traffic, trade, commerce, and intercourse
tricky, insincere, wily, and shifty
trite, ordinary, commonplace, and hackneyed
trivial, petty, frivolous, and insignificant
true, upright, real, and authentic
tumultuous, riotous, disorderly, and turbulent
ugly, evil, hateful, and base
uncertain, questionable, erroneous, and mistaken
unctuous, shrill, brisk, and demonstrative [unctuous = exaggerated, insincere]
unhappy, unfortunate, distressed, and disastrous
uninteresting, lifeless, obscure, and commonplace
unity, aggressiveness, efficiency, and force
unkind, severe, oppressive, and callous
unpractical, childish, slipshod, and silly
unreasonable, foolish, excessive, and absurd
unrivaled, unequaled, incomparable, and matchless
upright, high-minded, brave, and liberal
urgent, important, immediate, and imperative
usage, custom, habit, and practise
vain, useless, unproductive, and unavailing
vanities, envies, devices, and jealousies
vast, scattered, various, and incalculable
versatile, eloquent, sagacious, and talented [sagacious = wise]
vigorous, upright, dignified, and imperative
vile, mean, debased, and sordid
violent, impetuous, intense, and ungovernable
virtuous, upright, honest, and moral
visionary, dreamy, pensive, and sensitive
vulgar, heavy, narrow, and obtuse
want, lack, poverty, and paucity
warm, soft, clear, and serene
waste, devastate, pillage, and destroy
watched, tendered, fostered, and pruned
weak, inefficient, stupid, and futile
wealth, position, influence, and reputation
well-being, happiness, prosperity, and distress
wild, restless, aimless, and erring
wisdom, judgment, understanding, and far-sightedness
wit, purity, energy, and simplicity
wonderful, interesting, active, and delightful
works, sorrows, visions, and experiences
worry, annoyance, awkwardness, and difficulty
Preposition "of"
abandon of spontaneity
abatement of misery
aberrations of judgment
abhorrence of meanness
absence of vainglory
abyss of ignominy
accent of conviction
accretions of time
accumulation of ages
accuracy of aim
acquisition of knowledge
activity of attention
acuteness of sensibility
admixture of fear
affectation of content
affinity of events
age of ignorance
agility of brain
agony of despair
air of assumption
ambitious of success
amiability of disposition
amplitude of space
anachronisms of thought
anchor of moderation
angle of vision
annulment of influence
aping of manners
apostle of culture
ardor of life
arrogance of opinion
aspect of grandeur
assumption of sternness
atmosphere of obscurity
attitude of mind
attribute of weakness
austerities of fanaticism
authority of manner
avalanche of scorn
avenues of dissemination
babel of tongues
ban of exclusion
barren of enthusiasm
barriers of reticence
bars of sunlight
basis of fact
beam of moonlight
beast of prey
beauty of imagery
beggared of faith
bent of mind
betrayal of trust
bevy of maidens
bewilderment of feeling
birds of prey
bit of portraiture
bitterness of anguish
blackness of spirit
blandishments of society
blast of adversity
blaze of fury
blend of dignity
bliss of solitude
bloom of earth
blow of fate
boldness of conception
bond of alliance
bone of contention
bouts of civility
breach of law
breath of life
breeze of anxiety
brilliancy of wit
brimful of fun
broil of politics
brood of emotions
brow of expectation
brunt of disgrace
bulk of mankind
bundle of conceptions
buoyancy of youth
burden of proof
burst of confidence
business of life
cadences of delirium
calmness of manner
calumny of passion [calumny = maliciously lying to injure a reputation]
caprice of inclination
careless of opinion
catholicity of spirit [catholicity = universality]
cause of solicitude
celerity of movement [celerity = swiftness; speed]
chain of evidence
change of habitude
chaos of confusion
chill of indifference
chimera of superstition [chimera = fanciful illusion]
chorus of approbation [approbation = warm approval; praise]
circle of hills
clamor of envy
clap of thunder
clarity of thinking
clash of arms
cloak of ecclesiasticism
code of morals
cogency of argument
combination of calamities
command of wit
community of interest
compass of imagination
complexity of life
confidence of genius
conflict of will
conquest of difficulty
consciousness of peril
constellation of luminaries
contagion of conflict
continuity of life
contradiction of terms
contrariety of opinion
convulsion of laughter
copiousness of diction
cord of sympathy
countenance of authority
courage of conviction
course of existence
courtliness of manner
cover of hospitality
crash of thunder
creature of circumstance
criteria of feeling
crown of civilization
crudity of thought
cry of despair
curl of contempt
current of thought
darkness of calamity
dash of eccentricity
dawning of recognition
day of reckoning
daylight of faith
decay of authority
declaration of indifference
deeds of prowess
defects of temper
degree of hostility
delicacy of thought
delirium of wonder
depth of despair
dereliction of duty
derogation of character
despoiled of riches
destitute of power
desultoriness of detail [desultoriness = haphazard; random]
device of secrecy
devoid of merit
devoutness of faith
dexterity of phrase
diapason of motives [diapason = full, rich, harmonious sound]
dictates of conscience
difference of opinion
difficult of attainment
dignity of thought
dilapidations of time
diminution of brutality
disabilities of age
display of prowess
distinctness of vision
distortion of symmetry
diversity of aspect
divinity of tradition
domain of imagination
drama of action
dream of vengeance
drop of comfort
ductility of expression
dull of comprehension
duplicities of might
dust of defeat
earnestness of enthusiasm
easy of access
ebullitions of anger [ebullitions = sudden, violent outpouring; boiling]
eccentricity of judgment
ecstasy of despair
effect of loveliness
efficacy of change
effusion of sentiment
elasticity of mind
element of compulsion
elevation of sentiment
eloquence of passion
emotions of joy
emulous of truth [emulous = prompted by a spirit of rivalry]
encroachments of time
encumbrance of mystery
energy of youth
enigma of life
equanimity of mind
era of fads
error of judgment
essence of eloquence
excellence of vision
excess of candor
excitation of purpose
excursiveness of thought
exhibition of joy
exhilaration of spirits
expenditure of energy
explosion of rage
expression of sternness
extension of experience
extravagance of eulogy
extremity of fortune
exuberance of wit
fabric of fact
facility of expression
faculty of perception
failure of coordination
feast of reason
feats of strength
feebleness of purpose
feeling of uneasiness
felicities of expression
fertility of invention
fervor of devotion
fickleness of fortune
field of activity
fierceness of jealousy
fineness of vision
fire of imagination
firmament of literature
firmness of purpose
fit of laughter
fitness of circumstance
fixity of purpose
flag of truce
flash of humor
flashlight of introspection
fleetness of foot
flexibility of spirit
flicker of recognition
flight of fancy
flood of hatred
flourish of manner
flower of life
fluctuation of fortune
flush of youth
flutter of expectation
fog of sentimentalism
force of conviction
forest of faces
form of captiousness [captiousness = point out trivial faults]
fountain of learning
fragment of conversation
frame of mind
frankness of manner
freak of fancy
freedom of enterprise
frenzy of pursuit
freshness of feeling
frigidity of address
frivolity of tone
frown of meditation
fulfilment of purpose
fulness of time
fury of resentment
futility of pride
gaiety of spirit
gales of laughter
garb of thought
garlands of roses
gateway of fancy
gem of truth
genuineness of sentiment
gesture of despair
gift of repartee
glamor of sensationalism
glare of scrutiny
gleam of light
glib of speech
glimmer of suspicion
glory of salvation
glow of enthusiasm
gorgeousness of coloring
grace of simplicity
gradations of outrage
grandeur of outline
grasp of comprehension
gravity of manner
greatness of nature
greed of office
grimace of disappointment
grimness of spirit
grip of attention
groundwork of melancholy
growth of experience
guide of aspiration
gulf of incongruity
gust of laughter
harbor of refuge
harvest of regrets
haven of rest
haze of distance
heat of enthusiasm
height of absurdity
hint of bitterness
hopeful of success
horizon of life
horror of solitude
hubbub of talk
hue of divinity
hum of pleasure
hush of suspense
ideals of excellence
idol of society
illusion of youth
immensity of extent
immolation of genius
impatient of restraint
impetuosity of youth
implacability of resentment
impotent of ideas
impress of individuality
impulse of enthusiasm
imputation of eccentricity
incapable of veracity
independence of mind
index of character
indolence of temperament
indulgence of vanity
inequality of treatment
infinity of height
infirmity of temper
infusion of hatred
inheritance of honor
insensibility of danger
insolence of office
inspiration of genius
instability of purpose
instrument of expression
integrity of mind
intensity of faith
interchange of ideas
interval of leisure
intoxication of vanity
intrepidity of youth
intuition of immortality
invasion of thought
irony of life
jangle of sounds
jargon of philosophy
jumble of facts
justness of decision
keenness of intellect
kernel of truth
key of knowledge
keynote of success
king of finance
kinship of humanity
lack of restraint
languor of nature [languor = dreamy, lazy mood ]
lapse of time
laws of decorum
laxity of mind
legacy of thought
liberty of conscience
light of experience
limit of endurance
link of sequence
loftiness of spirit
look of dominance
loophole of escape
love of approbation [approbation = warm approval; praise]
lust of conquest
lustihood of youth
luxuriance of expression
magnanimity of mind
majesty of despair
man of iron
mantle of verdure [verdure = lush greenness of flourishing vegetation]
martyrdom of ambition
marvel of competency
mask of flippancy
mass of mediocrity
master of phrasing
maze of words
measure of absurdity
minister of vengeance
minuteness of description
miracle of miracles
mists of criticism
modesty of reserve
moment of lassitude
monster of ingratitude
monstrosities of character
mood of tranquillity
muddle of motives
multitude of details
mummery of words [mummery = meaningless ceremonies and flattery]
murmur of satisfaction
mutations of time
myriads of stars
mysteries of taste
narrowness of range
nebulae of romance
nectar of enjoyment
neglect of duty
niceties of difference
nightingale of affection
nobility of purpose
note of triumph
obduracy of mind [obduracy = intractable; hardened]
object of contempt
obligation of loyalty
obliquity of vision [obliquity = mental deviation or aberration]
obscurity of twilight
ocean of eloquence
omission of fact
onrush of life
onsets of temptation
openness of mind
opulence of detail
orgy of lying
ornaments of eloquence
outbreak of hostilities
outburst of tears
outflow of sympathy
outposts of morality
overflow of vitality
page of desolation
pageant of life
pang of regret
parade of erudition [erudition = extensive learning]
passion of patriotism
passivity of mind
pattern of virtue
peals of laughter
pendulum of opinion
pensiveness of feeling
perils of fortune
period of lassitude
perturbation of mind
perversity of chance
pests of society
petrifaction of egoism [petrifaction = fossilization; paralyzed with fear]
phantom of delight
phase of belief
physiognomy of nature
piece of pedantry [pedantry = attention to detail]
pinions of eloquence [pinions = primary feather of a bird]
pinnacle of favor
pit of oblivion
plainness of speech
play of fancy
plea of urgency
plenitude of power
point of view
poise of mind
policy of severity
portent of danger
power of imagination
precipice of stupefaction
precision of phrase
prerogative of age
presence of mind
pressure of expediency
presumption of doubt
prey of fancy
pride of life
process of effacement
profundity of thought
profusion of argument
progress of events
promptings of reason
propriety of action
provocative of scorn
puff of applause
pulse of life
purity of diction
pursuit of knowledge
puzzledom of life
quagmire of distrust
qualities of leadership
qualm of conscience
question of honor
quickness of apprehension
quivering of pain
radiance of morning
range of experience
rashness of intention
ravages of time
ray of hope
reaches of achievement
realities of life
realm of peace
rebound of fascination
rectitude of soul
redress of grievances
redundance of words
refinement of style
reins of life
relish of beauty
remorse of guilt
residue of truth
resoluteness of conviction
resource of expression
restraint of speech
revel of imagination
revulsion of feeling
richness of outline
riddle of existence
ridicule of ignorance
riot of words
ripeness of wisdom
roars of exultation
robe of humility
robustness of mind
root of individuality
round of platitudes
rush of agony
rust of neglect
ruts of conventionality
sadness of soul
sanguine of success [sanguine = cheerfully confident; optimistic]
sanity of judgment
savoring of quackery
scantiness of resources
scarves of smoke
school of adversity
scrap of knowledge
scruple of conscience
searchlight of truth
semblance of composure
sensation of pity
sense of urgency
sentiment of disapprobation [approbation = warm approval; praise]
sequence of events
serenity of mind
severity of style
shackles of civilization
shade of doubt
shadow of truth
shallowness of thought
shock of apprehension
shouts of approval
shower of abuse
shriek of wrath
shuttle of life
sigh of wind
singleness of purpose
slave of malice
slough of ignorance
slumber of death
smile of raillery [raillery = good-natured teasing; banter]
solace of adversity
soul of generosity
source of renown
spark of perception
species of despotism
spell of emotion
sphere of influence
spice of caricature
splendor of imagination
spur of necessity
start of uneasiness
stateliness of movement
sting of satire
stolidity of sensation
storehouse of facts
storm of criticism
stream of humanity
stress of life
string of episodes
stroke of fate
substratum of belief
subtlety of intellect
succession of events
suggestion of fancy
sum of happiness
summit of misery
sunshine of life
supremacy of good
surface of events
surfeit of verbiage [surfeit = supply to excess]
surge of pathos
suspense of judgment
suspicion of flattery
sweep of landscape
symbol of admiration
system of aspersion
taint of megalomania
tardiness of speech
task of conciliation
tempest of passion
tenacity of execution
tenderness of sentiment
term of reproach
threshold of consciousness
thrift of time
thrill of delight
throb of compunction
throng of sensations
tide of humanitarianism
timid of innovation
tincture of depreciation
tinge of mockery
tissue of misrepresentations
tolerant of folly
tone of severity
top of ambition
torrent of fervor
totality of effect
touch of severity
touchstone of genius
trace of bitterness
tradition of mankind
train of disasters
trait of cynicism
trance of delight
transport of enthusiasm
trappings of wisdom
trend of consciousness
tribute of admiration
trick of fancy
tumult of applause
turmoil of controversy
turn of events
twilight of elderliness
twinge of envy
unity of purpose
universality of experience
vagrancy of thought
valley of misfortune
vanguard of progress
vehemence of manner
vehicle of intercourse
veil of futurity
vein of snobbishness
velocity of movement
vestige of regard
vicissitudes of life [vicissitudes = sudden or unexpected changes]
vision of splendor
vividness of memory
voice of ambition
void of authority
volume of trade
vow of allegiance
warmth of temperament
waste of opportunity
wave of depression
wealth of meaning
weariness of sorrow
web of villainy
weight of argument
whiff of irritation
whirl of delight
whirligig of life
whirlwind of words
wilderness of perplexities
wiles of innocence
word of opprobrium [opprobrium = disgrace from shameful conduct]
work of supererogation [supererogation = to do more than is required]
world of fantasy
worthy of mention
yoke of convention
zest of enjoyment
zone of delusion
Preposition "by"
affected by externals
allayed by sympathy
animated by victory
appraised by fashion
assailed by conscience
attained by effort
avert by prayer
ballasted by brains
beset by difficulties
bound by opinion
branded by defeat
characterized by discretion
chastened by sorrow
cheek by jowl
circulated by malice
clogged by insincerity
colored by environment
condemned by posterity
confirmed by habit
consoled by prayer
convinced by argument
convulsed by divisions
darkened by shadows
dazzled by fame
depraved by pain
devoured by curiosity
disgusted by servility
driven by remorse
embarrassed by timidity
encouraged by success
enfeebled by age
enforced by action
enjoined by religion
enriched by gifts
established by convention
evoked by shame
fascinated, by mystery
favored by fortune
fettered by systems
fired by wrath
forbid by authority
fortified by faith
governed by precedent
guided by instinct
haunted by visions
hushed by denial
impelled by duty
inculcated by practise
induced by misrepresentation
influenced by caution
inspired by love
learned by rote
marked by acuteness
measured by years
narrowed by custom
occasioned by irritation
oppressed by destiny
parched by disuse
persuaded by appeal
portray by words
prescribed by custom
prevented by chance
prompted by coquetry
purged by sorrow
racked by suffering
refuted by reason
repelled by censure
restrained by violence
rising by industry
sanctioned by experience
shaped by tradition
soured by misfortune
stung by derision
supplanted by others
supported by evidence
thwarted by fortune
tempered by charity
tormented by jealousy
tortured by doubt
unadorned by artifice
undaunted by failure
undetermined by sorrow
undone by treachery
unfettered by fear
urged by curiosity
vitalized by thought
won by aggression
worn by time
wrenched by emotions
Preposition "in"
absorbed in meditation
affable in manner [affable = gentle and gracious]
atone in measure
barren in intellect
basking in sunshine
buried in solitude
call in question
clothed in truth
cloying in sweetness [cloying = too filling, rich, or sweet]
confident in opinion
confute in argument
contemplative in aspect
cumbrous in style [cumbrous = cumbersome; difficult to use]
deficient in insight
delight in learning
deterioration in quality
difference in detail
diligent in application
diminish in respect
dwarfed in numbers
end in smoke
enumerate in detail
experienced in duplicity
feeble in influence
fertile in consequence
flourish in luxuriance
founded in truth
gaze in astonishment
go in pursuit
graceful in proportion
grievously in error
hold in bondage
immersed in thought
indulge in reverie
inferior in character
influential in society
ingenuity in planning
instance in point
involved in obscurity
kept in abeyance
landmarks in memory
languish in obscurity
lie in wait
limited in scope
linger in expectation
listen in amazement
lost in awe
lower in estimation
luxuriant in fancy
monstrous in dulness
mysterious in origin
noble in amplitude
nursed in luxury
organized in thought
petulant in expression
plead in vain
pleasing in outline
plunged in darkness
positive in judgment
practical in application
pride in success
protest in vain
pursued in leisure
quick in suggestion
ready in resource
recoiling in terror
remote in character
revel in danger
rich in variety
rooted in prejudice
schooled in self-restraint
scrupulous in conduct
set in motion
skilled in controversy
sound in theory
stammer in confusion
stricken in years
strides in civilization
striking in character
stunted in growth
tender in sentiment
unique in literature
unity in diversity
unprecedented in kind
versed in knowledge
wallow in idolatry
wanting in dignity
waver in purpose
weak in conception
Preposition "into"
abashed into silence
beguile into reading
betray into speech
blending into harmony
bring into disrepute
bullied into silence
burn into memory
burst into view
call into question
carry into conflict
chill into apathy
coming into vogue
cringe into favor
crumbled into dust
crystallized into action
dash into fragments
deepen into confusion
degenerate into monotony
deluded into believing
descent into death
dissolve into nothingness
dragged into pursuit
drawn into controversy
dribbling into words
driven into servitude
dulled into acquiescence
electrify into activity
elevated into importance
enquire into precedents
enter into controversy
expand into weakness
fade into insignificance
fall into decay
fashion into festoons
flame into war
flower into sympathy
forced into action
frozen into form
fuse into unity
galvanize into life
go into raptures
goaded into action
hushed into silence
incursions into controversy
insight into truth
inveigled into dispute [inveigled = convince by coaxing, flattery]
kindle into action
lapse into pedantry [pedantries = attention to detail or rules]
lash into silence
launch into disapproval
lead into captivity
leap into currency
lulled into indifference
melt into space
merge into character
pass into oblivion
plunge into despair
pour into print
quicken into life
relapse into savagery
rendered into music
resolve into nothingness
retreat into silence
ripened into love
rush into print
shocked into attention
sink into insignificance
smitten into ice
snubbed into quiescence
stricken into silence
summoned into being
swollen into torrents
take into account
thrown into disorder
transform into beauty
translated into fact
usher into society
vanish into mystery
wander into digression
wheedled into acquiescence
withdraw into solitude
Preposition "to"
addicted to flattery
adherence to principle
affect to believe
akin to truth
alive to opportunity
allied to virtue
amenable to reason
aspire to rule
attempt to suppress
aversion to publicity
blind to demonstration
brought to repentance
claim to perpetuity
come to nothing
committed to righteousness
common to humanity
conducive to happiness
conformable to fact
consigned to oblivion
constrained to speak
contribution to knowledge
deaf to entreaty
dedicated to friendship
deference to custom
devoted to ideals
disposed to cavil [cavil = raise trivial objections]
doomed to destruction
driven to despair
dwarf to unimportance
empowered to act
endeared to all
excite to pity
exposed to derision
fly to platitudes
foredoomed to failure
given to extravagance
ground to atoms
harassed to death
hostile to progress
impervious to suggestion
impossible to reconcile
impotent to save
incentive to devotion
incitement to anger
inclined to vascillate
indifference to truth
intent to deceive
intolerable to society
inured to fatigue [inured = habituate to something undesirable]
invocation to sleep
laugh to scorn
left to conjecture
lost to remembrance
obedience to conscience
oblivious to criticism
offensive to modesty
open to reason
opposed to innovation
pander to prejudice
pertaining to fashion
prone to melancholy
propose to undertake
provoke to laughter
put to confusion
recourse to falsehood
reduced to impotence
related to eternity
repeat to satiety
repugnant to justice
requisite to success
resort to violence
run to seed
seek to overawe
serve to embitter
spur to action
stimulus to ambition
stirred to remonstrance
subject to scrutiny
succumb to fascination
superior to circumstances
susceptible to argument
temptation to doubt
tend to frustrate
trust to chance
utilize to advantage
venture to say
vital to success
wedded to antiquity
yield to reason
Preposition "with"
abounding with plenty
accord with nature
act with deliberation
adorn with beauty
afflict with ugliness
aflame with life
allied with economy
anticipate with delight
ascertain with exactness
attended with danger
beam with self-approval
behave with servility
big with fate
blinded with tears
blush with shame
branded with cowardice
bubbling with laughter
burn with indignation
cling with tenacity
clothe with authority
compatible with freedom
comply with tradition
conceal with difficulty
consistent with facts
covered with ignominy
crush with sorrow
deny with emphasis
depressed with fear
dispense with formality
distort with passion
echo with merriment
endow with intelligence
endued with faith [endued = provide with a quality; put on]
endure with fortitude
examine with curiosity
face with indifference
flushed with pride
fraught with peril
furious with indignation
glowing with delight
imbued with courage
incompatible with reason
inconsistent with beauty
inflamed with rage
inspired with patriotism
intoxicated with joy
kindle with enthusiasm
laugh with glee
meet with rebuke
mingled with curiosity
move with alacrity
oppressed with hardship
overcome with shyness
overflowing with love
overhung with gloom
performed with regularity
pervaded with grandeur
proceed with alertness
punish with severity
quicken with pride
quiver with anxiety
radiant with victory
regard with loathing
relate with zest
repel with indignation
saddle with responsibility
scream with terror
scrutinize with care
seething with sedition [sedition = conduct or language inciting rebellion]
sick with dread
sob with anguish
squirm with delight
suffuse with spirituality
tainted with fraud
teeming with life
tense with expectancy
thrill with excitement
throb with vitality
tinged with romance
touched with feeling
treat with contempt
tremble with fear
unmixed with emotion
utter with sarcasm
vibrant with feeling
view with awe
wield with power
work with zeal
A request for further particulars will not involve any obligation
A telegram is enclosed for your use, as this matter is urgent
Accept our thanks for your recent remittance
Acknowledging the receipt of your recent inquiry
After examination we can confidently say
After very carefully considering
Again thanking you for the inquiry
Agreeable to our conversation
An addressed envelope is enclosed for your convenience
An early reply will greatly oblige
Answering your recent inquiry
Any information you may give us will be appreciated
Any time that may suit your convenience
As a matter of convenience and economy
As a special favor we ask
As directed in your letter, we are shipping to you
As explained in our previous letter
As it will give us an opportunity to demonstrate our ability
As stated in our previous letter
As we have received no response from you
As you, doubtless, are aware
As you probably have been told
As your experience has probably shown you
Assuring you of every courtesy
Assuring you of our entire willingness to comply with your request
Assuring you of prompt and careful cooperation
At the present writing
At the suggestion of one of our patrons
At your earliest opportunity
Awaiting the favor of your prompt attention
Awaiting the pleasure of serving you
Awaiting your early communication
Awaiting your further commands
Awaiting your pleasure
Believing you will answer this promptly
Complying with your request
Conditions make it obligatory for us
Do not hesitate to let us know
Do not overlook this opportunity
Do you realize that you can
Enclosed please find a memorandum
Enclosed we beg to hand you
Enclosed you will find a circular which will fully explain
For some years past
For your convenience we enclose a stamped envelope
For your further information we take pleasure in sending to you
Frankly, we believe it is extremely worth while for you
From the standpoint of serviceability
Here is a complete answer to
Here is your opportunity
Hoping for a continuance of your interest
Hoping for a definite reply
Hoping that our relations may prove mutually satisfactory
Hoping to be favored with your order
How may we serve you further?
However, because of the special circumstances attached
I am compelled to inform you
I am confident that you will be thoroughly satisfied
I am directed to say to you
I am, gentlemen, yours faithfully
I am giving the matter my personal attention
I am, my dear sir, yours faithfully
I am still holding this offer open to you
I ask that you be good enough
I beg to request that you give me some information
I believe I understand perfectly just how you feel about
I have been favorably impressed by your
I have now much pleasure in confirming
I have pleasure in acknowledging
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
I have the honor to remain
I herewith submit my application
I highly appreciate this mark of confidence
I look forward to pleasant personal relations in the future
I regret exceedingly to inform you
I remain, my dear sir, yours faithfully
I shall be pleased to forward descriptive circulars
I shall esteem it a personal favor
I should welcome an interview at your convenience
I sincerely hope that you will give the subject your earnest consideration
I take pleasure in replying to your inquiry concerning
I trust I shall hear from you soon
I want to express the hope that our pleasant business relations will continue
I want to interest you
I want to thank you for your reply
I wish to confirm my letter
If I can be of further service, please address me
If it is not convenient for you
If there is any valid reason why you are unable
If we can be of service to you
If we can help you in any way
If we have not made everything perfectly clear, please let us know
If you accommodate us, the favor will be greatly appreciated
If you are interested, please let us hear from you
If you are thinking about ordering
If you desire, our representative will call
If you have any cause for dissatisfaction
If you give this matter your prompt attention
In accordance with the terms of our offer
In accordance with your request
In answering your inquiry regarding
In any event, a reply to this will be very much appreciated
In closing we can only assure you
In compliance with your favor
In compliance with your request, we are pleased to send to you
In conclusion, we can assure you
In order to facilitate our future transactions
In reference to your application
In regard to your proposition
In reply thereto, we wish to inform you
In reply to your valued favor
In response to your recent request
In spite of our best efforts it is not probable
In thanking you for the patronage with which you have favored us
In view of all these facts, we feel justified in claiming
Information has just reached me
It gives us pleasure to recommend
It has consistently been our aim to help our customers
It is a matter of great regret to us
It is a pleasure for me to answer your inquiry
It is a well known fact
It is interesting to note
It is our very great pleasure to advise you
It is the policy of our house
It seems clear that our letter must have miscarried
It was purely an oversight on our part
It will be entirely satisfactory to us
It will be our aim to interest you
It will be readily appreciated
It will be to your advantage
It will doubtless be more convenient for you
It will interest you to know
It will receive the same careful attention
Just mail the enclosed card
Kindly endorse your reply on the enclosed sheet
Kindly let us have your confirmation at your earliest convenience
Kindly let us know your pleasure concerning
Kindly read the enclosed list
Let me thank you for the opportunity to give this matter my personal attention
Let us assure you of our desire to cooperate with you
Let us assure you that we are very much pleased
Let us know if there is any further attention
Let us thank you again for opening an account with us
Looking forward to the early receipt of some of your orders
May I ask you to do us a great favor by
May we be favored with a reply
Meantime soliciting your forbearance
Meanwhile permit me to thank you for your kind attention
On referring to your account we notice
Our letter must have gone astray
Our relations with your house must have hitherto been very pleasant
Our services are at your command
Our stock has been temporarily exhausted
Owing to our inability to collect out-standing debts
Permit me to add
Permit us to express our sincere appreciation
Please accept the thanks of the writer
Please consider this letter an acknowledgment
Please favor us with a personal communication
Please feel assured that we shall use every endeavor
Possibly the enclosure may suggest to you
Promptly on receipt of your telegram
Pursuant to your letter
Recently we had occasion
Referring to your esteemed favor
Regretting our inability to serve you in the present instance
Reluctant as we are to believe
Requesting your kind attention to this matter
Should you decide to act upon this latter suggestion
So many requests of a similar nature come to us
Soliciting a continuance of your patronage
Thank you for your expression of confidence
Thanking you for your inquiry
Thanking you for your past patronage
Thanking you for your promptness.
Thanking you in advance for an early reply
Thanking you in anticipation
The causes for the delay were beyond our control
The margin of profit which we allow ourselves
The proof is in this fact
The proposition appeals to us as a good one
Therefore we are able to make you this offer
Therefore we trust you will write to us promptly
These points should be most carefully considered
This arrangement will help us over the present difficulty
This is according to our discussion
This matter has been considered very seriously
This personal guarantee I look upon as a service to you
This privileged communication is for the exclusive use
This will amply repay you
Trusting that we may have the pleasure of serving you
Trusting to receive your best consideration
Under no circumstances can we entertain such an arrangement
Under separate cover we are mailing to you
Under these circumstances we are willing to extend the terms
Unfortunately we are compelled at certain times
Unless you can give us reasonable assurance
Upon being advised that these terms are satisfactory
Upon receiving your letter of
We acknowledge with pleasure the receipt of your order
We admit that you are justified in your complaint
We again solicit an opportunity
We again thank you for your inquiry
We always endeavor to please
We appreciate the order you were kind enough to send to us
We appreciate your patronage very much
We are always glad to furnish information
We are anxious to make satisfactory adjustment
We are at a loss to understand why
We are at your service at all times
We are confident that you will have no further trouble
We are extremely desirous of pleasing our patrons
We are in a position to give you considerable help
We are in receipt of your communication regarding
We are indeed sorry to learn
We are perfectly willing to make concessions
We are pleased to receive your request for information
We are pleased to send you descriptive circulars
We are reluctant to adopt such severe measures
We are satisfied regarding your statement
We are sending to you by mail
We are sorry to learn from your letter
We are thoroughly convinced of the need
We are totally at a loss to understand
We are very anxious to have you try
We are very glad to testify to the merit of
We ask for a continuance of your confidence
We ask that you kindly let us hear from you
We assume that you are considering
We assure you of our confidence in the reliability
We assure you of our desire to be of service
We await an early, and we trust, a favorable reply
We await the courtesy of an early answer
We beg a moment of your attention and serious consideration
We believe that if you will carefully consider the matter
We believe you will readily understand our position
We can assure you that any order with which you favor us
We desire information pertaining to your financial condition
We desire to effect a settlement
We desire to express our appreciation of your patronage
We desire to impress upon you
We expect to be in the market soon
We feel assured that you will appreciate
We feel sure that you will approve of our action in this matter
We frankly apologize to you
We hasten to acknowledge the receipt
We have anticipated a heavy demand
We have, as yet, no definite understanding
We have come to the conclusion
We have endeavored to serve the needs of your organization
We have found it impossible
We have much pleasure in answering your inquiry
We have no desire to adopt harsh measures
We have not had the pleasure of placing your name on our ledgers
We have not, however, had the pleasure of hearing from you
We have not yet had time to sift the matter thoroughly
We have the honor to be, gentlemen
We have the honor to inform you
We have thought it best to forward
We have your request for information regarding
We hesitated for a while to pursue the matter
We hope that an understanding can be reached
We hope that we shall have many opportunities to demonstrate our ability
We hope that you will find the enclosed booklet very interesting
We hope to hear favorably from you
We hope you will appreciate
We hope you will excuse the unavoidable delay
We invite your attention to
We must insist upon a prompt settlement
We must, therefore, insist on the terms of the agreement
We note that the time is at hand
We offer you the services of an expert
We particularly want to interest you
We realize that this matter has escaped your attention
We realize that this is simply an oversight on your part
We regret exceedingly that you have been inconvenienced
We regret our inability to meet your wishes
We regret that owing to the press of business
We regret that this misunderstanding has occurred
We regret that we are not in a position
We regret that we are unable to grant your request
We regret the necessity of calling your attention
We regret to be compelled for this reason to withdraw the privilege
We regret to learn that you are disappointed
We remain, dear sir, yours faithfully
We remain, gentlemen, with thanks
We shall await your early commands with interest
We shall await your reply with interest
We shall be glad to fill your order
We shall be glad to have you tell us frankly
We shall be glad to render you any assistance in our power
We shall be happy to meet your requirements
We shall be indebted to you for your courtesy
We shall be pleased to receive the remittance
We shall be pleased to take the matter up further
We shall do everything in our power
We shall do our best to correct the mistake
We shall feel compelled
We shall heartily appreciate any information
We shall use every endeavor
We suggest that this is an opportune time
We suggest that you consider
We take pleasure in enclosing herewith
We take pleasure in explaining the matter you asked about
We take the liberty of deviating from your instructions
We take the liberty of writing to you.
We thank you for calling our attention
We thank you for your courteous letter
We thank you for your kind inquiry of recent date
We thank you very gratefully for your polite and friendly letter
We thank you very much for the frank statement of your affairs
We thank you very sincerely for your assistance
We think you will agree
We trust our explanation will meet with your approval
We trust that we may hear favorably from you
We trust that you will give this matter your immediate attention
We trust you may secure some of the exceptional values
We trust you will find it correct
We trust you will not consider us unduly strict
We trust you will promptly comply with our previous suggestions
We understand your position
We urge that you write to us by early mail
We venture to enclose herewith
We very much wish you to examine
We want every opportunity to demonstrate our willingness
We want particularly to impress upon you this fact
We want to please you in every respect
We want to remind you again
We want you to read the booklet carefully
We will at once enter your order
We will be compelled to take the necessary steps
We will be glad to lay before you the fullest details
We will be pleased to give it careful consideration
We will gladly accommodate you
We will gladly extend to you similar courtesies whenever we can do so
We will make it a point to give your correspondence close attention
We would appreciate a remittance
We would consider it a great favor
We would draw your attention to the fact
We would request, as a special favor
We write to suggest to you
We write to urge upon you the necessity
We wrote to you at length
While we appreciate the peculiar circumstances
While we feel that we are in no way responsible
Why not allow us this opportunity to satisfy you
Will you give us, in confidence, your opinion
Will you give us the benefit of your experience
Will you kindly advise us in order that we may adjust our records
Will you please give us your immediate attention
With our best respects and hoping to hear from you
With reference to your favor of yesterday
With regard to your inquiry
With the fullest assurance that we are considering
With the greatest esteem and respect
You are certainly justified in complaining
You are evidently aware that there is a growing demand
You are quite right in your statement
You cannot regret more than I the necessity
You undoubtedly are aware
You will find interest, we believe, in this advance announcement
You will get the benefit of this liberal offer
You will have particular interest in the new and attractive policy
Your early attention to this matter will oblige
Your further orders will be esteemed
Your inquiry has just been received, and we are glad to send to you
Your orders and commands will always have our prompt and best attention
Your satisfaction will dictate our course
Your trial order is respectfully solicited
Your usual attention will oblige
A bitterness crept into her face
A blazing blue sky poured down torrents of light
A book to beguile the tedious hours
A brave but turbulent aristocracy
A broad, complacent, admiring imbecility breathed from his nose and lips
A burlesque feint of evading a blow
A callous and conscienceless brute
A calm and premeditated prudence
A calmness settled on his spirit
A campaign of unbridled ferocity
A carefully appraising eye
A ceaselessly fleeting sky
A certain implication of admiring confidence
A charming air of vigor and vitality
A childish belief in his own impeccability
A cold, hard, frosty penuriousness was his prevalent characteristic [penuriousness = stingy; barren; poverty-stricken]
A compassion perfectly angelic
A constant stream of rhythmic memories
A covertly triumphant voice
A creature of the most delicate and rapid responses
A crop of disappointments
A cunning intellect patiently diverting every circumstance to its design
A curious and inexplicable uneasiness
A curious vexation fretted her
A daily avalanche of vituperation [vituperation = harshly abusive language]
A dandified, pretty-boy-looking sort of figure
A dark and relentless fate
A day monotonous and colorless
A dazzling completeness of beauty
A deep and brooding resentment
A delicious throng of sensations
A deliciously tantalizing sense
A detached segment of life
A dire monotony of bookish idiom
A disheveled and distraught figure
A face singularly acute and intelligent
A faint accent of reproach
A faint sense of compunction moved her
A faint, transient, wistful smile lightened her brooding face
A faint tremor of amusement was on his lips
A faintly quizzical look came into his incisive stare
A fawn-colored sea streaked here and there with tints of deepest orange
A fever of enthusiasm
A few tears came to soften her seared vision
A fiery exclamation of wrath and disdain
A figure full of decision and dignity
A firm and balanced manhood
A first faint trace of irritation
A fitful boy full of dreams and hopes
A flame of scarlet crept in a swift diagonal across his cheeks
A fleeting and furtive air of triumph
A flood of pride rose in him
A foreboding of some destined change
A fortuitous series of happy thoughts
A frigid touch of the hand
A fugitive intangible charm
A gay exuberance of ambition
A generation of men lavishly endowed with genius
A gentle sarcasm ruffled her anger
A ghastly whiteness overspread the cheek
A glance of extraordinary meaning
A glassy expression of inattention
A glassy stare of deprecating horror
A glittering infectious smile
A gloom overcame him
A golden haze of pensive light
A golden summer of marvelous fertility
A graceful readiness and vigor
A grave man of pretending exterior
A great pang gripped her heart
A great process of searching and shifting
A great sickness of heart smote him
A great soul smitten and scourged, but still invested with the dignity of immortality
A grim and shuddering fascination
A gush of entrancing melody
A gusty breeze blew her hair about unheeded
A half-breathless murmur of amazement and incredulity
A half-uneasy, half-laughing compunction
A harassing anxiety of sorrow
A harvest of barren regrets
A haunting and horrible sense of insecurity
A heavy oppression seemed to brood upon the air
A helpless anger simmered in him
A hint of death in the icy breath of the gale
A hot and virulent skirmish
A hot uprush of hatred and loathing
A kind of ineffable splendor crowns the day
A lapse from the well-ordered decencies of civilization
A large, rich, copious human endowment
A late star lingered, remotely burning
A laugh of jovial significance
A light of unwonted pleasure in her eyes [unwonted = unusual]
A little jaded by gastronomical exertions
A lukewarm and selfish love
A man of imperious will [imperious = arrogantly domineering]
A man of matchless modesty and refinement
A manner bright with interest and interrogation
A manner nervously anxious to please
A melancholy monotone beat on one's heart
A mere exhibition of fussy diffuseness
A mere figment of a poet's fancy
A mien and aspect singularly majestic [mien = bearing or manner]
A mild and deprecating air
A mind singularly practical and sagacious [sagacious = wise]
A mouth of inflexible decision
A murmur of complacency
A mystery everlastingly impenetrable
A nameless sadness which is always born of moonlight
A new and overmastering impulse
A new doubt assailed her
A new marvel of the sky
A new trouble was dawning on his thickening mental horizon
A nimble-witted opponent
A painful thought was flooding his mind
A pang of jealousy not unmingled with scorn
A patience worthy of admiration
A perfect carnival of fun
A perfect crime of clumsiness
A piteous aspect of woe
A portent full of possible danger
A potion to be delicately supped at leisure
A powerful agitation oppressed him
A prevailing sentiment of uneasy discontent
A prey to listless uneasiness
A profound and absorbing interest
A profound and eager hopefulness
A profound and rather irritating egotist by nature
A prop for my faint heart
A propitious sky, marbled with pearly white [propitious = favorable; kindly; gracious]
A protest wavered on her lip
A puissant and brilliant family [puissant = powerful; mighty]
A queer, uncomfortable perplexity began to invade her
A quick flame leaped in his eyes
A quick shiver ruffled the brooding stillness of the water
A quiver of resistance ran through her
A remarkable fusion of morality and art
A random gleam of light
A rare and dazzling order of beauty
A rhythmical torrent of eloquent prophecy
A river of shame swept over him
A sad inquiry seemed to dwell in her gaze
A satisfied sense of completeness
A secret sweeter than the sea or sky can whisper
A sensation of golden sweetness and delight
A sense of desolation and disillusionment overwhelmed me
A sense of infinite peace brooded over the place
A sense of meditative content
A sense of repression was upon her
A sentiment of distrust in its worth had crept into her thoughts
A sheaf of letters
A shimmer of golden sun shaking through the trees
A shiver of apprehension crisped her skin
A shuffling compromise between defiance and prostration
A sigh of large contentment
A sight for the angels to weep over
A skepticism which prompted rebellion
A slight movement of incredulous dissent
A smile full of subtle charm
A smile of exquisite urbanity
A soft insidious plea
A soft intonation of profound sorrow
A soft suspicion of ulterior motives
A solemn glee possessed my mind
A solemn gray expanse that lost itself far away in the gray of the sea
A solemn utterance of destiny
A somber and breathless calm hung over the deepening eve
A somewhat melancholy indolence
A somewhat sharp and incisive voice
A sonorous voice bade me enter
A soothing and quieting touch was gently laid upon her soul
A sort of eager, almost appealing amiability
A sort of stolid despairing acquiescence
A sort of stunned incredulity
A soundless breeze that was little more than a whisper
A spacious sense of the amplitude of life's possibilities
A staccato cough interrupted the flow of speech
A state of sullen self-absorption
A steady babble of talk and laughter
A step was at her heels
A stifling sensation of pain and suspense
A stinging wind swept the woods
A strange compound of contradictory elements
A stream of easy talk
A strong convulsion shook the vague indefinite form
A strong susceptibility to the ridiculous
A subtle emphasis of scorn
A sudden and stinging delight
A sudden gleam of insight
A sudden uncontrollable outburst of feeling
A super-abundance of boisterous animal spirits
A supercilious scorn and pity [supercilious = haughty disdain]
A super-refinement of taste
A swaggering air of braggadocio [braggadocio = pretentious bragging]
A sweet bewilderment of tremulous apprehension [tremulous = fearful]
A sweet, quiet, sacred, stately seclusion
A swift knowledge came to her
A swift unformulated fear
A swiftly unrolling panorama of dreams
A tangle of ugly words
A thousand evanescent memories of happy days [evanescent = vanishing like vapor]
A thousand unutterable fears bore irresistible despotism over her thoughts
A time of disillusion followed
A tiny stream meandering amiably
A tone of arduous admiration
A torn and tumultuous sky
A total impression ineffable and indescribable
A tragic futility
A treacherous throb of her voice
A true similitude of what befalls many men and women
A tumult of vehement feeling
A tumultuous rush of sensations
A twinge of embarrassment
A vague and wistful melancholy
A vast sweet silence crept through the trees
A veritable spring-cleaning of the soul
A very practised and somewhat fastidious critic
A violent and mendacious tongue [mendacious = false; untrue]
A vivid and arresting presentation
A waking dream overshadowed her
A weird world of morbid horrors
A well-bred mixture of boldness and courtesy
A wild vivacity was in her face and manner
A wile of the devil's [wile = trick intended to deceive or ensnare]
A wind strayed through the gardens
A withering sensation of ineffable boredom
A wordless farewell
Absolutely vulgarized by too perpetual a parroting
Absorbed in a stream of thoughts and reminiscences
Absorbed in the scent and murmur of the night
Accidents which perpetually deflect our vagrant attention
Across the gulf of years
Administering a little deft though veiled castigation
Affected an ironic incredulity
Affecting a tone of gayety
After a first moment of reluctance
After an eternity of resolutions, doubts, and indecisions
Aghast at his own helplessness
Agitated and enthralled by day-dreams
Agitated with violent and contending emotions
Alien paths and irrelevant junketings
All embrowned and mossed with age
All her gift of serene immobility brought into play
All hope of discreet reticence was ripped to shreds
All the lesser lights paled into insignificance
All the magic of youth and joy of life was there
All the place is peopled with sweet airs
All the sky was mother-of-pearl and tender
All the unknown of the night and of the universe was pressing upon him
All the world was flooded with a soft golden light
All was a vague jumble of chaotic impressions
All was incomprehensible
All was instinctive and spontaneous
Aloof from the motley throng
Ambition shivered into fragments
Amid distress and humiliation
Amid the direful calamities of the time
An acute note of distress in her voice
An agreeably grave vacuity
An air half quizzical and half deferential
An air of affected civility
An air of being meticulously explicit
An air of inimitable, scrutinizing, superb impertinence
An air of stern, deep, and irredeemable gloom hung over and pervaded all
An air of uncanny familiarity
An air which was distinctly critical
An almost pathetic appearance of ephemeral fragility [ephemeral = markedly short-lived]
An almost riotous prodigality of energy
An answering glow of gratitude
An antagonist worth her steel
An artful stroke of policy
An assumption of hostile intent
An assurance of good-nature that forestalled hostility
An atmosphere of extraordinary languor [languor = dreamy, lazy mood ]
An atmosphere thick with flattery and toadyism
An attack of peculiar virulence and malevolence
An audacious challenge of ridicule
An avidity that bespoke at once the restlessness, [avidity = eagerness] and the genius of her mind
An awe crept over me
An eager and thirsty ear
An easy prey to the powers of folly
An effusive air of welcome
An equal degree of well-bred worldly cynicism
An erect, martial, majestic, and imposing personage
An eternity of silence oppressed him
An expression of mildly humorous surprise
An expression of rare and inexplicable personal energy
An exquisite perception of things beautiful and rare
An iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart
An ignoring eye
An impenetrable screen of foliage
An impersonal and slightly ironic interest
An impervious beckoning motion
An inarticulate echo of his longing
An increased gentleness of aspect
An incursion of the loud, the vulgar and meretricious [meretricious = plausible but false]
An inexplicable and uselessly cruel caprice of fate
An inexpressible fervor of serenity
An ingratiating, awkward and, wistful grace
An inspired ray was in his eyes
An instant she stared unbelievingly
An intense and insatiable hunger for light and truth
An intense travail of mind
An obscure thrill of alarm
An odd little air of penitent self-depreciation
An open wit and recklessness of bearing
An oppressive sense of strange sweet odor
An optimistic after-dinner mood
An overburdening sense of the inexpressible
An uncomfortable premonition of fear
An unfailing sweetness and unerring perception
An unpleasant and heavy sensation sat at his heart
An unredeemed dreariness of thought
An unsuspected moral obtuseness
An utter depression of soul
And day peers forth with her blank eyes
And what is all this pother about? [pother = commotion; disturbance]
Animated by noble pride
Anticipation painted the world in rose
Appalled in speechless disgust
Appealing to the urgent temper of youth
Apprehensive solicitude about the future
Ardent words of admiration
Armed all over with subtle antagonisms
Artless and unquestioning devotion
As if smitten by a sudden spasm
As the long train sweeps away into the golden distance
August and imperial names in the kingdom of thought
Awaiting his summons to the eternal silence
Bandied about from mouth to mouth
Barricade the road to truth
Bartering the higher aspirations of life
Beaming with pleasurable anticipation
Before was the open malignant sea
Beguiled the weary soul of man
Beneath the cold glare of the desolate night
Bent on the lofty ends of her destiny
Beset by agreeable hallucinations
Beset with smiling hills
Beside himself in an ecstasy of pleasure
Betokening an impulsive character
Beyond the farthest edge of night
Birds were fluting in the tulip-trees
Biting sentences flew about
Black inky night
Blithe with the bliss of the morning
Blown about by every wind of doctrine
Bookish precision and professional peculiarity
Borne from lip to lip
Borne onward by slow-footed time
Borne with a faculty of willing compromise
Bowed with a certain frigid and deferential surprise
Broke in a stupendous roar upon the shuddering air
Browsing at will on all the uplands of knowledge and thought
Buffeted by all the winds of passion
Buried hopes rose from their sepulchers
Buried in the quicksands of ignorance
But none the less peremptorily [peremptorily = ending all debate or action]
By a curious irony of fate
By a happy turn of thinking
By virtue of his impassioned curiosity
Carried the holiday in his eye
Chafed at the restraints imposed on him
Cheeks furrowed by strong purpose and feeling
Childlike contour of the body
Cleansed of prejudice and self-interest
Cloaked in prim pretense
Clothed with the witchery of fiction
Clutch at the very heart of the usurping mediocrity
Cold gaze of curiosity
Collapse into a dreary and hysterical depression
Comment of rare and delightful flavor
Conjuring up scenes of incredible beauty and terror
Conscious of unchallenged supremacy
Constant indulgence of wily stratagem and ambitious craft
Contemptuously indifferent to the tyranny of public opinion
Covered with vegetation in wild luxuriance
Crisp sparkle of the sea
Crystallize about a common nucleus
Cultivated with a commensurate zeal
Current play of light gossip
Curtains of opaque rain
Dallying in maudlin regret over the past [maudlin = tearfully sentimental]
Dark with unutterable sorrows
Darkness oozed out from between the trees
Dawn had broken
Day stood distinct in the sky
Days of vague and fantastic melancholy
Days that are brief and shadowed
Deep shame and rankling remorse
Deficient in affectionate or tender impulses
Delicately emerging stars
Delicious throng of sensations
Despite her pretty insolence
Dignity and sweet patience were in her look
Dim opalescence of the moon
Dimly foreshadowed on the horizon
Dimmed by the cold touch of unjust suspicion
Disfigured by passages of solemn and pompous monotony.
Disguised itself as chill critical impartiality
Dismal march of death
Distinguished by hereditary rank or social position
Distract and beguile the soul
Distressing in their fatuous ugliness
Diverted into alien channels
Diverting her eyes, she pondered
Dogs the footsteps
Doled out in miserly measure
Doubt tortured him
Doubts beset her lonely and daring soul
Down the steep of disenchantment
Dreams and visions were surpassed
Dreams that fade and die in the dim west
Drear twilight of realities
Drift along the stream of fancy
Drowned in the deep reticence of the sea
Drowsiness coiled insidiously about him
Dull black eyes under their precipice of brows
Earth danced under a heat haze
Easily moved to gaiety and pleasure
Either way her fate was cruel
Embrace with ardor the prospect of serene leisure
Endearing sweetness and manner
Endeavoring to smile away his chagrin
Endlessly shifting moods
Endowed with all those faculties that can make the world a garden of enchantment
Endowed with life and emphasis
Enduring with smiling composure the near presence of people who are distasteful
Enjoyed with astonishing unscrupulousness
Enticed irresistibly by the freedom of an open horizon
Essay a flight of folly
Evanescent shades of feeling [evanescent = vanishing like vapor]
Events took an unexpected sinister turn
Every curve of her features seemed to express a fine arrogant acrimony and harsh truculence
Everywhere the fragrance of a bountiful earth
Exasperated by what seemed a wilful pretense of ignorance
Exhibits itself in fastidious crotchets
Expectation darkened into anxiety
Experience and instinct warred within her
Exquisite graciousness of manner
Exquisitely stung by the thought
Familiar and endearing intimacy
Fatally and indissolubly united
Fathomless depths of suffering
Fear held him in a vice
Feeding his scholarly curiosity
Feeling humiliated by the avowal
Felicitousness in the choice and exquisiteness in the collocation of words
Fettered by poverty and toil
Feverish tide of life
Fine precision of intent
Fitful tumults of noble passion
Fleeting touches of something alien and intrusive
Floating in the clouds of reverie
Fluctuations of prosperity and adversity
Flushed with a suffusion that crimsoned her whole countenance
Forebodings possessed her
Foreshadowing summer's end
Forever echo in the heart
Forever sings itself in memory
Formless verbosity and a passionate rhetoric
Fragments of most touching melody
Free from rigid or traditional fetters
Freedom and integrity of soul
Freighted with strange, vague longings
Frosty thraldom of winter [thraldom = servitude; bondage]
Fugitive felicities of thought and sensation
Full of dreams and refinements and intense abstractions
Full of majestic tenderness
Gathering all her scattered impulses into a passionate act of courage
Gaze dimly through a maze of traditions
Generosity pushed to prudence
Gleams of sunlight, bewildered like ourselves, struggled, surprised, through the mist and disappeared
Glowing with haste and happiness
Go straight, as if by magic, to the inner meaning
Goaded on by his sense of strange importance
Graceful length of limb and fall of shoulders
Great shuddering seized on her
Green hills pile themselves upon each other's shoulders
Grim and sullen after the flush of the morning
Guilty of girlish sentimentality
Half choked by a rising paroxysm of rage
Half-suffocated by his triumph
Hardened into convictions and resolves
Haughtiness and arrogance were largely attributed to him
Haunt the recesses of the memory
Haunted with a chill and unearthly foreboding
He accosted me with trepidation
He adroitly shifted his ground
He airily lampooned their most cherished prejudices
He bowed submission
He braced himself to the exquisite burden of life
He condescended to intimate speech with her
He conversed with a colorless fluency
He could detect the hollow ring of fundamental nothingness
He could do absolutely naught
He drank of the spirit of the universe
He drew near to a desperate resolve
He evinced his displeasure by a contemptuous sneer or a grim scowl
He felt an unaccountable loathing
He felt the ironic rebound of her words
He flung diffidence to the winds
He flushed crimson
He found the silence intolerably irksome
He frowned perplexedly
He gave her a baffled stare
He gave himself to a sudden day-dream
He gave his ear to this demon of false glory
He grew wanton with success
He had acted with chivalrous delicacy of honor
He had the eye of an eagle in his trade
He had the gift of deep, dark silences
He held his breath in admiring silence
He laughed away my protestations
He lent no countenance to the insensate prattle
He listened greedily and gazed intent
He made a loathsome object
He made the politest of monosyllabic replies
He murmured a civil rejoinder
He murmured a vague acceptance
He mused a little while in grave thought
He never wears an argument to tatters
He only smiled with fatuous superiority
He paused, stunned and comprehending
He perceived the iron hand within the velvet glove
He raised a silencing hand
He ruled autocratically
He sacrificed the vulgar prizes of life
He sat on thorns
He set his imagination adrift
He shambled away with speed
He sighed deeply, from a kind of mental depletion
He smote her quickening sensibilities
He submitted in brooding silence
He suppressed every sign of surprise
He surrendered himself to gloomy thought
He threaded a labyrinth of obscure streets
He threw a ton's weight of resolve upon his muscles
He threw out phrases of ill-humor
He threw round a measuring eye
He treads the primrose path of dalliance
He used an unguarded adjective
He was a tall, dark, saturnine youth, sparing of speech [saturnine = melancholy; sullen]
He was aware of emotion
He was born to a lively and intelligent patriotism
He was dimly mistrustful of it
He was discreetly silent
He was empty of thought
He was entangled in a paradox
He was giving his youth away by handfuls
He was haunted and begirt by presences
He was measured and urbane
He was most profoundly skeptical
He was nothing if not grandiloquent
He was quaking on the precipice of a bad bilious attack
He was utterly detached from life
He went hot and cold
He would fall into the blackest melancholies
He writhed in the grip of a definite apprehension
He writhed with impotent humiliation
Her blank gaze chilled you
Her bright eyes were triumphant
Her eyes danced with malice
Her eyes dilated with pain and fear
Her eyes were full of wondering interest
Her eyes were limpid and her beauty was softened by an air of indolence and languor [languor = dreamy, lazy mood]
Her face stiffened anew into a gray obstinacy
Her face was lit up by a glow of inspiration and resolve
Her haughty step waxed timorous and vigilant
Her head throbbed dangerously
Her heart appeared to abdicate its duties
Her heart fluttered with a vague terror
Her heart pounded in her throat
Her heart was full of speechless sorrow
Her hurrying thoughts clamored for utterance
Her imagination recoiled
Her interest flagged
Her life had dwarfed her ambitions
Her limbs ran to marble
Her lips hardened
Her lips parted in a keen expectancy
Her mind was a store-house of innocuous anecdote
Her mind was beaten to the ground by the catastrophe
Her mood was unaccountably chilled
Her musings took a sudden and arbitrary twist
Her scarlet lip curled cruelly
Her smile was faintly depreciatory
Her smile was linked with a sigh
Her solicitude thrilled him
Her stare dissolved
Her step seemed to pity the grass it prest
Her strength was scattered in fits of agitation
Her stumbling ignorance which sought the road of wisdom
Her thoughts outstripped her erring feet
Her tone was gathering remonstrance
Her tongue on the subject was sharpness itself
Her tongue stumbled and was silent
Her voice had the coaxing inflections of a child
Her voice trailed off vaguely
Her voice was full of temper, hard-held
Her voice, with a tentative question in it, rested in air
Her wariness seemed put to rout
His accents breathed profound relief
His agitation increased
His brow grew knit and gloomy
His brow was in his hand
His conscience leapt to the light
His constraint was excruciating
His curiosity is quenched
His dignity counseled him to be silent
His ears sang with the vibrating intensity of his secret existence
His eyes had a twinkle of reminiscent pleasantry
His eyes literally blazed with savage fire
His eyes shone with the pure fire of a great purpose
His eyes stared unseeingly
His face caught the full strength of the rising wind
His face dismissed its shadow
His face fell abruptly into stern lines
His face lit with a fire of decision
His face showed a pleased bewilderment
His face torn with conflict
His face was gravely authoritative
His gaze faltered and fell
His gaze searched her face
His gaze seemed full of unconquerable hopefulness
His hand supported his chin
His hands were small and prehensible [prehensible = capable of being seized]
His heart asserted itself again, thunderously beating
His heart rebuked him
His heart was full of enterprise
His impatient scorn expired
His last illusions crumbled
His lips loosened in a furtively exultant smile
His lips seemed to be permanently parted in a good-humored smile
His mind echoed with words
His mind leaped gladly to meet new issues and fresh tides of thought
His mind was dazed and wandering in a mist of memories
His mood yielded
His mouth quivered with pleasure
His passions vented themselves with sneers
His pulses leaped anew
His reputation had withered
His sensibilities were offended
His shrewd gaze fixed appraisingly upon her
His soul full of fire and eagle-winged
His soul was compressed into a single agony of prayer
His soul was wrung with a sudden wild homesickness
His speech faltered
His swift and caustic satire
His temper was dark and explosive
His thoughts galloped
His thoughts were in clamoring confusion
His tone assumed a certain asperity [asperity = roughness; harshness]
His torpid ideas awoke again
His troubled spirit shifted its load
His vagrant thoughts were in full career
His voice insensibly grew inquisitorial
His voice was thick with resentment and futile protest
His whole face was lighted with a fierce enthusiasm
His whole frame seemed collapsed and shrinking
His whole tone was flippant and bumptious
His words trailed off brokenly
His youthful zeal was contagious
Hope was far and dim
How sweet and reasonable the pale shadows of those who smile from some dim corner of our memories
Humiliating paltriness of revenge
I capitulated by inadvertence
I cut my reflections adrift
I felt a qualm of apprehension
I suffered agonies of shyness
I took the good day from the hands of God as a perfect gift
I was in a somber mood
I was overshadowed by a deep boding
I was piqued [piqued = resentment; indignation]
I yielded to the ingratiating mood of the day
Ill-bred insolence was his only weapon
Ill-dissimulated fits of ambition
Imbued with a vernal freshness [vernal = resembling spring; fresh]
Immense and careless prodigality
Immense objects which dwarf us
Immersed in secret schemes
Immured in a trivial round of duty [immured = confine within]
Impassioned and earnest language
Impatient and authoritative tones
Impervious to the lessons of experience
Implying an immense melancholy
Imprisoned within an enchanted circle
In a deprecating tone of apology
In a flash of revelation
In a gale of teasing merriment
In a misery of annoyance and mortification
In a musing ecstasy of contemplation
In a sky stained with purple, the moon slowly rose
In a spirit of indulgent irony
In a strain of exaggerated gallantry
In a tone of after-dinner perfunctoriness [perfunctoriness = with little interest]
In a tone of musing surprise
In a tumult of self-approval and towering exultation
In a vague and fragmentary way
In a wise, superior, slightly scornful manner
In accents of menace and wrath
In its whole unwieldy compass
In moments of swift and momentous decision
In quest of something to amuse
In requital for various acts of rudeness
In the air was the tang of spring
In the dusky path of a dream
In the face of smarting disillusions
In the flush and heyday of youth and gaiety and loveliness
In the heyday of friendship
In the mild and mellow maturity of age
In the perpetual presence of everlasting verities
In this breathless chase of pleasure
In this chastened mood I left him
Incapable of initiative or boldness
Inconceivable perversion of reasoning
Indolently handsome eyes
Indulge in pleasing discursiveness
Ineffable sensation of irritability
Infantile insensibility to the solemnity of his bereavement
Infantine simplicity and lavish waste
Innumerable starlings clove the air [clove = split]
Insensible to its subtle influence
Inspired by the immortal flame of youth
Intangible and indescribable essence
Intense love of excitement and adventure
Intimations of unpenetrated mysteries
Into her eyes had come a hostile challenge
Into the purple sea the orange hues of heaven sunk silently
Into the very vestibule of death
Involuntarily she sighed
Involuntary awkwardness and reserve
Involved in a labyrinth of perplexities
It came to him with a stab of enlightenment
It elicited a remarkably clear and coherent statement
It is a flight beyond the reach of human magnanimity
It is a thing infinitely subtle
It is not every wind that can blow you from your anchorage
It lends no dazzling tints to fancy
It moved me to a strange exhilaration
It parted to a liquid horizon and showed the gray rim of the sea
It proved a bitter disillusion
It seemed intolerably tragic
It seemed to exhale a silent and calm authority
It was a breathless night of suspense
It was a desolating vision
It was a night of little ease to his toiling mind
It was a night of stupefying surprises
It was all infinitely soft and refreshing to the eye
It was an evening of great silences and spaces, wholly tranquil
It was sheer, exuberant, instinctive, unreasoning, careless joy
It was the ecstasy and festival of summer
It was torture of the most exquisite kind
Jealousies and animosities which pricked their sluggish blood to tingling
Joy rioted in his large dark eyes
Judging without waiting to ponder over bulky tomes
Kind of unscrupulous contempt for gravity
Kiss-provoking lips
Laden with the poignant scent of the garden honeysuckle
Language of excessive flattery and adulation
Lapped in soft music of adulation
Lapse into pathos and absurdity
Large, dark, luminous eyes that behold everything about them
Latent vein of whimsical humor
Lead to the strangest aberrations
Leaping from lambent flame into eager and passionate fire [lambent = effortlessly brilliant]
Leave to the imagination the endless vista of possibilities
Life flowed in its accustomed stream
Lights and shadows of reviving memory crossed her face
Lionized by fashionable society
Long intertangled lines of silver streamlets
Lost in a delirious wonder
Lost in irritable reflection
Love hovered in her gaze
Ludicrous attempts of clumsy playfulness and tawdry eloquence
Luke-warm assurance of continued love
Lulled by dreamy musings
Luminous with great thoughts
Magnanimous indifference to meticulous niceties
Making the ear greedy to remark offense
Marching down to posterity with divine honors
Marked out for some strange and preternatural doom
Mawkishly effeminate sentiment
Memories plucked from wood and field
Memory was busy at his heart
Merged in a sentiment of unutterable sadness and compassion
Microscopic minuteness of eye
Misgivings of grave kinds
Mockery crept into her tone
Molded by the austere hand of adversity
Moments of utter idleness and insipidity
Moods of malicious reaction and vindictive recoil
Morn, in yellow and white, came broadening out of the mountains
Mumble only jargon of dotage
My body is too frail for its moods
Nature seemed to revel in unwonted contrasts [unwonted = unusual]
New ambitions pressed upon his fancy
New dreams began to take wing in his imagination
Night after night the skies were wine-blue and bubbling with stars
Night passes lightly in the open world, with its stars and dews and perfumes
Nights of fathomless blackness
No mark of trick or artifice
Noble and sublime patience
Nursed by brooding thought
Obsessed with the modishness of the hour
Occasional flashes of tenderness and love
Oddly disappointing and fickle
One gracious fact emerges here
One long torture of soul
One of the golden twilights which transfigure the world
Oppressed and disheartened by an all-pervading desolation
Oppressed with a confused sense of cumbrous material [cumbrous = cumbersome]
Outweighing years of sorrow and bitterness
Over and over the paroxysms of grief and longing submerged her
Overhung and overspread with ivy
Overshadowed by a vague depression
Pale and vague desolation
Pallor of reflected glories
Palpitating with rage and wounded sensibility
Panting after distinction
Peace brooded over all
Pelted with an interminable torrent of words
Penetrate beneath the surface to the core
Peopled the night with thoughts
Perpetual gloom and seclusion of life
Pertinent to the thread of the discussion
Pervasive silence which wraps us in a mantle of content
Piles of golden clouds just peering above the horizon
Platitudinous and pompously sentimental
Plaudits of the unlettered mob
Pleasant and flower-strewn vistas of airy fancy
Pledged with enthusiastic fervor
Plumbing the depth of my own fears
Poignant doubts and misgivings
Power of intellectual metamorphosis
Power to assuage the thirst of the soul
Precipitated into mysterious depths of nothingness
Preening its wings for a skyward flight
Pressing cares absorbed him
Pride working busily within her
Proclaimed with joyous defiance
Prodigal of discriminating epithets
Prodigious boldness and energy of intellect
Products of dreaming indolence
Profound and chilling solitude of the spot
Proof of his imperturbability and indifference
Provocative of bitter hostility
Pulling the strings of many enterprises
Purge the soul of nonsense
Quickened and enriched by new contacts with life and truth
Quivering with restrained grief
Radiant with the beautiful glamor of youth
Ransack the vocabulary
Red tape of officialdom
Redolent of the night lamp
Reflecting the solemn and unfathomable stars
Regarded with an exulting pride
Rehabilitated and restored to dignity
Remorselessly swept into oblivion
Resounding generalities and conventional rhetoric
Respect forbade downright contradiction
Restless and sore and haughty feelings were busy within
Retort leaped to his lips
Rigid adherence to conventionalities
Rudely disconcerting in her behavior
Rudely reminded of life's serious issues
Sacrificed to a futile sort of treadmill
Sadness prevailed among her moods
Scorched with the lightning of momentary indignation
Scorning such paltry devices
Scotched but not slain
Scrupulous morality of conduct
Seem to swim in a sort of blurred mist before the eyes
Seething with suppressed wrath
Seize on greedily
Sensuous enjoyment of the outward show of life
Serenity beamed from his look
Serenity of paralysis and death
Seriousness lurked in the depths of her eyes
Served to recruit his own jaded ideas
Set anew in some fresh and appealing form
Setting all the sane traditions at defiance
Shadowy vistas of sylvan beauty
She affected disdain
She assented in precisely the right terms
She bandies adjectives with the best
She challenged his dissent
She cherished no petty resentments
She curled her fastidious lip
She curled her lip with defiant scorn
She did her best to mask her agitation
She disarmed anger and softened asperity [asperity = harshness]
She disclaimed fatigue
She fell into a dreamy silence
She fell into abstracted reverie
She felt herself carried off her feet by the rush of incoherent impressions
She flushed an agitated pink
She forced a faint quivering smile
She frowned incomprehension
She had an air of restrained fury
She had an undercurrent of acidity
She hugged the thought of her own unknown and unapplauded integrity
She lingered a few leisurely seconds
She nodded mutely
She nourished a dream of ambition
She permitted herself a delicate little smile
She poured out on him the full opulence of a proud recognition
She questioned inimically [inimically = unfriendly; hostile]
She recaptured herself with difficulty
She regarded him stonily out of flint-blue eyes
She sat eyeing him with frosty calm
She seemed the embodiment of dauntless resolution
She seemed wrapped in a veil of lassitude
She shook hands grudgingly
She softened her frown to a quivering smile
She spoke with hurried eagerness
She spoke with sweet severity
She stilled and trampled on the inward protest
She stood her ground with the most perfect dignity
She strangled a fierce tide of feeling that welled up within her
She swept away all opposing opinion with the swift rush of her enthusiasm
She thrived on insincerity
She twitted him merrily
She was both weary and placated
She was conscious of a tumultuous rush of sensations
She was demure and dimly appealing
She was exquisitely simple
She was gripped with a sense of suffocation and panic
She was in an anguish of sharp and penetrating remorse
She was oppressed by a dead melancholy
She was stricken to the soul
She wore an air of wistful questioning
Sheer superfluity of happiness
Sickening contrasts and diabolic ironies of life
Silence fell
Singing lustily as if to exorcise the demon of gloom
Skirmishes and retreats of conscience
Slender experience of the facts of life
Slope towards extinction
Slow the movement was and tortuous
Slowly disengaging its significance from the thicket of words
So innocent in her exuberant happiness
Soar into a rosy zone of contemplation
Softened by the solicitude of untiring and anxious love
Solitary and sorely smitten souls
Some dim-remembered and dream-like images
Some exquisite refinement in the architecture of the brain
Some flash of witty irrelevance
Something curiously suggestive and engaging
Something eminently human beaconed from his eyes
Something full of urgent haste
Something indescribably reckless and desperate in such a picture
Something that seizes tyrannously upon the soul
Sore beset by the pressure of temptation
Specious show of impeccability
Spectacular display of wrath
Spur and whip the tired mind into action
Stale and facile platitudes
Stamped with unutterable and solemn woe
Startled into perilous activity
Startling leaps over vast gulfs of time
Stem the tide of opinion
Stern emptying of the soul
Stimulated to an ever deepening subtlety
Stirred into a true access of enthusiasm
Stony insensibility to the small pricks and frictions of daily life
Strange capacities and suggestions both of vehemence and pride
Strange laughings and glitterings of silver streamlets
Stripped to its bare skeleton
Strode forth imperiously [imperious = arrogantly overbearing]
Struck by a sudden curiosity
Struck dumb with strange surprise
Stung by his thoughts, and impatient of rest
Stung by the splendor of the prospect
Subdued passages of unobtrusive majesty
Sublime indifference to contemporary usage and taste
Submission to an implied rebuke
Subtle indications of great mental agitation
Subtle suggestions of remoteness
Such things as the eye of history sees
Such was the petty chronicle
Suddenly a thought shook him
Suddenly overawed by a strange, delicious shyness
Suddenly smitten with unreality
Suddenly snuffed out in the middle of ambitious schemes
Suffered to languish in obscurity
Sugared remonstrances and cajoleries
Suggestions of veiled and vibrant feeling
Summer clouds floating feathery overhead
Sunk in a phraseological quagmire
Sunk into a gloomy reverie
Sunny silence broods over the realm of little cottages
Supreme arbiter of conduct
Susceptibility to fleeting impressions
Sweet smoke of burning twigs hovered in the autumn day
Swift summer into the autumn flowed
Taking the larger sweeps in the march of mind
Tears of outraged vanity blurred her vision
Teased with impertinent questions
Tenderness breathed from her
Tense with the anguish of spiritual struggle
Terror filled the more remote chambers of his brain with riot
Tethered to earth
That which flutters the brain for a moment
The accelerated beat of his thoughts
The affluent splendor of the summer day
The afternoon was filled with sound and sunshine
The afternoon was waning
The air and sky belonged to midsummer
The air darkened swiftly
The air is touched with a lazy fragrance, as of hidden flowers
The air was caressed with song
The air was full of fugitive strains of old songs
The air was raw and pointed
The allurements of a coquette
The ambition and rivalship of men
The angry blood burned in his face
The anguish of a spiritual conflict tore his heart
The artificial smile of languor
The awful and implacable approach of doom
The babble of brooks grown audible
The babbledom that dogs the heels of fame
The bait proved incredibly successful
The balm of solitary musing
The beauty straightway vanished
The beckonings of alien appeals
The benign look of a father
The blandishments of pleasure and pomp of power
The blinding mist came down and hid the land
The blue bowl of the sky, all glorious with the blaze of a million worlds
The bound of the pulse of spring
The buzz of idolizing admiration
The caressing peace of bright soft sunshine
The chaotic sound of the sea
The chill of forlorn old age
The chill of night crept in from the street
The chivalric sentiment of honor
The chivalrous homage of respect
The clamorous agitation of rebellious passions
The clouded, restless, jaded mood
The constant iteration of the sea's wail
The contagion of extravagant luxury
The conversation became desultory [desultory = haphazardly; random]
The crowning touch of pathos
The current of his ideas flowed full and strong
The dance whizzed on with cumulative fury
The dawn is singing at the door
The day sang itself into evening
The day was at once redolent and vociferous [redolent = emitting fragrance; aromatic; suggestive; reminiscent] [vociferous = conspicuously and offensively loud]
The day was blind with fog
The day was gracious
The days passed in a stately procession
The days when you dared to dream
The debilitating fears of alluring fate
The deep and solemn purple of the summer night
The deep flush ebbed out of his face
The deep tranquillity of the shaded solitude
The deepening twilight filled with shadowy visions
The deepest wants and aspirations of his soul
The delicatest reproof of imagined distrust
The demerit of an unworthy alliance
The desire of the moth for the star
The dimness of the sealed eye and soul
The dreamy solicitations of indescribable afterthoughts
The dying day lies beautiful in the tender glow of the evening
The early morning of the Indian summer day was tinged with blue mistiness
The earth looked despoiled
The east alone frowned with clouds
The easy grace of an unpremeditated agreeable talker
The easy-going indolence of a sedentary life
The echo of its wrathful roar surged and boomed among the hills
The empurpled hills standing up, solemn and sharp, out of the green-gold air
The enchanting days of youth
The eternal questioning of inscrutable fate
The evening comes with slow steps
The evening star silvery and solitary on the girdle of the early night
The exaggerations of morbid hallucinations
The excitement of rival issues
The extraordinary wistful look of innocence and simplicity
The eye of a scrutinizing observer
The eyes burnt with an amazing fire
The eyes filled with playfulness and vivacity
The father's vigil of questioning sorrow
The fine flower of culture
The first recoil from her disillusionment
The flawless triumph of art
The flight of the autumnal days
The flower of courtesy
The fluttering of untried wings
The foreground was incredibly shabby
The fragrance of a dear and honored name
The freshening breeze struck his brow with a cooling hand
The freshness of some pulse of air from an invisible sea
The fruit of vast and heroic labors
The general effect was of extraordinary lavish profusion
The give and take was delicious
The gloom of the afternoon deepened
The gloom of winter dwelt on everything
The gloomy insolence of self-conceit
The glow of the ambitious fire
The golden gloom of the past and the bright-hued hope of the future
The golden riot of the autumn leaves
The golden sunlight of a great summer day
The gray air rang and rippled with lark music
The grimaces and caperings of buffoonery
The grotesque nightmare of a haunting fear
The hand of time sweeps them into oblivion
The haunting melody of some familiar line of verse
The haunting phrase leaped to my brain
The headlong vigor of sheer improvisation
The heights of magnanimity and love
The high-bred pride of an oriental
The hills were clad in rose and amethyst
The hill-tops gleam in morning's spring
The hinted sweetness of the challenge aroused him
The hot humiliation of it overwhelmed her
The hungry curiosity of the mind
The idiosyncratic peculiarities of thought
The idle chatter of the crowd
The immediate tyranny of a present emotion
The inaccessible solitude of the sky
The incarnation of all loveliness
The incoherent loquacity of a nervous patient [loquacity = very talkative]
The indefinable air of good-breeding
The indefinable yearning for days that were dead
The indefinite atmosphere of an opulent nature
The intercepted glances of wondering eyes
The intrusive question faded
The invidious stigma of selfishness [invidious = rousing ill will]
The iron hand of oppression
The irresistible and ceaseless onflow of time
The irrevocable past and the uncertain future
The landscape ran, laughing, downhill to the sea
The leaden sky rests heavily on the earth
The leaves of time drop stealthily
The leaves syllabled her name in cautious whispers
The lights winked
The little incident seemed to throb with significance
The lofty grace of a prince
The loud and urgent pageantry of the day
The low hills on the horizon wore a haze of living blue
The machinations of a relentless mountebank [mountebank = flamboyant charlatan]
The machinations of an unscrupulous enemy
The magical lights of the horizon
The majestic solemnity of the moment yielded to the persuasive warmth of day
The marvelous beauty of her womanhood
The maximum of attainable and communicable truth
The melancholy day weeps in monotonous despair
The melodies of birds and bees
The memory of the night grew fantastic and remote
The meticulous observation of facts
The mind freezes at the thought
The mind was filled with a formless dread
The mocking echoes of long-departed youth
The moment marked an epoch
The moon is waning below the horizon
The more's the pity
The morning beckons
The morning droned along peacefully
The most servile acquiescence
The multiplicity of odors competing for your attention
The murmur of soft winds in the tree-tops
The murmur of the surf boomed in melancholy mockery
The murmuring of summer seas
The music and mystery of the sea
The music of her delicious voice
The music of her presence was singing a swift melody in his blood
The music of unforgotten years sounded again in his soul
The mute melancholy landscape
The mystery obsessed him
The naked fact of death
The nameless and inexpressible fascination of midnight music
The narrow glen was full of the brooding power of one universal spirit
The nascent spirit of chivalry
The night was drowned in stars
The old ruddy conviction deserted me
The onrush and vividness of life
The opulent sunset
The orange pomp of the setting sun
The oscillations of human genius
The outpourings of a tenderness reawakened by remorse
The pageantry of sea and sky
The palest abstractions of thought
The palpitating silence lengthened
The panorama of life was unrolled before him
The paraphernalia of power and prosperity
The parting crimson glory of the ripening summer sun
The past slowly drifted out of his thought
The pendulous eyelids of old age
The penetrating odors assailed his memory as something unforgettable
The pent-up intolerance of years of repression
The perfume of the mounting sea saturated the night with wild fragrance
The piquancy of the pageant of life [piquancy = tart spiciness]
The pith and sinew of mature manhood
The plenitude of her piquant ways [piquant = engagingly stimulating]
The presage of disaster was in the air
The pressure of accumulated misgivings
The preternatural pomposities of the pulpit
The pristine freshness of spring |