Second. The board protests against the appointment, without its authority, of any representative at home or abroad connected with work for which this board is responsible.
Third. That the board of lady managers select, with the approval of the local company, two of its members to awaken interest in the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company among women in other countries.
Fourth. That the president of this board be authorized, at her discretion, to appoint committees to visit each State to enlist the cooperation of the women in securing the proper representation of woman's work at the exposition in St. Louis; and in furtherance that the governor of each State be formally requested to name two women on the State commission.
Fifth. That the local company be requested to appropriate $50,000 for the erection of a woman's building on the fair grounds to be used after the close of the exposition as a hall of philanthropy.
Sixth. The board of lady managers request the directors of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company to provide money to meet the current expenses of this board. They are further requested to notify this board in writing of the amount appropriated for this purpose. It is the sense of this board that an allowance of 5 cents per mile and $10 per diem be allowed; the per diem to cover the time from the day of departure until the day of return.
Seventh. That the board of lady managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, acting in harmony with the local committees appointed by the president of this board, shall have supervisory control of the entertainments of all women's organizations desiring to hold meetings in the building that will be appropriated to the use of this board.
Respectfully submitted.
Mrs. JAMES L. BLAIR, President. Mrs. RICHARD W. KNOTT, Chairman.
To the copy of the above resolutions which was sent to the National Commission, President Carter replied as follows:
St. Louis, U.S.A., November 29, 1902.
Dear Madam: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of a set of resolutions adopted by the board of lady managers at their meeting in New York City on November 20, 1902.
You are informed that the resolutions have been transmitted with proper recommendations to the local company for consideration You are also informed that correction of objectionable rule in the "rules and regulations governing the system of awards," to which reference is made in the first subdivision of the resolutions, has been made. The rule referred to, as corrected, will embrace the word "appoint" instead of "nominate."
You are also informed that the Commission deems it inexpedient to apply to Congress for an appropriation to aid in the construction of the proposed hall of philanthropy. The Commission does not wish to be understood as being opposed to this commendable enterprise, but instead favors the proposition. The disinclination to appeal to Congress for aid arises from an understanding with the company and leading members of committees of Congress, that no further appropriation would be sought from the General Government in connection with the fair.
After a conference with the president and the secretary of the Exposition Company, the Commission is gratified to be able to inform you of the disposition of those officers to consult the board of lady managers with reference to the appointment of all persons intended to in any manner represent the board or its work in the exploitation of the exposition at home or abroad. We are also able to convey to you the assurance which has been conveyed to the Commission by President Francis, that it is the disposition of the Exposition Company to furnish the board of lady managers adequate and comfortable accommodations upon the grounds controlled by the company. The president of the company will communicate with your honorable board with reference to this and other subjects referred to in the resolutions.
You are informed that, agreeable to an arrangement made nearly twelve months ago, the accounts of the board of lady managers will be paid direct by the Exposition Company. It is desirable that your board should transmit all accounts direct to Mr. W.B. Stevens, secretary of the Exposition Company, by whom all settlements will be made.
Yours, very truly,
Thos. H. Carter, President.
Mrs. Apolline M. Blair, President Board of Lady Managers, St. Louis, Mo.
This meeting adjourned subject to the call of the president.
The next meeting of the board of lady managers was called by the president, Mrs. Blair, at the Murray Hill Hotel, New York City, N.Y., February 16, 1903, at which time a letter was read that had been received by the president of the board from the Exposition Company, in which an offer was made to the board, for its exclusive use, of one of the permanent buildings to be erected for the Washington University (and subsequently to be used by it as a Hall of Physics), to be known during the exposition period as the "Building of the Board of Lady Managers." This structure appealed specially to the members of the board, from the fact that it had been endowed by a woman, Mrs. Eliza Eads How, of St. Louis, and the offer was accepted. The building was finished about the middle of April, 1904, and thereafter remained the headquarters of the board during the term of the exposition. While it was not perfectly adapted for a woman's building, they made it as attractive as possible, and it served for their entertaining and occupancy far better than had been anticipated. Upon motion, it was decided that the furnishing of the building for the board of lady managers be under the supervision of the president of the board.
On February 16, 1903, a communication was received from Mr. Corwin H. Spencer, first vice-president of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, stating that $3,000 had been appropriated by the executive committee of the Exposition Company for the use of the board of lady managers.
Although the members of the board were not only willing, but anxious, to settle upon some definite line of action, the vagueness of their powers outlined by the members of the Commission, together with the obstacle presented by the lack of funds, had caused them to be most conservative in action; without the positive assurance of financial aid they were not in a position to decide definitely upon a plan of future work. This condition led to the appointment by the president, Mrs. Blair, of two committees, one known as the "committee to confer with the National Commission on matters pertaining to the board of lady managers," and which consisted of Miss Lavinia H. Egan, chairman, Mrs. Finis P. Ernest, Mrs. Helen Boice-Hunsicker, and Mrs. William E. Andrews; and the second, known as a "committee on woman's work," consisting of Mrs. Mary Phelps Montgomery, chairman, Mrs. John M. Holcombe, Mrs. Daniel Manning, and Mrs. Edward L. Buchwalter. Both of these committees were to confer with the National Commission and the latter committee with the local company.
Upon motion, duly seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned, to meet in St. Louis April 29, 1903.
A reception was given by the board of lady managers to the president-general, officers, and members of the Daughters of the American Revolution of the Twelfth Continental Congress, at the New Willard Hotel, Washington, D.C., on February 26, 1903. The committee consisted of Mrs. Horton, chairman, Mrs. Holcombe, Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Moores, Mrs. Coleman, Mrs. Hunsicker, Mrs. Porter, and Mrs. Hanger. Invitations were extended to the President of the United States and his Cabinet, Diplomatic Corps, officers of the Army and Navy, members of the Senate and House of Representatives, the Government Board, the National Commission of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and officials connected with the exposition resident in Washington. The Exposition Company was most generous in allowing $600 for the cost of this reception. The two committees appointed to confer with the National Commission and local company on matters pertaining to the board of lady managers, met at the Southern Hotel, St. Louis, March 11, 1903, and were admitted to a conference with the National Commission on that day. The subject in regard to the work and duties of the board was reopened by the following questions:
First. What special work does the Commission desire the board to perform before the opening of the exposition?
Second. What service will the Commission require from the board between the opening and closing of the exposition?
to which Senator Carter replied as follows:
The plan and scope of your work must first be determined, and, in an advisory or suggestive sense only, I venture to submit for your consideration a plan and scope which would require your board—
First. To make due preparation for the intelligent selection of one member of all committees authorized to award prizes for such exhibits as may have been produced in whole or in part by female labor.
Second. To advise the Commission from time to time as to the desired extent and the appropriate manner of woman's participation in the ceremonies incident to the dedication, opening, and conduct of the exposition.
Third. To confer and advise with the officers and chiefs of the exposition on the progress being made from time to time in exciting the interest and enlisting the cooperation of women in the several departments, and to appoint all committees necessary to carry out the purpose, and to procure information on the extent of woman's participation in the exposition.
Fourth. To encourage the presentation of exhibits by women by correspondence, advertising, or such other means as the company may approve.
Fifth. To collect statistics of women's work in connection with the exposition for publication.
Sixth. To encourage, by correspondence or otherwise, attendance at the exposition of societies and associations of women and the holding of conventions, congresses, and other meetings of women.
Seventh. To maintain within the grounds during the period of the exposition an organization for the relief of women and children who may be found in need of aid, comfort, or special protection.
Eighth. To receive and officially entertain women when requested so to do by the Exposition Company and the Commission.
Ninth. To commission members of the board or others, with the approval of the Commission and the company, to travel in the interest of the exposition, either at home or abroad.
Tenth. To provide for the constant attendance, in rotation, of at least three members of the board at the exposition grounds from April 30 to December 1, 1904.
Eleventh. To issue bulletins from time to time as the company and the Commission may approve, for the special information of women and the exploitation of their contributions to the success of the exposition.
These suggestions may be supplemented by others, and some of them may be disregarded by you entirely. They will, however, serve to convey to you the views of the Commission on the general range of work you can, if you wish, undertake to perform, subject only to the limitation that you submit your plan when agreed upon to the Commission and the company for consideration and approval, to the end that harmony may prevail.
Let us not at any time lose track of this one important fact, that the exposition will be enormously expensive at best, and that it does not befit us to look up ways and means of expending money exclusively but to have some regard for the income of the Exposition Company. Widespread and indiscriminate entertainment of societies will be quite impossible. Within the scope of your work there should be some committee or subdivision of the board to begin at once to ascertain what different societies, organizations, and women's congresses could be assembled here, and then bring them in within the scope of your work for submission to the company. We will gladly submit to the company a plan for the disposal of matters that will involve a reasonable limit of entertainment, and have means placed at your disposal for correspondence, exploitation, and entertainment. Your committees ought to be at work now and continue diligently at work until the exposition gates open. After that you will have ample work to do in connection with carrying out the projects you will have previously originated.
The meeting set for April 29 was called by the president of the board one day earlier, and the members met in the Administration Building, exposition grounds, April 28, 1903.
The announcement of the death on February 27, 1903, of Mrs. Washington A. Roebling, the member of the board from New Jersey, was read and received with regret, and a committee was appointed to draft suitable resolutions, to be spread upon the minutes of the board.
On that day the following rules and regulations were adopted by the board, a copy being submitted to the National Commission and subsequently approved by that body on April 29, 1903, and by the Exposition Company January 12, 1904.
Rules and Regulations.
No. 1. Meetings.—All the meetings of the board shall be held in the city of St. Louis. The regular meetings shall be held at such times as may be designated by a majority vote of the board. Special meetings shall be subject to call of the president of the board, the president of the National Commission, or written request of five members of the board. The president shall convene the board in accordance with the terms of the request.
No. 2. Officers.—The officers of the board shall consist of a president, eight vice-presidents, a secretary, and a treasurer.
No. 3. Duties of officers.—The president shall preside at all meetings of the board and shall sign all requisitions for funds to be advanced to the treasurer, and examine and approve all accounts to be paid by the treasurer.
No. 4. Duties of vice-presidents.—In the absence of the president the vice-presidents shall preside alternately from session to session, in the order of their official designation.
No. 5. Duties of secretary.—The secretary shall keep a correct record of the proceedings of the board, and shall attend to the giving or serving of all notices of meetings. She shall conduct the official correspondence of the board of lady managers, and shall perform such other duties as the board may assign to her. She shall notify all committees of their appointments, and also the work assigned to them. Previous to each meeting she shall make out an order of business for the chair, and also a list of standing and special committees. She shall make her headquarters in the city of St. Louis.
No. 6. Duties of treasurer.—The treasurer shall have the care and custody of all funds coming into the possession of the board, and shall disburse the same only upon order of the board and the approval of its president. At each regular meeting of the board she shall render an itemized statement of all receipts and disbursements from the date of the last report, and shall whenever directed by the board deposit the unexpended balance with the treasurer of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company.
No. 7. Quorum.—Nine members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
No. 8. Executive committee.—The board shall elect an executive committee of seven members. It shall be the duty of the executive committee to devise plans relative to the work within the legal jurisdiction of the board and submit, from time to time, recommendations to the board for consideration and action with the view of making arrangements to appropriate committees. The executive committee shall elect its own chairman and secretary.
No. 9. Standing committees.—The following standing committees shall be constituted and shall be elected by ballot, unless otherwise specifically provided therein: First, a committee on rules; second, a committee on work; third, a committee on awards; fourth, exposition rotating committee; fifth, an auditing committee.
No. 10. Committee on rules.—The committee on rules shall consist of three members, and shall prepare and present to the board such amendments to the rules and regulations as may from time to time be found necessary.
No. 11. Committee on work.—The committee on work shall consist of five members, and shall prepare and present to the executive committee a plan covering the scope of woman's work.
No. 12. Committee on awards.—The committee on awards shall consist of three members, whose duty it shall be to collect and report to the board such information as will enable the board to execute intelligently the provision of section 6 of the act of Congress approved March 3, 1901.
No. 13. The exposition rotating committee.—A committee of six members of the board, to be designated by the executive committee, shall be in attendance at the exposition from April 30 to December 1, 1904, in the discharge of such duties as may be prescribed by the National Commission, or may arise from time to time within that period, and appropriately require consideration and action of such committee. Four members of each committee shall be appointed at the end of each calendar month, beginning May 31, 1904. The appointments shall be so made that no member shall serve more than two consecutive months.
No. 14. Auditing committee.—The auditing committee shall consist of three members, elected by the board, and shall examine and audit the accounts of the treasurer, and present to the board a written report concerning each settlement, which shall be made promptly upon the receipt of the treasurer's itemized statement required by rule 6.
No. 15. Special committees.—Special committees may be appointed by direction of the board to consider matters not included within the jurisdiction of any committee provided for herein.
No. 16. Amendments.—These rules and regulations may be amended at any regular meeting of the board by a two-thirds vote of the members present, written notice of proposed amendment having been given at least one day in advance of action thereon.
No. 17. Order of business.—Reading of the minutes; reports of standing committees; reports of special committees; unfinished business; new business; adjournment. This order of business may be suspended at any regular meeting by two-thirds vote of the members present.
No. 18. Roberts's Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of this board.
Upon the centennial of the day the Louisiana Territory was sold by Napoleon to the United States, the exposition, which embodied all that the vast territory now represents, was consecrated to its purpose. In the presence of 50,000 persons the Louisiana Purchase Exposition was formally dedicated; 12,000 troops, the pick of the United States Regular Army, and the best militia of the country, moved past a given point for one hour and a half, under Maj. Gen. Henry C. Corbin, U.S. Army, grand marshal. Governors and their staffs were loudly cheered as they appeared at the head of their State troops. Gathered on the reviewing stand was a notable assembly—our Chief Executive, President Roosevelt; ex-President Cleveland, ambassadors and diplomats, cabinet officers, the lieutenant-general of the Army, Nelson A. Miles; Cardinal Gibbons and Bishop Potter, Senator, Representatives, governors, State and Territorial representatives, Government officials, President Francis, and the board of directors of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission, and the board of lady managers.
At the meeting in the Liberal Arts Building following the parade, President Carter of the National Commission addressed the great assembly. The enthusiasm was unbounded when, in turn, the President and ex-President spoke to the vast multitude. After the meeting an adjournment was made to the Administration Building, where President Roosevelt and ex-President Cleveland received many of their friends, and the board of lady managers entertained a distinguished company at 5 o'clock in their rooms in the Administration Building. Among the guests present at the dinner tendered in the evening by Hon. David R. Francis to President Roosevelt, in the building of the Hall of Congresses, were several members of President Roosevelt's Cabinet, ex-President Cleveland, Lieut. Gen. Nelson A. Miles, diplomatic representatives of thirty foreign governments, governors, Senators, National Commissioners, and the board of lady managers.
The second, or "International Day," the procession was arranged as on the first day, the introductory oration being delivered in the Palace of Liberal Arts. President Francis extended greeting to representatives of foreign governments and responses were made by Ambassador Jusserand, of the French Government, and Senor Don Emilio de Ojeda, Spanish minister to the United States. In the evening a reception was given at the St. Louis Club in honor of the diplomatic corps, and a banquet was tendered to visiting journalists in the Hall of Congresses on the exposition grounds.
The third, or "State Day," the visiting governors were specially entertained, and the closing exercises held, after which the governors and representatives of different States proceeded to the sites that had been allotted their respective State pavilions and broke ground and laid corner stones with appropriate ceremonies.
In all of the exercises of the three opening days the members of the board of lady managers, by their participation in the ceremonies, represented the women of the country.
On Saturday, May 2, 1903, the following resolution was offered by Mrs. Edward L. Buchwalter, the first vice-president:
Whereas the board of lady managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition find it necessary to have funds at their disposal for the proper conduct of the business of the board; therefore be it
Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to take the necessary steps to secure such an appropriation from Congress at the earliest possible date; that said committee be, and is hereby, directed to take immediate action in such matter, and that said sum shall not be less than $100,000.
Upon the adoption of this resolution Mrs. Daniel Manning was made chairman, and in accepting the appointment she asked the members of the board to use their influence with the Senators and Congressmen of their States for the passage of the bill.
At this meeting (May 2, 1903) the president announced the appointment of the following standing committees: Executive, entertainment, foreign relations, women's congresses, and press, and the committee on women's work was enlarged.
An invitation was received from the Wednesday Club of St. Louis, in which a reception was tendered by that organization to the board. The courtesy was greatly appreciated and promptly accepted, and the occasion brought together the intellectual women of that city.
No further meeting was held until December 15, 1903, which was called by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission and held in St. Louis, at the Southern Hotel, Mrs. E.L. Buchwalter, first vice-president, presiding. The following communication was then read by the secretary:
St. Louis, U.S.A., October 21, 1903.
LADIES: I herewith tender to you my resignation from the office of president, to which you did me the honor to elect me. Begging you to accept the same, with my best wishes for the welfare and success of the board in the future, I remain,
The resignation was accepted by the board, and a committee appointed to prepare suitable resolutions. At the afternoon session Miss Dawes, chairman of this committee, presented the following:
Resolved, That the board of lady managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition accepts with regret the resignation of Mrs. James L. Blair as president; that it places upon its records its appreciation of her service to the board of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Her large abilities and her experience in social and public affairs have been freely given to this work, and she has served the board and the exposition with unwavering zeal and with conspicuous ability. Her enthusiasm for the exposition, her far-reaching sense of its aims and scope, her large conception of the possibilities of our connection therewith as a board, and her interests in its needs inspired her administration of its affairs and called for the recognition and thanks of this board, whose head and representative she was, and of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition which she served.
Resolved, That this board of lady managers express its recognition and gratitude by adopting these resolutions and that the secretary be directed to send a copy to Mrs. Blair.
On motion of Mrs. Manning, seconded by Mrs. Coleman, the resolution was unanimously adopted.
President Francis then appeared before the board of lady managers, and, upon the request of the chairman, made an address, in which he said, in answer to a request to give to the board some idea concerning the cost of the exposition:
I only can give you the comparisons with other of the largest expositions ever held in this or any other country. I will state as compared with the Paris Exposition, we are now nearer a state of completion than that exposition was on the date of its opening. That no exposition was ever so near completed four and a half months prior to its opening. Of course we have a great deal of work to do, and we must bear in mind that although we use a vast amount of material, 90 per cent of the cost is put in labor—not only the labor out on the grounds, but the labor in the lumber districts, in the loading and unloading of the lumber—and this comprises the greater part of our buildings as they are built almost exclusively of lumber—the value of it is comparatively small as compared with the cost of preparing it for market and getting it here.
Then the matter of wages—we have to pay 33 per cent higher wages than were paid at the Chicago Exposition. At that time carpenters got 35 cents per hour—you may remember that was the year of the panic, 1893. When we first began carpenters in this town were getting 45 cents an hour; they are now getting 55 cents an hour, and when you bear in mind that we have 5,000 carpenters at work there, an advance of 25 per cent in wages means something.
We broke ground on December 20, 1901, but we did that because it was the anniversary of the transfer of this territory from the French Government to the United States. But that was two years ago, and in those two years wages have gone up in St. Louis from 45 to 55 cents; plumbers' wages have advanced 25 per cent; plasterers were getting $4.50 per day—we are now paying them $6, and on last Friday they struck for $7. The hodcarriers who carry plaster for the plasterers are getting $4 per day—count twenty-five working days in the month, our hodcarriers are receiving $100 per month, which is more than educated clerks receive. A while ago these hodcarriers struck for $4.50 per day. * * * This is an Universal Exposition—we do not want to take a stand against union labor, but if it is to be a Universal Exposition we must stand by the laws of the United States so as to admit contract labor from abroad—men who work on erecting the foreign exhibits.
We were paying our day laborers 22 cents an hour and the railroads throughout the country were giving them 22 1/2 cents an hour; on the 25th of September they wrote that they had four demands: One was the recognition of the union (no one ever knew they had a union); second, that eight hours should constitute a day; third, they should get 30 cents an hour, and fourth, time and one-half for overtime. Well, in order not to stop our work I told the men to pay them 25 cents an hour, but that we could not limit our work to an eight-hour day; it was in the fall and we had to take advantage of the fine weather—we would pay them 25 cents an hour and work as long as we wished them to work—ten hours. I said to the laborers this is not a commercial enterprise; we are not running this for gain; we have put up $10,000,000 or $16,000,000; we are doing a patriotic duty, celebrating an historical event. * * *
We have 50 per cent more of buildings under roof than Chicago had at this time. We have 1,240 acres of ground space covered by buildings, while Chicago had 679 acres, which is nearly twice as much. When we say that the Chicago Company spent $22,000,000 I think you will say that under the circumstances $19,500,000 is a small amount for us to spend. Of course we have profited by their experience, which should be valuable to us.
A committee was appointed on December 16, 1903, to confer with President Carter, and place before him the following resolution:
Resolved, That the board of lady managers respectfully request the National Commission to suspend its rules limiting the further appointments upon the board, for the purpose of appointing a representative from the city of St. Louis upon the board of lady managers.
On the same day the following communication was received in reply:
DEAR MISS DAWES: The Commission has under consideration the question propounded by you, understood to be substantially as follows: "Is it the intention of the Commission and the Exposition Company to suspend the rule heretofore adopted, whereby it is provided that no appointment will be made on the board of lady managers, until the number shall be reduced below twenty-one?"
In reply, I am authorized by the Commission to say that the Exposition Company, speaking through its president, has intimated that the executive committee of the company will present a request to the Commission for the suspension of the rule referred to, to the end that a lady residing in the city of St. Louis may be appointed a member of the board of lady managers, under such suspension of the rule.
This request, we are advised, will be presented by the company to-day, and the Commission is disposed to suspend the rule by unanimous consent in conformity to the request when presented, and to appoint the lady recommended by the executive committee of the company. You will be advised of the action of the Commission on the subject under consideration the earliest practicable moment.
Very respectfully, THOMAS H. CARTER, President.
MISS ANNA L. DAWES, Chairman of Committee, Board of Lady Managers.
On December 18 the following letter was received from the president of the National Commission on the same subject:
ST. Louis, December 17, 1903.
MADAM: By direction of the Commission I am authorized to acknowledge receipt of your resolution recommending that the Commission suspend the rule restricting the membership of the board of lady managers, to the end that an appointment may be made of a representative from the city of St. Louis. In reply thereto you are informed that the rule referred to can not be suspended, save by the joint action of this Commission and the Exposition Company. The Commission feels indisposed to initiate any movement looking to its suspension. If requested by the Exposition Company to suspend the rule for the purpose of naming some lady residing in St. Louis, recommended by the Exposition Company, the Commission would probably, by unanimous consent, suspend the rule for that purpose.
Very respectfully, THOMAS H. CARTER, President.
MRS. DANIEL MANNING, President Board Lady Managers.
As no decision could be reached by the executive committee of the Exposition Company in regard to a choice of representative from the city of St. Louis on the board of lady managers, the board felt the necessity of selecting a president from its existing membership, and at the next session, on December 16, 1903, again held in the Administration Building, Mrs. John M. Holcombe moved that "we proceed at once to elect a president of this board."
Mrs. Buchwalter, the chairman, stated that it was in order to proceed with the election of a president of the board, and asked for nominations. Miss Helen M. Gould spoke as follows:
I would like to nominate Mrs. Daniel Manning for this office. Mrs. Manning has had large experience in matters of this kind as head of the Daughters of the American Revolution, having resided in Washington as the wife of one of the members of Mr. Cleveland's cabinet, and in representing our country abroad, having been one of our representatives at the Paris Exposition. I understand that Mrs. Manning is one of two women from this country who received the decoration from the French Government, and I take pleasure in nominating her for the office of president of this board. This nomination was seconded by several members, and, as no other nominations were made, the tellers announced the result of the vote: For Mrs. Manning, 13 votes: one blank, Mrs. Manning not voting.
The chairman then thanked the members of the board for the sympathy and help they had given her.
In reply the secretary extended to Mrs. Buchwalter the sincere thanks of the members of the board for the efficient work she had performed as their first vice-president and honorable chairman, and Miss Dawes spoke for the entire board in expressing her thanks to Mrs. Buchwalter for her impartiality, confidence, good management, and elegance in presiding.
Mrs. Daniel Manning, the newly elected president, then took the chair and thanked the board for the honor conferred upon her.
The order of business was then proceeded with, and, pursuant to a wish expressed by the National Commission to meet the board of lady managers, the members of the Commission were announced and Mrs. Manning said:
Mr. President, and Gentlemen of the Commission: We understood that you would graciously come over and talk with us a little while. We are starting in on a new lease of life. We want to work for the exposition to the best of our ability. We want your advice and wish to consult you about a number of matters, but, first, we would like to hear from you.
President Carter responded as follows:
Madam President and Ladies: We have come to say a few words to you and to have you consult with us upon any subjects you desire to bring up. I do not know how graciously we have come, but we come very cheerfully. The subject of your remark has been under consideration for a long time and we all regret that a more definite conclusion has not been reached relative to the sphere of your activity in connection with the World's Fair. I think your report, the report of your committee, of which Mrs. Montgomery is chairman, and which she recently submitted, crystallizes into close compass about the line of action the board might appropriately pursue. The report referred to dealt not only with the conclusion reached, but the details whereby those conclusions were reached. It included discussions, formal and informal, and certain correspondence relating to the subject. The Commission has approved that report in so far as it prescribed in definite form the sphere of your work, and, with the approval of the Commission, that report has been forwarded to the local company. These resolutions or statements made by your board, which in your judgment would constitute a proper sphere of action, seem to embody a field sufficiently broad to be worthy of your intentions. It was hoped by the Commission that during the present session of the board, the members of the local company, together with the Commission, would be present for a conference—more informal than formal—which might result in a correct and definite understanding as to just what you were to do, and how you were to do it.
The only conclusion which has been reached is that which gives you a contingent fund, which seems to have been adequate for the meager necessities of the past, but I believe that up to this hour the exact part your board is playing in connection with making this exposition a success, is far too indefinite to be satisfactory to you, and it is certainly not satisfactory to the Commission. Our Commission will adjourn to meet on the 10th of January, and we hope by that time to be in receipt of some communication from the Exposition Company announcing their disposition of the report I have referred to, and the scope of the work of the board of lady managers. Notwithstanding that will be at a very late date, it is well to have it in sight.
The ladies of your board have been engaged without much credit being given to the board or to the ladies themselves, in the work of exploitation. A number of the ladies have done most efficient work in their respective States—and some, in the adjoining States—calling the attention of the people at large, and in some instances the legislative sessions, to the vastness, scope, and policy of the exposition. It is unfortunate that your board does not receive the credit which this line of meritorious effort deserves. In the end, I doubt not, that in the final reports you will be accorded full measure of credit for what you have done individually and collectively. The past has been devoid of results because of a lack of understanding to start with. I think you are now beginning an era more promising than any outlook you have had in the past. I congratulate you upon having reached a condition of harmony within your own organization, which speaks well for the future. The earnestness of this board, the disinterestedness of its members, leading them in the first instance to volunteer their services to this great enterprise, has been an example to the whole country of national devotion, which has been of great advantage to the exposition management; your gratuitous and earnest effort has been a means of making the exposition favorably known throughout this country, at least. Your expenses have been very light—I believe, up to this time, less than $20,000, in the neighborhood of $20,000—which, considering the long distances traveled, and the number of meetings, is a trifling sum in comparison with what has been spent by similar boards of former expositions.
As you are aware, the act of Congress, under which both the Commission and your board find warrant for existence, granted to the local company an appropriation of $5,000,000 for the purposes of giving this exposition. We have probably in moments of inconsiderate feeling been too prone to find fault—I speak of the Commission, not of the ladies—prone to find fault with the people here who have been doing the best they could. There has been a disposition to assume the control, to the exclusion of outside agencies; and this is but natural because it is inseparable—or is in evidence with reference to all official places in our Government—in fact, it has been noticed that a man, who is ordinarily indolent, when placed in power will become very energetic in this respect.
The Exposition Company has assumed a full measure of the responsibilities—and possibly some of our responsibilities as well—for which we have not been duly grateful. Nevertheless, we are not inclined to blame these people, because they have contributed very largely and generously of local means to aid this enterprise, which leads them to the desire to supervise each and every detail in connection with this work. This desire to assume full responsibility is possibly responsible for the failure to assign to the ladies any particular work, and is also responsible for the curtailing of the jurisdiction of the National Commission. As the work progresses, however, I think that the company realizes the necessity of drawing upon all the forces available to make the exposition a success.
This Commission had a long and pleasant interview with the president of the exposition, at which time he brought out a desire for cooperation and assistance that had not yet been manifested. I believe now, as your body is organized, from the harmonious work accomplished at these meetings, and its cordial relations with the Exposition Company, and certainly with the Commission, the future promises more than has been accorded to similar organizations in the past. * * * We thank you, ladies, for the privilege of being before you, and cheerfully extend our salutations on the election of your president and upon the good will and spirit of harmony which prevails among you.
Mr. Lindsay then spoke as follows:
The board of lady managers exists by operation of law, the same that called the National Commission into existence. It was the duty of the National Commission to create it. It was the duty of the National Commission and of the local board to prescribe the powers and duties of the board of lady managers. Of course, these duties could not be accurately and technically laid out; we could only confer the power, and that would suggest what duties—what power within that general grant they should exercise. It is not the duty of the board of lady managers to be supervised by or to be subject to the local board. I was struck when I read the report made by Mrs. Montgomery of her interview with the local board, not by the gracious manner in which she was received and the graceful questions that were asked, but by the absolute failure in any particular to give definite reply or take any action upon any of the recommendations made by that committee.
What I think this board ought to do is to outline or prescribe the actual things it intends to do, report that to the National Commission and the local board, and then go ahead, not waiting to know whether this or that is within its powers or whether or not this is expedient and whether it can be carried out. Let some one take the responsibility of saying you can not do this or can not do that. As long as you deal in generalities with the National Commission, or agree to everything that is brought up by the local company, this board of lady managers will never become an active part or parcel of this great exposition.
I do not agree with my friend, Senator Carter, on another thing, and that is that these people are entitled to any consideration on account of the money they have expended. They came to Congress and asked Congress for authority to do this very thing; they did not come to Congress for any benefit that they expected to result to the country, but on account of their own local interests and to glorify the Louisiana Purchase and the people of the Louisiana Purchase, and, upon agreeing that they would do these things, privilege was granted by Congress, and the appropriation made. That appropriation is not part of their fund—that is the fund of the United States which is being distributed in the city of St. Louis, preeminently for the city and generally for the United States. And was not this board of lady managers created by the very act of Congress, and have you not some rights in this matter, to the end that you may accomplish the work that has been assigned to you?
I say the time has come when we have got to talk plainly and make some one responsible for your action or nonaction. If either board considers that you are going beyond your powers they will have the right to make restrictions, but as long as you keep within these powers and what you think you ought to do, I doubt if your work will be restricted in any way.
It is now only four months before the exposition opens, and if there is ever going to be anything accomplished by this board it is none too early to begin. For instance, the act of Congress provides that this board name a judge on all the juries that are to pass upon the results of female labor; we agreed to it and the local board agreed to it. Now, then, have you any notice of on which juries you are to be allowed to name a juror? Have any steps been taken to indicate on which of these committees you are to make appointments? The time has come for this work and if you are to have any authority, or if you are to do any of this work, it will not be of credit to this board unless you are able to make the proper preparations for these appointments. But if you have three months to look around, you will be able to find the proper persons and make these appointments intelligently. I hope before the next meeting of the National Commission you will have agreed specifically upon what you can do, what you desire to do, and what you are ready to do, so that the scope of action and authority of this board can be conferred upon it and insisting that the local board here either approve or disapprove of your action.
I appreciate all the troubles and difficulties these people have had, and it is my earnest hope that they will be able to give the members of this board a decided answer within the next month. * * *
In reply to a statement made by a member of the board that in an interview with the executive committee of the Exposition Company, Mr. Skiff, the director of exhibits, had said he could not give a list of exhibitors (or exhibits) until near the time of the opening of the exposition, because he did not know what would be entered, and the lists would not be completed until about that time. Mr. Lindsay further said:
It was my opinion that when the lists of classification were completed, there was nothing else to be inquired into; in that list, everything which includes the result of female labor, constitutes the class on which you are to appoint a juror. The general classification forms a list that would be used for this purpose.
But referring to another matter, I think that there should have been provided by act of Congress a fund set apart for the ladies, to be used by them. Because, as long as you are compelled to go to the Commission, or to go to the local board to ascertain what you can spend or what you can not spend, just so long you will not be able to do anything effectually. I know that the local board is going to object to all this, but when the local board finds that by consenting to your reasonable wishes it is enhancing the interests of the exposition, it will agree to a proper appropriation and other proper demands made by your board which relieve that board of any further duties on the subject. I believe that I have said all I care to say. But, referring to the rules: That board and the Commission can advise you not to enforce certain rules, when the enforcement of them would lead you into difficulties, but just as long as the rules you make for yourselves are within the scope of authority and duties granted us and prescribed to you, you can take directions from the board or from the Commission if you choose to, but you do not need to do this unless you choose to.
In response to the request of Mrs. Manning that Senator Thurston say a few words, he responded:
Perhaps everybody has been a little delinquent in getting this board organized and in position where it can take up some proper work that will be of benefit and be agreeable to the ladies. I think, perhaps, without going into past history, that the board of lady managers perhaps has failed to do what it might have done in the way of formulating a plan for its own participation in the exposition and that was growing out of circumstances which no longer exist. I believe now this board is organized with a president who is heart and soul for the success of the exposition. Without being tied up to anything in the way of local interests, it will be better able to compete with the coming situation. There is, and has been a great deal of hesitancy on the part of the National Commission about attempting to outline a plan of action for this board of lady managers. We provided for your appointment according to law, and we fell into the belief, I hope it was not an error, that the ladies on this board would know a great deal better what they wanted to do, what they ought to do, and what would be best for them to do than this board of men, who had never had anything to do with these ladies' departments except to participate in the enjoyment of them when so fortunate as to be present.
Now, you have prepared and outlined and accepted your rules and regulations which were approved by our Commission along in June, I think. They were prepared in April—those rules and regulations were more than regulations for the procedure of your board, as I recollect them, they very largely outlined the field of work for the board of lady managers. They were adopted and modified a little by the National Commission and sent to the local company. They were prepared in April, promptly sent to the local company because we thought without their action they could not go into effect and there they have been ever since. To a limited extent it was never necessary to send them there, so far as the organization and management of the board of lady managers is concerned—but, when you step over that or attempt to outline the scope of your work, and your participation in the affairs of the exposition, that part must go to the National Commission and be approved.
Suppose, for instance, these ladies decided they would like to participate in one of the National Congresses, that they would take charge of a certain Congress out at the exposition, I do not think any of them could do that without the sanction of the local company.
I am very positive in my views that when it comes to providing for the legislation of this board for its participation in the fair, it can not be done without the National Commission, and especially without the permission of the company. I do not think that they can decide to take up certain lines of work and go out there to do it without having some agreement on the subject.
At the meeting of the board on the day following, December 17, 1903, Mrs. Hanger tendered her resignation from the office of the secretary of the board of lady managers, and Miss Lavinia II. Eagan was unanimously elected to fill the vacancy. Upon this occasion Mrs. Coleman presented the following motion:
That the resignation of Mrs. Hanger from the office of secretary of this board be accepted with regret, and that Mrs. Hanger be extended a hearty vote of thanks for her faithful, painstaking, and efficient work for the board as such official.
One of the most brilliant courtesies tendered the board of lady managers was the reception given in its honor by the Woman's Club, at the club house, on December 17.
Up to this time the plans outlined by the members of the Commission, such as sending representatives abroad to interest the women of foreign countries in the exposition, and other "suggestions" made by the board, designated by the president of the Commission as legitimate exposition work, had been rejected by the company. The members of the board of lady managers, therefore, were now of the unanimous opinion that they would be most seriously embarrassed and their services rendered ineffective and inoperative unless an appropriation could be secured from Congress to defray the cost of meetings and other necessary expenses. If they failed to secure funds of their own, their power and influence in connection with the exposition would continue to be limited and indefinite.
Pursuant to the recommendations of the National Commission, therefore, as expressed at their meeting December 16, 1903, a new legislative committee was appointed on December 18, to take the place of the one created under the resolution of May 2, 1903, with instructions to the members to proceed immediately to Washington, which they did on January 5, 1904. The history and successful result of their work is given by the chairman of that committee in her final report.
At the meeting of the board of lady managers, held at its rooms in the Administration Building, March 1, 1904, before the regular order of business was taken up, Mrs. Andrews asked for and obtained unanimous consent to speak to the members of the board, and said:
In view of what has transpired at Washington since our last meeting, the extent of which only members of our legislative committee realize—for almost to a man the lower House was opposed to the appropriation, and it was only by arduous, strenuous, and noble work of our president and the members of that committee that the results were attained—I offer the following resolution:
Resolved, That the thanks of the board are due, and are hereby tendered, to the members of the legislative committee for securing an appropriation to defray our necessary expenses and thereby achieving the honorable emancipation of the board.
Resolved, That the board extend a vote of thanks to itself for the wisdom manifested in the selection of Mrs. Daniel Manning as its president, who has so fully enlisted the best efforts of all the members of the board and who has begun her work by showing that deeds rather than words are of special value.
The resolution was adopted by unanimous rising vote.
On the following day President Francis addressed the board as follows:
I am very glad to have this opportunity to talk to you. I desire to congratulate you upon your getting the appropriation from Congress for $100,000. I was very willing, indeed, as all the members of the executive committee were, to do what we could toward securing the money. After your worthy president waited upon the executive committee and was informed of our plan to ask a loan of $4,500,000 from the Treasury, she in turn informed us that the board of lady managers had decided to ask for $100,000 for their own use, we very readily came to an agreement to the effect that we would join forces and see what we could accomplish with Congress. As you are aware, it is a very difficult matter to get money out of Congress at best, and when the Government had already spent about $1,250,000 for its own exhibit, and when we had promised that we would not apply to Congress or appeal for any additional aid, the circumstances under which we made that deal or presented that bill were especially trying, and I think we all deserve to be congratulated upon the outcome.
When I went to Washington I found your president at the Capitol with Mrs. Montgomery. They had all worked assiduously and had made considerable headway in the Senate—in which body it was our plan to introduce the bill in the shape of an amendment to the urgent deficiency bill.
While the matter was pending in the Senate the question of this $100,000 was brought up. We very promptly assured the ladies that this amount would be added to our bill asking for a loan of $4,500,000. We preferred, of course, that we should not be expected to repay it. However, the bill was presented and passed and this $100,000 is to be paid over to the board of lady managers upon their order, and for such purposes as they may elect. The bill does not provide definitely out of which of our payments this $100,000 should come. The bill provided that we should get the money in four installments of $1,000,000 each, and a final installment of $600,000 not being payable until May. The bill does not provide out of which payment your $100,000 shall be paid, but I wish to say, on behalf of the Exposition Company, we are willing and ready to pay that whenever you ladies request that it shall be paid. We do not know what plans, if any, you have made or in what manner you are planning for the disbursement of that money. * * *
Now, with regard to your money, I am not going to give you any gratuitous advice, but only wish to assure you that it is the intention of the company—that the company is ready to give that money to you in any form you may desire it. It will be given to you in any installments you may designate or it will be set aside in its entirety to be used for no other purpose than to honor requisitions of the board of lady managers.
In other words, it is possible for us to do this, and we will do it to your satisfaction, and we will draw up a letter of instruction and set aside as a special credit in the Treasury the sum of $100,000 in accordance with our bill of Congress, approved blank date. The auditor will draw his warrants without the approval of the treasurer of this company, but merely upon the requisition of the board of lady managers. The $100,000 would be set aside in the treasury of the company and you would have a written instrument and the treasurer would have orders to honor checks made upon that $100,000 in satisfaction of requisitions approved by the board of lady managers.
Of course, as I said before, if you wish to take that money out and put it in some depository in St. Louis or elsewhere it is at your disposal. You could get a check for a portion of the money or all of it if you wish. Our only obligation in connection with that $100,000 now is to repay it, as we have no intention or desire to avoid that part of it.
Now, if you should take the money out and put it in some depository in St. Louis or elsewhere to your credit you would be put to the expense of organizing an auditing system, the same as we have been.
I am willing, speaking on behalf of the company, to give you the benefit of the auditing system without your incurring any additional expense, and, if you wish, in order to make you doubly secure, I will get a letter from the treasurer stating that he has, in accordance with the instructions of the president, set aside $100,000 for the use of the board of lady managers, and that the $100,000 can only be drawn by checks signed by your treasurer and countersigned by your president.
I only say this as a suggestion, because we all have become interested, but if you choose to ask us for $25,000 of the money, or for all of it, we will give it you.
Now, with regard to other expenses you may incur or have incurred—I find in my report made to me to-day, which was made at your request—we have paid you up to this time for mileage and per diem in attending board meetings $16,856. That includes the $3,000 for which no vouchers have been turned in as yet. You can keep that, with or without vouchers as you please. If you want your business in the proper shape, however, it is more businesslike for you to turn in the vouchers. However, that lies with you.
Now, previous to the appropriation of the $100,000 the executive committee had appropriated $15,000 for the furnishing of the Woman's Building, which building, as you know, cost us $100,000. Of course, you could have gotten a building erected that would have answered your purpose as well and cost less than $100,000, but under the terms of our contract with the Washington University that amount was paid out of the rental fund of $750,000 which we paid for these buildings as they stand.
Besides that $100,000, we promised to give you $15,000 for the furnishing of that building. When we made that promise we did not know you were going to get $100,000 from Congress which we would have to pay back. * * *
Now, in view of what I have said, we feel that we will give you the $15,000 for your building if you insist upon it; that is, we have made the appropriation of $35,000 for the creche. The $15,000 toward the equipment of the Woman's Building, under the circumstances—it seems to me, we should be relieved of that $15,000. I thought when I returned from Washington that the financial worry had been met, but I have realized within the past forty-eight hours that we can not open the exposition within the nineteen and one-half millions. We will not go back to Washington, however. We are economizing in every possible way. * * *
An official communication was received by the president of the board of lady managers stating that in the draft of the contract between the Exposition Company and the Treasury Department—
It is provided that from the first payment of $1,000,000 there shall be set aside by the Exposition Company $100,000 to be paid to the board of lady managers according to the provisions of the act and for no other purpose whatsoever.
The attention of the Exposition Company was called to this provision, and on March 5, 1904, the two following letters were received:
ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, Office of the Secretary, March 5, 1904.
MADAM PRESIDENT: I am directed by President Francis to inform you that the executive committee has approved the requisition of the board of lady managers for $100,000, made available to said board from the Government loan by special act of Congress, as set forth in the resolution adopted by the board March 3, 1904.
Acting in accordance with the instructions of the executive committee, the president has this day deposited, out of the Government loan, the sum of $100,000 with the treasurer, Mr. William H. Thompson, said sum to be drawn out by the board of lady managers in accordance with the resolutions adopted by the board; that is to say, to be "subject to draft of the treasurer of said board, countersigned by the president of the board."
Very respectfully, WALTER B. STEVENS, Secretary.
ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, Office of the Secretary, March 5, 1904.
MADAM PRESIDENT: I have this day received by deposit from the Government loan the sum of $100,000, made available to the board of lady managers by special act of Congress. This sum will be held by me subject to draft of the treasurer of the board of lady managers, countersigned by the president of the board of lady managers.
Very respectfully, W.H. THOMPSON, Treasurer.
To Mrs. DANIEL MANNING, President Board of Lady Managers.
The following is the provision made in the urgent deficiency bill, which was passed on February 18, 1904, which secured to the board of lady managers a sum sufficient to enable them to meet any obligations which they might assume in the conduct of their participation in the affairs of the exposition:
Provided, That of said sums $100,000 shall be paid by said Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company to, or on the order of, the board of lady managers of said exposition for such purposes as said board of lady managers shall approve, and at such times as said board of lady managers shall request the same.
Immediately after the election of Mrs. Daniel Manning to the presidency of the board of lady managers, on December 16, 1903, a new legislative committee was appointed to succeed the one that had been created by Mrs. James L. Blair, the former president. The committee was composed of Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Coleman, and Mrs. Buchwalter, chairman, and instructed to endeavor to procure from Congress an appropriation of $100,000 for the use of the board, in order that it might be enabled to perform in a proper manner the purposes for which it had been brought into existence.
It had become evident that the Exposition Company would require a much larger amount of money than was then at its command in order to inaugurate and successfully continue the World's Fair. The men who had engineered the magnificent undertaking to this point in its development reasoned that, as they had already expended a sum far beyond that ever given any other similar project, they might not find a ready response to a request for further gifts. They were so confident of ultimate success, however, that they did not hesitate to ask Congress for a loan of $4,500,000 in order to conduct the affairs of the exposition.
The legislative committee of the board of lady managers appealed to the Exposition Company and asked that the company add to the amount of the loan for which it desired to negotiate the further sum of $100,000, to be set apart for the exclusive use of the board of lady managers. Receiving the promise that this fund should be included, the members of the legislative committee went to Washington to aid in every way in their power the passage of the bill providing for said loan.
Upon the arrival of the committee in Washington, on January 5, the members found they had undertaken what eventually proved to be a most arduous task against great odds. They found the most deep-seated, persistent opposition to granting another dollar to the fair, and were told President Francis had been advised to defer his trip to Washington until the latter part of January, as it would be hazardous to attempt the passage of the bill until the strong feeling against it then existing had abated. Many members of Congress strongly advised the legislative committee to ask for a special appropriation, but it had been agreed that one appropriation should cover the requirements of both boards.
Mr. James S. Tawney, of Minnesota, a member of the House of Representatives, and chairman of the committee for this and similar appropriations, when in St. Louis had listened with interest to the representation of the subject setting forth the needs of the board of lady managers, and kindly had promised his good offices in helping to advance their cause. He promptly granted an interview when informed that the committee had arrived in Washington, and, while most courteous, did not disguise the fact that there were grave dangers ahead for the loan to the Exposition Company, which had been made a part of the urgent deficiency bill. He examined the budget which had been prepared, giving careful scrutiny to each item, and, after some suggestions and minor changes, a budget was submitted to him which was afterwards used.
On January 29 President Francis went before the Senate committee, and on February 1 appeared before the House committee, on behalf of a loan for the Exposition Company.
During the long interim preceding the arrival of President Francis and those aiding him, those of the committee who had remained in the capital were untiring in their efforts to make friends for the bill, and as their cause was heartily indorsed by their respective Senators and many members of their State delegations, they became most hopeful of ultimate success.
The unceasing energy of the members of the legislative committee was admirably aided by the president of this board, who had been untiring in her efforts to make friends for the bill, and had used these efforts in a masterly manner. Her large acquaintance among, and knowledge of, men of affairs in Washington, and her clear statements as to the way in which this board had been created, and her convincing argument that the work of the board must of necessity be most inadequate and inefficient by reason of lack of funds, gained many advocates for the bill, and to her is due the credit for the success of the work which the committee was appointed to do. She was always at work, unresting, unhasting, and, although weary and worn with the interminable delay, neither she nor any member of the committee left any honorable means untried in order to secure what was so vitally necessary to the very existence of this board during the exposition.
As the result of the combined efforts some who had affected indifference became interested, and some who had previously stoutly declared unalterable opposition finally yielded, not only working and voting themselves in favor of the bill, but persuading others to do so. It was naturally a source of great satisfaction to the members of the legislative committee that the strongest and most influential men of both Houses gave recognition to the urgent claims which the board of lady managers had upon Congress. It was these men who insisted upon the incorporation of the specific clause providing for their $100,000 as an amendment in the loan bill. This was eventually done, and the amendment remained there until the passage of the bill, thus becoming a part of the law governing the Louisiana Purchase Exposition.
A brief description of the manner in which the loan bill was brought before Congress may be of interest.
There is, in every session, what is called an urgency deficiency bill, the object of which is to take care of the different Interests which are likely to fail through inadequate appropriation. The opposition to including the item of the loan for the Exposition Company was found to be so powerful that it could not be inserted in the bill when it was sent to the House. This urgent deficiency bill passed the House and went to the Senate. There the loan amendment was inserted, and finally our amendment was added also. It passed the Senate and was then returned to the House in order that that body might pass upon the amendments which the Senate had added. In the meetings before the two appropriation committees, as well as in the discussion in the two Houses, the arguments for and against were very forcibly expressed. One reason advanced as to why the loan should be made was because other governments had been invited to participate, and the company should be enabled to open its gates in a manner befitting a national host. Among the main objections set forth at length were: First, the alleged unconstitutionality of the whole proceeding; second, the inadequacy of the security. All those speaking against the measure affected a total disbelief that the receipts would be sufficient to enable the company to return the money advanced, and, of course, a spasm of economy nearly rent these statesmen in twain.
The exposition management was not spared. More than one speaker waxed eloquent over what he declared was wanton waste of the greatest amount of money ever intrusted to an exposition management, which wanton waste had made the Exposition Company bankrupt and again at the doors of the Treasury begging for funds. Those working against the bill triumphantly quoted the following clause, which is section 24 of the original bill, and which authorized the creation of the exposition. It reads:
"That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to create any liability of the United States, direct or indirect, for any debt or obligation incurred, nor for any claim for aid or pecuniary assistance from Congress or the United States in support or liquidation of the debts or obligations created by said Commission."
After postponement and delays, the bill of the 11th of February passed the House 172 to 115—57 majority. On the 15th it went back to the Senate and was promptly passed.
The whole amount appropriated for the use of the board of lady managers was placed in their custody by the Secretary of the Treasury, and its expenditure has been most carefully guarded. With this money at its command, it has always stood ready to assist the Exposition Company in every way possible, and the report of the treasurer will show that the disbursements have been made in a manner befitting the greatest of all world's fairs.
All of the members of the board of lady managers were inspired at an early period of their official existence with a desire to accomplish something that would be of lasting benefit to the interests of women, and one of the first committees to be appointed by the president was on woman's work, which seemed to offer great scope for the development of earnest efforts and good judgment. They realized that upon their activity would greatly depend the extent to which women in this country and of the world at large would participate, directly or indirectly, in making this exposition the most beneficent for women that had been, or could be, attained in any age or ages.
Specific action was restricted, however, by the Exposition Company, and the committee on woman's work was not enabled to give an international character to its work. While the life of its organization was in no way affected, the board was not allowed to expend any money except under the authority of the Exposition Company, and although the members believed that whatever action they might take in regard to sending a representative of the board abroad was legitimate exposition work and would be promptly ratified by the National Commission and local company, their request was denied by the executive committee of the company, and they were not permitted to extend their work on the broad lines for which they had hoped.
An effort was made by two members of the committee on woman's work, in conference with the heads of the departments in Washington, to secure information as to the details of the work performed by women in the various Government departments, and their salaries. This matter was brought before the board at its session held February 18, 1903, and it was believed by the members that if such a statement could be obtained it would be helpful in the development and organization of woman's work in connection with the board. As all arrangements had previously been planned in Washington to have the work done if desired by the board, the secretary was instructed to write to Hon. John R. Procter, president United States Civil Service Commission, and ask for statistics. In order to procure the data from all the departments, it was necessary to have an Executive order from the President. Mr. Procter made this request, and the President graciously issued the following:
Executive Order.
The board of lady managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition desires a statement prepared, showing the work performed by women in the departments, together with their official designations, salaries, etc. It is requested that so far as it will not inconvenience public work, such information may be supplied.
WHITE HOUSE, March 21, 1903.
It may be said that the occupations in which women are now engaged in the Departments, where their duties range from those involving mere manual labor to skilled professional service, represent many of the lines in which women are now so active everywhere. The salaries vary from $240 to $1,800 per annum.
It is believed that the citation of a few examples of the high positions of importance and responsibility now held by women, compiled for the information of the board of lady managers, may be a source of encouragement to others by showing what natural ability, backed with determination and industry, may accomplish. The following memoranda has been taken at random from but four of the Departments:
Department of State.—Miss —— went into the service in 1893, and was detailed to assist the Secretary of State, who was engaged in negotiating reciprocity treaties. She served in the capacity of confidential clerk to four Secretaries and one Assistant Secretary of State. Served as stenographer and typewriter in the Consular Bureau of the Department of State, and was later confidential stenographer to the Third Assistant Secretary of State, and assisted in the preparation of the correspondence with the Alaska boundary question.
Another was appointed as a temporary clerk for the purpose of introducing the book typewriter for recording the correspondence of the Department which formerly had been done by hand. After installing the book typewriter and bringing the Diplomatic Notes and Instructions up to date, she was detailed as stenographer and typewriter to the Chief Clerk of the Department. Her duties in the office of the Chief Clerk required her to be familiar with the work of the bureaus of the Department and the many intricate questions constantly presented to the Chief Clerk's office. She was required to have expert knowledge of the cipher used in the Department, and a considerable part of her time was employed in enciphering and deciphering telegrams sent from and received by the Department.
One young woman was detailed for three months to serve as stenographer and typewriter to the American Commission at The Hague in the arbitration between the United States and Mexico, where she assisted in taking stenographic report of the sessions before the arbitral court.
Miss ——, appointed under the civil service rules, was in the Bureau of Foreign Commerce, where her duties required her to prepare the consular reports for publication, translate extracts from foreign commercial newspapers, etc.
A clerk was appointed in the recorder of deeds' office, but resigned to accept an appointment in the Department of State. Her work at first was in the Diplomatic Bureau, where she was engaged in preparing papers for signature, translating French, Italian, and Spanish; engrossing treaties, proclamations, drafting maps, pen and ink sketches, etc. Later she was detailed to the Bureau of Indexes and Archives, where she was employed in recording the Diplomatic Notes and Instructions of the Department on the book typewriter.
Department of the Interior.—Mrs. —— held a law desk in the General Land Office and decided many of the difficult problems connected with the deeds and patents of land on the frontier. Was first appointed in the Government Printing Office at $48 per month, and later appointed in the Pension Office at an increased salary, where her duties were copying pension certificates and notifying pensioners of the allowance of their pensions. Upon her second promotion, the work and pay being unsatisfactory to her, she was, at her own request, transferred to the railroad division of the General Land Office. Her duties were to copy railroad decisions, and the work being merely routine clerical work, she took up typewriting, hoping to advance herself thereby. This caused her to be transferred to the contest division, and later she was assigned to a desk requiring original work, and her duties were to promulgate decisions of the Department. From this time on the grade of her work was raised until she was promoted to $1,400, by which time she had become familiar with the entire work of the division. She soon found that a knowledge of the law of Congress disposing of the public domain and familiarity with the rules of practice and decisions of the General Land Office and of the Department alone were not sufficient to enable her to perform her work in a manner satisfactory to herself, however satisfactory to the Department, and she therefore took up a regular four years' law course and graduated with credit to herself and her college.
How satisfactorily she does her work is shown by the fact that out of sixty appeals from her decisions rendered during a period of six months, decisions involving thousands of dollars, only one was reversed and one modified, and this because of new matter being filed after the decisions were rendered by her.
Mrs. —— also enjoys the distinction of holding a law desk in the General Land Office, having been transferred to it from the Census Office, where she had been dealing with mathematical problems. It was found that a $1,600 clerk was back in his work with 300 cases which it was necessary to have adjudicated. The bringing this work up to date was assigned to her. Prior to this she had written a few decisions. She was at first appalled at the decree, but went bravely to work with a determination to succeed. How well she succeeded can be ascertained by the records of the office. Later she was transferred at her own request from the public land division to the contest or law division. Her experience gained in the Land Office taught her how to adjudicate contest cases, and she was often required to bring up work of the principal law examiners when in arrears.
Miss —— was assigned to duty on Board of Pension Appeals to typewrite decisions for signature of the Assistant Secretary and act as his stenographer. Afterwards transferred to patents and miscellaneous division of the Secretary's Office. Duties: Stenographer and typewriting; indexing; in charge of issuing authorities for open market purchases to the Geological Survey and to Howard University, and issuance of permits for admission to the Government Hospital for the Insane, and to Freedmen's Hospital and Asylum; assistant in abstracting various reports to be embodied in the Secretary's annual report to the President. A knowledge of law was of considerable assistance in the work of the division, and after entering the Government service she took a three years' course in the Washington College of Law and was admitted to the bar of the supreme court of the District of Columbia.
Library of Congress.—The Library of Congress employs 135 women in a force of 302 persons. The salaries range $1,500 to $360 a year, and they are employed in almost all the divisions. None of them, however, rate as laborers.
At $1,500 there is one woman at work in the catalogue division as an expert reviser of printed catalogue cards and proof reader. At $1,400 three women serve as assistant readers of catalogue cards and proof readers in the catalogue division, and another is the chief reviser in the record division of the Copyright Office.
At $1,200 there are 11 women employees. Of these, 5 are in the Copyright Office as translators, indexers, and cataloguers; 5 are in the catalogue division as cataloguers of the first class, and one is in charge of the reading room for the blind.
Post-Office Department.—One clerk of class 3, salary $1,600, prepares correspondence for the signature of the Postmaster-General and the Chief Clerk reads and refers the Congressional and Departmental mail addressed to the Postmaster-General; assists in the compilation of the estimates of appropriations for the Department and postal service; also assists in the compilation of the Postal Guides; in charge of the distribution of the Postal Laws and Regulations and of the Postal Guide throughout the postal service; stenographer and typewriter.
One clerk of class 2, salary $1,400, to whom is assigned the duty of preparing the three lists of post-offices published each year in the Official Postal Guide, and lists of changes in post-offices published each month in the supplemental postal guide.
One clerk, assigned to the claims division. Duties: Preparation of correspondence connected with claims of postmasters for reimbursement for losses occasioned by burglary, fire, or other unavoidable casualty, and for losses of money-order and postal funds in transit to depositaries.
Office of the topographer: One woman skilled as draftsman, at $1,400, prepares the guides for the colors printed on the post-route maps, and has supervision of the map sheets transmitted from and to the photolithographer. Three other women draftsmen note the reported changes in the postal service of a group of States, revise and post-route map sheets of those States, and correct monthly the corresponding diagram maps for the use of officers and clerks of the Post-Office Department.
Office Second Assistant Postmaster-General: One clerk, salary $1,600, on work relating to ocean mail contract service; occasional translating, indexing, and briefing. One clerk, salary $1,400, on work relating to domestic statistics in connection with the international service; stating accounts of steamship companies for the sea conveyance of mails; occasional translating, and assisting in general correspondence. One clerk, salary $1,400, "corresponding clerk," whose duties consist in the examination of applications for establishment of star and steamboat service; changes therein; preparation of cases to be submitted for decision; preparation of orders and correspondence for official signature.
In most of the examinations which women pass in order to be appointed in the departments technical skill is required, as shown by the following list of subjects:
Artist, assistant microscopist, clerk stenographer and typewriter, computer in Coast and Geodetic Survey, counter, Government paper mill, industrial teacher, trained nurse, register and receiver's clerk, compositor, public document cataloguer, assistant ethnological librarian, scientific assistant, book typewriter, kindergarten teacher, scientific aid, zoological clerk, Internal-Revenue Service, Philippine Service, topographic draftsman, assistant to bookbinder, music teacher.
The following is a compilation and table of comparison showing the number of men and women employed in the various departments at Washington, D.C. The figures are based upon the Official Register of the United States, July 1, 1901, volume 1. Since that date there has been a great many hundreds of new appointees of both sexes in all the respective departments and bureaus below enumerated, and the accurate figures down to the present time will show an increase accordingly: |