The pull of soul on body
The pulse of the rebounding sea
The purging sunlight of clear poetry
The purple vaulted night
The question drummed in head and heart day and night
The question irresistibly emerged
The quick pulse of gain
The radiant serenity of the sky
The radiant stars brooded over the stainless fields, white with freshly fallen snow
The restlessness of offended vanity
The retreating splendor of autumn
The rising storm of words
The river ran darkly, mysteriously by
The river sang with its lips to the pebbles
The roar of the traffic rose to thunder
The romantic ardor of a generous mind
The room had caught a solemn and awful quietude
The rosy-hued sky went widening off into the distance
The rosy twilight of boyhood
The royal arrogance of youth
The sadness in him deepened inexplicably
The scars of rancor and remorse
The scent of roses stole in with every breath of air
The sea heaved silvery, far into the night
The sea slept under a haze of golden winter sun
The sea-sweep enfolds you, satisfying eye and mind
The sea-wind buffeted their faces
The secret and subduing charm of the woods
The see-saw of a wavering courage
The sentimental tourist will be tempted to tarry
The shadows of the night seemed to retreat
The shadows rested quietly under the breezeless sky
The shafts of ridicule
The sheer weight of unbearable loneliness
The shiver of the dusk passed fragrantly down the valley
The silence grew stolid
The silence was uncomfortable and ominous
The silent day perfumed with the hidden flowers
The silver silence of the night
The sinking sun made mellow gold of all the air
The sky grew brighter with the imminent day
The sky grew ensaffroned with the indescribable hue that heralds day
The sky put on the panoply of evening
The sky was a relentless, changeless blue
The sky was dull and brooding
The sky was heavily sprinkled with stars
The sky was turning to the pearly gray of dawn
The smiling incarnation of loveliness
The song of hurrying rivers
The sound of the sea waxed
The spacious leisure of the forest
The spell of a deathless dream was upon them
The star-strewn spaces of the night
The stars looked down in their silent splendor
The stars seemed attentive
The steadfast mind kept its hope
The steady thunder of the sea accented the silence
The still voice of the poet
The stillness of a forced composure
The stillness of the star-hung night
The strangest thought shimmered through her
The stream forgot to smile
The streams laughed to themselves
The strident discord seemed to mock his mood
The stunning crash of the ocean saluted her
The subtle emanation of other influences seemed to arrest and chill him
The sudden rush of the awakened mind
The summit of human attainment
The sun blazed torridly
The sun goes down in flame on the far horizon
The sun lay golden-soft over the huddled hills
The sunlight spread at a gallop along the hillside
The sunset was rushing to its height through every possible phase of violence and splendor
The suspicion of secret malevolence
The swelling tide of memory
The swing of the pendulum through an arch of centuries
The tempered daylight of an olive garden
The tender grace of a day that is fled
The tension of struggling tears which strove for an outlet
The thought leaped
The timely effusion of tearful sentiment
The tone betrayed a curious irritation
The torture of his love and terror crushed him
The trees rustled and whispered to the streams
The tumult in her heart subsided
The tumult in her mind found sudden speech
The tumult of pride and pleasure
The tune of moving feet in the lamplit city
The tyranny of nipping winds and early frosts
The unmasked batteries of her glorious gray eyes
The vacant fields looked blankly irresponsive
The vast and shadowy stream of time
The vast cathedral of the world
The vast unexplored land of dreams
The velvet of the cloudless sky grew darker, and the stars more luminous
The veneer of a spurious civilization
The very pulsation and throbbing of his intellect
The very silence of the place appeared a source of peril
The vision fled him
The vivifying touch of humor
The web of lies is rent in pieces
The wheel of her thought turned in the same desolate groove
The whispering rumble of the ocean
The white seething surf fell exhausted along the shore
The whole exquisite night was his
The whole sea of foliage is shaken and broken up with little momentary shiverings and shadows
The wide horizon forever flames with summer
The wild whirl of nameless regret and passionate sorrow
The wild winds flew round, sobbing in their dismay
The wind charged furiously through it, panting towards the downs
The wind piped drearily
The wind was in high frolic with the rain
The winnowed tastes of the ages
The woods were silent with adoration
The youth of the soul
The zenith turned shell pink
Their ephemeral but enchanting beauty had expired forever [ephemeral = markedly short-lived]
Their eyes met glancingly
Their troth had been plighted
There was a kind of exhilaration in this subtle baiting
There was a mild triumph in her tone
There was a mournful and dim haze around the moon
There was a strange massing and curving of the clouds
There was a thrill in the air
There was a time I might have trod the sunlit heights
There was no glint of hope anywhere
There was no menace in the night's silvern calmness
There was something so kindly in its easy candor
There was spendthrift grandeur
These qualities were raised to the white heat of enthusiasm
They became increasingly turbid and phantasmagorical [phantasmagorical = fantastic imagery]
They escaped the baffled eye
They sit heavy on the soul
They were vastly dissimilar
This exquisite conjunction and balance
This little independent thread of inquiry ran through the texture of his mind and died away
This shadowy and chilling sentiment unaccountably creeps over me
Thought shook through her in poignant pictures
Thoughts came thronging in panic haste
Thrilled by fresh and indescribable odors
Thrilled with a sense of strange adventure
Through a cycle of many ages
Through endless and labyrinthine sentences
Thrilled to the depths of her being
Time had passed unseen
Tinsel glitter of empty titles
Tired with a dull listless fatigue
To all intents and purposes
To speak with entire candor
To stay his tottering constancy
To the scourging he submitted with a good grace
Tossed disdainfully off from young and ardent lips
Touched every moment with shifting and enchanting beauty
Touched with a bewildering and elusive beauty
Transcendental contempt for money
Transformed with an overmastering passion
Trouble gathered on his brow
Turning the world topsy-turvey
Twilight creeps upon the darkening mind
Unapproachable grandeur and simplicity
Unaware of her bitter taunt
Under the vivifying touch of genius
Unearthly in its malignant glee
Unfathomed depths and impossibilities
Unforced and unstudied depth of feeling
Unspoiled by praise or blame
Unspoken messages from some vaster world
Unstable moral equilibrium of boyhood
Until sleep overtakes us at a stride
Untouched by the ruthless spirit of improvement
Upon the mountain-tops of meditation
Urbanely plastic and versatile
Uttering grandiose puerilities [puerilities = childishness, silly]
Vain allurements of folly and fashion
Variously ramified and delicately minute channels of expression
Varnished over with a cold repellent cynicism
Vast sweep of mellow distances
Veiled by some equivocation
Vibrant with the surge of human passions
Vicissitudes of wind and weather [vicissitudes = sudden or unexpected changes]
Vigor and richness of resource
Visible and palpable pains and penalties
Voices that charm the ear and echo with a subtle resonance in the soul
Volcanic upheavings of imprisoned passions
Wantonly and detestably unkind
Waylay Destiny and bid him stand and deliver
Wayward and strangely playful responses
Wearing the white flower of a blameless life
What sorry and pitiful quibbling
When a pleasant countryside tunes the spirit to a serene harmony of mood
When music is allied to words
When the frame and the mind alike seem unstrung and listless
When the profane voices are hushed
When the waves show their teeth in the flying breeze
Whilst the morn kissed the sleep from her eyes
Whistled life away in perfect contentment
Wholly alien to his spirit
With a vanquished and weary sigh
Womanly fickleness and caprice
Words and acts easily wrenched from their true significance
Worn to shreds by anxiety
Wrapped in a sudden intensity of reflection
Wrapped in an inaccessible mood
Wrapped in scudding rain
Wrapt in his odorous and many-colored robe
Wrapt in inward contemplation
Wrought of an emotion infectious and splendidly dangerous
Wrought out of intense and tragic experience
Yielding to a wave of pity
Your mind enthroned in the seventh circle of content
A blind rage like a fire swept over him
A book that rends and tears like a broken saw
A breath of melancholy made itself felt like a chill and sudden gust from some unknown sea
A cloud in the west like a pall creeps upward
A cloud like a flag from the sky
A cluster of stars hangs like fruit in the tree
A confused mass of impressions, like an old rubbish-heap
A cry as of a sea-bird in the wind
A dead leaf might as reasonably demand to return to the tree
A drowsy murmur floats into the air like thistledown
A face as imperturbable as fate
A face as pale as wax
A face tempered like steel
A fatigued, faded, lusterless air, as of a caged creature
A few pens parched by long disuse
A figure like a carving on a spire
A fluttering as of blind bewildered moths
A giant galleon overhead, looked like some misty monster of the deep
A glacial pang of pain like the stab of a dagger of ice frozen from a poisoned well
A glance that flitted like a bird
A great moon like a red lamp in the sycamore
A grim face like a carved mask
A hand icily cold and clammy as death
A heart from which noble sentiments sprang like sparks from an anvil
A jeweler that glittered like his shop
A lady that lean'd on his arm like a queen in a fable of old fairy days
A life, a Presence, like the air
A life as common and brown and bare as the box of earth in the window there
A light wind outside the lattice swayed a branch of roses to and fro,
shaking out their perfume as from a swung censer
A lightning-phrase, as if shot from the quiver of infallible wisdom
A list of our unread books torments some of us like a list of murders
A little breeze ran through the corn like a swift serpent
A little weed-clogged ship, gray as a ghost
A long slit of daylight like a pointing finger
A memory like a well-ordered cupboard
A mighty wind, like a leviathan, plowed the brine
A mind very like a bookcase
A mystery, soft, soothing and gentle, like the whisper of a child murmuring its happiness in its sleep
A name which sounds even now like the call of a trumpet
A note of despairing appeal which fell like a cold hand upon one's living soul
A purpose as the steady flame
A question deep almost as the mystery of life
A quibbling mouth that snapped at verbal errors like a lizard catching flies
A radiant look came over her face, like a sudden burst of sunshine on a cloudy day
A reputation that swelled like a sponge
A ruby like a drop of blood
A shadow of melancholy touched her lithe fancies, as a cloud dims the waving of golden grain
A silver moon, like a new-stamped coin, rode triumphant in the sky
A slow thought that crept like a cold worm through all his brain
A smile flashed over her face, like sunshine over a flower
A soft and purple mist like a vaporous amethyst
A soft haze, like a fairy dream, is floating over wood and stream
A soul as white as heaven
A sound like the throb of a bell
A stooping girl as pale as a pearl
A sudden sense of fear ran through her nerves like the chill of an icy wind
A sweet voice caroling like a gold-caged nightingale
A thin shrill voice like the cry of an expiring mouse
A thing of as frail enchantment as the gleam of stars upon snow
A vague thought, as elusive as the smell of a primrose
A vanishing loveliness as tender as the flush of the rose leaf and as ethereal as the light of a solitary star
A voice as low as the sea
A voice soft and sweet as a tune that one knows
A white bird floats there, like a drifting leaf
Against a sky as clear as sapphire
Age, like winter weather
Agile as a leopard
Agitated like a storm-tossed ship
Air like wine
All around them like a forest swept the deep and empurpled masses of her tangled hair
All like an icicle it seemed, so tapering and cold
All my life broke up, like some great river's ice at touch of spring
All silent as the sheeted dead
All sounds were lost in the whistle of air humming by like the flight of a million arrows
All that's beautiful drifts away like the waters
All the world lay stretched before him like the open palm of his hand
All unconscious as a flower
Alone, like a storm-tossed wreck, on this night of the glad New Year
An anxiety hung like a dark impenetrable cloud
An ardent face out-looking like a star
An ecstasy which suddenly overwhelms your mind like an unexpected and exquisite thought
An envious wind crept by like an unwelcome thought
An ideal as sublime and comprehensive as the horizon
An immortal spirit dwelt in that frail body, like a bird in an outworn cage
An impudent trick as hackneyed as conjuring rabbits out of a hat
An indefinable resemblance to a goat
An isle of Paradise, fair as a gem
An old nodding negress whose sable head shined in the sun like a polished cocoanut
An omnibus across the bridge crawls like a yellow butterfly
An undefined sadness seemed to have fallen about her like a cloud
An unknown world, wild as primeval chaos
An unpleasing strain, like the vibration of a rope drawn out too fast
And a pinnace like a flutter'd bird came flying from afar
And a tear like silver, glistened in the corner of her eye
And all our thoughts ran into tears like sunshine into rain
And at first the road comes moving toward me, like a bride waving palms
And Dusk, with breast as of a dove, brooded
And eyes as bright as the day
And fell as cold as a lump of clay
And her cheek was like a rose
And here were forests ancient as the hills
And many a fountain, rivulet, and pond, as clear as elemental diamond, or serene morning air
And melting like the stars in June
And night, as welcome as a friend
And silence like a poultice comes to heal the blows of sound
And spangled o'er with twinkling points, like stars
And the smile she softly uses fills the silence like a speech
As a child in play scatters the heaps of sand that he has piled on the seashore
As a cloud that gathers her robe like drifted snow
As a flower after a drought drinks in the steady plunging rain
As a leaf that beats on a mountain
As a lion grieves at the loss of her whelps
As a man plowing all day longs for supper and welcomes sunset
As a sea disturbed by opposing winds
As amusing as a litter of likely young pigs
As arbitrary as a cyclone and as killing as a pestilence
As austere as a Roman matron
As beautiful as the purple flush of dawn
As blind as a mole
As brief as sunset clouds in heaven
As bright as sunlight on a stream
As busy as a bee
As cattle driven by a gadfly
As chimney sweepers come to dust
As clear as a whistle
As clear as the parts of a tree in the morning sun
As close as oak and ivy stand
As delicate and as fair as a lily
As delightful to the mind as cool well-water to thirsty lip
As diamond cuts diamond
As direct and unvarying as the course of a homing bird
As distinct as night and morning
As dry as desert dust
As dumb as a fish
As easily as the sun shines
As easy as a turn of the hand
As elastic as a steel spring
As extinct as the dodo
As faint as the memory of a sound
As familiar to him as his alphabet
As fatal as the fang of the most venomous snake
As fleeting and elusive as our dreams
As foam from a ship's swiftness
As fresh and invigorating as a sea-breeze
As full of eager vigor as a mountain stream
As full of spirit as a gray squirrel
As gay and busy as a brook
As gently as the flower gives forth its perfume
As gently as withered leaves float from a tree
As graceful as a bough
As grave as a judge
As great as the first day of creation
As high as heaven
As I dropped like a bolt from the blue
As I dwelt like a sparrow among the spires
As if a door were suddenly left ajar into some world unseen before
As impossible as to count the stars in illimitable space
As in the footsteps of a god
As inaccessible to his feet as the clefts and gorges of the clouds
As inexorable as the flight of time
As innocent as a new laid egg
As iridescent as a soap bubble
As locusts gather to a stream before a fire
As mellow and deep as a psalm
As men strip for a race, so must an author strip for the race with time
As merry as bees in clover
As nimble as water
As one who has climbed above the earth's eternal snowline and sees only white peaks and pinnacles
As pale as any ghost
As patient as the trees
As quick as the movement of some wild animal
As quiet as a nun breathless with adoration
As radiant as the rose
As readily and naturally as ducklings take to water
As reticent as a well-bred stockbroker
As ruthlessly as the hoof of a horse tramples on a rose
As shallow streams run dimpling all the way
As simple as the intercourse of a child with its mother
As sleep falls upon the eyes of a child tired with a long summer day of eager pleasure and delight
As some vast river of unfailing source
As stars that shoot along the sky
As still as a stone
As stupid as a sheep
As sudden as a dislocated joint slipping back into place
As summer winds that creep from flower to flower
As supple as a step-ladder
As swaggering and sentimental as a penny novellete [novellete = short novel]
As swift as thought
As the accumulation of snowflakes makes the avalanche
As the bubble is extinguished in the ocean
As the dew upon the roses warms and melts the morning light
As the fair cedar, fallen before the breeze, lies self-embalmed amidst the moldering trees
As the light straw flies in dark'ning whirlwinds
As the lightning cleaves the night
As the loud blast that tears the skies
As the slow shadows of the pointed grass mark the eternal periods
As those move easiest who have learn'd to dance
As though a rose should shut, and be a bud again
As though Pharaoh should set the Israelites to make a pin instead of a pyramid
As unapproachable as a star
As weird as the elfin lights
As well try to photograph the other side of the moon
At extreme tension, like a drawn bow
Away he rushed like a cyclone
Awkward as a cart-horse
Babbling like a child
Balmy in manner as a bland southern morning
Be like the granite of thy rock-ribbed land
Beauteous she looks as a water-lily
Beautiful as the dawn, dominant as the sun
Beauty maddens the soul like wine
Beheld great Babel, wrathful, beautiful, burn like a blood-red cloud upon the plain
Beneath a sky as fair as summer flowers
Bent like a wand of willow
Black as a foam-swept rock
Black his hair as the wintry night
Blithe as a bird [blithe = carefree and lighthearted]
Bounded by the narrow fences of life
Bowed like a mountain
Breaking his oath and resolution like a twist of rotten silk
Breathed like a sea at rest
Bright as a diamond in the sun
Bright as a fallen fragment of the sky
Bright as the coming forth of the morning, in the cloud of an early shower
Bright as the sunbeams
Bright as the tear of an angel, glittered a lonely star
Brilliant and gay as a Greek
Brisk as a wasp in the sunshine
Brittle and bent like a bow
Bronze-green beetles tumbled over stones, and lay helpless on their backs with the air of an elderly clergyman knocked down by an omnibus
Brown as the sweet smelling loam
Brute terrors like the scurrying of rats in a deserted attic
Buried in his library like a mouse in a cheese
Burns like a living coal in the soul
But across it, like a mob's menace, fell the thunder
But thou art fled, like some frail exhalation
Butterflies like gems
Calm as the night
Calm like a flowing river
Calm like a mountain brooding o'er the sea
Calmly dropping care like a mantle from her shoulders
Cast thy voice abroad like thunder
Charm upon charm in her was packed, like rose-leaves in a costly vase
Chaste as the icicle
Cheeks as soft as July peaches
Chill breath of winter
Choked by the thorns and brambles of early adversity
Cities scattered over the world like ant-hills
Cities that rise and sink like bubbles
Clear and definite like the glance of a child or the voice of a girl
Clear as a forest pool
Clear as crystal
Clenched little hands like rumpled roses, dimpled and dear
Cloud-like that island hung afar
Clouds like the petals of a rose
Cloudy mirror of opinion
Cold and hard as steel
Cold as the white rose waking at daybreak
Cold, glittering monotony like frosting around a cake
Collapsed like a concertina
Colored like a fairy tale
Companionless as the last cloud of an expiring storm whose thunder is its knell
Consecration that like a golden thread runs through the warp and woof of one's life [warp = lengthwise threads] [woof = crosswise threads]
Constant as gliding waters
Contending like ants for little molehill realms
Continuous as the stars that shine
Cowslips, like chance-found gold
Creeds like robes are laid aside
Creeping like a snail, unwillingly to school
Cruel as death
Curious as a lynx
Cuts into the matter as with a pen of fire
Dainty as flowers
Dance like a wave of the sea
Dark and deep as night
Dark as pitch
Dark trees bending together as though whispering secrets
Dazzling white as snow in sunshine
Deafening and implacable as some elemental force
Dear as remembered kisses after death
Dear as the light that visits these sad eyes
Dearer than night to the thief
Debasing fancies gather like foul birds
Deep as the fathomless sea
Deep dark well of sorrow
Delicate as nymphs
Delicate as the flush on a rose or the sculptured line on a Grecian urn
Denominational lines like stone walls
Dependency had dropped from her like a cast-off cloak
Despondency clung to him like a garment that is wet
Destructive as the lightning flash
Die like flies
Dip and surge lightly to and fro, like the red harbor-buoy
Disappearing into distance like a hazy sea
Dissatisfaction had settled on his mind like a shadow
Dissolve like some unsubstantial vision faded
Do make a music like to rustling satin
Dogging them like their own shadow
Dost thou not hear the murmuring nightingale like water bubbling from a silver jar?
Drop like a feather, softly to the ground
Drowned like rats
Dull as champagne
Each like a corpse within its grave
Each moment was an iridescent bubble fresh-blown from the lips of fancy
Eager-hearted as a boy
Eager with the headlong zest of a hunter for the game
Ears that seemed as deaf as dead man's ears
Easy as a poet's dream
Emotions flashed across her face like the sweep of sun-rent clouds over a quiet landscape
Eternal as the skies
Evanescent as bubbles [evanescent = vanishing like vapor]
Every flake that fell from heaven was like an angel's kiss
Every lineament was clear as in the sculptor's thought [lineament = characteristic feature]
Everyone on the watch, like a falcon on its nest
Every phrase is like the flash of a scimitar
Exploded like a penny squib
Eyes as deeply dark as are the desert skies
Eyes as luminous and bright and brown as waters of a woodland river
Eyes half veiled by slumberous tears, like bluest water seen through mists of rain
Eyes like a very dark topaz
Eyes like deep wells of compassionate gloom
Eyes like limpid pools in shadow
Eyes like mountain water that o'erflowing on a rock
Faces pale with bliss, like evening stars
Fade away like a cloud in the horizon
Faint and distant as the light of a sun that has long set
Faintly, like a falling dew
Fair and fleet as a fawn
Fair as a star when only one is shining in the sky
Fallen like dead leaves on the highway
Falling away like a speck in space
Fanciful and extravagant as a caliph's dream
Fawning like dumb neglected lap-dogs
Felt her breath upon his cheek like a perfumed air
Fields of young grain and verdured pastures like crushed velvet
Fierce as a bear in defeat
Fierce as the flames
Fills life up like a cup with bubbling and sparkling liquor
Fit closely together as the close-set stones of a building
Fix'd like a beacon-tower above the waves of a tempest
Flame like a flag unfurled
Flap loose and slack like a drooping sail
Flashed with the brilliancy of a well-cut jewel
Fled like sweet dreams
Fleet as an arrow
Flitted like a sylph on wings
Flowers as soft as thoughts of budding love
Fluent as a rill, that wanders silver-footed down a hill
Fluid as thought
Fluttered like gilded butterflies in giddy mazes
Fragile as a spider's web
Free as the air, from zone to zone I flew
Free as the winds that caress
Fresh and unworn as the sea that breaks languidly beside them
Fresh as a jewel found but yesterday
Fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail
Frightened like a child in the dark
Full-throated as the sea
Furious as eagles
Gazed like a star into the morning light
Glaring like noontide
Gleam like a diamond on a dancing girl
Glistening like threads of gold
Glitter like a swarm of fire-flies tangled in a silver braid
Glittering like an aigrette of stars [aigrette = ornamental tuft of upright plumes]
Gone astray as a sheep that is lost
Gone like a glow on the cloud at the close of day
Gone like tenants that quit without warning
Gorgeous as the hues of heaven
Grazing through a circulating library as contentedly as cattle in a fresh meadow
Great scarlet poppies lay in drifts and heaps, like bodies fallen there in vain assault
Hair as harsh as tropical grass and gray as ashes
Hangs like a blue thread loosen'd from the sky
Hard, sharp, and glittering as a sword
Harnessed men, like beasts of burden, drew it to the river-side
Haunts you like the memory of some former happiness
He began to laugh with that sibilant laugh which resembles the hiss of a serpent [sibilant = producing a hissing sound]
He bent upon the lightning page like some rapt poet o'er his rhyme
He bolted down the stairs like a hare
He clatters like a windmill
He danced like a man in a swarm of hornets
He fell as falls some forest lion, fighting well
He fell down on my threshold like a wounded stag
He had acted exactly like an automaton
He lay as straight as a mummy
He lay like a warrior taking his rest
He lived as modestly as a hermit
He looked fagged and sallow, like the day [fagged = worked to exhaustion]
He looked with the bland, expressionless stare of an overgrown baby
He played with grave questions as a cat plays with a mouse
He radiated vigor and abundance like a happy child
He sat down quaking like a jelly
He saw disaster like a ghostly figure following her
He snatched furiously at breath like a tiger snatching at meat
He spoke with a uniformity of emphasis that made his words stand out like the raised type for the blind
He swayed in the sudden grip of anger
He sweeps the field of battle like a monsoon
He that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind and tossed
He turned on me like a thunder-cloud
He turned white as chalk
He wandered restlessly through the house, like a prowling animal
He was as splendidly serious as a reformer
He was as steady as a clock
He was as wax in those clever hands
He was bold as the hawk
He was so weak now, like a shrunk cedar white with the hoar-frost
Hearts unfold like flowers before thee
Heavy was my heart as stone
Heeled like an avalanche to leeward
Her arms like slumber o'er my shoulders crept
Her banners like a thousand sunsets glow
Her beauty broke on him like some rare flower
Her beauty fervent as a fiery moon
Her breath is like a cloud
Her cheeks are like the blushing cloud
Her cheeks were wan and her eyes like coals
Her dusky cheek would burn like a poppy
Her expression changed with the rapidity of a kaleidoscope
Her eyes as bright as a blazing star
Her eyes as stars of twilight fair
Her eyes, glimmering star-like in her pale face
Her eyes were as a dove that sickeneth
Her face changed with each turn of their talk, like a wheat-field under a summer breeze
Her face collapsed as if it were a pricked balloon
Her face was as solemn as a mask
Her face was dull as lead
Her face was like a light
Her face was passionless, like those by sculptor graved for niches in a temple
Her hair dropped on her pallid cheeks, like sea-weed on a clam
Her hair hung down like summer twilight
Her hair shone like a nimbus
Her hair was like a coronet
Her hands are white as the virgin rose that she wore on her wedding day
Her hands like moonlight brush the keys
Her head dropped into her hands like a storm-broken flower
Her heart has grown icy as a fountain in the fall
Her holy love that like a vestal flame had burned
Her impulse came and went like fireflies in the dusk
Her lashes like fans upon her cheek
Her laugh is like a rainbow-tinted spray
Her lips are like two budded roses
Her lips like a lovely song that ripples as it flows
Her lips like twilight water
Her little lips are tremulous as brook-water is [tremulous = timid or fearful]
Her long black hair danced round her like a snake
Her mouth as sweet as a ripe fig
Her neck is like a stately tower
Her pale robe clinging to the grass seemed like a snake
Her pulses flutter'd like a dove
Her skin was as the bark of birches
Her sweetness halting like a tardy May
Her two white hands like swans on a frozen lake
Her voice cut like a knife
Her voice like mournful bells crying on the wind
Her voice was like the voice the stars had when they sang together
Her voice was rich and vibrant, like the middle notes of a 'cello
Her words sounding like wavelets on a summer shore
Herding his thoughts as a collie dog herds sheep
Here and there a solitary volume greeted him like a friend in a crowd of strange faces
Here in statue-like repose, an old wrinkled mountain rose
Hers was the loveliness of some tall white lily cut in marble, splendid but chill
His bashfulness melted like a spring frost
His brow bent like a cliff o'er his thoughts
His cheeks were furrowed and writhen like rain-washed crags [writhen = twisted]
His eyes blazed like deep forests
His eyes glowed like blue coals
His eyes were hollows of madness, his hair like moldy hay
His face burnt like a brand
His face was glad as dawn to me
His face was often lit up by a smile like pale wintry sunshine
His fingers were knotted like a cord
His formal kiss fell chill as a flake of snow on the cheek
His fortune melted away like snow in a thaw
His glorious moments were strung like pearls upon a string
His indifference fell from him like a garment
His invectives and vituperations bite and flay like steel whips [invective = abusive language] [vituperation = abusive language]
His mind murmurs like a harp among the trees
His mind was like a lonely wild
His mind was like a summer sky
His nerves thrilled like throbbing violins
His retort was like a knife-cut across the sinews
His revenge descends perfect, sudden, like a curse from heaven
His spirits sank like a stone
His talk is like an incessant play of fireworks
His voice is as the thin faint song when the wind wearily sighs in the grass
His voice rose like a stream of rich distilled perfumes
His voice was like the clap of thunder which interrupts the warbling birds among the leaves
His whole soul wavered and shook like a wind-swept leaf
His words gave a curious satisfaction, as when a coin, tested, rings true gold
Hopeful as the break of day
How like a saint she sleeps
How like a winter hath my absence been
How like the sky she bends over her child
Howling in the wilderness like beasts
Huge as a hippopotamus
Humming-birds like lake of purple fire
Hushed as the grave
Hushed like a breathless lyre
I had grown pure as the dawn and the dew
I have heard the Hiddon People like the hum of swarming bees
I have seen the ravens flying, like banners of old wars
I saw a face bloom like a flower
I saw a river of men marching like a tide
I saw his senses swim dizzy as clouds
I wander'd lonely as a cloud
I was as sensitive as a barometer
I was no more than a straw on the torrent of his will
I will face thy wrath though it bite as a sword
Ideas which spread with the speed of light
Idle hopes, like empty shadows
Impassive as a statue
Impatient as the wind
Impregnable as Gibraltar
Impressive as a warrant of arrest for high treason
Incredible little white teeth, like snow shut in a rose
Infrequent carriages sped like mechanical toys guided by manikins
In honor spotless as unfallen snow
In that head of his a flame burnt that was like an altar-fire
In yonder cottage shines a light, far-gleaming like a gem
Instantly she revived like flowers in water
Intangible as a dream
It came and faded like a wreath of mist at eve
It cuts like knives, this air so chill
It drops away like water from a smooth statue
It pealed through her brain like a muffled bell
It poured upon her like a trembling flood
It racked his ears like an explosion of steam-whistles
It ran as clear as a trout-brook
It seems as motionless and still as the zenith in the skies
It set his memories humming like a hive of bees
It staggered the eye, like the sight of water running up hill
It stung like a frozen lash
It was as futile as to oppose an earthquake with argument
It was as if a door had been opened into a furnace, so the eyes blazed
It would collapse as if by enchantment
Its temples and its palaces did seem like fabrics of enchantment piled to Heaven
Jealousy, fierce as the fires
Kindle like an angel's wings the western skies in flame
Kindly mornings when autumn and winter seemed to go hand in hand like a happy aged couple
Kingdoms melt away like snow
Laboring like a giant
Languid streams that cross softly, slowly, with a sound like smothered weeping
Laughter like a beautiful bubble from the rosebud of baby-hood
Laughter like the sudden outburst of the glad bird in the tree-top
Lazy merchantmen that crawled like flies over the blue enamel of the sea
Leapt like a hunted stag
Let his frolic fancy play, like a happy child
Let in confusion like a whirling flood
Let thy mouth murmur like the doves
Life had been arrested, as the horologist, with interjected finger, arrests the beating of the clock [horologist = one who repairs watches]
Life stretched before him alluring and various as the open road
Life sweet as perfume and pure as prayer
Light as a snowflake
Lights gleamed there like stars in a still sky
Like a ball of ice it glittered in a frozen sea of sky
Like a blade sent home to its scabbard
Like a blast from a horn
Like a blast from the suddenly opened door of a furnace
Like a blossom blown before a breeze, a white moon drifts before a shimmering sky
Like a bright window in a distant view
Like a caged lion shaking the bars of his prison
Like a calm flock of silver-fleeced sheep
Like a cloud of fire
Like a cold wind his words went through their flesh
Like a crowd of frightened porpoises a shoal of sharks pursue
Like a damp-handed auctioneer
Like a deaf and dumb man wondering what it was all about
Like a dew-drop, ill-fitted to sustain unkindly shocks
Like a dipping swallow the stout ship dashed through the storm
Like a distant star glimmering steadily in the darkness
Like a dream she vanished
Like a festooned girdle encircling the waist of a bride
Like a flower her red lips parted
Like a game in which the important part is to keep from laughing
Like a glow-worm golden
Like a golden-shielded army
Like a great express train, roaring, flashing, dashing head-long
Like a great fragment of the dawn it lay
Like a great ring of pure and endless light
Like a great tune to which the planets roll
Like a high and radiant ocean
Like a high-born maiden
Like a jewel every cottage casement showed
Like a joyless eye that finds no object worth its constancy
Like a knight worn out by conflict
Like a knot of daisies lay the hamlets on the hill
Like a lily in bloom
Like a living meteor
Like a locomotive-engine with unsound lungs
Like a long arrow through the dark the train is darting
Like a mirage, vague, dimly seen at first
Like a miser who spoils his coat with scanting a little cloth [scanting = short]
Like a mist the music drifted from the silvery strings
Like a moral lighthouse in the midst of a dark and troubled sea
Like a murmur of the wind came a gentle sound of stillness
Like a noisy argument in a drawing-room
Like a pageant of the Golden Year, in rich memorial pomp the hours go by
Like a pale flower by some sad maiden cherished
Like a poet hidden
Like a river of molten amethyst
Like a rocket discharging a shower of golden stars
Like a rose embower'd in its own green leaves
Like a sea of upturned faces
Like a shadow never to be overtaken
Like a shadow on a fair sunlit landscape
Like a sheeted ghost
Like a ship tossed to and fro on the waves of life's sea
Like a slim bronze statue of Despair
Like a snow-flake lost in the ocean
Like a soul that wavers in the Valley of the Shadow
Like a stalled horse that breaks loose and goes at a gallop through the plain
Like a star, his love's pure face looked down
Like a star that dwelt apart
Like a star, unhasting, unresting
Like a stone thrown at random
Like a summer cloud, youth indeed has crept away
Like a summer-dried fountain
Like a swift eagle in the morning glare breasting the whirlwind with impetuous flight
Like a thing at rest
Like a thing read in a book or remembered out of the faraway past
Like a tide of triumph through their veins, the red, rejoicing blood began to race
Like a triumphing fire the news was borne
Like a troop of boys let loose from school, the adventurers went by
Like a vaporous amethyst
Like a vision of the morning air
Like a voice from the unknown regions
Like a wandering star I fell through the deeps of desire
Like a watch-worn and weary sentinel
Like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed
Like a whirlwind they went past
Like a withered leaf the moon is blown across the bay
Like a world of sunshine
Like a yellow silken scarf the thick fog hangs
Like an alien ghost I stole away
Like an eagle clutching his prey, his arm swooped down
Like an eagle dallying with the wind
Like an engine of dread war, he set his shoulder to the mountain-side
Like an enraged tiger
Like an enthusiast leading about with him an indifferent tourist
Like an icy wave, a swift and tragic impression swept through him
Like an unbidden guest
Like an unbodied joy whose race is just begun
Like an unseen star of birth
Like an unwelcome thought
Like apparitions seen and gone
Like attempting to number the waves on the snore of a limitless sea
Like bells that waste the moments with their loudness
Like blasts of trumpets blown in wars
Like bright Apollo
Like bright lamps, the fabled apples glow
Like building castles in the air
Like bursting waves from the ocean
Like cliffs which have been rent asunder
Like clouds of gnats with perfect lineaments [lineaments = distinctive shape]
Like cobwebs woven round the limbs of an infant giant
Like crystals of snow
Like dead lovers who died true
Like Death, who rides upon a thought, and makes his way through temple, tower, and palace
Like dew upon a sleeping flower
Like dining with a ghost
Like drawing nectar in a sieve
Like earth's decaying leaves
Like echoes from a hidden lyre
Like echoes from an antenatal dream
Like fixed eyes, whence the dear light of sense and thought has fled
Like footsteps upon wool
Like fragrance from dead flowers
Like ghosts, from an enchanter fleeing
Like ghosts the sentries come and go
Like golden boats on a sunny sea
Like great black birds, the demons haunt the woods
Like green waves on the sea
Like having to taste a hundred exquisite dishes in a single meal
Like Heaven's free breath, which he who grasps can hold not
Like helpless birds in the warm nest
Like iridescent bubbles floating on a foul stream
Like kindred drops mingled into one
Like laying a burden on the back of a moth
Like lead his feet were
Like leaves in wintry weather
Like leviathans afloat
Like lighting a candle to the sun
Like making a mountain out of a mole-hill
Like mariners pulling the life-boat
Like mice that steal in and out as if they feared the light
Like mountain over mountain huddled
Like mountain streams we meet and part
Like music on the water
Like notes which die when born, but still haunt the echoes of the hill
Like oceans of liquid silver
Like one pale star against the dusk, a single diamond on her brow gleamed with imprisoned fire
Like one who halts with tired wings
Like one who talks of what he loves in dream
Like organ music came the deep reply
Like pageantry of mist on an autumnal stream
Like phantoms gathered by the sick imagination
Like planets in the sky
Like pouring oil on troubled waters
Like roses that in deserts bloom and die
Like rowing upstream against a strong downward current
Like scents from a twilight garden
Like separated souls
Like serpents struggling in a vulture's grasp
Like sheep from out the fold of the sky, stars leapt
Like ships that have gone down at sea
Like shy elves hiding from the traveler's eye
Like skeletons, the sycamores uplift their wasted hands
Like some grave night thought threading a dream
Like some new-gathered snowy hyacinth, so white and cold and delicate it was
Like some poor nigh-related guest, that may not rudely be dismist
Like some suppressed and hideous thought which flits athwart our musings, but can find no rest within a pure and gentle mind
Like some unshriven churchyard thing, the friar crawled
Like something fashioned in a dream
Like sounds of wind and flood
Like splendor-winged moths about a taper
Like stepping out on summer evenings from the glaring ball-room
upon the cool and still piazza
Like straws in a gust of wind
Like summer's beam and summer's stream
Like sunlight, in and out the leaves, the robins went
Like sweet thoughts in a dream
Like the awful shadow of some unseen power
Like the bellowing of bulls
Like the boar encircled by hunters and hounds
Like the bubbles on a river sparkling, bursting, borne away
Like the cold breath of the grave
Like the creaking of doors held stealthily ajar
Like the cry of an itinerant vendor in a quiet and picturesque town
Like the dance of some gay sunbeam
Like the dawn of the morn
Like the detestable and spidery araucaria [araucaria = evergreen trees of South America and Australia]
Like the dew on the mountain
Like the dim scent in violets
Like the drifting foam of a restless sea when the waves show their teeth in the flying breeze
Like the embodiment of a perfect rose, complete in form and fragrance
Like the faint cry of unassisted woe
Like the faint exquisite music of a dream
Like the fair flower dishevel'd in the wind
Like the fair sun, when in his fresh array he cheers the morn, and all the earth revealeth
Like the falling thud of the blade of a murderous ax
Like the fierce fiend of a distempered dream
Like the fitting of an old glove to a hand
Like the foam on the river
Like the great thunder sounding
Like the jangling of all the strings of some musical instrument
Like the jewels that gleam in baby eyes
Like the kiss of maiden love the breeze is sweet and bland
Like the long wandering love, the weary heart may faint for rest
Like the moon in water seen by night
Like the music in the patter of small feet
Like the prodigal whom wealth softens into imbecility
Like the quivering image of a landscape in a flowing stream
Like the rainbow, thou didst fade
Like the rustling of grain moved by the west-wind
Like the sap that turns to nectar, in the velvet of the peach
Like the sea whose waves are set in motion by the winds
Like the sea-worm, that perforates the shell of the mussel, which straightway closes the wound with a pearl
Like the setting of a tropical sun
Like the shadow of a great hill that reaches far out over the plain
Like the shadows of the stars in the upheaved sea
Like the shudder of a doomed soul
Like the silver gleam when the poplar trees rustle their pale leaves listlessly
Like the soft light of an autumnal day
Like the Spring-time, fresh and green
Like the stern-lights of a ship at sea, illuminating only the path which has been passed over
Like the sudden impulse of a madman
Like the swell of Summer's ocean
Like the tattered effigy in a cornfield
Like the vase in which roses have once been distill'd
Like the visits of angels, short and far between
Like the whole sky when to the east the morning doth return
Like thistles of the wilderness, fit neither for food nor fuel
Like those great rivers, whose course everyone beholds, but their springs have been seen by but few
Like thoughts whose very sweetness yielded proof that they were born for immortality
Like to diamonds her white teeth shone between the parted lips
Like torrents from a mountain source, we rushed into each other's arms
Like troops of ghosts on the dry wind past
Like two doves with silvery wings, let our souls fly
Like two flaming stars were his eyes
Like vaporous shapes half seen
Like village curs that bark when their fellows do
Like wasted hours of youth
Like winds that bear sweet music, when they breathe through some dim latticed chamber
Like wine-stain to a flask the old distrust still clings
Like winged stars the fire-flies flash and glance
Like young lovers whom youth and love make dear
Lingering like an unloved guest
Lithe as a panther
Little white hands like pearls
Lofty as a queen
Loneliness struck him like a blow
Looked back with faithful eyes like a great mastiff to his master's face
Looking as sulky as the weather itself
Looking like a snarling beast baulked of its prey [baulked = checked, thwarted]
Loose clouds like earth's decaying leaves are shed
Lost like the lightning in the sullen clod
Love as clean as starlight
Love brilliant as the morning
Love had like the canker-worm consumed her early prime
Love is a changing lord as the light on a turning sword
Love like a child around the world doth run
Love like a miser in the dark his joys would hide
Love shakes like a windy reed your heart
Love smiled like an unclouded sun
Love that sings and has wings as a bird
Lovely as starry water
Lovely the land unknown and like a river flowing
March on my soul nor like the laggard stay
Me on whose heart as a worm she trod
Meaningless as the syllables of an unknown tongue
Men moved hither and thither like insects in their crevices
Mentality as hard as bronze
Mentally round-shouldered and decrepit
Merge imperceptibly into one another like the hues of the prism
Meteors that dart like screaming birds
Milk-white pavements, clear and richly pale, like alabaster
More variegated than the skin of a serpent
Motion like the spirit of that wind whose soft step deepens slumber
Motionless as a plumb line
Mountains like frozen wrinkles on a sea
Moving in the same dull round, like blind horses in a mill
Mute as an iceberg
My age is as a lusty Winter
My body broken as a turning wheel
My breath to Heaven like vapor goes
My head was like a great bronze bell with one thought for the clapper
My heart is as some famine-murdered land
My heart is like a full sponge and must weep a little
My heart like a bird doth hover
My heart will be as wind fainting in hot grass
My life floweth away like a river
My life was white as driven snow
My love for thee is like the sovereign moon that rules the sea
My love's like the steadfast sun
My lungs began to crow like chanticleer [chanticleer = rooster]
My mind swayed idly like a water-lily in a lake
My muscles are as steel
My skin is as sallow as gold
My soul was as a lampless sea
My spirit seemed to beat the void, like the bird from out the ark
My thoughts came yapping and growling round me like a pack of curs
My thoughts ran leaping through the green ways of my mind like fawns at play
Night falls like fire
No longer shall slander's venomed spite crawl like a snake across his perfect name
Now every nerve in my body seemed like a strained harp-string ready to snap at a touch
Now like a wild nymph she veils her shadowy form
Now like a wild rose in the fields of heaven slipt forth the slender figure of the Dawn
Now memory and emotion surged in my soul like a tempest
Now thou seemest like a bankrupt beau, stripped of his gaudy hues
Obscured with wrath as is the sun with cloud
Odorous as all Arabia
Often enough life tosses like a fretful stream among rocky boulders
Oh, lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud
Old as the evening star
Old happy hours that have long folded their wings
Once again, like madness, the black shapes of doubt swing through his brain
One bleared star, faint glimmering like a bee
One bright drop is like the gem that decks a monarch's crown
One by one flitting like a mournful bird
One deep roar as of a cloven world
One winged cloud above like a spread dragon overhangs the west
Oppressed by the indefiniteness which hung in her mind, like a thick summer haze
Or shedding radiance like the smiles of God
Our enemies were broken like a dam of river reeds
Our hearts bowed down like violets after rain
Our sail like a dew-lit blossom shone
Overhead the intense blue of the noonday sky burst like a jewel in the sun
Pale and grave as a sculptured nun
Pale as a drifting blossom
Passed like a phantom into the shadows
Passive and tractable as a child
Peaceful as a village cricket-green on Sunday
Peevish and impatient, like some ill-trained man who is sick
Perished utterly, like a blown-out flame
Philosophy evolved itself, like a vast spider's loom
Pillowed upon its alabaster arms like to a child o'erwearied with sweet toil
Polished as the bosom of a star
Poured his heart out like the rending sea in passionate wave on wave
Pouting like the snowy buds o' roses in July
Presently she hovered like a fluttering leaf or flake of snow
Pride and self-disgust served her like first-aid surgeons on the battlefield
Proud as the proudest of church dignitaries
Pure as a wild-flower
Pure as the azure above them
Pure as the naked heavens
Pure as the snowy leaves that fold over the flower's heart
Purple, crimson, and scarlet, like the curtains of God's tabernacle
Put on gravity like a robe
Quaking and quivering like a short-haired puppy after a ducking
Questions and answers sounding like a continuous popping of corks
Quiet as a nun's face
Quietly as a cloud he stole
Quietude which seemed to him beautiful as clear depths of water
Quivering like an eager race-horse to start
Rage, rage ye tears, that never more should creep like hounds about God's footstool
Ran like a young fawn
Rattle in the ear like a flourish of trumpets
Rays springing from the east like golden arrows
Red as the print of a kiss might be
Redolent with the homely scent of old-fashioned herbs and flowers
Reflected each in the other like stars in a lake
Refreshed like dusty grass after a shower
Refreshing as descending rains to sunburnt climes
Remote as the hidden star
Restless as a blue-bottle fly on a warm summer's day
Revealed his doings like those of bees in a glass hive
Rich as the dawn
Ride like the wind through the night
Rivers that like silver threads ran through the green and gold of pasture lands
Roared like mountain torrents
Rolling it under the tongue as a sweet morsel
Round my chair the children run like little things of dancing gold
Ruddy as sunrise
Ruddy his face as the morning light
Ruffling out his cravat with a crackle of starch, like a turkey when it spreads its feathers
Running to and fro like frightened sheep
Rushing and hurrying about like a June-bug
Sanctuaries where the passions may, like wild falcons, cover their faces with their wings
Sayings that stir the blood like the sound of a trumpet
Scattered love as stars do light
Sea-gulls flying like flakes of the sea
Sentences level and straight like a hurled lance
Shadowy faces, known in dreams, pass as petals upon a stream
Shake like an aspen leaf
Shaken off like a nightmare
Shapeless as a sack of wool
Shattered like so much glass
She brightened like a child whose broken toy is glued together
She could summon tears as one summons servants
She danced like a flower in the wind
She disclaimed the weariness that dragged upon her spirits like leaden weights
She exuded a faint and intoxicating perfume of womanliness, like a crushed herb
She felt like an unrepentant criminal
She fled like a spirit from the room
She flounders like a huge conger-eel in an ocean of dingy morality
She gave him a surprised look, like a child catching an older person in a foolish statement
She gave off antipathies as a liquid gives off vapor
She has great eyes like the doe
She heard him like one in a dream
She let the soft waves of her deep hair fall like flowers from Paradise
She looked like a tall golden candle
She looked like the picture of a young rapt saint, lost in heavenly musing
She moved like mirth incarnate
She nestles like a dove
She played with a hundred possibilities fitfully and discursively as a musician runs his fingers over a key-board
She played with grave cabinets as a cat plays with a mouse
She saw this planet like a star hung in the glistening depths of even
She seemed as happy as a wave that dances on the sea
She shall be sportive as the fawn
She stood silent a moment, dropping before him like a broken branch
She that passed had lips like pinks
She walked like a galley-slave
She walks in beauty like the night
She was as brilliant, and as hard too, as electric light
She was silent, standing before him like a little statuesque figure
Shining like the dewy star of dawn
Shivering pine-trees, like phantoms
Showy as damask-rose and shy as musk
Shrill as the loon's call
Shrivel like paper thrust into a flame
Shy as the squirrel
Sights seen as a traveling swallow might see them on the wing
Silence deep as death
Silence now is brooding like a gentle spirit o'er the still and pulseless world
Silence that seemed heavy and dark; like a passing cloud
Sinks clamorous like mill-waters at wild play
Sits like the maniac on his fancied throne
Skies as clear as babies' eyes
Sleek and thick and yellow as gold
Slender and thin as a slender wire
Slowly as a tortoise
Slowly as the finger of a clock, her shadow came
Slowly moved off and disappeared like shapes breathed on a mirror and melting away
Slowly, unnoted, like the creeping rust that spreads insidious, had estrangement come
Small as a grain of mustard seed
Smooth as a pond
Smooth as the pillar flashing in the sun
Snug as a bug in a rug
Soaring as swift as smoke from a volcano springs
So elusive that the memory of it afterwards was wont to come and go like a flash of light
So my spirit beat itself like a caged bird against its prison bars in vain
Soft as a zephyr
Soft as sleep the snow fell
Soft as Spring
Soft as the down of the turtle dove
Soft as the landscape of a dream
Soft as the south-wind
Soft in their color as gray pearls
Soft vibrations of verbal melody, like the sound of a golden bell rung far down under the humming waters
Some gleams of feeling pure and warm as sunshine on a sky of storm
Some like veiled ghosts hurrying past as though driven to their land of shadows by shuddering fear
Some minds are like an open fire—how direct and instant our communication with them
Something divine seemed to cling around her like some subtle vapor
Something resistant and inert, like the obstinate rolling over of a heavy sleeper after he has been called to get up
Something sharp and brilliant, like the glitter of a sword or a forked flash of lightning
Sorrowful eyes like those of wearied kine spent from the plowing [kine = cows]
Spread like wildfire
Squirrel-in-the-cage kind of movement
Stamping like a plowman to shuffle off the snow
Stared about like calves in a pen
Steadfast as the soul of truth
Steals lingering like a river smooth
Still as death
Stood like a wave-beaten rock
Straight as a ray of light
Straight as an arrow
Streamed like a meteor through the troubled air
Streamed o'er his memory like a forest flame
Streaming tears, like pearl drops from a flint
Striking with the force of an engine of destruction
Strong as a bison
Style comes, if at all, like the bloom upon fruit, or the glow of health upon the cheek
Subtle as jealousy
Sudden a thought came like a full-blown rose, flushing his brow
Sudden sprays of rain, like volleys of sharp arrows, rattled gustily against the windows
Suddenly, like death, the truth flashed on them
Sunbeams flashing on the face of things like sudden smilings of divine delight
Sunday mornings which seem to put on, like a Sabbath garment, an atmosphere of divine quietude
Supple and sweet as a rose in bloom
Sway like blown moths against the rosewhite flame
Sweet as a summer night without a breath
Sweet as music she spoke
Sweet as the rain at noon
Sweet as the smile of a fairy
Swift as a swallow heading south
Swift as lightning
Swift as the panther in triumph
Swifter than the twinkling of an eye
Talking and thinking became to him like the open page of a monthly magazine
Tall lance-like reeds wave sadly o'er his head
That like a wounded snake drags its slow length along
The anemone that weeps at day-break, like a silly girl before her lover
The army blazed and glowed in the golden sunlight like a mosaic of a hundred thousand jewels
The army like a witch's caldron seethed
The beating of her heart was like a drum
The beauty of her quiet life was like a rose in blowing
The billows burst like cannon down the coast
The birds swam the flood of air like tiny ships
The boat cuts its swift way through little waves like molten gold and opal
The boom of the surf grew ever less sonorous, like the thunder of a retreating storm
The breast-plate of righteousness
The breathless hours like phantoms stole away
The breeze is as a pleasant tune
The calm white brow as calm as earliest morn
The camp fire reddens like angry skies
The chambers of the house were haunted by an incessant echoing, like some dripping cavern
The church swarmed like a hive
The city is all in a turmoil; it boils like a pot of lentils
The clouds that move like spirits o'er the welkin clear [welkin = sky]
The clustered apples burnt like flame
The colored bulbs swung noon-like from tree and shrub
The crimson close of day
The curl'd moon was like a little feather
The curling wreaths like turbans seem
The dark hours are swept away like crumbling ashes
The dark mass of her hair shook round her like a sea
The dawn is rising from the sea, like a white lady from her bed
The dawn had whitened in the mist like a dead face
The dawn with silver-sandaled feet crept like a frightened girl.
The day stunned me like light upon some wizard way
The day was sweeter than honey and the honey-comb
The day have trampled me like armed men
The dead past flew away over the fens like a flight of wild swans
The deep like one black maelstrom round her whirls
The deepening east like a scarlet poppy burnt
The desolate rocky hills rolled like a solid wave along the horizon
The dome of heaven is like one drop of dew
The dreams of poets come like music heard at evening from the depth of some enchanted forest
The eagerness faded from his eyes, leaving them cold as a winter sky after sunset
The earth was like a frying-pan, or some such hissing matter
The eternal sea, which like a childless mother, still must croon her ancient sorrows to the cold white moon
The evening sky was as green as jade
The excitement had spread through the whole house, like a piquant and agreeable odor
The excitement of the thought buoyed his high-strung temperament like a tonic
The feathery meadows like a lilac sea
The firm body like a slope of snow
The first whiff of reality dissipated them like smoke
The floor, newly waxed, gleamed in the candle-light like beaten moonbeams
The fragrant clouds of hair, they flowed round him like a snare
The gathering glory of life shone like the dawn
The gesture was all strength and will, like the stretching of a sea-bird's wings
The girl's voice rang like a bird-call through his rustling fancies
The glimmer of tall flowers standing like pensive moon-worshipers in an ecstasy of prayerless bloom
The guides sniffed, like chamois, the air [chamois = extremely agile goat antelope]
The heavens are like a scroll unfurled
The hills across the valley were purple as thunder-clouds
The hoofs of the horses rang like the dumb cadence of an old saga
The hours crawled by like years
The hum of the camp sounds like the sea
The hurrying crowds of men gather like clouds
The ideas succeeded each other like a dynasty of kings
The impalpable presence of the new century rose like a vast empty house through which
no human feet had walked
The inexorable facts closed in on him like prison-warders hand-cuffing a convict
The lake glimmered as still as a mirror
The land of gold seemed to hold him like a spell
The land was like a dream
The level boughs, like bars of iron across the setting sun
The light of London flaring like a dreary dawn
The lights blazed up like day
The lilies were drooping, white, and wan, like the head and skin of a dying man
The mellowing hand of time
The melody rose tenderly and lingeringly like a haunting perfume of pressed flowers
The Milky Way lay like diamond-dust upon the robe of some great king
The monk's face whitened like sea-foam
The moon drowsed between the trees like a great yellow moth
The moon on the tower slept soft as snow
The moonbeams rest like a pale spotless shroud
The moonlight lay like snow
The moonlight, like a fairy mist, upon the mesa spreads
The mortal coldness of the soul, like death itself comes down
The mountain shadows mingling, lay like pools above the earth
The mountains loomed up dimly, like phantoms through the mist
The music almost died away, then it burst like a pent-up flood
The name that cuts into my soul like a knife
The nervous little train winding its way like a jointed reptile
The new ferns were spread upon the earth like some lacy coverlet
The night like a battle-broken host is driven before
The night yawned like a foul wind
The ocean swelled like an undulating mirror of the bowl of heaven
The old books look somewhat pathetically from the shelves, like aged dogs wondering why no one takes them for a walk
The old infamy will pop into daylight like a toad out of fissure in the rock
The penalty falls like a thunderbolt from heaven
The phrase was like a spear-thrust
The pine trees waved as waves a woman's hair
The place was like some enchanted town of palaces
The plains to northward change their color like the shimmering necks of doves
The poppy burned like a crimson ember
The prime of man has waxed like cedars
The public press would chatter and make odd ambiguous sounds like a shipload of monkeys in a storm
The purple heather rolls like dumb thunder
The rainbows flashed like fire
The river shouted as ever its cry of joy over the vitality of life, like a spirited boy before the face of inscrutable nature
The roofs with their gables like hoods
The roses lie upon the grass like little shreds of crimson silk
The satire of the word cut like a knife
The scullion with face shining like his pans
The sea reeled round like a wine-vat splashing
The sea-song of the trampling waves is as muffled bells
The sea spread out like a wrinkled marble floor
The sea, that gleamed still, like a myriad-petaled rose
The sea was as untroubled as the turquoise vault which it reflected
The setting of the sun is like a word of peace
The sharp hail rattles against the panes and melts on my cheeks like tears
The ships, like sheeted phantoms coming and going
The silence seemed to crush to earth like a great looking-glass and shiver into a million pieces
The silvery morning like a tranquil vision fills the world
The sky burned like a heated opal
The sky gleamed with the hardness and brilliancy of blue enamel
The sky was as a shield that caught the stain of blood and battle from the dying sun
The sky was clear and blue, and the air as soft as milk
The sky was like a peach
The sky where stars like lilies white and fair shine through the mists
The solid air around me there heaved like a roaring ocean
The solid mountains gleamed like the unsteady sea
The soul is like a well of water springing up into everlasting life
The sound is like a noon-day gale
The sound is like a silver-fountain that springeth in a golden basin
The sound of a thousand tears, like softly pattering wings
The sound of your running feet that like the sea-hoofs beat
The spear-tongued lightning slipped like a snake
The Spring breaks like a bird
The stacks of corn in brown array, like tattered wigwams on the plain
The stars come down and trembling glow like blossoms on the waves below
The stars lay on the lapis-lazuli sky like white flower-petals on still deep water [lapis-lazuli = opaque to translucent blue, violet-blue, or greenish-blue gemstone]
The stars pale and silent as a seer
The strange cold sense of aloofness that had numbed her senses suddenly gave way like snow melting in the spring
The sudden thought of your face is like a wound when it comes unsought
The sun, like a great dragon, writhes in gold
The sun on the sea-wave lies white as the moon
The surf was like the advancing lines of an unknown enemy flinging itself upon the shore
The terrible past lay afar, like a dream left behind in the night
The tide was in the salt-weed, and like a knife it tore
The time, gliding like a dream
The torrent from the hills leaped down their rocky stairways like wild steeds
The tree whose plumed boughs are soft as wings of birds
The uproar and contention pierced him like arrows
The veiled future bowed before me like a vision of promise
The velvet grass that is like padding to earth's meager ribs
The villa dips its foot in the lake, smiling at its reflection like a bather lingering on the brink
The voice of Fate, crying like some old Bellman through the world
The voice that rang in the night like a bugle call
The warm kindling blood burned her cheeks like the breath of a hot wind
The waves were rolling in, long and lazy, like sea-worn travelers
The whole truth, naked, cold, and fatal as a patriot's blade
The wind all round their ears hissed like a flight of white-winged geese
The wind comes and it draws its length along like the genii from the earthen pot
The wine flows like blood
The woman seemed like a thing of stone
The words kept ringing in my ears like the tolling of a bell
The words of the wise fall like the tolling of sweet, grave bells upon the soul
The world had vanished like a phantasmagoria
The world is bitter as a tear
The world is in a simmer, like a sea
The world wavers within its circle like a dream
The years stretched before her like some vast blank page out to receive the record of her toil
The years vanished like a May snowdrift
The yellow apples glowed like fire
Their glances met like crossed swords
Their joy like sunshine deep and broad falls on my heart
Their minds rested upon the thought, as chasing butterflies might rest together on a flower
Their music frightful as the serpent's hiss
Their touch affrights me as a serpent's sting
Then fall unheeded like the faded flower
Then felt I like some watcher of the skies
Then it swelled out to rich and glorious harmonies like a full orchestra playing under the sea
Then the lover sighing like furnace
Theories sprouted in his mind like mushrooms
There is an air about you like the air that folds a star
There, like a bird, it sits and sings
There seemed to brood in the air a quiet benevolence of a Father watching His myriad children at play
There she soars like a seraph
There she stood straight as a lily on its stem
There slowly rose to sight, a country like a dragon fast asleep
There streamed into the air the sweet smell of crushed grass, as though many fields had been pressed between giant's fingers and so had been left
These eyes like stars have led me
These final words snapped like a whip-lash
These thoughts pierced me like thorns
They are as cruel as creeping tigers
They are as white foam on the swept sands
They are as white swans in the dusk, thy white hands
They are painted sharp as death
They broke into pieces and fell on the ground, like a silvery, shimmering shower of hail
They dropped like panthers
They fly like spray
They had hands like claws
They had slipped away like visions
They have as many principles as a fish has bones
They have faces like flowers
They hurried down like plovers that have heard the call [plovers = wading birds]
They look like rose-buds filled with snow
They seem like swarming flies, the crowd of little men
They seemed like floating flowers
They shine as sweet as simple doves
They stand like solitary mountain forms on some hard, perfectly transparent day
They vanished like the shapes that float upon a summer's dream
Thick as wind-blown leaves innumerable
Thickly the flakes drive past, each like a childish ghost
Thine eyes like two twin stars shining
This life is like a bubble blown up in the air
This love that dwells like moonlight in your face
This thought is as death
This tower rose in the sunset like a prayer
Those ancestral themes past which so many generations have slept like sea-going winds over pastures
Those death-like eyes, unconscious of the sun
Those eyelids folded like a white rose-leaf
Those eyes like bridal beacons shine
Thou art to me but as a wave of the wild sea
Thou as heaven art fair and young
Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea
Thou must wither like a rose
Thou shalt be as free as mountain winds
Thou wouldst weep tears bitter as blood
Though bright as silver the meridian beams shine
Though thou be black as night
Thoughts vague as the fitful breeze
Three-cornered notes fly about like butterflies
Through the forest, like a fairy dream through some dark mind, the ferns in branching beauty stream
Through the moonlit trees, like ghosts of sounds haunting the moonlight, stole the faint tinkle of a guitar
Through the riot of his senses, like a silver blaze, ran the legend
Thy beauty like a beast it bites
Thy brown benignant eyes have sudden gleams of gladness and surprise, like woodland brooks that cross a sunlit spot
Thy carven columns must have grown by magic, like a dream in stone
Thy favors are but like the wind that kisses everything it meets
Thy heart is light as a leaf of a tree
Thy name burns like a gray and flickering candle flame
Thy name will be as honey on men's lips
Till death like sleep might steal on me
Till he melted like a cloud in the silent summer heaven
Time drops in decay, like a candle burnt out
Time like a pulse shakes fierce
To drag life on, which like a heavy chain lengthens behind with many a link of pain
To forsake as the trees drop their leaves in autumn
Toys with smooth trifles like a child at play
Transitory as clouds without substance
Transparent like a shining sun
Tree and shrub altered their values and became transmuted to silver sentinels
Trees that spread their forked boughs like a stag's antlers
Trembling like an aspen-leaf
Truths which forever shine as fixed stars
Turning easily and securely as on a perfect axle
Unbends like a loosened bow
Unbreakable as iron
Unconscious as an oak-tree of its growth
Under the willow-tree glimmered her face like a foam-flake drifting over the sea
Unheralded, like some tornado loosed out of the brooding hills, it came to pass
Unknown, like a seed in fallow ground, was the germ of a plan
Unmoving as a tombstone
Untameable as flies
Unutterable things pressing on my soul like a pent-up storm craving for outlet
Upcast like foam of the effacing tide
Uplifting the soul as on dovelike wings
Uplifting their stony peaks around us like the walls and turrets of a gigantic fortress
Urgent as the seas
Uttering wild cries like a creature in pain
Vague as a dream
Vague thoughts that stream shapelessly through her mind like long sad vapors through the twilight sky
Vanish into thin air, like ghosts at the cockcrow
Vanished like snow when comes a thaw
Vanished like vapor before the sun
Vibrations set quivering like harp strings struck by the hand of a master
Vociferous praise following like a noisy wave
Walking somewhat unsteadily like a blind man feeling his way
Waves glittered and danced on all sides like millions of diamonds
We left her and retraced our steps like faithless hounds
Weak and frail like the vapor of a vale
Wearing their wounds like stars
Weary wind, who wanderest like the world's rejected guest
When a draft might puff them out like a guttering candle [guttering = To melt through the side of the hollow in a candle formed by a burning wick; to burn low and unsteadily; flicker]
When arm in arm they both came swiftly running, like a pair of turtle-doves that could not live asunder day or night
When cards, invitations, and three-corn'd notes fly about like white butterflies
When she died, her breath whistled like the wind in a keyhole
When the fever pierced me like a knife
Where a lamp of deathless beauty shines like a beacon
Where heroes die as leaves fall
Where the intricate wheels of trade are grinding on, like a mill
Where the source of the waters is fine as a thread
Whilst the lagging hours of the day went by like windless clouds o'er a tender sky
Whistled sharply in the air like a handful of vipers
White as a ghost from darkness
White as chalk
White as dove or lily, or spirit of the light
White as the driven snow
White as the moon's white flame
White as the sea-bird's wing
White clouds like daisies
White hands she moves like swimming swans
White hands through her hair, like white doves going into the shadow of a wood
White like flame
White sails of sloops like specters
Whose bodies are as strong as alabaster
Whose hair was as gold raiment on a king
Whose laugh moves like a bat through silent haunted woods
Whose little eyes glow like the sparks of fire
Whose music like a robe of living light reclothed each new-born age
Windy speech which hits all around the mark like a drunken carpenter
Winged like an arrow to its mark
With a sting like a scorpion
With all the complacency of a homeless cat
With an angry broken roar, like billows on an unseen shore, their fury burst
With hate darkling as the swift winter hail
With music sweet as love
With sounds like breakers
With strength like steel
With the whisper of leaves in one's ear
With words like honey melting from the comb
Wits as sharp as gimlets [gimlet = small hand tool for boring holes]
Women with tongues like polar needles
Words as fresh as spring verdure [verdure = lush greenness of flourishing vegetation]
Words as soft as rain
Words like the gossamer film of the summer
Words sweet as honey from his lips distill'd
Words were flashing like brilliant birds through the boughs overhead
Wordsworth, thy music like a river rolls
Worthless like the conjurer's gold
Wrangle over details like a grasping pawnbroker
Wrinkled and scored like a dried apple
Writhing with an intensity that burnt like a steady flame
Yielding like melted snow
Yonder flimsy crescent, bent like an archer's bow above the snowy summit
You are as gloomy to-night as an undertaker out of employment
You are as hard as stone
You gave me such chill embraces as the snow-covered heights receive from clouds
Your blood is red like wine
Your charms lay like metals in a mine
Your eyes are like fantastic moons that shiver in some stagnant lake
Your eyes as blue as violets
Your eyes they were green and gray like an April day
Your frail fancies are swallowed up, like chance flowers flung upon the river's current
Your hair was golden as tints of sunrise
Your heart is as dry as a reed
Your locks are like the raven
Your love shall fall about me like sweet rain
Your step's like the rain to summer vexed farmer
Your thoughts are buzzing like a swarm of bees
Your tongue is like a scarlet snake
Your voice had a quaver in it just like the linnet [linnet = small finch]
Youth like a summer morn
A most extraordinary idea!
A thousand hopes for your success
Accept my best wishes
All that is conjecture
Allow me to congratulate you
An unfortunate comparison, don't you think?
And even if it were so?
And how am I to thank you?
And in the end, what are you going to make of it?
And yet the explanation does not wholly satisfy me
Apparently I was wrong
Are we wandering from the point?
Are you a trifle—bored?
Are you fully reconciled?
Are you not complicating the question?
Are you prepared to go to that length?
Are you still obdurate? [obdurate = Hardened in wrongdoing; stubbornly impenitent]
As it happens, your conjecture is right
Assuredly I do
At first blush it may seem fantastic
Banish such thoughts
But are you not taking a slightly one-sided point of view?
But consider for a moment
But I look at the practical side
But I wander from my point
But now I'll confide something to you
But perhaps I'm hardly fair when I say that
But seriously speaking, what is the use of it?
But surely that is inconsistent
But that's a tremendous hazard
But the thing is simply impossible
But there's one thing you haven't said
But, wait, you haven't heard the end
But what do you yourself think about it?
But who could foresee what was going to happen?
But you are open to persuasion?
But you do not know for certain
But you must tell me more
By a curious chance, I know it very well
By no means desirable, I think
Can I persuade you?
Can you imagine anything so horrible?
Certain circumstances make it undesirable
Certainly not, if it displeases you
Certainly, with the greatest pleasure
Come, where's your sense of humor?
Consult me when you want me—at any time
Decidedly so
Dine with me to-morrow night?—if you are free?
Do I presume too much?
Do I seem very ungenerous?
Do not misunderstand me
Do not the circumstances justify it?
Don't be so dismal, please
Don't delude yourself
Don't let me encroach on your good nature
Don't think I am unappreciative of your kindness
Do you attach any particular meaning to that?
Do you know, I envy you that
Do you know what his chief interests are now?
Do you mind my making a suggestion?
Do you press me to tell?
Do you really regard him as a serious antagonist?
Do you think there is anything ominous in it?
Does it please you so tremendously?
Does it seem incredible?
Either way is perplexing
Eminently proper, I think
Everyone looks at it differently
Excuse my bluntness
Fanciful, I should say
For the simplest of reasons
Forgive me if I seem disobliging
Fortunate, to say the least
Frankly, I don't see why it should
Frugal to a degree
Fulsome praise, I call it
Give me your sympathy and counsel
Glorious to contemplate
Good! that is at least something
Gratifying, I am sure
Happily there are exceptions to every rule
Has it really come to that?
Have I incurred your displeasure?
Have you any rooted objection to it?
Have you anything definite in your mind?
Have you reflected what the consequences might be to yourself?
He does me too much honor
He feels it acutely
He has a queer conception of the proprieties
He is a poor dissembler [dissemble = conceal behind a false appearance]
He is anything but obtuse
He is so ludicrously wrong
He is the most guileless of men
He was so extremely susceptible
He writes uncommonly clever letters
Heaven forbid that I should wound your sensibility
His sense of humor is unquenchable
How amiable you are to say so
How can I tell you how much I have enjoyed it all?
How can I thank you?
How can you be so unjust?
How delightful to meet you
How does the idea appeal to you?
How droll you are!
How extraordinary!
How intensely interesting!
How perfectly delightful!
How utterly abominable
How very agreeable this is!
How very interesting
How very surprising
How well you do it!
However, I should like to hear your views
Human nature interests me very much indeed
I admire your foresight
I admit it most gratefully
I agree—at least, I suppose I do
I agree that something ought to be done
I always welcome criticism so long as it is sincere
I am absolutely bewildered
I am afraid I am not familiar enough with the subject
I am afraid I cannot suggest an alternative
I am afraid I've allowed you to tire yourself
I am afraid I must confess my ignorance
I am afraid you will call me a sentimentalist
I am always glad to do anything to please you
I am anxious to discharge the very onerous debt I owe you
I am appealing to your sense of humor
I am at your service
I am bound to secrecy
I am compelled to, unluckily
I am curious to learn what his motive was
I am deeply flattered and grateful
I am delighted to hear you say so
I am dumb with admiration
I am entirely at your disposal
I am extremely glad you approve of it
I am far from believing the maxim
I am fortunate in being able to do you a service
I am glad to be able to think that
I am glad to have had this talk with you
I am glad to say that I have entirely lost that faculty
I am glad you can see it in that way
I am glad you feel so deeply about it
I am giving you well-deserved praise
I am going to make a confession
I am grateful for your good opinion
I am honestly indignant
I am, I confess, a little discouraged
I am in a chastened mood
I am inclined to agree with you
I am incredulous
I am indebted to you for the suggestion
I am listening—I was about to propose
I am lost in admiration
I am luckily disengaged to-day
I am more grieved than I can tell you
I am naturally overjoyed
I am not a person of prejudices
I am not an alarmist
I am not as unreasonable as you suppose
I am not at all in the secret of his ambitions
I am not capable of unraveling it
I am not going into sordid details
I am not going to let you evade the question
I am not going to pay you any idle compliments
I am not impervious to the obligations involved
I am not in sympathy with it
I am not in the least surprised
I am not inquisitive
I am not prepared to say
I am not sure that I can manage it
I am not vindictive
I am overjoyed to hear you say so
I am perfectly aware of what I am saying
I am persuaded by your candor
I am quite convinced of that
I am quite discomfited
I am quite interested to see what you will do
I am quite ready to be convinced
I am rather of the opinion that I was mistaken
I am ready to make great allowances
I am really afraid I don't know
I am really gregarious
I am sensible of the flattery
I am seriously annoyed with myself about it
I am so glad you think that
I am so sorry—so very sorry
I am sorry to disillusionize you
I am sorry to interrupt this interesting discussion
I am sorry to say it is impossible
I am speaking plainly
I am still a little of an idealist
I am suppressing many of the details
I am sure it sounds very strange to you
I am sure you could pay me no higher compliment
I am sure you will hear me out
I am surprised, I confess
I am sustained by the prospect of a good dinner
I am vastly obliged to you
I am vastly your debtor for the information
I am very far from being a fanatic
I am very glad of this opportunity
I am very grateful—very much flattered
I am wholly in agreement with you
I am willing to accept all the consequences
I am wonderfully well
I am wondering if I may dare ask you a very personal question?
I am your creditor unawares
I anticipate your argument
I appreciate your motives
I assure you it is most painful to me
I assure you my knowledge of it is limited
I bear no malice about that
I beg your indulgence
I beg your pardon, but you take it too seriously
I brazenly confess it
I can easily understand your astonishment
I can explain the apparent contradiction
I can find no satisfaction in it
I can hardly agree with you there
I can never be sufficiently grateful
I can only tell you the bare facts
I can scarcely accept the offer
I can scarcely boast that honor
I can scarcely imagine anything more disagreeable
I can sympathize with you
I cannot altogether acquit myself of interested motives
I cannot explain it even to myself
I cannot find much real satisfaction in it
I cannot forbear to press my advantage
I cannot imagine what you mean
I cannot precisely determine
I can't pretend to make a jest of what I'm going to say
I cannot say definitely at the moment
I cannot say that in fact it is always so
I cannot see how you draw that conclusion
I cannot thank you enough for all your consideration
I compliment you on your good sense
I confess, I find it difficult
I could ask for nothing better
I could never forgive myself for that
I dare say your intuition is quite right
I decline to commit myself beforehand
I detest exaggeration
I didn't mean that—exactly
I do not comprehend your meaning
I don't deny that it is interesting
I don't doubt it for a moment
I do not doubt the sincerity of your arguments
I do not exactly understand you
I do not feel sure that I entirely share your views
I don't feel that it is my business
I do not find it an unpleasant subject
I don't insist on your believing me
I don't justify my presumption
I don't know quite why you should say that
I don't know that I can do that
I don't know when I have heard anything so lamentable
I don't know why you should be displeased
I don't make myself clear, I see
I don't pretend to explain
I don't see anything particularly wonderful in it
I don't underrate his kindness
I don't want to disguise that from you
I don't want to exaggerate
I don't want to seem critical
I doubt the truth of that saying
I endorse it, every word
I entirely approve of your plan
I fancy it's just that
I fear I cannot help you
I fear that's too technical for me
I feel a certain apprehension
I feel an unwonted sense of gaiety [unwonted = unusual]
I feel it my duty to be frank with you
I feel myself scarcely competent to judge
I feel very grateful to you for your kind offer
I find it absorbing
I find it rather monotonous
I find this agreeable mental exhilaration
I frankly confess that
I generally trust my first impressions
I give my word gladly
I give you my most sacred word of honor
I had better begin at the beginning
I had no intention of being offensive
I hadn't thought of it in that light
I hardly think that could be so
I have a hundred reasons for thinking so
I have a peculiar affection for it
I have an immense faith in him
I have been constrained by circumstances
I have been decidedly impressed
I have been longing to see more of you
I have been puzzling over a dilemma
I have every reason to think so
I have given you the best proof of it
I have gone back to my first impressions
I have known striking instances of the kind
I have never heard it put so well
I have no delusions on that score
I have not succeeded in convincing myself of that
I have not the influence you think
I have not the least doubt of it
I haven't the remotest idea
I have often a difficulty in deciding
I have often marveled at your courage
I have quite changed my opinion about that
I have something of great importance to say to you
I have sometimes vaguely felt it
I have the strongest possible prejudice against it
I heartily congratulate you
I hope it will not seem unreasonable to you
I hope we may meet again
I hope you will forgive an intruder
I hope you will not think me irreverent
I hope you will pardon my seeming carelessness
I indulge the modest hope
I know it is very presumptuous
I know my request will appear singular
I like it immensely
I like your frankness
I make no reflection whatever
I mean it literally
I might question all that
I mistrust these wild impulses
I most certainly agree with you
I most humbly ask pardon
I must add my congratulations on your taste
I must apologize for intruding upon you
I must ask you one more question, if I may
I must confess I have never thought of that
I must refrain from any comment
I must respectfully decline to tell you
I must take this opportunity to tell you
I need not remind you that you have a grave responsibility
I never heard anything so absurd
I offer my humblest apologies
I owe the idea wholly to you
I partly agree with you
I personally owe you a great debt of thankfulness
I place myself entirely at your service
I place the most implicit reliance on your good sense
I prefer to reserve my judgment
I purposely evaded the question
I quite appreciate the very clever way you put it
I quite see what the advantages are
I really am curious to know how you guessed that
I realize how painful it must be to you
I recollect it clearly
I rely on your good sense
I remember the occasion perfectly
I resent that kind of thing
I respect you for that
I respect your critical faculty
I say it in all modesty
I see disapproval in your face
I see it from a different angle
I see you are an enthusiast
I see your point of view
I seem to have heard that sentiment before
I shall at once proceed to forget it
I shall await your pleasure
I shall be glad if you will join me
I shall be interested to watch it develop
I shall be most proud and pleased
I shall certainly take you at your word
I shall feel highly honored
I shall make a point of thinking so
I shall never forget your kindness
I shall respect your confidence
I should appreciate your confidence greatly
I should be very ungrateful were I not satisfied with it
I should feel unhappy if I did otherwise
I should like your opinion of it
I should not dream of asking you to do so
I should think it very unlikely
I simply cannot endure it
I spoke only in jest
I stand corrected
I suppose I ought to feel flattered
I surmised as much
I sympathize deeply with you
I take that for granted
I think extremely well of it
I think he has very noble ideals
I think I can answer that for you
I think I know what you are going to say
I think it has its charm
I think it is superb!
I think it quite admirable
I think its tone is remarkably temperate
I think that is rather a brilliant idea
I think what you say is reasonable
I think you are quibbling
I think you are rather severe in your opinions
I think you have great appreciation of values
I think you have summed it up perfectly
I think your candor is charming
I thoroughly agree with you
I thought it most amusing
I thought you were seriously indisposed
I trust you will not consider it an impertinence
I understand exactly how you feel about it
I understand your delicacy of feeling
I venture to propose another plan
I very rarely allow myself that pleasure
I want to have a frank understanding with you
I was at a loss to understand the reason for it
I was hoping that I could persuade you
I was on the point of asking you
I was speaking generally
I watched you with admiration
I will answer you frankly
I will listen to no protestations
I will take it only under compulsion
I will tell you what puzzles me
I will think of it, since you wish it
I will, with great pleasure
I wish I could explain my point more fully
I wish I knew what you meant by that
I wish to be perfectly fair
I wish to put things as plainly as possible
I wonder how much truth there is in it?
I wonder if you have the smallest recollection of me?
I would agree if I understood
I wouldn't put it just that way
If ever I can repay it, command me
If I mistake not you were there once?
If I speak strongly, it is because I feel strongly
If I were disposed to offer counsel
If I were sure you would not misunderstand my meaning
If you don't mind my saying so
If you insist upon it
If you will pardon me the frankness
In a manner that sometimes terrifies me
In one respect you are quite right
In that case let me rob you of a few minutes
In what case, for example?
Incredible as it sounds, I had for a moment forgotten
Indeed, but it is quite possible
Indeed! How?
Indeed, you are wholly wrong
Indifferently so, I am afraid
Irony was ten thousand leagues from my intention
Is it sane—is it reasonable?
Isn't it amazing?
Isn't it extraordinarily funny?
Isn't it preposterous?
Isn't that a trifle unreasonable?
Isn't that rather a hasty conclusion?
Is that a fair question?
It always seemed to me impossible
It amuses you, doesn't it?
It blunts the sensibilities
It could never conceivably be anything but popular
It depends on how you look at it
It depends upon circumstances
It doesn't sound plausible to me
It has a lovely situation as I remember it
It has amused me hugely
It has been a relief to talk to you
It has been an immense privilege to see you
It has never occurred to me
It is a curious fact
It is a great pleasure to meet you
It is a huge undertaking
It is a most unfortunate affair
It is a perfectly plain proposition
It is a rather melancholy thought
It is a truth universally acknowledged
It is all very inexcusable
It is all very well for you to be philosophical
It is altogether probable
It is an admirable way of putting it |