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Harper's Young People, 1880 Index - An Illustrated Weekly
Author: Various
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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1880, by


In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.


ACROSS THE OCEAN:— Signing, 233; Frank meets with an Accident—Christmas Dinner, 249; Store-Room—Frank's Fight with "Monkey," 268; Man Overboard, 284; Oiling the outer Bearings, 285; Frank and old Herrick, 300; Captain's Room, 301; Sargasso Sea, 316; Ocean Race, 317; Eclipse, 332; Towed with the Speed of a Locomotive, 332; Gibraltar Fruit Boat, 333; Rock of Gibraltar, 333; Spanish Sailors in a Storm, 345; Malta, 364, 365; Shooting the Water-Spout—In the Suez Canal, 380; Singapore Pilot-Boat, 381; Loading at Singapore, 393; Chinese Fleet, 412, 413; Loading Tea at Hong-Kong, 428; Little Whampoa Steers to Shore, 429; Street of Stairs, Hong-Kong, 429.

Albatross, The, 336.

Alligators, The Moral, 741.

AMERICAN NAVY, THE STORY OF THE:— Battle between the "Bon Homme Richard" and the "Serapis," 545; Decatur and his Men boarding the Gun-Boat, 576; Escape of the "Constitution," 589; The "Constitution" and the "Guerriere," 612; "Essex," "Phoebe," and "Cherub," 628; Commodore Perry's Ships in the Bay of Jeddo, 644; Fight between the "Monitor" and "Merrimac," 656; Sinking of the "Alabama" by the "Kearsarge," 673.

Andre, Capture of—History re-enacted, 744.

Anemone, Sea-, 606.

Angel in the Lilly Family, The (five Illustrations), 757.

Animals, Wild, looking at People in Cages, 29.

Apple-Smellers, 620.

April, 752.

April-fool Rat, 281.

Aquarium, Salt-water, Specimens from a, 604-606; Specimens from a Fresh-water Aquarium, 620.

Aquatic Plants, 620.

Archery—Mohawk Bowmen, 505.

Arctic Regions, Hunting in the, 377.

Artist, The little, 144.

Asleep at his Post, 709.

August, 753.

Aviary, How to make an, 415-16.

Babe in the Woods— "I 'ant to do Home!" 533; Babe in the Wood, 677.

Baby, 228.

Baby King, The, 269.

Bag, Travelling, for Pets, 46.

Ball, Base-, Season, Opening of the, 732.

Balloon Voyage, Charley's, 457.

Balusters, Riding on the, 661.

Baptizing Coptic Babies, 732.

Barnacles, 606.

Barn, A good Time in the, 516.

Barrel, Boys in a—Playing "Hookey," 440.

BATTLES. (See "American Navy, Story of the," and "Old Times in the Colonies.")

BEARS:— Feeding the Twins, 33; "A poor, dood, dead Bear," 537; Polar Bear slain in Defense of her Young, 128; Shooting a Polar Bear, 377; Grizzly Bear and Buffaloes, 448.

Bear-skin, Children Playing on a, 597.

Beetles, An Evening Flight of, 544.

Besieged, 488.

Bessie Maynard on the Bridge, 565.

Bicycle, Boys on a—Breakers Ahead, 408.

Bicycles, The Meet of, at Newport—The young Captain, 481.

BIDDY O'DOLAN:— Mending the Doll, 204; "Bless me! if it isn't Phil Kennedy!" 220; Charley in the Hospital, 244; "Biddy sat down on the Steps by Katy," 260.

Birdie and her little Friends, 192.

Birdie, Little, 101.

BIRDS:— Feeding the Sparrows, 153; Bird's Morning Message, 453; Catching a Canary, 616; Peacock and Lady, 721; The Storm-Petrel, 736.

Bird's Nest adrift, 613.

Birthday Party, Ada preparing for her, 200.

Birthday Pranks, Dick's, 168.

Birthday, Too much, 504.

Boar, wild, Spearing a, 108; Wild Boar at Bay, 193.

Boat-Flies, 620.

Boating, 409.

BOATS:— A Gondola, 253; A cheap Canoe, 351; Bob's Navy, 361; Singapore Pilot-Boat, 381; The 'Longshore Club on its Annual Cruise, 668. (See "Moral Pirates.")

Bo-Peep and Santa Claus, 65.

"Boss" Fish, The—Jeff and Charley fishing before Breakfast, 592.

BOTANY:— Hepatica, 322; Draba Verna, 322.

Bottled Shower-Bath, 504.

Bottle, The Magic, 7.

Boy, Dog, Cat, and Kittens. 488.

Boys, The, and Uncle Josh, 160.

BRAVE SWISS BOY, THE:— "Toni Hirzel hastened out of the Cottage," 1; "As he stood there, leaning on his Alpenstock," 9; "Walter aimed two or three Blows at the Creature's Breast," 18; Watty and his Father hunting, 26; "Let me go," he cried: "I must save my Father!" 34; "He unbuckled the Money-Belt," 43; "Pinned to the Earth by the sagacious Animal," 51; "He wrapped himself in his Dressing-Gown, and walked hastily to and fro," 76.

Breakers Ahead! Boys on a Bicycle, 408.

Buffaloes and Grizzly Bear, 448.

Buffalo Range, Cut off on the, 433.

Bumps, A Study of, 641.

Bunny and Bow-wow, 16.

Bureau Drawers, Children rummaging in, 424.

Butterfly and Flower, 577.

Butterfly on the Track, 149.

Caddis-Worms, 620.

"Caddy leaned against her tall Friend," 132.

Cadet Gray, The Lad in, 405.

Camel and his Rider, The, 577.

Camping out, Ted and Kitty, 681.

Camp Life, 400.

Canary, Catching a, 616.

Canoe, A cheap, 351; Working Plans for a, 352.

Catamaran, A, 617.

CATS:— Pet and her Cat, 82; Cat's Nose out of Joint, 152; Cat and Monkey, 185; Cat and Toy Rat, 200; Cat, Child, and Doll—Ready to move, 356; Old Cat washing the Babies' Faces, 596; Cat, Monkey, and Parrot (five Illustrations), 772, 773.

CAT'S-MEAT:— Preparing the Meat, 256; Starting out, 257; Some down-town Cats, 257; A Charity Cat, 257; The Morning Call, 257; Carlo, 257.

Caught in the Act, 593.

Cavalry reviewed by Infantry, 497.

Centenarian, A young, 24.

Chamois, Battle of the, 272.

Chautauqua Lake, Scenes on and about, 624, 625.

Chestnutting, 4.

Chickens, Feeding the—A Winter Morning, 169.

Chinaman's Pigtail—"Will it ring, Mamma?" 232.

Chinese School, Fun in a, 372.

Chinese Ships, 412, 413.

CHRISTMAS:— Bringing Home Christmas Green, 60; Christmas Puzzle, 61; Bringing Christmas Cheer, 64; Boy and Girl looking at Christmas Presents in a Shop Window, 72; Christmas Tree, What became of the, 77.

Church, Trinity, Ruins of, 181.

Circus at Home, A, 200; Waiting for the Circus, 504.

Claudine's Doves, 633.

Clock, Caddy and the, 132.

Coaching Club, 600.

Coachy—"Bessie recovers the Remains," 729.

Coaster, Wreck of a, 209.

Coasting, Boy and Girl, 46; Coasting on New-Year's Eve, 73; A Wreck, 209.

CONEY ISLAND SKETCHES:— An Island Newsboy—On the Way to the Island—Weighing Baby—The Merry-go-round—A Study of Bumps—The Ponies—Fortunes told and Corns cured, 641.

Constancy (Child and Doll), 396.

'Coon, Frank and the, 700.

Corn, Roasting Ears of, 725.

Cow ("Bossy") Puzzle, 312, 360.

Crabbing—Setting the Net, 521.

Crimson-spotted Newt, 620.

Crows, Two, on a Tree, 321.

Cucuius, How to make a, 680.

Cunningham and Mrs. Day, 384.

Dance in the Kitchen, The, 126.

Dandelion and Child, 421.

Darwinogram, The, 248.

Decatur and his Men boarding the Gun-Boat, 576.

December, 753.

DOGS:— Dog and Toy Rabbit, 16; Dog at School, 56; Dog and Child—Tired out, 112; Dogs treeing a Lynx, 113; Collie and Terrier—"Come out and have some Fun," 164; Dog dropped from Elevator, 188; Dog on Guard, 252; Carlo, 257; The jolly Dog's Practical Joke, 293; Diagram showing Points of a Dog, 402; The two Dogs (Puzzle), 440; Dog and Cats, 560; A naughty little Dog, 584; Matty and the Dog, 597; Dog, Monkey, and Fiddler, 628; Mastiff and Children, 688.

DOLLS:— Dolls' Wedding, 22; "Ain't they lovely?" 49; Mending the Doll, 204; Doll and Child (Constancy), 396; Adele's Doll, with a "Friz," 648.

Donkey, The wayward, 389.

Do you know him? 588.

Draba Verna, 322.

Dragon-Fly, 620.

Dreaming, 252.

Driving in the Park (Driving-Chairs), 136.

Duckling and Frog, 728.

Duck-Weed, 620.

Eagles fighting over a Chamois, 176.

Easter Egg, An, 277; Easter Reverses, 280.

Eclipse, The, 332.

Effie's Wish, 600.

Egg Tombola, The, 120.

Elephant Puzzle, The, 152, 168.

Elephants, The excited, 292.

Elevator, Moses dropping the Dog from the, 188.

Embroidery for Girls (six Figures), 771.

Emu and Zebra Wolves, 224.

Ermine and Brown Rat fighting, 417.

Evelyn, 188.

"Fairy's Brow, A Frown was on the," 96.

Fall Sentiment, A, 32.

Fan, A, 485.

FANCY-WORK:— Glove Case,14; Embroidered Canvas Rug, 38; Travelling Bag for Pets, 46; Crochet Purse, 100; What can be done with a Chestnut, 136; A knitted Scarf, 228; Embroidered Work-Bag, 404; Embroidery for Girls, 771.

Farming, Baby-, 392.

February, 752.

Filbert, 772, 773.

"Fire away!" 125.

Fire-fly Game, The, 216.

First Drop of Bitterness, The, 20.

Fisherman's Luck, 493.

Fish, Gold-, 44; Grass-Fish, 133; A First-of-April Fish, 292; Sticklebacks, 620. (See "Shell-Fish.")

Fishing, 409, 493; Fishing before Breakfast, Jeff and Charley, 592.

Fontinalis, 620.

Fortune-Teller at Coney Island, 641.

Fourth-of-July Nightmare, A, 520.

Fox, Hare, etc., bowling Hoops, 229; Fox, Hare, and Stork skipping, 276; Giving the Babies an Airing, 328; Swinging "Brer Rabbit," 452.

Franklin and his Loaf of Bread, 28; Franklin on his Way to France, 524.

Frank's War with the 'Coons, 700.

French Fair, Scene at a—Cutting the String, 401.

Frog and Duckling, 728.

Frogs throwing Stones at Boys, 536.

Fun in the Woods, 229.

GAMES:— The Fire-fly Game, 216; Tug of War, 704.

Gardener, Jennie and the, 492.

Geese, How the, saved the Baby, 629.

Genius, The little, 13.

Getting acquainted, 660.

Getting weighed, 672.

Ghost Story, Charley Bennet's—"'There it is,' says Barney," 116.

Gibraltar Fruit Boat, 333; Rock of Gibraltar, 333.

Glove Case, 14.

Goat and Dog—"Come on!" 700.

Goat-Carriage and Pigs, 424.

Goats and Sled—"You butter stop!" "You butter get out of the Way!" 120.

Golden Glove, The, 3.

Gold-Fishes, Strange, 44.

Gondola on the Grand Canal, 253.

Good-Night and Good-Morning, 30.

Gossips, The little, 436.

Grandma and Lorenzo—"This Bottle contains the Sudden Remedy," 172; The Lame Monkey, 172; The Two-cent Side Show, 173.

Grandmamma and May, 133.

Grant, General, Children's Welcome to, 97.

Grindstone, Bob turning the, 613.

Gunpowder Plot, A, 632.

Half Afraid, 688.

Hammock, Children in, 509; Girl in Hammock, 609.

Hanging by a Thread, 713.

Hannah Dustin, The Escape of, 601.

Happy as the Day is long, 749.

Hare and Hounds, 93; Hares hunting for Supper, 145; Hare skipping, 276; The Hare and the Badger, 476; The pitiful Hare, 565.

Hat Trick, 360.

Hawk and Rabbit—A Dash for Life, 208.

Hay Field, Riding Home from the, 500.

"Henriette," The Yacht, 76.

Hepatica, 322.

Hetty and Jim, 240.

Hippopotamus, Fight with a, 256.

Hobby-horse Regiment, The, 304.

Home, the old, A Visit to, 321; Home returning, 712.

Hong-Kong, Loading Tea, 428; Street of Stairs, 429.

"Hookey," Playing, 440.

House that Bell built, 117.

Hundred Years Ago, A, 81.

Husking Corn, 741.

Hyenas and Marabous, 385.

Indians hunting for Food, 214; Indians and Red Willow, 273; Indian and Wife in Ox-Cart, 433; Indian shooting into the Air, 464; The young Indians' Gunpowder Plot, 632; Paul Grayson as an Indian, 748. (See "Old Times in the Colonies".)

In Luck—"Biddy held it out in a kind of stupefied Delight," 54.

Jack and the Bean Stalk, A Japanese, 469.

January, 752.

Japanese Wine-Flowers in a Tub, 421; Japanese Children, 532; Japanese Jack and the Bean Stalk, 469; Japanese Pictures, 476, 532, 565, 676.

Jeanie and the Umbrella, 105.

Jelly-Fish, Capture of a, 19; Hydroid from which it grows, 19.

JUAN FERNANDEZ, ISLAND OF:— The Look-out, 528; Cumberland Bay, 529; Crusoe's Cave, 529.

July, 753.

June, 752.

Kate at the Gate, 741.

Kettle, Bess and the, 137.

King, Long live the, 269.

Kites, Boys flying, 329.

Kittens in Basket, 8; Kitten in Muff, 68; Kitten and Baby—"Poor Pussy comes at Break of Day," 121; "Kitty, you can't have my Apple," 337; "Kitty, what makes you so cross?" 549.

LADY PRIMROSE:— "I am the King of the Mineral-Workers," 124; Princess Bebe and Aleck, 140.

Lantern-Fly, The, 680.

Last Battle of the Revolution, The—"Cunningham seized the Halyards," 384.

Leaves, 261.

Life-Boat from an Egg-Shell, 616.

LIGHT-HOUSE SKETCHES:— Elsie's Sketch, Starting the Light. A Signal, Wally's Home, 649.

Little Delinquent, The, 148.

Little Miss Turner, 725.

Little Polly, 40.

Lively Team, A, 653.

Lost Check, The—Will considers the Situation, 349.

Lost Child, A, 661.

Lynx treed by Dogs, 113.

Magic Lantern, A home-made, 232.

MALTA:— Grand Harbor, Agozo Boat, Landing-Place, Collision, Street, 364; Catacombs, 365.

Mandarin and Rat, 693; Mandarin and Wombat, 728.

MAPLE SUGAR:— A Sugar Bush and Camp, Syruping Down, Emptying the Buckets, 369.

Marabou fighting with Hyenas, 385.

March, 752.

March Day, One, 661.

Mastiff and Children—"Half Afraid," 688.

May, 752.

"Mayflower," The, 161.

Mermaid-Weed, 620.

Merry-go-round at Coney Island, 641.

Mid-day Night, The, 288.

Midnight Day, The, 289.

Milkman, The disappointed, 597.

Mill, The Rat that lived in the, 277.

Miser, A little, 465.

Misfits, 296.

Mohawk Bowmen, 505.

Monddia Puzzle, 520, 568.

Monk and Maid, 517.

Monkey, Dog, and Fiddler, 628; Monkey on Guard, 12; The lame Monkey, 172; Monkey and Lorenzo in the Side Show, 173; Monkey and Cat—"Don't you wish you could get it?" 185.

Months, The (twelve Illustrations), 752, 753.

MOONSHINERS:— "They came upon a small weather-beaten Cabin," 692; Conny and the Moonshiner in the Glen, 708; "Conny went spinning away in the Dusk," 724.

MORAL PIRATES, THE:— They examine their Craft, 425; "The Tide was against them," 441; Harry swims for the Eddy, 460; Sailing by the Palisades, 461; Tom makes a Calculation, 477; A Soup Explosion, 489; Trying to keep warm, 509; An unexpected Catch, 525; Playing Mumble-te-Peg, 541; Getting out of the Trap, 557; Going through the Lock, 569; Attacked by Tramps, 585; A Predicament, 608; Harry sets out in Pursuit of the Boat, 621; Bidding Jim Good-by, 637; Blowing up the Camp, 652.

Mother, and Baby in a Cradle, 56.

Mother's Anxieties, A, 409.

Mouse helping himself to Cake, 221; Baby Mouse, 776.

Move, Ready to—May-Day in the City, 356.

Mullingong and Echidna, 392.

Nancy Hanson's Project—Miss Nancy takes Leave of the Officers, 313.

NEGROES:— A young Centenarian, 24; The Thanksgiving Turkey, 25; "What dose Chillen bin about?" 47; Negro Boy stealing Chickens, 48; The Van Johnsons, 80; Girl with Opera-Glass, 152; "Bofe dem Chillen's white," 265; Old Negro Woman—"Mighty quar," 368; Negro and White Children—"Getting acquainted," 660; Negro Boy asleep at his Post, 709.

Nest, The fallen, 580.

Newsboy, A, at Coney Island, 641.

Newt, Crimson-spotted, 620.

New-Year's Call—An Embarrassment of Riches, 85.

New-Year's Calls—The Introduction, 88.

Nitella, 620.

Noon-Time in the Meadow, 397.

November, 753.

Nutting Party, A—Bumping the Hickory-Tree, 764.

Obed, Orah, and the Smoking-Cap, 156, 157.

October, 753.

OLD TIMES IN THE COLONIES:— Settlers going to Meeting, 572; Isaac Bradley carrying Joseph into the Settlement, 573; Escape of Hannah Dustin, 601; Defense of the Cabin, 669; "Lieutenant Wyman, creeping up, put a Bullet through him," 684; "Crack! Crack! went the Guns of the Indians," 720; Cutting off a Queue to bind a Wound, 756.

Omelet, "Sho-Fly," 264.

On Guard (Dog), 252.

On Guard (Monkey), 12.

"Ont Daykumboa," 100.

Opera-Glass, Girl with—"Whar is yer gwine to, Melindy?" 152.

Organ, A Father playing the, 261.

Organ-Grinder, The Attack on the, 701.

Orphans, The, 8.

Orpheus, A modern, 740.

Ostrich drawing Carriage, 697.

Our Louie, 536.

Owl and Frogs—"Beautiful Spring," 344.

Park, A Ride in the, 225.

PARROT, THE STORY OF A:— Parrot and Dog, 5; "Papa brought the Materials," 5; Papa feeding Mamma, 6; Papa fights the Serpent, 15; "My Darlings are saved," 15; "I lived again in the Forest," 22; "Tearing out Nail after Nail," 23; "I was both horrible and ridiculous," 23; "Fritz adored Sugar," 31; "I go into my cage," 31.

PAUL GRAYSON, WHO WAS?:— Paul, 665; Calling the Roll, 665; "Grayson gave Bert a Blow on the Chest," 685; The Reconciliation, 687; The Attack on the Organ-Grinder, 701; Benny Mallow in the Barn, 716; "Mr. Morton, I was there," 717; The Window of the Counterfeiter's Cell, 733; Paul as a Chief's Son, 748; "You're a Chief's Son, aren't you?", 764.

Peace-Maker, The little, 388.

Peacock and Lady, 721.

Pearls, Making—M. Jaquin and his Servant blowing the Beads, 540.

Perry's Ships in the Bay of Jeddo, 644.

Persian, The fair—"Fluff's little black Face presented itself," 68.

Pet and her Cat, 82.

PHOTOGEN AND NYCTERIS, THE HISTORY OF:— "All Day he basked in the full Splendor of the Sun," 36; "Nycteris opened her Eyes to see her vanish through a Picture," 45; "Like a swift Shadow it sped over the Grass," 53; "What is this? it must be death," 84; "It tumbled Heels over Head with a great Thud," 92.

Picnic, Coming Home from the, 373.

"Pie-ee, Gimmee more," 236.

Pigeons, 517.

Pigs drawn blindfold, 48.

Planet Jupiter, The, 236.

Plants, Animal-, 320.

Pleasant Day in the Country, A, 680.

Pleasant for Jim, 584.

Pockets, A Boy's, 360.

Ponies at Coney Island, 641.

PORTRAITS:— J. J. Crawley, 11; B. C. Fuller, 11; J. J. Wait, 11; Washington, 396; Bust of Washington, 463; Shakespeare, 737.

Postal Card, A, 221.

Princesses, Three little, 661.

Prison in City Hall Park, 205; Old Sugar-House, 205.

Prospect Park, Brooklyn, 433.

Puck and Blossom, 324, 325, 340, 341.

Purse, Crochet, 100.

Putnam's narrow Escape, 92.

PUZZLES:— Elephant, 152, 168; Picture, 168; Orange, 216, 296; Tramp, 264, 312; Bossy, 312, 360; Penguin, 344, 392; Pasha, 424, 440; Dog, 440; Stump, 472, 520; Missing Link, 488, 536; Square, 600, 648, 680, 728; Rajah, 600, 648; Hand and Windmill, 680; Mariner's, 696, 744; Five-pointed Star, 712.

Quagga and Lion, 612.

Rabbit and Hawk. 208; Swinging "Brer Rabbit," 452; Rabbiting in the Woods, 297; White Rabbits and Tar Baby, 309; Rabbits in the Corn, 745.

Railroad Car, Ten little Ladies in a, 484.

Rapids, Fred crossing the, by a Rope, 713.

Rats dancing—"Wouldn't you like to come in?" 216.

Rat that lived in a Mill, The, 277.

Raven, Nannette feeding the, 141.

Recess at the Academy, 472.

Retribution—Frogs throwing Stones, 536.

Rhinoceros and Zebras drinking, 640.

Rivals, The—Lady and Peacock, 721.

Robinson Crusoe, Boys playing, 21.

Robinson Crusoe Jap, 357.

Rose-Bad, Section of, 492.

"Roses blow, Some one cares how," 661.

Rug, Canvas, Embroidered, 38.

Sailors, Young, from the "St. Mary's," 11; Sailor Boy, 245; One-legged Sailor, 361.

Santa Claus ready to start, 57; Santa Claus and Bo-Peep, 65; Looking for Santa Claus, 72; Santa Claus at the Van Johnsons'—"Lor' bress you, Honeybugs! yo' has got Tings mixed," 80.

Sausage Puzzle, 488.

"Saved at last!" 129.

Scarf, Knitted, 228.

School-Boys waiting for their Turn, 37.

School, Cold Morning in, 201.

Screw-Heads, Imitation, 744.

SEA-BREEZES:—533, 565, 595, 675.

Sea-Cucumbers, 27; Gathering them, 27; The Process of Scalding, 27; Boiling and Curing, 27.

Seals, Shooting, 377.

Sea-side Adventure, A, 533.

Sea-Side, Children at the, 657.

Seed, A tiny, 420.

Seeking his Fortune, 109.

Selkirk's, Alexander, Monument, 528.

September, 753.

Shadows of Great Men—Napoleon III. and Wellington, 200.

Shakespeare at the age of Twelve, 737.

SHELL-FISH:— Ulva, 604; Scallops, 604; Shrimp, 604; Hermit-Crab, 604; Pipe-Fish, 605; Dandy-Crab, 605; Swell-Fish, 605; Sea-Robin, 605; Oyster Drill, 605; Sea-Horse, 605.

Shinny on the Ice, 237.

SHIPS:— Bringing home Christmas Green, 60; Yacht "Henriette," 76; Ships Past and Present—Ships of Columbus, 161; Norwegian Ship of tenth Century, 161; "Mayflower," 161; Ocean Steam-Ship of to-day, 161; American Clipper, 161; Life on a Training-Ship, 211; In the Arctic Regions, 377; "Bon Homme Richard" and "Serapis" fight, 545; "Constellation" and "La Vengeance" fight, 561; "Constitution" and "Guerriere," 612; "Essex," "Phoebe," and "Cherub," 628. (See "Across the Ocean.")

Shipwreck—"Saved at last!" 129.

Shooting in the Woods, 297.

Singapore, Loading at, 393.

Six little People, 40.

SKATING:— "Sis and I will hold you up," 136; "Hurt? no, indeed!" 160; A Ride in the Park, 225; Shinny on the Ice, 237; A Mother's Anxieties, 409.

Skipping, Fox, Hare, and Stork, 276.

Sky-Rocket, Johnny riding on a, 520.

Sled, a cheap, How to make, 104; Boys on a Sled—Blissfully unconscious, 152; Painfully conscious, 152; Children on a Sled—More willing than able, 232.

SLEIGHING:— Getting a Hitch, 136; Aunt Sukey's First Ride, 180; Passing the Batteries, 217.

Sloop, 307; Plans for Sloop, 308.

Snails, 620.

Snow-balling—"Fire away!" 125; Passing the Batteries, 217.

Snow-Crystals, 177.

Snow-Flower, The, 55.

Snow-Shoes, At Play on, 374.

Soapboxticon, The, 232.

Soldiers marching—Washington's Birthday, 197; Cavalry reviewed by the Infantry, 497. (See "Old Times in the Colonies.")

"Sons of the Brave," 768, 769.

Spanish Dancer, The, 248.

Sparrows, Feeding the, 153.

Spider, Bird-eating, 648.

Spider, Tommy's Experiment with a Toy, 344.

Spoon-Faces, 56.

Sports, Fall (three Illustrations), 776.

SPORTS:— See "Archery," "Boating," "Coasting," "Fishing," "Games," "Skating."

Squirrels and Wild-Cats, 89.

Stable Talk, 501.

Stained Glass, Imitation (five Figures), 776.

Stamps, Postage, 444.

Star, How to cut a five-pointed, 712.

Steamboat, Fred's, 484.

Steam-Engine out of a Tin Can, 715.

Steam-Ship, The first Ocean, 161; Ocean Steam-Ship of to-day, 161.

Steam-Yacht, Model and Plans for a, 512.

Sticklebacks, 620.

"St. Mary's," Graduates of the, 11.

Storm Petrel, The, 736.

"Strays"—Child and Pig, 241.

Stump Puzzle, 472, 520.

Suez Canal, In the, 380.

Summer Boarder, The, Moses, and two Visitors, 188, 189.

Sun at Midnight, The, 288.

Sun-Bonnets, Two little, 468.

Sun-Dial, A, 299.

Suspense, 437.

"Swim, I's learning to," 581.

Swimming, 409; A free Swimming Bath, 553; Boys swimming—Sudden Appearance of the School-Mistress, 568.

Swing, Girl in a, 749.

Syce on Duty, The, 353.

Tadpole, 620.

Tale of a Tail, The (three Illustrations), 277.

Tarantula, Toy, 408.

Tea, Loading, at Hong-Kong, 428.

Tea Plantation, A— Gathering the Leaves, Drying Tea in the Sun, Drying over Charcoal, 556.

Telegraph Pole, Boy up a, 437.

Telescope, The great Equatorial, 35.

Thanksgiving Dream, A Greedy Boy's, 32.

That Boy, 741.

"Three Children," The, 564.

Three Tabbies, 40.

Tiger, Royal Bengal, 480.

Tired out, 112.

Tops, Playing— Two Episodes of Top-Time, 248; "Will it Bite?" 264.

Top-sy-turvy, 312.

Tortoise made out of a Walnut Shell, 136.

Tournament, The, 17.

Track, Butterfly on the, 149.

Training-Ship, Life on board a— Furling Sail, 211; Bath-Room, 211; School-Room, 212; Dining-Room, 212; Orlop Deck, 212; Bread and Treacle, 213; Gun Practice. 213; Firing a Salute, 213. (See "St. Mary's.")

Tramp, Aunt Patty and the, 120; The Tramp Puzzle, 264.

Trotty got his Jumping-Jack, How (eight Illustrations), 548.

Trunk, Little Girl on a—"I'm all ready," 328.

Tube-Flower, 606.

Tubs, Children rowing in, 40.

Tug of War, The, 704.

Tumbler Trick, 360.

Turkey made out of a Chestnut, 136.

Turkey, The Thanksgiving, 25; Too much Turkey—The Keeper's Dream, 29; "Three Bottles of Anti-fat, if you please," 32; "And they got the Turkey," 69.

Twins, Feeding the, 33.

Umbrella, Jeanie and the, 105.

Unwelcome Guest, An, 560.

Vacation Days, 613.

Valentine, To my, 181; His first Valentine, 184; The first Valentine, 196.

Viola's Sketch—Suzette, 636.

Violets, Child gathering, 404.

Violin—Toni playing a Christmas Anthem, 61.

Waiting for their Turn, 37.

Walking Match, Children's, 597.

WALLY, THE WRECK-BOY— Elsie's Sketch, 649; Starting the Light, 649; A Signal, 649; Wally's Home, 649.

Waltzing Fairy, 696.

Washer-Woman, The little, 472.

Washington, George, 197.

WASHINGTON, GEORGE, THE STORY OF:— His Birth-place, 324; Washington takes Command of the Army, 340; Trumbull's Portrait of Washington, 396; Bust of Washington, 463.

Wasp, Boy stung by a, 696.

Water-Cresses, Gathering the, 445.

Water-Spout, Shooting the, 380.

Water-Thyme, 620.

Wayward Donkey, The, and his Friends, 389.

Weasel and Frogs, 52.

Weathercocks, 517.

Wee Boy in Church, The, 437.

Weighing the Baby, 641.

Westminster School—The School-Room, 348.

Whaling, 332.

Wife, My little, 40; Me and my little Wife, 196.

WIGGLES:—24, 32, 88, 104, 184, 280, 376, 456, 552, 664, 760.

Wild-Cats and Squirrels, 89.

Winter Morning, A, 169.

Wolves and Emu, 224.

Wombat, The, and the Mandarin, 728.

Work's a Mint— Wilbert's Notion, What's your Name, Boy?, A Runaway, Under the Chestnut-Tree, 761.

Yacht, A Model, 307; The "Henriette," 76; Miniature Regatta, 449; Model of a Steam-Yacht, 512; Some queer Racing Craft, 617.

Yacht Club, The 'Longshore, on its Annual Cruise, 668.

Zebras and Rhinoceros drinking, 640.

Zoological Paradise for Children, 697.


ACROSS THE OCEAN; OR, A BOY'S FIRST VOYAGE:—233, 249, 267, 284, 300, 316, 332, 345, 363, 380, 394, 412, 428.

Advice, Bits of, 653.

Africa, Some Inhabitants of, 639.

Albatross, The, 336.

Alps, An Adventure in the, 186.

Amazon, Insects on the, 102.

AMERICAN NAVY, THE STORY OF THE:—524, 544, 561, 575, 589, 611, 627, 643, 655, 673.

Angel in the Lilly Family, The, 756.

Animal-Plants, 320.

Animals, Friendship of, 11; Remarkable Animals, 223; Relative Age of Animals, 32.

Ants, Homes of the Farming, 653; The Parasol and the Foraging Ants, 748.

April-Fool, 281.

Aquarium, Salt-water, 604; Fresh-water, 619.

Arab Gentleman, Mishaps of an, 255.

Art Manufactures, 136.

Art Works, Curious, and Artists, 143.

Ashes, The, that made the Trees bloom, 675.

ASTRONOMY:— Talks on Astronomy, 35; Our own Star, 122; How many Worlds? 235.

Aunt Pam became a Smuggler, How, 98.

Aunt Sukey's first Sleigh-Ride, 179.

Australian Animals, 223.

Aviary, How to make an, 415.

Baby King, The, 269.

Bag, Embroidered, 404.

Bag, Travelling, for Pets, 46.

Balloon Voyage, Charley's, 457.

Bamboo, The shortest; or, How to catch a Thief, 267.

Baptizing Coptic Babies, 732.

Barometers, Nature's, 3.

Bath, The Lesson of the, 165.

Battle on the Buffalo Range, A, 433.

Bears, The Twin, 33; The White Bear of the Arctic Regions, 127; Tricking Bruin, 312; A Bear Story, 337; The Grizzly Bear, 447.

Beauties of the Under-ground World, 467.

Beetles, 543.

Bicycling, 480.

BIDDY O'DOLAN:—203, 218, 243, 259.

Billy's great Speech, 318.

Bird's Life, Eighty Years of a, 141.

Bishop Hatto, 228.

Blackberry Picker, The biggest, 537.

Blow-Pipe, The Pocket, 50.

Blue Grotto, The, 335.

Boarding-school Club, A, 290.

Boar-Hunting in Japan, 108.

Boars, Wild, 193.

Boat-race, A, at Yarrow, 383.

"Boss" Fish, The, 590.

BOTANY, EASY:—287, 322, 394, 421, 450, 523, 587.

Bottle, The Magic, 7.

Boy Emigrant, The, in Russia, 588.

Boys, The, and Uncle Josh, 158.

Bravery is of no Nation, 776.

Bravest of the Brave, 138.

BRAVE SWISS BOY, THE:—1, 9, 17, 25, 34, 42, 50, 58, 74.

Butterfly and Worm, 149.

Caddy's Clock Party, 131.

Camping out, 398.

Candle Tricks, 568.

Canoe, A cheap, 350.

Canton Boat-Boy, Chin-Fan, The, 323; The Streets of Canton, 424.

Carpenter's Sermon, The, 463.

Castle, An Ancient, 344.

Catacombs of Paris, The, 536.

Cathedral, St, Peter's, 111.

Cat Show, The, 47.

Cat's-meat Man, The, 256.

Chamois, The, and their Foes, 271.

Champion, 252.

CHARADES:—146, 216, 232, 248, 296, 344, 440, 584, 696; Decapitated Charade, 328; Double Acrostic Charade, 472.

Charley Bennet's Ghost Story, 116.

Chatterbox and Chatterbag, 386.

Chautauqua, Young People at, 626.

Children's Paradise, A, 698.

Children's Sayings, 271.

Child-Singer, The, 434.

Chin-Fan, The Canton Boat-Boy, 323.

Chinese School-Room, Fun in a, 372.

Christmas Green, The beautiful, 60.

Christmas Story, A, 61.

Claudine's Doves, 633.

Clock, A wonderful, 344; Clock, the Tall, 622.

Coachy, 729.

Coasting in Russia, 41.

Coins, Old Scottish, 472.

Combustion, About, 671.

Conjuring Tricks—Fire-eating—Candle Trick, 568.

Corn-stalk Cattle, 739.

Crabbing Adventure, A, 521.

Crab, How a, changes his Clothes, 687.

Cuckoo, The naughty, and the Bobolinks, 356.

Cucuius, How to make a, 680.

Cucumbers, Sea-, 27.

Czar's Fish, The, 319.

Daisies, Story of the, 562.

Dave's great Lunch, 671.

Dead-letter Office, The, 114.

Diamond Merchants, The young, 283.

Diamonds, Three famous, 149.

Disobedient Soldier, A, 355.

Divers, Professional, 338.

Dogs, Stories of, 120; A wise Dog, 164; Another sagacious Dog, 184; A four-footed Messenger, 237; An Officer's Dog, 303; The Care of Dogs, 402; The big Dog's Lesson, 462; A Dog that could cipher, 728.

Doll, A St. Ulric, 447.

Dolls, Bessie beats her—Trouble in the Play-Room, 95; Dolls, Paper, Voyage of the, 464.

Donkey, The Wayward, 387.

Eagles and their Ways, 175.

Earth, How this solid, keeps changing, 165.

Earthquake, That, 20.

Earthquakes in Chili, 440.

Easter Flowers, 266.

Eaton, William—A Soldier of Fortune, 474.

Egg Tombola, The, 120.

Egyptian Wonders, 725.

Elephant, The Baby, 291.

Embroidery for Girls, 771.

Engine down, How he brought his, 302.

Entertaining Friends, 653.

Ermine, The, 417.

Fairy Painters, The, 190.

Family Story-Teller, The— Story of Obed, Orah, and the Smoking-Cap, 156; Story of Grandma, Lorenzo, and the Monkey, 171; Story of the Summer Boarder, Moses, and two Visitors, 187.

Fancy-Work, 14, 38, 46, 100, 136, 228, 404, 771.

Fans, Something about, 347.

Fern, The Royal, 46.

Fete Days in France, 401.

Fifteen Puzzle, The new, 520.

Fire, New York's first Great, 181.

Fire-eating, 568.

Fire-fly Game, The, 216.

Fish, A terrible, 155; Grass-Fish, 133; Saw-Fish, 155.

Flower-Pots for Rooms, 118.

Flower that grew in a Cellar, The, 14.

Fording a River in Central Asia, 703.

Foreign Tongues, The Advantages of, 118.

For Mamma's Sake, 418.

Franklin, Benjamin, 28.

Frank's War with the 'Coons, 698.

Frog, Found in a, 705.

GAMES— What the Boys and Girls played 2000 Years ago, 250; The Game of Geography, 488; A Game for a rainy Day, 595.

Geese, How the, saved the Baby, 628.

Genius, The little, 13.

Geographical Game, A, 328.

Geography, The Game of, 488.

Ghost Story, Charley Bennet's, 116.

Gibraltar, The Rock of, 79.

Glove Case, 14.

Gold Diggings of Ireland, 187.

Golden Glove, The, 3.

Gold-Fish, 44.

Good-Night, The, 618.

Good Samaritan, A, who would not tell his Name, 440.

Grandma, Lorenzo, and the Monkey, 171.

Grant, General—The School-Children's Welcome, 94.

Greedy little Mouse, The, 596.

Gunpowder Plot, A, 632.

Gymnastic Exercises, 8.

Hanging by a Thread, 713.

Happy Club, The, 370.

Hard Swim, A, 143.

Hare and Hounds, 93; Hares, wild and tame, 145; Hare and Badger, 475; Pitiful Hare, 565.

Hats, Ancient, 24.

Hawks, 208.

Hawks, Three young, 718.

Hermit and the Robbers, The, 319.

"He's my Friend," 435.

Hetty, 239.

Hippopotamus, The, 255.

Historical Anecdote, 600.

Hobby-horse Regiment, The, 304.

Honeycombs, Living, 465.

Horses and Dogs, 23.

Hottest Spot on Earth, The, 48.

How do they grow? 491.

How Gil played Ventriloquist, 542.

How Ted and Kitty camped out, 680.

How the little Smiths got their Fourth-of-July Money, 497.

How Trotty got his Jumping-Jack, 548.

Humpty Dumpty and the Magic Fire-Crackers, 514.

Hunting Adventure, A, 175, 217.

Hunting in the Arctic Regions, 378.

Hygrometers, and how to make them, 613.

Ibex, The, 472.

Ice-Block, A Voyage on an, 367.

India, Monkeys of, 147; A Letter from India, 579.

Indian Game, An, 464.

Indians and Mice, How to make, 312; How the Indians were wronged, 495.

Information Cards for Schools— The English Language, 354; The Sun as a Worker, 459; About Combustion, 671.

In Luck, 54.

In September, 658.

Insects, The Paradise of, 102.

Ireland, Gold Diggings of, 187.

Jack Horner, Little, 134.

Japanese Wine-Flowers, 420; Japanese Children, 532; Japanese Life, 707.

Jeanie Lowrie, the young Immigrant, 105.

Jed's First Half, 638.

Jelly-Fish, A gigantic, 19.

Jerusalem, From a Window in, 507.

Joe and Blinky, 125.

John Goodnow, How, got his own Way. 397.

Jokes, Practical, 292.

Jolly Dog's Practical Joke, The, 293.

Jonathan bewitched the Chickens, How, 410.

King Jack-o'-Lantern, The, 770.

King's Baby, The, 196.

Kite, Sim Vedder's, 328.

LADY PRIMROSE:—107, 123, 139.

Lafayette's first Wound, 78.

Last Battle of the Revolution, The, 384.

Lil's Fun, 722.

Lily's, The great, Mission, 254.

Little Cousin Ranna, 579.

Little Delinquent, The, 384.

Little Fatima, 446.

Little Madge, 610.

'Longshore Yacht Club, The, 667.

Lost Check, The, 348.

Lynx, The, 112.

Madeira, A little Girl's Impressions of, 242.

Magic Spinet, The, 379.

Mahmoud the Syce, 353.

Mangosteen, The, 527.

Maple Sugar, 366.

Marabous and Hyenas. 384.

Margotte's Story, 38.

Master Noble's Lesson, 735.

Mathematical Curiosity, A, 712.

Mesmeric Trick, 520.

Metric System in Coins, The, 328.

Mice, How to make Indians and, 312.

Mimir's Well, 626.

Mine, At the Bottom of a, 20.

Miner, An honest, 227.

Mines, Stories from the, 381.


Misfits, 296.

Miss Pamela Plumstone's Piano, 492.

MISS VAN WINKLE'S NAP:—483, 500, 515.

Mohawk Bowmen, The, 506.

Monkey and the Hawk, The, 408.

Monkeys of India, 147.

MOONSHINERS:—691, 707, 723.

MORAL PIRATES, THE:—425, 441, 460, 477, 489, 509, 525, 540, 557, 569, 586, 607, 621, 636, 651.

Morocco, A School in, 216.

Mother Goose's May Party, 372.

Mountain, Climbing a, Three Miles High, 186.

Mouse, Mr. and Mrs., 28.

Mr. Harvey's Housekeeper, and Nan's Examination-Day, 403.

Mr. Martin's Game, 443; Mr. Martin's Scalp, 499; Mr. Martin's Eye, 546; Mr. Martin's Leg, 738.

MUSIC:— Animals that love, 235; "Good-Night and Good-Morning," 30; Little Birdie, 101; A Fox went out in a Hungry Plight, 165; "I am the Lad in the Blue and White," 245; "The Lad in the Cadet Gray," 405; "The Lad that follows the Plough," 645; Musical Anecdote, 648.

Nancy Hanson's Project, 313.

Narrow Escapes, Two, 331.

Ned's Snow-House, 226.

Nettie's Valentine, 178.

New-Year's Errand, The, 77; New Year's Gifts, 86.

Nile, A Sail on the, 126.

Noblesse Oblige, 287.

Norsk Story, A, 129.

Obed, Orah, and the Smoking-Cap, 156.

Officer's Dog, An, 303.

Old Hannibal, 563.

OLD TIMES IN THE COLONIES:—495, 513, 571, 601, 669, 683, 719, 754.

One Touch of Nature, 49.

"Ont Daykumboa," 100.

Optical Tests, 360.

Out in the Storm, 690.

Painting the Face, 48.

Park, A jolly Day in the, 431.

Parrots, Care of, 261.

PARROT, STORY OF A:—6, 15, 23, 31.

Patriot, A brave, 154.

PAUL GRAYSON, WHO WAS?—665, 685, 701, 716, 733, 747, 765.

Pearls, Real and Imitation, 539.

Pencil Drawing:—242, 261.

Pens, Steel, The Invention of, 690.

Perfume, Acres of, 48; Perfumes, 56.

Perpetual Motion, 232.

Persian, The fair, 66.

PERSONATION, A:—264, 328, 392.

Pets, Household, 302.

Philately, A Chat about, 443.

Philemon's Circus, 530.

PHOTOGEN AND NYCTERIS, THE HISTORY OF:—36, 44, 52, 63, 83, 90.

Pickle, Why, gave the German Teacher a Present, 593.

Pigeons, Carrier-, 92; How they help the Doctor, 408.

Pigs, Blind, 48.

Pig's Penny, The, 482.

Pig, This little, staid at Home, 273.

Plants, Animal-, 320.

Poddie and Dick at the Free Bath, 554.

Polly, 546.

Poor Ben, 558.

Pop's Idea of Fun, 222.

Postal Card's Story, The, 221.

POST-OFFICE BOX:—7, 10, 23, 30, 39, 47, 55, 72, 88, 104, 118, 134, 150, 166, 182, 198, 214, 230, 246, 262, 278, 294, 310, 326, 342, 358, 374, 390, 406, 422, 438, 454, 470, 486, 502, 518, 534, 550, 566, 582, 598, 614, 630, 646, 662, 678, 694, 710, 726, 742, 758, 774.

Posy Parker's Halloween, 763.

Potatoes, Where did, come from? 707.

Preay Chamber, The, 4.

Prescott, General, and the Yankee Boy, 185.

Princess, A brave, 232.

Prison Ships, New York, 478.

Prisons, New York, in 1776-77, 204.

"Probabilities, Old," 94.

Professor, The, on Twinkling, 35; "Old Probabilities," 94; Our own Star, 122; Time, 170; How many Worlds? 235; Flowers, 491.

Puck and Blossom, 324, 340.

Purse, Crochet, 100.

Putnam's narrow Escape, 92.

PUZZLES:— Letter Puzzle, 8; Mathematical, 16, 99: A Latin Word Square, 155; Broken Rhymes, 200; Puzzles from young Contributors. (See "Post-office Box.")

Queer Racing Craft, Some, 617.

Quicksilver Mines in Peru, 728.

Rabbits' Fete, 162; Rabbit Day, 297; White Rabbits and Tar Baby, 309; Rabbits to Find, 745.

Rat Race, The Adventures of a, 451.

Red Willow and its Uses, 273.

Ribbon Dance, 200.

River, a buried, Tracking, 201.

Robber Bluebird, The, 251.

Robin, Mother, How, called a new Mate, 115.

Robinson Crusoe's Island, 527.

Rob's Navy, 362.

Rose-Bush, The oldest, in the World, 99.

Roverings' Fourth, The, 510; The Roverings at Coney Island, 602.

Royal Blacksmith, The, 334.

Royal Treasuries, A Peep into, 207.

Rug, Canvas, Embroidered, 38.

Russian Sentry, A wide-awake, 190.

Salt and its Value, 299.

Salt, How, was formerly made, 696.

Sandy Hook—Its Story, 735.

Santa Claus visits the Van Johnsons, 79.

Scarf, Knitted, 228.

Schools, The Boys', of England—Westminster, 347.

Schuyler, General, and the Tories, 283.

Screw-heads, Imitation, 744.

Sea-Breezes, 564, 595, 674, 739.

Sea-Cucumbers, 27.

Sea-side Adventure, 532.

Secret was stolen, How the, 431.

Seeking his Fortune, 109.

Setting the Brook to work, 430.

Shakespeare, 737.

Ship, School-, "St. Mary's," Life on the, 10; How sunken Ships are raised, 82; Ships past and present, 162; The little Ships of the Water Streets, 253; Ship-building, 464; The Ship of the Desert, 577; New York Prison-Ships, 478.

Skates were Bones, When, 146.

Slain by her Defender, 3.

Smuggler, How Aunt Pam became a, 98.

Snow-Flower, The, 55.

Snow, Lost in the, 171.

Snow, The Hidden Beauties of the, 177.

Soapboxticon, The, 232.

Soldier of Fortune, An American, 474.

Sons of the Brave, 767.

Sparrow, The House-, 153.

Spiders; The Trap-door, 41; Spiders that kill Birds, 136; A Spider's Instinct, 392.

Sponges, 24.

Squirrels and Wild-Cats, 89.

Stained Glass, Imitation, 776.

Star, Our own, 122.

"St. Mary's," Life on the, 10.

St. Peter's, at Rome—A great Cathedral, 111.

St. Ulric Doll, A, 447.

Steam-Engine out of a Tin Can, A, 715.

Steeples, True Stories about, 570.

Storm Petrel, The, 736.

Strange Fellow-Voyager, A, 286.

Sumac Hunting, 754.

Summer Boarder, The, Moses, and two Visitors, 187.

Sun at Midnight, The, 288.

Sun-Dial, A, 299.

Sunflower, The useful, 584.

"Swim, sir, I can," 3.

Swiss Man, The little, 304.

Tailor, The, and the Wolves, 276.

Taking—not Stealing, 194.

Tartar, My, 258.

Tea Plantation, Visiting a, 555.

Telescope, The Boy's, 6.

Thompson, Mr., and the Bumble-Bee, 338.

Throwing Light, 168, 408.

Tiger, The, 479.

Time, Old Father, 169.

Toad, The old, old, 490.

Tokio, A Dinner in, 402.

Tom Chester's Silver Mine, 573.

Tournament, The, 17.

Training-Ship, Life on Board a, 211.

Tree Album, A, 427.

Tree, The largest, in the World, 56.

Trick, Mesmeric, 520; Tricks, Conjuring, 568.

Trotty got his Jumping-Jack, How, 548.

Trouble in the Play-Room, 95.

Turkey, They got the, 68.

Turtle, Land, Letter from a, 371.

Twenty Miles an Hour, 41.

Twins, The, 33.

Two Ancient Families, 322.

Uncle Ebenezer's Umbrella, 606.

Uncle Phil's Thimble, 209.

Under-ground World, Beauties of the, 467.

Uninvited Guest, The, 642.

Van Winkle's, Miss, Nap, 483, 500, 515.

Vesuvius, A little Girl's Ascent of, 578.

Via Brindisi, 221.

Viola's Sketch, 635.

Wally, the Wreck-Boy, 649.

WASHINGTON, GEORGE, THE STORY OF:—323, 339, 354, 367, 378, 396, 414, 434, 446, 463.

Water-Cresses, An Apronful of, 444.

Weasels and Frogs, 52.

Wedding, The Children's, 174.

Well-meaning Little Busybody, A, 467.

Westminster School, 347.

What the Babies said, 659.

White Pebble Pit, The, 133.

"Wiggles," Origin of, 24; to Contributors of, 456.

Will's Belgian Night, 237.

Winged Freebooters, 208.

Winged Tramp, Story of a, 413.

Wolf-Children, 575.

Work's a Mint; or, Wilbert Fairlaw's Notion, 761.

Wren, The Song of the, 191.

Wuertemberg, Origin of, 504.

Yacht, Around the World in a, 76; Model Yacht-Building, 306; Miniature Yachts, 450; How to build a Steam-Yacht, 511; The 'Longshore Yacht Club, 667.

Zachur with the Sack, 206.


Adrift, 613.

Alice's Question, 261.

Almost Time, 223.

April's Tears, 318.

Aunt Flora, 360; Aunt Flora's Answer, 408.

Awakening, 298.

Babe in the Wood, 677.

Baby, 228.

Baby, Bee, and Butterfly, 474.

Baby Mouse, The, 776.

Baby's Eyes, 123.

Bad little Matty, 597.

Birdie's Vanity, 549.

Blue Violets, 404.

Broken Rhymes, 200.

Bunny and Bow-wow, 16.

Buried Treasure, 42.

Butterflies and Bees, 444.

Cadet's Song, The, 405.

Canary's Music Lesson, The, 306.

Captain Corn, 616.

Chanticleer's Love, 517.

CHARADES:—146, 216, 232, 248, 296, 344, 440, 584, 697, 728; Decapitated Charade, 328; Double Acrostic Charade, 472.

Chase, The, 517.

Coasting Song, A, 73.

Confession, A, 558.

Constancy, 396.

Crocodile Tears, 619.

Dance in the Kitchen, The, 136.

Dandelion, 421.

Die, Master Bruin, 597.

Difference, The, 207.

Dolls' Wedding, The, 22; Dolly's Despair, 517.

Dreaming, 252.

Duet, A, 265.

Early Bird, The, 597.

Eddie's Lantern, 523.

Effie's Wish, 600.

Elm Cottage, 491.

Fair Play, 133.

Fairy's Token, The, 74; Fairy Flight, A, 235.

First Drop of Bitterness, The, 20.

Flower Queens of Night, 571.

Fox, A, went out in a Hungry Plight, 165.

Garden Lore, 251.

Gift of the Birds, The, 66.

Go as you please, 597.

Good-by, 666.

Good-Night and Good-Morning, 30.

Grandpa's Barn, 363.

Having a good Time, 424.

Helping himself to Cake, 221.

House that Bell built, The, 117.

I am the Lad in the Blue and White, 245.

I am the Lad in the Cadet Gray, 405.

I am the Lad that follows the Plough, 645.

Idle Hour, The, 609.

If only Joe, 485.

In the Swing, 539.

I should like to know, 271.

Joe, 338.

Johnny's Song, 635.

Kate of Myrtle Springs, 741.

Kensington Clover, 427.

Latin Word Square, 155, 488.

Little Birdie, 101.

Little Miss Turner, 725.

Little Polly, 40.

Long-eared Bat, The, 184.

Mamma, 517; Mamma knows how, 767.

Mandarin and his Rat, The, 693.

May's Birthday, 370.

Meadow-Quakers, 696.

Memorial Flowers, 410.

Mishap, A, 739.

Monk and Maid, 517.

Moral Alligators, The, 741.

Morning Message, The, 453.

Mother sings softly, The, 56.

Noses out of Joint, 152.

Not in Vain, 661.

Obliged to Refuse, 712.

Old Man of Montrose, The, 138.

On a Fan, 485.

On Guard, 12.

One March Day, 661.

Our Louie, 536.

Peacock and Monkey, 661.

Pet and her Cat, 82.

Plain-Speaking, 392.

Plough-Boy's Song, The, 645.

Plumes of Crecy, The, 751.

Pussy's Kitten (?), 158; Pussy's Lives, 485.

Quagga and the Lion, The, 612.

Rat that lived in a Mill, The, 277.

Red Ear, The, 741.

Riddle in Rhyme, A, 568.

Robinson Crusoe Jap, 357.

Rose and Caterpillar, 555.

Royal Thief, A, 655.

Sailor Boy's Song, 245.

Scarecrow no Scarecrow, A, 101.

Six little People, 40.

Solemn old Lady, The, 437.

Specially Conducted, 485.

Spoon-Faces, 56.

Tabbies, Three, 40.

Tale of a Tail, The, 277.

That Boy, 741.

Three little Princesses, 661.

Tiny Seed, A, 420.

Too Fat and too Thin, 200.

Too much Birthday, 504.

Tubs, Children rowing in, 40.

Two little Sun-Bonnets, 468.

Two Ways of putting it, 7.

Valentine, Tommy's, 171; To my Valentine, 181; The first Valentine, 196.

Washington, George, 197.

What the Butterfly says, 577.

Who knows? 661.

Why, 485.

Why must I learn to sing? 378.

Wife, My little, 40.

Wombat, The, 728.

Wonderful Nest, The, 508.

Wren's Song, The, 192.

Yak and the Jaguar, The, 653.


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