"Not if you keep the hatch closed," added Andy.
"And you can make up your mind that I will!" answered the man decidedly. "No more snake or monkey cargoes for me. Well, I'll get along now, I guess. Say, I'd like to make you boys a present. I've got some prime lobsters that a fellow gave me. They're all alive. Won't you take some along?"
"Well, we generally can eat them," spoke Frank. "And my mother is very fond of lobster salad."
"Don't say another word," exclaimed the lighterman. "Here you are," and he drew forth a basket from under a pile of bagging at the foot of the mast. "Take 'em along."
There were a dozen fine, large lobsters in the basket as Andy ascertained by a peep, and then after thanking the man for them, and making sure that the hatch cover was on tight, the brothers rowed back to their craft. As they sailed away they saw the man carrying a small ketch anchor and placing it on top of the hatch cover.
"He isn't taking any chances," remarked Frank.
"Indeed not," agreed his brother. "Well, let's see if we can pick up that mysterious man again."
They looked all about, but there was no sign of the dory, and they felt that it would be useless to sail about in search, as it was getting late.
"Let's put for home," proposed Frank, and Andy assented.
When nearing their mooring place Andy got a piece of string and some strong paper, and proceeded to wrap up one of the largest lobsters.
"What are you going to do with that; give it to some of your girls?" asked Frank.
"Hu! I guess not," was the somewhat indignant answer. "I'm going to have a little fun with it. There are more than we need in that basket."
"Look out that some one doesn't have fun with you," warned his brother.
"Oh, I can take care of myself," answered Andy with a grin. He assisted his brother to carry the basket of lobsters up on the pier, and then, as they were rather heavy, and as a delivery wagon from a grocery where Mrs. Racer traded was at hand, Frank decided to send the shell fish home in that.
"Coming along?" asked the elder boy of his brother, as the delivery vehicle drove off.
"Yes, but I want to have some fun first. I see Chet Sedley coming, and I'm going to make him a present of this lobster. It's a lively one, and he won't know what's in the paper—until he opens it. Watch me."
Frank shook his head, but smiled. He followed his brother at a distance. The town dude, attired more gorgeously than before, saw Andy approaching, and was about to turn aside.
"Hold on," called Andy. "I'm sorry about what happened a while ago, Chet, and here's a little present for you."
He held out the package.
"What's in it?" asked Chet suspiciously, as he took it.
"Why—er——" began Andy, but just then Mabel Chase, one of the prettiest girls in Harbor View, approached, and Andy took off his hat. Chet did likewise, making an elaborate bow. At the same time he let slide to the sidewalk the package containing the lobster, and he gave it a shove with his foot so that it would be in back of him.
For Chet was a very proud youth, and did not want to be seen carrying a bundle, especially by a young lady whose good opinion he desired.
"Charming day, Miss Chase," murmured Chet, as he resumed an upright position.
"Delightful," agreed the girl. "Where have you been, Andy? I haven't seen you in some time."
"Oh, we have been sailing."
"Have you rescued any more strange boys?" she went on. "Oh, I think that was so romantic! Does he know who he is yet?" For the story of Paul Gale was well known in Harbor View by this time.
"He hasn't the least idea," answered Andy.
"Beautiful day," observed Chet, edging nearer to the girl. "Oh, I said that before, didn't I?" he asked in confusion, for the dude's powers of talk were rather limited. "I mean, do you think it's going to rain?"
"Hardly," replied Andy. "But say, Chet, why don't you open the present I gave you?"
Andy could not resist the opportunity of seeing how his joke would turn out—especially when there was a girl present to witness it.
"Oh, I—I don't want to now," replied Chet, and he took a step backward. Accidentally he stepped on the paper containing the large lobster. The string slipped off. There was a rustling movement in the wrapping and the paper suddenly opened. Something of a sort of greenish hue came into view; something with big claws. Neither Chet nor Andy noticed it, for they were both talking to Miss Mabel. The girl saw the lobster slowly reach up one large claw.
"Oh!" she screamed.
"What's the matter?" asked Andy.
He knew a moment later, for the crustacean caught him by the left ankle in a firm grip, and held on, while the would-be joker danced about on one leg, holding the other up in the air with the lobster dangling from, it. The tables were effectually turned.
"Take him off!" yelled Andy, dancing about. "Grab him, Chet. Wow! How he pinches!"
"Oh! Don't let it get loose!" begged Miss Mabel, looking for a place upon which she could climb out of danger.
"Loose! That's just what I want to do—get him loose!" cried Andy.
"How—how did it happen?" asked Chet innocently. "Was that a lobster you gave me, Andy?"
"Never mind what I gave you," howled the youth. "Help me get him off."
Now Chet was not a very wise youth, but he knew better than to pick off a lobster, especially when there was yet one large claw that wasn't working, but which was waving about seeking for something else to pinch.
"Can't you help me?" begged Andy. Frank had stopped to speak to an acquaintance, and did not see the plight of his brother.
"Oh! Oh, dear! What shall I do?" wailed Mabel. Several men and boys began to gather about the scene.
"I've got to get him loose or he'll pinch off my foot!" cried Andy. He reached over as well as he could, while standing on one foot, and tried to get hold of the lobster by the back, behind the vicious claws. But he made a miscalculation.
The next moment the other claw of the lobster had gripped him on the wrist, fortunately taking hold around Andy's coat sleeve so that the flesh was not cut by the "teeth" of the crustacean's pincher.
Andy was now in a peculiar predicament, for he was held in a stooping position with the lobster clinging to his ankle and wrist. He put on the ground the foot which had first been gripped and was vainly endeavoring to pull the lobster loose when Frank, attracted by the crowd, hurried up. He saw at once what the trouble was, and with one well-directed kick he sent the lobster spinning out into the middle of the street, the suddenness of the blow loosening the tight claws.
"Well, of all things! What happened, Andy?" Frank asked.
"Don't ask me. Come on home," replied his brother, limping away, while Miss Mabel smiled and turned aside. Chet Sedley grinned. It was the first and only time he had unwittingly gotten the better of Andy Racer.
"I told you not to play any more jokes," spoke Frank, as he walked along at his brother's side. "You never can tell when they're going to come back on you."
"Oh, say, let a fellow alone; can't you?" expostulated the younger lad.
"Does it hurt you very much?" inquired Frank.
"I should say it does!" and Andy stooped over and rubbed his ankle and then gently massaged his wrist.
"Better get home and put some vaseline on it," suggested Frank.
"Vaseline! Say, the next time I try to play a joke on anybody, please holler 'Lobster' at me. And if that doesn't do any good just pinch me good and hard," requested the younger lad.
"I told you so," commented Frank.
"Yes, but I didn't believe you. Let's get home. Don't tell mother. She'd think I'd be in for a siege of blood poisoning, and keep me in bed. I'll be all right. But say, things have been happening lately; haven't they?"
"I should say yes. I'm sorry we missed that strange man to-day. We might have been able to get something about Paul out of him."
"I doubt it. However, we had a great time with the snakes and monkeys. Better not say anything about that at home, either, or dad and mom will put a stop to our sailboat if they think that something happens every time we go out in her."
"I guess that's right. We'll lay low and say nothing."
But the story got out, for the skipper of the lighter told at the dock in Seabright how two boys had come to his rescue, and the description of them fitted our heroes.
"I don't know what I'm going to do with you chaps," said their father after supper a few evenings later, as he looked at them over the top of the paper. "Seems to me you're always doing something." He had heard the lobster and snake stories from a friend that day.
"But this wasn't our fault," said Frank. "We just had to help that man."
"It was just the same as when they rescued me," put in Paul Gale, who was sitting in an easy chair. "I'd never be alive to-day only for them."
"And it's too bad we missed getting a chance to talk with that strange man," went on Andy, glad to change the subject. "He might have told us something about you, Paul."
"I doubt it," commented Mr. Racer. "That man, whoever he is, has some strong object in keeping out of our way. I can't understand it, and have half made up my mind to put detectives on the case, for I feel sure that there is some strange mystery behind it all."
"Detectives, dad!" exclaimed Andy. "Say, let Frank and me do the detective work, and pay us the reward."
"Reward! I never thought of that!" exclaimed the silk merchant. "I believe it would be a good idea to do that. I'll put another advertisement in the papers."
He did so. But it brought no responses of any account, though many irresponsible persons claimed to be able to solve the mystery of the identity of Paul Gale. However, they all proved to be "fakers," and Paul was as hopeless as before.
"Never mind, we'll get on the track of it yet," declared Frank one day.
"Oh, if you only could!" sighed Paul. "Perhaps my mother or father may be anxiously looking for me, and can't find me. Nor can I find them until I know who I am."
"Well, we'll find out, if it's possible," declared Andy. "I haven't yet given up looking for your motor boat. I suppose it was your boat?" and he looked at the lad who, though yet partly an invalid, was rapidly convalescing.
"I—I don't know," was the weak response. "Sometimes I have a hazy notion that I had many such things, an auto, a boat, a pony, and a rich home, but it is all like a dream—a dream," and Paul buried his face in his arms.
"Don't worry," spoke Mrs. Racer soothingly. "Now you boys must stop talking about this, and get on a more cheerful subject. I want you all to promise to come and see me play golf to-morrow. We have a medal match at the Harbor View links, and it will do you good to get in some society, other than that of whales, wrecked motor boats and sailors. You will be strong enough to come, won't you, Paul?"
"I—I think so. I'm feeling better every day."
Paul went to the golf match in a carriage, and sat on the shady porch of the clubhouse while the two Racer boys followed their energetic mother about the links.
The sixteenth hole was down near the sandy shore of the bay, and while Mrs. Racer was teeing up for a trial at the seventeenth, Frank and Andy strolled toward the beach.
"It's a fine day for a sail," observed the younger lad.
"What! Go off and not see mother win!" cried Frank.
"Oh, I was only joking."
"Hum! Joking!" exclaimed Frank, and Andy laughed uneasily.
"There's someone in a boat headed this way," said Frank, after a pause. "He's rowing fast, too."
"Looks like Bob Trent's dory," commented his brother.
"It is," was the answer. "Wonder what he's in such a hurry about?"
They watched the rower in silence for a few minutes, while Mrs. Racer played on, too interested in the game to miss her sons. A little later Bob's boat grounded on the shelving beach. He leaped out, pulled it up farther on the sands, and then, seeing the two Racer boys regarding him, he sang out:
"There she blows! A whale! Almost dead, and headed for shore. There she blows!"
He pointed out across the bay.
"A whale?" cried Frank.
"Maybe it's our whale!" exclaimed Andy "Let's go out and get It!"
He looked at his brother. Then both glanced over to where their mother was posing for a difficult shot.
"Come on!" cried Andy, and Frank followed him in a race to the beach, where Bob Trent awaited them. Out on the bay they could see two misty fountains of spray blown into the air—the spouting of the wounded whale.
"Pull hard!" cried Andy Racer.
"Pull hard yourself," retorted his brother.
"We've all got to pull for all we're worth if we want to get that whale before someone else does," added Bob Trent. They were all three in the old captain's big boat—the one in which Bob had been out clamming when he sighted the wounded whale, and hastened to shore with the news.
"Do you think anyone else would want it?" asked Frank, as he labored at the heavy oars. There was room for the trio of lads to handle sweeps.
"Sure, most anyone would want a whale," replied Bob. "It'll be worth a lot of money to the fertilizer factory, and then there's the oil."
"Then there's the whalebone," put in Andy eagerly. "We ought to get a lot of money for that."
"This kind of a whale doesn't have the sort of bone that is valuable, I believe," suggested Frank. "It's only for the oil that they're hunted. But still, if we can get this one we ought to knock out a pretty penny."
"If there was a lump of ambergris in it we all be millionaires!" exclaimed Andy eagerly.
"Well, of course ambergris is said to be found in dead whales," admitted Frank, as he cast a look over his shoulder to observe their course, "but our whale isn't dead yet."
"And? maybe we won't get it after all," went on Bob. "Have you seen him spout lately?"
"No, but then he may have sounded and it will be about fifteen minutes before he comes up again," announced Frank. "Was he nearly dead, Bob?"
"Pretty far gone. Some gulls were hovering over him in anticipation, I guess, and that's a good sign."
"I wonder what mom will say," came from Frank, after a pause. "We sort of promised we wouldn't go whaling again, Andy."
"I don't believe she'd care if she knew how it was, but we didn't have time to tell her. Besides, she doesn't like to be interrupted when she golfing. Anyhow, this whale is nearly dead and there can't be any harm going for a dead one. I was a live one she and dad were thinking about when they warned us."
"I guess so," agreed Frank. "Anyhow we're out now and we might as well keep on. I wonder——"
"There she blows again!" interrupted Bob excitedly, and he stopped rowing long enough, to point to a spot in the bay not far distant.
"And she's spouting blood now!" fairly yelled Andy. "That whale is ours as sure as guns! Have you a line aboard, Bob?"
"Yes, a long anchor rope, strong enough, I guess, for what I need. Let's put in a little closer. We can keep track of the whale now. Don't lose sight of it."
"One of us had better keep on the watch," proposed Andy.
"What are you trying to do—get out of rowing?" asked his brother with a laugh.
"No, we can take turns being lookout. Only we don't want to lose sight of the whale."
This was agreed to, and, as he had suggested it, Andy was allowed to take his place in the bow and watch the progress of the immense animal. It was a large whale, probably seventy-five feet long and big in proportion. It was swimming slowly along, about half submerged.
"Don't go too close," advised the younger Racer boy, in memory of what had once happened to him when he first met the whale. "It may remember me and be anxious to finish up what it began."
"Do you suppose it's the same one?" Frank wanted to know.
"Shouldn't be a bit surprised," said Bob. "There would hardly be two whales around here so close together, and both injured. That's your whale sure enough. But Andy's right, we must not get too near. It might take a notion to charge us."
Accordingly they sheered off, and rowed along in a course parallel with that of the monster They had paid little attention to where they were heading, and it was not until an exclamation from Frank drew their attention to it that they noticed how far away from land they were.
"We'll have a fine long row to get back," observed Andy.
"Yes, towing the whale, too," added his brother.
"Maybe we'd better take a chance and make fast," suggested Bob. "I think I can get my anchor line over that harpoon I see sticking out and then we can begin towing."
"Nixy on that!" exclaimed Andy quickly. "We don't tackle any live whales. We'll wait for this one to die."
"I wish it would hurry up about it then," grumbled Frank. "I don't want to stay out here a night."
Suddenly, as he spoke there was a flurry of water about the dying monster of the deep.
"Look out!" yelled Andy. "It's coming for us."
"Back water!" shouted Bob.
They bent to the oars with a will, Andy taking up his discarded ones. But they need not have been alarmed. It was the last move the whale was destined to make. Rearing itself partly up out of the water the monster suddenly sank, making such a commotion that the boat of the boys was tossed about like a chip in the surf.
"He's sounded again!" shouted Andy.
"No, that's the end," said Bob, who had heard his father tell of whaling voyages. "The whale is dead, and he's gone to the bottom."
"Then we can't get it," came regretfully from Andy.
"Oh, yes we can," declared Bob.
"How?" Frank wanted to know.
"Why, after a whale dies, and sinks, gases very soon begin to form inside it. This swells it up like a balloon, and it comes to the top again. Then we can get it."
"How long will it take?" asked Andy, with an anxious look at the sun, for it was getting late.
"Oh, maybe an hour, perhaps longer," replied Bob. "We will just have to hang around here until it comes up."
"I hope our folks don't get worried about us," remarked Frank, who was a little uneasy about having gone off as they had so suddenly. "We left Paul at the clubhouse all alone, too."
"Oh, well, he won't mind. There's lots going on, and we'll soon be back—if we have luck," commented Andy.
"Queer about that Paul," spoke Bob. "You haven't seen anything more of that strange man; have you?"
"No, and I'm afraid we won't, either," declared the elder Racer boy. "It seems to be a mystery we'll never solve. If we could only find that missing motor boat it might help some. But I guess that's sunk, though it was floating when we took Paul aboard our craft."
The boys rowed slowly about the spot where the whale had gone down, casting eager glances from time to time at the rolling billows. They were careful to keep far enough away so that the rising monster would not come up beneath them, and capsize the boat.
It was a little short of an hour when Frank, who had stood up to stretch his cramped legs, suddenly uttered an exclamation:
"Look!" he cried, and pointed dead ahead.
Something rose from the sea, rolled over several times, and then swayed gently with the motion of the waves.
"Our whale!" cried Andy.
"Dead as a door nail!" added Frank.
"Don't be too sure," cautioned Bob. "Wait a minute."
They waited, but there was no motion to the monster save that caused by the heaving ocean, and they ventured closer.
"Gee whizz! He's big all right!" exclaimed Andy.
"That's right," agreed Bob. "Now let's make this line fast to the harpoon handle, and we'll tow him ashore."
"Why, there are two harpoons in him!" cried Frank, as a second shaft was visible.
"There was only one when he tackled us," declared Andy. "Someone else must have had a try at killing him since he smashed my boat."
The other lads agreed that this was very probable, but there was no time to speculate on it. The anchor line was quickly made fast, and being attached to the stern of the boat the work of towing the whale to the beach was begun.
It was hard work, and it might seem that three boys could not accomplish it. But it is well known that once a large and heavy body is started in motion in water, a slight force will keep it going. It was so in this case.
At first the three lads tugged and strained on the oars to little advantage. The whale did not move. But finally persistance told, and the inert body began to slide through the waves. After that it was but a matter of keeping at it.
"Oh, we'll get home before dark I guess," remarked Andy, when they had rowed in silence for half an hour.
"If we don't we'll be in for it when we do arrive," prophesied Frank half dubiously. "Let's see if we can't get up a little more steam."
They quickened their strokes, and soon the coast line came into view, having been hidden by mist. Then they headed for the stretch of sand of their home town.
"Where shall we land it?" asked Frank, nodding at the whale, floating astern.
"Oh, a little way up from the big pier will be a good place, I guess," decided Bob. "It's deep water close in to shore there, and we'll have to get the body stranded where the tide won't carry it off. Besides, if we sell it to the fertilizer factory that's the best place for them to come after it."
To this the Racer boys agreed, and by hard work they managed to reach the beach before dark, towing the whale in as close to shore as possible.
Their arrival was soon noticed by the people of Harbor View and as word of what they had captured spread, a large throng soon gathered on the beach.
"A whale! Good land, what will them Racer boys do next?" one woman wanted to know. No one took the trouble to answer her.
"It's a fair-sized one, too," observed old Captain Obed Harkness. "I mind the time I was up in the Arctic after them critters. We didn't often git 'em bigger'n that."
"What you fellows going to do with it?" asked Harry Dunn, who sometimes went clamming with Bob. "Gee, I wish I'd been along."
"We're going to sell it to the fertilizer factory," said Andy. Then he added to his brother, in a low voice: "Hadn't we better telephone to mother that we're here? She may get wind of this and worry."
"Yes, I'll call her up," volunteered Frank. "Then we'll see if we can talk to someone at the fertilizer factory. You stay here. I'll be right back."
"Say, why don't you put a tent over the whale, and charge admission to see it?" asked Bert Ramsey. "You could make a lot of money. Summer visitors from Seabright and other places would like to see a real whale."
"Couldn't get a tent big enough without a lot of trouble," replied Andy, as his brother hurried away. Meanwhile the crowd on the beach became larger, and there were new arrivals every second, as the news spread.
"There's a big motor boat coming in here," suddenly remarked Bob to Andy, as they stood near the head of the whale.
The Racer lad glanced across the darkening sea. He had a momentary idea that it might be the craft from which he and his brother had rescued Paul Gale. But a glance showed him that it was a fishing vessel, that had been fitted up with a "kicker" or small gasolene engine, the noise of which came across the bay as the craft was headed toward the spot where the whale was stranded.
"Wonder what they want?" mused Andy.
"Out of gasolene, perhaps, and need a supply," suggested Bob.
Few paid any attention to the oncoming craft, as they were too interested in looking at the whale. Frank came hurrying back, and said to his brother:
"It's all right. Mother was just beginning to get worried. But I fixed it all right, and said we had the whale, and hadn't been in a bit of danger."
"What about the fertilizer factory?"
"Couldn't get 'em on the wire. To-morrow will do for that. Now let's get home. The whale will be safe here, I guess."
"Let's see that the line is good and tight," suggested Bob, for the ketch anchor cable had been carried up on shore and made fast to an old bulkhead.
The three boys were just making their way through the crowd when the oncoming motor boat came to a stop as near the shore as was possible to run in. Two men, in long rubber boots, leaped overboard and waded through the shallow water.
"Here it is, Bill!" called the foremost.
"So you were right about it, Jack. Those lads in the small boat did have it."
The two burly fishermen elbowed their way through the throng, shoving people to right and left as they approached the whale.
"Come now!" exclaimed the one called Jack. "Get away from our whale! We're going to tow it out again."
"Your whale!" cried Frank, who, hearing the words, quickly turned back with his brother and Bob.
"Yes, our whale!" cried Bill. "We harpooned it the other day, and we've been hunting for it ever since. We thought we saw a motor boat towing it away to-day, and chased after it just about the time Jack spied you lads in the rowboat hauling something. Jack wanted to take after you, but the rest of us thought the motor boat had our prize, so we lost time until we found it was only a wrecked boat that they were towing. Then we came after you. I wish we'd caught you before you hauled this up on shore, as we're going to have trouble getting our whale off again."
"What makes you say that's your whale?" demanded Andy hotly.
"Because it is," answered Jack. "We struck it, though it didn't die right away. Now you folks keep back, and we'll haul it off. Come on, fellows!" he called to the others in the motor boat. "Lend a hand here, it's bigger than I thought."
"That's not your whale, and you can't have it!" cried Frank determinedly. "We picked it up at sea, and towed it in. My brother and I saw it several days ago, and it struck one of our boats. It's our whale, and we intend to keep it."
"Get out of the way!" roughly cried the man called Bill. "We haven't time to bother with you," and he elbowed Frank to one side.
Surprise at the bold claim of their rivals held the three boys almost spellbound for a moment. The possibility that someone should seek to get possession of the whale they had brought ashore after such labor, and almost as soon as they landed, had never occurred to them. Yet the fishermen seemed determined, for one of them began casting off Bob's anchor line, and several more of the burly chaps, in their long rubber boots, leaped overboard from the boat, and waded ashore.
"What had we better do?" asked Andy of his brother. "Are you going to let them take our whale?"
"Not much!" exclaimed Frank, with a determined tightening of his lips. "I'm going to fight every inch. They shan't take it away."
"Let's appeal to the crowd," suggested Andy. "Tell 'em just how we found the whale, and they won't let these men take it away from us."
Frank looked doubtful as to the wisdom of that course. Meanwhile the men were busily preparing to tow the whale away out to sea in the powerful motor boat.
"If my father was only here," began Bob, "he would know what to do, and what our rights were. There are certain laws about whales and things found at sea, and he'd make these fellows skip out if they were in the wrong."
"Of course they're in the wrong!" cried Andy. "Didn't we see the whale first, and didn't we to it home?"
"But they say they harpooned it," said Bob,
"Yes, and there was only one iron in it, Andy, when it broke your boat," added Frank. "Now there are two harpoons in the back. One might be theirs. I'm going to notify Justice Fanchard and see what he says."
"Lively now, men!" called Bill, as Frank started off.
There was another movement on the outskirts of the throng, and someone pushed his way in.
"It's dad!" cried Bob. "Hey, dad!" he shouted. "These men are going to take our whale! We just towed it in, Frank and Andy Racer and me! Can these men take it?"
"Of course we can, kid!" cried one of the fishermen. "Get out of the way, if you don't want to be knocked down."
"Oh, it's you, is it, Jack Kett!" exclaimed Captain Trent. "And Bill Lowden and his crowd. Well, you fellows would take anything, whether it was yours or not. Now jest hold on a bit. Luff up and let's see where we're at. Maybe you're on the wrong course and need new clearance papers. Avast there, and let me know the particulars."
"There ain't any particulars except that we harpooned this whale, and it's ours," growled Bill Lowden. "You needn't be putting your oar in, Cap'n Trent. We know our rights. There's our iron, and it's got the name of our boat branded in it—the Scud—you can see if you light a match," for it was now dark.
"Hum! When did you strike it?" asked the captain, amid a silence, for, as an old whaling master and one of the most influential residents of Harbor View, the captain was universally respected.
"We were going along just outside the Shark's Teeth reef day 'fore yesterday," spoke Jack Kett, "when our lookout spied the whale. We keep a couple of irons aboard for sharks, dogfish and the like, and it didn't take long to sink one in this critter. Then he sounded and we couldn't pick him up again. We've been looking for him ever since, and to-day we thought we saw someone in a motor boat towing our whale away. I explained how we got on the wrong course," and he detailed what is already known to my readers.
"Then we found the whale here," went on Jack Kett, "and we're going to have it."
"Hum," mused the captain. "It looks as they had the right of it, boys," he said in a low voice, to his son and the latter's chums.
"Ask them if the whale wasn't about dead when they harpooned it, and if it didn't already have an iron in it?" suggested Frank.
"Another iron; eh? That's a different story. Somebody bring a lantern," called the captain quickly.
One was procured, and the crowd made way while the aged whaleman approached the dead beast.
"Here, you can see our iron," said Bill Lowden eagerly. "There it is, as plain as day, with our boat's name burned in the handle."
"Hum, that's right," admitted Captain Trent as he noted the harpoon. "But what about this?" he asked quickly, pointing to a second one, lower down, and in such a position that it could not be readily seen. "Is that yours too?" and Captain Trent held the lantern so that the gleam shone on the other implement.
"What's that? Another harpoon?" cried Kett. "Did we use two, boys?" and he turned to the group of his men.
"No, only one," somebody answered.
"This has a brand on it too," went on Bob's father. He held the lantern nearer. "The Flying Fish," he read as he saw the burned letters. "Guess that was in some time before your iron, Lowden, for it's pretty well worn by sea water. There's a prior claim to this whale, and as long as no one is here from the Flying Fish this prize belongs to the boys that towed it in. If you don't agree with that jest say so, an' we'll go to law about it. But I know my rights, and these boys will get theirs."
"That's right!" cried several in the crowd. "The whale belongs to the boys."
Jack Kett and Bill Lowden looked at each other. This was something for which they had not bargained. There was a murmur among their men.
"We—we didn't know the whale had been struck before," admitted Bill.
"That's right," chimed in his partner. "We only want what's fair," he went on, in more conciliatory tone than at first.
"That's the way to talk," commented Captain Trent. "I admit you have some claim on the whale, for your iron helped to kill it. The law gives you a tenth part, after other parties have landed the prize, and I'll see that you get it. Now if it's settled you fellows can go, and I'll notify you when the money's ready."
"All right," assented Bill, after a conference with his partner and men. "I guess it's the best we can get out of it. But it's hard to lose a prize when you think you're got it. I'm not blaming you boys," he added quickly, "for I guess you had a hard pull with it. Come on, men, we'll leave our case with Captain Trent."
It was an unexpected turn of affairs, and the boys were glad the contest had ended in their favor. They were congratulated on all sides, and jokingly asked what they were going to do with the money, which was likely to be quite a large sum.
"We're going to buy a whaling vessel, make Mr. Trent captain, and go into the business," said Andy with a laugh. He looked around for his brother, and saw Frank talking to Kett.
"I heard you say something about seeing a boat towing something you thought was the whale, but which turned out to be a wrecked motor boat," began the elder Racer lad. "What sort of a boat was the wrecked one?"
"Well, it was pretty big, with a hood up forward, and it looked as if it had been in a fire. It was all blacked."
"A fire!" cried Frank eagerly, as the memory of the boat from which Paul Gale had been rescued came to him. "Are you sure of this?"
"Certain. We were right close to 'em. That's what made us lose so much time. If we'd taken after you boys in the first place we might have found the whale ourselves."
"Bob Trent sighted the whale before he came for us," explained Frank, "so he'd have first claim on it anyhow. But which way was the motor boat going?"
"Along toward Seabright. Then it got hazy and we lost sight of it."
"Did you notice whether there was a tall, dark man aboard?" asked Frank eagerly.
"Yes, there was such a chap," broke in Bill Lowden. "And he seemed mighty anxious about the wrecked boat in tow. Why, do you know him?"
"I don't know—I've met him," said Frank, as he quickly turned to join his brother. Then he whispered to Andy: "Come away, I've got on the track of the mysterious man and the wrecked motor boat. I want to talk to you."
Wonderingly, Andy followed. There was no need to stay and guard the whale, as Kett and his crowd were preparing to leave. Soon Andy had been told all that Frank had learned.
"What are you going to do?" asked the younger brother.
"We'll go to Seabright the first thing in the morning. Maybe we can find the man there. I believe we're on the right track. Let's go and tell Paul."
There was no little excitement in the Racer home when Andy and Frank arrived with their tale of the sea, the whale, and the quarrel about it. So interested were Mr. and Mrs. Racer that they did not chide their sons for their partial disobedience of orders. As for Paul, he leaned forward eagerly in the easy chair, listening to the tale of the brothers.
"Oh! If I would only get strong enough go with you!" he exclaimed regretfully.
"Don't worry, you will be strong soon," said Mrs. Racer kindly.
"It was rather mean of us to go away and leave you all alone, momsey," spoke Frank. "And Paul, too. But when Bob called us we just couldn't resist."
"I'll forgive you," said the mother. "I won my golf match after all, and perhaps if you had followed me over the links I might not have done so."
"And I didn't mind being left alone," added Paul. "I'm so glad you got the whale."
"And we may get your motor boat, and find out who that strange man is," said Frank.
"Now go slowly," advised Mr. Racer. "I don't want you boys getting into trouble and danger. I think I had better attend to this matter myself, only I can't very well stay away from the office to-morrow."
"Oh, we can do the work all right," declared Frank. "We'll go in our sailboat, it won't take us long. Perhaps Paul will be strong enough to come along."
"I wish I was," and the invalid shook his head. "But somehow I don't feel so well to-night."
"Then we must have Dr. Martin look at you," decided Mr. Racer, and, in spite of Paul's protests the physician was summoned by telephone.
"It is nothing," he said after examining Paul. "He exerted himself a little too much to-day. He must be quiet for a couple of weeks yet and he'll be all right."
"Then that means no trip for you to-morrow," said Mrs. Racer kindly. "Never mind, I'll amuse you while the boys are away pretending they are detectives," and she smiled at Paul.
It was about nine o'clock when Frank happened to remember that he had left aboard their sloop Gull a book of adventures in which he was much interested.
"I'm going down and get it," he announced. "I won't be long."
"I'll go with you," offered Andy, and the two started off toward the mooring place, which was near the big public pier. The boys kept a light skiff tied to the float and in this way they used to row out to the sailboat.
As they approached the pier they heard confused shouts and cries coming from the direction of the bay.
"Something's going on!" cried Frank, breaking into a run.
"Yes. Sounds like someone in trouble," added Andy as he hollowed.
Once more came the cry, and this time the brothers could make it out:
"Fire! Fire! Fire!"
They turned a corner of the street that led straight out on the long pier, and there caught sight of a cloud of smoke in the moonlight, and saw dancing flames near the surface of the water. Then Frank uttered a cry of alarm:
"It's our boat—the Gull—she's on fire!" he yelled.
Frank and Andy ran as they had never run before. Out on the long pier they speeded, their eyes turned toward their boat which they could now hardly see on account of the haze of smoke.
"How do you think it happened?" panted Andy.
"Don't know. We've got to get the fire out first, and think afterward. Come on, leg it faster!"
Once more they heard the cries of fire.
"That's Bob Trent!" called Frank. "There he goes out in his boat! We'll have to get some sort of a pump."
"That's—right!" gasped Andy.
The brothers were now at the gangway leading down to the float. Several men and boys who had been fishing off the end of the pier were gathered there, and it was they who had been shouting.
"Guess your boat's a goner," observed Captain Trent. "Bob has gone out to her."
There was now more smoke than fire aboard the Gull, but it seemed to the boys only a matter of a few seconds when the flames would again break out.
"Is there a pump? Has anyone a pump?" begged Frank.
"Here's a small one they use to get the bilge water out of their motor boats," said the dock master, for the pier was a station for a yacht club, and the dock-keeper lived in a small house on the pier. "It doesn't throw much of a stream, though."
"Better use pails," cried Captain Trent. "Here are a couple I use for clams. Take 'em along. The fire started sudden-like, when we were all standing here talking about the whale."
Andy and Frank did not stay to hear more. Quickly they shoved off in their skiff and were soon approaching the Gull, at the side of which Bob Trent now was.
"It's a lot of hay smoldering!" he shouted. "Maybe I can get it overboard with my boathook. Come on, fellows."
"Row! Row!" cried Frank, for Andy had the only available pair of oars.
"I am rowing as hard as I can. Hay on fire! We had no hay on our boat. Someone must have put it there and tried to burn it!"
"I guess so. But don't talk—save your breath for rowing."
A minute later Frank and Andy were beside Bob in his boat. Dense smoke was pouring from the Gull, and Frank, dipping up a pailful of water, dashed it into the cockpit. There was a hiss, showing that fire was present.
"Wait!" cried Bob. "I think I can pull the hay overboard now. It's a small bale."
He stood up and jabbed his boat-hook into something. The next moment a dark mass, in which red glowing embers could be seen, and which gave out a dense smoke, splashed into the water with a loud hissing noise.
"There's still some fire in the boat!" cried Andy, as he saw tiny tongues of flame.
"Yes, the woodwork is on fire, but a little water will douse that," cried Frank, as he caught up another pailful. With Bob using the second pail, and Andy the pump, the fire was soon put out.
"Not so much damaged," observed Frank, as the three boys went aboard, and examined the craft with a lantern. "But how in the world did it start—or, rather, who put the hay here and set fire to it?"
"That's the question," admitted Bob. "All I know is that I was standing talking to dad, when I smelled smoke, and saw it coming from your boat."
"Did you see anyone around it to-night?" Andy wanted to know.
"Not a soul. We'll ask the pier master."
But when the boys, after making sure that no sparks of fire remained, had gone back to the float, the dock master could give them no information. He had not noticed any suspicious characters about, but it was admitted that under cover of darkness, before the moon had risen, someone might have rowed silently to the side of the Gull and started the fire smoldering in the bale of hay.
"But why would they want to do it?" asked Captain Trent.
"Give it up," said Frank. "Well, we might as well get back home, Andy. Will you keep your eyes open for any more fires, Mr. Robinson?" he asked of the caretaker of the yacht station.
"Sure I will, and they'll find they're in the wrong harbor if they try any more tricks like that."
"Have you any suspicions?" asked Andy of his brother, as they were on their way home.
"I sure have," was the answer.
"What are they?"
"Well, either the men who were disappointed in not getting the whale did this, or it's up to that mysterious man who knows Paul Gale."
"I believe it's the latter. He wants to discourage us from trying to get on his track."
"Probably. Well, we won't say anything about that part of it at home, though we'll have to mention the fire. I hope we can make our trip to-morrow to Seabright."
"So do I."
It was found the next morning that the Gull was not much damaged, and, though it smelled strongly of smoke, the two brothers did not mind that as they prepared for the cruise to Seabright.
"Think we'll get any clue?" asked Andy, as he cast off, while Frank ran up the sail.
"Well, it won't be from want of trying. We'll keep a good lookout on the way up, and then we'll go ashore there and make some inquiries. I'm going to get at the bottom of this mystery if it's at all possible," and Frank looked very determined as he fastened the throat and peak halyards on the cleats and looked to see if the sheet was running free in the blocks.
On the trip up the coast the boys kept a sharp watch for anything resembling a wrecked motor boat, or for one in good condition resembling the towing craft of which Jack Kett had spoken. They saw nothing, however, even though they sailed out to sea several miles.
"Let's head for Seabright now," proposed Andy, as they swung about on a long tack. "Maybe he's there waiting for us."
"He'll run if he sees us," jokingly replied Frank.
In about an hour the boys had made their craft fast to the Seabright pier, and going to the office of the dock master they inquired for a motor boat that answered the description of the one for which they were looking.
"We have so many craft here in the summertime," said the dock official, "that it's a pretty hard matter to remember 'em all. I don't recall the boat you speak of, and I'm sure no motor craft that was partly burned has put in here. But speaking of a tall dark man, I recollect now that Jim Hedson, who runs the sailboat Mary Ann, was telling me he had a fellow come to him and want to hire her. Maybe that's the fellow you're looking for."
"Perhaps!" agreed Andy eagerly. "Where is Jim Hedson?"
"Over there," and the dock master pointed to where a group of sailors and fishermen were seated on an overturned boat on the beach.
"We'll talk to him," proposed the elder Racer lad, and, followed by his brother, he approached the little gathering. Before they reached the men Andy uttered a sudden exclamation.
"Look!" he cried to his brother, pointing up the street which led down to the water front. "That man—the mysterious stranger—here he comes!"
"Sure enough!" agreed Frank, as he saw a tall dark man hurrying toward the pier. "That's him all right."
The boys stood waiting, hoping against hope that they could now solve the mystery. The man hastened forward. All at once he caught sight of the lads.
Like a flash he wheeled about and fairly ran back up the street, while Frank took after him calling:
"Hey! Hey! Wait a minute! Stop!"
There was a trolley line, newly built, which ran through Seabright, touching some of the other seacoast towns, but not Harbor View. As luck would have it, just when Frank Racer took after the strange man, hoping to make him stop by calling to him, one of the trolley cars came past.
In a flash the man had jumped aboard the electric vehicle, and, as fate would have it, the motorman happened to be behind time. No sooner was the queer stranger in the car, which had not even stopped for him, than the knight of the controller handle swung it clear around in an endeavor to keep up to his schedule, and with a whizz the car darted off.
"Wait! Wait!" yelled Frank, waving at the conductor. The latter shouted something, what it was the lad could not make out. Andy rushed up and joined his brother.
"Missed him; didn't we?" exclaimed the younger lad ruefully.
"Yes, worse luck," replied Frank. "He always seems to get away from us."
"There'll be another car along in fifteen minutes, boys," said a kindly fisherman passing along.
"It wasn't the car we wanted, it was someone on it," answered Frank. "Fifteen minutes will give him such a start that we can't follow him."
"Was he a pickpocket?" asked the fisherman.
"We don't know what he was," said Andy. "Come on, Frank, we'll go back and talk to Jim Hedson."
"I was thinking of taking the next car, and keeping after this fellow," spoke Frank, with his usual determined manner.
"What would be the use?" asked Andy, who generally took the easiest way. "He might get off anywhere along the line, and we could hunt all day and not find him. It would be time wasted."
"I guess you're right," assented Frank, with a sigh. "But I hate to give up. I'm sure there's some great mystery back of all this, and Paul and that man are in some manner connected with it. I shouldn't be surprised if that man had wronged Paul in some way."
"How, by taking his motor boat?"
"No, in some other way. It was a queer thing why Paul should be out in his boat alone in the blow. Then to have the boat disappear, and to be seen again towed by this man."
"You're not sure of the last part."
"I am pretty sure. But let's ask Mr. Hedson what he knows about it."
The boys did not find the boatman in a very kindly frame of mind. He greeted them rather sulkily as they approached:
"What do you lads mean by scaring off customers?" he asked.
"We didn't scare him off," answered Frank sturdily.
"What do you call it then? Wasn't he coming here to hire a sailboat off me, and didn't you chase after him, and make him leave on the car? Now he'll likely go to Hank Weston at Edgemere, and hire a boat off him. I lose the trade."
"We're sorry," explained Frank, "but if you noticed that man you saw that he ran as soon he saw us. We didn't say a word to him. He just turned tail and sprinted."
"So I see," grumbled Mr. Hedson, "but I thought maybe you flew some kind of a distress signal."
"We were only too anxious to talk to him," put in Andy. "But he's afraid of us."
"Afraid; why?"
"Well, there's some mystery about him," went on Frank, "and we'd like to discover it. It's connected with a boy whom we saved from a gale." And he told about Paul, and how the man had hastened away that day on the beach. "Do you know anything about him?" finished the elder Racer lad.
"Only this," spoke the boatman, not quite so angry now. "He come to see me yist'day, and asked if I had a sailboat I could hire out for a few days. He said he wanted to go cruising out to sea to bring in a boat of his that was disabled."
"A boat!" interrupted Frank eagerly. "Did he say what kind? Was it a damaged motor boat?"
"He didn't say, and I didn't ask him. I arranged with him to take my Spray and he was to come to-day and get her. Now you see what happened."
"We're sorry to have spoiled your business," spoke Frank regretfully, "but perhaps it's just as well you didn't hire that man your boat. I don't believe he's to be trusted," and he told about the suspicion they had that the stranger had already been seen towing a disabled motor boat with a gasolene craft.
"The question is, where has he left the damaged boat—Paul's boat?" went on Andy. "This thing is getting more and more complicated. Why should he want a sailboat to go out and tow in the motor craft, when he was seen in power vessel yesterday?"
"Maybe whoever owned the power vessel took it away from him," suggested Frank.
"I wouldn't wonder but what you're right!" exclaimed Jim Hedson, slapping his big pain down on his broad leg. "Now I think of it, I didn't like the looks of that man. He wouldn't look you square in the eye, but kept shifting around. I'm just as glad I didn't hire him my Spray, and I'm sorry I took you fellows up so short. I'll keep a lookout for that man, and if I see or hear anything of him I'll let you know. You're cottaging over Harbor View way; aren't you? I think I've seen you there."
"Yes, we're the Racer boys," replied Frank, "and we'll be obliged to you if you can put us on the track of this man. It isn't so much for our sake, as that we want to find out who Paul Gale is."
"Paul Gale!" exclaimed Mr. Hedson "That's a good name for the lad found as he was. Well, I'll do my best."
"Where to now?" asked Andy, as he followed his brother up the street.
"To the fertilizer factory. I think we can make a deal with them about our whale better by talking than over the telephone."
"We ought to have some of Chet Sedley's fifteen cent perfume if we're going up there," said Andy. "It smells worse than ten skunks on a wet night."
"Oh, well, I guess we can stand it a little while."
The fertilizer factory, where fish, chiefly menhadden, were ground up and treated, before being spread on farms and gardens to enrich them, was not a very delightful place. The boys soon located the manager, who had heard about their whale, and he made them a good offer for it, agreeing to take the carcass away promptly.
Paul improved but slowly, and, as far as his mind was concerned, there was no change. The past was an entire blank to him, and Dr. Martin, as the days passed, shook his head in doubt.
"I'm afraid it's going to take a long time," he said.
"Have you given up hope, Doctor?" asked Mrs. Racer, as she followed him from Paul's room.
"No, not entirely, but I'm disappointed that there is not a glimmer of the past. Perhaps if he could see something or someone connected with his former life it might produce a shock that would start the sluggish brain cells to working. Otherwise I don't know what can be done."
Andy and Frank, in their goings to and fro about the bay in their sailboat, kept a close watch for the mysterious man. But they did not see him. Neither had Jim Hedson heard anything.
"I guess you'll have to give it up," said Paul one night, when, with his chums and Mr. and Mrs. Racer, he was discussing the case. "You better ship me off somewhere. I—I'm afraid I'm becoming a burden to you."
"Not a bit of it!" cried Frank heartily. "Andy and I always wanted another chum, an' now we've got him."
"Don't you feel strong enough to come for sail with us to-morrow?" asked Andy.
"I think so," answered Paul. "Dr. Martin said I could go for a walk to-morrow."
"Then we'll arrange for a sail," decided Frank. "It will do you lots of good."
"But mind, no chasing after whales, dead or alive!" stipulated Mr. Racer, with a laugh.
"All right," agreed his sons.
Paul soon afterward went to his room. A chamber on the ground floor, with a window opening into the garden had been fitted up for him, to save him the necessity of climbing up and down stairs. It was in this little chamber that, soon afterward, he went to bed, hoping against hope that he might awaken on the morrow with his memory restored.
It was about midnight when Frank, who was a light sleeper, was awakened suddenly by hearing a noise under his window. He occupied the room over Paul.
"I wonder if he's sick?" he thought, as he arose softly. "Perhaps he is, and doesn't want to call anyone. I'll take a look I guess."
Before going down, however, Frank stepped to his window, softly raised the screen, and looked out. As he did so he was startled by a shrill cry from the room below him. It was Paul's voice, and the mysterious lad was crying:
"Get away! Leave me alone! What do you want of me again? Oh, why can't you let me alone!"
"What's the matter?" shouted Frank in alarm.
"That man! He's after me again!" screamed Paul.
Before Frank could leave his window to rush to the aid of the lad below him, he saw a bright light flash out from the casement of the boy who had no memory. In an instant Frank recalled that it must be the portable electric light with which they had furnished the invalid in case he wanted to get up in the night.
Then a movement below him attracted Frank's attention, and he saw a dark figure spring from Paul's window. As this happened the light flashed out once more, and in the glare of it the elder Racer lad saw the countenance of the mysterious man, while Paul called out in fear:
"Oh, don't come near me! Let me alone! I'm afraid of you!"
Then it became dark, and Frank could hear someone crashing away through the bushes of the garden.
"Paul, are you hurt? I'm coming! Father, turn on the light! Someone tried to get in Paul's room!"
Thus Frank cried as he made his way through the darkness to the hall, and fairly ran down the stairs. He knew every foot of the way.
"What's the matter?" yelled Andy.
"Oh, dear! Is it burglars?" screamed Mrs. Racer.
"Careful, boys!" shouted Mr. Racer, as he stepped out into the hall from his room, nearest to which the electric switch was, and flashed on the incandescents. "Don't run into danger."
Andy was now following his brother, having caught up a heavy fishing rod, bound together, as a substitute for a club.
"Paul, are you hurt?" cried Frank again, and by this time he was at the room door of the lad who had been so alarmed by the midnight visitor.
"No, I—I'm all right," was the panting answer, and Paul met Frank at the portal, throwing the gleam of the hand electric all about. Frank turned on the regular light in Paul's room, and looked around. The wire mosquito screen was raised, showing how the intruder had gained entrance. By this time Andy and Mr. Racer had joined Frank and Paul, and Mrs. Racer had been assured that whoever had entered was now outside the house.
"But what was it? Who was it?" demanded Mr. Racer.
"I—I—" began Paul, who was trembling from fright.
"I know who it was, I saw him!" interrupted Frank. "It was the same man we met on the beach—the mysterious man who knows something about Paul but who won't tell! What did he do to you, Paul?"
"Nothing. That is, as far as I know. I was sleeping soundly when I heard a noise in my room, and I could just see someone moving about around the bureau, opening drawers. At first I thought it was one of you boys, or Mr. Racer, and then I knew you wouldn't come in without making a light.
"I reached under my pillow where I kept this electric lamp, and flashed it. As I did so the man came toward my bed. Then I saw who he was and I yelled. I thought he was going to take me away."
"Take you away?" questioned Frank. "Do you know him—have you seen him before?"
"Yes!" suddenly exclaimed Paul. "I—I know him! His name is—"
"That's what we want to know—who is he?" interrupted Andy eagerly.
"He is—his name is—Oh, why can't I remember?" cried poor Paul, passing his hand over his forehead in despair. "I thought it was coming to me, but it's faded away again! Oh, why can't I recall who he is? Then I know the mystery would be solved. But I can't—it's all—so—so hazy. Only I know that this man had something to do with me—and, yes, I'm beginning to recall it now—my father also. He wanted to harm me—or was it my father? I can't—"
"Now look here," broke in Mr. Racer kindly, "this won't do, you know. You must calm yourself, Paul. I can't let you excite him, boys. Here is some quieting medicine Dr. Martin left, Paul. Take that and in half an hour you will be calmer. Then you can tell us all you recollect. Perhaps by that time your memory will be stronger. Meanwhile, if you boys want to do something why don't you get some clothes on, and go with Jake the gardener to see if you can get any trace of that scoundrel? I'll call up the police."
"Good!" cried Frank. "That's what we'll do. Come on, Andy."
The two boys were soon scouring the garden with lantern, accompanied by Jake, the man of all work. But they had little hope of coming upon the intruder. They found the place where he had burst through the currant bushes after leaping from Paul's window, and there were his footprints in the soft earth; but that was all.
"He's far enough off by this time," declared Andy. "Let's go in and see if Paul can tell us anything."
They found their friend much quieter. Mr. and Mrs. Racer had dressed, and Paul had on his clothes. They were sitting in the dining room, Mr. Racer drinking some hot coffee Mary had made.
"We'll have a little midnight supper," said the boys' mother with a faint laugh. "I'm sure I won't get to sleep again to-night."
"Did you see anything of him?" asked their father.
Frank shook his head. "What about Paul?" he asked. "Can he remember anything?"
"I wish I could," said the unfortunate youth, with a sigh. "But it's all so hazy. As soon as I saw that man's face in the light I knew I had met him before, and that he was an enemy of mine. But I can't grasp any details. I flashed the light on him as he was getting out of the window."
"That's how I happened to see him," said Frank, in explanation, "and how I knew him to be the mysterious man."
"Did he touch you?" asked Andy.
"No," answered Paul, "though I don't know what he might have done if I hadn't awakened as I did."
"Did he take anything of yours from the room?" asked Mr. Racer.
"I haven't anything of my own, except the clothes I wore when the boys rescued me, so he couldn't get anything."
"But you said he was at the bureau," went on Frank.
"Nothing is missing from there," said Mrs. Racer quickly.
"Perhaps he thought Paul had some important papers," suggested Andy.
"I'm sure I haven't," and once more the unfortunate youth passed his hand across his forehead. "I wish I could recall when it was, and under what circumstances, I met that man before. But I can't. Only I'm sure of one thing—he is an enemy of mine—and of my father."
"Can you recall anything of your father—or mother?" asked Mrs. Racer softly.
"No," answered Paul with a shake of his head; and tears filled his eyes.
"Well, I know one thing!" exclaimed Frank decidedly. "I'm going to have another try at finding that man. I'm sure he's in this vicinity now. He's hanging around here for some reason, and we have a double motive in locating him. I believe he set our boat on fire," and for the first time he told his parents of his suspicions.
"Be careful if you do meet him," cautioned Mr. Racer. "He is evidently a dangerous character. Now to see what the police can do, and then we'll go back to bed."
The police could do very little, as might be expected, though they promised to keep a lookout for the fellow. They made an utterly useless inspection of the house and grounds, and left. Then the family and Paul went to bed to get what little sleep they could.
Frank and Andy discussed the matter long and earnestly the next day. Paul was not so well, on account of the fright, and so it was not thought wise to have him accompany them on a sailing trip.
"I'm not so sure it will do any good to go off in our boat," declared Andy. "That fellow is just as likely to be on land as at sea."
"I think he's more likely to be at sea," declared Frank. "He wants to get that damaged motor boat."
"Well, let's try looking for him ashore a while and if that doesn't amount to anything, I'll go sailing with you," suggested the younger brother.
To this Frank agreed; and for several days he and his brother went from one seacoast settlement to another, making inquiries. Nothing, however, came from them. They spent much time riding back and forth on the electric car line, hoping they might unexpectedly meet the mysterious man there, but he kept out of their way as if he knew they were on his trail.
"Well, now for a sailing cruise!" exclaimed Frank, one morning, and Andy announced that his theory had been tried and found wanting. The brothers wanted to take Paul, but he was not well enough, so, having taken along a supply of provisions, if they should be becalmed and kept out all night, as was sometimes the case, they set sail, beating up along the coast.
There was a fair wind, that freshened at noon, but which died out toward evening, and finally there settled over the ocean a dead calm.
"It's us out for all night, unless you can whistle up a wind," said Frank grimly.
"We'll both try," proposed Andy, and they whistled all the tunes they knew, but without avail.
Then, having lighted their lamps, and cooked a supper on the oil stove in the small galley, they prepared to spend the night at sea. They had often done it before, for their craft was a staunch one, and as they had said at home that they might be detained, they knew their folks would not worry.
They stood watch and watch, of several hours at a stretch, and Frank was on duty when the gray and misty night began to be dispelled by the rosy sun rising from the water. As he glanced across the slowly heaving billows, something in the very path of Old Sol's smiling beams caught his eye.
It was a sailboat, somewhat larger than the Gull, but it was not the sight of the craft itself that attracted Frank's attention. It was something trailing behind.
"Andy! Andy, come up here!" called elder Racer lad.
"What's the matter?" demanded his brother, coming from his berth in the tiny cabin, and rubbing his sleepy eyes. "See another whale?"
"No, but look at that sailboat? Isn't it dragging something?"
"It sure is!"
"What do you make it out to be?"
"It looks like—why it's a motor boat, and it looks as if it had seen hard usage."
"That's what I thought, and I'll miss my guess if that isn't the very boat that blew up when Paul Gale was in it."
"I believe you're right. Wait a minute." Andy disappeared, to return a moment later with a pair of powerful glasses. He focused the binoculars on the object trailing behind the sailing craft. Then he uttered a cry:
"It's the damaged motor boat! We're on the track of it again! Let's chase after it and see who has it!"
The wind had freshened and was now blowing at a lively rate. Andy and Frank sprang to the sails, even hoisting a small jib which they seldom used. But now they wanted all the speed they could get, for the craft which was towing the damaged motor boat was some distance away, and was rapidly drawing ahead.
"Can we catch her, do you think?" asked Andy, as he gave the tiller over to his brother.
"We've got to," was the answer with quiet determination. "Suppose you get something to eat while I handle the boat? We may not have time to cook anything after we come up to them."
"Are you going to come to close quarters?"
"I'm going to try to get near enough to see if the mysterious man is aboard, and if he is, I'm going to fire some questions at him, and let him know that he's liable to arrest for entering our house the other night."
"I'd like to fire something else besides questions at him. I've got my small rifle aboard."
"None of that!" objected Frank quickly. "We'll proceed on lawful lines, no matter what he does. Now, Miss Gull," and he patted the rail of the craft, "do your prettiest. See if you can't catch up to those fellows."
The wind continued good and the boys' craft slipped through the water at a lively rate of speed. Andy busied himself in the galley, whence soon came the appetizing odor of coffee, bacon and eggs.
"Hurry up with that!" called Frank. "I'm as hungry as a crab."
"It's almost ready," replied his brother. "Shall I bring it up, or will you come down?"
"You get yours first, and then relieve me. I don't want to eat with one hand and steer with the other. Only don't be all morning, and leave some for me."
There was enough, as Frank soon discovered, and when he came up on deck again he found Andy leaning against the tiller and peering at the distant vessel through the binoculars.
"Can you make out anything?" he asked.
"No, I can see several men aboard, but I don't notice our mysterious friend."
"Do they seem to be paying any attention to us?"
"Not a bit. Guess they don't even know we are here. I don't believe we are going to catch up to them, though."
"Oh, yes we are. The Gull is plenty fast, and they are handicapped by dragging that motor boat in the water. It must be partly filled, as it sets so far down, and that makes it all the harder to tow. We're gaining on them."
"Not so's you could notice it."
"Oh, well, we've got all day, and grub enough for another night. I'm not going to give up this chase until I have to, or until I've solved the mystery."
"And I'm with you."
There is not much excitement in a sailing race, as the boys very soon found out. There was nothing they could do, which would have been the case in a motor craft, to add to their speed. All they could do was to sit and let the wind carry them. And they were glad to see that the breeze was continually freshening.
"There'll be another gale before night, if this keeps up," predicted Frank.
"Let it," assented Andy. "The Gull likes heavy weather, and we can stand it."
"Yes, but father and mother will be worried about us. If it comes on to blow too hard we'll have to turn back."
"And let that man get away?"
"There'd be no help for it. But we haven't turned back yet, and now his craft ought to be easy to trace."
Once more they looked through the glass at the vessel ahead of them. They could see sailors moving about on deck, but that was all. No sign of the tall dark man was visible.
"Perhaps he isn't aboard," suggested Andy.
"It can't be helped," answered his brother. "We want the motor boat almost as much as we want the man, and we can't take our choice I'm afraid. But we are certainly creeping up on them."
This was true, for while two miles had at first separated the vessels, the distance was now narrowed to a little less than a half mile, and the Gull was sailing better than was her rival.
"What are you going to do when you get within hailing distance?" asked Andy, after a pause.
"I don't know—haven't exactly made up my mind," was the answer of the elder Racer lad. "But I'll have to soon."
Frank was giving all his attention to managing the Gull, so as to gain every foot. Andy went up forward now and then to report progress.
"Hey, Frank!" he suddenly called, "there's something doing on board."
"What makes you think so?"
"Why the whole crowd of them have come aft and are looking at us for all they're worth."
"Are they using glasses?"
"No—yes, they are too! A new man has come up on deck, and he's got a pair. He's training them on us."
"Good! That shows they're worried. Take our glasses and see what you can make out."
Andy looked long and earnestly. Then he let out a yell.
"It's him! It's that mysterious man!" he shouted. "He's excited, too, for he's making motions to the crew!"
"Good! Watch him carefully. We'll be up to them in about five minutes."
Andy watched. In a minute he gave another cry.
"What is it?" asked Frank.
"They're laying-to—waiting for us, I guess."
"They won't have long to wait," declared Frank grimly.
The Gull was swiftly slipping through the water. In a little while it was almost abeam of the craft towing the mysterious motor boat. Frank threw her head up into the wind, and, as he did so a voice from the other sailboat hailed him.
"Gull ahoy! Are you trailing us?"
It was the mysterious man calling, and he was standing on the rail.
"Yes, we are," answered Frank boldly.
"Well, what do you want?"
"We want to find out who you are, what you have to do with a boy named Paul, why you have his motor boat in tow, and why you entered our house like a thief in the night."
"Hu! That's a lot of questions. And I suppose you think they'll be answered," commented the man, in sneering tones.
"I do," said Frank calmly. "Where are you going with that boat?"
"None of your business!" snapped the man. "And I want to tell you one thing more. You've got to quit trailing after us, too!"
"Suppose we refuse?" asked Andy.
"Then it will be the worse for you. Meldrick, just run that brass cannon over on this side."
A moment later the muzzle of a small brass gun was pointed menacingly at our heroes.
"There's my answer," went on the mysterious man. "If you persist in following us you'll be plugged below the water line. Now you go back where you came from, and keep away. Don't try to meddle with what doesn't concern you."
"This does concern us—or, rather a friend of ours," said Frank determinedly. "And what's more, we're going to swear out a warrant for your arrest for setting fire to our boat with a bale of hay."
The man on the rail started.
"Are you going to turn back?" he shouted.
"No!" declared Frank.
"Get ready to fire," said the scoundrel calmly.
"I guess they've got us," spoke Andy, in a low voice to his brother. "We can't risk being fired at."
"No, I suppose not," answered Frank bitterly. "We'll have to run back."
He let the head of his craft fall off in the wind.
"That's more sensible," commented the man on the rail. "Good-bye!" he called sarcastically as the vessels separated, the one towing the damaged motor craft forging ahead, while the Gull sailed off on the backward tack.
There were bitter feelings in the hearts of Frank and Andy Racer. They had almost solved the mystery, only to lose at the last moment. But they resolved not to give up.
For some time after they had been ordered back from their pursuit of the strange vessel neither Frank nor Andy said anything. They were thinking too hard for mere words. Finally the younger lad expressed himself.
"Well, wouldn't that spoil your clam chowder?"
"It sure would," agreed Frank, who was used to queer remarks from his brother.
"He must be up to something crooked or he wouldn't be so anxious to have us stop following him," went on the younger Racer lad.
"That's right. And I was so sure I'd find out what the mystery was! But I didn't count on the cannon."
"No, it wouldn't have been safe to risk a shot. We might have sunk."
"But I'll not give up!" exclaimed Frank determinedly. "We've got some clues now, and we can follow them. Just notice which way they're sailing, Andy."
"What good will that do?"
"I intend to circle back in a short time, and see if I can pick them up. It's one thing for him to order us back, but we have just as much right on the ocean as he has, and he can't keep us off. If we stay far enough back they can't see us, and we can find out where they're going."
"Where do you think they're heading for?"
"Give it up, but I know one thing. It's evident that this man, whoever he is, wants to keep out of observation. That is proved by the fact that he once had this damaged motor boat in tow of another gasolene craft, and for some reason he gave it up. He may have anchored it in some out-of-the-way place, and has only just now gone for it. That's what he wanted of Jim Hedson's boat, but we spoiled his plans. Now he has another sailing craft to tow the prize in."
"I believe you're right, Frank, but where do you suppose he's taking it?"
"Give it up, but I'm going to keep on the search for him. If there's a chance of bringing back Paul's memory I'm going to do it."
"And I'm with you!" exclaimed Andy heartily.
The two brothers cast backward glances at the vessel with which they had had a clash. It was rapidly disappearing in a slight haze that was arising, and soon Frank thought it would be safe to turn about, sail with the wind, and take after the mysterious man.
But he did not count on the weather. Soon the wind increased in violence, and there was a choppy sea.
"I don't like this," remarked Andy, as their small craft pitched and tossed on the waves. "I don't mean I'm seasick, or anything like that, but we're getting pretty far out, and with a storm coming on toward night—"
"That's right," agreed Frank. "We'll have to turn back. It's tough luck, just as we're on the right track, but it can't be helped. It wouldn't be right to make mom and dad worry. We'll beat it back for home."
But the wind came up with such sudden violence, and the sea ran so high, that the best the boys could do was to run for shelter. In fact it was only with considerable risk that they made a safe harbor, for with a rising tide and a cross current their small craft was in a bad way.
"We'll never make Harbor View!" cried Frank above the noise of the wind and the spatter of the salt spume on deck.
"What'll we do then?" shouted Andy. The two brothers had donned their oilskins which were glistening with moisture in the fading light of the day.
"Run for Mardene and anchor there. Then we can go home on the railroad."
"All right. Got any cash?"
"Enough for fares I guess."
It was some hours later when two tired boys entered the Racer cottage, where they found their father and mother not a little alarmed at their absence in the storm which had rapidly developed.
"But we're on the right track!" cried Frank with enthusiasm.
"How's that?" asked his father.
"We saw the mysterious man, and he had your motor boat, Paul."
"I'm not sure it was my boat," answered Paul. "I can't seem to remember that I ever owned one."
"Well, that man had possession of it, whoever it was," went on Andy. "And he was quite threatening, too," he added, as he related about the brass cannon.
"I'm glad you boys had sense enough to turn back," spoke Mr. Racer. "Don't take any chances with such scoundrels. The probability is that he wouldn't have shot at you, but it isn't safe to run the risk. But, Paul, is your memory any better for what Frank and Andy have told you?"
"No, I'm afraid not. I think—yes, I can remember something more!" he suddenly cried. "I think I was once in a chase after that same man. Now that you boys speak of it my mind is a little clearer, but there is still that haze. I'm sure I was after that man for something that belonged to me or my father. And I remember something else?"
"What is it?" cried Andy eagerly.
"It has something to do with a doctor. My father is ill, or was ill, I can dimly recollect that. And I seem to see a nurse in a uniform, and—and—but it is all so hazy and blank!" and again the poor lad passed his hand over his aching head, in a vain endeavor to remember.
"There, never mind," soothed Mrs. Racer. "That's enough for to-night. My! how it rains! I'm glad you boys are not out in the storm."
"Just the same, I wish we were after that man," said Frank in a low voice.
For three days the storm continued, and with such violence that the Racer boys could not even go after their boat which they had left at Mardene.
Then, on the fourth day, the clouds broke and the sun shone. There was a brisk wind, and Frank proposed that they take a train and get the Gull, sailing her back to Harbor View.
"Before you go I wish you'd call at Captain Trent's fish store, and get me some lobsters," requested Mrs. Racer. "I want some for dinner to-night."
"And Andy wants one for a leg bracelet," added Frank with a laugh.
"Aw, cut it out!" begged his brother.
They stopped in the fish store on their way to the depot. There they found Bob, busily engaged in putting up clams, and other products of the sea, for customers. Andy remarked to the captain that he thought he had a new clue to the mysterious man.
"And that reminds me, that I meant to ask you where he would likely be heading for when he drove us back," put in frank.
"Where was he?" inquired the old seaman, and the brothers described the location.
"By Neptune!" suddenly exclaimed the captain. "I shouldn't wonder but what he was going to Cliff Island!"
"Cliff Island!" cried Frank.
"Yes, you know that group of rocks—it's not much more than ten miles from the Shark Teeth."
"Sure we know where it is," agreed Andy "But no one lives on it. It's as desolate as a volcano."
"All the better for what that man wanted," declared die captain. "Take my word for it he's gone there with the damaged motor boat, though why I can't say. But he wants to be let alone, and that's the best place he could pick out for the purpose. Why don't you go there?"
"I believe we will!" cried Frank. "We didn't know just how to begin the search, but that's the best clue yet."
"On to Cliff Island!" cried Andy.
"Hush! Not so loud," cautioned his brother. "You can't tell who might hear you."
Then, having ordered the lobsters, they hurried away to take the train for Mardene to get the sailboat. Once more they were on the search for the mysterious man.
"Why didn't we think before of going to the island?" asked Andy, as he and his brother sat in the train on the way to Mardene.
"Give it up," answered Frank. "But, as the captain says, it would be just the place for a criminal to hide. Hardly any boats stop there if they can help it, unless they want shelter from a storm, and it's out of the line of regular travel. Still, we may not find our man there."
"Yes, but it's a good chance. There's a fine wind to-day, and we oughtn't to be a great while running to the island."
The brothers discussed the curious case into which they had been drawn since rescuing Paul Gale, and they talked about the island.
Its name came from the fact that, situated in the center of it, there was a high rocky cliff. There were several caves running under this cliff, hollowed out by natural means, and rumor had it that, in the early days, sea rovers and pirates used them as places of refuge, or to hide their ill-gotten plunder.
No one had been able to confirm this, however, though it was not for want of trying, as our heroes, as well as several other boys, had paid a number of visits to the island.
But they found no traces of pieces of eight or Spanish doubloons, and, truth to tell, the caves were not very inviting places, being damp and dark, so the lads never penetrated very deeply. Thus Cliff Island was not very well known. It was a desolate, barren sort of place, wind and storm swept, and the abiding place of innumerable gulls.
"I tell you what we ought to do," remarked Andy, as the train neared their destination.
"What's that? Not play any more jokes I hope." And Frank smiled as he looked at his brother.
"No, I mean about this chase. We ought to arrange to stay on the island for several days—sort of camp there. It's so big and so irregular in shape, and with so many caves, that we can't go all over it in one day. And there's no telling where that man may be hiding."
"That's so. Then you think we'd better stock up with grub, and make it a sort of picnic?"
"I do. We can telephone word home of what we're going to do, so they won't worry. It will be fun, even if we don't find any clues of the mysterious man."
"I'm with you. We can buy our grub in Mardene and stock our boat. Then for 'a life on the ocean wave, a home on the bounding deep,'" quoted Frank, in a sing-song voice.
The Gull was tied up in a small slip where they had left her, and the provisions were soon put aboard. Then the two brothers went over every rope and sail, to make sure they would serve in the strain of a storm.
"Well, guess we might as well pull out," remarked Frank, as he looked up at the "tattle-tale," or piece of triangular bunting flying from the mast to tell the direction of the wind. "We've got a good breeze now. I hope it holds."
"Wait just a minute," begged Andy. "I want to take a look at that motor boat," and he motioned to a large one that was tied near the sailboat. "I wish we had one like that. It's a beaut!"
No one was near the craft and soon Andy was in it, inspecting her critically. Frank saw him handling some of the wires that ran to spark plugs in the four cylinder heads.
"Better let things alone," cautioned the older Racer lad. "You might get something out of order."
"I just thought of a little joke I can play on the fellow who owns this," chuckled Andy, as he disconnected one of the high-tension cables.
"Oh you and your jokes!" objected Frank, somewhat sternly. "You'll get more than you count on, some day."
"Oh, I'm only going to fix things so that when he turns on the batteries and starts to turn over the fly wheel he'll get a shock," explained Andy. "I'll just cross these wires and——"
Andy Racer didn't finish what he was going to say. Instead he jumped back as though he had been stung by a hornet, and let out a yell:
"Wow! Sufferin' cats!" he cried, holding one hand in the other and prancing about.
"What's the matter?" asked Frank in some alarm.
"I got a fearful shock! The wires were short-circuited and I didn't know it! Smoked mackerel! I got a big charge of electricity!" howled Andy.
"Serves you right for meddling with other people's boats, and trying to play jokes on them," declared Frank, as sternly as he could, though he had to laugh at the wry face Andy was making as he danced about.
"Huh! Guess you wouldn't think it funny if you had about twenty-seven hornets after you!" grumbled the younger lad.
"Well, maybe you'll get over playing jokes some day," predicted Frank.
"I didn't suppose it was going to turn out this way," was the dubious answer.
"Well, come aboard now, and we'll get under way," said Frank, trying not to laugh.
A little later, under a spanking breeze, the Gull was standing out for Cliff Island, while the boys peered eagerly forward for the first sight of the bit of land in the big bay which might mean so much to them.
"Are you going to sail straight up to it?" asked Andy after they had covered several miles.
"Well, the best place to drop anchor is in that little inlet on the east side. To get to that we have to sail half way around the island, and I was thinking we might as well make a complete circuit."
"Oh, we might see something of the man, or the boat, and that would give us a line on how to act. After we go around we can tie up in the inlet and row ashore. Then we can begin our search."
"I guess that's a good plan," assented Andy; "Now I'll go get some grub ready and by that time we may sight the island."
It was shortly after the meal, partaken of while the little boat was pitching and tossing on long ground swell, that the younger lad, who had stationed himself in the bow, called out:
"Land ho!"
"Where away?" demanded Frank.
"Dead ahead."
"It's the island, all right," exclaimed Frank. "I laid a straighter course for it than I thought."
In a little while the barren speck loomed up lore plainly. As they approached closer the boys eagerly scanned the shores for a sight of he mysterious man, or the wrecked motor boat. But they saw nothing, even through the powerful glasses they used.
"Now to tie up and go ashore," said Frank, after the circuit was completed. A little later the anchor splashed into the shallow waters of the inlet and the two brothers were rowing ashore.
"Look out for yourself, Mr. Mysterious Man!" exclaimed Andy, as he stepped out of the boat. "We're on your trail."
"Bur-r-r-r! It's as desolate as the place where Robinson Crusoe was stranded!" cried Frank, as he looked about.
Overhead gulls were wheeling and circling with noisy cries, but this was the only sign of life on Cliff Island.
"Well, what's the first thing to be done?" asked Andy, after he had assisted Frank to pull the boat up on the beach beyond high-water mark.
"There's plenty to do," declared his brother. "In the first place we've got to decide whether we'll stay on shore over night, or sleep on the boat. If we stay on land we've got to bring our grub ashore. Then, the next thing is to map out a plan so we can search the island, and not go over the same ground twice."
"My! You'd think you had done this sort of thing all your life, and had it down to a science," declared Andy with a laugh.
"Well, if it's going to be done at all, it might as well be done right. This thing is getting serious, and I want to clear it up if possible. For our sakes as well as for Paul's."
They talked the matter over at some length, and decided that it would be more fun to camp on shore instead of going back and forth to the boat to sleep and eat.
"The weather is warm," said Andy, "and we can sleep out in the open, especially as we have plenty of blankets. And it will be jolly to build a fire on shore and sit around it nights. Just like some old sea pirates. Wow!"
"Easy!" cautioned his brother. "This isn't a joy-picnic. We're here on serious business, and there may be some danger."
"But we might as well have some sport along with it," argued Andy, who could not help seeing the funny or bright side of everything. Frank, though more serious, did not despise a good time by any means, but he went at matters more determinedly than did his brother.
"To my notion, the first thing to do is to go at this search with a system," went on the older lad. "We'll climb up to the top of the cliff, and see if we can make out anything from there. If that man is here he may have set up a camp, and built a fire. If he has, we can easily see it from the cliff. Then we will know where we're at."
To this Andy agreed, and soon they were toiling to the top of the high land that ran lengthwise of the island, roughly dividing it into two parts. It was no easy matter to reach the summit, and several times the boys had to stop for a rest. But finally they were at the goal.
Below them, on all sides, washing the rocky shores of the island were the heaving waters of the great bay. They could take in most of the shore line, irregular and indented as it was, but, look as they did, there was no sign of life.
They saw no curling smoke from a campfire. They saw no figure of a man—the man whom they had so fruitlessly pursued. Nor was there any vestige of a big motor boat half-burned.
"Well, nothing doing so far," remarked Frank, after a pause. "Now we'll go down and begin a circuit of the shore and see what is in some of the caves."
Slipping and sliding over the loose stones and gravel, they reached the bottom of the slope near where they had drawn up their boat. The sight of this craft gave Frank an idea.
"Suppose while we're on one side of the island that man—or someone—should happen to come along?" he suggested. "He'd make off with our boat, sure."
"Probably," agreed Andy. "But we can prevent that."
"By hiding the oars. We'll shove 'em under some bushes quite a distance back, so they can't be found."
Frank agreed that this was a good idea, and though there was a chance that someone might land in a motor boat and tow off their rowing craft, still they had to take that risk.
Then began a systematic search of the island. They went along the shore, and looked into many small caves. The interior of these was dark, but they had each provided a pocket portable electric flash lamp, so that they were able to illuminate the caverns.
"Nothing here," announced Frank, after an inspection of the first one. And that was the result in all the others that they penetrated before dusk. By nightfall they had covered perhaps a quarter of the shore line and then they turned back.
A roaring blaze was kindled on the sand from the plentiful supply of driftwood that strewed the beach, and at the cheerful fire they sat and talked as they ate their supper.
"Jolly fun, isn't it?" asked Andy.
"It sure is, even if we don't discover anything. I wish Paul was along."
"Perhaps it's just as well he's home," commented the younger lad. "I have an idea that this man keeps informed of our movements, and don't fancy having him sneak up on us during the night, which he would be very likely to do if Paul was with us."
"That's so. But, speaking of night, what are we going to do about sleeping?"
"Under our boat, with our blankets spread out on the sands," said the younger lad. "It's plenty warm enough."
It was not a half bad way to spend the night, especially as the overturned rowboat kept off the chilly dew. Soon the two brothers were soundly sleeping. They did not bother to keep a watch and even allowed the fire to die out, taking the precaution, however, to put some wood under the boat, where it would be dry in case of rain in the night.
"Well, now for another try at the mysterious man!" called Frank, as he crawled out from under their shelter the next morning. "Maybe we'll have better luck to-day."
They set off directly after breakfast, and took with them their blankets and a supply of food. For they intended to make a half circuit of the island that day, and they figured that night would find them too far away from their camp to make it practical to return.
"We'll eat and sleep wherever we are when it's dark," decided Frank.
Their search that day was as fruitless as fore. Not a vestige of the man or boat to be seen. They made a sort of shelter of driftwood and seaweed before darkness fell, and built a rousing fire in front of it, where they sat and talked until it was time to turn in.
"I don't like the looks of the weather," remarked Frank as he wrapped up in his blankets.
"Why not?" his brother wanted to know.
"It looks like rain, and if it does we're going get wet."
"Oh, I guess not," said the younger lad easily. He never looked for trouble.
It was along toward morning when Frank awoke from a troubled dream that he was standing under a shower bath. He found it to be almost a reality, for it was raining and the water was coming in through the flimsy roof of their shelter.
"What's the matter?" asked Andy sleepily as he heard his brother moving about.
"It's raining a flood! I'm drenched and so must you be."
"That's right, I am pretty wet. What had we better do; make for the Gull?"
"What, in this storm and darkness? No, but I think there's a cave near here. We can go in that and keep dry, at any rate."
"Go ahead, I'm with you."
They were fortunate in finding a small cavern, and in it was a supply of dry wood. They made a fire, though the smoke was almost as bad as the dampness, but it served to get rid of that chilly feeling.
It was still raining when morning came, but the boys were more cheerful with the appearance of daylight, though they had to breakfast on cold food, for all the wood was wet, and the supply in the cave had been burned.
"Oh, well, we can go back to our first camp and row out to the Gull pretty soon," remarked Frank. "Let's hurry on with our search now."
"I'm afraid it isn't going to amount to anything," declared Andy. "That man isn't here, and he hasn't been here. Captain Trent's theory was all right, but it didn't work out."
"Oh, I'm not going to give up yet," insisted Frank. "We have a good part of the island to explore yet."
But, as they went farther on, it became more and more evident that there was no one on the island but themselves—that is, unless the mysterious man was hidden somewhere between them and their first camp—a distance of about a mile.
"We'll cover that, and then all there is to do is to sail back home," proposed Andy, as they started on the last lap of their search, after eating a hasty lunch. It had stopped raining, for which they were very thankful.
There was one more cave to explore, and this was soon proved to contain nothing but a colony of bats, which they disturbed with their flashing light.
"I hope our boat's safe," mused Frank as they headed for the place where they had left it. "I don't fancy swimming out to the Gull."
"Oh, it will be all right," asserted Andy confidently. "There she is," he added a moment later, as he made the turn around a jutting rock. "She hasn't been moved since we slept under her."
Together they approached their boat. As he neared it Frank looked critically at some marks in the wet sand—a series of footprints all about the craft.
"Look!" he exclaimed, pointing to them.
"Well, what about it?" asked Andy calmly. "You and I made them."
"It rained since we were here night before last," said Frank in a low voice, as if afraid someone would hear him. "Our footprints would have been washed away. Someone has been here since—a man——" |