Slugs.—A sharp watch should be kept over all slugs, and constant visits paid to the garden at daybreak for their destruction. If fresh cabbage leaves are strewed about in the evening the slugs will congregate under them, and in the morning they may be gathered up and dropped into strong brine. The ground may also be dusted with fresh lime, which is fatal to them, but in wet weather the lime soon loses its power.
Smilax.—A greenhouse climbing plant that is admired for its foliage rather than its bloom. A mixture of peat and loam or leaf-mould and sandy loam suits it. Train the shoots up string, and freely water the plant in summer; during the autumn and winter it does not need much moisture. Keep the temperature of the house up to 60 degrees throughout the winter. It is readily increased by cuttings. It flowers in July. Fine for table decoration. Height, 4 ft.
Snails.—To prevent snails crawling up walls or fruit trees daub the ground with a thick paste of soot and train oil. There is no remedy so effectual for their destruction as hand-picking.
Snake's Head Lilies.—See "Fritillarias."
Snapdragon.—See "Antirrhinum."
Sneezewort.—See "Achillea."
Snowball Tree.—See "Viburnum."
Snowberry.—See "Symphoricarpus."
Snowdrops (Galanthus).—These are most effective in clumps. They may be planted at any time from September to December, and left alone for three or four years, when they may be taken up and divided. They grow best in a light, rich soil.
Snowdrop Tree.—See "Halesia."
Snowflake.—See "Leucojum."
Snow in Summer.—See "Arabis."
Soil and its Treatment.—Loam is a mixture of clay and sand. When the former predominates it is termed heavy loam, and when the latter abounds it is called light.
Marl is a compound of chalk and clay, or chalk and loam. Though suitable for certain fruit-trees and a few other things, few flowers will grow in it.
Drainage is one of the most important considerations in the cultivation of flowers. Should the soil be clayey, and hold water, make V-shaped drains, 3 ft. below the surface, and let 2-in. pipes lead to a deep hole made at the lowest part of the garden and filled with brick rubbish, or other porous substances, through which the water may drain; otherwise the cold, damp earth will rot the roots of the plants.
Trenching is the process of digging deep, so as to loosen and expose the soil as much as possible to the action of the air. If this is done in the autumn or early winter to a new garden, it is best to dig it deep, say about 2 ft, and leave it in large clods to the pulverising action of the frost, after which it is easily raked level for spring planting. If the clods are turned over the grass will rot and help to improve the ground; new land thus treated will not require manuring the first year. Should the ground be clayey, fine ashes or coarse sand thrown over the rough clods after trenching will greatly improve it.
Digging should be done when the ground is fairly dry, and about one spade deep. Avoid treading it down as much as possible.
Hoeing must be constantly attended to, both to prevent the soil becoming exhausted of its nourishment by the rapid growth of weeds, and because when the surface becomes hard and cracked the rain runs through the deep fissures, leaving the surface soil dry and the roots of the plants unnourished.
Mulching consists in spreading a layer of stable manure, about 3 in. deep, over the roots of trees and plants in the autumn to keep them warm and moist. The manure may be forked into the soil in the spring.
Watering the plants carefully is of great consequence. Evening or early morning is the best time, and one copious application is far better than little and often. Water may be given to the roots at any time, but should not be sprinkled over the leaves in a hot sun nor in cold weather. Plants having a soft or woolly foliage should never be wetted overhead, but those with hard and shiny leaves may be freely syringed, especially when in full growth.
Solanum.—Showy greenhouse shrubs, some of which have ornamental foliage. The soil in which they are grown should be light and rich. Cuttings planted in sand under glass strike readily. The tender annual varieties may be sown on a hotbed in spring, and placed in the border at the end of May in a dry, sheltered situation, where they will flower in June. Height, 1 ft. and upwards.
Soldanellas.—These small herbaceous perennials should find a place in all Alpine collections. They grow best in sandy peat, or in leaf-mould with a liberal addition of sand, and they require a moderate amount of moisture. They may be increased by dividing the roots in April. They flower from March to May. Height, 4 in. or 5 in.
Solidago (Golden Rod).—A useful hardy perennial for the back of borders. Throughout late summer and autumn it produces masses of golden flowers. It is not over-particular as to soil, and may be increased by dividing the root in the spring. It increases very rapidly. Height, 2 ft. to 6 ft.
Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum Multiflorum).—A graceful hardy plant bearing white pendulent flowers on long curving stems. Plant freely in light, rich soil, in a shady position or under trees. The plants should not be disturbed, even by digging among the roots. Flowers in May. Height, 2 ft.
Soot-Water.—For room and window plants soot-water has this advantage over coarse animal manures, that while the latter are unhealthy and apt to taint the air, the former is purifying and has no unpleasant smell. It is easily made by tying a little soot in a coarse canvas bag and immersing it in a pail of water. It should be applied in a clear, thin state to plants in bud or in full growth during the summer months.
Sorrel.—Sow in March or April in any garden soil, thin out to 1 ft. apart. It is desirable to cut away the flower-stems and to divide the roots every two or three years. The plants may be forced for winter use.
Southernwood (Artemisia Arborea).—Any soil suits this odoriferous bush, and it is readily increased by cuttings or by division.
Sparaxis.—Closely allied to the Ixias, equally beautiful and varied in colour, but rather dwarfer and compact in growth. Invaluable for pot-culture. For outdoor cultivation plant them early in September, 5 or 6 in. deep, on a sheltered border, in rich, well-drained, loamy soil. Protect from frost and wet in the winter, but keep the roots moist while they are growing. For indoor cultivation plant four to six bulbs in a 5-in. pot, plunge in ashes in a cold frame, withholding water till the plants appear. When making full growth remove them to a sunny window or conservatory, and water them carefully. They will bloom in March or April. Height, 3 ft.
Sparmannia Africana.—An exceedingly handsome and attractive greenhouse evergreen shrub, thriving best in loam and peat. Cuttings may be struck in sand under glass. May is its flowering season. Height, 10 ft.
Spartium Junceum(Yellow Broom).—A hardy evergreen shrub which will grow in any soil, and is propagated by seeds. It flowers in August. Height, 6 ft.
Specularia Speculum.—See "Venus's Looking-Glass."
Spergula Pilfera.—May be grown in any moist situation in sandy soil. It is of little value.
Sphenogyne Speciosa.—An elegant hardy annual. Sow the seed early in spring on a gentle hotbed in loam and peat, harden off, and transplant at the end of May to a soil composed of loam and leaf-mould, if peat cannot be obtained. The bloom is produced in July. Height, 1 ft.
Spider Wort.—See "Commelina" and "Tradescantia."
Spigelia Marilandica.—From August to October this hardy perennial produces tubular crimson and yellow flowers. It finds a congenial home in damp peat, shaded from the sun, and may be propagated by cuttings in loam and peat under glass. Height, 1 ft.
Spinach.—For summer use sow the round-seeded kinds at intervals of two or three weeks from February to the end of July in rows 1 ft. apart, cover with the finest of soil, and thin out to a distance of 3 or 4 in. In dry weather give a liberal supply of manure water. Pull before it runs to seed. For winter use sow the prickly-seeded variety in August and September, and thin the plants out 9 in. apart. If the ground is hot and dry, the seed should be soaked for twenty-four hours before it is sown. New Zealand Spinach may be sown in the open during May, choosing the warmest spot for its growth; but it is best to sow it in heat in March, keeping the soil fairly moist, and, after hardening it off, to plant it out in June, 3 ft. apart Sow Perpetual Spinach or Spinach Beet in March in drills 1 ft. apart. Cut the leaves frequently, when a fresh crop will be produced.
Spiraeas.—Placed in the open ground these make splendid plants, and are not particular as to soil, though a moist, rich one is preferable. For forcing, plant the clumps in 6-in. pots, and keep them in a cool frame until they are well rooted. They may then be removed indoors and forced rapidly, supplying them with an abundance of water. Their elegant flower spikes are invaluable for bouquets and table decoration. The shrubby kinds are increased by layers or cuttings of the young wood, the herbaceous varieties by division of the roots in autumn. Spiraea Aruncus, if potted early in the autumn, is very valuable for winter decoration. Spiraeas bloom at different periods, from May to August, and vary in height, 3 or 4 ft. being the general growth.
Spruce Firs.—See "Abies."
Stachys Coccinea.—This scarlet hardy annual is fine for bees. It may be grown in any soil from seed sown in March or April. Height, 1 ft.
Stachys Lanata.—A hardy perennial which will grow in any soil, and bears division. It flowers in July. Height, 2 ft.
Staphylea Colchica(Mexican Bladder Nut).—This beautiful free-flowering shrub will grow in any garden soil, and produces bunches of fragrant, delicate white flowers in June. It forces well, and may be made to flower at Easter by potting it in rich, light soil, placing it in a cold frame till the middle of January, keeping the roots moist, then bringing it into the warm house. It may be propagated by suckers from the roots, by layers, or by cuttings taken in autumn.
Star Flower.—See "Trientalis."
Star of Bethlehem.—See "Ornithogalum."
Statice (Sea Lavender).—The greenhouse and frame varieties succeed best in sandy loam and peat, and may be increased by cuttings placed under a bell-glass or in a warm pit. The hardy herbaceous kinds are very suitable for the front of flower borders, and may be freely increased by seeds or division. The annuals, if sown in March, will produce flowers in July. Statices require a good amount of water, but thorough drainage must be ensured. If the flowers are dried they will keep their colour for a considerable time. Height, 1 ft. to 1-1/2 ft.
Stauntonia Latifolia.—A greenhouse evergreen climbing plant, which needs a peat and loam soil and plenty of room for its roots. It flowers in April, and is increased by cuttings planted in sand under glass, with a gentle heat. Height, 10 ft.
Stenactis (Fleabane).—Showy hardy perennials which make fine bedding plants. They may be grown from seed, which is produced in great quantities, and merely requires the same treatment as other perennials, or they may be propagated by dividing the plants. They bloom in July. Height, 2 ft.
Stephanotis.—This pretty evergreen twining plant is most suitable for the greenhouse, and flourishes in a mixture of loam and leaf-mould. It flowers in May, and is increased by cuttings struck in heat. Height, 10 ft.
Sternbergia Lutea.—A hardy perennial which produces bright yellow flowers in August. It likes a rich soil, and is propagated by off-sets. Height, 6 in.
Stipa Pennata (Feather Grass).—One of the most graceful of our ornamental grasses, and most attractive in the border. The seed may be sown early in March, keeping the ground moist until it has germinated, and it is also increased by division. Height, 2 ft.
Stobaea Purpurea.—A hardy border plant with long spiny foliage, and bearing from July to September large light blue flowers. It requires a light, rich soil. Young cuttings may be struck in sand. Height, 1 ft.
ANNUAL, OR TEN WEEKS' STOCKS.—Sow the seeds in February, March, April, and May for succession; those sown in May will continue to flower till Christmas. The soil should be rich, and occasionally a little manure-water may be given. Another sowing may be made in August and September. When the plants have several leaves pot off singly in vegetable loam and river sand. Height, 1 ft. to 1-1/2 ft.
BROMPTON.—Sow very thinly during the first week in May in a rich, light, sandy border, with an eastern aspect. When 2 or 3 in. high, thin out to 9 in. apart. Those taken out may be re-planted in the flower border, 9 in. from each other. In transplanting reject those plants having a long tap-root: they generally prove to be single. If the following winter be severe they must be protected with mats. Any desirable varieties may be propagated by cuttings, which root readily under glass if kept shaded. Should it be desirable to transplant them to another part of the garden, March or April will be found the best time to remove them. Shade the plants till they are established, and use liquid manure till they begin to flower.
GREENHOUSE OR SHRUBBY species grow best in a mixture of light soil and sand, and cuttings of these Stocks root readily under glass.
NIGHT-SCENTED STOCKS.—See "Mathiola Bicornis." If Emperor, Imperial, or Intermediate Stocks are sown in March or April, they will flower in the autumn; if sown in June or July they will flower during the following June, and throughout the summer and autumn.
Stokesia Cyanea.—A handsome herbaceous perennial which is quite hardy, but owing to the late period at which it flowers its blooms are liable to be cut off by frosts. It is therefore more suitable for a cool house than the open air, unless the warmest and most sheltered position be assigned to it. A rich, sandy soil is indispensable for its growth. It may be increased by dividing the roots in spring. The flowers are produced from October to December. Height, 1-1/2 ft.
Stonecrop.—See "Sedum."
Strawberries.—The soil most suitable for the growth of this fruit is a rich, deep, adhesive loam. July or early in August is the best time to make new beds, but if the ground be not then available runners from the old plants may be planted in peat on a north border and lifted with good balls of earth to their permanent bed in the spring. Set them firmly in rows 2 ft. apart and 18 in. from plant to plant. Spread out the roots and avoid deep planting. Remove from the old plants all runners not required for new beds before they take root, as they exhaust the crown. In dry seasons liquid manure is highly beneficial. Some growers give supports to the fruit by means of forked-shaped pegs, while others lay straw down to keep the fruit free from grit. Keep a sharp look-out for snails and slugs. King of the Earlies, Auguste Nicaise, Royal Sovereign, Vicomtesse Hericart de Thury, Gunton Park, President, Sir Joseph Paxton, Lord Suffield, Noble, and Samuel Bradley are excellent sorts. For Ornamental Strawberries, see "Fragaria Indica."
Strawberry Tree.—See "Arbutus."
Streptocarpus (Cape Primrose).—This plant is a greenhouse perennial, showing great variety of colours, from white to violet and crimson, and is of neat habit. A light and rather rich soil or vegetable mould suits it best. Seed sown in February in slight heat will produce plants for flowering in July; that sown in March or April will flower in August and September. Grow slowly in small pots, and in February put them in their flowering pots. Give plenty of air and shade them from the sun. It may also be increased by division, or leaf-cuttings may be taken under a bell-glass. The plants like plenty of water, but need good drainage. Height, 9 in.
Streptosolen Jamesoni.—A good compost for this greenhouse evergreen shrub is two parts sandy loam, one part leaf-mould, and a little silver sand. During growth it needs a liberal supply of water and to be kept near the glass; only a small amount of moisture should be given in winter. In March cut it into shape, and re-pot it as soon as new growth starts. During the summer syringe it frequently to keep off red spider, and during winter maintain a temperature of 55 degrees.
Stylophorum (Celandine Poppy, or Poppywort).—During May and June this hardy and handsome plant produces fine yellow flowers. It accommodates itself to any soil, but prefers a rich, light one, and can be increased by seed sown in autumn or early spring. Height, 1-1/2 ft.
Styrax.—Ornamental shrubs requiring a light soil for their cultivation. S. Japonica has Snowdrop-like flowers, and S. Obasa Lily-of-the-Valley-like scented flowers. They are best propagated by layers. Height, 4 ft. to 10 ft.
Sunflower.—See "Helianthus."
Swainsonia Galegifolia Alba.—A graceful and charming cool greenhouse plant, with Fern-like evergreen foliage and pure white flowers, which are borne from April to November. The soil most suitable for it is a mixture of loam and sandy peat. Cuttings of the young growth planted in sand under glass strike readily. Height, 2 ft.
Swallow Wort.—See "Asclepias."
Swamp Lilies.—See "Zephyranthes."
Swan River Daisy.—See "Brachycome."
Sweet Alyssum.—See "Alyssum."
Sweet Flag.—See "Acorus."
Sweet Peas.—See "Peas, Sweet."
Sweet Rocket.—See "Rocket."
Sweet Scabious.—See "Scabious."
Sweet Sultan.—Sweet-scented, Thistle-shaped hardy annual flowers, which are very useful for cutting. They may be raised in any garden soil from seed sown in March or April, and will flower in August. Height, 1-1/2 ft.
Sweet William.—Well-known hardy perennials, and deservedly favourite border plants, which may be grown in any good soil; but to have them to perfection they should be placed in light, loamy ground mixed with a little old manure and sand. They can be raised with little trouble from seed sown thinly at any time between March and midsummer where they are to bloom, and may also be increased by dividing the old plants in spring. They produce their flowers in July. Height, 1-1/2 ft.
Symphoricarpus (Snowberry).—A handsome species of St. Peter's Wort. The shrubs will grow in any ordinary soil, are hardy, and readily propagated by suckers, which are produced abundantly; or cuttings may be taken either in spring or autumn. They bloom in August. Height, 4 ft.
Symphytum Caucasicum.—Hardy perennials. They will grow in any soil or situation, even thriving under the shade of trees, and may be increased by division. June is the month in which they flower. Height, 3 ft.
Syringa (Lilac.)—There are many choice varieties of these favourite shrubs, but any of them may be grown in a tolerably good soil. They are propagated by layers or by suckers from the root. They bloom in May or June. Height varies from 4 ft. to 12 ft.
Tacsonia.—A beautiful twining shrub belonging to the Passiflora family. It should be provided with a rich soil, and, as the flowers are produced upon the lateral shoots, it requires frequent stopping. Syringe frequently in warm weather to induce a quick growth. It is a quick grower, and, when properly treated, a profuse bloomer, the flowers being produced in July, August, and September. Cuttings of young shoots placed under glass in a sandy soil will strike. Height, 20 ft.
Tagetes (French and African Marigolds).—Half-hardy annuals, very elegant when in flower, and deserve a place in the garden. The seed should be sown on a hotbed in March or April, the plants gradually hardened off, and placed in the open at the end of May in a rich, light soil, when they will flower in August. Height, 1 ft. to 2-1/2 ft.
Tamarix.—Neat feathery plants, very suitable for banks and thriving at the seaside, as is evidenced by its luxuriant growth along the parades at Eastbourne. The hardy kinds will grow in any soil, and may be propagated by cuttings planted in the open either in spring or autumn. The greenhouse and stove varieties require a soil of loam and peat. Cuttings of these should be placed in sand under glass. They flower in June and July. Height, 8 ft. to 10 ft.
Tansy.—A feathery-foliaged hardy perennial, useful for mixing with cut blooms. No special treatment is required. Height, 11 ft.
Taxus.—See "Yew."
Tecoma.—Ornamental evergreen shrubs of a twining nature, needing a greenhouse for their cultivation. They require a rich, loamy soil mixed with a little sand, or loam and peat, and rejoice in shade and moisture. T. Radicans will grow in the open against a wall, but a warm situation is needed to make it flower. They may be propagated by cuttings of the roots placed in sand under a hand-glass, and by layers. Their flowers are produced in July and August. Height, 6 ft. to 30 ft.
Telekia.—See "Buphthalmum."
Tellima Grandiflora.—A hardy and very ornamental perennial with round bronzy foliage and spikes of white flowers at midsummer. It succeeds best in peat, but will grow in any rich, light soil. To increase it, divide the roots. Height, 1 ft.
Tetratheca.—Pretty greenhouse evergreen shrubs which produce pink flowers in July. They flourish in a soil consisting of equal proportions of loam, peat, and sand. Cuttings of the young wood planted under glass in a sandy soil will strike. Height, 1 ft.
Teucrium Scorodonia.—This hardy herbaceous plant will grow in any ordinary garden soil. It flowers in July, and is easily raised from seed or increased by division. Height, 1-1/2 ft.
Thalictrum.—Hardy Fern-like perennials, suitable for the backs of borders. They grow well in any light soil from seed sown in spring or autumn, and may also be increased by division.
Thermopsis Montana(Fabacea).—This hardy perennial produces spikes of yellow Lupin-like flowers from June to September. The soil should be light and rich. As the plants suffer by division, it is best to raise them by seed, which may be sown either in autumn or spring. Height, 2 ft.
Thladianthe Dubia.—A fine climbing plant with handsome foliage and an abundance of fine yellow flowers. Quite hardy. Sow on a hotbed early in spring, and when sufficiently large and strong, pot off, place in a cold frame to harden, and plant out at the end of May in rich soil.
Thrift.—See "Armeria."
Thumbergia.—These slender, rapid-growing climbers are extremely pretty when in bloom during June, but they are only half-hardy; they therefore need greenhouse care, or to be planted in a warm situation. They flourish best in a mixture of sandy loam and leaf-mould, and may be grown from seed sown in heat (65 to 75 degrees) early in spring. Cuttings strike readily. Height, 4 ft.
Thuya (Arbor Vitae).—Very decorative conifers, mostly of conical shape, and indispensable to the shrubbery. They thrive in any soil, but prefer a moist situation. For sheltered positions, where a small dome-shaped bush is required, the Chinese Arbor Vitae (Biota Orientalis) is most desirable; it delights in a heavy soil. The Biota Elegantissima is one of the most unique hardy shrubs cultivated, and presents a bright golden appearance. Another effective yellow variety is the Semperaurescens, which retains its colour throughout the winter, and makes a fine pot-plant. One of the most beautiful of all evergreens is the Thuyopsis Dolabrata; its flat, spray-like leaves are bright green above and silvery below. The China varieties are somewhat tender, and require protection from frost. They may all be propagated from seed or by cuttings.
Thymus.—Effective little perennials for rock-work, growing best in a light, dry, sandy soil. The hardy kinds like an exposed position; rarer kinds should be grown in pots, as they need protection in winter. They are easily increased by seed sown in spring, by cuttings or division. Height, 3 in. to 6 in.
Tiarella.—These hardy herbaceous plants are very suitable for rock-work or the front of a border. They are not particular as to soil; they flower in April, and may be propagated by seed or division. Height, 9 in. to 1 ft.
Tiarella Cordifolia (Foam Flower).—A hardy herbaceous perennial, having fine foliage. It will grow in any good soil, but likes shade and moisture. It may be increased by dividing the roots at the end of the summer. The blooms are produced during May and June. Height, 1 ft.
Tigridia (Ferraria; Mexican Tiger Flower, popularly called the Tiger Iris).—A gorgeous flower of exceptional beauty. Plant the bulbs in the sunniest spot out of doors during March, April, or May, in a sandy loam enriched with a liberal amount of leaf-mould, placing them 3 in. deep and 6 in. apart, and putting a little silver sand round each bulb before covering it with the soil. Shelter from cutting winds. The blossoms appear in July or August. Each bloom lasts only one day, but is succeeded on the next by fresh ones, so that a continuance of bloom is maintained. Protect them in winter with a covering of dead leaves, or, better still, take them up when they have done flowering, and keep them dry and free from frost. For pot-culture plant the bulbs in sandy loam and peat, plunge them in a cold frame, and withhold water until the foliage appears. They may be increased by off-sets or seeds. Height, 1 ft.
Tobacco Plants.—See "Nicotiana."
Tobacco-Water.—Boil 2 oz. of shag, or other strong tobacco, in a pint of water. Apply with a soft brush. This is a deadly poison to insects.
Tomatoes (Love Apples).—Those intended to be grown in the open should be raised from seed sown the first week in March in pots of very rich, light mould. Place them in a cucumber-house or other gentle heat, and when the second leaf appears, pot them off singly, keeping them near the glass and well watered. Towards the end of May remove them to a cold frame to harden off, and plant out as soon as fear of frost is over, in deeply-dug and moderately manured ground, against a south wall fully exposed to the sun. Train to a single stem and remove all lateral growths. When the plants are 3 or 4 ft. high pinch off the tops to prevent further growth and throw strength into the fruit. Watering should cease as soon as the blossom-buds appear, except in periods of very severe drought. When grown under glass Tomatoes need to be trained in much the same way as Grape Vines. Constant attention must be given to removing all useless shoots and exposing the fruit to air and light. An average temperature of 60 degrees should be maintained, with a rather dry and buoyant atmosphere.
Toothwort.—See "Dentaria."
Torch Lily.—See "Tritoma."
Torenia.—These stove and greenhouse plants require a rich soil. They may be increased by seed or division. They flower during June and July. Height, 6 in. to 9 in.
Tournefort.—See "Crambe Cordifolia."
Tradescantia Virginica (Spider Wort).—A hardy herbaceous plant. In a light, rich soil it will flower in July. Height, 1 ft. There are other varieties of Tradescantia; they all make good border plants, thrive in any situation, and are continuous bloomers.
Transplanting.—Plants may be transplanted as soon as they are large enough to handle. They must be lifted carefully with a small trowel, or if they are very small, such as Golden Feather, with a still smaller blunt article, disturbing the roots as little as possible. It should be done when the ground is wet, and preferably in the evening. In dry weather they should be well watered twelve hours before they are disturbed. Shade them from sun for one or two days. Cabbages, Lettuces, Cauliflowers, Broccoli, Kale, and other members of the Brassica family must be transplanted, or they will be a failure. Root crops such as Carrots, Parsnips, Turnips, etc., must not be transplanted, but thinned out. Celery may be transplanted in June or July.
Traveller's Joy (Clematis Viorna).—This hardy climbing plant grows best in a light soil, flowers in August, and is increased by layers of the young shoots in summer. Height, 12 ft.
Trees, Plants that Flourish under.—Ivy, St. John's Wort (Hypericum Calycinum), early-flowering White Aconite.
Tricyrtis.—These greenhouse herbaceous plants bloom in May. A rich, light soil suits them. Height, 6 in.
Trientalis Europaea (Star Flower).—To grow this native perennial to advantage, it should be planted in leaf-mould with which a large proportion of sand has been mixed. Confine the roots to a narrow compass by means of slates placed just beneath the surface of the soil. Let the ground be kept moist, but well drained. The bloom is produced during May and June, and it is propagated by runners. Height, 6 in. to 8 in.
Trifolium Repens Pentaphyllum.—A showy, hardy, deciduous perennial. It thrives in ordinary soil, puts forth its white flowers in June, and is propagated by seed or division. Height, 6 in.
Trillium Erectum (Wood Lily).—This tuberous perennial is quite hardy, and flourishes in partial shade. The soil must be light and rich, yet moist. The plant does not increase very fast, but the roots of good-sized plants may be divided. It flowers in May and June. Height, 6 in.
Tritelia.—A charming spring-flowering plant, bearing pretty white star-like flowers on slender stalks. It is used largely for edgings. It looks well in clumps on the front of borders. Plant in autumn, and divide the bulbs every two or three years. Height, 6 in.
Tritoma (Red-hot Poker, or Torch Lily).—Requires a rich, sandy soil, and to be protected in a frame from wet and frost in the winter. Increase by division or by suckers from the root. The flower spikes grow 18 to 27 in. long. The crown of the plant should not be more than 11/2 in. in the soil, which should be dug deeply and mixed with rotted manure. In winter, if it is left in the ground, surround the plant with 2 in. of sawdust, well trodden. Remove this in May, and water liberally with liquid manure till it blooms. The best time to plant is March or October. By many it is considered advisable not to disturb the plant too often.
Tritonias.—These somewhat resemble miniature Gladioli, and are among the most useful bulbs for pot-culture. Plant from September to December, placing five or six bulbs in a 5-in. pot, and using a compost of loam, leaf-mould, and silver sand. Plunge the pots in ashes in a cold pit or frame, and keep them dry until the plants appear. When in full growth they may be removed to the conservatory, placing them near the glass, and giving careful attention to watering. For outdoor cultivation choose a sunny, sheltered position, with a light, rich, sandy soil. Give protection in frosty weather by covering with dry litter.
Trollius Altaiense (Globe Flower).—A pretty, hardy herbaceous plant, with very handsome foliage. It likes a light but moist soil, may be increased by seed or by dividing the root, and flowers in May. Height, 9 in. to 2 ft.
Trollius Asiaticus.—A very pretty herbaceous plant, suitable for the border. It may be raised from seed sown in the autumn, and grown on in light, moist soil. The plant is hardy and flowers in May. Height, 1 ft.
JARRATTI (scarlet, orange, and black) are remarkable for a slender and graceful growth. Well adapted for covering wire globes, trellises, etc.
LOBBIANUM (various colours).—Elegant dwarf climbers, suitable either for the conservatory or for outdoor culture. They may also be used for bedding if planted thinly and kept pegged down; or may be grown in window-boxes. Height, 6 ft.
PENTAPHYLLUM (red) is slender and graceful, and an elegant climber.
POLYPHYLLUM (yellow) succeeds best against a south wall. It is hardy, has rich abundant glaucous foliage, and is a particularly fine climber.
SPECIOSUM (scarlet).—Of wild, graceful, luxuriant and slender growth. Fine for covering walls and fences, festooning arches, etc. Plant at the beginning of October in an eastern aspect or at the base of a north wall, the soil and atmosphere being moderately moist. Bury the roots 4 in. deep.
TUBEROSUM (yellow and red) is quite hardy, and may be planted in any situation.
Generally a light, rich soil is most suitable. The greenhouse varieties may be increased by cuttings placed in sandy soil under glass. The tuberous-rooted kinds should be taken up in winter and kept in sand till spring, when they may be planted in a sheltered part of the garden. The annuals merely require to be sown in the open in spring. They flower in July, August, and September. Height, 1 ft. to 10 ft. (See also "Canary Creeper.")
Trumpet Flower.—See "Bignonia."
Tuberose.—Plant the bulbs in January in a mixture of sandy loam and rotten dung, or leaf-mould, using a small pot for each bulb. Plunge them in a hotbed, taking care that the temperature does not fall below 60 degrees, and withhold water until the foliage appears, when a moderate amount should be given. When the pots are full of roots, shift the plants into larger ones, and grow on in a house with a uniform high temperature and moist atmosphere. For a succession of bloom place the roots in a cold frame and cover with cocoanut fibre until growth begins, then remove the fibre, water moderately, and transfer the most forward plants to the conservatory. Bloom may be had all the year round by planting in succession from September to June.
Tulips.—Drainage may be considered as the chief means of success in the cultivation of these showy spring flowers. The soil they like best is well-rotted turf cut from pasture land and mixed with a moderate amount of sand, but they will thrive in any ground that is well drained. The bulbs should be planted during October and November about 3 in. deep and 5 in. apart, either in lines or groups, and they retain their bloom longest in a shady situation. As soon as the leaves begin to decay the bulbs may be taken up, dried, and stored away, keeping the colours separate. For pot-culture the single varieties are best. Put three bulbs in a 5-in. pot and six in a 6-in. one, and treat in the same manner as the Hyacinth. They may, if desired, be forced as soon as the shoots appear. When required to fill vases, etc., it is a good plan to grow them in shallow boxes, and transfer them when in flower to the vases or baskets. By this method exactitude of height and colouring is ensured. Tulips are divided into three classes: (1) Roses, which have a white ground, with crimson, pink, or scarlet marks; (2) Byblomens, having also a white ground, but with lilac, purple, or black marks; and (3) Bizarres, with a yellow ground having marks of any colour.
Tunica.—Same treatment as "Dianthus."
Turkey's Beard.—See "Xerophyllum."
Turnips.—To obtain mild and delicately-flavoured Turnips a somewhat light, sandy, but deep, rich soil is necessary. For a first crop sow the Early White Dutch variety in February or the beginning of March on a warm border. For succession sow Early Snowball at intervals of three weeks until the middle of July. For winter use sow Golden Ball, or other yellow-fleshed kinds, early in August. Thin each sowing out so that the bulbs stand 9 in. apart. To ensure sound, crisp, fleshy roots they require to be grown quickly, therefore moist soil and liberal manuring is necessary, and the ground kept free from weeds. If fly becomes troublesome, dust the plants with quicklime early in the day, while the dew is on them, and repeat the operation as often as is necessary.
Tussilago Fragrans (Winter Heliotrope).—A very fragrant hardy perennial, flowering in January and February. It will grow in any good garden soil and bears division. Height, 1 ft.
Twin Flower.—See "Bravoa."
Ulex Europaeus Flore Pleno (Double Furze).—This elegant, hardy, evergreen shrub likes a rich, sandy soil, and may be increased by cuttings planted in a shady border and covered with a hand-glass. Height, 5 ft.
Umbilicus Chrysanthus.—This little Alpine plant should occupy a warm, sheltered, and dry situation, and be protected with an overhead screen in wet seasons. The soil it most enjoys is a mixture of peat and coarse sand. Its procumbent stalks emit roots. This new growth may be transplanted in the spring or early summer months. Height, 6 in.
Uvularia.—Beautiful hardy perennials, producing drooping flowers from May to July. They succeed best in a light, sandy soil, and may be increased by dividing the roots. Height, 1 ft.
Vaccineum Myrtillus and V. Uliginosum.—Attractive deciduous shrubs. They require to be grown in peat or very sandy loam. In April or May they produce flowers. They can be increased by dividing the creeping roots. Height, 1-1/2 ft.
Vaccineum Vitis-Idaea (Red Whortleberry).—A neat native shrub which, with its flowers and clusters of bright red berries, is very attractive in autumn. A rich, light, sandy soil, moist but well drained, is necessary, and the position should be sunny so as to ripen the berries. It may be increased at any time by division. It flowers from May to October. Height, 9 in.
Valeriana.—An ornamental hardy perennial. It will succeed in any garden soil, and merely requires the same treatment as ordinary perennials. It is readily increased by dividing the roots, and produces its flowers in July. Height, 1 ft.
Vegetable Marrow.—Sow in pots during March or April, and place in a cucumber frame or on a hotbed, and cover with a hand-glass. Harden off, and plant out about the third week in May in ground previously prepared with a heavy dressing of good stable or farmyard manure, protecting the plants at night for the first week or so with a handglass or large flower-pot. Do not allow the roots to feel the want of water, and keep a sharp look-out for slugs. Seed may also be sown in May in the open. The best way of proceeding in this case is to dig a pit 2 ft. deep and the same in width, fill it with fermenting manure, and put 1 ft. of light mould on top. Let it remain for a week so that the soil may get warm, then sow the seed, and cover it with a hand-glass. Train the shoots so that they may have plenty of room, and pinch off the tops when the plant has attained its desired length.
Venidium.—Hardy annuals, which are best raised from seed sown early in March on a slight hotbed, and grown in turfy loam, or loam and peat. They bloom in May. Height, 1 ft.
Venus's Car.—See "Dielytra."
Venus's Looking-Glass (Specularia Speculum).—A pretty hardy annual, bearing a profusion of Campanula-like flowers in July. Suitable for beds, pots, hanging baskets, or rock-work. It flourishes most in a compost of sandy loam and peat. The seeds are best sown in autumn and wintered in a greenhouse, but they may be raised on a hotbed early in spring. Cuttings of the young wood planted under glass root freely. Height, 9 in.
Venus's Navel Wort.—A charming hardy annual for rock-work. The seed should be sown early in spring in good garden mould. Height, 6 in.
Veratum.—Handsome foliage plants. They are quite hardy, and delight in a rich soil. July is the month in which they flower. They may be raised from seed, or propagated by division. Height, 5 ft.
Verbascum.—A hardy annual, which produces a profusion of showy flowers in July, and is very suitable for the backs of borders. It will thrive in any soil, and is easily raised from seed sown early in spring. Height, 3 ft.
Verbena.—This charming half-hardy perennial succeeds best in light, loamy soil. It seeds freely, and roots rapidly by being pegged down. It is usual to take the cuttings in February, as spring-struck plants prove best both for growth and flowering. Place a score of cuttings in a 48-sized pot containing 1/3 of drainage material, covered with 1 in. of rough leaf-mould, then filled to within 1-1/2 in. of the rim with equal parts of loam, leaf-mould, or peat and sand, with 1/3 in. of sand on the top. Make the soil firm at the base of the cuttings, and water level. It is, however, more easily obtained from seed raised on a gentle hotbed, and the plants thus raised are more robust and floriferous. It flowers in July. Height, 1 ft.
Verbena, Lemon-scented.—See "Aloysia."
Veronica.—This graceful evergreen, commonly called Speedwell, bears handsome spikes of autumn flowers, and makes a good conservatory or sitting-room plant. It stands the winter out of doors in a sheltered position with a dry sub-soil. The annual varieties may be sown in autumn for spring flowering. Any light, rich, moist soil suits them. The hardy perennial kinds are increased by dividing the roots, and the greenhouse varieties by seeds or cuttings. The different species flower from July to October. Height, 1 ft. to 10 ft.
Vesicaria Graeca.—A small hardy evergreen shrub, suitable for rock-work or edgings. It likes a light, dry soil and an open situation. It may be propagated by seeds, which are freely produced; but the readiest way to increase it is by cuttings of the side-shoots, taken as early as possible so as to become well rooted before cold weather sets in. It flowers from April to June. Height, 6 in. to 8 in.
Viburnum Opulus(Guelder Rose, or Snowball Tree).—A very elegant and hardy deciduous shrub, which will grow in any soil, and may be increased by layers, or by cuttings planted in the shade under glass. It blooms in June. Height, 12 ft.
Viburnum Tinus (Laurestinus).—This well-known and much-admired evergreen shrub produces masses of white flowers through the winter months, at which season it is especially ornamental. It is generally propagated by layers, but where a number of the plants are required they may be obtained from autumn cuttings planted in the shade and covered with a hand-glass. Height, 5 ft.
Vicia Pyrenaica.—A hardy and good perennial for rock-work, having compact tufts of green growth and producing deep crimson flowers in May and June. It will grow in any soil, and is of easy culture. It is increased by seed, also by division of the roots. Height, 1 ft.
Vinca (Periwinkle).—Many of these are variegated and very showy as rock-work plants, and will grow in any moist soil, enjoying a shady situation. They may be raised from seed sown early in spring in a warm situation, or may be increased by runners, which strike root at the joints like the Strawberry. They may be planted under the shade of trees. Many choice greenhouse evergreens bearing fine circular flowers and shining foliage are also included under the name of Vinca. Height, 2 ft.
Vines.—See "Grapes."
Violas.—The hardy perennials are suitable for the front of flower borders or rock-work, but the smaller species succeed best when grown in pots in a mixture of loam, peat, and sand. The herbaceous kinds are increased by seed or division of the roots, the shrubby varieties by cuttings planted under glass, and the annuals by seed sown in the open in spring. Height, 3 in. to 6 in.
Violets.—Plant the runners or off-sets in May in loam and leaf-mould, choosing a damp, shady situation. Russian and Neapolitan Violets may be made to flower throughout the winter and early spring by placing them in a stove or warm pit. Dog-toothed Violets will grow in any light soil. Autumn is the best time to plant them, and 1 in. of silver sand round the roots prevents decay; they are hardy and early, but will not bloom unless planted 9 in. deep. White Violets like a chalky soil. One of the best manures for Violets is the ash from bonfires. They may be multiplied to any extent by pegging down the side-shoots in April. The common Violet flowers in March and April. Height, 6 in.
Virgilia.—For the most part greenhouse shrubs, requiring to be grown in a compost of loam, peat, and sand. Young cuttings planted in sandy loam and covered with glass will strike. The hardy kinds, such as V. Lutea, grow in any light soil, and are increased by laying down shoots in autumn or spring. July is the month in which they flower. Height, from 2 ft. to 12 ft.
Virginian Creeper (Ampelopsis Hederacea).—May be propagated by layers or cuttings, and will grow in any common garden soil. The plant is also known as the Five-leaved Ivy, is a rapid grower, and a favourite for covering unsightly walls.
Virginian Stock.—This pretty little hardy annual is readily raised from seed sown on a border in autumn or spring. It is not particular as to soil. Height, 9 in.
Virgin's Bower.—See "Clematis."
Viscaria Coeli Rosa (the Rose of Heaven).—Sow in April, or on a warm, dry, sheltered spot in September. Other varieties of Viscaria are graceful and effective in beds, masses, or lines, and only require the usual care bestowed upon hardy annuals. The flowers are produced in June and July. Height, 1 ft.
Vitis Heterophylla.—These vines are hardy, and will grow in any rich soil. They are propagated by cuttings, and also by layers. V. Purpureus has purple leaves, which are very effective. V. Coignettae, or the Chinese Vine, has very noble foliage.
Wahlenbergia.—The hardy perennial kinds thrive best in pots, the soil in which should be kept moist. The annuals, which are raised on a hotbed in March, may be planted out in May in a warm situation.
Waitzia.—Very beautiful half-hardy annuals, but more suitable for the greenhouse than the open flower-bed. They require a sandy peat and leaf-mould, and the pots to be well drained, as too much water is as destructive to them as too little. They may be had in flower from May to August by making two sowings, one in September and the other in February, and keeping them in the greenhouse. When large enough to handle, pot off into 3-in. pots, putting two plants in each pot close to the sides, and shift them into larger ones when they have made sufficient growth. Place them in a dry and airy situation and near the glass. They are unable to stand the least frost, therefore, if they are planted out, it should not be done before the beginning of June. Height, 11/2 ft.
Waldsteina Fragarioides.—A hardy and pretty trailing rock plant, with deep green foliage. From March to May it bears yellow Strawberry-like flowers. Any soil suits it, and it may be increased by seed or division. Height, 6 in.
Wall-flower (Cheiranthus).—These favourite hardy perennials prefer a rich, light, sandy soil, and a dry situation. The seed may be sown where it is intended for them to bloom either in autumn or spring. Thin out to 2 ft. apart. They may also be increased by shoots torn from the stems of old plants. As well as flowering early in spring, they often bloom in the autumn. Height, 1-1/2 ft.
Walnuts.—The Nuts for raising young trees may be planted at any time between October and the end of February, 3 in. deep and 1-1/2 ft. apart. Train to a single stem 8 to 10 ft. high, removing all the side branches as soon as they make an appearance. The following year they may be planted in their permanent position, which should be high, yet sheltered from frost. Two of the best tall-growing varieties are Thin-shelled and Noyer a Bijou. The Dwarf Prolific makes a good bush tree.
Wand Plant.—See "Galax."
Wasps.—To destroy Wasps rinse a large bottle with spirits of turpentine, and thrust the neck into the principal entrance to their nest, stopping up all the other holes to prevent their escape. In a few days the nest may be dug up. The fumes of the spirit first stupefies and eventually destroys the insects.
Water-cress.—Sow in prepared places, during spring, in sluggish brooks and moist situations; or it may be grown on a shady border if kept moist by frequent waterings. It may also be grown in a frame in September from cuttings placed 6 in. apart, sprinkling them daily, but keeping the frame closed for two or three weeks, then watering once a week. Give all the air possible in fine weather, but cover the frame with mats during frosts. It is best when grown quickly.
Watsonia.—Plant the bulbs during January in sandy loam with a little peat. They flower in April. Height, 1-1/2 ft.
Weeds in Paths.—These may be destroyed by strong brine, applied when hot. Or mix 1/2 lb. of oil of vitriol with 6 gallons of water, and apply, taking care not to get the vitriol on the hands or clothes.
Weigelia.—Free-flowering, hardy, deciduous shrubs, the flowers being produced in profusion along the shoots in April, and varying in colour from white to deep crimson. The plants will grow in any soil, and require no special culture. All the varieties force well, and may be increased by cuttings. Height, 6 ft.
White Scale.—See "Scale."
Whitlavia.—A hardy annual, needing no special treatment. It may be sown in autumn, and protected during winter in a frame, or it may be raised in spring in the open ground, where it will bloom in June. Height, 2 ft.
Whortleberry.—See "Vaccineum."
Wigandia Caraccasana.—A stove deciduous shrub which thrives best in a mixture of loam and peat. Cuttings in sand will strike if placed under glass and in heat. It flowers in April. Height, 10 ft.
Windflowers.—See "Anemones."
Winter Aconite (Eranthis Hyemalis).—This is one of the very first of flowers to bloom, being in advance of the Snowdrop. In the bleakest days of winter this little flower covers the ground with its gilt spangles. Plant in early autumn. Any soil or situation suits it, but it does best in a light mould and a moist, shady position, or under trees. Most effective when planted in masses. The tubers may remain permanently in the ground, or they may be lifted and divided in summer, as soon as the foliage dies down. Flowers are produced from December to February.
Winter Cherry.—See "Physalis."
Winter Heliotrope.—See "Tussilago."
Wire-worms.—Before using mould for potting purposes it is advisable to examine it carefully and pick out any Wire-worms that are in it. For the border the best traps are small potatoes with a hole cut in them, buried at intervals just beneath the surface of the soil.
Wistaria.—This noble wall plant may be abundantly produced, as a long layer will root at every joint. It will also grow from cuttings of the plant and root. Though of slow growth at first, when well established it is very free-growing and perfectly hardy. It may also be grown as a small tree for the lawn or centres of large beds by keeping the long twining shoots pinched in.
Witch Hazel.—See "Hamamelis."
Withania Origanifolia (Pampas Lily-of-the-Valley).—A hardy climbing plant, attaining a height of 20 or 30 ft. in a very short period. The foliage is small, but very dense and of a dark green, the flowers being white. It may be raised from seed, and when once established the roots may remain undisturbed for any length of time, merely removing the stems as soon as they are destroyed by frost.
Wolf's Bane.—See "Aconite."
Wood, to Preserve.—In order to prevent wooden posts, piles, etc., from rotting, dip the parts to be sunk in the earth in the following composition:—Fine, hard sand, three hundred parts; powdered chalk, forty parts; resin, fifty parts; linseed oil, four parts. Heat these together in a boiler, then add red lead, one part; sulphuric acid, one part. Mix well together, and use while hot. If too thick, more linseed oil may be added. This composition when dry attains the consistency of varnish, and becomes extremely hard.
Wood Lily.—See "Trillium."
Woodruff.—See "Asperula."
Worms, to Destroy.—To each 5 lbs. of newly-slaked lime add 15 gallons of water. Stir it well, let it settle, draw off the clear portion, and with it water the surface of the lawn, etc. The Worms will come to the top and may be swept up. Worms in pots may be brought to the top by sprinkling a little dry mustard on the surface of the soil, and then giving the plant a good watering.
Wulfenia Carinthiaca.—A pretty and hardy perennial from the Corinthian Alps, suitable alike for rock-work or the border, throwing up spikes of blue flowers from May to July. During winter place it in a frame, as it is liable to rot in the open. It needs a light, rich, sandy soil and plenty of moisture when in growth. Cuttings will strike in sand; it may also be propagated by seeds or division. Height, 1 ft.
Xeranthemum.—These charming everlasting annuals retain, in a dried state, their form and colour for several years. They are of the easiest culture, merely requiring to be sown in spring in light, rich soil to produce flowers in July. Height, 2 ft.
Xerophyllum Asphodeloides (Turkey's Beard).—A showy hardy perennial with tufts of graceful, curving, slender foliage. From May to July, when it bears spikes of white flowers, it is very handsome. It does best in a peat border, and may be increased by well-ripened seed or by division. Height, 1-1/2 ft.
Xerotes.—Herbaceous plants, which thrive well in any light, rich soil, and are readily increased by dividing the roots. They flower in June. Height, 2 ft.
Yew (Taxus).—For landscape gardening the old gold-striped (Baccata Aurea Variegata) is most effective. The Japanese variety, T. Adpressa, is a pleasing evergreen having dark green leaves and large scarlet berries; it is very suitable for the front of large borders. The Common Yew (Baccata) grows dense and bushy, and is excellent for hedges. The dark green leaves of the Irish Yew (Baccata Fastigiata) make a fine contrast with lighter foliage. Dovastonii is a fine Weeping Yew with long dark green leaves and extra large red berries. There are many other good sorts. The Yew likes shade and moisture, but it is not very particular as to soil, loams and clays suiting it admirably.
Yucca.—This plant, popularly known as Adam's Needle thrives best in dry, sandy loam. It is quite hardy, and does well on rock-work, to which it imparts a tropical aspect, Yucca Recurva has fine drooping leaves, and is suitable for vases, etc. It bears a white flower. Yuccas are mostly evergreen shrubs, are very beautiful, and have the habit of palm-trees. A light, rich soil suits them all. They are increased by suckers from the root. They make handsome plants for lawns, terraces, ornamental vases, the centre of beds, or sub-tropical gardens, and bloom in September. Height, 2 ft.
Zauschneria.—A Californian half-hardy perennial plant which bears a profusion of scarlet tube-shaped flowers from June to October. It grows freely in a sunny position in any dry, light, gravelly, rich soil, and is increased by division of roots or by cuttings. Height, 1 ft.
Zea (Indian Corn).—This is best raised in a hotbed early in spring, but it will germinate in ordinary soil in May. It requires a sunny situation. Height, 2 ft. to 3 ft.
Zea Japonica Variegata (Striped Japanese Maize).—A fine half-hardy annual ornamental grass, the foliage being striped green and white, and growing to the height of 3 ft. The cultivation is the same as the foregoing.
Zephyranthes (Swamp Lilies).—Plant on a warm border in a rather sandy, well-drained soil. Give protection in severe weather, and supply with water during the growing season. Take up and divide every second or third year. The flowers are produced in July. Height, 9 in.
Zinnia.—A genus of very pretty annuals, well deserving of cultivation. The seeds must be raised on a gentle hotbed in spring, and planted out in June 1 ft. apart in the richest of loamy soil and warmest and most sheltered position. Height 1 ft. to 11/2 ft.