[136] Ann. Sci. Nat., (1), i., pp. 97-135, 416-432, 1824.
[137] Isis, p. 456, 1820 (2).
[138] Cuvier, Mem. Acad. Sci., iv., p. cclxx., 1824.
[139] Acad. Sci. 18th Oct. 1831. Extract in Ann. Sci. Nat., xxiv., pp. 254-60, 1831.
[140] His views were more fully elaborated in his Memoire sur la conformite organique dans l'echelle animale, Montpellier, 1832.
To complete our historical survey of the morphology of the early 19th century we have now to turn back some way and consider the curious development of morphological thought in Germany under the influence of the Philosophy of Nature. We have already seen many of these notions foreshadowed by Goethe, who had considerable affinity with the transcendentalists, but the full development of transcendental habits of thought comes a little later than the bulk of Goethe's scientific work, and owes more to Kielmeyer and Oken than to Goethe himself.
A great wave of transcendentalism seems to have passed over biological thought in the early 19th century, arising mainly in Germany, but powerfully affecting, as we have seen, the thought of Geoffroy and his followers. Many ideas were common to the French and German schools of transcendental anatomy, the fundamental conception that there exists a unique plan of structure, the idea of the scale of beings, the notion of the parallelism between the development of the individual and the evolution of the race. It is difficult to disentangle the part played by each school and to determine which should have the credit for particular theories and discoveries. The philosophy seems to have come chiefly from Germany, the science from France. It must be borne in mind that German comparative anatomy was largely derivative from French, that the Paris Museum was the acknowledged anatomical centre, and that Cuvier was its acknowledged head.
It is probably correct to say that the credit mainly belongs to the German transcendental school for the law of the parallelism between the stages of individual development and the stages of the scale of beings, and the theory of the repetition or multiplication of parts within the individual. The vertebral theory of the skull is a particular application of the second of these generalisations.
The law of parallelism[141] seems to have been expressed first by Kielmeyer (1793),[142] who gave to it a physiological form, saying that the human embryo shows at first a purely vegetative life, then becomes like the lower animals, which move but have no sensation, and finally reaches the level of the animals that both feel and move.
The idea was next taught by Autenrieth in 1797.[143]
Oken (1779-1851) in his early tract Die Zeugung (1805), and in his Lehrbuch der Naturphilosophie (1809-11) elaborated the thought, and taught that every animal in its development passes through the classes immediately below it. "During its development the animal passes through all stages of the animal kingdom. The foetus is a representation of all animal classes in time."[144] The Insect, for example, is at first Worm, next Crab, then a perfect volant animal with limbs, a Fly (ibid., p. 542).
As Nature is "the representation of the individual activities of the spirit," so the animal kingdom is the representation of the activities or organs of man. The animal kingdom is therefore "a dismemberment of the highest animal, i.e., of Man" (p. 494). Now "animals are gradually perfected, entirely like the single animal body, by adding organ unto organ"—the way of evolution is the way of development. Hence "animals are only the persistent foetal stages or conditions of Man," who is the microcosm, and contains within himself all the animal kingdom.
Oken was himself a careful student of embryology; von Baer[145] speaks of his work (published in Oken and Kieser, Beitraege zur vergleichenden Zoologie, Anatomie und Physiologie, 2 pts., 1806-7) as forming the turning-point in our understanding of the mammalian ovum. He had accordingly actually observed a resemblance in certain details of structure between the human foetus and the lower animals; but the peculiar form which the law took in his hands was a consequence of his hazy philosophy. He saw the relation of teratological to foetal structure, for he affirmed that "malformations are only persistent foetal conditions" (p. 492).
The idea of comparing the embryo of higher animals with the adult of lower was widely spread at this time among German zoologists. We find, for example, in Tiedemann's brilliant little textbook[146] the statement that "Every animal, before reaching its full development, passes through the stage of organisation of one or more classes lower in the scale, or, every animal begins its metamorphosis with the simplest organisation" (p. 57).
Thus the higher animals begin life as a kind of fluid animal jelly which resembles the substance of a polyp; the young mammal, like the lower Vertebrates, has only a simple circulation, and, like them, lives in water (the amniotic fluid); the frog is first like a worm, then develops gills and becomes like a fish (p. 57). In his work on the anatomy of the brain,[147] Tiedemann established the homology of the optic lobes in birds by comparing them with foetal corpora quadrigemina in man (see Serres, Ann. Sci. nat., xii., p. 112).
J. F. Meckel, in 1811, devoted a long essay to a detailed proof of the parallelism between the embryonic states of the higher animals and the permanent states of the lower animals. In a previous memoir in the same collection[148] (i., 1, 1808) he had made some comparisons of this kind in dealing with the development of the human foetus; in this memoir (ii., 1, 1811) he brings together all the facts which seem to prove the parallelism.
His collection of facts is a very heterogeneous one; he mingles morphological with physiological analogies, and makes the most far-fetched comparisons between organs belonging to animals of the most diverse groups. He compares, for instance, the placenta with the gills of fish, of molluscs and of worms, homologising the cotyledons with the separate tufts of gills in Tethys, Scyllaea and Arenicola(p. 26). This is purely a physiological analogy. He compares the closed anus of the early human embryo with the permanent absence of an anus in Coelentera, and the embryo's lack of teeth with the absence of teeth in many reptiles and fish, in birds, and in many Cetacea (p. 46).[149] These are merely chance resemblances of no morphological importance. He considers bladderworms as animals which have never escaped from their amnion, and Volvox as not having developed beyond the level of an egg (p. 7). He lays much stress upon likeness of shape and of relative size, comparing, for instance, the large multilobate liver of the human foetus with the many-lobed liver of lower Vertebrates and of Invertebrates. In general he shows himself, in his comparisons, lacking in morphological insight.
His treatment of the vascular system affords perhaps the best example of his method (pp. 8-25). The simplest form of heart is the simple tubular organ in insects, and it is under this form that the heart first appears in the developing chick. The bent form of the embryonic heart recalls the heart of spiders; it lies at first free, as in the mollusc Anomia. The heart consists at first of one chamber only, recalling the one-chambered heart of Crustacea. A little later three chambers are developed, the auricle, ventricle, and aortic bulb; at this stage there is a resemblance to the heart of fish and amphibia. At the end of the fourth day the auricle becomes divided into two, affording a parallel with the adult heart of many reptiles.
In his large text-book of a somewhat later date, the System der vergleichenden Anatomie (i., 1821), he works out the idea again and gives to it a much wider theoretic sweep, hinting that the development of the individual is a repetition of the evolutionary history of the race. Meckel was a timid believer in evolution. He thought it quite possible that much of the variety of animal form was due to a process of evolution caused by forces inherent in the organism. "The transformations," he writes, "which have determined the most remarkable changes in the number and development of the instruments of organisation are incontestably much more the consequence of the tendency, inherent in organic matter, which leads it insensibly to rise to higher states of organisation, passing through a series of intermediate states."[150]
His final enunciation of the law of parallelism in this same volume shows that he considered the development of the individual to be due to the same forces that rule evolution. "The development of the individual organism obeys the same laws as the development of the whole animal series; that is to say, the higher animal, in its gradual evolution, essentially passes through the permanent organic stages which lie below it; a circumstance which allows us to assume a close analogy between the differences which exist between the diverse stages of development, and between each of the animal classes" (p. 514).
He was not, of course, able fully to prove his contention that the lower animals are the embryos of the higher, and we gather from the following passage that he could maintain it only in a somewhat modified form. "It is certain," he writes, "that if a given organ shows in the embryo of a higher animal a given form, identical with that shown throughout life by an animal belonging to a lower class, the embryo, in respect of this portion of its economy, belongs to the class in question" (p. 535). The embryo of a Vertebrate might at a certain stage of development, be called a mollusc, if for instance, it had the heart of a mollusc.
He admits, too, that the highest animal of all does not pass through in his development the entire animal series. But the embryo of man always and necessarily passes through many animal stages, at least as regards its single organs and organ-systems, and this is enough in Meckel's eyes to justify the law of parallelism (p. 535).
In his excellent discussion of teratology Meckel points out how the idea of parallelism throws light upon certain abnormalities which are found to be normal in other (lower) forms (p. 556).[151]
We may refer to one other statement of the law of parallelism—by K. G. Carus in his Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie (Leipzig, 1834). The standpoint is again that of Naturphilosophie. It is a general law of Nature, Carus thinks, that the higher formations include the lower; thus the animal includes the vegetable, for it possesses the "vegetative" as well as the "animal" organs. So it is, too, by a rational necessity that the development of a perfect animal repeats the series of antecedent formations.
As we have said, the main credit for the enunciation of the law of parallelism belongs to the German transcendental school; but the law owes much also to Serres, who, with Meckel, worked out its implications. It might for convenience, and in order to distinguish it from the laws later enunciated by von Baer and Haeckel, be called the law of Meckel-Serres.
Under the "theory of the repetition or multiplication of parts within the organism" may be included, first, generalisations on the serial homology of parts, and second, more or less confused attempts to demonstrate that the whole organisation is repeated in certain of the parts. The recognition of serial homologies constituted a real advance in morphology; the "philosophical" idea of the repetition of the whole in the parts led to many absurdities. It led Oken to assert that in the head the whole trunk is repeated, that the upper jaw corresponds to the arms, the lower to the legs, that in each jaw the same bony divisions exist as in the limbs, the teeth, for instance, corresponding to the claws (loc. cit., p. 408). It led him to distinguish "two animals" in every body—the cephalic and the sexual animal. Each of these has its own organs; thus "in the perfect animal there are two intestinal systems thoroughly distinct from each other, two intestines which belong to two different animals, the sexual and cephalic animal, or the plant and the animal" (p. 382). The intestine of the sexual animal is the large intestine; the lungs of the sexual animal are the kidneys, its glottis is the urethra, its mouth the anus. So, too, the mouth is the stomach of the head. On another line of thought the sternum is a ventral vertebral column. Limbs are connate ribs, the digits indicating the number of ribs included (cf. Duges, supra, p. 88).
J. F. Meckel[152] discusses "homologies" of this kind in the thorough and pedestrian way so characteristic of him. Not only, he says, are the right and left halves of the body comparable with one another, but also the upper and the lower, the dividing line being drawn at the level of the diaphragm. The lumbar complex corresponds to the skull, the anus to the mouth, the urino-genital opening to the nasal opening; in general, the urino-genital system corresponds to the respiratory, the kidneys to the lungs, the ureters to bronchi, the testes and ovaries to the thymus (he had observed the physiological relation between the development of the thymus and the state of the genital organs), the prostate and the uterus to the thyroid gland, and the penis and clitoris to the tongue. The fore-limbs and girdle correspond in detail with the hind limbs and the pelvis—a point already worked out by Vicq d'Azyr; the dorsal and ventral halves of the body are likewise comparable in some respects, the sternum, for example, answering in the arrangement of its bones, muscles and arteries to the vertebral column. The skeleton of each member is in some respects a repetition of the vertebral column.
His brother, D. A. Meckel,[153] worked out an elaborate comparison between the alimentary canal and the genital organs, basing the legitimacy of the comparison upon early embryological relations and upon the state of things in Coelentera, where genital and digestive organs occupy the same cavity. In his view the uterus corresponded to the stomach, the vagina to the oesophagus, the fallopian tubes to the intestine, and so on.
The vertebral theory of the skull took its origin from the same habit of thought. As part of the wider idea of the metameric repetition of parts it had some scientific worth, but the theory was pushed too far, and the facts were twisted to suit it. Among annulate animals the theory of repetition found ample scope; Oken was able to compare with justice the jaws of crabs and insects with their other limbs, as Savigny did later in a more scientific way. Among Vertebrates the application of the theory of serial repetition was not so obvious, except in the case of the vertebrae. Goethe seems to have been the first to hit upon the idea that the skull is composed of a number of vertebrae, serially homologous with those of the vertebral column. He tells us that the idea flashed into his mind when contemplating in the Jewish cemetery at Venice a dried sheep's skull. The discovery was made in 1790, but not published till 1820.[154]
The idea seems to have been taught by Kielmeyer, one of the earliest of the "philosophers of nature," but it was not published by him.
In a book (Cours d'Etudes medicales), published in 1803, Burdin assimilated the skull to the vertebral column.
Oken, in an inaugural dissertation (Programm) Ueber die Bedeutung der Schaedelknochen,[155] published in 1807, gave to the theory its necessary development. Autenrieth, also in 1807,[156] distinguishing separate ganglia in the brain, was not far from the hypothesis that each of these ganglia must have its separate vertebra.
In 1808 Dumeril read a paper to the Academie des Sciences in which he compared the skull to a gigantic vertebra, basing his hypothesis on the similarity existing between the crests and depressions on the hinder part of the skull and those on the posterior surfaces of the vertebrae.
After Oken's work the vertebral theory was taken up generally by both the German and the French anatomists. Spix published in 1815 a large volume on the skull, entitled Cephalogenesis, distinguishing (as Oken did at first) three cranial vertebrae. Bojanus in his Anatome testudinis europaeae (1819), and in a series of papers in Isis (1817-1819, and 1821) established the existence of a fourth cranial vertebra, and this was accepted by Oken in the later editions of his Lehrbuch. Meckel and Carus among the Germans, de Blainville and E. Geoffroy among the French, contributed to the development of the theory. In England the theory was championed particularly by Richard Owen.
It was one thing to assert in a moment of inspiration that the skull was composed of modified vertebrae; it was quite another to demonstrate the relation of the separate bones of the skull to the supposed vertebrae. Upon this much uncertainty reigned; there was not even unanimity as to the number of vertebrae to be distinguished. Goethe found six vertebrae in the skull; Spix, and at first Oken, three only, Geoffroy seven; the accepted orthodox number seems to have been four (Bojanus, Oken, Owen).
As an example of the method of treatment adopted we may take Oken's matured account of the composition of the cranial vertebrae, as given in the English translation of his Lehrbuch. "To a perfect vertebra," he says, "belong at least five pieces, namely, the body, in front the two ribs, behind the two arches or spinous processes" (p. 370). In the cervical vertebrae the transverse processes represent the ribs. The skull consists of four vertebrae, the occipital, the parietal, the frontal and the nasal, or, named after the sense with which each is associated, the auditory, the lingual, the ocular and the olfactory. The "bodies" of these vertebrae are the body of the occipital (basioccipital), the two bodies of the sphenoid (basi- and pre-sphenoid), and the vomer. The transverse processes of each are the condyles of the occipitals (exoccipitals), the alae of the two sphenoids (alisphenoids and orbitosphenoids) and the lateral surfaces of the vomer. The arches or spinous processes are the occipital crest, the parietals, the frontals, and the nasals.
The cranium is thus composed of four rings of bone, each composed of the typical elements of a vertebra.
The arbitrary nature of the comparison is obvious enough. As Cuvier pointed out in the posthumous edition of his Lecons, it is only the occipital segment that shows any real analogy with a vertebra—an analogy which Cuvier ascribed to similarity of function. He admitted a faint resemblance of the parietal segment to a vertebra:—"The body of the sphenoid does indeed look like a repetition of the basioccipital, but having a different function it takes on another form, especially above, by reason of its posterior clinoid apophyses."[157] He denied the resemblance of the frontal and nasal "vertebrae" to true vertebrae, pointing out that both parietals and frontals are bones specially developed for the purpose of roofing over and protecting the cerebrum.
A very curious development was given to the vertebral theory by K. G. Carus, who seems to have taken as his text a saying of Oken's, that the whole skeleton is only a repeated vertebra.[158] His system is worthy of some consideration, for he tries to work out a geometry of the skeleton.[160]
His method of deduction is a good example of pure Naturphilosophie. Life, he says, is the development of something determinate from something indeterminate. A finite indeterminate thing, that is, a liquid, must take a spherical form if it is to exist as an individual. Hence the sphere is the prototype of every organic body. Development takes place by antagonism, by polarity, typically by the division and multiplication of the sphere. In the course of development the sphere may change, by expansion into an egg-shaped body, or by contraction into a crystalline form, the changes due to expansion being typical of living things, those due to contraction being typical of dead. At the surface of the primitive living sphere is developed the protective dermatoskeleton, which naturally takes the shape of a hollow sphere; round the digestive cavity which is formed in the living sphere is developed the splanchnoskeleton; round the nervous system (which is, as it were, the animal within the animal) is developed the neuroskeleton. All skeletal formations belong to one or other of these systems.
Carus defines his aim to be the discovery of the inner law which presides over the formation of the skeleton throughout the animal kingdom; he desires to know "how such and such a formation is realised in virtue of the eternal laws of reason" (iii., p. 93). Here we touch the kernel of Naturphilosophie—the search for rational laws which are active in Nature; the discontent with merely empirical laws.
The thesis which Carus sustains is that all forms of skeleton, whether of dermatoskeleton, splanchnoskeleton, or neuroskeleton, can be deduced from the hollow sphere, which is the primary form of any skeleton whatsoever (p. 95). That means, put empirically, that every skeleton can be represented schematically by a number of hollow spheres, suitably modified in shape, and suitably arranged. The chief modification in shape exhibited by bones is one which is intermediate between the organic and the crystalline series of modifications of the sphere. The organic modifications are bounded by curved lines, the crystalline by straight; the intermediate partly by curved and partly by straight lines. They are the dicone (the shape of a diabolo) and the cylinder. These forms must necessarily be of importance for the skeleton, which is intermediate between the organic and the inorganic. "The dicone embodies the real significance of the bone," writes Carus. Each dicone and cylinder composing the skeleton is called by Carus a vertebra.
We may expect then all skeletons to be composed of spheres, cylinders and dicones in diverse arrangements. Nature being infinite, all the possible types of arrangement of these elements must exist in the test or skeleton of some animal, living, fossil, or to come (p. 127). One conceives easily what the main types of skeleton must be. In some animals, e.g., sea-urchins, the skeleton is a simple sphere; in others, e.g., starfish, secondary rows of spheres radiate out from a central sphere or ring; in annulate animals the skeleton consists of a row of partially fused spheres.
In Vertebrates the arrangement is more complex. There are first the protovertebral rings of the dermatoskeleton, these being principally the ribs, limb-girdles, and jaws. Round the central nervous system are developed the deutovertebral rings of the neuroskeleton (vertebrae in the ordinary sense). The apophyses and bodies of the vertebrae, and the bones of the members[160] are composed of columns of tritovertebrae, or vertebrae of the third order. Thus the whole vertebrate skeleton is a particular arrangement of vertebrae, which in their turn are modifications of the primary hollow sphere.
The German transcendentalists were more or less contemporary with E. Geoffroy, and no doubt influenced him, especially in his later years, as they certainly did his follower Serres. Oken indeed wrote, in a note[161] appended to Geoffroy's paper on the vertebral column of insects, that "Mr Geoffroy [sic] is without a doubt the first to introduce in France Naturphilosophie into comparative anatomy, that is to say, that philosophy one of whose doctrines it is to seek after the signification of organs in the scale of organised beings." This is, however, an exaggeration, for Geoffroy was primarily a morphologist, whereas the morphology of the German transcendentalists was only a side-issue of their Naturphilosophie.
Geoffroy, on his part, exercised some influence on the transcendentalists. He asserts[162] indeed that Spix got some of the ideas published in the Cephalogenesis (1815) from attending his course of lectures in 1809. It is certainly the case that Spix published before Geoffroy the view that the opercular bones are homologous with the ear-ossicles, adopting, however, a different homology for the separate bones.[163]
Some speculations seem to have been common to both schools—for instance, the law of Meckel-Serres, the vertebral theory of the skull, and the recognition of serial homology in the appendages of Arthropods (Savigny, Oken). Latreille and Duges, as well as Serres, clearly show in their theoretical views the influence of Oken and the other transcendentalists. Geoffroy's principle of connections and law of compensation were recognised by some at least of the Germans.
But whatever his actual historical relations may have been with the German school, Geoffroy was vastly their superior in the matter of pure morphology. He alone brought to clear consciousness the principles on which a pure morphology could be based: the Germans were transcendental philosophers first, and morphologists after.
One understands from this how J. F. Meckel, who was in some ways the leading comparative anatomist in Germany at this time, could be at once a transcendentalist and an opponent of Geoffroy. Meckel had a curiously eclectic mind. A disciple of Cuvier, having studied in 1804-6 the rich collections at the Museum in Paris, the translator of Cuvier's Lecons d'anatomie comparee, he earned for himself the title of the "German Cuvier," partly through the publication of his comprehensive textbook (System der vergl. Anatomie, 5 vols.), partly by his extensive and many-sided research work, partly by his authoritative teaching. His System shows in almost every page of its theoretical part the influence of Cuvier; and it is through having assimilated Cuvier's teaching as to the importance of function that Meckel combats Geoffroy's law of connections, at least in its rigorous form. He submits that the connections of bones and muscles must change in relation to functional requirements. He rejects Geoffroy's theory of the vertebrate nature of Articulates. Generally throughout his work the functional point of view is well to the fore.
Yet at heart Meckel was a transcendentalist of the German school. His vagaries on the subject of "homologues" leave no doubt about that, and, in spite of Cuvier, he believed, though not very firmly, in the existence of one single type of structure.
A Cuverian by training, his lack of morphological sense threw him into the ranks of the transcendentalists, to whom perhaps he belonged by nature.
[141] For a full account, see Kohlbrugge, Zool. Annalen, xxxviii., 1911.
[142] Rede ueber das Verhaeltnis der organischen Kraefte, Stuttgart u. Tuebingen, 1793 (1814). See Radl, loc. cit., i., p. 261; ii., p. 57.
[143] Supplem. ad historiam embryonis, Tuebingen, 1797.
[144] Lehrbuch der Naturphilosophie, Eng. trans., p. 491, 1847.
[145] Ueber Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere, i., p. xvii., 1828.
[146] Zoologie, Landshut, i., 1808.
[147] Anatomie u. Bildungsgeschichte des Gehirns im Foetus des Menschen, Nuernberg, 1816.
[148] Beytraege zur vergleichende Anatomie, Leipzig, i., 1808-9, ii., 1811-2.
[149] Cetacea were generally considered at this time to be mammals of low organisation.
[150] From the French trans., which appeared under the title Traite gen. d'Anat. comparee, i., p. 449, 1828.
[151] Cf. Geoffroy (supra, p. 70).
[152] Beytraege, ii., 2, 1812. Also in his System d. vergl. Anat., i., 1821.
[153] In J. F. Meckel's Beytraege, ii.
[154] Zur Morphologie, i., 2, p. 250, 1820; and ii., 2, pp. 122-4, 1824.
[155] See translation, giving the gist of this paper, in Huxley's Lectures on the Elements of Comparative Anatomy, pp. 282-6, London, 1864.
[156] Reil's Archiv. f. Physiol., vii., 1807.
[157] Lecons d'anatomie comparee, 3rd ed., Brussels reprint, i., p. 414, 1836.
[158] In his Programm, U. d. Bedeut. d. Schaedelknochen, 1807.
[159] Traite elementaire d'anatomie comparee (French trans.), vol. iii., Paris, 1835. First developed in his volume Von den Ur-Theilen des Knochen und Schalen-Gerustes, Leipzig, 1828.
[160] Dutrochet in 1821 had tried to prove that the bones of the members belong to the type of the vertebra—the dicone.
[161] Isis, pp. 552-9, 1820 (2).
[162] Mem. Mus. d'Hist. nat., ix., 1822.
[163] Cuvier and Valenciennes, Hist. nat. Poissons, i., p. 311, f.n.
Richard Owen is the epigonos of transcendental morphology; in him its guiding ideas find clear expression, and in his writings are no half-truths struggling for utterance. But he was, though a staunch transcendentalist, an eclectic of the older ideas current in his time; for he picked out what was best in the older systems—Cuvier's teleology, Geoffroy's principle of connections, Oken's idea of the serial repetition of parts. In particular, he assimilated the teaching of Cuvier, the great opponent of the transcendentalists, and reconciled it in part with his own transcendentalism. His main theoretical views are to be found in his volume On the Archetype and Homologies of the Vertebrate Skeleton (London, 1848). The master-idea of the book is that the vertebrate skeleton consists of a series of comparable segments, each of which Owen calls a vertebra. His definition of a vertebra is, "one of those segments of the endo-skeleton which constitute the axis of the body, and the protecting canals of the nervous and vascular trunks" (p. 81). The parts of a typical vertebra are shown in Fig. 4, which is copied from Owen's Fig. 14.
zygapophysis neural spine *//^* diapophysis // neurapohysis // o ===== - ===== / ===== CENTRUM O ===== peiurapophysis / ===== - ===== / // parapophysis *v//* / zygapophysis haemal spine
FIG. 4.—Ideal Typical Vertebra. (After Owen.)
In Fig. 5 (page 103) is shown an actual vertebra, as Owen conceives it, the "vertebra" being that of a bird.
A segment of sternum is included as the "haemal spine" of the vertebra (hs); the vertebral rib is the "pleurapophysis" (pl); the sternal rib the "haemapophysis" (h); the uncinate process of the vertebral rib is known as the "diverging appendage" (a). The whole vertebrate skeleton is composed of a series of vertebrae which show these typical parts. We arrive thus at the conception of an "Archetype" of the vertebrate skeleton, such as is represented in Fig. 6.
The archetype is only a scheme of what is usually constant in the vertebrate skeleton, and both the number and the arrangement of the bones in any real Vertebrate are subject to variation. "It has been abundantly proved," Owen writes, towards the end of his volume, "that the idea of a natural segment (vertebra) of the endoskeleton does not necessarily involve the presence of a particular number of pieces, or even a determinate and unchangeable arrangement of them. The great object of my present labour has been to deduce ... the relative value and constancy of the different vertebral elements, and to trace the kind and extent of their variations within the limits of a plain and obvious maintenance of a typical character" (p. 146).
It goes without saying that Owen considered the skull to be formed of vertebrae—the vertebral theory of the skull was, in his system, a deduction from the vertebral theory of the skeleton. He recognised four cranial vertebrae; the arrangement of them, and the relation of their constituent bones to the parts of the typical vertebra are shown in the table appearing on page 106. So far as their first three elements are concerned, these vertebrae are practically identical with the vertebrae distinguished in the classical vertebral theory of the skull, as enunciated by Oken. A divergence appears with the determination of the other elements of the vertebrae. The upper and lower jaws are associated with the nasal and frontal vertebrae respectively, not however as limbs of the head, but as constituent elements of these vertebrae. In the same way the hyoid apparatus is part and parcel of the parietal vertebra, and the pectoral girdle and fore-limbs part of the occipital vertebra.
Cranial Vertebrae.[164] (After Owen, 1848, p. 165.)
- - - - Vertebrae. Occipital. Parietal. Frontal. Nasal. ====================================================================== Centra. Basioccipital. Basisphenoid. Presphenoid. Vomer. - - - - Neurapophyses. Exoccipital. Alisphenoid. Orbitosphenoid. Prefrontal. - - - - Neural Spines. Supraoccipital. Parietal. Frontal. Nasal. - - - - Parapophyses. Paroccipital. Mastoid. Postfrontal. None. - - - - Pleurapophyses. Scapular. Stylohyal. Tympanic. Palatal. - - - - Haemapophyses. Coracoid. Ceratohyal. Articular. Maxillary. - - - - Haemal Spines. Episternum. Basihyal. Dentary. Premaxillary. - - - - Diverging Fore-limb or Branchiostegals. Operculum. Pterygoid and Appendage. Fin. Zygoma. - - - -
Owen's reasons for considering the pectoral girdle and the fore-limb part of the occipital vertebra are as follows. In fish the pectoral girdle is slung to the skull by means of the post-temporal bone (supra-scapula, according to Owen) which abuts on the occipital arch. In Lepidosiren, whose skeleton resembles the archetype in many ways, the pectoral girdle is likewise attached to the occipital segment.
In most other Vertebrates the pectoral girdle has shifted backwards along the vertebral column, by a "metastasis" (Geoffroy) similar to that by which the pelvic fins in many fish have shifted up close to the pectoral girdle. The scapula (with supra-scapula) is the pleurapophysis, the coracoid the haemapophysis, of the occipital vertebra. The clavicle is homologised with the slender bone in fish now known as the post-clavicle, which shows a connection with the first or atlas vertebra of the vertebral column, forming, according to Owen, the haemapophysis of the atlas. Owen considers it no objection to this view that in other Vertebrates the clavicle is anterior to the coracoid—"its anterior position to the coracoid in the air-breathing Vertebrata is no valid argument against the determination, since in these we have shown that the true scapular arch is displaced backwards" (On the Nature of Limbs, p. 63, London, 1849). In the pelvic girdle the ilium corresponds to the scapula, the ischium to the coracoid, the pubis to the clavicle. Hence the ilium is a pleurapophysis, the ischium and pubis are both haemapophyses. The fore-limb is the developed "appendage" of the occipital vertebra, the hind-limb the developed "appendage" of the pelvic vertebra. They are serially homologous with, for example, the uncinate processes of the ribs in birds (see Figs. 5 and 6). The fore-limb is a simple filament in Lepidosiren, and presents few joints in Proteus and Amphiuma; in other air-breathing Vertebrates it shows a more complete development, the humerus, radius and ulna, and the bones of the wrist and hand becoming differentiated out.
As the fore-limb is equivalent to a single bone of the archetype, it is said to be, in its developed state, "teleologically compound" (p. 103).
Since in the archetype every vertebra has its appendage, more than two pairs of locomotory limbs might have been developed. "Any given appendage might have been the seat of such developments as convert that of the pelvic arch into a locomotive limb; and the true insight into the general homology of limbs leads us to recognise many potential pairs in the typical endoskeleton. The possible and conceivable modifications of the vertebrate archetype are far from having been exhausted in the forms which have hitherto been recognised, from the primaeval fishes of the palaeozoic ocean of this planet up to the present time" (p. 102). It is not of the essence of the vertebrate type to be tetrapodal.
In determining homologies Owen remained true to Geoffroy's principle of connections. Speaking of an attempt which had been made to determine homologies by the mode of development, he writes, "There exists doubtless a close general resemblance in the mode of development of homologous parts; but this is subject to modification, like the forms, proportions, functions, and very substance of such parts, without their essential homological relationships being thereby obliterated. These relationships are mainly, if not wholly, determined by the relative position and connection of the parts, and may exist independently of form, proportions, substance, function and similarity of development. But the connections must be sought for at every period of development, and the changes of relative position, if any, during growth, must be compared with the connections which the part presents in the classes where vegetative repetition is greatest and adaptive modification least" (p. 6). It is interesting to note that in Owen's opinion comparative anatomy explains embryology. Thus the scapula, which is the pleurapophysis of the occipital vertebra, is vertical on its first appearance in the embryo of tetrapoda, and lies close up to the head (On the Nature of Limbs, p. 49)—the embryo shows a greater resemblance to the archetype than the adult. "We perceive a return to it, as it were, in the early phases of development of the highest organised of the actually existing species, or we ought rather to say that development starts from the old point; and thus, in regard to the scapula, we can explain the constancy of its first appearance close to the head, whether in the human embryo or in that of the swan, also its vertical position to the axis of the spinal column, by its general homology as the rib or 'pleurapophysis' of the occipital vertebra" (Limbs, p. 56).
We owe to Owen the first clear distinction between "homologous" and "analogous" organs; it was he who first proposed the terms "homologue" and "analogue," which he defined as follows:—"Analogue. A part or organ in one animal which has the same function as another part or organ in a different animal." "Homologue. The same organ in different animals under every variety of form and function."[165]
He introduced also useful distinctions between Special, General, and Serial Homology. "The relations of homology," he writes, "are of three kinds: the first is that above defined, viz., the correspondency of a part or organ, determined by its relative position and connections, with a part or organ in a different animal; the determination of which homology indicates that such animals are constructed on a common type; when, for example, the correspondence of the basilar process of the human occipital bone with the distinct bone called 'basi-occipital' in a fish or crocodile is shown, the special homology of that process is determined. A higher relation of homology is that in which a part or series of parts stands to the fundamental or general type, and its enunciation involves and implies a knowledge of the type on which a natural group of animals, the Vertebrate, for example, is constructed. Thus when the basilar process of the human occipital bone is determined to be the 'centrum' or 'body' of the last cranial vertebra, its general homology is enunciated.
"If it be admitted that the general type of the vertebrate endoskeleton is rightly represented by the idea of a series of essentially similar segments succeeding each other longitudinally from one end of the body to the other, such segments being for the most part composed of pieces similar in number and arrangement, and though sometimes extremely modified for special functions, yet never so as to wholly mask their typical character—then any given part of one segment may be repeated in the rest of the series, just as one bone may be reproduced in the skeletons of different species, and this kind of repetition or representative relation in the segments of the same skeleton I call 'serial homology'" (p. 7). As an example of serial homology we might take the centra of the vertebrae—the vomer, the presphenoid, the basisphenoid, the basioccipital and the series of centra in the spinal column. Such serially repeated parts are called homotypes (p. 8).
Not all the bones of the vertebrate skeleton are included in the archetype as constituents of the vertebrae. Thus the branchial and pharyngeal arches are accounted part of the splanchnoskeleton, as belonging to the same category as the heart bone of some ruminants, and the ossicles of the stomach in the lobster (p. 70). The ossicles of the ear in mammals are "peculiar mammalian productions in relation to the exalted functions of a special organ of sense" (p. 140, f.n.). This recognition of a possible development of new organs to meet new functions shows unmistakably the influence of Cuvier. Owen was indeed well aware of the importance of the functional aspect of living things, and he often adopted the teleological point of view. As a true morphologist, however, he held that the principle of adaptation does not suffice to explain the existence of special homologies. The ossification of the bones of the skull from separate centres may be purposive in Eutheria, in that it prevents injury to the skull at birth; but how explain on teleological principles the similar ossification from separate centres in marsupials, birds and reptiles? How explain above all the fact that the centres are the same in number and relative position in all these groups? Surely we must accept the idea of an archetype "on which it has pleased the divine Architect to build up certain of his diversified living works" (p. 73).
In his study of centres of ossification, Owen made in point of theory a distinct advance on his predecessors. We saw that Geoffroy recognised the importance of studying the ossification of the skeleton, and that Cuvier accepted such embryological evidence as an aid in determining homologies. Owen pointed out that it was necessary to distinguish between centres of ossification which were teleological in import and such as were purely indicative of homological relationships. Many bones, single in the adult, arise from separate centres of ossification, but we must distinguish between "those centres of ossification that have homological relations, and those that have only teleological ones; i.e., between the separate points of ossification of a human bone which typify vertebral elements, often permanently distinct bones in the lower animals; and the separate points which, without such signification, facilitate the progress of osteogeny, and have for their obvious final cause the well-being of the growing animal" (p. 105). There is, for example, a teleological reason why in mammals and leaping Amphibia (e.g., frogs), the long bones should ossify first at their ends, for the brain is thus protected from concussion; in reptiles that creep there is less danger of concussion, and the long bones ossify in the middle (p. 105). But there is no teleological reason why the coracoid process of the scapula should in all mammals develop from a separate centre. The coracoid is however a real vertebral element (haemapophysis), and in monotremes, birds and reptiles it is in the adult a large and separate bone. Its ossification from a separate centre in mammals has therefore a homological significance. The scapula in mammals is an example of what Owen calls a "homologically compound" bone. All those bones which are formed by a coalescence of parts answering to distinct elements of the typical vertebra are "homologically compound" (p. 105). On the other hand, "All those bones which represent single vertebral elements are 'teleologically compound' when developed from more than one centre, whether such centres subsequently coalesce, or remain distinct, or even become the subject of individual adaptive modifications, with special joints, muscles, etc., for particular offices" (p. 106). The limb-skeleton, corresponding as it does to a single bone of the archetype, is the typical example of a teleologically compound bone. Owen in his definition of teleological compoundness has combined two kinds of adaptation—(1) temporary adaptation of bones to the exigencies of development, birth and growth (e.g., development of long bones from separate centres); (2) definitive adaptation of a skeletal part to the functions which it has to perform (e.g., teleological structure of limbs). Such adaptations are, so to speak, grafted on the archetype.
Owen's general views on the nature of living things merit some attention. Organic forms, according to Owen, result from the antagonistic working of two principles, of which one brings about a vegetative repetition of structure, while the other, a teleological principle, shapes the living thing to its functions. The former principle is illustrated in the archetype of the vertebrate skeleton, in the segmentation of the Articulates, in the almost mathematical symmetry of Echinoderms, and the actually crystalline spicules of sponges. It is the same principle which causes repetition of the forms of crystals in the inorganic world. "The repetition of similar segments in a vertebral column, and of similar elements in a vertebral segment, is analogous to the repetition of similar crystals as the result of polarising force in the growth of an inorganic body" (p. 171). This "general polarising force" it is which mainly produces the similarity of forms, the repetition of parts, and generally the signs of the unity of organisation. The adaptive or "special organising force" or [Greek: idea], on the other hand, produces the diversity of organic beings. In every species these two forces are at work, and the extent to which the general polarising or "vegetative-repetition-force" is subdued by the teleological is an index of the grade of the species.
This view is analogous to the Geoffroyan conception that the diversity of form is limited by the unity of plan. Owen thus ranges himself with Geoffroy against Cuvier, who considered that diversity of form is limited only by the principle of the adaptation of parts.
[164] Owen introduced most of the names of bones now current.
[165] Lectures on Invertebrate Animals, pp. 374, 379, 1843.
Von Baer was recognised as the founder of embryology even by his contemporaries. His predecessors, Aristotle,[166] Fabricius,[167] Harvey,[168] Malpighi,[169] Haller,[170] Wolff,[171] had made a beginning with the study of development; von Baer, by the thoroughness of his observation and the strength of his analysis, made embryology a science.
It was to one of the German transcendentalists that von Baer owed the impulse to study development. Ignatius Doellinger, Professor in Wuerzburg, induced three of his pupils, Pander, d'Alton and von Baer, to devote themselves to embryological research. The development of animals was at this time little known, in spite of recent work by Meckel (1815 and 1817), Tiedemann (Anatomie u. Bildungsgeschichte des Gehirns, 1816), by Oken (loc. cit., supra, p. 90), and some others.
Pander, with whom apparently Doellinger and d'Alton collaborated, was the first to publish his results;[172] von Baer, who through absence from Wuerzburg had for a time dropped his embryological studies, started to work in 1819, after the publication of Pander's treatise, and produced in 1828 the first volume of his master-work, Ueber Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere. Beobachtung und Reflexion (Koenigsberg, 1828). The second volume followed in 1837, but dates really from 1834, and was published in an incomplete form. This second volume is intended as an introduction to embryology for the use of doctors and science students. In it von Baer describes in full detail the development of many vertebrate types—chick, tortoise, snake, lizard, frog, fish, several mammals and man, basing his remarks largely upon his personal observations, but taking account also of all contemporary work. A separate account of the development of a fish (Cyprinus blicca) appeared in 1835.[173]
We shall concentrate attention on the first volume. This volume contains the first full and adequate account of the development of the chick, followed by a masterly discussion of the laws of development in general.
When we consider that von Baer worked chiefly with a simple microscope and dissecting needles, the minuteness and accuracy of his observations are astonishing. He described the main facts respecting the development of all the principal organs, and if, through lack of the proper means of observation, he erred in detail, he made up for it by his masterly understanding and profound analysis of the essential nature of development. His account of the development of the chick is a model of what a scientific memoir ought to be; the series of "Scholia" which follow contain the deductions he made from the data, and, in so far as they are direct generalisations from experience, they are valid for all time.
The first Scholion is directed against the theory of preformation, and succeeds in refuting it on the ground of simple observation. The theme of the second Scholion is that the essential nature (die Wesenheit) of the animal determines its differentiation, that no stage of development is solely determined by the antecedent stage, but that throughout all stages the Wesenheit or idea of the definitive whole exercises guidance. This guidance is shown most clearly in the regulatory processes of the germ, whereby the large individual variations commonly presented by the early embryo are compensated for or neutralised in the course of further development. Baer in this shows himself a vitalist.
It is, however, the third and subsequent Scholia which must here particularly occupy our attention, for it is in these that von Baer comes to grips with morphological problems. Already in the second Scholion he had definitely enunciated the law which runs as a theme throughout the volume, the observational and the theoretical part alike, the law that development is essentially a process of differentiation by which the germ becomes ever more and more individualised. "The essential result of development," he writes, "when we consider it as a whole, is the increasing independence (Selbstaendigkeit) of the developing animal" (p. 148). In the third Scholion he elaborates this thought and shows that differentiation takes place in triple wise. The three processes of differentiation are "primary differentiation" or layer-formation, "histological differentiation" within the layers, and the "morphological differentiation" of primitive organs.
The first of these differentiations in time is the formation of the germ-layers, which takes place by a splitting or separation of the blastoderm into a series of superimposed lamellae. Baer's account of the process in the chick is as follows:—
"First of all, the germ separates out into heterogeneous layers, which with advancing development acquire ever greater individuality, but even on their first appearance show rudiments of the structures which will characterise them later. Thus in the germ of the bird, so soon as it acquires consistency at the beginning of incubation, we can distinguish an upper smooth continuous surface and a lower more granular surface. The blastoderm separates thereupon into two distinct layers, of which the lower develops into the plastic body-parts of the embryo, the upper into the animal parts; the lower shows clearly a further division into two closely connected subsidiary layers—the mucous layer and the vessel-layer; the original upper layer also shows a division into two, which form respectively the skin and the parts which I have called the true ventral and dorsal plates—parts which contain in an undifferentiated state the skeletal and muscular systems, the connective tissues, and the nerves belonging to these. In order to have a convenient term for future use, I have named this layer the muscle-layer" (p. 153).
The process of delamination results then in the formation of four layers, of which the upper two (composing the "animal" or "serous" layer) will give origin to the animal (neuromuscular) part of the body, the lower pair to the plastic or vegetative organs. The uppermost layer will form the external covering of the embryo, and also the amniotic folds; from it there differentiates out at a very early stage the rudiment of the central nervous system, forming a more or less independent layer. Below the outermost layer lies the layer from which are formed the muscular and skeletal systems, and beneath this "muscle-layer" comes the "vessel-layer," which gives origin to the main blood-vessels. The innermost layer of the four will form the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal and its dependencies; at the present stage, however, it is, like the other layers, a flat plate.
From all these layers tubes are developed by the simple bending round of their edges. The outermost layer becomes the investing skin-tube of the embryo; the layer for the nervous system forms the tubular rudiment of the brain and spinal cord; the mucous layer curls round to form the alimentary tube; the muscle layer grows upwards and downwards to form the fleshy and osseous tube of the body wall; even the vessel layer forms a tube investing the alimentary canal, but a part of it goes to form the medial "Gekroese," or mesenterial complex, which departs considerably from the tubular form.
When these tubes or "fundamental organs" are formed the process of primary differentiation is complete. The fundamental organs, however, have at no time actually the form of tubes; they exist as tubes only ideally, for morphological and histological differentiation go on concurrently with the process of primary differentiation.
Through morphological differentiation the various parts of the fundamental organs become specialised, through unequal growth, first into the primitive organs and then into the functional organs of the body. "Single sections of the tubes originally formed from the layers develop individual forms, which later acquire special functions: these functions are in the most general way subordinate elements of the function of the whole tube, but yet differ from the functions of other sections. Thus the nerve-tube differentiates into sense-organs, brain and spinal cord, the alimentary tube into mouth cavity, oesophagus, stomach, intestine, respiratory apparatus, liver, bladder, etc. This specialisation in development is bound up with increased or diminished growth" (p. 155). Rapid growth concentrated at one point brings about an evagination; in this manner are formed the sense-organs from the nerve-tube, the liver and lungs from the alimentary tube. Or increased growth over a section of a tube causes it to swell out; in this wise the brain develops from the nerve-tube, the stomach from the alimentary tube. The segmentation which soon becomes so marked, particularly in the muscle layer, is also due to a process of morphological differentiation.
At the same time that the organs of the body are being thus roughly blocked out and moulded from the germ-layers the third process of differentiation is actively going on. "In addition to the differentiation of the layers, there follows later another differentiation in the substance of the layers, whereby cartilage, muscle and nerve separate out, a part also of the mass becoming fluid and entering the bloodstream" (p. 154). Through histological differentiation the texture of the layers and incipient organs becomes individualised. In its earliest appearance the germ consists of an almost homogeneous mass, containing clear or dark globules suspended in its substance (ii., p. 92). This homogeneity gives place to heterogeneity; the structureless mass becomes fibrous to form muscles, hardens to form cartilage or bone, becomes liquid to form the blood, differentiates in a hundred other ways—into absorbing and secreting tissues, into nerves and ganglia, and so forth. It will be noticed that the concept of histological differentiation is independent of the cell-theory; it signifies that textural differentiation which leads to the formation of tissues in Bichat's sense. The tissues and the germ-layers stand in fairly close relation with one another, for while certain tissues are formed chiefly but not exclusively in one layer, others are formed only in one layer and never elsewhere. For example, peripheral nerves are for the most part formed in the muscle layer, though the bulk of the nervous tissue is formed in the walls of the nerve tube; similarly blood and blood-vessels may arise from almost any layer, though their chief seat of origin is the vessel-layer; on the other hand, bone is formed only in the muscle-layer (i., p. 155, ii., pp. 92-3).
This relation of tissue to germ-layer was more fully discussed and brought into greater prominence by Remak, from the standpoint of the cell-theory, and it will occupy us in a later chapter (Chap. XII.).
The fourth Scholion elaborates the analysis of developmental processes still further, and discusses in particular the scheme of development which is shown by the Vertebrata. The characteristic structure of the vertebrate body is brought about by a "double symmetrical" rolling together of the germ-layers, whereby two main tubes are formed, one above and one below the axis of the body, which is the chorda. The dorsal tube is formed by the two animal layers, the ventral tube by all the layers combined (see Fig. 7).
The process is indicated with sufficient clearness in the diagram. It will be seen that the real foundation and framework of the arrangement is the muscle-layer, with its two tubes, one surrounding the central nervous system and forming the "dorsal plates," the other surrounding the body cavity and forming the "ventral plates." In the dorsal plates, which early show metameric segmentation, the investing skeleton of the neural axis develops; in the ventral plates are formed the ribs, the ventral arches of the vertebrae, the hyoid, the lower jaw and other skeletal structures.
The alimentary or "mucous" tube and the part of the vessel layer which invests it become so closely bound up with one another as to form a single primitive organ—the alimentary canal. The muscles of the alimentary canal are accordingly in all probability developed in the investing part of the vessel layer. From the "Gekroese," or remaining part of the vessel layer develop the Wolffian bodies (Urnieren, Pronephros), the kidneys, the sex glands, and the series of "blood-glands"—suprarenals, thyroid, thymus and spleen. Baer did not attach any special morphological significance to the peritoneal lining of the body cavity, as is done in more modern forms of the germ-layer theory. The gill-slits were largely formed by outgrowths from the alimentary canal.
a. Chorda. b. Dorsal plates. c. Ventral plates. d. Spinal cord. e. Vessel-layer. f. Alimentary tube. g. Pronephros. h. Skin. i. Amnion. k. Serous membrane. l. Yolk-sac.
In his germ-layer theory von Baer was influenced a good deal by Pander, to whom the actual discovery of the process of layer-formation is due. Pander, however, had distinguished only three germ-layers, an upper "serous" layer, a lower "mucous" layer and a middle "vessel-layer." He it was who introduced the terms "Keimhaut" (blastoderm) and "Keimblatt" (germ-layer).
The honour of being the founder of the germ-layer theory is sometimes attributed to C. F. Wolff, notably by Koelliker and O. Hertwig. Wolff, it is true, in his memoir De formatione intestinorum (1768-9) showed that the alimentary canal was first formed as a flat plate which folded round to form a tube, and in a somewhat vaguely worded passage he hinted that a similar mode of origin might be found to hold good for the other organ-systems. But it seems clear that Wolff had no definite conception of the process of layer-formation as the first and necessary step in all differentiation. This, at any rate, was von Baer's opinion, who assigns to Pander the glory of the discovery of the germ-layers. "You," he writes, "through your clearer recognition of the splitting of the germ—a process which remained dark to Wolff—have shed a light upon all forms of development" (p. xxi.).
We have now seen, following von Baer's exposition, how development is essentially a process of differentiation, a progress from the general to the special, from the homogeneous to the heterogeneous; we have analysed the process into its three subordinate processes—primary, histological and morphological differentiation. So far we have considered development in general and the laws which govern it; we have now to consider the varieties of development which the animal kingdom offers in such profusion, in order to discover what relations exist between them. This is the problem set in the fifth Scholion. Baer at once brings us face to face with the solution of the problem attempted in the Meckel-Serres law. It is a generally received opinion, he writes, that the higher animals repeat in their development the adult stages of the lower, and this is held to be the essential law governing the relation of the variety of development to the variety of adult form. This opinion arose when there was little real knowledge of embryology; it threw light indeed upon certain cases of monstrous development, but it was pushed altogether too far. It complicated itself with a belief in a historical evolution;—"People gradually learnt to think of the different animal forms as developed one from another—and seemed, in some circles at least, determined to forget that this metamorphosis could only be conceptual" (p. 200). At the same time the theory of parallelism led men to rehabilitate the outworn conception of the scale of beings, to maintain that animals form one single series of increasing complexity, a scale which the higher members must mount step by step in their development—from which it followed that evolution, whether conceived as an ideal or as an historical process, could take place only along one line, could be only progressive or regressive. Not all the supporters of the theory of parallelism held these extreme views, but conclusions of this kind were natural and logical enough.
Von Baer had soon found in the course of his embryological studies that the facts did not at all fit in with the doctrine of parallelism; the developing chick, for example, was at a very early stage demonstrably a Vertebrate, and did not recapitulate in its early stages the organisation of a polyp, a worm or a mollusc. He had published his doubts in 1823, but his final confutation of the theory of parallelism is found in this Scholion.
If it were true, he says, that the essential thing in the development of an animal is this repetition of lower organisations, then certain deductions could be drawn, which one would expect to find confirmed in Nature. The first deduction would be that no structures should appear in the embryo of the higher animals that are not found in the lower animals. But this is not confirmed by the facts—no adult among the lower animals, for instance, has a yolk-sac like that of the chick embryo. Again, if the law of parallelism were true, the mammalian embryo would have to repeat the organisation of, among other groups, insects and birds. But the embryo in utero is surrounded by fluid and cannot possibly breathe free air, so it cannot possibly repeat the structure of either insects or birds, which are pre-eminently air-organisms. Generally speaking, indeed, we find in all the higher embryos special structures which adapt them to the very special conditions of their development, and these we never find as permanent structures in the lower animals. The supporters of the theory of parallelism might, however, admit the existence of such special embryonic organs without greatly prejudicing their case, for these temporary organs stand to some extent outside the scope of the theory.
But they would have to face a second and more important deduction from their views, namely, that the higher animals should repeat at every stage of their development the whole organisation of some lower animal, and not merely agree with them in isolated details of structure. The deduction is, however, not borne out by the facts. The embryo of a mammal resembles in many points, at different stages of its development, the adult state of a fish; it has gill-slits and complete aortic arches, a two-chambered heart, and so on. But at no time does it combine all the essential characters of a fish; nor has it ever the tail of a fish, nor the fins, nor the shape. Any recapitulation there may be is a recapitulation of single organs, there is never a repetition of the complete organisation of a fish. This is indeed the fundamental criticism of the theory of parallelism; and if it applies even within the limits of the vertebrate phylum, so much the more does it apply to comparisons between embryonic Vertebrates and adult Invertebrates.
There are also some lesser arguments which might be urged against the theory of parallelism. If the theory were strictly true, no state which is permanent in a higher animal could be passed through by an animal lower in the scale. But birds, which are lower in the scale than mammals, pass through a stage in which they resemble mammals in certain respects much more than they do when adult, for in an embryonic condition they agree with mammals in having no feathers, no air sacs, no pneumatic sacs in the bones, no beak. Their brain also resembles that of mammals more in an earlier stage than it does later. So, too, myriapods and hydrachnids have at birth three pairs of feet, and resemble at this stage adult insects, which form a higher class.
Again, were the analogy between the development of the individual and the evolution of the Echelle des etres complete, organs and organ-systems ought to develop in the individual in the order in which they appear in the scale of beings. But this is not always the case. In fish the hinder extremity develops only its terminal joint, while in the embryos of higher animals the basal joint is the first to appear.
Another consequence one would expect to find realised, were the theory of parallelism correct, is the late appearance in development of parts which are confined to the higher animals. In the development of a Vertebrate accordingly one would not expect the vertebrae to appear before the embryo had passed through many Invertebrate stages. But experience shows the direct contrary, for in the chick the rudiments of the vertebral axis appear sooner than any other part.
The theory of parallelism or recapitulation then is not borne out by the facts, and clearly cannot be the law which we are seeking. But what then is the true relation between the variety of development and the variety of adult structure? Before answering this question we must review the varied forms of adult organisation and consider in what relations they stand to one another. In particular we must enquire whether they belong to one type or to many. One point is here cardinal—we must distinguish between the type of organisation and the grade of differentiation. By "type" von Baer means the structural plan of the organism. "I call the type the spatial relationship of the organic elements and organs" (p. 208). Each type of organisation characterises one of the big groups of animals; the lesser groups represent "grade" modifications of the type. "The product of the degree of differentiation and the type gives the several great groups of animals which are called classes" (p. 208). Ausbildung (differentiation) takes place in one or other of several directions, in adaptation, for instance, to life in the water or to life in the air.
There are, von Baer considers, four main types—(1) the peripheral or radiate type, (2) the longitudinal type, (3) the massive or molluscan type, (4) the vertebrate type. The radiate type is shown by discoid infusoria, by medusae, by starfish and their allies. The longitudinal type characterises such genera as Vibrio, Filaria, Gordius, and all the annulate animals. Mollusca, rotifers, polyzoa, and such infusoria as are not included in types (1) and (2) belong to the massive type, in which the body and its parts form rounded masses. The longitudinal type is predominantly "animal," the massive type predominantly "plastic" (vegetative). The vertebrate type has both the "animal" and the "plastic" organs highly developed. In the symmetrical arrangement of the animal parts it resembles the longitudinal type; its plastic parts with their asymmetrical arrangement and rounded shape belong to the massive type.
These types of von Baer inevitably recall the "Embranchements" of Cuvier, with which they more or less coincide. It seems that von Baer arrived at his types (from the study of adult structure) independently of Cuvier, though the priority of publication rests with Cuvier.[174]
Now it is clear that the development of the individual, which is essentially an Ausbildung, a differentiation, is directly comparable with the grade-differentiation of forms within the type. And just as the type rules all its varied modifications, so does the development of the individual take place always within the bounds imposed by type. This is von Baer's chief contribution to the theory of embryonic relationships—the law that "the type of organisation determines the manner of development" (p. xxii.). Development is not merely from the general to the special—there are at least four distinct "general" types, from which the special is developed. The type is fixed in the very earliest stages of development—the embryo of a Vertebrate is from the very beginning a Vertebrate (p. 220), and it shows at no time any agreement in total organisation with any Invertebrate. The types are independent of one another; differentiation and development follow a different course in each of them. Not but what some analogies can be found between the very earliest stages of embryos of different type. Thus vertebrate and annulate embryos agree in certain points at the time of the formation of the primitive streak. And in the earliest stage of all, the egg-stage, there is probably agreement between all the types. In eggs with yolk, whether vertebrate or annulate, there is always a separation into an animal and a plastic layer. It seems, too, as if a hollow sphere were a constant stage in the development of all animals (pp. 224, 258). Apart from these analogies, development takes an entirely independent course in each of the four main types, and no embryo of one of the higher types repeats in its development the peculiar organisation of any adult of the lower types.
If we consider now development within the type, which is the only legitimate thing to do, we arrive at certain laws governing the relation of embryos to one another. For instance, at a certain stage vertebrate embryos are uncommonly alike. Von Baer had two in spirit which he was unable to assign to their class among amniotes; they might have been lizard, bird, or mammal, he could not say definitely which.[175] Generally the farther back we go in the development of Vertebrates the more alike we find the embryos. The type-characters are first to appear, then the class characters, then the characters distinguishing the lesser classificatory groups. "From a more general type the special gradually emerges" (p. 221). The chick is first a Vertebrate, then a land-vertebrate, then a bird, then a land-bird, then a gallinaceous bird, and finally Gallus domesticus. Development within the type is a progress from the general to the special, a real evolution. The more divergent two adults are, the farther back we must go in their development to find an agreement between their embryos. We can sum up the case in the following laws:—
"(1) That the general characters of the big group to which the embryo belongs appear in development earlier than the special characters. In agreement with this is the fact that the vesicular form is the most general form of all; for what is common in a greater degree to all animals than the opposition of an internal and an external surface?
"(2) The less general structural relations are formed after the more general, and so on until the most special appear.
"(3) The embryo of any given form, instead of passing through the state of other definite forms, on the contrary separates itself from them.
"(4) Fundamentally the embryo of a higher animal form never resembles the adult of another animal form, but only its embryo" (p. 224).
These laws relating to development within the limits of type are destructive of even a limited application of the theory of parallelism, for not even within the limits of the type is there a real scale which the higher forms must mount; each embryo develops for itself, and diverges sooner or later from the embryos of other species, the divergence coming earlier the greater the difference between the adult forms. It is only because the lower less-differentiated adult forms happen to be little divergent from the generalised or embryonic type, that they show a certain similarity with the embryos of the higher more differentiated members of the group. Such similarity, however, is due to no necessary law governing the development of the higher animals; it is, on the contrary, merely a consequence of the organisation of these lower animals (p. 224).
Von Baer goes on to show what are the distinguishing embryological characters of the types and classes, working out a dichotomous schema of development, which each embryo must follow, branching off early or late to its terminal point, according to the lower or higher goal it has to reach.
One important consequence for morphology results from von Baer's laws of differentiation within the type. If the embryo develops from the general to the special, then the state in which each organ or organ-system first appears must represent the general or typical state of that organ within the group. Embryology will therefore be of great assistance to comparative anatomy, whose chief aim it is to discover the generalised type, the common plan of structure, upon which the animals of each big group are built. And the surest way to determine the true homologies of parts will be to study their early development. "For since each organ becomes what it is only through the manner of its development, its true value can be recognised only from its method of formation. At present, we form our judgments by an undefined intuition, instead of regarding each organ merely as an isolated product of its fundamental organ, and discerning from this standpoint the correspondences and dissimilarities in the different types" (p. 233). Parts, therefore, which develop from the same "fundamental organ," and in the last resort from the same germ-layer, have a certain kinship, which may even reach the degree of exact homology.
Now since the mode of development in each type is peculiar to that type, organs of the same name in different types must not necessarily be accounted homologous, even if they correspond exactly with one another in their general functional relations to the rest of the organs. Thus the central nervous system of Arthropods must not be homologised with the central nervous system of Vertebrates, for it develops in a different manner. So, too, the brain of Arthropods or of Mollusca is not strictly comparable with the brain of Vertebrates. Again, the air-tubes or tracheae of insects are, like the trachea and bronchi of many Vertebrates, air-breathing organs. But the two organs are not homologous, for the air-tubes of Vertebrates are developed from the alimentary tube ("fundamental organ" of the alimentary system, developed from the vegetative layer), while the air-tubes of insects arise either by histological differentiation, or by invagination of the skin (p. 236). Organs can be homologous only within the limits of the big groups; there can be no question of homology between members of different types.
The development of plants, like the development of animals, is essentially a progress from the general to the special (p. 242). Botanists have not been troubled by any recapitulation theory, and in founding their big groups, Acotyledons, Monocotyledons, and Dicotyledons, upon embryological characters, they were guided by true principles, which ought indeed to be followed in zoology. If we knew the development of all kinds of animals sufficiently well, then the best way to classify them would be according to the characters they show in their early development, for it is in early development that they show the characters of the type in their most generalised form. As it is, we have in our ignorance to establish the big groups by the study of adult structure, but we find, on putting together all we know of comparative embryology, that a classification of animals according to the mode of their development gives, as is only natural, the same four groups as does the study of adult structure. The four types of development are thus:—
(1) The double-symmetrical, which is found in Vertebrates. It is called the double-symmetrical, because in Vertebrates development takes place from a central axis (notochord) in two directions, upwards and downwards, in such a way that two tubes are formed, one above and one below the axis. (2) The second type is the symmetrical, which is shown by Annulates. A primitive streak is formed on the ventral surface of the yolk; development proceeds symmetrically on both sides of the streak. (3) Radiate development is probably typical of the radiate structural type. (4) In the massive type, the development seems to be a spiral one.
Common to most modes is a separation of the germ into animal and plastic layers, a separation which seems to be conditioned largely by the presence of yolk. A classification based upon embryological characters ought to be applied even to the lesser groups and would here prove itself of service. Embryology, for instance, fully supports de Blainville's separation of Batrachia from true reptiles,[176] for reptiles develop an amnion and Batrachia do not.
We come now to the sixth and last Scholion. Development is a true evolution of the special from the general, so runs von Baer's most general law of all. This can be expressed in a slightly different way, and the words which he chooses in the sixth Scholion to express this final and most general result are these:—"The developmental history of the individual is the history of the growing individuality in every respect" (p. 263). The greatest modern treatise on embryology ends on a splendid note. One creative thought rules all the forms of life. And more—"It is this same thought that in cosmic space gathered the scattered masses into spheres and bound them together in the solar system, the same that from the weathered dust on the surface of the metallic planets brought forth the forms of life. And this thought is nought else but life itself, and the words and syllables in which life expresses itself are the varied forms of the living" (p. 264).
Von Baer reminds one greatly of Cuvier. There is the same sheer intellectual power, the same sanity of mind, the same synthetic grip. Von Baer, like Cuvier, never forgot that he was working with living things; he was saturated, like Cuvier, with the sense of their functional adaptedness. In his paper on the external and internal skeleton[177] he gives a masterly analysis of the functional modifications of the limbs in Vertebrates, and the whole paper indeed, with its sober attack on transcendentalism, is a vindication as much of the functional point of view as of the importance of embryology.
Both Cuvier and von Baer, by the very sanity of their views, found themselves in partial opposition to the theories current in their time. Cuvier was the critic of Geoffroy and the transcendentalists, of Lamarck and the believers in the Echelle des etres, evolutionary or ideal. Von Baer also, though influenced greatly by Naturphilosophie, turned against the exaggerations of the transcendental school, and by his unanswerable criticism of the theory of parallelism took away the ground from those who too easily believed in an historical evolution.[178]
We have seen what were von Baer's criticisms of the theory of parallelism. If we turn to the later writings of Cuvier we find the essential criticism expressed in similar terms. Speaking of an attempt which had been made to show that fish were molluscs developed to a higher degree, he wrote in 1828,[179] "Let us draw the conclusion that even if these animals can be spoken of as ennobled molluscs, as molluscs raised to a higher power, or if they are embryos of reptiles, the beginnings of reptiles, this can be true of them only in an abstract and metaphysical sense, and that even this abstract statement would be very far from giving an accurate idea of their organisation." From the fact that the respiratory and circulatory organs of fish greatly resemble those of tadpoles the conclusion has been drawn that fish are in a sense embryos of Amphibia (p. 547). But this manner of viewing things is none the less vicious, "for this reason ... that it considers only one or two points and neglects all the others" (p. 548), and is directly contrary to common sense. There is never a recapitulation of total organisations, only at the most of single organs.
It will be remembered that Cuvier opposed and demolished the theory of the Echelle des etres, not only by showing that there were in Nature four entirely different plans of animal structure, but also by demonstrating that even the animals of each single Embranchement could not readily be arranged in one series, that a serial arrangement was really valid only for their separate organs. Von Baer also held that there are four distinct types of structure; he, too, combated the idea of gradation within the limits of the type. In so far as species represent successive stages in the development, the Ausbildung, of the type, so far can the idea of a scale of beings be applied. But the members of a type follow not one line of evolution but several diverging lines, in direct adaptation to different environmental conditions, so that a serial arrangement of them is not as a rule possible. It may be possible to establish a serial arrangement of single organs from the simplest to the most complex. But each organ or organ-system will require a different serial arrangement, for the different systems vary on different lines and an animal may be highly developed in respect of one system and little developed in respect of all the others. Man, for instance, is the highest animal only in respect of his nervous system. The idea of the scale of beings has therefore only a very limited application even within the limits of the type. Applied to the whole animal kingdom it becomes merely absurd.
Another point of resemblance between Cuvier and von Baer was that Cuvier, though essentially a student of adult structure, did recognise the importance of embryology; following up some observations of Dutrochet he studied the foetal membrane of mammals and tried to establish their homologies.[180] And in his criticism of the vertebral theory of the skull he advanced as an argument against the basisphenoid being a vertebral centrum the fact (established by Kerkring, 1670), that it develops from two centres.[181] Von Baer's relation to transcendental anatomy was in some ways a close one, though he was a trenchant critic of the extreme views of the school.[182] He took from Oken the idea that a simple fundamental plan rules the organisation of all Vertebrates; "That jaws and limbs are modifications of one fundamental form is readily apparent, and, after Oken, the fact ought to be accepted by the majority of those naturalists who do not refuse to admit the existence of a general type from which the diversity of structure is developed" (i., p. 192). He accepted the vertebral theory of the skull in its main lines, and used his embryological knowledge to support the idea that jaws correspond to limbs—the latter point as part of the transcendental idea that the hind end of the body repeats the organisation of the anterior part (i., p. 192). The particular form which his theory of the relation of jaws to limbs took is shown in the following passage:—"The maxillary bone has ... the significance of an extremity and at the same time that of a rib or lower arch of a vertebra, just as the pelvic bones unite in themselves the signification of ribs and proximal members of the hinder extremity" (Meckel's Archiv, p. 367, 1826).
He appreciated the morphological idea of the serial repetition of parts, and gave it accurate formulation. The whole vertebrate body, he considered, was composed of a longitudinal series of morphological elements, each of which was made up a section from each of the fundamental organs—a vertebra, a section of the nerve-cord, and so on (Entwickelungsgeschichte, ii., p. 53). Groups of these morphological elements formed morphological divisions, such as the vertebral segments of the head with their highly developed neural arches, or the segments of the neck with their undeveloped haemal arches. The morphological elements are clearly shown only in the animal parts, but there are indications in the embryo of a segmentation also of the vegetative parts,—the gill-slits, for instance, and the vascular arches. The vegetative parts, however, develop on the whole unsymmetrically (cf. Bichat). These elements which von Baer distinguishes are morphological units, as he himself points out, contrasting them with organs which are not usually units in a morphological sense. "We call organ," he writes, "each part that has by reason of its form or its function a certain distinctiveness, but this concept is very indefinite, and possesses, from a morphological point of view, little value. For this reason it seems necessary to introduce into scientific morphology the concepts of morphological elements and divisions" (ii., p. 84).
Von Baer exercised a very considerable influence upon the subsequent trend of morphological theory. By his criticism of the Meckel-Serres theory, he rid morphology for a time of an idea which was leading it astray; by his substitution of the law that development is always from the general to the special, he set morphologists looking for the archetype in the embryo, not in the adult alone, and made them realise that homologies could often best be sought in the earliest stages of development; by formulating the germ-layer theory he supplied morphologists with a new criterion of homology, based upon the special relations of the parts (germ-layers) which are first differentiated in all development. He made the study of development an essential part of morphology.
[166] De generatione Animalium.
[167] De formato foetu, ? 1600; De formatione foetus, 1604.
[168] Exercitationes de generatione animalium, 1651.
[169] De formatione pulli in ovo, 1673; De ovo incubato, 1686.
[170] De formatione pulli in ovo, 1757-8; Sur la formation du coeur dans le poulet, 1758.
[171] Theoria generatioinis, 1759; De formatione intestinorum, 1768-9.
[172] Beitraege zur Entwickelung des Huehnchens im Ei. Wuerzburg, 1818. Also in Latin in shorter form, 1817.
[173] Untersuchungen ue. die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Fische; Leipzig, 1835.
[174] Cuvier, in 1812, Ann. Mus. d'Hist. Nat., xix.; von Baer in 1816, Nova Acta Acad. Nat. Cur. See Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere, i., p. vii., f.n.
[175] Compare a parallel passage in Prevost et Dumas:—"At the very first sight one will be struck with the resemblance between the forms of the very early embryos of these two classes, a resemblance so extraordinary that one cannot refuse to admit the conclusions resulting from it. The resemblance is so striking that one can defy the most experienced observer to distinguish in any way the embryos of dog or rabbit ... from those of fowls or ducks of a corresponding age."—Ann. Sci. nat., iii., p. 132, 1824.
[176] De l'organisation des Animaux, i., p. 140, 1822.
[177] "Ueber das aeussere und innere Skelet," Meckel's Archiv fuer Anat. u. Physiol., pp. 327-76, 1826. See, too, his Entwickelungsgeschichte, i., pp. 181, ff.
[178] Von Baer wrote an appreciative biography of Cuvier, published posthumously in 1897, Lebensgeschichte Cuviers, ed. L. Stieda. French trans. in Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), ix., 1907.
[179] Cuvier et Valenciennes, Histoire naturelle des Poissons, i., p. 550.
[180] Mem. Mus. d'Hist. Nat., iii., pp. 98-119, 1817.
[181] Lecons d'Anatomie comparee, 3rd ed., vol. i., p. 414, Bruxelles, 1836.
[182] In the aforementioned paper in Mueller's Archiv he criticises Carus vigorously and is sarcastic on Geoffroy.
Pander's work of 1817 was the forerunner of an embryological period in which men's hopes and interest centred round the study of development. "With bewilderment we saw ourselves transported to the strange soil of a new world," wrote Pander, and many shared his hopeful enthusiasm. K. E. von Baer's Entwickelungsgeschichte was by far the greatest product of this time, but it stands in a measure apart; we have in this chapter to consider the lesser men who were Baer's contemporaries, friends, followers or critics.
It was largely a German science, this new embryology, and its leaders were all personally acquainted. Pander, von Baer and Rathke were on friendly terms with one another; von Baer dedicated his master-work to Pander; Rathke dedicated the second volume of his Abhandlungen to von Baer. Interest in the new science was, however, not confined to Germany. In Italy, Rusconi commenced in 1817 his pioneer researches on the development of the Amphibia with a Descrizione anatomica degli organi della circolazione delle larve delle Salamandre aquatiche (Pavia), in which he traced the metamorphoses of the aortic arches. This was followed in 1822 by his Amours des Salamandres aquatiques (Milan), and in 1826 by his memoir Du developpement de la grenouille (Milan). In this last paper he described how the dark upper hemisphere of the frog's egg grows down over the lower white hemisphere and leaves free only the yolk plug; he observed the segmentation cavity and the archenteron, but thought that the former became the alimentary canal; he observed and interpreted rightly the formation of the medullary folds. The circular blastopore in the frog in later years often went by the name of the anus of Rusconi.
In France Dutrochet[183] investigated the foetal membranes in various vertebrate classes; Prevost and Dumas studied the very earliest stages of development in birds, mammals and amphibia (Ann. Sci. nat., ii., iii., 1824, xii., 1827).
A little later came Duges' studies of the osteology and myology of developing amphibia (1834),[184] and Coste's careful researches into the early developmental history of mammals.[185]
It was in 1825 that Heinrich Rathke (1793-1860), published his famous discovery of gill-slits in the embryo of a mammal,[186] a discovery which aroused considerable interest, and greatly stimulated embryological research. He describes how in a young embryo of a pig he saw four slits in the region of the neck, going right through into the oesophagus. They were separated by partitions which he called Kiemenbogen (gill-arches), and immediately in front of the first gill-slit lay the developing lower jaw. He compared these gill-slits with those of a dogfish. We reproduce his drawing of the pig-embryo (Isis, Pl. IV., fig. 1).
Later in the same year Rathke discovered gill-slits in the chick,[187] in this case finding only three. He described growing out from in front of the first slit a structure which he compared to the operculum or gill-cover of a fish.
These discoveries were confirmed and extended for the chick[188] by the embryologist Huschke, a pupil of Oken. Like Rathke, he found only three indubitable gill-slits, but he noticed that the body-wall in front of the first gill-slit was really composed of two arches, which were on the whole similar to the gill-arches. The hinder of these two seemed to him to be a horn of the hyoid, the front one, which was bent at an angle, to be the rudiment of the upper and lower jaws (p. 401). Between these two arches he found an opening, just as between two gill-arches a gill-slit. This opening led into the mouth-cavity, and according to Huschke it became the external ear-passage. He discovered also three pairs of aortic arches in close relation with the gill-arches, so close indeed, that he did not hesitate to call them gill-arteries, and to recognise their resemblance with the aortic arches of fish. He traced, in part at least, the metamorphosis which these aortic arches undergo. This part of his discovery he developed in fuller detail in a paper of 1828,[189] in which he gave some excellent figures.
Shortly after Huschke's first paper, von Baer published his views and observations on this subject in a short memoir in Meckel's Archiv.[190] In this paper he confirmed Rathke's discovery, and described the slits and arches in the dog and the chick. Both Rathke and he found gill-slits in the human embryo about this time (p. 557). There were generally present, he found, four gill-slits, and, as Rathke had suggested, the first gill-arch became the lower jaw. Von Baer also confirmed Rathke's discovery of the operculum, assigning it, however, to the second gill-arch. He refused to accept Huschke's derivation of the auditory meatus from the first gill-slit. Von Baer saw what had escaped Rathke and Huschke, that there were, not three nor four, but as many as five aortic arches. |