— Sir Geoffrey, 373, 374. —— Sir Henry, Baron Montague, 374. —— John de la, Earl of Lincoln, 10, 44. —— Reginald, Cardinal, 1, 305, 332 n, 358-360, 369, 372-374, 376. —— Richard de la, 44. Pommeraye, Giles de la, 291 n. Pontefract, 248, 355. Popes. See Adrian VI.; Alexander VI.; Clement VII.; Julius II.; Leo X.; Paul III. Portsmouth, 413, 414. Portugal, King of. See Emmanuel. ———— Queens of. See Catherine, Eleanor, Isabella. Poynings, Sir Edward, 18, 50. Poynings' Law, 18. Praemunire, 35 n, 120, 234, 246, 284, 285, 349, 381. Praet, Louis de Flandre, Sieur de, 113. Prester John, 229. Privy Council. See Council. Proclamations, Act of, 391. Protestantism, 194, 232, 272, 326, 380-382, 387, 416. Provence, 30, 162. Provisors, Statute of, 282.
Quignon, Cardinal, 202.
Ravenna, 224, 226. Reading, Prior of, 273. Reformation, the, partly due to the divorce, 232, 233; partly due to the anti-ecclesiastical bias of the laity, 267 sqq., 272; different aspects of, 325-329; not due to Henry VIII., 439, 440; other references to, 275, 348. Reggio, 153. Reigate, 253 n. Renaissance, the, under Henry VII., 20, 31. Renard, Simon, 261. Renee, daughter of Louis XII., 61 n, 71, 85, 100, 202, 205, 206. Rhodes, 164, 312. Rich, Sir Richard, first Baron Rich, 332, 354. Richard III., 4, 7, 10, 49, 80, 158, 165, 305, 306. ———- Duke of York, 9, 18, 19. Richmond, 20 n, 43, 44. ———— Duke of. See Fitzroy, Henry. ———— Earl of. See Henry VII. and Tudor, Edmund. Rochester, 385. ————- Bishop of. See Fisher, John. Rogers, John, 379. Roman Empire, Holy. See Empire. ——- law, 3, 32, 38, 323 n, 362. Rome, 1, 12, 17, 69, 74, 89, 93, 99, 115, 119, 126, 132, 162, 186, 191, 197 n, 200, 202, 205, 206, 208, 211, 238, 249, 251, 267, 269, 276, 282, 287, 290, 291, 294, 295, 297, 305, 315, 316, 319, 320-323, 349, 350, 351, 359, 364, 372, 381, 387, 402, 428-430, 439. Rose, Red and White, union of, 13. —— the White. See Pole, Edmund de la, and Courtenay, Henry. Roses, Wars of the, 5, 6, 181, 429. Rovere, Francis Maria della, Duke of Urbino, 153. Royal marriages, 37. Roye, 160. Russell, John, first Earl of Bedford, 307. Ruthal, Thomas, Bishop of Durham, one of Henry's ministers, 49, 127; appointed privy seal, 92, 273; death, 116, 117. Rutland, Earl of. See Manners, Edward.
Sack of Rome, 171, 172, 178, 200, 212, 216, 226, 230, 316, 428, 439. Sadleir, Sir Ralph, 394, 402. Sagudino, 95. St. Albans, 6, 117. —- Andrews, 88, 248, 415. —- Angelo, 170, 171. —- Asaph, Bishop of. See Standish, Henry. —- Bartholomew Massacre, 439. —- Januarius, 380. —- John, 172. —- —— Knights of, 164, 381. —- Leger, Sir Anthony, 367. —- Mathias, 163. —- Omer, 344 and note. —- Paul, 194, 296, 326. —- Paul's Cathedral, 14, 43, 66, 125. —- Peter's, 170, 171. —- Pol, Francis de Bourbon, Count of, 225. Salisbury, Bishopric of, 318. ————- Bishops of. See Audley, Edmund; Shaxton, Nicholas. ————- Countess of. See Pole, Margaret. Sampson, Richard, Bishop of Chichester, 394. Sandwich, 140. Sandys, Sir William, 131. Sanga, Gio. Batt., 206, 213 n, 216, 225. Sarpi, Paolo, 16 n. Sarum Use, The, 417. Savoy, Louise of. See Louise. ——- Margaret of. See Margaret. Saxony, Duke of, 103, 383. Scarborough, 357. Schwartz, Martin, 10. Scotland, Henry VIII.'s claim to suzerainty over, 406 n, 408, 409; war with, 11, 405-408; Roman law in, 32; infant king of, 69; English influence in, 88; Albany leaves, 97; English interests in, 149, 150; Albany again in, 156; peace with, 315, 324; other references to, 159, 250, 369, 375, 383, 399. Scottish borders, 11, 17, 66, 157, 315, 362, 364, 375. Scotus, Duns, 123, 334. Selim, Sultan, 164. Sessa, Duke of, 169. Seymour, Edward, Earl of Hertford, afterwards Duke of Somerset, Scottish expeditions, 69, 411, 413, 415; rises in Henry's favour, 346, 416, 422; commands in France, 413; speech at his execution, 434 n. ———- Queen Jane. See Jane. ———- Sir John of Wolf Hall, 346. ———- Sir Thomas, 410. Sforza, Francesco Maria, 66, 76, 89. Shakespeare, William, 21, 35, 110, 114, 116 n, 197 n, 308, 434 n. Shanklin Chine, 414. Shaxton, Nicholas, Bishop of Salisbury, 401. Sheen, 43. Sheffield, Sir Robert, 113. Ships:— Great Harry or Henry Grace a Dieu, 140. Henry Imperial, 63, 363. Katherine Pleasaunce, 140. Mary Rose, 157, 414. Princess Mary, 127. Royal George, 414. Shoreham, 414. Shrewsbury, 252 n. ————— Earl of. See Talbot, George. Sibylla of Cleves, 383. Sicily, 230 n. Simnel, Lambert, 9, 10, 18. Sinclair, Oliver, 407. Sittingbourne, 385. Six Articles, The, 390, 392, 400, 401, 411, 415, 418, 431. Skeffington, Thomas, Bishop of Bangor, 114 n. —————- Sir William, 366. Skelton, John, 19, 21 and note, 66, 338. Smeaton, Mark, 344, 345. Smithfield, 400. Solway Moss, 407, 408. Somerset, Charles, Lord Herbert, afterwards Earl of Worcester, 50, 110, 122. ———— Duke of. See Seymour, Edward. Southampton, 52, 57, 127, 390. —————- Earls of. See Fitzwilliam, Sir William; Wriothesley, Sir Thomas. Southwell, Sir Richard, 423. Spain, 31, 32, 57, 69, 73, 75, 78, 94, 95, 101, 104, 108, 137, 139, 143, 156, 159, 162, 166, 167, 178, 181, 201, 218, 223, 228, 292, 301, 309, 312, 316, 370, 382. Spanish alliance, 26, 143, 410. Spithead, 414. Spurs, battle of, 64, 65, 74. Stafford, Edward, third Duke of Buckingham, 9, 37 n, 38, 50, 111, 118, 179, 181, 182, 248, 434 n. ———— Henry, Earl of Wiltshire, 50. Stafileo, Dean of the Rota, 197 n. Standish, Henry, Bishop of St. Asaph, 130, 234-236, 259 n, 269. Stanley, Thomas, first Earl of Derby, 8. ———- Sir William, 10. Star Chamber. See Court. Stephen, King, 180. Stewart, Henry, first Lord Methven, 200. ———- John, Duke of Albany, 87, 88, 97, 156, 157. Stile, John, 37 n. Stillington, Robert, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 306. Stirling, 88. Stoke-on-Trent, 10. Stokesley, John, Bishop of London, 259 n, 282 n, 300, 327 n. Strode's case, 259. Stuarts, the, 8, 32, 35 and note, 233, 261, 341, 366. Succession to the Crown, 179-184, 348 n; denied to women, 179, 180. ————— Acts of, 321, 324, 348. Suffolk, Countess of. See Pole, Margaret. ———- Duke of. See Brandon, Charles. ———- Earl of. See Pole, Edmund de la. Supreme Head, Henry VIII. as, 268, 286, 325, 328, 330 n, 331, 377, 378, 421. Surgeons, College of, 401. Surrey, Earl of. See Howard, Henry. Switzerland, 272. Swynford, Catherine, 6.
Talbot, George, fourth Earl of Shrewsbury, 50, 355 n. Tarbes, Bishop of. See Grammont, Gabriel de. Taunton, 255. Taylor, Dr. John, 64 n, 235, 236. Ten Articles, The, 378. Thames, 63. Therouanne, 64, 65. Thomas, St. See Aquinas. Torregiano, Pietro, 44. Torture, use of, 432. Toulouse, 283. Tournay, 10, 65, 68, 73, 74, 77, 80, 115, 181. Tower of London, 2, 10, 19, 38, 44, 50, 112, 114 and note, 272, 324, 332, 345, 367, 374, 394, 402-404, 422-424. Trinity House, 126. Tudors, the, pedigree of, 5, 7, 8, 14; infant mortality of, 12, 174-177, 342, 343; education of, 19; orthodoxy of, 24; courage of, 63; liveries of, 21; adulation paid to, 32, 35, 36, 239, 248; autocracy, characteristics of, 38, 233, 433, 435; government of, 30, 34, 36, 134, 270, 279 n, 329, 366, 368, 430, 434; discontent under, 256, 313. Tudor, Edmund, Earl of Richmond, 5, 6. ——- ——— Duke of Somerset, son of Henry VII., 22, 38. ——- Jasper, 5. ——- Owen, 5, 6. Tunstall, Cuthbert, Bishop of London and Durham, his opinions on foreign policy, 92, 94; present at the burning of Luther's books, 125; wide discretion allowed him by Henry, 133; sent to Spain, 166; is Lord Privy Seal, 273; is not summoned to Parliament (1532), 289; in opposition to the divorce, 306; president of the Council of the North, 358; other references to, 102, 289, 297 n, 386, 394. Tyndale, William, 272, 274.
Uniformity, Act of, 391, 417. Urbino, the Pope's seizure of, 376. ——— Duke of. See Rovere.
Vaux, John Joachim, 247 n. Vendome, Duc de, 160. Venice, 25, 29, 51-54, 61, 69-71, 76, 89, 90, 99, 112, 114, 118, 159, 168, 224. Vere, John de, thirteenth Earl of Oxford, 355 n. Vergil, Polydore, 77, 111, 112, 182. Vinci, Leonardo da, 140. Vinea, Peter de, 329.
Wales, 315, 364 and note. ——- Prince of. See Arthur, Prince; also Henry VIII. ——- Statute of, 365-367. Wallop, Sir John, 402, 410. Walsingham, Sir Edmund, Lieutenant of the Tower, 272. ————— Sir Francis, 38. Warbeck, Perkin, 10, 11, 18, 19. Warham, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, marries Henry VIII. to Catherine of Aragon, and crowns them, 46, 48; is diplomatist, Lord Chancellor and Archbishop, 48, 92, 258; is Chancellor of Oxford University, 49; is present at the burning of Luther's books, 125; debates the legality of Henry's marriage, 174; his views on papal authority, 269; compares Henry VIII. with Henry II., 271; but admits that Ira principis mors est, 270; death, 296; other references to, 120, 248, 286. Warwick, Earl of. See Edward. Waterford, 11. Welz, 99. West, Nicholas, Bishop of Ely, 110, 122, 338. Westminster, 2, 278, 421, 424. —————- Abbey, 5, 44, 46, 175, 300, 395, 426. —————- Bishopric of, 401. Weston, Sir Francis, 344. Whitehall Palace, 239, 421. Wight, Isle of, 375. William the Conqueror, 3. ———- III., 186. Wills and Uses, Statute of, 262, 289, 293, 336. Wilton, 242. Wiltshire, Earls of. See Boleyn, Thomas; Stafford, Henry. Winchcombe, Abbot of, 234, 235. Winchester, 14, 198, 247, 254, 255, 294, 318. ————— Bishops of. See Beaufort, Henry; Fox, Richard; Gardiner, Stephen. Windsor, 156, 157, 167, 361, 421, 425, 426. ———- Sir Andrew, 119. Wingfield, Sir Richard, 166. ————- Sir Robert, 91. Woking, 421. Wolf, John, 259 n. Wolman, Dr. Richard, 198, 199. Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal Archbishop of York, his birth, 38; becomes Henry's almoner and member of council, 56; his industry and many preferments, 177 and note; is made cardinal, 77 and note; is made legate, 97; his domestic policy, peacefulness of, 119; his distrust of parliaments, 120, 235, 258; his partnership with the King, 121, 122, 129-132; his neglect of the navy, 127; his demands for money, 164, 165; his results contrasted with Henry's, 244; his foreign policy, 56, 62, 77, 78, 89, 98, 108-110, 137 and note, 144-147, 160, 166, 167; opposition to his foreign policy, 92; results of his foreign policy, 163, 164, 224, 245, 246; his alliances with Charles V., 148-152, 156, 157; his alliances with Francis I., 141, 142, 195; conducts the conference at Calais, 144-147; is a candidate for the Papacy, 146, 154, 155, 230; his projects for ecclesiastical reform, 268, 269, 338; suppresses monasteries, 338; his educational endowments, 243, 338; his wealth, 97, 115, 209; his pensions, 115, 116; his arrogance, 109 sqq.; his jealousy of others, 82, 83, 112-114, 182 and note; his mistress and children, 117, 118; his impatient temper, 132, 133; his genius for diplomacy, 135, 136; his character by Giustinian, 118; his unpopularity, 203; his first steps towards the divorce, 198, 200; visits France in connection with the divorce, 201, 202; his commission with Campeggio to try, and the trial of, the divorce, 214, 221-223; his fall precipitated by his failure to obtain the divorce, 154, 204, 223, 239; his fall involves the ruin of the Church, 211, 237, 238; his real attitude towards the divorce, 205, 206; his attainder passed in the House of Lords, but rejected in the House of Commons, 246, 247; devotes his last days to his archiepiscopal duties, 247; accused of treason and arrested, 247; his remarks on the fickleness of royal favour; and his death, 248; other references to, 66, 81, 94, 119, 123, 138, 141, 142, 177, 235, 242, 248 n, 251, 272, 273, 278, 350, 399, 401, 410, 426, 439. Woodstock, 177. Woodville, Elizabeth, 15. Woolwich, 126. Worcester, 254 n. ————- Bishopric of, 318. ————- Bishops of. See Ghinucci, Girolamo; Giglis, Sylvester de; Latimer, Hugh; Pace, Richard. ————- Cathedral, 14. ————- Earl of. See Somerset, Charles. Worsley, Sir James, 259 n. Wotton, Dr. Nicholas, 384. Wriothesley, Sir Thomas, afterwards Earl of Southampton, 390, 394, 402, 411, 423. Wulford, Ralf, 11. Wuertemberg, 311. Wyatt, Sir Thomas, 188 and note, 189, 402. Wycliffe, John, 232, 270, 274. Wynter, Thomas, 118.
Ximenes, Cardinal, 73.
York, 9, 39, 114, 247, 358, 403, 406. —— Archbishopric of, 88, 117, 298, 318, 329. York, Archbishops of. See Bainbridge, Christopher; Lee, Edward; Wolsey, Thomas. —— Dukes of. See Richard; Henry VIII.; Charles I. of England. —— House, 239. Yorkist claimants, 9-11, 13. ———- plots, 9-11, 15.
Zapolya, John, 226 n. Zurich, 89.