Modern Black Magic.
"In our own civilized lands there are many people who have learned the principles of mental influence, and who are using the same for unworthy purposes, seeking to injure others and to defeat their undertakings, or else trying to bring them around to their own (the treators') point of view and inclinations. The modern revival of occult knowledge has operated along two lines, and in opposite directions. On the one hand, we see and hear of the mighty power for good that mental influence is exerting over the race today, raising up the sick, strengthening the weak, putting courage into the despondent, and transforming failures into successes. But, on the other hand, the hateful selfishness and greed of unprincipled persons is taking advantage of this mighty force of nature, and prostituting it to the hateful ends of such persons, without heed to the dictates of conscience or the teaching of religion or of ordinary morality. These people are sowing a baleful wind, which will result in their reaping a frightful whirlwind on the mental plane. They are bringing down upon themselves pain and misery in the future."
The Explanation of Sorcery.
Another writer says: "In various stages of history we find the records of persons having been affected by the influences of witches, sorcerers, and other evil-minded, unprincipled persons. In most cases these so-called witches and sorcerers themselves were under the delusion that they were being assisted by the devil or some other supernatural being. They did not realize that they were simply using natural forces. Studying the history of witchcraft, sorcery, black magic, and the like, you will find that the devotees thereof usually employed some psychometric method. In other cases they would mould little figures of clay, or of wax, in the general shape and appearance of the person whom they wished to affect. It was thought that these little figures were endowed with some supernatural powers or attributes, but of course this was mere superstition. The whole power of the little figures arose from the fact that they aided the imagination of the spell-worker in forming a mental image of the person sought to be influenced; and thus established a strong mental rapport condition. Added to this, you must remember that the fear and belief of the public greatly aided the spell-worker, and increased his power and influence over these poor persons."
The Power of Fearthought.
The last-named writer explains the reference to "fear and belief" in the last sentence above quoted by the following very important statements, and these we ask every student of this book to firmly impress upon his mind, for a mighty truth is therein conveyed. The statements in question are as follows:
"Your attention is hereby called to a very important psychic principle involved in the manifestation of that class of phenomena in which is embraced the cases of witchcraft, sorcery, etc., with which the pages of history are filled. It is a well established fact that by denying the psychic power over you exerted by any person whatsoever, you practically neutralize the psychic power of such person, at least so far as its effect upon and power over yourself is concerned. The stronger and more positive is your mental attitude of immunity to such power, and your assertion and affirmation of that immunity, the greater is your own power of psychic resistance, and the less does his possible power over you become. The average person, not knowing this, is more or less passive to psychic influences of other persons, and may be affected by them to a greater or less extent, the degree depending upon the psychic development of the person seeking to influence him.
The Negative Pole.
"At the extreme negative pole of susceptibility we find persons who believe firmly that other persons have psychic power over them, and who are consequently more or less afraid of such persons and of their influence. This belief and fear operates in the direction of making such persons peculiarly sensitive and impressionable to such influence, and thus easily affected by psychic induction. This is the reason that the so-called witches and sorcerers and others of evil repute have been often able to acquire such a power over their victims, and to cause them so much trouble. The secret is that THE VICTIMS BELIEVED IN THE POWER OF THE OTHER PERSONS, AND FEARED THEIR POWER. The greater the belief in, and fear of, the power of the other persons, the greater the susceptibility to their influence; the greater the disbelief in such power, and the firm belief in one's own power of immunity and that of neutralizing the effect of the psychic influence of other persons, the less is one's degree of susceptibility, and the greater is one's degree of immunity and power. This is the rule in the case—keep it in mind!
Voodooism Explained.
"Among the negroes of the South, in America, and among the Hawaiians, we find marked instances of this kind. The negro Voodoo men and women work Black Magic on those of their race who are superstitious and credulous, and who have a mortal fear of the Voodoo. Travelers who have visited the countries in which there is a large negro population have many interesting tales to recite of the terrible workings of these Voodoo black magicians. In some cases, sickness and even death is the result. But, mark you this! It is only those who believe in, and fear, the power of the Voodoos that are so affected. In Hawaii, the Kahunas or native magicians are renowned for their power to cause sickness and death to those who have offended them; or to those who have offended some client of the Kahuna, and who have hired the latter to 'pray' the enemy to sickness or death. The poor, ignorant Hawaiians, believing implicitly in the power of the Kahunas, and being in deadly fear of them, are very susceptible to their psychic influence, and naturally fall easy victims to their vile arts, unless they buy off the Kahuna, or make peace with his client. White persons living in Hawaii are not affected by the Kahunas, for they do not believe in them, neither do they fear them. Unconsciously, but yet strongly, they 'deny' the power, and are immune. So you see the principle working out here, too. Once you have the master-key, you may unlock many doors of mystery which have heretofore been closed to you."
The following quotations from writers on this special subject contain detailed directions for the use of those who may have reason to believe that some other person or persons are trying to use psychic force, or mental currents, upon them for selfish purposes, or otherwise. Of course the general mental attitude of disbelief, and assertion of one's one immunity is sufficient for the purposes of general psychic protection; but we have thought it proper to include the following special directions given by those who have made a close study of this subject.
One writer says: "When you come in contact with people who are seeking to influence you by psychic methods, either direct or indirect, you will find yourself able to defy their mental attacks by simply remembering the strength immanent in your Ego, or Spirit, aided by the statement or affirmation (made silently to yourself) 'I am an Immortal Spirit, using the power of my Ego, which renders me immune from all base psychic attacks or power.' With this mental attitude you may make powerful even the slightest mental effort in the direction of sending forth your own mental vibrations, and these will scatter the adverse influences in all directions; it will often be found that the other person will show signs of confusion in such a case, and will seek to get away from your presence. With this consciousness held in mind, your mental command to another, 'Let me alone—I cast off your influence by the power of my Spirit,' will operate so strongly that you will often actually see the effect at once. If the other person be stubborn, and determined to influence you by words of suggestion, coaxing, threatening, or similar methods, look him or her straight in the eye, saying mentally: 'I defy you—my inner power casts off your influence.' Try this the next time that any one attempts to influence you either verbally or by means of thought-waves, and see how strong and positive you will feel, and how the efforts of the other person will fail. This sounds simple, but the little secret is worth thousands of dollars to every individual who will put it into practice."
Repelling Adverse Influences.
This writer continues: "Not only in the case of personal influence in the actual presence of the other person may be defeated in this way, but the same method will act equally well in the matter of repelling the mental influence of others directed against you in the form of 'absent treatments,' etc. If you feel yourself inclining toward doing something which in your heart you feel is not to your best interests, judged from a true viewpoint, you may know that, consciously or unconsciously, someone is seeking in influence you in this way. Then smile to yourself, and make the statements mentioned above, or some similar one, and holding the power of the Spirit within your soul, send forth a mental command just as you would in case the person were actually before you in person. You may also deny out of existence the influencing power, by asserting mentally: 'I DENY your power to influence me; you have no such power over me; I am resting securely upon the Spirit within me; I deny out of existence any power over me asserted by you.' After repelling these absent influences you will at once experience a feeling of relief and strength, and will be able to smile at the thought of any such adverse influence affecting you in the slightest."
Neutralizing Psychic Influences.
Another writer gives us the following most interesting information and advice for use in cases of this kind: "I wish to point out to you a means of protection against the use of psychic influence against yourself on the part of unscrupulous persons, or any other persons whomsoever, for that matter. One is fully justified in employing this method of protection against even the meddling influence of other persons, who are trying to influence you without your permission or consent. The following is the method of self-protection or defense against this class of psychic influence: In the first place, you must, of course, refuse to admit to your mind any feeling of fear regarding the influence of other persons, for such fear opens the door to their influence, as all students of this subject know. If you have been, or are fearful of the psychic influence of any person, you must get to work and drive out that feeling by positive and vigorous denials. The DENIAL, as all students know, is the positive neutralizer of the psychic influence of another person, providing you make it in full belief in its truth. You must take the mental position (which is really the true one) that you are absolutely immune to the psychic attack or influence. You should say, mentally, 'deny to any person the power to influence me psychically without my consent; I am positive to all such influences, and they are negative to me; I neutralize all such influences by this positive denial!' It should encourage you to know that it requires far less force and power to repel and neutralize psychic influences of this kind, than is required to send forth the power; an ounce of denial and protection overcomes a pound of psychic attacking power. Nature gives you the means of protection, and gives you the 'best end of the stick'; and it is your own fault if you do not use it effectively. A word to the wise is sufficient."
Telepathic Phenomena.
The second general class of phenomena in the general category of Voluntary Transmission of Mental Vibrations is that known as "Telepathic Phenomena." In a sense, of course, all phases of Thought Transmission, and particularly that of Voluntary Thought Transmission, may be considered as forms of Telepathy; but for the purpose of classification and distinction we have in this book classed as Telepathic Phenomena merely those forms and phases of Thought Transference in which there is an agreement between the telepathic sender and the telepathic receiver, and in which the experiments are conducted more or less along the lines of scientific investigation.
Scientific Investigators.
Scientific observers, for a number of years past, have been conducting careful series of experiments in Telepathy, and many volumes of the reports of such investigations have been published by various psychic research societies. Among the eminent scientists who have devoted much attention to this subject are the following: Professor Henry Sidgewick, of Cambridge University; Professor Balfour Stewart, of the Royal Society of England; Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour, the eminent English statesman and scientist; Professor William James, the eminent American psychologist; Sir William Crookes, the great English chemist, physicist, who invented the celebrated "Crookes' Tubes," without which the discovery of the X-Rays, Radio Activity, etc., would have been impossible; Frederick W. H. Myers, the celebrated investigator of Psychic Phenomena; and Sir Oliver Lodge, the eminent English scientist. All these men are of the highest international standing and reputation, and their acceptance of the phenomena of Telepathy places the same on a firm scientific basis.
How Experiments Are Conducted.
The scientific experiments involving Telepathy, which have been conducted by numerous societies for psychical research and other bodies, have ranged from quite simple tests to those very complex. In all of these experiments there has been one person called the "sender," and another called the "receiver"—or names corresponding to these. The sender fixes in his mind a strong impression of the name or picture to be transmitted, and then makes a positive effort of the will to transmit the same to the receiver. The receiver assumes a passive receptive mental attitude, and then reports the word or image that comes into his mind. The more complex tests embody these same simple features.
Some of the early reports of the Society for Psychical Research, of London, England, show results most amazing to those who have not made a personal investigation of these matters. In some of the tests, the receiver correctly reported seventeen cards in succession, the said cards having been shown the sender, but kept out of sight of the receiver, and no possible communication between the two being allowed. In tests of naming small objects held by the sender, the receiver correctly named five out of six. In one complicated test, in which various objects, names, etc., were transmitted, the report shows a successful report of 202 out of a possible 382. Such results, of course, took the results entirely out of the operation of the law of averages. Other successful experiments showed a high percentage of results obtained from the reproduction by the sender of geometrical and other figures and designs exhibited to the sender.
Private Experiments.
But, after all, the most convincing evidences of Telepathy are those which most of us have met with in our own experience. There are but few intelligent, observing persons who have not, at some time in their life, had experiences of this kind, in which the thoughts of others were perceived plainly by themselves. Many persons have established such a close rapport condition between themselves and friends or relatives that instances of remarkable thought-transmission between them are quite common and ordinary.
Development of Telepathic Power.
Practically every person may develop a certain degree of telepathic power, sending, receiving, or both, by means of a moderate amount of regular and earnest practice and experiments. In developing sending power, the person should cultivate concentration, and the use of the will in the direction of projecting mental states; in the case of the desired development of the receiving power, the person should develop receptiveness and passivity, and a certain recognition of an actual telepathic impulse which is impossible to describe in words but which comes to every investigator, and which when once experienced is always recognized thereafter.
"Mind Reading."
Perhaps the best plan for the beginner is to practice the popular "mind reading" experiment or game, which is quite popular in some localities, and among persons interested in this line of thought. The experiments of this kind are performed, generally, about as follows: The receiver leaves the room, and during his or her absence the company in the room select some object, large or small, such as a chair or a small penknife, etc., and the same is shown and named to the sender. Then the receiver is called back into the room for the experiment, and is blindfolded securely. Then the receiver takes the right hand of the sender and places it in his (the receiver's) left hand, holding it firmly there. The sender then concentrates his mind upon the object to be "found," and mentally wills that the receiver move toward it. The receiver then experiences a peculiar faint impulse in the direction of the object, and accordingly moves toward it. After considerable practice, the receiver acquires the faculty of not only finding large objects, but also is able to locate small objects, such as concealed rings, pins, etc.
Development Practices.
This class of experiments, while open to the objection that there may be more or less muscular direction consciously or unconsciously given by the sender, nevertheless tend to develop proficiency in both sender and receiver. In fact, such experiments are perhaps one of the very best methods of developing projecting or receiving power along the lines of occult or psychic forces. This because the persons become familiar with the psychic processes involved, and their efficiency becomes increased by practice and experiment. This plan is like that of teaching a child how to walk by means of holding its hand, allowing it to rest on chairs, etc. In practicing such experiments, the receiver will soon become conscious of receiving the thought message in what may be called a "wireless flash," instead of by the slower, and less clear process of transmission through the physical body of the sender, and thence through his own nerves. When the sender begins to experience these flashes of consciousness, he is ready to proceed to the next stage.
The "Willing Game."
The second stage on telepathic development is much akin to that just described, with the difference that there is no physical contact between the sender and the receiver—no holding of hands, etc. A variation of this is found in the familiar "willing game" in which the whole roomful of persons concentrates upon the receiver, and "wills" that he find a selected object. On the whole, however, the private experiments conducted by the sender and the receiver, with perhaps a few intelligent and sympathetic spectators, are far better than the "willing game" plan, in which there are usually many triflers present ready to make a joke of the whole thing, and thus taking away that true concentration under which the best results may be obtained.
Formal Tests.
The third step in telepathic development is that of conducting experiments similar to those originally conducted by the Society for Psychical Research, previously mentioned. That is to say, the sender may select cards from a pack, coins from a pile, small objects from a collection, etc., and then endeavor to transmit the impression of the same to the receiver—the latter then reporting his flashes of impression received. This may be rendered more complicated by having the sender in one place, and the receiver at another, the time having previously been agreed upon between them. In experiments conducted at long range, it has been generally found better for the receiver to write down the word, thought, or mental, picture which has been transmitted to him by the sender; and for the sender to write down the name or picture of the thing the idea of which he has transmitted. These memoranda serve not only as scientific proof of the experiment, but also serve as a barometer of progress being made during the experiments.
Automatic Writing.
In this connection it may be stated that many investigators and experimentors along the lines of telepathic phenomena have met with considerable success in the direction of Automatic Writing from living persons, which of course is merely a special form of Telepathy. In some cases the communications received in this way were at first thought to be from disembodied entities, until later it was discovered that the thoughts were actually transmitted (in some cases unintentionally) by living persons. The late W. T. Stead, the London editor and famous investigator of psychic phenomena, who was lost on the "Titanic" several years ago, was remarkably successful along this special line of telepathic transmission, he being one of the most efficient receivers of this kind of which those familiar with the subject have any knowledge. His written records of these experiments are very interesting, and form a valuable contribution to this subject. In this class of experiments, the sender concentrates fixedly upon the thought—word for word—and wills that the recipient write down the word so transmitted; the receiver sit passively at the time agreed upon, and allows his arm and hand to be moved by means of the psychic currents beating upon him, and which are then unconsciously transformed into muscular action—the process being similar to that of ordinary writing, except that instead of the activity of the brain of the writer being behind the muscular motion, that of the sender performs that task.
Psychic Sensitiveness.
The student of this book will find in the succeeding portions thereof, from time to time, certain general instructions regarding the cultivation of psychic receptivity and sensitiveness. These general instructions are also applicable to the cultivation of telepathic power, and may be properly applied to that end. There is really but one general principle involved in all the many forms of psychic receptivity, namely that of (1) shutting the senses to the ordinary impressions of the outside world, and (2) opening the higher channels of sense to the impressions coming in the form of vibrations of the higher forces and finer powers of Nature. At the last, it is simply a matter of "getting in tune," just as truly as in the case of the wireless telegraphy. These things are difficult to explain in ordinary words to one who has had no experience along these lines; but when one begins to actually experiment and practice, the way opens out gradually and steadily, and then the person can grasp the meaning of the little "hints" dropped by others who have traveled the same path. So, after all, it comes down to the matter of Practice, Experiment, and Learning by Trying!
A very large and very interesting class of occult or psychic phenomena is that known under the very general classification of "Clairvoyance," which term we have thought it advisable to employ in this sense in this book, notwithstanding the technical objections urged by some against such a general usage. The term "Clairvoyance" really means "clear seeing," or "clear sight," but its special meaning, established by long usage, is "A power of discerning objects not perceptible to the normal senses." When it comes to the technical use of the term by students and teachers of psychic research and occultism, however, there is found a confused meaning of the term, some employing it in one sense, and others in another one. Accordingly, it is perhaps as well to explain the particular usage adopted and followed in this book.
Clairvoyance Defined.
The English Society for Psychical Research, in its glossary, defines the term as follows: "The faculty or act of perceiving, as though visually, with some coincidental truth, some distant scene; it is used sometimes, but hardly properly, for transcendental vision, or the perception of beings regarded as on another plane of existence." A distinguished investigator along psychic lines, in one of her reports to the English Society for Psychical Research, has given the following definition of this term as employed by her in her reports, viz., "The word 'clairvoyant' is often used very loosely, and with widely different meanings. I denote by it a faculty of acquiring supernormally, BUT NOT BY READING THE MINDS OF PERSONS PRESENT, a knowledge of facts such as we normally acquire by the use of our senses. I do not limit it to knowledge that would normally be acquired by the sense of sight, nor do I limit it to a knowledge of present facts. A similar knowledge of the past, and if necessary, of future events, may be included. On the other hand, I exclude the mere faculty of seeing apparitions, which is sometimes called clairvoyance."
The last stated definition agrees almost perfectly with the views of the writer of the present book, and the term "Clairvoyance" is used here in the particular sense indicated by such definition. The student of this book, therefore, is asked to distinguish Clairvoyance, on the one hand, from the phenomena of Telepathy or Thought Transference, and, on the other hand, from the phenomena of communication with entities on other planes of existence, including the perception of apparitions.
The Phenomena of Clairvoyance.
The phenomena of Clairvoyance may be subdivided (a) according to methods employed, and also (b) according to general distinctions. The said classifications follow:
CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO METHODS. The classification of Clairvoyant Phenomena according to methods employed, proceeds as follows: (1) PSYCHOMETRY, in which the clairvoyant becomes en rapport through the medium of some physical object connected with the person or scene which is the object of the en rapport connection; (2) CRYSTAL GAZING, etc., in which the en rapport connection is established by means of a crystal, magic mirror, etc., into which the clairvoyant gazes; (3) DIRECT CLAIRVOYANCE, in which the clairvoyant directly establishes the en rapport connection by means of raising his or her psychic vibrations so as to become "in tune" with the finer vibrations of Nature, without the aid of physical objects.
Classification According to General Distinctions.
The classification of Clairvoyant Phenomena according to general distinctions, proceeds as follows: (1) PRESENT CLAIRVOYANCE, in which the objects perceived by the clairvoyant are present in Space and Time, although invisible to normal sight; (2) SPACE CLAIRVOYANCE, in which the clairvoyant vision includes objects and scenes removed in space from the immediate normal perception of the clairvoyant; (3) TIME CLAIRVOYANCE, in which the clairvoyant perceives objects or scenes removed from him in past time, or future time.
In order that the student may obtain a comprehensive understanding of the phenomena of Clairvoyance, we have thought it well to give you a brief, general outline of the particular phenomena fitting into these several classes, and to give you, also, a general idea of the principal methods employed to obtain the phenomenal manifestations in question. We begin by calling your attention to the three general classes of method employed to obtain the manifestation of clairvoyant phenomena, namely: Psychometry, Crystal Gazing, and Clairvoyant Psychic States, respectively.
In Psychometry, the clairvoyant establishes the en rapport connection with objects, persons or scenes, removed in space or in time, by means of some physical object associated with the distant object, person or scene; for instance, the physical objects may be a piece of clothing, a bit of stone, a coin, a bit of jewelry, etc., which has been closely associated with that which the clairvoyant desires to sense psychically. The distinctive feature of this class of clairvoyant phenomena is this CONNECTING LINK of physical objects. A writer has cleverly compared this connecting link with the bit of clothing which the keen-scented bloodhound is given to sniff in order that he may then discover by scent the person sought, the latter having previously worn the bit of clothing presented to the dog's sense of smell.
The "Psychic Scent."
Occultists have elaborated a technical theory to account for the phenomena of Psychometry, or rather to account for the action of the "connecting link" of the physical object employed to establish the connection between clairvoyant and distant object, person, or scene. But we do not think it advisable to enter into a discussion of these elaborate, technical theories, which are apt to confuse the beginner, and to distract his attention from the important facts of the case. We think it is sufficient to say that the "connecting link," or physical object, seems to carry along with it, in its inner substance or nature, the vibrations of its past environment; and that the clairvoyant, coming into receptive contact with such vibrations, is enabled with comparative ease to follow up the psychic "scent" until he establishes clairvoyant en rapport connection with the distant object, person, or scene associated with the physical object. When it is remembered that the physical "scent" of anything is merely a matter of the detection of certain vibrations, the illustration is seen to be not so very far out of the way after all.
Magnetic Affinity.
A somewhat celebrated investigator of psychic and occult phenomena has said concerning this phases of Clairvoyance: "The untrained clairvoyant usually cannot find any particular astral picture when it is wanted, without some special link to put him en rapport with the subject required. Psychometry is an instance in point. It seems as though there were a sort of magnetic attachment or affinity between any particle of matter and the record which contains its history—an affinity which enables it to act as a kind of conductor between that record and the faculties of anyone who can read it. For instance, I once brought from Stonehenge a tiny fragment of stone, not larger than a pin's head, and on putting this into an envelope and handing it to a psychometrist who had no idea what it was, she at once began to describe that wonderful ruin and the desolate country surrounding it, and then went on to picture vividly what were evidently scenes from its early history, showing that the infinitesimal fragment had been sufficient to put her into communication with the records connected with the spot from which it came. The scenes through which we pass in the course of our life seem to act in the same way upon the cells of our brain as did the history of Stonehenge upon that particle of stone. They establish a connection with those cells by means of which our mind is put en rapport with that particular portion of the records, and so we 'remember' what we have seen."
Distant En Rapport.
One of the most familiar instances of the production of clairvoyant phenomena by means of Psychometry is that illustrated in the above quotation, namely the production of the en rapport relation with distant scenes by means of the connecting link of some small object which had at some time in the past been located at that point. In such cases the psychometrist usually presses the small object up to his or her head, and then induces a passive, receptive psychical condition; then, sooner or later, the clairvoyant experiences a "sensation," or a "dream picture" of the scene in question. Often, once the picture of the scene is obtained, the clairvoyant may manifest more marked past-time clairvoyance, in the direction of running back over the history of the scene itself. The instance related in the above quotation is a case of this kind. Similar cases are frequently met with by the investigator along these lines, in which the clairvoyant is able to give the history of certain places in ancient Egypt, from the connecting link of a piece of mummy-cloth; or else to give a picture of certain events in antediluvian times, from the connecting link of a bit of fossil substance. The history of Psychometry is filled with remarkable instances of this kind. Bullets gathered from battlefields also serve very effectively as such psychometric connecting links. Old furniture, old pictures, and old jewelry also are common objects serving to produce wonderful phenomena of this kind. In fact, any physical object having past-time or far-distant space connections may be employed effectively in such experiments.
Psychic Underground Exploration.
Psychometry is frequently employed to describe underground or "mine" conditions existing at the present time at the particular place from which a particular piece of ore or mineral has been taken, which ore or mineral has been handed the psychometrist to be used as the connecting link. As many practical miners know from actual experience, many valuable coal, zinc, lead, silver and gold mines have been successfully located in this way. In such cases the psychometrist has been able to follow up the psychic "scent" given by the piece of mineral, and thus to describe the strata or veins of the mineral lying underground and unopened by the pick or drill.
Psychic Detective Work.
Many cases are recorded by the investigators in which the psychometrist is able to "sense" a particular locality, a house, a room, a place of business, for instance, by means of the connecting link afforded by some physical object formerly associated with the said location. Some writers have called this class of psychometric phenomena "psychic spying" or "psychic detective work." One writer records a case in which he gave to a young psychometrist a penholder from the office of a lawyer, the latter being located about eight hundred miles away; the psychometrist then gave a perfect picture of the interior of the far-distant lawyer's office, the scene across the street visible from the office window, and certain events which were happening in the office and on the street at that particular time—all of which report was verified in detail by subsequent careful inquiry.
How to Psychometrize.
The following general remarks concerning Psychometry, given by a writer on the subject, will be found interesting and instructive. The writer says: "There are no special directions to be given the student in psychometry. All that can be done is to suggest that each person should try the experiments for himself, in order to find out whether he has, or has not the psychometric power in some degree of development. He may be able to develop his psychometric powers by the general methods given for psychic development; but, in any event, he will find that actual practice and experiment will do much for him in the direction of experiment. Let the student take strange objects, and, sitting in a quiet room with the object held to his forehead, endeavor to shut out all thoughts coming from the outside world, and forget all his personal affairs. In a short time, if the conditions be right, he will begin to have flashes of scenes associated with the history of the object in question. At first these impressions may be somewhat disconnected and more or less confused, but before long there will be noticed a clearing away of the scene, and the mental picture will become quite plain. Practice will develop the power. The student should practice only when alone or when in the presence of some sympathetic friend or friends. He should always avoid discordant and inharmonious company while practicing his psychic power. Many of the best psychometrists keep their physical eyes closed when practicing this power, thus allowing the inner senses to function without distraction from the outer senses.
Developing Psychometry.
"You have doubtless heard of the sensing of sealed letters spoken of as pure clairvoyance. But this phase of phenomena properly belongs to the realm of Psychometry. Letters frequently prove to be very excellent connecting links in psychometric experiments. I advise the student to begin with old letters. He will be surprised to discover how readily he will begin to receive psychic impressions from the letters—either from the person who wrote them, or from the place in which they were written, or from some one connected with their subsequent history. One of the most interesting experiments I ever witnessed in Psychometry was that in which a letter that had been forwarded from place to place, until it had gone completely around the globe, was psychometrized by a young Hindu maid. Although ignorant of the outside world of foreign lands, the young women was able to picture the people and scenery of every part of the globe in which the letter had traveled. Her report was really an interesting 'travelogue' of a trip around the world, given in tabloid form. The student may obtain some interesting results in psychometrizing old letters—but let him always be conscientious about it, and be careful to refrain from divulging the secrets that will become his during the course of these experiments. Let him be honorable on the psychic plane as well as on the physical plane—more so, rather than less so, in fact."
Varieties of Psychometry.
Another investigator along these lines gives the following instructive comments regarding the practice of psychometric power: "Persons of a highly-strung nervous organization, with large perceptive faculties make the best psychometrists. Phlegmatic people seldom psychometrize clearly, and usually lack receptivity to the finer forces. Letters, clothes, hair, coins, ornaments, or jewels—in fact, almost any article which has belonged to, or has been worn by, its possessor for any length of time, will suffice to enable the psychometrist to relate himself to, and glimpse impressions of, the personal sphere of that individual. Some psychometrists succeed better with certain kinds of objects than with others. Metals and minerals are not good 'conductors'—if we may use that term—to some operators; while they are very satisfactory to others. In the same way, some psychometrists are very good character readers, others are very successful in the diagnosis of diseases; some can read the book of Nature, while to others it is a sealed book, or nearly so, but they are able to gauge the mental qualifications of their visitors, while others realize their moral and spiritual states. Again, some read the Past, and enter into the Present states or condition of their clients, while others are successful in exercising prophetical prevision. These differences may be modified, and the boundaries of the perceptive power may be extended by self-study, experiment, and culture; but every psychic has his qualifications and his limitations; one will succeed where another may fail; hence it is well and wise for each one to discover what he can do best, what sphere he can best occupy, and then endeavor to fill it.
Psychometric "Getting in Touch."
"A psychometrist may, by holding a letter in his hand, or putting it to his forehead, be able to perceive and delineate the personal appearance of the writer thereof, and, in a way, to 'take on' his conditions, describe his feelings and thoughts to such an extent as to identify himself with him and to feel, for the time being, as if he, himself, were the writer; he may even tell what is written in the letter, although unable to see the writing. Human hair is found by some psychometrists to give them the best means of coming into touch with their subjects, and it is said that such hair should be cut from the head just behind the ears, as close to the scalp as possible. It not infrequently happens that a psychometrist gets started upon a false trail, so to speak, and especially so when the inquirer is suspicious, or where there is a mixture of psychic influences. A fan passed by a lady to a sitter in the front row at a meeting, and held in the hands of the latter for a few minutes while awaiting a chance to be handed to the psychic, has resulted in a blending of vibratory influences which has caused an imperfect or confused 'reading.' In one case the gentleman who held the fan said 'I fully recognize the part of the description which the lady does not admit—it applies to myself quite perfectly.' Hence the necessity for care in providing articles for psychometrists in a public meeting. A ring, for instance, which has been in the family for generations, and handed from one wearer to another in the course of years, may afford such a blending of psychic vibrations that the psychometrist may be unable to sense distinctly each distinct stratum of influence therein.
Psychometric Readings.
"The person who sits for the psychometrist for a 'reading' should not be antagonistic nor frivolous, neither should he desire special information, nor concentrate his thought forces upon any given point, as otherwise he may dominate the psychic and thus mislead him into perceiving only a reflex of his own hopes or fears. He will do well to preserve an open mind, and an impartial though sympathetic mental attitude, and then await results. It is unwise to interrupt, explain, or question during the time that a delineation is being given, for by so doing the psychic sphere is disturbed and the thought projections caused to act like the breezes upon the surface of a lake, producing confused and distorted appearances. It is best to allow the descriptions to be given in its entirety before asking questions regarding any of its details; it is quite possible or probable that the very points upon which inquiries seem necessary will be more fully elucidated before the close of the reading. If a special reading, and not a general one is required—say, for instance, a diagnosis of diseased conditions—a hint of what is desired at the outset should be sufficient."
Crystal Gazing, Etc.
The second of the three general classes of the methods employed to obtain the manifestation of clairvoyant phenomena is that known as Crystal Gazing. In this class of methods the clairvoyant establishes the en rapport condition by means of a crystal, magic mirror, or similar object, which serves principally to concentrate the psychic visual powers to a focus, and thus to enable the psychic to raise his or her psychic vibrations at that concentrated focused point.
Crystals and Bright Objects.
The use of crystals and other bright objects for this purpose has been common to occultists and psychics at all times, past and present, and at all places, oriental or occidental. The earlier races employed shining pieces of quartz or other clear crystal rock for this purpose. Later polished metals were used in the same way. The native soothsayers of barbaric lands employ clear water, glowing embers, or sparks, for this purpose. In some places the soothsayers hold drops of blood in the hollow of their hands for divining purposes. Others bore a hole in the ground, and fill it with water, and then gaze into it. Some tribes use dark polished stones. A writer on the subject has said: "They stare into a crystal ball, a cup, a mirror, a blot of ink, a drop of blood, a bowl of water, a pond, water in a glass bowl, or almost any polished surface, etc." In fact, it may be said that almost every object capable of presenting a polished surface has been employed by some race as an aid to psychic vision. In Europe and America, at the present day, quartz or glass crystals are so used; but others obtain quite satisfactory results from the use of watch crystals laid over a black cloth, preferably a piece of black velvet cloth. Others use highly polished bits of silver; while others content themselves with the use of a little pool of black ink lying on the bottom of a small saucer, while others have cups painted black on the inside, into which is poured water.
The Care of the Crystal.
There is no particular virtue in any particular object used for this purpose, as such object acts merely to focus the psychic power of the person, as has been said. Certainly the student should not fall into the error of supposing that the crystal, or similar object, has any miraculous or supernatural power whatsoever, it is simply an instrument, like the microscope or telescope, nothing more or less. But, at the same time, it must be admitted that there is much truth in the claim of certain crystal gazers, to the effect that the use of a particular crystal seems to have the effect of polarizing its molecules so as to render it a more effective instrument in time. In fact, the phenomenon seems to bear a close relation to the well known case of a long-used violin becoming a more perfect instrument, and giving forth richer and fuller notes than a new instrument. The longer a gazing crystal is used, especially by the one person, the better does it seem to serve the purposes of that particular person. Experts in crystal gazing insist that the crystal gazer should keep his own crystal for his own particular use, and not allow it to be used indiscriminately, particularly in the case of strangers or of persons not sympathetic with psychic subjects. They claim that each crystal becomes polarized according to the individual character and needs of the person habitually using it, and that it is unwise to allow others to disturb this quality in it.
How to Use the Crystal.
The best authorities on the subject of crystal-gazing insist that all experiments along the said lines should be conducted in a serious, earnest manner, and that all frivolity or trifling should be avoided if the best results are wished for. This, of course, is true concerning all phases of psychic investigation, as all true students of the subject know. All the authorities agree that the crystal gazer should sit with the light behind his back, and never in front of him. While an earnest steady gaze is desirable, there should be no straining of the eyes. As one writer has said: "Gaze calmly at the crystal, but do not strain your eyes. Do not try to avoid winking your eyes—there is a difference between 'gazing' and 'staring,' remember." Some authorities advise that the crystal gazer should make funnels of his hands, using them as he would a pair of opera-glasses.
The "Milky Mist."
While some experimenters obtain results almost from the time of the first trial, others find that it requires a number of sittings before they begin to obtain even faint results. The psychic picture in the crystal usually begins by the appearance of a cloudy "milky mist," succeeding the former transparent appearance of the crystal. The milky cloud becomes more dense, and finally there appears in its midst a faint form, outline, face, or scene of some kind. Some have compared this gradual emergence of the picture to the gradual development of the picture of the photographic plate when the latter is subjected to the action of the developing fluid.
Classes of Psychic Pictures.
An English writer on the subject furnishes the following general classification of the psychic pictures manifested in the process of crystal gazing. The said authority might well have added that each and every form of clairvoyant picturing is possible in crystal gazing; for crystal gazing is merely one particular form or method of inducing clairvoyant or psychic vision, and is not a distinct branch of psychic phenomena in itself. The classification of the English authority, however, is as follows:
"1. Images of something unconsciously observed. New reproductions, voluntary or spontaneous, and bringing no fresh knowledge to the mind.
"2. Images of ideas unconsciously acquired from others. Some memory or imaginative effort which does not come from the gazer's ordinary self. Revivals of memory. Illustrations of thought.
"3. Images, clairvoyant or prophetic. Pictures giving information as to something past, present, or future, which the gazer has no other chance of knowing."
General Directions for Crystal Gazing.
An old English authority on the subject of crystal gazing handed down to his students a certain set of general directions and rules to govern the conduct of their experiments. These rules and directions have never been improved upon by the later writers on the subject, according to the opinion of the best authorities; and such stand today as perhaps the simplest and best set of general rules and directions on this important subject. For this reason we have thought it advisable to include the same in this chapter, for the guidance of our own students. Here follow the said general rules and directions:
"What is desired through the regular use of the translucent sphere is to cultivate a personal degree of clairvoyant power, so that visions of things or events, past, present, and future, may appear clearly in the interior vision, or eye of the soul. In the pursuit of this effort only, the crystal becomes at once a beautiful, interesting and harmless channel of pleasure and instruction, shorn of dangers, and rendered conducive to mental development. To the attainment of this desirable end, attention is asked to the following practical directions, which, if carefully followed, will lead to success:
Selection of Place, Etc.
"(1) Select a quiet room where you will be entirely undisturbed, taking care that it is as far as possible free from mirrors, ornaments, pictures, glaring colors, and the like, which may otherwise distract the attention. The room should be of comfortable temperature, in accordance with the time of year, neither hot nor cold. About 60 to 65 degrees Fahr. is suitable in most cases, though allowance can be made where necessary for natural differences in the temperaments of various persons. Thus thin, nervous, delicately organized individuals, and those of lymphatic and soft, easy-going, passive types, require a slightly warmer apartment than the more positive class who are known by their dark eyes, hair and complexion, combined with prominent joints. Should a fire, or any form of artificial light be necessary, it should be screened off, so as to prevent the light rays from being reflected in, or in any other manner directly reaching the crystal. The room should not be dark, but rather shadowed, or charged with a dull light, somewhat such as prevails on a cloudy or wet day.
Adjusting the Crystal.
"(2) The crystal should be placed on its stand on a table, or it may rest on a black velvet cushion, but in either case it should be partially surrounded by a black silk or similar wrap or screen, so adjusted as to cut off any undesirable reflection. Before beginning to experiment, remember that most frequently nothing will be seen on the first occasion, and possibly not for several sittings; though some sitters, if strongly gifted with psychic powers in a state of unconsciousness, and sometimes conscious degree of unfoldment, may be fortunate enough to obtain good results at the first trial. If, therefore, nothing is perceived during the first few attempts, do not despair or become impatient, or imagine that you will never see anything. There is a royal road to crystal vision, but it is open only to the combined password of Calmness, Patience, and Perseverance. If at the first attempt to ride a bicycle, failure ensues, the only way to learn is to pay attention to the necessary rules, and to persevere daily until the ability to ride comes naturally. Thus it is with the would-be seer. Persevere in accordance with these simple directions, and success will sooner or later crown your efforts.
Time of Sittings.
"(3) Commence by sitting comfortably with the eyes fixed upon the crystal, not by a fixed stare, but with a steady, calm gaze, for ten minutes only, on the first occasion. In taking the time it is best to hang your watch at a distance, where, while the face is clearly visible, the ticking is rendered inaudible. When the time is up, carefully put the crystal away in its case, and keep it in a dark place, under lock and key, allowing no one but yourself to handle it. At the second sitting, which should be at the same place, in the same position, and at the same time, you may increase the length of the effort to fifteen minutes, and continue this period during the next five or six sittings, after which the time may be gradually increased, but should in no case exceed one hour. The precise order of repetition is always to be followed until the experimenter has developed an almost automatic ability to readily obtain results, when it need no longer be adhered to.
Other Persons Present.
"(4) Any person, or persons, admitted to the room, and allowed to remain while you sit, should (a) keep absolute silence, and (b) remain seated at a distance from you. When you have developed your latent powers, questions may, of course, be put to you by one of those present, but even then in a very gentle, or low and slow tone of voice; never suddenly, or in a forceful manner.
Crystalline Vision.
"(5) When you find the crystals begin to look dull or cloudy, with small pin-points of light glittering therein, like tiny stars, you may know that you are commencing to obtain that for which you seek, viz., crystalline vision. Therefore, persevere with confidence. This condition may, or may not, continue for several sittings, the crystal seeming at times to alternatively appear and disappear, as in a mist. By and by this hazy appearance, in its turn, will give way quite suddenly to a blindness of the senses to all else but a blue or bluish ocean of space, against which, as if it were a background, the vision will be clearly apparent.
Physical Requirements.
"(6) The crystal should not be used soon after taking a meal, and care should be taken in matters of diet to partake only of digestible foods, and to avoid alcoholic beverages. Plain and nourishing food, and outdoor exercise, with contentment of mind, or love of simplicity of living, are great aids to success. Mental anxiety, or ill-health, are not conducive to the desired end. Attention to correct breathing is of importance.
Determining Time of Fulfillment.
"(7) As regards the time at which events seen will come to pass, each seer is usually impressed with regard thereto; but, as a general rule, visions appearing in the extreme background indicate time more remote, either past or future, than those perceived nearer at hand; while those appearing in the foreground, or closer to the seer, denote the present or immediate future.
Two Classes of Visions.
"(8) Two principal classes of vision will present themselves to the sitter, viz.: (a) the Symbolic, indicated by the appearance of symbols such as a flag, boat, knife, gold, etc., and (b) Actual Scenes and Personages, in action or otherwise. Persons of a positive type of organization, the more active, excitable, yet decided type, are most likely to perceive symbolically, or allegorically; while those of a passive nature usually receive direct or literal revelations. Both classes will find it necessary to carefully cultivate truthfulness, unselfishness, gratitude for what is shown, and absolute confidence in the love, wisdom, and guidance of God Himself."
Time and Space in Crystal Gazing.
In the subsequent pages the student will perceive the different manifestations of clairvoyant vision classified according to the distinction of Time and Space. Clairvoyant vision may disclose objects, scenes, or persons either near by in space, or far off in space; either existing in present time, in past time, or in future time. Inasmuch as the visions of crystal gazing are merely particular forms of clairvoyant vision, it follows that all of the several above named distinctive forms of vision are manifested in crystal gazing. The vision shown in the crystal may be that of something very near in space, or perhaps very far off in space, or removed in space only a moderate distance. Likewise such vision may be based upon things existing at the present time, or at some period of past time, or at some period of and visions of past, present, or future things, events, persons, scenes—each or all of these manifestations are possible to the clairvoyant vision of the crystal gazer, and pictured in the reflecting surface of the crystal or other shining surface employed by him in his experiments.
Direct Clairvoyance.
The third of the three general classes of the methods employed to obtain the manifestation of clairvoyant phenomena is that known as Direct Clairvoyance. In this class of methods the clairvoyant directly establishes the en rapport connection with the past or present, near or distant, objects, persons, scenes, or events, by means of raising his or her psychic vibrations so as to become "in tune" with the finer vibrations of Nature, without the aid of the physical objects required in the methods of Psychometry and Crystal Gazing, respectively.
Trance Conditions.
Many clairvoyants, manifesting their powers by means of the methods of Direct Clairvoyance, produce in themselves the condition of trance, or semi-trance condition. Many students believe that these conditions are absolutely necessary for the production of this kind of phenomena, but they neglect, or are actually unaware of, the fact that many of the highest forms of this class of clairvoyant phenomena are manifested by clairvoyants who are no more in a trance condition, or that of semi-trance, than those following the methods of Psychometry or Crystal Gazing, respectively. All that is required is that the clairvoyant maintain a quiescent mental attitude, shutting out the sounds, sights, and thoughts of the outside world, and concentrating the full attention upon the clairvoyant work before him or her. Some, it is true, pass easily into the semi-trance, or even the full trance condition, but the latter are not absolutely necessary states.
Clairvoyant Reverie.
A writer on the subject of Clairvoyance says: "The best authorities instruct their pupils that the state of clairvoyant reverie may be safely and effectively induced by the practice of mental concentration alone. They advise positively against artificial methods. All that is needed is that the consciousness be focused to a single point—become 'one pointed' as the Hindu teachers call it. The intelligent practice of concentration accomplishes this without the necessity of any artificial methods of development, or the production of abnormal psychic states. You easily concentrate your full attention when you witness an interesting play, or listen to a beautiful rendition of some great masterpiece of musical composition, or gaze at some miracle of pictured or sculptured art. In these cases your attention is completely occupied with the interesting thing before you, so that you have almost completely shut out the outer world of sound, sight, and thought—but you are, nevertheless, perfectly wide awake and conscious. The same thing is true when you read a very interesting book—the world is shut out from your consciousness, and you are oblivious to the sights and sounds around you. We frequently witness the sight of two lovers to whom the outside world is non-existent for the time being, and to whom there is nothing in the world except themselves. Again, persons often fall into a 'brown study,' or 'day dream,' in which all consciousness of the outside world seems to be shut out, yet the person is fully conscious and wide awake. These mental states are very much akin to that of the trained clairvoyant, and is the state which should be sought after by all clairvoyants, whether they are following the methods of Psychometry, Crystal Gazing, or that of Direct Clairvoyance—for the principle is one and the same in all of such methods."
The Dawn of Clairvoyance.
A well-known authority on the subject of Psychic Development says: "Occasional flashes of clairvoyance sometimes comes to the highly cultured and spiritual-minded man, even though he may never have heard of the possibility of training such a faculty. In his case such glimpses usually signify that he is approaching that stage in his evolution when these powers will naturally begin to manifest themselves. Their appearance should serve as an additional stimulus to him to strive to maintain that high standard of moral purity and mental balance without which clairvoyance is a curse and not a blessing to its possessor. Between those who are entirely unimpressionable and those who are in full possession of clairvoyant power, there are many intermediate stages. Students often ask how this clairvoyant faculty will first be manifested in themselves—how they may know when they have reached the stage at which its first faint foreshadowings are beginning to be visible. Cases differ so widely that it is impossible to give to this question any answer that will be universally applicable. Some people begin by a plunge, as it were, and under some unusual stimulus become able just for once to see some striking vision; and very often in such a case, because the experience does not repeat itself, the seer comes in time to believe that on that occasion he must have been the victim of hallucination. Others begin by becoming intermittently conscious of the brilliant colors and vibrations of the human aura; yet others find themselves with increasing frequency seeing and hearing something to which those around them are blind and deaf; others, again, see faces, landscapes, or colored clouds floating before their eyes in the dark, before they sink to rest; while perhaps the commonest experience of all is that of those who begin to recollect with greater and greater clearness what they have seen and heard on other planes during sleep."
Methods of Development.
The same authority, after warning students against attempting to develop their psychic powers by unnatural and harmful practices, such as self-hypnotism, self-stupefication, etc., gives the following excellent advice concerning the normal development of clairvoyant and other high psychic powers and faculties: "There is one practice which if adopted carefully and reverently can do no harm to any human being, yet from which a very pure type of clairvoyance has sometimes been developed—and that is the practice of Meditation. Let a man choose a certain time every day—a time when he can rely upon being quiet and undisturbed, though preferably in the daytime rather than at night—and set himself at that time to keep his mind for a few minutes entirely free from all earthly thoughts of any kind whatsoever; and, when that is achieved, to direct the whole force of his being towards the highest ideal he happens to know. He will find that to gain perfect control of thought is enormously more difficult than he supposes, but when he attains it this cannot but be in every way more beneficial to him, and as he grows more and more able to elevate and concentrate his thoughts, he may gradually find that new worlds are opening before his sight. As a preliminary training towards the satisfactory achievement of such meditation, he will find it desirable to make a practice of concentration in the affairs of daily life—even in the smallest of them. If he writes a letter, let him think of nothing else but that letter until it is finished; if he reads a book, let him see to it that his thought is never allowed to wander away from his author's meaning. He must learn to hold his mind in check, and to be master of that also, as well as of his lower passions; he must patiently labor to acquire absolute control of his thoughts, so that he will always know exactly what he is thinking about, and why—so that he can use his mind, and turn it or hold it still, as a practiced swordsman turns his weapon where he will."
As we have said in the preceding chapter, in our consideration of the general subject of Clairvoyance, there is possible a general classification of clairvoyant phenomena according to general distinctions, as follows: (1) PRESENT CLAIRVOYANCE, in which the objects perceived by the clairvoyant are present in time and in space, although invisible to normal sight; (2) SPACE CLAIRVOYANCE, in which the clairvoyant vision includes objects and scenes removed in space from the normal perception of the clairvoyant; and (3) TIME CLAIRVOYANCE, in which the clairvoyant perceives objects or scenes removed from him in past time, or future time.
While the general methods of manifesting these various forms of clairvoyant power are practically the same, yet the nature of these several forms of phenomena vary considerably, as we shall see when we come to consider them in detail in the following pages: this is particularly true in the case of the distinction between past-time clairvoyant phenomena, and future-time clairvoyant phenomena—the difference between the perception of what has been, and that which has not yet been.
Present Clairvoyance.
In what is called Present Clairvoyance the objects perceived by the clairvoyant are present in time and in space, at the moment and place of the perception, although invisible to normal sight. It is seen at once that if the object seen clairvoyantly is present in time and in space to the clairvoyant, and yet is incapable of being perceived by the normal sight of the clairvoyant, then that object must be capable of being perceived only through vibrations above the normal range of the human senses. Perhaps the precise nature of this class of clairvoyant perceptions will be better understood by a more detailed description of the objects actually perceived by clairvoyant vision of this mode of manifestation.
The Human Aura.
In the first place, this mode of clairvoyant vision discloses the interesting phenomena concerned with the human aura, or psychic atmosphere which surrounds the human body for a space of several feet, assuming an egg-shaped form. A writer says on this point: "The trained clairvoyant vision sees the human aura as a nebulous hazy substance, like a luminous cloud, surrounding the person for two or three feet on each side of his body, becoming more dense near the body, and gradually becoming less dense as it extends away from the body. It has a phosphorescent appearance, with a peculiar tremulous motion manifesting through its substance. The clairvoyant sees the human aura as composed of all the colors of the spectrum, the combination shifting with the changing mental and emotional states of the person. But, in a general way, it may be said that each person has his or her distinctive astral auric colors, depending upon his or her general character or personality. Each mental state, or emotional manifestation, has its own particular shade or combination of shades of auric coloring. This beautiful kaleidoscopic spectacle has its own meaning to the occultist with clairvoyant vision, for he is thus able to read the character and general mental states of the person by means of studying his auric colors. The human aura is not in a state of calm phosphorescence, however. On the contrary, it sometimes manifests great flames, like those of a fiery furnace, which shoot forth great tongues, and dart forth suddenly in certain directions toward the objects attracting them. Under great emotional excitement the auric flames move around in swift circling whirlpools, or else swirl away from a centre. Again, it seems to throw forth tiny glistening sparks of psychic vibrations, some of which travel for a great distance.
The Prana Aura.
"The clairvoyant vision is also able to discern what is called the 'prana aura' of a person. By this term is indicated that peculiar emanation of vital force which surrounds the physical body of each and every person. In fact, many persons of but slight clairvoyant power, who cannot sense the auric colors, are able to perceive this prana aura without trouble. It is sometimes called the 'health aura,' or 'physical aura.' It is colorless, or rather about the shade of clear glass, diamond, or water. It is streaked with very minute, bristle-like lines. In a state of good health these fine lines are stiff like toothbrush bristles; while in the case of poor health these lines droop, curl, and present a furlike appearance. It is sometimes filled with minute sparkling particles, like tiny vibratory motion. To the clairvoyant vision the prana aura appears like the vibrating heated air arising from a fire, or stove, or from the heated earth in summertime. If the student will close his eyes partially, and peer through narrowed eyelids, he will in all probability be able to perceive this prana aura surrounding the body of some healthy, vigorous person—particularly if that person be standing in a dim light. Looking closely, he will see the peculiar vibratory motion, like heated air, at a distance of about two inches from the body of the person. It requires a little practice in order to acquire the knack of perceiving these vibrations—a little experimenting in order to get just the right light on the person—but practice will bring success, and you will be repaid for your trouble. In the same way, the student may by practice acquire the faculty of perceiving his own prana aura. The simplest way to obtain this last mentioned result is to place your fingers (spread out into fan-shape) against a black background, in a dim light. Then gaze at the fingers through narrowed eyelids, and half-closed eyes. After a little practice, you will see a fine thin line surrounding your fingers on all sides—a semi-luminous border of prana aura. In most cases this border of aura is colorless, but sometimes a very pale yellowish hue is perceived. The stronger the vital force of the person, the stronger and brighter will this border of prana aura appear. The aura surrounding the fingers will appear very much like the semi-luminous radiance surrounding a gas-flame, or the flame of a candle, which is familiar to everyone."
The Auric Colors.
Another writer says of the clairvoyant perception of the human aura: "As he looks, the clairvoyant will see himself surrounded by the luminous mist of the aura, flashing with all sorts of brilliant colors, and constantly changing hue and brilliancy with every variation of the person's thought and feelings. He will see this aura flooded with the beautiful rose-color of pure affection, the rich blue of devotional feeling, the hard, dull brown of selfishness, the deep scarlet of anger, the horrible lurid red of sensuality, the livid grey of fear, the black clouds of hatred and malice, or any of the other hundredfold indications so easily to be read in it by the practiced eye; and thus it will be impossible for any persons to conceal from his the real state of their feelings on any subject. Not only does the astral aura show him the temporary result of the emotion passing through it at the moment, but it also gives him, by an arrangement and proportion of its colors when in a condition of perfect rest, a clue to the general disposition and character of its owner."
Thought Forms.
Another phase of clairvoyant phenomena of this class is that of the perception of "thought forms," as they are called by occultists. As all students of occultism know, a strong thought or emotion manifests a certain high vibratory motion, and takes upon itself a vibratory "form" which is plainly perceptible to the trained clairvoyant vision. These thought-forms manifest a great variety in appearance and character. Some appear in a faint wave-like form, something like the tiny waves caused by the dropping of a pebble in a pond of water. Others take on a whirlpool form, rotating and whirling as they move through space. Others appear like whirling rings, similar in general form to the "ring" puffed forth from the mouth of a cigar smoker, or from the funnel of a locomotive. Others glow like great opals. Others appear like jets emitted from the spout of a teakettle. Others twist along like a corkscrew. Others appear like exploding bombs. Others branch out arms like a devil-fish, which wriggle in all directions, as if striving to attach themselves to some object upon which they wish to take hold.
The X-Ray Sense.
Another phase of clairvoyant phenomena of this general class is that which may be called "the X-Ray Sense," for indeed it enables the clairvoyant to see through a brick wall, or other material obstacle, or through a sealed letter, etc. The higher psychic vibrations easily pass through the most solid object, just as do the X-Rays, and consequently the clairvoyant is able to see what is going on on the other side of a brick wall, or the walls of a house. Likewise, the clairvoyant vision is able to pierce through the dense earth, and to perceive veins of mineral or metal lying concealed beneath.
Microscopic Vision.
Another phase of clairvoyant power of this general class, but one not nearly so common as those above mentioned, is described by a well-known occultist as follows: "Another strange power of which the clairvoyant may find himself in possession is that of magnifying at will the minutest physical particle to any desired size, as through a microscope—though no microscope ever made, or ever likely to be made, possesses even a thousandth part of this psychic magnifying power. By its means the hypothetical molecule and atom postulated by science becomes visible and living realities to the occult student, and on this closer examination he finds them to be much more complex in their structure than the scientific man has yet realized them to be. It also enables him to follow with the closest attention and the most lively interest all kinds of electrical, magnetic, and other etheric action; and when some of the specialists in these branches of science are able to develop the power to see these things whereof they speak so facilely, some very wonderful and beautiful revelations may be expected."
Space Clairvoyance.
In what is called Space Clairvoyance the objects, persons, scenes, or events perceived by the clairvoyant are removed in space from him—often being located at points in space thousands of miles distant, in fact. The pages of works upon occultism, and those devoted to the recording of proved instances gathered by the societies for psychical research, are filled with the most interesting cases of this form of clairvoyant vision. Instances are recorded, upon the very best possible authority, in which persons with clairvoyant powers have been perfectly cognizant of events occurring on the other side of the world, or across the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans. In fact, it would seem that distance and space are practically wiped out in this form of clairvoyant phenomena, and that it is just as easy to see clairvoyantly over the space of a thousand miles, as over that of a hundred feet—the principle involved being precisely the same.
The Psychic Telescope.
Space Clairvoyance, or Distant Clairvoyance, is manifested in the form of Psychometry, Crystal Gazing, or Direct Clairvoyance, as we have said. We do not consider it necessary to record here any typical instances of this phase of phenomena, as the many books on this subject are chiefly devoted to a recital thereof, and every student is more or less acquainted with the same. The whole matter may be summed up by saying that in this form of clairvoyant vision, there is manifested what might be called a "psychic telescope with an X-Ray attachment," thus enabling one to see at any distance, and through any intervening objects. This gives you a mental picture of the process.
In the theory of vibratory forces, as set forth in the earlier chapters of this book, we have the only scientific explanation of the phenomena of distant clairvoyance. Modern science, in its teachings regarding the radio-activity of physical objects, has thrown much additional light on this subject, and has corroborated the ancient occult teachings on the subject. These rays of higher vibratory power are like the rays of light or heat, although of a much higher rate of intensity and vibratory motion, and though the most delicate scientific instruments are able to register some of these, it is still practically admitted by science that the highest of these radio-active vibrations are beyond the scope and field of even the most sensitive instrument yet known to science. This is saying much when we remember that some of the delicate instruments of science are so sensitive that they are able to register the heat waves of a candle at the distance of one mile; while others are able to record the presence of certain chemical elements in the most distant of the visible stars, by means of the light waves carrying certain forms of vibration.
Sensing the Higher Vibrations.
Under the radio-active theory it is quite reasonable to conceive of the clairvoyant sense being able to register and interpreting these higher vibrations which are beyond the power of even the most delicate instruments of science. It must be admitted that the existence of such vibrations being granted—and science tacitly admits their presence—then ordinary distances on earth would be no barrier at all to the action of clairvoyant vision capable of registering them. Moreover, in such case all intervening objects would be penetrated by these waves, and as a writer has well said, "they would be able to cross one another to infinity in all directions without entanglement, precisely as the vibrations of ordinary light do." Physical science and psychic science at last seem to have arrived at a common ground of understanding, and many of the most advanced scientists do not hesitate to admit this fact, though their more conservative brethren hesitate to do so.
Viewing Distant Scenes.
A writer has said of this form of clairvoyant perception: "The view of a distant scene obtained in this way is in many ways not unlike that seen through a telescope. Human figures usually appear very small, like those upon a distant stage, but in spite of their diminutive size they are clear as though they were close by. Sometimes it is possible by this means to hear what is said as well as to see what is done; but as in the majority of cases this does not happen, we must consider it rather as the manifestation of an additional power than as a necessary corollary of the faculty of sight. It will be observed that in cases of this kind the clairvoyant does not actually leave his physical body at all—he simply manufactures for himself, and uses, a kind of psychic telescope. Consequently he has the use of his physical powers while he is examining the distant scene; for example, his voice usually describes what he sees even while he is in the act of making the observation."
Time Clairvoyance.
In what is called Time Clairvoyance the clairvoyant is able to perceive objects, persons, scenes, and events removed from him in past time or future time. That is to say, the clairvoyant perceives things which have existed in the physical world in times long past, which things have long since vanished from physical existence; or, on the other hand, he perceives things which belong to future existence—this which have never as yet been in physical existence, and of course are not in such existence at the present time. The careful student will see at once that the principle of manifestation governing these two respective phases of clairvoyance must be quite different; and, accordingly, the two respective phases must be considered separately and apart from each other.
Past Time Clairvoyance.
In what is known as Past Time Clairvoyance there is the manifestation of clairvoyant vision in the direction of scenes and occurrences of the past. Here, the clairvoyant perceives the events and scenes of past time just as clearly and plainly as if such were present before him in time and in space. Just as in Distant Clairvoyance it is just as easy for the clairvoyant to see things at a great distance as those at a short distance, so in Past Time Clairvoyance it is just as easy for the clairvoyant to see things and events occurring five thousand years ago as it is to see things occurring one year ago, or one week ago for that matter. The principle involved is the same in either case.
The Mystery of Seeing the Past.
To persons investigating the phenomena of clairvoyance for the first time, however, there seems to be a much greater mystery attached to the phenomena of Past Clairvoyance than in the case of Distant Clairvoyance. To such persons it seems that while the perception of distant objects, scenes, and events is wonderful and mysterious, still at the last it is merely the perception of something now actually in existence—merely the extension of one's normal powers of vision so as to include objects beyond the range of the ordinary vision, but, still, actually in existence though at a distance. The idea of the telescope enables the mind to grasp the naturalness of this kind of phenomena. But when it comes to the perception of things, scenes, and events WHICH ARE NO LONGER IN EXISTENCE—things which have passed entirely out of existence—the mystery seems to be increased, and incredulity becomes more insistent. But to the occultist there is really no more mystery in the one case than in the other—both sets of phenomena are seen to be perfectly reasonable and within the realms of Nature. Let us now see how and why the occultists view the matter in this light.
Analogies on the Physical Plane.
We may find many correspondences on the physical plane to serve as illustrations of the phenomena of Past Time Clairvoyance, if we will but look for them. For instance, when we withdraw a heated stove from a room, the heat remains in the room. Likewise, though a woman bearing the odor of a certain perfume on her clothing may have passed from a house, the odor still lingers there. The wake of an ocean steamer is often visible for hours after the ship has passed from sight. As modern science expressed it: "Causes continue to exist in their Effects."
Thousand-Year-Old Light.
But we have a much more striking illustration and correspondence in the case of the transmission of light from the distant stars, which we will do well to carefully consider. Light travels at the rate of 186,000 miles per second. A "light-year," as known to astronomers, means the distance traversed by a light wave (at the stated rate of travel) during the period of one of our earth years. Some of the distant stars are estimated to be fully one thousand light-years distant from us; or, in other words, the light we now perceive as coming from them really is the light that left them one thousand years ago. If one of these stars were to be destroyed, observers on this earth would not become aware of it for a thousand years. The star whose light we may now perceive may actually have been destroyed nearly one thousand years ago. Other stars are only one hundred light-years removed from us in space; others only a few years; others only a few hours. But the principle is just the same in all cases, namely, that we see the stars not as they are at the present moment, but as they were when the light left them, perhaps many years ago. Thus, as you see, we may actually perceive events long after their happening.
Reading the Light Waves.
Now, if our physical vision was sufficiently powerful to magnify objects on the stars, or if we had instruments to do this for us, we could actually witness scenes, objects, persons and events which had passed out of existence a thousand years ago. Their records are present in these light waves from the stars, and all that is needed is an eye or a telescope sufficiently strong to register them upon our mind. In a fanciful story written by Camille Flammarion, the French astronomer, many years ago, the principal character relates how, traveling in the astral body, he was able to witness the events of the French Revolution which had occurred many years before, by simply proceeding to the necessary distance from the earth and there perceiving the registered records in the earth's light-waves traveling through space at the rate of 186,000 miles a second. In fact, by getting at the right distance he was able to see even the events of his own childhood and youth, every event of his life, in fact, up to the moment of his leaving the earth. This story, fanciful as it is, nevertheless is based upon scientific facts, and its happenings would be quite possible for a being capable of traveling at a sufficiently rapid rate through space, and also possessed of the power of magnifying the records of light rays. In fact, a person on earth possessing the power of Distant Clairvoyance might be able to duplicate these feats, providing he were able to come in rapport contact with one of these light-waves bearing the past-time records. Think for a moment, and you will grasp the point of this statement.
The Akashic Plane.
But this, however, is but an illustration of the correspondence on the ordinary physical plane of certain things on a higher plane of Nature. Past Time Clairvoyance is not dependent upon light-waves, or any other of the lesser phases of vibratory activity. Instead, it depends entirely upon the phenomena and facts of a higher plane of Nature—a plane which occultists have called the Akashic Plane. Some occultists prefer the general term, "the Astral Plane," but the former term is a closer and more definite one. The Akashic Plane, as known to occultists, contains the impressions or "records" of all events that have happened on the earth plane during the present cycle of earth manifestation. The very subtle and tenuous substance of the Akashic Plane—the term "etheric" may best describe the nature of this substance—contains traces and impressions of all the happenings of the past of this earth; and such impressions may be read and seen by the clairvoyant who has developed sufficiently high powers of vision. These Akashic Records have well been called "the substantial memory of the earth." Upon the subtle etheric substance of the Akashic Plane are registered the records of every event, thing, object, happening, or activity of the earth which has existed or been manifested from the very beginning of the present cycle of the earth's existence. These records will, it is claimed, persist until the final ending of the present earth cycle.
The Akashic Records.
The clairvoyant whose powers of Past Time Clairvoyance have been developed sufficiently, and who has mastered the art of concentration of his psychic attention, manages to come into more or less perfect en rapport condition contact with these Akashic Records, and is thus enabled to read from them what he sees there. To him it actually seems as if he were seeing the actions of things in present existence, and many excellent clairvoyants are ignorant of the existence of the Akashic Records, though they habitually read the contents thereof; these clairvoyants know simply that they "see" these past happenings—they have not the faintest conception of how they are able to see them. This is no more strange than would be the case of a man who witnessed a moving picture for the first time, and who was ignorant of the mechanism involved in the showing of the picture, the existence of the film, etc.,—such a man would simply know that he "saw" the things, and he might even believe that he was gazing upon an actual scene in real life.
Degrees of Clairvoyant Vision.
There is, of course, many degrees of power and development among clairvoyants of this class; and as a result we have many varying degrees of correctness in their readings. Some have merely a glimpse, as through dim glasses; and some obtain merely distorted reflections similar to those of a scene reflected into the troubled waters of a lake. Others see far more clearly; but it is reserved for the trained occultist to read the records as he would read the scene before him on the physical plane. The clairvoyant does not become infallible simply by reason of the perhaps only faint awakening of his clairvoyant vision—he is not suddenly gifted with omniscience, as some seem to suppose. There are almost always elements of error or imperfect visioning, except among the advanced adepts of the occult world.
"The Memory of Nature."
A celebrated occultist says concerning the point just raised: "Comparatively few accounts of persons possessing this faculty of looking into the past are to be found in the literature of the subject, and it might therefore be supposed to be much less common than prevision, or future-time clairvoyance. I suspect, however, that the truth is rather that it is much less commonly recognized. It may easily happen that a person may see a picture of the past without recognizing it as such, unless there happens to be in it something which attracts special attention, such as a figure in armor, or in antique costume. It is probable that occasional glimpses of these reflections of the Akashic Records are commoner than the published accounts would lead us to believe. As usual, we find examples of all degrees of the power to see into this 'memory of Nature,' from the trained man who can consult the record for himself at will, down to the person who gets nothing but occasional vague glimpses, or has even perhaps had only one such glimpse. But even the man who possesses this faculty only partially and occasionally may still find it of the deepest interest.
Involuntary Clairvoyance.
"The psychometrist, who needs an object physically connected with the past in order to bring it all into life again around him; and the crystal-gazer who can sometimes direct his less certain astral telescope to some historic scene of long ago, may both derive the greatest enjoyment from the exercise of their respective gifts, even though they may not always understand exactly how their results are produced, and may not have them fully under control under all circumstances. In many cases of the lower manifestation of these powers we find that they are exercised unconsciously; many a crystal-gazer watches scenes from the past without ever realizing that he is in effect psychometrizing the various objects around him as he happens to touch them or stand near them. It would be well for all students to bear in mind that occultism is the apotheosis of common sense, and that every vision that comes to them is not necessarily a picture from the Akashic Records, nor every experience a revelation from on high. It is far better to err on the side of healthy scepticism than that of over-credulity; and it is an admirable rule never to hunt for an occult explanation of anything when a plain and obvious physical one is available. Our duty is to keep our balance always, and never to lose our self-control, but to take a reasonable, common-sense view of whatever may happen to us."
Future Time Clairvoyance.
In what is known technically as Future Time Clairvoyance, we have the manifestation of the clairvoyant vision in the direction of scenes and events of the future. In this phase of clairvoyance the seer perceives the events and scenes of future time just as if they were present before him at that very moment. This phase of clairvoyance is far rarer and more uncommon than any of the other phases. In fact, it is so seldom met with in its perfection that its manifestation is a matter of greatest interest to those who make a study of the subject. It occasionally occurs in flashes, and can not be produced at will by the ordinary clairvoyant. Unfortunately, its very rarity and uncommonness cause it to be counterfeited and imitated by unprincipled persons. |