COCOA WITH WHIPPED CREAM—Heat four cups of milk to the scalding point over hot water, or in a double boiler. Milk should be heated by direct contact with the fire. Mix a few grains of salt, three level tablespoons of cocoa and one-fourth cup of sugar to a paste with a little of the milk, then add three-fourths cup of boiling water and boil one minute, add to the hot milk and beat two minutes by the clock. Serve with a tablespoon of beaten or whipped cream on top of each cup.
CURRANT JULEP—Pick over currants and measure two cups. Mash them and pour on two cups of cold water. Strain and chill the juice. Put one tablespoon of simple syrup in a tall glass, add three bruised fresh mint leaves and fill with the currant juice. Add three or four perfect raspberries and serve. The syrup is made by simmering for twenty minutes, one cup of sugar and two of water.
CURRANT SHRUB—Pick over and mash two quarts of ripe currants, add one pint of vinegar, and let stand over night. Set on the range and bring to the boiling point, then strain twice. Measure the clear liquid, and allow one cup of sugar to each cup of liquid. Simmer twenty minutes and seal in bottles.
RASPBERRY SHRUB—Put one quart of ripe raspberries in a bowl, add two cups of vinegar, mash the berries slightly, and let stand over night. In the morning, scald and strain until clear. Measure, and to each cup of juice add one cup of sugar, boil twenty minutes and seal.
STRAWBERRY SYRUP—Pick over, rinse, drain and remove the hulls from several quarts of ripe berries. Fill a porcelain lined double boiler with the fruit and set it over the lower boiler half full of boiling water, and let it heat until the juice flows freely. Mash the berries, then turn out into a cloth strainer and cook the remainder of the fruit in the same way. When all the juice is pressed out, measure it and allow an equal amount of sugar. Let the juice come to the boiling point, add the sugar and cook five minutes from the time the whole begins to boil. Turn into jars or bottles and seal the same as canned fruit. This is excellent for beverages, flavoring ice cream and other fancy creams, and will be found desirable for many purposes when fresh fruit is not at hand.
- Transcribers note: From Page 87 the index is one page out. This has been left as in the original of this text version for authenticity. -
Apple slump 90
Apples and onions 66
Apples, scalloped 123
Apples stuffed with dates 120
Bacon and green peppers 48
Bacon and spinach 66
Baked milk 57
Bananas, fried 49
Bananas with oatmeal 56
Beef— Broiled steak, rare 28 En casserole 21 English pot roast 23 Hamburg steak, fried, Russian Sauce 29 Hash cakes 21 Hash with dropped eggs 24 Loin steaks, broiled 29 Pie 25 Ragout of 21 Rib roast 29 Roast, American style 29 Roast on spit 29 Rolled rib roast 26 Smoked with cream 30 Steak, fried 28
Boiled samp 56
Bread— Bread, brown, Boston. 82 Egg 82 Graham 82 Nut 83 Oatmeal 83 Oriental oatmeal 83 Raisin 83 Steamed brown 84 Steamed Graham 84 Whole wheat 84
Bread with cream cheese filling 45
Bread puffs with sauce 90
Brunswick stew 23
Brussel's Sprouts— Maitre d'hotel 60 Sauted 60
Cabbage, stuffed 73
Cabbage and cheese 67
Cake—Fancy— Almond 93 Almond cheese 93 Aunt Amy's 93 Baltimore 93, 94 Bread 94 Bride's 94 Buttermilk 94 Chocolate 94, 95 Chocolate layer 95 Chocolate loaf 96 Cocoa 96 Cream layer 96 Cream (or pie) 96 Date 96 Eggless 97 Feather 97 Fig 97 Fig layer 97 Fruit 97 Golden 97 Hickory nut 97 Huckleberry 98 Ice cream 98 Layer 98 Margarettes 98 Plain 98 Plain tea 98 Raisin 99 Rockland 99 Snow 99 Spice 99 Sponge 99 Sultana tea 100 Sunshine 100 Tea 100 Velvet 100 White patty 100
Cakes—Hot— Breakfast 79 Hominy 85 Oatmeal 85 Rye breakfast 79 Scotch scones 79 Scotch oat 79
Calla lilies 92
Calves' tongues 23
Candies— Cowslips crystallized 104 Figs, glace 105 Fruit paste 105 Fudge, raisin 105 Pineapple marshmallows 105 Sugaring flowers 105 Violets, candied 104 Walnuts, creamed 104
Carrots, glazed with peas 68
Catsup, tomato 111
Cauliflower— Au gratin 67 Fritters 67 In mayonnaise 57 Scrambled 69
Celery, boiled 66
Charlotte and eclair, coffee cream for 118
Cheese croquettes 45
Cheese ramekins 48
Cheese timbales 48
Cherry preserves 113
Chestnuts, boiled 61
Chicken— A la tartare 35 Bohemian 35 Broiled in paper 35 Croquettes 35, 36 Deviled 38 Fried 38 Jellied 38 Marbled 38 Potted 39 Pot pie 37 Pressed 39 Roast 39 Stuffed 39 Timbales 37
Chicken gravy 51
Chicken livers for birds 41
Chili sauce 110
Chutney, tomato 112
Clams, scalloped in shell 20
Cocoa with whipped cream 132
Cocktail sauce for shellfish 57
Coffee cream 92
Coffee cream cakes and filling 101
Coffee eclairs 101
Cookies— Sugar 103 Soft ginger 103
Corn— Boiled 61 Fried 67 Fritters 61 Stewed with cream 73 Toast 47
Corn beef hash 23
Corncake, crisp, white 82
Corncake, Southern 84
Cranberry conserve —
Cranberry mold 113
Cream— Bavarian 91 Pineapple and Bavarian 123 Spanish 123
Creole sauce 110
Croquettes— Banana 48 Beef with rice 26 Flavor with fish 26
Croutons 82
Crullers 101
Crullers, Dutch 102
Crumpets 101
Crust— Dripping 86 For custards 86 For pies 86 Currant julep 132 Currant shrub 132
Custard— Boiled 92, 121 Cocoa 92 Coffee cup 92 Pudding 121
Dessert— Cold rhubarb 122 German 122
Doughnuts— Raised 102 Sour milk 102
Dressing— French 33 Salad 33 Trianon 33
Duck— Canvasback, roasted 50 Roast with orange sauce 50 Wild, broiled 50
Dumplings— Cherry 90 Raspberry 91, 128
Eggs— Beauregard 54 Light omelet 55 Omelet for one 56 Scrambled in milk 54 Scrambled with mushrooms 55 Scrambled with peppers 55 With potato scallop 54 With white sauce 54
Egg Plant— Broiled 62 Fried 62 Fritters 62 Stuffed 73
Fig and rhubarb 121
Filling 118
Filling— For cake 119 Orange 120
Fish— Cod, boiled, cream sauce 17 Codfish cones 18 Codfish hash 18 Codfish, stewed 21 East India style 18 En casserole 18 Finnan-haddie fish cakes 18 Finnan-haddie, rechauffe 20 Haddock, Metelote of 19 Louisiana cod 19 Mackerel, boiled 17 Mackerel, broiled, black butter 18 Mackerel, broiled 17 Salmon, boiled, sauce tartare 17 Salmon, mold of 19
Forced meat balls for turtle soup 52
Fried parsley 53
Fritters— Apple 90 Asparagus 85 Corn 85 Squash 86
Frosting, fig or date 119
Frozen ice 106
Fruit ice 106
Game, salmi of 51
Giblets— Turkey or goose, fricasseed 38 Turkey, a la bourgeoise 39
Ham— Boiled boned 22 Boned 22 Croquettes 24 Fried 24 With chicken pie 24
Glace des gourmets 108
Gravy for wild fowl 51
Green melon, saute 68
Griddle cakes, crumb 85
Ice Cream— Baltimore 106 Black currant 106 Pineapple 107 Vanilla 107 With maple syrup 107
Icing— Maple 119 With mocha filling 119
Instructions for preparing poultry before dressing 34
Italian Ravioli— Dressing for 59 Noodle dough for 59
Jam— Currant 115 Green grape marmalade 114 Pear and blueberry 114 Rhubarb 115 Strawberry 115
Jelly— Apple and grape 112 Black currant 112 Cherry 113 Crabapple, spiced 115 Currant and raspberry 113 Lemon 119 Mosaic 122
Kedgeree 46
Kisses, apricot 120
Lamb— Chops en casserole 24 Curry 25
Lemon butter 75
Lima beans with nuts 69
Lobster butter 75
Luncheon surprise 48
Macaroni or spaghetti, Italian style 70
Macaroni with apricots 69
Maitre d'hotel butter 76
Meringue date 126
Mince meat 116
Minced cabbage 49
Mutton, minced 25
Molded cereal with banana surprise 56
Muffins— Berry 80 Boiled rice 82 Buttermilk 81 English 81 Graham 81 Hominy 81 Quick, in rings 81
Mushrooms— Broiled on toast 62 Deviled 62 In cream 63 Stewed 55
Mushroom sauce, Italian style 70
Nut hash 49
Nut parsnip stew 70
Onions— Baked 63 Boiled, Spanish 63 Boiled with cream 61 Fried 63 Fried, Spanish 62 Glazed 63 Stuffed and steamed 65
Oysters— A la poulette 20 Fricassee 20
Oyster plant boiled 63
Orange fool 52
Pancakes, pineapple 85
Parfait— Maple 108 Pineapple 108 Strawberry 108 Vanilla 109 Violet 109
Parsnips— Fritters 64 Mashed 64
Paste for tarts 86
Peanut meatose 40
Pepper relish 111
Piccalilli 111
Pickles, cherry 110
Pies— Apple 86 Apple, Southern style 87 Beaten cream 87 Cherry 89 Fresh raspberry 89 Green currant 89 Green tomato 89 Lemon 87 Lemon cream 90 Nut mince 87 Pineapple cream 89
Pie paste, plain 89
Pigs' ears, lyonnaise 25
Pigs' feet, broiled 22
Pork— Cutlets, anchovy sauce 25 Roast shoulder of 30
Pineapple— Canned 112 Sorbet 107
Plum porridge 52
Potatoes— Au gratin 70 Balls 64 Broiled 63 Creamed 65, 71 Lyonnaise 64 Maitre d'hotel 70 Mold 71 Parisienne 71 Puffs 71 Sauted with onions 64 Stuffed 73
Potato balls, breaded 66
Potato croquettes 65
Poultry Stuffing— Anchovy 40 Chestnut 40 Chestnut with truffles 40 Chicken 41 Giblet for turkey 41 Pickled pork for turkey 41 Potato 41
Poultry and poultry dressing 35
Preserves— Fig 114 Fig, tomato 116 Ripe tomato, spiced 116 Wild grape butter 116 Yellow tomato 116
Pudding— Apple 124 Apple sponge 120, 124 Baked 125 Baked cherry 125 Cottage 125 Custard 125 Cranberry and Custard 125 Fruit 126 Indian tapioca 126 Lemon 126 Lemon meringue 126 Little steamed 127 New Hampshire Indian meal 127 Peach tapioca 127 Spoon 128 Squash 128 Steamed 123, 128 Tapioca 129 Whole wheat 129 Yorkshire 124, 129
Puff paste 86
Quenelles— Beef marrow 53 Calf's liver 53 Chicken 53
Ragout of cooked meat 25
Raspberry shrub 132
Remnants of ham with peas 49
Rice— A la Georgienne 72 In tomatoes 72 Italian style with mushrooms 72 Japanese or Chinese 69
Rice milk 52
Rice soup 52
Rolls—Hot— Breakfast 78 Egg 78 Light luncheon 78 Pan 79 Popovers, whole wheat 80 Raised graham 79 Tea 78
Rusk, old fashioned 80
Salad— Asparagus 31 Beet 31 Bird's nest 31 Cabbage 31 Cauliflower with mayonnaise 31 Celery and nut 32 Creole 32 Cucumber, jellied 32 Fish 32 Spanish tomato 32 Tomato basket 33
Samp and beans 58
Sandwich— Banana 46 Chicken and pimento 45 Cold mutton 47 Cress 46 German rye bread 46 Ham 46 Japanese 46
Sandwich fillings 47
Sardine butter 57
Sardine cocktail 57
Sardine rarebit 48
Sauce— Cucumber 74 Fish 76 For batter pudding 131 For cherry pudding 131 For fried pike 77 For puddings 131 Fruit syrup 130 Gherkin 74 Giblet 74 Gooseberry 70 Half glace 71 Ham 71 Horseradish 75 Lemon 130 Lemon for fish 75 Lemon, for fritters 130 Mayonnaise 77 Orange 130 Parsley and lemon 76 Poivrade 76 Raspberry, for ice cream 131 Royal 76 Shrimp 77 Strawberry 131 Tartare 77
Sausage— Frankfort 23 Stewed with cabbage 30
Scotch snipe 49
Sheeps' brains with small onions 26
Sheep's kidneys, broiled 22
Sheeps' tongues 26
Sherbet— Cranberry 107 Currant 107 Lemon 107 Lemon ginger 107 Tea 108
Shortcake, individual 102
Shrimp butter 57
Shrimps scalloped 20
Souffle— Asparagus 117 Cabbage 117 Carrot 118 Cheese 117 Corn 117 Custard 121 Egg 126 Guernsey cheese 117 Tapioca 129 Tomato 118
Soup— Asparagus 11 Bean 11 Bisque of clam 11 Bisque of lobster 11 Bisque of oyster 12 Black bean 12 Chestnut 12, 16 Chicken gumbo, Creole style 12 Cream of celery 13 Egg 13 Green pea 13 Green tomato — Onion 13 Peanut 13 Sago 14 Salmon 14 Sorrel 14 Tomato 14 Tomato, corned beef stock 15 Vegetable (broth) 15 Vegetable 15 White 16 Wine 16
Spanish chops 27
Spaghetti, a la Italian 72
Spaghetti creamed 67
Spawn and milk 56
Spinach mold 70
Squash flower omelet 49
Strawberry sarabande 123
Strawberry syrup 132
Stuffing— English 44 For birds 42 For boiled turkey or rabbit 42, 43, 44 For ducks 42 For fish 42 For fowls 42 For geese 43 For suckling pig or 'possum 43 For veal 44
Suckling pig 30
Sundae, walnut 124
Sweet potatoes, glaced 68
Tartlets, cottage cheese 91
Tart shells 91
Tarts, prune 91
Thickened butter 56
Toast, log cabin 80
Tomatoes— Fried 68 Green, gingered 110 Green, minced 111 Scalloped 72
Tongue canapes 47
Tongue toast 47
Turkey truffles 40
Veal— Breaded cutlets 22 Croquettes 27 Loaf 27 Patties 28 Shoulder of braised 26
Vegetable roast 50
Vinegar— Blackberry 58 Homemade 58 Mint 57
Virginia stew 28
Waffles, Southern style 80
Walnut loaf 50
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