Perituri, etc. Which can be seen only on penalty of death.
XLI. Propior, sc. to the Romans.—Hermundurorum. Ritter identifies the name (Hermun being omitted, and dur being==thur) and the people with the Thuringians. Cf. note 2: Ingaevones.
Non in ripa. Not only (or not so much) on the border (the riverbank), but also within the bounds of the Roman Empire.
Splendidissima—colonia. This flourishing colony had no distinctive name in the age of T.; called afterwards Augusta Vindelicorum, now Augsburg.
Passim. Wherever they chose—Sine custode. Not so others. Cf. His. 4, 64: ut inermes ac prope nudi, sub custode et pretio coiremus.
Cum—ostendamus. Cum==while, although. Hence the subj.
Non concupiscentibus. Since they were not covetous, Guen. Gr renders: though they were not equally desirous of it.
Notum—auditur. The Elbe had been seen and crossed by Drusus Domitius, and Tiberius. But now it was known only by hearsay. See a like patriotic complaint at the close of 37.
XLII. Marcomanni==men of the marches. See Latham in loc—Sedes, sc. Bohemia.—Pulsis olim Boiis, cf. 28.
Degenerant, sc. a reliquorum virtute, i.e. the Narisci and Quadi are not unworthy, do not fall short of the bravery of their neighbors. the Marcomanni.
Peragitur. Al. protegitur, porrigitur, &c. Different words are supplied as the subject of peragitur, e.g. Passow iter.; Rit. cursus; K. frons. The last is preferable. The meaning is: This country (sc. of these tribes) is the front, so to speak (i.e. the part facing the Romans) of Germany, so far as it is formed by the Danube, i.e. so far as the Danube forms the boundary between Germany and the Roman Empire.
Marobodui. Cf. Ann. 2, 62; Suet. Tib. 37.
Externos, sc. reges, viz. the kings of the Hermunduri. Ann. 2, 62.— Potentia. Power irrespective of right. Potestas is lawful authority. See note, 7
Nec minus valent, sc. being aided by our money, than they would be if they were reinforced by our arms. This clause in some copies stands at the beginning of 43.
XLIII. Retro. Back from the Danube and the Roman border.—Referunt. Resemble. Poetical, cf. 20.
Et quod patiuntur, sc. proves that they are not of German origin. They paid tribute as foreigners. The Gothini were probably a remnant of the expelled Boii. Cf. note, 28, and Prichard, as there cited. Hence their Gallic language.
Quo magis pudeat. They have iron beyond even most of the Germans (cf. 6), but (shame to tell) do not know how to use it in asserting their independence. Subj. H. 497; Z. 536.
Pauca campestrium. Poetical, but not uncommon in the later Latin. So 41: secretiora Germaniae; His. 4, 28: extrema Galliarum. H. 396, III. 2. 3; Z. 435.
Jugum. A mountain chain.—Vertices. Distinct summits.
Insederunt. This word usually takes a dat., or an abl., with in. But the poets and later prose writers use it as a transitive verb with the acc.==have settled, inhabited. Cf. H. 371, 4; Z. 386; and Freund sub voce. Observe the comparatively unusual form of the perf. 3d plur. in -erunt instead of -ere. Cf. note, His. 2, 20.
Nomengens. So nomen LatinumLatins. Liv. pass.
Interpretatione Romana. So we are every where to understand Roman accounts of the gods of other nations. They transferred to them the names of their own divinities according to some slight, perhaps fancied resemblance. Cf. note, 34: quicquid consensimus.
Ea vis numini, i.e. these gods render the same service to the Germans, as Castor and Pollux to the Romans.
Alcis, dat. pl. Perhaps from the Slavonic word holcy==kouros, Greek for Castor and Pollux. Referable to no German root.
Peregrinae, sc. Greek or Roman.—Tamen. Though these gods bear no visible trace of Greek or Roman origin, yet they are worshipped as brothers, as youth, like the Greek and Roman Twins.— Superstitionis==religionis. Cf. notes, His. 3, 58; 5, 13.
Lenocinantur. Cherish, increase. Used rhetorically; properly, to pander.—Arte, sc. nigra scuta, &c.—Tempore, sc. atras noctes, &c. —Tincta==tattooed.
Ipsaque formidine, etc. And by the very frightfulness and shadow of the deathlike army. Umbra may be taken of the literal shadows of the men in the night, with Rit., or with Doed. and Or., of the general image or aspect of the army. Feralis, as an adj., is found only in poetry and post-Augustan prose. See Freund.
Gothones. Probably the Getae of earlier, and the Goths of later history. See Or. in loc. and Grimm and other authorities as there cited. The Rugii have perpetuated their name in an island of the Baltic (Rugen).
Adductius. Lit. with tighter rein, with more absolute power cf. His. 3, 7: adductius, quam civili bello, imperitabat. The adv. is used only in the comp.; and the part. adductus is post-Augustan. Jam and nondum both have reference to the writer's progress in going over the tribes of Germany, those tribes growing less and less free as he advances eastward: already under more subjection than the foregoing tribes, but not yet in such abject slavery, as some we shall soon reach, sc. in the next chapter, where see note on jam.
Supra. So as to trample down liberty and destroy it.
Protinus deinde ab, etc. Next in order, from the ocean, i.e. with territory beginning from or at the ocean.
XLIV. Suionum. Swedes. Not mentioned under this name, however, by any other ancient author.
Ipso. The Rugii, &c., mentioned at the close of the previous section, dwelt by the ocean (ab Oceano); but the Suiones in the ocean (in Oceano). Ipso marks this antithesis.
In Oceano. An island in the Baltic. Sweden was so regarded by the ancients, cf. 1, note.
Utrimque prora. Naves biprorae. Such also had the Veneti, Caes. B.G. 3, 13. Such Germanicus constructed, His. 3, 47. So also the canoes of the N. Am. Indians.
Ministrantur, sc. naves==the ships are not furnished with sails, cf. His. 4, 12: viros armaque ministrant. Or it may be taken in the more literal sense: are served, i.e. worked, mannged. Cf. Virg. Aen. 6, 302: velisque ministrat.—In ordinem. For a row, i.e. so as to form a row, cf. Z. 314: also Rit. and Doed. in loc. The northmen (Danes and Swedes) became afterwards still more famous for navigation and piratical excursions, till at length they settled down in great numbers in France and England.
In quibusdam fluminum. Rivers with steep banks require the oars to be removed in order to approach the bank.
Est—honos. Contrary to the usual fact in Germany, cf. 5.
Exceptionibus. Limitations.—Jam. Now, i.e. here, opposed to the foregoing accounts of free states and limited monarchies.
Precario. Properly: obtained by entreaty. Hence: dependent on the will of another, cf. A. 16.—Parendi. A gerund with passive sense, lit. with no precarious right of being obeyed. So Pass., K., Wr. and Guen.
In promiscuo. The privilege of wearing arms is not conceded to the mass of the people.—Et quidem==et eo, and that too.
Otiosa—manus. Al. otiosae by conjecture. But manus, a collective noun sing. takes a pl. verb, cf. H. 461, 1; Z. 366.
Regia utilitas est==regibus utile est.
XLV. Pigrum. Cf. A. 10: pigrum et grave. The Northern or Frozen Ocean, of which T. seems to have heard, though some refer it to the northern part of the Baltic. See Ky. in loc.
Hinc. For this reason, viz. quod extremus, etc.
In ortus. Till the risings (pl.) of the sun, i.e. from day to day successively. It was known in the age of T. that the longest day grew longer towards the north, till at length it became six months (cf. Plin. N.H. 2, 77), though T. supposed it to be thus long at a lower latitude than it really was, cf. A. 12.
Sonum—aspici. The aurora borealis, some suppose.
Persuasio adjicit. The common belief adds, i.e. it is further believed, cf. His. 5, 5. 13: persuasio inerat.
Illuc—natura. Tantum is to be connected with illuc usque. Thus far only nature extends. So thought the ancients. Cf. A. 33: in ipso terrarum ac naturae fine. Et vera fama is parenthetic. The author endorses this part of the story.
Ergo marks a return from the above digression.
Suevici maris. The Baltic.
Aestyorum==eastern men, modern Esthonians. Their language was probably neither German nor Briton, but Slavonic.
Matrem Deum. Cybele, as the Romans interpreted it, cf. 43.
Insigne—gestant. Worn, as amulets.
Frumenta laborant, i.e. labor for, or to produce, corn. Cf. Hor. Epod. 5, 60. Laborare is transitive only in poetry and post-Augustan prose. Elaborare would imply too much art for the author's purpose. See Rit. in loc.
Succinum. Amber, an important article of commerce in early ages, combining some vegetable juice (hence the Latin name, from succus) with some mineral ingredients.—Glesum. This name was transferred to glass, when it came into use. The root is German. Compare [Greek: chalaza.] Doed.
Nec==non tamen. Yet it is not, etc.
Ut barbaris. Cf. ut inter barbaros, A. 11. Barbaris is dative in apposition with iis, which is understood after compertum.
Quae—ratio. What power or process of nature.
Donec—dedit. Cf. note, 87: affectavere.
Plerumque. Often; a limited sense of the word peculiar to post-Augustan Latin. Cf. G. 13: ipsa plerumque fama bella profligant; and Freund ad v.
Quae—expressa==quorum succus expressus, etc.
In tantum. To such a degree. Frequent only in late Latin.
A servitute. They fall short of liberty in not being free, like most of the Germans; and they fall below slavery itself, in that they are slaves to a woman.
XLVI. Venedorum et Fennorum. Modern Vends and Finns, or Fen-men. Cf. Latham in loc.—Ac torpor procerum. The chief men are lazy and stupid, besides being filthy, like all the rest.
Foedantur. Cf. infectos, 4.—Habitum, here personal appearance, cf. note, 17.—Ex moribus, sc. Sarmatarum.
Erigitur. Middle sense. Raise themselves, or rise, cf. evolvuntur, 39.
Figunt. Have fixed habitations, in contrast with the Sarmatians, who lived in carts. Cf. Ann. 13, 54: fixerant domos Frisii. Al. fingunt.
Sarmatis. The stock of the modern Russians, cf. 1. note.
Cubile. We should expect cubili to correspond with victui and vestituti. But cf. note 18: referantur; 20: ad patrem, &c.
Comitantur, i.e. feminae comitantur viris.
Ingemere—illaborare. Toil and groan upon houses and lands, i.e. in building and tilling them; though some understand domibus and agris as the places in which they toil.
Versare. To be constantly employed in increasing the fortune of themselves and others, agitated meanwhile by hope and fear.
Securi. Because they have nothing to lose.
Illis. Emphatic. They, unlike others, have no need, &c. Cf. apud illos, 44.
In medium relinquam. Leave for the public, i.e. undecided.
Relinquere in medio is the more common expression. Boetticher in his Lex. Tac. explains it, as equivalent by Zeugma to in medium vocatum relinquam in medio. So in Greek, en and eis often interchange.
The Biography of Agricola was written early in the reign of Trajan (which commenced A.U.C. 851. A.D. 98), consequently about the same time with the Germania, though perhaps somewhat later (cf. notes on Germania). This date is established by inference from the author's own language in the 3d and the 44th sections (see notes). In the former, he speaks of the dawn of a better day, which opened indeed with the reign of Nerva, but which is now brightening constantly under the auspices of Trajan. The use of the past tense (miscuerit) here in respect to Nerva, and of the present (augeat) in respect to Trajan, is quite conclusive evidence, that at the time of writing, the reign of Nerva was past, and that of Trajan had already begun.
The other passage is, if possible, still more clearly demonstrative of the same date. Here in drawing the same contrast between past tyranny and present freedom, the author, without mentioning Nerva, records the desire and hope, which his father-in-law expressed in his hearing, that he might live to see Trajan elevated to the imperial throne—language very proper and courtly, if Trajan were already Emperor, but a very awkward compliment to Nerva, if, as many critics suppose, he were still the reigning prince.
It is objected to this date, that if Nerva were not still living, Tacitus could not have failed to attach to his name (in Sec. 3.) the epithet Divus, with which deceased Emperors were usually honored. And from the omission of this epithet in connection with the name of Nerva, together with the terms of honor in which Trajan is mentioned, it is inferred that the piece was written in that brief period of three months, which intervened between the adoption of Trajan by Nerva, and Nerva's death (see Brotier and many others). But the application of the epithet in question, was not a matter of necessity or of universal practice. Its omission in this case might have been accidental, or might have proceeded from unknown reasons. And the bare absence of a single word surely cannot be entitled to much weight, in comparison with the obvious and almost necessary import of the passages just cited.
The primary object of the work is sufficiently obvious. It was to honor the memory of the writer's excellent father-in-law, Agricola (cf. Sec. 3: honori Agricolae, mei soceri, destinatus). So far from apologizing for writing the life of so near a friend, he feels assured that his motives will be appreciated and his design approved, however imperfect may be its execution; and he deems an apology necessary for having so long delayed the performance of that filial duty. After an introduction of singular beauty and appropriateness (cf. notes), he sketches a brief outline of the parentage, education, and early life of Agricola, but draws out more at length the history of his consulship and command in Britain, of which the following summary, from Hume's History of England, may not be unprofitable to the student in anticipation: "Agricola was the general, who finally established the dominion of the Romans in this island. He governed it in the reigns of Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian. He carried his victorious arms northward; defeated the Britons in every encounter, pierced into the forests and the mountains of Caledonia, reduced every state to subjection in the southern parts of the island, and chased before him all the men of fiercer and more intractable spirits, who deemed war and death itself less intolerable than servitude under the victors. He defeated them in a decisive action which they fought under Galgacus; and having fixed a chain of garrisons between the friths of Clyde and Forth, he cut off the ruder and more barren parts of the island and secured the Roman province from the incursions of the more barbarous inhabitants. During these military enterprises, he neglected not the arts of peace. He introduced laws and civility among the Britons; taught them to desire and raise all the conveniences of life; reconciled them to the Roman language and manners; instructed them in letters and science; and employed every expedient to render those chains which he had forged both easy and agreeable to them." (His. of Eng. vol. 1.)
The history of Agricola during this period is of course the history of Britain. Accordingly the author prefaces it with an outline of the geographical features, the situation, soil, climate, productions and, so far as known to the Romans, the past history of the island. Tacitus possessed peculiar advantages for being the historian of the early Britons. His father-in-law was the first to subject the whole island to the sway of Rome. He traversed the country from south to north at the head of his armies, explored it with his own eyes, and reported what he saw to our author with his own lips. He saw the Britons too, in their native nobleness, in their primitive love of liberty and virtue; before they had become the slaves of Roman arms, the dupes of Roman arts, or the victims of Roman vices. A few paragraphs in the concise and nervous style of Tacitus, have made us quite acquainted with the Britons, as Agricola found them; and on the whole, we have no reason to be ashamed of the primaeval inhabitants of the land of our ancestry. They knew their rights, they prized them, they fought for them bravely and died for them nobly. More harmony among themselves might have delayed, but could not have prevented the final catastrophe. Rome in the age of Trajan was irresistible; and Britain became a Roman province. This portion of the Agricola of Tacitus, and the Germania of the same author, entitle him to the peculiar affection and lasting gratitude of those, whose veins flow with Briton and Anglo-Saxon blood, as the historian, and the contemporary historian too, of their early fathers. It is a notable providence for us, nay it is a kind providence for mankind, that has thus preserved from the pen of the most sagacious and reflecting of all historians an account, too brief though it be, of the origin and antiquities of the people that of all others now exert the widest dominion whether in the political or the moral world, and that have made those countries which were in his day shrouded in darkness, the radiant points for the moral and spiritual illumination of our race. "The child is father to the man," and if we would at this day investigate the elements of English law, we have it on the authority of Sir William Blackstone, that we must trace them back to their founders in the customs of the Britons and Germans, as recorded by Caesar and Tacitus.
With the retirement of Agricola from the command in Britain, the author falls back more into the province of biography. The few occasional strokes, however, in which the pencil of Tacitus has sketched the character of Domitian in the background of the picture of Agricola are the more to be prized, because his history of that reign is lost.
In narrating the closing scenes of Agricola's life, Tacitus breathes the very spirit of an affectionate son, without sacrificing the impartiality and gravity of the historian, and combines all a mourner's simplicity and sincerity with all the orator's dignity and eloquence.
How tenderly he dwells on the wisdom and goodness of his departed father; how artlessly he intersperses his own sympathies and regrets, even as if he were breathing out his sorrows amid a circle of sympathizing friends! At the same time, how instructive are his reflections, how noble his sentiments, and how weighty his words, as if he were pronouncing an eulogium in the hearing of the world and of posterity! The sad experience of the writer in the very troubles through which he follows Agricola, conspires with the affectionate remembrance of his own loss in the death of such a father, to give a tinge of melancholy to the whole biography; and we should not know where to look for the composition, in which so perfect a work of art is animated by so warm a heart. In both these respects, it is decidedly superior to the Germania. It is marked by the same depth of thought and conciseness in diction, but it is a higher effort of the writer, while, at the same time, it gives us more insight into the character of the man. It has less of satire and more of sentiment. Or if it is not richer in refined sentiments and beautiful reflections, they are interwoven with the narrative in a manner more easy and natural. The sentiments seem to be only the language of Agricola's virtuous heart, and the reflections, we feel, could not fail to occur to such a mind in the contemplation of such a character. There is also more ease and flow in the language; for concise as it still is and studied as it may appear, it seems to be the very style which is best suited to the subject and most natural to the author. In another writer we might call it labored and ambitious. But we cannot feel that it cost Tacitus very much effort. Still less can we charge him with an attempt at display. In short, an air of confidence in the dignity of the subject, and in the powers of the author, pervades the entire structure of this fine specimen of biography. And the reader will not deem that confidence ill-grounded. He cannot fail to regard this, as among the noblest, if not the very noblest monument ever reared to the memory of any individual.
"We find in it the flower of all the beauties, which T. has scattered through his other works. It is a chef-d'oeuvre, which satisfies at once the judgment and the fancy, the imagination and the heart. It is justly proposed as a model of historical eulogy. The praises bestowed have in them nothing vague or far-fetched, they rise from the simple facts of the narrative. Every thing produces attachment, every thing conveys instruction. The reader loves Agricola, admires him, conceives a passion for him, accompanies him in his campaigns, shares in his disgrace and profits by his example. The interest goes on growing to the last. And when it seems incapable of further increase, passages pathetic and sublime transport the soul out of itself, and leave it the power of feeling only to detest the tyrant, and to melt into tenderness without weakness over the destiny of the hero." (La Bletterie.)
* * * * *
I. Usitatum. A participle in the acc. agreeing with the preceding clause, and forming with that clause the object of the verb omisit.— Nequidem. Cf. G. 6, note.
Incuriosa suorum. So Ann. 2, 88: dum vetera extollimus, recentium incuriosi. Incuriosus is post-Augustan.
Virtus vicit—vitium. Alliteration, which is not unfrequent in T. as also homoeoteleuta, words ending with like sounds. Dr.
Ignorantiam—invidiam. The gen. recti limits both subs., which properly denote different faults, but since they are usually associated, they are here spoken of as one (vitium).
In aperto. Literally, in the open field or way; hence, free from obstructions. Sal. (Jug. 5) uses it for in open day, or clear light. But that sense would be inappropriate here. Easy. Not essentially different from pronum, which properly means inclined, and hence easy. These two words are brought together in like manner in other passages of our author, cf. 33: vota virtusque in aperto, omniaque prona victoribus. An inelegant imitation may be thus expressed in English: down-hill and open-ground work.
Sine gratia aut ambitione. Without courting favor or seeking preferment. Gratia properly refers more to the present, ambitio to the future. Cf. Ann. 6, 46: Tiberio non perinde gratia praesentium, quam in posteros ambitio. Ambitio is here used in a bad sense (as it is sometimes in Cic.) For still another bad sense of the word, cf. G. 27.
Celeberrimus quisque. Such men as Pliny the elder, Claudius Pollio, and Julius Secundus, wrote biographies. Also Rusticus and Senecio. See chap. 2.
Plerique. Not most persons, but many, or very many. Cf. His. 1, 86, and 4, 84, where it denotes a less number than plures and plurimi, to which it is allied in its root (ple, ple-us, plus, plerus. See Freund ad v.)
Suam ipsi vitam. Autobiography. Cic. in his Epist. to Lucceius says: If I cannot obtain this favor from you, I shall perhaps be compelled to write my own biography, multorum exemplo et clarorum virorum. When ipse is joined to a possessive pronoun in a reflexive clause, it takes the case of the subject of the clause. Cf. Z. 696, Note; H. 452, 1.
Fiduciam morum. A mark of conscious integrity; literally confidence of, i.e. in their morals. Morum is objective gen. For the two accusatives (one of which however is the clause suam—narrare) after arbitrati sunt, see Z. 394; H. 373. A gen. may take the place of the latter acc., esse being understood, Z. 448.
Rutilio. Rutilius Rufus, consul A.U.C. 649, whom Cic. (Brut. 30, 114.) names as a profound scholar in Greek literature and philosophy, and Velleius (2, 13, 2.) calls the best man, not merely of his own, but of any age. He wrote a Roman history in Greek. Plut. Mar. 28. His autobiography is mentioned only by Tacitus.
Scauro. M. Aemilius Scaurus, consul A.U.C. 639, who wrote an autobiography, which Cic. (Brut. 29, 112.) compares favorably with the Cyropaedia of Xenophon.
Citra fidem. Cf. note G. 16.—Aut obtrectationi. Enallage, cf. note, G. 15. Render: This in the case of Rutilius and Scaurus did not impair (public) confidence or incur (public) censure.
Adeo. To such a degree, or so true it is. Adeo conclusiva, et in initio sententiae collocata, ad mediam latinitatem pertinet. Dr. Livy uses adeo in this way often; Cic. uses tantum.
At nunc, etc. But now (in our age so different from those better days) in undertaking to write (i.e. if I had undertaken to write) the life of a man at the time of his death, I should have needed permission; which I would not have asked, since in that case I should have fallen on times so cruel and hostile to virtue. The reference is particularly to the time of Domitian, whose jealousy perhaps occasioned the death of Agricola, and would have been offended by the very asking of permission to write his biography. Accordingly the historian proceeds in the next chapter to illustrate the treatment, which the biographers of eminent men met with from that cruel tyrant. Opus fuit stands instead of opus fuisset. Cf. His. 1, 16: dignus eram; 3, 22: ratio fuit; and Z. 518, 519. The concise mode of using the future participles narraturo and incursaturus (in place of the verb in the proper mood and with the proper conjunctions, if, when, since) belongs to the silver age, and is foreign to the language of Cicero. Such is the interpretation, which after a thorough reinvestigation, I am now inclined to apply to this much disputed passage. It is that of Ritter. It will be seen that the text also differs slightly from that of the first edition (in-cursaturus instead of ni cursaturus). Besides the authority of Rit., Doed., Freund and others, I have been influenced by a regard to the usage of Tacitus, which lends no sanction to a transitive sense of cursare. Cf. Ann. 15, 50; His. 5, 20. In many editions, mihi stands before nunc narraturo. But nunc is the emphatic word, and should stand first, as it does in the best MSS.
II. Legimus. Quis? Tacitus ejusdemque aetatis homines alii. Ubi? In actis diurnis. Wr. These journals (Fiske's Man. p. 626., 4. ed.) published such events (cf. Dio. 67, 11), and were read through the empire (Ann. 16, 22). T. was absent from Rome when the events here referred to took place (cf. 45: longae absentiae). Hence the propriety of his saying legimus, rather than vidimus or meminimus, which have been proposed as corrections.
Aruleno Rustico. Put to death by Domitian for writing a memoir or penegyric on Paetus Thrasea, cf. Suet. Dom. 10.
Paetus Thrasea. Cf. Ann. 16, 21: Trucidatis tot insignibus viris, ad postremum Nero virtutem ipsam exscindere concupivit, interfecto Thrasea Paeto.
Herennio Senecioni. Cf. Plin. (Epist. 7, 19), where Senecio is said to have written the life of Helvidius at the request of Fannia, wife of Helvidius, who was also banished, as accessory to the crime, but who bore into exile the very books which had been the cause of her exile. For the dat. cf. note, G. 3: Ulixi.
Priscus Helvidius, son-in-law of Thrasea and friend of the younger Pliny, was put to death by Vespasian. Suet. Vesp. 15; His. 4, 5; Juv. Sat. 5, 36.
Laudati essent. The imp. and plup. subj. are used in narration after cum, even when it denotes time merely. Here however a causal connection is also intended. H. 518, II.; Z. 577, 578.
Triumviris. The Triumviri at Rome, like the Undecimviri (oi endeka) at Athens, had charge of the prisons and executions, for which purpose they had eight lictors at their command.
Comitio ac foro. The comitium was a part of the forum. Yet the words are often used together (cf. Suet. Caes. 10). The comitium was the proper place for the punishment of criminals, and the word forum suggests the further idea of the publicity of the book-burning in the presence of the assembled people.
Conscientiam, etc. The consciousness, i.e. common knowledge of mankind; for conscientia denotes what one knows in common with others, as well as what he is conscious of in himself. Cf. His. 1, 25: conscientiam facinoris; Cic. Cat. 1. 1: omnium horum conscientia. In his Annals (4, 35), T. ridicules the stupidity of those who expect by any present power, to extinguish the memory also of the next generation. The sentiment of both passages is just and fine.
Sapientiae professoribus. Philosophers, who were banished by Domitian, A.D. 94, on the occasion of Rusticus's panegyric on Thrasea. T. not unfrequently introduces an additional circumstance by the abl. abs., as here.
Ne occurreret. Ne with the subj. expresses a negative intention; ut non a negative result. H. 490; Z. 532.
Inquisitiones. A system of espionage, sc. by the Emperor's tools and informers.—Et==etiam, even. Cf. note, 11. Al. etiam.
Memoriam—perdidissemus, i.e. we should not have dared to remember, if we could have helped it.
III. Et quanquam. Et pro sed. So Dr. But nunc demum animus redit implies, that confidence is hardly restored yet; and the reason for so slow a recovery is given in the following clause. Hence et is used in its proper copulative or explicative sense. So Wr. Demum is a lengthened form of the demonstrative dem. Cf. i-dem, tan-dem, dae. Nunc demum==nun dae. Freund.
Primo statim. Statim gives emphasis: at the very commencement, etc.; cf. note, 20.—Dissociabiles, incompatible.
Augeatque—Trajanus. This marks the date of the composition early in the reign of Trajan, cf. G. 37; also p. 139 supra.
Securitas publica. "And public security has assumed not only hopes and wishes, but has seen those wishes arise to confidence and, stability. Securitas publica was a current expression and wish, and was frequently inscribed on medals." Ky.
Assumpserit. This word properly belongs only to fiduciam ac robur. Spem ac votum would require rather conceperit. Zeugma.
Subit. Steals in, lit. creeps under. Cf. note, H. 1, 13.
Invisa primo—amatur. The original perhaps of Pope's lines Vice is a monster, &c.
Quindecim annos. The reign of Domitian from A.D. 81, to A.D. 96.
Fortuitis casibus. Natural and ordinary death, as opposed to death by violence, saevitia principis.—Promptissimus quisque. The ablest, or all the ablest. Quisque with a superlative, whether singular or plural, is in general equivalent to omnes with the positive, with the additional idea however of a reciprocal comparison among the persons denoted by quisque, Z. 710, 6.
Ut ita dixerim. An apology for the strong expression nostri superstites: survivors not of others only, but so to speak, of ourselves also; for we can hardly be said to have lived under the tyranny of Dom., and our present happy life is, as it were, a renewed existence, after being buried for fifteen years. A beautiful conception! The use of dixerim in preference to dicam in this formula is characteristic of the later Latin. Cf. Z. 528. The et before this clause is omitted by some editors. But it is susceptible of an explanation, which adds spirit to the passage: A few of us survive, and that not merely ourselves, but so to speak, others also. In the Augustan age superstes was, for the most part, followed by the dative.
Tamen. Notwithstanding the unfavorable circumstances in which I write, after so long a period of deathlike silence, in winch we have almost lost the gift of speech, yet I shall not regret to have composed even in rude and inelegant language, etc. For the construction of pigebit, cf. Z. 441, and H. 410, 6.
Memoriam—composuisse. Supposed to refer to his forthcoming history, written, or planned and announced, but not yet published. Some understand it of the present treatise. But then interim would have no meaning; nor indeed is the language applicable to his Agricola.
Interim, sc. editus or vulgatus, published meanwhile, i.e. while preparing the history.
The reader cannot but be struck with the beauty of this introduction. It is modest, and at the same time replete with the dignity of conscious worth. It is drawn out to considerable length, yet it is all so pertinent and tasteful, that we would not spare a sentence or a word. With all the thoughtful and sententious brevity of the exordiums of Sallust, it has far more of natural ease and the beauty of appropriateness.
IV. Cnaeus Julius Agricola. Every Roman had at least three names: the nomen or name of the gens, which always ended in ius (Julius); the praenomen or individual name ending in us (Cnaeus); and the cognomen or family name (Agricola). See a brief account of A. in Dion Cassius 66, 20. Mentioned only by Dion and T. Al. Gnaeus, C. and G. being originally identical.
Forojuliensium colonia. Now Frejus. A walled town of Gallia Narbonensis, built by Julius Caesar, and used as a naval station by Augustus (cf. His. 3, 43: claustra maris). Augustus sent thither the beaked ships captured in the battle of Actium, Ann. 4, 5. Hence perhaps called illustris.
Procuratorem Caesarum. Collector of imperial revenues in the Roman Provinces.
Quae equestris—est, i.e. the procurator was, as we say, ex officio, a Roman knight. The office was not conferred on senators.
Julius Graecinus. Cf. Sen. de Benef. 2, 21: Si exemplo magni animi opus est, utemur Graecini Julii, viri egregii, quem C. Caesar occidit ob hoc unum, quod melior vir esset, quam esse quemquam tyranno expediret.
Senatorii ordinis. Pred. after fuit understood, with ellipsis of vir. H. 402, III.; Z. 426.
Sapientiae. Philosophy, cf. 1.—Caii Caesaris. Known in English histories by the name of Caligula.
Marcum Silanum. Father-in-law of Caligula, cf. Suet. Calig. 23: Silanum item socerum ad necem, secandasque novacula fauces compulit.
Jussus. Supply est. T. often omits est in the first of two passive verbs, cf. 9: detentus ac statim ... revocatus est. In Hand's Tursellinus (2, 474) however, jussus is explained as a participle, and quia abnuerat as equivalent to another participle==having been commanded and having refused.
Abnuerat, lit. had refused, because the refusal was prior to the slaying. We, with less accuracy, say refused. Z. 505.
Rarae castitatis. Ellipsis of mulier. H. 402, III.; Z. 426.
In—indulgentiaque. Brought up in her bosom and tender love. Indulgentia is more frequently used to denote excessive tenderness.
Arcebat has for its subject the clause, quod statim, etc. He was guarded against the allurements of vice by the wholesome influences thrown around him in the place of his early education.
Massiliam. Now Marseilles. It was settled by a colony of Phocaeans. Hence Graeca comitate. Cf also Cicero's account of the high culture and refinement of Massilia (Cic. pro Flacco, 26).—Provinciali parsimonia. Parsimonia in a good sense; economy, as opposed to the luxury and extravagance of Italy and the City.
Locum—mixtum. Enallage for locus, in quo mixta erant, etc. H. 704, III., cf. 25: mixti copiis et laetitia.—Bene compositum denotes a happy combination of the elements, of which mixtum expresses only the co-existence.
Acrius, sc. aequo==too eagerly. H. 444, 1, and Z. 104, 1. note.
Concessum—senatori. Military and civil studies were deemed more appropriate to noble Roman youth, than literature and philosophy. Senatori must of course refer, not to the office of A., but to his rank by birth, cf. senatorii ordinis above.
Hausisse, ni—coercuisset. An analysis of this sentence shows, that there is an ellipsis of hausurum fuisse: he imbibed, and would have continued to imbibe, had not, &c. In such sentences, which abound in T. but are rarely found in Cic., ni is more readily translated by but. Cf. Z. 519. b; and note, His. 3, 28. For the application of haurire to the eager study of philosophy, cf. Hor. Sat. 2, 4, 95: haurire vitae praecepta beatae, and note, His. 1, 51: hauserunt animo.
Prudentia matris. So Nero's mother deterred him from the study of philosophy. Suet. Ner. 52.
Pulchritudinem ac speciem. The beautiful image, or beau ideal, by hendiadys. Cf. Cic. Or. 2: species pulchritudinis. See Rit. in loc.
Vehementius quam caute. For vehementius quam cautius, which is the regular Latin construction. T. uses both. Cf. Z. 690, and note, His. 1, 83.
Mox. In T. subsequently, not presently. R.
Retinuitque—modum. And, what is most difficult, he retained from philosophy moderation—moderation in all things, but especially in devotion to philosophy itself, where moderation is difficult in proportion to the excellence of the pursuit, as was shown by the extravagance of the Stoics and some other Grecian sects. As to the sense of modum, cf. Hor. Sat. 1, 1, 106: est modus in rebus; and for the sentiment, Hor. Ep. 1, 6, 15: Insani sapiens nomen ferat, aequus iniqui, ultra quam satis est virtutem si petat ipsam.
V. Castrorum. This word is used to express whatever pertains to military life, education, &c., as the context may require. Every Roman youth who aspired to civil office, must have a military education.
Diligenti ac moderato. Careful and prudent, cf. our author's character of the same commander, His. 2, 25: cunctator natura, etc.
Approbavit==fecit, ut ei probarentur. Dr. It is a constructio praegnans. He obtained the first rudiments of a military education under Paullinus, and he gained his approbation.
Electus—aestimaret. Having been chosen as one whom he would estimate (i.e. test his merit) by tenting together, i.e. by making him his companion and aid. Young men of rank and promise were thus associated with Roman commanders. Cf. Suet., Caes. 2. T., as usual, avoids the technical way of expressing the relation. Ad verbum, contubernium, cf. note, His. 1, 43. Others make aestimaret==dignum aestimaret, and contubernio abl. of price. Cf. Doed. and Dr.
Licenter—segniter, sc. agens. Licenter refers to voluptates, segniter to commeatus.—Commeatus==furloughs, absence from duty.— Inscitiam, sc. tribunatus==ignorance of his official duty or inexperience in war.—Retulit. Referre ad is used very much like the corresponding English, viz. to refer to an object, or devote to an end. Sense: He did not take advantage of his official standing and his military inexperience, to give up his time to ease and pleasure. Wr. takes retulit in the more ordinary sense of brought back, thus: A. did not bring back (to Rome) the empty name of Tribune and no military experience, there to give himself up to leisure and pleasure. The former version accords better with the language of the whole passage. Wr. questions the authority for such a use of referre. But it may be found, e.g. Plin. Epist. 1, 22: nihil ad ostentationem, omnia ad conscientiam refert.
Noscere—nosci, etc. T. is fond of such a series of inf. depending on some one finite verb understood, and hence closely connected with each other, cf. G. 30: praeponere, etc. note. Here supply from retulit in the preceding number the idea: he made it his business or aim to know, etc. The author's fondness for antithesis is very observable in the several successive pairs here: noscere—nosci; discere—sequi; appetere—recusare; anxius—intentus.
In jactationem. Al. jactatione. In denoting the object or purpose, Z. 314: he coveted no appointment for the sake of display; he declined none through fear.
Anxius and intentus qualify agere like adverbs cf. R. Exc. 23, 1. He conducted himself both with prudence and with energy.
Exercitatior==agitatior. So Cic. Som. Scip. 4: agitatus et exercitatus animus; and Hor. Epod. 9, 31: Syrtes Noto exercitatas.
Incensae coloniae. Camalodunum, Londinium and Verulamium. Cf. Ann. 14, 33, where however the historian does not expressly say, the last two were burned.
In ambiguo==ambigua, in a critical state. R.
Alterius, sc. ducis.—Artem et usum. Military science and experience.
Summa ... cessit. The general management (cf. notes, H. 1, 87. 2, 16. 33) and the glory of recovering the province went to the general (to his credit). The primary meaning of cedere is to go. See Freund sub v.—Juveni, sc. A.
Tum, sc. while veterani trucidarentur, etc.—Mox, sc. when Paullinus and A. came to the rescue.
Nec minus, etc. A remark worthy of notice and too often true.
VI. Magistratus. The regular course of offices and honors at Rome.
Per—anteponendo. Enallage, cf. G. 15, note. Per here denotes manner, rather than means (cf. per lamenta, 28); and anteponendo likewise==anteponentes. R. Render: mutually loving and preferring one another.—Nisi quod==but. Cf. ni, 4. There is an ellipsis before nisi quod, which R. would supply thus: greatly to the credit of both parties —but more praise belongs to the good wife, etc. Major sc. quam in bono viro. So, after plus supply quam in malo viro: But more praise belongs to a good wife, than to a good husband, by as much as more blame attaches to a bad wife, than to a bad husband.
Sors quaesturae. The Quaestors drew lots for their respective provinces. Their number increased with the increase of the empire, till from two they became twenty or more. As at first a Quaestor accompanied each Consul at the head of an army, so afterwards each Proconsul, or Governor of a province, had his Quaestor to collect and disburse the revenues of the province. The Quaestorship was the first in the course of Roman honors. It might be entered upon at the age of twenty-four.
Salvium Titianum. Brother of the Emperor Otho. See His. B. 1 and 2. pass. For the office of Proconsul, &c., see note, His. 1, 49.
Parata peccantibus. Ready for wicked rulers, i.e. affording great facilities for extortion in its corrupt and servile population. Paratus With a dat. of the thing, for which there is a preparation, is peculiar to poetry and post-Augustan prose. Cf. Freund ad v. Ad rem. cf. Cic. Epist. ad Quint. 1, 1, 6: tam corruptrice provincia, sc. Asia; and pro Mur. 9.
Quantalibet facilitate. Any indulgence (license) however great.
Redempturus esset. Subj. in the apodosis answering to a protasis understood, sc. if A. would have entered into the plot. Cf. H. 502. Observe the use of esset rather than fuisset to denote what the proconsul would have been ready to do at any time during their continuance in office. Cf. Wr. in loc.
Dissimulationem. Concealment (of what is true); simulatio, on the other hand, is an allegation of what is false.
Auctus est filia. So Cic. ad Att. 1, 2: filiolo me auctum scito.
_Ante sublatum. Previously born_. For this use of _sublatum_, see Lexicon.—Brevi amisit, he lost shortly after_; though R. takes _amisit_ as perf. for plup. and renders lost a short time before.
Mox inter, etc., sc. annum inter, supplied from etiam ipsum ... annum below.
Tenor et silentium. Hendiadys for continuum silentium, or tenorem silentem. R.
Jurisdictio. For the administration of justice in private cases had not fallen to his lot. Only two of the twelve or fifteen Praetors, viz. the Praetor Urbanus (see note H. 1, 47) and the Praetor Peregrinus (who judged between foreigners and citizens) were said to exercise jurisdictio. The adjudication of criminal causes was called quaestio, which was now for the most part in the hands of the senate (Ann. 4, 6), from whom it might be transferred by appeal to the Praefect of the City or the Emperor himself. The Praetors received the jurisdictio or the quaestio by lot; and in case the former did not fall to them, the office was almost a sinecure; except that they continued to preside over the public games. See further, on the name and office of Praetor, His. 1, 47, note. For the plup. in obvenerat, see note, 4: abnuerat.
Et==et omnino. The games and in general the pageantry of office (inania honoris) expected of the Praetor. Observe the use of the neuter plural of the adj. for the subst., of which, especially before a gen., T. is peculiarly fond.
Medio rationis. The text is doubtful. The MSS. vacillate between medio ratinois and modo rationis; and the recent editions, for the most part, follow a third but wholly conjectural reading, viz. moderationis. The sense is the same with either reading: He conducted the games and the empty pageantry of office in a happy mean (partaking at once) of prudence and plenty. See Freund ad duco.
Uti—propior. As far from luxury, so (in the same proportion) nearer to glory, i.e. the farther from luxury, the nearer to glory. Cf. Freund ad uti.
Longe—propior. Enallage of the adv. and adj. ef. G. 18: extra.
Ne sensisset. Would not have felt, etc., i.e. he recovered all the plundered offerings of the temple, but those which had been sacrilegiously taken away by Nero for the supply of his vicious pleasures. This explanation supposes a protasis understood, or rather implied in quam Neronis. (Cf H. 503, 2. 2). The plup. subj. admits perhaps of another explanation, the subj. denoting the end with a view to which Agricola labored (H. 531; Z. 549), and the plup. covering all the past down to the time of his labors: he labored that the republic might not have experienced, and he virtually effected that it had not experienced, since he restored everything to its former state, the plunder of Nero alone excepted. See Wr. and Or. in loc. Perhaps this would not be an unexampled praegnantia for Tacitus. For sentire in the sense of experiencing especially evil, see Hor. Od. 2, 7, 10, and other examples in Freund sub v.
VII. Classis Othoniana. Ad rem. cf. His. 2, 12, seqq.—Licenter vaga. Roaming in quest of plunder.—Intemelios, Cf. note, 2, 13.—In praediis suis. On her own estates. Praedia includes both lands and buildings.
Ad solemnia pietatis. To perform the last offices of filial affection.
Nuntio deprehensus. Supply est, cf. 4: jussus. Was overtaken unexpectedly by the news of Vespasian's claim (nomination) to the throne.—Affectati. Cf. note, G. 28.—In partes, to his (Vesp.) party.
Principatus, sc. Vespasiani.—Mucianus regebat. Vesp. was detained in Egypt for some time after his troops had entered Rome under Mucianus; meanwhile Mucianus exercised all the imperial power, cf. His. 4, 11. 39: vis penes Mucianum erat.
Juvene—usurpante. Dom. was now eighteen years old, cf. His. 4, 2: nondum ad curas intentus, sed stupris et adulteriis filium principis agebat.
Is, sc. Mucianus.—Vicesimae legioni. One of three legions, at that time stationed in Britain, which submitted to the government of Vesp. tarde and non sine motu (His. 3, 44).
Decessor. Predecessor. It was Roscius Coelius. His. 1, 60.
Legatis—consularibus. Governors or Proconsuls. The provinces were governed by men who had been consuls (consulares), and as legatus meant any commissioned officer, these were distinguished as legati consulares. With reference to this consular authority, the same were called proconsules. Cf. note, H. 1, 49. Trebellius Maximus and Vettius Bolanus are here intended. Cf. 16. and His. 1, 60. 2, 65. Nimia==justo potentior. Dr.
Legatus praetorius==legatus legionis, commander of the legion. Cf. note, His. 1, 7. Here the same person as decessor.
Invenisse quam fecisse, etc., involves a maxim of policy worth noting.
VIII. Placidius. With less energy. See more of Bolanus at close of 16.
Dignum est. A general remark, applicable to any such province. Hence the present, for which some would substitute erat or esset.
Ne incresceret, sc. ipse: lest he should become too great, i.e. rise above his superior and so excite his jealousy. Referred by W. to ardorem for its subject. But then ne incresceret would be superfluous.
Consularem, sc. Legatum==Governor, cf. 7, note.
Petilius Cerialis. Cf. 17. Ann. 14, 32. His. 4, 68.
Habuerunt—exemplorum. Had room for exertion and so for setting a good example, cf. Ann. 13, 8: videbaturque locus virtutibus patefactus. The position of habuerunt is emphatic, as if he had said: then had virtues, etc. See Rit. in loc.
Communicabat, sc. cum A.—Ex eventu, from the event, i.e. in consequence of his success.
In suam famam. Cf. in jactationem, 5, note.
Extra gloriam is sometimes put for sine gloria, especially by the late writers. His. 1, 49: extra vitia. Hand's Turs. 2, 679.
IX. Revertentem, etc. Returning from his command in Britain.—Divus. Cf. notes, G. 28; His. 2, 33.
Vesp.—ascivit. By virtue of his office as Censor, the Emperor claimed the right of elevating and degrading the rank of the citizens. Inasmuch as the families of the aristocracy always incline to run out and become extinct, there was a necessity for an occasional re-supply of the patrician from the plebeian ranks, e.g. by Julius Caesar, Augustus and Claudius (Ann. 11, 25), as well as by Vespasian (Aur. Vic. Caes. 9. Suet. 9.)—Provinciae—praeposuit. Aquitania was one of seven provinces, into which Augustus distributed Gaul, and which with the exception of Narbonne Gaul, were all subject to the immediate disposal and control of the Emperor himself. It was the south-western part of Gaul, being enclosed by the Rhone, the Loire, the Pyrenees and the Atlantic.
Splendidae—destinarat. A province of the first importance both in its government (in itself considered), and the prospect of the consulship, to which he (Vesp.) had destined him (A.), sc. as soon as his office should have expired.
Subtilitatem==calliditatem, nice discernment, discrimination.— Exerceat, Observe the subj. to express the views of others, not of the author. H. 531; Z. 511.
_Secura—agens. _Requiring less anxious thought and mental acumen_, and _proceeding more by physical force. Secura_==minus anxia. Dr. Cf. note, His. 1, 1. _Obtusior_==minus acuta.
Togatos. Civilians in distinction from military men, like A. The toga was the dress of civil life to some extent in the provinces (cf. 21, His. 2, 20), though originally worn only in Rome. (Beck. Gall., Exc. Sc. 8.)
Remissionumque. The Greeks and Romans both used the pl. of many abstracts, of which we use only the sing. For examples see R. Exc. 4. For the principle cf. Z. 92.
Curarum—divisi. This clause means not merely, that his time was divided between business and relaxation; but that there was a broad line of demarcation between them, as he proceeds to explain. Divisa==diversa inter se. Dr. So Virg. Georg. 2, 116: divisae arboribus patriae==countries are distinguished from each other by their trees. Jam vero. Cf. note, G. 14.
Conventus, sc. juridici==courts. The word designates also the districts in which the courts were held, and into which each province was divided. Cf. Smith's Dict. of Ant.: Conventus. So Pliny (N.H. 3; 3.) speaks of juridici conventus. Tacitus, as usual, avoids the technical designation.
Ultra. Adv. for adj., cf. longe, 6.—Persona. 1. A mask (per and sono). 2. Outward show, as here.
Tristitiam—exuerat. Some connect this clause by zeugma with the foregoing. But with a misapprehension of the meaning of exuerat, which==was entirely free from; lit. had divested himself of. Thus understood, the clause is a general remark touching the character of A., in implied contrast with other men or magistrates with whom those vices were so common. So in Ann. 6, 25, Agrippina is said to have divested herself of vices (vitia exuerat) which were common among women, but which never attached to her. Facilitas. Opposed to severitas==kindness, indulgence.
Abstinentiam. This word, though sometimes denoting temperance in food and drink, more properly refers to the desire and use of money. Abstinentia is opposed to avarice; continentia to sensual pleasure. Cf. Plin. Epis. 6, 8: alieni abstinentissimus. Here render honesty, integrity.
Cui—indulgent. See the same sentiment, His. 4, 6: quando etiam sapientibus cupido gloriae novissima exuitur.
Ostentanda—artem, cf. 6: per—anteponendo; also G. 15, note.
Collegas. The governors of other provinces. The word means chosen together; hence either those chosen at the same election or those chosen to the same office. Cf. H. 1, 10.
Procuratores. There was but one at a time in each province. There may have been several however in succession, while A. was Proconsul. Or we may understand both this clause and the preceding, not of his government in Aquitania in particular, but as a general fact in the life of A. So E. For the office, see note, 4; and for an instance of a quarrel between the Proconsul and the Procurator, Ann. 14, 38.
Atteri==vinci as the antithesis shows, though with more of the implication of dignity impaired (worn off) by conflict with inferiors.
Minus triennium. Quam omitted. See H. 417, 3; Z. 485.
Comitante opinione. A general expectation attending him, as it were, on his return.
Nullis sermonibus. Ablative of cause.
Elegit. Perf. to denote what has in fact taken place.
X. In comparationem. Cf. in suam famam, 8, note.
Perdomita est. Completely subdued.
Rerum fide==faithfully and truly; lit. with fidelity to facts.
Britannia. It has generally been supposed (though Gesenius denies it in his Phenician Paloeography) that Britain was known to the Phenicians, those bold navigators and enterprising merchants of antiquity, under the name of the Cassiterides, or Tin Islands. Greek authors make early mention of Albion (plural of Alp?) and Ierne (Erin) as British Islands. Bochart derives the name (Britain) from the Phenician or Hebrew Baratanae, "the Land of Tin;" others from the Gallic Britti, Painted, in allusion to the custom among the inhabitants of painting their bodies. But according to the Welsh Triads, Britain derived its name from Prydain, a king, who early reigned in the island. Cf. Turner's His. Ang. Sax. 1, 2, seqq. The geographical description, which follows, cannot be exonerated from the charge of verbiage and grandiloquence. T. wanted the art of saying a plain thing plainly.
Spatio ac coelo. Brit. not only stretches out or lies over against these several countries in situation, but it approaches them also in climate: a circumstance which illustrates the great size of the island (cf. maxima, above) and prepares the way for the description of both below.
Germaniae and Hispaniae are dat. after obtenditur. The mistaken notion of the relative position of Spain and Britain is shared with T. by Caesar (B.G. 13), Dion (39, 50), and indeed by the ancients in general. It is so represented in maps as late as Richard of Cirencester. Cf. Prichard, III. 3, 9.
Etiam inspicitur. It is even seen by the Gauls, implying nearer approach to Gaul, than to Germany or Spain.
Nullis terris. Abl. abs., contra taking the place of the part., or rather limiting a part. understood.
Livius. In his 105th Book; now lost, except in the Epitome.
Fabius Rusticus. A friend of Seneca, and writer of history in the age of Claudius and Nero.
Oblongae scutulae. Geometrically a trapezium.
Et est ea facies. And such is the form, exclusive of Caledonia, whence the account has been extended also to the whole Island.
Sed—tenuatur. But a vast and irregular extent of lands jutting out here (jam, cf. note, G. 44) on this remotest shore (i.e. widening out again where they seemed already to have come to an end), is narrowed down as it were into a wedge. The author likens Caledonia to a wedge with its apex at the Friths of Clyde and Forth, and its base widening out on either side into the ocean beyond. Enormis is a post-Augustan word. Novissimi==extreme, remotest. G. 24, note.
Affirmavit. Established the fact, hitherto supposed, but not fully ascertained. This was done in Agricola's last campaign in Britain, cf. 38.
Orcadas. The Orkneys. Their name occurs earlier than this, but they were little known.
Dispecta est. Was seen through the mist, as it were; discovered in the distance and obscurity. Cf. note, H. 4, 55: dispecturas Gallias, etc.
Thule. Al. Thyle. What island T. meant, is uncertain. It has been referred by different critics, to the Shetland, the Hebrides, and even to Iceland. The account of the island, like that of the surrounding ocean, is obviously drawn from the imagination.
Nam hactenus, etc. For their orders were to proceed thus far only, and (besides) winter was approaching. Cf. hactenus, G. 25, and appetere, Ann. 4, 51: appetente jam luce. The editions generally have nix instead of jussum. But Rit. and Or. with reason follow the oldest and best MSS. in the reading jussum, which with the slight and obvious amendment of nam for quam by Rit. renders this obscure and vexed passage at length easy and clear.
Pigrum et grave. See a similar description of the Northern Ocean, G. 25: pigrum ac prope immotum. The modern reader need not be informed, that this is an entire mistake, as to the matter of fact; those seas about Britain are never frozen; though the navigators in this voyage might easily have magnified the perils and hardships of their enterprise, by transferring to these waters what they had heard of those further north.
Perinde. Al. proinde. These two forms are written indiscriminately in the old MSS. The meaning of ne perinde here is not so much, sc. as other seas. Cf. note, G. 5.
Ne ventis—attolli. Directly the reverse of the truth. Those seas, are in fact, remarkably tempestuous.
Quod—impellitur. False philosophy to explain a fictitious phenomenon, as is too often the case with the philosophy of the ancients, who little understood natural science, cf. the astronomy of T. in 12.
Neque—ac. Correlatives. The author assigns two reasons why he does not discuss the subject of the tides: 1. It does not suit the design of his work; 2. The subject has been treated by many others, e.g. Strab. 3, 5, 11; Plin. N.H. 2, 99, &c.
Multum fluminum. Multum is the object of ferre, of which mare is the subject, as it is also of all the infinitives in the sentence. Fluminum is not rivers but currents among the islands along the shore.
Nec littore tenus, etc. "The ebbings and flowings of the tide are not confined to the shore, but the sea penetrates into the heart of the country, and works its way among the hills and mountains, as in its native bed." Ky. A description very appropriate to a coast so cut up by aestuaries, and highly poetical, but wanting in simplicity.
Jugis etiam ac montibus. Jugis, cf. G. 43. Ac. Atque in the common editions. But ac, besides being more frequent before a consonant, is found in the best MSS.
XI. Indigenae an advecti. Cf. note, G. 2: indigenas.
Ut inter barbaros, sc. fieri solet. Cf. ut in licentia, G. 2; and ut inter Germanos, G. 30.
Rutilae—asseverant. Cf. the description of the Germans, G. 4. The inhabitants of Caledonia are of the same stock as the other Britons. The conclusion, to which our author inclines below, viz. that the Britons proceeded from Gaul, is sustained by the authority of modern ethnologists. The original inhabitants of Britain are found, both by philological and historical evidence, to have belonged to the Celtic or Cimmerian stock, which once overspread nearly the whole of central Europe, but were overrun and pushed off the stage by the Gothic or German Tribes, and now have their distinct representatives only in the Welsh, the Irish, the Highland Scotch, and a few similar remnants of a once powerful race in the extreme west of the continent and the islands of the sea. Cf. note on the Cimbri, G. 37.
Silurum. The people of Wales.
Colorati vultus. Dark complexion. So with the poets, colorati Indi, Seres, Etrusci, &c.
Hispania. Nom. subject of faciunt, with crines, &c.
Iberos. Properly a people on the Iberus (Ebro), who gave their name to the whole Spanish Peninsula. They belonged to a different race from the Celtic, or the Teutonic, which seems once to have inhabited Italy and Sicily, as well as parts of Gaul and Spain. A dialect is still spoken in the mountainous regions about the Bay of Biscay, and called the Basque or Biscayan, which differs from any other dialect in Europe. Cf. Prichard's Physical Researches, vol. III. chap. 2.
Proximi Gallis. Cf. Caes. B.G. 5, 14: Ex his omnibus longe sunt humanissimi, qui Cantium (Kent) incolunt, quae regio est maritima omnis, neque multum a Gallica differunt consuetudine. Et—also: those nearest the Gauls are also like them.
Durante vi. Either because the influence of a common origin still continues, etc.
Procurrentibus—terris. Or because their territories running out towards one another, literally, in opposite directions, Britain towards the south and Gaul towards the north, so as to approach each other. See Rit., Doed. in loc., and Freund ad diversus.
Positio—dedit. The idea of similarity being already expressed in similes, is understood here: their situation in the same climate (coelo) has given them the same personal appearance.
Aestimanti. Indef. dat. after credibile est, cf. note, G. 6.
Eorum refers to the Gauls. You (indef. subject, cf. quiescas, G. 36) may discover the religion of the Gauls (among the Britons) in their full belief of the same superstitions. So Caes. B.G. 6, 13: disciplina in Britannia reperta atque inde in Galliam translata esse existimatur; and he adds, that those who wished to gain a more perfect knowledge of the Druidical system still went from Gaul to Britain to learn. Sharon Turner thinks, the system must have been introduced into Britain from the East (perhaps India) by the Phenicians, and thence propagated in Gaul. His. Ang. Sax., B. 1, chap. 5.
Persuasione. See the same use of the word, His. 5, 5: eademque de infernis persuasio.
In—periculis. The same sentiment is expressed by Caesar (B.G. 3, 19).
Ferociae. In a good sense, courage, cf. 31: virtus ac ferocia.
Praeferunt==prae se ferunt, i.e. exhibit.
Ut quos. Ut qui, like qui alone, is followed by the subj. to express a reason for what precedes. It may be rendered by because or since with the demonstrative. So quippe cui placuisset, 18. Cf. Z. 565 and H. 519, 3.
Gallos floruisse. Cf. G. 28.
Otio. Opposed to bellis, peace.—Amissa virtute. Abl. abs. denoting an additional circumstance. Cf. 2: expulsis—professoribus, note.— Olim limits victis.
XII. Honestior. The more honorable (i.e. the man of rank) is the charioteer, his dependents fight (on the chariot). The reverse was true in the Trojan War.
Factionibus trahuntur==distrahuntur in factiones. Dr., and Or. T. is fond of using simple for compound verbs. See note 22; also numerous examples in the Index to Notes on the Histories.
Civitatibus. Dat. for Gen.—Pro nobis. Abl. with prep. for dat. Enallage. R.—Conventus. Convention, meeting.
Coelum—foedum. The fog and rain of the British Isles are still proverbial.—Dierum spatia, etc. Cf. Caes. 513.
Quod si==and if. From the tendency to connect sentences by relatives arose the use of quod before certain conjunctions, particularly si, merely as a copulative. Cf. Z. 807. also Freund sub v. The fact alleged in this sentence is as false as the philosophy by which it is explained in the next, cf. G. 45: in ortus, note.
Scilicet—cadit. This explanation proceeds on the assumption that night is caused by the shadow of mountains, behind which the sun sets; and since these do not exist in that level extremity of the earth, the sun has nothing to set behind, and so there is no night. The astronomy of T. is about of a piece with his natural philosophy, cf. 10.—Extrema— terrarum. Cf. note, 6: inania honoris.
Non erigunt, lit. do not elevate the darkness, i.e. do not cast their shadow so high (infraque—cadit), as the sky and the stars; hence they are bright (clara) through the night!! Pliny also supposed the heavens (above the moon) to be of themselves perpetually luminous, but darkened at night by the shadow of the earth. N.H. 2, 7.
Praeter. Beyond. Hence either besides or except. Here the latter.— Fecundum. More than patiens, fruitful even.—Proveniunt. Ang. come forward.
Fert—aurum, etc. This is also affirmed by Strabo, 4, 5, 2, but denied by Cic. ad Att., 4, 16, 7, and ad Div., 7, 7. The moderns decide in favor of T. and Strabo, though it is only in inconsiderable quantities that gold and silver have ever been found in Britain.
Margarita. The neuter form of this word is seldom used, never by Cicero. See Freund sub v.
Rubro mari. The Red Sea of the Greeks and Romans embraced both the Arabian and the Persian Gulfs; and it was in the latter especially, that pearls were found, as they are to this day. Cf. Plin. N.H. 9, 54: praecipue laudantur (margaritae) in Persico sinu maris rubri. For an explanation of the name (Red Sea), see Anthon's Classical Dictionary.
Expulsa sint. Cast out, i.e. ashore, by the waves. Subj. in a subordinate clause of the oratio obliqua. H. 531; Z. 603.
Naturam—avaritiam. A very characteristic sentence, both for its antithesis and its satire.
XIII. Ipsi Britanni. Ipsi marks the transition from the country to the people, cf. ipsos Germanos, G. 2.
Obeunt properly applies only to munera, not to tributa and delectum, which would require tolerant or some kindred verb. Zeugma. H. 704, I. 2; Z. 775.
Igitur==now. In the first sentence of the section the author has indicated his purpose to speak of the people of Britain. And now in pursuance of that design, he goes back to the commencement of their history, as related to and known by the Romans. Cf. note, G. 28.
Divus. Cf. note, G. 28: D. Julius. For Julius Caesar's campaigns in Britain, see Caes. B.G. 4, 21. seq.; 5, 5. seq.; Strabo, Lib. 4, &c.
Consilium. His advice (to his successor). See Ann. 1, 11.— Praeceptum. A command (of Augustus, which Tib. affected to hold sacred). Ann. 1, 77; 4, 37.
C. Caesarem. Caligula, cf. 4, note.—Agitasse, etc. cf. 39. His. 4, 15; Suet. Calig. 44.
Ni—fuissent. Cf. Ni, 4, note. The ellipsis may be supplied thus: he meditated an invasion of Brit. and would have invaded it, had he not been velox ingenio, etc. But in idiomatic Eng. ni==but. Of course fuisset is to be supplied with velox ingenio and mobilis poenitentiae. Al. poenitentia. But contrary to the MSS. Mobilis agrees with poenitentiae (cf. Liv. 31, 32: celerem poenitentiam), which is a qualifying gen. Gr. 211. R. 6. Lit. of repentance easy to be moved. Render: fickle of purpose.
Auctor operis. Auctor fuit rei adversus Britannos gerendae et feliciter gestae. Dr. See on the same subject Suet. Claud. 17.—Assumpto Vespasiano, cf. Suet Vesp. 4. II. 3, 44.
Quod—fuit. Vespasian's participation in the war against Brit. was the commencement of his subsequent brilliant fortunes.
Monstratus fatis, i.e. a fatis, by the fates. The expression is borrowed perhaps from Virg. Aen. 6, 870: Ostendent terris hunc tantum fata.
XIV. Consularium. Cf. note on it, 8.—Aulus Plautius. Ann. 13, 32; Dio. 60, 19.—Ostorius Scapula. Ann. 12, 31-39.—Proxima, sc. Romae.
Veteranorum colonia. Camolodunum. Ann. 12, 32. Now Colchester. Dr.—Et reges. Kings also, i.e. besides other means.—Ut vetere, etc. So in the MSS. and earliest editions. Rhenanus transferred ut to the place before haberet which it occupies in the common editions. But no change is necessary. Render: that in accordance with their established custom, the Roman people might have kings also as the instruments of reducing (the Britons) to slavery.
Didius Gallus. Cf. Ann. 12, 40: arcere hostem satis habebat.—Parta a prioribus. The acquisitions (conquests) of his predecessors.
Aucti officii. Of enlarging the boundaries of his government. Officium is used in a like sense, Caes. B.C. 3, 5: Toti officio maritimo praepositus, etc. So Wr.; Or. and Doed. understand by it going beyond the mere performance of his duty. It was his duty to protect his province: he enlarged it.—Quaereretur. Subj. in a relative clause denoting a purpose. H. 500; Z. 567.
Veranius. Ann. 14, 29.—Paullinus. Ann. 14, 29-30.
Monam insulam. Now Anglesey. But the Mona of Caesar is the Isle of Man, called by Pliny Monapia. The Mona of T. was the chief seat of the Druids, hence ministrantem vires rebellibus, for the Druids animated and led on the Briton troops to battle. T. has given (Ann. 14, 30) a very graphic sketch of the mixed multitude of armed men, women like furies, and priests with hands uplifted in prayer, that met Paullinus on his landing, and, for a time, well nigh paralyzed his soldiers with dismay. In the same connexion, he speaks also of the human sacrifices and other barbarous rites, which were practised by our Briton Fathers in honor of their gods.
XV. Interpretando. By putting their own, i.e. the worst construction upon them.
Ex facili==facile. A frequent form of expression in T., ad Graecorum consuetudinem. Dr. See R. Exc. 24.
Singulos—binos. Distributives==one for each tribe—two for each tribe.
Aeque—aeque. Like Greek correlatives; alike fatal to their subjects in either case. So [Greek: homoios men] and [Greek: homoios de], Xen. Mem. 1, 6, 13; Plat. Symp. 181. C.
Alterius manus centuriones, alterius servos. This is the reading of the latest editions (Dr. Wr. Or. and R.), and the best MSS., though the MSS. differ somewhat: Centurions, the hands (instruments) of the one, and servants, the hands of the other, added insult to injury. For the use of manus in the above sense, reference is made to Cic. in Ver. 2, 10, 27: Comites illi tui delecti manus erant tuae. So the centurions of the legate and the servants of the procurator are said by our author to have robbed the Briton King Prasutagus of his kingdom and his palace, Ann. 14, 31, which is the best commentary on the passage before us.
Ab ignavis. By the feeble and cowardly. Antithetic to fortiorem. In battle, it is the braver that plunders us; but now (it is a special aggravation of our sufferings, that) by the feeble and cowardly, &c. So in contempt, they call the veterans, cf. 14: veteranorum colonia; 32: senum colonia.
Tantum limits pro patria; as if it was for their country only they knew not how to die.
Si sese, etc., i.e. in comparison with their own numbers.
Patriam—parentes, sc. causas belli esse.
Recessisset. Observe the subj. in the subordinate clauses of the oratio obliqua throughout this chapter. H. 531; Z. 603.
Neve—pavescerant. This verb would have been an imperative in the oratio recta, Z. 603, c. Neve is appropriate either to the imp. or the subj.
XVI. Instincti, i.e. furore quodam afflati. Dr. For a fuller account of this revolt, see Ann. 14, 31-38; Dio. 62, 1-13.
Boudicea. Wife of Prasutagus, king of the Iceni. When conquered, she ended her life by poison, Ann. 14, 37.
Expugnatis praesidiis. Having stormed the fortresses. The force of ex in this word is seen in that it denotes the actual carrying of a place by assault, whereas oppugnatus only denotes the assault itself. So [Greek: ek-poliorkaetheis]==taken in a siege, [Greek: poliorkaetheis]==besieged.
Ipsam coloniam. Cf. note 14: veteranorum colonia.
In barbaris==qualis inter barbaros esse solet. R. Exc. 25.
Ira et victoria. Hendiadys. Render: Nor did they in the excitement of victory omit, etc. So Dr. R. and Wr. Ira may, however, refer to their long cherished resentment. Ira causam, victoria facultatem explendae saevitiae denotat. Rit.—Quod nisi. And had not, etc. Cf. note, 12: quod si.
Patientiae. Most Latin authors would have said: ad patientiam. R. Patientia here==submission.
Tenentibus—plerisque. Though many still retained, i.e. did not lay down their arms.
Propius. Al. proprius. But that is purely conjectural. Adv. for adj., cf. ultra, 8; longe, 6==propior, like the propior cura of Ovid. Metamor. 13, 578. Render: a more urgent fear. Some would connect propius with agitabat notwithstanding its remote position.
Suae quoque. His own also, sc. as well as that of the Empire.
Durius, sc. aequo. H. 444, 1. cf. 4: acrius, note.
Delictis—novus. A stranger to their faults. Cf. Sil. Ital. 6, 254: novusque dolori. Wr. Cf. Boet. Lex. Tac. Dativus.
Poenitentiae mitior, i.e. mitior erga poenitentiam, or facilior erga poenitentes. Poenitentiae dat. of object.
Compositis prioribus. Having restored things to their former quiet state.
Nullis—experimentis. Undertaking no military expeditions. Or.— Castrorum. Cf. 5, note.
Comitate—tenuit. "Retained the province by a popular manner of administering the government." Ky.—Curandi. Note, H. 1, 52.
Ignoscere. Properly not to notice, hence to view with indulgence, to indulge in.
Vitiis blandientibus. The reference is to the luxurious and vicious pleasures of the Romans, which enervated the Britons, cf. 21, at close, where the idea is brought out more fully.
Cum—lasciviret. Cum==since. Hence the subj.
Precario. Cf. note, G. 44.—Mox, cf. note 4.
Velut pacti implies a tacit compact. It was understood between them, that the army were to enjoy their liberty; the general, his life. Supply sunt with pacti. Doed. and Wr. supply essent; but they read haec for et before seditio contrary to the best MSS.
Et seditio. Et==and so. Al. haec seditio.
Stetit. Not stopped, but stood, as in our phrase: stood them in so much. So Ovid: Multo sanguine—victoria stetit. And T. His. 3, 53: Majore damno—veteres civium discordias reipublicae stetisse. Render: cost no blood. Dr.
Petulantia. Insubordination.—Nisi quod, but, cf. 6.
Bolanus. If the reader wishes to know more of the officers named in this chapter, for Turpilianus, see Ann. 14, 39. His. 1, 6; Trebellius, His. 1, 60; Bolanus, Ann. 15, 3. His. 2, 65. 79.
Caritatem—auctoritatis. "Had conciliated affection as a substitute for authority." Ky.
XVII. Recuperavit. Al. reciperavit. The two forms are written indiscriminately in the MSS. The word may express either the recovery of what was lost, or the restoration to health of what was diseased. Either would make a good sense here. Cf. chap. 5; also Cic. Phil. 14, 13: republica recuperata. Or. renders acquired again, sc. what had previously belonged, as it were, to him, rather than to the bad emperors who had preceded him.
Petilius Cerialis. Cf. note, 8.—Brigantum. Cf. H. 3, 45; Ann. 12, 32. Their territory embraced Cumberland, Westmoreland, Lancashire, Durham and Yorkshire.
Aut victoria aut bello, i.e. either received their submission after the victory, or involved them in the calamities of war. Aut—aut generally adversative==either—or on the contrary. Vel—vel only disjunctive==whether—or. Cf. note on vel—vel, G. 15.
Alterius. Another, than Julius Frontinus, i.e. by implication, one different from him, less brave and great. Cf. His. 2, 90: tanquam apud alterius civitatis senatum; 3, 13, note. Alius is the word usually appropriated to express this idea. Alter generally implies a resemblance between contrasted objects. See Freund, ad v.
Obruisset—sustinuit. These words primarily refer to physical energies, and are exactly counterpart==crushed—sustained.
Quantum licebat limits vir magnus: as great a man, as it was permitted him to be, restricted as he was in his resources, perhaps by the parsimony of the Emperor. On Julius Frontinus, cf. H. 4, 39. He was the friend of Pliny the Younger (Plin. Ep. 9, 19) and therefore probably of Tacitus. His books on Stratagems, and on the Aqueducts of Rome are still extant.—Super, over and above, i.e. besides.
XVIII. Agentem, sc. excubias or stationem==stationed in, cf. His. 1, 47: copias, quae Lugduni agebant. Ala. Cf. note, H. 1, 54.
Ordovicum civitas. Situated over against the Island Mona, north of the Silures, i.e. in the northern part of what is now Wales.
Ad—verterentur. Were turning themselves (middle sense) towards, i.e. looking to or for. Occasionem. An opportunity, sc. to attack the Romans in their security. Al. uterentur.
Quibus—erat. They who wished for war. Greek idiom for qui bellum volebant. See Kuehner's Greek Gram. 284, 10, c., cf. His. 3, 43: volentibus fuit, etc., and note, ibid. In Latin, the idiom occurs chiefly in Sallust and T. See Z. 420, and H. 387, 3.
Ac—opperiri. Al. aut by conjecture. But ac==ac tamen, and yet. Cf. Ann. 1, 36: exauctorari—ac retineri sub vexillo.
Transvecta. Al. transacta. Cf. His. 2, 76: abiit et transvectum est tempus. Only T. uses the word in reference to time.
Numeri==cohortes or manipuli, cf. His. 1, 6: multi numeri. This use of the word is post-Augustan. Cf. note, His. 1, 6.
Tarda et contraria. In appos. with the foregoing clauses== circumstances calculated to retard and oppose him in commencing war.
Plerisque, sc. of the inferior officers. They thought it best that those parts of the country, whose fidelity was questionable (suspecta) should be secured by garrisons (custodiri). Potius is an adj. and goes with videbatur==it seemed preferable.
Legionum vexillis. Some understand this of veteran soldiers who had served out their time (twenty years), but were still sub vexillis (not dismissed). So R. and W. Others of parts of the legions detached for a season sub vexillis (under separate standards). So Gronovius. The word seems to be used in both senses. See note, H. 1, 31.
In aequum. Into the plain. Aequus, prim. level, hence aequor, sea.
Erexit aciem. Led his troops up the steep. So His. 3, 71: erigunt aciem per adversum collem.
_Ac—ceteris. And that according as the first_ enterprises _went_ (cf. note, 5: _cessit_), would be the terror in the rest_ of his engagements. Cf. H. 2, 20: _gnarus, ut initia belli provenissent, famam in cetera fore_. Al. _fore universa_.
Possessione. Taking possession, cf. 14. A possidere, i.e. occupare, non a possidere, quod est occupatum tenere. Rit. For the abl. without a, cf. H. 2, 79: Syria remeans.
Ut in dubiis consiliis, sc. fieri solet. Generals are not apt to be prepared beforehand for enterprises, not contemplated at all in their original plans.
Qui—expectabant. Who were looking out for (ex and specto) a fleet, for ships, in a word for the sea, i.e. naval preparations in general, instead of an attack by land. The language is highly rhetorical.— Crediderint. Livy, Nepos and Tacitus use the perf. subj. after ut, denoting a consequence, when a single, specific past act is expressed; when a repeated or continued action, the imp. subj. Most writers use the imp. in both cases. See H. 482, 2, and 480; Z. 516; also Z. 504, Note, and note H. 1, 24: dederit.
Officiorum ambitum. "Compliments of office." Ky.
Placuisset. Subj. cf. note, 11: ut quos.
Expeditionem—continuisse. He did not call it a campaign or a victory to have kept the conquered in subjection.
Laureatis sc. litteris. It was customary to communicate the news of victory to the Emperor and Senate, by letters bound with bay leaves, cf. Liv. 5, 28: litterae a Postumio laureatae sequuntur. Without litterae, it occurs only here. Or. So in H. 3, 77. T. avoids the technical expression and employs the word laurea, seldom used in this sense.
Dissimulatione. Cf. note, 6.—Aestimantibus, cf. aestimanti, 11. The aspiring, and especially the vain, may learn from this passage a lesson of great practical value. Compare also Sec. 8, at the close.
XIX. Aliena experimenta. The experience of others.
Nihil. Ellipsis of agere (which is inserted without MS. authority in the common editions). So Cic. Phil. 1, 2: Nihil per senatum, etc. Cf. G. 19: adhuc, note.
Ascire, al. accire. To receive into regular service. The reference is to the transfer of soldiers from the raw recruits to the legions. So W. followed by Dr. R. and W. The next clause implies, that he took care to receive into the service none but the best men (optimum quemque), whom he deemed trustworthy (fidissimum) just in proportion as they were good. This use of two superlatives mutually related to each other, the former with quisque, is frequent in Latin and resembles the English use of two comparatives: the better, the more trustworthy. Cf. Z. 710, b.; also note, 3: promptissmus quisque.
Exsequi==punire. A sense peculiar to the later Latin. Cic. and Caes. use persequi. For a similar use of the word in the expression of a similar sentiment, see Suet. Jul. 67: Delicta neque observabat omnia neque pro modo exsequebatur. Compare our word execute. And mark the sentiment, as a maxim in the science of government.
Severitatem commodare. W. with Dr. and R. make this an example of zeugma. And in its ordinary acceptation (i.e. in the sense to give) the word commodare certainly applies only to veniam, and not to severitatem. But commodare in its primary signification means to adapt; and in this sense, it suits both of its adjuncts: He adapted (awarded) pardon to small offences, severe punishment to great ones. So Wr. For the series of infinitives, cf. notes, 5: nosci, etc.; G. 30: praeponere, etc.
Nec poena—contentus esse. Nor was he always content with punishment, but oftener with repentance. Mere punishment without reformation did not satisfy him; reformation without punishment satisfied him better. See Doed. in loc. Here too some have called in the aid of zeugma.
Auctionem. Al. exactionem. The former is the reading of the greater part of the MSS. and the later German editions. Auctionem tributorum refers to the increased tribute exacted by Vesp. cf. Sueton. Vesp. 16: auxisse tributa provinciis, nonnullis et duplicasse.
Munerum. Duties, burdens.—Circumcisis. Cf. note, 2: expulsis. etc., and 11: amissa virtute.
Namque—cogebantur. The best version we can give of this obscure passage is as follows: For they were compelled in mockery to sit by the closed granaries and to buy corn needlessly (beyond what was necessary, cf. note on ultro, G. 28, when they had enough of their own) and to sell it at a fixed price (prescribed by the purchasers). It has been made a question, whether the granaries of the Britons, or those of the Romans are here meant. Doed., Dr. and R. advocate the former opinion; Walch, Wr., Or., and Rit. the latter. According to the former view, the Britons were often obliged to buy corn of the Romans, because they were forbidden to use their own, to supply themselves and their families; according to the latter, because they were required (as explained below) to carry their contributions to a quarter so distant from their own granaries, that they were fain to buy the corn rather at some nearer warehouse of the Romans. The selling at a fixed price is equally intelligible on either supposition. Or. following the best MSS. reads ludere pretio, which Rit. has amended into colludere pretio. Ultro may well enough be rendered moreover or even, thus giving emphasis to emere.
Devortia itinerum. Bye roads, explained by avia, as longinquitas is by remota. The object of requiring the people to convey their contributions to such distant and inconvenient points, was to compel them to buy of the Romans, or to pay almost any sum of money to avoid compliance. The reader of Cic. will remember in illustration of this whole passage, the various arts to which Verres is said to have had recourse to enrich himself, at the expense of the people of his province (Cic. in Ver. 3, 72, and 82), such as refusing to accept the contributions they brought, obliging them to buy of him at his own price, requiring them to carry supplies to points most distant and difficult of access, ut vecturae difficultate ad quam vellent aestimationem pervenirent.
Omnibus, sc. et incolis et militibus; paucis, sc. praefectis aut publicanis. Dr.
Donec—fieret. The subj. here denotes a purpose or object in view, and theretore follows donec according to the rule. H. 522, II.; Z. 575. Tacitus however always expresses a repeated past action after donec by the imp. subj. Cf. note, 37: affectavere; H. 1, 13. 35.
XX. Statim. Emphatic, like [Greek: euthus]. Cf. Thucyd. 2, 47: [Greek: tou therous euthus archomenou]: at the very beginning of summer. So in Sec. 3.
_Intolerantia_, al. tolerantia, but without MS. authority. _Incuria_ is _negligence_. Intolerantia_ is _insufferable arrogance, severity_, in a word _intolerance_. So Cic.: superbia atque intolerantia.
Quae—timebatur. And no wonder, since ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant, 30.
Multus, al. militum. Multus in the recent editions. Multus==frequens, cf. Sal. Jug. 84: multus ac ferox instare.— Modestiam—disiectos. These words are antithetic, though one is abstract and the other concrete. The whole clause may be literally rendered thus: ever present in the line of march, he commended good order (discipline), the disorderly he restrained.
Popularetur, sc. A. Quominus, that not==but: but he ravaged their country by unexpected invasions.
Irritamenta. Inducements.—Pacis. Ang. to or for peace.
Ex aequo egerant, lit. had acted (lived) on an equality, i.e. had maintained their independence, cf. His. 4, 64: aut ex aequo agetis aut aliis imperitabitis.
Iram posuere. Cf. Hor. Ars Poet.: et iram colligit ac ponit temere. See also G. 27: ponunt dolorem, etc.
Ut—transierit. The clause is obscure. The best that can be made of it is this: they were encompassed by forts and garrisons with so much skill and care that no part of Britain hitherto now went over (to the enemy) with impunity (literally unattacked). For the meaning of nova, cf. 22. For transierit, cf. transitio, H. 2, 99; 3, 61; and Freund, sub v. This is Walther's interpretation. If, with Ernesti, Dr. and some others, we might suppose a sic, ita or tam to be understood with illacessita, we might obtain perhaps a better sense, viz. came over (to the Romans) with so little annoyance (from the enemy). In the last edition a meaning was attached to transierit (remained, sc. unattacked), for which I now find no sufficient authority. Among the many amendments, which have been suggested, the easiest and best is that of Susius, followed by Wexius, Duebner, Or. and Rit, viz. placing Illacessita transiit at the beginning of the next chapter. But this does violence not only to MS. authority, but to Latin usage in making the adverb ut, so as, as, follow tanta. In such a connection, ut must be a conjunction==so that, that. See Freund sub v. For the perf. subj. cf. note, 18: crediderint.
Praesidiis castellisque. Gordon, in his Itinerarium Septentrionale, found more remains of Roman works in that part of Britain here referred to, than in any other portion of the Island.
XXI. Ut—assuescerent. In order that they might become habituated, etc.—In bella faciles. Easily inclined to wars. Cf. Ann. 14, 4: facili ad gaudia. Al. in bello, bello, and in bellum.—Otio. See note, 11: otio.—Privatim. As a private individual; publice, by public authority, and of course from the public treasury, cf. note G. 39: publice.—Jam vero. Moreover, cf. G. 14, note.
Anteferre. Wr. takes this word in its primary sense==bear before, i.e. carry beyond: he carried (advanced) the native talents of the Britons beyond the learning of the Gauls. But there is no authority for such a use of the word, when followed by the acc. and dat. It is doubtless used in its more ordinary sense; and the preference which A. expressed for the genius of the Britons over the learning of the Gauls, stimulated them to greater exertions. It is somewhat curious to observe thus early that mutual emulation and jealousy, which has marked the whole history of Britain and France. The national vanity of La Bletterie is sorely wounded by this remark of T. See his note in loco, also Murphy's.—Toga. Cf. note on togatos, 9.
Ut—concupiscerent. Ut==so that, denoting a consequence. The verb here denotes a continued or habitual state of mind. Hence the imp. subj. Cf. note, 18: crediderit.
Discessum, sc. a patrum moribus ad vitia varia. Dr.
Delenimenta==illa, quibus animi leniuntur. Dr. Charms, blandishments. Cf. H. 1, 77. The word is not found in Cic. or Caes.
Humanitas. Civilisation, refinement. Compare the professorships of humanity in European Universities.
Pars servitutis. For the sentiment, cf. His. 4, 64: voluptatibus, quibus Romani plus adversus subjectos, quam armis valent. Cum==while, although. Hence the subj.
XXII. Tertius—annus. Third campaign.
Taum. The Frith of Tay.—Nationibus. Here synonymous with gentes; sometimes less comprehensive, cf. note, G. 2.
Pactione ac fuga. Al. aut fuga, but without authority. There are but two distinct clauses marked by aut—aut: either taken by assault or abandoned by capitulation and flight.
Nam—firmabantur. This clause assigns a reason, why the Romans were able to make frequent sorties (crebrae eruptiones), viz. supplies of provision so abundant, as to be proof against blockade.
Moras obsidionis. A protracted siege, or blockade.
Annuis copiis. Supplies for a year. This is the primary signification of annuus; that of our word annual is secondary.
Intrepida—praesidio==hiberna quieta ac tuta ab hostibus. Fac. and For. —Irritis, baffled. Seldom applied to persons by prose writers. Cf. H. 4, 32.
Pensare. R. remarks a peculiar fondness in T. for the use of the simple verb instead of the compound, e.g. missa for omissa, sistens for resistens, flammare for inflammare, etc. So here pensare==compensare. Cf. 12: trahuntur, note.
Avidus, sc. laudis==per aviditatem laudis et gloriae. E.: A. never in his eagerness for glory arrogated to himself the honor of the achievements of others.—Seu—seu. Every one, whether centurion or praefect (commander of a legion, cf. note, H. 1, 82.), was sure to have in him an impartial witness to his deeds.
Acerbior, cf. note on durius, 16.—Apud quosdam==a quibusdam.
Secretum et silentium. Reserve and silence. So W. and Ky. But R. and Dr.: private interviews (to be summoned to which by some commanders was alarming), and neglect of the usual salutations in public (which was also often a token of displeasure on the part of a superior officer). The former is the more simple and obvious, though it must be confessed that the latter is favored by the usus loquendi of T., in regard especially to secretum, cf. 39; Ann. 3, 8, where secreto is opposed to palam; and His. 4, 49: incertum, quoniam secreto eorum nemo adfuit.
XXIII. Obtirendis. Securing possession of.—Pateretur, sc. terminum inveniri.—In ipsa Brit. In the very nature or structure of the island, as described in the sequel. See Or. in loc.
Clota et Bodotria. Frith of Clyde and Frith of Forth.
Revectae, i.e. the natural current being driven back by the tide from the sea on either side. Angusto—spatio. It is now cut across by a ship canal.
Propior sinus==peninsula on the south side of the Friths, cf, note on sinus G. 1, and 29. Sinus refers particularly to the curved border on this side the aestuaries. This border (wherever the friths were so narrow as to require it), as well as the narrow isthmus, was occupied and secured (tenebatur) by garrisons.
XXIV. Nave prima. The first Roman ship that ever visited those shores. So Br., Dr., etc. The foremost ship, sc., A. himself, followed by others in a line. So Ritter. Wr., and some others understand it of a voyage from Rome, where they suppose him to have passed the winter, and whence he crossed over to Britain by the earliest vessel in the spring. W. and R. make prima equivalent to an adv. and render: crossing over for the first time by ship. Or. also makes prima==tum primum.
Copiis. Here troops with their equipments==forces, cf. 8: majoribus copiis.—Medio sita lying between, not midway between. E.—In spem— formidinem. More with the hope of invading Ireland, than through fear of invasion by the Irish.—Valentissimam partem, viz. Gaul, Spain and Britain.
Miscuerit. The subj. here denotes the aim or purpose of the projector: it would have done so in his view.
Invicem==an adj. mutual.—Nostri maris. The Mediterranean.
Differunt: in melius. The authorities differ greatly as to the reading, the pointing and the interpretation of this passage. Some copies omit in. Others insert nec before it. Some place the pause before in melius, others after. Some read differt, others differunt. Nec in melius would perhaps give the better sense. But the reading is purely conjectural. I have given that, which, on the whole, seems to rest on the best authority, and to make the best sense. The sense is: the soil, climate, &c., do not differ much from those of Britain. But that the harbors and entrances to the country are better (lit. differ for the better, differre in melius), is ascertained through the medium of the merchants, who resort thither for trade (for Ireland had not yet, like Britain, been explored by a Roman army). So Wr. and Doed. On in melius, see note H. 1, 18. Or. and Rit. make the comparison thus: the harbors and entrances are better known, than the soil, climate, &c. The common interpretation is: the harbors, &c., of Ireland are better known, than those of Britain. But neither of these interpretations accounts for the position of melius; and the last is in itself utterly incredible. |