Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1
Author: Various
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Next, the position of the louder sound in the series of six was changed, all other conditions being maintained uniform throughout the set of experiments. The series of intervals bore the following relative values: A, 0.900; B, 1.100; all other intervals, 1.000. The louder sound was produced by a fall of 0.875 inch; all others by a fall of 0.250 inch. The louder sound occurred successively in the first, second, third, fourth and fifth positions of the series. In the first of these forms it must of course be remembered that no interval B exists. The results of the experiment are shown in the following table:


Position Apparent Values. Errors. % of Errors Ditto in B A B A T in tot. judg. quant. Series + = - + = - B A B A 1 2 6 6 0 12 12 85.7 85.7 2 2 8 2 1 7 4 10 11 21 83.3 91.6 73.3 91.6 3 1 9 3 1 8 3 10 11 21 76.9 91.6 71.9 91.6 4 1 8 4 2 6 5 9 11 20 69.2 84.6 52.8 84.6 5 0 12 0 0 4 8 12 12 24 100.0 100.0 60.0 100.0 Totals, 4 37 9 6 31 26 41 57 98 82.3 90.7 64.5 90.7

Total judgments, 113; Errors (B = 31), A = 57.

The relatively meager results set forth in the preceding section are corroborated in the present set of experiments. That such a variation of intensity introduced into an otherwise undifferentiated auditory series, while it affects the time-values of both preceding and following intervals, has a much greater influence on the latter than on the former, is as apparent here as in the previous test. The number of errors, irrespective of extent, for the two intervals are: B, 82.3 per cent, of total judgments; A, 90.7 per cent. When the mean and extreme sign displacements are estimated on the quantitative basis given above these percentages become B, 64.5; A, 90.7, respectively—a ratio of 0.711:1.000.

The direction of error, likewise, is the same as in the preceding section. Since the actual values of the two intervals here are throughout of extreme sign—one always greater, the other always less—only errors which lie in a single direction are discriminable. Illusions lying in this direction will be clearly exhibited, since the differences of interval introduced are in every case above the threshold of discrimination when the disturbing element of variations in intensity has been removed and the series of sounds made intensively uniform. In case of a tendency to underestimate B or overestimate A, errors would not be shown. This problem, however, is not to be met here, as the results show; for there is recorded a proportion of 82.3 per cent. of errors in judgment of interval B, and of 90.7 per cent. in judgment of interval A, all the former being errors of overestimation, all of the latter of underestimation.

The influence of position in the series on the effect exerted by such a change of intensity in a single member can be stated only tentatively. The number of experiments with the louder sound in position five was smaller than in the other cases, and the relation which there appears cannot be absolutely maintained. It may be also that the number of intervals following that concerning which judgment is to be given, and with which that interval may be compared, has an influence on the accuracy of the judgment made. If we abstract from this last set of results, the tendency which appears is toward an increase in accuracy of perception of comparative durations from the beginning to the end of the series, a tendency which appears more markedly in the relations of the interval preceding the louder sound than in those of the interval which follows it. This conclusion is based on the succession of values which the proportion of errors to total judgments presents, as in the annexed table.


Percentage of Errors for Each Position.

Interval. I II III IV V B. 83.3 76.9 69.2 (100) Irrespective A. 85.7 91.6 91.6 84.6 (100) of extent. B. 73.3 71.9 53.8 (60) Estimated A. 85.7 91.6 91.6 84.6 (100) quantitatively.

Next, the relation of the amount of increase in intensity introduced at a single position in such a series to the amount of error thereby occasioned in the apprehension of the adjacent intervals was taken up. Two sets of experiments were carried out, in each of which five of the sounds were of equal intensity, while one, occurring in the midst of the series, was louder; but in one of the sets this louder sound was occasioned by a fall of the hammer through a distance of 0.875 inch, while in the other the distance traversed was 2.00 inches. In both cases the extent of fall in the remaining hammers was uniformly 0.25 inch. The results are given in the following table:


Interval B. Interval A. Ratio of Interval 0.875 in. 2.00 in. 0.875 in. 2.00 in. B to Interval A. + = - + = - + = - + = - 1.000 : 1.000 0 6 0 0 4 2 0 5 1 0 0 6 0.909 : 1.000 2 4 0 0 4 2 0 2 4 2 2 2 0.833 : 1.000 0 6 0 0 4 2 4 0 2 1 3 2 0.770 : 1.000 0 6 0 2 2 2 2 4 0 4 0 2 0.714 : 1.000 0 6 0 1 5 0 6 0 0 2 2 2 Totals, 2 28 3 19 8 12 11 7 9 7 14 T.E., T.J., 2 30 11 30 13 30 21 30 and per cent., 6.6% 36.6% 60.0% 70.0%

Interval B in these experiments is of the same duration as all others but that following the louder sound; hence, judgments in the second column are correct.

Again the markedly greater influence of increased intensity on the interval following than on that preceding it appears, the percentage of errors being, for B (both intensities), 21.6 per cent.; for A, 56.6 per cent. Also, in these latter experiments the direction of error is more definite in the case of interval A than in that of interval B.

The influence of changes in intensity on the amount of error produced is striking. Two intensities only were used for comparison, but the results of subsequent work in various other aspects of the general investigation show that this correlation holds for all ranges of intensities tested, and that the amount of underestimation of the interval following a louder sound introduced into an otherwise uniform series is a function of the excess of the former over the latter. The law holds, but not with equal rigor, of the interval preceding the louder sound. So far as these records go, the influence of such an increase of intensity is more marked in the case of interval B than in that of interval A. It is to be noted, however, that the absolute percentage of errors in the case of A is several times greater than in that of B. I conclude that A is much more sensitive than B to such influences, and that there is here presented, in passing from intensity I. to intensity II., the rise of conditions under which the influence of the louder sound on B is first distinctly felt—that is, the appearance of a threshold—and that the rate of change manifested might not hold for higher intensities.

Lastly, the rate at which the sounds of the series succeeded one another was varied, in order to determine the relation which the amount of influence exerted bore to the absolute value of the intervals which it affected. Three rates were adopted, the whole series of sounds occupying respectively 2.50 secs., 2.20 secs, and 1.80 secs. The results are summed in the following table:


Rate: 2.5 secs. Rate: 2.2 secs. Rate: 1.8 secs.

Ratio of Interval B B A B A B A to Interval A. + = - + = - + = - + = - + = - + = -

1.000 : 1.000 2 8 0 0 8 2 0 8 2 0 2 8 0 4 0 0 2 2 0.917 : 1.000 0 8 2 4 6 0 3 8 0 0 8 3 2 2 0 0 2 2 0.846 : 1.000 1 9 0 5 4 1 3 8 0 3 7 1 6 5 0 1 8 2 0.786 : 1.000 1 10 0 11 0 0 6 6 0 7 3 4 6 2 2 2 6 2 0.733 : 1.000 4 2 0 4 0 2 4 6 0 8 0 2 0.687 : 1.000 5 3 1 6 1 2 2 6 0 7 0 1

Totals 4 35 2 20 18 3 21 35 3 20 21 20 20 25 2 18 18 11*

*Transcriber's Note: Original "1".

These results are converted into percentages of the total number of judgments in the following table:


Rate of B A Success. + = - Errors. + = - Errors. 2.5 secs 10 85 5 15 49 44 7 51 2.2 " 36 59 5 41 33 34 33 67 1.8 " 43 53 4 47 38 38 24 62

In the case of interval A the direction of the curve of error changes in passing from Rate II. to Rate III. In the case of interval B the increase is continuous.

This increase in the percentage of error is, further, distinctly in the direction of an accentuation of the overestimation of the interval B, as is shown in the percentage of cases in which this interval appeared greater than the rest of the series for each of the three rates.

If the three rates be combined in the one set of results, the difference in the effects produced on the interval following the louder sound and on that which precedes it becomes again apparent. This is done in the table below.


B A B A Ratio + = - + = - T.E. T.J. % T.E. T.J. % I. 2 20 2 0 12 12 2 24 8.5 12 24 50.0 II. 5 18 2 4 16 5 5 25 20.0 21 25 84.4 III. 10 22 0 9 19 4 10 32 31.0 23 32 72.0 IV. 13 18 2 20 9 8 13 33 39.0 17 37 46.0 V. 8 8 0 12 0 4 8 16 50.0 4 16 25.0 VI. 7 9 1 13 1 3 7 17 41.0 4 17 24.0

The overestimation of the interval before the louder sound also tends to increase in extent with the actual increase in duration of the interval following that sound over the other intervals of the series.

Thus, the form which the sensible time-relations of such a limited series of sounds present is found to be intimately dependent on the intensive preponderance of certain elements within it, on the degree of increased stress which such elements receive, on their local position in the series, and on the rate at which the stimulations succeed one another. The knowledge of these facts prepares us for the whole series of relations manifested in the special quantitative investigations reported in the sections which follow. In the first of these is presented the time-relations obtaining among the successive reactions of the various rhythm types discussed in the preceding division of this part, the section, namely, on the distribution of intensities.

In the first group of reactions the series was not to be consciously accented, nor to be divided into groups by the introduction of pauses. The reactor was required only to conceive it as a succession of two-beat groups continuously repeated, the way in which the groups should be defined, whether by counting or otherwise, being left to his own discretion. The experimental group was composed of five subjects.

The following table presents the quantitative results of an analysis of the material in series of ten successive pairs of reactions, upon the basis of unity as the value of the first element.


Quantities. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Whole Meas., 1.000 0.894 1.035 0.912 1.000 0.877 1.070 0.877 1.070 0.841 First Inter., 1.000 1.142 1.071 1.142 1.000 1.285 1.000 1.214 1.000 1.214 Second Inter., 1.000 0.837 1.023 0.860 1.000 0.744 1.093 0.767 1.093 0.790

Within the limits of the calculation no progressive change appears, either of acceleration or of retardation, whether in general or on the part of individual reactors. In narrower ranges the inconstancy of the periods is very marked, and their variations of clearly defined rhythmical character. The duration of the total measures of two beats is throughout alternately longer and shorter, the average of their values presenting a ratio of 1.000:0.847. The order of this arrangement, namely, that the longer period precedes the shorter in the larger group, is drawn from the fact that measurements consistently began with the initial reaction of the series.

An analysis of the constituent intervals of the unit group, as shown in the second and third lines of the table, reveals the existence of a complex subordinate rhythm. The two components of the rhythmical group do not increase and decrease concomitantly in temporal value in composing the alternate long and short measures of the fluent rhythm. The movement involves a double compensating rhythmical change, in which the two elements are simultaneously in opposite phases to each other. A measure which presents a major first interval contains always a minor second; one introduced by a minor first concludes with a major second. The ratios of these two series of periodic variations must themselves manifestly be different. Their values are, for the first interval of the measure, 1.000:1.214; and for the second interval, 1.000:0.764. The greater rhythmical differentiation marks the second of the two intervals; on the variations of this second interval, therefore, depends the appearance of that larger rhythm which characterizes the series. The ratios of these primary intervals are less consistently maintained than are those of the rhythmical measures built out of them. It will be noted that in both intervals there is a tendency for the value of the difference between those of alternate groups to increase as the tapping progresses. This change I have interpreted as indicative of a progressive definition in the process of rhythmization, depending on an increase in cooerdination and differentiation of the reactions as the series advances.

A simple stress on alternate elements was next introduced in the series, forming a simple trochaic measure repeated without interruption. The quantitative results follow, arranged as in the preceding experiment.


Quantity. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Measure, 1.000 1.035 1.070 1.035 1.087 1.070 1.071 1.052 1.070 1.070 1st Int., 1.000 1.000 1.111 1.000 1.055 1.111 1.166 1.111 1.111 1.111 2d Int., 1.000 1.025 1.051 1.051 1.102 1.051 1.025 1.025 1.051 1.051

Here again there is no progressive acceleration or retardation. The rhythmical differentiation of alternate measures is very slight—the average ratio of the first to the second being 1.000:0.993—but is of the same type as in the preceding. The excess in the amount of this differentiation presented by the first type of reaction over the second may be due to the presence of a tendency to impart rhythmical character to such a series of reactions, which, prohibited in one form—the intensive accent—finds expression through the substitution for this of a temporal form of differentiation.

In this trochaic rhythm the phases of variation in the constituent intervals of the measure are concomitant, and their indices of differentiation almost identical with each other. Their values are, for the first, 1.000:0.979; and for the second, 1.000:0.995. The higher index is that of the first interval, that, namely, which follows the accented beat of the measure, and indicates that the rhythmical change is due chiefly to a differentiation in the element which receives the stress.

In iambic measures similarly beaten out there is likewise no acceleration nor retardation apparent in the progress of the tapping. The temporal differentiation of alternate measures is of the same extent as in the preceding group, namely, 1.000:0.991. the proportional quantitative values of the measure and its constituent intervals, taken in series of ten successive repetitions, are as follow:


Quantity I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Measure, 1.000 0.979 1.000 0.979 1.020 0.979 0.979 1.020 0.979 0.979 1st Int., 1.000 0.941 0.941 1.000 1.000 0.941 8.082 0.941 0.941 0.941 2d Int., 1.000 1.000 1.032 0.967 1.032 1.000 1.000 1.032 1.000 0.967

The alternation of greater and less duration in the rhythm groups is due to a variation in the time-value of the second interval only, the index of average change in the first member being zero. That is, the greater index of instability again attaches to that element which receives the stress. Though this holds true throughout these experiments, the amount of difference here is misleading, since on account of the smaller absolute value of the first interval the proportional amount of change within it which passes unrecorded is greater than in the case of the second interval.

In general, the larger temporal variations of the trochaic and iambic rhythm forms are too slight to be significant when taken individually. The evidence of rhythmical treatment in such a series of reactions, which is strongly marked in the unaccented form, nevertheless receives reinforcement from these inconsiderable but harmonious results.

The proportional values of the variations in alternate measures for accented and unaccented elements are given in the following table, in which the figures for the trochaic and iambic forms are combined:


Interval I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Accented, 1.000 1.000 1.083 1.000 1.041 1.000 1.083 1.000 1.041 1.000 Unacc. 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.035 1.071 1.000 0.964 1.000 1.000 1.000

It is perhaps worthy of note that in this table a still higher rhythmical synthesis of regular form appears in the accented elements if the figures be taken in series of four consecutive pairs of reactions.

In the group of triple rhythms next taken up—the dactylic, the amphibrachic and the anapaestic—each type presents an increase in the duration of the unit group between the beginning and end of the series, but without any regular curve connecting these terms. Neither the average results nor those of the individual subjects show anywhere a decrease of duration in the progress of the tapping. The proportional results for each of the three rhythm forms, and their averages, are given in the following table.


Rhythm. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Datyl., 1.000 1.062 1.062 1.087 1.087 1.075 1.125 1.112 1.125 1.112 Amphib., 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.069 1.085 1.046 1.046 1.046 1.046 1.035 Anapaes., 1.000 1.012 1.023 1.012 1.037 1.037 1.023 1.059 1.023 1.084

Average, 1.000 1.024 1.036 1.060 1.060 1.060 1.072 1.072 1.072 1.084

When all types and subjects are thus combined the summation of these inconstant retardations presents sharply differentiated terms and a curve uninverted at any point.

A separate analysis of the components of the rhythmical group shows, for the dactylic form, an important increase in duration in only one of the three intervals, namely, that following the element which receives accentual stress. The proportional values for these intervals follow.


Interval. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X First, 1.000 1.153 1.153 1.153 1.153 1.231 1.193 1.193 1.231 1.231 Second, 1.000 0.917 0.917 1.000 0.917 0.917 0.917 0.917 0.917 0.917 Third 1.000 1.000 1.033 1.066 1.055 1.066 1.133 1.066 1.066 1.066

Since the progressive variation does not penetrate the whole measure, but affects only a single constituent having a strongly marked functional character, the process of change becomes unlike that of true retardation. In such a case, if the increase in duration be confined to a single element and parallel the changes in a simultaneous variant of a different order, we should regard them as functionally connected, and therefore interpret the successively greater periods of time occupied by the rhythmical measures as constituting no real slowing of the tempo. The measure of relative tempo in such a case consists in the ratios of the successive durations of the rhythmical units after the subtraction of that element of increase due to this extraneous source. Here, since the increase is confined to that member of the group which receives accentual stress, and since the increase of accentuation is typically accompanied by an extension of the following interval, the changes presented do fulfil the conditions of a progressively increased accentuation of the rhythm group, and to this origin I think it is undoubtedly to be attributed. It is to be noted that the final interval also undergoes a slight increase, while the median suffers a similarly slight decrease in duration as the series progresses.

In the amphibrachic form the changes manifested by the constituents of the unit group are more obscure. No progressive retardation of the accented element is apparent. In the initial and final intervals the difference in duration between the first and last members of the series is small and appears early in the process. If we assume the general application of the laws of change presented in the preceding section, there should be here two influences concerned in the determination of the relations presented, the factors, namely, of position and accent. The falling of the accentual stress on the median interval eliminates one of the two factors of progressive reduction in that element and replaces it by a factor of increase, thereby doing away with the curve of change; while at the same time it decreases the changes which occur in the bounding intervals of the group by removing the accent from the first and by the proximate position of its own accent tending to reduce the last interval.

Under this same assumption there should be expected in the anapaestic form of rhythm an exaggeration of the progressive increase in the final interval, together with a further reduction in the duration of the initial; since from the falling of the accent on the final interval two factors of increase combine, while in the initial, which immediately follows the accented interval in the series, a positive factor of reduction appears. This is actually the type of change presented by the quantitative relations, which are given as proportional values in the following table.


Interval. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X First, 1.000 0.950 1.000 0.950 1.000 0.950 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.050 Second, 1.000 1.100 1.000 1.050 1.100 1.000 1.000 1.050 1.100 1.000 Third, 1.000 1.073 1.073 1.024 1.024 1.122 1.098 1.098 1.098 1.146

Between its first and last terms the first interval shows a departure slightly less than that of the previous rhythm from the rate of change which characterizes the dactylic type; but if the average values of the whole series of intervals be taken in each of the three cases, the progressive reduction will be seen clearly to continue in passing from the second to the third form. The figures annexed give these averages as proportions of the first interval in the series.


1st Av. of Rhythm. Interv. all others. Dactylic, 1.000 : 1.188 Amphibrachic, 1.000 : 1.019 Anapaestic, 1.000 : 1.000

The relations of the various intervals in the three forms are put together here for comparison:


Rhythm. 1st Interval. 2d Interval. 3d Interval. Dactylic, 1.000 : 1.231 1.000 : 1.000 1.000 : 1.066 Amphibrachic, 1.000 : 1.045 1.000 : 1.000 1.000 : 1.054 Anapaestic, 1.000 : 1.050 1.000 : 1.000 1.000 : 1.146

An analysis of the factors of accentual stress and of position in the rhythmical group in isolation from each other, confirms the assumptions already made as to their influence in defining the form of the rhythmic unit. Table XLIV. exhibits the series of temporal changes taking place in accented and unaccented intervals, respectively, for the three forms combined, and therefore independent of position in the group.


Interval. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Accented. 1.000 1.064 1.064 1.064 1.064 1.094 1.094 1.064 1.094 1.129 Unaccented, 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.080 1.040 1.040 1.040 1.040 1.040 1.040

Similarly, in Table XLV. are given the proportional values of the series of intervals in order of their position in the group and independent of accentual stress:


Interval. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X First, 1.000 1.043 1.087 1.043 1.087 1.043 1.043 1.121 1.043 1.121 Second, 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.043 1.000 0.956 1.000 0.956 1.000 0.956 Third, 1.000 1.028 1.028 1.055 1.028 1.083 1.083 1.083 1.083 1.083

The former table makes clear the predominance of the increase in the accented element over the average of all unaccented elements of the series; the latter shows the independence of increase in the initial and final, and of decrease in the median interval, of any relation to the position of the accentual stress. Both the intensive accentuation and the demarcation of successive groups thus appear to be factors of definition in the rhythmic unit. Those types which are either marked by a more forcible accent or separated by longer pauses are more distinctly apprehended and more easily held together than those in which the accent is weaker or the pause relatively less. It would follow that the general set of changes which these series of reactions present are factors of a process of definition in the rhythmical treatment of the tapping, and are not due to any progressive change in the elementary time relations of the series.

The figures for measures of four beats are incomplete. They show an increase in the average duration of the group from first to last of the series in three out of the four forms, namely, those having initial, secondary and final stress.

Of the relative amounts contributed by the several elements to the total progressive variation of the measures in the first form, the least marks those intervals which follow unaccented beats, the greatest those which follow accented beats; among the latter, that shows the greater increase which receives the primary accent, that on which falls the secondary, subconscious accent shows the less; and of the two subgroups which contain these accents that in which the major accent occurs contributes much more largely to the progressive change than does that which contains the minor.

When the phases of accented and unaccented elements are compared, irrespective of their position in the rhythmic group, the same functional differences are found to exist as in the case of triple rhythms. Their quantitative relations are given in the following table.


Phase. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Accented. 1.000 1.103 1.069 1.172 1.241 1.139 1.206 1.310 1.241 1.310 Unacc., 1.000 1.083 1.128 1.169 1.159 1.208 1.169 1.250 1.169 1.169

The cause of the apparent retardation lies, as before, in a change occurring primarily in the accented elements of the rhythm, and this progressive differentiation, it is inferable from the results cited above, affects adjacent unaccented elements as well, the whole constituting a process more naturally interpretable as a functional accompaniment of progressive definition in the rhythmical treatment of the material than as a mark of primary temporal retardation.

The contribution of the several intervals according to position in the series and irrespective of accentual stress is given in the table following.


Interval. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X First, 1.000 1.136 1.136 1.182 1.227 1.227 1.227 1.273 1.318 1.318 Second, 1.000 1.042 1.042 1.125 1.166 1.042 1.042 1.083 1.083 1.166 Third, 1.000 1.150 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.400 1.400 1.450 1.450 Fourth, 1.000 1.059 1.059 1.147 1.179 1.147 1.179 1.294 1.206 1.179

A rhythmical alternation is here presented, the contributions of the first and third elements being far in advance of those of the second and fourth. The values of the minor pair are almost equal; of the major the third exceeds the first. Under the assumption already made this would indicate the existence at these points of nodes of natural accentuation, of which the second marks the maximum reached in the present series.

The determination of relative time-values for accented and unaccented intervals was next sought by indirect experimentation, in which the affective aspect of the experience was eliminated from consideration, and account was taken only of the perception of quantitative variations in the duration of the successive intervals. Proceeding from the well-known observation that if every alternate element of a temporally uniform auditory series receive increased stress, the whole series will coalesce into successive groups of two elements in which the louder sound precedes and the weaker follows, while the interval which succeeds the unaccented sound, and which therefore separates adjacent groups, will appear of greater duration than that which follows the accented element, the investigation sought by employing the method of right and wrong cases with a series of changing time-values for the two intervals to determine the quantitative proportion of the two durations necessary to produce the impression of temporal uniformity in the series.

Two rhythm forms only were tested, the trochaic and dactylic, since without an actual prolongation of considerable value in the interval following the louder sound, at the outset, no apprehension of the series as iambic or anapaestic could be brought about. The stimuli were given by mechanism number 4, the distance of fall being 2/8 and 7/8 inch respectively for unaccented and accented sounds. The series of changes included extreme proportional values of 0.714 and 1.769 in duration of the two intervals. Six persons took part in the investigation. In the following table is given the percentage of cases in which the interval following the unaccented element was judged respectively greater than, equal to, or less than that which followed the accented element, for each of the series of ratios presented by the time-values of the intervals in trochaic rhythm.


Ration of Unaccented to Unaccented Interval Judged to be Accented Interval. + = - 1.000 : 1.769 0.0 per cent. 100.0 per cent 0.0 per cent. 1.000 : 1.571 12.5 " 50.0 " 37.5 " 1.000 : 1.400 22.0 " 56.0 " 22.0 " 1.000 : 1.222 16.0 " 84.0 " 1.000 : 1.118 26.0 " 74.0 " 1.000 : 1.000 61.6 " 38.4 " 1.000 : 0.895 100.0 " 1.000 : 0.800 88.8 " 11.2 " 1.000 : 0.714 100.0 "

The anomalous percentage which appears in the first horizontal row needs explanation. The limit of possible differentiation in the time-values of accented and unaccented intervals in a rhythmical group is characteristically manifested, not by the rise of a perception of the greater duration of the interval following the accented element, but through an inversion of the rhythmical figure, the original trochee disappearing and giving place to an iambic form of grouping, the dactyl being replaced by an anapaest. In the case in question the inversion had taken place for all subjects but one, in whom the original trochaic form, together with its typical distribution of intervals, remained unchanged even with such a great actual disparity as is here involved.

For this group of observers and for the series of intensities taken account of in the present experiment, the distribution of time-values necessary to support psychological uniformity lies near to the ratio 1.400:1.000 for accented and unaccented intervals respectively, since here the distribution of errors in judgment is arranged symmetrically about the indifference point. Overestimation of the interval following the louder sound appears by no means invariable. Under conditions of objective uniformity the judgment of equality was given in 38.4 per cent, of all cases. This cannot be baldly interpreted as a persistence of the capacity for correct estimation of the time values of the two intervals in the presence of an appreciation of the series as a rhythmical group. The rhythmic integration of the stimuli is weakest when the intervals separating them are uniform, and since the question asked of the observer was invariably as to the apparent relative duration of the two intervals, it may well be conceived that the hearers lapsed from a rhythmical apprehension of the stimuli in these cases, and regarded the successive intervals in isolation from one another. The illusions of judgment which appear in these experiences are essentially dependent on an apprehension of the series of sounds in the form of rhythmical groups. So long as that attitude obtains it is absolutely impossible to make impartial comparison of the duration of successive intervals. The group is a unit which cannot be analyzed while it continues to be apprehended as part of a rhythmical sequence. We should expect to find, were observation possible, a solution of continuity in the rhythmical apprehension in every case in which these distortions of the normal rhythm form are forced on the attention. This solution appears tardily. If the observer be required to estimate critically the values of the successive intervals, the attention from the outset is turned away from the rhythmical grouping and directed on each interval as it appears. When this attitude prevails very small differences in duration are recognized (e.g., those of 1.000:1.118, and 1.000:0.895). But when this is not the case, the changes of relative duration, if not too great for the limits of adaptation, are absorbed by the rhythmical formula and pass unobserved, while variations which overstep these limits appear in consciousness only as the emergence of a new rhythmic figure. Such inversions are not wholly restricted by the necessity of maintaining the coincidence of accentuation with objective stress. With the relatively great differences involved in the present set of experiments, the rhythmical forms which appeared ignored often the objective accentuation of single groups and of longer series. Thus, if the second interval of a dactyl were lengthened the unaccented element which preceded it received accentuation, while the actual stress on the first sound of the group passed unobserved; and in a complex series of twelve hammer-strokes the whole system of accentuation might be transposed in the hearer's consciousness by variations in the duration of certain intervals, or even by simple increase or decrease in the rate of succession.[6]

[6] Bolton found one subject apperceiving in four-beat groups a series of sounds in which increased stress fell only on every sixth.

In the experiments on dactylic rhythm the changes introduced affected the initial and final intervals only, the one being diminished in proportion as the other was increased, so that the total duration of the group remained constant. The figures, arranged as in the preceding table, are given in Table L.

The percentage given in the case of the highest ratio is based on the reports of two subjects only, one of them the exceptional observer commented on in connection with two-beat rhythms; for all other participants the anapaestic form had already replaced the dactylic. The distribution of values which supports psychological uniformity in this rhythmic figure lies between the ratios 1.166, 1.000, 0.800, and 1.250, 1.000, 0.755, since in this region the proportion of errors in judgment on either side becomes inverted. The two rhythmic forms, therefore, present no important differences[7] in the relations which support psychological uniformity. A comparison in detail of the distribution of judgments in the two cases reveals a higher percentage of plus and minus, and a lower percentage of equality judgments throughout the changes of relation in the dactylic form than in the trochaic. This appears to indicate a greater rhythmical integration in the former case than in the latter. On the one hand, the illusion of isolation from adjacent groups is greater at every point at which the intervening interval is actually reduced below the value of either of the internal intervals in the dactylic than in the trochaic rhythm; and on the other, the sensitiveness to differences in the whole series is less in the case of the trochee than in that of the dactyl, if we may take the higher percentage of cases in which no discrimination has been made in the former rhythm as a negative index of such sensibility.

[7] The ratios of initial to final intervals in the two cases are, for trochaic measures, 1.400:1.000, and for dactylic, 1.400(to 1.666):1.000.


Ration of Unaccented Unaccented Interval Judged to be to Accented Interval. + = - 1.000 : 2.428 100.0 per cent 1.000 : 2.000 20.0 per cent. 33.3 per cent 46.7 " 1.000 : 1.666 33.2 " 23.9 " 42.9 " 1.000 : 1.400 39.0 " 46.0 " 15.0 " 1.000 : 1.182 60.0 " 37.2 " 2.8 " 1.000 : 1.000 85.4 " 12.2 " 2.4 " 1.000 : 0.846 89.2 " 10.8 " 1.000 : 0.714 100.0 " 1.000 : 0.660 96.0 " 4.0 "

The increase in the number of inverted forms which occur is cooerdinated percentually in the following table with the successive increments of difference between the accented and unaccented intervals of the group:


Rhythm. 2.428 2.000 1.769 1.666 1.571 1.400 1.222 1.182 1.118 1.000 Trochaic, 93.7 74.0 44.2 25.0 25.0 2.9 Datylic, 93.6 54.0 39.4 18.4

These figures are corroborative of the preceding conclusions. The dactylic figure is maintained in the presence of much greater differences in the relative durations of accented and unaccented intervals than is the trochaic. In the latter, inversions not only appear earlier in the series, but become the (practically) exclusive mode of apprehension at a point where not fifty per cent, of the dactyls have suffered transformation. At a certain definite stage in the process the tendencies toward the two forms of apprehension balance each other, so that with the slightest change in direction of attention the rhythmical figure inverts and reverts to the original form indifferently. These points are defined, in the case of the two rhythms here reported on, by the following (or intermediate) ratios: Trochaic-Iambic, (1.400-1.571): 1.000; Dactylic-Anapaestic, (1.666-2.000): 1.000.

The temporal conditions of such equilibrium are a strict function of the degree of accentuation which the rhythm group presents. The location of the indifference point must, therefore be independently determined for each intensive value through which the accented element may pass. Its changes are given for five such increments in the following table, in which the values of the various intervals are represented as proportions of the absolute magnitudes which appear in the first, or undifferentiated series.


Intensive Form. 1st Interval. 2d Interval. 3d Interval. 1/8 1/8 1/8 1.000 1.000 1.000 3/8 1/8 1/8 1.042 1.010 0.948 7/8 1/8 1/8 1.142 1.021 0.862 15/8 1/8 1/8 1.146 1.042 0.808 24/8 1/8 1/8 1.291 1.000 0.708


In the elaboration of higher rhythmical forms the combination of formally identical groups is rather the rule than the exception, since in poetical structures the definition of the metrical form and the maintenance of its proper relations depend on a clear preponderance of its own particular unit-type over local variants. In the experimental investigation of composite rhythm forms the temporal relations of structures presenting such likeness in their constituent groups were first taken up. In the conduct of the research those differences of intensity which are actually expressed and apprehended in the utterance of a rhythmic sequence were uniformly employed. While there is no doubt that a succession of perfectly identical forms would, under the requisite temporal conditions, be apprehended as presenting major and minor phases of accentuation, yet in the expression of rhythmic relations the subordination of accents is consistently observed, and all our ordinary apprehension of rhythm, therefore, is supported by an objective configuration which fulfils already the form of our own subjective interpretation.

The temporal relations of these major and minor phases cannot be considered apart from the index of their respective accentuations. As the distribution of elements within the simple group fluctuates with the changes in intensive accentuation, so does the form of temporal succession in larger structures depend on the relations of intensity in their primary and secondary accentuations. The quantitative values hereafter given apply, therefore, only to those specific intensities involved in the experiment. Two types were chosen, the trochee and the dactyl. The series of sounds was given by successive hammer-falls of 7/8 and 1/8 inch for the major, and 3/8 and 1/8 inch for the minor phase. The distribution of time-values within each group was made on the basis of previous experimentation to determine those relations which support psychological uniformity. These internal relations were maintained unchanged throughout the series of ratios which the durations of the two groups presented. Four subjects took part in the experiment. The quantitative results in the composition of trochaic forms are given in the following tables (LIII., LIV.), the figures of which present, in the form of percentages of total judgments, the apprehension of sensible equality or disparity in the two groups.

In the earlier set of experiments the series of ratios diverged in both directions from unity; in the later it departed in one only, since every divergence in the opposite direction had, in the previous experiments, been remarked at once by the observer. In this second set the series of differences is more finely graded than in the former; otherwise the two sets of figures may be considered identical. Using the equilibrium of errors as an index of sensible equality, the two trochaic groups are perceptually uniform when the temporal ratio of major and minor lies between 1.000:0.757 and 1.000:0.779.


Ratio of Duration 2d Group Judged to be of 1st Group to 2d. + = - 1.000 : 1.250 100 per cent. 1.000 : 1.116 100 " 1.000 : 1.057 100 " 1.000 : 1.000 100 " 1.000 : 0.895 68 " 22 per cent. 1.000 : 0.800 25 " 75 " 1.000 : 0.714 100 per cent.


Ratio of Duration 2d Group Judged to be of 1st Group to 2d. + = - 1.000 : 1.000 100.0 per cent. 1.000 : 0.973 87.5 " 12.5 per cent. 1.000 : 0.870 66.6 " 33.3 " 1.000 : 0.823 33.3 " 22.2 " 44.4 per cent. 1.000 : 0.777 50.0 " 50.0 " 1.000 : 0.735 33.3 " 33.3 " 33.3 " 1.000 : 0.694 33.3 " 66.6 "

In the dactylic form, as in the second trochaic series, ratios varying from unity in one direction only were employed. The results follow:


Ratio of Duration Second Group Judged to be of 1st Group to 2d. + = - 1.000 : 1.000 100.0 per cent. 1.000 : 0.946 62.5 " 37.5 per cent. 1.000 : 0.915 33.3 " 66.6 " 1.000 : 0.895 8.3 " 33.3 " 58.3 per cent. 1.000 : 0.800 40.0 " 60.0 "

As in the preceding case, when relations of equality obtained between the two subgroups, the secondary period in every instance appeared longer than the primary. This prolongation was uniformly reported as displeasing. The distribution of values which here support psychological uniformity lies between 1.000:0.915 and 1.000:0.895, that is to say, the difference of phases is less marked than in the case of the simpler trochaic composite. This is a structural principle which penetrates all rhythmical forms. The difference in the case of both of these composites is less than in the opposition of phases within the simple group, in which for identical intensities and (practically) the same group of observers these presented the ratio 1.000:0.714. It is evident that the relative differentiation of accented and unaccented intervals due to specific variations in intensity is greater than is that of successive groups characterized by similar differences of accentual stress; and if still more extensive groups were compared it would unquestionably be found that a further approximation to equality had taken place.

In the integration of rhythmical groups this subordination of the intensive accents which characterize them is not the sole mechanism of higher synthesis with which we are presented. Another mode is the antithesis of rhythmical quantities through verse catalepsis. Such variation of the rhythmical figure can take place in two directions and in two only: by an increase in the number of constituents, giving what may be called redundancy to the measure, and by a decrease in their number, or syncopation. Each of these forms of departure from the typical figure fulfils a specific rhythmic function which determines its temporal and intensive characters, and its local position in the rhythmical sequence.

(a) Redundant Measures.—The position of such a measure is uniformly initial. On rare occasions individual observers reported an inversion of this order in the earlier portion of the series,[8] but in no case were subjectively formulated series concluded in this way; and when the objective succession ended with the redundant measure the experience was rhythmically displeasing. In accentual stress the redundant measure is of secondary rank, the chief intensity falling upon the shorter, typical groups. Variation from the type does not, therefore, unconditionally indicate a point of accentual stress, though the two are commonly connected.

[8] This was probably due to beginning the series of stimulations with the typical measure. Such beginning was always made by chance.

In regard to the relative duration of the redundant measure the subjective reports indicate a large variability. The dactylic form appears to be slightly longer than the trochaics among which it appears; but not infrequently it is shorter.[9] These variations are probably connected with differences in stress due to the relation which the measure bears to the accentual initiation of the whole series; for this accent apparently may fall either within the redundant measure itself or on the first element of the succeeding >/ > > > group, thus: q q q; q q; , or e e e q q; q q . /

[9] The only form taken up was the occurrence of dactylic measures in trochaic series.

Two rhythm forms were analyzed, the trochaic and the dactylic, the series of sounds being given by hammer-falls of 7/8 and 1/8 inch for accented and unaccented elements respectively. In each experiment full and syncopated measures alternated regularly with each other in continuous succession, giving the forms

> > > > q. q; q % and q. q q; q. % % . / /

The initiation of the series was in every case determined by chance. Six observers took part in the work with trochaic forms, five in that with dactylic. The quantitative results are given in the following tables, in each of which the relations of duration, position and stress are included.


TROCHAIC FORM. Apparent Accentuation Ratio of 1st Second Group Judged to be 2d Group of Second Group. to 2d Group. + = - Final + = - 1.000:1.000 55.5% 44.4% 100% 71.5% 28.5% 1.000:0.946 83.3 16.6% 100 30.0 70.0 1.000:0.895 66.6 11.1 22.2 100 30.0 60.0 10.0% 1.000:0.846 16.6 41.6 41.6 100 40.0 60.0 1.000:0.800 16.6 41.6 41.6 100 40.0 60.0 1.000:0.756 49.9 24.9 24.9 100 40.0 60.0 1.000:0.714 16.6 41.6 41.6 100 20.0 80.0


DACTYLIC FORM. Apparent Accentuation Ratio of 1st Second Group Judged to be 2d Group of Second Group. to 2d Group. + = - Final + = - 1.000:1.000 100.0% 100% 40.0% 60.0% 1.000:0.946 83.3% 16.6% 100 40.0 60.0 1.000:0.895 66.6 33.3 100 20.0 80.0 1.000:0.846 37.5 62.5 100 40.0 60.0 1.000:0.800 100.0 100 40.0 60.0

The syncopated measure, like the redundant, bears to the acatalectic group specific relations of duration, accentual stress, and position in the rhythmical sequence. In position it is final. This relation is independent of the factor of duration, on which the order of elements in the simple measure depends. Even the excessive shortening which occurs in the trochaic form, when the full measure has a duration almost one and one half times as great as the syncopated, brings about no inversion of the order.

In duration the syncopated group is a shortened measure. The amount of reduction necessary to preserve rhythmical proportion with the rest of the sequence is greater in the trochaic than in the dactylic form, as in the relation of accented to unaccented elements in the simple measure it is greater than in the case of the trochaic, a principle of structure which has already been pointed out.

There is similar evidence in beaten rhythms to show that when a full measure is elided, the pause which replaces it is of less value than the duration of a syncopated measure. When trochaic rhythms were beaten out with a distinct pause after each measure, the relative values of the two intervals were 1.000:2.046. Such a pause cannot be equivalent to a suppressed beat and its interval; I regard it as functionally equal to a whole measure. If that value be allowed for the second interval which it possesses in the same rhythm type when no pause is introduced, namely, 1.000:0.920, the first two intervals will have a value—in terms of linear measurement—of 1.93 + 1.77 or 3.70. The value of the suppressed measure would therefore be 2.15, a ratio of acatalectic to elided group of 1.000:0.581.

Iambic rhythm beaten out without separating pauses presents the following ratio between first and second intervals, 1.000:1.054; on the introduction of a pause between the measures the ratio becomes 1.000:2.131. The assignment of these proportional values gives 1.68 + 1.77, or 3.45, as the duration of the first two intervals, and 1.81 for the pause, a ratio of 1.00:0.524.

In continuous dactylic tapping, the values of the successive intervals are 1.000; 0.756; 0.927; with a separating pause their relations are 1.000; 0.692; 1.346. These being analyzed as before, the elided measure will have the relative value of 0.419. This shows a decline in the proportional duration of the elision as the total value of the measure elided increases. There can be little question that this principle applies also to the value of elisions of higher rhythmic structures as well.

In intensity the syncopated measure is a point of increased accentual stress. This relation is not constantly maintained in the trochaic form, in which at one ratio the accent appears reduced;[10] in the dactylic form divergences are all in the direction of an apparent increase in accentuation. In rhythms beaten out the form of succession > . > > was always prescribed (e.g., q. q; q% or q. %; q. q , but not / / either at the subjects' preference), so that no material was there afforded for a determination of the primacy of particular figures; but the results must of course show any tendency which exists toward an increased accentuation of the syncopated measure. It needs but a cursory reference to the statements of these results in Pt. III., B, of this paper, to observe how constant and pronounced this tendency is.[11]

[10] This result is clearly irregular, and is probably due to the effect of accidental variations on a meager series of judgments. The number of these was three for each observer, making eighteen judgments in all the basis of each percentage in the table.

[11] The subjective notes of the observers frequently refer to this as an explicitly conscious process, the nature of the rhythmical sequence requiring a greater stress at that point than elsewhere. Extracts are appended:

Trochaic Syncopation.—"There is almost a necessity for an accent on the last beat." "... an almost imperative tendency to emphasize the final syllable beyond the rest." "The two taps were followed by a pause and then a tap with increased pressure." "This was not satisfactory with any adjustment of time relations so long as the stress of all three beats was the same. In attempting to make them all equal I almost involuntarily fell into the habit of emphasizing the final one."

Dactylic Syncopation.—"In this series it was easy to lay stress on the last (beat) ... this is the natural grouping; I unconsciously make such." "... of these the heavy one (accented syncopation) was much more satisfactory." "It was constantly my tendency to increase the strength of the last tap." "In this it is natural for me to make the final stroke heavy. To make the second group balance the first by equalizing the time alone is less satisfactory than by introducing elements of both time and force." "I felt that the latter part of the rhythm (unaccented syncopation) was lacking in force. Something seemed continually to be dropped at the end of each group."

The reactors frequently repeated the full measure several times before introducing the syncopated measure, which thus brought a series to its close. It will probably be found that in the actual construction of poetic measures the syncopated or partially syncopated foot is systematically introduced coincidently with points of rhythmical or logical pause.

Conclusive evidence of the integration of simple rhythm forms in higher structures is presented by the process of increasing definition which every rhythmical sequence manifests between its inception and its close. This process is manifested equally in the facts of sensory apprehension and those of motor reproduction of rhythm forms. On the one hand, there is a progressive refinement in the discrimination of variations from temporal uniformity as the series of stimulations advances; and correspondingly, the sequence of motor reactions presents a clearly marked increase in cooerdination taking place parallel with its progress. A rhythmical form is thus given to the whole succession of simple measures which are included within the limits of the larger series, a form which is no less definite than that exhibited by the intensive and temporal relations of the rhythmical unit, and which, there can be little doubt, is even more important than the latter in determining the character of the rhythm experience as a whole.

The presentation of experimental results bearing on this point will follow the lines already laid down. Only that part of the material which is derived from the apprehension of sensory rhythm forms can be applied to the determination of this formal curve for the ordinary metrical types and their complications. The facts of progressive cooerdination presented by beaten rhythms are based on the repetition of simple forms only. The completion of the evidence requires a quantitative analysis of the temporal relations presented by the whole sequence of integrated measures which compose the common verse forms: dimeter, trimeter, etc. This matter was not taken up in the present investigation.

The perception of variations in the measures of an iambic pentameter line was first taken up. The series of sounds was produced by the fall of hammer, the distances traversed being, for the accented elements 0.875 inch, and for the unaccented, 0.250 inch. The series was followed by a pause equal to one and a half measures, and was repeated before judgment was made. The time occupied by the series of sounds was 2.62 seconds. The intervals between the successive sounds were adjusted on the basis of previous experimentation concerning the most acceptable relations between the durations of accented and unaccented intervals. Their values were in the ratio 1.000:0.714 for accented and unaccented respectively. The variations were introduced in a single element, namely, the interval following the accented beat of the group, which, in this form of rhythm, is also the inter-group interval. This interval was changed by successive increments of one seventh its original value, or one twelfth the duration of the whole measure. Four such additions were made, the final value of the interval standing to its original duration in the ratio 1.000:0.636. The same series of changes in the duration of the accented interval was made successively in each measure of the pentameter series. In all these experiments the subjects were in ignorance of the character and position of the changes introduced. The results appear in the annexed table.


Position in Series. Percentage Values. Ratios. I II III IV I II III IV 1.000 : 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.000 : 0.874 4 4 4 7 40 40 40 70 1.000 : 0.777 6 6 8 10 60 60 80 100 1.000 : 0.700 6 6 10 10 60 60 100 100 1.000 : 0.636 6 6 10 10 60 60 100 100

In the five horizontal rows on the left of the table are set down the number of times, out of a total of ten judgments, the interval in question was perceived to be greater than the like interval in other groups, under the original relation of uniformity and for the four successive increments. On the right these numbers are given as percentages of the whole number of judgments. These figures show an increase of discriminative sensibility for such changes as the series advances. The percentage of correct discrimination, as it stands in the table, is the same for the first and second positions in the line, but this coincidence is to be attributed to accident, in consequence of the relatively small number of judgments on which the results are based, rather than to a functional indifference in the two positions. I conclude that fuller experiments would show a curve of continuous increase in the number of correct judgments for the whole series of measures here included. If we number the series of ratios given above from one to five, the thresholds of perceptible change for this series of positions, expressed in terms of this numerical series, would be: I., 4.1; II., 4.1; III., 3.9; IV., 3.6.

Secondly, in a series of five trochaic measures, the intervals separating the groups—which in this case follow the unaccented beat—were successively lengthened by increments identical with those employed in the preceding set of experiments. The results are presented in the table below, arranged similarly to the previous one.


Position in Series. Percentage Values. Ratios. I II III IV I II III IV 1.000 : 1.000 0 0 0 0 0.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 1.000 : 0.874 1 1 3 4 16.5 16.5 50.0 60.0 1.000 : 0.777 4 4 5 6 66.0 66.0 83.0 100.0 1.000 : 0.700 6 6 6 6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000 : 0.636 6 6 6 6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

These results are essentially identical with those of the preceding section. The sensitiveness to small differences in duration within the rhythmical series becomes continuously greater as that series proceeds. The thresholds of perceptible change in terms of the numerical series of ratios (as in preceding paragraph) are as follows: I., 4.0; II., 4.0; III., 3.7; IV., 3.6.

Finally, the intensity of the preceding sound was increased as well as the duration of the interval separating it from the following stroke. The measure employed was the trochaic, the interval suffering change was that following the accented beat—in this case, therefore, the intra-group interval. The relations obtaining among the unchanged measures were, as to duration of accented and unaccented elements, 1.000:0.714; as to intensity, 0.875:0.250 inch. Instead of a series, as in the preceding experiments, only one change in each direction was introduced, namely, an increase in duration of a single accented element of the series from 1.000 to 1.285, and an increase of the same element in intensity from 0.875 to 1.875 inch fall. The results are given in the annexed table:


Duration. Stress. Position Interval Following Louder in Series. Judged to be Increased Stress. + = - Times Noted. Not Noted. I. 8 per cent. 92 per cent. 0 per cent. 40 per cent. 60 per cent II. 42 " 50 " 8 " 42 " 58 " III. 57 " 36 " 7 " 54 " 46 " IV. 67 " 26 " 7 " 62 " 38 " V. 30 " 40 " 40 " 60 " 40 "

The figures show that in regard to the discrimination of changes in duration occurring in intervals internal to the rhythm group, as well as in the case of intervals separating adjacent groups, there is a progressive increase in sensibility to variations as the succession of sounds advances. This increased sensitiveness is here complicated with another element, the tendency to underestimate the duration of the interval following a louder sound introduced into a series. The influence of this second factor cannot be analyzed in detail, since the amount of underestimation is not recorded unless it be sufficient to displace the sign of the interval; but if such a quantitative method be applied as has already been described, the results show a continuous decrease in the amount of underestimation of this interval from the first position to the fourth, or penultimate, which presents the following relative values: 92, 66, 50, 40. A phase of rapid increase in the amount of underestimation appears in the fifth or final position, represented on the above scale of relative values by 120. This falling off at the end of the series, which appeared also in previous experiments, can be attributed only to an interference with the functions which the several measures bear in the process of comparison, and indicates that the accuracy of judgment is dependent on a comparison of the measure or element in question with those which follow as well as with those which precede it.

The results presented in the preceding section form the statement of but one half the evidence of higher rhythmical synthesis afforded by the material of the present investigation. We turn now to the second set of results. It deals, in general, with the quantitative relations of rhythmic forms which find expression through finger reactions. Portions of this evidence have already been presented, through motives of economy, in connection with the discussion of the phases of differentiation in intensity and duration which such beaten rhythms manifest. The burden of it, however, is contained in the results of an analysis, form by form, of the proportional mean variations which characterize these types of rhythmic expression. This method has been applied to a study (a) of the characters of the constituent intervals of the unit, in their relation to accentuation and position; (b) of the simple group which these elements compose; and (c) of the forms of higher synthesis manifested by the variations in successive groups. The first of these relations concerns, indeed, only the internal organization of the simple group, and has no direct bearing on the combination of such groups in higher syntheses; but, again for the sake of economy, the items are included with the rest of the material.

The application of such a method, as in all treatment of material by mean variations, involves much labor,[12] and on that account alone the lack of its employment to any considerable extent in previous investigations may be excused; but to this method, as it seems to me, must the final appeal be made, as an indisputable means by which all questions concerning the refined features of rhythmical organization, the definition of units and the determination of the forms in which they enter into larger rhythmic quantities, are to be settled.

[12] In connection with this work some 48,000 individual measurements were made (for the transcription of which I am indebted to the patient assistance of my wife). Half of these were measurements of the intensity of the successive reactions; the other half, of the intervals which separated them. The former series has been employed in obtaining the averages which appear in the section on the distribution of intensities; the latter in that on the distribution of durations. The determination of mean variations was made in connection with the second series only (24,000). These quantities were combined in series of single groups, and in series of two, four, eight and ten groups, and for each of these groupings severally the mean variation of the series was computed.

Of all the possible forms of rhythmic apprehension or expression, the material for such a statistical inquiry is most readily obtainable in the form of a series of finger reactions, and to such material the application of the method in the present investigation has been restricted.

In the first experiment of this group the reactor was asked to tap out a series in which temporal, but not intensive variations were introduced; the strokes were to be of uniform strength but separated into groups of two beats. No directions as to length of pause between the successive groups were given, but the whole form of the groups was to be kept absolutely constant. The reports of the subjects were uniformly to the effect that no accent had been introduced. At a cursory examination no intensive grouping was apparent. These records were the earliest analyzed, when only time relations were in mind, and no measurements were made of variations in strength. Only the mean variations of the intervals, therefore, will here be taken up.

A word first as to the relative value of the two intervals and its significance. The form of a rhythmical series is determined in every part by subordination to principles of strict temporal arrangement. Every suppression of elements in such a series, every rest and syncopated measure has as positive and well-defined a function as have the successive reactions and their normal intervals. If such a pause is made as we find introduced in the present case, its value must be a fixed function of the system of durations of which it forms a part, whether it replace an element in a rhythmical unit, or a subgroup in a higher rhythmical quantity. In general, the value of such a rest is less than the duration of a corresponding full measure or interval. For example, the syncopated forms >q % and >q % % are demonstrably of shorter average duration than the corresponding measures >q q and >q q q ; and the pause occurring at the close of a syncopated line such as that in the middle of a catalectic trochaic tetrameter should be found of less value than that of the regular foot.

In the present instance two reactions are made, a pause follows, then the reactions take place again, and so on. The intervals separating successive groups of reactions thus result from the coalescence of two periods, the interval which would regularly follow the reaction and the additional pause at its close. The value of the latter I interpret as functionally equivalent to a group of two beats and not to a single interval; that is, the rhythm beaten out is essentially quadruple, the second member of each composite group being suppressed, as follows: > q q; % % . \_/

To estimate the proper value of such a rest the average relative duration of first and second intervals was taken in a continuous series of two-beat measures, in which the first member was accented sufficiently to define the rhythmical groups. The ratio was 1.000:0.760. In the present instance the values of the simple initial interval and the composite interval which follows it are, in terms of the linear measurement, 1.55 mm. and 3.96 mm. Assuming the above ratio to hold, the duration of a period which included the second beat-interval and a group-rest should be 1.16 + 1.55 + 1.16 = 3.87 mm. This is slightly less than the actual value of the period, whereas it should be greater. It must be remembered, however, that the disparity between the two intervals increases with initial accentuation, and in consequence the proportional amounts here added for the second interval (1.16 to 1.55) should be greater. This interval is not rhythmically 'dead' or insensitive. The index of mean variation in all reactors is greater for the first than for the second interval (or interval + pause) in the ratio 1.000:0.436, that is, the value of the latter is more clearly defined than that of the former, and the reactor doubly sensitive to variations occurring within it.

An analysis of the variations of these intervals separately in series of four groups reveals a secondary reciprocal rhythm, in which the changes in value of the mean variation at any moment are in opposite directions in the two intervals. These values in percentages of the total duration of the periods are given in the following table.


Interval. 1st Group. 2d. Group. 3d Group. 4th Group. First, 15.4 per cent. 26.4 per cent. 13.8 per cent. 30.3 per cent. Second, 12.4 " 7.0 " 9.6 " 7.5 "

Without measurement of their intensive values, interpretation of these variations is speculative. They indicate that the pairs of beats are combined in higher groups of four; that the differences of mean variation in the first interval are functions of an alternating major and minor accentuation, the former occurring in the second and fourth, the latter in the first and third; and that the inversely varying values of the mean variation in the second interval are functions of the division into minor and major groups, the reduced values of the second and fourth of these intervals being characteristic of the greater sensitiveness to variations occurring in the group pause than to changes occurring within the group.

The fixity of the group is markedly greater than that of the simple interval. In the one case in which the mean variation of the group is greater than that of the elementary period the material involved was meager (five instead of ten repetitions) and the discrepancy therefore insignificant.

The difference in the mean variation of the first and second intervals respectively rises to an individual maximum of 3.000:1.000, and averages for all subjects 2.290:1.000; the fixity, that is to say, of the inter-group interval in this form of tapping is more than twice as great as that of the intra-group interval. The fixity of the larger rhythmical quantities is greater than that of the smaller, whether the relation be between the elementary interval and the unit group, or between the synthetic unit and its higher composite. The average mean variation of the beat intervals exceeds that of the whole group in the relation of 1.953:1.000. The differentiation of larger and smaller groups is less clear. When the material is taken in groups of eight successive beats the mean variation is less in the case of every subject than when taken in fours, in the ratio 1.000:1.521. The comparative values for groups of two and four beats is reversed in two thirds of the cases, yet so that an average for all subjects gives the ratio 1.000:1.066 between groups of four and two beats. The whole series of values arranged on the basis of unity for the mean variation of the beat interval is given in Table LXII.


Proportional. Single Beat. 2-Beat Group. 4-Beat Group. 8-Beat Group. M.V. 1.000 0.512 0.480 0.320

The persons taking part in the investigation were next required to make a series of reactions composed of unit groups of two beats, in each of which the first member received accentuation, a simple trochaic rhythm. In this type the relation of intra-group to inter-group interval remains unchanged. In all subjects but one the mean variation of the first interval exceeds that of the second in the average ratio 1.722:1.000. The amount of difference is less than in the preceding type of reaction. In the former there is presented not an intensively uniform series, but an irregularly rhythmical grouping of intensities, in dependence on the well-defined parallel types of temporal differentiation; in the latter such intensive differentiation is fundamental and constant in its form. Assuming the character of the second interval to remain unchanged, there is in the intensive fixity of the initial accented element, on the one hand, and the alternate assertion of the impulse to accentuation and repression of it in the attempt to preserve uniformity, on the other, an occasion for the difference in the relation of the mean variation of this interval to that of the following in the two cases. It is to be expected that there should be less irregularity in a series of reactions each of which represents an attempt to produce a definite and constant rhythmical accent, than in a series in which such an accent is spasmodically given and repressed.

For a like reason, the difference in value between the mean variations of the elementary interval and the unit group should be less in the case of the positive rhythm form than in that of a series which combines a definite temporal segregation with an attempt to maintain intensive uniformity. The mean variation of the interval is still of greater value than that of the unit group, but stands to it in the reduced ratio 1.000:0.969.

The relations of higher groups present certain departures from the preceding type. In three cases out of five the unit has a greater > . fixity than its immediate compound ( q. q; q q ), with an average / ratio of 0.969:1.072. The original relation, however, is reestablished in the case of the next higher multiple, the eight-beat group, the whole series of values, arranged on the basis of unity for the simple interval, being as follows:


Proportional Single Beat 2-Beat Group 4-Beat Group 8-Beat Group M.V. 1.000 0.969 1.072 0.859

An analysis of the material in successive pairs of two-beat groups revealed a pronounced rhythm in the values of the mean variations of the first and second members of the pair respectively, the fixity of the second group being much greater than that of the first, the mean variation having a ratio for all subjects of 0.801:1.000. The interpretation of this rhythmical variation, as in the preceding reaction series, must be speculative in the absence of quantitative measurement of intensive changes, but is still not left in doubt. The rhythmic material is combined in larger syntheses than the groups of two beats, alternately accented and unaccented, which were avowedly in mind. This secondary grouping appears in at least a measure of four beats, into which the unit group enters as the elementary interval entered into the composition of that unit. In this larger group the initial period, or element of stress, is characterized by a greater mean variation than the unaccented period which follows it. There are present in this first interval two factors of instability: the factor of accent, that element which receives the stress, being in general characterized by a greater mean variation than the unaccented; and the factor of position, the initial member of a rhythmical group, independent of accentuation, being marked by a like excess of mean variation over those which follow it. The interpretation of the latter fact lies in the direction of a development of uniformity in the motor habit, which is partially interrupted and reestablished with the ending and beginning of each successive group, large or small, in the series of reactions.

Further, when the material is arranged with four unit groups in each series, the same relation is found to hold between the first period composed of two unit groups and the second like period, as obtained within these pairs themselves. The mean variation of the first period of four beats is greater than that of the second in the case of all subjects but one, with an average ratio for all subjects of 1.000:0.745. The analysis was not carried further; there is, however, nothing which points to a limitation of the process of synthesis to groups of this magnitude; rather, to judge from the close approximation in definition of the two orders manifested here, there is suggested the probability that it is carried into still higher groupings.

In the next rhythmical type analyzed—the iambic form—that relation of the first to the second interval holds which was found to obtain in the preceding forms. The excess of mean variation in the former over the latter presents the ratio 1.274: 1.000. In amount it is less than in either of the previous types (2.290:1.000 and 1.722:1.000). For here, though both elements have constant relations as accented or unaccented members of the group, the factor of stress has been transferred from the initial to the final beat. Instead, therefore, of combining in a single member, the factors of inconstancy due to stress and to position are distributed between the two elements, and tend to neutralize each other. That the preponderance of irregularity is still with the initial interval leads to the inference that position is a greater factor of inconstancy than accentuation.

Also, the group presents here, as in the preceding forms, a greater fixity than does the individual interval. This relation holds for all subjects but one, the average mean variations of the simple interval and of the unit group having the ratio 1.000:0.824.

In larger groupings irregularities in the relations of higher and lower again occur, and again the greater constancy obtains between the first and second orders of higher grouping (in which for only one subject has the lower group a greater fixity than the higher, and the averages for all subjects in the two cases are in the ratio 1.149:0.951), and the lesser constancy between the unit group and the first higher (in which two subjects manifested like relations with those just given, while three present inverted relations). The whole series of relations, on the basis of unity for the mean variation of the simple interval, is given in Table LXIV.


Proportional. Single Beat. 2-Beat Group. 4-Beat Group. 8-Beat Group M.V. 1.000 0.824 1.149 0.951

There is also presented here, as in the preceding forms, a synthesis of the material into groups of four and eight beats, with similar differences in the fixity of the first and last periods in each. A single subject, in the case of each order of grouping, diverges from the type. The ratio of difference in the mean variations of the first and second members of the groups is, for series of four beats, 1.000:0.657, and for series of eight beats, 1.000:0.770. This indicates a diminishing definition of rhythmical quantities as the synthesis proceeds, but a diminution which follows too gradual a curve to indicate the disappearance of synthesis at the proximate step in the process.

Three-beat rhythms were next taken up and the same method of analysis carried out in connection with each of the three accentual forms, initial, median, and final stress. In these types of rhythm the intra-group intervals are more than one in number; for the purpose of comparison with the final, or inter-group interval, the average of the first and second intervals has been taken in each case.

The results agree with those of the preceding types. The mean variation of the interval separating the groups is less throughout than that of the average group-interval. The ratios for the various rhythm types are as follows:


Rhythm Form. Initial Stress. Median Stress. Final Stress. Ratios, 1.000 : 0.758 1.000 : 0.527 1.000 : 0.658

This relation, true of the average intra-group interval, is also true of each interval separately. Among these ratios the greatest departure from unity appears in the second form which all subjects found most difficult to reproduce, and in which the tendency to revert to the first form constantly reasserts itself. The difference in value of the mean variations is least in the first form, that with initial accent, and of intermediate magnitude in the third form when the accent is final. The contrary might be expected, since in the first form—as in the second also—the factors of stress and initial position are both represented in the average of the first two intervals, while in the third form the factor of stress affects the final interval and should, on the assumption already made concerning its significance as a disturbing element, tend to increase the mean variation of that interval, and, therefore, to reduce to its lowest degree the index of difference between the two phases. That it does so tend is evident from a comparison of the proportional mean variations of this interval in the three forms, which are in order: initial stress, 4.65 per cent.; median stress, 4.70 per cent., and final stress, 7.15 per cent. That the consequent reduction also follows is shown by the individual records, of which, out of four, three give an average value for this relation, in forms having final stress, of 1.000:0.968, the least of the group of three; while the fourth subject departs from this type in having the mean variation of the initial interval very great, while that of the final interval is reduced to zero.

If, as has been assumed, the magnitude of the average mean variation may be taken as an index of the fixity or definition of the rhythm form, the first of these three types, the ordinary dactylic is the most clearly defined; the second, or amphibrachic, stands next, and the third, the anapaestic, has least fixity; for in regard to the final interval, to the average of the first and second and also to each of these earlier intervals separately, the amount of mean variation increases in the order of the accents as follows:


Interval. Initial Stress. Median Stress. Final Stress. First, 5.82 per cent. 9.95 per cent. 11.95 per cent. Second, 6.45 " 7.87 " 9.77 " Third, 4.65 " 4.70 " 7.15 "

In these triple rhythms, as in the two-beat forms, the simple interval is more variable than the unit group, and the lower group likewise more unstable than the higher. The series of proportional values for the three forms is given in the table annexed:


Rhythm Form. Single Interval. 3-Beat Group. 6-Beat Group. Initial Stress, 1.000 1.214 1.037 Median " 1.000 0.422 0.319 Final " 1.000 0.686 0.524

A comparison of the second and third columns of the table shows an excess of mean variation of the smaller group over that of the larger in each of the three forms. It is true also of the individual subjects except in two instances, in each of which the two indices are equal. This proportion is broken in the relation of the primary interval to the unit group in the dactylic rhythm form. A similar diversity of the individual records occurred in the two-beat rhythms.

The same indication of higher groupings appears here as in the case of previous rhythms. Rhythmical variations are presented in the amount of the mean variations for alternate groups of three beats. Chronologically in the records, as well as in dependence on theoretical interpretation, the first member of each higher group is characterized by the greater instability. The amounts of this difference in cooerdination between the first and last halves in series of six beats is set down for the three rhythm forms in the following table:


Stress. First Half. Second Half Initial, 1.000 0.794 Median, 1.000 0.668 Final, 1.000 0.770

These figures are made up from the records of three out of four subjects. In the exceptional results of the fourth subject no mean variation appears in the first half and 6.3 per cent, in the second, making the average for the whole group 1.000:1.023.

There is still other evidence of higher rhythmical grouping than these oscillations in the amount of the mean variation of alternate groups. Exactness of cooerdination between the individual intervals of successive groups might undergo development without affecting the relative uniformity of such total groups themselves. But, throughout these results, an increase in cooerdination between the periods of the whole group takes place in passing from the first to the second member of a composite group. The relation here is not, however, so uniform as in the preceding case. The series of proportional values is given on page 403.


Stress. First Half. Second Half. Initial, 1.000 0.846 Median, 1.000 1.064 Final, 1.000 0.742

Here also the records of three subjects only are involved, the results of the same reactor as in the preceding cases being discarded. Including this, the ratio becomes 1.000:1.016.

The index of mean variation for the individual elements of the group also shows a progressive decrease from first to last as follows:


Stress. Interval I. Interval II. Interval III. Initial, 5.82 per cent. 6.45 per cent. 4.65 per cent. Median, 9.95 " 7.87 " 4.70 " Final, 11.95 " 9.77 " 7.15 "

The relation holds in all cases except that of I. to II. in the rhythm with initial stress. From this table may be gathered the predominance of primacy of position as a factor of disturbance over that of stress. Indeed, in this group of reactions the index of variation for the accented element, all forms combined, falls below that of the unaccented in the ratio 6.95 per cent. : 7.91 per cent.

In rhythms of four beats, as in those of three, the estimation of values is made on the basis of an average of the mean variations for the three intra-group intervals, which is then compared with the final or inter-group interval. As in those previous forms, sensitiveness to variations in duration is greater throughout in the case of the latter than in that of the former. The proportional values of their several mean variations are given in the annexed table:


Interval. Initial Stress. Secondary Stress. Tertiary Stress. Final Stress. Intra-group, 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Inter-group, 0.941 0.775 0.725 0.713

This relation, true of the average of all intra-group intervals, is not, as in the preceding forms, true of each of the three constituent intervals in every case. In the second and fourth forms, those marked by secondary and final stress, it holds for each member of the group of intervals; in the first form it fails for the second and third intervals, while in the third form it fails for the last of the three.

The proportional amount of this difference in mean variation continuously increases from beginning to end of the series of rhythmical forms. This cannot be interpreted as directly indicative of a corresponding change in the definition which the four forms possess. The absolute values of the several mean variations must simultaneously be taken into account. First, then, in regard to the final pause there is presented the following series of values:


Stress. Initial. Secondary. Tertiary. Final. M.V. 6.57 per cent. 9.50 per cent. 4.90 per cent. 15.70 per cent.

A very striking rhythmical alternation in the magnitude of the mean variation thus occurs according as the accents fall on the first member of the subgroups when its amount is smaller or on the second member when it is larger. Further, the cases noted above, the second and fourth forms, in which each of the intra-group intervals is severally of greater mean variation than the final pause, are just those in which the index of mean variation in the final pause itself is at a maximum.

The average mean variations of the earlier intervals thus present changes which are analogous to and synchronous with those of the final pause. Their values in proportion to the whole duration of the intervals are as follows[13]:

[13] In the second line of figures has been added the series of values of the average mean variation for all four intervals of the group.


Stress. Initial. Secondary. Tertiary. Final. M.V. 6.98 per cent. 12.25 per cent. 6.57 per cent. 22.0 per cent. M.V. 6.87 " 11.56 " 6.15 " 20.45 "

Those rhythmical forms having their accentual stress initial, or on the initial elements of the subgroups, are marked by a sensitiveness almost twice as great as those in which the stress is final, or on the final elements of the subgroups.

Finally, if we take the whole series of intervals severally, we shall find that this rhythmical variation holds true of each element individually as it does of their average. The whole series of values is given in the table annexed.


Stress. Interval. Initial. Secondary. Tertiary. Final.

First, 9.57 per cent. 13.23 per cent. 9.00 per cent. 11.45 per cent. Second, 5.53 " 10.60 " 8.70 " 9.00 " Third, 5.83 " 12.93 " 2.00 " 12.90 " Fourth, 6.57 " 9.50 " 4.90 " 7.85 "

It is an obvious inference from these facts that the position of the accent in a rhythmical group is of very great significance in relation to the character of the rhythmical movement. The initial accent gives incomparably greater cooerdination and perfection to the forms of uttered (produced) rhythm than does the final. It is in this sense the natural position of the accent, because on the success and fluency of this cooerdination the aesthetic value of the rhythm depends.

In general, though not so unequivocally, the four-beat rhythms show a progressive increase of stability in passing from the simple interval to the group, and from the smaller group to the larger. The series of values for the four accentual positions follows.


Stress. Single Interval. 4-Beat Group. 2-Beat Group. Initial, 7.27 per cent. 8.20 per cent. 8.17 per cent. Secondary, 11.60 " 9.60 " 6.25 " Tertiary, 3.20 " 3.40 " 2.25 " Final, 10.22 " 6.30 " 6.00 " Average, 8.07 " 6.87 " 5.67 "

Here, as in the preceding rhythmical forms, the most constant relation is that of smaller and larger groups, in which no exception occurs to the excess of mean variation in the former over the latter. The cases in which this relation is reversed are found, as before, in comparing the simple interval with the duration of the unit group; and the exceptional instances are just those, namely the first and third forms, in which the mean variation of this uncompounded interval is itself at a minimum. This means that the simple interval presents a more mobile character than that of the group; and while in general it is less stable than the latter, it is also the first to show the influence of increased cooerdination. Training affects more readily the single element than the composite measure, and in the most highly cooerdinated forms of rhythm the simple interval is itself the most perfectly integrated unit in the system of reactions.

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