"Proverbs" is a game that will always remain popular. One of the players is sent out of the room, and during his absence the others decide upon a well-known proverb which he must, by asking questions, guess on his return. The answers to the questions must each contain one word of the proverb. For instance, suppose the players fix on the proverb "It's never too late to mend," the question asked, and answers given, will perhaps be similar to the following;—
Questioner (to first player).—"Is the proverb one that you would guess easily?"
Answer.—"As I'm not in your place it's impossible for me to say."
Questioner (to second player).—"Am I mistaken, or did I see you at the theatre last night?"
Answer.—"I never go to theatres, so you must have made a mistake."
Questioner (to second player).—"Do you consider this game amusing, or the reverse?"
Answer.—"At the present moment it's really too amusing for me to keep my countenance."
Questioner (to fourth player).—"How was it I didn't see you at dinner, Mr. Francis?"
Answer.—"I was detained at the office, so arrived late."
Questioner (to fifth player).—"Were you skating this afternoon, Miss Philips?"
Answer.—"No, I meant to have gone, but felt too tired after last night's festivities."
Questioner (to sixth player).—"You're looking terribly bored, Miss Jones, would you rather take my place?"
Answer.—"I would willingly; but my doing so wouldn't mend matters."
If the interrogator cannot discover the proverb after the first round of questions and answers, he must go round again, and again. The player whose answer reveals to him the proverb, must go outside in his place.
The following proverbs are all excellent for this game:—
"A new broom sweeps clean."
"A stitch in time saves nine."
"Make hay while the sun shines."
"Waste not, want not."
"Never put off till to-morrow what you can do to-day."
"Fine feathers make fine birds."
"Marry in haste, repent in leisure."
"The empty vessel makes the greatest sound."
"Make the best of a bad bargain."
"Out of sight, out of mind."
"Safe bind, safe find."
"Half a loaf is better than no bread."
"A rolling stone gathers no moss."
"One good turn deserves another."
"Look before you leap."
"Faint heart never won fair lady."
"A friend in need, is a friend indeed."
"A bad workman quarrels with his tools."
"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
"A cat may look at a king."
"Aching teeth are ill tenants."
"A creaking door hangs long on the hinges."
"A drowning man will catch at a straw."
"After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile."
Each player is furnished with a pencil and two slips of paper. On the first slip a question must be written. The papers are then collected and put into a bag or basket.
Then the players write an answer on their second slip. These are put into a different bag, and the two bags are then well shaken and handed round to the company.
Everyone draws a question and an answer, and must then read the two out to the company.
The result is sometimes very comical; for instance:—
Question: "Do you like roses?"
Answer: "Yes, with mustard."
Question: "Where are you going to this summer?"
Answer: "I am very much afraid of them."
Question: "Do you like beef?"
Answer: "Yes, without thorns."
Question: "Do you like spiders?"
Answer: "To Switzerland."
One player is blindfolded, the rest dance in a circle around him till he points at one of them. This person then enters the ring, and when the blind man calls out, "Ruth," answers, "Jacob," and moves about within the circle so as to avoid being caught by the blind man and continues to answer, "Jacob," as often as the blind man calls out, "Ruth." This continues until "Ruth" is caught. "Jacob" must then guess who it is he has caught; if he guesses correctly, "Ruth" takes his place, and the game goes on; if he guesses wrongly, he continues to be "Jacob."
A number of slips of paper are passed among the players and each one is asked to write upon one of the papers, two words which will rhyme. These papers are collected and in turn read aloud, the players then writing short stanzas employing the rhyming words. It is amusing to note in what very different ways the same set of words is treated by the various players. The usual forfeits may be claimed if the players fail to write the rhyme in a given time.
Each player is asked to draw a haphazard line on a piece of paper. The line may be anything he wishes and does not need to suggest or resemble any object. The papers are collected and again distributed. Any player getting his own drawing may exchange with any one he wishes. Each player must draw the picture of some object, using in its composition, the original haphazard line.
The players sit in a row and the first begins by saying, "I am going on a journey to Athens," or any place beginning with A. The one sitting next asks, "What will you do there?" The verbs, adjectives, and nouns used in the reply must all begin with A; as "Amuse Ailing Authors with Anecdotes." If the player answers correctly, it is the next player's turn; he says perhaps: "I am going to Bradford." "What to do there?" "To Bring Back Bread and Butter." A third says: "I am going to Constantinople." "What to do there?" "To Carry Contented Cats." Any one who makes a mistake must pay a forfeit.
This is a very good game, which always causes considerable amusement, and if skilfully carried out will very successfully mystify the whole company.
It is necessary that the player who is to take the part of thought-reading should have a confederate, and the game is then played as follows.
The thought-reader, having arranged that the confederate should write a certain word, commences by asking four members of the company to write each a word upon a piece of paper, fold it up in such a manner that it cannot be seen, and then to pass it on to him. The confederate, of course, volunteers to make one of the four and writes the word previously agreed upon, which is, we will suppose, "Hastings."
The thought-reader places the slips of paper between his fingers, taking care to put the paper of his confederate between the third and little finger; he then takes the folded paper from between his thumb and first finger and rubs it, folded as it is, over his forehead, at each rub mentioning a letter, as H. rub, A. rub, S.T.I.N.G.S., after which he calls out that some lady or gentleman has written "Hastings." "I did," replies the confederate.
The thought-reader then opens the paper, looks at it, and slips it into his pocket; he has, however, looked at one of the other papers.
Consequently he is now in a position to spell another word, which he proceeds to do in the same manner, and thus the game goes on until all the papers have been read.
The players sit or stand around the room in a circle. The leader assigns to each some imaginary musical instrument—horn, fife, drum, trombone, violin, harp, flute, banjo, etc. Some well known, but lively air is given out and the band begins to play, each player imitating as nearly as possible the instrument he has been assigned. All goes well until the leader suddenly drops his instrument and begins playing on that of another of the band. At this the player to whom that particular instrument has been given must change his attitude and imitate the instrument the leader has dropped. Again the playing goes on until the leader drops this instrument and takes up that of another player, and this player takes up the leader's instrument. Close watch must be kept of the leader that the players may detect the instant he takes up a new instrument. The player failing to change immediately must pay a forfeit. Much fun may be had from this game. It may be carried on with a little practice without any perceptible break in the music and with a few talented players it is even harmonious.
The players sit in a circle and one of them asks the others: "What's my thought like?" One player may say: "A monkey"; the second: "A candle"; the third: "A pin"; and so on. When all the company have compared the thought to some object, the first player tells them the thought—perhaps it is "the Cat"—and then asks each, in turn, why it is like the object he compared it to.
"Why is my cat like a monkey?" is asked. The other player might answer: "Because it is full of tricks." "Why is my cat like a candle?" "Because its eyes glow like a candle in the dark." "Why is my cat like a pin?" "Because its claws scratch like a pin."
Any one who is unable to explain why the thought resembles the object he mentioned must pay a forfeit.
In going through this book of games the reader will find that the players for various reasons are penalized or required to pay a forfeit. When a player is so fined he must immediately surrender some pocketpiece or personal belonging as a pawn or security which may later be redeemed when "Blind Justice" passes the real sentence.
The players usually select some ready witted person to assume the part of Justice, another acts as Crier or Collector. Justice is blindfolded and the Crier holds the article over his head saying: "Heavy, heavy hangs over thy head." Justice asks: "Fine or Superfine?" If it be an article belonging to a gentleman the Crier answers "Fine;" if it belongs to a lady he answers, "Superfine," and asks, "What shall the owner do to redeem his (or her) property?" and Blind Justice renders the sentence.
If the proper person has been chosen for Justice a great deal of fun may be caused by the impromptu imposition of ridiculous penalties.
Or the persons making up the party may in turn take the part of Justice, each imposing a penalty. Some of the most familiar penalties are:
Put one hand where the other cannot touch it—Grasp the elbow.
Take the Journey to Rome.—The culprit is required to go to each person and say that he or she is going on a journey to Rome and ask whether they have anything to send to the Pope. The players load him up with various articles, the more cumbersome the better, which he must carry until every person has been visited. Then he must walk out of the room and back, distributing the articles to their proper places.
Spell Constantinople.—When the offender begins to spell and reaches C-o-n-s-t-a-n-t-i-, the players cry "no" (the next letters in the word being n-o). Each time the culprit gets to C-o-n-s-t-a-n-t-i-, the players cry "no," and unless he knows the trick he will begin the spelling again and again.
Kiss Your own Shadow.—If the culprit is not familiar with this forfeit he will kiss his own shadow on the wall, but realizes how foolish he was when he sees some other victim place himself between the light and a lady and kiss his shadow which then falls on the lady.
Sit Upon the Fire.—This forfeit will puzzle the culprit, but may be easily accomplished by writing the word "fire" on a slip of paper and sitting upon it.
Ask a Question Which cannot be Answered in the Negative.—"What do the letters y-e-s spell?"
Kiss a Book Inside and Outside Without Opening the Book.—This apparently impossible feat may be accomplished by kissing the book inside the room and then carrying it outside of the room and kissing it there.
Take a Person up Stairs and Bring him Down on a Feather.—This is another apparently impossible feat but of course there is "down on a feather."
Act Living Statue.—The victim must stand upon a chair and is posed by the players in succession according to their various ideas of Grecian statuary, giving the victim various articles to hold in his hand such as pokers, shovels, etc.
Leave the Room with two Legs and Come Back with Six.—This sentence can be fulfilled by going out of the room and carrying a chair into the room when you come back.
Perform the Egotist.—The culprit is required to drink his own health and make some flowery speech concerning himself. If his speech is not egotistic enough the players may again and again demand a more flattering one.
Place three Chairs in a Row, Take off Your Shoes and Jump Over them.—It is very funny to hear the culprit plead that he could not possibly jump over the three chairs when the sentence means to jump over his shoes—"take off your shoes and jump over them."
The Three Salutes.—The victim is required to "Kneel to the prettiest; bow to the wittiest and kiss the one he loves the best." The easiest way to pay this forfeit is to kneel to the plainest, bow to the dullest and kiss the one for whom he cares the least.
Kiss the Lady you Love the best without letting any one know.—This is performed by the condemned kissing several ladies, or perhaps every lady in the room.
Imitate a Donkey.—The culprit must bray like one.
Play the Shoemaker.—The culprit must take off his shoe and pretend to drive pegs into it.
Shake a Coin off the Head.—This may be made productive of much amusement. The leader, having wetted a coin, presses it firmly for several seconds against the forehead of the victim. When he withdraws his thumb he secretly brings away the coin, but the victim invariably believes that he can still feel it sticking to his forehead, and his head-shaking and facial contortions to get rid of his imaginary burden are ludicrous. It is understood at the time the sentence is pronounced that he must shake the coin off and must not touch it with his hands.
The Three Questions.—The victim is required to leave the room. Three questions are agreed upon in his absence, and he is requested to say "yes" or "no" to each as they are asked him, not knowing, of course, what the questions are, the result is usually embarrassing, he finds he has made some ignominious admission, has declined something he would be very glad to have or accepted something he would much rather do without.
Go to Market.—The culprit is ordered to go to market with some one of the opposite sex. They stand about eight feet apart, facing each other, and the culprit asks his companion if she likes apples (or any article he may choose), if the answer is "yes," she takes a step forward, if "no" a step backward. If something is liked very much or disliked very much a long step is taken. Then she asks him a question which is answered by stepping forward or backward and so on until they meet when a kiss is usually claimed and taken.
Place a Straw or Small Article on the Ground in Such a Manner that No one Present can Jump Over It.—This is done by placing the article against the wall.
Bite an Inch Off the Poker.—A poker is held about an inch from the face, making a bite—of course, the person does not bite the poker but "an inch off the poker."
Blow a Candle Out Blindfold.—The person paying the forfeit is shown the exact position of the candle and then blindfolded, and having been turned about once or twice is requested to blow it out. The cautious manner in which the person will go and endeavor to blow out the clock on the mantle piece or an old gentleman's bald head, while the candle is serenely burning a few feet away must be seen to be appreciated.
The German Band.—This is a joint forfeit for three or four persons, each of whom is assigned some imaginary instrument and required to impersonate a performer in a German band, imitating not only the action of the players but the sound of the instrument as well.
Resolved:—To do my best to-day— Tomorrow is far away.
New Year's day calling and receiving—the custom of our Grandmother's time—is in vogue again.
If it is desirable to announce that one wishes to receive callers on that day, the visiting card of the party or parties receiving with the words—"At Home January the first, 19—, from — to — P. M.," and the address written upon it, may be sent to one's friends.
Or upon the back of a visiting card may be written, "Let me (or us) wish you a Happy New Year on January the first. At Home from — to — P. M. Address ————————."
Simple refreshments should be served, hot tea, coffee or chocolate with sweet or salted wafers—fruit punch with sweet wafers—bouillon in cups with salted crackers.
Two, three or all of these beverages with assorted wafers, etc., could be served from the dining room table, giving an opportunity to cater to the individual taste of one's guests.
Have a center piece of three large white tissue paper bells tied together with white ribbon. Place them on their side with long ribbon streamers coming from underneath each one and in the center of the three place another white bell, open side up, holding an infant doll to represent the new year. Intertwine a few sprays of asparagus fern or smilax.
It is not wise to serve intoxicants to New Year's callers thus adding a drop to the bucket that will overflow eventually with regret and remorse.
New Year's Day Party Invitations may be in hour glass form cut from heavy white paper, or bell shape.
Decorations of evergreen festoons and wreaths are appropriate, also the tissue paper bells and festoons and holly and mistletoe.
A pretty center piece for the table is a large pile of snow balls made of cotton and sprinkled with diamond dust, each one containing a small favor and having a ribbon attached which runs to each plate and at a given time the guests may each pull a ribbon and receive a prize.
Refreshments may be ice cream in the form of snow balls, small cakes with the abbreviated names of the months frosted on, assorted fancy cakes and bon-bons.
The following games are suggested.
Each person is given a paper and pencil and requested to write at the top of the page the word "Resolved," followed by expressions of amendment that he or she is conscious of needing. One such attempt at self examination resulted in the following resolves:
"I will be as honest as the times will permit."
"I will be good to all."
"I will tell no more lies."
"My best self shall rule."
"I will try to love everybody."
These are read aloud and the authorship guessed. All the correct guesses at the authorship are counted, for the prize of a china mug with "For a Good Girl" or "For a Good Boy" in letters upon it.
Upon the floor are twelve candles in a row, all alight and each of a different color. Each candle stands for a month in the year. The white one for January, blue for February, pale green for March, bright green for April, violet for May, light pink for June, dark pink for July, yellow for August, lilac for September, crimson for October, orange for November, scarlet for December. Each child in turn is invited to jump over the candles, and if the feat be accomplished without extinguishing a single candle, prosperity and happiness are in store through all the months of the coming year; but if one is put out, ill-luck threatens in the month whose shining is thus eclipsed; while to knock one over, predicts dire calamity.
The players seat themselves in a circle except one who gives all a name pertaining to the calendar and chooses a name for himself. If there are twelve or less players, each take the name of a month. If more than a dozen play name them January first, January second, etc.
The player standing in the center of the circle, with a tin plate, places it upon its edge and spins it, at the same time calling out the name of a month or day of the month which has been given to one of the players.
The person named must jump up and catch the plate before it stops spinning or he must pay a forfeit. It is then his turn to spin the plate and call some one else into the center.
Look through your old newspapers and magazines and cut out all the pictures of the famous men and women of the century you find—everybody, from Decatur to Li Hung Chang, from Daniel Boone to Kruger, from Queen Hortense to Helen Gould, from Coxey to Kipling. Clip the names off, and make frames for them of pasteboard and gilt paper.
Write the invitations on the backs of your cards: "You are invited to attend the opening of the Nineteenth Century Portrait Gallery, on New Year's Eve,"—fixing the hours to suit yourself.
Then clear your drawing-room of all its furniture and pictures, covering the walls with the pictures you have framed. In the middle of the floor make a pedestal of two store boxes covered with a sheet, and on it stand a girl dressed as the goddess of Fame—draped in a sheet, her hair knotted in Grecian style, her bare arms hanging straight down, with a laurel wreath in one hand, and in the other a little package neatly tied. Light the room with four heavily shaded piano lamps, one in each corner.
Outside the drawn portieres seat another girl dressed as Time, with white hair and beard and hour-glass and scythe. And on the floor before her put a basket woven of evergreens, and filled with little tablets, each marked with all the numbers that are stuck in the corners of the pictures. Four little girls of different sizes as the Seasons—Spring with a wreath of artificial jonquils, Summer with roses, Autumn with chrysanthemums, Winter with holly—stand on the stairs to receive.
As the guests arrive they are led up to Time, who bids them enter his temple of Fame, and write down on the tablets he gives them, the names of those they recognize.
They enter and begin their inspection of the pictures, putting down such as they know—or think they know; and incidentally making many mistakes. And when they have finished the round of the room, they sign their tablets, drop them into Time's basket, and are led away by a Season to the supper room.
When all the guests have made the tour of inspection, and the prize has been adjudged, the winner is escorted back to the "gallery" by the whole company, to receive from the hands of the Goddess the laurel wreath and its little golden duplicate that the package contains.
A novel way of selecting partners for a New Year's party is to paint upon water color paper such objects as may illustrate the different months of the year. A candle for January, to represent Twelfth Night, or "The Feast of Candles." February, a heart for St. Valentine. March, the shamrock, as complimentary to St. Patrick. For April, an umbrella, the sign of rain. May, the month for moving, is represented by a sign upon which are the words, "House to Let." June, of course, is the month of roses, while a fire-cracker is always symbolical of July. A fan for the hot month of August, and a pile of school books for the first days of September. Hallow-e'en, the gala day of October, has a Jack-o'lantern, while the year closes with a turkey for Thanksgiving and a stocking for Christmas.
Cut these out and fasten a loop of ribbon to each one, except the fire-cracker, where a bit of cord will answer both for the fuse and the loop by which to hang it. These are for the ladies, while the men will receive plain cards upon each one of which is written a month of the year. If there be more than twenty-four guests there are many other available days, as Arbor Day, represented by a tree; a hatchet for Washington's Birthday; a flag for Flag Day; a saw, trowel or spade for Labor Day, and a ballot box for Election Day. If it be necessary to use these extra days the plain cards must be numbered to designate the different days of the same month. For instance, the card that corresponds with St. Valentine's Day will be February No. 1, while the bearer of February No. 2 will be the partner for the holder of the Washington's birthday illustration.
The same idea may be carried out for dinner favors, painting the various objects on cards about four by six inches in size, and pasting on one corner a small calendar. When the guests arrive they will be given the plain slips upon which are written the months of the year, and must then find at the table the calendars that correspond with their cards.
At dinners, parties and entertainments given on February 12th, the anniversary of the birth of our immortal Lincoln, one aim of the host or hostess should be to imbue the affair with the spirit of patriotism; so use the good old red, white and blue for the color scheme in decorating. Busts and pictures of Lincoln, national emblems, such as the flag, shield, American Eagle, etc., and military accouterments would make appropriate decorations.
Dinner favors should be candy boxes representing either miniature log cabins or a log of wood with a tiny paper or metal ax imbedded in it; small busts of Lincoln would make ideal favors for such an occasion. Place cards may have on the reverse side a quotation from Lincoln which the guests may read in turn to furnish food for thought and conversation. The following sayings of Lincoln are suggested:—
"I do not think much of a man who is not wiser to-day than he was yesterday."
"Gold is good in its place, but living, brave, and patriotic men are better than gold."
"Let none falter who thinks he is right."
"My politics are short and sweet like an old woman's dance."
"I have never studied the art of paying compliments to women; but I must say that if all that has been said by orators and poets since the creation of the world in praise of women, were applied to the women of America, it would not do them justice for their conduct during the war."
"You may fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time; but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."
"The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present."
"The way for a young man to rise is to improve himself every way he can, never suspecting that anybody wishes to injure him."
"The severest justice may not always be the best policy."
"I always plucked a thorn and planted a rose when in my power."
"Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another."
"Government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."
A most enjoyable afternoon or evening may be furnished ones friends by giving a military euchre party, as suggested for Washington's Birthday.
Supply pencils and papers to the guests having the following mixed words written upon them:—
1. Olinnlc 2. Averlys 3. Sidetenpr 4. Lair-sliptter 5. Stohen-Bea 6. Yawrel 7. Roft-Termus 8. Pecanlurib 9. Caniream 10. Yenktuck
Inform the guests that these words pertain to the history of Lincoln. An appropriate prize may be given to the one having the correct answers, or having the most correct answers in a limited time. The correct words are:—
1. Lincoln 2. Slavery 3. President 4. Rail-splitter 5. Honest Abe 6. Lawyer 7. Fort Sumter 8. Republican 9. American 10. Kentucky
Guests are to be supplied with pencils and papers containing the following letters:—
1. Loadailrrfliar 2. Aliredalrig 3. Ginlatirlairgruad 4. Wilrayalingir 5. Letairrlailerry
Which are the rails to be split or divided into ten words, each rail containing two words which contain the word "rail" with other letters. The person splitting the most rails in a given time (having the most correct words) should be awarded a suitable prize. The split rails are:—
1. Railroad, frail 2. Derail, grail 3. Trailing, railguard 4. Railway, railing 5. Trailer, raillery.
Several children are chosen as slaves and stand in the center of the room. The other children stand in a circle about them, forming a chain by linking each arm into the arm of a child on either side and clasping his own hands in front of him. The chain of children may circle around or stand in one place while the slaves try to break the chain and gain their freedom.
The tiny tots would enjoy building a log cabin of tooth-picks by placing upon the table two wooden tooth-picks about two inches apart in a horizontal line, then laying two tooth-picks across them in a vertical position. Place two more directly above the first ones, then two above the second ones and so on as high as the children can build.
Invitations for this party are written on red paper hearts. The decorations also are red paper hearts strung from the corners of the rooms to the chandeliers, between arches, draped across windows, etc., etc.
For refreshments, cakes and ices may be heart shape, also tiny heart shape sandwiches and candy hearts with mottoes on them.
For a center piece a wax cupid with bow and arrow in the midst of flowers and foliage, with various sized red paper hearts scattered around.
A large heart shaped bag with the words, "There is something in my heart for you," printed on it, contains a valentine or a favor for each guest. The young host or hostess holds the bag while the guests march along and each one in turn reaches into the bag for a prize.
The following games are appropriate:—
The players sit in a circle around the room except one who is selected for postman, blind folded and placed in the center of the room. Some grown person, who acts as Postmaster General giving each child the name of a city or town and standing in a position to see the players, begins the game by saying, "I have sent a valentine from Chicago to New York (or the names of any of the cities or towns given the children.)" The children representing these cities change places quickly, the postman trying to catch them or to sit in one of the empty chairs. If he is successful in either attempt the child who is caught or whose chair he has taken becomes postman, while the retiring postman receives a small valentine as his reward. A child who remains seated when his name is called must take the place of the postman.
The players seat themselves round the room, and one having announced "Cupid is coming," another questions, "How is he coming?" Whereupon everyone must in turn say "Cupid is coming amblingly" or "amiably," or use some other adverb beginning with "A." When every member of the company has mentioned an adverb, the game goes on by using adverbs beginning with "B," then "C," and so on until all the letters are used up, or the company prefers to change the game. Anyone failing to supply an adverb must pay a forfeit.
Candy or paper hearts are hidden in nooks and corners, behind bric a brac, curtains, etc. Heart shaped paper baskets, boxes or envelopes are given to each hunter, to put the hearts in. The one finding the greatest number of hearts receives a heart shaped prize, such as a box of bon-bons, pin tray or cushion, photo frame, blotter, pen wiper, needle book, trinket box, etc. etc.
A large white heart-shaped target having a small red heart for the bull's eye, a bow and cupid's dart are necessary for this game. Each person in turn stands a certain distance from the target and shoots at the red heart. A satin heart with the motto, "Cupid's dart has pierced my heart" may be awarded the person making the best shot.
The following sentences are written on heart shaped cards and passed with pencils to the guests who are told to supply the missing word with a word whose first five letters spell heart.
1. Cupid's symbol—. 1. Hearts 2. Cupid greets you—. 2. Heartily 3. Sitting on the—. 3. Hearth 4. He is never—. 4. Heartless 5. Sometimes he is—. 5. Heart-sick 6. If he has caused a—. 6. Heartache 7. If he were ill with—. 7. Heart-burn 8. It would be—. 8. Heart-rending 9. His favorite flower is—. 9. Heart's-ease 10. Thoughts of love to touch the—. 10. Heart-strings
The first person who guesses correctly receives an appropriate heart shaped prize.
Place two red paper hearts which have been cut into several irregular pieces into an envelope and distribute to each gentleman guest, who selects a lady for a partner and at a signal they begin putting the pieces together to form the heart. The couple first getting the pieces together in perfect order, forming two hearts, wins the contest and each receives a prize.
Fasten a large white handkerchief on the wall or door. Paste or sew a small red paper heart in the center of it.
Let each person in turn be blindfolded and try to pin a heart of corresponding size over the heart on the handkerchief. The one accomplishing the feat or coming the nearest to it receives a valentine or appropriate prize.
To give a patriotic air to the surroundings should be the aim of the hostess in giving a party or entertaining on Washington's Birthday.
Use the American flag, various sizes, for draping and decorating pictures, mantels, door-ways, windows etc., and red white and blue bunting hung from the chandeliers to the corners of the room, over archways, twined around the banister of stairways, etc., etc.
Red, white and blue paper garlands, paper hatchets and clusters or branches of artificial cherries are attractive; and pictures and busts of Washington draped with flags or bunting would be very effective.
A military Euchre Party would be very appropriate for this occasion. Invitations written on a card with the American flag painted or printed on may be worded as follows:
- You are respectfully requested to enlist in a Military Skirmish On Friday Evening February twenty-second At the Barrack, seven forty-six First Street. Assembly call By order of Eight o'clock Mrs. John Smith sharp General pro-tem. -
Greet the guests with a military salute, which they should, of course, return.
Over each table suspend a small wooden ball with tiny holes in, just large enough to insert the smallest size flag having a wooden staff. (These flag holders may be purchased. They are usually red and have a long round stick or handle which may be tied or wired to the chandelier, or festoons.)
Red, white and blue festoons must be strung upon wire or very heavy cord to be strong enough to hold the wooden ball for the flags.
A card about three by ten inches bearing the name of a fort should also be hung over the table. Fort Sumter, Fort Ticonderoga, Fort Moultrie, Fort Duquesne, Fort Riley, Fort Hamilton, Fort Necessity, Fort Dodge, Fort McAllister, and Fort Donelson are names which may be used.
Tally cards may represent flags or shields with red strings or ribbons for the ladies and blue for the men, and on the reverse side write the name of the fort and company, as "Fort Sumter, Company A" and "Fort Sumter, Company B" instead of table 1, couple 1, etc., etc.
Six players are at each table—three are Company A and three are Company B. When all are seated the bugle is sounded and company A of each fort advances to the next fort in rotation to meet the enemy, company A of the foot table coming to the first table or fort.
The bugle sounds again as a signal for the players to begin. Company A are partners sitting alternately with company B, who are partners and, of course, company A play against company B.
Thirty-three cards are used to play this game, the Joker, Aces, Kings, Queens, Jacks, Ten, Nine, Eight, and Seven spots. Five cards are dealt to each player, the three remaining cards, called the widow, are turned face down. No trump is turned. After the deal the players bid for the trump in turn, commencing with the eldest hand. When a player bids he must name the suit he bids on. The highest bid wins and the bidder is entitled to the widow, selecting any cards he wishes and discarding others in their place. The side whose bid is successful must win the number of tricks bid or it is euchred and the opposite side scores the amount bid. A bid to play alone is higher than a bid of five and if the bidder takes all the tricks his side scores ten.
At the end of five minutes the bugle is sounded and all must stop immediately. The company which has scored the most points at that time is victorious and takes the small flag, which has been placed on the table while they were playing, and places it in their own fort. (The flag holder suspended above the table.)
All players return to their original forts and at the first sound of the bugle company B advances to meet the enemy while company A remains to protect the fort. At the second bugle call the soldiers begin the warfare which lasts another five minutes when the bugle announces time is up. A flag is given to the winning company at each table and furled above their fort, the players again taking their original seats at their own fort.
At the bugle's blast company A advances to the second fort while company B remains to hold the fort, etc. etc.
These maneuvers are kept up until the "soldiers" of each fort have "fought for the flag" with the "soldiers" of each of the other forts, or as long as the "General" may see fit.
The home fort must not be deserted by all of its soldiers at the same time. Either company A or company B remain during each skirmish—nor do company A and company B of the same fort play against each other.
At the desired time the sound of the bugle is heard and the skirmish is ended. The fort having captured the most flags gains the victory and each soldier should be awarded a suitable prize. The fort having the least number of flags may be given a booby prize in the shape of small toy drums for the ladies and toy fife or horn for the gentlemen. The "General" may then order the soldiers of this fort to serenade the victorious soldiers.
Fruit Punch with a generous supply of Maraschino cherries may be served during the evening.
Refreshments may consist of sandwiches tied with red, white and blue ribbon; red, white and blue layer cake (vegetable coloring can be obtained from the confectioner) or small fancy cakes; red, white and blue cream patties, salted nuts, coffee, cherry ice or vanilla ice-cream. Use an ice cream disher which forms the ice cream into a conical shape. Small flags having a very long pin for a staff are placed in these forts.
The menu may be enlarged by serving a salad or meat patties of various kinds.
Cream cheese served with preserved cherries and salted crackers would be a palatable and appropriate dish. Ice cream and ices may be obtained from the caterer in various appropriate molds, such as cannon balls, shields, flags, Geo. Washington hatchets, etc., etc.
A White cloth covered the table at this luncheon—a white embroidered linen center piece with lace edge under which showed red crepe tissue paper—vase of red and white carnations. Place Cards ornamented with hand painted cherries and hatchets. Favors, miniature artificial cherry trees (with a tiny paper hatchet at the base) growing in (imitation) birch-wood candy boxes, which should be filled with candied cherries.
Cream of oyster soup served in bouillon cups—salted crackers.—Celery; pimentos cut in small pieces; salted peanuts in red paper cups. Serve on individual plates, chicken chartreuse with cannon ball potatoes.
Chicken Chartreuse,—Butter tin moulds (1/2 pt. tin cups are good ones) and line with cooked rice. Fill with creamed chicken previously prepared. Set moulds in pan of hot water and keep hot until wanted. Run knife around inside of tin to loosen the contents and invert mould upon serving plate. The result will be apparently a mould of rice. Place a Maraschino cherry on the top.
Cannon Ball Potatoes,—With a potato scoop cut round balls out of raw potatoes. Boil them in beet juice or use enough liquid off of pickled beets to color the water a deep red. Watch carefully that they do not cook soft enough to break. Serve a couple on each plate with the chicken chartreuse.
Thin bread and butter sandwiches.
Lady Washington Salad,—Cut the top off and scoop out the inside of bright red Jonathan apples. Place them on white lace paper doilies on salad plates and fill with the following mixture:—
Equal portions of apple and celery cut in small cubes, one-eighth the amount of pimentos cut fine and one-eighth the amount of Maraschino cherries cut in half. Use a mayonnaise dressing or one of the manufactured salad dressings mixed with a generous amount of whipped cream.
Coffee covered with whipped cream. Vanilla ice cream or any fancy cream that is white, served in champagne glasses topped with a maraschino cherry. Marshmallow cake dotted with candied cherries. Red and white cream patties.
Small paper hatchets (containing candy if desired) are previously hidden in every conceivable place in rooms to which guests have access, behind doors and pictures, in vases, under chairs and tables, on the gas fixtures, etc., etc. A certain length of time should be allowed for the hunt and the one finding the most hatchets should be rewarded with a prize.
A tooth pick is suspended by a string in the door way or from the ceiling just out of reach of the children. Stick a ripe cherry or a candied cherry on the tooth pick. The children in turn jump up and try to catch the cherry in their mouth. The cherry is the prize and when won by one of the children another cherry must be put on the toothpick until each child has had a turn.
Distribute to each guest a pencil and a slip of paper with the following letters written upon it:—
1 Higtaswonn 1 Washington 2 Itesrpden 2 President 3 Nutom Nervon 3 Mount Vernon 4 Leyalv Gorfe 4 Valley Forge 5 Serrouvy 5 Surveyor 6 Wealadre 6 Delaware 7 Rechyr Erte 7 Cherry Tree 8 Rebrafuy 8 February 9 Tariopt 9 Patriot 10 Sametastn 10 Statesman
Announce to them that by transposing the letters they will spell a word which is in some way connected with the history of George Washington. The person having the correct answers first or the one having the most correct answers in a given time wins a prize. A candy box in the form of a pie full of candied cherries would be appropriate or something in a patriotic line such as a portrait or bust of Washington—a small cannon on a solid base intended for a paper weight—a drum pincushion—a miniature sword paper knife, etc., etc.
A space about four or five feet wide is marked off on the floor by stretching two strings from one side of the room to the other or with chalk which represents the "Delaware River." Or an imaginary line will answer. Half of the players stand on one side of the space and half on the opposite side.
Each company has a captain who gives each of his soldiers a name that denotes action and can be demonstrated—beginning with the letter "A" such as appealingly, angrily, etc. The second soldier's name begins with "B"—blindly, bashfully, boisterously. The third soldier's name begins with "C"—cautiously, carelessly, curiously, and so on through the alphabet until all are named.
Then the captain of company A announces, "Washington is crossing the Delaware." The captain of the opposite company "B" replies, "How?" The first captain responds "A" whereupon the soldier of his company whose name begins with "A" walks across the space and back "awkwardly," "angrily" or acting whatever name has been given to him (or her.) The opposite side try to guess the name from the actions or manner of the soldier. If the soldier crosses to the opposite side and back before his name is guessed he remains with his own company, but if the soldiers of the opposite side guess his name before he reaches camp he must join their ranks.
Then the captain of company B announces, "Washington is crossing the Delaware." Captain of company A asks, "How?" Captain of company B responds "A" and his soldier "A" crosses over "anxiously," "actively" or whatever the name may be. If he succeeds in reaching camp before his name is guessed he remains there but joins the opposite company if they guess his name before he reaches camp.
Now it is company A's turn to send soldier "B" across with the same preliminaries as before. Then company B sends soldier "B" across the Delaware. Then Company A sends soldier "C" followed by soldier "C" of company B and so on, a soldier from each company alternately until all have had a chance to cross.
The company having the most soldiers is victorious, as they have either crossed successfully or been captured. They may be rewarded by some appropriate trifle such as a tiny flag or paper hatchet, or some of the small brass or metal stick pins representing shields, flags, eagles, colonial hats, rosettes, muskets, drums, etc., etc.
April first would be an occasion for a fancy dress party en masque. Invitations may be written on a large sheet of paper and folded or rolled into a small parcel and tied up in wrapping paper like a package.
Decorate the rooms with paper or artificial flowers and plants. April Fool the guests when time for them to arrive by having the lights as low as possible. The maid or person admitting the guests informs them the hostess is "not at home," but immediately adds "please come in and wait," and they are then directed to lighted rooms where they may remove their wraps.
An invitation to a "Folly Party" may be adorned with a picture of a fools cap and bells or a Jester. One form reads thus:—
On ye night of April first at stroke of eight Ye Fooles and Jesters will congregate At —— St; Prithee come, likewise Bedecked in frivolous garb, Thy face disguise So unquestioned you may see "What fools these mortals be."
If there is any question as to which member or members of the family is giving the party, enclose a visiting card or write the name of the host or hostess on the reverse side of invitation or back of envelope.
One may choose from the following menu, foolish food for refreshment.
Turtle Soup—au natural (Soup plates or bouillon cups of water with tiny toy turtle in each one)
Radishes (Toy or paper red dishes)
Piccalilli (A dish of artificial or natural lilies to pick from)
Blue Points (Short pointed ends of blue crayon or lead pencils)
Crackers (Tiny fire crackers)
Baked Sole (An old sole of a shoe)
Fried Perch (A wooden perch—the kind used in bird cages)
Spring Lamb (A toy lamb in place of a jack-in-the-box)
Wild Duck (Throw at the guests a large handful of small rubber or paper balls attached to rubber strings, so they will return and hit no one—the guests will "duck" to escape being hit.)
Rabbit en casserole (Hair (hare) in covered dish)
Strawberry Ice (Strawberry buried in ice)
Cake—Devil's Food (Sulphur matches)
Black Coffee (Have the colored man step in and cough)
Mixed Nuts (Iron nuts such as used on bolts and machinery)
Raisins (Yeast cakes)
The hostess should have a bell at her place and ring it before each course, when the butler (or a gentleman who will act as butler for the occasion) will repeat in a loud voice the order of the hostess which, of course, will be simply the name of the food about to be served. Or have at each plate a small card with the menu written on it.
For a centerpiece a dish of artificial fruit or a vase of daffodils (daffy-dills) may be used, placed on a cloth centerpiece, circular and cut in points, a bell on each point. Two colors should be used for the points.
A few dishes of April Fool bon bons may be distributed on the table.
After this foolish feast is ended genuine refreshments should be served. One might reverse the order of serving; begin with the dessert and end with what should have been first.
Many viands may be served "in disguise" and yet be very palatable. For instance creamed chicken, sweet breads, etc., may be encased in mashed potato or boiled rice.
Line tin moulds with the potato or rice, fill the center with the creamed fowl, sweet breads or oysters and heat in pan of hot water. When inverted on serving plate there will be, apparently, a mound of potatoes or rice.
Large baked potato skins may be used to enclose the meat, also grape fruit or orange rinds cut in half and contents removed, then filled with the hot chicken, etc., and the other half replaced, or cover the top with a lettuce leaf or sprigs of water cress or parsley.
Lift one section of a banana skin, remove fruit, fill with any desired salad and replace section of skin. Use a toothpick to keep in place if necessary.
Olives may be served, each covered with the half of an English walnut shell. A corn husk may hold a sandwich, etc., etc.
Fruit cups may be made from apples, oranges, lemons, grape fruit, bananas, etc., and many of the vegetables could be utilized. The large telephone pea pods may contain a small pickle or relish of some kind.
Mangoes or green pepper pods, tomatoes, cantaloupe, cucumbers, etc., may be scooped out and filled with food of a different nature.
Cover the opening in the bottom of small flower pots with stiff paper or fill with paraffin wax. Line the flower pot with stiff white paper to within an inch of the top. Fill with chocolate ice cream or any desired cream, but cover the top with chocolate ice cream or chocolate frosting as dark as possible, sprinkle grated sweet chocolate or bits of chocolate fudge on top. Stick rather a short stemmed carnation, daisy or similar flower in the center and serve.
Small cakes may be served from cabbage heads. Use cabbage having the outside leaves on. Open the outer leaves carefully until there is enough to hide the interior. Cut out the center of the cabbage and fill with small cakes.
All sorts of odd candy boxes filled with candies may be used for favors.
Ordinary refreshments may be served on dishes not ordinarily used for that particular purpose. Use bowls or soup dishes instead of cups—saucers, vegetables dishes, cups, etc., where plates or platters should be used.
The clever hostess will, no doubt, think of many ways wise and otherwise to serve refreshments on such an occasion.
A "King's Jester," painted in water-color, clad in red and yellow, smiling and beckoning, is painted on one side of the white card of invitation. On the reverse side is written, in gold ink, "'Fools make feasts and wise people eat them,' saith the seer. Will you be one of the many wise ones on All Fools' Day evening to partake of a feast, and make merry betimes?"
On the appointed evening the guests are met at the door and conducted to the parlor by a youth, dressed in a red blouse with full bishop sleeves and long pointed yellow cuffs, and a full-gathered, double skirt, half way to the knees, made in pointed scallops—the scallops of the lower skirt of yellow alternating with the scallops of the upper one of red with a jingling gold bell sewed to each scallop. One stocking is red, and the other yellow, and one foot is thrust into a red sandal, and the other into a yellow one, with a bell on each sharply pointed toe.
Around his waist is a red leather belt; a yellow jester's cap with red leather rim, and with bells on the hood, and a red cape with yellow lining completes his dress. The costume is made of glossy sateen; the sandals of canton flannel.
A half hour before dinner, the "fool" hands each guest pencil and paper and menu card, and they are asked to guess the dinner viands. The menu reads, "Food for the Wise:"
1. Baked portion of beast Americanized in 1493, by Columbus. (Ham.)
2. Fried jewel-boxes of the sea. (Oysters.)
3. Fried young sons of a fowl first found in Java. (Spring chicken.)
4. Slices of a Chilean tuber that once saved a cross-sea nation from famine. (Chipped potatoes.)
5. Love apples. (Tomatoes.)
6. Salad of a bleached vegetable, akin to the hemlock of Socrates. (Celery salad.)
7. A nineteen-day vegetable. (Radishes.)
8. A Greek herb pudding. (Asparagus.)
9. Fruit that caused a war. (Apples.)
10. Sauce of an old world plant, akin to dock. (Rhubarb.)
11. Slices of bread, and the fruit of the emblem of peace. (Olives sandwiches.)
12. A food with which Canaan was said to flow—eggs and sugar, boiled and frozen. (Custard.)
13. Dear to squirrels. (Nuts.)
14. Sugar plums. (Bon-bons.)
15. Obtained from the hoopskirt and tin can eater. (Cheese.)
16. Sugared dough. (Cake.)
17. A drink (from a berry) introduced in England in 1652 by a Greek. (Coffee.)
The prizes for the best "guessers" are books—Max Pemberton's "Queen of Jesters" for the fortunate girl, and Victor Hugo's "Man Who Laughs" for the lucky man. The booby prizes are wands with "fools' heads" of gingerbread.
The cloth of the dining table is made of sheeting, with a two-inch hem, and with pleasantly jingling bells of yellow and red sewed thickly around the entire edge.
At each end of the table, with each hand catching a red ribbon that runs in waves entirely around the table, is a King's Jester, painted on the cloth—facsimiles of the living one who served the guests.
For painting the cloth—common tube paints are used—taking for a thinning medium a mixture of three ounces of turpentine, ten drops of pure cider vinegar, six drops of lemon extract, and a little sugar of lead. The figures are drawn with a lead drawing pencil, and care taken in painting them to prevent the paint spreading over the edges of the design. Several days are given the cloth to dry before using.
The tomatoes and apples are yellow and red; the radishes are red; the cakes are small squares, iced yellow and red, and the bon-bons are little clear red and lemon colored fishes—typical of the French "poissons d'Avril," "April fish," as their "April Fool" is called.
Following are a few games, etc., for the amusement of children small and children tall.
Let one of the ladies be blindfolded and seated behind a large screen or curtain or in a tent in an adjoining room which is dimly lighted. A gypsy tent may be improvised with three long sticks tied together at one end, the other ends resting on the floor at equal distances forming a tripod which is covered with a couple of large sheets.
Announce to the guests, "We have secured for your pleasure this evening that remarkable necromancer, Madam Loof-lirpa. (April fool spelled backwards.) The madam is the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter and has the rare and marvelous power of second sight, and while securely blindfolded she will tell you anything that you have done."
"All are welcome to visit this seeress but only one at a time. Mr. —— you may come first if you please," (naming one of the gentlemen present.)
Just before ushering the "fated" one into the presence of Madam Loof-lirpa, inform him that in order to be sure the fortune teller cannot see through the bandages over her eyes, he should make several motions or signs or pose before her for a few seconds and then say to her "Madam, what did I do?"
The Seeress may keep him in suspense a second or two before replying or may say "I am not quite sure. Please do it again," and finally answer, "You made a fool of yourself."
Each victim has the privilege of remaining near enough to see the next one caught.
Place a number of articles such as pillows, books, handkerchiefs, inexpensive bric-a-brac, etc., on the floor. One person acts as leader and walks in a zigzag path around the obstacles, followed by the others. Then one of the party is blindfolded and told by the leader to "follow my foot-steps and if you do not break or mar anything you shall have a surprise."
When the "victim" starts on his journey everything is quietly removed from his path and when he has tired of wandering and removes the bandage he is greeted by "April Fool."
Ask the guests to tell the most foolish thing they ever did and give a suitable prize for the most foolish answer.
The players form a circle taking hold of hands and circle around one of the players who is blindfolded and holds a staff or cane. When he raps on the floor with the cane they all stand still. He then points the cane towards some one, saying, "It is to laugh." The person touched by the cane or nearest it places the end of the cane close to his mouth and laughs. If his name is guessed by the player in the center they change places and circle again—if not, they circle until the player in the center succeeds in naming the owner of the laugh.
The guests are invited to inspect your collection of curios and souvenirs which are displayed in numerous paste board boxes, collectively on a large table, or distributed in convenient places about the room on mantels, tables, piano, book shelves, etc.
Each box bears a large placard or label of its contents. "An Ancient Instrument of Punishment," a worn slipper; "An Irish Bat," a brick bat; "The Mummy of the Mound Builders," a stuffed mole; "Bonaparte," two small bones placed apart from each other; "An American Fool's Cap," a sheet of fools-cap paper; "Tainted Money," a penny flattened and mutilated until it is spoiled; "A Longfellow Souvenir," a section of bamboo; "A Pair of Ancient Pincers," two dried crawfish or lobster claws; "A Fool's Paradise," a pair of dice; "Sacred White Rabbit," a white hair.
"A Lobster," a small mirror reflecting each one who peers in;
"A Marble Bust from Italy," a broken marble;
"A Pair of Pink Hose from London," two tiny toy hoes colored pink;
"A Necktie from Mexico," a rope noose;
"An Old Fashioned Beaux," a bow of ribbon;
"A Diamond Tray," the three spot of diamonds.
"A Crazy Flower," a daffodil (daffy-dill);
Etc., etc.
Pitfalls and snares for the unwary are all around. A silver coin is glued to the floor. A handkerchief or bow is fastened to the floor. A vase of flowers have a little snuff or pepper sprinkled on them—those who smell will sneeze. An artificial mouse is attached to a curtain. Slyly pin papers, bearing different inscriptions, on the backs of some of the guests. One may read, "Please tell me my name." All who read it will tell him his name which becomes monotonous. "Please kiss me," "Please hold my hand," "Please kick me gently," "Please borrow my money," "Please make me laugh," "Please call me Fond Heart."
These and many other foolish things will seem funny on All Fool's Day.
Easter Day should be a peaceful, happy day of rejoicing, thanksgiving and praise to the Giver of all good. Easter is symbolic of a new life, and a brighter one. It is springtime, the sun shines brightly, and Nature smiles. She is rejoicing because her dead are coming to life again. The trees, the grass, the flowers all rise up in the glory of a new and beautiful life. Chrysalis and egg are not strong enough to keep back the new life of butterfly and bird which rises skyward to rejoice, each in its own way.
One of the oldest and most characteristic Easter rites and the most widely diffused is the use of paschal (Easter or Passover) eggs. They are usually dyed in various colors and people mutually make presents of them. There can be little doubt that their use at this season was originally symbolical of the revivication of nature, the springing forth of life which in turn is symbolical of the ascension.
In some parts of the country colored eggs are hidden in nests or in corners, and the children have a great deal of pleasure on Easter morning hunting for the eggs which, according to German folk-lore, were brought during the night by the White Rabbit.
Here is an idea for an Easter Luncheon which would be appropriate at this season.
Use a large plateau or mirror for the centerpiece, in the center of which lay an irregular piece of real (or artificial) moss about one-half the diameter of the plateau (to represent an island.) Stick a few sprays of asparagus and maidenhair fern in it and a number of white and yellow spring flowers—the crocus, jonquil, daffodil, daisy and snowdrop. Cut the stems of the flowers in various lengths to give a better effect. Place a few (artificial) little fluffy chickens on the island and several downy ducklings in the surrounding lake (mirror.) Or use a vase of jonquils and daffodils for a center piece.
Place cards may be made by cutting bristol board into egg shape or oval pieces. On a portion of this card spread some mucilage and sprinkle yellow sand over it. Then stand a tiny yellow chick (these are made of wool and can be purchased very cheap) on the sand (using glue) and close behind it glue the small end of an egg shell. Similar cards can be purchased all ready decorated.
Serve a grape fruit cocktail first. Cut the grape fruit in half, take out the fruit in as large pieces as possible, place in a bowl with the juice. Mix with this a small amount of white grapes, halved and the seeds removed, and a portion of pineapple canned or fresh cut in small pieces and some of the juice or syrup from the pineapple. Add a little sugar and angelica wine if desired. Remove the pulp from the grape fruit, fill each half with the mixture and serve on doylie covered plates.
For a relish use celery, white radishes, small yellow tomato pickles or pickled white grapes.
The meat course consists of creamed chicken, creamed sweetbreads and creamed veal. Carefully cut about one-third of the shell off the top of as many eggs as needed. Remove egg and fill shell with the hot creamed meat, (use three shells for each plate, each having a different filling) and replace top of shell.
Form shoestring potatoes into a nest on a serving plate and place the stuffed eggs in the nest. (Tap the filled egg slightly on the end, indenting but not breaking it and the egg will easily stand on end.)
Or make a nest of mashed potatoes pressing it through a fruit press or potato ricer and place in the center of it meat croquettes, oval shaped and very delicately browned.
Bread sticks or tiny rolls tied with white and yellow ribbon. Mould the butter into the shape of an egg.
Escalloped corn in ramikins.
Salad of California Asparagus tips on bleached lettuce leaf: Place a ring of hard boiled eggs around the stem end of asparagus (slice hard boiled eggs cross-wise, remove the yolk and thrust the ends of asparagus through the white part) serve with French dressing.
If ice cream is to be served on plates, have vanilla and orange flavors packed in a tubular mold, the orange in the center and the vanilla around the outside so that when cut it has the appearance of a slice of hard boiled egg.
If the cream is served in glasses have the two colors moulded in the form of an egg.
Serve lady fingers and egg kisses, or angel food and sunshine cake.
At each place have salted almonds in a yellow egg shell cup. Color the eggs a rich yellow, cut off about one-third of the top and remove egg—use the larger portion of the shell, mash the end a trifle and glue to a small oval paste board.
Bon-bons consist of small jelly eggs, white and yellow in a tiny basket at each place.
The favors are Easter bonnets which the guests are asked to wear. (Procure small doll hats of various styles profusely trimmed with flowers of white and yellow and place a common white hat pin in each one.)
A very pleasant entertainment to be given about Eastertide is one at which the all-engrossing head covering of the season is to be manufactured.
The materials required are simple—two sheets of tissue paper for each guest, numerous pairs of scissors and silver table knives, and pins without limit.
The workroom—preferably one provided with a large table—is decorated with plates of fashionable hats borrowed from a milliner, advertisements of all sorts displaying bonnets, and half a dozen pattern hats previously made by the hostess.
Placards announcing "Fashion's Fancies" or "Hints on Headgear" give substantial advice like the following: "Bald-headed gentlemen are no longer affecting the pompadour style of hat;" "A simple crown is King Edward VII.'s favorite headgear at present;" "None but the very fast set will wear more than fifteen colors in any one bonnet this season."
Each guest is furnished with a roll of two sheets of paper which harmonize in hue, and is told to make a hat or bonnet in fifteen minutes. Really surprising results will begin to appear. Some very lovely creations will be evolved by the tasteful fingers of the wonderful woman who can stretch a dollar; exceedingly funny dunce and soldier caps with nodding tassels of paper fringe will be the products of the big men who can always laugh and give others an occasion for mirth. Hats with brims and without, crownless and with peaked crowns, with streamers and with ties, so small that they challenge the ever-present bow in the hair, and so large as to give cause for another arrest in a New Orleans theater—all the hat family will be there—and so will fun.
Did you ever make one? Lay together two squares of tissue of different colors (white and blue are pretty), gather it—with pins—in a circle, so as to form a crown, leaving the four corners sticking straight out for the present. Roll back two corners loosely, so as to give a pompadour effect for the front, and plait the others so they stand stiff for high trimming behind. This gives you a foundation. For trimming use aigrettes—long fringe pinned so tightly as to stand stiff and curled on its edges with a table knife—and ostrich plumes—short fringe well curled. Pin on the back a pair of bewitching strings, pat, punch and pull into shape, and you have a fetching bonnet.
That is only one—an easy one. Numberless forms come when one begins to invoke them.
When the time has expired, form couples for a cake walk before the judges and award the prizes. A bunch of Easter lilies, or a clump of hepaticas or pasque flowers growing in a tiny china bowl is appropriate for head prize; a hat-pin or a book of nonsense verse for the foot prize.
The following games are also suggested.
Give each person a certain number of hard boiled eggs. The one who succeeds in cracking the shells of his opponent's by hitting the ends together is the winner.
Place six hard boiled Easter eggs on each side of the room about one foot apart. A large basket is placed at the far end of the room. The players are divided in two sides, each side being chosen one at a time by the leaders. A large wooden or tin spoon is then given to one player on each side, who, at a given signal, dishes up the eggs one at a time with the spoon, placing them in the basket provided. The leader replaces the eggs on the floor and the next player on each side takes the spoon and lifts the eggs from the floor and carries them to the basket and so on until all have had a turn.
A record is kept of the winners and the side having the greater number wins the game. This game may be changed slightly by someone timing the players with a watch, keeping track of the seconds and the one getting all the eggs into the basket in the shortest time receives a prize.
When it is convenient to play this game out of doors or in a very large room place six or more rows of six eggs each on each side of the room or lawn, with a player (provided with a spoon) behind each row. At a given signal all start to pick up the eggs with their spoons, and the one finishing first wins for his side.
A leader is chosen for the "hen" and the remainder of the children are "chickens," except one who is supposed to be a chicken hawk.
They stand in a row behind one another and grasp the skirts or coat-tails of the child ahead and then they march along with the "hen" at the head of the line.
The "hawk" stands from six to sixteen feet away (the distance depends on the size of the players and the space to play in, the larger each are the greater the distance may be) watching the parade for a short time, then begins to flop his wings (moves arms in imitation of flying) and calls out, "How many chicks have you?" The "hen" replies, "four and twenty, shoo! shoo!" The "hawk" shouts, "That's too many. I'll take a few," and then runs after the children trying to touch or "tag" them. The "hen," of course, tries to protect them by getting them under her wing—when the "chicks" stoop they are supposed to be under their mother's wing and cannot be caught. The children must not let go of each other's skirts or coat-tails (except when caught, then the captured one steps out of the line and the line is closed up.) The hen and chickens may run around as much as they like, only they must keep together by holding on to each other's clothes. The game continues until the hawk has caught the hen and chickens—then a different player is chosen for the hawk and the hen.
Hide colored Easter eggs or small candy eggs in various places, in corners, behind curtains, bric a brac, etc., etc. Provide each child with a small basket or paper bag and at a signal they start to hunt for the hidden eggs. Allow a certain length of time for the hunting and reward the one who finds the most eggs with a large candy egg.
Get ten small toy ten-pins or use wooden clothes pins. Stand them upon end about six or eight inches apart in a line across the room. Use five colored eggs for the balls. A player kneels on one knee at a distance of four feet from the ten-pins and rolls the eggs, one after another toward the ten-pins, knocking down as many as he can. Then another player rolls the eggs and so on until all have taken a turn. Count is kept and the person knocking down the most ten-pins is the winner and receives a "Panorama egg" or some other appropriate prize.
May Day was one of the chief festivals of ancient times and also in more modern times. The Romans held the "Floralia" or festivals in honor of Flora, the Goddess of Flowers, from April 28th to the First of May. The Celts and English used to celebrate May Day extensively. But time makes many changes and as the years increase this custom has decreased, so that in some parts of the country the present generation know May first only as moving day instead of a festival of flowers.
If this entertainment is to be out-of-doors a long pole is erected in the center of the lawn; or fastened into a solid base and set in the center of the room if desired for indoor amusement.
Procure a very light weight wheel about twenty inches in diameter. Wind bright colored bunting or ribbon around the wheel and spokes and attach various flowers and blossoms singly and in clusters to the cloth, letting some hang down as vines and festoons. Place the hub over top of May Pole. Insert in the top of hub three pennants of red, white and blue and stalks of flowers. Natural flowers should be used if possible but paper or artificial ones may be substituted.
Attach from ten to twenty bright colored narrow streamers or ribbons to the May-pole underneath the hub; braid these in and out around the May pole intertwining garlands of flowers for a distance of about twelve inches and fasten streamers securely in place. Supply each child with a basket or bouquet of flowers.
The end of each streamer is given to a girl and boy alternately. The girls hold the ribbon in the left hand and the boys hold the ribbon in the right hand. They spread out into a circle the ribbons or streamers at full length the children standing sideways from the May-pole, the girls facing one direction and the boys facing the opposite direction. The music starts up and the children dance around in a circle. The boys pass on the outside first letting their ribbons pass over the heads of the girls, then the girls pass at the outer edge of the circle letting their ribbons pass over the heads of the boys, and so on until the ribbons are braided around the May-pole, and then they are unwound in the same manner if desired.
A Japanese fete is suitable for a May Day affair, especially for a large affair where house and grounds can be utilized. The hostess who wishes to carry out the Japanese idea correctly will study a book on Japanese customs. She will find it an easy matter to make her grounds attractive on this idea. Cross two long bamboo fishing poles over the gate and hang two fancy lanterns therefrom. Make a path from gate to house by setting up wooden pedestals surmounted by lanterns (this is the approach to the Japanese temples); suspended. Outline the veranda with the lanterns, suspend large ones in doors and windows, and burn red fire in dark corners of the lawn. Have fans passed by small boys in Japanese costume. Have all waiters in the house dressed as Japanese waiters.
In fixing up the house, take into consideration the Japanese love for flowers and that they have several floral feasts. The flowers can be made from paper. Let one room represent the cherry blossoms, the great flower of Japan. Use the pink cherry blossoms everywhere, against the walls, from chandelier and in the hair of the ladies. Serve cherry ice and small cakes decorated with candied cherries, and cherry phosphate or punch in this room. The wisteria is another flower which is cultivated in great quantities in Japan. This room should be in lavender, and if it is impossible to secure the wisteria for a pattern, show Japanese photographs or have Japanese tableaux, a reading from "Madame Butterfly," or "The Japanese Nightingale," and give tiny fans tied with violet ribbon in this room. In August the Japanese have their feast of the lotus and the pond lily can be used in decoration of one room. Have everything here green and white. Use the water-lily and its broad leaves in a frieze around the room and in a wreath about the table. For the table decoration use tiny dwarf plants in odd jardiniers surmounting an "island" made of rocks. Mirrors can be used about the base of this rocky pile and a miniature garden laid out with tiny shells, white pebbles, and the sprigs. The Japanese delight in making these miniature landscape gardens in the smallest possible space; the dwarf trees, but a few inches high, are the wonder of tourists.
In this room serve white sandwiches tied with red ribbons. These may be chicken, Neufchatel cheese, chopped almonds and Brazil nuts, peanuts, lettuce with white mayonnaise. Serve white ice cream, in scarlet tissue cups, and cake. Decorate the squares of white cake with round red candies in imitation of the flag of Japan. The imperial flag is the gold ball on a red field, the national flag a red sun on a white field and the man-of-war flag, a red sun with rays on a white field. Iced tea may be served in this room.
A fancy dress party, each person representing a flower would be a pretty idea for May Day. Dancing, according to history, was the favorite pastime on this occasion and would be very appropriate at the present time.
Pass pencils and slips of paper to the guests with the following written on each paper:—
1. (A Symbol of purity.) 2. (What has been done with a newspaper.) 3. (A pronoun.) 4. (A product of Japan.) 5. (A braying fellow.) 6. (A state of insanity.) 7. (A rose without a thorn.) 8. (A verdant growth found on old trees.) 9. (A native of Africa.) 10. (Pertaining to the U. S. and a synonym of lovely.)
Tell the guests that the questions represent some kind of a rose or a word whose last syllable has the sound of rose. A suitable prize is given the person who has the correct answers in a limited time.
The "roses" represented are (1) white rose; (2) red rose; (3) heroes; (4) tea rose; (5) jack rose; (6) wild rose; (7) tuberose; (8) moss rose; (9) negroes; (10) American beauty rose.
The children take hold of hands and form a circle; except one who stands in the center of the ring. They circle around singing this little verse
Ring Around a Rosy A pocket full of posy The one who stoops last Wants to be your Beau-sy
When the verse is ended the children in the circle stoop quickly and the last one down must join the child in the center of the ring. The circle of children go around again singing the same ditty. The last child to stoop this time joins the one who went into the circle the previous time and the child who has remained through the two verses steps out and joins the children in the circle.
This is played the same as drop the handkerchief except a flower is used instead of a handkerchief and the verse is a trifle different. The song runs thus—"A tisket a tasket a green and yellow basket. I sent a bouquet to my love and on the way I dropped it, etc., etc."
Fire crackers and fire works seem to have first place in the celebration of our Glorious Fourth, but a few games and amusements of a patriotic nature or connected in some way with the symbols of the day may not come amiss.
The players are seated in a row or circle except the leader who is seated in the center of the group. The leader begins the game by asking the first one "What will you do for your country." The player must reply immediately with a word beginning with the letter "A" such as admire it, adore it, aid it, act for it, etc., etc. If he does not reply promptly he must pay a forfeit or he must pay a forfeit if he uses a word which would show disloyalty to his country such as antagonize it, abhor it, etc. etc.
The same question is put to each player to answer with a word beginning with the letter "A." Then ask the first player again, "What will you do for your country." This time the reply must begin with the letter "B" such as battle, beg, bawl or be brave for it. The next time use the letter "C" and so on through the alphabet.
The children take hold of hands and form a circle, except one who is standard bearer and stands in the center of the circle holding an American flag having a staff about four feet long, which is pointed so it can be easily stuck into the ground. The children all sing,
The Union Forever, Hurrah boys, Hurrah! Down with the traitor, Up with the star; While we rally 'round the flag, boys, rally once again, Shouting the battle cry of Freedom.
When the children sing, "Hurrah boys, Hurrah," they wave their right hands high in the air. As they sing "Down with the traitor" all stoop to the ground. As they sing "Up with the star" all jump up and the child in the center raises the flag and waves it until the last line is sung, when he places the flag in the ground. As the children begin to sing the third line of the verse, "While we rally round the flag, etc.," they join hands and circle around until the verse is finished, when they drop hands and run. While the child in the center counts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, halt. If the standard bearer sees any child's feet move after he cries "halt," he has the privilege of tagging that child, who is then an ally of the standard bearer and helps tag the other children he sees moving. If a child can reach the flag and touch it without his movements being seen by the standard bearer or his allies he is free. When all have gained freedom or been caught the game is finished and may be repeated if desired, choosing a different standard bearer.
Hide a lot of small paper torpedoes in various places around the lawn. Give each child a paper bag and at a signal, which is the explosion of a torpedo, they begin to hunt for the hidden torpedoes. The one finding the most is given a small flag which the children salute by firing off their torpedoes.
With water colors or crayons sketch the American flag on white cards omitting the stars. Give each guest a card and forty-six tiny mucilaged stars. Wave a flag as a signal to begin placing the stars on the blue of the flag. Ring a bell at the end of five or six minutes and award a small silk flag or a fire cracker candy box filled with candy to the one having his flag the most complete.
Try the following: What battle of the United States is
1. A fortified place, to perform and a walking stick?
2. An English coin and the act of directing attention?
3. A royal weight?
4. A teutonic village?
5. Two intoxicants?
6. A feminine proper name and a Roman garment?
7. Inclosures for domestic animals?
8. An English city and a village?
9. What railway porters expect, a consonant and a kind of boat?
10. The village of a female ruler?
11. A male bovine and what people do when it chases them?
12. The residence of "Portia" in the "Merchant of Venice?"
13. A vegetable and a range of hills?
14. An ancient city of Greece?
15. Beautiful forest trees?
16. A number and table utensils?
17. To propel, a forest tree, and a body of land surrounded by water?
18. A judicial officer's village?
19. A dear fortification?
20. A range of hills for burial purposes?
1. Battle of Fort Du Quesne. 2. Crown Point. 3. Princeton. 4. Germantown. 5. Brandywine. 6. Saratoga. 7. Cowpens. 8. Yorktown. 9. Tippecanoe. 10. Queenstown. 11. Bull Run. 12. Belmont. 13. Pea Ridge. 14. Corinth. 15. Fair Oaks. 16. Five Forks. 17. Roanoke Island. 18. Chancellorsville. 19. Richmond. 20. Cemetery Ridge.
Drape the red, white and blue bunting from tree to tree and nail to the trees flags of sixteen different countries; the flags to be numbered. Provide each guest with a card containing as many numbers as there are flags. The guests are requested to fill out the cards with the names of countries the flags represent, and are allowed fifteen minutes in which to do this. He who correctly fills his card in the shortest time is given a prize. Flag stickpins, bon-bon boxes representing flags, or some patriotic book would be appropriate.
It is surprising how few are familiar with the flags of different nations.
Hallow-e'en or Hallow-Even is the last night of October, being the eve or vigil of All-Hallow's or All Saint's Day, and no holiday in all the year is so informal or so marked by fun both for grown-ups as well as children as this one. On this night there should be nothing but laughter, fun and mystery. It is the night when Fairies dance, Ghosts, Witches, Devils and mischief-making Elves wander around. It is the night when all sorts of charms and spells are invoked for prying into the future by all young folks and sometimes by folks who are not young.
In getting up a Hallow-e'en Party everything should be made as secret as possible, and each guest bound to secrecy concerning the invitations.
Any of the following forms of invitations might be used.
- Witches and Choice Spirits of Darkness will hold High Carnival at my house, .................. Wednesday, October 31st, at eight o'clock. Come prepared to test your fate. Costume, Witches, Ghosts, etc. -
- Miss Ethel Jones will expect to see you at her Hallow-e'en Party Wednesday, Oct. 31st, at 8 o'clock. She begs that you will come prepared to participate in the mysteries and rites of All Hallow's Eve, and to wear a costume appropriate to the occasion. -
- On Wednesday, Oct. 31st, at 8 o'clock, I shall celebrate Hallow-e'en and hope that you will come and participate in the mysteries and rites of All Hallow's Eve, so come prepared to learn your fate. -
The room or rooms in which most of the games are to be played should be decorated as grotesquely as possible with Jack-o'-lanterns made from apples, cucumbers, squash, pumpkins, etc., with incisions made for eyes, nose and mouth and a lighted candle placed within.
Jack-o'-lanterns for the gas jets may be made of paste board boxes about the size of a shoe box. Cut holes for eyes, nose and mouth in all four sides of the box and cover the holes with red or green tissue paper. A black box with the openings covered with red tissue paper or vice versa or white and green make good combinations.
Cut a hole in the bottom of the box just large enough to fit over the gas jet, turning the gas low enough to not burn the box.
In addition to this Jack-o'-lanterns made from pumpkins, etc., should be placed around on tables, mantles, corners, etc.
A skull and cross bones placed over the door entering the house would be very appropriate. The hall should be in total darkness except for the light coming from the Jack-o'-lanterns of all shapes and sizes in various places. |