Statement of expenditures of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission from July 1, 1903, to June 30, 1904, inclusive.
National Railway Publishing Company, railway guide one Year ................................................ $8.00 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 125.00 Eugene Nahler, messenger, salary .......................... 40.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Lambert-Deacon & Hull, stationery and supplies ............ 17.35 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 25.00 Miss Margaret McElvain, clerk Thomas H. Carter ............ 50.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 1.73 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott.............................. 50.00 ——————- $367.08
Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 125.00 Eugene Nahler, messenger, salary .......................... 40.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 25.00 Miss Margaret McElvain, clerk Thomas H. Carter ............ 50.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 2.78 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott.............................. 50.00 ——————- 342.78
Jones, Caesar & Co., auditing Exposition Company's books .. $500.00 John R. Parsons, one large United States flag ............. 15.00 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 125.00 Eugene Nahler, messenger, salary .......................... 40.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Bell Telephone Company, rent for one quarter and long- distance charges ........................................ 33.35 Geo. W. Conrad, clerk John F. Miller ...................... 25.00 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott ............................. 50.00 Miss Margaret McElvain, clerk Thomas H. Carter ............ 50.00 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 50.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 9.41 ——————- $947.76
The Kellogg Company, desk telephone bracket ............... 2.50 Spalding Stationery Company, supplies ..................... 7.75 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 125.00 Eugene Nahler, messenger, salary .......................... 40.00 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 50.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Miss Margaret McElvain, clerk Thomas H. Carter ............ 50.00 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott ............................. 50.00 Geo. W. Conrad, clerk John F. Miller ...................... 10.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 1.10 ——————- 386.35
Woodward & Tiernan Printing Company, binding report ....... 8.00 Smith-Premier Company, new feed roll ...................... 3.00 Eugene Nahler, messenger, salary .......................... 40.00 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 125.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Geo. W. Conrad, clerk John F. Miller ...................... 10.00 Miss Margaret McElvain, clerk Thomas H. Carter ............ 50.00 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott ............................. 50.00 Jones, Caesar & Co., checking financial reports ........... 75.00 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 50.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 4.74 ——————- 465.74
Mermod & Jaccard Jewelry Company, letter heads ............ 154.00 Spalding Stationery Company, supplies ..................... 21.90 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 125.00 Eugene Nahler, messenger, salary .......................... 40.00 Miss Margaret McElvain, clerk Thomas H. Carter ............ 50.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Miss Blanch Barth, clerk John F. Miller ................... 10.00 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott ............................. 50.00 The Bell Telephone Company, rent one quarter and long- distance charges ........................................ 33.20 Southern Hotel, rent of meeting rooms ..................... $16.95 Miss Minnie T. Moran ...................................... 50.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 1.45 ——————- $602.50
John R. Parson, two United States flags, flag pole ........ 26.00 Carrol Purman, clerk John M. Thurston ..................... 50.00 Eugene Nahler, messenger, salary .......................... 40.00 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 125.00 Claude Hough, traveling expenses to New York and Washington 124.25 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 50.00 W.D. Tipton, clerk Thomas H. Carter ....................... 50.00 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott ............................. 50.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 4.57 ——————- 519.82
Spalding Stationery Company, supplies ..................... 6.80 Carrol Purman, clerk John M. Thurston ..................... 50.00 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 125.00 Eugene Nahler, messenger, salary .......................... 40.00 W.D. Tipton, clerk Thomas H. Carter ....................... 50.00 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott ............................. 50.00 Jones, Caesar & Co., auditing Exposition Company's books .. 45.00 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 50.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 1.08 ——————- 417.88
Eugene Nahler, messenger, salary .......................... 40.00 Carrol Purman, clerk John M. Thurston ..................... 50.00 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 125.00 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott ............................. 50.00 Enterprise Cleaning Company, cleaning office .............. 20.00 Simmons Hardware Company, ice-water cooler ................ 7.50 Bell Telephone Company, rent one quarter and long distance 33.20 Geo. W. Conrad, clerk John F. Miller ...................... 25.00 W.D. Tipton, clerk Thomas H. Carter ....................... 50.00 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 50.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 3.59 ——————- 454.29
Mermod & Jaccard Jewelry Company, letter heads ............ 90.00 Sexton-Stubinger Range Company, water-cooler stand ........ 3.25 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 125.00 Eugene Nahler, messenger, salary .......................... 40.00 Carrol Purman, clerk John M. Thurston ..................... 50.00 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 50.00 W.D. Tipton, clerk Thomas H. Carter ....................... 50.00 Spalding Stationery Company, supplies ..................... 19.75 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott ............................. 50.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 4.27 ——————- 482.27
Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ $125.00 Eugene Nahler, messenger, salary .......................... 40.00 Lambert-Deacon & Hull, stationery ......................... 25.15 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Oliver J. Grace, 10 keys for office ....................... 2.40 Wm. E. Barclay Printing Company, printing order books ..... 54.60 Scarritt-Comstock Furniture Company, two desks ............ 45.00 Keyes & Marshall Brothers Livery Company, conveyance one month ................................................... 140.00 W.D. Tipton, clerk Thomas H. Carter ....................... 50.00 Mermod & Jaccard Jewelry Company, paper and envelopes ..... 94.50 J.S. Durham, clerk P.D. Scott ............................. 50.00 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 50.00 Laurence H. Grahame, salary, assistant secretary, nine days 72.58 ——————- $799.33
Kennard & Sons Carpet Company, screens and sofa cover ..... 15.50 Spalding Stationery Company, supplies ..................... 12.20 Wm. Prufrock Furniture Company, one sofa .................. 27.00 Black-Starr & Frost, ten official badges for Commissioners 300.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 125.00 Wm. E. Barclay Printing Company, printing orders .......... 22.50 Eugene Nahler, messenger, salary .......................... 40.00 J.S. Durham, clerk P.D. Scott ............................. 50.00 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 50.00 Ringen Stove Company, ice chest and glasses ............... 12.40 Howard E. Riggs, clerk, fifteen days ...................... 37.50 Will Hillmer, placing locks on ice chest .................. 2.75 S.G. Adams Stamp Company, automatic pad and stamp ......... 2.00 Laurence H. Grahame, expenses trip to New York ............ 87.50 Mermod & Jaccard Jewelry Company, letter heads and envelopes ............................................... 305.00 Jones, Caesar & Co., auditing Exposition Company's books .. 1,250.00 Woodward & Tiernan Printing Company, printing cards ....... 90.00 Geo. W. Conrad, clerk John F. Miller ...................... 25.00 Mound City Coupe Company, conveyance, fifteen days ........ 155.00 Bell Telephone Company, rent for quarter .................. 31.20 Kinlock Telephone Company, rent telephone, twenty-eight days .................................................... 7.10 Keyes & Marshall Brothers, conveyance, seven days ......... 68.00 James Hardy, to team and vehicle one day .................. 7.00 Laurence H. Grahame, salary as assistant secretary ........ 250.00 Howard E. Riggs, salary, messenger, two days .............. 4.00 W.D. Tipton, clerk Thomas H. Carter ....................... 50.00 Laurence H. Grahame, per diem expenses allowed ............ 25.00 Southern Hotel Company, telephone charges, April, May, June .................................................... 1.80 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 6.84 Jones, Caesar & Co., auditing Exposition Company's books .. 1,000.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 2.80 ——————- 4,133.09 ——————- Grand total fiscal year ending June 30, 1904 9,918.89
Statement of expenditures of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission from July 1, 1904, to June 30, 1905, inclusive.
National Railway Company, railway guide, one year ......... $8.00 Howard E. Riggs, messenger, salary, fourteen days ......... 28.00 Spalding Stationery Company, supplies ..................... 4.90 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Samuel S. Bennett, messenger, salary ...................... 32.00 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 150.00 Scarritt-Comstock Furniture Company, one bookcase ......... 26.50 General Service Company, wagonette and driver, one month .. 230.28 John R. Parson, two United States flags ................... 26.25 W.D. Tipton, clerk Thomas H. Carter ....................... 50.00 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 50.00 Mermod & Jaccard Jewelry Company, stamping 100 cards ...... 9.50 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott ............................. 50.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 12.79 ——————- $728.22
Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 150.00 Samuel S. Bennett, messenger, salary ...................... 60.00 Chas. A. Bradley, relief stenographer, eighteen days ...... 90.00 Jones, Caesar & Co., audit Exposition Company's books ..... 250.00 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 50.00 Raymond E. Brock, subscription daily papers ............... 2.70 General Service Company, wagonette and driver, one month .. 230.28 W.D. Tipton, clerk Thomas H. Carter ....................... 50.00 Mermod & Jaccard Company, stationery, note heads, and supplies ................................................ 510.00 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott ............................. 50.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 6.90 —————— 1,499.88
Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 W.D. Tipton, clerk Thomas H. Carter ....................... 50.00 Kinlock Telephone Company, rent telephone one quarter ..... 25.00 Frank N. Hodgins, messenger, salary ....................... 60.00 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 150.00 General Service Company, wagonette and driver, one month .. 222.86 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott ............................. 50.00 Geo. W. Conrad, clerk John F. Miller, three months ........ 25.00 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 50.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 9.61 Edmund C. Giltner, clerk Geo. W. McBride .................. 14.00 Bell Telephone Company, rent one quarter and long-distance charges ................................................. 38.35 ——————- 744.82
Spalding Stationery Company, supplies ..................... 14.60 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 150.00 Wilson Coker, messenger, salary ........................... 60.00 Miss J. Floy Penney, copyist .............................. 42.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Geo. M. Brand, one No. 4 Densmore typewriter .............. 90.00 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... $50.00 General Service Company, wagonette and driver, one month .. 230.28 Edmund C. Giltner, clerk Geo. W. McBride .................. 14.00 Geo. W. Conrad, clerk John F. Miller ...................... 12.50 W.D. Tipton, clerk Thomas H. Carter ....................... 50.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 1.74 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott ............................. 50.00 —————— $815.12
Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 150.00 Wilson Coker, messenger, salary ........................... 65.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Miss J. Floy Penney, copyist .............................. 40.00 Wm. B. Ayers, subscription daily papers ................... 3.50 Edmund C. Giltner, clerk Geo. W. McBride .................. 14.00 Geo. W. Conrad, clerk John F. Miller ...................... 12.50 W.D. Tipton, clerk Thomas H. Carter ....................... 50.00 General Service Company, wagonette and driver, one month .. 222.85 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott ............................. 50.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 11.89 ——————- 669.74
Spalding Stationery Company, supplies ..................... 20.30 Fidelity Storage Company, moving office to city ........... 48.50 McCaughen & Burr, packing and express charges, McKinley portrait, and insurance charges ......................... 14.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Wilson Coker, messenger, salary ........................... 65.00 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 150.00 Bell Telephone Company, rent for one quarter .............. 31.20 Kinlock Telephone Company, rent one quarter and charges moving telephone ........................................ 28.45 Miss Blanch Barth, clerk John F. Miller ................... 10.00 Hotel Jefferson, rent of office rooms ..................... 50.90 W.D. Tipton, clerk Thomas H. Carter ....................... 50.00 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott ............................. 50.00 ——————- 568.35
Hotel Jefferson, rent of office rooms ..................... 60.10 Wilson Coker, messenger, salary ........................... 32.50 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 150.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Henry Schmid, messenger, salary ........................... 19.50 Spalding Stationery Company, supplies ..................... 10.05 W.D. Tipton, clerk Thomas H. Carter ....................... 50.00 ——————- 372.15
Hotel Jefferson, rent of office rooms ..................... 47.40 Fidelity Moving Company, moving office furniture .......... 63.32 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 150.00 Henry Schmid, messenger, salary ........................... 52.00 W.D. Tipton, clerk Thomas H. Carter ....................... 50.00 United States Express Company, express charges two boxes records ................................................. 6.88 Bell Telephone Company, rent January 1 to February 24, 1905 .................................................... 19.98 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 2.33 ——————- 391.91
Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ $150.00 Claude Hough, expense to Washington ....................... 102.00 L.H. Grahame, per diem expense to Washington .............. 72.00 Kinlock Telephone Company, rent telephone one quarter, ending March 31 ......................................... 30.00 Clarence E. Gauss, special service, stenographer .......... 5.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 1.98 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 ——————- $410.98
Sheppard Knapp & Co., matting for office .................. 22.44 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 150.00 Laurence H. Grahame, expenses to New York and return ...... 120.50 Claude Hough, expenses to St. Louis and Chicago ........... 196.00 The Dudley Press company, stationery and supplies ......... 14.26 Geo. W. Read, lettering office door ....................... 2.44 Claude Hough, expenses to Washington and Baltimore ........ 25.50 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 E.H. Gleason, storage and moving office furniture ......... 8.10 New York Telephone Company, rent of telephone and toll service ................................................. 2.20 Littlefield & Alvord Company, freight and drayage office furniture ............................................... 21.63 ——————- 613.07
Laurence H. Grahame, expenses to Washington and return .... 24.00 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 150.00 Laurence H. Grahame, expenses to Washington ............... 29.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Mermod & Jaccard Jewelry Company, letter heads and envelopes ............................................... 97.00 McKnight & Co., translating report from France ............ 16.45 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 3.97 ——————- 370.42
Jones, Caesar & Co., auditing books Exposition Company .... 1,400.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 150.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service, Portland ........ 17.45 Remington Typewriter Company, service, Portland ........... 111.50 Hotel Eaton, Portland, rent meeting rooms ................. 107.85 Pacific Express Company, Portland, express records ........ 60.45 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, rent office April, May, June ............................................... 200.00 Joseph Mahoney, towel service office of Commission ........ 2.50 New York Telephone Company, rent of telephone and tolls ... 12.80 Western Union Telegraph Company, September, October, November, 1904; February, April, 1905 ................... 4.93 Western Union Telegraph Company, service, June ............ 15.90 Claude Hough, expenses to Portland to June 30 ............. 327.09 Claude Hough, additional salary allowance ................. 75.00 ——————- 2,535.47 —————— Total to June 30, 1905 ............................................... 9,720.13
Expenditures from April 23 to June 30, 1901 ............... $666.55 Expenditures from July 1, 1901, to June 30, 1902 .......... 4,461.84 Expenditures from July 1, 1902, to June 30, 1903 .......... 7,995.81 Expenditures from July 1, 1903, to June 30, 1904 .......... 9,918.89 Expenditures from July 1, 1904, to June 30, 1905 .......... 9,720.13 ——————- Grand total 32,763.22
Total amount reserved for period April 23, 1901, to July 1, 1905, for expenses of Commission ................ $41,923.36 Total amount expended by Commission for above period ...... 32,763.22 ——————- Total unexpended balance ................................ 9,160.14
Accounts. (See Report of statements of receipts and disbursements.) Accountant, board of lady managers, report of, 520 Act creating board of lady managers, 367 Addams, Miss Jane, report on housing working classes, 489 Admissions: Rules governing, 74-76 Special tickets, sale of, 79-82 Correspondence respecting, between National Commission and Exposition Company, 71-76 Statement of, 130 Agriculture, report on, 499 Alabama: Birmingham district representatives, 237 Exhibits, 238 Alaska: Commissioners, 240 Building, 240 Exhibits, 242 Albrecht, H.S., affidavit of, 150 American Institute of Social Service, work of, 484 Ancient Sons and Daughters of Jerusalem, 411 Anthropology, woman's work in, 480 Appendixes to final report. (See Report on accounts, etc.; Report on disposal of salvage; Report on foreign countries; Report on States, Territories, and districts; Report of board of lady managers; Statement of expenditures.) Appropriations for board of lady managers, 517 Archaeology, woman's work in Architecture, report on, 460 Argentine Republic: Commissioners, 175 Building, 175 Exhibits, 176 Argentina, school buildings of, 444 Arizona: Commissioners, 243 Building, 243 Exhibits, 243 Arkansas: Commissioners, 244 Building, 245 Exhibits, 245 Assets and liabilities, tabular estimate of, on May, 3,, 1905, 138 Association of Collegiate Alumnae, 428 Austria: Commissioners, 178 Building, 178 Exhibits, 179 Awards: Final report of committee on, 505 Correspondence respecting rules and regulations governing, 83-103 Rules governing, 20 Jury of, rules for, 435
Bernays, Miss Thekla M., report on manufactures, 494 Blair, Mrs. James L., resignation of, 385 Bland, Mrs. Richard P., report of, on agriculture, 499 Blind, and other defectives, work of, 454 Board of lady managers: Act creating, 367 Duties of officers of, 382 Expenses [Transcriber's note: original lacks page number for this entry] Members of, 368 Rules and regulations, 381 Disbursements on account of, 135 Duties of, 21 To serve without compensation, 21 Names of, 12 Increase in number of members, 22 Special mention in final report, 120 Bonds, city of St. Louis, report of collections from sale of, 129 Boston Cooperative Society, award to, 489 Bowes, Mrs. F.K., report of, on sewing machines, etc., 465 Boyd, Mrs. Isaac, report of, on ceramics, 464 Brazil: Commissioners, 182 Building, 183 Exhibits, 184 Bread and pastry, report on, 476 Building, permanent, board of lady managers Buildings (see under each country and State), salvage of, correspondence respecting contract for, 105-116
California: Commissioners, 246 Building, 246 Exhibits, 247 Canada: Commissioners, 184 Building, 185 Exhibits, 185 Capital stock: Collections from sales of, 128 Loan realized on security of, 130 Carter, Hon. Thomas H., president National Commission: Address of welcome at Centennial Day exercises, 25 Addresses by, 370-376,, 389 Resignation of, 113 Cash balances available at end of exposition, 135 Centennial Day, April, 30,, 1903, description of exercises, 24 Ceramics, report on, board of lady managers, 464 Ceylon: Commissioners, 187 Building, 187 Exhibits, 188 Charities and corrections, report on, 490 Children, lost, 424 China: Commissioners, 190 Building, 192 Exhibits, 191 Circular to women of Europe, 416 Cleveland, ex-President, dedication day address, 34 Clothing industries, report on, board of lady managers, 470 Colleges, women's exhibits by, 446 Collegiate Alumnae, Association of, 428 Colonial Dames, 428 Colorado: Commissioners, 248 Exhibits, 248 Commissioners. (See under each country; See also National Commission.) Committees, board of lady managers: Auditing, 369 Awards, 369 Congresses, 369 Entertainment, 369 Foreign relations, 369 House, 369 House furnishing, 369 Legislative, 369 Special, 369 Standing, 369 Woman's work, 369 Women's congresses, 369 Commissions, statement of receipts from., 131 Connecticut: Commissioners, 248 Building, 249 Exhibits, 249 Congress, international, 426 Correspondence: Between the National Commission and the Exposition Company on the question of jurors and awards— Mr. Allen to Mr. Francis, October, 18, 1904, 85 Mr. Allen to Mr. Francis, November, 4, 1904, 88 Mr. Allen to Mr. Francis, November, 5, 1904, 90 Mr. Allen to Mr. Francis, November, 12, 1904, 94 Mr. Carter to Mr. Francis, May, 19, 1904, 83 Mr. Carter to Mr. Francis, May, 23, 1904, 83 Mr. Carter to Mr. Francis, November, 22, 1904, 95 Mr. Francis to Mr. Allen, November, 4, 1904, 89 Mr. Francis to Mr. Allen, November, 4, 1904, 89 Mr. Francis to Mr. Allen, November, 8, 1904, 91 Mr. Knapp to Mr. Thurston, November, 11, 1904, 94 Between the National Commission and the Exposition Company on the question of advertising the exposition and sale of special tickets Agreement with respect to special tickets, 81 Mr. Carter to Mr. Francis, July, 20, 1904, 77 Mr. Flory to Mr. Stevens, May, 19, 1904, 80 Mr. Stevens to Mr. Flory, May, 18, 1904, 79 Between the National Commission and the Exposition Company in the matter of financial reports Mr. Carter to Mr. Francis, October, 3,, 1902, 67 Mr. Carter to Mr. Francis, November, 26,, 1902, 68 Mr. Flory to Mr. Stevens, February, 5,, 1903, 69 Mr. Francis to Mr. Carter, October, 15,, 1902, 67 Mr. Francis to Mr. Carter, November, 26,, 1902, 69 Mr. Stevens to Mr. Flory, November, 1,, 1902, 67 Mr. Stevens to Mr. Flory, November, 26,, 1902, 69 Mr. Stevens to ——, November, 29,, 1902, 69 Mr. Stevens to Mr. Flory, February, 19,, 1903, 70 Salvage of exposition property Mr. Carter to Mr. Francis, February, 28,, 1905, 105 Mr. Stevens to Mr. Carter, March, 7,, 1905, 107,, 111 Mr. Stevens to Mr. Grahame, March, 23,, 1905, 114,, 116 Council of Jewish Women, 428 County schools, 444 Creche, the, 421 Cuba: Commissioners, 193 Building, 193 Exhibits, 194 Curie, Madame, 451
Daughters of— American Revolution, 428 Liberty, 428 St. George, 428 Veterans, 428 Day, Mrs. M.B.R., report of, on pomology, 479 Day nursery, 421 Dedication, exercises of, 383 Dedication day: Address by Hon. D.R. Francis, 27 Address by President Roosevelt, 29 Address by Ex-President Cleveland, 34 Names of Senate committee, 60 Names of House committee, 60 Denmark: Commissioners, 195 Exhibits, 196 Deposits, receipts from interest on, 133 Design, Woman's School of, 440 Diplomatic day, May, 1,, 1902, description of exercises, 43 Disbursements and receipts. (See Report of statements, etc.) Dockery, Hon. A.M., governor of Missouri, address on State day, 56 Dunphy, John M., affidavit of, 169
East India: Commissioners, 216 Exhibits, 216 Edgerton, Mrs. R.A., report of, on decoration of buildings, 464 Education, report on, lady board of managers, 441 Egypt: Commissioners, 196 Exhibits, 196 Electricity, report on, 498 Entertainment and ceremonies, report of committee on, 429 Ethnography, exhibits in, 482 Ethnology, woman's work in, 481 Exhibits (see also under each country and State): Classification of, 14 From foreign countries, to be admitted free of duty, 18 Rules governing applications for space, 16 Rules governing packing and shipment of, 16 Educational Exhibits, 438 Indian school, 344 Philippines, 327,488 Special commendation of Philippines exhibit, 118 Foreign exhibits, 119 State, Territorial, and district exhibits, 120 United States Government exhibit, 121 Special installation of, disbursements in, 135 Exhibits to statement of receipts and disbursements. (See under Report on accounts, etc.) Expenditures, board of lady managers, statement of, 523 Exploitation committee, emergency funds advanced to, 135 Exposition, educational advantages of [Transcriber's note: page number missing in original] Expositions, previous work of women in, 369
Farm equipment, report on, 474 Farming by irrigation, 475 Felton, Mrs. W.H., report of, on farm equipment, 474 Financial condition of Exposition Company, 136 Fischel, Mrs. W.E., report of, on education, 493 Fletcher, Miss Alice C., report of, on somatology, 479 Foreign countries: President's proclamation inviting participation of, 9 (See under each country.) Foreign exhibitors: Rules and regulations concerning, 10, 11, 12 (See also under each country.) Rules and regulations for settlement of disagreements with Exposition Company, 12 France: Commissioners, 197 Buildings, 198 Exhibits, 199 Francis, Hon. D.R., president Exposition Company: Address presenting buildings for dedication, 27 Address on diplomatic day, 45 Addresses by, 372,, 386,, 395 French industrial schools, 200 Fruit farmers, women, 479 Fund: Contingent, 397 Exposition, statement of, 5
General Federation of Women's Clubs, 428 Geographical apparatus, 462 Georgia: Commissioners, 252 Building, 252 Exhibits, 252 Germany: Commissioners, 204 Building, 204 Exhibits, 206 Gibbons, Cardinal, invocation on centennial day, 24 Great Britain: Commissioners, 208 Building, 209 Exhibits, 211 Griswold, Miss Edith J., report of, on machinery, 496 Greisheimer, Miss Caroline, report of, on social economy, 483 Guatemala: Commissioners, 213 Building, 211 Exhibits, 212
Haiti: Commissioners, 213 Exhibits, 213 Hamlin, Mrs. Conde, report of, on municipal government, 492 Harper, Rev. William R., invocation on State day, 55 Harrison, Rabbi Leon, benediction on State day, 59 Harrow, Mrs. A.G., report of, on clothing Industries, 470 Hedleston, Miss Florence, exhibit by, 440 Henderson, Mrs. Alice Palmer, report of, on ethnology, 481 Hill, Octavia, work of, in London, 489 Historical data, 361 Honduras: Commissioners, 214 Exhibits, 214 Hough, Claude, appointed stenographer of the National Commission, 7 Hendrix, Bishop, prayer at dedication-day exercises, 41 Hostess' Association, 359 House Committee, final report of, 514 House furnishing: Expenditures, 418 Gifts and loans for, 419 Housing model, 489 Hungary: Commissioners, 216 Exhibits, 216 Humane Education Society, methods and results, 488
Idaho: Commissioners, 254 Building, 254 Exhibits, 254 Igorrotes, 488 Illinois: Commissioners, 258 Building, 258 Exhibits, 258 Indian exhibit (United States Government): Authority to establish, 344 Buildings, 344 Exhibits, 344 School entertainments, 346 Indian relics, 345 Indian Territory: Building, 270 Commissioners, 269 Exhibits, 269 Indiana: Commissioners, 267 Building, 268 Exhibits, 268 International Board W. and Y.M.C.A., 411 International Congress of Nurses, 411 International day, 384 International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 411 Intramural Railway, receipts from, 132 Inventions of women, 497 Italy: Commissioners, 217 Building, 217 Exhibits, 214
Japan: Commissioners, 219 Building, 221 Exhibits, 220,221 Jewish women, council of, 428 Johnston, Miss Frances B., report of, on photography, 461 Jurors, board of lady managers: List of, 509 Department jurors, 512 Group jurors, 511 Jurors and Awards. (See Awards and Correspondence.) Jury of awards, rules for, 96 Jusserand, M. Jean J., French Ambassador, address on diplomatic day, 47
Kansas: Building, 274 Commissioners, 272 Exhibits, 272 Kentucky: Building, 277 Commissioners, 274 Exhibits, 274 Kings Daughters, 428 Knights and Ladies of Honor, 428 Krug, S., affidavits of, 155 Krupp, Fraulein, model housing, 489
Laces, report on, 471 Lindsay, William, member National Commission, address on State day, 55 Ladies' Aid Society of United States, 411 Ladies' Catholic Benevolent Society, 412 Ladies' United Veteran Legion, 411 Ladies of the Maccabees, 411 Legislative committee, final report of, 398 Liabilities. (See Assets and liabilities.) Libraries, traveling, women's work in, 451 Lincoln, Mrs. Alice N., model housing, 489 Lost children, 424 Louisiana: Building, 277 Commissioners, 277 Exhibits, 278 Loughborough, Miss Hope Fairfax: Report of, on education of defectives, 453 Report on electricity, 498
McDonald, Charles L., affidavit of, 153 MacDougal, Miss Anna G., report of, on secondary education, 445 McCall, Mrs. John A., resignation of, 374 Machinery, report on, 496 Maine: Building, 280 Commissioners, 280 Exhibits, 280 Major, Mrs. William S., report of, on wearing apparel, 472 Manning, Mrs. Daniel, election of, 388 Manufactures, report on, 494 Maryland: Building, 281 Commissioners, 280 Exhibits, 282 Massachusetts: Building, 283 Commissioners, 283 Exhibits, 283 Massachusetts school exhibit, 440 Matthews, Mrs. Elizabeth St. John, report of, on sculpture, 458 Mexico: Commissioners, 222 Exhibits, 223 Michigan: Building, 283 Commissioners, 283 Exhibits, 284 Mining, woman's work in, 501 Mines, report on, 500 Minnesota: Building, 286 Commissioners, 286 Exhibits, 287 Minnesota: Educational exhibit, 446 Manual training in, 446 Missionary Society, Woman's Foreign, 411 Mississippi: Building, 292 Commissioners, 292 Exhibits, 293 Missouri: Building, 294 Commissioners, 294 Exhibits, 295 Model playground, 423 Montana: Building, 298 Commissioners, 298 Exhibits, 298 Moore, Mrs. Philip U., general report of, 503 Mothers, National Congress, 411 Music Department, benefits from, 133 Museum, Philadelphia Commercial, 486
National Commission: Allotment for contingent expenses of, 11 Names of Commissioners, 6 Committees of, 6 Resignation of Mr. Carter as president of the Commission, 113 Election of Mr. Thurston as president of the Commission, 113 Monthly reports, difficulty in preparation and submission, 66 Report of, submitted, 3 Members of, from Senate and House, at dedication, 60 National American Woman Suffrage Association, 411 National Congress of Mothers, 411,428 National Council of Women, 411 National League of Women Workers, 411 Nebraska: Commissioners, 299 Exhibits, 299 New Hampshire: Building, 300 Commissioners, 300 Exhibits, 301 New Jersey: Building, 301 Commissioners, 301 Exhibits, 301 New Mexico: Building, 306 Commissioners, 304 Exhibits, 304 New York: Building, 306 Commissioners, 306 Exhibits, 307 New York City, night school of art, 453 New York City, sociological exhibit, 308 New Zealand: Commissioners, 225 Exhibits, 226 Norway and Sweden: Commissioners, 228 Exhibits, 228 North Carolina: Commissioners, 310 Exhibits, 310 North Dakota: Commissioners, 312 Exhibits, 312 Nurses, International Congress of, 411 Nuttall, Mrs. Zelia, investigations in archaeology, 482
Odell, Hon. B.B., governor of New York, address on State day, 57 Officers, election of, board of lady managers, 374 Ohio: Building, 313 Commissioners, 313 Exhibits, 314 Ojeda, Senor, Spanish minister, address on diplomatic day, 53 Oklahoma Territory: Building, 314 Commissioners, 314 Exhibits, 315 Opening day, festivities, 24 Oregon: Building, 316 Commissioners, 316 Exhibits, 317 Organization of board of lady managers, 370
Paintings and drawings, report on, 455 Passes (photo) receipts from, 133 P.E.C. Sisterhood, 411 Pennsylvania: Building, 319 Commissioners, 318 Exhibits, 318 Perry, Miss Mary E., report of, on charities and corrections, 490 Peru: Commissioners, 230 Exhibits, 230 Peters, Miss Cora, report of, on Indian education, 482 Philadelphia Commercial Museum, 486 Philippine Islands: Buildings, 324 Commissioners, 323 Exhibits, 325 Official board, 325 Photograph, importance of, as educational exhibit, 443 Photography, report on, 461 Pomology, report on, 479 Portable schoolhouse, 444 Porto Rico: Commissioners, 331 Exhibits, 331 Potter, Rt. Rev. Henry C., benediction at dedication day exercises, 42 Proclamation: Of the President inviting foreign governments to participate, 9 Of President Roosevelt, postponing Exposition to, 1903, 22 Proctor, Hon. John R., report of, on woman's work in Government Departments, 401 Provident Institutions, report on, 488 Pugh, Mrs. F.H., report of, on bread and pastry, 476
Receipts. (See under Report on accounts and statement of receipts and disbursements.) Receipts and disbursements, tabular statement of, 131 Relief Corps, Woman's, 411 Report on accounts and statement of receipts and disbursements: Receipts— Collections on account of sales of stock, 128 Collections from sale of city of St. Louis bonds, 129 United States Government aid, 129 United States Government loan, 129 Loan on security of capital stock subscriptions, 130 Admissions, 130 Concessions, 131 Intramural railway, 132 Service, power, light, etc., 133 Music Department, 133 Premium on souvenir gold coin, 133 Photo-pass receipts, 133 Interest on deposits, 133 Miscellaneous collections, 134 Salvage of exposition property, 134 Special fund, 134 Disbursements— Exhibits, special installation of, 135 Money for emergency exploitation committee 135 Board of lady managers, 135 Cash balances available, 135 Financial condition of Exposition Company, 136 Tabular statement of receipts and disbursements to April, 30,, 1905, 137 Current assets and liabilities, tabular estimate of, on May, 3,, 1905, 138 Exhibits to statement of receipts and disbursements— Admissions' collections, 140 Concessions' collections, 140 Service, power, light, water bills, etc., 140 Transportation collections, 142 Interest receipts, 142 Miscellaneous collections, 142 Construction, 143 Rent of grounds and buildings, 144 Maintenance and operating, 144 Exhibits division, 145 Exploitation division, 145 Protection, 146 Concessions and admissions division, 147 Executive and administrative division, 147 Transportation bureau, 147 Money advanced, 147 Miscellaneous, 147 Condensed statement showing estimated financial result, 149 Reports of foreign countries. (See under each country.) Reports on States, Territories, and districts. (See under name of each.) Resolutions: On auditing of Exposition Company's accounts, 71 On subject of free admissions, 72,, 74 On sale of special tickets, 79 Concerning allotment of funds for contingent expenses of the National Commission, 11 On death of President McKinley, 9 Rhode Island: Building, 332 Commissioners, 332 Exhibits, 334 Rhode Island, school exhibits, 334 Riley, Mrs. C.M.F., report of, on sugar and confectionery, 477 Rogers, Dr. Howard J., in charge of the congresses, 411,, 412 Roosevelt, Miss Alice, luncheon in honor of, 515 Roosevelt, Mrs. Theodore, picture of, presented, 419 Roosevelt, President— Dedication Day address, 29 Orders statistical information for Woman's Work Committee, 401 Rules and regulations: Classification of exhibits, 12 Concerning applications for space, 16 Concerning packing and shipment of exhibits, 16 For government of the exposition, 12 Governing system of awards, 61 Governing correspondence respecting, 83-103 Governing making of awards, 20 Pertaining to foreign exhibits, 10, 11, 12 As to board of lady managers, 21 Board of lady managers, 382 Russia: Commissioners, 231 Exhibits, 231
St. Louis school exhibit, 440 Salvage of exposition property: Correspondence respecting contract for, 105-116 Investigation of contract for— Affidavit of Charles L. McDonald, 153 Affidavit of H.S. Albrecht, 150 Affidavit of S. Krug, 155 Affidavit of George J. Schmitt, 166 Affidavit of John M. Dunphy, 169 Receipts from, 134 Salvation Army: Its beginning, 487 Its progress, 487 Schmitt, George J., affidavit of, 166 Scientific research, woman's work in, 451 School, French Industrial, 444 Schoolhouse, portable, 444 Schools: County, 444 Movement to centralize, 444 Scrutchin, Mrs. M.G., report of, on mines, 500 Sculpture, report on, 458 Secretary board of lady managers: Election of, 374 Resignation of, 394 Election of second, 394 Service, power, light, etc., receipts from, 133 Sewing, report on, 473 Siam: Commissioners, 233 Building, 232 Exhibits, 232 Sirwell, Miss S.E., award, 440 Sloyd in Sweden's school exhibit, 444 Smith, Miss Anna Tolman, report of, on educational exhibits, 439 Social economy: Exhibits in, 483 Report on, 483 Social events, list of, 430 Solari, Miss Mary, report of, on paintings and drawings, 455 Somatology, report on, 479 South Dakota: Building, 335 Commissioners, 335 Exhibits, 336 Financial statement, 338 Souvenir gold coin, receipts from sales of, 133 Spain, exhibits, 234 Spanish-American war nurses, 411 Special fund, receipts on account of, 134 State day, May, 2,, 1903: Description of exercises, 55 Mentioned, 384 Sugar and confectionery, report on, 477 Summers, Miss Margaret, report of, on wearing apparel, 473 Sullivan, Miss Annie E., instruction of defectives, 451 Sullivan, Lottie, award to, 454 Surgery, woman's work in, 452 Swenson, Reverend, invocation at diplomatic-day exercises, 43
Teachers, proportion of women, 445 Temple, Miss Grace Lincoln, designer of interior decorations, 445 Temple, Miss Mary Boyce, report of, on higher education, 446 Tennessee: Building, 339 Commissioners, 339 Exhibits, 339 Texas: Building, 342 Commissioners, 342 Exhibits, 342 Thurston, Hon. John M.: Address by, 393 Address on diplomatic day, 44 Election as president of National Commission, 113 Final report to the President of the United States, 123 Transportation bureau, functions of, 14 Transportation, report on, 499 Treasurer board of lady managers, report, 518 Turkey, commissioners, 234
Union, International Ladies' Garment Workers', 411 United Daughters of the Confederacy, 428 United Daughters of, 1812, 428 United States Government aid, 129 United States Government loan, 129 Utah: Building, 343 Commissioners, 343 Exhibits, 343
Vatican: Commissioner, 235 Exhibits, 236 Venezuela: Commissioners, 235 Exhibits, 235 Vermont: Building, 347 Commissioners, 347 Exhibits, 348 Virginia: Commissioners, 348 Exhibits, 348
Wade, Miss Margaret, report of, on provident institutions, 488 Waite, John D., appointment of, as a member of National Commission, 114 Wall papers, designs of, by women, 453 War, Spanish-American, nurses, 411 Washington: Building, 350 Commissioners, 350 Exhibits, 351 Wearing apparel, report on, 472 Wednesday Club, 385 Weld, Miss Rose, report of: On architecture, 460 On transportation, 499 Widegren, Miss Matilda, Swedish school exhibits, 441 Wild flower painting exhibit, 440 Wille, Fran, designer of carpets, 496 Wisconsin: Building, 353 Commissioners, 354 Exhibits, 354 Woman: In scientific research, 451 Progress in art, 452 In surgery, 452 In Government employ, 401 Woman's Building, 414 Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 411 Woman's Club, reception by, 394 Woman's clubs: Civic work of, 492 General Federation of, 428 Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, 411 Woman's Relief Corps, 411 Woman's School of Design, 440 Women as inventors, 497 Women fruit farmers, 479 Women's colleges: List of, 446 Exhibits by, 446 Women's congresses, report of committee on, 427 Women teachers, proportion of, 445 Wood, Miss Carrie, designer of the "Missouri", 452 Wood, Mrs. E.D., report of, on laces, 471 Woolwine, Mrs. W.M., report of, on apparatus for geography, 462 Wyoming: Commissioners, 356 Exhibits, 356
Yandell, Miss Enid, designer of the "Daniel Boone", 452 Young Women's Christian Association, 411
[END OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENT] ————————————————————-
Transcriber's notes:
The original index did not have any labels in the gaps between letters. Added above for clarity.
ERRATA in original fixed in electronic text listed in the order they appear in the text. The corrected word appears first with context around it; the context does not necessarily appear all on one line in the text version of this file. Then the original erroneous word is shown.
On December 1, 1901, the rules and regulations were published, ... [a few lines] "An act to provide for celebrating the one hundredth anniversary" — had 'hundreth'
[a few lines later] "It will be held to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary" — had 'hundreth'
"of the one hundredth anniversary of an event which doubled the" — had 'hundreth'
"new brethren to partake of the blessings of freedom" — had 'brethern'
"entrance of that river to the sea." — had 'entrace'
"protection and allegiance are reciprocal" — had 'recriprocal'
"thought it not amiss, however," — had 'aethought'
"In this triumphal day, amid the shouts of joy," — had 'trumphal'
"The simplest protocol on postal or sanitary questions" — had 'procotol'
"to the broadest possible liberty of action" — had 'posible'
"signature of some competing exhibitor" — had 'competiting'
"The special rules provide for the appointment" — had 'appoinment'
"to the end, presumably, that unchallenged" — had 'unchalleged'
"The contract provisions were superior to any made in the bids." — had 'porvisions'
[the next phrase appears twice within a few paragraphs, and had the same error in each] "Condensed summaries of these reports have been prepared" — had 'summariies'
"in respect of the restoration of Forest Park" — had 'Partk'
[leader line shortened here] "Exposition Water Company ..... 63,000.00" — had 'Expositon'
"lists were not furnished to bidders," — had 'furnishel'
"an excellent archaeological collection." — had 'archaelogical'
"an exhibit comprising a great variety of corundum products," — had 'corumdum' throughout this paragraph, and nowhere else in the document. The Oxford English Dictionary does not recognize 'corumdum' as a correct alternate spelling.
"the magnificent jeweled caskets of carved ivory" — had 'magnificient'
"Thirty years ago the island exported a million tons of coffee annually, and tea was an unknown article;" — one wonders whether 'pounds' is meant, thirty years ago being 1874 or thereabouts.
"tapestry woven of wool and silk set off with gold" — had 'wold'
Dr. Johannes Breger, hygienic department; — had 'deparment'
"the invitation to participate in the exposition was accepted," — had 'acepeted'
"The adaptation of the colonial features" — had 'adaption'
"a hundred million dollars' worth of gold" — had 'hunderd'
"native woods from different sections of the State." — had 'diffierent'
"were installed in the Indian Territory Building." — had 'instlled'
"In the arrangement of material, repetition" — had 'arangement'
"The responsibility for this failure rests with" — had 'responsibilty'
"The units from 15 to 21, inclusive" — had '16 to 21' which contradicted remainder of paragraph
"Each department, in addition to its other features," — had 'feautres'
"noted places and buildings in Pennsylvania history." — had 'Pensylvania'
"consisted of samples of sesame, peanut, castor," — had 'seasame'
"The building contained about 4,500 square feet of surface behind glass cases, and about 9,400 square feet of open wall and ceiling space covered with museum specimens, or a total of about 14,000 square feet, where about 1,800 specimens were displayed." — had '1,300' instead of '14,000'
"It has been said that the true value of the" — had 'beeen'
"agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fish and game," — had 'foresty'
"game animals, and game birds indigenous to the section;" — had 'indigenenous'
"It well justified the assertion of Minister Livingston" — had 'asertion'
"that it involved not only a heavy responsibility," — had 'responsibiltiy'
"Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company tendered to the members" — had 'Expositon'
"the construction of the proposed hall of philanthropy." — had 'philanthrophy'
"shall attend to the giving or serving of all" — had 'th'
"and shall whenever directed by the board" — had 'whenevr'
"No. 16. Amendments.—These rules and regulations may be amended" — had 'Thes'
"by two-thirds vote of the members present" — had 'preent'
"There are 108 classes; a committee on each class would be 1,200 jurors." — had 'committtee'
"a rare antique sideboard of semicircular shape," — had 'shap'
"in consequence of which all idea of congresses" — had 'n consepuence'
[the following phrase appears twice in the document; it is the later occurrence, within the report of the Board of Lady Managers, which contained this error.] "The nomination of group jurors and alternates, when approved by the president of the exposition, shall be transmitted to the president" — had 'transmited'
"the studies in figure painting was inferior to the same work done by woman in American schools." — had 'sam'
"in class 20, sewing, embroidery, crocheting," — had 'crohceting'
"the remainder were ideal and symbolic works." — had 'symbollic'
"The work was very fine in detail," — had 'deatil'
"binding together in mutual interest and good will" — had 'god'
"The exhibits of New Jersey by means of photographs" — had 'menas'
"Literature; Somatology; Ethnology; Ethnography." — had 'Somatogloy'
"alternate jurors, that you recommend for appointment," — had 'reccommend'
"Miss Margaret Wade (alternate), 912 Nineteenth street," — had 'steet'
[in INDEX:]
"Harrow, Mrs. A.G., report of, on clothing Industries" — had 'repoort'
"Matthews, Mrs. Elizabeth St. John, report of, on sculpture" — had 'Elizabth'
"Wade, Miss Margaret, report of, on provident institutions" — had 'Margeret'
"Virginia: Commissioners" — had 'Commsssioners'