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Golden Stars in Tatting and Crochet
by Eleonore Riego de la Branchardiere
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[Transcriber's Note: Most of this book is set with a hanging indent that has not been retained in the text version.

Punctuation, hyphenation and spelling have not been modernized. However, the oe ligature has been represented by [oe] in the word "[oe]illet."]







Price One Shilling.




Entered at Stationers' Hall.] 1861. [The right of Translation is reserved.


These Designs are Registered under the 5th & 6th Vic. c. 100, and the Public are hereby cautioned against making any of them for the purpose of Sale, without permission from the Authoress. Any person infringing upon the Copyright will be proceeded against, and, by sect. 8, they are liable to a penalty of from L5 to L30 for each offence.



Rules and Explanation of Terms.

The following Designs are formed by a very simple combination of Tatting and Crochet, the more elaborate style of both Works being avoided, so that any Lady with a knowledge of the first rules of each Art will be able to accomplish the patterns without the least difficulty, the Stars and Diamonds being made in Tatting and afterwards worked round with loops of chain Crochet.

The numerous purposes to which the work can be applied far exceed the limits of this Book, as it admits of being made in every material. The Stars have a good effect for spotting and trimming Dresses, and, when worked in black or white Silk, are suitable for Cloak and Bonnet Trimmings. For Antimacassars and Doyleys, white and colored Cotton can be substituted for the Gold and Wool; most of the Designs are adapted for Church Needlework.

The Gold Tatting Twine can be obtained in two qualities; the least expensive should be used for Doyleys and Antimacassars, but for Church Needlework, or Collars and Sleeves, the better make is most suited.

The new Tatting Silk is a substitute for the Gold, and is made in two sizes, No. 1 being the coarser.

In these Designs the knots should be made on the right side of the work, the reverse side having the best effect.

"To Commence," in Crochet—Put the needle into a stitch or pearl loop, and, leaving an end, bring the wool through in a loop.

"To Join," in Crochet—Take the needle out of the loop, put it into the stitch to be joined, and bring the loop through this stitch, always joining to the centre of a loop of chain.



For which a Shuttle and Ring and Pin will be required. The Shuttle is to be filled with the materials as directed.

"A Pearl Loop," in Tatting—Turn the thread which forms the foundation loop over the pin and continue the stitches.

"A Double Stitch," in Tatting—Is formed by a single and a reverse stitch worked alternately.

OCTAGON STAR—Commence a loop, work 1 double stitch, then (1 pearl and 2 double stitches alternately 7 times), 1 pearl, 1 double, draw the loop quite close, place the two ends together, knot them firmly and cut off the ends; it is better to knot the gold twice to make it very secure.

SEXAGON STAR—Commence a loop, work 1 double, then (1 pearl and 2 double 5 times), 1 pearl, 1 double; draw close &c. as for the previous Star.

THE DIAMOND 1st Oval—Commence a loop, work 4 double stitches, then 1 pearl, 2 double, 1 pearl, 2 double, 1 pearl, 4 double; draw quite close, and work 3 Ovals more the same, commencing them close to the last; and to fasten off firmly, pass the first end through the last oval, and then through the other three; knot the two ends together.



Materials—2 skeins of extra coarse Gold-colored Netting Silk, or Gold Twine; 2 skeins of Cerise ordinary Coarse Silk; Walker's Penelope Crochet Needle No 3-1/2; a Shuttle; Ring and pin No. 3. Andalusian Wool and Tatting Silk can be used if preferred.

The foundation of the Sleeve in the Engraving is of Tulle or Brussels Net, made up into puffs, but the style can be varied according to the dress, and the work without the net is suited for Cuffs to tight Sleeves.


With the gold silk or twine make 20 Octagon Stars as page 4.

THE WRISTBAND, 1st STAR—Take one of the gold stars and with the cerise silk and crochet needle commence in one of the pearl loops of it, work 9 chain and 1 plain in each of the 8 pearl loops, fasten off, knotting the ends together.

2nd STAR—Commence in a pearl loop of another gold star, work (9 chain and 1 plain in a pearl loop as before, 6 times), then 5 chain, join to the centre of the 4th loop of chain of the 1st star, 4 chain, 1 plain in the next pearl, 5 chain, join to the next loop of the 1st star, 4 chain, 1 plain in the next pearl, and fasten off.

Work 6 Stars more the same as the last, which finishes the Band.

THE LARGE STAR—Work as the 1st Star, but at the end of the round instead of fastening off work 4 single on the first loop of chain, then (10 chain, miss 9 and 1 plain in the 9 chain of the 1st round, 6 times), 5 chain, join to the centre of the 2nd loop of chain of the last star of the band, 5 chain, miss 9, 1 plain as before, 5 chain, join to the next loop of the 1st star, 5 chain, miss 9, 1 plain, and fasten off.

Work 3 Stars more the same, joining them to every other star of the Wristband.

Work the 8 remaining Stars the same as the 1st, and sew them separately to the net.



Materials—The same as previous Sleeve.

Work 9 Stars the same as the 1st Star in the preceding direction; and for the Band—with the gold make a crochet chain of about 14 inches, turn, and along the chain work a row of 1 chain, miss 1, and 1 treble. Fasten off.

The Collar is formed by doubling the Net and drawing it into a narrow band to shape it. The Stars and Band are then to be tacked on.



Materials—2 skeins of coarse Gold-colored Netting Silk, or Gold Twine; 2 skeins of Black or Colored ordinary size Silk; Walker's Penelope Crochet Needle, No. 3-1/2; a Shuttle; Ring and pin No. 3. Andalusian Wool and Tatting Silk No. 2 can be used.

The foundation of the Sleeve is of Tulle or Brussels Net.



1st [OE]ILLET—Fill the shuttle with the gold silk or twine and commence a loop, work 2 double stitches, then (1 pearl and 2 double 3 times), draw the loop quite close; and for the

2nd [OE]ILLET—Commence a loop half an inch from the last and work 2 double, then join to the last pearl loop, work 2 double, 1 pearl, 2 double, 1 pearl, 2 double, draw close. Join to the Silk left between the [oe]illets, which will keep it firm; and there will now be about a quarter of an inch between the [oe]illets, which is just sufficient to keep the work straight, Repeat the 2nd [oe]illet until there are 21, then leave a quarter of an inch of silk and join to the last pearl, leave another quarter and join to the next pearl, which is the centre one of the [oe]illet. Turn the work and join to the centre pearl loop of each [oe]illet, leaving a quarter of an inch between to make a straight line to correspond with the first side. Fasten off.

With the black or colored silk and crochet needle commence in one of the spaces of gold left between the [oe]illets, work 5 chain and 1 plain in the centre pearl loop of the next [oe]illet, 5 chain, 1 plain in the next space; repeat round both sides of the Band and fasten off. In the first side the plain stitch must be worked in the joining stitch at the end of the [oe]illet.


With the gold make 8 Octagon Stars and 8 Diamonds as page 4.

1st DIAMOND—Take one of the gold diamonds and with the black silk and crochet needle commence in the centre pearl loop of one of the ovals, + work 4 chain, 1 plain in the next pearl, 9 chain, 1 plain in the same pearl as the last plain. Repeat from + 10 times more. Then 4 chain, 1 plain in the 1st pearl, 5 chain, take the wristband and join to the centre of the 1st loop of chain of it, 5 chain, 1 plain. Fasten off.

2nd DIAMOND—The same as the last, joining it to the 12th loop of chain of the Band. Work 2 diamonds more the same, always leaving 11 loops of the Band between them.

1st STAR—Take a gold star and with the black silk commence in a pearl loop of it, work 8 chain and 1 plain in each of the 8 pearl loops, then 4 single on the first 4 chain, 10 chain, miss 8, 1 plain in the 10 chain, 5 chain, join to the 6th or centre loop of the Band, between the diamonds, 5 chain, miss 8, 1 plain in the next 8 chain, then 10 chain, miss 8, 1 plain as before, 5 chain, join to the centre of the third 9 chain of the next diamond, 5 chain, miss 8, 1 plain as before, (10 chain, miss 8 and 1 plain, 3 times), 5 chain; join to the opposite 9 chain of the next diamond, 5 chain, 1 plain. Fasten off.

Work three Stars more the same, joining them between the diamonds.

5th STAR—Work as the 1st Star to the end of the 1st round, then (10 chain, miss 8 and 1 plain in the 8 chain, 7 times), 5 chain, join to the centre 9 chain of one of the diamonds opposite to the one joined to the Band, then 5 chain, 1 plain; fasten off.

5th DIAMOND—Work as the 1st Diamond, joining it to the centre of the 4th 10 chain of the last star. Repeat the last Star and Diamond on each of the other three Diamonds which are attached to the Band.

A COLLAR to correspond can be made the same as No. 2.



Materials—Two shades of Green, one of light Mauve, and the Gold, &c., according to the following directions:—

For a Doyley 7 inches square, use Single Berlin Wool and Gold Twine or Gold-Colored Crochet Silk; Penelope Needle No. 2; Tatting Pin No. 3, and a small Shuttle.

For Cushions, Antimacassars, and Couvre-Pieds, use Double Berlin Wool; Gold-Colored Wool or Filoselle; Steel Penelope Needle No. 0, or Ivory No. 10 Bell Guage; Tatting Pin or Mesh which measures No. 9, Bell Guage.

For Dress and Mantle Trimmings, Headdresses, &c., use Andalusian Wool or Netting Silk; and Gold Twine or Tatting Silk No. 2; Penelope Needle No. 3; Tatting Pin, No. 2.


1st DIAMOND—With the gold twine or silk work a diamond as page 4; and for the 1st round—With the light green wool and crochet needle commence in one of the pearl loops of the diamond, work 4 chain and 1 plain in the next pearl; repeat 11 times more, and fasten off, always knotting the ends together.

2nd round—With the dark green commence in a loop of the light green, which is between the 2nd and 3rd pearls of one of the ovals, work 6 chain, miss 4 and 1 plain in the next 4 chain; repeat all round; fasten off.

2nd DIAMOND—Work as the 1st, but in the 2nd round make only 11 loops of chain, and for the 12th, work 3 chain, take the 1st diamond and join to the centre of the 6th loop of 3 chain, 1 plain; fasten off.

Work as the last diamond until the length required is made.

THE STARS.—With the gold work an Octagon Star as page 4, then with the mauve wool and crochet needle commence in one of the pearl loops of the star, work (6 chain and 1 plain in each pearl, 4 times), and for the 5th loop, 3 chain; take the last diamond and join to the centre of the 2nd loop of it, 3 chain, 1 plain in the next pearl; work 3 loops more as the last, joining first to the 1st loop of the diamond, and then to the next two loops of the next diamond; fasten off.

Repeat this Star between the Diamonds.


1st DIAMOND.—Work a Diamond as in the 1st Stripe, but in the 2nd round make only 8 loops of chain, and for the 9th loop, 3 chain, join to the 3rd loop of the last diamond, 3 chain, 1 plain in the next loop of the 1st round; then work 2 loops more the same, joining to the next two loops of the star; and for the 12th loop, 6 chain, 1 plain, fasten off.

2nd DIAMOND.—As the 1st, but in the 2nd round, make only 5 loops of chain, and for the 6th loop, 3 chain, join to the 12th loop of the last diamond, 3 chain, 1 plain as before; work 5 loops more as the last, joining them to the next 2 loops of the star, then to the next loop of the diamond of the 1st stripe, and then to the next 2 loops of the 2nd star; 6 chain, 1 plain; fasten off.

Repeat the last diamond to the end of the Stripe. Then work the Stars and the 2nd Stripe of Diamonds until the width is made.

THE EDGE, (TATTING).—Fill the shuttle with gold, keep the work on the wrong side and commence in a loop of one of the diamonds to the left of the one already joined, and for a + Small [OE]illet, commence a loop, work 5 double stitches, draw it close; then join to the next loop of the next diamond, and for the large [OE]illet commence a loop, work 2 double, then (1 pearl and 2 double 5 times), draw it nearly close, and join to the next loop of the diamond. Work 3 large [oe]illets more the same, joining after each; then repeat from + all round. At the corners it will require 7 large [oe]illets.



Colours—Azoff Blue, Black or White, and 2 Shades of Magenta Wool; the gold and other materials the same as No. 4.


1st DIAMOND—With the gold twine or silk work a diamond as page 4, and for the

1st round—With the light magenta wool and crochet needle commence in one of the pearl loops of the diamond, work 4 chain and 1 plain in the next pearl; repeat 11 times more, and fasten off, always knotting the ends together.

2nd round—With the dark magenta commence in one of the loops of the 1st round, work 6 chain, miss 4, 1 plain in the next loop; repeat all round and fasten off.

Work as many more Diamonds as required for the size.


With the gold make an Octagon Star, as page 4, and for the

1st round—With white or black wool commence in a pearl loop of the star, work 5 chain and 1 plain in each of the 8 pearl loops; fasten off.

2nd round—With blue wool commence in a loop of the last round, work 7 chain, miss 5 and 1 plain in the 5 chain; repeat all round and fasten off.

Work as many Stars as will be required.


1st STRIPE—With the gold take a diamond and commence in a loop of chain over the centre of one of the ovals of it, + work 4 chain, 1 plain in the next loop of chain, then 1 chain; take a star and join to the centre of one of the blue loops of it, 1 chain, 1 plain in the same loop of the diamond as before, 4 chain, 1 plain in the next loop, 1 chain, join to the next loop of the star, 1 chain, 1 plain in the same loop as before, 4 chain, 1 plain in the next loop; take another diamond and work 1 plain in one of the loops over an oval of it; 4 chain, 1 plain in the next loop of the 2nd diamond, 1 chain, join to the next loop of the star, 1 chain, 1 plain in the same loop of the diamond as before, 4 chain, 1 plain in the next loop, 1 chain, join to the next loop of the star, 1 chain, 1 plain in the same loop as before, 4 chain, 1 plain in the next loop, 1 chain, 1 plain in the same loop as before. Repeat from + until the length required is made, at the end omit the last 1 chain and 1 plain; and to form the

2nd STRIPE—Take another Diamond and work 1 plain in a loop over an oval of it, then repeat from + in the 1st Stripe, making the first four joinings to the last blue star, and after the "1 chain" in italics, join to the 1 chain between the 2 plain of the opposite diamond of the 1st stripe; at the end of the stripe fasten off.

3rd STRIPE—Is worked as the 1st Stripe, commencing in the 6th loop of the last diamond counting from the last gold stitch, and continuing to the end of the 2nd Stripe.


1st round—With the gold commence in a loop of chain of one of the diamonds, work 4 chain, miss 6 and 1 plain in the next loop; repeat all round, but where the diamonds join omit the 4 chain and work another plain stitch in the next loop.

2nd round, White or Black—Commence in the stitch between the diamonds, work 5 chain, miss 5, 1 plain in each loop of the 1st round, but between the diamonds omit the 5 chain, and work another plain in the next loop as before.

3rd round, Blue—Commence between the diamonds, 6 chain, miss 5 and 1 plain in the next loop, 6 chain, 1 plain in the same loop as the last; repeat all round, omitting the chain between the diamonds as before. Fasten off.



Materials—2 skeins each of Blue and Gold-color Netting Silk; Walker's Penelope Crochet Needle No. 3-1/2. For the Tatting, a Shuttle, and Ring and Pin No. 3.

The foundation of the Sleeve is composed of Brussels net.


With the gold make 19 Stars as page 4.

THE WRISTBAND—With the blue silk work the same as the Wristband in Sleeve No. 1.

THE LARGE STARS—With the blue silk make 4 chain. Take a gold star and work 1 plain in a pearl loop of it, then 7 chain and 1 plain in each of the 7 pearl loops, 3 chain, 1 single in the 1st stitch of the 4 chain, then (10 chain, miss 7 and 1 plain in the 7 chain, 6 times), 5 chain; take the Band and join to the 1st loop of the 6th star of it, 5 chain, 1 plain as before, 5 chain, join to the next loop of the 5th star, 5 chain, 1 plain; fasten off.

2nd LARGE STAR—Work as the last, joining it to the 2nd and 1st loops of the 4th star.

3rd LARGE STAR—As the last, joining it to the 1st loop of the 3rd star of the Band, and then to the next loop of the 2nd star.

4th LARGE STAR—As the last, but making only 5 loops of 10 chain; then 5 chain, join to the 2nd loop of the 1st large star, 5 chain. 1 plain as before, 10 chain, 1 plain, 5 chain, join to the 5th loop of the 2nd large star, 5 chain, 1 plain; fasten off.

5th LARGE STAR—As the 4th, joining first to the 2nd loop of the 2nd large star, and then to the 5th loop of the 3rd large star.

6th LARGE STAR—As the 4th joining it to the 4th and 5th large stars.

Work 5 Small Stars as the 1st Star in the Wristband, and tack them on the net as in the Engraving.



Materials—2 shades of Green Single Berlin Wool, Penelope Needle, No. 2. For the Stars, Gold Tatting Twine, or a skein of Crochet Silk, Tatting Pin No. 3, and a small Shuttle.


With the gold work 12 Octagon Stars as page 4.

1st STAR, 1st round—With the light green wool and crochet needle commence in a pearl loop of one of the stars, work 5 chain and 1 plain in each of the 8 pearl loops; fasten off.

2nd round—With the dark green commence in one of the light green loops, work (7 chain, miss 5 and 1 plain in the next loop 8 times); fasten off.

Work the other 11 Gold Stars the same.

CENTRE DIAMOND—With the gold commence in the centre of the 1st loop of chain of one of the stars, work 4 chain, miss 6, 1 plain in the next loop; take another star, work 1 plain in the first loop of it, then 4 chain, 1 plain in the next loop; take a third star and work 1 plain in the 1st loop of it, 4 chain, 1 plain in the next loop; take a 4th star and work 1 plain in the 1st loop of it, 4 chain, 1 plain in the next loop, then join to the 1st stitch to make it round; fasten off.

JOINING CIRCLE—With the gold commence in one of the loops of a 5th star, work (6 chain, miss 7 and 1 plain in the next loop 5 times), then 4 chain, miss 7, 1 plain in the next loop; take one of the four stars already joined and work 1 plain in the 7th loop of it, 4 chain, miss 7, 1 plain in the next loop of the 4th star, then 1 plain in the next loop of the next star of the four centre stars, 4 chain, miss 7, 1 plain in the next loop of the same star. Take a 6th star and work 1 plain in a loop of it, 4 chain, 1 plain in the next loop of the 6th star, then missing the last 20 gold stitches join to the plain stitch after the 5th loop of the 5th star; then on the 6th star work (6 chain, miss 7 and 1 plain in the next loop, 5 times), 4 chain, miss 7, 1 plain in the next loop; then 1 plain in the next loop of the 4 centre stars, 4 chain, miss 7, 1 plain in the next loop; take another star and work 1 plain in a loop of it, 4 chain, miss 7, 1 plain in the next loop, then miss the last 15 gold stitches and join to the plain stitch after the 5th loop of the 6th star. Repeat from the commencement of the circle, and fasten off.

LIGHT GREEN CIRCLE—Commence in the 1st 6 chain of the gold circle, work 4 chain, miss 4, 1 plain in the next 6 chain, 4 chain, 1 plain in the same 6 chain as the last; repeat twice more; then 4 chain, miss 4, 1 plain, and between the stars miss 6, 1 plain in the next 6 chain; repeat from the commencement of the circle, and fasten off.

DARK GREEN CIRCLE—Commence in the 1st loop of the last circle, work (5 chain, miss 4 and 1 plain in the 4 chain 6 times), then between the stars miss 6, 1 plain in the next 4 chain; repeat all round, and fasten off.



Materials—White, Mauve, and Green Single Berlin Wool; Penelope Needle No. 2. For the Stars, Gold Tatting Twine or a skein of Crochet Silk, Tatting Pin No. 3, and a small Shuttle.


With the gold make 17 Octagon Stars as page 4.

The Mauve Centre Star—With the mauve wool and crochet needle commence in one of the pearl loops of a gold star, and to form a Point, work 5 chain, turn, and on these 5 chain miss 2, 1 plain, 2 treble; then work 1 plain in the next pearl loop. Repeat 7 times more, and fasten off on the right side of the crochet.

1st GREEN STAR—Commence in a pearl loop of another gold star, work 5 chain and 1 plain in the next pearl loops 7 times; then 3 chain, join to the top of one of the points of the centre star, 2 chain, 1 plain in the 1st pearl loop; fasten off.

1st WHITE STAR—Commence as before, work 5 chain and 1 plain in the next pearl loops, 5 times; 3 chain, join to the centre of the 2nd loop of the green star, 2 chain, 1 plain in the next pearl, 3 chain. Join to the 1st loop of the green star, 2 chain. 1 plain in the next pearl, 3 chain, join to the next point of the centre star, 2 chain; 1 plain in the next pearl; fasten off.

2nd GREEN STAR—Work as the White Star, joining to it.

Repeat the White and Green Stars alternately until there are eight of them. In working the last, the 5 chain and 1 plain is only to be made three times, and the two last loops joined to the 1st star to make it round.

2nd MAUVE STAR—Work as the centre star until there are 6 points; and for the 7th Point—4 chain, join to the 3rd loop of a white star; and on the 4 chain, miss 1, 1 plain, 2 treble, then 1 plain in the next pearl. Work the 8th Point the same as the 7th, joining it to the next loop of the green star; fasten off.

3rd MAUVE STAR—Work as the last, joining it first to the 3rd loop of the green star and then to the white star. Work the same for 6 Stars more.

1st GOLD CIRCLE—Commence on the top of the 2nd point of a mauve star, work 5 chain and 1 plain in the next points of the star 4 times, then 3 chain, 1 plain in the centre loop of the small star, 3 chain, 1 plain in the 1st point of the next mauve star, then 6 chain, join to the centre of the last 5 chain of gold, work 3 plain in the 6 chain, then 2 chain, 1 plain on the second point of the mauve star. Repeat all round, and fasten off.

WHITE CIRCLE—Commence on the centre of the 3 plain between the stars, work 3 chain, miss 3, 1 plain in the gold stitch over the 2nd point of the star, + 4 chain, miss 2, 2 treble, both in the centre stitch of the 5 gold chain, 4 chain, miss 2, 1 plain on the gold stitch over the next point of the star. Repeat from + twice more, then 3 chain, 1 plain in the centre of the gold 3 plain. Repeat from the commencement of the circle all round, and fasten off.

2nd GOLD CIRCLE—Commence at the 1 plain between the stars, 3 chain, miss 6, 1 plain in the 4 chain of the last circle (5 chain, miss 4 and 1 plain in the 4 chain of last circle 5 times), 3 chain, miss 6, 1 plain in the centre stitch over the 3 plain gold. Repeat from the commencement all round.

MAUVE CIRCLE—Commence in the 1st 3 chain of the last circle between the stars, work (6 chain, miss 5 and 1 plain in the 5 gold chain 6 times), 1 chain, miss 3, 1 plain in the 3 chain. Repeat all round, and fasten off.



Materials—White and Magenta Single Berlin Wool, Penelope Needle No. 2. For the Stars, Gold Twine or a skein of Crochet Silk, Tatting Pin No. 3, and a small Shuttle.


With the gold work a Diamond as page 4.

1st round—With the magenta wool and crochet needle commence in one of the pearl loops of the diamond, work 3 chain and 1 plain in each of the twelve pearl loops; fasten off.

2nd round—With white wool commence in one of the three chains between the ovals of the diamond, work 4 chain, 1 plain in the same 3 chain; 2 chain, miss 1, 1 plain in the next 3 chain; 4 chain, miss 1, 1 plain in the next 3 chain; 2 chain, miss 1, 1 plain in the next 3 chain; repeat 3 times more, and fasten off.

With the gold work 16 Sexagon Stars as page 4.

1st WHITE STAR—Commence in a pearl loop of one of the gold stars, work (5 chain and 1 plain in the next pearl loops 5 times), 3 chain, take the diamond and join to the centre of the 4 chain over one of the ovals of it, 2 chain, 1 plain in the 1st pearl; fasten off.

Work 3 Stars more the same, always joining over the ovals of the diamond.

1st MAGENTA STAR—Commence in a pearl loop of a gold star, work (5 chain and 1 plain in the next pearls 3 times), 3 chain, join to the 1st loop of chain of a white star, 2 chain, 1 plain in the next pearl, 3 chain, join to the next 4 chain of the diamond, 2 chain, 1 plain in the pearl, 3 chain, join to the next loop of the 2nd white star, 2 chain, 1 plain in the pearl; fasten off.

2nd MAGENTA STAR—Commence in a pearl of a star, work (5 chain and 1 plain as before 4 times), 3 chain, join to the 2nd loop of chain of the 1st white star, which is to the left of the magenta star, 2 chain, 1 plain as before, 3 chain, join to the next loop of the magenta star, 2 chain, 1 plain; fasten off.

3rd MAGENTA STAR—Work as the last star, making the first joining to the 1st loop of the 1st magenta star, and the second joining to the next white star.

Repeat these 3 Magenta Stars 3 times more, that is, between each of the white stars.

Then with the gold, work 8 Octagon Stars, as page 4.

1st LARGE MAGENTA STAR—Commence in a pearl loop of one of the stars, work (6 chain and 1 plain in a pearl loop 5 times), 3 chain; take the 3rd magenta star, which is to the left of a white one, and join to the 1st loop of it, 3 chain, 1 plain as before, 3 chain, join to the loop of the white star, 3 chain, 1 plain, 3 chain, join to the 4th loop of the next magenta star, 3 chain, 1 plain; fasten off.

Work 3 Stars more the same.

1st GOLD CIRCLE—Commence in the centre loop of the 1st Sexagon Star, work 3 chain, 1 plain in the next loop of the next Sexagon Star, then (5 chain and 1 plain in the next loops of the stars 10 times); 3 chain, 1 plain in the centre loop of the 1st star; repeat from commencement and fasten off.

LARGE WHITE STAR—Commence in a gold star, work (6 chain and 1 plain 4 times), 3 chain, join to the centre of the 2nd 5 chain of the last circle, 3 chain, 1 plain in the next pearl, 3 chain, join to the next 5 chain, 3 chain, 1 plain, 3 chain, join to the next 5 chain, missing the two loops between the stars; 3 chain, 1 plain, 3 chain, join to the next 5 chain, 3 chain, 1 plain; fasten off.

Work 3 stars more the same, leaving 6 loops of the gold between them.

2nd GOLD CIRCLE—Take the last loop of a white star and commence in the gold loop to which it was joined, work (5 chain, miss 5 and 1 plain in a white loop 4 times), 5 chain, 1 plain in the gold loop to which the next white loop was joined, (5 chain, miss 5 and 1 plain in a gold loop 7 times); repeat from the commencement of the circle.

WHITE CIRCLE—Commence in the 1st loop of gold, (5 chain, miss 5 and 1 plain in the next gold loops 4 times), (2 chain, miss 5, 1 plain in the next gold loops twice); repeat all round.

MAGENTA CIRCLE—Commence in the 1st 2 chain of last round, 1 chain, 1 plain in the next 2 chain, then (6 chain, miss 5 and 1 plain in the next white loops 5 times); repeat and fasten off.


DESIGN No. 10.

Materials—Blue and White Single Berlin Wool; Penelope Needle No. 2. For the Stars, Gold Twine or a skein of Crochet Silk, Tatting Pin No. 3, and a small Shuttle.

With the gold work 9 Octagon Stars as page 4.

WHITE CIRCLE—With the wool and crochet needle commence in one of the pearl loops of a gold star, work 5 chain and 1 plain in each of the 8 pearl loops; fasten off. Repeat the same round the other 8 stars.


BLUE CIRCLE—Commence in a white loop of one of the stars, work 7 chain, miss 5 and 1 plain in the next white loop; repeat all round, and fasten off.

1st GOLD CIRCLE—Commence in one of the blue loops, and to form a Point, work 5 chain, turn, and on these 5 chain, miss 2, 1 plain, 1 treble, 1 long; then miss 7, 1 plain in the next blue loop; repeat all round and fasten off.


1st BLUE CIRCLE—Take one of the white and gold stars and commence in a loop of it, work (7 chain, miss 5 and 1 plain in the next loop 7 times), 4 chain; take the centre star and join to one of the gold points of it, 3 chain, 1 plain in the next loop; fasten off.

2nd BLUE CIRCLE—Take another star and commence in a loop of it (7 chain, miss 5 and 1 plain 5 times), 4 chain, take the centre star and join to the next gold point to the left of the last star, 3 chain, 1 plain in the next loop, 4 chain, join to the next blue loop of the star, 3 chain, 1 plain as before, 4 chain, join to the next blue loop, 3 chain, 1 plain; fasten off. Repeat as the 2nd circle 6 times more, but in working the 8th Circle, the 7 chain and 1 plain must be made only 3 times, and the two loops joined to the 1st star to make it round.

2nd GOLD CIRCLE—Commence in the 1st unattached blue loop of one of the stars, work (4 chain and 1 treble 4 times, all in the centre loop of the blue star), then 4 chain, miss 5, 1 plain in the next blue loop; and to form a Point, work 5 chain, turn, miss 2, 1 plain, 1 treble, 1 long; then 1 plain in the next blue loop; repeat all round and fasten off.

WHITE CIRCLE—Commence in one of the gold points, work 5 chain, 1 plain in the 4 gold chain, 5 chain, miss 4, 1 plain in the next 4 chain; 5 chain, miss 4, 1 treble in the next 4 chain then 5 chain, 1 treble in the same 4 chain as before, (5 chain, miss 4 and 1 plain in the 4 chain twice), 5 chain, 1 plain in the next point. Repeat and fasten off.

BLUE CIRCLE—Commence in the 1st 5 chain, work (5 chain, miss 5 and 1 plain in the 5 chain 6 times), then 2 chain, miss 5, 1 plain in the next 5 chain. Repeat and fasten off.


DESIGN No. 11.

Colours—Magenta and Green, Azoff Blue and White, or any two colours that contrast; the gold and other materials the same as No. 4.

With the gold work as many Octagon Stars (page 4) as will be required for the size.

1st MAGENTA STAR—With the wool and crochet needle commence in a pearl loop of one of the stars, work 5 chain and 1 plain in each of the 8 pearl loops; fasten off. Work several Stars the same.

1st GREEN STAR—Take one of the gold stars and commence in a pearl loop of it, + 3 chain, take a magenta star and join to the centre of one of the loops of it, 2 chain, 1 plain in the next pearl, 3 chain, join to the next loop of the magenta star, 2 chain, 1 plain in the next pearl; repeat from + 3 times more, joining on another magenta star each time: fasten off. Four magenta stars will now be joined, the green being in the centre.

2nd GREEN STAR—The same as the last, but joining on only two more magenta stars, and making the other joinings to the last two stars of the four already joined. Repeat the Green Star.



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