-+ + + Men. Women. -+ + + Executive Office (the President's) 28 Department of State 92 17 Treasury Department 3,234 2,313 War Department 2,411 300 Navy Department 2,292 85 Post-Office Department 812 237 Department of Interior 4,810 2,862 Department of Justice 191 21 Department of Agriculture 650 382 Government Printing Office 2,623 1,068 Department of Labor 74 10 United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries 55 12 Interstate Commerce Commission 133 Civil Service Commission 55 6 Industrial Commission 10 7 Smithsonian Institution 320 39 Bureau of American Republics 13 9 -+ + +
The first woman employed in the Government service was appointed by General Spinner, of the Treasury Department, about 1864.
On July 1, 1901, the clerical force in the Executive Departments in Washington was approximately a force of 27,605 employees of both sexes. Out of this number there were 7,496 females. The time, at this ratio of increase of the respective sexes, when the gentler sex is to overcome and pass the men, is merely a matter of arithmetic to those who wish to ascertain this interesting data. The above table shows that the women have between one-fourth and one-third of the appointments in Washington, D.C.
Mrs. Mary Phelps Montgomery, the chairman of the committee on woman's work, read her first report of the work of that committee at the meeting of the board held Tuesday, April 28, 1903, and a copy was transmitted to the National Commission. At the session held on December 17, 18, and 19, 1903, the following letter was received and read by the secretary:
ST. LOUIS, U.S.A., December 16, 1903.
DEAR MRS. HANGER: Replying to your esteemed favor of the 14th instant, transmitting a copy of report of committee on woman's work, which was adopted by your board at a meeting held in April, 1903, you are advised that on motion the same was approved to the extent that the report prescribes the scope of your proposed field of activity.
The Commission, at its session on the 15th instant, adopted the following resolution:
"Moved and seconded that in so far as the report of committee on woman's work prescribes the line of work for the board of lady managers, the same stands approved by the Commission.
"Motion prevailed."
Agreeable to your request, the report has been forwarded to the Exposition Company for its action, with a copy of the resolution passed by the Commission. Very respectfully, THOMAS H. CARTER, President.
MRS. FREDERICK M. HANGER, Secretary of the Board of Lady Managers, Administration Building, City.
Extracts from this report are embodied in the final report of the committee on woman's work, which is as follows:
September 30, 1902, the women appointed by the National Commission as lady managers for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition were called by the National Commission to meet in St. Louis and effect an organization of the board of lady managers. At this meeting the board of lady managers was organized and Mrs. James L. Blair elected president.
The first permanent committee appointed by the new president was a committee on woman's work. The ladies appointed on this committee were: Miss Anna L. Dawes, Miss Helen Gould, Mrs. Marcus Daly, Mrs. M.K. de Young, and Mrs. Mary Phelps Montgomery, chairman. Two members of this committee were not present at the meeting. The president of the board impressed upon the chairman of the committee that a large share of the board's work must of necessity be performed by the committee on woman's work. The chairman of the committee asked the president of the National Commission for special instructions in regard to the plan and scope of the work of the board of lady managers. The president of the National Commission replied that the board of lady managers must outline their own policy and perform their own work to their best judgment. There was no work performed by the committee on woman's work at this meeting.
The second meeting of the board of lady managers was held in New York City, November 17, 1902. The chairman of the committee on woman's work asked to have added to this committee Mrs. John M. Holcombe, Mrs. Edward L. Buchwalter, Mrs. Daniel Manning, and Mrs. Richard Knott. The chairman of the committee called a meeting at that time, to which call only Miss Anna L. Dawes and Mrs. Daniel Manning responded. At this second meeting of the board of lady managers in New York the president of the board instructed the committee on woman's work to proceed to St. Louis not later than March, and there receive instructions from the National Commission in regard to the line of work they should take up at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. It became apparent at this meeting that it would be necessary to specialize the work of the board of lady managers, thus relieving the committee on woman's work of much responsibility and labor.
The chairman and Mrs. Daniel Manning, as members of the committee on woman's work, spent January, 1903, in the city of Washington, and during their stay endeavored to acquaint themselves with the work performed by women in each and every vocation in life.
In accordance with the instructions of the president, Mrs. Blair, at the meeting held on November 17, the committee on woman's work met at the Southern Hotel, in St. Louis, March 10, at 11 o'clock, Mrs. Montgomery, chairman. There were present besides the chairman Mrs. Manning, Mrs. Holcombe, and Mrs. Buchwalter, three members being unavoidably prevented from coming, viz: Miss Gould, Miss Dawes, and Mrs. Knott.
The interest that this committee felt in developing on broad lines their part in the exposition is shown in the following extracts taken from my report, which was not read, however, until the meeting of the board held April 28, 1903:
* * * * *
According to appointment, the committee on woman's work met the executive committee of the Exposition Company at the Laclede Building, March 11, 1903. Mr. Corwin H. Spencer, acting and first vice-president and chairman of the executive committee, presided, and stated: "These ladies are here, gentlemen, upon my invitation, and have some matters they wish to discuss with you."
Mrs. Montgomery, the chairman of the committee on woman's work, then said:
"Ever since we became members of the board of lady managers we have been somewhat in the dark as to what we could and might do to contribute to the success of this great exposition, and we thought perhaps if we came and talked to you gentlemen upon the ground that you could throw us a little light.' We, of course, want to work in harmony with everything that has already been outlined, and we feel that we are a very weak body, but we want to add our efforts to those of the officers of this exposition, and we came to ask you to please tell us how we can help you, and to instruct us upon the line which we are to take up. We feel that women of this country have become a very great factor, but we also feel that the time has passed when we are to have a separate exhibit of what women can do, and we thought perhaps in some way we might be able to work in unison with the executive committee and the various other committees of the exposition."
Several subjects were brought up by members of the committee on woman's work, such as the organizations of the country, the congresses at this exposition, the dates of meetings, and provision for the care of the women in attendance. It was suggested by a member of the committee that in the largest audience that the exposition would have the majority would be women. The company had already taken steps to provide a place of meeting, so arranged that meetings could be held without admission fee.
At this meeting a motion was made, and carried by the executive committee, "that the director of exhibits, Mr. Skiff, be instructed to formulate a programme suggesting the way in which the board of lady managers can assist in inducing congresses to come to the exposition."
The chairman of the committee on woman's work then called attention to the fact that almost the first thing done after the organization of that committee was to ask that immoral dances be excluded from the exposition, to which no reply had been received. During the discussion which followed Mr. Stevens read copy from his records, showing that a letter had been sent by him to the president of the board of lady managers, reading as follows:
"MADAM PRESIDENT: I am directed by the executive committee to reply to your letter conveying the resolution adopted by the board of lady managers on the subject of concessions. The resolution was duly referred by the executive committee to the director of concessions and the committee on concessions, with request for careful consideration. The report of the director and the committee on concessions has been received. The director and the committee express the belief that, under the conditions imposed in all the contracts the concessions will be so regulated as to render it impossible to present any amusement that can be classed as indecent or improper.
"Very respectfully, WALTER B. STEVENS, Secretary."
The committee on woman's work then stated to the executive committee that this letter had never been read before the board at their meeting.
The matter was then considered of sending several members of the board of lady managers abroad to exploit woman's work and to excite an interest in woman's congresses throughout the world. The chairman stated that she had a letter from Mr. Francis saying he would send one with certain conditions, and the committee wanted to know if that decision was final and what the action of the executive committee would be on that point. It was suggested that three women from the board should be sent abroad—one from the East, one from the West, and one from the Middle States—and the chairman of the executive committee said that, if agreeable to the ladies, that committee would have the matter taken up as soon as President Francis returned. The executive committee was assured that if it would outline a programme by which the board of lady managers could render assistance to this great exposition they would be very glad; they wanted to help do what the heads of the exposition had laid out to be, done, and if there was anything that women could do, let them do it.
The meeting then adjourned, and the committee on woman's work met with Mr. Skiff, the director of exhibits. In response to an inquiry in regard to the question whether his committee had taken the initiative in regard to educational and international congresses, Mr. Skiff replied:
"The exposition simply patronizes and assists without the expenditure of money these stated congresses and conventions. Those bodies already organized are in a hospitable way invited here, and their executive management is aided more or less in a hall in which they can meet a committee to receive them; but they conduct their own conventions.
"Now the international congresses are an entirely different thing. They are patronized by the exposition. An appropriation of $150,000 has been made for that purpose. Dr. Simon Newcomb is president of the congress. There is no race or sex in a universal exposition; it is the productive use of a man as a unit. We have had great difficulty in convincing the scientific people that so great a thing should come from so western a point. We are going to do a very fine thing in a very large way. The delegates will be selected and all expenses paid from their homes and return, and whatever product of their thought they present here at these congresses will be bound and fixed in type. I can not say we are working on any plan; it is developed. The congress is my idea. I am the director of exhibits, and it did not seem proper for the director of exhibits officially to approve the proceedings and the signatures of an office of an international congress. So I suggested that Director Rogers report to President Francis, so that I use President Francis's name. In the meantime I have been appointed a member of the advisory board on account of my position as a director of the institute in Chicago. There is no opportunity for organizations to participate in that international congress. There you come in as individuals; but man or woman if they are great will be invited. It is all one congress; it will only last one week. We have not selected the exact date. It occupies a week; it is divided into sections. Some days in the Congressional Hall there may be 25 or 30 sections all working at the same time on different subjects. It is a magnificent programme. Meetings of these stated organizations are entirely different. The only point about meetings of these clubs and organizations is that, whether they are officered by men or women, or both, some one in behalf of the exposition must make their way as easy as possible for them and see that days do not collide."
A member of the committee made the request that some provision should be made for the care of trained nurses at the exposition, and Mr. Skiff stated that the War Department was contemplating a field hospital. "They want two things. I do not know what the outcome will be. If you ladies could proceed sufficiently to get these ladies interested in the trained nurse idea—to offer the services of a certain number of 'changed' nurses (you understand, double the number, so that they can change)—I have no doubt that Doctor Laidley will be glad to avail of their services."
In answer to the questions as to the time the jurors would be appointed, and whether he had a list of the things on which women are to be appointed, and how long before they would be known, Mr. Skiff replied:
"The jurors will be appointed the first week of the exposition, and the list of things on which women are to be appointed will depend on whether the work is done in whole or in part by female labor. We will know as soon as we get a catalogue. We can not tell what the exhibits will be until they are exhibits. The pamphlet of classification will be of invaluable assistance to you, ladies, in your work. The jurors are to be paid $7 a day and traveling expenses."
In response to the inquiry whether the board should not begin to look out for the women that would be capable for that sort of work, Mr. Skiff said:
"They will develop. There are 108 classes; a committee on each class would be 1,200 jurors. We are not working women's exhibits up any more than men's. It takes care of itself. We do not specially promote, except in this way: An officer of a department, if he understands his work, is given a classification. That is his bible. He makes up his mind what is possible to do in the way of an exhibit. They build up an exhibit. In that way they find it necessary to touch what we call 'individual promotion' on their broad lines. For instance, in education, deaf, dumb, and blind; charity, philanthropy, and education of mind; conveyance of thought; social economy, the model city; machinery, that class of machinery that is most ingenious; electricity, electric therapeutics, electric magnetism; transportation, aeronautics, Santos Dumont, etc.; forestry, fish culture, etc. They can add, and on broad lines develop, the highest type of the condition of the times."
Replying to the question whether an exhibit of laces by a woman could be insured, Mr. Skiff stated: "We have no money for insurance; we have no people to go on bond; she is an individual exhibitor, and must get in her own exhibit in a general way."
On the following day, March 12, I received from Mr. Stevens the following letter, accompanied by a record of 1903 conventions of organizations composed of women:
ST. Louis, U.S.A., March, 13, 1903.
MADAM: In pursuance of the conference held by your committee with the executive committee of the exposition the 11th instant, the acting president, Mr. Spencer, directs me to send to you the accompanying list of conventions and delegate meetings of women to be held in the near future. It is desired to obtain action by these bodies the coming year to meet in St. Louis during 1904. The acting president instructs me to say that if your committee or the board of lady managers will assist in obtaining such action it will be highly appreciated.
The exposition management, with a view to encourage the holding of conventions and congresses, has arranged to have several halls, the use of which can be given to conventions without cost to them. Two or three convention halls will be so located with approaches as to enable delegates to the conventions to reach them without passing through the gates of the exposition. It is also the purpose to afford hall room free to such bodies as may desire to hold meetings downtown.
The acting president directs me to say, further, that from a very thorough canvass made of the city, and from information in the possession of the exposition management, it is believed that good accommodations can be assured at reasonable rates during the exposition. It is the purpose of the exposition to maintain an information service, which will enable delegates to secure accommodations by mail previous to their arrival here.
In other ways the exposition management will endeavor to make the holding of conventions a prominent and satisfactory feature of the World's Fair. If the board of lady managers will join in the invitation to these bodies of women to hold their 1904 conventions at St. Louis the board can help very materially. If the members of the board of lady managers can attend some of these gatherings of 1903, and by personal effort and representation assist in bringing the conventions here the following year, the management will be pleased to have them do so.
Very respectfully, W.B. STEVENS, Secretary.
Record of 1903 Conventions of Organizations Composed of Women.
International Congress of Nurses, New York City; International Board of Women and Y.M.C.A. Conference, Cleveland, Ohio; Daughters of Liberty, National Council, Philadelphia, Pa.; Daughters of St. George, Columbus, Ohio; Daughters of Veterans' National Convention, Cleveland, Ohio; Ladies' Aid Society of the United States, Providence, R.I.; P.R.O. Sisterhood Supreme, St. Louis, Mo.; Ladies' United Veteran Legion National Convention, Brooklyn, N.Y.; National Council of Women, New York City; Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, Chicago, Ill.; National League of Women Workers, Syracuse, N.Y.; Women's and Young Women's Christian Association, St. Louis, Mo.; National Congress of Mothers, Detroit, Mich., May 5-8; Daughters of the Revolution, General Society, New York City, May 10; King's Daughters and Sons, St. Louis, Mo.; Knights and Ladies of Honor, St. Louis, Mo.; Knights and Ladies of Security, St. Louis, Mo.; International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, St. Louis, Mo.; P.E.C. Sisterhood, St. Louis, Mo.; Spanish-American War Nurses, St. Louis, Mo.; United Daughters of the Confederacy, St. Louis, Mo.; Woman's Christian Temperance Union, St. Louis, Mo.; Woman's Relief Corps, St. Louis, Mo.; Council of Jewish Women, St. Louis, Mo.; National American Woman Suffrage Association, New Orleans, La.; Ancient Sons and Daughters of Jerusalem, Kansas City, Mo.; Ladies of the Maccabees, Port Huron, Mich.
In a letter from Mr. Howard J. Rogers, in charge of congresses, which will be appended to this report, he says:
"I beg to state that, in my opinion, the only feasible way is for the secretary of the board of lady managers, acting in behalf of the board, to communicate with the secretaries of the various women's organizations, such as Federation of Clubs, etc."
Our committee suggests that a separate committee be formed to take these congresses and other women's organizations in hand and make it their duty to arrange for dates. We would also suggest that a local committee of leading club women of the city of St. Louis be appointed to act in harmony and in unison with this committee of congresses from the board of lady managers.
I herewith submit copies of letters from Mr. Skiff and Mr. Rogers:
ST. LOUIS, U.S.A., March 07, 1903.
DEAR MADAM: I have the honor to acknowledge your favor of March 21, which has been noted. I beg to inform you, in accordance with the instructions of the executive committee, that the director of exhibits formulate a programme suggesting how the board of lady managers can assist the Exposition Company in obtaining congresses of women to meet in St. Louis. I referred the matter to the chief of congresses, who has made a report, in which I concur, and I respectfully submit it for your information and assistance.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, yours, F.J.V. SKIFF, Director of Exhibits.
MRS. MARY PHELPS MONTGOMERY, 3642 Delmar avenue, St. Louis, Mo.
MARCH 24, 1903.
DEAR SIR: Replying to your communication of March 23, in reference to the director of exhibits 'formulating a programme suggesting how the board of lady managers can assist in obtaining congresses of women to meet in St. Louis,' I beg to state that in my opinion the only feasible way is for the secretary of the board of lady managers, acting in behalf of the board, to communicate with the secretaries of the various women's organizations, such as the Federation of Women's Clubs, Daughters of the American Revolution, Colonial Dames of America, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Young Women's Christian Association, Ladies' Catholic Benevolent Association, United States Daughters of 1812, and to second the invitation given by the exposition to meet in this city in 1904, assuring them their active cooperation in the matter of obtaining halls, accommodations, and other matters.
The Daughters of the American Revolution and the Federation of Women's Clubs have already decided to meet in this city, the former in June, the latter in May. I return the letter, as requested. Very respectfully, yours, HOWARD J. ROGERS.
Hon. F.J.V. SKIFF, Director of Exhibits' Building.
In the resolution adopted by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission, in session assembled at the city of New York the 7th day of February, 1902, certain rules were made governing the board of lady managers. The first one recites the power given by Congress to this board of lady managers to appoint "one member of all committees authorized to award prizes for such exhibits as may have been produced in whole or in part by female labor."
The committee on woman's work would suggest:
First. That our board make due preparation for the intelligent selection of one member of all committees authorized to award prizes for such exhibits as may have been produced in whole or in part by female labor, and that we request from the local executive committee a list of all work presented for competition before the Louisiana Purchase Exposition produced in whole or in part by female labor.
Under the resolutions of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition of February 7, 1902, second, we are to "exercise general supervisory control over such features of the exposition as may be specially devoted to woman's work."
This resolution is so vague in its phraseology that we are unable to outline just what we may be permitted to do, and the chairman wishes to call the attention of this board to the fact that one of the subjects which we were instructed to take up before the local executive committee was in regard to a resolution passed by this board at its first meeting on September 30, 1902, regarding indecent and immoral dancing. We were instructed by the board of lady managers to inquire what action had been taken in regard to this resolution, and were informed that it was acted upon immediately, and the company's attorney was instructed to make the contracts in the Midway Plaisance so as to exclude immoral and indecent dancing.
The third resolution, that we were "to take part in the ceremonies connected with the dedication of the buildings of the exposition, and in official functions in which women may be invited to participate, and in any other functions, upon the request of the company and Commission."
From the very gracious manner in which this board of lady managers has been provided for and permitted to participate in the opening ceremonies of the exposition, it would appear that the Government, Commission, and local company will see that we are properly cared for on all future occasions.
Fourth. That we confer and advise with the officers and chiefs of the exposition on the progress being made from time to time in exciting the interest and enlisting the cooperation of women in the several departments, and to appoint all committees necessary to carry out the purpose, and to procure information on the extent of woman's participation in the exposition.
Fifth. That we encourage the presentation of exhibits by women by correspondence, advertising, or such other means as the company may approve.
Sixth. That we collect statistics of woman's work in connection with the exposition for publication.
Seventh. That we encourage, by correspondence, or otherwise, attendance at the exposition, of societies and associations of women, and the holding of conventions, congresses, and other meetings of women.
Eighth. That we maintain within the grounds during the period of the exposition an organization for the relief of women and children who may be found in need of aid, comfort, or special protection.
Ninth. That we receive and officially entertain women when requested so to do by the exposition company and the Commission.
Tenth. That we commission members of the board, or others, with the approval of the Commission and the company, to travel in the interest of the exposition, either at home or abroad.
Eleventh. That we provide for the constant attendance by rotation of at least three members of the board at the exposition grounds from April 30 to December 1, 1904.
Twelfth. That we issue such bulletins from time to time as the company and the Commission may approve, for the special information of women and the exploitation of their contributions to the success of the exposition.
After our board had adjourned and gone to their homes, the chairman called upon President Carter, of the National Commission, and had with him a most interesting talk in regard to woman's work, and he promised to furnish the chairman extracts from their minutes, containing such suggestions on the plan and scope of woman's work in connection with the exposition; and from these extracts our committee has outlined for this board the work which may be done by the board of lady managers, following in many instances the Commission's suggestions verbatim.
This committee desires to return their thanks for the courteous manner in which they were received by the local executive committee, and for the assurance of aid in any work which they might undertake. They also desire to thank the National Commission for its kind reception, advice, and suggestions on the plan of woman's work.
The board of lady managers, pursuant to a call, met in the city of St. Louis, April 28, 1903, and, as has already been stated, the chairman read before the board the report from which the above extracts are taken, on the work of the committee on woman's work performed in St. Louis. The president of the board of lady managers at this April meeting created several new committees, viz, an executive committee, an entertainment committee, a legislative committee, and a committee for a day nursery or creche. The creating of these committees practically took from the hands of the committee on woman's work all special work.
A meeting of the board of lady managers was called in St. Louis on December 15, 1903; at this meeting it became necessary to elect a new president of the board, and conditions had so changed that it became necessary to add several new committees to those already formed, one being the committee on awards, to further develop the work of the board of lady managers.
The only money the board of lady managers had ever received to conduct their work was an appropriation of $3,000 from the treasurer of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, part of which had been expended, so that all work of the board of lady managers was absolutely suspended for the want of funds. It became necessary for the legislative committee to proceed to Washington to secure money to carry out their plans. The result of the labors of the legislative committee has been ably told in the report of the chairman of that committee, Mrs. Edward L. Buchwalter.
During the December meeting, and after the adjournment of the board, the work which seemed of the most vital interest, and the one which lay nearest to the hearts of every member of the board of lady managers, was the construction, equipment, and management of a creche or day nursery. The chairman of the committee on woman's work remained with the president of the board in St. Louis for ten days after the adjournment of the board, meeting the executive committee of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, endeavoring to arrange for the construction and equipment of a day nursery. The Exposition Company assured this committee that they would construct for the lady managers a building that would cost $30,000, and give $5,000 toward equipment, and that the day nursery would be self-sustaining with the possibility of an income above the expense payable to the Exposition Company.
It now became evident that if the board of lady managers was to have a day nursery, they must give up the idea of a purely philanthropic institution and enter the field as money makers.
After two weeks of patient labor, it was made apparent that if a day nursery was built, all expenses for furnishing and maintaining it must be paid for out of the funds appropriated by Congress for the use of the board of lady managers in their various works. The president of the board of lady managers offered to contribute $15,000 for the furnishing and maintenance of this day nursery out of the $100,000 set aside for the use of the lady managers, if the Exposition Company would free them from any further financial liability. This the Exposition Company refused to do.
The Exposition Company further informed us they had already let a concession for a model playground which would practically cover the work to be performed by the day nursery, and that this concession had agreed to care for each child at the rate of 25 cents per day, and that the board of lady managers could not conduct a day nursery without charging a fee for the care of each child. Thus the day nursery was taken out of the hands of the committee on woman's work.
As chairman of this committee, I can not bring this report to a close without expressing the very deep and heartfelt disappointment of the committee on woman's work, and I may add the president and every member of the board of lady managers, that circumstances over which we had no control forced us to abandon this cherished project of a model day nursery.
As the duties of the board of lady managers became more apparent and diversified, and the work evolved and developed, it became necessary to specialize. The work of the committee on woman's work ceased to be performed by a large committee under this name, but was carried on to the close of the exposition by committees composed of the various members of the board.
In closing this report it would appear at first that the committee on woman's work stood for very little and had done very little toward the success of the board of lady managers. However, this committee, under other names, did successfully perform a large amount of philanthropic and social work.
There were on the exposition grounds State buildings constructed by 44 States. These buildings were designed as clubhouses for the citizens of the various States and were provided with rest rooms, social halls, and other rooms to contribute to the comfort of and promote sociability among the people of the various States visiting the exposition. At the beginning of the exposition it seemed one of the duties of the board of lady managers would be to provide a hall for the meeting of women visiting the exposition and also a rest room, but this want was provided for by each individual State.
Miss Anna M. Dawes, chairman of the committee on foreign relations, read the first report of that committee at the meeting of the board held in the Administration Building on March 2, 1904. The final report of that committee is as follows:
The committee on foreign affairs was appointed by Mrs. James L. Blair, the first president of the board, during the meeting at the time of the formal opening of the exposition on May 2, 1903. This committee consisted of Mrs. Daniel Manning, chairman; Miss Dawes, Mrs. Knott, Miss Gould, Mrs. Holcombe, Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Moores, and Mrs. von Mayhoff.
On December 17, 1903, Mrs. Manning having been elected president of the board after the resignation of Mrs. Blair, Miss Dawes became chairman of the committee, and has so continued.
In pursuance of a policy inaugurated by Mrs. Manning, it was determined to send a circular to the women of the different countries of Europe, calling their attention to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, inviting their cooperation and presence, and offering to do what we could toward that end. At the request of the present chairman, Mrs. Manning conferred with the officers of the exposition as to what had already been done, and with the State Department in Washington as to what could be done, and prepared the circular appended, the State Department sending it out to its officials in the following countries:
Berne, Switzerland; Bucharest, Roumania; Belgrade, Servia; Brussels, Belgium; Constantinople, Turkey; Copenhagen, Denmark; Athens, Greece; Berlin, Germany; Habana, Cuba; Lisbon, Portugal; Rome, Italy; Paris, France; Madrid, Spain; Stockholm, Sweden; St. Petersburg, Russia; Sofia, Bulgaria; Vienna, Austria; London, England; The Hague, Netherlands; Egypt; Mexico; China; Japan; Dominion of Canada.
The cordial cooperation of the Government, through the State Department, was a source of great satisfaction to the committee, giving, as it did, not only currency to the circular, but putting the weight and dignity of the Government behind our action. For this, and for the extremely valuable circular so finely adapted to the need, and so eloquently setting forth the objects of the exposition and the aims and desires of this board, we are, as in so many other things, indebted to the experience and ability of Mrs. Manning.
EXCELLENCY: By an act of Congress of the United States, the board of lady managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition is directed to join with the other constituted authorities in commemorating the great event in the history of the United States when, a century ago, there was added to its territory a new field which to-day is the home of many people, and where earnest and sincere women, as well as men, are laboriously working out the problem of the progress of humanity and the advancement of the race.
No single individual, no one people, no separate country can supply that full knowledge from which may be fixed the conditions of mankind, its development in the industries, the arts, the sciences at the commencement of the twentieth century. The entire world must contribute to this knowledge, and therefore the entire world has been invited to take part in this universal exposition and to bring hither the fruit of the lands, the products of other soils, the articles manufactured by foreign hands, and evidences of the achievements of the intellect and intelligence in the higher fields of thought.
While in gathering these things there is no distinction made between the product of man's hand and of woman's hand, nevertheless, it is the peculiar function of this board to act as the channel through which women, as individuals, and as organizations, may be brought into immediate communication with the exposition at St. Louis.
It is, therefore, with cordiality and eagerness that we invite the women of your country to join with us in presenting to the world the information of the condition, opportunities, development, and promises of their sex in their own country and to exhibit at the exposition specimens of their productions and examples of their activities, manual and mental, scientific and artistic.
And coupled with this invitation, we would express the hope that we may be permitted to be of personal service to such women as may visit the exposition in person, or to give special attention to the exhibits of such as may not be able to come.
Requesting your excellency's good offices to the end that the publicity may be given to the invitation in order that it may come to the knowledge of the women of the country, we beg to assure you of the high consideration with which we are,
Your obedient servant, MARY MARGARETTA MANNING, President.
The honorable the SECRETARY OF STATE.
SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith invitations which the board of lady managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition have addressed to the women of foreign countries, through the respective diplomatic envoys, with a view to promoting women's interests at the exposition.
In view of the indorsement which the Congress of the United States has given to the exposition, and the recognition it has accorded to the board of lady managers, I should be pleased were it found consistent with practice for the invitations to be delivered by the diplomatic envoy of the United States, and if they were instructed to give them their support.
I have the honor to be, sir,
Your obedient servant, M. MARGARETTA MANNING.
MRS. M.M. MANNING, President Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, The Arlington, Washington, D.C.
MADAM: I have to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 14th instant transmitting invitations which the board of lady managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition have addressed to the women of foreign countries, through the ministers for foreign affairs, with a view to promoting women's interests at the exposition.
In reply I have to inform you that these invitations, with suitable instructions, have been sent to-day to the diplomatic representatives of the United States in the countries mentioned by you.
I am, madam,
Your obedient servant, FRANCIS B. LOOMIS, Acting Secretary.
Letters were received from most of these countries expressing their gratification and cordial cooperation in the matter, a fact which was evidenced by many letters from associations and individuals with reference to exhibits, etc. For instance, a committee of women at Berne, through its secretary, sent a very remarkable consignment of pamphlets relating to the condition and work—philanthropic and otherwise—of the women of that nation. These were intrusted to the Department of Social Economy. Also in Italy a national committee of women of great consequence was formed.
Circumstances prevented any further initiative on the part of this committee outside the limits of the exposition itself. Within those limits it has, in common with the whole board, done much for the exposition, and for the country by social courtesies extended to the representatives of foreign lands and received from them—a service which has been performed by the board with success and dignity, and with great value to the interests of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition.
Reaffirming the motion already made on February 16, 1903, providing that the furnishing of the building of the board of lady managers be under the supervision of the president of the board, on March 4, 1904, it was moved that Mrs. Daniel Manning be made active chairman of the house-furnishing committee and select her own committee. This motion being carried, it was also decided that the committee on house furnishing be limited to the expenditure of the sum of $20,000 for furnishing the building. The report of this committee is as follows:
The president of the board of lady managers having been elected active chairman of the house-furnishing committee, with power to select her own committee, named Mrs. Mary Phelps Montgomery and Mrs. John M. Holcombe as the other members.
At the same meeting of the board at which the chairman was named, the sum of $20,000 was fixed as the maximum amount that might be expended for house-furnishing purposes by the committee. This sum was to cover all expenditures for electric wiring and fixtures, electric bells, push buttons, and annunciators; tinting of walls and staining of floors; water connections, filters, water heaters, bath tubs, sinks, etc.; all wooden partitions in dormitories; window shades, screens, and awnings; arrangements for butler's pantry; rugs, carpets, matting, and all floor covering; furniture, glass, china, and kitchen utensils; table and bed linen, blankets—indeed, every expenditure attending the fitting out and appointing of the building.
The committee was fortunate in arranging for part of the work, in preparing the building for occupancy, by securing the workmen that were employed by the Government on its building, and had been brought from Washington for that purpose; these men could contract for a longer stay at better rates than were obtainable in St. Louis. The tremendous advance in the price of labor about this time led the committee to be most cautious in its expenditures, not knowing the extent of the demands that might be made upon their fund before the arranging of the building was completed. President Francis, in his address to the board on December 15, 1903, has already given some of the difficulties experienced by the Exposition Company on the question of the cost of labor up to that date. By the time of the opening of the exposition the members of this committee had to meet even greater prices, as, instead of time and one-half for overtime, the demands of the workmen had risen to double time for overtime. This involved paying $1.50 per hour instead of 75 cents for certain kinds of work necessary to be completed by opening day.
Most of the furniture, rugs, carpets, curtains, glass, and china were purchased in New York City, but some interesting pieces of antique furniture were obtained by one of the committee in Connecticut, while others were secured in Albany, N.Y.
Material and substantial aid was rendered the members of the committee by the generous gifts and loans which added greatly to the attractiveness and comfort of the building.
Mrs. Roosevelt, wife of the President, by request, very graciously presented a picture of herself, which was the only picture hung in the salon of the building of the board of lady managers.
The committee is but echoing the sentiments of the entire board in expressing their thanks and appreciation to the following firms for their handsome and useful gifts, all of which were most acceptably used by the members of the board and their guests:
Cheney Brothers, of New York and Connecticut, most generously contributed one of their handsome pieces of silk damask for the covering of the walls of the salon, also the material for the curtains for that room, yellow silk curtains for the tea room, and pink silk curtains and furniture covering for the president's room. The thanks of the board can not be too warmly expressed to this firm for their generosity in aiding the board in such a substantial manner and beautifying their house by their gifts.
Steinway & Co., New York City: Manufactured for our use and loaned to us one of the handsomest pianos they could make, with beautiful Louis XV decorations in ormolu, which was used on state occasions or when some well-known singer or pianist was available. It was the admiration of all visitors.
Chickering & Co., New York City: Loaned one of their beautiful pianos, which was placed in the large hall in which was held informal meetings and dances.
Tiffany & Co., New York City: Silver-plated tea set, consisting of tray, hot-water kettle, with lamp, teapot, coffeepot, hot-milk pitcher, sugar bowl, cream pitcher, and slop bowl. This set was used every afternoon on the tea table, and was greatly admired by all who were the guests of the board at their informal afternoon teas.
Black, Starr & Frost, New York City: Gift of four silver-plated candlesticks of attractive antique colonial design; also a set of four silver-plated trays.
Gorham Manufacturing Company, New York City: Gift of two silver-plated candelabra of beautiful design, which were in constant use at the afternoon teas and on the private table of the board, and also at the more formal dinners and entertainments where lights were used on the tables.
Laycock & Co., of Indianapolis, Ind., generously loaned the brass beds and mattresses used in the dormitories in the building at a nominal price.
Macy & Co., New York City: Gift of 10 dozen plates, cups, and saucers, of Limoges china, specially decorated and of unique design, that were very handsome and in constant use by the board.
Higgins & Seiter, New York City: Gift of set of creaming dishes of most delicate pattern, in handsome white case.
International Nickle Company, New York City: Gift of chafing dishes, tea-kettles, and trays, of especially neat design, and most useful.
Mrs. Eva B. Leete, Guilford, Conn.: Loaned a rare antique sideboard of semicircular shape, and a "pie-crust" table.
Mr. Armand Hawkins, New Orleans, La.: Generously loaned many interesting, historic, and useful pieces of furniture, which were used in the building of the board of lady managers during the exposition period.
Standard Scales and Fixtures Company, of St. Louis, Mo.: Loaned the useful and necessary adjunct to housekeeping—an unusually fine and large McCray glass-lined refrigerator, which was in use from the first days of the exposition period until a few days after the close, and an aid to the comfort of all who resided in the building and their guests.
The gifts and loans to the board were most gratifying to the committee, as they were an evidence of a strong interest in the board of lady managers and their building.
It was, undoubtedly, not the intention of the board, when limiting the expenditure of this committee to $20,000, to mean that this sum should cover an outlay beyond the time the building was pronounced finished and furnished, and ready for the occupancy of the board at the opening of the exposition. The total expenditure given below, however, includes all additions to furniture, repairs, both to building and furniture, and the replacing of broken articles during the entire exposition period. Such was the careful management of the committee that they not only succeeded in accomplishing the payment of all bills contracted by it prior to the opening, but at the close of the exposition were still within the limit originally imposed of $20,000.
The Exposition Company agreed to pay $5,000 for the furnishing of the building of the board of lady managers, $5,000 for its maintenance, and $5,000 for entertainment. The demands upon the Exposition Company at this time, however, were so great that the board decided, at the meeting held on July 14, 1904, to take up any outstanding bills, and passed the following resolution:
Resolved, That the board of lady managers assume the payment of the now unpaid bills for entertaining and furniture for the board that have been turned over to the Exposition Company, for which the Exposition Company had pledged a certain sum.
The following is an itemized account of amount expended for the finishing and furnishing of the building of the board of lady managers:
Bills paid Bills paid Bills paid by the from the from the Exposition $3,000 $100,000 Company. appropriation. appropriation.
Furniture, china, linen, expressage ...... $752.32 $652.25 $11,692.65 Tinting walls, plumbing, staining floors, heating apparatus, electric wiring, awnings, screens, partitions, etc. ....... 1,460.99 64.30 2,263.32
Total ................ 2,213.31 716.55 13,955.97
Total paid by Exposition Company ............ $2,213.31 Total paid from $3,000 appropriation ........ 716.55 Total paid from $100,000 appropriation ...... 13,955.97 —————
Total amount expended for house furnishing .. 16,885.93
It was the earnest wish of some of the members of the board, at a very early period of its existence, to establish and maintain, if possible, a day nursery or creche on the exposition grounds, in order that suitable provision might be made for children whose parents might wish to have them cared for during the day, and thus afford to those whose time and means were extremely limited an opportunity to see as much of the exposition in as brief a space as possible. Ways and means were frequently discussed, but the absence of funds and the uncertainty of the action of the company in regard to substantial aid were sources of much anxiety and delay. Estimates were obtained of cost of building, however, plans were drawn ready for work to be begun the first practicable moment, and all information as to best methods and equipment was secured, in order that no time might be lost should it later be found possible to proceed with the enterprise. The idea was viewed with much favor by both the president of the Exposition Company and the director of exhibits, and it was hoped the Exposition Company would regard this as one of the "suggestions" from the board which President Francis had said the executive committee would "take under serious consideration," but on the 15th of August, 1903, President Francis wrote to the president, Mrs. Blair:
My idea is that we should not permit any one State to have charge of these day nurseries. I think the board of lady managers should have entire charge, and hope they will be able to raise the money without making inroads on the treasury of the Exposition Company.
Subsequently, however, the Exposition Company agreed to appropriate $35,000 for the purpose of erecting the building, but later granted a concession for a similar enterprise on the grounds. When the board eventually obtained its appropriation of $100,000 it was thought that the work might be begun immediately, but as some misunderstanding had arisen in the minds of the members as to the terms of the original proposition of the one who was to conduct the creche for the board, upon close investigation it was found that, whereas in the first place it had been represented that the creche would be self-sustaining, it now became evident that the plan had grown beyond all anticipated or intended proportion, and that instead of being self-supporting the board would be called upon for unlimited and unreasonable outlay.
As all the members had become greatly interested in the project, they felt keenly disappointed when it became evident that it would be necessary to abandon the undertaking. Desiring, however, to take some part in this useful work, and being informed that the concession that had been granted for a similar purpose was in need of funds to enable it to employ additional nurses and make it possible to care for more children, on July 14, 1904, at their midsummer meeting, the board passed the following resolution:
Be it resolved, That the board of lady managers set apart, and turn over, to the persons in charge of the Model Play Ground, Nursery, and Lost Children work the sum of $5,000 to assist in carrying on these projects on the exposition grounds.
Mrs. John M. Holcombe was made chairman of the committee having this appropriation in charge, and her final report is as follows:
The members of the board of lady managers were from the beginning of their organization deeply interested in the need of caring for little children at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and various plans were under consideration at an early date.
To have a model creche was the desire of the president and members of the board, and it was with great satisfaction that arrangements were made for a very perfect equipment.
A practical philanthropy in full working order would prove also an exhibit of the most approved and up-to-date methods—at once a charity, an example, an inspiration.
The Exposition Company made a generous appropriation, the sum of $35,000 being allowed for the building and furnishing, and very beautiful designs were made and accepted. Here infants were to be cared for by trained nurses, receiving attention and consideration possible only to babies of the twentieth century, and altogether in advance of the simple and natural conditions of baby life prior to the closing years of the nineteenth century. Special foods specially treated, specially constructed bottles—in fact everything special and disinfected, from the nurse and crib down to the smallest minutiae.
The charge was to be 50 cents a day, and estimates formed on experience went to show that on this basis the creche would be self-sustaining when once established and started in running order.
Shortly before the opening of the fair, however, and at a moment when the Exposition Company was passing through most trying experiences and needed all possible funds, it was found that unfavorable aspects had arisen. At the March meeting of the board, 1904, and only a few weeks prior to the opening of the exposition, it was learned that two concessions of a nature similar to the creche had been made, where the charge for children would be but 25 cents a day. Already the board had heard some buzz of criticism that 50 cents was too high a price for benefit to poor people. Thus there seemed to be established a rate of income which, for the requirements of the creche conducted under great expense, would be entirely inadequate. There were apparently no sponsors for the undertaking but the board of lady managers, and a steady loss of 25 cents on each child for a period of seven months would pile up the losses to unknown and quite incalculable proportions.
It is true the board had received a sum of $100,000. This was to cover all expenses of the board, whose members were the official hostesses of the fair. Everything was to be conducted at this great exposition in the most munificent manner possible. Ceremonies and entertainments which had been given at the dedicatory exercises in 1903 indicated a scale of elegance and boundless hospitality; in fact, hospitality was to be a distinguishing feature of this great exposition at St. Louis. The board of lady managers formed a part of the hospitable equipment, welcoming the world to the official home of the exposition, and were to fulfill one of woman's missions and entertain in a manner and on a scale harmonious with the greatest and most beautiful exposition the world had ever looked upon. For these purposes the money must be made to last throughout the seven months of the coming fair. No more fatal thing could occur for the fair name of the board than to spend early and inconsiderately, and to be met later with pecuniary embarrassments and complications.
The estimate for the opening expenses of the creche exceeded by some $16,000 the sum appropriated by the Exposition Company. The members of the board might have felt justified in furnishing this sum, but there loomed before them the vast bulk of losses which must follow as the result of cutting the price from 50 cents to 25 cents on each of the many children to be accommodated at the creche. It was an enormous responsibility.
Consultation with President Francis and some of the directors seemed to indicate that the saving to them of the promised $35,000 would be very desirable. The building was about to be commenced, and only a few hours were granted the board for their decision. It was obviously impossible to enter upon a work involving great and unknown expense pregnant with such possibilities of loss and failure, and so, with the deepest regret, the members of the board saw their cherished castle in the air—the beautiful, useful creche—fade and disappear. Words can hardly express the discouragements and heart sinking of the members over this failure of their fond aspirations.
Mrs. Ruth Ashley Hirschfield opened her Model Play Ground on May 23, 1904. From the beginning it seemed to meet the requirements in a simple but direct and effective manner. So successful was it that soon the demands outgrew the accommodations, and the possibilities of extending the work were such that Mrs. Hirschfield welcomed the aid of the board of lady managers. Very soon after the opening of the Model Play Ground the president and members of the board became interested, realizing its needs and possibilities, many of which had been carefully—even affectionately—considered for a long period.
At the July meeting a committee was appointed to confer with Mrs. Hirschfield, and the sum of $5,000 was appropriated for use in the development and care of the Model Play Ground and Day Nursery, and a special stipulation made regarding the care of lost children. Arrangements were entered into as to times of payment. Mrs. Hirschfield was to have the entire responsibility; the board gave her their confidence and hearty support and five monthly payments of $1,000 each.
Results proved the soundness of the theories, as well as the administration of Mrs. Hirschfield, and no appropriation could have been more advantageously applied.
It gives me the greatest satisfaction to report that the money appropriated filled a distinct need and enabled Mrs. Hirschfield to enlarge the scope and power of her work up to the very day that the fair closed its doors on December 2, 1904. It seemed, indeed, to meet every want, and no child was ever turned from its hospitable doors. To this bright and happy spot parents could bring their children, even wee babies, and be themselves free to go unencumbered and enjoy the beauties and wonders spread so lavishly before them and happy in the consciousness that their little ones were receiving the tenderest care and were undoubtedly enjoying the many comforts and attractions provided for their welfare and entertainment. Here the wage-earner at the fair could bring her little child, leaving it with the same cheerful confidence. This also was the haven for lost children who were brought there by the police or by members of the Jefferson Guard, and here were they found by their distracted parents, or from here they were sent to their own abodes under safe escort.
The care of lost children began on June 6, when the first lost child was brought to the playground. The system of caring for lost children was as follows: Lost children found by members of the Jefferson Guard or the police were brought to the Model Play Ground, according to orders received from headquarters. Every child brought in was recorded, and an aluminum tag bearing a certain number was attached to each. They were cared for and entertained, and had all the privileges accorded to children who were registered by their parents. After being recorded they were handed over to the matron to be washed and fed and given all necessary attention. They were then induced to join groups of other children of their age. As a rule they quickly forgot their sorrows in play. They were not permitted to leave the playground until called for or sent home. If not called for they were escorted to their homes, or, in case of children of sufficient age and intelligence, to the car by the attendants of the playground. Parents inquiring for lost children were directed to this place by guards and police. If the child had not yet been brought in, the inquirer was informed the child would be taken care of. The telephone and electric service proved of great assistance. The ages of lost children ranged from 2 to 13 years. The system kept track not only of those who were brought in, but also of those who were reported lost, and the Louisiana Purchase Exposition should have credit for a "lost children system" so complete that children separated from parents or escorts were restored to them in every case. "The method used for the care of lost children is the most complete and far-reaching system that has yet been devised for the use of any world's fair." (World's Fair Bulletin, September, 1904.)
Mrs. Hirschfield gave the following gratifying statement in her September report:
"The $5,000 appropriated by the board of lady managers has assisted very materially in the ability to handle the increasing number of lost children, the fund enabling the playground to employ a larger number of trained assistants, and to add many and attractive features.
"The expense incurred in the care of infants and lost children was not contemplated in the original playground plan."
The accommodations for the children included bathing and laundry facilities; clothing was furnished in some instances; two luncheons were served daily; kindergarten classes were held morning and afternoon; athletic exercises and baths were furnished, and many were the children, boys particularly, who thus enjoyed luxuries not otherwise obtainable.
Among the children attending the classes were a number who came regularly, including children admitted free, whose parents were employed in the exposition grounds. The fee charged to parents who left their children to be cared for was, except in the case of small infants, 25 cents a day. For babies requiring the services of trained nurses, 50 cents. In the case of parents too poor to pay no charge was made.
The ages of the children ranged from 2 weeks to 14 years. The number cared for, by months, was as follows:
May and June, 483; July, 864; August, 1,160; September, 1,732; October, 1,922; November, 1,189; making a total of 7,350.
The number of lost children brought to the playground was: In June, 94; July, 132; August, 328; September, 248; October, 209; November, 156; total, 1,166.
Children admitted free were newsboys, office boys, messenger boys, all children earning their living, or whose parents were employed within the exposition grounds. Many of these came regularly. The hospitality of the playground was also open to the children of the orphan asylums and other charitable institutions and to the children of the city playgrounds and kindergartens.
The number of children admitted free was, in May and June, 336; July, 554; August, 8,616; September, 3,916; October, 1,789; November, 5,700.
On November 2 the children of all nations were received by Miss Helen M. Gould, who gave a souvenir gift to each child.
On November 24 the children of all nations attended Thanksgiving dinner and ceremonies at the playground; 326 children were seated at the tables. After dinner they played and enjoyed the many features provided for their amusement. Every child took home a box of dainties and a souvenir of Thanksgiving Day, that traditional New England festivity. A member of the National Commission planned the affair, and it proved a notable success. Children of twenty-eight nationalities or tribes were gathered on the playground at one time. No such representation ever took place before, or was possible, except at the Model Play Ground and Day Nursery of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition.
It continued to be of service even to the closing hour. On December 1, the final day of the fair, 48 children, of whom 19 were less than 1 year old, were checked; 2,000 children were admitted free of charge, and 31 lost children were cared for and returned in safety to their homes or guardians.
In reviewing the experiences of the fair, it is gratifying to realize that although the members of the board of lady managers were not able to carry out one of their most cherished desires, and suffered keen disappointment in the abandonment of the creche, still they had the pleasure of rendering material aid to a beautiful work, for such certainly was the Model Play Ground and Day Nursery.
Mrs. Hirschfield states that the assistance given by the board of lady managers can not be measured, for far beyond the money value of their appropriation was the power of their influence, and the interest aroused was not alone for the occasion of the fair, but would reach far into the future, affecting other undertakings of a similar nature.
On the day following the close of the exposition, one of the most able of the directors of the exposition expressed his approval of the course of the board of lady managers. As hostesses of the fair, he complimented them gracefully, and for the attitude they had been obliged to take regarding the creche, of which he had been critical, he was happy to say he had been converted, and he was convinced that the board had acted prudently and wisely; that undoubtedly the attempt to carry on the elaborate and expensive creche would have ended in financial failure and embarrassments; that the aid given Mrs. Hirschfield had made the Play Ground and Day Nursery so effective that it met all needs in a most acceptable manner and had proven one of the most interesting and satisfactory features of the great exposition.
Respectfully submitted. EMILY S.G. HOLCOMBE, Chairman. HELEN M. GOULD. FRANCES M. HANGER.
The committee on woman's congresses was created by the first president of the board of lady managers in April, 1903, and its aim was to be instrumental in bringing together representative women of this and foreign countries, either as organized bodies or as individuals, in order that by discussion and comparison of all social, educational, charitable, and industrial aspirations, and an interchange of thought on important questions relating to the welfare of women, the higher intellectual, moral, and physical plane that has already been established might not only continue to be maintained, but mutual interests be renewed and encouraged. They hoped to thus foster a better understanding of the aims of women of the different countries, and, by strengthening their common cause and making possible uniformity of action, promote the advancement of women everywhere.
It was further desired by thus bringing together distinguished women from all parts of the world interested in mental development and philanthropic and reformatory work, to review not only the old, but add the new record of the historical progress of women to date, to learn not only the various achievements now being accomplished by the women of the world in all phases of life at the present time, but ascertain the objective height now sought or thought to be attainable for them in each country.
The committee felt that this exposition would afford an opportunity to carefully consider humanitarian interests, and record the close connection of women to the most important issues, their struggles, and their possibilities. The encouraging stimulus that would be given to them by the mutual expression of their hopes of the ultimate success of each earnest endeavor for their advancement, must inevitably result in aiding the elevation of women and the improvement of the conditions under which they live, and upon which not only their own welfare, but that of the nation, largely depends.
It was, therefore, a source of great regret to the members of the committee that their desire to carry out these commendable plans were doomed, in great measure not to be realized because, while the "suggestion" was again approved by the Exposition Company, no means were provided for the carrying out of the work, and their own appropriation was not received by the board in time to be made available.
The following is the final report of the committee on women's congresses:
The committee on women's congresses was appointed by Mrs. Blair, April 19, 1903, and was composed of Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Hanger, and Mrs. Buchwalter, who was, by unanimous vote, made chairman December 18 of that year.
When the committee was first created it asked for a letter of instruction from the exposition board. This letter was received together with a list of women's organizations which had been compiled in the office of the Exposition Company. Communications were at once sent to each of these associations, also to others selected by the committee, in all more than fifty. In addition to extending an invitation to hold its meeting at St. Louis during the World's Fair, each organization was told that a place of meeting would be provided, and that all possible aid would be given in making preliminary arrangements by a board of information which would be ready to supply any assistance necessary in preparing for the meeting.
Up to this time it had been hoped that it would be possible to inaugurate a series of meetings of women's associations which would be congresses in more than name. The committee, however, was confronted with the serious limitation of no treasury from which to draw. At the last meeting of the board during the incumbency of the first president, a committee had been appointed with Mrs. Manning as chairman, which was to ask Congress for $100,000 for the use of the board of lady managers. It was hoped that this matter might be brought to the attention of Congress at the special session in the fall of 1903, but the delay caused by the necessity of electing a new president retarded all the work of the board. Upon the election of Mrs. Manning to the presidency a new legislative committee was appointed which, unfortunately, was not able to report the success of its mission of securing the appropriation until March 1, 1904, by which time all the organizations had perfected their plans for that year, in consequence of which all idea of congresses was reluctantly abandoned.
In the meantime responses were received from many of the larger organizations, some of which said that experience had shown that the interest of their stated meetings suffered when they were held where there were so many counter attractions as were offered by a great exposition; others did not respond at all. Of those who accepted and held meetings in St. Louis in the season of 1904, were the various fraternal organizations of women, the General Federation of Women's Clubs, the National Mothers' Congress, the International Council, Council of Jewish Women, the Daughters of the American Revolution, National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, the United Daughters of the Confederacy, the P.E.O.'s, the Women's Christian Temperance Union, the Women's Relief Corps of the Grand Army of the Republic, and the Association of Collegiate Alumnae.
All the meetings which were held at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition were largely attended and noted for the enthusiasm of the members and the great interest taken in the objects represented by the respective organizations.
Respectfully submitted. C.B. BUCHWALTER. M.M. ANDREWS. F.M. HANGER.
Pursuant to adjournment, on March 5, 1904, a meeting of the board of lady managers was called by the president for April 28, 1904, to enable the members to be present at the opening exercises of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, which were to take place on April 30 of that year.
The board was in session until May 9, during which time many matters of importance were considered. Letters were read from organizations, reports received from chairmen of committees, and jurors appointed. On May 6 a resolution, presented by Mrs. Holcombe and amended by Miss Egan, was adopted, by which the president of the board was made active chairman of the executive, entertainment, and ceremonies committees, and full plans were made for the conduct of the affairs of the board during the coming months of the exposition period.
Twenty-one of the twenty-two members were present, and on the morning of April 30 the board met and proceeded in a body to the Administration Building, where they joined the president and directors of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, the members of the National Commission, and representatives from foreign countries, and, entering carriages, were driven to the Peace Monument, where seats were reserved for them. After the close of the interesting exercises officially opening the exposition, 5,000 invited guests adjourned to the Varied Industries Building, where luncheon was served. After a brilliant display of fireworks in the evening at the Stadium, the board of lady managers entertained a distinguished company at dinner, which closed the festivities of opening day.
The following is the final report of the committee on entertainment and ceremonies:
The board of lady managers took possession of their new building which had been completed and furnished and was ready for occupancy at the time they arrived in St. Louis for the meeting, April 28, which was the first to be held in their own house, and afforded them the earliest opportunity to see the structure and the result of the work that had been done in preparing and furnishing it for their use.
The first entertainment given by them was in honor of the president and members of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission, on the evening of April 30, the official opening day of the exposition. Invited to meet them was the representative of the President of the United States, Secretary Taft, the president of the Exposition Company and Mrs. Francis, the directors of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company and their wives, the governors of the States represented at the opening exercises and their wives, the Senators, and Members of the House, representing the two bodies of Congress, and other distinguished visitors and citizens. It was a most brilliant and interesting gathering, and not only rounded out the opening day with satisfaction to all, but inaugurated the series of entertainments that were to be afterwards given in the building of the board of lady managers.
In the argument of President Francis before the appropriation committee, in January, 1903, when asking Congress to make the additional loan, he said:
"We are the nation's hosts, as we understand it. We propose to entertain distinguished people from every section of the globe. * * * Bear in mind we are entertaining the guests of the Government, we think we are benefiting the commerce of the country; we think we are doing a patriotic service in commemorating a great event and bringing all classes into closer relations, cementing the ties that bind the different sections of the nation, affording our people opportunity to see something of the people and customs and the resources of our possessions, and, on the other hand, affording opportunity to those people to become acquainted with this great country."
At the meeting of the board on March 2, 1904, after the board of lady managers had obtained the appropriation from Congress that placed it within its power to meet the requirements of its position, President Francis was asked what he thought would be the pleasure of the executive committee that the board do with the funds so obtained, as no expression had been received from the company as to what special duty it was anxious, or would like, to have the board perform, to which President Francis replied, that he "had not given the matter thought, but that the board would want to do some entertaining; that the ladies were well adapted to that; they were experienced in that sort of thing and knew how to go about it. That he did not see much they could do with the money aside from entertaining."
And thus the board of lady managers authoritatively took its place in the great exposition, in the complex mechanism of which it was but a single factor, and assumed the responsibility of doing its share of the entertaining on behalf of women at the exposition.
What form of government is there at the present time that is not dependent upon the household of the executive and the homes of the officials for the social success of an administration? An exposition on the enormous scale of that which existed in St. Louis partook in its management for the time being of the nature of a government; an executive and official household was an essential and important factor because the representatives of all nations were to be entertained. As in this World's Fair, the highest recognition was given to women, it was but reasonable that women should be appointed to take the place set apart for them, and to perform such duties as would be assigned to them in any well-regulated government, and upon the broadest scale, their province being that of national hostesses, their privilege to extend a generous and far-reaching hospitality to all official dignitaries from home and abroad who visited the exposition.
Among the social events occurring at the building of the board of lady managers, the following is a list of the more prominent ones held during the exposition period:
Dinner to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission, April 30; reception tendered to Mrs. Francis, wife of the president of the Exposition Company, May 9; reception to officers of Army and Navy, present in and around St. Louis at that time, May 18; luncheon to General Federation of Women's Clubs, May 19; luncheon to Miss Roosevelt, May 31; tea to Musical Federation, June 2; dinner to Prince Pu Lun, the official representative to the exposition of the Empress An of China, June 10; reception to foreign representatives at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, June 17; reception to P.E.O.'s, June 18; reception to governors, and State and Territorial commissioners at the exposition, June 24; dinner to Governor Odell, of New York, and Mrs. Odell, June 28; visit of Cardinal Satolli, July 1; reception to Mrs. Charles Mercer Hall, July 12; reception to Civic Federation, July 12; reception to members of Interparliamentary Union, at which time the building was draped with the flags of all nations, and the national airs of the different countries represented were played by the orchestra, September 12; reception to Mrs. Sarah S. Platt Decker, president of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, September 19; reception to members of the Congress of Arts and Sciences, September 20; reception to members of the American Bar Association and Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, September 30; reception to the president, Mrs. Augustine Smythe, and officers and members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, October 7; reception to the president, Mrs. Charles W. Fairbanks, and officers and members of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, October 11; reception to the governor of Connecticut and his staff, October 13; tea to hostesses of State and Territorial buildings, October 14; reception to the president, Mrs. Herbert Claiborne, and members National Society Colonial Dames of America, October 20; an informal dance, October 25; reception to meet the president and members of the Wednesday Club, of St. Louis, October 29; reception to meet the members of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, November 3; reception to meet the president and members of the Woman's Club of St. Louis, November 7; informal dance, November 9; dinner to President Francis, November 12; reception to Forest Park University students, November 14; informal dance, November 18; reception to Prince Fushimi, the official representative to the exposition of the Mikado of Japan, November 22; dinner to Jefferson Guards, Thanksgiving Day, November 24; final reception of the board of lady managers on what was known as "Francis Day," in honor of the president of the exposition, when the board of lady managers kept informal "open house" and entertained all who called on this, the last day of the exposition, December 1.
The members of the board met their obligations with acceptable dignity, offering cordial hospitality to all the important bodies meeting within the exposition grounds. Their building was the social center around which gathered the national and international representatives of governments and organizations, until more than 25,000 persons received specific invitation to their official entertainments. And whether the hospitality was extended to His Eminence, the emissary of the Pope, or whether it was a reception to His Imperial Highness, the representative of the Mikado of Japan, or a dinner to the envoy of Empress An, of China, or to the governor of a State and his staff, or to the members of the National Commission, or the officials of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, all were welcomed with genuine cordiality, the board of lady managers never failing to remember their responsibility and that they were representing the nation and serving their country by thus doing their share in affording an opportunity for all nationalities to become acquainted with each other and with our social customs as demonstrated at the exposition.
The ninth meeting of the board was called September 20, 1904. This was a special meeting called for the purpose of reconfirming the departmental jurors as is set forth in the final report of the chairman of the committee on awards.
An exposition must of necessity prove educational. The director of exhibits of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition said "The opportunity afforded for study and comparison of the various productions of human genius and activity classified and shown in detail, the finished product beside the methods and processes by which articles are produced, the vast systems of machinery in operation, and the skilled artisans occupied in difficult and intricate employments or native industries, representing accurately and in detail the latest development of the various arts and manufactures, makes it possible for not only the student to acquire knowledge, but each exhibitor may learn something from every other exhibitor in his class which may be to his advantage, and which may lead to the improvement of that which he produces, whether it be in the domain of art or manufacture, at home or abroad. The measure of the value of an international exposition is determined by the number of important countries represented by exhibits, the characteristics and comprehensive nature of these exhibits, or the excellence in quality according to the standards of the countries from which they come. That an exposition affords the greatest opportunity that manufacturers and producers of a nation have to increase their export trade by displaying their samples and products before the eyes of foreign people whose markets they seek. Exhibitors are commercial and noncommercial." The commercial exhibitor has as his chief object the advertisement of his business and consequent increase in the sale of his goods by means of his display and the possible receipt of an award which may prove valuable in future exploitation of his products. The noncommercial exhibitor has but the moral satisfaction of receiving the tangible assurance of the excellence of his work as represented by the award.
Though woman's work enters into almost all manufactured articles, its proportion in some is very small, and at the Columbian Exposition, where it was estimated that women had a share in nearly 350 industries, it was finally agreed between the board of control and the board of lady managers that the best method upon which to base the proportion of women on the juries would be to give them representation according to the amount of work done by women on articles to be judged in each department of the classification. This was a very satisfactory arrangement to that board, inasmuch as the manufacturers exhibiting were asked on the application blanks furnished them when they applied for space: "Was the work upon this exhibit done wholly or in part by women?" An affirmative answer entitled the board of lady managers to membership on the jury of awards, giving them a majority in any department where women were especially active, and a minority, or total exclusion, where she had contributed little or nothing to the department, which would seem a most equitable method.
The impossibility of ascertaining these facts greatly affected the right of representation of the board of lady managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition on the juries of awards.
President Francis, in his address to the board on March 2, 1904, spoke on this subject as follows:
I wish to say again—I think I have made this statement to you before—that when we started the organization of the exposition the question of separate fields of exhibit of competition was suggested and advanced, but the stronger view was presented as we believed by the stronger women, that there should be no contest between individual members of the different sexes, but that the work of each should be shown—that if women had not arrived at that stage and made that advancement which permitted them to compete with men's work, they had advanced but little. Therefore we did not think of making any separate classification for the exhibitions of women's work—they came in under the same classification as men. On most of the lines of work upon which women have entered, they are holding their own, if not in every instance.
While there was formerly something to be said on each side of the question of separate exhibits, the extent to which women now enter into all departments of industrial and professional activities, renders it not only difficult, but in some instances almost impossible, to make a separate exhibit of the part they perform. It is true, if women were to-day eliminated from the employments in which they are now engaged and relegated to those of forty years ago, the exhibits of the nature of man's work would be in no wise affected, and women have not sufficiently taken the initiative (from lack of capital and adverse competition), in establishing large manufacturing plants to be enabled by these means to make exhibits on similar lines; but where women now work by the side of, and the quality of their mental and manual labor competes satisfactorily with that of men, it is now her right to receive unqualified recognition and consideration as an economic factor, and her work should not only be accorded the consideration and respect it deserves, but insure to her the receipt of equal compensation for equal services performed.
It is to be regretted that the example of other expositions was not followed in requiring manufacturers to indicate by means of some device placed upon their exhibit what proportion or percentage was "in whole or part the work of women," and it is urged that this be done in all future expositions, large and small, that all who are interested in this matter may ascertain the facts, and that the record of the kind of industries in which women share, and which portion of them they perform, may be available at all times as statistical information.
In selecting the jurors it is desirable and necessary that the most careful discrimination be used, in order to secure the best and most skillful women to represent each special department, and those well versed in the requisite technical knowledge.
At the meeting of the board of lady managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, held April 29, 1903, the following resolution was offered by Mrs. Daniel Manning, and accepted by the board:
Resolved, First, it shall be the duty of the committee on awards of the board of lady managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, through its chairman or otherwise, to ascertain definitely in regard to every exhibit in the exposition, whether or not the labor of women was employed in its production.
Second, it shall be the duty of this committee to take any and all action to secure and appoint competent jurors of awards in every class and group of the classification where woman's labor has been engaged in the production of any articles exhibited therein.
A copy of this resolution, under date of May 2, was sent to the secretary of the local company, and the following reply received:
ST. LOUIS, May 26, 1903.
MADAM PRESIDENT: I am directed by President Francis to inform you that the resolutions adopted by the board at a called meeting on May 2, 1903, with reference to participation in the award system, has been reported upon by the director of exhibits, Mr. Skiff, who states that his division has taken notice of the resolution, and will, in due time, prepare a list of those exhibits which are in whole or in part the labor of women.
Respectfully, W.B. STEVENS, Secretary.
At a meeting of the board, held in the Administration Building March 1, 1904, in response to a call by the president for a report from the committee on awards, Mrs. Hanger, chairman of the committee, said:
This committee was named by Mrs. Manning after our last meeting, as follows: Mrs. Hanger, Mrs. Knott, Miss Egan, Mrs. Porter, and Mrs. Hunsicker. I happened to be here in January, and asked Miss Egan to go with me to see Mr. Skiff. We waited two or three hours and saw Mr. Skiff about fifteen minutes. It had been said there were 200 jurors to be appointed, and we would only have the appointing of 35 or 40 of them. He assured us that the lists could not be made out as the exhibits were not installed. He gave us some instructions in regard to the selection of jurors, saying that they must stand for intellectual ability; it did not matter how many people applied for appointment, we must be governed by that.
I had a letter from Mrs. Manning suggesting that I try again. I wrote to Mr. Stevens and he communicated with Mr. Skiff, and later repeated to me the same thing. We have had quite a number of names suggested, and I have written to the other members of the committee asking them to come here as soon as the exhibits are in place. I hope we can hold that meeting very early, but until after that meeting I do not feel that we have anything to report.
In response to questions from members of the board as to whether Mr. Skiff was to be understood to mean that there were but 35 or 40 things to be exhibited at the exposition which were made in whole or in part by women, Mrs. Hanger said that Mr. Skiff said the board "would only have the appointing of 35 or 40 women—that it was a matter of expense and that they must assist in keeping it down."
This decision was a source of great disappointment to the board, as it has been shown most conclusively that scarcely anything is manufactured that women do not at least share in the production or process of its manufacture. The act of Congress stated that there should be appointed by this board a member of every jury judging "any work that may have been produced in whole or in part by female labor," and the members were averse to an abridgment of the authority vested in them by the wording of the act.
Expositions are a natural and useful factor to women in that by their means new avenues of employment that are constantly being opened to them may be collectively demonstrated, and it can be shown in which of these they may share and excel or be most successful, and statistics may be compiled showing the proportion of wages that women receive for their share of labor performed equivalent to that of men, and other helpful information and facts procured which are not easily ascertained by other means.
The Departments of Machinery, Electricity, Transportation Exhibits, Forestry, Mines and Metallurgy, Fish and Game, and Physical Culture were not given representation by the Exposition Company on the group juries appointed by the board of lady managers, and while it is undoubtedly true that all of these fields have been invaded by women as assistant workers, yet evolution and progress in these lines are necessarily slow where their opportunities have not been commensurate with those of men and more congenial employment is undoubtedly afforded in education, art, liberal arts, manufactures, agriculture, horticulture, anthropology, and social economy.
The "Special Rules and Regulations providing for an International Jury and Governing the System of Making Awards," as applicable to the board of lady managers, read as follows:
The total number of jurors in the international jury of awards shall be approximately 2 per cent of the total number of exhibitors, but not in excess of that number, and each nation having fifty exhibitors or more shall be entitled to representation on the jury. The number of jurors for each art or industry, and for each nationality represented, shall, as far as practicable, be proportional to the number of exhibitors and the importance of the exhibits.
Of this selected body of international jurors, three graded juries will be constituted: One, the general organization of group juries; two, department juries; three, a superior jury.
Each group jury shall be composed of jurors and alternates.
The Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company shall certify to the board of lady managers the numbers of groups in which the exhibits have been produced in whole, or in part, by female labor; to each of the groups so certified the board of lady managers may appoint one juror and one alternate to that juror; such appointees, when confirmed, shall have the privileges and be amenable to the regulations for other jurors and alternates.
Nominations made by chiefs of departments, and by the board of lady managers, shall be submitted to the director of exhibits, and when approved he shall submit them to the president of the Exposition Company.
The nomination of group jurors and alternates, when approved by the president of the exposition, shall be transmitted to the president of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission for the approval of that body.
The work of the group juries shall begin September 1, 1904, and shall be completed not later than twenty days thereafter.
Examinations or other work not completed in the time specified herein will be transferred to the department jury.
Each group shall carefully examine all exhibits pertaining to the group to which it has been assigned. It shall also consider and pass upon the merits of the collaborators whose work may be conspicuous in the design, development, or construction of the exhibits.
The jury shall prepare separate lists, presenting the names of such exhibitors as are out of competition; awards recommended to exhibitors in order of merit; awards recommended to collaborators in order of merit; a report giving an account of the most important objects exhibited, and a general account of the group as a whole.
Each department jury shall be composed of the chairmen and vice-chairmen of the group juries of the respective departments, with one member of the directory of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, to be named by the president of the company, and one person appointed by the board of lady managers.
Each department jury shall complete its organization and begin its work on September 20, 1904.
The duties of these juries shall be to consider carefully and review the reports of the group juries; to harmonize any differences that may exist between the recommendations of the several group juries as to awards, and to adjust all awards recommended so that they will be consistent with the rules and regulations.
No more than ten days may be devoted to this work, and when the awards recommended by the group juries have been adjusted the department juries shall, through the chiefs of their respective departments, submit their findings to the director of exhibits, who shall, within five days after the receipt thereof, certify the same to the superior jury, including such work as may have been left incomplete by the department jury.
The officers and members of the superior jury shall be as follows: President, the president of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company; first vice-president, the director of exhibits; second vice-president, a citizen of the United States to be named by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission. The members of the jury shall further consist of the commissioners-general of the nine foreign countries occupying with exhibits the largest amount of space in the exhibit palaces, the chairmen and first vice-chairmen of the department juries, the chiefs of the exhibit departments, and one person appointed by the board of lady managers.
The superior jury shall determine finally and fully the awards to be made to exhibitors and collaborators in all cases that are formally presented for its consideration.
For the purpose of installation and review of exhibits and the conduct of the system of awards a classification was adopted which was divided into fifteen departments, which were divided into 144 groups, which in turn were subdivided into 807 classes. They will show that while many of the groups and classes are not suited to the requirements of woman's work, yet all products of female labor can be properly classed in these departments, and that there are extremely few occupations in which man is engaged in which woman can not and does not also work.
The list of appointments of group and department jurors appointed by the board of lady managers is given in the final report of the chairman of the committee on awards.
At a meeting held on May 9, 1904, the committee to present nominations for superior jury announced the names of Mrs. Eliza Eads How, Mrs. Philip N. Moore, Mrs. Thomas N. Neidringhaus, and Miss Mary E. Perry. On ballot the result was the election of Mrs. Philip N. Moore, of St. Louis, with Mrs. Eliza Eads How, of the same city, as alternate. |