817. las [bromas] que yo gasto, what my jokes are like.
108-109. si fuera un coco de fea, if she were as homely as a hedge fence.
116. ella es grande; one cannot be quite sure whether this phrase means she is of high station, or she is a grandee. It has not been previously stated that the family of Alto-Rey enjoys the privileges of grandeeship. A grandee of Spain is allowed to keep his hat on in the king's presence, if a man; if a woman, to be seated before the queen (tomar la almohada).
141. Ya, para lo que falta..., To be sure, there's no need of saying more.
157-158. que no pueda yo...! to think I can't!
253-254. =por agregarse notas= = porque se agregan notas. In Spanish, a noun may be the subject of an infinitive introduced by a preposition.
478-479. que sacrifique su inclinacin; the change to third person is probably to be explained by Filomena's turning to speak to Don Rafael.
533-534. Cesreo, que vela por la familia; the son is jointly responsible with the father for the maintenance of the family and for the conduct and honor of the individual members. When the father is incapacitated, the son naturally assumes the entire burden.
548. a vivir por m misma, to live my own life. The phrase sounds like Ibsen. For example, Nora's words, "I have just as sacred duties toward myself." (A Doll's House, last scene.)
21-23. queran... valiranse; this combination of tenses is unusual. We do not have here a contrary to fact condition, as might at first appear. If that were the case, the imperfect indicative could not be employed in the if-clause. This is a simple condition in past time, the irregularity being in the use of valiranse, an archaic way of expressing a sort of imperative,—debieron valerse, or vlganse. Translate, since they wished... they should have employed.
23. valiranse de otros de mi oficio; earlier in his life Galds was inclined to deal harshly with members of the priesthood of the type to which he alludes here, but the agreeable figure of Don Rafael reveals the writer's growing sympathy for the clergy.
88-89. la que se le viene encima, what he's in for; la is the neuter feminine; see note to II, 86.
265. que, and. See Ramsey, Text-book of Modern Spanish, 1421.
314. Yo soy estoico, y no temo ningn castigo. The philosophy of stoicism is especially attractive to Galds, and he plays with it in several of his works. Thus, Orozco, of Realidad, strives to attain stoic perfection; and the chief characters of other plays sometimes act like stoics (Paternoy, Los condenados, II, 14; Pantoja, Electra, IV, 10; Berenguer, La fiera, III, 5). That the stoicism of Seneca (a Spaniard) is the fundamental trait of Spanish character, is the contention brilliantly set forth by ngel Ganivet in the first dozen pages of his Idearium espaol.
325. un arma; the feminine indefinite article is by some writers changed to un under the same conditions in which la becomes el. Cf. un hacha in line 333.
338. la razn que me asiste, the right which is on my side.
The vocabulary is intended to include the infinitives of all verbs found in the text, the masculine singular of adjectives, and the singular of nouns. Adverbs regularly formed from adjectives of corresponding meaning are omitted when those adjectives are present. Articles, personal pronouns, numerals up to twelve, and words identical in meaning and spelling with the English are also omitted.
The following abbreviations are used:
adj. adjective adv. adverb cf. compare dim. diminutive f. feminine intrans. intransitive m. masculine n. noun pl. plural p.p. past participle prep. preposition pron. pronoun refl. reflexive rel. relative trans. transitive
a to, at, in, on; by, of, from; with, for; before; —— que what will you bet that...; A qu? Wherefore? —— los diez minutos within ten minutes
abajo down, below, downstairs
abandonar abandon, yield
abatimiento m. dejection
aberracin f. error, mistake
abismo m. abyss
ablandar soften
abnegacin f. self-denial, spirit of sacrifice
abogado m. lawyer
abolir abolish
abonar credit with; —se subscribe, take a season ticket
abovedado, -a arched, vaulted
abrasar burn, consume
abrazar embrace
abrazo m. embrace
abrigar cover, wrap
abrigo m. cover, shelter; overcoat, coat, wrap
abrir open
abrumador, -a oppressive
abrumar oppress, weigh down, crush
absoluto, -a absolute, utter
absolver absolve, acquit
absorto, -a absorbed
abstrado, -a distracted, absent-minded
absurdo, -a absurd, unreasonable
abuela f. grandmother; —— de padre father's mother
abuelo m. grandfather; —— de madre mother's father
abur good-bye
abyeccin f. abjectness, abject poverty
ac here
acabar finish, end; run out; acabo de hacerlo I have just done it (this idiom is used only with the present and imperfect of acabar); acaba por rendirse in the end yields
acariciar caress
acaso perhaps, perchance; por —— by chance; por si —— in case of emergency, as a precaution
accesorio m. accessory
accin f. act, action; en —— de as an act of
acechar peep, spy, watch
acelerar hasten
acento m. accent
aceptacin f. acceptance, sale
aceptar accept
acerca de about, concerning
acercarse a approach, come near
acero m. steel
acertar succeed; guess right, speak truly; happen
aciago, -a gloomy, ill-fated
aclarar clear up
acobardarse lose courage, quail
acoger receive
aclito m. acolyte, assistant in church service
acometer attack
acomodar arrange, place; —se settle; adapt oneself; p.p. well off, well to do
acompaamiento m. accompaniment
acompaar accompany
aconsejar advise
acontecer happen
acontecimiento m. event
acopiar gather, heap together
acordar agree upon, arrange; —se de remember
acostarse go to bed
acostumbrar accustom, have the custom, be wont; —se accustom oneself, get used to; p.p. accustomed
actitud f. attitude; en —— de starting to
acto m. act
actual present, of present-day interest
acudir have recourse, respond; arrive, come up
adefesio m. ridiculous get-up, togs
adelantarse come forward
adelante forward, ahead, on; ——! come in! go on! en —— thenceforward
adelanto m. progress, state of advancement
ademn m. gesture
adems besides; —— de beside, in addition to
adis good-bye, farewell
adivinar guess
adjetivo m. adjective
admiracin f. admiration
admirador m. admirer
admirar admire
admitir admit
adoptar adopt
adoracin f. adoration
adorar adore
adornar adorn
adorno m. ornament
adquirir acquire
adulacin f. flattery
adular flatter
adusto, -a gloomy, sullen
adversidad f. adversity
advertencia f. warning
advertir warn, inform; observe, notice
afn m. anxiety, eagerness; trial
afectacin f. affectation, ostentation
afectar affect; feign
afecto m. affection
afectuoso, -a affectionate
afirmar assert
afirmativo, -a affirmative
afliccin f. distress, sorrow
afligir afflict; cause sorrow; —se worry
afrenta f. shame, disgrace
afrentoso, -a ignominious, disgraceful
afrontar face
agitar agitate; wave
agobiar oppress, crush, overwork
agona f. suffering
agradar please
agradecer be grateful for, thank; p.p. grateful
agradecimiento m. gratitude
Agramante fictitious town in Spain
agramantino, -a of Agramante
agregar add; —se join
agrcola farming
agricultura f. agriculture
agua f. water; pl. waterworks
aguardar(se) wait, wait for, await
agudeza f. shrewdness
agudo, -a keen, sharp; (of sound) high
ah there; por —— around here, around there, something like that
ahogar stifle
ahogo m. oppression, anguish
ahora now; —— bien well, then; —— mismo this very minute
ahorcar hang
ahorrillos m. pl. small savings
ahorros m. pl. savings
airado, -a angry, wrathful
aire m. air, breeze, draft; pl. climate
ajeno, -a of others, another's
ajustar adjust, settle
Aladino m. Aladdin
alargar extend, hand over
alarmante alarming
alarmar alarm
alberca f. pond, reservoir
alborada f. singing in the open air at dawn, carol
alcalde m. mayor
alcaldesa f. mayor's wife
alcanzar attain to, obtain, comprehend; no se me alcanza I don't understand
aldeana f. village girl, country woman
aleccionar teach, give a lesson to
alegar allege, declare the existence of
alegrar gladden; —se rejoice, be glad
alegre gay, light-hearted, bright
alegra f. joy, happiness
alejar drive away; —se go away
alelado, -a stupid, stupefied
aleluya m. and f. Mother Goose rimes
Alemania f. Germany
=Alemaas= = =Alemania= (a confusion with alimaa animal)
alentar draw breath, come to life; encourage
alfarera f. pottery
algo something; somewhat
alguien some one
alguno, -a some, a few, any (after a singular noun in a negative sentence = =ninguno=)
alimentacin f. food, nourishment
alimentar feed; —se feed, live on
alma f. soul; con —— with all my heart and soul; de mi —— my dear
almacn m. storeroom, warehouse, yard
alojarse lodge
alquilador m. renter
alquilar rent, hire
alquiler m. (also pl.) rent
altanero, -a, proud
alternativamente alternately
alto, -a tall, high; important; upper; —o, en voz —a aloud
alto! halt! stop!
Alto-Rey Alto-Rey
altura f. height; en las —s on high
alucinarse delude oneself
alumno, -a m. and f. pupil
alza f. advance, rise in price; en —— rising, going up
alzar raise; —se rise
all there; —— usted that's your own business; ms —— beyond, further
allegadora f. collector, gatherer of odds and ends
all there
amabilidad f. amiability
amable amiable, kind, delightful
amago m. symptom
amansar tame
amar love
amargo, -a bitter
amargura f. bitterness
amasar knead
amasijo m. kneaded dough; mass, quantity
ambos, -as both
amenaza f. threat
americano, -a American
amigo, -a m. and f. friend; adj. friendly, fond of
amiguita f. dear friend
amistad f. friendship
amo m. master; pl. master and mistress
amor m. love; sweetheart; pl. love affair
amoroso, -a loving
amparo m. protection
anciano, -a old
ancho, -a wide; ample; a sus -as with complete freedom
andar go, go on, walk; be; n.m. going, progress
anemia f. anemia
anfitrionisa f. hostess
ngel m. angel, darling
angelico m. little angel, cherub
ngulo m. angle, corner
angustia f. anguish, affliction
angustiado, -a distressed
angustioso, -a full of anguish, painful
anhelar desire
anhelo m. desire, longing
anillo m. ring
animacin f. animation
animar encourage; —se take heart, grow excited
nimo m. courage, spirit, intention
animoso, -a spirited
aniquilar annihilate
anonadar annihilate, stun
ansiedad f. anxiety
ansioso, -a anxious
antao long ago
ante before, in the face of
antecedentes m. pl. past history
antes first, before, previously, formerly; — de, — que before; — bien rather, on the other hand; — de (las veinticuatro horas) within
anticipar tell first; —se take the lead, be the first, get ahead of
anticuado, -a out of date, old-fashioned
antiguo, -a ancient, former; de -o, of old
antipata f. dislike
antiptico, -a displeasing, disagreeable
antojarse (a uno) desire, feel a whim for
Antonio m. Anthony
anunciar announce, relate
aadir add
ao m. year
apacible pleasant
apaadico, -a dim. of apaado
apaar dress
aparecer appear
aparentar put on airs of, make a false show of
apartar push aside; —se go to one side; leave
aparte aside; separate; — de distinct from
apelar appeal
apenas scarcely, barely; no sooner
apetito m. appetite
apilar pile up
aplastar crush
aplicado, -a studious, industrious
aplicar apply; — el odo listen intently
aplomado, -a self-possessed
apodado, -a nicknamed, alias
apoyar support, rest; —se lean
apoyo m. support
apreciar judge; esteem
aprender learn
aprestarse make ready
apretar squeeze, press tight, clench
aprobar approve
aprovechamiento m. using up, employing
aprovechar make use of, profit by, do good to
aproximarse approach
aptitud f. capability
apuesta f. bet, wager
apuntacin f. taking notes; memorandum
apunte m. memorandum
aquel, -lla that, the former; aqul, aqulla, aquello that one that; the former; I, 13 el aqul that matter
aqu here
arbitrio m. scheme
rbol m. tree
arbusto m. shrub
arca f. chest
arder burn
ardid m. stratagem
aristocracia f. aristocracy
arma f. weapon
armario m. wardrobe
armnico, -a harmonious
armonizar harmonize
arranque m. start, first steps; outburst, impulsiveness
arrasar raze, level to the ground
arrastrar drag
arre! get up! (said to horses, etc.)
arrebatar snatch
arrebato m. attack, rush, impulse
arreglar arrange, set in order; I, 539 make over; —se get along, find a way
arreglo m. making over, remodeling; setting in order
arrendar rent
arriba above, up; monte — uphill
arriesgarse run the risk
arrimar put close; join, fasten oneself to; —se lean against, get close
arrimo m. support, protector
arrogante arrogant
arrojar cast, cast out, drive out; throw, throw away
arruinar ruin
arte m. and f. art
artesonado m. ceiling of carved wooden rafters
artculo m. article
artificio m. trick, device
asaltar assail
ascendente rising, sloping up
ascua f. hot coal
asedio m. siege; attentions
asegurar assure; declare
asentir acquiesce, agree
asesinar murder
asesinato m. murder
as thus, in that way, so, just so; II, 442 of this kind; —, — a little that way
asiento m. seat
asistir be present at; assist
asociarse form a partnership
asolacin f. devastation
asomar appear; put forth; present; —se look out, peep in
asombrado, -a amazed
asombrarse be amazed
asombro m. amazement
aspaviento m. exaggerated wonder, display
aspecto m. aspect, appearance
spero, -a rough
aspiracin f. aspiration
asunto m. business, affair
asustadizo, -a timid
asustar frighten, terrify; —se be afraid, frightened, shocked
atacar attack, rush at
ataque m. attack
atar tie, bind
atavo m. attire
atencin f. attention
atender attend, heed
atento, -a attentive, intent, thoughtful
atenuar attenuate, condone
aterrado, -a filled with terror
tomo m. atom
atnito, -a amazed
atormentarse torment oneself, worry
atrs backward
atravesar cross, stick (cross-wise)
atreverse a dare
atrevido, -a bold
atrevimiento m. boldness, audacity
atribulado, -a in trouble
atropelladamente confusedly, all at the same time
atropello m. crushing, outraging
aturdimiento m. bewilderment
aumentar(se) increase
aun even
an yet, still
aunque although
ausencia f. absence
autoridad f. authority
autoritario, -a authoritative
autorizar authorize, make lawful
auxiliar m. assistant
auxilio m. aid
avanzar advance
ave f. bird, fowl
avenirse (a) agree (to), be willing; —— (con) correspond (to)
aventurar risk; —se venture, make bold; p.p. venturesome
avergonzarse be ashamed
avisar send word, warn, notify
aviso m. notification, warning; mandar — send word
ay ah! alas! — de! alas for..., woe to...
ayer yesterday
ayuda f. aid
ayudar aid, help
ayuntamiento m. city hall, city government
azaroso, -a checkered; unfortunate
azulejo m. glazed tile
bailar dance
baile m. dance
baj m. pasha
bajar descend, go down, come down, sink, drop; lower
bajo, -a short, low, lower, lowest; of low station; piso —o first floor; —o, en voz —a, por lo —o in an undertone; —o comercio petty trade
bajo under, beneath
balcn m. balcony
banco m. bank; bench
bandurria f. a sort of small guitar
banqueta f. stool
baar bathe
bao m. bath
barato, -a cheap
Brbara f. Barbara
brbaro, -a barbarous; stupid
Barcelona f. the capital city of Catalonia, and the chief manufacturing city of Spain; on the Mediterranean; more than 1,000,000 inhabitants
barnizar varnish
barredera f. dragnet
barrer sweep
barriga f. belly
base f. basis
bastante enough, plenty, much, no little, a good deal
bastar be enough, suffice
bastn m. cane
basura f. garbage, rubbish
batalla f. battle, struggle
batirse fight (a duel)
bautismal baptismal
beatfico, -a beatific
beber drink, drink up
belleza f. beauty
bello, -a beautiful, fair
bendecir bless
bendicin f. blessing
bendito, -a blessed
benevolencia f. kindness
benigno, -a mild
berza f. cabbage
besar kiss
beso m. kiss
bblico, -a Biblical
bien well, very well, all right; indeed; very; o — or else; no — no sooner
bien m. good; blessing, dear; —es, —es de fortuna property, estate; —es races real estate
billete m. ticket; bill, bank-note
blanco, -a white
blanquear whiten, cleanse
blasfemia f. blasphemy
bobita f. silly girl
boda f. wedding
Bohemia f. the crystal glass manufactured in the neighborhood of Haida and Steinschnau, Bohemia, is world-famous
bola f. ball
bolsillo m. pocket
bolsn m. big purse
bondad f. goodness, kindness
bonito, -a pretty
bordar embroider
borrar erase, wipe out
borrico m. donkey
bosque m. wood
Brasil, el m. Brazil
bravsimo splendid! fine!
bravo, -a wild; courageous
brazo m. arm
breve short, brief
bribn m., -ona f. rascal, scoundrel, wretch
brillante brilliant, bright; n.m. diamond
brillar shine
brillo m. show, appearance, brilliancy
bro m. spirit, energy
broma, bromita f. jest, joke
bronce m. bronze
brotar bud, burst forth
brusco, -a sudden
brutalidad f. brutality
bruto, -a stupid, ill-mannered; n.m. brute, beast, stupid
bcaro m. earthen jar
bueno, -a good, kind, good-hearted; fine, nice; estar — be well; —o very well, all right; —o est this is fine
buffet m. (French) refreshments
bulla f. racket, shouting
burla f. joke, trick; mockery, sneer
burlarse (de) make fun (of), jeer (at)
burln, -ona mocking
buscar seek, hunt, look for
butaca f. armchair; orchestra seat (in a theater)
cabal complete, perfect
caballero m. gentleman; sir
caballo m. horse; a — on horseback
cabello m. (a single) hair; pl. hair (of the head)
caber be contained in; be room for; be possible
cabeza f. head; mind; un mala — a scapegrace, wild fellow
cabizbajo, -a dejected
cacicn m. super-boss
cacique m. (political) boss
cada each, every; — cual each one
cadver m. corpse
cadena f. chain
cadete m. cadet, schoolboy
Cdiz Cadiz (the southernmost large city of Spain; an important Atlantic seaport with 70,000 inhabitants)
caer fall; suit; — en notice, think of; II, 485 no haba cado ... I hadn't thought of that
cafetn m. small caf
caja f. box; wrapping
cajn m. drawer; box
calavera m. rake, scapegrace
calcular calculate
calificacin f. description, judgment
calma f. calm
calmar calm
calmoso, -a calm, slow
calor m. heat, warmth; hace — it is hot
calvario m. Calvary, place of torment
calzada f. highway, avenue
calzado m. footwear
callar be silent, keep still; omit to mention, conceal
calle f. street
cambiar change, exchange
cambio m. change, exchange; en — on the other hand
caminata f. trip, journey
camino m. way, road
camisoln m. ruffle (on the neck or bosom)
campana f. bell
campaneo m. sound of bells
campesino, -a m. and f. countryman, countrywoman
campo m. field; country
canalla f. mob, rabble; m. scoundrel
cancelar cancel
candelero m. candlestick
candoroso, -a nave
cangrejo m. crab, crayfish
cansar weary, tire; —se grow tired; trouble oneself
cantar sing; crow; n.m. song
cntaro m. jug, jar
cantidad f. quantity, sum
canto m. song
capa f. cape, cloak
capilla f. chapel
capital m. capital, wealth; f. capital (city)
capitalito m. neat little capital
capricho m. caprice, whim
cara f. face
carantoas f.pl. wheedling, caressing
carbn m. coal
carbonero m. coal
carbonfero, -a carboniferous, coal-bearing
crcel f. jail, prison
carecer de lack, be without
carga f. burden, load
cargamento m. load
cargar load
cargazn f. cargo, loading on
cargo m. burden, duty; care, charge; hacerse — de consider, regard
carguita f. small load
caridad f. charity
carilla f. page
cario m. affection, caress
carioso, -a affectionate
Carlsbad a city in Bohemia with famous hot springs
carne f. meat, flesh
caro, -a dear
carretero m. carter, cart driver, truckman
carro m. cart, coach
carta f. letter
cartera f. wallet, pocketbook
casa f. house; family; firm; a — home; en — at home
casamiento m. marriage
casar marry (trans. and intrans.); —se con marry
casco m. frame, crown (of a hat)
casern m. great old house
casi almost
caso m. case; fact; al — to the point; hacer — de or a pay attention to; I, 445 estar en el — de be the sort of person to
casorio m. (hasty) marriage
casta f. race, family
castaeteo m. clack
castao m. chestnut tree
castigar punish
castigo m. punishment
castillo m. castle
casual casual, result of chance; I, 678 de lo ms — pure chance
casualidad f. chance
catedral f. cathedral
catequizar catechize
caterva f. crowd, mob
catorce fourteen
caudal m. sum, estate, fortune, property
causa f. cause; (law) case; formar — bring suit
causar cause
cauteloso, -a cautious
caverna f. cavern
caviloso, -a distrustful
cebolla f. onion
ceder yield, make over, grant the use of
cegar blind; —se lose control of oneself
celestial heavenly
centella f. lightning; spark; al modo de — very suddenly
cntimo m. centime (1/100 of a peseta, or 1/5 of a cent)
centinela m. and f. sentinel
centro m. center
cermica f. ceramics (the art of pottery)
cerca near, close; — de near, nearby
cercano, -a nearby, close at hand
cerradura f. lock
cerrajera f. locksmith's work or trade
cerrar close, shut, seal
cesta f. (large) basket, hamper
cestilla f. small basket
ciego, -a blind
cielo m. heaven; sky; — mo my darling; el dinero del — charity money
ciencia f. science; knowledge
ciento, cien one hundred; por — per cent
ciertamente certainly
cierto, -a true, certain; a certain; de —o for certain; estar en lo —o be right; por —o to be sure; ser —o be true
cincuenta fifty
cnico m. cynic
cinismo m. cynicism
cintura f. waist
circunstancia f. circumstance
ciudad f. city
civil civil; guardia — rural police
civilmente according to the common law
claridad f. light; clearness
clarito perfectly plain
claro, -a clear, evident; plain-spoken; bright; —o of course
clase f. kind, class, rank
claustrado, -a cloistered, (of a patio) having an arcaded walk about the sides
claustro m. cloister
clave f. key
clavel m. pink, carnation
clero m. clergy
cobarde cowardly
cobarda f. cowardice
cobrar collect
cocina f. kitchen; cooking, cuisine
cocinero, -a m. and f. cook
coco m. bugaboo, bogy man
coche m. coach, carriage; stage
cochinito m. little pig
coger catch, seize, take; pick
coincidencia f. coincidence
cola f. train (of a gown)
colegio m. college (corresponding in grade to our boarding school)
clera f. anger
coliseo m. theater, playhouse
colocacin f. investment
colocar place, find a position for, invest
colosal tremendous
comanditario: negocio — silent partnership (in which one party furnishes capital but has no share in the management)
combate m. combat
combatir oppose
combinacin f. combination
comedia f. comedy, play
comedimiento m. decency
comer eat; devour; gnaw; dine
comercial commercial
comercianta f. business woman
comerciante m. merchant, dealer
comercio m. commerce, business
cometer commit
comida f. food; dinner
comisin f. commission
como as, like; as if, if; about; — que since; why! to such an extent that
cmo how, how much, what, why; like what; A — dais? For what do you sell...?
comodidad f. comfort
cmodo, -a comfortable, convenient
compadecer, —se de pity, feel sorry for; p.p. pitying
compaero, -a m. and f. companion
compaa f. company
compartir share
compasin f. pity; tener — pity
compasivo, -a pitying, of pity
complacer please, satisfy
completo, -a complete; por —o completely
complicidad f. complicity
comprar buy
compra-y-vende III, 167 going into business
comprender understand
compromiso m. obligation
compungido, -a sorrowful
comn common; por lo — usually
comunicacin f. communication
comunicar communicate
con with, by; — que and so
conceder grant; yield
concepto m. conception, idea, opinion
conciencia f. conscience, consciousness; a toda — very conscientiously
concierto m. concert
concluir finish, conclude; casa concluida a ruined house
concordia f. harmony
condenado m. wretch
condenar, condemn; p.p. confounded
condicin f. condition; disposition; en —es ventajosas at a high rate of interest
conducir conduct, escort, convey
conducta f. conduct
conducto m. channel; por — mo through my hands
conferenciar hold a conference
confesar confess, confess to
confesonario m. confession
confesor m. confessor
confianza f. confidence
confiar (en) trust, hope; p.p. trustful, confident
confirmacin f. confirmation
confirmar confirm, make good
conflicto m. conflict, conflicting emotions, plight
conformarse con agree to
conforme (a) corresponding to, agreeing with; adv. agreed
conformid = conformidad f. agreement
confundir confuse, confound, mingle
confuso, -a confused
conjunto m. union
conmigo with me
conmover affect, stir the feelings of
conocer know, be acquainted with; se conoce it is evident
conocimiento m. acquaintance, knowledge
conquistador m. conqueror (applied chiefly to the Spanish explorers of America)
consagrar devote
conseguir obtain, accomplish; succeed
consentir consent, consent to
conservar keep, still have, preserve; —se be preserved
considerable important, large
consideracin f. consideration, considerateness; importance; de — important
considerar consider; p.p. considerate
consistir consist
consolar console
constante constant, unchanging
consternacin f. consternation
consternado, -a in consternation
consuelo m. consolation
consumar consummate, put into effect, bring about
contar tell, relate; consider; count; — con count upon, rely upon, expect; possess, call one's own
contemplar watch, observe
contener restrain; hold back; contain
contenido m. contents
contentarse be satisfied with
contento, -a satisfied, pleased, happy; n.m. contentedness, happiness
contestacin f. answer
contestar answer, reply
continuar continue
continuo, -a continuous, constant
contra against; en — ma against me
contraer contract
contrariar vex, oppose
contrario, -a opposite, contrary; al —o on the contrary
contratiempo m. setback, disappointment
contratista m. contractor
convencer convince
conveniencia f. convenience
conveniente expedient, desirable
convenio m. agreement
convenir (en) agree (to); be fitting, proper, necessary; suit
convento m. convent
convertir convert
conviccin f. conviction
convidar invite
coquetear coquette
corazn m. heart, affection, courage
cordial cordial
Corinto m. Corinth (an ancient Grecian city); pasa de — currant (the name currant is derived from Corinth whence the fruit is said to have come first)
corona f. crown
coronel m. colonel
corpulento, -a thick, of great girth
corral m. yard, corral
corregir correct, make a correction
correo m. mail
correr run; spread
corresponder correspond; respond, belong
correspondiente corresponding
corretaje m. commission
corriente current, ordinary; — de zurcidos y arreglos all darned and in order
corro m. group, circle
corromper spoil, corrupt; p.p. corrupt
corrupcin f. corruption
corruptela f. abuse
cortadura f. cut, notch
cortar cut, cut short, interrupt; — el paso block the path
corte m. cut; dar un — a put a stop to
corte f. court, capital; hacer la — a court, woo
corts courteous
cortesa f. courtesy
corteza f. bark
cortito, -a very short
corto, -a short, small; —a edad early age; — de entendimiento ignorant, stupid
cosa f. thing, something; poca — not much; pl. whims, ideas; affairs; — de about; era — de arrastrarla she deserves to be dragged by the hair
cosecha f. crop, harvest
coser sew
cosilla f. trifle
costar cost
coste m. cost
costumbre f. habit, custom; de — usual
cotizable quotable, quoted (on the stock exchange)
creador m. creator
crear create
crecer grow, increase; p.p. large, great
crdito m. credit; documento de — commercial paper
creer believe, think
crescendo m. growing louder
criada f. (maid) servant
criado m. servant
criar nurse, bring up
criatura f. creature; child
crimen m. crime
criminal m. criminal
crisis f. crisis, attack
cristal m. glass, window; de —es glassed in
cristalera f. glasswork, glass, glassware
cristiano, -a Christian
Cristo m. Christ; I, 59 — con ella! bless her heart! — con todos! bless my soul! etc. (but in Spanish these are more drastic oaths)
crtica f. criticism
crucifijo m. crucifix
crudeza f. plainness, crudeness
cruel cruel
crueldad f. cruelty
cruja f. row or suite of adjoining rooms
cruz f. cross
cruzar cross, fold
cual which; el, la, lo —, etc., rel. pron. which; cada — each one; — si as if; tal o — such and such a
cul what, which, of what sort
cualidad f. quality
cualquiera, cualquier any, of an ordinary kind; whatever; pron. whoever, any one; often used ironically as V, 18 — la rinde no one can subdue her; n.m. commonplace fellow, anybody
cun how
cuando when; de vez en — from time to time
cuanto, -a as much, as much as, all, all that, whatever; tanto o —o a certain sum; pl. all who; unos —os a few; en —o as soon as; en —o a as for
cunto, -a how much, how many
cuarenta forty
cuarto, -a fourth; a la ——a va la vencida the fourth time cannot fail
cuarto m. quarter; room; copper coin worth four maraveds (i.e., 2/17 of a real or about 2/3 of a cent)
cuatro four; las — four o'clock
cuatrocientos, -as four hundred
cubrir cover
cuchillo m. knife
cuello m. neck
cuenta f. account; bill; sacar — reckon; hacerse — de consider; tener en — consider, take into account
cuentecita f. little account
cuento m. story, tale
cuerda f. rope, string; I, 608 se le acab la — she's at the end of her string; V, 25 de esa — of that sort
cuerpo m. body; mass; waist
cuesta f. slope; a —s on one's back
cuestin f. problem, question, dispute
cueva f. cave, den
cuidado m. care, attention; fear; estar al — watch
cuidadosamente carefully
cuidar (de) take care (of), keep; I, 993 do my best; —se pay attention (to)
culpa f. fault, blame, guilt
culpable guilty
cultivar cultivate, foster
cultivo m. cultivation, farming methods
culto, -a cultured; n.m. worship; cult, religion
cumplimiento m. compliment; accomplishment, fulfilment
cumplir fulfil, keep, perform, carry out; complete
cura m. priest
curia f. bar, legal profession
curial legal
curiosear pry around, eavesdrop
curiosidad f. curiosity
curioso, -a curious, strange; inquisitive
curiosn, -ona inquisitive
curita dim. of cura
cursi m. and f. snob, aspirant to high society, newly rich person; one of bad taste
cuyo, -a whose, of which, of whom
Chabls a French city about 100 miles southeast of Paris. In the district near it a famous white wine is produced
charlar gossip, chat
Charlottenbrunn a village in Prussia near Breslau, with alkaline waters
chico, -a little, small; n.m. boy, little fellow; youth, young fellow; pl. children
chiquilla f. child, girl
chiquillo m. child, boy
chopo m. poplar
choque m. shock
dama f. lady
damasco m. damask
dar give; — a open on; me da por I have a liking to; — de s afford; — la mano a help; —se por consider oneself; le ha dado la ventolera she has taken it into her head; lo mismo da it's the same thing
de of, from; in; with; by; than; as
deber owe; ought, should; debe de he must or is to
deber m. duty; en — a owing
dbil weak
debilidad f. weakness
decadencia f. decadence, decay
decidir decide, resolve; (also refl.)
decir say, speak, tell; call; mean; diz it is said; p.p. dicho aforesaid
declaracin f. declaration
declarar declare, make a statement
decoracin f. decoration
decoro m. honor, reputation
decoroso, -a decent, proper
dedo m. finger
defecto m. defect, failing
defender defend, protect
degradar degrade
dehesa f. pasture
dejar leave; let, allow; let alone; give up; —— de fail to; cease to; I, 727 — mal disoblige
delantal m. apron
delante in front (of one); por —— to the fore
delatar report, make known
delicado, -a delicate
delirar be delirious, get foolish
delirio m. madness
delito m. crime
dems remaining; lo —, los — the rest, other; por lo — otherwise
demonio m. devil, demon, deuce; tener los —s en el cuerpo be very sharp
dentro within; — de, por — de within; V, 145 me sale de — it comes natural
deparar grant
depender depend
depravado, -a depraved
derecha f. right hand, right side
derecho, -a right; straight; n.m. right; law
derramar shed
desabrochar unhook, unbutton
desagradable unpleasant
desairar rebuff, repulse
desalentado, -a discouraged; breathless
desaliento m. discouragement
desalojar dispossess, turn out
desaparecer disappear
desarmado, -a unarmed
desarrollarse develop, grow
desarrollo m. development
desastre m. disaster
desatinado, -a foolish, crazy
desazn f. displeasure, worry
descalzo, -a barefoot
descanso m. rest
descarado, -a impudent, impertinent
descarnado, -a undisguised
descasar unmarry
descender descend, alight
desconcertar disconcert, confound; —se become confused
desconfianza f. lack of confidence, distrust
desconfiar distrust, fear that ... not; p.p. distrustful
desconocer be ignorant of; not to recognize; p.p. unknown
desconsolado, -a disconsolate
desconsuelo m. affliction
descontar discount, deduct
descrdito m. discredit
describir describe
descripcin f. description
descriptivo, -a descriptive
=descubierto, -a=uncovered, bare
descubrimiento m. discovery
descubrir discover, find out; reveal, disclose; give away, tell on; uncover; —se take off one's hat
descuidar be easy, not to worry; —se neglect, be careless or slothful
desde from; since; — los diez aos since I was ten years old; — luego at once; of course; — que since
desdn m. disdain
desdicha f. misfortune
desdichado, -a unfortunate, poor
desdoblar unfold
desear wish, desire
desechar put aside
desencantar disenchant, destroy the illusions of
desengao m. disappointment, disillusionment
desenmascarar unmask
desentenderse de pretend not to notice, avoid responsibility for
desenterrar disinter, unearth
deseo m. desire
deseoso, -a desirous
desesperacin f. despair
desfachatado, -a impudent, shameless
desfogar vent, free, relieve
desgracia f. misfortune; por — unfortunately
desgraciado, -a unfortunate
deshonra f. dishonor
deshonrar dishonor
designar indicate, specify
desistir desist
deslumbrar dazzle
desmandado, -a disobedient
desmayo m. fainting
desmedido, -a unusual, excessive
desmentir give the lie to
desmerecer lose merit, decline
desnudo, -a naked, destitute, bare
desobedecer disobey
desolado, -a in despair
desorden m. disorder
despacio m. slowly; at leisure
despechar enrage
despedir dismiss; accompany on departure; —se de take leave of
despejar clear away, clear out; —se clear up, grow bright
despensa f. pantry
despertar(se) wake up
despierto, -a awake
desplegar display
despojar strip, change one's clothes
despotricar (familiar) talk wildly, fly off the handle
despreciar despise
despreciativo, -a scornful
desprecio m. scorn, disdain
desprenderse de take off
despus afterward, later; — de after
destapar uncover, open
destierro m. exile
destino m. destination; position, job (especially in the government service); fate
destrozar lacerate
desvanecerse faint away; p.p. giddy
desvanecimiento m. faintness
desvaro m. extravagance, derangement
desvelado, -a wakeful, watchful
desventura f. misfortune, trial
desvergenza f. impudence
desvivirse por make every effort to
detener arrest, stop; —se stop
determinacin f. resolve
determinar find out, determine, fix, define, decide; —se a make up one's mind to; p.p. specific, certain
detrs (de) behind
deuda f. debt
devocin f. devotion; a su — devoted to him
devolver return, give back, restore
devorar devour, take in silence
da m. day; de — by day, by daylight, daytime; buenos —s good morning
diablo m. devil, the deuce
diablura f. prank, mischief, deviltry
diablico, -a diabolic
diamante m. diamond
dicha f. happiness, good luck
dicho, -a aforesaid
dichoso, -a happy, fortunate; el — arreglo that blessed remodeling
Diego m. James
difunto, -a dead, deceased
dignarse deign, be so good as to
dignidad f. dignity
digno, -a worthy
dilacin f. delay
dilema m. dilemma
diligencia f. diligence
dimonio = demonio
dineral m. mint of money, vast sum
dinerito m. small sum
dinero m. money
Dios m. God; — mo! I declare! oh dear! vaya usted con — good-bye
diputado m. deputy (representative elected to the Congreso)
directamente directly
dirigir direct; —se go toward, go to, address
discpula f. pupil
discrecin f. discretion
discreto, -a discreet, sensible, intelligent
discurrir conceive the idea, think up
disgustar displease, annoy
disgusto m. disappointment, disgust; sorrow, annoyance
disimular dissimilate, disguise
disipacin f. dissipation
disparar fire (a gun); —se burst out; p.p. uncontrolled
dispensar excuse, pardon
displicente surly, cross
disponer dispose, arrange, prepare; — de dispose of, have at one's disposal; —se get ready; p.p. disposed, ready
disposicin f. intention, frame of mind
disputa f. dispute
disputar dispute
distancia f. distance; a — from a distance
distincin f. distinction
distinguir distinguish, favor; p.p. distinguished, of high social station
distinto, -a different
distraer distract, amuse
distribucin f. distribution
distribuir distribute
divagar wander
divertir amuse; p.p. amusing
dividir divide
divino, -a divine
diz see decir
documento m. document; — de crdito commercial paper
dolor m. sorrow, grief
dolorido, -a pained
doloroso, -a painful, full of grief
domar tame, conquer
dominar master, dominate
don don, Mr. (gentleman's title, used only before the Christian name)
donde where; in which, upon which; — quiera wherever
dnde where; por —? which way?
dormir sleep
dos two; a las — at two o'clock
doscientos, -as two hundred
duda f. doubt; sin — surely
dudar doubt, hesitate
duelo m. duel; grief
dueo m. master, owner
dulce soft, sweet; m.pl. sweets, candy
duplicar double
duque m. duke
duquesa f. duchess
durante during
durar last, remain
dureza f. harshness
duro, -a hard, severe; n.m. dollar (five pesetas)
e and (used only before i or hi)
ea! come on! well!
eclesistico, -a ecclesiastic, of the church
echar put forth; drive out; put, put on; throw, cast; — sangre bleed; — a, —se a start to; —se lie down
edad f. age; de — aged
edificar build
edificio m. building, structure
educacin f. education
educar educate
efecto m. effect; fact; en — that is so, in truth, really
eficaz efficacious, efficient
efusin f. effusion
egosmo m. selfishness
egosta selfish
eh! eh! pshaw!
ejemplo m. example, instance; sin — unparalleled
eleccin f. choice, election
electricidad f. electricity
elctrico, -a electric
elegancia f. elegance
elegante elegant
elemento m. element
elevar raise; p.p. high
elogiar praise
elogio m. praise
ello neut. pron. it; — es the fact is
embajada f. embassy
embajador m. embassy
embarcar put aboard a vessel; —se embark
embargo: sin — nevertheless
embarullarse become mixed or confused
embestida f. attack
emblema m. emblem
emocin f. emotion
empalagoso, -a sweet to satiety, insipid
empalizada f. fence
emperatriz f. empress
empezar begin
emplear employ
emplomado, -a leaded (with leaden ribs)
empobrecer impoverish
emprender undertake, begin
empresa f. enterprise
en in, into, on, over, at, to; with; as, like; — esto meanwhile
enamorado, -a (de) in love (with); n.m. lover
enamorarse de fall in love with
enardecerse grow bold
encadenar chain, bind
encaje m. lace
encajera f. III, 106 (assortment of) laces
encantador, -ra enchanting
encantar enchant; fascinate
encanto m. enchantment, charm, delight
encarcelar imprison
encargar charge, order; commission; —se de look after
encargo m. commission, order
encastillarse shut oneself up (as in a castle)
encender light, kindle
encerrar shut up
encima (de) above, on; por — above
encoger shorten, shrink; p.p. timid
encontradizo: hacerse el — pretend to meet by chance
encontrar find, meet; consider; —se be; meet
encubrir conceal
encuentro m. meeting; al — de to meet
enemigo, -a hostile; n.m. enemy
energa f. energy; con — energetically
enfadoso, -a annoying
nfasis m. emphasis
enfermedad f. sickness, disease
enfermo, -a sick
enfrente in front, opposite
engaar deceive, fool
engao m. deception
engordar fatten
engrandecimiento m. betterment
enhorabuena f. congratulation
enigma m. enigma, riddle
enjalma f. light packsaddle
enjundia f. fat, richness
enlazar put one's arm around
enloquecer render insane, bewitch
enmienda f. correction, amendment
enmudecer grow dumb, be silent
ennegrecer blacken
enorgullecer make proud
enredadera f. vine
enredo m. entanglement
enrejado m. trellis
enriquecerse grow rich
ensancharse expand
ensanche m. expansion, enlargement
ensear teach; show
ensueo m. dream, imagination
entender understand; se entiende of course; I, 794 entendido I see
entendimiento m. understanding, mind
enterar inform; —se de learn, find out, inquire into; take note of
entereza f. firmness
entero, -a whole, entire, all
entierro m. burial
entonacin f. intonation
entonces then, at that time; por —, por aquel — at that time
entrada f. entrance
entrar (en) enter, go in, advance; come upon; trans. lead in
entre between, among; — tanto meanwhile
entreabrir half open, push ajar
entrega f. delivery
entregar give over, hand, deliver
entremetido, -a meddlesome
entretener entertain; detain; —se kill time; take pleasure; delay; p.p. diverting; amused
entretenidito, -a (dim. of entretenido) very much absorbed
entrevista f. interview
entrometido, -a meddlesome
entusiasmar rouse to enthusiasm
entusiasmo m. enthusiasm
envenenar poison
enviar send
envidioso, -a envious
envilecer debase
envolver wrap
equipaje m. (also pl.) baggage, luggage
equivocarse be mistaken
ermita f. hermitage
error m. mistake, error
escalera f. stairs, stairway
escalerilla f. small stairway
escandalizarse be scandalized
escndalo m. scandal, rumpus, outrage; armar or dar un — make trouble
escapar escape
escarmiento m. chastisement, merited lesson
escasez f. need, scarcity
escena f. scene, stage
escenario m. stage
escptico, -a sceptical
esclavina f. priest's collar
esclavitud f. slavery
escoger choose, select
esconder hide, conceal; —se lurk, hide, be hidden
Escorial, El m. the Escurial (the enormous monastery erected by Philip II on the east slope of the Guadarrama mountains, thirty miles north-west of Madrid. It is said to contain 16 patios, 2673 windows, 1200 doors, 86 staircases, and 89 fountains.)
escribir write; por escrito in writing
escuchar listen to
escuela f. school
ese, esa that; se, sa, eso that one, that; eso es just so; eso s to be sure, indeed; a eso de at about; por eso on that account
esfera f. sphere
esfuerzo m. effort
esmeralda f. emerald
espacio m. period, space
espalda f. (also pl.) back
espantoso, -a terrific, terrible
Espaa f. Spain
espaol, -la Spanish; el Espaol = el Teatro Espaol the foremost theater of Madrid
esparcir scatter
espectculo m. sight
esperanza f. hope
esperar expect, await, wait (for), hope (for)
espeso, -a thick
espesura f. thicket, dense wood or brush
espritu m. mind, spirit
esplndido, -a splendid
esposo, -a m. and f. husband, wife; —os husband and wife
espuma f. froth, foam
esquela f. note
establecer fix, bring about
establecimiento m. establishment
estacin f. station
estado m. state, condition
estallar burst forth
estancia f. room
estante m. shelves, bookcase, stand
estar be (temporary condition; location)
este, -a this; the latter; ste, sta, esto this one, this; the latter; en esto during this time
Esteban m. Stephen; San — de Gormaz an ancient village on the river Duero, in the province of Soria
estepa f. steppe, barren plain
estimacin f. esteem
estimar value, regard
estimular stimulate, quicken
estipular stipulate
estoico, -a stoic
estola f. stole
estorbar trouble, prevent, be a hindrance, be in the way
estrechar press, grasp, clasp
estrella f. star
estrellar dash against
estrenar play or wear for the first time
estrepitoso, -a loud, noisy
estrujar crush, squeeze
estudiar study, prepare
estpido, -a stupid
estupor m. amazement
eterno, -a eternal
etiqueta f. etiquette, form
evitar avoid
exacto, -a exact
exaltacin f. excitement, passion
exaltado, -a excited
examinar examine
exasperado, -a exasperated
exasperarse become excited
excelente excellent
excepcin f. exception
excesivamente excessively
exceso m. excess
excitado, -a excited
exclamacin f. exclamation
excluir exclude
exhortar exhort
exhorto m. letters requisitorial (request sent by one judge to another)
exigencia f. demand
exigente exacting
exigir require, demand
existencia f. existence, life; pl. stock
existir exist
expansin f. expansiveness
expectacin f. expectation, period of waiting; con — expectantly
expediente m. proceedings, action; procedure
expiacin f. expiation
expiar expiate
expirar expire, die away
explanada f. esplanade, level piece of ground
explicacin f. explanation
explicar explain
exponer expose
expresar express
expresin f. expression
expresivo, -a expressive
exquisito, -a exquisite; extreme
xtasis m. ecstasy
extender extend, stretch, spread
extensin f. expanse
exterior m. exterior
extinguir extinguish; —se die out
extraer extract
extraordinario, -a extraordinary
extraviarse go astray, become lost
extremo, -a extreme; n.m. end, extreme; por — extremely
fbrica f. factory
fabuloso, -a fabulous
faccin f. feature
fcil easy
factura f. bill, invoice
facha f. appearance, look; show, "sight"
fachada f. faade, front
falda f. skirt
falso, -a false
falta f. fault, mistake; omission, failure, lack; hace —— it is necessary or needed; sin —— without fail
faltar go back on, fail, not be present; be lacking, be missing; poco le faltaba he came near
fama f. reputation
familia f. family
familiaridad f. familiarity
fantasa f. imagination
fantstico, -a fantastic
fantasmn m. conceited ass
farolito m. Chinese lantern
farsante m. hypocrite, bluffer
fascinar fascinate, hypnotize
fatalidad f. fatality
fatiga f. weariness; trouble
fatigar fatigue, tire
favor m. favor; por — please
favorecer favor, aid
fe f. faith; buena — good faith
febril feverish
felicidad f. happiness; I, 749 pl. good-bye
feliz happy; fortunate
fenomenal tremendous
feo, -a homely, ugly
feria f. fair, market, holiday
ferial m. market, fair
ferstico, -a capricious, wayward
ferrocarril m. railway
ferviente fervent
fervoroso, -a ardent
festejo m. feast, entertainment
feudalismo m. feudalism
fiar (de, en), fiarse (de) trust (to)
fidelidad f. fidelity
fiera f. wild beast
fierecilla f. little savage
fiero, -a fierce, savage
fiesta f. fte, celebration, holiday; hacer —s a caress, play with
figura f. figure, form, appearance
figurar figure, appear; —se imagine, fancy, suppose
fijamente fixedly
fijar fix; —se become fixed; —se en notice
fijo, -a fixed, unchanging; de — surely
Filomena f. Philomena
fin m. end, object; al — finally, at last; en — in short, anyhow; por — finally; a — de, a — de que in order that
finca f. country house
fingir dissemble, pretend; imagine, make up; p.p. feigned
fino, -a courteous, thoughtful; delicate; particular; fine, of good quality
firma f. signature, signing
firmar sign
firme firm, solid; en — solidly
firmeza f. firmness
fisgn, -ona m. and f. prier, questioner
fisgonear pry
fisonoma f. face
flaquear weaken, fail
fleje m. strip of iron, hoop
flojo, -a small, weak
flor f. flower; (fig.) cream
foco m. focus; cluster (of lights)
fogoso, -a impetuous
foie-gras m. (French) fat goose-liver (used for a rich paste)
follaje m. foliage
fomento m. stimulation, fostering; Ministro de — title of one of the cabinet officers in Spain; his duties correspond somewhat to those of our Secretaries of the Interior, Commerce, and Agriculture
fondo m. depth; background; rear of stage
forma f. form; en — in due form
formal formal; serious, conscientious
formalidadf. formality, punctuality
formar form; — causa or proceso bring suit
frmula f. formula, form
formular formulate, draw up
foro m. back (of the stage); rear
fortalecer strengthen
fortaleza f. strength of mind; resistance, endurance; fortress
fortificar strengthen, fortify
fortuna f. fortune; hacer — make one's fortune; bring big money
forzosamente necessarily
fricas = fbricas
Francisco m. Frank
frase f. phrase, sentence
fraude m. fraud
frentico, -a in a frenzy
frente f. forehead; m. and f. front; — a opposite, facing, face to face with; en — de in front of
fresco, -a fresh, brand-new; cool, cold
fro, -a cold; n.m. cold; hacer — be cold (of the weather)
frondoso, -a leafy, shady
fruta f., fruto m. fruit
fuego m. fire
fuente f. spring, fountain; running water
fuera outside; — de outside; — de lo comn unusual
fuerte strong, powerful, vigorous; harsh
fuerza f. strength, force; dint
fugaz fleeting, passing
fundamentar explain, give a reason for
fundamento m. foundation
fundar m. foundation
furia f. fury
furioso, -a furious, raving
furor m. fury
futuro, -a future
gaceta f. gazette, newspaper
galanteo m. intrigue, flirtation, gallantry
galantera f. gallantry
galera f. gallery; veranda
gallarda f. elegance, courage
gallardo, -a, gallant, handsome, confident
gana f. (also pl.) desire; de buena — willingly; de mala — unwillingly; III, 36 es — de they go out of their way to
ganancia f. gain, profit
ganar gain, get, earn; — a win, beat
ganguita f. (dim. of ganga) bit of luck
garanta f. security
garganta f. throat
garra f. claw, clutch
gastar waste, spend, wear, use, keep
gasto m. expense
gaznpiro m. simpleton, booby
generacin f. generation
gnero m. kind, sort; race; cloth, material, goods
generosidad f. generosity
generoso, -a generous, noble; (of wines) rich, heady
gente f. people, folk, persons
gestin f. exertion, effort
gesto m. face, gesture, manner
gigante giant, gigantic; n.m. giant
giorno (Italian, day); a — as bright as day
girar turn, revolve, whirl about; — sobre s turn around
giro m. turn, course
gloria f. glory, heavenly bliss
glorieta f. arbor, bower
gobernacin f. government; Ministro de la — one of the cabinet officers, having in charge local administration, mail and telegraphs, public health, etc.
gobernar govern, manage
gobierno m. government
golpe m. blow, stroke, bang; dar — create a sensation
gordo, -a fat, huge
gota f. drop
gozar (de), (con) enjoy, take delight
gozo m. joy
gozoso, -a joyful
gracejo m. wit
gracia f. attraction, grace, cleverness, wittiness; favor; pl. thanks
gracioso, -a amusing, funny
grande, gran great, large; n. grandee (cf. note to IV, 116)
grandeza f. greatness
grandioso, -a imposing
granjera f. profit, profitable trade
grano m. grain
gratificacin f. tip, gratuity
gratitud f. gratitude
grato, -a pleasing, acceptable
gratuitamente gratis, free
grave serious; low
gravedad f. gravity
gritar shout, shriek, call out
grito m. cry, shout, shriek
grupo m. group
guante m. glove
guapo m. bold fellow
guardar keep, observe; watch, guard; (also refl.) put away, keep
guardarropa m. wardrobe
guardia m. policeman; f. guard; la — civil the rural police
gelo, gela = abuelo, abuela
guerra f. war
guisar cook
guitarra f. guitar
gustar please; no me gusta I don't like
gusto m. pleasure; taste; pl. likes and dislikes; mucho — pleased to meet you; tener — en be glad to
ha = hay; III, 38 — lugar? can I come in?
haber have; impersonal hay, etc. there is, there are; hay que one must; — de hacer have to do, must do, will do, be about to do; dos meses ha two months ago
habitacin f. room, apartment
habituar accustom
habladuras f. pl. gossip
hablar speak, talk; — mal scold
hacer make, do, create, cause; hace ... ago; hace tiempo a long time ago; qu tiempo hace? what is the weather like? —se be made, take place, occur; hace cuatro meses que estoy pidiendo for four months I have been asking; —la buena make a break, get into trouble (cf. note to II, 86)
hacia toward
hacienda f. estate, property; farm, farm lands
hacha f. hatchet
hada f. fairy
hale!: — con ellas go at them
hallar find; —se be
hambre f. hunger; tener — be hungry
harapiento, -a ragged, in rags
hasta up to, as far as; until; even; — que until
hectrea f. hectare (about 2-1/2 acres)
hecho m. fact; deed
hechura f. workmanship; —s de casa homemade model
heredar inherit
herencia f. inheritance
herir wound, strike
hermana f. sister
hermanito m. little brother
hermano m. brother; —s brother and sister, brothers and sisters
hermoso, -a beautiful
hermosura f. beauty
herona f. heroine
herramienta f. tool, instrument
hierro m. iron
hija f. daughter, child
hijita f. little daughter
hijo m. son, child; offspring, result; pl. children
himno m. hymn
hiperblico, -a hyperbolical, exaggerated
hipcrita hypocritical
hipotecario, -a of a mortgage; con garanta —a with collateral security
historia f. story; history
hogaza f. large loaf of bread
holganza f. idleness, leisure
hombre m. man; — de bien honorable man; — de Dios! man alive!
hombro m. shoulder
hondo, -a deep, profound
honra f. honor
honradez f. honesty, fair dealing
honrado, -a honorable, honest
honrar honor; p.p. honest, honorable
honroso, -a honorable
hora f. hour; time; es primera — de la noche it is early evening
horizonte m. horizon
hormigueo m. swarming, movement
horrendo, -a dreadful, hideous
horroroso, -a fearful
hortalizas f.pl. green vegetables
hospitalario, -a hospitable
hostil hostile
hoy to-day
hueco m. hollow, opening
huir (a), (de) flee, run away escape (from); IV, 398 — el cuerpo dodge, avoid conflict
hulla f. soft coal, bituminous coal
humanidad f. humanity
humano, -a human
humilde humble
humillacin f. humiliation
humillante humiliating
humillar humiliate
humo m. smoke; pl. conceit, presumption
hundir sink, crush, plunge; —se sink, be ruined
huracn m. storm
dem (Latin) the same (as that just mentioned), ditto
identificarse con (una idea) seize, catch (an idea)
iglesia f. church
ignominia f. infamy, ignominy
ignorancia f. ignorance
ignorar not to know
igual equal, like, the same; — que just as
igualar equal
iluminar light up, illuminate
ilusin f. illusion
iluso, -a deluded, impractical
ilustre illustrious, noble
imagen f. image
imaginar imagine; intend, think of
imaginativo, -a imaginative, of vivid imagination
imitar imitate
impaciencia f. impatience
impaciente impatient
impvido, -a undaunted, bold
impedir prevent
imperioso, -a imperious
impertinencia f. impertinence
impetuoso, -a impetuous
imponer impose
importancia f. importance
importante important
importar matter
importunar bore, trouble
imposible IV, 74 hopeless
mprobo, -a painful, laborious
impropio, -a (de) unsuited (to)
improvisar improvise
imprudencia f. imprudence
imprudente imprudent
impulsar impel
impulsivo, -a impulsive
impulso m. impulse; dar — set in motion
impune unpunished
in aeternum (Latin) forever
inaudito, -a unheard of, extraordinary
inauguracin f. inauguration
inaugurar inaugurate
incandescente incandescent
incapaz unfit, incompetent
incierto, -a uncertain
incitar urge
inclinacin f. inclination
incluso, -a included, including
incoar begin (a lawsuit)
incomodarse object, take offense; p.p. disturbed, irritated
incontrastable irresistible
inconveniente I, 560 unfortunate; n.m. drawback, objection
incredulidad f. incredulity
incurrir en incur, bring upon oneself
indecente rotten
indecible unspeakable; gozo lo — I take unspeakable pleasure
indicacin f. sign
indicar indicate, suggest, point to; p.p. (medical) indicated
indiferente indifferent
indignacin f. indignation
indignado, -a indignant
indignarse get indignant
indiscrecin f. indiscretion
ndole f. nature, character
indudable undoubted, clear
indulgente indulgent
indulto m. pardon
industria f. industry, business
industrioso, -a industrious
inefable ineffable
inerme defenseless
inesperado, -a unexpected
inexpugnable impregnable
infalible infallible
infamante defaming, dishonoring
infame infamous; n.m. wretch
infantil childish
infeliz wretched, poor, unhappy, unlucky
inferior inferior
infierno m. hades, hell; del quinto — see note to III, 76
infinito, -a infinite; adv. —o infinitely
inflamar inflame
influencia f. influence, political power
influir en influence
informalidad f. unreliability, breach of faith
informar inform
infortunio m. ill luck, misfortune
infundir instil
ingenioso, -a ingenious
ingenuo, -a ingenuous, candid
ingerencia f. interference, meddling
Inglaterra f. England
ingratitud f. ingratitude, act of ingratitude
ingrato, -a ungrateful, disagreeable
ingreso m. money received, amount to one's credit; entrance, admission
iniciar begin, initiate
inicuo, -a iniquitous, wicked
injurioso, -a insulting
injusticia f. injustice
injusto, -a unjust
inmediatamente immediately
inmenso, -a immense
inmvil motionless
inquebrantable unconquerable
inquietar worry
inquieto, -a anxious, restless
inquietud f. restlessness, anxiety
inquilino, -a m. and f. tenant
insano, -a insane
inscribir inscribe, record
inseguro, -a uncertain
insistir insist
insolencia f. insolence
insolente insolent
inspiracin f. inspiration
inspirar inspire
instalar instal, settle
instancia f.: juzgado de primera — lowest court, primary court
instante m. instant, moment; al — at once; por —s every moment
instinto m. instinct
instrumento m. instrument
insuficiente insufficient
insufrible insufferable
intachable stainless
inteligencia f. intelligence, mind
intensidad f. intensity
intenso, -a intense
intentar try
intento m. intention; de — on purpose
inters m. interest
interesante interesting; hacerse el — make oneself an object of attention
interesar interest; —se por take an interest in
interior inner, interior; n.m. interior
interioridad f. private affair
internarse slip in
interrogar question
interrompir interrupt
ntimo, -a intimate
inusitado, -a unaccustomed
intil useless
invencin f. invention, conception, idea
inventar invent
inverosmil improbable
invierno m. winter
invitacin f. invitation
invitar invite
invocar invoke
ir go, be about to; sometimes replaces ser as an auxiliary; —se go away, depart; vase (in stage directions) exit; vaya I declare, well; vaya usted con Dios good-bye; Quin va? Who goes there? I, 364 vaya que ponerte a hablar to think that you should start talking; see also under vaya
ira f. wrath, anger
iracundo, -a angry
irascibilidad f. irritability
irascible irritable
irnico, -a ironical
irreflexivo, -a thoughtless
irrisorio, -a ludicrous
irritar irritate
izquierdo, -a left; f. left hand, left
ja, ja! ha, ha!
Jacinto m. Hyacinth
jactancia f. boasting, conceit
jactancioso, -a boastful
jams never; ever
jamn m. ham
jardn m. garden
jefe m. chief, head; III, 27 chef
Jesucristo m. Christ
Jess m. Jesus; (as an exclamation) Heavens! gracious! — me valga! Heaven save us!
jornal m. day's earnings, wages
Josefita f. Josie
joven young; m. and f. young man, young woman
jovenzuela f. girl of poor appearance
jovialidad f. joviality
joya f. jewel, gem
jbilo m. joy, jubilation, rejoicing
Judas m. Judas; ms falso que — an utter fraud, utterly false
juececillo m. little judge
juego m. game, gambling
juez m. judge
jugar play
juicio m. wits, judgment, decision; tener — be sensible
julio m. July
juntar join
junto, -a near, beside; pl. together; prep. junto a near
juramento m. oath
jurar swear
jurdico, -a legal, juridical
justicia f. justice; forces of the law
justiciero, -a just, with the sternness of a judge
justo, -a just, righteous; exact; adv. -o just so; right
juventud f. youth
juzgado m. court; courthouse
juzgar judge
labio m. lip
laborioso, -a hard-working
lado m. side, direction
lago m. lake
lgrima f. tear
lamentarse complain
lamento m. complaint
lmpara f. lamp
lana f. wool
lanzar utter; —se a enter
lapis-lazuli m. lapis lazuli
largas f.pl.; dar — play for time
largo, -a long
lstima f. pity; pitiful object, wreck; me da — I feel sorry for; le tengo — I feel sorry for him
lastimero, -a sorrowful, sad, regretful
lateral lateral, side
lavar wash, wash away
leccin f. lesson
leer read
legado m. legacy
legtimo, -a legitimate, lawful
lejano, -a distant
lejos far, at a distance
lengua f. tongue, language
lenguaje m. language
lentitud f. slowness
lento, -a slow
lea f. wood, firewood
len m. lion
Len m. Leon
letra f. letter, bill of exchange
levantar raise; —se get up, arise
ley f. law; loyalty; legal standard; de — genuine
leyenda f. inscription, motto
libertad f. liberty
libertar set free, free
libramiento m. order, draft
librar free, deliver
libre free, rid; aire — open air
libro m. book
liga f. garter
ligero, -a light, slight; a la —a hastily
lima f. file
limosna f. alms
limpiar clean, dust
linaje m. lineage, family
lindo, -a fair, pretty, handsome; prosperous
liquidacin f. liquidation, settlement (of an account)
liquidar settle (an account), settle up
lobo m. wolf
local m. place of business, premises
loco, -a mad, wild, foolish
locura f. madness, folly; III, 211 special weakness
lgico, -a logical
lograr succeed, obtain, gain
loquinario m. half-crazy fellow, scatterbrain, loony
lucecita f. little light
lucero m. morning star, bright star
lucir shine, grow light; display; p.p. brilliant
lucha f. struggle
luchar struggle
luego presently, later, very soon; then, therefore; muy — at once; hasta — I'll see you soon
lugar m. place, room; tener — take place
lgubre gloomy
lujo m. luxury, display
lujoso, -a luxurious
lumbre f. open fire, bonfire, kitchen fire
luminoso, -a luminous, bright
luna f. moon
lunes Monday
lustre m. brilliancy, luster, purity
luz f. light
llamamiento m. call, knocking
llamar call; knock, ring; —se be named
llamativo, -a loud
llanto m. weeping; romper en — burst into tears
llave f. key
llegar (a) arrive (at), come (to), reach; happen
llenar fill, comply with
lleno, -a full
llevar carry, bring, carry away; follow; lead, escort; experience, suffer; —se carry off, lead away
llorar cry, weep, mourn
lloroso, -a tearful
madre f. mother
Madrid the capital city of Spain, with about 1,000,000 inhabitants
Madril = Madrid
madrugar rise early; (figuratively) be on the watch
maestro, -a m. and f. teacher, master; adj. masterly
magia f. magic
magnificencia f. magnificence
magnfico, -a magnificent
majo, -a gay, fine looking
mal adv. ill, badly, wrong; n.m. evil, disease, harm; del — el menos I must make the best of it
maldad f. evil, wickedness; trouble
maldito, -a cursed
malhumorado, -a ill-humored
malicioso, -a malicious
malo, -a bad, evil, wrong; weak, wretched, petty, poor
mam f. mother
mampostera f. rubblework
mancha f. spot
manchar stain, disgrace; streak
mandar command, order, send
mandn m. man in power, boss
manera f. manner, way
maniatar handcuff
manifestacin f. declaration, explanation
manifestar declare, express, tell, show
Manila f. Manila; mantn de — see mantn
mano f. hand
manojito m. small bunch
manojo m. handful, bouquet
mansedumbre f. mildness, gentleness
manteca f. butter
mantener keep, maintain; support, pay living expenses
mantilla f. mantilla (lace scarf for the shoulders or head)
mantito m. cloak
manto m. cloak
mantn m. shawl; — de Manila embroidered silk shawl, see note to III, 215
manutencin f. support
maana f. morning; adv. to-morrow; pasado — day after to-morrow
mar m. and f. sea
maravilla f. marvel
maravilloso, -a marvelous
marcha f. march; en — come on
marchar walk, progress, march; —se go away
marfil m. ivory
Mara f. Mary; — Santsima the Holy Virgin
marido m. husband
Mariquita f. dim. of Mara
Mariucha f. (affectionate dim. of Mara) Mollie
marqus m. marquis; pl. marquis and marchioness
marquesa f. marchioness
mrtir m. martyr
martirio m. martyrdom
martirizar torment
mas but
ms more; other; plus; —— bien rather; —— que except; no —— que only; por —— que in spite of the fact that, however much
masa f. mass; I, 849 en —— general
mscara f. mask
matalotaje m. mess
matar kill
materia f. matter, material
material m. stock
matrimonio m. marriage, matrimony
mximum m. maximum
mayor greater, greatest; larger, largest; elder, eldest; head, chief
mayoral m. stage driver
mecnico, -a mechanical
mediador m. mediator, instrument
medianera f. partition wall
mediano, -a medium, moderate, ordinary
medio, -a half; n.m. midst, environment; means
medioda m. noon
medir measure, measure out
meditabundo, -a thoughtful
meditacin f. meditation
meditar ponder, meditate
mejor better, best
mejorar improve
melancola f. melancholy
melanclico, -a melancholy
meloso, -a honeyed
memoria f. memory; de — by heart
mendigar beg
mendigo m. beggar
menester m. need; employment, occupation; haber — need
Menga f. Dominica
mengua f. disgrace, shame
menguado, -a mean, cowardly
menor less, slighter
menos less, least; except; al —, a lo — at least; a — que unless
menosprecio m. contempt
mensaje m. message
mensajero, -a m. and f. messenger
mensual monthly, a month
mente f. mind
mentecato m. fool, imbecile
mentir lie
mentira f. lie; parece — it seems impossible
men m. (French) bill of fare
mercado m. market
mercanca f. merchandise, articles
mercantil commercial
merecedor, -ra deserving
merecer deserve
merienda f. afternoon tea, (light) lunch
mrito m. merit
mesa f. table, desk; — de noche night stand
mesmamente (dialect) even
mesmo = mismo
metlico, -a metallic
meter put, put in, set; —se en enter into, concern oneself with
m me; de — for my part
mi = mira
miedo m. fear
mies f. harvest
mil a thousand
milagro m. miracle
milln m. million
millonaria f. millionairess
milloncejo m. a trifle like a million
mina f. mine
minero, -a mining
ministro m. minister; secretary (in a government cabinet)
minucioso, -a minute, careful
mo, -a my, mine, of mine; el —o, etc. pron. mine; lo —o what is mine
mirada f. glance, look
mirar look, look at; regard, consider; mire usted you see, see here; — por look out for
misa f. mass; — mayor high mass
miserable wretched, in poverty
miseria f. poverty; bits, wretched trifles
misericordia f. mercy
msero, -a wretched
mismo, -a same, very, own, self; lo — the same thing; maana — no later than to-morrow
misterio m. mystery
mitad f. half, middle
mito m. myth; legendary person
mixto, -a mixed; tren — train with freight and passenger cars
mocoso, -a (literally, with running nose) dirty, too young to take care of himself
moda f. fashion
modales m. pl. manners
modelo m. model
moderno, -a modern
modestia f. modesty
modesto, -a modest, requiring little
modista f. dressmaker, modiste
modisto m. ladies' tailor, designer
modo m. way, manner; de otro — otherwise; de — que so that
molestar trouble, pester, irritate; —se put oneself out, trouble oneself
molestia f. trouble, annoyance
momentneo, -a momentary
momento m. moment; al — in a moment, at once; de un — a otro at any moment
monaguillo m. acolyte, assistant in church service
mono, -a m. and f. monkey; adj. pretty, cute
monte m. mountain, wooded hill
Montevideo the capital of Uruguay; 350,000 inhabitants
montn m. heap
morir die
moscn m. bluebottle fly; bore, nuisance, pest
mostrar show, display
mote m. nickname
mover(se) move, stir
movimiento m. movement, gesture; impulse
mozo, -a youthful; n.m. youth; porter, waiter, man of all work; n.f. girl
mozuela f. wench, (country) girl
muchacha f. girl
muchacho m. boy, youth
muchedumbre f. crowd
mucho, -a much, much of a, great; many, many a, long; adv. —o very; hard; —! good! yes indeed! por — que however much
mudar change; —se move
mudo, -a dumb, silent
mueblaje m. furnishings
muebles m. pl. furniture
muela f. molar
muerte f. death
=muesama= f. == nuestra ama, nuesama= madame, mistress
muestrario m. collection of samples, show case
mugriento, -a dirty, greasy
mujer f. woman; wife
mujercita f. III, 170 narrow woman
multiplicar multiply
multitud f. multitude
mundo m. world; todo el — everybody; the whole world
municipal city (used as adj.)
murmullo m. murmur, whisper
murmurar murmur, whisper
muro m. wall
musgoso, -a mossy
msica f. music; empty phrases, nonsense
msico m. musician
mutuo, -a mutual
muy very
nacer be born; arise
naciente growing, newborn
nacimiento m. birth
nada nothing; anything; not at all; at all; —, — never mind; — ms que only; — de carta let's not use a letter
nadie no one; any one
nariz f. nose, nostril
natural natural, native
naturaleza f. nature
navaja f. knife, razor
necedad f. folly
necesario, -a necessary
necesidad f. necessity, need
necesitar need
necio, -a foolish; m. and f. fool
negativa f. refusal
negociar trade
negocio m. business
negro, -a black; n.m. negro
nene m. baby
nervioso, -a nervous
ni neither, nor; not even; — siquiera, — tan siquiera not even
Nicols m. Nicholas
nido m. nest
ningn, ninguno, -a none, not any, not one; no one
nia f. girl, child
nio m. boy, child; pl. children; muy nio very young
nivel m. level
no no, not; — ms only
nobilsimo, -a most noble
nobleza f. nobility, generosity
nocturno, -a night (used as adv.), nocturnal
noche f. night; de — at night, nighttime
nogal m. walnut
nombrar appoint, name, mention
nombre m. name, Christian name
=noramala (= enhoramala)=: =— con= confound ...!
norte m. North; polestar, guiding star; direction
nota f. note, tone; tomar — de take account of
notar observe, notice
noticia f.(also pl.) news; tener — learn
novecientos, -as nine hundred
novedad f. novelty; de gran — the very latest style
noventa ninety
novia sweetheart, fiance, "girl"
novio m. lover, fianc
nube f. cloud
nuevecito, -a brand new
nuevo, -a new; de —o again
nmero m. number
nunca never; ever
o or; — bien or else
obedecer obey
obediencia f. obedience
obispo m. bishop
objeto m. object
obligacin f. duty; debt
obligar oblige, force, compel
obra f. work; deed
obrar act, work, operate
obscuridad f. obscurity, darkness
obscuro, -a obscure, dark
obsequiar entertain, treat
observacin f. observation
observar observe
obstculo m. obstacle
obstante: no — nevertheless
obstinarse persist
obtener obtain
ocasin f. occasion, opportunity
ocultar hide, conceal
ocupacin f. occupation
ocupar occupy, occupy one's attention; —se be occupied, pay attention; —se en look after; p.p. busy
ocurrencia f. occurrence, whim
ocurrir occur, happen
ochenta eighty
ochocientos, -as eight hundred
odio m. hatred
odioso, -a odious
oficialidad f. body of officers
oficio m. trade, profession
oficioso, -a officious
ofrecer offer
odo m. ear; hearing
or hear
ojo m. eye; —! take care!
ola f. wave
olvidar, —se de forget
omitir omit
omnipotente omnipotent
opinin f. opinion
oponer oppose; —se a oppose
oportuno, -a happy, fitting
oprimir oppress, weigh down
oprobio m. opprobrium, disgrace
opulento, -a rich
Ora pro nobis (Latin) pray for us (a response; cf. note to III, 224-225)
oracin f. prayer
orar pray
orden m. order, system; f. order, command
ordenar order
ordinario, -a ordinary, common
organizar organize
orgullo m. pride
orgulloso, -a proud
origen m. origin
originar cause
orla f. border
oro m. gold
ostentacin f. show, display
ostentar display
otro, -a another, any other, other; else; different; —a vez again
pa = para
paciencia f. patience
pacfico, -a peaceful, quiet
padecer suffer
padre m. father; pl. parents
pagar pay, repay, pay for; —se de be pleased with; p.p. pleased, tickled
pago m. payment
pas m. country, nation
paiz = parece
paja f. straw
pjaro m. bird; fellow
palabra f. word; floor (turn in speaking)
palabrera f. empty talk
palacio m. palace, mansion
palaciote m. huge house
palmadita f. pat
palo m. stick; blow with cudgel
palo-tarja m. see tarja
palpar feel, feel about
pan m. bread, loaf
pana f. corduroy
pandereta f. tambourine
pantano m. swamp, slough
pao m. cloth
pauelo m. handkerchief; kerchief
pap m. papa, father
papato m. daddy
papel m. paper; stock; part, rle; hacer mal — make a poor appearance; yo no hago —es I don't pretend what isn't so
paquete m. parcel, bundle
par equal, alike; n.m. pair, couple; peer; sin — peerless, unequaled
para to, in order to, for, toward; — m in my opinion; — que in order that; — s to himself, yourself
parlisis f. paralysis
paralizar paralyze
parar stop, stay; end, land, remain; venir a — land; parado en firme stock-still
pararrayos m. lightning rod
parsito m. parasite
parecer appear, seem; refl. resemble; al — apparently
parecido, -a like, resembling; n.m. resemblance
pared f. wall
paroxismo m. paroxysm
parque m. park
prroco m. parish; cura — parish priest
parroquia f. parish
parroquial parochial
parte f. part; place, side; en todas —s everywhere; la mayor — the majority, most
particularmente especially
particular private
partida f. game; lot
partidita f. small amount
partir start, set forth; split
pasa f. raisin; — de Corinto (dried) currant
pasacalle m. passacaglia (name of an old Spanish dance, of a slow and rather solemn nature; now applied to a quick march tune)
pasado, -a past, last; — maana day after to-morrow
pasamanera f. passementerie, lace
pasar(se) pass, come in; happen; undergo, suffer; — de be more than; —lo, —se get along; p.p. last, past
pasear(se) stroll, loiter, walk about
pasin f. passion
pasito m. short step
pasivo, -a passive
paso m. passage; step; right of way; incident; abrir el — make way, clear a path
pastor m. shepherd; — de almas spiritual guardian
paterno, -a paternal
patio m. inner court of a house
pato m. duck
patria f. country, native land
pausa f. pause
pavipollo m. young turkey
pavonearse strut about, put on airs
paz f. peace
pechera f. shirt front
pecho m. breast, chest, bosom
pedacito m. tiny piece
pedazo m. piece; — de brbaro = brbaro
pedido m. order (commercial)
pedir ask, beg, require
pedrera f. jewelry, gems
Pedro m. Peter
pegar hit; stick, glue
peignoir m. (French) wrapper, dressing gown
peine m. comb
peldao m. step
pelo m. hair
pena f. sorrow, trial
penar suffer
penetrante penetrating
penetrar penetrate
penoso, -a painful, hard
pensamiento m. thought
pensar think, intend; expect; consider, think over, think up
pensativo, -a thoughtful
pensin f. pension, board
penuria f. penury, extreme poverty
pea f. cliff, rock
peor worse, worst
pequeo, -a small
perchero m. clothes rack
perder lose; ruin, waste; p.p. wicked, dissolute; loco perdido hopelessly insane
perdicin f. perdition, evil
perdonar pardon, forgive
prfidamente treacherously
perfil m. profile
Perico m. dim. of Pedro
peridico m. newspaper
perla f. pearl
permanecer remain
permiso m. permission
permitir permit
pero but
perpetuo, -a perpetual
perro m. dog
perseguir pursue, persecute
persistir persist, continue
persona f. person
personaje m. personage, character
perspicacia f. clear-sightedness
pertenecer belong
pertenencia f. holding, property
perturbacin f. disturbance
perverso, -a perverse
pesar m. sorrow; a — de in spite of
peseta f. peseta (the unit coin of Spain; worth about 20 cents; it is divided into 100 cntimos)
pesimismo m. pessimism
pesimista pessimistic
peso m. weight; dollar
peticin f. asking, request
petitorio m. begging, constant asking
pez m. fish
picar bite, sting; vex; smart; breakup; — alto have lofty aims
picarda f. malice
picaresco, -a mischievous
pcaro, -a rascally, wretched, confounded, mischievous
pie m. foot; de — standing, able to be about, on foot; I, 80 on their feet; en — standing
piedad f. pity; piety
piedra f. stone, rock, gem
pieza f. piece; play; room
pila f. font; nombre de — Christian name
pintoresco, -a picturesque
pisada f. footstep; footprint; stepping
plceme m. congratulation, felicitation
placer m. pleasure
plano m. plane, projection
planta f. sole of the foot, foot
plantar plant; —se en take one's stand
plata f. silver
plateresco, -a plateresque (a highly ornate style of architecture combined with sculpture; it flourished in Spain in the 16th century)
plaza f. square, market place
plazo m. space or limit of time, time of payment
plebeyo m. plebeian, man of vulgar birth
pleno, -a full
pliego m. sheet, envelope
pluma f. pen; feather
pluvial: capa — cope
poblar people, fill
pobre poor, weak
pobrecillo m. poor fellow
pobrecito m. poor creature
pobreza f. poverty
poco, -a little, few, slight; adv. poco little, not very, not much; — menos que almost; n.m. a little; dentro de — soon; para — faint-hearted
pocho, -a faded, discolored
poder be able, can; no — ms can't stand it longer; no — menos de can't help; n.m. power
poderoso, -a powerful
podrido, -a decayed, rotten
potico, -a poetic
polica f. policing
poltica f. politics
poltico, -a political
polvo m. dust
pollo m. chicken
pompa f. pomp, show, splendor
poner place, put, put on; lay, fix; send; —se put on; become; —se a begin to, set out to; —se en camino start out
poqusimo, -a extremely little
poquito m. bit
por for, through, along, across, on, at, by, to, in, over, on account of; in order to; as; per; referring to; —— qu why; —— malo que however ill; —— si to see whether; in case
porcelana f. porcelain
porque because; in order that
por qu (as n. m.) reason
porquera f. filth; trifle, shabby thing
portal m. vestibule
portalada f. portico; opening
porte m. cost of carriage, freight; —— pagado prepaid
Porto m. a city in Portugal; hence Port wine
poseedor, -ra m. and f. possessor
poseer possess
posibilidad f. possibility
posible possible
posicin f. position
positivo, -a positive
potente powerful
Potos m. a province of Bolivia, famous from its earliest history for rich silver mines
pozo m. well
prctica f. practice
practicable real, capable of functioning
prctico, -a practical
precario, -a precarious
precio m. price
preciosidad f. gem, beauty
precioso, -a charming, beautiful; precious
precipicio m. precipice
precipitar hurl; hasten; —se rush
preciso, -a necessary
preferir prefer
pregonar publish, announce, cry aloud, proclaim
pregonero m. town crier
pregunta f. question
preguntar ask (a question)
premio m. reward
premioso, -a slow, with difficulty
prenda f. garment, article of value
preocupacin f. prejudice, preconception
preocupar worry, concern; —se de concern oneself with, make provision for; p.p. concerned, anxious
preparacin f. preparation
preparar prepare
presencia f. presence
presentar present, introduce; —se appear
presente present; los —s those here present
preservativo m. preservative; conservation
presidio m. fortress; military prison
prstamo m. loan
prestar lend
presteza f. speed, haste
presumir presume, suppose, imagine
presuncin f. presumption
presuntuoso, -a conceited
presuroso, -a hasty, in haste
pretender try, intend, wish
pretendiente m. suitor
pretensin f. intention, expectation; claim, pretension
pretericin f. omission
prevalecer prevail
prevenir warn, inform; provide against, foresee; p.p. ready
prever foresee
previsin f. foresight; en —— de foreseeing
primero, -a first; adv. —o first, at first
primitivo, -a original
primor m. beauty, exquisiteness, beautiful quality
principal principal, leading
prncipe m. prince
principiar begin
principio m. beginning; principle; en un —— at first
prisa f. haste; a —— quickly; dar —— urge to hasten
prisita intensified form of prisa
privacin f. privation
privar deprive
probabilidad f. probability
probar prove, try, try on, test, taste; suit
proceder proceed; n.m. procedure, behavior
procesar try (in court), bring suit against
procesin f. procession; la —— va por dentro (his) thoughts are kept to (him)self
proceso m. suit
procurar try; procure
prodigar lavish
producto m. product
profeca f. prophecy
profeta m. prophet
profetizar prophesy
profundo, -a deep
prohibir forbid
promesa f. promise
prometer promise
prontitud f. promptness
pronto, -a ready, speedy; adv. —o soon, quickly; por de ——, por lo —— provisionally, for the present
propender tend, incline
propiedad f. ownership, property, estate
propietario m. proprietor, owner
propina f. tip, gratuity
propio, -a one's own, private; proper, same; t —— you yourself; —— de befitting, suited
proponer propose
proporcin f. proportion; match
propsito m. aim, intention; a —— by the way; suitable; a —— de speaking of
prorrumpir burst out
proteger protect
protesta f. protest
protestar protest
provecho m. profit
proveer provide
provenir arise, be caused by
Providencia f. Providence
provincia f. province
provinciano, -a provincial
prximo, -a near, nearby, approaching
proyecto m. project, plan
prueba f. test, trial; proof
publicar publish
pblico, -a public; n.m. public
puchero m. pot, pan; stew; pl. pouting, whimpering
pueblo m. people, common people, nation; town
puerta f. door, gate
pues well, then, just so; why! —— no! of course! why not?
puesto p.p. of poner; —— que since; although; n.m. position, post, stand, stall
pulga f. flea
pulso m. pulse, wrist; a —— by strength of hand
puntilla f. lace edging
punto m. point; en —— precisely; al —— at once
puntualidad f. punctuality, promptness
puo m. fist
purgatorio m. purgatory
puro, -a pure; n.m. (Havana) cigar
prpura f. purple
=pus= = =pues=
putrefacto, -a putrid, rotten
que rel. pron. who, which, whom, that; conj. that, for, since, and, when, such that; adv. than, as
qu? what; what a; por ——? why?
quebradero m.: —— de cabeza worry
quedar(se) remain, be left; —— en agree to; —se con keep; por m no ha de —— it shall not remain undone through my fault
quedo, -a soft, gentle, low
quehacer m. errand; duty, occupation
queja f. complaint
quejarse (de) complain (of)
quema f. fire, conflagration; huir de la —— run away from danger, avoid serious difficulties
quemar burn; p.p. vexed
querer wish, desire, be willing; like, love; expect; —— decir mean; yo quisiera I should like; lo que quiera anything; donde quiera wherever; V, 211 quiere ser claims to be; p.p. dear, my dear
=qui= = =quiere=
quiebra f. failure, bankruptcy
quien who, whom, whoever, he who, one who, the one who
quin who; de ——? whose; —— pudiera creer! I wish I could believe!
quin III, 73 = =quieren=
quiera see querer
quinientos, -as five hundred
quinto, -a fifth
quitar take away, remove, take off; esto no quita this doesn't prevent
quiz, quizs perhaps
rabia f. rage
rabiar rage, be wild with anger or spite
Rafael m. Raphael
raz f. root; bienes races real estate
ralea f. race, breed
rama f. branch
rpido, -a rapid
rasgar tear
rasgo m. dash, stroke; trait; I, 87 display of generosity
rasguo m. scratch
raso, -a open, unobstructed, flat; hacer tabla —a de clean away
rastaquoure f. (French) rich adventuress
rastrero, -a low-flying, crawling; abject
ratito m. little while
rato m. time, short time; a —s sometimes, at short intervals
rayito m. small ray
rayo m. ray, shaft, thunder-bolt; ha sido como un —— it was a fearful shock
raza f. race
razn f. word, speech; reason; right; tener —— be right
razonable reasonable
re- (an intensifying prefix) very
real real; royal
real m. a former Spanish copper coin (real de velln) worth 25 cntimos or 5 cents
realce m. luster, relief
realidad f. reality
realizar carry out; cash, convert into cash
realmente really
reanudar renew, resume
reaparecer reappear
rebajar lower, take off, deduct
rebaar scrape
rebelarse rebel
rebelde rebellious; n.m. rebel
rebosar overflow (with)
recado m. message
recamado, -a embroidered
recapitular sum up, go over a matter again
recargar load, burden
recatar conceal
recibir receive
reciente recent
reciprocidad f. reciprocity; en su —— from both parties
recproco, -a reciprocal, mutual
reclamar demand, claim
recluir confine, keep in seclusion
recobrar recover
recoger get, pick up, receive, take charge of; p.p. in seclusion
recogimiento m. silent meditation
recomendacin f. recommendation, influence
recomendar recommend, commend
recompensar reward
reconocer recognize, acknowledge; search through; p.p. grateful
reconocimiento m. scrutiny; recognition
reconstruir reconstruct
recordar remember; remind
recorrer go back and forth on
rectitud f. rectitude, uprightness
rector m. rector, principal
recurso m. resource; pl. means, funds
rechazar reject
red f. net
redentor m. redeemer
Redfern a famous Parisian ladies' tailor
redil m. (sheep)fold
redimir redeem
reducir reduce, bring to terms, overcome one's resistance
reducto m. redoubt
referir relate; —se refer
refinado, -a refined
reflejo m. reflection; reflex, light reflected; —— metlico luster (cf. note to III, 308)
reflexionar en think of, consider
reflexivo, -a meditating
reforma f. reform
refugio m. refuge
refulgente shining, sparkling
regatear haggle
regeneracin f. regeneration
regio, -a royal, regal
registrar search
registro m. registry, record-office
regocijar make rejoice
regocijo m. mirth, hilarity
rehacerse rally, recover oneself
reina f. queen
rer(se) laugh
reja f. iron grating, bars or railing
relacin f. relation; entrar en —es con become on familiar terms with
relajar relax
relato m. narrative
religin f. religion
religioso, -a religious
reloj m. watch
relucir shine
remediar remedy, help; —se de be relieved in
remedio m. remedy; no tiene —— it can't be helped
remesa f. remittance
remoquete m. nickname
remoto, -a remote
rencoroso, -a spiteful, V, 150 capable of expressing hatred
rendir conquer, overcome; —se yield
renegar de refuse
renunciar (a) give up |