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Southward to Florida; westward to Missouri and the bottom-lands of eastern Texas.
Habit.—A shrub or small tree, exceptionally reaching a height of 30 feet, with a trunk diameter of 15-18 inches, but attaining larger proportions south and west; head conical or dome-shaped, compact; branches irregular, mostly horizontal, clothed with a spiny evergreen foliage. The fertile trees are readily distinguished through late fall and early winter by the conspicuous red berries.
Bark.—Bark of trunk thick, smooth on young trees, roughish, dotted on old, of a nearly uniform ash-gray on trunk and branches; the young shoots more or less downy, bright greenish-yellow, becoming smooth and grayish at the end of the season.
Winter Buds and Leaves.—Buds short, roundish, generally obtuse, scales minutely ciliate. Leaves evergreen, simple, alternate, 2-4 inches long, 1-1/2-3 inches wide, flat when compared with those of the European holly, thickish, smooth on both sides, yellowish-green, scarcely glossy on the upper surface, paler beneath, elliptical, oval or oval-oblong; apex acutish, spine-tipped; base acutish or obtuse; margin wavy and concave between the large spiny teeth, sometimes with one or two teeth or entire; midrib prominent beneath; leafstalks short, grooved; stipules minute, awl-shaped, becoming blackish, persistent.
Inflorescence.—Flowers in June along the base of the season's shoots; sterile and fertile flowers usually on separate trees,—the sterile in loose, few-flowered clusters, the fertile mostly solitary; peduncles and pedicels slender, bracted midway; calyx persistent, with 4 pointed, ciliate teeth; corolla white, monopetalous, with 4 roundish, oblong divisions; stamens 4, alternating with and shorter than the lobes of the corolla in the fertile flowers, but longer in the sterile; ovary green, nearly cylindrical, surmounted by the sessile, 4-lobed stigma. Parts of the flower sometimes in fives or sixes.
Fruit.—A dull red, berry-like drupe, with 4 nutlets, ribbed or grooved on the convex back, ripening late, and persistent into winter. A yellow-fruited form reported at New Bedford, Mass. (Rhodora, III, 58).
Horticultural Value.—Hardy in southern New England; though preferring moist, gravelly loam, it does fairly well in dry soil; of slow growth; useful to form low plantation in shade and to enrich the undergrowth of woods; occasionally sold by collectors but rare in nurseries; nursery plants must be frequently transplanted to be moved successfully; only a small percentage of ordinary collected plants live. The seed seldom germinates in less than two years.
Notes.—The cultivated European holly, which the American tree closely resembles, may be distinguished by its deeper green, glossier, and more wave-margined leaves and the deeper red of its berries.
"There are several fine specimens of the Ilex opaca on the farm of Col. Minot Thayer in Braintree, Mass., which are about a foot in diameter a yard above the ground and 25 feet in height. They have maintained their present dimensions for more than fifty years."—D. T. Browne's Trees of North America, published in 1846.
This estate is now owned by Mr. Thomas A. Watson. Several of these trees have been cut down, but one of them is still standing and of substantially the dimensions given above. It must have reached the limit of growth a hundred years ago and now shows very evident signs of decrepitude. This may be due, however, to the loss of a square foot or more of bark from the trunk.
1. Branch with staminate flowers. 2. Staminate flower. 3. Pistillate flower. 4. Fruiting branch.
Acer rubrum, L.
Habitat and Range.—Borders of streams, low lands, wet forests, swamps, rocky hillsides.
Nova Scotia to the Lake of the Woods.
Common throughout New England from the sea to an altitude of 3000 feet on Katahdin.
South to southern Florida; west to Dakota, Nebraska, and Texas.
Habit.—A medium-sized tree, 40-50 feet high, rising occasionally in swamps to a height of 60-75 feet; trunk 2-4 feet in diameter, throwing out limbs at varying angles a few feet from the ground; branches and branchlets slender, forming a bushy spray, the tips having a slightly upward tendency; head compact, in young trees usually rounded and symmetrical, widest just above the point of furcation. In the first warm days of spring there shimmers amid the naked branches a faint glow of red, which at length becomes embodied in the abundant scarlet, crimson, or yellow of the long flowering stems; succeeded later by the brilliant fruit, which is outlined against the sober green of the foliage till it pales and falls in June. The colors of the autumn leaves vie in splendor with those of the sugar maple.
Bark.—In young trees smooth and light gray, becoming very dark and ridgy in large trunks, the surface separating into scales, and in very old trees hanging in long flakes; young shoots often bright red in autumn, conspicuously marked with oblong white spots.
Winter Buds and Leaves.—Buds aggregated at or near the ends of the preceding year's shoots, about 1/8 inch long; protected by dark reddish scales; inner scales lengthening with the growth of the shoot. Leaves simple, opposite, 3-4 inches long, green and smooth above, lighter and more or less pubescent beneath, especially along the veins; turning crimson or scarlet in early autumn; ovate, 3-5-lobed, the middle lobe generally the longest, the lower pair (when 5 lobes are present) the smallest; unequally sharp-toothed, with broad, acute sinuses; apex acute; base heart-shaped, truncate, or obtuse; leafstalk 1-3 inches long. The leaves of the red maple vary greatly in size, outline, lobing, and shape of base.
Inflorescence.—April 1-15. Appearing before the leaves in close clusters encircling the shoots of the previous year, varying in color from dull red or pale yellow to scarlet; the sterile and fertile flowers mostly in separate clusters, sometimes on the same tree, but more frequently on different trees; calyx lobes oblong and obtuse; petals linear-oblong; pedicels short; stamens 5-8, much longer than the petals in the sterile and about the same length in the fertile flowers; the smooth ovary surmounted by a style separating into two much-projecting stigmatic lobes.
Fruit.—Fruit ripe in June, hanging on long stems, varying from brown to crimson; keys about an inch in length, at first convergent, at maturity more or less divergent.
Horticultural Value.—Hardy throughout New England; found in a wider range of soils than any other species of the genus, but seeming to prefer a gravelly or peaty loam in positions where its roots can reach a constant supply of moisture. It is more variable than any other of the native maples and consequently is not so good a tree for streets, where a symmetrical outline and uniform habit are required. It is transplanted readily, but recovers its vigor more slowly than does the sugar or silver maple and is usually of slower growth. Its variable habit makes it an exceedingly interesting tree in the landscape.
1. Leaf-buds. 2. Flower-buds. 3. Branch with sterile flowers. 4. Sterile flower. 5. Branch with sterile and fertile flowers. 6. Fertile flower. 7. Fruiting branch. 8. Variant leaves.
Acer saccharinum, L.
Acer dasycarpum, Ehrh.
Habitat and Range.—Along streams, in rich intervale lands, and in moist, deep-soiled forests, but not in swamps.
Infrequent from New Brunswick to Ottawa, abundant from Ottawa throughout Ontario.
Occasional throughout the New England states; most common and best developed upon the banks of rivers and lakes at low altitudes.
South to the Gulf states; west to Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and Indian territory; attaining its maximum size in the basins of the Ohio and its tributaries; rare towards the seacoast throughout the whole range.
Habit.—A handsome tree, 50-60 feet in height; trunk 2-5 feet in diameter, separating a few feet from the ground into several large, slightly diverging branches. These, naked for some distance, repeatedly subdivide at wider angles, forming a very wide head, much broader near the top. The ultimate branches are long and slender, often forming on the lower limbs a pendulous fringe sometimes reaching to the ground. Distinguished in winter by its characteristic graceful outlines, and by its flower-buds conspicuously scattered along the tips of the branchlets; in summer by the silvery-white under-surface of its deeply cut leaves. It is among the first of the New England trees to blossom, preceding the red maple by one to three weeks.
Bark.—Bark of trunk smooth and gray in young trees, becoming with age rougher and darker, more or less ridged, separating into thin, loose scales; young shoots chestnut-colored in autumn, smooth, polished, profusely marked with light dots.
Winter Buds and Leaves.—Flower-buds clustered near the ends of the branchlets, conspicuous in winter; scales imbricated, convex, polished, reddish, with ciliate margins; leaf-buds more slender, about 1/8 inch long, with similar scales, the inner lengthening, falling as the leaf expands. Leaves simple, opposite, 3-5 inches long, of varying width, light green above, silvery-white beneath, turning yellow in autumn; lobes 3, or more usually 5, deeply cut, sharp-toothed, sharp-pointed, more or less sublobed; sinuses deep, narrow, with concave sides; base sub-heart-shaped or truncate; stems long.
Inflorescence.—March to April. Much preceding the leaves; from short branchlets of the previous year, in simple, crowded umbels; flowers rarely perfect, the sterile and fertile sometimes on the same tree and sometimes on different trees, generally in separate clusters, yellowish-green or sometimes pinkish; calyx 5-notched, wholly included in bud-scales; petals none; sterile flowers long, stamens 3-7 much exserted, filaments slender, ovary abortive or none: fertile flowers broad, stamens about the length of calyx-tube, ovary woolly, with two styles scarcely united at the base.
Fruit.—Fruit ripens in June, earliest of the New England maples. Keys large, woolly when young, at length smooth, widely divergent, scythe-shaped or straight, yellowish-green, one key often aborted.
Horticultural Value.—Hardy in cultivation throughout New England. The grace of its branches, the beauty of its foliage, and its rapid growth make it a favorite ornamental tree. It attains its finest development when planted by the margin of pond or stream where its roots can reach water, but it grows well in any good soil. Easily transplanted, and more readily obtainable at a low price than any other tree in general use for street or ornamental purposes. The branches are easily broken by wind and ice, and the roots fill the ground for a long distance and exhaust its fertility.
1. Leaf-buds. 2. Flower-buds. 3. Branch with sterile flowers. 4. Branch with fertile flowers. 5. Branch with sterile and fertile flowers. 6. Sterile flower. 7. Fertile flower. 8. Perfect flower. 9. Fruiting branch.
Acer Saccharum, Marsh.
Acer saccharinum, Wang. Acer barbatum, Michx.
Habitat and Range.—Rich woods and cool, rocky slopes.
Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, westward to Lake of the Woods.
New England,—abundant, distributed throughout the woods, often forming in the northern portions extensive upland forests; attaining great size in the mountainous portions of New Hampshire and Vermont, and in the Connecticut river valley; less frequent toward the seacoast.
South to the Gulf states; west to Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, and Texas.
Habit.—A noble tree, 50-90 feet in height; trunk 2-5 feet in diameter, stout, erect, throwing out its primary branches at acute angles; secondary branches straight, slender, nearly horizontal or declining at the base, leaving the stem higher up at sharper and sharper angles, repeatedly subdividing, forming a dense and rather stiff spray of nearly uniform length; head symmetrical, varying greatly in shape; in young trees often narrowly cylindrical, becoming pyramidal or broadly egg-shaped with age; clothed with dense masses of foliage, purple-tinged in spring, light green in summer, and gorgeous beyond all other trees of the forest, with the possible exception of the red maple, in its autumnal oranges, yellows, and reds.
Bark.—Bark of trunk and principal branches gray, very smooth, close and firm in young trees, in old trees becoming deeply furrowed, often cleaving up at one edge in long, thick, irregular plates; season's shoots at length of a shining reddish-brown, smooth, numerously pale-dotted, turning gray the third year.
Winter Buds and Leaves.—Buds sharp-pointed, reddish-brown, minutely pubescent, terminal 1/4 inch long, lateral 1/8 inch, appressed, the inner scales lengthening with the growth of the shoot. Leaves simple, opposite, 3-5 inches long, with a somewhat greater breadth, purplish and more or less pubescent when opening, at maturity dark green above, paler, with or without pubescence beneath, changing to brilliant reds and yellows in autumn; lobes sometimes 3, usually 5, acuminate, sparingly sinuate-toothed, with shallow, rounded sinuses; base subcordate, truncate, or wedge-shaped; veins and veinlets conspicuous beneath; leafstalks long, slender.
Inflorescence.—April 1-15. Appearing with the leaves in nearly sessile clusters, from terminal and lateral buds; flowers greenish-yellow, pendent on long thread-like, hairy stems; sterile and fertile on the same or on different trees, usually in separate, but not infrequently in the same cluster; the 5-lobed calyx cylindrical or bell-shaped, hairy; petals none; stamens 6-8, in sterile flowers much longer than the calyx, in fertile scarcely exserted; ovary smooth, abortive in sterile flowers, in fertile surmounted by a single style with two divergent, thread-like, stigmatic lobes.
Fruit.—Keys usually an inch or more in length, glabrous, wings broad, mostly divergent, falling late in autumn.
Horticultural Value.—Hardy throughout New England. Its long life, noble proportions, beautiful foliage, dense shade, moderately rapid growth, usual freedom from disease or insect disfigurement, and adaptability to almost any soil not saturated with water make it a favorite in cultivation; readily obtainable in nurseries, transplants easily, recovers its vigor quickly, and has a nearly uniform habit of growth.
Note.—Not liable to be taken for any other native maple, but sometimes confounded with the cultivated Norway maple, Acer platanoides, from which it is easily distinguished by the milky juice which exudes from the broken petiole of the latter.
The leaves of the Norway maple are thinner, bright green and glabrous beneath, and its keys diverge in a straight line.
1. Winter buds. 2. Flowering branch. 3. Sterile flower. 4. Fertile flower, part of perianth and stamens removed. 5. Fruiting branch.
Acer saccharum, Marsh., var. nigrum, Britton.
Acer nigrum, Michx. Acer saccharinum, var. nigrum, T. & G. Acer barbatum, var. nigrum, Sarg.
Habitat and Range.—Low, damp ground on which, in New England at least, the sugar maple is rarely if ever seen, or upon moist, rocky slopes.
Apparently a common tree from Ottawa westward throughout Ontario.
The New England specimens, with the exception of those from the Champlain valley, appear to be dubious intermediates between the type and the variety.
Maine,—the Rangeley lake region; New Hampshire,—occasional near the Connecticut river; Vermont,—frequent in the western part in the Champlain valley, occasional in all other sections, especially in the vicinity of the Connecticut; Massachusetts,—occasional in the Connecticut river valley and westward, doubtfully reported from eastern sections; Rhode Island,—doubtful, resting on the authority of Colonel Olney's list; Connecticut,—doubtfully reported.
South along the Alleghanies to the Gulf states; west to the 95th meridian.
The extreme forms of nigrum show well-marked varietal differences; but there are few, if any, constant characters. Further research in the field is necessary to determine the status of these interesting plants.
Habit.—The black maple is somewhat smaller than the sugar maple, the bark is darker and the foliage more sombre. It generally has a symmetrical outline, which it retains to old age.
Leaves.—The fully grown leaves are often larger than those of the type, darker green above, edges sometimes drooping, width equal to or exceeding the length, 5-lobed, margin blunt-toothed, wavy-toothed, or entire, the two lower lobes small, often reduced to a curve in the outline, broad at the base, which is usually heart-shaped; texture firm; the lengthening scales of the opening leaves, the young shoots, the petioles, and the leaves themselves are covered with a downy to a densely woolly pubescence. As the parts mature, the woolliness usually disappears, except along the midrib and principal veins, which become almost glabrous.
Horticultural Value.—Hardy throughout New England, preferring a moist, fertile, gravelly loam; young trees are rather more vigorous than those of the sugar maple, and easily transplanted. Difficult to secure, for it is seldom offered for sale or recognized by nurseries, although occasionally found mixed with the sugar maple in nursery rows.
1. Fruiting branch.
Acer spicatum, Lam.
Habitat and Range.—In damp forests, rocky highland woods, along the sides of mountain brooks at altitudes of 500-1000 feet.
From Nova Scotia and Newfoundland to Saskatchewan.
Maine,—common, especially northward in the forests; New Hampshire and Vermont,—common; Massachusetts,—rather common in western and central sections, occasional eastward; Rhode Island,—occasional northward; Connecticut,—occasional in northern and central sections; reported as far south as North Branford (New Haven county).
Along mountain ranges to Georgia.
Habit.—Mostly a shrub, but occasionally attaining a height of 25 feet, with a diameter, near the ground, of 6-8 inches; characterized by a short, straight trunk and slender branches; bright green foliage turning a rich red in autumn, and long-stemmed, erect racemes of delicate flowers, drooping at length beneath the weight of the maturing keys.
Bark.—Bark of trunk thin, smoothish, grayish-brown; primary branches gray; branchlets reddish-brown streaked with green, retaining in the second year traces of pubescence; season's shoots yellowish-green, reddish on the upper side when exposed to the sun, minutely pubescent.
Winter Buds and Leaves.—Buds small, flattish, acute, slightly divergent from the stem. Leaves simple, opposite, 4-5 inches long, two-thirds as wide, pubescent on both sides when unfolding, at length glabrous on the upper surface, 3-lobed above the center, often with two small additional lobes at the base, coarsely or finely serrate, lobes acuminate; base more or less heart-shaped; veining 3-5-nerved, prominent, especially on the lower side, furrowed above; leafstalks long, enlarged at the base.
Inflorescence.—June. Appearing after the expansion of the leaves, in long-stemmed, terminal, more or less panicled, erect or slightly drooping racemes; flowers small and numerous, both kinds in the same raceme, the fertile near the base; all upon very slender pedicels; lobes of calyx 5, greenish, downy, about half as long as the alternating linear petals; stamens usually 8, in the sterile flower nearly as long as the petals, in the fertile much shorter; pistil rudimentary, hairy in the sterile flower; in the fertile the ovary is surmounted by an erect style with short-lobed stigma.
Fruit.—In long racemes, drooping or pendent; the keys, which are smaller than those of any other American maple, set on hair-like pedicels, and at a wide but not constant angle; at length reddish, with a small cavity upon one side.
Horticultural Value.—Hardy in cultivation throughout New England; prefers moist, well-drained, gravelly loam in partial shade, but grows well in any good soil; easily transplanted, but recovers its vigor rather slowly; foliage free from disease.
Seldom grown in nurseries, but readily obtainable from northern collectors of native plants.
1. Winter buds. 2. Flowering branch. 3. Sterile flower. 4. Abortive ovary in sterile flower. 5. Fertile flower with part of the perianth and stamens removed. 6. Fruiting branch.
Acer Pennsylvanicum, L.
Habitat and Range.—Cool, rocky or sandy woods.
Nova Scotia to Lake Superior.
Maine,—abundant, especially northward in the forests; New Hampshire and Vermont,—common in highland woods; Massachusetts,—common in the western and central sections, rare towards the coast; Rhode Island,—frequent northward; Connecticut,—frequent, reported as far south as Cheshire (New Haven county).
South on shaded mountain slopes and in deep ravines to Georgia; west to Minnesota.
Habit.—Shrub or small tree, 15-25 feet high, with a diameter at the ground of 5-8 inches; characterized by a slender, beautifully striate trunk and straight branches; by the roseate flush of the opening foliage, deepening later to a yellowish-green; and by the long, graceful, pendent racemes of yellowish flowers, succeeded by the abundant, drooping fruit.
Bark.—Bark of trunk and branches deep reddish-brown or dark green, conspicuously striped longitudinally with pale and blackish bands; roughish with light buff, irregular dots; the younger branches marked with oval leaf-scars and the linear scars of the leaf-scales; the season's shoots smooth, light green, mottled with black.
In spring the bark of the small branches is easily separable, giving rise to the name "whistle wood."
Winter Buds and Leaves.—Terminal bud long, short-stalked, obscurely 4-sided, tapering to a blunt tip; lateral buds small and flat; opening foliage roseate. Leaves simple, opposite; 5-6 inches long and nearly as broad; the upper leaves much narrower; when fully grown light green above, paler beneath, finally nearly glabrous, yellow in autumn, divided above the center into three deep acuminate lobes, finely, sharply, and usually doubly serrate; base heart-shaped, truncate, or rounded; leafstalks 1-3 inches long, grooved, the enlarged base including the leaf-buds of the next season.
Inflorescence.—In simple, drooping racemes, often 5-6 inches long, appearing after the leaves in late May or early June; the sterile and fertile flowers mostly in separate racemes on the same tree; the bell-shaped flowers on slender pedicels; petals and sepals greenish-yellow; sepals narrowly oblong, somewhat shorter than the obovate petals; stamens usually 8, shorter than the petals in the sterile flower, rudimentary in the fertile, the pistil abortive or none in the sterile flower, in the fertile terminating in a recurved stigma.
Fruit.—In long, drooping racemes of pale green keys, set at a wide but not uniform angle; distinguished from the other maples, except A. spicatum, by a small cavity in the side of each key; abundant; ripening in August.
Horticultural Value.—Hardy, under favorable conditions, throughout New England. Prefers a rich, moist soil near water, in shade; but grows well in almost any soil when once established, many young plants failing to start into vigorous growth. Occasionally grown by nurserymen, but more readily obtainable from northern collectors of native plants.
1. Winter buds. 2. Flowering branch. 3. Sterile flower. 4. Fertile flower with part of the perianth removed. 5. Fruiting branch.
Acer Negundo, L.
Negundo aceroides, Moench. Negundo Negundo, Karst.
Habitat and Range.—In deep, moist soil; river valleys and borders of swamps.
Infrequent from eastern Ontario to Lake of the Woods; abundant from Manitoba westward to the Rocky mountains south of 55 deg. north latitude.
Maine,—along the St. John and its tributaries, especially in the French villages, the commonest roadside tree, brought in from the wild state according to the people there; thoroughly established young trees, originating from planted specimens, in various parts of the state; New Hampshire,—occasional along the Connecticut, abundant at Walpole; extending northward as far as South Charlestown (W. F. Flint in lit.); Vermont,—shores of the Winooski river and of Lake Champlain; Connecticut,—banks of the Housatonic river at New Milford, Cornwall Bridge, and Lime Rock station.
South to Florida; west to the Rocky and Wahsatch mountains, reaching its greatest size in the river bottoms of the Ohio and its tributaries.
Habit.—A small but handsome tree, 30-40 feet high, with a diameter of 1-2 feet. Trunk separating at a small height, occasionally a foot or two from the ground, into several wide-spreading branches, forming a broad, roundish, open head, characterized by lively green branchlets and foliage, delicate flowers and abundant, long, loose racemes of yellowish-green keys hanging till late autumn, the stems clinging throughout the winter.
Bark.—Bark of trunk when young, smooth, yellowish-green, in old trees becoming grayish-brown and ridgy; smaller branchlets greenish-yellow; season's shoots pale green or sometimes reddish-purple, smooth and shining or sometimes glaucous.
Winter Buds and Leaves.—Buds small, ovate, enclosed in two dull-red, minutely pubescent scales. Leaves pinnately compound, opposite; leaflets usually 3, sometimes 5 or 7, 2-4 inches long, 1-1/2-2-1/2 inches broad, light green above, paler beneath and woolly when opening, slightly pubescent at maturity, ovate or oval, irregularly and remotely coarse-toothed mostly above the middle, 3-lobed or nearly entire; apex acute; base extremely variable; veins prominent; petioles 2-3 inches long, enlarging at the base, leaving, when they fall, conspicuous leaf-scars which unite at an angle midway between the winter buds.
Inflorescence.—April 1-15. Flowers appearing at the ends of the preceding year's shoots as the leaf-buds begin to open, small, greenish-yellow; sterile and fertile on separate trees,—the sterile in clusters, on long, hairy, drooping, thread-like stems; the calyx hairy, 5-lobed, with about 5 hairy-stemmed, much-projecting linear anthers; pistil none: the fertile in delicate, pendent racemes, scarcely distinguishable at a distance from the foliage; ovary pubescent, rising out of the calyx; styles long, divergent; stamens none.
Fruit.—Loose, pendent, greenish-yellow racemes, 6-8 inches long, the slender-pediceled keys joined at a wide angle, broadest and often somewhat wavy near the extremity, dropping in late autumn from the reddish stems, which hang on till spring.
Horticultural Value.—Hardy throughout New England; flourishes best in moist soil near running water or on rocky slopes, but accommodates itself to almost any situation; easily transplanted. Plants of the same age are apt to vary so much in size and habit as to make them unsuitable for street planting.
An attractive tree when young, especially when laden with fruit in the fall. There are several horticultural varieties with colored foliage, some of which are occasionally offered in nurseries. A western form, having the new growth covered with a glaucous bloom, is said to be longer-lived and more healthy than the type.
1. Winter buds. 2. Branch with sterile flowers. 3. Sterile flower. 4. Branch with fertile flowers. 5. Fertile flower. 6. Fruiting branch.
Tilia Americana, L.
Habitat and Range.—In rich woods and loamy soils.
Southern Canada from New Brunswick to Lake Winnipeg.
Throughout New England, frequent from the seacoast to altitudes of 1000 feet; rare from 1000 to 2000 feet.
South along the mountains to Georgia; west to Kansas, Nebraska, and Texas.
Habit.—A large tree, 5O-75 feet high, rising in the upper valley of the Connecticut river to the height of 100 feet; trunk 2-4 feet in diameter, erect, diminishing but slightly to the branching point; head, in favorable situations, broadly ovate to oval, rather compact, symmetrical; branches mostly straight, striking out in different trees at varying angles; the numerous secondary branches mostly horizontal, slender, often drooping at the extremities, repeatedly subdividing, forming a dense spray set at broad angles. Foliage very abundant, green when fully grown, almost impervious to sunlight; the small creamy flowers in numerous clusters; the pale, odd-shaped bracts and pea-like fruit conspicuous among the leaves till late autumn.
Bark.—Dark gray, very thick, smooth in young trees, later becoming broadly and firmly ridged; in old trees irregularly furrowed; branches, especially upon the upper side, dark brown and blackish; the season's shoots yellowish-green to reddish-brown, and numerously rough-dotted. The inner bark is fibrous and tough.
Winter Buds and Leaves.—Leaf-buds small, conical, brownish red, contrasting strongly with the dark stems. Leaves simple, alternate, 4-5 inches long, three-fourths as wide, green and smooth on both sides, thickish, paler beneath, broad-ovate, one-sided, serrate, the point often incurved; apex acuminate or acute; base heart-shaped to truncate; midrib and veins conspicuous on the under surface with minute, reddish tufts of down at the angles; stems smooth, 1-1-1/2 inches long; stipules soon falling.
Inflorescence.—Late June or early July. In loose, slightly fragrant, drooping cymes, the peduncle attached about half its length to a narrowly oblong, yellowish bract, obtuse at both ends, free at the top, and tapering slightly at the base, pedicels slender; calyx of 5 colored sepals united toward the base; corolla of 5 petals alternate with the sepals, often obscurely toothed at the apex; 5 petal-like scales in front of the petals and nearly as long; calyx, petals, and scales yellowish-white; stamens indefinite, mostly in clusters inserted with the scales; anthers 2-celled, ovary 5-celled; style 1; stigma 5-toothed.
Fruit.—About the size of a pea, woody, globose, pale green, 1-celled by abortion: 1-2 seeds.
Horticultural Value.—Useful as an ornamental or street tree; hardy throughout New England, easily transplanted, and grows rapidly in almost any well-drained soil; comes into leaf late and drops its foliage in early fall. The European species are more common in nurseries. They are, however, seriously affected by wood borers, while the native tree has few disfiguring insect enemies. Usually propagated from the seed. A horticultural form with weeping branches is sometimes cultivated.
Note.—There is so close a resemblance between the lindens that it is difficult to distinguish the American species from each other, or from their European relatives.
American species sometimes found in cultivation:
Tilia pubescens, Ait., is distinguished from Americana by its smaller, thinner leaves and densely pubescent shoots.
Tilia heterophylla, Vent., is easily recognized by the pale or silver white under-surface of the leaves.
There are several European species more or less common in cultivation, indiscriminately known in nurseries as Tilia Europaea. They are all easily distinguished from the American species by the absence of petal-like scales.
1. Winter buds. 2. Flowering branch. 3. Flower enlarged. 4. Pistil with cluster of stamens, petaloid scale, petal, and sepal. 5. Fruiting branch.
Cornus florida, L.
Habitat and Range.—Woodlands, rocky hillsides, moist, gravelly ridges.
Provinces of Quebec and Ontario.
Maine,—Fayette Ridge, Kennebec county; New Hampshire,—along the Atlantic coast and very near the Connecticut river, rarely farther north than its junction with the West river; Vermont,—southern and southwestern sections, rare; Massachusetts,—occasional throughout the state, common in the Connecticut river valley, frequent eastward; Rhode Island and Connecticut,—common.
South to Florida; west to Minnesota and Texas.
Habit.—A small tree, 15-30 feet high, with a trunk diameter of 6-10 inches. The spreading branches form an open, roundish head, the young twigs curving upwards at their extremities. In spring, when decked with its abundant, showy white blossoms, it is the fairest of the minor trees of the forest; in autumn, scarcely less beautiful in the rich reds of its foliage and fruit.
Bark.—Bark of trunk in old trees blackish, broken-ridged, rough, often separating into small, firm, 4-angled or roundish plates; branches grayish, streaked with white lines; season's twigs purplish-green, downy; taste bitter.
Winter Buds and Leaves.—Terminal leaf-buds narrowly conical, acute; flower-buds spherical or vertically flattened, grayish. Leaves simple, opposite, 3-5 inches long, two-thirds as wide, dark green above, whitish beneath, turning to reds, purples, and yellows in the autumn, ovate to oval, nearly smooth, with minute appressed pubescence on both surfaces; apex pointed; base acutish; veins distinctly indented above, ribs curving upward and parallel; leafstalk short-grooved.
Inflorescence.—May to June. Appearing with the unfolding leaves in close clusters at the ends of the branches, each cluster subtended by a very conspicuous 4-leafed involucre (often mistaken for the corolla and constituting all the beauty of the blossom), the leaves of which are white or pinkish, 1-1/2 inches long, obovate, curiously notched at the rounded end. The real flowers are insignificant, suggesting the tubular disk flowers of the Compositae; calyx-tube coherent with the ovary, surmounting it by 4 small teeth; petals greenish-yellow, oblong, reflexed; stamens 4; pistil with capitate style.
Fruit.—Ovoid, scarlet drupes, about 1/2 inch long, united in clusters, persistent till late autumn or till eaten by the birds.
Horticultural Value.—Hardy in southern and southern-central New England, but liable farther north to be killed outright or as far down as the surface of the snow; not only one of the most attractive small trees on account of its flowers, habit, and foliage, but one of the most useful for shady places or under tall trees. The species, a red-flowering and also a weeping variety are obtainable in leading nurseries. Collected plants can be made to succeed. It is a plant of rather slow growth.
1. Leaf-buds. 2. Flower-buds. 3. Flowering branch. 4. Flower. 5. Fruiting branch.
Cornus alternifolia, L. f.
Habitat and Range.—Hillsides, open woods and copses, borders of streams and swamps.
Nova Scotia and New Brunswick along the valley of the St. Lawrence river to the western shores of Lake Superior.
Common throughout New England.
South to Georgia and Alabama; west to Minnesota.
Habit.—A shrub or small tree, 6-20 feet high, trunk diameter 3-6 inches; head usually widest near the top, flat; branches nearly horizontal with lateral spray, the lively green, dense foliage lying in broad planes.
Bark.—Trunk and larger branches greenish, warty, streaked with gray; season's shoots bright yellowish-green or purplish, oblong-dotted.
Winter Buds and Leaves.—Buds small, acute. Leaves simple, alternate or sometimes opposite, clustered at the ends of the branchlets, 2-4 inches long, dark green on the upper side, paler beneath, with minute appressed pubescence on both sides, ovate to oval, almost entire; apex long-pointed; base acutish or rounded; veins indented above, ribs curving upward and parallel; petiole long, slender, and grooved.
Inflorescence.—June. From shoots of the season, in irregular open cymes; calyx coherent with ovary, surmounting it by 4 minute teeth; corolla white or pale yellow, with the 4 oblong petals at length reflexed: stamens 4, exserted; style short, with capitate stigma.
Fruit.—October. Globular, blue or blue black, on slender, reddish stems.
Horticultural Value.—Hardy throughout New England, adapting itself to a great variety of situations, but preferring a soil that is constantly moist. Nursery or good collected plants are easily transplanted. A disease, similar in its effect to the pear blight, so often disfigures it that it is not desirable for use in important plantations.
1. Winter buds. 2. Flowering branch. 3. Flower with one petal and two stamens removed, side view. 4. Flower, view from above. 5. Fruiting branch.
Nyssa sylvatica, Marsh.
Habitat and Range.—In rich, moist soil, in swamps and on the borders of rivers and ponds.
Maine,—Waterville on the Kennebec, the most northern station yet reported (Dr. Ezekiel Holmes); New Hampshire,—most common in the Merrimac valley, seldom seen north of the White mountains; Vermont,—occasional; Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut,—rather common.
South to Florida; west to Michigan, Missouri, and Texas.
Habit.—Tree 20-50 feet high, with a trunk diameter of 1-2 feet, rising in the forest to the height of 60-80 feet; attaining greater dimensions farther south; lower branches horizontal or declining, often touching the ground at their tips, the upper horizontal or slightly rising, angular, repeatedly subdividing; branchlets very numerous, short and stiff, making a flat spray; head extremely variable, unique in picturesqueness of outline; usually broad-spreading, flat-topped or somewhat rounded; often reduced in Nantucket and upon the southern shore of Cape Cod to a shrub or small tree of 10-15 feet in height, forming low, dense, tangled thickets. Foliage very abundant, dark lustrous green, turning early in the fall to a brilliant crimson.
Bark.—Trunk of young trees grayish-white, with irregular and shallow striations, in old trees darker, breaking up into somewhat hexagonal or lozenge-shaped scales; branches smooth and brown; season's shoots reddish-green, with a few minute dots.
Winter Buds and Leaves.—Buds ovoid, 1/8-1/4 inch long, obtuse. Leaves simple, irregularly alternate, often apparently whorled when clustered at the ends of the shoots, 2-5 inches long, one-half as wide; at first bright green beneath, dullish-green above, becoming dark glossy green above, paler beneath, obovate or oblanceolate to oval; entire, few or obscurely toothed, or wavy-margined above the center; apex more or less abruptly acute; base acutish; firm, smooth, finely sub-veined; stem short, flat, grooved, minutely ciliate, at least when young; stipules none.
Inflorescence.—May or early June. Appearing with the leaves in axillary clusters of small greenish flowers, sterile and fertile usually on separate trees, sometimes on the same tree,—sterile flowers in simple or compound clusters; calyx minutely 5-parted, petals 5, small or wanting; stamens 5-12, inserted on the outside of a disk; pistil none: fertile flowers larger, solitary, or several sessile in a bracted cluster; petals 5, small or wanting; calyx minutely 5-toothed.
Fruit.—Drupes 1-several, ovoid, blue black, about 1/2 inch long, sour: stone striated lengthwise.
Horticultural Value.—Hardy throughout New England; adapts itself readily to most situations but prefers deep soil near water. Seldom offered in nurseries and difficult to transplant unless frequently root-pruned or moved; collected plants do not thrive well; seedlings are raised with little difficulty. Few trees are of greater ornamental value.
1. Winter buds. 2. Branch with sterile flowers. 3-4. Sterile flowers. 5. Branch with fertile flowers. 6. Fertile flower. 7. Fruiting branch.
Diospyros Virginiana, L.
Habitat and Range.—Rhode Island,—occasional but doubtfully native; Connecticut,—at Lighthouse Point, New Haven, near the East Haven boundary line, there is a grove consisting of about one hundred twenty-five small trees not more than a hundred feet from the water's edge, in sandy soil just above the beach grass, exposed to the buffeting of fierce winds and the incursions of salt water, which comes up around them during the heavy winter storms. These trees are not in thriving condition; several are dead or dying, and no new plants are springing up to take their places. A cross-section of the trunk of a dead tree, as large as any of those living, shows about fifty annual rings. There is no reason to suppose that the survivors are older. This station is said to have been known as early as 1846, at which date the ground where they stand was grassy and fertile. These trees, if standing at that time, must assuredly have been in their infancy. The encroachment of the sea and subsequent change of conditions account well enough for the present decrepitude, but their general similarity in size and apparent age point rather to introduction than native growth.
South to Florida, Alabama, and Louisiana; west to Iowa, Kansas, and Texas.
Habit.—One of the Rhode Island trees measured 3 feet 11 inches girth at the base, and gradually tapered to a height of more than 40 feet (L. W. Russell). The trees at New Haven are 15-20 feet in height, with a trunk diameter of 6-10 inches, trunk and limbs much twisted by the winds. Their branches, beginning to put out at a height of 6-8 feet, lie in almost horizontal planes, forming a roundish, open head.
Bark.—Trunk in old trees dark, rough, deeply furrowed, separating into small, firm sections; large limbs dark reddish-brown; season's shoots green, turning to brown.
Winter Buds and Leaves.—Buds oblong, conical, short. Leaves simple, alternate, 3-6 inches long, about half as wide, dark green and mostly glossy above, somewhat lighter and minutely downy (at least when young) beneath, ovate to oval, entire; apex acute to acuminate; base acute, rounded or truncate; leafstalk short; stipules none.
Inflorescence.—June. Sterile and fertile flowers on separate or on the same trees; not conspicuous, axillary; sterile often in clusters, fertile solitary; calyx 4-6-parted; corolla 4-6-parted; about 1/2 inch long, pale yellow, thickish, urn-shaped, constricted at the mouth and somewhat smaller in the sterile flowers; stamens 16 in the sterile flowers, in fertile flowers 8 or less, imperfect; styles 4, ovary 8-celled.
Fruit.—A berry, ripe in late fall, roundish, about an inch in diameter, larger farther south, with thick, spreading, persistent calyx, yellow to yellowish-brown, very astringent when immature, edible and agreeable to the taste after exposure to the frost; several-seeded.
Horticultural Value.—Hardy along the south shore of New England; prefers well-drained soil in open situations; free from disfiguring enemies; occasionally cultivated in nurseries but difficult to transplant. Propagated from seed.
1. Winter buds. 2. Branch with sterile flowers. 3. Vertical section of sterile flower. 4. Branch with fertile flowers. 5. Section of fertile flower. 6. Fruiting branch.
Fraxinus Americana, L.
Habitat and Range.—Rich or moist woods, fields and pastures, near streams.
Newfoundland and Nova Scotia to Ontario.
Maine,—very common, often forming large forest areas; in the other New England states, widely distributed, but seldom occurring in large masses.
South to Florida; west to Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, and Texas.
Habit.—A tall forest tree, 50-75 feet high, with a trunk diameter of 2-3 feet; rising in the rich bottom lands of the Ohio river 100 feet or more, often in the forest half its height without a limb. In open ground the trunk, separating at a height of a few feet, throws off two or three large limbs, and is soon lost amid the slender, often gently curving branches, forming a rather open, rounded head widest at or near the base, with light and graceful foliage, and a stout, rather sparse, glabrous, and sometimes flattish spray.
Bark.—Bark of trunk in mature trees easily distinguishable at some distance by the characteristic gray color and uniform striation; ridges prominent, narrow, flattish, firm, without surface scales but with fine transverse seams; furrows fine and strong, sinuous, parallel or connecting at intervals; large limbs more or less furrowed; smaller branches smooth and grayish-green; season's shoots polished olive green; leaf-scars prominent.
Winter Buds and Leaves.—Buds short, rather prominent, smooth, dark or pale rusty brown. Leaves pinnately compound, opposite, 6-12 inches long; petiole smooth and grooved; leaflets 5-9, 2-5 inches long, deep green and smooth above, paler and smooth, or slightly pubescent (at least when young) beneath; ovate to lance-oblong, entire or somewhat toothed; apex pointed; base obtuse, rounded or sometimes acute; leaflet stalks short, smooth; stipules and stipels none.
Inflorescence.—May. In loose panicles from lateral or terminal buds of the previous season's shoots, sterile and fertile flowers for the most part on separate trees, numerous, inconspicuous; calyx in sterile flowers 4-toothed, petals none, stamens 2-4, anthers oblong; calyx in fertile flowers unequally 4-toothed or nearly entire, persistent; petals none, stamens none, pistil 1, style 1, stigma 2-cleft.
Fruit.—Ripening in early fall, and hanging in clusters into the winter; a samara or key 1-2 inches long, body nearly terete, marginless below, dilating from near the tip into a wing two or three times as long as the body.
Horticultural Value.—Hardy throughout New England; prefers a rich, moist, loamy soil, but grows in any well-drained situation; easily transplanted, usually obtainable in nurseries, and can be collected successfully. It is one of the most desirable native trees for landscape and street plantations, on account of its rapid and clean growth, freedom from disease, moderate shade, and richly colored autumn foliage. As the leaves appear late in spring and fall early in autumn, it is desirable to plant with other trees of different habit. Propagated from seed.
1. Winter buds. 2. Branch with sterile flowers. 3. Sterile flowers. 4. Branch with fertile flowers. 5. Fertile flower. 6. Fruiting branch.
Fraxinus Pennsylvanica, Marsh.
Fraxinus pubescens, Lam.
Habitat and Range.—River banks, swampy lowlands, margins of streams and ponds.
New Brunswick to Manitoba.
Maine,—infrequent; New Hampshire,—occasional, extending as far north as Boscawen in the Merrimac valley; Vermont,—common along Lake Champlain and its tributaries (Flora of Vermont, 1900); occasional in other sections; Massachusetts and Rhode Island,—sparingly scattered throughout; Connecticut,—reported from East Hartford, Westville, Canaan, and Lisbon (J. N. Bishop).
South to Florida and Alabama; west to Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri.
Habit.—Medium-sized to large tree, 30-70 feet high, with trunk 1-3 feet in diameter; erect, branches spreading, broad-headed; in general appearance resembling the white ash.
Bark.—Trunk dark gray or brown, smooth in young trees, furrowed in old, furrows rather shallower than in the white ash; branches grayish; young shoots greenish-gray with a rusty-velvety or scurfy pubescence lasting often into the second year.
Winter Buds and Leaves.—Buds rounded, dark reddish-brown, more or less downy, smaller than those of the white ash, partially covered by the swollen petiole. Leaves pinnately compound, opposite, 9-15 inches long; petiole short, downy, enlarged at base; leaflets 7-9, opposite, 3-5 inches long, about one half as wide, light green and smooth above, paler and more or less downy beneath; outline extremely variable, ovate, narrow-oblong, elliptical or sometimes obovate, entire or slightly toothed; apex acute to acuminate; base acute or rounded; leaflet stalks short, grooved, downy; stipules and stipels none.
Inflorescence.—May. Similar to that of the white ash.
Fruit.—Ripening in early fall, and hanging in clusters into the winter; samara or key about 1-1/2 inches long; body of the fruit narrowly cylindrical, the edges gradually widening from about the center into linear or spatulate wings, obtuse or rounded at the ends, sometimes mucronate.
Horticultural Value.—Hardy throughout New England; grows readily in any good soil, but prefers a wet or moist, rich loam; almost as rapid growing when young as the white ash, and is not seriously affected by insects or fungous diseases; worthy of a place in landscape plantations and on streets, but not often found in nurseries; propagated from seed.
1. Winter buds. 2. Branch with sterile flowers. 3. Sterile flowers. 4. Branch with fertile flowers. 5. Fertile flower. 6. Fruiting branch. 7. Mature leaf.
Fraxinus Pennsylvanica, var. lanceolata, Sarg.
Fraxinus viridis, Michx. f. Fraxinus lanceolata, Borkh.
River valleys and wet woods.
Ontario to Saskatchewan.
Maine,—common along the Penobscot river from Oldtown to Bangor; Vermont,—along Lake Champlain; Gardner's island, and the north end of South Hero; Rhode Island (Bailey); Connecticut,—frequent (J. N. Bishop, Report of Connecticut Board of Agriculture, 1895).
South along the mountains to Florida; west to the Rocky mountains.
The claims to specific distinction rest mainly upon the usual absence of pubescence from the young shoots, leaves and petioles, the color of the leaves (which is bright green above and scarcely less so beneath), the usually more distinct serratures above the center, and a rather more acuminate apex.
Apparently an extreme form of F. pubescens, connected with it by numerous intermediate forms through the entire range of the species.
1. Winter buds. 2. Fruiting branch.
Fraxinus nigra, Marsh.
Fraxinus sambucifolia, Lam.
Habitat and Range.—Wet woods, river bottoms, and swamps.
Anticosti through Ontario.
Maine,—common; New Hampshire,—south of the White mountains; Vermont,—common; Massachusetts,—more common in central and western sections; Rhode Island,—infrequent; Connecticut,—occasional throughout.
South to Delaware and Virginia; west to Arkansas and Missouri.
Habit.—A tall tree reaching a height of 60-80 feet, with a trunk diameter of 1-2 feet; attaining greater dimensions southward. In swamps, when shut in by other trees, the trunk is straight, very slender, scarcely tapering to point of branching, in open situations under favorable conditions forming a large, round, open head. Easily distinguished from the other ashes by its sessile leaflets.
Bark.—Bark of trunk a soft ash-gray, in old trees marked by parallel ridges separating into fine, thin, close flakes; limbs light gray, rough-warted, the smaller with conspicuous leaf-scars; season's shoots olive green, stout; flattened at apex, with small, black, vertical dots.
Winter Buds and Leaves.—Buds roundish, pointed, very dark, the terminal 1/8 inch long. Leaves compound, opposite, 12-15 inches long; stipules none; stem grooved and smooth; leaflets 7-11, more frequently 9, 3-5 inches long, 1-1/2-2 inches wide, green on both sides, lighter beneath and more or less hairy on the veins; outline variable, more usually oblong-lanceolate, sharply serrate; apex acuminate; base obtuse to rounded, sessile except the odd leaflets; stipels none.
Inflorescence.—May. Appearing before the leaves in loose panicles from lateral or terminal buds of the preceding season, sterile and fertile flowers on different trees; bracted; calyx none; petals none.
Fruit.—August to September. Samaras, in panicles, rather more than 1 inch long, rounded at both ends: body entirely surrounded by the wing.
Horticultural Value.—Hardy throughout New England; grows in any good soil, but prefers swamp or wet land. Its very tall, slender habit makes it a useful tree in some positions, but it is not readily obtainable in nurseries and is seldom used. Propagated from the seed.
1. Winter buds. 2. Branch with sterile flowers. 3. Sterile flower. 4. Branch with fertile flowers. 5. Fertile flower. 6. Fruiting branch. 7. Fruit.
Viburnum Lentago, L.
Habitat and Range.—Rich woods, thickets, river valleys, along fences.
Province of Quebec to Saskatchewan.
Frequent throughout New England.
South along the mountains to Georgia and Kentucky; west to Minnesota, Nebraska, and Missouri.
Habit.—A shrub or small tree, 10-25 feet in height with numerous branches forming a wide-spreading, compact rounded head; conspicuous by rich foliage, profuse, fragrant yellowish-white flowers, and long, drooping clusters of crimson fruit which deepen to a rich purple when fully ripe.
Bark.—Trunk and larger branches dark purplish or reddish brown, separating in old trees into small, firm sections; branchlets grayish-brown; season's shoots reddish-brown, dotted, more or less scurfy.
Winter Buds and Leaves.—Leaf-buds long, narrow, covered with scurfy, brown, leaf-like scales; flower-buds much longer, swollen at the base, with two leaf-like scales extended into a long, spire-like point. Leaves simple, opposite, 2-4 inches long, upper surface bright green, lower paler and set with rusty scales, ovate to oblong-ovate or orbicular, sharply and finely serrate, smooth, tapered or abruptly pointed; base acute to rounded or truncate; stem slender, wavy-margined, channeled above; stipules none.
Inflorescence.—May or early June. Terminal, in broad, flat-topped, compound, sessile cymes; calyx-tube adherent to the ovary, 5-toothed; corolla white, salver-shaped, segments 5, oval, reflexed; stamens 5, projecting, anthers yellow; pistil truncate.
Fruit.—Profuse, in clusters; drupes 1/2 inch long, oval, crimson when ripening, deep purple when fully ripe, edible, sweet: stone flat, oval, rough, obscurely striate lengthwise.
Horticultural Value.—Hardy throughout New England; prefers a rich soil in open places or in light shade. Its showy flowers, healthy foliage, and vigorous growth make it a desirable plant for high shrub plantations, and as an undergrowth in open woods. Offered for sale by collectors and occasionally by nurserymen; easily transplanted; propagated from seed or from cuttings.
1. Winter buds. 2. Flowering branch. 3. Flower. 4. Flower, side view. 5. Flower with petals and stamens removed. 6. Fruiting branch.
The range of several trees as given in the text has been extended by discoveries made during the summer of 1901, but reported too late for incorporation in its proper place.
Populus balsamifera, L., var. candicans, Gray.—One of the commonest and stateliest trees in the alluvium of the Connecticut and the Cold rivers; with negundo, river maple, and white and slippery elm, forming a tall and dense forest along the Connecticut at the foot of Fall mountain, and opposite Bellows Falls. The densely pubescent petioles and the ciliate margins of the broad cordate leaves at once distinguish this tree from the usually smaller but more common P. balsamifera ("Some Trees and Shrubs of Western Cheshire County, N. H." Mr. M. L. Fernald, in Rhodora, III, 233).
The above is the Populus candicans, Ait., of the text.
Salix discolor, Muhl.—There are many fine trees at Fort Kent, Maine, one with trunk 13 inches in diameter. (M. L. Fernald in lit., September, 1901.)
Salix balsamifera, Barrett.—A handsome tree at Fort Kent, 25-30 feet high, with trunk 4-6 inches in diameter. (M. L. Fernald in lit., September, 1901.)
Crataegus Crus-Galli, L.—Nantucket, Massachusetts. Young trees were set out in 1830, enclosing an oblong of about an acre and a half. The most flourishing of these have obtained a height of about 30 feet and a trunk diameter near the ground of 10-12 inches. Now established, probably through the agency of birds, along swamps and upon hill-slopes. (L. L. D.)
Prunus Americana, Marsh.—One clump of small trees in a thicket at Alstead Centre, N. H., has the characteristic spherical fruit of this species. P. nigra, Ait., with oblong, laterally flattened fruit, is abundant. (Rhodora, III, 234.)
Acer Saccharum, Marsh., var. barbatum, Trelease.—Characteristic trees (Cheshire County, N. H.), with small, firm, deep green, three-lobed leaves, appear very distinct, but many transitions are noted between this and the typical Acer Saccharum. (Rhodora, III, 234.)
Acer Saccharum, Marsh., var. nigrum, Britton.—Occasional in alluvium of the Cold river (Cheshire county, N. H.). The large, dark green, "flabby" leaves, with closed sinuses and with densely pubescent petioles and lower surfaces, quickly distinguish this tree from the ordinary forms of the sugar maple. (Rhodora, III. 234.)
Fraxinus Pennsylvanica. Marsh., var. lanceolata, Sarg.—Common along the Connecticut at Walpole, N. H. (M. L. Fernald in lit., September, 1901.)
Abortive. Defective or barren, through non-development of a part.
Acuminate. Long-pointed.
Acute. Ending with a sharp but not prolonged point.
Adherent. Growing fast to; adnate anther, attached for its whole length to the ovary.
Adnate. Essentially same as adherent, with the added idea of congenital adhesion.
Aggregate fruits. Formed by crowding together all the carpels of the same flower; as in the blackberry.
Ament. Name given to such flower-clusters as those of the willow, birch, poplar, etc.
Anther. The part of the stamen which bears the pollen.
Appressed. Lying close against another organ.
Ascending. Rising upward, or obliquely upward.
Axil. Angle formed on the upper side between the leaf stem or flower stem and the branch from which it springs.
Bract. Reduced leaf subtending a flower or flower-cluster.
Branches, primary. The leading or main branches thrown out directly from the trunk, giving a general shape to the head.
Branches, secondary. Never directly from the trunk but from other branches.
Buttressed. Supported against strain in any direction by a conspicuous ridge-like enlargement of the trunk vertically to the roots. Several of these buttresses often give a tree a square appearance.
Caducous. Dropping off very early after development.
Calyx. The outer set of the leaves of the flower.
Campanulate. Bell-shaped.
Capitate. Head-shaped or collected in a head.
Capsule. A dry compound fruit.
Carpel. A simple pistil.
Catkin. See ament.
Ciliate. Margin with hairs or bristles.
Coherent. One organ uniting with another.
Compound. See leaf, ovary, etc.
Connate. Similar organs, more or less grown together.
Connective. The part of the anther connecting its two cells.
Coriaceous. Thick, leathery in texture.
Corolla. Leaves of the flower within the calyx.
Corymb. That sort of flower-cluster in which the flower stems arranged along the central axis elongate, forming a broad convex or level top, the flowers opening successively from the outer edge towards the center.
Crenate. Edge with rounded teeth.
Crenulate. Edge with small rounded teeth.
Cyme. Flat-topped or convex flower-cluster, the central flower opening first; blossoming outward.
Deciduous. Falling off, as leaves in autumn, or calyx and corolla before fruit grows.
Declining. Bent downwards.
Decurrent. Leaves prolonged on the stem beneath the insertion: branchlets springing out beneath the point of furcation, as the feathering along the trunk of elms, etc.
Dentate. With teeth pointing outwards.
Disk. Central part of a head of flowers; fleshy expansion of the receptacle of a flower; any rounded, flat surface.
Drupe. A stone fruit; soft externally with a stone at the center, as the cherry and peach.
Erose. Eroded, as if gnawed.
Exserted. Protruding, projecting out of.
Falcate. Scythe-shaped.
Fertile. Flowers containing the pistil, capable of producing fruit. Anthers in such blossoms, if any, are generally abortive.
Fibrovascular. Bundle or tissue, formed of wood fibers, ducts, etc.
Filament. Part of stamen supporting anther.
Fungus. A division of cryptogamous plants, including mushrooms, etc.
Furcation. Branching.
Glabrous. Smooth without hairiness or roughness.
Glandular. Bearing glands or appendages having the appearance of glands.
Glaucous. Covered with a bloom: bluish hoary.
Globose or globous. Spherical or nearly so.
Habit. The general appearance of a plant.
Habitat. The place where a plant naturally grows, as in swamps, in water, upon dry hillsides, etc.
Hybrid. A cross between two species.
Imbricated. Overlapping.
Inflorescence. Mode of disposition of flowers; sometimes applied to the flower-cluster itself.
Involucre. Bracts subtending a flower or a cluster of flowers.
Keeled. Having a central dorsal ridge like the keel of a boat.
Key. A winged fruit; a samara.
Lacerate. Irregularly cleft, as if torn.
Lanceolate. Lance-shaped, broadest above the base, gradually narrowing to the apex.
Leaf. Consisting when botanically complete of a blade, usually flat, a footstalk and two appendages at base of the footstalk; often consisting of blade only.
Leaf, compound. Having two to many distinct blades on a common leafstalk or rachis. These blades may be sessile or have leafstalks of their own.
Leaf, pinnately compound. With the leaflets arranged along the sides of the rachis.
Leaf, palmately compound. With leaflets all standing on summit of petiole.
Leaf-cushions. Organs resembling persistent decurrent footstalks, upon which leaves of spruces, etc., stand; sterigmata.
Leaf-scar. The scar left on the twig where the petiole was attached.
Lenticel. Externally appearing upon the bark as spots, warts, and perpendicular or transverse lines.
Linear. Long and narrow with sides nearly parallel.
Monopetalous. Having petals more or less united.
Mucronate. Abruptly tipped with a small, sharp point.
Nerved. Having prominent unbranched ribs or veins.
Obcordate. Inversely heart-shaped.
Obovate. Ovate with the broader end towards the apex.
Obtuse. Blunt or rounded at the end.
Orbicular. Having a circular or nearly circular outline.
Ovary. The part of the pistil containing the ovules.
Ovoid. A solid with an oval or ovate outline.
Ovuliferous. Bearing ovules.
Panicle. General term for any loose and irregular flower-cluster, commonly of the racemose type, with pedicellate flowers.
Pedicel. The stalk of a single flower in the ultimate divisions of an inflorescence.
Peduncle. The stem of a solitary flower or of a cluster.
Perfect. Having both pistils and stamens.
Perianth. The floral envelope consisting of calyx, corolla, or both.
Persistent. Not falling for a long time.
Petal. A division of the corolla.
Petiole. The stalk of a leaf.
Petiolule. The stalk of a leaflet in a compound leaf.
Pistil. The seed-bearing organ of the flower.
Pistillate. Provided with pistils; usually applied to flowers without stamens.
Pollen. The fertilizing grains contained in the anthers.
Puberulent. Minutely pubescent.
Pubescent. Covered with short soft or downy hairs.
Raceme. A simple cluster of pediceled flowers upon a common axis.
Rachis. The main axis of a compound leaf, of a raceme or of a spike.
Ramification. Branching.
Range. The geographical extent and limits of a species.
Reflexed. Turned backward.
Reticulated. Netted; in the form of a network.
Revolute. Rolled backward from the margin or apex.
Samara. Key fruit; winged fruit, like that of the ash or maple.
Scarf-bark. The thin, outermost layer which often peels off.
Segment. One of the divisions into which a plane organ, such as a leaf, may be divided.
Sepal. A calyx leaf.
Serrate. With teeth inclining forward.
Serrulate. With small teeth inclining forward.
Sessile. Not stalked, as when the leaf blade or flower rests directly upon the twig.
Simple leaf. Not compound, having one blade not jointed with its stem.
Sinuate. Strongly wavy-margined.
Sinus. Interval between two lobes or divisions of a leaf; sometimes sharp-angular, sometimes rounded.
Spatulate. Gradually narrowed downward from a rounded summit.
Spike. A cluster of sessile or nearly sessile lateral flowers on an elongated axis.
Spray. The smaller branches and ultimate branchlets of a tree taken as a whole.
Stamens. The pollen-bearing organs of a flower, each stamen consisting of a filament (stem) and anther which contains the pollen.
Staminate. Having stamens.
Sterile. Variously applied: to flowers with stamens only; to stamens without anthers; to anthers without pollen; to ovaries not producing seed, etc.
Stigma. Part of pistil which receives the pollen.
Stipels. Appendages to a leaflet, analogous to the stipules of a leaf.
Stipules. Appendages of a leaf, usually at the point of insertion.
Striate. Streaked, or very finely ridged lengthwise.
Style. Part of pistil uniting ovary with stigma; often wanting.
Sucker. A shoot of subterranean origin.
Suture. The line of union between parts which have grown together; most often used with reference to the line along which an ovary opens.
Terete. Cylindrical.
Ternate. In threes.
Tomentose. Densely pubescent or woolly.
Truncate. As if cut off at the end.
Umbel. An inflorescence in which the flower stems spring from the same point like the rays of an umbrella.
Verticillate. Arranged in a circle round an axis; whorled.
Villose or villous. With long, soft hairs.
Whorl. Arranged in a circle about an axis.
Abele. (Populus alba, L.) 39, 40
Abies balsamea, Mill. Fir balsam 20-22
Abietacae. (Pinoideae) 1-22 Larix 1-4 Pinus 4-12 Picea 12-18 Tsuga 19, 20 Abies 20-22
Acacia, (Robinia Pseudacacia, L.) 131, 132 (Robinia viscosa, Vent.) 132 Three-thorned. (Gleditsia triacanthos, L.) 129, 130
Aceraceae. (Maple family). 140-153 Acer barbatum, Michx. Rock, Sugar, Hard maple, Sugar tree 144-146 barbatum, var. nigrum, Sarg. Black maple 146, 147 dasycarpum, Ehrh. Silver, Soft, White, River maple 142-144 Negundo, L. Box elder, Ash-leaved maple 151-153 nigrum, Michx. Black maple 146,147 Pennsylvanicum, L. Striped maple, Moosewood, Whistlewood 149-151 platanoides Norway maple 146 rubrum, L. Red, Swamp, Soft, White maple 140-142 saccharinum, L. Silver, Soft, White, River maple 142-144 saccharinum, Wang. Rocky Sugar, Hard maple, Sugar tree 144-146 saccharinum, var. nigrum, T. and G. Black maple 146, 147 Saccharum, Marsh. Rock, Sugar, Hard maple, Sugar tree 144-146 Saccharum, Marsh., var. barbatum, Trelease 172 Saccharum, Marsh., var. nigrum, Britton. Black maple 146, 147, 172 spicatum, Lam. Mountain maple 148, 149 Negundo aceroides, Moench. Box elder, Ash-leaved maple 151-153 Negundo, Karst, Box elder, Ash-leaved maple 151-153
Ailanthus family. (Simarubaceae) 133
Ailanthus, Tree of Heaven, Chinese sumac (Ailanthus glanulosus, Desf.) 133
Alder, European. (Alnus glutinosa, Medic.) 70
Alnus glutinosa, Medic, European alder 70 Amelanchier Canadensis, Medic. Shadbush, June-berry, 116, 117 American elm (Ulmus Americana, L.) 95-97 holly. (Hex opaca, Alt.) 138-146
Anacardiaceae. (Sumac family) 134-137 Rhus copallina. Dwarf sumac, 137 glabra. Smooth sumac, 137 hirta, Sudw. Staghorn sumac, 134, 135 toxicodendron. Poison ivy, 137 typhina, L. Staghorn sumac, 134, 135 venenata, DC. Dogwood, Poison sumac. Poison elder, 136, 137 vernix, L. Dogwood, Poison sumac. Poison elder, 136, 137
Apple family. (Pomaceae) 112-121 Apple tree. (Pyrus malus, L.) 1 Aquifoliaceae. (Holly family) 138-140 Ilex opaca, Ait. American holly 138, 140
Ash, Black, Swamp, Basket, Hoop, Brown ash. (Fraxinus nigra, Marsh.) 167-168 European mountain ash. (Pyrus aucuparia) 113, 115 Green ash. (Fraxinus Pennsylvanica, var. lanceolata, Sarg.) 166, 172 Mountain ash. (Pyrus Americana, DC.) 112, 113 Mountain ash. (Pyrus sambucifolia, Cham. & Schlecht.) 113-115 Red, Brown, River ash. (Fraxinus pubescens. Lam.) 164,165 White ash. (Fraxinus Americana, L.) 162-164
Ash-leaved maple. (Acer negundo, L.) 151-153
Aspen, Large-toothed. (Populusgrandidentata, Michx.) 31, 32 (Populus tremuloides, Michx.) 29, 30
Balm of Gilead. (Populus balsamifera, L.) 36, 37 (Populus candicans, Alt.). 37-39, 171
Balsam. (Abies balsamea, Mill.) 20-22 (Populus balsamifera, L.) 36, 37
Basket ash. (Fraxinus nigra, Marsh.) 167, 168
Basswood. (Tilia Americana, L.) 153-155
Bear oak. (Quercus ilicifolia, Wang.) 93, 94
Beech family. (Fagaceae) 70-94
Beech (Fagus ferruginea, Alt.) 70-72 Blue beech, Water beech. (Carpinus Caroliniana. Walt.) 59, 60
Betula lenta, L. Black, Cherry, Sweet birch 61, 62 lutea, Michx. L. Yellow, Gray birch 63, 64 nigra, L. Red, River birch 55,66 papyrifera. Marsh. White, Canoe. Paper birch, 68-70 Betula papyrifera, var. minor, Tuckerman. Dwarf birch 68 populifolia, Marsh. Gray, Poplar, Oldfield, Poverty, Small white birch 66-68
Betulaceae. (Birch family) 57-70 Alnus glutinosa, Medic. European alder 70 Betula lenta, L. Black, Cherry, Sweet birch 61, 62 lutea, Michx. f. Yellow, Gray birch 63, 64 nigra, L. Red, River birch 65, 66 papyrifera, Marsh. White, Canoe, Paper birch 68-70 var. minor, Tuckerman. Dwarf birch 68 populifolia, Marsh. Gray, Poplar, Oldfield, Poverty, Small white birch 66-68 Carpinus Caroliniana, Walt. Hornbeam, Blue beech, Ironwood, Water beech 59, 60 Ostrya Virginica, Willd. Hop hornbeam, Ironwood, Leverwood 57, 58
Birch family. (Betulaceae) 57-70
Birch. Black, Cherry, Sweet birch. (Betula lenta, L.) 61, 62 Canoe, White, Paper birch. (Betula papyrifera, Marsh.) 68-70 Red, River birch (Betula nigra, L.) 65, 66 White, Gray, Oldfield, Poplar, Poverty, Small white birch (Betula populifolia, Marsh.) 66-68 Yellow, Gray birch. (Betula lutea, Michx. f.) 63, 64
Bird cherry (Prunus Pennsylvanica, L. f.) 124, 125
Bitternut (Carya amara, Nutt.) 55-57
Black ash (Fraxinus nigra, Marsh.) 167, 168 birch (Betula lenta, L.) 61, 62 cherry (Prunus serotina, Ehrh.) 127, 128 maple (Acer Saccharum, Marsh., var. nigrum, Britton) 146, 147, 172 oak (Quercus velutina, Lam.) 89-91 spruce (Picea nigra, Link) 12-14 walnut (Juglans nigra, L.) 48, 49 willow (Salix nigra, Marsh.) 42, 43
Blue beech (Carpinus Caroliniana, Walt.) 59, 60
Box elder (Acer negundo, L.) 151-153 white oak (Quercus stellata, Wang.) 77, 78
Boxwood (Cornus florida, L.) 156, 157
Braintree, Mass. Fine specimen of Ilex opaca on farm of Col. Minot Thayer 139
Brittle willow (Salix fragilis, L.) 43-45
Brown ash (Fraxinus nigra, Marsh.) 167, 168 (Fraxinus Pennsylvanica, Marsh.) 164, 165
Bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa, Michx.) 79, 80
Butternut (Juglans cinerea, L.) 46, 47
Buttonball (Platanus occidentalis, L.) 110, 111
Buttonwood (Platanus occidentalis, L.) 110, 111
Canada plum (Primus nigra. Ait.), 122, 123
Canoe birch (Betula papyrifera, Marsh.), 68-70
Caprifoliaceae. (Honeysuckle family) 168, 169
Viburnum Lentas L. Sheep berry sweet viburnum. Nanny plum 168, 169
Carpinus Caroliniana, Walt. Hornbeam. Blue beech. Ironwood. Water beech 59,60
Carya alba, Nutt. Shagbark, Shellbark hickory, Walnut 49-51 amara, Nutt. Bitter nut. Swamp hickory 55-57 porcina, Nutt. Pignut. White hickory 53-55 tomentosa, Nutt. Mockernut. White-heart hickory. Walnut 51-53
Castanea dentata. Borkh. Chestnut 72-74 sativa, var. Americana, Watson & Coulter. Chestnut 72-74 vesca, var. Americana, Michx. Chestnut 72-74
Cat spruce. (Picea alba, Link) 16-18
Cedar, Arbor vitae. White cedar. (Thuja occidentals, L.) 23,24 Red cedar. Savin. (Juniperus Virginiana. L.) 26-28 White cedar. (Chamaecyparis sphaeroidea, Spach) 25,26
Celtis occidentalis. L. Hackberry, Nettle tree, Hoop ash, Sugar berry 100-102
Chamaecyparis sphaeroidea. Spach. White cedar 25,26
Cherry. (Primus Avium, L.) 128 Chokecherry. (Prunus Virginiana, L.) 125,126 Rum, Black cherry. (Prunus serotina, Ehrh.) 127,128 Wild red, Pin, Pigeon, Bird cherry Prunus Pennsylvania, L. f. 124,125
Cherry birch. (Betula lenta, L.) 61,62
Chestnut. (Castanea sativa, var. Americana, Watson & Coulter) 72-74
Chestnut oak. (Quercus Muhlenbergii, Engelm.) 84,85 (Quercus prinus, L.) 82-84
Chinese sumac. (Ailanthus glandulosus, Desf.) 133
Chokecherry. (Prunus Virginiana, L.) 125,126
Clammy locust. (Robinia viscosa, Vent.) 132
Cockspur thorn (Crataegus Crus-Galli, L.) 117, 118, 171
Conifer family, (Pinoideae) 1-28
Cork elm. (Ulmus racemosa, Thomas) 99,100
Cornaceae. (Dogwood family) 150-160 Cornus alternifolia, L, f. Dogwood, Green osier 157, 158 florida, L Flowering dogwood, Boxwood 156, 157 Nyssa sylvatica. Marsh. Tupelo, Sour gum, Pepperidge 159, 160
Cottonwood (Populus deltoides, Marsh.) 34, 35 (Populus heterophylla. L.) 33, 34
Crack willow. (Salix fragilis, L.) 43-45
Crataegus Arnoldiana, Sarg. Thorn 121 coccinea, L. Thorn 118, 119 coccinea, var. mollis, T. & G. Thorn, 120, 121 Crus-Galli, L. Cockspur thorn 117, 118, 171 mollis, Scheele Thorn 120, 121 punctata, Jacq. Cockspur thorn 118 submollis, Sarg. Thorn 121 subvillosa, Schr. Thorn 120, 121
Cupressaceae. (Pinoideae) 23-28 Cupressus 25, 26 Juniperus 26-28 Thuja 23, 24
Cupressus thyoides, L. White cedar 25, 26
Diospyros Virginiana, L. Persimmon 160-162
Dogwood family. (Cornaceae) 156-160
Dogwood (Rhus vernix, L.) 136, 137 Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida, L.) 156, 157 Green osier (Cornus alternifolia, L. f.) 157, 158
Double spruce (Picea nigra, Link) 12-14
Drupaceae. (Plum family) 122-128 Prunus Americana, Marsh. Wild plum 123, 124, 171 Americana, var. nigra, Waugh. Wild, Red, Horse, Canada plum 122, 123 Avium, L. Mazard cherry 128 nigra, Ait. Wild, Red, Horse, Canada plum 122, 123, 171 Pennsylvanica, L. f. Wild red, Pin, Pigeon, Bird cherry 124, 125 serotina, Ehrh. Rum, Black cherry 127, 128 Virginiana, L. Chokecherry 125, 126
Dwarf birch. (Betula papyrifera, var. minor, Tuckerman) 68 black spruce. (Picea nigra, var. semiprostrata) 12 sumac. (Rhus copallina) 137
Ebenaceae. (Ebony family) 160-162 Diospyros Virginiana, L. Persimmon 160-162
Ebony family. (Ebenaceae) 160-162
Elder, Poison elder. (Rhus vernix, L.) 136, 137
Elm family. (Ulmaceae) 95-102
Elm, American elm (Ulmus Americana, L.) 95-97 Cork, Rock elm (Ulmus racemosa. Thomas) 99, 100 Slippery, Red elm (Ulmus fulva, Michx.) 97, 98
European alder (Alnus glutinosa. Medic.) 70 mountain ash (Pyrus aucuparia) 113-115
Fagaceae. (Beech family) 70-94
Castanea dentata, Borkh. Chestnut 72-74 sativa, var. Americana, Watson & Coulter Chestnut 72-74 vesca, var. Americana, Michx. Chestnut 72-74
Fagus Americana, Sweet Beech 70-72 atropunicea, Sudw. Beech 70-72 ferruginea, Ait. Beech 70-72
Quercus acuminata, Sarg. Chestnut oak 84, 85 alba, L. White oak 75-77 bicolor, Willd. Swamp white oak 80-82 coccinea, Wang. Scarlet oak 88, 89 coccinea, var. tinctoria, Gray. Black, Yellow oak 89-91 ilicifolia, Wang. Scrub, Bear oak 93, 94 macrocarpa, Michx. Bur, Over-cup, Mossy-cup oak 79, 80 minor, Sarg. Post, Box white oak 77-78 Muhlenbergii, Engelm. Chestnut oak 84, 85 nana, Sarg. Scrub oak, Bear oak 93, 94 obtusiloba, Michx. Post, Box white oak 77, 78 palustris, Du Roi Pin, Swamp, Water oak 91-93 platanoides, Sudw. Swamp white oak 80-82 prinoides, Willd. Scrub white oak. Scrub chestnut oak 85 prinus, L. Chestnut, Rock chestnut oak 82-84 pumila, Sudw. Scrub, Bear oak 93, 94 rubra, L. Red oak 86, 87 stellata, Wang. Post, Box white oak 77, 78 tinctoria, Bartram Black, Yellow oak 89-91 velutina, Lam. Black, Yellow oak 89-91
Fir (Abies balsamea, Mill.) 20-22
Fir balsam (Abies balsamea, Mill.) 20-22
Fraxinus Americana, L. White ash 162-164 lanceolata. Borkh. Green ash 166, 172 nigra. Marsh. Black, Swamp, Basket, Hoop, Brown ash 167, 168 Pennsylvanica, Marsh. Red, Brown, River ash 164, 165
Fraxinus Pennsylvania, var. lanceolata, Sarg. Green ash 166, 172 pubescens, Lam. Red, Brown, River ash 164,165 sambucifolia, Lam. Black, Swamp, Basket, Hoop, Brown ash 167, 168 viridis, Michx. f. Green ash 166, 172
Glaucous willow. (Salix discolor, Muhl.) 40, 41
Gleditsia triacanthos, L. Honey locust 129, 130
Gray birch. (Betula lutea, Michx. f.) 63,64 (Betula populifolia, Marsh.) 66-68 pine. (Pinus Banksiana, Lam.) 8, 9
Green ash. (Fraxinus Pennsylvanica, var. lanceolata, Sarg.) 166, 172 osier. (Cornus alternifolia, L. f.) 157, 158
Groome estate, Dorchester, Mass., Willow. (Salix fragilis, 1890) 44
Gum, (Liquidambar Styraciflua, L.) 108, 109 Sour gum. (Nyssa sylvatica, Marsh.) 159, 160
Hackberry. (Celtis occidentalis, L.) 100-102
Hacmatack. (Larix Americana, Michx.) 2-4
Hamamelidaceae. (Witch Hazel family) 108, 109 Liquidambar styraciflua, L. Sweet gum 108, 109
Hard maple. (Acer Saccharum, Marsh.) 144-146 pine. (Pinus rigida, Mill.) 6, 7
Hemlock. (Tsuga Canadensis, Carr.) 19, 20
Hickory. Bitternut, Swamp hickory. (Carya amara, Nutt.) 55-57 Mockernut, White-heart hickory. (Carya tomentosa, Nutt.) 51-53 Pignut, White hickory. (Carya porcina, Nutt.) 53-55 Shagbark, Shellbark hickory. (Carya alba, Nutt.) 49-51
Hicoria alba, Britton. Mockernut, White-heart hickory, Walnut 51-53 glabra, Britton. Pignut, White hickory 53-55 minima, Britton. Butternut, Swamp hickory 55-57 ovata, Britton. Shagbark, Shellbark hickory, Walnut 49-51
Holly family. (Aquifoliaceae) 138-140
Holly, American holly. (Ilex opaca, Ait.) 138-140
Honey locust. (Gleditsia triacanthos, L.) 129,130
Honeysuckle family. (Caprifoliaceae) 168,169
Hoop ash. (Celtis occidentals, L.) 100-102 (Fraxinus nigra, Marsh.) 167, 168
Hop hornbeam. (Ostrya Virginica, Willd.) 57,58
Hornbeam. (Carpinus Caroliniana, Walt.) 59, 60
Horse plum. (Prunus nigra, Ait.) 122,123
Ilex opaca, Ait. American holly 138-140
Ironwood. (Carpinus Caroliniana, Walt.) 59, 60 (Ostrya Virginica, Willd.) 57, 58
Ivy, Poison ivy. (Rhus toxicodendron) 137
Jack pine. (Pinus Banksiana, Lamb) 8, 9
Juglandaceae. (Walnut family) 47-57 Carya alba, Nutt. Shagbark, Shellbark hickory, Walnut 49-51 amara, Nutt. Bitternut, Swamp hickory 55-57 porcina, Nutt. Pignut, White hickory 53-55 tomentosa, Nutt. Mockernut, White-heart hickory. Walnut 51-53
Hicoria alba, Britton Mockernut, White-heart hickory. Walnut 51-53 glabra, Britton. Pignut, White hickory 53-55 minima, Britton. Bitternut, Swamp hickory 55-57 ovata, Britton. Shagbark, Shellbark hickory, Walnut, 49-51
Juglans cinerea, L. Butternut, Oilnut, Lemon walnut, 46, 47 nigra, L. Black walnut 48, 49
June-berry. (Amelanchier Canadensis, Medic.) 116, 117
Juniper. (Larix Americana, Michx.) 2-4
Juniperus Virginiana, L. Red cedar, Savin 26-28
Labrador spruce. (Picea alba, Link) 16-18
Laconia, N.H., Pussy willow, 35 ft. high. (Salix discolor, Muhl.) 41
Larch. (Larix Americana, Michx.) 2-4
Large-toothed aspen . . (Populus grandidenta, Michx.) 31,32
Larix Americana, Michx. Tamarack, Hacmatack, Larch, Juniper 2-4 laricina, Koch. Tamarack, Hacmatack, Larch, Juniper 2-4
Lauraceae. (Laurel family) 106-108 Sassafras officinale. Nees. Sassafras 106-108 Sassafras, Karst. Sassafras 106-108
Laurel family. (Lauraceae) 106-108
Leguminosae. (Pulse family) 129-132 Gleditsia triacanthos, L. Honey locust, Three-thorned acacia 129, 130 Robinia pseudacacia. L. Locust 131, 132 viscosa, Vent. Clammy locust 132
Lemon walnut (Juglans cinerea, L.) 46, 47
Leverwood (Ostrya Virginica, Willd.) 57, 58
Lime. (Tilia Americana, L.) 153-155
Linden family. (Tiliaceae) 153-155
Linden. (Tilia Americana, L.) 153-155
Liquidambar Styraciflua, L. Sweet gum 108, 109
Liriodendron Tulipifera, L. Tulip tree, Whitewood, Poplar 104-106
Locust. (Robinia pseudacacia, L.) 131, 132 Clammy locust (Robinia viscosa, Vent.) 132 Honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos, L.) 129,130
Magnolia family. (Magnoliaceae) 104-106
Magnoliaceae. (Magnolia family) 104-106 Liriodendron Tulipifera, L. Tulip tree, Whitewood, Poplar 104-106
Malus Malus, Britton. Apple tree 115
Maple family. (Aceraceae) 140-153
Maple, Black maple (Acer Saccharum, Marsh., var. nigrum, Britton) 127, 146, 172 Box elder, Ash-leaved maple. (Acer negundo, L.) 151-153 Mountain maple (Acer spicatum, Lam.) 148, 149 Norway maple (cultivated) (Acer platanoides) 146 Red, Swamp, Soft, White maple. (Acer rubrum, L.) 140-142 Rock, Sugar, Hard maple, Sugar tree. (Acer Saccharum, Marsh.) 144-146, 172 Silver, Soft, White maple, River (Acer saccharinum, L.) 142-144 Striped maple, Moosewood, Whistlewood. (Acer Pennsylvanicum, L.) 149-151
Mazard cherry. (Prunus Avium, L.) 128
Mockernut. (Carya tomentosa, Nutt.) 51-53
Moosewood. (Acer Pennsylvanicum, L.) 149-151
Moraceae. (Mulberry family) 102-104
Morus alba, L. White mulberry 104 rubra, L. Red mulberry 102, 103
Mossy-cup oak (Quercus macrocarpa, Michx.) 79, 80
Mountain ash (Pyrus Americana, DC.) 112, 113 (Pyrus sambucifolia, Cham. & Schlecht.) 113-115
Mountain ash, European. (Pyrus aucuparia) 113, 115 maple (Acer spicatum, Lam.) 148, 149
Mulberry family. (Moraceae) 102-104
Mulberry, Red mulberry. (Morus rubra. L.) 102, 103 White mulberry. (Morus alba, L.) 104
Nanny plum (Viburnum Lentago, L.) 168, 169
Negundo aceroides, Moench. Box elder, Ash-leaved maple 151-153 Negundo, Karst. 151-153
Nettle tree (Celtis occidentalis, L.) 100-102
Norway maple. (Acer platanoides) 146 pine (Pinus resinosa, Ait.) 10, 11
Nyssa sylvatica, Marsh. Tupelo, Sour gum, Pepperidge 159, 160
Oak, Black, Yellow oak (Quercus velutina, Lam.) 89-91 Bur, Over-cup, Mossy-cup oak (Quercus macrocarpa, Michx.) 79, 80 Chestnut oak (Quercus Muhlenbergii) 84, 85 Chestnut, Rock chestnut oak (Quercus prinus, L.) 82-84 Pin, Swamp, Water oak (Quercus palustris, Du Roi) 91-08 Post, Box white oak (Quercus stellata, Wang.) 77, 78 Red oak (Quercus rubra, L.) 86, 87 Scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea, Wang.) 88, 89 Scrub, Bear oak (Quercus ilicifolia, Wang.) 93, 94 Scrub chestnut, Scrub white oak (Quercus prinoides. Willd.) 85 Swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor, Willd.), 80-82 White oak (Quercus alba, L.) 75-77
Oilnut (Juglans cinerea, L.) 46, 47
Oldfield birch (Betula populifolia, Marsh.) 66-68
Oleaceae. (Olive family) 162-168 Fraxinus Americana, L. White ash 162-164 lanceolata, Borkh. Green ash 166, 172 nigra, Marsh. Black, Swamp, Basket, Hoop, Brown ash 167, 168 Pennsylvania, Marsh. Red, Brown, River ash 164, 165 Pennsylvania, var. lanceolata, Sarg. Green ash 166, 172 pubescens, Lam. Red, Brown, River ash 164, 165 sambucifolia, Lam. Black, Swamp, Basket, Hoop, Brown ash 167, 168 viridis, Michx. f. Green ash 166
Olive family. (Oleaceae) 162-168
Osier (Cornus alternifolia, L. f.) 157, 158
Ostrya Virginica, Willd. Hop hornbeam, Ironwood, Leverwood 57, 58
Over-cup oak. (Quercus macrocarpa, Michx.) 79, 80
Paper birch (Betula papyrifera, Marsh.) 68-70
Pear tree (Pyrus communis, L.) 115
Pepperidge (Nyssa sylvatica, Marsh.) 159, 160
Persimmon (Diospyros Virginiana, L.) 160-162
Picea alba, Link White spruce 16-18 Canadensis, B. S. P. White spruce 16-18 nigra, Link. Black spruce 12-14 nigra, var. semiprostrata Dwarf black spruce 12 rubra, Link Red spruce 15, 16
Pigeon cherry (Primus Pennsylvanica, L. f.) 124, 125
Pignut (Carya porcina, Nutt.) 53-55
Pin cherry (Prunus Pennsylvanica, L. f.) 124, 125 oak (Quercus palustris, Du Roi) 91-93
Pine family: Conifers. (Pinoideae) 1-28
Pine. Jack, Gray, Scrub, Spruce pine (Pinus Banksiana, Lamb) 8, 9 Pitch, Hard pine (Pinus rigida, Mill.) 6, 7 Red, Norway pine (Pinus resinosa, Ait.) 10, 11 Scotch pine (dit incorrectly Scotch fir) (Pinus sylvestris, L.) 11, 12 White pine (Pinus Strobus, L.) 4-6
Pinoideae. (Pine family: Conifers) 1-28 Abietaceae. 1-22 Abies balsamea, Mill. Fir balsam, Balsam, Fir 20-22 Larix Americana, Michx. Tamarack, Hacmatack, Larch, Juniper 2-4 laricina, Koch. Tamarack, Hacmatack, Larch, Juniper 2-4 Picea alba, Link White, Cat, Skunk, Labrador spruce 16-18 Canadensis, B.S.P. White, Cat, Skunk, Labrador spruce 16-18 nigra, Link. Black, Double, Swamp, Water spruce 12-14 rubra, Link. Red spruce 15, 16 semiprostrata Dwarf black spruce 12 Pinus Banksiana, Lamb. Jack, Gray, Scrub, Spruce pine 8, 9 resinosa, Ait. Red, Norway pine 10, 11 rigida, Mill. Pitch, Hard pine 6, 7 Strobus, L. White pine 4-6 sylvestris, L. Scotch pine 11, 12 Tsuga Canadensis, Carr. Hemlock 19, 20
Cupressaceae. 2, 23-28 Chamaecyparis sphaeroidea, Spach. White cedar, Cedar 25, 26 thyoides, L. White cedar, Cedar 25, 26 Juniperus Virginiana, L. Red cedar, Savin 26-28 Thuja occidentalis, L. Arbor-vitae, White cedar 23, 24 |
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