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Two Australian Field Batteries (together with a Brigade of Infantry) were transferred to Cape Helles on 5th May and did not rejoin the Australian Division at Anzac till 18th August.
With the limited number of guns available it was exceedingly important that transfers might be made very rapidly from one part of our front to another, and on 2nd June I put forward a proposal which was approved immediately to make a road along the entire front just behind the crest on which infantry trenches were sited. This road was completed in about two weeks and was a great boon alike to gunners and Infantry.
Up to 24th August no anti-aircraft guns had been provided, but specially constructed emplacements had been made for 18-prs. to be used against aircraft, and though never successful in bringing down an enemy 'plane they certainly made good enough shooting to cause enemy aviators to treat them with respect. About 20th August three 3-pr. Hotchkiss arrived for anti-aircraft purposes. They were of obsolete pattern and had been manufactured for the Japanese Government many years before. In fact the only range tables provided were printed in Japanese, but thanks to the fact that one of my Sergeants (who was a Master Mariner) spoke Japanese, we succeeded in preparing serviceable range tables.
Two Japanese trench mortars were also used from Infantry trenches with excellent effect, but owing to ammunition supply becoming soon exhausted and no fresh supplies being available they had to be discarded. A good supply of these weapons, together with full supplies of ammunition, would have been invaluable in bombarding enemy front line trenches.
The ammunition supply at all times up to the operation of 6th August was a difficult problem. Frequently we had to be rationed to a very small allowance per battery per day, and the guns of the heavy battery were for some time not permitted to fire more than two rounds per day and then only by special permission of the C.R.A.
On 20th June I was first informed that H.E. for 18-pr. was to be supplied, and shortly afterwards a small supply for experiment was landed at Anzac. I think I am right in saying my share was 15 rounds per battery.
On 2nd August our first supply of H.E. arrived, but only 150 rounds per battery.
During the first few months of the campaign, when our stocks of ammunition were desperately low, our guns and gunners had to suffer considerable casualties without being able to effectively reply.
Our batteries were of necessity in many cases under direct observation of the enemy, and only the splendid work of the detachments in building earthworks for their protection made it possible to carry on.
Under the protection of the banks of a small ravine near the beach, our artificers established a workshop, and the extraordinary ingenuity and skill displayed in the repairing and replacing of damaged guns earned for the artificers our most grateful appreciation and thanks.
On 25th August I was evacuated suffering from enteric.
These notes only apply to the right sector, which I commanded.
[Footnote 17: Now Major-General Sir Charles Rosenthal, K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.—IAN H. 1920.]
The Dispatch of a Commander-in-Chief is not a technical document. In it the situation should be set forth, as briefly and clearly as may be, together with a few words indicative of the plan of G.H.Q. for coping with it. After that comes a narrative which ends with thanks to those individuals and units who have earned them. A Dispatch should be so written that civilians can follow the facts stated without trouble: it should not be too technical. But when the Military Colleges and Academies at Camberley, Duntroon, Kingston, West Point and in the European and Japanese capitals set to work in a scientific spirit to apportion praise or blame they are more influenced by the actual instructions and orders issued by the Commander-in-Chief before and during the battle, than by any after-the-event stories of what happened. They are glad to know the intentions of the Commander, but his instructions i.e., the actual steps he took to give practical effect to those intentions, are what really interest them.
When I came to write my Dispatch of the 11th December, so much about the actual course of events at Suvla was still obscure, that it had become desirable either to write the narrative in a more technical form than was customary or else to publish my actual instructions simultaneously with the Dispatch. I chose the latter course. The authorities had raised objections to several passages in the Dispatch, and in every case but one, where they had wished me to add something which was not, in my opinion, correct, I had met them. No objection had been raised to the inclusion of my instructions. At 9 p.m. on the night of the 6th January (the Dispatch being due to appear next morning) I received a letter by Special Messenger from the War Office telling me the Press Bureau were wiring to all those to whom the Dispatch had been issued to suppress the instructions!
Whatever the reason of this action may have been, its result was clear enough: my Dispatch was eviscerated at the very moment it was stepping on to the platform. Had I known that these instructions, now given, were to have been cut out, my Dispatch would have been differently written.
IAN H., 1920.
17th July, 1915.
SIR,—I have the honour to forward a series of tables drawn up to show in detail the men, animals, vehicles, stores, etc., which it will be required to land in connection with the forthcoming operations. I shall be grateful if you will let me know as early as possible if you consider that any part of the programme indicated presents especially serious difficulties or is likely to require modification.
In informing me of the results of your consideration, I shall be obliged if you will let me know what craft you intend to use in carrying out the disembarkations referred to in tables B, C, D and E, so that detailed arrangements with regard to embarkation and to the allocation of troops, etc., to boats may be prepared.
2. Immediately after the disembarkation of the details referred to in the attached tables it will be necessary, if the operations are successful, to land 5,000 to 7,000 horses in order to render the force sufficiently mobile to carry the operations to a conclusion. Details as to disembarkation of these horses will be forwarded to you later. In the meantime the horses will be collected at Alexandria, and should subsequently be brought up to Mudros or Imbros, to begin arriving on August 6th.
It will also be necessary to land the remaining portions of the units referred to in the tables (first line transport, etc.), and, further, the remaining units of the formations to which they belong. In this latter category will be included three batteries of heavy artillery with mechanical transport. It will not be required to land any of the above until after August 7th, and details as to numbers, order of disembarkation, etc., will be forwarded to you later.
I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient Servant, (Signed) IAN HAMILTON,
General, Commanding Mediterranean Expeditionary Force.
* * * * *
+ + + + + Unit. From To Personnel. + + + + + 69th Howitzer Bde. Mudros Anzac 312 R.F.A. Cove 1/3rd City of Glasgow 5" Helles Anzac 78 10th Heavy Battery On board Anzac 11 R.G.A. ship at Cove Mudros One F.A. Bde. (11th On board Anzac 33 Division, "A" Bde.) ship at Cove Mudros Reinforcements for Units Alexandria Anzac 7,000 of A.N.Z.A.C. Cove to 8,000 Mule Corps Helles Anzac 50 Cove Ammunition Park Mudros Anzac 65 Cove + + + + +
Vehicles. Animals. Stores. Remarks. 16 guns, 16 wagons, Nil 4 water carts 4 guns, 4 wagons, 1 Nil water cart 4 guns, 4 wagons, 1 Nil I.G.C. has water cart, 2 already been G.S. wagons instructed to arrange for this move. 16 guns, 32 wagons, Nil I.G.C. has telegraph cart, 4 already been water carts instructed to arrange for this move. Nil Nil Nil 200 By August 1st. Nil Nil S.A. Ammn. 5,500,000 rounds Mk. VII (a) (225 tons), 760,000 rounds Mk. VI (30 tons) Gun Ammunition (b) 10 pr. 2,700 (19 tons), 18 pr. 5,500 (70 tons), 4.5" How. 1,600 (45 tons), 5" How. 10,000 (330 tons), 6" How. 1,200 (70 tons), 60 pr. 1,000 (30 tons) -
a If possible, an additional 3,000,000 S.A.A. should be landed, so that half the reserve for the whole Northern Force may be ashore before operations begin (see Table "C" Remarks).
b If possible, the following additional gun ammunition should also be landed, so that the full reserve for the whole Northern Force may be ashore before operations begin:—
10 pr. 3,000 rounds} 18 pr. 10,000 rounds} See Table "C" Remarks. 6" Howitzer 1,000 rounds}
-+ + -+ + -+ - Unit. From. Date. Personnel. Vehicles. Remarks. -+ + -+ + -+ - 6 Battalions (a), Mudros Night, 4,650 Nil Machine guns and 13th Division August other equipment 3rd/4th carried by hand. Bearer Sub-Division, Mudros Night, 100 Nil personnel Anzac August 3rd/4th 7 Battalions (a), Mudros Night, 5,425 Nil Machine guns and 13th Division August other equipment 4th/5th carried by hand. Bearer Sub-Division, Mudros Night, 125 Nil 1 Field Ambulance, August 13th Division 4th/5th 4 Battalions, 10th Mudros Night, 3,100 Nil Machine guns and Division August other equipment 5th/6th carried by hand. 29th Indian Brigade Imbros Night, 2,000 Nil Ditto. and Field Ambulance August 5th/6th Bearer Sub-Divisions, Mudros Night, 255 Nil 2 Field Ambulance, August 13th Division 5th/6th 3 Field Companies Mudros Night, 525 Nil Machine guns and R.E. (a), 13th August other equipment Division 5th/6th carried by hand. All tools carried by hand. -+ + -+ + -+ -
a These units to move from Helles to Mudros as follows:—
1 Brigade } Night, 1 Field Company} 28th/29th July.
1 Brigade } Night, 1 Field Company} 29th/30th July.
1 Brigade } Night, 1 Field Company} 30/31st July.
- - - Unit. Personnel. Horses. Vehicles. Remarks. - - - 1 Inf. Bde. and 3,050 36 Nil Personnel only to be Sig. Sec.(a) disembarked in the order shown. Animals of Mountain 1 Bearer Sub-Div. 40 Nil Nil Batteries as soon as there is sufficient light, followed by horses of one 1 Inf. Bde. and 3,065 36 Nil 18-pr. Battery (82) and of Sig. Sec. and 1 H.Q. F.A. Brigade (10). W/T Station Animals of remaining units to follow in the order 1 Bearer Sub-Div. 40 Nil Nil shown. Supplies and forage for 7 days for these Field Co. R.E. 175 16 4 tool carts troops and animals to be dumped on the beach as 2 Mountain Batts. 100 80 Nil soon as possible, will (b) amount to about 250 tons. S.A.A. 4,000,000 will also Div. H.Q. and 125 28 2 cable wagons, have to be landed besides Sig. Co. 1 water cart, that carried by the 2 limbd. R.E. troops, say, 150 tons. wagons 1 Inf. Bde. and 3,840 44 Nil Artillery reserve Pioneer Bn. and ammunition will also be Sig. Sec. and 1 required as follows: W/T Station To come by trawler from Mudros 7 Bearer Sub-Divs 300 Nil Nil 10 pr. 3,000 rds. (20 tons) 18 pr. 10,000 rds. (130 tons) 60 pr. 1,000 rds. (30 tons) 2 Platoons Div. 62 Nil 62 bicycles (See notes to Table A.) If Cycl. Co. reserve S.A.A. and gun ammunition can be put 2 Field Cos. R.E. 350 32 8 tool carts ashore at Anzac Cove before operations begin 1 F.A. Bde. ("L" 550 251 16 guns, 44 this will also be done. Bde.) (c) wagons, 1 But the above-mentioned telephone reserves must also be wagon, 5 water landed at New Beach in carts case the congestion on the road from Anzac makes its forwarding a matter of great difficulty. Ammn. Park 65 Nil Nil Personnel (11 Div.) 9 Tent Sub.-Divs. 350 84 30 ambulance horses wagons, 9 water or carts, 3 144 Maltese carts mules 4 Casualty 360 Nil Nil Clearing Stations Bde. Ammn. Col. 60 62 8 ammunition wagons, 1 water cart, 4 S.A.A. wagons 2 Bns. for Beach 1,000 Nil Nil Parties Mule Corps 150 300 150 mule carts Wireless Sec. 18 16 2 two-horse vehicles - - -
a Helles to Imbros, night July 31st/August 1st.
b Helles to Imbros, night August 1st/2nd.
c Animals in remarks columns (82 and 10) come from Imbros, remainder from Mudros in horse-ships.
- - - Unit. Personnel. Horses. Vehicles. Remarks. - - - Medical personnel, tent sub- 900 Nil Nil All spare stretchers divisions A. and A.N.Z.A.C. to be carried by Field Ambulance hand. Bearer Sub-Divisions of 1 125 Nil Nil Field Ambulance, 10th Div One 18-pr. Battery and H.Q. 120 92 Nil F.A. Bde. ("A" Bde.) 10th Heavy Battery R.G.A. 110 70 Nil Three 18-pr. Batteries ("A" 300 246 Nil Guns and personnel Brigade) already ashore, (See Tables A and B.) Mules of Mule Corps * 400 Nil * Sufficient personnel to look after mules. - - -
-+ + + + -+ Unit. From Personnel. Animals. Vehicles. Remarks. -+ + + + -+ Divl. H.Q. 10th Mudros 125 28 2 limbered R.E. Divn. wagons, 1 water cart, 2 cable wagons 3 Battalions 10th Mudros 2,325 40 6 water carts S.A.A. 2,600,000 Divn. rounds besides that carried on the men. 6 Battalions 10th Port 4,650 76 12 water carts Divn. Iero H.Q. Divl. R.E. Mudros 525 30 12 tool carts, 3 water carts 3 Field Cos. R.E. 10th Division Bearer Sub- Mudros 250 Divisions of 2 Field Ambulances, 10th Divn. 15th Heavy On 121 70 4 guns, 4 Baattery R.G.A. board wagons, 1 water ship cart, 2 G.S. Mudros wagons Tent Sub-Division Mudros 350 54 15 ambulance of 10th Divn. horses wagons, 12 or 84 carts mules Mule Corps Mudros 150 300 150 carts -+ + + + -+
With reference to your G.288 of 15th July, the Navy is being asked to provide transport for the following ammunition to be landed at Anzac by the 3rd August:—
* * * * *
For A. and N.Z.A.C.—Sufficient S.A.A. to bring the amount on shore up to 500 rounds per rifle and 27,500 per machine-gun.
For other Troops.—300 rounds per rifle and 24,000 rounds per machine-gun (in addition to what the troops will carry on landing).
These will come to 10,000,000 rounds in all, and arrangements are being made to begin landing this ammunition as soon as possible.
2. The following artillery ammunition will also have to be gradually landed and stored, and should all be ashore, if possible, by August 3rd:—
10 pr. 5,700 rounds 18 pr. (probably 15 per cent. H.E.) 15,500 " 4.5-in. Howitzer probably half H.E. 1,600 " 5-in. Howitzer majority H.E. 10,000 " 6-in. Howitzer majority H.E. 1,200 " 60 pr. probably two-thirds H.E. 1,000 "
All of this ammunition is not yet arrived, and the proportion of H.E. shell is not yet ascertainable from England. The arrangements suggested in your paragraph 2 (iii.) of your letter are noted, and will be followed as far as possible.
3. With regard to the marking of ammunition-boxes, the necessary arrangements are being prepared. You will be informed of the arrangements and of the system of marking in due course.
Consignments of Mark VI. and Mark VII. will be sent separately as you suggest.
4. The above figures do not include the periodical replenishment referred to in paragraph 2 (iv.) of your letter. Dispatch of consignments on this account and consignments for the reserve will be notified to you separately.
Major-General, C.G.S., Mediterranean Expeditionary Force.
Enclosed a copy of tables forwarded to Vice-Admiral, showing troops, animals, stores, etc., which the Navy is being asked to land at Anzac.
22nd July, 1915.
The General Commanding wishes me to send you the following outline of his plans for the next general attack, for the exclusive information of yourself, your Divisional Generals, and such Officers of your Corps Headquarters and Divisional Headquarters as you may consider it necessary to take into your confidence. I am to add that it is Sir Ian's wish that as few officers as possible should be made acquainted with it.
2. The general plan is, while holding as many of the enemy as possible in the southern theatre, to throw the weight of our attack on the Turkish forces now opposite the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. It is hoped, by means of an attack on the front and right flank of these forces, to deal them a crushing blow, and to drive the remnants south towards Kilid Bahr. It will then be the object of the General Commanding to seize a position across the peninsula from Gaba Tepe to Maidos with a protected line of supply from Suvla Bay.
3. The strength of the enemy north of Kilid Bahr at the present time is about 30,000 men. Of these some 12,000 are permanently maintained in the trenches opposite the Anzac position, and the majority of the remainder are held in reserve at Boghali, Kojadere and Eski-Keui. It is believed that there are about three battalions in the Anafarta villages, a battalion at Ismail Oglu Tepe (New map 1/20,000), a battalion near Yilghin Burnu, and small parties of outposts at Lala Baba (Sq. 104.L.) and Ghazi Baba (Sq. 106.N.). The hills due east of Suvla Bay towards Aji Liman are believed to be held only by a few Gendarmerie, but information on this point is at present not precise. The hills near Yilghin Burnu and Ismail Oglu Tepe are known to contain one 4.7-in. gun, one 9.2-in. gun, and three field guns, protected by wire entanglements and infantry trenches, but it is believed that the main defences are against attack from the south or west, and that there is no wire on the northern slopes of the hills; also that the guns can only be fired in a southerly direction.
4. The success of the plan outlined in paragraph 2 will depend on two main factors:—
(a) The capture of Hill 305 (Sq. 93.W.).
(b) The capture and retention of Suvla Bay as a base of operations for the northern army.
5. The operations from within the present Anzac position against the enemy on Hill 305 will be carried out by the Australian and New Zealand Corps, temporarily reinforced by the following units of the 9th Army Corps:—
13th Division (less 66th, 67th and 68th Brigades, R.F.A.).
29th Infantry Brigade (10th Division).
29th Indian Brigade.
69th Howitzer Brigade, R.F.A.
6. The landing near Suvla will be entrusted to you, and you will have at your disposal:—
11th Division.
10th Division (less 29th Brigade).
Highland Mountain Artillery Brigade.
1st/4th Lowland Howitzer Brigade.
The disembarkation of your command, which may be expected to be opposed, though not in great strength, will be after dark at a point immediately south of Lala Baba. The first troops to disembark will be the 11th Division, which will have been concentrated at Imbros previously to the attack, and will be brought across under cover of darkness in destroyers and motor-lighters. It is expected that approximately 4,000 men will be disembarked simultaneously, and that three infantry brigades and the mountain artillery brigade will be ashore before daylight.
Your first objectives will be the high ground at Lala Baba and Ghazi Baba, and the hills near Yilghin Burnu and Ismail Oglu Tepe. It will also be necessary to send a small force to secure a footing on the hills due east of Suvla Bay. It is of first importance that Yilghin Burnu and Ismail Oglu Tepe should be captured by a coup-de-main before daylight in order to prevent the guns which they contain being used against our troops on Hill 305 and to safeguard our hold on Suvla Bay. It is hoped that one division will be sufficient for the attainment of these objectives.
Your subsequent moves will depend on circumstances which cannot at present be gauged, but it is hoped that the remainder of your force will be available on the morning of the 7th August to advance on Biyuk Anafarta with the object of moving up the eastern spurs of Hill 305 so as to assist General Birdwood's attack.
7. The operations from within the present Anzac position will begin during the day immediately preceding your disembarkation (the reinforcements for General Birdwood's force having been dribbled ashore in detachments at Anzac Cove on the three previous nights). The operations will begin with a determined attack on the Turkish left centre, Lonesome Pine and Johnston's Jolly (see enlarged map of Anzac position), with the object of attracting the enemy's reserves to this portion of the line. The Turks have for long been apprehensive of our landing in the neighbourhood of Gaba Tepe, and it is hoped that an attack in force in this quarter will confirm their apprehensions. At nightfall the Turkish outposts on the extreme right of the enemy's line will be rushed, and a force of 20,000 men will advance in three or more columns up the ravines running down from Chunuk Bair. This advance, which will begin about the same time as your first troops reach the shore, will be so timed as to reach the summit of the main ridge near Chunuk Bair about 2.30 a.m. (soon after moon-rise).
Latest photographs show that the Turkish trenches on this ridge do not extend further north than Chunuk Bair, and it is unlikely that the higher portions of the ridge are held in great strength.
As soon as a lodgement has been effected on this ridge a portion of the attacking force will be left to consolidate the position gained and the remainder will advance south-west against the enemy's trenches near Baby 700, which will be attacked simultaneously by a special detachment from within the Anzac position.
An advance by your force from the east will, as already indicated in paragraph 6, be of great assistance in the event of this attack being checked.
8. The landing of sufficient transport to secure the mobility of your force will be a matter of considerable difficulty. No animals or vehicles of any kind will be able to land in the first instance, and machine-guns, tools and necessary medical and signalling equipment must be carried by hand. All men will land with two iron rations (one day's meat ration only is advised); infantry will carry 200 rounds S.A.A. and machine-gun sections 3,500 rounds in belt boxes. Packs and greatcoats will not be taken ashore. Before dawn it is hoped to land enough horses to secure the mobility of the mountain artillery brigade and one battery R.F.A., and it is hoped that within the first 24 hours the disembarkation of all the personnel, horses and vehicles enumerated in the attached table will be complete.
One brigade R.F.A. 11th Division, 1/4th Lowland 5th Howitzer Brigade (two batteries) and the 10th Heavy Battery, will be landed at Anzac before the operations commence, and their personnel and horses will disembark on the morning following your disembarkation, and will then be directed along the beach to join your command.
Water is plentiful throughout the Anafarta Valley, but pending the disembarkation of water carts a number of mules with special 8-gallon water bags will be attached to the units of your command.
Major-General, C.G.S., Mediterranean Expeditionary Force.
P.S.—This letter is never to be out of an officer's possession, and if, as is probable, you require to send it to your Brig.-Gen. G.S., it must be sent to Mudros in charge of an officer.
Animals. Vehicles. - 11TH DIVISION.
Divl. H.Q. and Signal Co. 28 1 cart, 2 cable wagons.
3 Infantry Brigades 108 Nil.
Pioneer Battalion 8 Nil.
2 F.A. Brigades 506 32 guns, 88 wagons, 2 telegraph wagons, 10 carts.
1 Heavy Battery R.G.A. 45 4 guns, 4 wagons, 2 G.S. wagons, 1 cart.
3 Field Coys. R.E. 48 12 tool carts.
2 Platoons Divl. Cyclist Co. Nil 62 bicycles.
3 Field Ambulances 144 30 ambulances, 12 carts.
Divl. H.Q. and Signal Co. } — Transport on 1-1/2 Infantry Brigades } approximately the same Pioneer Battalion } scale 3 Field Cos. R.E. } as that for 11th 3 Field Ambulances } Division.
29th Indian Brigade and Indian Field Ambulance. 2 Mountain Batteries (80 mules). 2 Battalions (of 500 men each) for Beach parties. Mule Corps with 300 mules and 150 carts. 3 Casualty Clearing Stations.
Organization Orders for Troops Landing at Anzac.
1. Troops landing at Anzac are to land equipped as follows:
* * * * *
F.S. equipment, including respirator;
Pack and waterproof sheet;
No blanket.
Officers' kit reduced to what they can carry.
No transport of any kind will be available to move baggage or equipment.
Ammunition S.A.A. 200 rounds per rifle or person; 3,500 rounds per machine-gun in belt boxes.
No regimental reserve S.A.A.
Gun, limbers and wagons filled with fused shell.
Water bottles—filled.
Rations—iron rations one day meat and biscuit, two days' groceries.
Sufficient to provide breakfasts.
(Fuel will be issued on shore.)
Tools—infantry. Regimental reserve distributed to individuals and carried on person; Brigade reserve entrenching tools distributed to units, by them to individuals and carried on person.
Engineers—tools for road making and entrenching work—carried on person.
Other arms—usual allotment.
Signal company cable and equipment usually carried in carts to be transferred to barrows.
Ambulances—all available stretchers and equipment of dressing stations only. Tent sub-divisions in readiness to rejoin early.
A.S.C.—Small allowance of distributing equipment, to be brought by advance parties of S. and T. personnel.
2. No horses, attendants or drivers are to land. Brigade Sections of Signal Companies are to land with the brigades they serve.
Tent sub-divisions of field ambulances are not to land.
Equipment carried in technical vehicles is to be transferred to vehicles which can be hand-propelled or else carried on person.
3. Troops should disembark into lighters, etc., in complete units, companies, platoons, and so on, unless much space is sacrificed in so doing.
4. All troops should land wearing two white 6-inch armlets and a white patch on back of right shoulder.
5. No lights or noise are to be permitted while disembarking; troops will move into the lighters or horseboats as quickly as possible.
6. On disembarking troops will be met by staff officers and guides, and will be marched off direct to the ground allotted to them—in no case more than 1,200 yards from the beach. All kit brought must be removed by the troops, and must be taken out of the lighters at the same time as the troops leave.
Special parties to assist with the machine-gun and other loads are to be detailed in the load of each lighter.
7. No lights or talking are permitted on the beach or till the troops reach their allotted area. Fires are not to be lit in any area till 4.15 a.m., and must be extinguished by 8 p.m. Green wood is not to be used; the smoke it causes will draw shell fire.
8. No troops are to leave the area allotted to them between 4 a.m. and 8 p.m. except on special duty with the authority of the Brigade Commander. Piquets will be placed under area arrangements at intervals round the area to prevent men straying independently.
9. Troops may be exposed to desultory shelling during the day or night. This is never aimed, and the best protection against it is to move into the bottom of the gully in which the troops are bivouacked.
10. Troops are not to use any portion of the iron ration with which they land. Issues will be made under brigade arrangements of rations and extras to last the period of their stay.
11. Water is issued on ration at one gallon fresh water per day. This includes water for all purposes. For bathing, the sea is available, but may only be visited after 9 p.m. daily.
12. Latrines for immediate use are dug and marked in each area; additional latrines are to be prepared by units and the strictest orders issued to prevent fouling the ground. Latrines are to be made very deep, as space is much restricted.
13. Casualties of any kind after treatment in the field ambulance affiliated to the brigade will be taken to the casualty clearing station in Anzac Cove for removal to Hospital Ship.
Urgent cases at any time; others as far as possible between 7.30 and 8.30 p.m. and between 6 and 9 a.m.
14. The following is to be practised by all troops after landing:—
* * * * *
Falling in once during the night in any close formation, and to remain so closed up for a period of at least half an hour, during which passing of commands (messages from front to rear and back again and to the flanks) is to be practised.
The troops must be accustomed to the starlight, which may be expected during night operations.
15. If aeroplanes pass overhead troops are not to look up, as this will give away the position of bodies of troops and probably draw shell fire.
16. Troops landing should be provided with Maps 1/20,000 of the area in which operations are to take place. These maps to be in bulk, and not issued till after landing.
Maps 1/10,000 of the Anzac area showing roads and bivouacs will be issued to unit commanders on arrival.
17. Telephone lines will be found laid from Anzac Headquarters to points suitable for Brigade or higher Headquarters. On arrival brigades will join up these points to Anzac.
An officer and two orderlies per brigade will also be detailed to remain at Anzac Headquarters.
Staffs of formations higher than brigades will be located within easy reach of Anzac Headquarters.
* * * * *
G.S.R. Z. 18/2.
Instructions for G.O.C. 9th Army Corps.
Reference Sheet Anafarta Sagir Gallipoli Map 1/20,000.
1. The intentions of the General Commanding for the impending operations, and a rough outline of the task which he has allotted to the troops under your command, were communicated to you in my G.S.R. Z. 18, dated 22nd instant.
2. In addition to the information contained in paragraph 3 of the above quoted letter, small numbers of Turkish mounted troops and Gendarmerie have been reported in the country north of Anzac, and three guns with limbers, each drawn by six oxen, have been seen moving into Anafarta Sagir. An aeroplane photograph has also disclosed the presence of a few trenches on Lala Baba. A sketch of these trenches, which have apparently been constructed for some months, is attached. It is believed that the channel connecting the Salt Lake with Suvla Bay is now dry.
3. Your landing will begin on the night 6th/7th August. Your primary objective will be to secure Suvla Bay as a base for all the forces operating in the northern zone. Owing to the difficult nature of the terrain, it is possible that the attainment of this objective will, in the first instance, require the use of the whole of the troops at your disposal. Should, however, you find it possible to achieve this object with only a portion of your force, your next step will be to give such direct assistance as is in your power to the G.O.C. Anzac in his attack on Hill 305, by an advance on Biyuk Anafarta, with the object of moving up the eastern spurs of that hill.
4. Subject only to his final approval, the General Commanding gives you an entirely free hand in the selection of your plan of operations.
He, however, directs your special attention to the fact that the hills Yilghin and Ismail Oglu Tepe are known to contain guns which can bring fire to bear on the flank and rear of an attack on Hill 305, and that on this account they assume an even greater importance in the first instance than if they were considered merely part of a position covering Suvla Bay. If, therefore, it is possible, without prejudice to the attainment of your primary objective, to gain possession of these hills at an early period of your attack, it will greatly facilitate the capture and retention of Hill 305. It would also appear almost certain that until these hills are in your possession it will be impossible to land either troops or stores in the neighbourhood of Suvla Bay by day.
5. The troops at your disposal will be:—
11th Division (less one Brigade R.F.A., at Helles).
10th Division (less 29th Infantry Brigade).
Three squadrons R.N. Armoured Car Division, R.N.A.S. (one squadron motor cycles, six machine guns; one squadron Ford cars, six machine guns; one squadron armoured cars, six machine guns).
Two Highland Mountain Artillery batteries.
An endeavour will be made to release for your force one or more 5-in. howitzer batteries, now at Anzac, during the day following your initial disembarkation.
6. In order that you may be able to arrange for the disembarkation of your force to agree, so far as Naval exigencies will admit, with the plan of operations on which you decide, the allocation of troops to the ships and boats to be provided by the Navy is left to your decision.
With this object, tables have been drawn up, and are enclosed with these instructions, showing the craft which can be placed at your disposal by the Navy, their capacity, and the points at which the troops can be disembarked. The tables also show what numbers of troops, animals, vehicles, and stores can be landed simultaneously.
The beaches available for your landing on the first night are (1) a frontage of 600 yards in Suvla Bay (sq. 117 Q.V.); (2) a frontage of 1,800 yards S. of Kuchuk Kemikli (sq. 9, 103 z, 104 V; 91 A.B.), called "New Beach" in the tables. It will not be possible in the first instance to land more than one brigade of your force in Suvla Bay, though other vessels can simultaneously be discharging their passengers on New Beach.
7. As regards the time at which the disembarkation may be expected to commence, no craft will be allowed to leave Kephalos Harbour till after dark, and the passage across will take from one and a half to two hours. It is unsafe, therefore, to count on any troops being ashore before 10.30 p.m., and in no case must your approach be disclosed to the enemy till 10 p.m., the hour at which the outposts on the left flank of the Anzac position are to be rushed.
8. No allowance has been made in the tables for the disembarkation of your headquarters, as it is not known at what period of the operations you will wish them to land.
9. Special attention is directed to paragraph 8 of my letter G.S.R. Z. 18, dated 22nd July.
10. The infantry of the 53rd Division will be available as Army Reserve, and will be at the disposal of the General Commanding.
11. Special instructions regarding signal communications will be issued later. In general terms the arrangements will be as follows:—
* * * * *
There is a submarine cable between Imbros and Anzac, and a cable will be laid as soon as practicable from Imbros to Suvla Bay. A submarine cable and a land cable will also be laid between Anzac and Suvla Bay as soon as circumstances permit, probably before dawn. Pending the completion of this work inter-communication between Anzac and Suvla Bay will be carried out by lamp, and, subject to Naval approval, between Suvla Bay and Imbros by wireless telegraphy.
Two[18] military pack W.T. stations and one R.N. Base W.T. station will be provided at Suvla Bay, four naval ratings will be attached to each station as visual signalling personnel. One of these military pack W.T. stations will be disembarked with the second brigade to land, and will act as a base station pending the arrival of the R.N. Base wireless station. The second military pack W.T. station will be disembarked with the third brigade to land; it will be placed on a flank and used mainly for fire control under the B.G.R.A.
A wagon wireless station at G.H.Q., Imbros, will be in communication with both these pack W.T. stations.
One officer and 23 other ranks, with two pack animals from the Brigade Signal Section, will be landed with each Infantry Brigade.
These parties will lay their cable by hand and establish telephone and vibrator communication from the beach forward. No vehicles will be landed in the first instance, all necessary stores being man-handled.
Three officers, 74 other ranks, 28 animals and five vehicles will be landed with Divisional Headquarters.
The advance parties will release the brigade sections from the beach and be prepared to lay cable lines by hand.
Two cable wagons will be included in the five vehicles, and should be the first of those vehicles to be disembarked.
+ Time of Arrival off Coast. Craft. Capacity. + In time to disembark 10 motor lighters 500 infantry all troops, (10 steamboats each (and vehicles, horses, accompanying) 400,000 rds. stores, etc., by S.A.A. if necessary) night 10 destroyers 530 infantry each 1 sloop, towing 600 men 1 motor lighter 88 horses and 4 horseboats 8 mtn. guns (1 steamboat 30 bicycles accompanying) 1 sloop, towing 500 men 4 horseboats (1 24 horses steamboat 4 18-pr. guns accompanying) or wagons 1 trawler, towing 250 men 4 horseboats 24 horses (1 steamboat 4 18-pr. guns accompanying) or wagons H.M.S. 1,000 men Endymion H.M.S. 1,000 men Theseus
- - - Method of Landing Place. Disembarkation. Remarks. - - - 7 lighters at Land direct on beach Ammunition if necessary New Beach, may be left on motor 3 lighters at lighters until convenient Suvla Bay to land it, according to circumstances. One attending Motor lighters take The disembarkation from each motor off troops and land the destroyers cannot lighter them on beach begin until the 10 motor lighters have landed their complement and returned. New Beach Motor lighters and The sloops and trawler, horseboats loaded after casting off their with guns, horses of tows, will return to mountain and 18-pr. Kephalos. Other batteries. Sloop horseboats loaded with men and boats will be there, bicycles ready filled with the remainder of the horses New Beach Horseboats loaded required in the first with guns, vehicles, instance for the two and horses of 18-pr. Mountain Batteries, battery. Sloop the 18-pr. Battery, and loaded with men the Signal Company. and bicycles They will pick up these New Beach Horseboats loaded horseboats and tow with guns, vehicles, them over to the beach and horses of 18-pr. immediately. battery. Trawler available to carry men New Beach Landed either from or Suvla cutters towed by Bay, as may steamboats, or from be convenient motor lighters - - -
The above would admit of the disembarkation before dawn at and in the neighbourhood of Suvla Bay of:—
Divisional Headquarters. Signal Co. with 40 horses. 1 W.T. Section and 2 W.T. Stations. H.Q. F.A. Bde. (18-pr.) with 10 horses. 1 F.A. Battery (18-pr.) with 82 horses. 2 Mountain Batteries with 80 horses. 3 Field Companies R.E. 3 Infantry Brigades and part of remainder of F.A. Bde. (personnel). 1 Pioneer Battalion. 2 Battalions for Beach parties and part of Ammn. Park personnel. 2 Platoons Divl. Cyclist Co. and part of Tent Sub-divisions of Field Ambulances. Bearer Subdivisions of 3 Field Ambulances and part of Casualty Clearing Stations.
The 10 motor lighters will land their complements first, and then the troops from the 10 Destroyers, the two sloops and their tows, and the trawler and her tows, can proceed simultaneously on a front of about 600 yards in Suvla Bay and 1,800 on the beach south of Suvla Bay, directly beach secured. The two landing places are about 2 miles apart. The landing of the troops from H.M.S. Endymion and Theseus may be able to take place simultaneously, or may have to be deferred until the motor lighters have cleared the destroyers.
+ + -+ Time of Arrival off Coast. Craft. Capacity. + + -+ At or immediately 1 horse transport All horses enumerated after dawn in Table C appended to letter G.S.R. Z. 18 of 23rd July, except those already provided for. Water bags and pumps 1 mule transport All mules and mule carts provided for in Tables C and E appended to G.S.R. Z. 18 of 23rd July 6 small transports 5,000 Infantry Called up from 1 supply ship 7 days' supplies for Kephalos as soon after troops and animals dawn as circumstances in Tables C and E permit appended appended to G.S.R. Z. 18 of 23rd July Called up from 4 small transports 2,700 Infantry Kephalos as soon after dawn as circumstances permit 1 horse transport All horses and vehicles enumerated in Table E, appended to G.S.R. Z. 18 of 23rd July + + -+
- - - Method of Landing Place. Disembarkation. Remarks. - - - Suvla Bay Six of the horseboats Transport comes from from which the 18-pr. Mudros. and mountain batteries will previously have been landed Suvla Bay Six of the horseboats Transport comes from from which 18-pr. and Alexandria. mountain bateries will previously have been landed Suvla Bayor Landed from motor Six battalions 10th New Beach if lighters as soon as Division coming from necessary) they have finished Port Iero. clearing the destroyers and (if necessary) H.M.S. Endymion and Theseus Suvla Bay Landed from motor lighters as soon as the Port Iero troops are cleared Suvla Bay (or Landed from motor Three battalions 10th New Beach if lighters as soon as Division from Mudros. necessary) the Port Iero troops are cleared. Suvla Bay Landed from horseboats brought up on second trip by the trawler and two sloops, as soon as the horseboats have been emptied - - -
The above will provide for the disembarkation of the remainder of the troops, etc., enumerated in Tables C and E, appended to letter G.S.R. Z. 18 of 23rd July, that is those not already detailed to be landed before dawn, viz.:—
Remainder of F.A. Brigade (18 pr.). Remainder of Ammunition Park Personnel. 15th Heavy Battery R.G.A. Brigade Ammunition Column. Remainder of Casualty Clearing Stations. Mule Corps. Also 4,000,000 rds. S.A.A. Reserve Gun Ammunition (by special trawlers from Mudros) 7 days' supplies for the above troops and animals.
As soon as possible after Corps Headquarters go ashore, the personnel of the Divisional Signal Companies will be released from work at the beach.
Arrangements will be made subsequently to disembark an air line detachment and a cable section to provide and pole local lines.
The remainder of the Corps Headquarters Signal Company will be kept in readiness to be forwarded as soon as Corps Headquarters reports that circumstances admit of its disembarkation.
12. Two Military Landing Officers and their assistant military landing officers will be placed at your disposal from units other than those under your command.
13. In addition to the units mentioned in Tables A-E forwarded to you with my letter G.S.R. Z. 18, dated 23rd July, the following are being dispatched from Alexandria in this order:—
Three Squadrons Armoured Car Division R.N.A.S. (These will be available to land on the morning after your disembarkation begins, if you so desire.)
(1) H.Q.R.A. 10th Division.
Two F.A. Brigades 10th Division (modified scale of horses).
R.A. personnel and ammunition of 10th Divisional Ammunition Park.
(2) One F.A. Brigade 11th Division (modified scale of horses). One F.A. Brigade 10th Division (modified scale of horses).
(3) Two F.A. Brigades 13th Division.
(4) Horses for 11th Division.
and the following will be assembled at Imbros to land when required:—
11th Divisional Cyclist Company (less two Platoons).
10th Divisional Cyclist Company.
13th Divisional Cyclist Company.
14. You are requested to submit your proposed plan of operations to G.H.Q. for approval at the earliest possible date.
(Signed) W. P. Braithwaite,
Major-General, C.G.S., Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. 29th July, 1915.
G.S.R. Z. 18/2. July 29th.
The General Commanding has decided that his next main attack shall be made in the vicinity of Anzac with the object of placing ourselves astride the Peninsula to the north of Kilid Bahr.
2. The 8th Corps with attached troops is to assist this main operation by offensive action in the south, the scope and form of this action being determined solely with reference to its effects on the main operation.
As the decisive point will be in the neighbourhood of Anzac, all reinforcements will be utilized in that theatre, and it is improbable that any will be available for the southern zone before the middle of August, except such drafts for the 8th Corps and the Corps Exp. Orient as may reach the Peninsula in the next ten days.
3. In order to free sufficient troops to enable the 8th Corps to take the offensive, the French will take over part of the line as defined in Force Order No. 22.
4. In addition to the troops of the 8th Corps and R.N.D. at present at your disposal, the following reinforcements may be expected:—
29th Division 280 due 29th July. 29th Division 900 due 4th August. 42nd Division 100 due 29th July. ——- Total 1,280
which, allowing for normal wastage, should give an effective total of 24,780 on 5th August. These numbers, with the shorter line you will be called upon to hold, should leave you with sufficient troops to undertake a limited offensive operation on or about that day.
5. Assuming that you are not attacked in the meanwhile, the total amount of ammunition which should be available at Helles early in August for offensive action, and to maintain a reserve is:—
18 pr. 36,000 } 4.5 inch 2,000 } Plus any amounts saved 5 inch 4,000 } from normal daily expenditure. 6 inch 545 } 60 pr. 3,000 }
but it must be borne in mind that no replacements can be looked for before August 16th.
6. The scope of your offensive action must be based upon these figures, and it is thought that the most suitable objective will be the capture of the Turkish trenches up to the line F. 13, G. 13, H. 13, and H. 12. Plans for this operation should, therefore, be undertaken at once.
7. Pre-supposing that this attack is successful, and that the numbers at your disposal admit of a further advance, the capture of the trenches on the line H. 14 to H. 15, followed perhaps by the capture of Krithia could then be undertaken, and plans for this action should be prepared beforehand. But as the launching of this further attack must be entirely dependent on unknown factors, a definite decision on this point cannot be arrived at beforehand. It is, moreover, essential that the plan of your first attack should not definitely commit your troops to a further advance unless the trend of events should render such a course desirable.
8. As regards the date for launching your first attack, it is thought that the most favourable time would be shortly before the main operations at Anzac begin, and you should therefore arrange for your first attack to take place on the 4th August.
9. Beyond holding the enemy in front of them to their positions and assisting you with artillery fire, the French will not be asked to take part in your first attack, but, in the event of your reaching Krithia, they will be directed to conform to your movements and to establish themselves on the spurs leading up to Achi Baba.
I will ascertain the amount of artillery support and lean you can expect from the C.E.O., and if the information arrives in time will attach it as an appendix to this letter.
10. The possibility of the southern force being able to capture Achi Baba has not been dealt with in this memorandum, as the attempt should only be made in the event of large reinforcements being available for the southern zone, and these must depend on the course of events in the main theatre.
Major-General, C.G.S., Mediterranean Expeditionary Force.
It will be apparent to you how necessary it is not to allow any suspicion of the reason for the date mentioned in paragraph 8 being told to any person other than your Brigadier-General G.S.
(Intd.) W. P. B.
[Footnote 18: All W.T. arrangements are subject to alteration, as they have not yet been confirmed by the Vice-Admiral.]
French Artillery Support for 8th Corps.
1. One Brigade of 75's will be placed at the disposal of the 8th Corps for the attack on 4th-5th August.
Of these
(a) One battery will be moved to support closely the attack on Krithia.
(b) One battery will fire up the Nullah E. of Krithia.
2. In addition, six French howitzers will be so disposed as to open fire upon Turkish artillery north of the ridge 150—Achi Baba peak.
Reference Map Anafarta Sagir Gallipoli Map 1/20,000.
1. The General Commanding has decided to mass the whole of his reinforcements in and immediately north of the area occupied by the corps under your command, with a view to securing Suvla Bay as a base of operations, driving the enemy off the Sari Bair, and eventually securing a position astride the Gallipoli Peninsula from the neighbourhood of Gaba Tepe to the straits north of Maidos.
2. The general outline for your proposals for the action of the A. and N.Z. Army Corps contained in your G a 89 of 1st July are approved.
3. (a) The General Commanding wishes your operations to begin on August 6th with a strong and sustained attack on Hill 125 (Plateau 400), every effort being made to deceive the enemy as to the locality against which our main effort is to be made, and to induce him to believe that it will be directed against his lines opposite the southern portion of your position. In pursuance of this object the Vice-Admiral has arranged that H.M. ships shall in the meantime display increased activity off the coast between Gaba Tepe and Kum Tepe. It has been arranged that soundings shall be taken by night off the coast south of Gaba Tepe; and, on the evening of August 6th, a naval demonstration will be made off this part of the coast, H.M. ships being accompanied by a number of trawlers as if a landing were to be undertaken.
(b) The General Commanding further concurs in the subsequent sequence of the operations outlined by you, namely:—
(i) The clearing of the enemy's outposts from the ridges facing Nos. 2 and 3 posts, to be undertaken after nightfall.
(ii) An attack in as great strength as possible up the Sazli Beit Dere, the Chailak Dere and the Aghyl Dere, against the Chunuk Bair ridge, by night.
(iii) When the Chunuk Bair ridge is gained, a converging attack from that ridge, and from the north-eastern section of your present position, against Hill 180 (Baby 700).
4. (a) For the above operations the following troops will be at your disposal:—
A. and N.Z. Army Corps. 13th Division, less all artillery except 69th F.A. (Howitzer) Brigade. 29th Brigade (10th Division). 29th Indian Brigade.
(b) At the date of commencement of the operations the following troops belonging to or attached to the 9th Army Corps will be at Anzac, but will not, except so far as is stated hereunder, be at your disposal:—
One F.A. Brigade, 11th Division: To rejoin 9th Army Corps as soon as horses are landed.
10th Heavy Battery, R.G.A.: Ditto.
14th Lowland (Howitzer) Brigade (two Batteries): Arrangements must be made so that these batteries may be free to rejoin the 9th Army Corps before nightfall on August 7th.
5. The operations carried out by the Corps under your command will form part of a general combined offensive undertaken by the whole of the forces of the Gallipoli Peninsula and by the 9th Army Corps, which will be disembarked in the neighbourhood of Suvla Bay, beginning on the night of August 6th-7th.
(a) The 8th Army Corps, in conjunction with the Corps Expeditionnaire, will attack the Turkish lines south of Krithia on August 4th and 5th. The attack will be made on a large scale, and will be vigorously pressed, and it is hoped that by its means the enemy will be induced to move part of his central reserves southward into the Cape Helles zone during the 5th and 6th, so that they may not be available in the northern zone on the 6th and 7th.
(b) The 9th Army Corps will begin landing in and close to Suvla Bay during the night of August 6th-7th. Three infantry brigades, with one field and two mountain batteries, engineers and medical services, should be ashore before dawn, and will be closely followed by two more infantry brigades and additional artillery and engineers.
The G.O.C. 9th Army Corps has been informed:—
(i) That his mission is to secure Suvla Bay as a base of operation for all the forces in the northern zone.
(ii) That the seizure of Yilghin Burnu and Ismail Oglu Tepe ("W" and Chocolate Hills), on account of the presence there of artillery which may interfere with your operations, must be considered as of very special importance.
(iii) That so far as is possible after the fulfilment of his primary mission, he is to render you such direct assistance as may be practicable by moving any available troops via Biyuk Anafarta up the eastern slopes of the Sari Bair.
(c) At the commencement of these operations the infantry of the 53rd Division will be available as Army Reserve and will be at the disposal of the General Commanding.
6. The Vice-Admiral has agreed provisionally to the following allotment of ships affording naval support to the operations:—
In Suvla Bay: One 6-in. monitor.
South of Kuchuk: H.M.S. Endymion.
Kemliki (Nibrunesi Point): H.M.S. Edgar, H.M.S. Talbot, one 6-in. monitor, one 9.2-in. monitor. These ships would be in position at daylight on August 7th, and would mainly be required to support the operations of the 9th Army Corps.
West of Gaba Tepe: H.M.S. Baccanto, H.M.S. Humber, H.M.S. Havelock, one 6-in. monitor.
These ships would be in position at 3 p.m. on August 6th, except H.M.S. Havelock, which would be in position at daylight on August 7th. They would be detailed for support of the right flank of the A. and N.Z. Army Corps.
Off Kum Tepe: One 6-in. monitor.
A separate communication is being sent to you with regard to the final settlement of details as to the support of the operations by naval guns, allocation of targets, etc.
7. Special instructions regarding signal communication will be issued later. In general terms the arrangements will be as follows:—
A submarine cable and a land cable will be laid between Anzac and Suvla Bay as soon as circumstances permit.
A submarine cable will also be laid as soon as practicable between Imbros and Suvla Bay. Pending the completion of connection between Anzac and Suvla Bay, inter-communication will be carried out by lamp.
Two military pack W/T stations and a R.N. Base W/T station will be established in the vicinity of Suvla Bay. The W/T station at Anzac will be able to intercept messages from seaplanes, but must not attempt to reply.
W/T via the ships will be an alternative means of communication between G.H.Q. and the troops ashore in case of interruption of cable communication.
A system of flares will be arranged for employment on the left flank of your position at dawn on August 7th to indicate to the ships the positions reached by the troops.
8. G.H.Q. will in the first instance be at Imbros.
Major-General, C.G.S., Mediterranean Expeditionary Force.
G.H.Q., 30th July, 1915.
2nd August, 1915.
1. The total forces of the enemy in the Gallipoli Peninsula are estimated at 100,000.
Of these, 27,000 are in the neighbourhood of Anzac (5th, 19th, 16th Divisions, and 18th and 64th Regiments); 36,000 are in the Southern zone (1st, 4th, 6th Division less one regiment, 7th Division, 11th Division less one regiment, and one regiment each of the 12th, 25th and 3rd Divisions); and 37,000 are in Reserve (9th Division less one regiment, 12th less one regiment, 13th, 14th, and 25th less one regiment, and 10th Divisions). Of this reserve force two Divisions are in the Bulair district and one Division in the Eyerli Tepe zone. There are 12,000 on the Asiatic shore of the Dardanelles (2nd Division and 8th Division less one regiment). There are believed to be five Divisions (45,000 men) in the Keshan area belonging to the 5th and 6th Corps.
All reports tend to show that though the enemy may be expected to fight well in trenches, their moral has suffered considerably as a result of their recent heavy casualties, and that their stock of ammunition is low.
2. The General Commanding intends to carry out a combined and simultaneous attack on the enemy in the northern and southern zone commencing on 6th August, in accordance with the special instructions already issued to the Corps Commanders concerned.
During the first phase of these operations the 13th Division (less three 18-pdr. Bdes. R.F.A.), the 29th Infantry Brigade will be attached to the A. and N.Z. Army Corps. Three squadrons R.N. Armoured Car Division and two batteries Highland Mounted Artillery will be attached to 9th Corps. 86th Brigade R.F.A. and 91st Heavy Battery R.G.A. will be attached to 8th Corps.
3. Special instructions regarding embarkation and disembarkation are issued to G.O.C. 9th Corps, G.O.C., A. and N.Z. Corps, and I.G.C., as appended to this order.
4. The 53rd Division will remain at the disposal of the General Commanding as general reserve.
5. G.H.Q. will remain in the first instance in its present situation.
Major-General, C.G.S., Mediterranean Expeditionary Force.
Issued to: G.O.C. Corps Expeditionnaire; G.O.C. A. and N.Z. Army Corps; G.O.C. 8th Army Corps; G.O.C. 9th Army Corps; G.O.C. 53rd Division; I.G.C.; Vice-Admiral.
1. The embarkation of units of the 9th Corps concentrated at Imbros will be carried out under the orders of G.O.C. 9th Corps, commencing for personnel on 6th August, for vehicles and stores at such earlier date as may be convenient. The necessary ships and boats (lists of which have already been handed to the G.O.C. Corps) will be assembled in the harbour beforehand; and the embarkation programme will be worked out in consultation with Commander Ashby, R.N., who has been detailed by the Vice-Admiral for this purpose, and who will arrange for the various vessels to be in their allotted positions at the hours arranged.
G.O.C. 9th Corps will also be responsible for the allocation to ships or lighters, and for the embarkation of the following units:—
* * * * *
At Imbros: One W.T. Section (Nos. W. 10 and W. 11 Pack Wireless Stations); Two Anson Battalions R.N.D. (for duties on the beach); No. 16 Casualty Clearing Station.
In transit from Mudros to Imbros: One Casualty Clearing Station.
Units and formations concentrated at Mudros and Mitylene will be embarked for their various destinations under the orders of I.G.C. in accordance with the programme already issued to that officer.
Military Transport Officers.
2. G.O.C. 9th Corps and I.G.C. respectively will ensure that an officer is appointed Military Transport Officer on every ship for the embarkation of which they are severally responsible (vide paragraph 1).
Landing Places.
3. The landings of the 9th Corps will be referred to as "A," "B," and "C" Beaches.
"A" Beach—Square 117.q. and v.
"C" Beach—Square 103.u.z.
"B" Beach—Square 91.b, i, o.
"C" and "B" Beaches are practically contiguous.
Beach Control Personnel.
4. The following naval and military beach control personnel have been appointed for the landing places of the 9th Corps:—
* * * * *
Principal Beach Master: Captain H. F. G. Talbot, R.N.
Beach Masters: Commander I. W. Gibson, M.V.O. ("A" Beach), Captain C. P. Metcalfe, R.N. ("B" Beach), Commander C. Tindal-Carril-Worsley ("C" Beach).
Assistant Beach Masters and Beach Lieutenants: Four Lieutenant Commanders, ten Lieutenants, R.N.
Principal Mil. L.O.: Colonel W. G. B. Western, C.B.
Mil. L.O.'s: Major F. W. Pencock, Derbyshire Yeomanry, Major Sir R. Baker, Dorset Yeomanry, Captain Tylsen Wright, A.S.C.
Assistant Mil. L.O.'s: Captain Wade Palmer, Derbyshire Yeomanry, Captain B. A. Smith, South Notts Hussars, Lieutenant H. V. Browne, Dorset Yeomanry, Lieutenant Krabbe, Berks Yeomanry.
The allocation of the above military officers to the various landing places will be detailed by the P.M.L.O. in consultation with the P.B.M.
Special instructions with regard to beach fatigue parties have already been issued to the G.O.C. 9th Corps.
G.O.C., A. and N.Z. Army Corps will detail such military landing officers, assistant military landing officers, and beach parties for A.N.Z.A.C. as he may consider necessary. The names of officers so appointed will be reported as early as possible to V.A. and to G.H.Q.
The following special service officers are attached to H.Q., A. and N.Z. Army Corps, for such duties in connection with the landing as the G.O.C. may direct:—
* * * * *
Major P. R. Bruce, S. Notts Hussars.
Captain C. R. Higgens, County of London Yeomanry.
Captain Sir E. Pauncefort Duncombe, Royal Bucks Hussars.
General Instructions for Landing.
5. All troops will land with two iron rations (one day's meat only in case of troops disembarking at Anzac). Infantry will carry 200 rounds of S.A.A., machine-gun sections 3,500 rounds. Packs will not be worn. A proportion of heavy entrenching tools, signalling and medical gear will be carried by hand. Camp kettles will be handed to the Ordnance Officer of the camp at which units concentrate before embarkation. They will be forwarded and reissued at the first opportunity.
6. Horses will be landed harnessed, and with nosebags filled to their full capacity.
Poles of G.S. wagons will be removed before slinging and made fast to the body of the wagon. Poles of carts, limbers, and limbered wagons will not be removed; these vehicles should be so placed in the boats that they can be landed pole leading.
7. The G.O.C. 9th Corps will depute an officer to arrange, in consultation with the P.M.L.O., for the storing of reserve ammunition in convenient localities near the beach. Guards for these stores may be found from the beach fatigue parties.
8. The strictest economy must be exercised with regard to drinking water. Under arrangements already made by G.H.Q., receptacles filled with water will be landed as early as possible from the ships carrying the mule corps, and will be conveyed to the troops as transport becomes available. Waterproof tanks (2,300 gallon capacity) and lift and force pumps will be available on the Prah—R.E. Storeship—in Kephalos Harbour, and will be forwarded by D.Q.M.G., G.H.Q., on request of G.O.C. Corps.
9. Transport to supplement that in possession of units will be provided for the 9th Corps and the A.N.Z. Corps by the Indian Mule Corps. The amount of transport for each formation has been calculated to carry rations, water, and S.A.A., making one or two trips a day, according to the anticipated distance of the various units from the beach.
This transport will be handed over, as it is landed, by an officer appointed by the D.S.T., to transport officers of Brigades and divisional troops for allotment as circumstances may require.
Senior transport officers of Divisions will be ordered to report to the following representatives of the D.S.T. immediately on landing:—
* * * * *
At Anzac: Lieutenant-Colonel Streidinger, A.D.T.
At "A" Beach: Major Badcock, D.A.D.T.
10. A supply depot has been formed at Anzac, and it is in charge of Major Izod, A.S.C. A supply depot will be formed by D.S.T. at "A" Beach as soon as supplies can be landed, and will be in charge of Major Huskisson, A.S.C. Senior supply officers of Divisions will be ordered to place themselves in communication with the officer in charge of the nearest supply depot and to keep him informed of their daily requirements. Supplies will, so far as possible, be handed over to them in bulk at the depot. Owing to the difficulty in landing sufficient animals in the first instance it is possible that only half rations may be available on the third and fourth days after the operations begin. All units should be specially ordered to husband their rations.
11. Arrangements have been made to establish on the beach at Anzac two casualty clearing stations, which will be embarked by I.G.C., and two at "A" Beach, which will be embarked under orders of G.O.C. 9th Corps (see paragraph 1). Medical officers will be appointed by G.H.Q. to control these units, and to take charge of the arrangements for evacuation of the wounded from the beach.
(_Signed_) C. F. ASPINALL, _Lieutenant-Colonel,
For Major-General, C.G.S., Mediterranean Expeditionary Force._
1. The operations of the northern wing of the Army have only been partially successful.
(a) The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, with the 13th Division and the 29th Brigade of 10th Division attached, has greatly extended the area occupied, and now holds a position under the Chunuk Bair Ridge, which the G.O.C. considers a favourable one from which to launch the final attack on the ridge. The necessity for reorganization after the recent operations, and for establishing a satisfactory system of forwarding water, ammunition and supplies, will involve a delay of some days before the attack on the main ridge can be made.
(b) The 9th Army Corps, less the 13th Division and 29th Brigade, but with the 53rd and 54th Divisions attached, holds the Yilghin Burnu hills, and a line northwards from the easternmost of these two hills roughly straight across the Kuchuk Anafarta Ova to the highest point of the Kiretch Tepe Sirt. Attacks by the 11th Division against the Ismail Oglu Tepe and the Anafarta spur from the north-west have been made without any success. In the course of the operations the 9th Corps became very much disorganized, and since August 11th the work of reorganization and consolidation has been proceeding.
2. At present the enemy has shown no great strength north of an east and west line through Anafarta Sagir. He has a force operating on and near the Kiretch Tepe Sirt, the strength of which cannot yet be accurately estimated. From present indications this appears to be a detachment which is known to have guarded the coast from Ejelmer Bay to Suvla Bay; it does not appear to have been reinforced to any extent. Across the Kuchuk Anafarta Ova there appear to be no more than snipers. In the region Anafarta Sagir—Ismail Oglu Tepe and the Biyuk Anafarta Valley the enemy has developed considerable strength—his intention being, no doubt, to protect the right of his main force which opposes the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, and to prevent our advance on the Anafarta gap.
3. The General Commanding has decided to strike as quickly and in as great strength as possible against the enemy's on the line Ismail Oglu Tepe—Anafarta Sagir with the objects, first, of driving in this flank and preparing a further enveloping advance; and, secondly, by clearing the Anafarta spur to deny to the enemy the gun positions and facilities for observation therefrom, which would otherwise endanger Suvla Bay. He considers it imperative to effect this with the least possible delay. In his view the left flank of this advance will require comparatively little protection, at all events in the first instance, in view of the difficulty which the enemy may be expected to find in throwing any considerable force round our left over the high and difficult country north of Anafarta Sagir. It appears that the double purpose of defeating the enemy and securing Suvla Bay as a port for the northern wing of the Army can best be served by an attack on the enemy's right on the Anafarta spur, made with all the strength at our command, while leaving a comparatively small force as left flank guard to clear the enemy's snipers out of the Kuchuk Anafarta Ova and to occupy and press back his detachment in the Ejelmer Bay region.
4. You will have at your disposal the following troops:—
11th Division, 10th Division (less 29th Brigade), 53rd Division, 54th Division,
and there is on its way from Egypt to join you the 2nd Mounted Division (5,000 men dismounted), which should be available by August 18th. The 10th, 11th and 53rd Divisions are considerably depleted, and the moral of the latter at present leaves much to be desired. There are at present ashore, belonging to the above two F.A. Brigades (three batteries of which are awaiting horses to bring them up from Anzac) and two Heavy Batteries. In addition, two Highland Mountain Batteries, attached to the 9th Corps, are ashore, and the 1/4th Lowland Brigade (two batteries 5-inch howitzers) are at your disposal when they can be brought up from Anzac. It has only been possible to land a bare minimum of horses owing to difficulties in respect of water and the landing of forage.
Three further F.A. Brigades and the 57th Brigade (two batteries) 4.5-inch howitzers are at Mudros ready to be brought up as soon as it is possible to land them. These Brigades will probably have to be landed without any horses in the first instance, and taken into position by the artillery horses already ashore.
5. For the purpose of an early attack in accordance with the plan indicated in paragraph 3, the A. and N.Z. Army Corps will probably not be able to co-operate directly with more than one Infantry Brigade, and it is possible that it may be able to do no more than swing up its left into line with the right of your advance. It is improbable that the 8th Corps and the C.E.O. will be in a position to do more than undertake vigorous demonstrations.
6. With the above in view, you will proceed at once to Suvla Bay and take over command of the 9th Corps. Your immediate and most urgent concern will be to complete the reorganization of the Corps and to prepare as large a force as possible for the offensive against Ismail Oglu Tepe and the Anafarta spur, bearing in mind that time is of vital importance. You will then consider and report at the earliest moment:—
(a) What force you consider that you will be able to employ for this purpose.
(b) The date on which you will be ready to undertake the offensive.
(c) The method by which you purpose to carry out your task.
_Major-General, Chief of the General Staff,
Mediterranean Expeditionary Force._
"A" Beach, II. 69, 75, 146.
Abdel Rahman Bair, II. 115.
Abrikja, II. 87.
Achi Baba, I. 272, 362; II. 194.
Adderley, Lieut., II. 5.
Adrianople, I. 10.
Aeroplanes, I. 110.
Agnew, Col. Quentin, II. 160.
Air Service, I. 8, 287, 384.
Aitkin, Capt., II. 30.
Aja Liman, II. 112, 148, 152.
Aja Liman Anafarta Ridge, II. 83, 84.
Akbashi Liman, I. 291; II. 193.
H.M.T. Alaudia, II. 44.
Alexandretta, I. 9.
Allanson, Col., II. 214.
Altham, Genl., II. 6, 32, 123, 167, 172, 186, 261, 270.
Ambulance— 87th Field, II. 172. 110th Indian Field, II. 167. 3rd R.N.D. Field, I. 317. West Lancs. Field, II. 231.
Amery, Col., I. 342.
Ammunition, I. 62, 196, 286, 289, 308; II. 9, 10, 11, 13, 35, 41, 140.
Anafarta, II. 148.
Anafarta Ova, II. 93.
Anafarta Sagir, II. 68, 69, 70, 81, 89, 112.
Anatolia, II. 191.
H.M.T. Andania, II. 44.
Anderson, Maj., II. 255.
Andrews, Col., II. 18.
Anglesey, Lord, II. 196, 200.
Anson Bn., I. 73, 271, 274, 333.
Anstey, Capt., II. 58.
Anzac Cove, II. 111.
S.S. Arabian, I. 316.
H.M.S. Arcadian, I. 84, 185, 248.
Ari Burnu, II. 246.
Armistice, I. 248, 387.
Armoured Car Section, I. 106; II. 188.
H.M.S. Arno, II. 57, 58, 98, 146, 158, 159, 165, 166, 246.
Artillery, I. 48, 307, 374; II. 35. Australian, I. 117. See also Appendices I. and II.
Ashmead-Bartlett, Mr., I. 106, 253, 334; II. 8, 165, 190, 204, 226.
H.I.M.S. Askold, I. 106, 135.
Aspinall, Lt.-Col., I. 152, 169, 383; II. 4, 17, 25, 26, 61, 64, 126, 130, 243.
Asquith, Rt. Hon. H. H., I. 54, 247; II. 227, 259, 260, 261, 262, 274.
Asquith, Lieut. Arthur, I. 20, 71.
Australian F.A., 3rd Battery, II. 254.
Australian Light Horse, I. 285, 359.
Australians— 9th Bn., I. 49. 12th Bn., II. 234. 15th Bn., I. 216. 16th Bn., I. 216. 20th Bn., II. 254, 255. 26th Bn., II. 234.
Ayres, Col., II. 246.
Babtie, Genl., I. 367.
Baby 700, II. 111.
H.M.S. Bacchante, I. 154.
Backhouse, Commodore, I. 333.
Bailey, Col., II. 244.
Bailloud, Genl., I. 192, 207, 243, 371, 379; II. 25, 27, 146, 158, 179, 213, 218, 219, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230, 234.
Baldwin, Genl., I. 386; II. 80, 81.
Balkans— C.-in-C.'s views on, I. 115.
Bard, see Tullibardine.
Barttelot, Sir W., II. 219.
H.M.S. Basilisk, I. 328, 370, 372.
Battle— Kum Kale, I. 135, 150. Landing, I. 126. Naval, I. 30. Quinn's Post, I. 255. Sedd-el-Bahr, I. 131. "V" Beach, I. 135. "W" Beach, I. 130. "X" Beach, I. 130. "Y" Beach, I. 129 et seq. Yeni Shahr, I. 151. 6th-9th May, I. 206. 4th June, I. 270 et seq. 28th June, I. 344 et seq. 12th July, II. 6 et seq. 21st August, II. 127 et seq.
Bayley, Maj., II. 231. (Should read "Baylay.")
Beadon, Lt.-Col., II. 120, 130.
Beetleheim, Capt., I. 273.
Bell, Maj. Morrison, II. 244.
Benbow Bn., I. 333.
Beresford, Genl., I. 242.
Berks Regt., II. 230.
Bertier, Maj., I. 119, 379; II. 25, 40, 220, 233, 275.
Beryl, II. 32.
Besika Bay, I. 9.
Birmingham, I. 326
Bishop, Maj., I. 320.
Biyuk Anafarta, II. 112, 157.
Blockhouses, II. 93.
Bluff Redoubt, I. 225.
Boers, II. 161, 162.
Bombs, I. 43, 258, 321, 383; II. 140.
Bonham-Carter, Mr., II. 98.
Bonsor, Maj., I. 370.
Boomerang Redoubt, I. 344, 352.
Border Regt., I. 352; II. 230.
Bouvet, I. 36.
Bowlby, Flag-Lt., II. 8, 169
Boyle, R.N., Capt., I. 38.
Boyle, R.N., Lt.-Comr., I. 234, 240.
Braithwaite, Capt. V., II. 120, 130, 146, 158, 159, 165, 186, 246.
Brassey, II. 110.
Brassey, Lady, II. 105, 168.
Brassey, Lord, II. 105.
Bridges, Genl., I. 118, 179, 229, 256.
Brigade— 1st (Australian), II. 55. 2nd (French), II. 225. 2nd (Naval), I. 333. 3rd (Australian), I. 336. 3rd (Marine), I. 303. 4th (Australian), I. 249, 256. 5th (Australian), II. 254. 30th, II. 44. 32nd, II. 22, 29, 60. 33rd, II. 22, 46, 60. 34th, II. 22, 28, 61. 39th, II. 18. 86th, I. 82, 220, 302, 345, 352; II. 171, 172. 87th, I. 82, 209, 210, 224, 301, 345, 352; II. 230. 88th, I. 170, 209, 210, 293, 353; II. 166, 241. 127th, I. 317. 155th, I. 303. 156th, I. 303, 346, 352, 371; II. 9, 243. Indian, I. 301; II. 15, 127, 130, 208. Light Horse, I. 336. Manchester, I. 272, 273. Younghusband's, II. 147, 150, 151, 153, 154.
Brodrick, Capt. Hon. G., I. 357; II. 24, 52, 68, 72, 74, 76, 78, 125, 130, 146, 154.
Brody, Capt., II. 68.
Brooke, Sir B., II. 138.
Brooke, Rupert, I. 71, 122, 124.
Brown, Percy, I. 371.
Browne, Maj., I. 336.
Bruce, Col., I. 74, 301, 359, 361.
Bruce, Maj., I. 74.
Brulard, Genl., II. 225, 228, 229, 234, 256, 276.
Bryant, Lt.-Col., I. 323.
Buchanan, Col., II. 186.
Buchanan, Sir G., II. 207, 208.
Bulair Lines, I. 9, 29, 130, 275, 290, 291, 292, 361.
Bulgaria, I. 116; II. 192, 202, 204, 209.
Bulgarians, II. 212.
Burleigh, Bennett, I. 339.
Burmeister, Flag-Capt., I. 71.
Burn, Col. C., I. 121; II. 8, 15, 251, 255.
Burrell, Lieut., I. 370.
Burrows, Capt., II. 247.
Burton, Col., II. 18, 242.
Bush-fires, II. 131.
Byng, Genl., I. 303; II. 35, 105, 106, 137, 138, 139, 146, 151, 159, 160, 165, 186, 206, 218, 219, 241, 242, 276.
"C" Beach, II. 75.
Cadorna, Genl., II. 178.
Callwell, Genl., I. 6, 241; II. 172 et seq. , 257, 259, 261, 263.
Camel Corps, Bikaner, I. 74.
Cameron, R.N., Capt., I. 8, 31.
Campbell, Col., I. 74.
H.M.T. Canada, II. 44.
H.M.S. Canopus, II. 44.
Canteen, II. 123, 170.
Carden, Admiral, I. 17, 19.
Carruthers, Genl., I. 142.
Carter, Capt., I. 280.
Carthage, I. 371.
Casualty Clearing Station, 25th, II. 14.
Cayley, Genl., II. 18, 241.
Censorship, I. 320, 327, 332; II. 140, 172 et seq. , 257.
H.M.T. Ceramic, II. 156.
Chanak, I. 291, 292, 293; II. 192.
Charak Cheshme, II. 74.
H.M.S. Chatham, II. 43, 45, 60, 275, 277.
Chauvel, Genl., I. 285, 359.
Cheape, Capt., II. 203, 204.
H.M.S. Chelmer, II. 262.
Cheshire Point, II. 201.
Chocolate Hill, II. 214.
Christian, Admiral, II. 60.
Chunuk Bair, I. 330, 361; II. 57, 86, 111, 113.
Churchill, Rt. Hon. W., I. 44, 161, 240, 242, 247; II. 24.
Churchill, Maj. J., I. 153, 178; II. 155.
Church Parade, I. 370; II. 20, 29, 157, 234.
Clarke, Lt.-Comr., I. 335.
Clifton-Browne, Genl., II. 247.
Coddan, Capt., I. 121.
Coleridge, II. 52.
Collet, Capt., II. 123, 126.
Collingwood Bn., I. 333.
Collins, Lt.-Col., I. 317.
H.M.S. Colne, I. 112, 178, 180, 343.
Conference—- 17th March, I. 21. 22nd March, I. 41. 18th April, I. 118. Midnight, 25th April, I. 142.
Connaught Rangers, II. 155.
Constantinople, I. 10.
Convalescent Depot, II. 168.
H.M.S. Cornwall, II. 221.
H.M.S. Cornwallis, I. 134, 138; II. 221, 242.
Cowans, Genl., I. 365, 366.
Cox, Genl., I. 73, 174, 186; II. 15, 132, 139, 155, 190.
d'Amade, Genl., I. 3, 21, 64, 78, 118, 222, 223, 226.
Damakjelik Bair, II. 113, 127, 128.
Danube, I. 11; II. 202.
H.M.S. Dartmouth, I. 106.
Davidson, R.N., Capt., II. 242, 258.
Davies, R.N.A.S. Capt., I. 109.
Davies, Genl., II. 33, 51, 139, 140, 144, 160, 196, 243, 246, 248, 251, 276.
Dawnay, Capt., I. 152, 178, 343; II. 120, 126, 133, 165, 189, 251, 262.
De Bourbon, Capt., II. 256.
De Crespigny, Capt., II. 243.
Deedes, Capt., I. 344; II. 120, 126, 158, 186, 243.
De la Borde, Lieut., I. 119; II. 40, 196, 220.
De la Fontaine, Capt., I. 185.
De Lisle, Genl., I. 274, 280, 293, 356; II. 17, 18, 25, 106, 119, 121, 129, 130, 132, 159 et seq., 241.
De Lothbiniere, Genl., I. 259, 357.
Dent, R.N., Capt., I. 118, 122.
De Putron, Maj., II. 196, 262.
De Robeck, Admiral, I. 21, 41, 48, 142, 383; II. 60, 124, 275, 276.
De Rougemont, Col., II. 246.
Des Coigns, Col., I. 183, 185.
De Tott's Battery, I. 134; II. 26, 27.
Devon Regt., 2/5th, II. 156, 157, 160. Dick, Col., I. 105, 385.
Diggle, Capt., II. 51.
Division— 1st (Australian), II. 217. 1st (French), I. 323, 324. 2nd (Australian), II. 167. 2nd (French), I. 323, 324. 2nd (Mounted), II. 37. 10th, I. 306, 328; II. 97, 127, 159, 217, 224, 227, 233. 11th, I. 328; II. 49, 52, 60, 83, 127, 129, 131, 132, 159, 188. 11th (Turkish), I. 373. 13th, I. 328, 386; II. 18, 57, 83, 91, 107. 16th (Irish), II. 159. 42nd, I. 386; II. 40. 52nd, I. 386; II. 158, 243. 53rd, II. 90, 128, 217, 225, 226. 54th (Essex), II. 81, 90, 92, 100, 128, 208. East Lancs., I. 58, 314; II. 57, 196. Irish, II. 31, 41, 60. Lowland, I. 355; II. 6. Mounted, II. 217. Naval, I. 272, 303, 318, 377; II. 8, 25, 40, 158. Welsh, II. 101.
Djavad Pasha, I. 20.
Dod, Col. Wolley, I. 302.
Doran, Genl., I. 280, 282.
H.M.S. Doris, I. 68.
Dorling, Col., II. 219.
Dorset Regt., 5th, II. 28.
Doughtie, R.N., Capt., II. 21.
Douglas, Genl., I. 282, 337, 382; II. 25, 247.
Downing, Col., II. 44.
Drafts, I. 368; II. 16, 35, 42, 46, 126, 132, 139, 223.
Drake Bn., I. 73.
Drury-Lowe, R.N., Capt., II. 43, 277.
H.M.S. Dublin, I. 109, 146.
Dublin Fusiliers, I. 157, 224; II. 172.
Dudley, Lord, II. 167.
Duff, Genl. Beauchamp, II. 198.
Duncan, Major, II. 28.
Duncannon, Lord, II. 262.
H.M.S. E 11, I. 282, 284.
H.M.S. E 14, I. 234, 240.
East Kent Yeomanry, II. 247.
East Lancs. Regt., 6th, II. 18.
East Yorks, 6th, II. 67.
Edinburgh, Lord Provost of, II. 155.
Edwards, Maj., II. 247.
Edwards, Comr., II. 256.
Edwards, Lieut., I. 370.
Egerton, Genl., I. 371; II. 160.
Egyptian Gazette, I. 77.
Ehren-Keui, II. 192.
Ejelmer Bay, II. 72.
Elliot, Genl., I. 353.
Elliot, Lieut., I. 336.
Ellison, Genl., I. 7, 280, 366; II. 6, 32, 126, 165, 236, 243, 256, 275.
Engineers, I. 43, 48.
Enos, I. 275; II. 194.
Enver Pasha, I. 12, 363; II. 212, 258.
Erskine, Genl., I. 303.
Eski Lines, II. 25.
Essex Regt., I. 136, 220.
H.M.S. Europa, II. 168.
H.M.S. Euryalus, I. 133.
Ewart, Genl., I. 306.
H.M.S. Exmouth, II. 58.
Ezine, II. 192.
Fairfax, Comr., II. 247.
Fallowfield, R.N., Lieut., I. 328, 370.
Fanshawe, Genl., II. 106, 138, 159, 160, 161, 188.
Faukard, Genl., II. 256.
Ferdinand, Tzar, II. 204, 205, 207, 208, 212, 213.
Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, II. 244.
Fisher, Lord, I. 44, 240, 247.
Fitz, see FitzGerald.
FitzGerald, Col., I. 320, 321; II. 251.
Fitzgerald, Maj., II. 254.
Fitzmaurice, R.N., Capt., I. 112.
Fitzmaurice, Mr., I. 114.
Forde, Col., II. 168.
H.M.S. Foresight, I. 16.
Forster, Col., II. 167.
Forts, I. 6.
Foumet, Admiral, II. 188.
H.M.S. Franconia, I. 36.
Fraser, Col., II. 172.
Freddie, see Maitland.
French, Sir John, I. 269, 289, 305, 306, 311, 374.
French Corps, I. 78.
French Mission, I. 119.
Freyberg, Lieut., II. 247.
Fuller, Lieut.-Col., I. 178; II. 15.
Gamble, Sir D., II. 32, 33.
Gascoigne, Lieut.-Col., II. 39, 214, 233, 243.
Gascon, I. 228.
Gaulois, I. 35, 36, 169, 170.
Geddes, Maj., II. 172.
Gellibrand, Lieut., II. 234.
George, Rt. Hon. Lloyd, II. 260, 274.
Ghazi Baba, II. 72, 77.
Gillivan, Col., II. 18.
Girdwood, Capt., I. 372.
Girodon, Genl., I. 234, 244, 260, 325, 379; II. 46, 234.
Glyn, Capt., II. 15, 108, 165.
Godfrey, Maj., I. 152, 326.
Godley, Genl., I. 118, 179, 309, 331, 386; II. 80, 82, 208, 245, 258, 262.
Goeben, I. 162.
H.M.S. Goliath, I. 146, 152, 156, 224.
Gouraud, Genl., I. 226, 244, 260, 270, 281, 288, 295 et seq., 304, 305, 333, 346, 355, 359, 385; II. 203, 253.
Graives, Mr., I. 385.
H.M.S. Grampus, I. 293.
Grand Duke Nicholas, I. 230; II. 158.
Grant, R.N., Capt., II. 44.
Greece, I. 116; II. 203.
Greeks, II. 201.
Green Hill, II. 214.
Greer, Lieut.-Col., II. 44.
Guepratte, Admiral, I. 21, 101, 118, 157.
Guest, Capt. (?), II. 275.
Guildford Castle, I. 217.
Guilford, Col. Lord, II. 247.
Gully Ravine, I. 376.
Gurkhas, Bde. of, I. 43, 55, 56, 59, 75, 83, 193, 225, 226, 352, 359, 361, 362, 364; II. 94.
Gurkhas— 4th Bn., II. 167. 5th Bn., II. 15. 6th Bn., I. 74, 76; II. 15, 81, 214. 10th Bn., II. 15.
Guyon, Maj., II. 172.
H. 12, I. 355, 372; II. 9.
Haig, Sir Douglas, I. 306; II. 185.
Haldane, Lord, I. 240, 289.
Hamilton, Genl. Bruce, II. 26, 32, 36, 101.
Hamilton, Col. Cole, II. 18.
Hamilton, Lieut. Rowan, II. 243.
Hammersley, Genl., I. 328; II. 28, 52, 59, 64 et seq., 72, 87, 103, 104, 120, 161.
Hampshire Regt., I. 155, 157, 220. 8th Bn., II. 101.
Hand grenades, I. 43, 48, 356; II. 156, 157.
Hankey, Col., II. 24, 37, 98, 108, 123.
Harding, Col., I. 74.
Hardy, Lieut.-Comr., II. 169.
Hare, Mr., I. 338.
Haricot Redoubt, I. 244, 271, 272, 324.
Hawke Bn., II. 247, 248.
Heliopolis, I. 61.
Herbert, Aubrey, I. 239, 243.
Herts Yeomanry, I. 58.
Heseltine, Capt., II. 204.
Hetman Chair, II. 128, 129.
Hill, Genl., II. 44, 107, 110.
Hill 10, II. 61, 62, 64, 69, 146.
Hill 60, II. 127, 155, 157, 158.
Hill 70, II. 88, 127, 128, 129, 131.
Hill 305, I. 330; II. 89, 111.
Hillyard, Maj., II. 18.
Hindlip, Lord, I. 166.
Hogg, Capt., I. 74.
Holdich, Lt.-Col., II. 165.
Holmes, Col., II. 254.
Homer, Lt-Comr., II. 17.
Hood, Maj., II. 186.
Hood Bn., I. 206, 274, 333; II. 247.
Hope, R.N., Capt., I. 26, 116.
Horne, Genl., II. 105.
Horse Shoe, II. 243.
Hospital Ships, II. 24.
Hospital— No. 1 Stationary, I. 323; II. 168. No. 1 (Australian) Stationary, II. 167. No. 2 Stationary, I. 322. No. 2 (Australian) Stationary, II. 168. No. 3 (Canadian) Stationary, II. 168. No. 3 (Australian) Stationary, II. 168. No. 15 Stationary, I. 322; II. 167. No. 16 Stationary, I. 322. No. 18 Stationary, II. 168. No. 24 (British-Indian), II. 167.
Howe Bn., I. 71, 73, 274, 333; II. 234.
Howitzers, I. 48. See also Appendices I and II.
Hunloke, Maj., II. 243.
Hunter-Weston, Genl., I. 3, 61, 62, 89, 118, 260, 280, 288, 346; II. 22, 26.
Imogene, II. 91, 123, 139, 205, 251.
H.M.S. Implacable, I. 52.
Indian troops, II. 161.
H.M.S. Inflexible, I. 33.
Inglefield, Genl., II. 81, 90, 94, 97, 208.
Inniskilling Fusiliers, I. 224, 361.
Irish Pioneer Regt., II. 74.
H.M.S. Irresistible, I. 35, 36, 51.
Ishiklar, II. 192.
Ismail Oglu Tepe, II. 63, 70, 81, 89, 112, 127, 129, 131.
Istomine, Genl., I. 70, 108, 186; II. 158.
Italy, II. 140.
Ivanoff, Capt., I. 106.
J. 13, I. 362.
Jackson, Capt., II. 18.
Jeanne d'Arc, I. 135.
Joffre, Genl., I. 269, 289, 305, 374; II. 179, 180, 190, 213.
Johnson, R.N., Lieut. Ormsby, I. 326; II. 32.
Jones, Col., I. 322.
H.M.S. Jonquil, II. 61.
Jordon, Col., II. 18.
Junia, I. 196.
Kabak Kuyu, II. 130.
Kahn, Capt., I. 184.
Kaiajik Aghala, II. 129, 130, 139, 155, 210.
Kaiajik Dere, II. 158.
Kantara, I. 73.
Karabingha, I. 292.
Karakol Dagh, II. 126, 129, 159.
Karna Bili, II. 148.
Kavak Tepe Sirt, II. 81, 82, 90.
Kavanagh, Genl., II. 105.
Kelly, R.N., Capt., I. 109.
Kelly, Comr., II. 247.
H.M.S. Kennett, I. 176.
Kephalos Camp, I. 317; II. 21, 126, 196, 209, 276.
Kereves Dere, I. 324, 362; II. 256.
Kereves Dere Ravine, I. 211.
Keshan, II. 112, 194.
Keyes, Commodore, I. 21, 48, 56, 142, 253; II. 60, 64, 79, 275, 276.
Keyes, Sir C., I. 56.
Keyes, Lady, I. 56.
Keyes, Lt.-Comr., I. 254, 270.
Kiggell, Genl., II. 235, 236.
Kilia Liman, I. 291.
Kilid Bahr, I. 330, 362; II. 193.
King, Col., II. 31.
King, Comr., II. 247.
King, Genl., II. 248.
King, Maj., II. 254.
King's Own Scottish Borderers, I. 129; II. 230.
Kiretch Tepe Sirt, II. 61, 69, 72, 75, 77, 81, 128.
Koja Chemen Tepe, II. 57.
Krithia, I. 330, 362.
Kum Kale, I. 135, 150, 159; II. 192.
Kurt Ketchede, II. 113.
Lala Baba, II. 61, 64.
Lancashire Division, I. 198.
Lancashire Fusiliers, I. 136, 220, 352; II. 172.
Lancashire Fusiliers— 1st Bn., I. 320. 5th Bn., I. 272. 9th Bn., II. 28.
Lancashire Fusilier Brigade, I. 207.
Lancashire Landing, I. 371, 376; II. 246.
Lapruin, Capt., II. 144.
Laverton, Lieut., I. 371.
Law, Rt. Hon. Bonar, II. 274.
Law, Capt., I. 372.
Lawes, Capt., II. 196.
Lawrence, Genl., I. 382; II. 27, 243.
Lawson, Sir H., II. 204, 226.
H.M.S. Lefroy, II. 256, 257.
Legge, Genl., II. 15, 20, 167, 254, 266.
Lemnos, I. 26.
H.M.S. Lewis, II. 254.
Liman von Sanders, Genl., I. 95, 246, 357, 358.
Lindley, Genl., II. 85, 87, 103, 122, 167, 168.
Lines of Communication, I. 354, 365, 380; II. 264.
Lister, Hon. C., II. 29.
Lloyd, Capt., II. 20, 160, 162.
H.M.S. London, I. 154.
London Regt., 2/1st Coy., II. 242. 10th Bn., II. 101. 11th Bn., II. 101.
Lone Pine, II. 55, 57, 111, 271.
Long, Capt., I. 279.
H.M.S. Lord Nelson, I. 228, 248.
Loring, R.N., Capt., I. 119.
Lovat, Lord, II. 244.
Lovat's Scouts— 1st Bn., II. 244. 2nd Bn., II. 244.
Lowland Division, I. 219.
Lowther, Lancelot, II. 171.
Lucas, Maj., II. 230.
Mackenzie, Lieut.-Col., II. 14.
Mackenzie, Compton, I. 234; II. 45.
Maclagan, Col., I. 336.
Maclean, Maj., I. 371.
Maher, Col., I. 322.
Mahon, Genl., I. 285, 289, 306, 328; II. 31, 61, 69 et seq., 100 et seq., 159, 161, 165, 169.
Maidos, I. 291, 330.
Maitland, Capt. F., I. 323, 336, 383; II. 17, 32, 55, 92, 126, 130, 146, 158, 159, 166, 167, 170, 172, 186, 189, 196, 214, 243, 254, 256, 275.
H.M.S. Majestic, I. 154, 252.
Makalinsky, I. 121.
Malcolm, Col., II. 28, 52, 65 et seq., 159.
Mal Tepe, I. 130.
Manchester Bde., I. 207.
Manchester Regt.— 6th Bn., II. 25. 7th Bn., II. 25. 11th Bn., II. 28.
Manifold, Col., II. 159.
Manitou, I. 116.
Maoris, I. 234; II. 94.
Marmora, II. 193, 205.
Marshall, Genl., I. 224; II. 130, 132, 165, 171, 172, 242.
Matthews, Lt.-Col., I. 72.
Maude, Genl., II. 106, 137, 138, 159, 161, 165, 166, 186.
Maxwell, Sir J., I. 58, 73, 306; II. 149, 176, 231, 250, 255, 260, 264.
Maxwell, Capt., II. 220.
McClay, Lieut., I. 372.
McGrigor, Capt., II. 200, 246, 275, 277.
McKenna, Rt. Hon. R., II. 274.
McMahon, Sir H., I. 66, 77.
McMunn, Col., II. 167.
Mecklenburg, Duke of, II. 207.
Mena Camp, I. 60.
H.M.S. Mercedes, II. 58.
Mercer, Genl., I. 73; II. 247.
Methuen, Lord, I. 73, 259, 326.
Mewes, Maj., I. 72.
Micklem, Col., I. 243.
Millen, Senator, II. 267.
Millerand, M., II. 179, 180, 190.
Mitchell, Col., II. 244.
Mitchell, Commodore, II. 220.
Mitylene, II. 43, 45.
Monash, Col., I. 249; II. 170.
Moore, Lieut., II. 214, 227.
H.M.S. Mosquito, I. 335, 337.
Mountain Battery, 29th, I. 74.
Mudge, Col., I. 371.
Mudros, I. 322; II. 167.
Mudros West, II. 168.
Munro, Genl., II. 272, 273, 277.
Munster Fusiliers, I. 157; II. 172.
Murdoch, Mr. K. A., II. 164, 190, 203, 204, 226, 227, 240, 245, 246, 257, 260 et seq.
Murphy, Maj., II. 255.
Murray, Genl. Wolfe, II. 5, 22, 37.
Nagara Point, I. 290; II. 193.
Nallah— Achi Baba, II. 243. Krithia, II. 243.
Napier, Genl., I. 150.
Napier, Col., I. 115; II. 201, 202.
Nasmith, Comr., I. 234, 284.
Nelson Bn., I. 73; II. 234.
Nevinson, Mr., II. 219, 220.
Newfoundland Bn., 1st, II. 242.
New Zealand Mounted Rifles, I. 250, 256, 359.
Nibrunesi Point, II. 189.
Nicholas, Grand Duke, I. 108, 230; II. 158.
Nicholls, Admiral, II. 260.
Nicholson, Admiral, I. 57.
Nicol, Admiral, I. 247; II. 188.
Nisch, II. 202.
Nogues, Col., I. 135, 151, 325.
Northcliffe, Lord, I. 66, 340.
Northumberland Fusiliers, II. 28.
H.M.T. Novian, II. 44.
Nuillon, Col., I. 383.
Nunn, Col., II. 18.
Oakdene. Capt. Perry-, II. 255.
H.M.S. Ocean, I. 35, 36, 51.
Odessa, I. 11.
O'Dowda, Col., II. 172.
Olivant, Lt.-Col., I. 71.
Onslow, Capt., I. 360.
Oppenheim, Capt., II. 244.
Order to the Troops— 21st April, I. 120. 22nd April, I. 121. 28th April, I. 171. 9th May, I. 213. 12th May, I. 222. 25th May, I. 250. Farewell, II. 277. By Genl. Gouraud, I. 324. Turkish Divisional, I. 372.
H.M.T. Orsova, II. 156.
O'Sullivan, V.C., II. 171.
Owen, Genl., Cunliffe-, I. 143.
Palin, Col., I. 74; II. 214.
Pallin, Genl., I. 372.
Palmer, Col., II. 18.
Palmer, Maj., I. 72.
Palmer, Mr. F., I. 338.
Panderma, I. 292, 293.
Paris, Genl., I. 3, 71, 93, 166, 303, 333; II. 25, 160, 243, 247.
Paterson, Col, I. 106.
Pearce, Senator, II. 265, 266.
Pearson, Maj., II. 172.
Peebles, Col., I. 372.
Peel, Col., I. 117.
Pelliot, Lieut., I. 119; II. 220.
Percival, Genl., II. 171.
Percy, Lord William, II. 219.
Periscopes, I. 43, 48.
Perriera, Admiral de la, II. 169, 170.
Peter, see Pollen.
Peyton, Genl., II. 107, 120, 165, 208, 244.
H.M.S. Phaeton, I. 18, 35, 36.
Phillimore, R.N., Capt., I. 118, 178; II. 130.
Piepape, Col., I. 379; II. 146.
Pierce, Admiral, I. 71.
Pierce, Maj., II. 230.
Pike, Lt.-Col., II. 44.
H.M.S. Pincher, I. 335.
Plan of attack— C.-in-C.'s on Peninsula, I. 95. Sari Bair, I. 329. Suvla Landing, I. 329; II 3.
Plymouth Bn., I. 72, 129, 221.
Pollard, Capt., II. 230.
Pollen, Capt., I. 21, 41, 178; II. 126, 146, 207, 246, 262, 271, 275.
Porter, Sir James, I. 367.
Potts. Lt.-Comr., II. 91.
Press, I. 320, 327, 332, 337; II. 140, 175 et seq.
Price, Bishop, II. 255.
H.M.S. Prince of Wales, I. 154.
Princes Street, II. 243.
Punjabis— 69th Bn., I. 74. 89th Bn., I. 74.
Q., II. 80.
Quadrilateral, I. 355, 358.
H.M.S. Queen, I. 35, 52, 154.
H.M.S. Queen Elizabeth, I. 21, 32, 35, 103.
Queensland Bn., I. 346, 358.
Queen Victoria's Own Sappers, I. 74.
Quinn's Post, I. 255, 256, 257, 259.
Rabbit Island, I. 35; II. 27.
H.M.S. Racoon, II. 169.
Ratilva Valley, II. 134.
H.M.S. Rattlesnake, I. 228.
Rawlinson, Genl., I. 303; II. 35.
Reconnaissance of Peninsula, I. 28.
Regiment de marche d'Afrique, 175th, I. 79.
Regiment, 4th Colonial, I. 79.
Regiment, 6th Colonial, I. 135.
Reed, Genl, II, 5, 36, 53, 63, 77, 96, 99, 120, 241.
Reinforcements, I. 368; II. 144 et seq.
Rhodes, Lieut., I. 386.
Rifaat, Col., I. 373.
H.M.T. River Clyde, I. 131, 254.
Rochdale, Lord, I. 317.
Rodosto, I. 293.
Roper, Genl., I. 178.
Rosomore, Comr., I. 31.
Ross, Mr. Malcolm, II. 219.
Roumania, I. 116; II. 202.
Royal Dublin Fusiliers— 6th Bn., II. 44. 7th Bn., II. 44.
Royal Engineers, II. 72. West Riding Field Coy., II. 231. 67th Coy., II. 29. 68th Coy., II. 29. 134th Fortress Coy., II. 29.
Royal Field Artillery, 10th By., I. 364. See also Appendix I.
Royal Fusiliers, I. 136, 345; II. 172. 2nd Bn., I. 352.
Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, II. 230. 5th Bn., II. 44. 6th Bn., II 44.
Royal Irish Fusiliers— 5th Bn., II. 44. 6th Bn., II. 44.
Royal Scot, wounded, I. 356.
Royal Scots, I. 352, 355. 4th Bn., I. 372. 5th Bn., I. 190, 220, 318; II. 126, 155. 6th Bn., II. 156, 160. 7th Bn., I. 372.
Ruef, Col, I. 186.
Rundle, Genl., I. 14; II. 202.
Russell, Genl., I. 359; II. 130, 132, 139, 155, 194.
Russell's Top, II. 254.
Russian Corps, I. 255, 375; II. 21.
Russian Officers, II. 158.
Ruthven, Maj. Hore-, I. 357; II. 84, 130, 240, 275.
Ryrie, Col., I. 336.
Saghir Dere, I. 351, 352; II. 247.
St. Louis, I. 325.
Salonika, II. 184, 201 et seq.
Salt Lake, I. 329; II. 69, 128.
Samson, Comr., I. 109, 181, 238, 383; II. 54, 221.
H.M.S. Sapphire, I. 146.
Sari Bair, I. 330, 360; II. 71, 111, 128.
Saros, I. 28, 349.
Sarrail, Genl., II. 179, 180, 191, 236, 270, 271.
Savage, Col., II. 242.
H.M.S. Savage, I. 303; II. 17, 19, 20, 241, 242.
Scatters, see Wilson.
Schemallach, Lieut., II. 234. |
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