On July 28, Seattle was reached, and here we met with a reception worthy of far doughtier deeds than we had accomplished. In 1896, Seattle was a country town of some 30,000 inhabitants, and I could scarcely recognise this fine modern city of over 100,000 souls which may shortly rival San Francisco as a commercial and social centre. This wonderful change is partly due to discoveries in the Klondike, but chiefly perhaps to the increasing trade of Puget Sound with the East. Fine Japanese liners now run direct every fortnight from Seattle to Japan, and on one of these a passage was obtained for my faithful friend and comrade, Stepan Rastorguyeff, whose invaluable services I can never repay, and to whom I bade farewell with sincere regret. I am glad to add that the plucky Cossack eventually reached his home in safety (via Yokohama and Vladivostok) arriving in Yakutsk by way of Irkutsk and the Lena River early in the new year of 1902. Vicomte de Clinchamp also left me here, to return direct to France via New York and Le Havre.
There is little more to tell. Travelling leisurely in glorious weather through the garden-girt towns and smiling villages of the "Rouge-River" Valley, perhaps the most picturesque and fertile in the world, a day was passed at Shasta Springs, the summer resort of fashionable Californians, where the sun-baked traveller may rest awhile in a little oasis of coolness and gaiety, cascades and flowers, set in a desert of dark pines. A week with old friends in cosmopolitan, ever delightful San Francisco, a rapid and luxurious journey across the American continent, land on August 25, 1902, New York was reached, and the long land journey of 18,494 miles from Paris, which had taken us two-thirds of a year to accomplish, was at an end.
E. M. Paris to Moscow (rail) 1,800 Moscow to Irkutsk (rail) 4,000 Irkutsk to Yakutsk (employed 720 horses) 2,000 Yakutsk to Verkhoyansk (employed 80 horses and 240 reindeer) 623 Verkhoyansk to Sredni-Kolymsk (employed 620 deer) 1,006 Sredni-Kolymsk to Nijni-Kolymsk (employed 8 horses, 27 reindeer, 50 dogs). 334 Nijni-Kolymsk to Bering Straits (started with 64 dogs, arrived at Bering Straits with 9) 1,500 ——— Total English miles: Europe and Asia 11,263
(Employing 808 horses, 887 reindeer, and 114 dogs.)
E. M. East Cape, Bering Straits to Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska 60 Cape Prince of Wales to Nome City 140 Nome City to St. Michael's 120 St. Michael's to Dawson City 1,200 Dawson City to White Horse Rapids 450 White Horse Rapids to Skagway 110 Skagway to Seattle 1,041 Seattle to San Francisco 1,000 San Francisco to New York 3,110 ——— Total mileage: Paris to New York 18,494
Versts. Irkutsk to Koulinskaya 23 Koulinskaya to Jerdovskaya 21 Jerdovskaya to Ust-Ardinsk 21 1/2 Ust-Ardinsk to Alzonovskaya 31 Alzonovskaya to Bandevskaya 25 Bandevskaya to Hagatovskaya 29 Hagatovskaya to Manzourskaya 30 Manzourskaya to Malo-Manzoursk 31 1/2 Malo-Manzoursk to Katchugaskaya 24 1/2 Katchugaskaya to Verkolensk 28 3/4 ———- 265 1/4
To Verkolensk, 3 kopeks a verst per horse. From Verkolensk to Yakutsk, 4 1/2 kopeks a verst per horse.
Verkolensk to Tumentsofskaya 25 Tumentsofskaya to Korkinskaya 16 Korkinskaya to Petrofskaya 19 1/2 Petrofskaya to Panamarefskaya 22 Panamarefskaya to Jigalovskaya 21 Jigalovskaya to Ust-Ilginsk 30 1/2 Ust-Ilginsk to Grousnovskaya 26 Grousnovskaya to Zakamenska 19 Zakamenska to Shamanovskaya 16 3/4 Shamanovskaya to Golovskaya 18 Golovskaya to Sourovskaya 16 Sourovskaya to Diadinskaya 15 1/2 Diadinskaya to Basovskaya 22 Basovskaya to Orlinsk 21 Orlinsk to Tarasovskaya 17 1/4 Tarasovskaya to Skokinskaya 22 Skokinskaya to Boyarsky 20 Boyarsky to Omolevskaya 23 Omolevskaya to Riskaya 18 Riskaya to Bania 17 3/4 Bania to Touroutskaya 16 3/4 Touroutskaya to Ust-Kutsk 16 Ust-Kutsk to Yakurimsk 18 1/2 Yakurimsk to Kazarkinskaya 28 Kazarkinskaya to Kokiskaya 20 1/4 Kokiskaya to Sukhovskaya 25 3/4 Sukhovskaya to Nazarovskaya 25 1/2 Nazarovskaya to Markovskaya 23 Markovskaya to Oulkanskaya 21 Oulkanskaya to Krasnoyarskaya 17 1/2 Krasnoyarskaya to Potapovskaya 14 Potapovskaya to Makarovskaya 22 3/4 Makarovskaya to Zaborskaya 15 Zaborskaya to Bezroukov 31 Bezroukov to Kirensk 31 ————————- 997 1/2 - 732 1/4
Kirensk to Alexeieff 21 Alexeieff to Garbovsk 21 Garbovsk to Vishniakovskaya 28 Vishniakovskaya to Spalashinsk 25 Spalashinsk to Ilinsk 24 1/4 Ilinsk to Darinskaya 22 Darinskaya to Itcherskaya 28 1/2 Itcherskaya to Montinskaya 22 1/2 Montinskaya to Ivanoushkofskaya 28 Ivanoushkofskaya to Tchastinsk 29 Tchastinsk to Pianovkovskaya 18 1/2 Pianovkovskaya to Dulrovskaya 18 1/2 Dulrovskaya to Kireisk 30 Kireisk to Solianskaya 26 Solianskaya to Parshinsk 18 1/4 Parshinsk to Risinsk 26 1/2 Risinsk to Tchuskaya 26 Tchuskaya to Vitimsk 22 1/2 ——————— 1433 - 435 1/2
Vitimsk to Polovinaya 13 Polovinaya to Peledonskaya 15 1/4 Peledonskaya to Krestovskaya 28 1/2 Krestovskaya to Peskovskaya 28 Peskovskaya to Graditsa 25 Graditsa to Khamrinsk 31 1/4 Khamrinsk to Kukinskaya 26 Kukinskaya to Terechinskaya 20 1/2 Terechinskaya to Mukhtomskaya 29 1/2 Mukhtomskaya to Murinsk 22 1/2 Murinsk to Batamaiskaya 20 Batamaiskaya to Sadkolskaya 21 1/2 Sadkolskaya to Niouskaya 25 1/2 Niouskaya to Turuklinsk 17 1/2 Turuklinsk to Jerbinsk 17 1/2 Jerbinsk to Tinnaiya 17 3/4 Tinnaiya to Kamenskaya 21 Kamenskaya to Jeloiskaya 23 Jeloiskaya to Noktinskaya 30 ————————— 1866 1/4 - 433 1/4
Noktinskaya to Gotchilnaya 30 Gotchilnaya to Beresovzskaya 22 Beresovzskaya to Inniakskaya 17 1/2 Inniakskaya to Delgeskaya 22 Delgeskaya to Katchegarskaya 20 Katchegarskaya to Naleskaya 21 Naleskaya to Tcherendeskaya 32 1/2 Tcherendeskaya to Birioutskaya 22 1/2 Birioutskaya to Berdianskaya 20 Berdianskaya to Dourdousovskaya 20 Dourdousovskaya to Olekminsk 18 ————————- 2111 3/4—245 1/2
Olekminsk to Solyanskaya 26 Solyanskaya to Harialakskaya 22 1/4 Harialakskaya to Namaminskaya 24 Namaminskaya to Russkaya 18 Russkaya to Tchekurskaya 32 1/2 Tchekurskaya to Billaya 17 Billaya to Hat-Tumulskaya 71 Hat-Tumulskaya to Marhinskaya 22 1/4 Marhinskaya to Marchihanskaya 22 1/2 Marchihanskaya to Samatatskaya 25 1/2 Samatatskaya to Elovskaya 25 Elovskaya to Malikanskaya 25 1/2 Malikanskaya to Tchuriskaya 22 Tchuriskaya to Isitzkaya 17 1/2 Isitzkaya to Krestinskaya 17 3/4 Krestinskaya to Jurninsk 18 3/4 Jurninsk to Oimurdusk 26 1/2 Oimurdusk to Ad-Dabausk 16 Ad-Dabausk to Sinskaya 19 Sinskaya to Batamaiskaya 27 3/4 Batamaiskaya to Tit-Arinsk 24 1/2 Tit-Arinsk to Elanskaya 22 Elanskaya to Tun-Arinsk 22 Tun-Arinsk to Bulguniatatskaya 15 Bulguniatatskaya to Bestiatskaya 15 1/2 Bestiatskaya to Pokrovskaya 23 3/4 Pokrovskaya to Ulak-Ansk 18 1/2 Ulak-Ansk to Tektiurskaya 21 3/4 Tektiurskaya to Tabaginskaya 17 Tabaginskaya to Yakutsk 25 ———- 701 3/4
Total versts, 2813 1/2. (A verst is two-thirds of an English mile.)
Versts. Yakutsk to Turutskaya 20 Turutskaya to Makarinsk 30 Makarinsk to Hatustatskaya 22 Hatustatskaya to Eleginiakskaya 25 Eleginiakskaya to Hagaraderdinsk 20 Hagaraderdinsk to Taraiskaya 45 Taraiskaya to Khatignak 37 Khatignak to Tandinskaya 30 Tandinskaya to Sanga-Ali (Pov.) 30 Sanga-Ali to Sordonakia (Pov.) 50 Sordonakia to Bete-Kul 50 Bete-Kul to Anna-Suk (Pov.) 50
Anna-Suk to Kangerak 40 Kangerak to Mollahoi (Pov.) 65 Mollahoi to Suruktutskaya 65 Suruktutskaya to Suruktak (Pov.) 50 Suruktak to Siremskaya 35 Siremskaya to Golova-Medvied (Pov.) 60 Golova-Medvied to Tsissibas 60 Tsissibas to Yuk-Tak (Pov.) 50 Yuk-Tak to Kurinskaya 70 Kurinskaya to Verkhoyansk 30 —- Total versts 934
Versts. Verkhoyansk to Lang-Lor (Y.) 60 Lang-Lor to Batagai (Pov.) 45 Batagai to Aditscha (S.) 150 v.—45 Aditscha to Bur-Alu (Pov.) 45 Bur-Alu to Tostach (S. *) 115 v.—70 Tostach to Kurtas (Pov.) 85 Kurtas to Siss (Pov.) 45 Siss to Tiriak-Hureya (Pov.) 45 Tiriak-Hureya to Sordak (Pov.) 45 Sordak to Kurelach (S. *) 270 v.—50 Kurelach to Sarok-Kalak (Pov.) 45 Sarok-Kalak to Ustin (Pov.) 50 Ustin to Bachaol-Buta (Y.) 30 Bachaol-Buta to Ebelach (S. *) 175 v.—50 Ebelach to Khatignak-Kul (Y.) 60 Khatignak-Kul to Haras-Kul (Y.) 50 Haras-Kul to Keni-Kul (S. *) 150 v.—40 Keni-Kul to Ari-Tumul (Y.) 25 Ari-Tumul to Khatignak (S. *) 100 v.—75 Khatignak to Shestakova (Pov.) 80 Shestakova to Siss-Ana (Pov.) 50 Siss-Ana to Tsiganak (Y.) 50 Tsiganak to Sokurdakh (Pov.) 20 Sokurdakh to Andylakh (S. *) 250 v.—50 Andylakh to Ultum (S. *) 60 Ultum to Utchugoi-Kel (Y.) 40 Utchugoi-Kel to Malofskaya (S. *) 50 Malofskaya to Ehelakh (Pov.) 60 Ehelakh to Yatetsia (Y.) 30 Yatetsia to Sredni-Kolymsk 300 v.—60 —— Total versts 1510
(*)—Change reindeer. (Y.)—Yurta. (S.)—Station. (Pov.)—Povarnia.
Versts. Sredni-Kolymsk to Botolakh 50 Botolakh to Silgisit 40 Silgisit to Olbut 60 Olbut to Pamaskina 60 Pamaskina to Yuguz-Tamak 40 (Horses)
Yuguz-Tamak to Krest 30 Krest to Gornitza 60 (Reindeer)
Gornitza to Omolonskaya 60 Omolonskaya to Lakeyevskaya 40 Lakeyevskaya to Kimkina 40 Kimkina to Nijni-Kolymsk 40 (Dogs) —- Total versts 520
Yakute. Turkish. 1 Bir Bir 2 Iki Iki 3 Us Utch 4 Tar Dort 5 Bar Besh 6 Ali Alti 7 Sekki Yedi 8 Ahuse Sekis 9 Too-oose Dokus 10 Ohn Ohn 20 Shirbeh 30 Olut 100 Sus
A man—Kehe A woman—Diak-Tar Yes—Da No—Sok Good—Yutchingan Bad—Koosahan Big—Lohan Little—Atchu-bui A horse—Atte A dog—Ut A house—Djieh A fire—Wat A gun—Sar Meat—Ette Quick—Turganik A door—Ana Water—Ou The sea—Bayahel A river—Uriakh The face—Surei The hands—Ili The arms—Khari The feet—Atakh Rain—Sammor Wind—Tul Snow—Har The sun—Kun The moon—Oui A mouse—Kugak A rat—Kutchas A wolf—Bireh A bear—Eha A cow—Anakh Beautiful—Utchingoi Ugly—Kouhahan Dry—Kuranak Wet—Nitchagai Dear—Garahan Cheap—Tcheptchiki Far—Gurach Near—Tchugoss To go—Sullar To give—Bier To speak—Etter To ask—Orjitar To ride—Miner To buy—Atlahar To eat—Ahukka To drink—Ihieka To smoke—Tardar A month—Ui A week—Nedielia A day—Boikun An hour—Birtchas
Cape Shelagskoi to Whalen. East Cape. Oumwaidjik. There is: Warkin Warkin There is not: Winga Winga No: Winga Winga Naka Yes: Ee-ee Ee-ee Ah-ah All right: Metchinki Here: Utku I—my: Mori Wee Kwanga You—your: Turginian A deer: Korang Kashinat Guwiniak A house: Yarat Muntarak Muntarak Far: Yar By-and-bye: Yo-yo A walrus: Durka Ibok Ayivak Wood: Ut-Tut Naksiet To sleep: Zipiska Keep still: Deakarikti Sien Napere I don't know: Ko A dog: At-Tau Kokmarok Klikmak A man: Katowvak Yuk A woman: Nawonskat Aranak To drink: Megwesiak Mugwe A bear: Umhang Nanok Nanok A seal: Memet Nahksak Maklak A sled: Urgur Kaimukshik Kamiyak A steamer: It-Kowat Toroma Amakpawit A knife: Vallia Sinkat A duck: Gallia Tigumak Kawak Ice: Ilgil Sikok Siku Snow: Alash Ani Anio Wind: Yu-yo Anok Anokiva Good-day: Ta-oom Taham Tanakhoom You lie: Eklang Eklima-Kotung The hand: Askak Eehit To smoke: Takwaigen Aptiok Meluktok 1: Nerisha Atajak Atajak 2: Irak Mailop Mailop 3: Nerok Piniayut Piniayut 4: Nirak Shtemet Shtemet 5: Metch-Tinga Taklimat Taklimat 6: No-Metch-Tinga Awindlit Awindlit 7: Nera-Ah Mara-Awindlit Mara-Awindlit 8: Angero-Utkui Pinia-Unlulut Pinia-Unlulut 9: Onasinki Shtema-Unlulut Shtema-Unlulut 10: Menitku Kullia Kullia
PARIS TO NEW YORK, 1901-1902
- Date. Place. Remarks. 8 A.M. 6 P.M. (deg.) (deg.) - Dec. 19 Paris } Dull some snow 40 20 Berlin } Nord Clear sunshine 42 50 21 Warsaw } Express Clear 41 33 22 Viazma } Dull snow 20 22 23 Moscow } " " 22 19 24 " Dull 17 12 25 " " snow -2 5 26 " " " -8 -5 27 " Fog and snow -10 5 28 " Dull 14 21 29 " Dull snow 6 15 30 " Dull 11 12 31 " Dull fog 20 22 Jan. 1 " Dull 20 22 2 " " 30 33 3 " " 32 33 4 " " 37 18 5 } " 30 28 6 } " 32 29 7 } " 19 29 8 } Trans-Siberian Bright some clouds 21 25 9 } Railway Bright sunshine 12 0 10 } Fine -15 -9 11 } " -14 2 12 } Dull snow 7 5 13 Irkutsk Fine 8 15 14 " Dull -2 10 15 " " 0 15 16 " Bright sunshine 10 22 17 " Fog and snow 15 11 18 " Bright sunshine -8 6 19 " Dull -2 -10 20 } Alzonovskaya Bright sunshine -31 -35 21 } Fog -65 -30 22 } " -50 -32 23 } " -50 11 24 } " -12 1 25 } Dull snow and gale N.E. 0 8 26 } Clear -8 5 27 } Snow 12 5 28 } Clear -5 -14 29 } " -35 -30 30 } Fog -51 -35 31 } Snow -10 -5 Feb. 1 } Lena Post-Road " -2 -2 2 } " -2 -5 3 } Bright sunshine 2 5 4 } Dull 10 12 5 } " 15 15 6 } Fog 2 -5 7 } " -5 -4 8 } Fine -12 -28 9 } Bright sunshine -40 -32 10 } " " -30 -10 11 } " " -25 -16 12 } " " -28 -35 13 } " " -34 -25 14 Yakutsk Snow -15 -24 15 " Bright sunshine -24 -24 16 " " " -32 -34 17 " " " -34 -24 18 " " " -32 -26 19 " " " -20 -14 20 " " " -24 -30 21 } " " " -41 -2 22 } Dull -12 -10 23 } Bright sunshine -45 -20 24 } " " -41 -23 25 } Yakutsk " " -45 -30 26 } to " " -42 -40 27 } Verkhoyansk " " -75 -75 28 } Dull snow -35 -37 Mar. 1 } Bright sunshine -45 -63 2 Verkhoyansk " " -65 -50 3 } " " " -40 -62 4 } " " " -66 -65 5 } " " -73 -10 6 } " " -30 -35 7 } " " -30 -25 8 } Fog -10 -78 9 } Verkhoyansk " -30 -30 10 } to Sredni-Kolymsk " -30 -0 11 } Bright sunshine -55 -60 12 } " " -35 -40 13 } " " -34 -25 14 } " " -40 -30 15 } " " -25 -25 16 } " " -10 -20 17 } " " -15 0 18 } Sredni-Kolymsk " " -15 -10 19 " " " " -20 -10 20 " " Fog -10 -18 21 " " " -38 -25 22 } " " Bright sunshine -35 -30 23 } " " -40 -25 24 } Dull 0 -10 25 } Sredni-Kolymsk Dull gale S.W. -5 -15 26 } Nijni-Kolymsk Fine -20 -5 27 } Dull gale S.E. 5 -15 28 } Nijni-Kolymsk Dull -20 -15 29 " " Fine -30 -8 30 " " Bright sunshine -35 -10 31 " " " " -30 -25 Apr. 1 " " " " -26 -30 2 " " Fine some snow -18 -20 3 " " Fine -20 -14 4 Sukharno Strong gale N.W. -16 -20 5 " " " " -15 -22 6 " " " " -20 -20 7 Camp 1 Bright sunshine -16 -20 8 Dull 0 0 9[92] Strong gale N. 0 -2 10 } Snow 20 -10 11 } Strong gale N.W. -10 -10 12 } " " E. 5 15 13 } Poorga N.W. 12 25 14 } " " 12 9 15 } " " 4 -7 16 } " S.E. -2 5 17 } " S.E. 10 5 18 } " E. 0 4 19 } Strong gale N.E. 0 0 20 } " " W. -5 2 21 } Fine N.E. light 6 10 22 } Gale S.W. 0 0 23 } Snowstorms 30 5 24 } " 25 5 25 } Dull snow 12 19 26 } Strong gale N.W. 22 15 27 } Gale N.W. 20 15 28 } Light breeze N. 14 10 29 } Arctic Coast Dull 25 -2 30 } Bright sunshine -8 10 May 1 } Dull gale N. 18 16 2 } Snowstorms 22 0 3 } Gale N. and snow 25 15 4 } Strong gale N.W. 20 20 5[93] } " " N.E. 22 20 6 } Dull 55 24 7 } Gale N.E. 32 28 8 } " S.W. 38 26 9 } Fog 26 20 10 } Bright and clear 15 28 11 } " " " 18 25 12 } " " " 23 17 13 } Dull strong breeze S.W. 22 25 14 } " " " 22 15 15 } Poorga N.E. 15 15 16 } Dull strong gale N.E. 20 18 17 } Strong gale N.W. snow 20 18 18 } Snow 25 20 19 Whalen Bering Dull still 32 25 Straits 20 " " " " " 45 25 21 " " " " " 50 34 22 " " " " " 32 31 23 " " " Snow 44 45 24 " " " Fog 44 39 25 " " " Strong breeze S. dull 36 40 26 " " " Gale S.E. and sleet 35 36 " " " 27 " " " Fine 36 39 28 " " " Dull fog 42 40 29 " " " Dull 43 40 30 } " 49 34 31 } " 38 46 June } 1 } Bright and clear 34 28 2 } Gale S. 32 32 3 } Dull rain 42 34 4 } Bright and clear 56 51 5 } Clear 38 52 6 } Fine hazy 56 68 7 } Clear 47 65 8 } Bering Straits " 46 55 9 } " 48 88 10 } " 48 60 11 } " 45 38 12[94] } Rain 46 36 13 } " 46 40 14[94] } " 43 40 15 } Fog 40 42 16 } Clear 40 55 17 } Still 53 55 18 } " 51 50 19 } Gale S. dull rain 42 41 20 } Cape Prince Strong gale S.W. 34 40 21 } of Wales Alaska " " " 33 36 22 } Gale N.W. dull 45 42 23 } " S.W. dull 36 38 24 } " S.W. dull 38 38 25 Nome City Clear and bright 45 65 26 " " " " " 45 62 27 " " " " " 55 70 28 " " " " " 62 64 29 " " " " " 60 64 30 Saint Michael's " " " 62 73 -
[Footnote 92: 40 deg. below zero inside tent for three hours at night.]
[Footnote 93: Dates from this must be set back one day on account of crossing 180 deg. long.]
[Footnote 94: Sea ice opened.]
[Transcriber's Note: The following typographical errors present in the original edition have been corrected.
In Chapter II, "accom- the expedition" has been changed to "accompanied the expedition".
In Chapter IV, a missing quotation mark has been inserted before "You must not take your furs off".
In Chapter V, "other goulish repasts" has been changed to "other ghoulish repasts".
In Chapter VI, "arrive as its destination" has been changed to "arrive at its destination".
In Chapter XI, "a mountain two rivers and a village" has been changed to "a mountain, two rivers and a village"; and a comma has been changed to a period after "a voyage of nearly two months from Sredni-Kolymsk".
In Chapter XIII, "by Waldemar Borgoras" has been changed to "by Waldemar Bogoras".
In Chapter XIV, "a rocky, precipitous promonotory" has been changed to "a rocky, precipitous promontory"; a comma has been changed to a period after "during their periods of festivity"; and a missing period has been added after "a Russian and a Turk".
In Chapter XV, a missing period has been added after "after a terrible night in the ice".
In Chapter XVI, "fiery poision" has been changed to "fiery poison"; a missing period has been added after "through the open doorway"; and "we near our destination" has been changed to "we neared our destination".
In Chapter XVII, a single creek is successively referred to as "Last Chance" and "Lost Chance": the second occurrence has been changed to "Last Chance". Also, "held and and shaken" has been changed to "held and shaken".
In Appendix I, "Niji-Kolymsk to Bering Straits" has been changed to "Nijni-Kolymsk to Bering Straits".
In Appendix III, "Bete-Kul to Auna-Suk" has been changed to "Bete-Kul to Anna-Suk".
In Appendix IV, "Keni-Kul to Ari-Tumul (Y.))" has been changed to "Keni-Kul to Ari-Tumul (Y.)".]