Idealism Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist. Shaw, G. B. Ideals and idealists. In Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 20-31.
Influence Commanding influence of Ibsen. Cur. Lit. 41:57-61. July, 1906. Franc, M. Influence in English drama. In Franc, M. Ibsen in England. Garland, H. Influence of Ibsen. In Garland, H. Crumbling idols. 20p. Lemaitre, J. Influence recent de litterature du nord. In Lemaitre, J. Les contemporains. v. 6. p. 231-38. Same. Revue des deux mondes 126:851-55. Dec. 1894. Moritzen, J. Henrik Ibsen, his aim and influence. Twentieth Cent M. (Bost.) 3:503-7. Mar. 11, 1911. Schmidt, F. G. G. Ibsen's influence on German literature. Poet Lore. 17:112-18. 1906.
Individualism Harrison, R. C. Ibsen; individualism in his plays. Harv. M. 11:25. 1890. Maurice, C. E. Henrik Ibsen. Econ. R. 1:348-57. July 1891. Individualismus. Henrik Ibsen. Deutsche Rundschau 87:462. June, 1896.
John Gabriel Borkman Archer, W. Introduction. John Gabriel Borkman. Duffield. 1909. Felden, E. John Gabriel Borkman. In Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 166-75. Gosse, E. Ibsen. p. 197-200. Hackett, F. John Gabriel Borkman. New Republic 2: 285. April 17, 1915. Holm, E. John Gabriel Borkman. In Holm, E. Henrik Ibsens politisches vermachtniss. p. 451-61. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 300-10. John Gabriel Borkman. Deutsche Rundschau 91:140. 42. April 1897; Sat. R. 82:654-5. Dec. 19, 1896. John Gabriel Borkman; production in London. Il. Lond. News p. 137-646. Oct. 29, 1910. John Gabriel Borkman; scene from Japanese play (picture). Il. Lond. News 136:170. Jan. 29, 1910. Lambek, C. Bidrag til Ibsen-kritiken. p. 156-64. Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen. p. 154-64. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man ... p. 314-18. Payne, W. M. John Gabriel Borkman. Dial (Chic.) 22:37-41. Jan. 16, 1897. Porter, C. John Gabriel Borkman. Poet Lore 9:302-6. 1897. Porter, C. and Clark, H. A. Fatherhood in John Gabriel Borkman. Poet Lore 11:116. 1899. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 8. Russell, Sir E. R. and Standing, P. C. Ibsen on his merits, p. 169-89. Schack, A. En efterskrift om Henrik Ibsens digtning. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 369-88. Seidl, A. John Gabriel Borkman. In Seidl, A. Kunst und kultur, p. 125-32. Shaw, G. B. John Gabriel Borkman. Sat. R. 83:114-15. Jan. 30, 1897; Sat. R. 83:507-9. May 8, 1897. Thompson. V. John Gabriel Borkman. Nat'l. M. (Bost.) 8:120. 1898. Vedel, V. John Gabriel Borkman. Tilskueren. 1897. p. 166-72. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 2. p. 308-332.
Julian the apostate. See Emperor and Galilean
Kaiser und Galilaeer. See Emperor and Galilean
Key, Ellen Ellen Key's masterly interpretation of Ibsen's women. Cur. Lit. 48:411-13. April, 1910.
Kaempehojen (Warrior's tomb) Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen (Chicago 1901). p. 69-72. Sturtevant, A. M. Kjaempehoien and its relation to Ibsen's romantic works. Jour. Eng. and Germ. Phil. 12:407-24. 1913. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen, v. 1:45-47.
Knudsen, K. Seip, D. A. Henrik Ibsen og K. Knudsen. Edda 1: 145-63. 1914.
Kristus oder Ibsen? Holm, O.
Labor La Chesnais, P. G. Henrik Ibsen et la mouvement ouvrier Norvegien, 1849-51. Grande Revue (Paris) 83:217-54. 1914.
Lady from the sea (Fruen fra Havet) Die Frau vom Meere, Schauspiel. Deutsche Rundschau 59:299-30. Juin 1889. Doumic, A. De Scribe a Ibsen. p. 342-49. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen. ... p. 418-40. Felden, E. Die Frau vom Meere: Freiheit und verantwoertlichket. In Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 134-44. Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 171-73. Grumann, P. H. Ibsen in his maturity. Poet Lore 28: 609-20. 1917. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 155-65. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 276-81. ——Ibsen og hans vaerker. p. 183-87. Lady from the sea; production at Lyric theatre, New York, by Drama Players. Bookm. 35:362, 369-70. Dec. 1911; N.Y. Dram. 66:7. Nov. 15, 1911; Theatre (N.Y.) 14:186. Dec. 1911. Lady from the Sea. Review Westm. 158:105. July 1902. Lemaitre, J. Impressions de theatre. Ser. 7. p. 41-47. Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen. p. 107-18. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man. ... p. 273-82. Metcalfe, J. S. Failure of "The lady from the sea" in New York. Life 28:902. Nov. 23, 1911. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 347-70. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 7. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 160-72. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 324-37. Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 114-17. Simons, L. Ibsen as an artist. Westm. 140:506-13. Nov. 1893. Sinding-Larsen, A. Om Ibsen; Fruen fra Havet ... 55p. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 2. p. 197-225.
Lady Inger of Ostraat (Fru Inger til Ostrat) Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen. p. 23-25. Brandes, G. Henrik Ibsen; Bjornstjerne Bjornson. p. 94-97. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen. ... Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 54-60. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 14-19. Heller, O. Henrik Ibsen; his plays and problems. p. 26-33. —— Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 90-100. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen og hans vaerker. p. 23-31. Passarge, L. Henrik Ibsen. p. 48-51. MacFall, H. Henrik Ibsen, the man. ... p. 63-65. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 19-20. Schack, A. Om utviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 10ff. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 175-85. —— Henrik Ibsen. ... p. 46-70. Vasenius, V. Ibsens dramatiska diktning, p. 112-130. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 1. p. 49-55. —— Henrik Ibsens Jugenddramen. p. 38-44.
League of youth (De unges Forbund) Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen. p. 129-40. Brandes, E. Dansk skuespilkunst portraetstudier. p. 131ff. Brandes, G. De unges forbund. In Brandes, G. Samlede skrifter, v. 13:376-81. Same. Brandes, G. Kritiker og portraeter. p. 339-48. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen. p. 245-62. Gosse, E. Ibsen. p. 113-20. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 85-88. Jaeger, H. Ibsen og hans vaerker. p. 87-95. ——Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 197-206. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man. ... p. 43-51. Molbech, C. Fra Danaidernes kar. p. 440-49. Passarge, L. Henrik Ibsen. p. 239-51. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 145-60. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 5. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 84-89. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 269-73. Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 76-78. Vasenius, V. Henrik Ibsen. ... p. 262-71. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 2. p. 30-64.
Letters Archer, W. Ibsen as seen in his letters. Fortn. 83: 428-41. Mar. 1905. Same. Liv. Age 245:209-19. April 22, 1905. Breve fra Henrik Ibsen til teaterchef Schroder. Edda 4:362-66. 1915. France, W. O. Ibsen's letters. Nation 82:243-4. Mar. 22, 1906. Ibsen as revealed in his letters. Cur. Lit. 39:307-10. Sept. 1905. Koht, H. and Elias, J. eds. Breve fra Henrik Ibsen udgivne med indledning og oplysninger. Laurvik, J. N. and Morison, M. Introduction. In Letters of Henrik Ibsen, trans. by J. N. Laurvik and M. Morison. Letters of Henrik Ibsen. Internat. Q. 10:261-77. Jan. 1905. Letters of Henrik Ibsen to George Brandes. Trans. by J. N. Laurvik. Critic 46:157-62. Feb. 1905. Letters, Reviews. Dial 39:429-32. Dec. 16, 1905; Outl. 82:321-3. Feb. 1910; Critic 48:280-2. Mar. 1906; Nation 82:243-4. Mar. 22, 1906; Bookm. 24:477-9. Jan. 1907. Mayrhofer, J. Henrik Ibsen in seinen Briefen. Hist. Polit. Blaetter f. d. Kath. Deutschland 138:38-59. 174-82, 263-79. 1906. Remusat, M. Letters de Henrik Ibsen a une jeune fille. La Revue Ser. 4, v. 64:204-9. 1906.
Literary remains. Nation 90:169-70. Feb. 17, 1910.
Little Eyolf (Lille Eyolf) Archer, W. Theatrical world. 1896. p. 306-31. Courtney, W. L. Note on Little Eyolf. Fortn. 63:277-84. Feb. 1895. Felden, E. Kleine Eyolf, In Felden, E. Alles oder Nichts! p. 187-99. Gosse, G. Henrik Ibsen. p. 194-97. Hamilton, C. Pillars of Society and Little Eyolf; Review. Bookm. 31:416-17. June 1910. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen as Idealist, p. 183-91. Holm, E. Little Eyolf. In Holm, E. Henrik Ibsens politisches vermaechtniss. p. 55-48. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901.) p. 295-300. Klavenaes, T. Little Eyolf. Samtiden 6:88-100. 1895. Lemaitre, J. Impressions de theatre. 9 Ser. p. 63-71. Little Eyolf. Acad. 50:465, Nov. 28, 1896; Collier's 45:34. May 7, 1910; Hampton 24:824. June 1910; Metrop. 32:532-3. July 1910; Poet Lore 7 no. 2:99. 1895. Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen. p. 141-53. M. H. Ibsens Fahne. Die Zukunft 10:478-86. Mar. 2, 1895. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man. ... p. 305-14. Mencken, H. L. Introduction and notes. Little Eyolf. Metcalfe, J. S. Little Eyolf; production at Nazimova theatre, N.Y. City. Life 55:766 April 28, 1910; N.Y. Dram. 63:8, April 30, 1910; Theatre (N.Y.) 11:201. June, 1910. Payne, W. M. Little Eyolf. Dial 18:5-6. Jan. 1, 1895. Reich, E. Ibsens Dramen. p. 417-36. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 8. Russell, Sir E. R. and Standing, P. C. Ibsen on his merits, p. 67-74, 121-34. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 189-95. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 357-68. Seidl, A. Little Eyolf. In Seidl, A. Kunst und kultur. p. 120-25. Shaw, G. B. Little Eyolf. Sat. R. 82:563-5. Nov. 28; 623-5. Dec. 12, 1896. Spender, A. S. Little Eyolf; a plea for reticence. Dub. R. 120:112. 1896. Winter, W. Little Eyolf; an estimate. Harp. W. 54:24. May 21, 1910. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen, v. 2. p. 288-307.
Love's comedy. See Comedy of Love.
Maeterlinck Lenevue, G. Ibsen et Maeterlinck.
Mansfield's Peer Gynt. Dial 41:309-11. Nov. 16, 1906.
Marriage Hawkins. C. J. Ibsen's ethics of marriage. In Hawkins, C. J. Will the home survive? Lothar, R. Henrik Ibsen.
Master Builder (Bygmester Solness) Andreas, Salome, L. Henrik Ibsens kvindeskikkelser. p. 176-85. Archer, W. Master builder. Theatrical world 1893. p. 54-70. Boccardi, A. La donna nell' opera di Henrik Ibsen, p. 42-51. Bom, E. de. Ibsen en zijn werk. p. 83-90. Boyesen. H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen, p. 305-17. Brandes, G. Henrik Ibsen; Bjornstjerne Bjornson. p. 109-14. Description of The master builder. Graphic 83:518. April 8, 1911. Dickmar, H. To literaere studier, p. 24-75. Felden, E. Baumeister Solness. In Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 176-86. Gladstone and The master builder. Sat. R. 76:34. July 8. 1893. Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 190-93. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 172-82. Hertzberg, J. Er Ibsens kvinde-typer Norske? p. 23-26. Holm, E. Baumeister Solness. In Holm, E. Henrik Ibsens politisches vermaechtniss. p. 11-30. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 287-98. James, H. Essays in London, p. 248-52. Knorr, H. Master builder, played in New York. Poet Lore 12:95-7. 1900. Lambek, C. Bidrag til Ibsen-kritiken. p. 156-64. Lemaitre, J. Impressions de theatre. 8 serie. p. 107-24. Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen. p. 133-40. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man. ... p. 293-305. Mailly, W. Ibsen's Master builder. Arena 39:160-5. Feb. 1908. Master builder. Sat. R. 75:241. Mar. 4, 1892. Master builder. Production at the Bijou theatre, N.Y. City. Theatre (N.Y.) 7:288-297. Nov. 1907. Master builder. Production at Hammersmith theatre, London. Il. Lond. N. 134:470. April 3, 1909. Master builder. Production at Little theatre, London. Acad. 80:426-7. Apr. 8, 1911; Il. Lond. N. 138:450. Apr. 1911. Nazimova in The master builder. Harp. W. 51:496-7. Oct. 12, 1907. Nazimova in The master builder. In Eaton, W. P. American stage of to-day. Origins of Hedda Gabler and The master builder. Nation 85:170. Aug. 22, 1907. Payne, W. M. Bygmester Solness. Dial 14:68-71. Feb. 1, 1893. Price, T. R. Solness. Sewanee R. 2:257. 1904. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsen's Dramen. p. 396-416. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen, ch. 8. Scalinger, G. M. Ibsen: studio critico. p. 54-58. Schack, A. von. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 183-88. Schjott, M. Efter laesningen af "Bygmester Solness". 40p. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 346-56. Simons, L. Ibsen as an artist. Westm. 140:506-13. Nov. 1893. Walkley, A. B. Master builder. Fortn. 59:468-76. Apr. 1893. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen, v. 2. p. 261-287.
Medical aspects. See Heredity; Pathology.
Memory; poem by Ibsen. Cur. Lit. 31:670. Dec. 1901.
Men and women of Ibsen. Westm. 131:626-49. June, 1889.
Men and women of Ibsen. Dowden, E. Contemp. 90:652-72. Nov. 1, 1906.
Moral ideas. See also Ethics; Philosophy; Religion. Baussan, C. Moral ideas of Ibsen. Cath. W. 87:785-93. Sept. 1, 1908. Ehrhard, A. Les idees morales d'Ibsen. In Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen.... p. 94-120. Heller, O. Henrik Ibsen, ch. 6. Henrik Ibsen, the artist moralist. Chaut. 43:394-5. July 1906. Lochen, A. Ibsens moralske grundanskuelse i dens utvikling. In Lochen, A. Digtning og videnskap. p. 1-42. Rose, H. Henrik Ibsen, poet, mystic and moralist. Schultze, K. Glueck und recht in Ibsens Dichtung. Preussische Jahrbuecher 178:68-82. Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 128-41. Suares, A. Ibsen. La Morale de l'anarchie. Revue des deux mondes 178:847-88. Aug. 15, 1903.
Morbid taint in Ibsen. Belgravia 83:59. 1893.
Moving pictures Doll's House in moving pictures. Dramatist 9:922-23. 1918.
Music Bekker, P. Die musik in Ibsens dichtung. Neue Musik-Zeitung 27:457-61. 1906. Maguire, H. How to give the Peer Gynt music with the poem. Musician 14:494-5. Nov. 1909.
Mysticism Ramsden, H. New mysticism in Scandinavia. 19 Cent. 47:279-96. 1900. Rose, H. Henrik Ibsen, poet, mystic and moralist.
Naturalism Collin, C. Kampen om Kjaerlighed og kunst i naturalismens tidsalder, p. 36-45.
Nazimova Criticism of Hedda Gabler and Mme. Nazimova. New Rep. 14:359. 1918. Doll's House. Production at Plymouth theatre, N.Y. Dram. Mir. 76:656. 1918; Theatre (N.Y.) 27:358. 1918. Eaton, W. P. Harps in the air (Nazimova in the Master Builder). In Eaton, W. P. American stage of to-day. p. 132-149. Hedda Gabler, production at Plymouth theatre, N.Y. City. Dram. Mir. 78:548. 1918; Theatre (N.Y.) 27:287. 1918. Nazimova in the Master Builder. Harp. W. 51:1496-7. 1907. Wild Duck. New Rep. 14:238. 1918. —— Production at Plymouth theatre, N.Y. City. Dram. Mir. 78:5. 1918; Life 71:474-5 1918; Theatre (N.Y.) 27:217. 1918.
Nietzsche and Ibsen Aall, A. Ibsen og Nietzsche. Samtiden 17:146-63, 278-300. 1906. Brandes, G. Ibsen und Nietzsche. Die Zukunft (Berlin). 55:490-91. 1906. Jentsch, C. Nietzsche und Ibsen. In Jentsch, C. Wandlungen. Pt. 2. p 314-73. Smith, L. W. Ibsen, Emerson and Nietzsche; the individualists. Pop. Sci. M. 78:147-57. Feb. 1911. Weinel, H. Ibsen, Bjornson, Nietzsche.
Nora. See Doll's house.
Nordau, Max, Henrik Ibsen och kvinnofragen. Schenstroem, R.
Nordische Heerfahrt. See Vikings of Helgeland.
Norma; or a politician's love, (unpublished). Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901) p. 78.
Norwegian of Ibsen. Sondresen, S. Critic 31:308-9. Nov. 20, 1897.
Olaf Liljekrans Brandes. G. Henrik Ibsen; Bjornstjerne Bjornson. p. 88-93. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 109-17. —— Henrik Ibsens Olaf Liljekrans. Nyt tidsskrift 1887. p. 76-103. Olaf Liljekrans: production at the Rehearsal theatre, London. Acad. 80:787. June 24, 1911. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 169-74. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 1. p. 62-67.
On the Heights Luther. B. "Auf den Hoehen," ein beitrag zum verstaendnis Ibsens. Zeits. fuer d. Deut. Unterricht 28:115-26.
Optimism Bjorkman, E. Optimism of Ibsen. Contemp. R. 103:544-54. April 1913. Same. Liv. Age 277:716-23 June 21, 1913.
Parodies Guthrie, T. A. Mr. Punch's pocket Ibsen. Franc, M. Ibsen, in England, p. 120-29.
Pascal Suares, A. Trois hommes, Pascal, Ibsen, Dostoievski.
Pathology See also Heredity. Aronsohn, O. Oswald Alving; Eine pathologische Studie. Gumpertz, K. Ibsens Vererbungstheorie. Deut. Med. Presse 10:84ff. 1906. —— Ibsens Gespenster und die Psychiatrie. Die Zukunft 4:551-6. 1892. Lombroso, C. Ibsens Gjengangere og psychiatrien. Samtiden 4:395-97. 1893. Longo, M. Schiller-Ibsen; studj di psicologia penale. Schiff, E. Die medizin bei Ibsen. In Schiff, E. Aus dem naturwissenschaftlichen Jahrhundert. Walsh. J. J. Medical aspects of Ibsen. Indep. 61:444-47. Nov. 16, 1906. Wolff, G. Psychiatrie und Dichtkunst. Wuelffen, E. Ibsens Nora vor dem Strafrichter und Psychiater.
Peeps into Ibsen's brain. Cur. Lit. 48:191-2. Feb. 1910.
Peer Gynt. See also Poems. Andrews, A. La R. Ibsen's Peer Gynt and Goethe's Faust. Jour. Eng. & Germ. Phil. 13:238-46. 1914. Berg, L. Henrik Ibsen. p. 16-19. Bom, E. de. Ibsen en zijn werk. p. 45-49. Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen. p. 105-27. —— Peer Gynt. Chaut. 17:293-99. June 1893. Brahm, O. Henrik Ibsen; Ein Essay. p. 29-32. Brandes, G. Henrik Ibsen; Bjornstjerne Bjornson. p. 34-37. Cary, E. L. Two impersonations of Peer Gynt. Putnams 2:193-6. May 1907. Collin, C. Henrik Ibsens selv portraet i Peer Gynt. Memnon-stottens sang og oprindelsen til Peer Gynt. In Collin, C. Det geniale menneske. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen.... p. 150-95. Felden, E. Peer Gynt. In Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 53-81. Garde, A. Der Grundgedanke in Henrik Ibsens Dichtung. p. 25-29. Gosse, F. Henrik Ibsen. p. 103-9. Hanstein, A von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 62-74. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 188-97. —— Henrik Ibsen og hans vaerker. p. 67-81. Leighton, W. Peer Gynt. Arena 27:64-7. Jan. 1902. Lemaitre, J. Impressions de theatre. Ser. 10. p. 40-44. Logeman, H. Another three notes on Peer Gynt. Soc. for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study Publications 1:214-20. —— Commentary, critical and explanatory, on the Norwegian text of Henrik Ibsen's Peer Gynt. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man.... p. 129-43. Maguire, H. How to give the Peer Gynt music with the poem. Musician 14:494-95. Nov. 1909. Mansfield in Peer Gynt. Dial 41:309-11. Nov. 16, 1906. Passarge, L. Henrik Ibsen, p. 134-91. Peer Gynt. Sat. R. 74:417. 1892. Peer Gynt and other Ibsen plays. Theatre (N.Y.) 6:291-4. Nov. 1906. Peer Gynt; production at New Amsterdam theatre, N.Y. City. Theatre (N.Y.) 7:86-7. April 1907. Peer Gynt; production at the Rehearsal theatre, London. Acad. 80:558. Mar. 6, 1911. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Adventures in criticism. p. 283. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 120-44. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen, ch. 3. Sarolea, C. Henrik Ibsen. p. 33-39. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 62-75. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet. p. 236-49. Shaw, G. B. Peer Gynt. Sat. R. 82:542-4. Nov. 21, 1896. —— Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 51-58. Sturtevant, A. M. Ibsen's Peer Gynt and Paa Vidderne. Jour. Eng. and Germ. Phil. 9: 43-48. 1910. Tridon, A. Symbolism of Peer Gynt. Theatre (N.Y.) 7: 48-9. Feb. 1907. Vasenius, V. Henrik Ibsen.... p. 207-29. Wicksteed, P. H. Four lectures, p. 52-85. Same. Contemp. 56:274-87. Aug. 1889. Weininger, O. Ueber die letzen Dinge. p. 1-47. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen, v. 1. ch. 8.
Pessimisme d'Ibsen. Lichtenberger, H. Revue de Paris. 1901. v. 4:806-825.
Philosophy Archer, W. Ibsen, philosopher or poet? Cosmop. 38: 409-16. Feb. 1905. Ende, A. von. Poet, philosopher, dramatist and revolutionist. Craftsman 8:420-36. July 1905. Ibsen; his plays and his philosophy. Theatre (N.Y.) 6:177. July 1906. Lasius, T. Henrik Ibsen. Etude des premisses psychologiques et religieuses de son oeuvre. Lourie, Ossip. La philosophie sociale dans le theatre d'Ibsen. Prozor, Comte de. Une drame de Henrik Ibsen: Brand, drame philosophique. Revue des deux mondes 126:129-61. Nov. 1, 1894. Schmitt, E. H. Ibsen als psychologischen sophist. Smith, L. W. Ibsen, Emerson and Nietzsche, the individualists. Pop. Sci. M. 78:147-57. Feb. 1911. Tissot, E. Ibsen's three philosophical poems. Chaut. 16:53-6. Oct. 1892.
Pillars of Society (Samfundets Stotter) Beerbohm, M. Pillars of society. Sat. R. 91:631-2. May 18, 1901. Berndtson, F. Dramatiska studier, p. 202-12. Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen, p. 181-97. C. R. N. Samfundets stotter. Nordisk tidsskrift, 1878 p. 182-83. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen, p. 263-85. Felden, E. Die Stuetzen der gesellschaft. In Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 82-95. Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 135-39. Hamilton, C. Pillars of society; Review. Bookm. 31:416-17. June 1910. Hervey, R. K. Pillars of society. Theatre (Lond.) 23:94. 1889. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 235-39. —— Ibsen og hans vaerker. p. 127-40. Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen. p. 19-34. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man.... p. 180-89. Metcalfe, J. S. Production of Pillars of Society at Lyceum theatre, N.Y. City. Mar. 1910. Life 55:680-1. April 14, 1910. Mrs. Fiske's revival of Pillars of society. Everybody's 22:849-50. June 1910. Passarge, L. Henrik Ibsen, p. 252-63. Pillars of society; production at the Lyceum theatre, N.Y. City. Mar. 1910. N.Y. Dram. 63:6. April 9, 1910; Theatre (N.Y.) 11:129-33, 139. May 1910. Pillars of society; synopsis. Green Bk. Album 3:1244-5. June 1910. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 185-207. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen, ch. 5. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsens als Prophet, p. 274-6. Sierke, E. Kritische Streifzuege. p. 441-50. Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 78-82. Stuetzen der Gesellschaft. Deutsche Rundschau 14:485-8. Mar. 1878. Vasenius, V. Henrik Ibsen.... p. 272-85.
Poetry Aall, A. von. Henrik Ibsen als dichter und denker. Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the writings of Henrik Ibsen, p. 141-66. —— Ibsen's poems. Cosmop. 15:91-99. May 1893. Colline, G. 1st Henrik Ibsen ein Dichter? Nord und Sued 149:50-55. Davignon, H. Ibsen, poete et auteur dramatique. La Revue Generale 84:703-43. Ende, A. von. Henrik Ibsen; the poet, philosopher, dramatist and revolutionist. Craftsman 8:421-36. 1905. Garde, A. Der Grundgedanke in Henrik Ibsens Dichtung. Jaeger, H. Ibsen og hans vaerker. p. 96-105, 120-26. Lothar, R. Henrik Ibsen. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 2. Schack, A. En efterskrift om Henrik Ibsens digtning. 46p. —— Om udviklingsgangen i Henrik Ibsens digtning. Schmidt, R. Ad egne veje. p. 264-83. Tissot, E. Ibsen's three philosophical poems. Chaut. 16:53-6. Oct. 1892. Wicksteed, P. H. Four lectures on Henrik Ibsen, dealing chiefly with the metrical works, p. 1-26. —— Henrik Ibsen's poems. Contemp. 60:333-46. Sept. 1891. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen, v. 1. ch. 10.
Politics Holm, E. Henrik Ibsens politisches vermaechtniss.
Pretenders (Kongs-Emnerne) Brahm, O. Henrik Ibsen; ein Essay, p. 17-20. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen.... p. 68-84. Garde, A. Grundgedanke in Ibsens Dichtung. p. 19-22. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 46-57. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 141-46. —— Ibsen og hans vaerker. p. 23-35. Kronpraetendenten. Deutsche Rundschau 8:154. July 1876. Knudsen, D. F. Utvalg av norsk litteratur. Henrik Ibsen. p. 118-40. Passarge, L. Henrik Ibsen. p. 63-76. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 71-97. Schlenther, P. Kronpraetendenten auf der Berliner Hofbuehne. Freie Buehne 2:546-9. 1891. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 209-21. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 34-49. Vasenius, V. Henrik Ibsens dramatiske diktning, p. 156-69. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 1. ch. 6.
Press Hans, W. Die presse in Ibsens dramen. Zeits. fuer den Deutschen Unterricht 24:587-99. 1910.
Priest Geiger, A. Der pfarrer in Ibsens dramen. Beilage zur Allgemeine Zeitung 1901. Nr. 261-62.
Prophet Saintsbury, G. Literary prophets of the later 19th century. Indep. 54:3023-6. Dec. 18, 1902. Schmitt, E. H. Ibsen als Prophet.
Prose dramas Prose dramas. Sat. R. 69:352, 472. 1890. Parker, J. M. Prose dramas of Ibsen. Amer. (Phila.) 20:429. 1890.
Real meaning of Ibsen. Cur. Lit. 50:651-3. June 1911.
Realism Bordeaux, H. Realisme et symbolisme. Mercure de France 12:57-66. 1894. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen.... p. 225-44. Krebs, R. Moderne realistische-naturalistische Drama im Lichte der Christentums. Mayrhofer, J. Henrik Ibsen, der Prophet des Realismus. Hist. Polit. Blaetter fuer d. Kath. Deutschland. 142:1-24. 91-107, 179-88. 1908. Wahrheitsproblem im Volksfeind. Deutsche Rundschau 97:228-30. Nov. 1898.
Reformer Findlater, J. H. Ibsen the reformer. National R. (Lond.) 48:482-91. Dec. 1906. Harding, E. J. Ibsen as a reformer. Critic 16:157 Mar. 29, 1890. Ibsen the reformer and the critics. Literature (Lond.) 9:147-55. 1901.
Rejane als Nora. Deutsche Rundschau 93:462. Dec. 1897.
Religion. See also Ethics, Moral ideas, Philosophy Kalthoff, A. Die Religionen der Modernen. p. 227-50. Lasius, T. Henrik Ibsen. Etude des premisses psychologiques et religieuses de son oeuvre. Rose, H. Ibsen as a religious teacher. Contemp. 93:692-708. June 1908.
Roman Plays. See also Catilina, Emperor and Galilean Sokolowsky, R. Henrik Ibsens Romerdramen. In Euphorion 9:593-608. 1902.
Rosmersholm Andreas-Salome, Frau L. Henrik Ibsens kvindeskikkelser. p. 79-104. Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen. p. 263-77. Brandes, G. Henrik Ibsen. Bjornstjerne Bjornson. p. 100-102. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen.... p. 392-417. Felden, E. Rosmersholm. In Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 154-65. Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 167-71. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 139-52. Jaeger. H. Henrik Ibsen og hans vaerker. p. 176-83. —— Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 259-70. Lambek, C. Bidrag til Ibsen-kritiken. p. 124-39. Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen. p. 89-106. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man. ... p. 259-72. N. N. Ibsen's Rosmersholm. Nation 52:215-16. Mar. 12, 1891. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 307-46. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 7. Rosmersholm. Nation 52:216-17. Mar. 12, 1891; Sat. R. 71:258, 1889; Theatre (Lond.) 26:196. 1890. Rosmersholm, Production at Lyric theatre, N.Y.City. Theatre (N.Y.) 8:32-3. Feb. 1908. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 149-60. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 314-21. Seidl, A. Rosmersholm. In Seidl, A. Kunst und kultur. p. 113-20. Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 105-114. Simons, L. Ibsen as an artist. Westm. 140:506-13. Nov. 1893. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 2. p. 166-196. Woodbridge, H. E. Fruit of the tree and Rosmersholm. Nation. 85:514. Dec. 5, 1907.
Russell and Standing on Ibsen. McLay, H S. W. Citizen. 3:230. 1897.
Saga plays MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man. ... p. 74-100.
Samfundets Stotter. See Pillars of Society
Sankthansnatten (St. John's Night) Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen, (Chic. 1901). p. 87-89. Lescofier, J. La nuit de la Saint Jean. Rev. Germ. 1905:298-306. Paasche, F. Gildet paa Solhaug, p. 56ff. Seip, D. A. Henrik Ibsen og K. Knudsen. Edda 1:145-63. 1914. Sturtevant, A. M. Ibsens Sankthansnatten. Jour. Eng. and Germ. Phil. 14:357-74. 1914. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 1. p. 60-62.
St. John's Night. See Sankthansnatten
Sand, Georg. See Basch, V. Ibsen et G. Sand
Sarcey on Ibsen. Adams, W. D. Theatre (Lond.) 37:19. 1896.
Sardou. See Wolff, E. Sardou, Ibsen, etc.
Satire Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen, the Norwegian satirist. In Gosse, E. Studies in the literature of Northern Europe. —— Henrik Ibsen. p. 78-109.
Satirist Gosse, E. Ibsen the Norwegian satirist. In Gosse, E. Studies in the literature of Northern Europe; Same. Gosse, E. Northern studies. Fortn. 19:74-88. Jan. 1873; Every Sat. 14:133. 1872. —— Henrik Ibsen. p. 74-100.
Self-portraiture Collin, C. Henrik Ibsens selv portraet i Peer Gynt In Collin, C. Det geniale menneske. Hans, W. Ibsens selbsportraet in seinen dramen.
Self-illusion Ibsen's treatment of [Wild duck]. Dial 15:137-40. Sept. 16, 1893.
Seventieth birthday Seventieth birthday Henrik Ibsen. Festskrift i anledning af hans 70de Fodselsdag. udg. af "Samtiden" red. af Gerhard Gran. Bergen. Grieg. 1898. 304p. Henrik Ibsen. La Revue d'art dramatique. Numero consacre a Henrik Ibsen, (a l'occasion de sa 70e annee). Paris. 1898. n.s. 4:5-71. Ibsen. Die Zukunft. 22:550-2. Mar. 12, 1898. Ruhe, A. Le jubile d'Ibsen en Scandinave. Revue d'Art Dramatique 4:21-26. 1898. Seventieth birthday, a diary of progress. Acad. 53:352-3. Mar. 26, 1898. Seventy years of Ibsen. Coleman, A. I. du P. Critic 34:33-37. Jan. 1899.
Shakespeare Crowell, E. Shakespeare's Katherine and Nora. Poet Lore 8:192-97. 1896. Dickinson, G. L. Shakespeare, Ibsen and Bernard Shaw. Liv. Age 250:437-40. Aug. 18, 1906. Little, C. J. Ibsen compared with Sophocles and Shakespeare. In Little, C. J. Biographical and literary studies.
Shaw, G. B. Shaw on Ibsenism. Sat. R. 72:455. 1892. Shaw's Quintessence of Ibsenism. Nation 79:282. Oct. 6, 1904. Shakespeare, Ibsen and Bernard Shaw. Dickinson, G. L. Liv. Age 250:437-40. Aug. 18, 1906.
Social Dramas. See also Doll's house, Enemy of the people, Ghosts, Lady from the sea, League of youth, Pillars of society, Rosmersholm, Wild duck Canudo, R. La representation feministe et sociale d'Ibsen. Grande Revue 38 (n.s. 1):561-72. 1906. Courtney, W. L. Studies at leisure, ch. 2. Fuller, E. Ibsen's social dramas. New Eng. M. n.s. 2:584-90. July 1890. Gosse, E. Social dramas of Ibsen. Fortn. 51:107-21. Jan. 1889. Same. Liv. Age 180:298-307. Feb. 2, 1889. Harnack, Otto. Ueber Ibsen's sociale dramen. In Harnack, O. Essais und Studien zur Literatuergeschichte. Henderson, A. Henrik Ibsen and social progress. Arena. 33:26-30. Jan. 1905. Hjelmstad, J. H. Ibsen's social dramas. Monkhouse, A. Ibsen's social dramas. In Monkhouse, A. Books and plays. Social dramas. Quar. 172:309-19. April 1891. Wicksteed, P. H. Four lectures on Henrik Ibsen, p. 66-112.
Socialism Goldman, Emma. Social significance of modern drama. Hans, W. Ibsens Stellung zur Sozialismus. Die Hilfe (Berlin). 1908. Nr. 22. Gerfault, M. Ibsen. Revue Socialiste 44:18-36. July 1906
Solness. See Master Builder.
Sophocles Little, C. J. Ibsen compared with Sophocles and Shakespeare. In Little, C. J. Biographical and literary studies. Woerner, R. Ibsen and Sophocles.
Spectres. See Ghosts
Spectacular in Ibsen. Cur. Lit. 31:727. Dec. 1901.
Study Course. Heller, O. Henrik Ibsen; study course. Drama League Monthly 2 no. 1:353-64 Jenkins, W. E. Before and after Ibsen; a course comparing and contrasting the old and new technique.
Stuetzen der Gesellschaft. See Pillars of society
Swedenborgian influence Rose, H. Ibsen as a religious teacher. Contemp. 93: 692-708. June 1908.
Symbolism. See also Brand, Lady of the sea, Little Eyolf, Master builder, Peer Gynt, When we dead awaken, Wild duck. Bordeaux, H. Realisme et symbolisme. Mercure de France. 12:57-66. 1894. Ehrhard, A. Le symbolisme d'Ibsen. In Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen.... p. 339-54. Faguet, E. Symbolism in Ibsen's dramas. Internat. 8:839-41. Dec. 1903. Grummann, P. H. Ibsen's symbolism in The master builder, and When we dead awaken. Nebraska Univ. Studies 10:235-41. 1910. Lee, J. Ibsen secret. Sturtevant, A. M. Some phases of Ibsen's symbolism. Pub. Soc. Adv. of Scand. study v. 2. no. 1. p. 25-45. Oct. 1914. Tridon. A. Symbolism of Peer Gynt. Theatre (N.Y.) 7:48-9. Feb. 1907.
Technique. See also Art Colbron, G. T. Ibsen and the stage system. Critic 49:41-5. July 1906. Hamilton, C. Theory of the theatre. N.Y. 1910. p. 18 seq. Henderson, A. How Ibsen made his plays. Bookm. 31: 492-7. July 1910. Ibsen's technique. New Republic 2:106. Feb. 27, 1915. Lindau, P. Ibsen's Arbeitsart. Lothar, R. Henrik Ibsen. Matthews, B. Ibsen the playwright. In Matthews, B. Inquiries and opinions. Same. Bookm. 22:568-75, 23:18-27. Feb.-Mar. 1906.
Terje Vigen (poem). Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen, p. 84-85.
To Henrik Ibsen; poem. Gosse, E. Ath. 1902, 1:371. Mar. 22, 1902
Tolstoi Ehrenfels, Christian von. Die wertschaetzung der kunst bei Wagner, Ibsen und Tolstoi. Halbert, A. Henrik Ibsen und L. Tolstoi. Die Dichtung 1: no. 12, 1907. —— Henrik Ibsen und Leo Tolstoi. Eine vergleichende Studie ueber ihre kuenstlerischen und kulturellen Einfluesse. Ibsen and Tolstoy. R. of R. 43:476-7. April 1911. Lienhard, F. Tolstoi und Ibsen. In Lienhard, F. Neue ideale.
Tragoedie oder Komoedie? Eine Frage an die Ibsenleser. Leipzig. Hirzel. 1910. 135p.
Translators Archer, W. Ibsen as he is translated Time 22:37. 1889. Franc, M. English translations. In Franc, M. Ibsen in England, p. 57-75, 163-67. Ibsen and his translators. Nation 50:67-8. Jan. 23, 1890.
Tree, Beerbohm Beerbohm Tree on Ibsen. Gent. M. 272:103. Jan. 1892.
Vikings of Helgeland (Haermaendene pa Helgeland). Beerbohm. M. Vikings at Helgeland. Sat. R. 95:517-18. April 25, 1903. Fulda, L. Nordische Heerfahrt. Freie Buehne 1:72-4. Jan. 1890. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 23-35. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 118-31. —— Henrik Ibsen og hans vaerker. p. 23-35. Lynner, F. G. Haermaendene paa Helgeland. 71p. Nordische heerfahrt. Deutsche Rundschau 63:455-8. Juin 1890. Passarge, L. Henrik Ibsen. p. 52-62. Petsch, R. Sigurd in Ibsen's Nordischer Heerfahrt. Zeitschrift fuer vergleichende Litteratuergeschichte (Berlin), n.s. 16:356-63. 1906. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 17-25. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 13-18. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 189-98. Vasenius, V. Henrik Ibsen. p. 105-18. —— Henrik Ibsens dramatiske digtning. p. 142-56. Vikings of Helgeland. Review Ath. 1903, 1:539. Apr. 25, 1903. Volger, F. Ibsens Drama "Nordische Heerfahrt." 17p. Warfelmann, F. Das Sigurd-problem in Ibsens "Nordische Heerfahrt." Zeits. fuer den Deutschen Unterricht 28:872-4. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 1. ch. 3. Woodbridge, H. F. Winterfeast and Vikings of Helgeland. Nation 89:452. Oct. 14. 1909.
Volksfeind. See Enemy of the people.
Warrior's tomb. See Kaempehojen.
Wharton, Edith Woodbridge, H. E. Fruit of the tree and Rosmersholm. Nation 85:514. Dec. 5, 1907.
When We Dead Awaken (Naar vi doede vaagner) Archer, W. (tr.) When we dead awaken. Introduction. Felden, E. When we dead awaken. In Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 200-14. Firkins, O. W. When we dead awaken [Neighborhood Playhouse]. Review 1:568. 1919. Gosse, E. Ibsen, p. 204-6. Holm, E. When we dead awaken. In Holm, E. Henrik Ibsens politisches vermaechtniss. p. 88-104. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 310-19. Joyce, J. Ibsen's new drama (When we dead awaken). Acad. 58:307-8, April 14, 1900; Fortn. 73:575-90. April 1900. Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen, p. 165-76. Lollis, C. de. Il nuovo dramma d'Ibsen. Nuova antologia 85:307-16. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man.... p. 318-23. Payne, W. M. When we dead awaken. Dial 28:109-13. Feb. 16, 1900. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen, ch. 8. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 389-401. Thompson, T. B. When we dead awaken. Poet Lore 20:201-17. 1909. When we dead awaken. Reviews. Ath. 1900. 1:442-3. April 7; Bookm. 11:283-4. May 1900; Deutsche Rundschau 103:298-300; Nation 70:94. Feb. 1900. —— excerpt. Cur. Lit. 41:68-72. July 1906. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen, v. 2. p. 333-55. Where Ibsen failed. Cur. Lit. 43:88-9. July 1907.
Wild Duck (Vildanden). Andreas-Salome. Henrik Ibsens kvindeskikkelser. p. 54-78. Archer, W. Humour of The wild duck. Theatrical world. 1897. p. 146-51. —— Wild duck: a study in illusions. Theatrical world, 1894. p. 136-43. Bom, E. de. Ibsen en zijn werk. p. 75-7. Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on Ibsen, p. 249-62. —— Ibsen's treatment of self-illusion. Dial 15:137-40. Sept. 16, 1893. Doumic, R. De Scribe a Ibsen, p. 315-31. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen.... p. 372-91. Felden, E. Wildente. In Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 119-33. Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 156-63. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 130-38. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 256-9. —— Henrik Ibsen og hans vaerker. p. 172-8. Lemaitre, J. Impressions de theatre. Ser. 6. p. 1-47. Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen. p. 76-88. MacFall, H. Ibsen. p. 245-58. Nazimova. Wild Duck. New Republic. 14:238. 1918. Nyblom, H. Vildanden. Ny svensk tidsskrift 1880. p. 65-9. Production at Plymouth theatre (N.Y. City). Dram. Mir. 78:5. 1916; Life 71:474-5. 1918; Theatre 27:217. 1918. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 283-306. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 6. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 138-49. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet. p. 307-13. Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 100-5. Wild duck. New Republic. 9:356. Jan. 27, 1917. Wildente. Deutsche Rundschau 55:461-4. Juin 1888. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 2. p. 139-65.
Wildente. See Wild Duck
Woman suffrage Un episode de la vie d'Ibsen. Revue Bleue, Ser. 5. v. 16: 191-2.
Women Albrecht, H. Frauen-Charaktere in Ibsens Dramen. Andreas-Salome, L. Henrik Ibsens kvindeskikkelser. Archer, W. Nora. Theatre (Lond.) n.s. 3:209-14. April 1884. Arnstein, P. Ibsens Frauengestalten. Die Frau 5:347-53. 1898. Aveling, E. Nora. To-Day 1:473. Bennett, L. Ibsen as a pioneer of the woman movement. Westm. 173:278-85. Mar. 1910. Bistram, O. von. Ibsens Nora und die wahre Emanzipation der Frau. Boccardi, A. La donna nell' opera di Henrik Ibsen. Boettcher, F. La femme dans la theatre d'Ibsen. Bruennings, E. Ibsen Drama; die Frau darin. Caffin, C. H. Hedda Gabler. In Caffin, C. H. Appreciation of the drama. ch. 7-9. Canudo, R. La representation feministe et sociale d'lbsen. Grande Revue (Paris) 38 (n.s. 1):561-72. 1906. Colby, F. M. Hedda Gabler; analogies of a disagreeable heroine. Bookm. 25:467-71. July 1907. Crowell, E. Shakespeare's Katharine and Nora. Poet Lore 8:192-7. 1896. Dodge, D. K. Some of Ibsen's women. New Eng. and Yale R. 56:118-24. Feb. 1892. Dowden, E. Men and women of Ibsen. Contemp 90. 652-72. Nov. 1906. Ellen Key's masterly interpretation of Ibsen's women. Cur. Lit. 48:411-13. April 1910. Ende, A. von. Henrik Ibsen and the women of his dramas. Theatre (N.Y.) 10:48-50ff. Aug. 1909. Finnegan, J. Ibsen girl; poem. Harp. W. 51:1384, Sept. 21, 1907. Gilliland, M. S. Ibsen's women. Gizycki, L. von. Die neue Frau in der Dichtung. Har Hendrik Ibsen i Hedda Gabler skildret virkelige kvinder? Kristiania. 1891. 28p. Hertzberg, N. E. Ibsen's koindetype Norske, p. 23-26. Hertzberg, N. E. Er Ibsen's kvinde-typee Norske p. 23-26. Ibsen und das Recht der Frau. Jahrsbericht des Vereines fuer erweiterte Frauenbildung in Wien. Beilage 19 Marz, 1892. James, H. Hedda Gabler. New R. [Lond.] 4:519. 1891. Little, C. J. In Little, C. J. Biographical and Literary studies. Key, Ellen K. S. Torpedo under the ark "Ibsen and women". 28p. Kretschmer, E. Ibsens Frauengestalten. Marholm, L. Author in the cul-de-sac. In Marholm, L. We women and our authors. —— Die Frauen in der skandinavischen Dichtung. Freie Buehne 1:168ff. 1899. —— Ibsen als Frauenschilderer. Nord und Sued April 1912. Men and women of Ibsen. Westm. 131:626-49. June 1889. Meyer, A. N. Ibsen's attitude toward women. Critic. 16:147-8. Mar. 22, 1889. Nazimova, A. Ibsen's women. Indep. 63:909-14. Oct. 17, 1907. Nouhuys, W. G. van. Letter-kundige opstellen. p. 209-43. Schaefer-Ditmar, W. Nora; eine Lebensgeschichte. 37p. Schenstroem, R. Max Nordau, Henrik Ibsen och kvinnofragen. Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 32-47. Synnestvedt, M. Ibsen et la femme Scandinave. Revue d'Art Dramatique 4:51-5. 1898.
Young men's union. See League of youth.
Youth of Ibsen Bang, H. Etwas von jungen Ibsen. Erinnerungen einer Freundin. Beilage zur allgemeine Zeitung. 1896. Nr. 316. Due, C. L. Ibsen's early youth. Critic 49:33-40. July 1906. Evans, E. P. Henrik Ibsen, his early career as poet and playwright. Atlan. 65:577-88. Oct. 1890. Herford, C. H. Earlier work of Ibsen. Lippinc. 49:351ff. 1891. Henrik Ibsens ungdomsdigtning. Tilskueren 24:934-43. 1907. Ibsen in youth. Lit. Digest 40:546. Mar. 19, 1910. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsens barndomsliv og ungdomsdigtning. Nysvensk Tidsskrift. 1887. p. 872-904. Lothar, R. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 1. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man.... p. 33-53. Pastor, W. Der junge Ibsen. Deutsche Rundschau 95:474-6. Juin 1898. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 1. ch. 3. —— Henrik Ibsens Jugenddramen.
Adalgisa. Norma. Agathon. Emp. and Gal. Agnes. Brand Alfer, Haugfolk. Sankt. Alfhild. Fjeld. Alfhild. Olaf Lil. Alfhild. Rypen. Alfson, Gudmund. Feast at Solh. Aline Solness. Mast. Build. Allmers, Alfred. Lit. Eyolf —— Asta. Lit. Eyolf —— Rita. Lit. Eyolf Alving, Mrs. Helen. Ghosts —— Oswald. Ghosts Ambiorix. Catilina Ammian. Emp. and Gal. 2 Anatolus. Emp. and Gal. 2 Anders Lundestad. See Lundestad, Anders. Anitra. Peer G. Anna. Doll's House Anna. Love's Com. Anne. Sankt. Apollinaris. Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2 Ariovist. Sankt. Arne of Guldnik. Olaf Lil. Arnesson, Nicolas. Pretend. Arnholm. Lady fr. Sea Ase. Peer G. Asgaut. Kaempehojen Aslaksen. En. of Peop. Aslaksen, a printer. L. of Youth Asta Allmers. See Allmers, Asta Aune. Pil. of Soc. Aurelia. Catilina
Ballested. Lady fr. Sea Ballon, Monsieur. Peer G. Barbara. Emp. and Gal. 2 Bard Bratte. See Bratte, Bard Basil of Caesarea. Emp. and Gal. 1 Bastian Monsen. See Monsen, Bastian Begriffenfeld, Prof. Peer G. Bengt Gauteson. See Gauteson, Bengt Bengt af Bjerkehoug. Rypen. Berg. Sankt. Berg, Fru. Sankt. Bernick, Consul. Pil. of Soc. —— Martha. Pil. of Soc. —— Mrs. Pil. of Soc. —— Olaf. Pil. of Soc. Berta. Hed. Gab. Bielke, Jens. Lady Inger Billing. En. of Peop. Bioern. Lady Inger Birk, Johannes. Sankt. Bjorn. Rypen. Blanka. Kaempehojen Blind beggar. Emp. and Gal. 1 Bodde, Ivar. Pretend. Boletta. Lady fr. Sea Borgheim, Engineer. Lit. Eyolf Borkman, Erhart. J. G. Bork. Borkman, John Gabriel. J. G. Bork. —— Mrs. Gunhild. J. G. Bork. Brack, Judge. Hed. Gab. Brand. Brand Bratsberg, Chamberlain. L. of Youth —— Erik. L. of Youth —— Selma. L. of Youth —— Thora. L. of Youth Bratte, Bard. Pretend. Brendel, Ulric. Rosm. Brovik, Knut. Mast. Build. —— Ragnar. Mast. Build.
Caesarius of Nazianzus. Emp. and Gal. 2 Captain of the watch. Emp. and Gal. 1 Catilina, Lucius. Catilina Cethegus. Catilina Chor af Bryllupgjaester. Fjeld. Chor af Druider. Norma. Chor af Druidinder. Norma. Chor af Hougfolk. Fjeld. Coeparius. Catilina Constantius, Emperor. Emp. and Gal. 1 Consul Bernick. See Bernick, Consul Cotton, Master. Peer G. Curius. Catilina Cyrillus. Emp. and Gal. 2
Dagfinn the peasant. Pretend. Dagny. Vik of Helg. Daniel Heire. L. of Youth Dean. Brand Decentius. Emp. and Gal. 1 Dina Dorf. See Dorf, Dina Doctor. Brand Dorf, Dina. Pil. of Soc. Dovre, Old man of the. Peer G.
Earl Skule. See Skule, Earl Eberkopf, Herren von. Peer G. Egil. Vik of Helg. Eilert Loerborg. Hed. Gab. Eilif. En. of Peop. Einar. Brand Einar. Rypen. Einar Huk. See Huk, Einar Ekdal, Gina. W. Duck —— Hjalmar. W. Duck —— Old. W. Duck Elina Gyldenloeve. See Gyldenloeve, Elina Ellen. Doll's House Ellida Wangel. See Wangel, Ellida Elvsted, Mrs. Hed. Gab. Engstrand, Jacob. Ghosts —— Regina. Ghosts Erik Bratsberg. See Bratsberg, Erik Erik of Hegge. Feast at Solh. Eunapius. Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2 Eusebia, Empress. Emp and Gal. 1 Eutherius. Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2 Eyolf. Lit. Eyolf
Falk. Love's Com. Falk. Svan. Fieldbo, Dr. L. of Youth Finn. Lady Inger Flabby gentleman. W. Duck Fladland. Svan. Flida, Paul. Pretend. Florentius. Emp. and Gal. 1. Foldal, Frida. J. G. Bork. —— Vilhelm. J. G. Bork. Fosli, Kaia. Mast. Build. Frida Foldal. See Foldal, Frida Fromentinus. Emp. and Gal. 2 Fruitseller. Emp. and Gal. 1 Furia. Catilina
Gabinius. Catilina Gabler, Hedda. Hedda Gabler Gallus, Prince. Emp. and Gal. 1 Gandalf. Kaempehojen Gauteson, Bengt. Feast at Solh. Gerd. Brand Gesling, Knut. Feast at Solh. Gladiators and soldiers. Catilina Grasberg. W. Duck Green-clad woman. Peer G. Gregers Werle. W. Duck Gregorius Jonsson. See Jonsson, Gregorius Gregory of Nazianzus. Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2 Gudmund Alfson. See Alfson, Gudmund Guldstad. Love's Com. Guldstad. Svan. Gunnar, Headman. Vik. of Helg. Gunnar Herse. See Gunnar, Headman Guthorm Ingesson. See Ingesson, Guthorm Gyldenloeve, Elina. Lady Inger
Haakonsson, Haakon. Pretend. Halm, Fru. Svan. Halm, Mrs. Love's Com. Halvard Solness. See Solness, Halvard Harald. Rypen. Hedda Gabler. Hed. Gab. Hedvig. W. Duck Heire, Daniel. L. of Youth Hekebolius. Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2 Helena, Princess. Emp. and Gal. 1 Helga, Little. Peer G. Helle. L. of Youth Helmer, Torvald. Doll's House Helseth, Madam. Rosm. Hemming. Kaempehojen ——. Olaf Lil. Heraclius. Emp. and Gal. 2 Herdal, Dr. Mast. Build. Hessel, Lona. Pil. of Soc. Hilarion. Emp. and Gal. 2 Hilda. Lady fr. Sea Hilda Wangel. See Wangel, Hilda Hilmar Toennesen. See Toennesen, Hilmar Hioerdis. Vik. of Helg. Holt, Miss. Pil. of Soc. —— Mrs. Postmaster. Pil. of Soc. Hormisdas, Prince. Emp. and Gal. 2 Horstad. En. of Peop. Horster. En. of Peop. Hvolloug. Kaempehojen Huhu. Peer G. Huk, Einar. Lady Inger
Inga of Varteig. Pretend. Ingeborg. Fjeld. Ingeborg. Olaf Lil. —— Pretend. Ingeborg. Rypen. Inger, Lady. Lady Inger Ingesson, Guthorm. Pretend. Ingrid. Peer G. Inspector of the baths. When we Dead Invisible choir. Brand Ivar. Fjeld. Ivar Bodde. See Bodde, Ivar
Jatgeir Skald. Pretend. Jay, Miss. Love's Com. Jens Bielke. See Bielke, Jens Jensen. W. Duck Johan. Svan. Johan Toennesen. See Toennesen, Johan John Gabriel Borkman. See Borkman, J. G. Jonsson, Gregorius. Pretend. Jorgen Kvist. See Kvist, Jorgen Jostejn. Kaempehojen Jovian. Emp. and Gal. 2 Julian, Emperor. Emp. and Gal. 2 —— Prince. Emp. and Gal. 1 Juliane. Sankt.
Kaia Fosli. See Fosli, Kaia Kare the peasant. Vik. of Helg. Kari. Peer G. Kirsten Liljekrans. Olaf Lil. Knud. Rypen. Knut Brovik. See Brovik, Knut Knut Gesling. See Gesling, Knut Krap. Pil. of Soc. Krogstad, Nils. Doll's House Kroll, Rector. Rosm. Kvist, Jorgen. Sankt. Kytron. Emp. and Gal. 2
Laerke, Froken. Svan. Laipso. Emp. and Gal. 1 Lentulus. Catilina Leontes. Emp. and Gal. 1 Libanius. Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2 Liljekrans, Olaf. Olaf Lil. —— Kirsten. Olaf Lil. Lind. Love's Com. Linden, Mrs. Doll's House Lona Hessel. See Hessel, Lona Loerborg, Eilert. Hed. Gab. Lundestad, Anders. L. of Youth Lykke, Nils. Lady Inger Lynge, Mrs. Doctor. Pil of Soc. Lyngstrand. Lady fr. Sea
Madmen. Peer G. Maid-servant at the Chamberlain's. L. of Youth Maia Rubek. See Rubek, Maia Makrina. Emp. and Gal. 2 Malchus. Emp. and Gal. 2 Mamertinus. Emp. and Gal. 2 Manders, Pastor. Ghosts Manlius. Catilina Margit. Feast at Sol. Margrete. Pretend. Maris. Emp. and Gal. 2 Martha Bernick. See Bernick, M. Maurus. Emp. and Gal. 1 Maximus the mystic. Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2 Mayor. Brand Medon. Emp. and Gal. 2 Memnon, an Ethiopian. Emp. and Gal. 1 Memnon, Statue. Peer G. Mereta. Rypen. Mogens. Rypen. Molvik. W. Duck Monsen, Mons. L. of Youth —— Bastian. L. of Youth —— Ragna. L. of Youth Morten. En. of Peop. Mortensgard, Peter. Rosm. Myrrha. Emp. and Gal. 1
Nevita. Emp. and Gal. 2 Nicolas Arnesson. See Arnesson, Nicholas Nils Krogstad. See Krogstad, Nils Nils Lykke. See Lykke, Nils Nils Stensson. See Stensson, Nils En Nisse. Sankt. Nora. Doll's House Norma. Norma. Numa. Emp. and Gal. 2
Olaf Bernick. See Bernick, Olaf Olaf Liljekrans. See Liljekrans, Olaf Olaf Skaktavl. See Skaktavl, Olaf Old man. Catilina Ollovico. Catilina Oribases. Emp. and Gal. Ornulf of the Fiords. Vik. of Helg. Oswald Alving. See Alving, Oswald
Paal. Rypen. Painted woman. Emp. and Gal. 1 Paralytic man. Emp. and Gal. 1 Pasok. Svan. Paul Flida. See Flida, Paul Paulsen, Julian. Sankt. Peer Gynt. Peer G. Peter. Pretend. Petra. En. of Peop. Pettersen. W. Duck Phocian. Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2 Potamon. Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2 Priests and servants. Catilina Priscus. Emp. and Gal. 2 Publia, a woman of Antioch. Emp. and Gal. 2
Ragna Monsen. See Monsen, Ragna Ragnar Brovik. See Brovik, Ragnar Ragnhild, Lady. Pretend. Rank, Dr. Doll's House Rat-wife. Lit. Eyolf Rebecca West. See West, Rebecca Receiver. Peer G. Regina Engstrand. See Engstrand, Regina Relatives of Arne of Guldvik. Olaf. Lil. Relling. W. Duck Rentheim. J. G. Bork. Ribbing, Sigurd. Pretend. Ringdal. L. of Youth Rita Allmers. See Allmers, Rita Roderik. Kaempehojen Roerlund, Dr. a schoolmaster (rector) Pil. of Soc. Rosmer, Johannes. Rosm. Rubek, Arnold. When we Dead —— Maia. When we Dead Rummel, a merchant. Pil. of Soc. —— Miss. Pil. of Soc. —— Mrs. Pil. of Soc. Rundholmen, Madam. L. of Youth
Saeter-girls. Peer G. Sallust of Perusia. Emp. and Gal. 1 Sandstad, a merchant. Pil. of Soc. Schoolmaster. Brand Selma Bratsberg. See Bratsberg, Selma Severus. Emp. and Gal. 1 Severus. Norma. Sexton. Brand Shipbuilder Aune. Pil. of Soc. Short-sighted gentleman. W. Duck Sigard of Brabant. Pretend. Signe. Feast at Sol. Sigrid. Pretend. Sigurd Ribbing. See Ribbing, Sigurd Sigurd the strong. Vik. of Helg. Sintula. Emp. and Gal. 1 Sira Viliam. Pretend. Sister of Mercy. When we Dead Skaktavl, Olaf. Lady Inger Skule, Earl. Pretend. Skytte Knut. Fjeld. Sofie. Svan. Solness, Aline. Mast. Build. —— Halvard. Mast. Build. Solveig. Peer G. Soerby, Mrs. W. Duck Sphinx at Gizeh. Peer G. Straamand. Svan. Straamand, Fru. Svan. Statilius. Catilina Stensgard. L. of Youth Stensson, Nils. Lady Inger Styver. Love's Com. Stockmann, Dr. Thomas. En. of Peop. —— Mrs. En. of Peop. —— Peter. En. of Peop. Stranger. Lady fr. Sea Stranger lady. When we Dead Strawman. Love's Com. —— Mrs. Love's Com. Svanhild. Love's Com. Svanhild. Svan. Sven. Svan.
Tempter in the desert. Brand Tesman, George. Hed. Gab. Themistius. Emp. and Gal. 2 Thief. Peer G. Thin-haired gentleman. W. Duck Thora Bratsberg. See Bratsberg, Thora Thorgejr. Fjeld. Thorgejr. Olaf Lil. Thoralf. Vik. of Helg. Toennesen, Hilmar. Pil. of Soc. —— Johan. Pil. of Soc. Troll-courtier. Peer G. Troll-maidens. Peer G. Troll-urchins. Peer G. Trumpeterstrale. Peer G.
Ugly brat. Peer G. Ulfheim. When we Dead Ulric Brendel. See Brendel, Ulric Ursulas. Emp. and Gal. 2
Vaeradal, Vegand. Pretend. Varg, Miss. Workshop Lit. Eyolf Varro. Emp. and Gal. 1 Vigeland, a merchant. Pil. of Soc. Vikings. Kaempehojen Voice. Brand
Waiter. L. of Youth Waitress at Madam Rundholmen's. L. of Youth Wangel, Dr. Lady fr. Sea —— Ellida. Lady fr. Sea —— Hilda. Mast. Build. Wedding guests. Olaf Lil. Werle. W. Duck Werle, Gregers. W. Duck West, Rebecca. Rosm. Wilton, Mrs. Fanny. J. G. Bork.
* * * * *
Errors and Inconsistencies:
Spelling and Punctuation:
All variation between ae and ae, oe and o, or a and aa is as in the original. Some final periods (full stops) have been regularized for consistency. Although the spelling "Kjaempehojen" (or -oej- or -oi-) is as correct as "Kaempehojen", it has been regularized in subject headers to simplify text searching.
Fjeld. Fjeldfuglen. [Fjeldfugeln] Kaemp. Kaempehojen [Kaempehojen]
... Durchgesehen und eingeleitet von Georg Brandes. Julius Elias, Paul Schlenther. Von Dichter authorisiert. [Durchgeschen ... authoriesiert] ... v. 8-9 "paa grundlag af J. B. Halvorsen's samlinger" [of J. B. Halvorsen's samlinger missing close quote]
Andreas-Salome, Frau L. Henrik Ibsens kvindeskikkelser. [kvindeskikelser] Berg, Leo Henrick Ibsen. In Berg, L. ... ["Henrick" in original] —— Eine parallele. In Berg, L. Zwischen zwei Jahrhundert [swei Jahrdundert] Bergwitz, J. K. Grimstad 1800-1850 som type paa Norsk smaaby [... som type pad ...] Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen. London... Reviews... [Review] Brandes, Georg. Henrik Ibsen und sein schule in Deutschland. In Brandes, G. Deutsche persoenlichkeiten. Muenchen. 1902. p. 37-69. ["sein" in original] [personlichkeiten] Collin, Chr. Henrik Ibsens selv portraet i Peer Gynt. Memnon-stottens sang og ... [Henrik Ibsen; ... Memnon—stottens og ...] Dartheze, A. Ibsen et les acteurs Francais. [Francais] Holm, Olaf. ...Autorisier Uebersetzung... ["Autorisier" in original] James, Henry. Hendrik Ibsen. ["Hendrik" in original] Lollis, Cesare de. ...Quando noi, morti... [nol] Longo, M. ...studj di psicologia penale ["studj" in original] Nyhuus, O. Henrik Ibsens Keiser og Galilaeer. ... Kristiania. [Galilaer ... Kritsiania] Schjott, Mathilde. [Schott] Efter laesningen af "Bygmester Solness." [Iaesningen] Thaarup, H. Henrik Ibsen set under en ny synsvinkel. Kobenhavn. [synsvinke. Kopenhavn.]
Bjornson and Ibsen Helweg, F. Bjornson og Ibsen i deres to seneste vaerker. [senete] Catilina Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsens Jugenddramen. [Jugendramen] Hedda Gabler Andreas-Salome, L. Henrik Ibsens kvindeskikkelser. p. 141-75. [kvindekikkelser] Historical plays ... Lady Inger of Ostraat [Lady Inga] Huennegrab See Kaempehojen. [Kjaempehojen] Kaempehojen (Warrior's tomb) [Kjaemphoejen] Lady from the sea ...Freiheit und verantwoertlichket. [Freheit] Master Builder Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning [il Ibsens] Moral ideas. Lochen, A. Ibsens moralske grundanskuelse [grundankskuelse] Pathology. Gumpertz, K. Ibsens Vererbungstheorie. [Verebung...] Longo, M. ...studj di psicologia penale ["studj" in original] Peer Gynt. Memnon-stottens sang [Memnon-stotters] Politics Henrik Ibsens politisches vermaechtniss. [vermaechtiniss] Pretenders Knudsen, D. F. Utvalg av norsk litteratur. [text reads "ar"; original may be either "av" or "af"] Realism Wahrheitsproblem im Volksfeind [Volksfeid] Seventieth birthday Henrik Ibsen. Festskrift i anledning af hans 70de Fodselsdag. [text reads "Fodsedsdag"] Warrior's tomb. See Kaempehojen. [Kjaempehojen] Women Har Hendrik Ibsen i Hedda Gabler ... ["Hendrik" in original] Hertzberg, N. E. Ibsen's koindetype Norske, p. 23-26. Hertzberg, N. E. Er Ibsen's kvinde-typee Norske p. 23-26. [duplicate in original; should read "Er Ibsen's kvinde-typer Norske?"] Key, Ellen K. S. Torpedo under the ark "Ibsen and women". 28p. [close quote missing in original]
All inconsistencies in cross-references and in the method of listing repeated names are as in the original.
Agathon. Emp. and Gal. [should read "Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2"] Bengt Gauteson. See Gauteson, Bengt ["B e n g t, G a u t e s o n"] [no other name is printed in this form] Curius. Catilina [Curias] Dovre, Old man of the. Peer G. ["-e" in original] Elina Gyldenloeve. See Gyldenloeve, Elina ["-a" in original] Gauteson, Bengt. Feast at Solh. [Benght] Guldstad. Svan. [Gulstad] Gyldenloeve, Elina. Lady Inger ["-a" in original] Haakonsson, Haakon. Pretend. [Hakonsson, Hakon] Hilmar Toennesen. See Toennesen, Hilmar ["oe" printed as "o"] Jorgen Kvist. See Kvist, Jorgen ["o" printed as "o"] Kvist, Jorgen. Sankt. ["o" printed as "o"] Maid-servant at the Chamberlain's. L. of Youth [of youth] Oribases. Emp. and Gal. [should read "Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2"] Signe. Feast at Sol. ["-e" in original] Straamand. Svan. Straamand, Fru. Svan. [Staamand] Styver. Love's Com. [Stiver] Thorgejr. Olaf Lil. [Thorgjerd] (Toennesen) —— Johan. Pil. of Soc. [Johann]