We have seen that irritability, the sentiment interieur, and intelligence itself, are the effects of organisation. We are told farther on that both the sentiment and intelligence are caused by nervous fluids. A great part of both the Philosophie zoologique and the introduction to the Animaux sans Vertebres is given up to the exposition of a materialistic psychology of animals and man, based entirely upon this hypothesis of nervous fluids. Thus habits are due to the fluids hollowing out definite paths for themselves.
The sentiment interieur acts by directing the movements of the subtle fluids of the body (which are themselves modifications of the nervous fluids) upon the parts where a new organ is needed. But if it is itself only a result of the movement of nervous fluids? Again, how can a need be "felt" by a nervous fluid? This is an entirely psychological notion and cannot be applied to a purely material system. Whence arises the power of the sentiment interieur to canalise the energies of the organism, so to direct and co-ordinate them that they build up purposive structures, or effect purposive actions (as in all instinctive behaviour)? Either the sentiment interieur is a psychological faculty, or it is nothing.
There is no doubt that, as expressed by Lamarck, the conception conceals a radical confusion of thought. It is not possible to be a thorough-going materialist, and at the same time to believe that new organs are formed in direct response to needs felt by the organism. Lamarck could never resolve this antinomy, and his speculations were thrown into confusion by it. To this cause is due the frequent obscurity of his writings.
Should we be right in laying stress upon the psychological side of Lamarck's theory, and disregarding the materialistic dress in which, perhaps under the influence of the materialism current in his youth, he clothed his essentially vitalistic thought? Everything goes to prove it—his constant preoccupation with psychological questions, his tacit assimilation of organ-formation to instinctive behaviour, his constant insistence on the importance of besoin and habitude.
Let us not forget the profundity of his main idea, that, exception made for the lower forms, the animal is essentially active, that it always reacts to the external world, is never passively acted upon. Let us not forget that he pointed out the essentially psychological moment implied in all processes of individual adaptation. With keen insight he realised that conscious intelligence counts for little in evolution, and focussed attention upon the unconscious but obscurely psychical processes of instinct and morphogenesis.
Not without reason have the later schools of evolutionary thought, who developed the psychological and vitalistic side of his doctrine, called themselves Neo-Lamarckians.
We shall say then that Lamarck, in spite of his materialism, was the founder of the "psychological" theory of evolution.
Lamarck stood curiously aloof and apart from the scientific thought of his day.[344] He took no interest in the morphological problems that filled the minds of Cuvier and Geoffroy; he had indeed no feeling at all for morphology. He did not realise, like Cuvier, the convenance des parties, the marvellous co-ordination of parts to form a whole; he had little conception of what is really implied in the word "organism." He was not, like Geoffroy, imbued with a lively sense of the unity of plan and composition, and of the significance of vestigial organs as witnesses to that unity. He seems not to have known of the recapitulation theory, of which he might have made such good use as powerful evidence for evolution. Even with the German transcendentalists, with whom in the looseness of his generalisations he shows some affinity, he seems not to have been specially acquainted.
He was interested more in the problems suggested to him by his daily work in the museum. He wanted to know why species graded so annoyingly into one another; he wanted to examine critically his haunting suspicion that species were really not distinct, and that classification was purely conventional. The question, too, of the adaptation of species to their environment, the problem of ecological adaptation, in distinction to that of functional adaptation which interested Cuvier so greatly, came vividly before him as he worked through the vast collections of the museum. He was the first systematist to occupy himself in a philosophical manner with the problems of general biology. He introduced new problems and a new way of looking at old. With Lamarck the problem of species and the problem of ecological adaptation enter into general biology.
The one point in which he does definitely carry on the thought of his predecessors is his conception of the animal kingdom as forming a scale of (functional) perfection. He did not go to the same extreme as Bonnet; he did not even consider that the animal series was a continuation of the vegetable series; in his opinion they formed two diverging scales. He recognised, too, that among animals there was no simple and regular gradation from the lowest to the highest, but that the orderly progression was disturbed and diverted by the necessity of adaptation to different environments. It is interesting to note that in developing this idea he arrived at a roughly accurate distinction between homologous and analogous structures. More importance, he thought, was to be attributed in classifying animals to characters which appeared due to the "plan of Nature" than to such as were produced by an external modifying cause (p. 299). But he did not formulate the distinction in any strictly morphological way.
As his ideas developed he laid less stress upon the simplicity and continuity of the scale; in his supplementary remarks to the Introduction of 1816 he admits that the series is really very much branched, and even that there may be two distinct series among animals instead of one. His last schema of the course of evolution shows no little analogy with the genealogical trees of Darwinian speculation. It is headed "The presumed Order of the formation of Animals, showing two separate partly-branching series," and it reads as follows:—
I. Series of Non-articulated II. Series of Articulated Animals. Animals. " I Infusoria. n s A Polyps. e n n i s m i a Ascidians. Radiates. Worms. t l i s v . e Epizoa. " " S A Acephala. Annelids. Insects. e n n i s m Molluscs. - i a t l Arachnids. i s Crustacea. v . e " Cirripedes.
I n t A e n Fishes. l i Reptiles. l m Birds. i a Mammals. g l e s n . t
It is interesting to note that Vertebrates are placed between the two series, and are now not linked on directly to any Invertebrate group.
Lamarck's theory had little success. There is evidence, however, that both Meckel and Geoffroy owed a good many of their evolutionary ideas to Lamarck, and Cuvier paid him at least the compliment of criticising his theory,[345] not distinguishing it, however, very clearly from the evolutionary theories of the transcendentalists. But, speaking generally, Lamarck's theory of evolution exercised very little influence upon his contemporaries. This was probably due partly to the obscurity and confusion of his thought, partly to his lack of sympathy with the biological thought of his day, which was preponderatingly morphological.
It was not that men's minds were not ripe for evolution, for in the early decades of the 19th century evolution was in the air. There were few of von Baer's contemporaries who had not read Lamarck;[346] Erasmus Darwin's Zoonomia ran through three editions, and was translated into German, French and Italian;[247] German philosophy was full of the idea of evolution.
There was no unreadiness to accept the derivation of present-day species from a primordial form—if only some solid evidence for such derivation were forthcoming. Cuvier and von Baer, as we have seen, combated the current evolution theories on the ground that the evidence was insufficient, but von Baer at least had no rooted objection to evolution. In an essay of 1834, entitled The Most General Law of Nature in all Development,[348] von Baer expressed belief in a limited amount of evolution. In this paper he did not admit that all animals have developed from one parent form, and he refused to believe that man has descended from an ape; but, basing his supposition upon the facts of variability and upon the evidence of palaeontology, he went so far as to maintain that many species have evolved from parent stocks. In the absence of conclusive proofs he did not commit himself to a belief in any extended or comprehensive process of evolution.
Imbued as he was with the idea of development von Baer saw in evolution a process essentially of the same nature as the development of the individual. Evolution, like development, was due to a Bildungskraft or formative force. The ultimate law of all becoming was that "the history of Nature is nothing but the history of the ever-advancing victory of spirit over matter" (p. 71). In a later essay (1835) in the same volume he says that all natural science is nothing but a long commentary on the single phrase Es werde!. (p. 86).
As we shall see, von Baer adopted in later years the same attitude to Darwinism as he did to the evolution theories in vogue in his youth.
Although in the twenty or thirty years before the publication of the Origin of Species (1859) no evolution theory of any importance was published, and although the great majority of biologists believed in the constancy of species, there were not wanting some who, like von Baer, had an open mind on the subject, or even believed in the occurrence of evolutionary processes of small scope. Isidore Geoffroy St Hilaire, the son of the great Etienne Geoffroy St Hilaire, seems to have held that species might be formed from varieties. The law which L. Agassiz thought he could establish,[349] of the parallelism between palaeontological succession, systematic rank, and embryological development, tended to help the progress of evolutionary ideas. J. V. Carus, who afterwards became a supporter of Darwin, seems already, in 1853, to have inferred from Agassiz's law the probability of evolution.[350]
But no evolution theory was taken very seriously before 1859, when the Origin of Species was published.
Like Lamarck, Charles Darwin was, neither by inclination nor by training, a morphologist. In his youth he was a collector, a sportsman and a field geologist. His voyage round the world on the Beagle aroused in him keen interest in the problem of species—their variety, their variation according to place and time, their adaptedness to environment. The conviction gradually took possession of his mind that the puzzling facts of geographical range and geological succession which he observed wherever he went were explicable only on the hypothesis that species change. He was not satisfied with the theories of evolution that had been proposed by his grandfather, by Lamarck, and by E. Geoffroy St Hilaire—he did not indeed understand these theories any too well. He resolved to work out the problem in his own way, for his own satisfaction. He tells us all this very clearly in his autobiography. "During the voyage of the Beagle I had been deeply impressed by discovering in the Pampean formation great fossil animals covered with armour like that on the existing armadillos; secondly, by the manner in which closely allied animals replace one another in proceeding southwards over the continent; and thirdly, by the South American character of most of the productions of the Galapagos archipelago, and more especially by the manner in which they differ slightly on each island of the group; some of the islands appearing to be very ancient in a geological sense.
"It was evident that such facts as these, as well as many others, could only be explained on the supposition that species gradually become modified; and the subject haunted me. But it was equally evident that neither the action of the surrounding conditions, nor the will of the organisms (especially in the case of plants) could account for the innumerable cases in which organisms of every kind are beautifully adapted to their habits of life—for instance, a woodpecker or a tree-frog to climb trees, or a seed for dispersal by hooks or plumes. I had always been much struck by such adaptations, and until these could be explained it seemed to me almost useless to endeavour to prove by indirect evidence that species have been modified."[351]
All Darwin's varied subsequent work revolved round these, for him, essential problems—How do species change, and how do they become adapted to their environment? He never ceased to be essentially a field naturalist, and his theory of natural selection would have been an empty and abstract thing if his vast knowledge and understanding of the "web of life" had not given it colour and form. He never lost touch with the living thing in its living, breathing reality—even plants he rightly regarded as active things, full of tricks and contrivances for making their way in the world. No one ever realised more vividly than he the delicacy and complexity of the adaptations to environment which are the necessary condition of success in the struggle for existence. Almost his greatest service to biology was that he made biologists realise as they never did before the vast importance of environment. He took biology into the open air, away from the museum and the dissecting-room.
Naturally this attitude was not without its drawbacks. It led him to take only a lukewarm interest in the problems of morphology. It is true he used the facts of morphology with great effect as powerful arguments for evolution, but it was not from such facts that he deduced his theory to account for evolution. It is questionable indeed whether the theory of natural selection is properly applicable to the problems of form. It was invented to account for the evolution of specific differences and of ecological adaptations; it was not primarily intended as an explanation of the more wonderful and more mysterious facts of the convenance des parties and the interaction of structure and function. Perhaps Darwin did not realise this inner aspect of adaptation quite so vividly as he did the more superficial adaptation of organisms to their environment. It was, perhaps, his lack of morphological training and experience that led him to disregard the problems of form, or at least to realise very insufficiently their difficulty.
It is in any case very significant that only a small part of his Origin of Species is devoted to the discussion of morphological questions—only one chapter out of the fourteen contained in the first edition.
Though the theory of natural selection took little account of the problems of form, Darwin's masterly vindication of the theory of evolution was of immense service to morphology, and Darwin himself was the first to point out what a great light evolution threw upon all morphological problems. In a few pages of the Origin he laid the foundations of evolutionary morphology.
We have here to consider his interpretation of morphological facts and its relation to the current morphology of his time.
The sketch of his theory, written in 1842,[352] shows a very significant division into two parts—the first dealing with the positive facts of variability and the theory of natural selection, the second with the general evidence for evolution. It is in the second part that the paragraphs on morphological matters occur. In paragraph 7, on affinities and classification, Darwin points out that on the theory of evolution homological relationship would be real relationship, and the natural system would really be genealogical. In the next paragraph he notes that evolution would account for the unity of type in the great classes, for the metamorphosis of organs, and for the close resemblance which early embryos show to one another. It is of special interest to note that he definitely rejects the Meckel-Serres theory of recapitulation. "It is not true," he writes, "that one passes through the form of a lower group, though no doubt fish more nearly related to foetal state" (p. 42). The greater divergence which adults show seems to him to be due to the fact that selection acts more on the later than on the embryonic stages. He realises very clearly how illuminative the theory of evolution is when applied to the puzzling facts of embryonic development. "The less differences of foetus—this has obvious meaning on this view: otherwise how strange that a horse, a man, a bat should at one time of life have arteries, running in a manner which is only intelligibly useful in a fish! The natural system being on theory genealogical, we can at once see why foetus, retaining traces of the ancestral form, is of the highest value in classification" (p. 45).
Abortive organs, too, gain significance on the evolutionary hypothesis. "The affinity of different groups, the unity of types of structure, the representative forms through which foetus passes, the metamorphosis of organs, the abortion of others, cease to be metaphorical expressions and become intelligible facts" (p. 50).
In general, organisms can be understood only if we take into account the cardinal fact that they are historical beings. "We must look at every complicated mechanism and instinct as the summary of a long history of useful contrivances much like a work of art" (p. 51).[353]
Already in 1842 Darwin had seized upon the main principles of evolutionary morphology: the indications then given are elaborated in the thirteenth chapter of the Origin of Species (1st ed., 1859). A good part of this chapter is given up to a discussion of the principles of classification, only a few pages dealing with morphology proper. But, as Darwin rightly saw, the two things are inseparable.
We note first that there is no hint of the "scale of beings"—Darwin conceives the genealogical tree as many branched. Animals can be classed in "groups under groups," and cannot be arranged in one single series.
He discusses first what kind of characters have the greatest classificatory value. Certain empirical rules have been recognised, more or less consciously, by systematists—that analogical characters are less valuable than homological, that characters of great physiological importance are not always valuable for classificatory purposes, that rudimentary organs are often very useful, and so on. He finds that as a general rule "the less any part of the organisation is concerned with special habits, the more important it becomes for classification" (p. 414), and adduces in support Owen's remark that the generative organs afford very clear indications of affinities, since they are unlikely to be modified by special habits. These rules of classification can be explained "on the view that the natural system is founded on descent with modification; that the characters which naturalists consider as showing true affinity ... are those which have been inherited from a common parent, and, in so far, all true classification is genealogical; that community of descent is the hidden bond which naturalists have been unconsciously seeking, and not some unknown plan of creation, or the enunciation of general propositions, and the mere putting together and separating objects more or less alike" (p. 420).
In general, then, homological characters are more valuable for classificatory purposes because they have a longer pedigree than analogical characters, which represent recent acquirements of the race.
Coming to morphology proper, Darwin takes up the question of the unity of type, and the homology of parts, for which the unity of type is but a general expression.
He treats this on the same lines as E. Geoffroy St Hilaire, and Owen, referring indeed specifically to Geoffroy's law of connections. "What can be more curious," he asks, "than that the hand of a man, formed for grasping, that of a mole for digging, the leg of a horse, the paddle of the porpoise, and the wing of the bat, should all be constructed on the same pattern, and should include similar bones, in the same relative positions? Geoffroy St Hilaire has strongly insisted on the high importance of relative position or connection in homologous parts; they may differ to almost any extent in form and size, and yet remain connected together in the same invariable order" (p. 434).
The unity of plan cannot be explained on teleological grounds, as Owen has admitted in his Nature of Limbs, nor is it explicable on the hypothesis of special creation (p. 435). It can be understood only on the theory that animals are descended from one another and retain for innumerable generations the essential organisation of their ancestors. "The explanation is to a large extent simple on the theory of the selection of successive slight modifications—each modification being profitable in some way to the modified form, but often affecting by correlation other parts of the organisation. In changes of this nature, there will be little or no tendency to alter the original pattern or to transpose the parts.... If we suppose that the ancient progenitor, the archetype as it may be called, of all animals, had its limbs constructed on the existing general pattern, for whatever purpose they served, we can at once perceive the plain significance of the homologous construction of the limbs throughout the whole class" (p. 435).
We may note three important points in this passage—first, the identification of the archetype with the common progenitor; second, the view that progressive evolution is essentially adaptive, and dominated by natural selection; and third, the petitio principii involved in the assumption that adaptive modification brings inevitably in its train the necessary correlative changes.
In his section on morphology Darwin shows clearly the influence of Owen, and through him of the transcendental anatomists. He refers to the transcendental idea of "metamorphosis," as exemplified in the vertebral theory of the skull and the theory of the plant appendage, and shows how, on the hypothesis of descent with modification, "metamorphosis" may now be interpreted literally, and no longer figuratively merely (p. 439).
Very great interest attaches to Darwin's treatment of development, for post-Darwinian morphology was based to a very large extent on the presumed relation between the development of the individual and the evolution of the race. Just as he kept clear of the notion of the scale of beings, so he avoided the snare of the Meckel-Serres theory of recapitulation, according to which the embryo of the highest animal, man, during its development climbs the ladder upon the rungs of which the whole animal series is distributed, in its gradual progression from simplicity to complexity. The law of development which he adopts is that of von Baer, which states that development is essentially differentiation, and that as a result embryos belonging to the same group resemble one another the more the less advanced they are in development. There can be little doubt that he was indebted to von Baer for the idea, and in the later editions of the Origin he acknowledges this by quoting the well-known passage in which von Baer tells how he had two embryos in spirit which he was unable to refer definitely to their proper class among Vertebrates.[354]
Not only are embryos more alike than adults, because less differentiated, but it is in points not directly connected with the conditions of existence, not strictly adaptive, that their resemblance is strongest (p. 440)—think, for instance, of the arrangement of aortic arches common to all vertebrate embryos. Larval forms are to some extent exceptions to this rule, for they are often specially adapted to their particular mode of life, and convergence of structure may accordingly result. All these facts require an explanation. "How, then, can we explain these several facts in embryology—namely, the very general, but not universal, difference in structure between the embryo and the adult—of parts in the same individual embryo, which ultimately become very unlike and serve for different purposes, being at this early period of growth alike—of embryos of different species within the same class, generally but not universally, resembling each other—of the structure of the embryo not being closely related to its conditions of existence, except when the embryo becomes at any period of life active and has to provide for itself—of the embryo apparently having sometimes a higher organisation than the mature animal, into which it is developed" (pp. 442-3). Obviously all these facts are formally explained by the doctrine of descent. But Darwin goes further, he tries to show exactly how it is that the embryos resemble one another more than the adults. He thinks that the phenomenon results from two principles—first, that modifications usually supervene late in the life of the individual; and second, that such modifications tend to be inherited by the offspring at a corresponding, not early, age (p. 444).
Thus, applying these principles to a hypothetical case of the origin of new species of birds from a common stock, he writes:—"... from the many slight successive steps of variation having supervened at a rather late age and having been inherited at a corresponding age, the young of the new species of our supposed genus will manifestly tend to resemble each other much more closely than do the adults, just as we have seen in the case of pigeons"[355] (pp. 446-7).
Since the embryo shows the generalised type, the structure of the embryo is useful for classificatory purposes. "For the embryo is the animal in its less modified state; and in so far it reveals the structure of its progenitor" (p. 449)—the embryological archetype reveals the ancestral form. "Embryology rises greatly in interest, when we thus look at the embryo as a picture, more or less complete, of the parent form of each great class of animals" (p. 450)—a prophetic remark, in view of the enormous subsequent development of phylogenetic speculation.
We may sum up by saying that Darwin interpreted von Baer's law phylogenetically.
The rest of the chapter is devoted to a discussion of abortive and vestigial organs, whose existence Darwin naturally turns to great advantage in his argument for evolution. Throughout the whole chapter Darwin's preoccupation with the problems of classification is clearly manifest.
On the question as to whether descent was monophyletic or polyphyletic Darwin expressed no dogmatic opinion. "I believe that animals have descended from at most only four or five progenitors, and plants from an equal or lesser number.... I should infer from analogy that probably all the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have descended from one primordial form, into which life was first breathed" (p. 484).
Darwin rightly laid much stress upon the morphological evidence for evolution,[356] which he considered to be weighty. It probably contributed greatly to the success of his theory. Though he himself did little or no work in pure morphology, he was alive to the importance of such work,[357] and followed with interest the progress of evolutionary morphology, incorporating some of its results in later editions of the Origin, and in his Descent of Man (1871).
In his morphology Darwin was hardly up to date. He does not seem to have known at first hand the splendid work of the German morphologists, such as Rathke and Reichert; he pays no attention to the cell-theory, nor to the germ-layer theory. His sources are, in the main, Geoffroy St Hilaire, Owen, von Baer, Agassiz, Milne-Edwards, and Huxley.
Perhaps his greatest omission was that he did not give any adequate treatment of the problem of functional adaptation and the correlation of parts. It is not too much to say that Darwin not only disregarded these problems almost entirely, but by his insistence upon ecological adaptation and upon certain superficial aspects of correlation, succeeded in giving to the words "adaptation" and "correlation" a new signification, whereby they lost to a large extent their true and original functional meaning.
It is true that Darwin himself, as well as his successors, believed that natural selection was all-powerful to account for the evolution of the most complicated organs, but it may be questioned whether he realised all the conditions of the problem of which he thus easily disposed. He says, rightly, in an important passage, that "It is generally acknowledged that all organic beings have been formed on two great laws—Unity of Type, and the Conditions of Existence. By unity of type is meant that fundamental agreement in structure which we see in organic beings of the same class, and which is quite independent of their habits of life. On my theory, unity of type is explained by unity of descent. The expression of conditions of existence, so often insisted upon by the illustrious Cuvier, is fully embraced by the principle of natural selection. For natural selection acts by either now adapting the varying parts of each being to its organic and inorganic conditions of life:[358] or by having adapted them during past periods of time: the adaptations being aided in many cases by the increased use or disuse of parts, being affected by the direct action of the external conditions of life, and subjected in all cases to the several laws of growth and variation. Hence, in fact, the law of the Conditions of Existence is the higher law; as it includes, through the inheritance of former variations and adaptations, that of Unity of Type" (Origin, 6th ed., Pop. Impression, pp. 260-1). It is clear that Darwin took the phrase "Conditions of Existence" to mean the environmental conditions, and the law of the Conditions of Existence to mean the law of adaptation to environment. But that is not what Cuvier meant by the phrase: he understood by it the principle of the co-ordination of the parts to form the whole, the essential condition for the existence of any organism whatsoever (see above, Chap. III., p. 34).
Of this thought there is in Darwin little trace, and that is why he did not sufficiently appreciate the weight of the argument brought against his theory that it did not account for the correlation of variations.
Darwin's conception of correlation was singularly incomplete. As examples of correlation he advanced such trivial cases as the relation between albinism, deafness and blue eyes in cats, or between the tortoise-shell colour and the female sex. He used the word only in connection with what he called "correlated variation," meaning by this expression "that the whole organisation is so tied together during its growth and development, that when slight variations in any one part occur, and are accumulated through natural selection, other parts become modified" (6th ed., p. 177). He took it for granted that the "correlated variations" would be adapted to the original variation which was acted upon by natural selection, and he saw no difficulty in the gradual evolution of a complicated organ like the eye if only the steps were small enough. "It has been objected," he writes, "that in order to modify the eye and still preserve it as a perfect instrument, many changes would have to be effected simultaneously, which, it is assumed, could not be done through natural selection; but as I have attempted to show in my work on the variation of domestic animals, it is not necessary to suppose that the modifications were all simultaneous, if they were extremely slight and gradual" (6th ed., p. 226).
In post-Darwinian speculation the difficulty of explaining correlated variation by natural selection alone became more acutely realised, and it was chiefly this difficulty that led Weismann to formulate his hypothesis of germinal selection as a necessary supplement to the general selection theory.
The change in the conception of correlation which Darwin's influence brought about has been very clearly stated by E. von Hartmann,[359] from whom the following is taken:—"While the correlation of parts in the organism was before Darwin regarded exclusively from the standpoint of morphological systematics, Darwin tried to look at it from the standpoint of physiological and genealogical development, and in so doing he put the standpoint of morphological systematics in the shade. But the more we are now beginning to realise that systematic relationship does not necessarily imply genetic affinity the more must the correlation of parts come back into favour as a systematic principle. While Darwin only, as it were, against his will, relied on the law of correlation as a last resort when all other help failed, this law must be regarded, from the standpoint of the orderly inner determination of all organic form-change, as having the rank of the highest principle of all, a principle which rules parallel, divergent and convergent evolution" (pp. 47-8).
Further on, following Radl, he characterises Darwin's attitude to the law of correlation in these terms:—"Darwin's interest is entirely focussed on the variation, the function, the causes of form-production, in short, upon evolution. Accordingly he regards correlation essentially as correlative variation in the sense of a departure from the given type. With morphological correlation in different types Darwin troubles himself not at all, nor with correlation in the normal development of a type" (p. 49).
Cuvier's conception of the convenance des parties, essential to all biology, remained on the whole foreign to Darwin's thought, and to the thought of his successors.
It was indeed one of their boasts that they had finally eliminated all teleology from Nature. The great and immediate success which Darwinism had among the younger generation of biologists and among scientific men in general was due in large part to the fact that it fitted in well with the prevailing materialism of the day, and gave solid ground for the hope that in time a complete mechanistic explanation of life would be forthcoming. "Darwinismus" became the battle-cry of the militant spirits of that time.
It was precisely this element in Darwinism that was repugnant to most of Darwin's opponents, in whose ranks were found the majority of the morphologists of the old school. They found it impossible to believe that evolution could have come about by fortuitous variation and fortuitous selection; they objected to Darwin that he had enunciated no real Entwickelungsgesetz, or law governing evolution. They were not unwilling to believe that evolution was a real process, though many drew the line at the derivation of man from apes, but they felt that if evolution had really taken place, it must have been under the guidance of some principle of development, that there must have been manifested in evolution some definite and orderly tendency towards perfection.[360]
No one expressed this objection with greater force than did von Baer, in a series of masterly essays[361] which the Darwinians, through sheer inability to grasp his point of view, dismissed as the maunderings of old age. In these essays von Baer pointed out the necessity for the teleological point of view, at least as complementary to the mechanistic. His general position is that of the "statical" teleology—to use Driesch's term—of Kant and Cuvier. His attitude to Darwinism is determined by his teleology. He admits, just as in 1834, a limited amount of evolution; he criticises the evolution theory of Darwin on the same lines exactly as forty or fifty years previously he had criticised the recapitulation and evolution-theories of the transcendentalists—principally on the ground that their deductions far outrun the positive facts at their disposal. He rejects the theory of natural selection entirely, on the ground that evolution, like development, must have an end or purpose (Ziel)—"A becoming without a purpose is in general unthinkable" (p. 231); he points out, too, the difficulty of explaining the correlation of parts upon the Darwinian hypothesis. His own conception of the evolutionary process is that it is essentially zielstrebig or guided by final causes, that it is a true evolutio or differentiation, just as individual development is an orderly progress from the general to the special. He believed in saltatory evolution, in polyphyletic descent, and in the greater plasticity of the organism in earlier times.
The idea of saltatory evolution he took from Koelliker, who shortly after the publication of the Origin promulgated in a critical note on Darwinism a sketch of his theory of "heterogeneous generation."[362]
Koelliker's attitude is typical of that taken up by many of the morphologists of the day.[363] He accepts evolution completely, but rejects Darwinism because it recognises no Entwickelungsgesetz, or principle of evolution. For the Darwinian theory of evolution through the selection of small fortuitous variations he would substitute the theory of evolution through sudden, large variations, brought about by the influence of a general law of evolution. This is his theory of heterogeneous generation. "The fundamental idea of this hypothesis is that under the influence of a general law of evolution creatures produce from their germs others which differ from them" (p. 181). It is to be noticed that Koelliker laid more stress upon the Entwickelungsgesetz than upon the saltatory nature of variation, for he says a few pages further on—"the notion at the base of my theory is that a great evolutionary plan underlies the development of the whole organised world, and urges on the simpler forms towards ever higher stages of complexity" (p. 184). Saltatory evolution was not the essential point of the theory:—"Another difference between the Darwinian hypothesis and mine is that I postulate many saltatory changes, but I will not and indeed cannot lay the chief stress upon this point, for I have not intended to maintain that the general law of evolution which I hold to be the cause of the creation of organisms, and which alone manifests itself in the activity of generation, cannot also so act that from one form others quite gradually arise" (p. 185). He put forward the hypothesis of saltatory variation because it seemed to him to lighten many of the difficulties of Darwinism—the lack of transition forms, the enormous time required for evolution, and so on. It should be noted that Koelliker regarded his principle of evolution as mechanical.
It would take too long to show in detail how a belief in innate laws of evolution was held by the majority of Darwin's critics. A few further examples must suffice.
Richard Owen, who in 1868[364] admitted the possibility of evolution, held that "a purposive route of development and change, of correlation and interdependence, manifesting intelligent Will, is as determinable in the succession of races as in the development and organisation of the individual. Generations do not vary accidentally, in any and every direction; but in pre-ordained, definite, and correlated courses" (p. 808).
He conceived change to have taken place by abrupt variation, independent of environment and habit, by "departures from parental type, probably sudden and seemingly monstrous, but adapting the progeny inheriting such modifications to higher purposes" (p. 797). He believed spontaneous generation to be a phenomenon constantly taking place, and constantly giving the possibility of new lines of evolution.
E. von Hartmann in his Philosophie des Unbewussten (1868) and in his valuable essay on Wahrheit und Irrtum im Darwinismus (1874) criticised Darwinism in a most suggestive manner from the vitalistic standpoint. He drew attention to the importance of active adaptation, the necessity for assuming definite and correlated variability, and to the evidence for the existence of an immanent, purposive, but unconscious principle of evolution, active as well in phylogenetic as in individual development.
In France H. Milne-Edwards[365] stated the problem thus:—"In the present state of science, ought we to attribute to modifications dependent on the action of known external agents the differences in the organic types manifested by the animals distributed over the surface of the globe either at the present day, or in past geological ages? Or must the origin of types transmissible by heredity be attributed to causes of another order, to forces whose effects are not apparent in the present state of things, to a creative power independent of the general properties of organisable matter such as we know them to-day?" (p. 426)
He concluded that the action of environment, direct or indirect, was insufficient to account for the diversity of organic forms, and rejected Darwin's theory completely. He thought it likely that the successive faunas which palaeontology discloses have originated from one another by descent. But he thought that the process by which they evolved should rightly be called "creation." The word was of course not to be taken in a crude sense. When the zoologist speaks of the "creation" of a new species, "he in no way means that the latter has arisen from the dust, rather than from a pre-existing animal whose mode of organisation was different; he merely means that the known properties of matter, whether inert or organic, are insufficient to bring about such a result, and that the intervention of a hidden cause, of a power of some higher order, seems to him necessary" (p. 429).
The criticism of Darwinism exercised by the older currents of thought remained on the whole without influence. It was under the direct inspiration of the Darwinian theory that morphology developed during the next quarter of a century.
[333] Radl, loc. cit., i., p. 71.
[334] Kritik der Urtheilskraft, 1790.
[335] Eng. Trans. by J. H. Bernard, p. 337, London, 1892.
[336] H. F. Osborn, From the Greeks to Darwin, p. 145, New York and London, 1894.
[337] See Meckel, supra, p. 93; cf. Tiedemann, Zoologie, p. 65, 1808. "Even as each individual organism transforms itself, so the whole animal kingdom is to be thought of as an organism in course of metamorphosis." Also p. 73 of the same book.
[338] Chapters vii. and ix.
[339] On early evolution-theories see, in addition to Osborn and Radl, J. Arthur Thomson, The Science of Life, 1899, and the opening essay in Darwin and Modern Science, Cambridge, 1909.
[340] Phil. zool., ed. Ch. Martins, vol. i., p. 75, 1873.
[341] Quotations in the text are from the 2nd Edit. (Deshayes and Milne-Edwards), i., Paris, 1835.
[342] For instance, Lucretius:—
"Is tibi nunc animus quali sit corpore et unde constiterit pergam rationem reddere dictis. Principio esse aio persubtilem atque minutis perquam corporibus factum constare."
—De Rerum Natura, iii., vv. 177-80.
[343] Contrast Treviranus—"In every living being there exists a capability of an endless variety of form-assumption; each possesses the power to adapt its organisation to the changes of the outer world, and it is this power, put into action by the change of the universe, that has raised the simple zoophytes of the primitive world to continually higher stages of organisation, and has introduced a countless variety of species into animate Nature." Quoted by Haeckel in History of Creation, i., p. 93, 1876.
[344] There is no evidence that he was influenced by Erasmus Darwin, who forestalled his evolution theory, and was indeed more aware of its vitalistic implications. See S. Butler, Evolution, Old and New, London, 1879, for an excellent account of Erasmus Darwin.
[345] As did also Lyell in his Principles of Geology, 1830.
[346] K. E. von Baer, Reden, i., p. 37, Petrograd, 1864.
[347] Radl, loc. cit., i., p. 296.
[348] Reprinted in his Reden, i., 1864.
[349] See Huxley's criticism of it in a Royal Institution lecture of 1851, republished in Sci. Mem., i., pp. 300-4. On its relation to Haeckel's biogenetic law, see below, p. 255.
[350] System der thierischen Morphologie, p. 5, 1853.
[351] Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, ed. F. Darwin, i., p. 82, 3rd ed., 1887.
[352] The Foundations of the Origin of Species, a Sketch written in 1842. Ed. F. Darwin, Cambridge, 1909.
[353] Cf. a parallel passage in the Origin, 1st ed., pp. 485-6.
[354] In the 1st ed. (p. 439), Darwin makes the curious mistake of attributing this story to Agassiz.
[355] In which nestlings of the different varieties are much more alike than adults. Darwin attached much importance to this idea, see Life and Letters, i., p. 88, and ii., p. 338.
[356] See his Letters, passim.
[357] Writing to Huxley on the subject of the latter's work on the morphology of the Mollusca (1853), he says:—"The discovery of the type or 'idea' (in your sense, for I detest the word as used by Owen, Agassiz & Co.) of each great class, I cannot doubt, is one of the very highest ends of Natural History."—More Letters, ed. F. Darwin and A. C. Seward, 1903, i., p. 73.
[358] Italics mine.
[359] Das Problem des Lebens. Biologische Studien. Bad Sacha, 1906. See also E. Radl, Biol. Centralblatt, xxi., 1901.
[360] See the excellent treatment of the difference between the "realism" of Darwin and the "rationalism" of his critics, in Radl, ii., particularly pp. 109, 135. The most elaborate criticism of Darwinism from the older standpoint was that given by A. Wigand in Der Darwinismus und die Naturforschung Newtons und Cuviers, 3 vols., Braunschweig, 1872.
[361] In vol. ii. of his Reden, St Petersburg (Petrograd), 1876—Ueber den Zweck in den Vorgaengen der Natur; Ueber Zielstrebigkeit in den organischen Koerpern insbesondere; and Ueber Darwin's Lehre.
[362] "Ueber die Darwinische Schoepfungstheorie," Zeits. f. wiss. Zool., xiv., pp. 74-86, 1864. Elaborated in Anat. u. syst. Beschreibung d. Alcyonarien, 1872.
[363] Cf. for instance Naegeli's theory of a perfecting principle, first developed in his Entstehung u. Begriff der naturhistorischer Art, Muenchen, 1865.
[364] Anatomy of Vertebrates, iii., 1868.
[365] Rapport sur les Progres recents des Sciences zoologiques en France. Paris, 1867.
At the time when Darwin's work appeared there already existed, as we have seen, a fully formed morphology with set and definite principles. The aim of this pre-evolutionary morphology had been to discover and work out in detail the unity of plan underlying the diversity of forms, to disentangle the constant in animal form and distinguish from it the accessory and adaptive. The main principle upon which this work was based was the principle of connections, so clearly stated by Geoffroy. The principle of connections served as a guide in the search for the archetype, and this search was prosecuted in two directions—first, by the comparison of adult structure; and second, by the comparative study of developing embryos. It was found that the archetype was shown most clearly by the early embryo, and this embryological archetype came to be preferred before the archetype of comparative anatomy. It became apparent also that the parts first formed (germ-layers) were of primary importance for the establishing of homologies.
While practically all morphologists were agreed as to the main principles of their science, they yet showed, as regards their general attitude to the problems of form, a fairly definite division into two groups, of which one laid stress upon the intimate relation existing between form and function, while the other disregarded function completely, and sought to build up a "pure" or abstract morphology. In opposition to both groups, in opposition really to morphology altogether, a movement had gained strength which tended towards the analysis and disintegration of the organism. This movement took its origin in the current materialism of the day, and found expression particularly in the cell-theory and in materialistic physiology.
The separation between morphology as the science of form and physiology as the science of the physics and chemistry of the living body had by Darwin's day become well-nigh absolute.
The morphology of the 'fifties lent itself readily to evolutionary interpretation. Darwin found it easy to give a formal solution of all the main problems which pre-evolutionary morphology had set—he was able to interpret the natural system of classification as being in reality genealogical, systematic relationship as being really blood-relationship; he was able to interpret homology and analogy in terms of heredity and adaptation; he was able to explain the unity of plan by descent from a common ancestor, and for the concept of "archetype" to substitute that of "ancestral form."
The current morphology, Darwin found, could be taken over, lock, stock and barrel, to the evolutionary camp.
In what follows we shall see that the coming of evolution made surprisingly little difference to morphology, that the same methods were consciously or unconsciously followed, the same mental attitudes taken up, after as before the publication of the Origin of Species.
Darwin himself was not a professional morphologist; the conversion of morphology to evolutionary ideas was carried out principally by his followers, Ernst Haeckel and Carl Gegenbaur in Germany, Huxley, Lankester, and F. M. Balfour in England.
It was in 1866 that Haeckel's chief work appeared, a General Morphology of Organisms,[366] which was intended by its author to bring all morphology under the sway and domination of evolution.
It was a curious production, this first book of Haeckel's, and representative not so much of Darwinian as of pre-Darwinian thought. It was a medley of dogmatic materialism, idealistic morphology, and evolution theory; its sources were, approximately, Buechner, Theodor Schwann, Virchow, H. G. Bronn, and, of course, Charles Darwin.
It was scarcely modern even on its first appearance, and many regarded it, not without reason, as a belated offshoot of Naturphilosophie.
Its materialism is of the most intransigent character. The form and activities of living things are held to be merely the mechanical result of the physical and chemical composition of their bodies. The simplest living things, the Monera, are nothing more than homogeneous masses of protein substance. "They live, but without organs of life; all the phenomena of their life, nutrition and reproduction, movement and irritability, appear here as merely the immediate outcome of formless organic matter, itself an albumen compound" (p. 63, 1906).
Teleology, the Achilles' heel of Kant's (otherwise sound!) philosophy, is to be regarded as a totally refuted and antiquated doctrine, definitely put out of court by Darwinism.
Haeckel works out his materialistic philosophy of living things very much after the fashion of Schwann. There is the same talk of cells as organic crystals, of crystal trees, of the analogy between assimilation by the cell and the growth of crystals in a mother liquid. Heredity and adaptation are shown equally as well by crystals as by organisms; for heredity, or the internal Bildungstrieb (!), is the mechanical effect of the material structure of the crystal or the germ, and adaptation, or the external Bildungstrieb, is a name for the modifications induced by the environment. Adaptation so defined comes to be synonymous with the fortuitous variation which plays so great a part in Darwin's theory of natural selection.
It goes without saying that Haeckel allowed to the organism no other nor higher individuality than belongs to the crystal, and took no account at all of that harmonious interaction of the organs which Cuvier called the principle of the "conditions of existence." The concept of correlation had simply no meaning for Haeckel. The analysis and disintegration of the organism was pushed by him to its logical extreme, and in this also he was a child of his time.
A no less important influence clearly visible in the General Morphology is the idealistic morphology of men like K. G. Carus and H. G. Bronn. In previous chapters we have seen how K. G. Carus attempted to work out a geometry of the organism, and how Bronn tried in a modest way to found a stereometrical morphology, but had the grace not to push his stereometry a l'outrance, recognising very wisely that the greater part of organic form is functionally determined. Haeckel took over this idea[367] and pushed it to wild extremes, founding a new science of "Promorphology" of which he was the greatest—and only—exponent.[368]
This "science" dealt with axes and planes, poles and angles, in a veritable orgy of barbarous technical terms. It was intended to be a "crystallography of the organic," and to lay the foundations of a mechanistic morphology, or morphography at least.
How it was to be linked up with the physics and chemistry of living matter on the one hand and with the ordinary morphology of real animals on the other, was never made quite clear.
The science of Promorphology has no historical significance; it is interesting only because it illustrates Haeckel's close affinity with the idealistic morphologists.
Another abortive science of Haeckel's, the science of Tectology, was equally a heritage from idealistic morphology. Tectology is the science of the composition of organisms from individuals of different orders. There were six orders of individuals:—(1) Plastids (Cytodes and cells); (2) Organs (including cell-fusions, tissues, organs, organ-systems); (3) Antimeres (homotypic parts, i.e., halves or rays); (4) Metameres (homodynamic parts, i.e., segments); (5) Persons (individuals in the ordinary sense); (6) Corms (colonial animals).
The thought is essentially transcendental, and recalls the "theory of the repetition of parts," of which so much use was made by the German transcendentalists, such as Goethe,[369] Oken, Meckel and K. G. Carus, as well as by Duges.
The third, and naturally the most important, ingredient in the General Morphology was the doctrine of evolution, in the form given to it by Darwin. We have here no concern with Haeckel's evolutionary philosophy, with the way in which he combined his evolutionism and his materialism to form a queer Monism of his own. We are interested only in the way he applied evolution to morphology, what modifications he introduced into the principles of the science, and in general in what way he interpreted the facts and theories of morphology in the light of the new knowledge.
We find that he repeats very much what Darwin said, giving, of course, more detail to the exposition, and elaborating, particularly in his recapitulation theory or "biogenetic law," certain doctrines not explicitly stated by Darwin.
Like Darwin he held that the natural system is in reality genealogical. "There exists," he writes, "one single connected natural system of organisms, and this single natural system is the expression of real relations which actually exist between all organisms, alike those now in being on the earth and those that have existed there in some past time. The real relations which unite all living and extinct organisms in one or other of the principal groups of the natural system, are genealogical: their relationship in form is blood-relationship; the natural system is accordingly the genealogical tree of organisms, or their genealogema.... All organisms are in the last resort descendants of autogenous Monera, evolved as a consequence of the divergence of characters through natural selection. The different subordinate groups of the natural system, the categories of the class, order, family, genus, etc., are larger or smaller branches of the genealogical tree, and the degree of their divergence indicates the degree of genealogical affinity of the related organisms with one another and with the common ancestral form" (ii., p. 420).
The degree of systematic relationship is thus the degree of genealogical affinity. It follows that the natural system of classification may be converted straightway into a genealogical tree, and this is actually what Haeckel does in the General Morphology. The genealogical trees depicted in the second volume (plates i.-viii.) are nothing more than graphic representations of the ordinary systematic relationships of organisms, with a few hypothetical ancestral groups or forms thrown in to give the whole a genealogical turn.
If the genealogical tree is truly represented by the natural system, it would seem that for each genus a single ancestral form must be postulated, for each group of genera a single more primitive form, and so in general for each of the higher classificatory categories, right up to the phylum. Species of one genus must be descended from a generic ancestral form, genera of one family from a single family Urform, and so on for the higher categories.
This consequence was explicitly recognised by Haeckel. "Genera and families," he writes, "as the next highest systematic grades, are extinct species which have resolved themselves into a divergent bunch of forms (Formenbueschel)" (ii., p. 420).
The archetype of the genus, family, order, class and phylum was thus conceived to have had at some past time a real existence.
The natural system of classification is based upon a proper appreciation of the distinction between homological and analogical characters. Haeckel, following Darwin, naturally interprets the former as due to inheritance, the latter as due to adaptation, using these words, we may note, in their accepted meaning and not in the abstract empty sense he had previously attributed to them.[370] Similarly the "type of organisation," in von Baer's sense, was due to heredity, the "grade of differentiation" to adaptation.
So far Haeckel merely emphasised what Darwin had already said in the Origin of Species. But by his statement of the "biogenetic law," and particularly by the clever use he made of it, Haeckel went a step beyond Darwin, and exercised perhaps a more direct influence upon evolutionary morphology than Darwin himself.
Haeckel was not the original discoverer of the law of recapitulation. It happened that a few years before the publication of Haeckel's General Morphology, a German doctor, Fritz Mueller by name, stationed in Brazil, had been working on the development of Crustacea under the direct inspiration of Darwin's theory, and had published in 1864 a book[371] in which he showed that individual development gave a clue to ancestral history.
He conceived that progressive evolution might take place in two different ways. "Descendants ... reach a new goal, either by deviating sooner or later whilst still on the way towards the form of their parents, or by passing along this course without deviation, but then instead of standing still advancing still farther" (Eng. trans., p. 111). In the former case the developmental history of descendants agrees with that of the ancestors only up to a certain point and then diverges. "In the second case the entire development of the progenitors is also passed through by the descendants, and, therefore, so far as the production of a species depends upon this second mode of progress, the historical development of the species will be mirrored in its developmental history" (p. 112).
Of course the recapitulation of ancestral history will be neither literal nor extended. "The historical record preserved in developmental history is gradually effaced as the development strikes into a constantly straighter course from the egg to the perfect animal, and it is frequently sophisticated by the struggle for existence which the free-living larvae have to undergo" (p. 114).
It follows that "the primitive history of a species will be preserved in its developmental history the more perfectly the longer the series of young stages through which it passes by uniform steps; and the more truly, the less the mode of life of the young departs from that of the adults, and the less the peculiarities of the individual young states can be conceived as transferred back from later ones in previous periods of life, or as independently acquired" (p. 121).
Applying these principles to Crustacea, he concluded that the shrimp Peneus with its long direct development gave the best and truest picture of the ancestral history of the Malacostraca, and that accordingly the nauplius and the zoaea larvae represented important ancestral stages. He conceived it possible so to link up the various larval forms of Crustacea as to weave a picture of the primeval history of the class, and he made a plucky attempt to work out the phylogeny of the various groups.
The thought that development repeats evolution was already implicit in the first edition of the Origin, but the credit for the first clear and detailed exposition of it belongs to F. Mueller.
In much the same form as it was propounded by Mueller it was adopted by Haeckel, and made the corner-stone of his evolutionary embryology. Haeckel gave it more precise and more technical formulation, but added nothing essentially new to the idea.
It is convenient to use his term for it—the biogenetic law (Biogenetische Grundgesetz)—to distinguish it from the laws of Meckel-Serres and von Baer, with which it is so often confused.
Haeckel's statement of it may best be summarised in his own words, "Ontogeny, or the development of the organic individual, being the series of form-changes which each individual organism traverses during the whole time of its individual existence, is immediately conditioned by phylogeny, or the development of the organic stock (phylon) to which it belongs.
"Ontogeny is the short and rapid recapitulation of phylogeny, conditioned by the physiological functions of heredity (reproduction) and adaptation (nutrition). The organic individual (as a morphological individual of the first to the sixth order) repeats during the rapid and short course of its individual development the most important of the form-changes which its ancestors traversed during the long and slow course of their palaeontological evolution according to the laws of heredity and adaptation.
"The complete and accurate repetition of phyletic by biontic development is obliterated and abbreviated by secondary contraction, as ontogeny strikes out for itself an ever straighter course; accordingly, the repetition is the more complete the longer the series of young stages successively passed through.
"The complete and, accurate repetition of phyletic by biontic development is falsified and altered by secondary adaptation, in that the bion[372] during its individual development adapts itself to new conditions: accordingly the repetition is the more accurate the greater the resemblance between the conditions of existence under which respectively the bion and its ancestors developed" (ii., p. 300).
The last two propositions, it will be observed, are taken over almost verbally from F. Mueller.
Now we have seen that the natural system of classification gives a true picture of the genealogical relationships of organisms, that the smaller and larger classificatory groups correspond to greater or lesser branches of the genealogical tree. If ontogeny is a recapitulation of phylogeny, we must expect to find the embryo repeating the organisation first of the ancestor of the phylum, then of the ancestor of the class, the order, the family and the genus to which it belongs. There must be a threefold parallelism between the natural system, ontogeny and phylogeny (ii., pp. 421-2).
It will be observed that there is here implied an analogy between the biogenetic law and the law of von Baer, for both assert that development proceeds from the general to the special, that the farther back in development you go the more generalised do you find the structure of the embryo; both assert, too, that differentiation of structure takes place not in one progressive or regressive line, but in several diverging directions.
But the analogy between the biogenetic law and the Meckel-Serres law is even more obvious, and the resemblance between the two is much more fundamental. It is a significant fact that in his theory of the threefold parallelism Haeckel merely resuscitated in an evolutionary form a doctrine widely discussed in the 'forties and 'fifties,[373] and championed particularly by L. Agassiz,[374] a doctrine which must be regarded as a development or expansion of the Meckel-Serres law.[375] It is the view that a parallelism exists between the natural system, embryonic development, and palaeontological succession. Actually, as Agassiz stated it, the doctrine applied neither to types, nor as a general rule to classes, but merely to orders. It was well exemplified, he thought, in Crinoids:—"The successive stages of the embryonic growth of Crinoids typify, as it were, the principal forms of Crinoids which characterise the successive geological formations. First, it recalls the Cistoids of the palaeozoic rocks, which are represented in its simple spheroidal head; next the few-plated Platycrinoids of the Carboniferous period; next the Pentacrinoids of the Lias and Oolite with their whorls of cirrhi; and finally, when freed from its stem, it stands as the highest Crinoid, as the prominent type of the family in the present period" (p. 171).
The Meckel-Serres law, it will be remembered, expressed the idea that the higher animals repeat in their ontogeny the adult organisation of animals lower in the scale. Since Haeckel recognised clearly that a linear arrangement of the animal kingdom was a mere perversion of reality, and that a branching arrangement of groups more truly represented the real relations of animals to one another, he could not of course entertain the Meckel-Serres theory in its original form. But he accepted the main tenet of it when he asserted that each stage of ontogeny had its counterpart in an adult ancestral form. Such ancestral forms might or might not be in existence as real species at the present day; they might or might not be discoverable as fossils. That they had real existence either now or at some past epoch Haeckel never doubted. In his construction of phylogenetic trees he was so confident in the truth of his biogenetic law that he largely disregarded and consistently minimised the importance of the evidence from palaeontology.
The biogenetic law differed from the Meckel-Serres law chiefly in the circumstance that many of the adult lower forms whose organisation was supposed to be repeated in the development of the higher animals were purely hypothetical, being deduced directly from a study of ontogeny and systematic relationships. The hypothetical ancestral forms which the theory thus postulated naturally took their place in the natural system, for they were merely the concrete projections or archetypes of the classificatory groups.
The transcendentalists, of course, conceived evolution, whether real or ideal, as a uniserial process, whereas Haeckel conceived it as multiserial and divergent. It is here that the superficial agreement of the biogenetic law with the law of von Baer comes in.
We might almost sum up the relation of the biogenetic law to the laws of von Baer and Meckel-Serres by saying that it was the Meckel-Serres law applied to the divergent differentiation upheld by von Baer instead of to the uniserial progression believed in by the transcendentalists.
How near in practice Haeckel's law came to the recapitulation theory of the transcendentalists may be seen in passages like the following, with its partial recognition of the Echelle idea:[276]—"As so high and complicated an organism as that of man ... rises upwards from a simple cellular state, and as it progresses in its differentiating and perfecting, it passes through the same series of transformations which its animal progenitors have passed through, during immense spaces of time, inconceivable ages ago.... Certain very early and low stages in the development of man, and other vertebrate animals in general, correspond completely in many points of structure with conditions which last for life in the lower fishes. The next phase which follows on this presents us with a change of the fish-like being into a kind of amphibious animal. At a later period the mammal, with its special characteristics, develops out of the amphibian, and we can clearly see, in the successive stages of its later development, a series of steps of progressive transformation which evidently correspond with the differences of different mammalian orders and families."[377]
The biogenetic law went beyond both the Meckel-Serres law and the law of von Baer in that it recognised that the ancestral history of the species accounts in part for the course which the development of the individual takes, that in a certain sense, though not in the crude way supposed by Haeckel, phylogeny is the cause of ontogeny. This thought, that the organism is before all an historical being, is of course implied in the evolution idea, is indeed the essential core of it. Take away this element from the biogenetic law—not a difficult matter—and it becomes merely a law of idealistic morphology, applicable to evolution considered as an ideal process, as the progressive development in the Divine thought of archetypal models.
As a book, the General Morphology suffers a good deal from the arid, schematic, almost scholastic manner of exposition adopted. Haeckel's Prussian mania for organisation, for absolute distinctions, for iron-bound formalism, is here given full scope. A treatment less adequate to the variety, fluidity and changeableness of living things could hardly be imagined.
His doctrine, though it remains essentially unchanged, receives in his later works a less formal and more concrete expression, and, in particular, his views on the biogenetic law undergo some small modification.
Even in the General Morphology Haeckel had recognised that ontogeny is neither a complete nor an entirely accurate recapitulation of phylogeny; he had admitted, following F. Mueller, that the true course of recapitulation was frequently modified by larval and foetal adaptations. As time went on, he was forced to hedge more and more on this point, and finally in his Anthropogenie (1874) and his second paper on the Gastraea theory (1875),[378] he had to work out a distinction between palingenetic and cenogenetic characters, of which much use was made by subsequent writers.
The distinction may be given in Haeckel's own words:—"Those ontogenetic processes," he writes, "which are to be referred immediately, in accordance with the biogenetic law, to an earlier completely developed independent ancestral form, and are transmitted from this by heredity, obviously possess primary importance for the understanding of the casual-physiological relations; on the other hand, those developmental processes which appear subsequently through adaptation to the needs of embryonic or larval life, and accordingly can not be regarded as repeating the organisation of an earlier independent ancestral form, can clearly have for the understanding of the ancestral history only a quite subordinate and secondary importance.
"The first I have named palingenetic, the second cenogenetic. Considered from this critical standpoint, the whole of ontogeny falls into two main parts:—First, palingenesis, or 'epitomised history' (Auszugsgeschichte), and second, cenogenesis, or 'counterfeit history' (Faelschungsgeschichte). The first is the true ontogenetic epitome or short recapitulation of past evolutionary history; the second is the exact contrary, a new foreign ingredient, a falsifying or concealing of the epitome of phylogeny."[379]
As examples of palingenetic processes in the development of Amniotes, for instance, may be quoted the separation of two primary germ-layers, the formation of a simple notochord between medullary tube and alimentary canal, the appearance of a simple cartilaginous cranium, of the gill-arches and their vessels, of the primitive kidneys, the primitive tubular heart, the paired aortae and the cardinal veins, the hermaphroditic rudiment of the gonads, and so on. Cenogenetic processes, on the other hand, include such phenomena as the formation of yolk and the embryonic membranes, the temporary allantoic circulation, the navel, the curved and contracted shape of the embryo, and the like.
The most important phenomena to be included under the general heading of cenogenesis are, first, the occurrence of food-yolk, and second, those anomalies of development which are classed by Haeckel as heterochronies and heterotopies.
It is to the influence of the different amounts of yolk present in the egg that are due the great differences in the segmentation and gastrulation processes, which almost mask their true significance.
Heterochronic processes are such as arise through the dislocation of the proper phylogenetic order of succession: heterotopic processes in the same way are caused by a wandering of cells from one germ-layer to another. The two classes of phenomena are disturbances either of the proper spatial or of the proper temporal relation of the parts during development.
Heterochrony shows itself, as a rule, either as an acceleration or as a retardation of developmental events, as compared with their relative time of occurrence during phylogeny. Thus the notochord, the brain, the eyes, the heart, appear earlier in the ontogenetic than in the phylogenetic series, while, on the other hand, the septum of the auricles appears in the development of the higher Vertebrates before the ventricular septum, which is undoubtedly a reversal of the phylogenetic order.
Cases of heterotopy, or of organs being developed in a position or a germ-layer other than that in which they originally arose in phylogeny, are not so easy to find. According to Haeckel, the origin of the generative products in the mesoderm is a heterotopic phenomenon, for he considers that they must have originated phylogenetically in one of the two primary layers, ectoderm or endoderm.
It is worthy of note that the help of comparative anatomy is admittedly required in deciding what processes are palingenetic and what cenogenetic (p. 412).
Haeckel's morphological notions, and particularly his biogenetic law, excited a good deal of adverse criticism from men like His, Claus, Salensky, Semper and Goette. Nor was his principal work, the General Morphology, received with much favour. Nevertheless, since he did express, though in a crude, dogmatic and extreme manner, the main hypotheses upon which evolutionary morphology is founded, his historical importance is considerable. He cannot perhaps be regarded as typical of the morphologists of his time—he was too trenchantly materialistic, too much the populariser of a crude and commonplace philosophy of Nature. In point of concrete achievement in the field of pure research he fell notably behind many of his contemporaries.
His friend, Carl Gegenbaur, who gained a great and well-deserved reputation by his masterly studies on vertebrate morphology,[380] was a sounder man, and probably exercised a wider and certainly a more wholesome influence upon the younger generation of professional morphologists than the more brilliant Haeckel. It is true that in his famous Grundzuege der vergleichenden Anatomie, the second edition of which, published in 1870, soon came to be regarded as the classical text-book of evolutionary morphology, Gegenbaur enunciated very much the same general principles as Haeckel, and referred to the Generelle Morphologie as the chief and fundamental work on animal morphology. But in Gegenbaur's pages the Haeckelian doctrines are modified and subdued by the strong commonsense and thorough appreciation of the older classical or Cuvierian morphology that characterise Gegenbaur's work. According to Haeckel,[381] Gegenbaur was greatly influenced by J. Mueller, who, as we know, laid as much stress on function as on form.
The "General Part" of Gegenbaur's text-book is in many ways a significant document and deserves close attention.
We note first of all that physiology and morphology are considered by Gegenbaur to be entirely distinct sciences, with different subject-matter and different methods. "The task of physiology is the investigation of the functions of the animal body or of its parts, the referring back of these functions to elementary processes and their explanation by general laws. The investigation of the material substratum of these functions, of the form of the body and its parts, and the explanation of this form, constitute the task of Morphology" (2nd ed., p. 3).
Morphology falls naturally into two divisions—comparative anatomy and embryology. The method of comparative anatomy is comparison (p. 6), and in employing this method account is to be taken of "the spatial relations of the parts to one another, their number, extent, structure, and texture." Through comparison one is enabled to arrange organs in continuous series, and it comes out very clearly during this proceeding "that the physiological value of an organ is by no means constant throughout the different form-states of the organ, that an organ, through the mere modification of its anatomical relations, can subserve very different functions. Exclusive regard for their physiological functions would place morphologically related organs in different categories. From this it follows that in comparative anatomy we should never in the first place consider the function of an organ. The physiological value comes only in the second place into consideration, when we have to reconstruct the relations to the organism as a whole of the modification which an organ has undergone as compared with another state of it. In this way comparative anatomy shows us how to arrange organs in series; within these series we meet with variations which sometimes are insignificant and sometimes greater in extent; they affect the extent, number, shape, and texture of the parts of an organ, and can even, though only in a slight degree, lead to alterations of position" (p. 6).
Geoffroy St Hilaire would have subscribed to every word of this vindication of his "principle of connections."
Between comparative anatomy and embryology there exists a close connection, for the one throws light on the other. "While in some cases the same organ shows only slight modifications in its development from its early beginnings to its perfect state, in other cases the organ is subjected to manifold modifications before it reaches its definitive form; we see parts appear in it which later disappear, we observe alterations in it in all its anatomical relations, alterations which may even affect its texture. This fact is of great importance, for those changes which an organ undergoes during its individual development lead through states which the organ in other cases permanently shows, or at the least the first appearance of the organ is the equivalent of a permanent state in another organism. If then the fully developed organ is in any special case so greatly modified that its proper relation to some organ-series is obscured, this relation may be cleared up by a knowledge of the organ's development. The earlier state indicated in this way enables one to find with ease the proper place for the organ and so insert it into an already known series. The relations which we observe in an organ-seriation are then the equivalent of processes which in certain cases take place in a similar manner during the individual development of an organ. Embryology enters therefore into the closest connection with comparative anatomy.... It teaches us to know organs in their earliest states, and connects them up with the permanent states of others, whereby they fill up the gaps which we meet with in the various series formed by the fully developed organs of the body" (pp. 6-7).
This recognition of the parallelism between comparative anatomy and embryology is, of course, the kernel of the Meckel-Serres law. For Gegenbaur it had a very definite evolutionary meaning—he subscribed to the evolutionary form of it, the biogenetic law. How near his conception of the relation between ontogeny and phylogeny came to the old Meckel-Serres law may be gauged from the following passage, taken from a later work:—"Ontogeny thus represents, to a certain degree, palaeontological development abbreviated or epitomised. The stages which are passed through by higher organisms in their ontogeny correspond to stages which are maintained in others as the definitive organisation. These embryonic stages may accordingly be explained by comparing them with the mature stages of lower organisms, since we regard them as forms inherited from ancestors belonging to such lower stages"[382] (p. 6).
It is worth noting that in Gegenbaur's opinion comparative anatomy was prior in importance to embryology, that embryology could hardly exist as an independent science, since it must seek the interpretation of its facts always in the facts of comparative anatomy (Grundzuege, pp. 7-8).
While Gegenbaur was at one with all "pure" morphologists, whether evolutionary or pre-evolutionary, in minimising as far as possible the importance of function in the study of form, he was too cautious and sober a thinker not to recognise the immense part which function really plays. Thus he classified organs, according to their function, into those that established relations with the external world and those that had to do with nutrition and reproduction, very much as Bichat had done before him.
Like Darwin, Haeckel and most evolutionists, he interpreted the homological resemblances of animals as being due to heredity, their differences as due to adaptation,[383] but he did not adopt Haeckel's crude and shallow definition of these terms. For Gegenbaur heredity was a convenient expression for the fact of transmission, and was not explained offhand as the mere mechanical result of a certain material structure handed down from germ to germ. Adaptation he defined in a way which took the fullest account of function, and was as far as possible removed from Haeckel's definition of it as the direct mechanical effect of the environment upon the organism. "The organism is altered," writes Gegenbaur, "according to the conditions which influence it. The consequent Adaptations are to be regarded as gradual, but steadily progressive, changes in the organisation, which are striven after during the individual life of the organism, preserved by transmission in a series of generations, and further developed by means of natural selection. What has been gained by the ancestor becomes the heritage of the descendant. Adaptation and Transmission are thus alternately effective, the former representing the modifying, the latter the conservative principle.... Adaptation is commenced by a change in the function of organs, so that the physiological relations of organs play the most important part in it. Since adaptation is merely the material expression of this change of function, the modification of the function as much as its expression is to be regarded as a gradual process. In Adaptation, the closest connection between the function and the structure of an organ is thus indicated. Physiological functions govern, in a certain sense, structure; and so far what is morphological is subordinated to what is physiological" (Elements, pp. 8-9). Gegenbaur recognised also that morphological differentiation depended largely on the physiological division of labour (Grundzuege, p. 49). |