"Great rattlers, miss!" he exclaimed. "Where did you learn how to milk?"
"Why, up at my home in New York state," she replied. "I made all the butter from two splendid cows, and more often did the milking than the hired help did."
"Well," said he, "I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen you milking this morning."
She was talking with the dairyman when Fred showed up, exclaiming:
"Hello! Why didn't you make an alarm when you got up so that I could have heard it."
"Oh, I didn't like to break up little boys' sleep. It is good for them."
The dairyman chuckled at the retort, and so did Fred.
Evelyn milked the pail full, turned it over to the dairyman and went to see the little pigs.
"Evelyn," said Fred, "how would you like to take a ride over the ranch? We'll get back in time for breakfast."
"I would like it very much, provided you give me a safe horse to ride."
Fred went into the stable and saddled the big grays. They were almost a match in size and appearance for the two big grays which Evelyn had sold up North, and she greatly admired them. She stood there in the lot waiting for them to be made ready, and then, without going into the house to get a hat or any other article of dress, she placed her foot in Fred's hand, which he held out for her, and was quickly lifted in the saddle.
"Are you going without your hat, Evelyn?" Fred asked.
"Yes, the early morning sun can do me no harm, for it has hardly got its eyes open yet."
"All right; open the gate, Joe," and the dairyman went to the outer gate and held it open for them to pass through.
They went dashing down toward the spring, and when they reached there Fred dismounted, went to where a big, native-raised gourd was hanging to a bush, dipped it full of the water and handed it up to her.
She drank copiously of it, smacked her lips and said:
"Oh, my, Fred! I can taste both sulphur and iron plainly."
"Yes, those ingredients are the strongest in its composition, if it were nearer town it would become a the place of resort."
"Well, you must make it one, anyway. You must lay off the grounds beautifully, thin out the timber somewhat so flowers will grow and yet leave enough to form plenty of shade. Then if you build a few cottages, or maybe a hotel, it would easily become a resort—that is, if I am any judge of the water. It tastes perfectly delicious to me, and really I believe that it will finally prove the most valuable part of the ranch."
Then Fred led the way further down the road in a southerly direction, skirting the timber, and at almost every ten feet quail and prairie chickens flew up out of their way.
After they had gone about a couple of miles Evelyn suddenly saw something running through the tall grass as if trying to avoid being seen.
"Fred." said she, "aren't those wolves out there?"
"Where?" and Fred gazed in the direction in which she was pointing.
He could barely catch a glimpse of their backs through the tall grass.
"I guess they are coyotes," he said. "Let's give them a race," and he put spurs to his horse and dashed off after them. Evelyn, of course, followed, for she was quite as good a rider as he.
To his surprise, he gained on them, and he knew that the coyote was about the swiftest little animal of the kind anywhere, so he supposed that the tall grass was impeding their progress.
When he urged his horse faster the brutes turned, growled, showed their fangs and stood at bay.
"Great Scott, Evelyn!" he exclaimed, "they are timber wolves!" and his horse showed fear of them.
Evelyn reined up her horse right alongside of Fred.
"Why, Fred," said she, "they seem to be defying us, which is a mighty bold thing for them to do in the open daylight."
"Yes, indeed; but they saw that we were gaining on them. Luckily I have my revolver in my pocket," and with that he drew the weapon and again dashed toward the wolves, who seemed to be full of fight. When within fifteen feet of them he fired and the wounded wolf yelped with pain, while his mate seemed on the point of charging upon them. He fired the second time and the bullet crashed through the wolf's head. They both gave a single yelp, sank down in the grass and did a little kicking. The first one he had shot at hadn't been hit in a vital spot.
So he stood by snarling and showing his fangs until another shot stretched him on the ground alongside of his mate.
"Why, Fred," said Evelyn, as she rode up and looked at them after they were dead, "is it possible that they come up so near the houses on the ranch?"
"Well, I never saw them up so far this way before. I fear that they came up during the night in search of a calf, and I dare say if we search around we can find a dead calf half devoured somewhere in the neighborhood; but we won't stop to look for it. We will go back to the house and send two cowboys down here to get the wolves' pelts, for we always let them have the pelts of any wild beasts that we kill." So they rode back to the house, and just as Terry and Jack were placing breakfast on the table Fred dismounted and assisted Evelyn to the ground. She ran into the house, while Fred went to the stable with the two horses and sent word around by the stableman to two of the cowboys to go down and get the pelts of the two wolves and make a search for the remains of any cow or calf that the wolves had probably killed during the night.
Before he returned to the house Evelyn had acquainted Terry with the result of their ride.
"I'm not surprised at it," said Terry. "Before we placed cattle on the two ranches wolves were rarely seen in this part of the locality. They come up from the river bottom, some thirty miles away, and I guess we will have to have a grand wolf hunt pretty soon. Jack's and ours are the only ranches between here and the river. There are farms, though; but they don't raise cattle enough to tempt the wolves to leave the swamp, and they kept their hogs pretty well protected by wire fences. I am surprised, though, that only two wolves were seen, for generally they go in gangs for protection. As a general thing they are afraid of the long-horned cattle, and they rarely attack the grown ones; but they manage to catch calves quite often, for these long-horned cattle can toss a wolf high in the air and probably give him his death-wound."
Fred came in and then they sat down to the table, on which was fried prairie chicken and broiled quail.
"Oh, my! such an appetite as I have," said Evelyn, "and I don't think I ever sat down to a more appetizing meal in my life."
Her cheeks were like roses, for the brisk ride in the morning air had flushed them beautifully.
"Terry, just look at those cheeks," said Fred, "did your ever see them glow more than now?"
"Oh, they'll glow every morning down here if she takes rides before breakfast."
They all ate heartily. Jack delighted in cooking since the new range had been put up.
Terry was an expert at broiling quail and any other kind of game, and they had fresh butter and milk.
"Brother," Evelyn said, during the meal, "last night Fred said that you would have to go to town to buy a piano. Are you going?"
"Yes, I guess I will."
"Then I want you to take several balls of this butter to several different ladies in town as presents from me and tell them that I want them to pick out a good cook for me. Not that I am too lazy to do the cooking myself, but because we will need a good, strong colored woman to do household and laundry work."
"Sensible!" remarked Fred.
"Then bring one or two young ladies down with you," he added.
"Oh, you needn't bring anybody down vet. I'm not becoming lonesome yet by any means. I don't believe I would ever get lonesome with chickens and cows and pigs and, ducks to look after."
"My, sister! are you going to take all that responsibility on your shoulders?"
"Yes, for I'm going to be boss of the entire ranch, boys and all."
"Good! Good!" exclaimed Fred.
"Fred, don't whoop until you get out of the woods," said Terry, "for you will soon find out her style of bossing. You will find her sitting on the fence somewhere yelling to you to do this and to do that, and be quick about it. I know what it is to work for a girl boss, so I will be sure that we'll get competent help if it can be had. I want to do a little bossing myself."
As soon as Evelyn could fix up five or six pounds of the rich, golden butter, pressed into pound cakes, Terry took the bucket in which she had placed them and waited for the first freight train that came along. Nearly a score of trains passed the ranch every twenty-four hours, going either east or west, it was about an hour's ride from the ranch to Crabtree. Terry sent the cakes of butter to the ladies whom Evelyn wanted to have them and delivered her message to the effect that she would be glad to have them find her a good, all-around cook and house servant.
Mrs. Westervelt, the wife of the railroad superintendent, said that she knew a cook who would fill the bill.
"Send for her at once, please, madam, and tell her to get ready to move down to the ranch within a day or two. We will give her good wages and, besides, allow her to make money out of the cowboys by doing their washing, if she wishes to."
"Mr. Olcott," she asked, "did your sister make this butter?"
"No, she hasn't started that yet, but let me tell you there is no woman, North or South, who can beat her at butter making."
Terry, being a good judge of musical instruments, went to a music store in Crabtree, ran his fingers over the keys of half a dozen different pianos, and quickly made his selection. Then he purchased a splendid violin, paying seventy-five dollars for it, which was the most costly violin that was ever sold in Crabtree, for he was very fond of good violin music. Then he bought a guitar, a banjo and a splendid flute. The dealer promised to send them all down to the ranch the next day.
"I'll take the violin and the flute myself," said Terry.
"Mr. Olcott," said the dealer, "we have a large selection of vocal and instrumental music. Would you like to look over it to make some selections?"
"Haven't time," he replied. "Sister may have a big quantity of her old music in her trunk, but if she didn't bring any down with her she can come down here some day and look over your stock."
"Here is a printed list of all the music now before the public."
"All right, I'll take that list to her," and he folded it up and put it in his pocket.
Then he went to see the two young ladies whom Evelyn had told him to bring down with him if they would come.
He found them, and, to his surprise, found them ready to go on an hour's notice. He told them that he would drive around for them with a carriage, as no passenger train ever stopped at the ranch unless it was flagged.
They told him that it didn't make any difference so long as they didn't have to walk.
They had never been on a ranch in their lives, although they were rather familiar with farm life around that locality. He went to the livery stable and hired the same team that had carried Evelyn out two days before.
Then he went to a well-known grocer and bought several cases of preserves and sweetmeats of various kinds to be sent down the next day, laid in a good stock of magazines, then drove around to the residence of the two young ladies, and when they were ready to go they started off for the ranch. Their trunks were to come down in a wagon.
The girls were delighted with everything they saw on the way.
When they reached the ranch Evelyn and Fred and Jack were at the store to greet them. While the two girls were hugging and kissing Evelyn, Fred and Terry threw their arms around each other and imitated them to the best of their ability; but, instead of kissing each other, they smacked their mouths over each other's shoulders and uttered expressions of joy in imitation of them. The girls were greatly amused, and the storekeeper almost went into convulsions of merriment.
"Now, girls," said' Evelyn, "come over to the house with me and you'll see how we are roughing it out here." So she led the way from the store to the house which they called their home.
When they entered the two beautifully furnished rooms the girls uttered exclamations of surprise.
"Why, Evelyn," one of them exclaimed, "there isn't a prettier furnished house in all Crabtree. I can't see for the life of me why you call it roughing."
"Well, I call it roughing because we can do just as we please out here. There is nobody about to criticise us. I hope you brought some of your old clothes with you that won't be hurt by roughing it!"
"Yes, we brought some old dresses with us."
"All right, just as soon as your trunks come in put on your roughest suits and I'll show you how much fun we can have out here."
She then led them into the kitchen and dining-room.
One of the bedrooms had two beds in it, and all three of them would sleep in there, leaving Fred and Terry to have the other room.
A half hour later the girls' trunks were brought into the house and they proceeded at once to don what they called their home dresses.
Then Evelyn led them out to the poultry yard, to the cow-sheds and the dairy-house, Then they went to the big lot in which lived the sows and pigs. After that they visited the big stables, where Evelyn pointed with great pride to two big grays which the boys had bought for her, and there she told them the story of the grays she had owned before, how she had trained them so that she could drive them without bridles anywhere and guide them entirely by her voice.
One of the girls said that she couldn't train a Texas horse that way.
"Oh, any horse is susceptible to kindness, dear. I will soon have them so trained that they will follow me wherever I go and I'll teach them how to obey every command I give them. It takes time and patience, though."
"Evelyn, where is the big spring that we have heard so much about?"
"It is about a mile down that way," and she pointed southward. "To-morrow we will ride down there, for we have a large surrey and two horses for domestic use."
About sunset Evelyn insisted on their going out to the cowpen and see her milk. Up to that time they hadn't taken any stock in her claim that she could milk cows and make butter, and they regarded her as simply a society girl who wouldn't do any work at all; but the dairyman told them that she was the best milker he had ever seen.
It was a pretty big job, but she milked the half dozen Jersey cows, actually doing a man's work. Neither of the girls had ever milked a cow in their lives, for their parents didn't keep any cows at their city home.
That night they sat down to a game dinner of quail, jack-rabbits and prairie chickens.
Evelyn insisted on their standing by her in the kitchen and seeing her cook everything. They were satisfied that she had not been boasting, and such biscuit they had never tasted in their lives, notwithstanding the fact that their mother had a well-trained colored cook.
"Evelyn," the elder of the sisters asked, "you seem to know all about housework, but tell me how you manage to keep your hands so soft and white if you have been doing this sort of work before."
"Oh, I don't do it regularly, only when I take a notion to do so at home; but I think it is every woman's duty to learn such things, so that if she gets hold of an incompetent servant she can teach her."
The two girls were actually ashamed of their ignorance of domestic life.
During the evening Fred produced his violin and flute.
"Oh, my, brother!" exclaimed Evelyn, "that is a beautiful violin. What did you buy such an expensive one for?"
"Why, you know me, sister," he replied; "a harsh note grates on me worse than a crosscut saw going through a knotty log."
Evelyn seized the bow, resined it herself, tuned the violin and began playing like an expert. Fred took up the flute and accompanied her, making the most delightful music.
There were some cowboys in the store smoking and talking, but when they heard the violin and flute they all rushed out and stood at the gate, about forty feet away from the door, and listened, and there they stood, quiet and silent, for upwards of an hour.
Then Terry took the flute and the girls saw that he could play equally as well as Fred. Evelyn soon took up the guitar and accompanied him on that instrument.
Then she handed the guitar to Fred and took the flute from Terry.
The girls soon saw that she was perfectly at home with any musical instrument, and that the boys were, too.
Evelyn had the girls up with the sun the next morning. They were not in the habit of starting the day so early, but she laughed at them and told them they didn't know how to live.
She soon had them in the kitchen, where Jack had started a fire in the range, and began giving them culinary lessons.
It was great fun for her, and also for Fred and Terry.
Some two or three days later Fred left the ranch, going up by the passenger train, which was flagged for him to board it, and at Crabtree he took a train for points a hundred miles east, where he hired a team and driver to take him around among the ranches all through that section. He spent a week inspecting cattle, buying them and having them shipped down to the ranch.
Finally, in order to make up the order that he wanted, he had to drive back to the railroad and go further eastward; so he was gone about ten days. He paid for the cattle with checks on the bank at Crabtree, but in some instances the cattlemen rode down to Crabtree to see whether or not the checks were good before they would ship the cattle.
When Fred returned to the ranch he found the two girl visitors still with Evelyn, and learned from them that they were willing to stay out there just as long as Evelyn wished them to.
"You haven't gotten tired of the ranch yet?" he asked.
"No, indeed. We never enjoyed ourselves better away from home in our lives. Mr. Olcott and Evelyn are undoubtedly the finest musicians we ever heard. That piano is a grand instrument, and every evening, when the weather is fine, the cowboys dance in the yard to their playing; and, Mr. Fearnot, I really believe that every horse and cow and pig and chicken on the ranch is in love with Evelyn Olcott, while she has such influence over the cowboys that I believe she could make them do murder at her command."
Fred laughed and said:
"Yes, she has that same influence over me, too."
The girls looked at Evelyn and laughed, and she remarked:
"Didn't I tell you that every sort of animal is susceptible to kindness?"
"Why, do you mean to call Mr. Fearnot an animal?"
"Certainly. Every man and woman is just as much an animal as a horse or cow is."
Both the girls opened their eyes wide and Evelyn and Fred and Terry laughed heartily at them.
"Why, didn't you know that man is an animal?" Fred inquired.
"No, indeed. Never heard of such a thing before in my life," and then both Fred and Terry fell to explaining the matter to them. The younger of the two sisters said they made her feel "cheap" by proving to her that she was a mere animal.
"Oh, be careful with your words. Neither of us have said that you were a mere animal," said Terry. "Man belongs to the animal kingdom just as any four-footed beast does. Generally the things that will kill any brute will also kill a man. Both have flesh and blood, eat and drink; but man is, of course, the highest grade of the animal kingdom. They are divided into different tribes, just as animals are into different species. The Caucasian is the highest type, and the grades go down from this point until we reach the bushmen of Australia, who are said to be the lowest type of mankind."
The girls were highly interested in his talk, and on the piazza and on the front steps cowboys were listening with the deepest interest.
They, too, had never thought of the subject; but Fred and Terry were very familiar with it, for they had both studied it very deeply.
A few days after Fred's return from his trip, during which he had bought another thousand head of cattle, the cattle began arriving.
Then Fred and Terry and the cowboys were all very busy. The cars were run down to the stockpen, where they were unloaded and turned loose into their new home. Many of them were evidently very hungry, and had probably been kept penned up for several days before the cars which were to bring them down were sent up for them.
"By George, Terry," said Fred, "that lot of cattle is almost starved. The ranchmen didn't feed them while keeping them penned up waiting for the train."
"Yes, and they ought to be made to pay for it, Fred."
"Oh, what's the use? They'll soon pick up on this ranch, but really I think they ought to be punished for their heartlessness. Just because they were sold they wouldn't give them any extra feed."
The girls came down and saw the cattle leave the cars and run down the gangway that led into the stockpen, from which they passed hurriedly into the ranch.
Evelyn had seen cattle shipped and unloaded before, but her two visitors had not, so they stood and watched the process of unloading for several hours.
"Fred," said Terry, after seeing several carloads of the cattle turned out, "I think that, on an average, they are a very fine lot of cattle."
"Well, I tried to be careful, Terry, and I am glad I was, for there were quite a number who tried to pan off poor cattle on me. Their brand is already registered, just the same as ours. Of course, their calves we will have to put our registered brand on, and after a while we will have to add it to the brand of the original owners."
The addition another thousand cattle to the ranch made a pretty good display.
Both Fred and Terry made a careful count of every beef that arrived. They both rather suspected that they would come up a little short, but to their very great gratification every carload panned out according to the bill.
They were all of the long-horned species, and some of them were very large. The train was run on a sidetrack, and as fast as the cars were emptied they were moved further down the sidetrack until every car had been emptied.
"Oh, my, Fred!" said Evelyn, "surely some of those cattle must have been hurt, crowded as they were in those cars, with such long horns."
A careful inspection was made and not one was found to be seriously hurt. Fred had stipulated with the ranchmen whom he had bought front that only a given number should be placed in a car, and Superintendent Westervelt had warned the employees of the road not to exceed the limit.
That night Fred and Terry rode all around the enclosed part of the range on the lookout for wolves, and also to let the cowboys see that they were expected to do their work faithfully.
The new cattle grazed incessantly, but nothing occurred during the night to start an alarm among them. The majority of them, as dark set in, laid down to sleep or to chew their cud.
The two boys turned in at about two o'clock in the morning.
The next day one of the cowboys came in and reported that somebody down at the lower end of the ranch had cut out a complete panel of the barbed wire, thus leaving a wide gap for the cattle to go through.
Fred and Terry hurried down there on their horses with their Winchesters, accompanied by two of their most expert and faithful cowboys and made a thorough investigation.
They could see the tracks of three men, who had probably cut the wires; but they were unable to find the trail of any cattle passing through the gap. In fact, none of the cattle had done any grazing that far down.
They sent a cowboy back up to the ranch-house and had him bring down a coil of wire and the necessary tools to connect it with the wires that had been cut, and when that was done they detailed one-half of their force to watch the line of the fence at that end of the ranch during the following night.
They taught them a series of signals, which must be given and answered before firing at any one.
"Now, boys," said Fred, "be careful. We don't want any innocent man hurt, but if you find any one tampering with the fence give him a chance to cut just one wire to establish his guilt and then call a halt. If he doesn't hold up open fire on him, and keep firing until he comes down. Both Olcott and I will be moving about the greater part of the night. We want all cattle thieves to understand that they can't steal any of our cattle with impunity."
That night, after singing and playing at the house with the girls, the boys mounted their horses and started for the lower end of the ranch.
When they reached there they dismounted, hitched their horses in the timber and started down the line on foot. They found the cowboys that they had stationed along the line in their respective places. They were very prompt in exchanging signals, and they spoke in whispers so that their voices might not be overheard.
By and by in the starlight they saw about a score of cattle going through the grass as though they were being driven by somebody.
Fred and Terry crouched down in the grass and watched them.
They both became fully satisfied that some one was driving them, and they ran along with the cattle in order to ascertain where they were going, and why. They were very near the corner of the fence, for, as the reader doubtless remembers, they had enclosed only twenty of the forty thousand acres, as they thought that was about as much as they would have need for inside of the next two years.
Suddenly Terry tapped Fred on the shoulder and whispered:
"Down, Fred," and Fred dropped down on his knees.
Terry motioned with his hand and pointed out on his right where they could both see the figures of two men moving cautiously and closely behind the cattle, and they both wondered if another panel of the wire had not been cut just ahead of them.
Suddenly one of the cattle turned in their direction, and one of the men ran around to head him off. He ran almost over Fred, who sprang up and dealt him a blow on the side of his head that caused him to sink down unconscious.
Terry heard the blow that Fred gave the cattle thief and he knew what it meant, for the fellow sank down without uttering a word.
The thief's pal, seeing that the cow that had strayed off was not being turned around, went to the assistance of his confederate and he ran up against Terry.
Terry rose up and gave him a crack on the head with his heavy revolver. He saw more stars than he probably ever thought had a home in the skies, and down he dropped.
"Now, Terry," whispered Fred, "let's see if there are any more of them," and as quick as possible they bound the two unconscious thieves hands and feet and continued to follow the cattle.
They walked straight up on their feet, knowing that the confederates, if there were any, would mistake them for their pals if they saw them.
After a few minutes they saw two other fellows advancing toward them, and one of them came up to Fred and asked in a low tone of voice:
"What's the matter?"
"Only this," said Fred, smashing him in the face with his revolver and sending him tumbling over in the grass. The other fellow stopped and, suspecting something wrong, started to run.
"Halt!" said Terry, "or you're a dead man."
The fellow threw himself down in the grass and tried to run on his hands and knees and thus escape any bullet that might be flied at him, but Terry was on him in a moment and gave him a terrible crack with his revolver on his head.
Terry searched him for a weapon and found an ugly-looking knife and a revolver on him. He took possession of the weapons and, with the ball of twine he had with him, bound him hard and fast, his hands behind him and his ankles together, and then ran on ahead of the cattle to look for the gap he suspected they were headed for, he soon found it.
Before a single beef had passed through he and Fred turned the cattle back.
Then both of them followed the trail of the thieves, which they were enabled to do, dark though it was, by following the disarranged tall grass.
They found all of the men had recovered consciousness except the fourth man, who, was lying where he had fallen like a dead man.
"Terry," said Fred, "this is your man. What in thunder did you crack him so hard for?"
"I wanted to make sure of him," and they proceeded to drag the men to the gap that had been cut through the wire fence, took them through it, stood them up against a tree, for there were a few scattering trees growing down there, and tied them to the trunk hard and fast.
They both struck matches and held them up before their faces to see if they could recognize them, but they had never seen them before.
One of them, fearing that he would be recognized, very promptly blew out the light and mattered something in Spanish, so from that Fred and Terry judged that they were Mexicans—one, at least—and Fred took Terry aside and whispered to him that there must be other men mixed up in it; so they concluded to build a fire some ten feet off from them and then go back inside the enclosure and conceal themselves in the grass to watch, for they knew that nobody could go up to the tree to release the men tied there without being seen by the light of the fire.
The fire was built up against an old dead log, which, being dry and well seasoned, burned readily, and in some places blazed up some ten feet or more high. Some of the cowboys, seeing the light of the fire a half mile away, came down to see what it meant.
Fred and Terry recognized them and they waited to watch their movements. One of them went up and talked with one of the men who was bound to the tree.
Both of them suspected their loyalty, but they proved to be true.
They looked around to find Fred and Terry, and several times used the signals that Fred had given them.
When Fred and Terry returned their signals they came toward them, looking carefully for them.
When they found them one of them asked:
"Boss, did you tie up those fellows?"
"Yes," said Terry, "and there's another one lying back there in the grass with a broken head, but all the same we tied him by his hands and feet to keep him from getting away."
Just then they heard the man groaning and calling to his pals, and the two cowboys followed the sound of his voice and soon found him, he having recovered consciousness. They picked him up and brought him down near the fire.
There all four of them denied that they had done anything wrong.
Each claimed that he had nothing to do with cutting out the wire, denied that he was driving the cattle and, of course, claimed to be innocent of any wrong-doing.
"Well," said Fred, "I hope you will be able to prove your innocence in court, for that is where you are going."
Then Fred turned on the two cowboys and asked them why they had left that corner of the ranch unguarded.
"Boss," one of them said, "there wasn't enough of us to reach down so far, and we thought that it would be safe to let it alone and to-morrow report it, but as soon as we saw the light we came down to investigate it."
Both of them thought that that excuse was reasonable, and Fred told them that they were expected to be vigilant in the discharge of their work and that they would employ more cowboys.
"Now you two can lie down here and sleep while we keep watch."
"Boss, we'll watch while you sleep," was the reply.
"No, we are going to keep watch ourselves. At daylight I want one of you to make your way back to the barn and hitch up a team, bring down a coil of wire and the necessary tools to repair this gap and then take the prisoners back to town.
"Fred," said Terry, "why not tell them to bring a coil of rope."
"What do you want with a rope, Terry?"
"Oh, Judge Lynch always has use for a rope for cattle thieves. I will act as sheriff, if you don't wish to have anything to do with it. Generally I am opposed to lynching, but this is a fair case."
"No, Terry, I don't believe in that. I'm sorry that, instead of capturing them, we didn't shoot them and thus get rid of them without calling in Judge Lynch."
The prisoners, of course, heard every word that the boys uttered. The fact is, they were both talking for their benefit. The cowboys, though, thought that they were in earnest and they would see a lynching, so when the dawn of day began to appear in the east Fred sent one of the cowboys back to the barn with instructions to bring down a coil of barb wire and a coil of rope.
One of the prisoners, tied to the tree, begged that Mr. Fearnot would come up to the tree and let him talk with him.
Fred did so, and the fellow said that if he wouldn't punish him and would release him, he would leave the country and never show up there again.
"Oh, yes; but it is bad policy to let a cattle thief go loose, after he has been caught in the act."
Then the others began making similar promises, and never did men beg for their lives as hard as they did.
One of the cowboys was sent off for wire and rope, and while he was gone a farmer came by, making an early start for Crabtree.
The road passed within a couple of hundred yards of where the men were tied to the tree, and he heard them talking as well as noticed the smoke from the fire which Fred and Terry had built out there.
He left his team in the road, and coming into the woods, there learned the whole secret of the situation.
He knew Fred and Terry, for he had frequently stopped at their ranch, so he, on his way to town, notified every farmer and ranchman whom he passed that Fearnot and Olcott were going to hang four cattle thieves down at the lower end of their ranch.
Everybody who heard the news wanted to see the lynching, so they came down there. Fred told them that he had no idea of taking the law in his own hands, and that he intended taking the prisoners into town and turning them over to the sheriff. All the prisoners, being Mexicans, whom the farmers throughout that section hated like poison, stood in great danger of being hanged at once by the angry ranchmen; but Fred refused to permit it. He bargained with one of them to take them in his wagon to Crabtree, and then mounted his horse and started off ahead of them. They were bound hard and fast, so they could give the farmer no trouble.
"Terry," said he before he left, "you must see to the careful repairing of the fence and keep a watch over everything. I am going to see if I can find a good electrician to come out and electrify the wires in this fence, so when they attempt to cut this fence again some of them will get knocked off the face of the earth." So he put spurs to his horse and started off. He knew he could reach Crabtree about two hours ahead of the prisoners.
The party of rough fellows, farmers and cowboys, went along with the wagon, and before they had gone three miles they took the prisoners from the farmer and strung them up in some timber along the roadside; so when the farmer reached Crabtree he had no prisoners, and he told a harrowing tale to Fred of how the men had taken the prisoners from him and strung them up.
"Well, well, well," he ejaculated. "I am sorry for that; not that I don't think they deserved it, but I don't believe in that sort of thing. Now, I want you to come with me to the sheriff and several responsible citizens and tell that story to them, for I don't want to be accused of having anything to do with the matter, other than capturing the thieves."
The farmer told his story to the sheriff, which official, accompanied by several citizens, as well as some deputies, rode down there to investigate the matter.
Meanwhile Fred went in search of an electrician. There was only one in the city, and he had charge of the city electrical lighting, so he couldn't go down to the ranch and electrify the wires around the entire range, for it wouldn't do to perform that feat unless some one was left in charge of the city's plant.
Fred bargained with him to communicate with some competent electrician in some other city and get him to come down to the ranch and stay for one month, saying that he would pay him well for his services.
Fred rode down the other road that ran parallel with the railroad track, reaching home, after hard riding, a little after dark.
Early the next morning when Fred went to the store he found some four or five cowboys who had just arrived, having come in to put in applications for employment as cowboys.
Said a big, brawny fellow, who measured six feet and two inches in height:
"Mr. Fearnot, we hear that you have added a thousand more cattle to your herd, and we know that you need more cowboys. We are all trained ranchmen and cowboys, and understand the business from A to Z. Just set us to work at once, and there'll be no more cattle thieving around here, for we know just how to deal with them."
Fred did not like the looks of any one in the party. Their faces showed plainly that they were certainly devotees of the jug, so he said:
"Gentlemen, of course we will need more cowboys, for it is our intention to add still another thousand head of cattle to our herd; but we really can't employ another man until we first investigate his former life. We don't want any man in our employ who drinks whisky. Neither Mr. Olcott nor myself ever touch the stuff, and I never took a drink of anything intoxicating in my life, so I don't want any one around me who does."
"Well," said the big fellow, "I never was drunk in my life, I have taken whisky moderately whenever I felt like it ever since I was of age, so if you give me a job I'll agree never to take a drink as long as I am on the place."
But Fred could see from his eyes and face that the man was not telling the truth.
He said that if Fred would write to certain ranchmen further up the road where he had worked that he would find out that he was as good a ranchman as could be found anywhere in the State; but Fred shook his head and remarked that he would take his time, and that he and Olcott would act as cowboys themselves until they had selected others to do the work for them.
About three hours later a cowboy arrived in the conductor's cab, on the rear end of a freight train, and going to the little store, inquired for Fearnot.
There were four cowboys in the store at the time, and they could see from his dress and style that the newcomer was a cowboy, too.
The storekeeper went out on the porch and caught a glimpse of Fred over at the barn lot. He gave a halloo, which attracted Fred's attention, and then he beckoned to him. Fred at once started for the store, but the newcomer, who had followed the storekeeper out on the piazza, saw him and said:
"Thank you, boss; I know him. I used to work for him up in Colorado, and he is one of the best men that ever breathed."
When Fred was within one hundred yards of the store, he recognized the cowboy, and called to him:
"Hello, Tom!" and the newcomer returned his greeting.
When Fred reached the store, the two shook hands heartily.
"Tom, what in the world brought you way down here?" Fred inquired.
"Mr. Fearnot. I came down here to take my old place with you on the ranch, if you need me."
"All right, Tom, you can have it. You are just the kind of a man that I do need."
Just then Terry came up and another handshaking took place between the cowboy and him.
Terry and Tom seemed to be highly pleased at meeting each other.
When Tom learned that Evelyn was down there he exclaimed:
"Good heavens, Mr. Terry, I want to see her, and get down on my knees to her, for if there ever was an angel on earth, she is that one."
Both Fred and Terry laughed, and the latter informed him that here were two other young ladies down there from Crabtree.
"Look here, boss," said Tom, "I heard up at Crabtree that four cattle thieves had been strung up down here yesterday. Is that so?"
"Yes, Tom; but we had nothing to do with that part of the affair."
The other cowboys were standing at the other end of the porch, and heard Fred engage the newcomer, and that, too, after refusing to employ any of them. Their faces showed plainly their disgust, and not to say dissatisfaction, and the big six-foot fellow went up to Fred and again applied for employment, saying that he couldn't find a better cowboy in the whole State than he was, and that he could get references to prove it.
"See here, my friend," said Fred, "you may be all that you claim, and I hope that you are: but really I want to be convinced of that fact before I take you on our force."
"Boss, set me to work at once, and you needn't pay me a cent until after you learn that I am all that I claim to be."
"No, sir. A man can't work ten minutes for me without pay; so just leave your address here at the store, and I'll notify you if I want you."
"Why, boss, you have just taken on a new man, and that, too, after refusing to employ any of those in my party. Do you call that fair play?"
"Yes, for I know this man personally. He has been in my employ before, and I was satisfied with his work."
The fellow turned away, growing threateningly and the party went inside the store, and there held a consultation.
Tom and Fred and Terry went over to the house, where the ladies were, and Evelyn, as soon as she saw him, recognized him, and exclaimed:
"Why, there's Tom Hecker."
Tom instantly doffed his hat and stood, bowing and smiling, as if highly pleased at her recognition of him.
"Tom," said she, advancing out on the piazza, "come here; I want to shake hands with you, for you were of great service to me on several occasions up in Colorado."
Tom advanced, too, and she extended her hand to him.
He appeared to be supremely happy. She didn't, of course, introduce him to the two young ladies, for she resented their social positions. But she did remark to them, in his hearing, that he was one of her brother's most faithful cowboys on the old Colorado ranch, and that he was as brave as he was faithful.
She asked Tom when he had seen Wicklow and his wife, and he replied that he hadn't seen them for over a month, that the old force had been pretty well scattered, and that the old ranch had been divided up into three ranches, as three different individuals had bought it.
He said, though, that when last he saw the Wicklow family they were all well.
Fred called up one of his cowboys, introduced Hecker to him, and informed him that he was henceforth to be one of the force of cowboys, as he had been in his employ up in Colorado, and was a good fellow, trustworthy, and not afraid of either cattle thieves or long-horned cattle.
"Now, take him around to the stables and barns, and all the lots, and let him see everything on the place."
"All right, boss," and he and Tom went off together. Of course, Hecker had no end of questions to answer, for the Texas cowboy was more or less puzzled to understand his present employer.
Of course, Tom told him that Fearnot and Olcott were the best and bravest men whom he had ever known, and that the man who undertook to buck against them made the mistake of his life.
Fred and Terry then busied themselves about other matters, which had been called to their attention.
Terry suggested the feasibility of buying at least a thousand head of sheep and fencing off a portion of the ranch for their use.
They were talking over that when word was sent to them that dinner was ready. They went over to the house and found that Evelyn and the two girls, with the old black cook, who had been employed in Crabtree, had prepared a most savory meal, and they at once sat down to it.
They were about through with their meal, when they heard loud talking and the tramping of feet, and the next moment the door leading into the dining-room was burst in, and the big cowboy whose application for employment had been refused, stalked into the room, waving a branding iron over his head in a most ferocious manner.
The two young lady visitors sprang up, and rushing into the other room shut the door. But Evelyn knew that there could be no safer place for her than with Fred and Terry.
When she saw the big fellow with that formidable weapon in his hands she paled somewhat, and thought that Fred and her brother were in danger of being badly hurt, if not killed.
The man had evidently been drinking heavily, for his face was flushed.
"Mr. Fearnot," he fairly roared, "you refused to give me work this morning, and yet an hour later you took on another man. Now I've got to have work or know the reason why, or else clean out the whole ranch!" and he flourished the branding-iron above his head in a most threatening manner.
"It's work or fight," he continued. "Which shall it be?"
Terry had his rifle hanging on a couple of pegs at the rear end of the kitchen, and he started for it.
Fred had bought, up in Crabtree, a few weeks before, a bulldog, which he was training for his own use, and the dog had come into the dining-room and sat in a place that had been assigned him in expectation of being fed when the dinner was finished.
As the burly cowboy burst open the door and rushed into the dining-room, brandishing a branding-iron above his head, and threatening dire destruction to everybody present, Fred dashed at him, and seized his upraised arm, while Terry reached for his rifle.
The burly cowboy aimed a blow at Fred's head with the branding-iron, but Fred reached up and caught him by the wrist, while the dog ran around and attacked him in the rear.
The fellow evidently thought that it would be an easy matter to jerk loose from Fred's grip, but to his amazement he found that his grip was like that of a steel vise, and to save his life he couldn't pull loose from him.
Fred held him steadily, and with his left fist dealt him a blow on the right side of his chest.
Terry then ran up with his Winchester, holding it rather menacingly.
"Let him alone, Terry," said Fred, "I'll attend to him."
Fred then gave him three or four blows while the fellow kept jerking and twisting to try to free himself, after a while giving vent to fierce imprecations and at the same time trying to avoid the fangs of the bulldog.
Fred then began pushing the villain back toward the door, through which he had entered.
Seeing that he couldn't use the branding-iron on Fred, he tried to take it in his left hand for that purpose, but Fred's left interfered, and the fellow felt as though his right arm would be broken.
Fred, pushed him out of the door, and he lost his balance as he went through, and so fell to the ground.
As the man fell to the ground, just outside the door, the branding-iron slipped from his hand. Then Fred jerked him up to his feet, and went at him like a cyclone. Four or five blows on the chest caused him to go down again.
Again Fred jerked the fellow up on his feet, and the second time beat him down, until the fellow didn't have breath enough left in him to say anything.
Fred let him lie there for about one minute, and then said:
"You wanted work or fight. I'll give you all the fight you want and charge you nothing for it," and as soon as the fellow tried slowly to get up, Fred dealt him another blow that laid him out for about five minutes.
Hearing that the fight had ceased, Evelyn entered the other room to assure the girls that Fred and Terry could take care of the fellow, again came out, and looked at the scene going on outside.
"Brother," said she, "you are not going to kill him, are you?"
"No, I'm just going to let Fred manage him in his own way."
"Fred," she asked, "what are you going to do to him?"
"Go into the house, dear, and quiet those girls. I'm not going to shed any blood or take a life."
She didn't follow his injunctions to go into the house, but she kept quiet a while and watched them.
"Fred, have you killed him?" she asked presently, as she saw the man lying like a dead man on the ground.
"No; I knocked him out, though, and am waiting for him to get his breath back."
By and by the fellow began to breathe hard and groan.
Finally he opened his eyes and looked up at Fred.
"You wanted fight or work," sad Fred. "What do you want now?"
"Mister, I want to go as far away from here as I can."
"Well, why didn't you go when you had the chance?"
"Boss, I didn't know you then; but I do now."
"Well, get up and leave, and don't you waste a minute of time in getting away."
The fellow got up and started off in the direction of the store.
His three companions had retreated to that place, and as soon as he started, Fred followed him and assisted him in leaving by administering kicks which raised him from the ground at least a foot at every kick.
Suddenly he drew a revolver from his pocket. It was strange that he hadn't attempted to use it before.
He drew it and turned to face Fred; but just then Fred saw the weapon and kicked it out of his hand.
"Oh you're not satisfied yet? You wanted to shoot, eh? Now, I'll show you what shooting is," and he sent Terry into the house to get his revolver and an apple.
There were a few green apples in the kitchen, which the cook intended to stew that afternoon.
Terry came out with one of the apples in one hand and the revolver in the other.
"Now, my good fellow, you take that apple and hold it between your thumb and forefinger. Hold it out straight at arm's length, while I send a bullet through it."
"Boss, I can't hold it."
"All right. If you don't hold it between your thumb and forefinger I'll shoot at your hand."
"Boss, why don't you let me go? I've got enough, and I'll leave the State."
"Hold out that apple," said Fred.
The man held the apple out at arm's length between his thumb and forefinger, but his hand was trembling so that Fred had to be very careful for fear that he would hit the hand and thus maim him for life: but the bullet went square through the apple, and it fell to the ground.
The fellow nearly had a fit. He picked up the pieces of the apple and looked at them.
"Now you want to leave this locality about as fast as your heels can carry you," said Fred.
With that the fellow, without stopping to pick up his hat, turned around and left, and all he would say to his companions was:
"Come, boys, let's get away from here. This is no place for us."
He stopped at the well, took a dipper full of water, and then started off, while the other three followed him.
That big cowboy was never seen in that part of Texas afterward.
The storekeeper told the story to his customers as they came into the store, and it was soon known all over that county.
The facts of the lynching of the four Mexican cattle thieves had been published all over that part of the State, and Fred and Terry were relieved from the odium of having had anything to do with the affair, other than the capture of the men.
The sheriff and his deputies took charge of the bodies, as they were found hanging to the trees, and buried them by the road-side.
They were buried in one pit, and above them was a head-board, on which was painted in large letters the story of their fate.
Tom Hecker had written to four of his former cowboy companions that he had found a place with Fearnot and Olcott again, and that they wanted four more of them to join him.
They at once resigned their places with their employers, and soon reached their ranch.
They were each supplied with a Winchester and cartridges, and told to capture every cattle thief that they found on the range, even if they had to bring them down with a bullet.
As the news spread around through the county of Fred's having shot an apple from the fingers of another man, it seemed so incredible that scores of people came to the cowboys to inquire as to the truth of the story.
One day, when Tom was sent to town with a wagon to bring back some things that Fred had ordered, he told a story at the depot, when a man challenged him to prove it. He said that be had seen Mr. Olcott fire at a tree with his revolver at a distance of thirty paces, and then plant the rest of the bullets in the weapon in the same hole in the tree.
Said the townsman:
"I've got a hundred dollars, which says that that is not so. That no such thing ever happened."
"Well," said Tim, "I haven't got one hundred dollars, for I don't carry my money with me wherever I go; but I will have to come up again on Saturday, and I will see if I can get Mr. Olcott to come up with me and prove it to you by shooting for you." 7
"All right," said the man. "I will meet you here, and put up the money, and I will bet one hundred dollars that Mr. Olcott can't plant all the bullets in his revolver in the same hole at a distance of thirty paces, and if you want to make another bet, I'll bet ten dollars that Mr. Olcott won't undertake it."
"That's a go," said Tom, "Just meet me here on Saturday, and I will bring up my money ready to bet any amount that I can get you to put up that he can do it."
When he went home Tom told Terry of the bet that he had made.
"Now, Mr. Olcott, I haven't got much money, but I'll put up every cent I have on your marksmanship, and I beg you, as a favor, to go with me on Saturday and give me a chance to win that bet, for I need it, as I am engaged to a girl up at Ranchman's Rest, whom I want to marry just as soon as I can get money enough ahead to build a little home for her."
"All right. Tom. I'll help you out. I'll go up with you, and if that fellow or any other man wants to bluff you, I'll check enough out of the bank for you to cover whatever he or his friends may put up."
The next Saturday Terry went up to Crabtree, going on a freight train cab, Tom drove a wagon, for there was no local freight train running that day down to the ranch.
The fact is, only through freights ran over the road at that section, hence none of the cars were unlocked at the ranch. Of course, Terry had his faithful revolver with him, and when Tom arrived, the sporting men got around him and challenged him to show his money.
"All right, sir. Mr. Olcott has agreed to shoot, and I am ready to cover any amount you want to put up, unless you have put up more than I have."'
The original bettor offered to put up three hundred dollars.
"All right," said Tom. "I'll cover that."
Then several others put up one and two hundred each.
Terry had given Tom a check for one thousand dollars, and Tom hurried off to the bank with it, cashed it, and covered all the bets.
The depot agent acted as stakeholder.
Then they went about a quarter of a mile up the road into a piece of timber, where thirty paces were stepped off, and a piece of white paper, about an inch square, was fastened, against the tree.
One man carried a sharp axe with him, saying that he was not going to let any trick be played on him.
"It's easy enough," said he, "for one shot to be fired in the tree and the other shots just to be blank cartridges."
Terry then fired the first shot, and every man in the party went to the tree to look at the bullet hole.
Then Terry fired the other live shots with cool deliberation and caution.
When the whole six bullets had been fired no one could tell, from the appearance of the bullet hole, that any other bullet had hit the tree.
The man with the axe proceeded to cut into the tree in quest of the bullets, and the whole six bullets were found, one on top of the other.
When they came back the report was that six bullets were shot into the first bullet hole and were found when the chips were cut out.
On that the men paid the thousand dollars to Tom, whose enthusiasm was so great that he was ready to risk the whole amount by offering to bet two to one that Olcott could shoot an apple from his head with that revolver at a distance of one hundred yards.
But the party of bettors had had enough. They didn't care to risk any more money and some of them couldn't afford to lose a hundred dollars; but firmly believing that they would win, they had borrowed a little to make up that amount.
Evelyn and her two visiting friends agreed to go up to Crabtree and stand up with Tom and his girl when they were married.
The girl lost no time in leaving Ranchman's Rest for Crabtree, and when she arrived there Fred and Terry recognized her as a girl they had often seen, without knowing who she was. They greeted her kindly, and so did Evelyn, saying she remembered her face well, and within thirty minutes after she arrived in Crabtree they were married in the parlor of the hotel at Crabtree, with Fred and Evelyn standing up with them, and quite a bevy of young ladies acting as maids of honor.
Terry paid for the dinner of the couple at the hotel, after which they went out to the wagon that was to carry her trunk, and Tom and she drove to the ranch by themselves, while Evelyn and the girls returned in the ranch carriage.
Fred and Terry and Jack went down on the conductor's caboose of the freight train.
Thus Fred and Terry managed their new ranch by giving the strictest personal attention to every little matter of importance.
They made it a rule to deal justly and kindly with every man in their employ, and thus gained their confidence.
By and by the Crabtree Herald published a statement that the fattest cattle in the whole State of Texas were to be found on the ranch of Fearnot and Olcott, and soon applications from cattle firms way up in Kansas City, Omaha and Chicago began coming to them, the firms asking for particulars. Terry and Fred knew every one of their correspondents.
They wrote back to them, however, that it was not there intention to sell but a limited number of their cattle that fall; but every one of the firms wrote back to them, saying that they would take their word as to the condition of the cattle that they had for sale, and would pay the highest market price for them.
Some of the firms offered to go down at once, although it was some two or three months ahead of the regular season for buying cattle, pick them out, and pay a cash deposit, contracting to pay the market price when the cattle were ready for sale, and that each beef was to be weighed at the depot.
Jack said that he would have a few hundred head for sale, while Fred and Terry had over five hundred.
Jack finished his big house, and at once proceeded to furnish it.
Evelyn looked after that part of it for him, so, while he went North after his mother and sweetheart Evelyn attended to the furnishing of his home, and all of his cowboys were instructed to obey whatever orders either Mr. Olcott or Mr. Fearnot might give.
Jack wanted Evelyn to go up with him, but she wrote to Mary Hamilton to go down to New York City and act as bridesmaid for Katy Malone.