Forgotten Books of the American Nursery - A History of the Development of the American Story-Book
by Rosalie V. Halsey
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Poupard, James, 169.

Power of Religion, 152.

Practical Education, 128.

Practical Piety, 184.

Present for a Little Girl, 169.

Preservative from the Sins and Follies of Childhood, 40.

Pretty Book for Children, 60, 61, 67.

Principles of the Christian Religion, 184.

Pritchard, Mr., 100.

Private Tutor for little Masters and Misses, 67.

Prize for Youthful Obedience, 172, 173.

Prodigal Daughter, The, 24-26, 40, 188.

Protestant Tutor for Children, 13, 14.

Puritan Primer, 13.

Puzzling Cap, 80, 82.

QUARTERLY Review, 222.

Quincy, Mrs. Josiah, 158, 159.

RAIKES, Robert, 151.

Ralph, W., 169.

Rand, Rev. Asa, 194.

Rebels, The, 98.

Recollections of a New England Housekeeper, 195.

Redwood, 211.

Rees's Encyclopedia, 163.

Reformed Family, 206.

Remembrance of Youth is a Sigh, 200.

Rhymes for the Nursery, 20, 182.

Rice, Mr., 100.

Richardson, Samuel, 50, 78-81, 137.

Rivington, James, 65, 67, 68.

Roberts, Jean, 197.

Robin Red Breast, 90.

Robin's Alive, 209.

Robinson Crusoe, 79, 90, 118, 129, 130, 159.

Roderick Random, 51, 109.

Roger and Berry, 89.

Rollin's Ancient History, 161.

Rollinson, William, 169.

Rollo Books, 213, 215, 223.

Rose, The, 187.

Rose Bud, 195.

Rose's Breakfast, The, 175.

Rowe, Elizabeth, 162.

Royal Battledore, 60, 61.

Royal Primer, 61.

Russell's Seven Sermons, 90.

SABBATH School Times, 194.

Sanford and Merton, 129, 154.

Scotch Rogue, 90.

Scott, Sir Walter, 158, 220.

Scott's (Rev. Thomas) Family Bible, 163.

Search after Happiness, 134, 152.

Sedgwick, Catharine Maria, 152, 160, 161, 193, 196, 208, 211, 212, 224, 226.

Seven Wise Masters, 90.

Seven Wise Mistresses, 90.

Sewall, Henry, 9.

Sewall, Samuel, 9, 10.

Shakespeare, William, 159, 161.

Sharps, William, 29.

Sheldon, Lucy, 82.

Shepherd of Salisbury Plain, 152, 214.

Sherwood, Mary Martha, 152, 184, 186, 187, 212, 221.

Sigourney, Lydia H., 193, 208, 213, 224.

Simple Susan, 158.

Sims, Joseph, 27.

Sir Charles Grandison, 79-82.

Sister's Gift, 80, 111-113.

Skyrin, Nancy, 126, 127.

Smart, Christopher, 54.

Smith, Elizabeth Oakes, 213, 224.

Smollett, Tobias, 51, 52, 78, 79.

Song for the Red Coats, 97.

Songs for the Nursery, 19, 20.

Southern Rose, 195.

Souvenir, 210.

Sparrow, The, 172.

Star Spangled Banner, 148.

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 182.

Stir the Mush, 209.

Stone, William L., 200.

Stories and Tales, 90.

Stories for Children, 212.

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 162.

Strahan, William, 61-63.

TALE, A: The Political Balance, 123.

Tales and Essays, 213.

Taylor, Ann, 176, 182.

Taylor, Jane, 182, 184.

Tell Tale, 225.

Thackerary, W.M., 34.

Thomas, Isaiah, 18-20, 40, 69, 74, 102-104, 106, 109, 116-118, 129, 168, 198, 222.

Thompson, John, 168.

Thoughts on Education, 41, 66, 99.

Three Stories for Children, 156.

Todd, John, D.D., 222.

Token, The, 196, 197, 212, 214.

Token for Children, 17, 186.

Token for the Children of New England, 17, 21, 186.

Token for Youth, 40.

Tom Hick-a-Thrift, 24.

Tom Jones, 51, 78, 80, 109, 110.

Tom the Piper's Son, 170.

Tom Thumb, 8, 19, 24, 62, 74, 77, 102, 106, 114, 166, 167.

Tommy Trapwit, 64.

Tommy Trip, 52, 74, 107, 108.

Track the Rabbit, 209.

Trimmer, Sarah, 128, 129, 141, 142, 159.

Trip's Book of Pictures, 64.

Triumphs of Love, 90.

Troy (N.Y.) Sentinel, 147.

Twelve Caesars, 90.

Twice Told Tales, 196.

Two Lambs, 152.

Two Shoemakers, 152.

Tyler, Moses Coit, 98.

UNTERHALTUNGEN fuer Deutsche Kinder, 178.

Urax, or the Fair Wanderer, 74.

VALENTINE and Orson, 90.

Verplanck, Gulian C., 196, 216.

Vicar of Wakefield, 52, 219.

Violet, The, 209.

WADDELL, J., 62.

Walks of Usefulness, 184.

Walters and Norman, 93.

Walton's Lives, 153.

Warner and Hanna, 169.

Washington, George, 28, 29, 72, 73, 93, 122, 123, 170, 179.

Waste Not, Want Not, 156-158.

Watts, Isaac, 38, 45, 46.

Way to Wealth, 179.

Webster, Noah, 121, 122, 136.

Weekly Mercury, 23, 26, 27, 64, 65, 68.

Weekly Post-Boy, 62.

Weems's Life of George Washington, 179, 180.

Well Spent Hour, 212.

Wells, Anna M., 193, 213.

Wells, Robert, 102.

Welsh, Charles, 46, 49, 51, 54, 61, 70, 124, 142.

West, Benjamin, 216.

Westminster Review, 224.

Westminster Shorter Catechism, 7.

White, William, D.D., 151.

Whitefield, George, 151.

Widdows, P., 126.

Wilder, Mary, 113.

Willis, Nathaniel P., 194.

Winslow, Anna Green, 81-83, 85.

Winter Evenings' Entertainment, 37, 90.

Wonder Book, 149, 227.

Wonderful Traveller, 209.

Wonders of Nature and Art, 53.

Wood, Samuel, 165, 166, 169, 175.

Wood, Samuel, and Sons, 167, 206.

Wood-engraving in America, 166-169.

Woodhouse, William, 100.

Worcester Magazine, 104.


YOUNG, William, 129.

Young Child's A B C, 166.

Young Christian Series, 215.

Young Gentlemen and Ladies' Magazine, 183.

Youth's Companion, 194.

Youth's Divine Pastime, 37.

Youth's Keepsake, 212.

ZENTLER, publisher, 178.

* * * * * *

Transcriber's note:

The following errors and inconsistencies have been maintained.

Misspelled words and typographical errors:

p. ix Edmands for Edmunds p. 46 Newbury for Newbery p. 102 Period missing at end of the sentence "to a boy But" p. 158 Paragraph ends with , "her own generation," p. 208 Sentence ends with a comma: "the originator of these verses," p. 243 Thackerary for Thackeray

Inconsistent hyphenation:

folk-lore / folklore school-fellows / schoolfellows school-masters / schoolmasters small-pox / smallpox wood-cut / woodcut

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