[1] die Annahme: assumption.
[2] zunchst: first.
[3] eingeleitet: introduced.
[4] pflanzt sich ... fort (sich fortpflanzen): propagates itself.
[5] veranlassen: to occasion, induce.
[6] die Bestndigkeit: stability.
[7] auf Umwegen: in round about ways.
[8] die Verwandtschaft: affinity.
[9] die Fhigkeit: capacity.
[10] see 18 Note 6.
[11] dementsprechend: see 44 Note 12.
[12] einwertig etc.: univalent etc.
[13] bewahren: preserve, maintain.
[14] der Kohlenstoff: carbon.
[1] bei Gegenwart: in the presence of.
[2] sich zu Salzen umsetzen: are converted into salts.
[3] das Lackmuspapier: litmus paper.
[4] die Wertigkeit: valency.
[5] die Sttigungskapazitt: capacity for saturation.
[6] der Aetzkali: caustic potassa.
[7] ersetzbar: replaceable.
[8] see 18 Note 6.
[9] namentlich: especially.
[10] laugenartig: having the nature of lye (Lauge); alcaline.
[11] indem: while.
[12] wieder herstellen: restore.
[13] vertretbar: replaceable.
[14] die Wechselwirkung: mutual action, reaction.
[1] das Verfahren: process, method.
[2] die Darstellung: preparation, making.
[3] das ... Einflussrohr: the supply tube.
[4] das Aufbrausen: effervescence.
[5] das Gasentwicklungsrohr: gas tube, discharge tube.
[6] mit bergerissene Sureanteile: portions of acid carried over (with the gas).
[7] beruht darauf, dass: is based (lit.: rests) upon the fact that.
[8] gebunden: combined.
[9] wobei sich Zinksulfat bildet: zinc sulphate being formed at the same time.
[10] setzen sich um (umsetzen): are converted.
[11] zu diesem Behufe: for this purpose.
[12] ausmnden: terminate.
[13] stlpen: to turn upside down and put over something.
[1] verbreitetste: most widely distributed.
[2] in kleinerem Massstabe: on a smaller scale.
[3] das Stativ: retort stand.
[4] die Gasentwickelungsrhre: discharge pipe.
[5] die Wanne: trough, tub.
[6] fr sich: by itself.
[7] je nach: according to.
[8] Oxydul: suboxide.
[9] Superoxyd: peroxide.
[10] der Stickstoff: nitrogen.
[1] salpetersauer: nitrate.
[2] indem man; see 1 Note 9.
[3] bergeht: passes over (in vapor).
[4] to translate nmlich, begin the clause with for.
[5] die Untersalpetersure: hyponitric acid.
[6] see 18 Note 6.
[7] der Suregehalt: percentage of acid.
[8] tzend: caustic.
[9] unbestndig: unstable.
[10] die gebildeten Oxide: the oxides formed.
[11] berschssige Sure: excess of acid.
[12] No similar term is used in English chemistry. Scheiden: to separate. Say: aqua fortis.
[13] das Knigswasser: aqua regia.
[1] der Zusammentritt: stepping together = combination.
[2] die Entstehungsart: mode of formation.
[3] der Herd: hearth, furnace.
[4] schweflige Sure: sulphurous acid.
[5] es is introductory; Metallsulfide is the subject.
[6] wobei man dafr sorgt: during which care is taken.
[7] bei Vorhandensein (= bei Gegenwart): in the presence.
[8] Untersalpetersure; see 49 Note 5.
[9] zerfllt: falls to pieces = splits up into.
[10] bergeht: passes over into = is converted.
[11] berzufhren: to convert.
[12] innerlich genossen: when taken internally.
[1] die Einwirkung: action, reaction.
[2] der Kalk: lime.
[3] das Bittersalz: Epsom salts.
[4] massenhaft: in masses = on a large scale.
[5] in der chemischen Technik: in the chemical industry (arts).
[6] das Aetznatron: caustic soda.
[7] im kleinen: on a small scale.
[8] indem man ... hinzufgt und ... kocht: by adding ... and boiling.
[9] der Kalkbrei: paste of lime.
[10] beim Versetzen: on mixing.
[11] dampft ... ein (eindampfen): evaporates down.
[12] die Schale: capsule.
[13] im grossen: on a large scale.
[14] mit Begierde: with avidity.
[15] die Einleitung: initiation, starting.
[16] smtlich: all.
[17] zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass: are distinguished by the fact that.
[1] im grossartigsten Massstabe: on the grandest scale.
[2] alles ... Chlorwasserstoffgas: all hydrochloric acid gas.
[3] behufs: for the purpose of.
[4] sich umsetzt: converts itself.
[5] bereitet: prepared, made.
[6] nochmalig: once more.
[7] zur Anwendung gekommenen Verfahren: process come into use.
[8] der Salmiack: sal ammoniac.
[9] stellt ... her (herstellen): makes, prepares.
[10] indem man ... erzeugt; see 1 Note 9.
[1] gediegen: in the metallic state.
[2] eisenhaltig: containing iron.
[3] hlt sich: keeps, remains unchanged.
[4] greifen ... an: attack.
[5] httenmnnisch: metallurgically = by means of the furnace (die Htte: furnace).
[6] das Roheisen: crude iron, pig iron.
[7] der Hochofen: blast furnace.
[8] behufs: for the purpose of.
[9] see 34 Note 12.
[10] der Koks: coke.
[11] vermittelnd: promoting (lit. mediating, making possible).
[12] die Schlacke: slag.
[13] Gichtgase: waste gases.
[14] im Betriebe: in operation.
[15] dickflssig: viscid, viscous.
[16] grossbltterig: having large laminae.
[17] krnig: granular.
[18] das Gefge: structure.
[19] das Schmiedeeisen: wrought iron.
[20] das Stabeisen: rod iron.
[21] streckbar: ductile.
[22] schweissbar: weldable.
[1] indem man ... unterwirft: by subjecting.
[2] wobei; see 28 Note 4.
[3] sehnig: fibrous (die Sehne: sinew).
[4] ablschen: to quench, chill.
[5] Anlassen, Adoucieren: tempering.
[6] Ferrooxid: ferrous oxide.
[7] Ferrioxyd: ferric oxide.
[8] Eisenchlorr = Eisenchlorid: chloride of iron.
[9] Einfachschwefeleisen, Zweifachschwefeleisen: (simple) sulphide of iron, bisulphide of iron.
[1] wichtigeren, niedrigeren: more important, lower; note the er of the Comparative.
[2] dem ... entstehenden Steinkohlenteer: the coal tar produced.
[3] beruht darauf, dass: depends upon the principle that....
[4] nach: according to.
[5] beschickt: provided, furnished, fed.
[6] die Benzolreihe: benzol series.
[7] ersetzt: replaced, substituted.
[8] Sulfosuren: sulphonic acids.
[9] technisch: industrial.
[10] gilt (gelten): in true.
[11] bltterig: flaky, laminated.
[12] russend: sooty.
[13] glatt: smoothly.
[14] das entstandene Nitrobenzol: the nitrobenzol formed.
Published by Prof. Charles F. Kroeh
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Transcribers Note:
Summarized here are the corrections applied to the text.
Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Physics and Chemistry. The original text had "Physic".
Section 1:
The section header was missing.
Dividenden n mal grsser oder aber[5] den Footnote marker [5] was missing.
Section 4:
Ehemannes, mit ihren 2 Shnen und 3 Tchtern eine Summe von $7500 The original text had "vo" instead of "von".
Section 14:
ausbt, wenn g=9,806 m/sec ist. The original text had "m/sec".
Section 15:
kg.sec/m. "Kg" corrected to "kg".
Section 16:
man erhlt so eine flachgngige[10] bez.[11] Footnote marker [11] was missing.
heisst Steigung oder Ganghhe[19]; Footnote marker [19] was missing.
Section 20:
Schwingungen einfache Sinusschwingungen, The original text had "Schwingungn".
Section 29:
auf ein Schaufelrad[11] drcken Footnote marker [11] was missing.
Section 31:
Glasrohr mit Stahlfeilspnen The original text had "Stahlfeilsphnen".
Section 42:
Gew. der Luft dagegen, d. h. das Gewicht The original text had "h. h.".
Section 46:
zweisurige und dreisurige Basen The original text had "Blasen".
Section 1. Note 2: Observe that this sentence begins with a verb, but is not a question, nor a command; also that the next clause begins with so. Under these circumstances supply it at the beginning.
Lines were mixed up in the original and "circumstances" was printed as "circumstnces".
Section 6. Note 7: der Peripheriewinkel
The original text had "Peripheriwinkel".
Section 21 Note 9: unmittelbar: directly.
The original text had "directliy".
Section 31 Note 1: dadurch, dass man
The original text had "das".