Fifty Years of Railway Life in England, Scotland and Ireland
by Joseph Tatlow
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Haggard, Sir Rider 201 Harcourt, Viscount 198 Harding, E J, C.M.G 202 Harrison, Sir Frederick 77 Health, delicate 5, 17, 21, 28, 91, 181 Healy, T M, K.C. 180 Hogmanhay 40 Holland, Cologne and the Rhine 151 Holliday, William 157 Hopwood, Sir Francis (Lord Southborough) 139 Hornsby, John P 120 Horsemanship 5, 102 Hospitality, Ballinasloe 126 Hours of work of railway men 107, 142, 143 Hudson, George, the "Railway King" 12 Hunt, Henry 217

Imperial Development Board 213 Income Tax, 3d in the pound 45 Ingram, Joseph 179 Interference of outsiders 95 Interlocking points and signals 106 International Railway Congress 144, 150, 166 Inverclyde, Lord (Mr John Burns) 73, 133 Ireland, general managers in 90 Ireland, holiday 66 Irish Board of Works 148, 174, 180, 216 Irish Department of Agriculture 154 Irish Railway Clearing House 15, 97, 148 Irish railways abused 178 Irish railways, progress of 169, 190 Isle of Man, a steamboat service 112

Jekyll, Sir Herbert, K.C.M.G. 183 Johnstone, Mr. Glasgow & South-Western Railway 56 Jubilee, the railway 62 Junior clerk, salary 21

Kaiser, the 177 Kedleston Inn 31 Kelly, R W 85, 94 Kempt, Irvine 65 Kilkelly, John 177 King Edward, visit to Ireland 173 Kinnegar, the first golf links in Ireland 110 Knox, Vesey, K.C. 155, 180

Ladies' manners, Victorian days 18 Lands Clauses Act, 1845 51 Langerman, Sir Jan 201 Letterkenny to Burtonport Railway 152, 215 Light Railway Acts, Ireland, 1860-1883 108 Light Railway, definition of 109 Light Railways Act, 1896 150 Light railways in Connemara, Kerry, Mayo and Donegal 108 Light railways in Great Britain 109, 167 Light Railways (Ireland) Act, 1889 107 Limerick, the joybells 161 "Little Jim" 23 Littler, Sir Ralph 135, 136, 155, 157, 159 Liverpool and Manchester Railway, the 13, 50, 195 Londonderry and Lough Swilly Railway Company 152, 215 Long Jack 26 Lorimer, Sir William 201

McCorquodale & Co 42 McDermott, Edward 141 McDermott, F 141 MacLaren, James 65 Mann, Sir Daniel 206 Martin, Robert, of Ross 128 Martin, Sir Theodore 161, 162 Mathieson, John 64 Maximum rates and charges 104, 106 Maypole, the 31 Meerschaum pipe, colouring of 20, 35, 102 Midland and Glasgow and South-Western Alliance 58 Midland Great Western Railway and "Balfour Lines" 108 Midland Great Western Railway Benefit Society 130 Midland Great Western Railway, extent of, &c. 113, 116 Midland Railway, comparison with year 1851 11 Midland Railway, present general manager 4, 57 Midland Railway, progress of 36 Midland Railway, proposed amalgamation with L & NW 12 Miller, R G 92 Mills, A E 123 Mills, W F 121, 123 Mills, W H 169 Ministry of Transport 179, 187 Money grants for light railways, Ireland 107 Monte Carlo 177 Montreal Herald, the 67 Moore, Charles A 99 Morris, Sir George 128, 163 Morrison, Robert 120 "My old Wife's a good old cratur" 23 Mylchreest, Joseph, the "Diamond King" 112

National Insurance Act 131 New Year's Day 44 Newcastle golf links, County Down 111 Newcomen Junction battle 120 North British Railway 75 North West Donegal 1, 218 Notice of Accidents Act, 1894 143 Nugent, the Hon Richard 153, 175, 186, 199 Nugent, Sir Walter, Bart 198

Oakley, Sir Henry 76, 77, 193 O'Connor, Sir Nicholas 163 Office hours, 1868 22 Office life, beginning of 21 O'Neill, Michael 130 Owens, Sir Charles 198

Parcel post receipts, Irish railways 137 Paris 80, 166, 198 Parker, William 22, 23 Parliament yields to popular clamour 105 Parliamentary Committee, evidence before 135, 156 Pay-day in office 26 Pease, Edward 62 Peel, Isle of Man 112 Pember, Mr. K.C. 135, 155, 159 Penmanship, imitation of 22 Pim, F W 182 Pinion, James 94, 99 Pirrie, Lord 85, 92, 183 Pitman's shorthand 29, 32 Plews, Henry 97, 150, 153 Poe, Colonel Sir Hutcheson 183 Poetical productions 6 Pope, Mr Samuel, K.C. 135, 155, 159, 160 Portrush golf links 110 Post Office (Parcels) Act, 1882 88 Power, John F 157 Practical railway work 97, 103 Pratt, Edwin A 105, 182, 193 Prince and Princess of Wales 34, 145 Privy Council Order, Burtonport Railway 217 Prize fights, trains for 54 Pullman Cars 36, 38, 58

Quirey, John 179

Railway Accounts, analysis of 59 Railway Accounts, form of 53, 193 Railway and Canal Commission 54, 120 Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1854 52 Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1888 103, 113, 121, 132 Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1894 144 Railway Benevolent Institution 67, 84, 121 Railway Clauses Act, 1845 51 Railway Clearing House 15 Railway Companies (Accounts and Returns) Act, 1911, 193 Railway Companies' Association 192 Railway Companies' Powers Act, 1864 53 Railway Construction Facilities Act, 1864 53 Railway Employment (Prevention of Accidents) Act, 1900 161 Railway Gazette, the 141 Railway life in Ireland 115 Railway mania, 1845 14, 50 Railway News, the 67, 100, 141 Railway Ramblers 67 Railway Regulation Act, 1840 50 Railway Regulation Act, 1844 50 Railway Regulation Act, 1893 142 Railway Regulation (Gauge) Act, 1846 52 Railway Societies 68 Railway Statistics 59 Railway system of Scotland 63 Railways (Electric Power) Act, 1903 176 Railways Fires Act, 1905 176 Railways, Inspection of 54 Railways Ireland Act, 1896 149 Railways of the Dominions 207 Railways, Scotland, England and Ireland compared, 64, 142, 169 Railways, State purchase of 51 Railways, the future of 187 Rates and fares 32, 82 Regulation of Railways Act, 1868 53 Regulation of Railways Act, 1871 54 Regulation of Railways Act, 1873 54 Regulation of Railways Act, 1889 106 Reid, A G 65, 157 Revision of railway rates 104, 138 Roberts, William 152 Robertson, Tom 65, 91, 98, 137, 148, 150, 151 Robson, Sir Mayo 181 Rock Villa 32 Rolling stock, County Down Railway 92 Running powers 135, 156, 159, 160 Russell, George 69 Russell, Lord John 126 Ryan, Martin, cattle dealer 135

Sabbath, breaking the 41 St. Enoch Station, Glasgow 58, 66 St. Pancras Station, opening of 36 St. Rollox, Glasgow, lunch 45 Saloon, the Dargan 124 Schooldays, country walks 18 Schooldays, reading and drawing 17 Scotter, Sir Charles 180, 183 Scottish railways 63 Second-class carriages, abolition of 37 Select Committee, 1840 50 Select Committee on railway charges, 1881 82 Select Committees, 1858 and 1863 53 Settle and Carlisle line 36, 37, 38 Sexton, Thomas 183 Shanahan, George 180 Shaw, Sir Alexander 157 Shorthand, Pitman's 29, 32 Sighthill Cemetery, lunch on a tombstone 45 Sinclair, the Hon Sir John 201 Sinclair, Right Hon Thomas 110 Skipworth, W G 97, 113 Sleeping cars 38 Smiles, Samuel 141 Smoking compartments 53 Smyth, G E 179 Southborough, Lord (Sir Francis Hopwood) 140 Spain and Portugal, visit to 146 Speech, first in public 46 Spencer, Lord 158 State purchase of railways 51 Stephens, Mr Pembroke K.C. 136, 147 Stephenson, George 62 Stevenson, Sir George, K.C.B 216 Stirling, James 65 Stockton & Darlington Railway 50, 62, 195 Superannuation funds 39, 116 Swarbrick, Samuel 35 Swearing, an accomplishment 20, 26

Tailor's dummy, a perambulating 24 Tatlow, Frank 57 Tatlow, William 132 Terminals 82 Theodore Hook's old joke 22 Third-class carriages by all trains 36, 38 Thompson, Sir James 77, 138 Time-tables and train working 33 Tom 29, 70 Trade unionism 22 Trades Disputes Act, 1906 176 Trans-Atlantic steamship service, Galway 129

Ulster & Connaught Railway 174

Visinet, Tony 80

Wainwright, Mr W J 46, 56, 59, 60, 66, 73, 76, 86 Waldron, the Right Hon Laurence A. 194 Wales, Prince and Princess of 34 Walker, John 75, 133 Walklate, Thomas 22 Walks, favourite 18, 30 Warming pans 20 Waterford & Limerick Railway 134, 135, 155, 156 Watkin, Sir Edward 56, 76, 77 Way bills 21 Wells, E W 57 Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906 177

Young, Right Hon John 99 Youthful benedict, A 25


{207a} White population.

{207b} If native population taken into account the approximate figure is 700 inhabitants.


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