And so I will leave this brief account of what I have seen in this great war. I know better than anyone can tell me what an imperfect sketch it is, but the history of the war will have to be studied from a great many different angles before a picture of it will be able to be presented in its true perspective, and it may be that this particular angle will be of some little interest to those who are interested in Red Cross work in different countries. Those who are workers themselves will forgive the roughness of the sketch, which was written during my illness in snatches and at odd times, on all sorts of stray pieces of paper and far from any books of reference; they will perhaps forget the imperfections in remembering that it has been written close to the turmoil of the battlefield, to the continual music of the cannon and the steady tramp of feet marching past my window.
Aeroplanes, Taube, 145, 176 throwing down proclamations, 53
Affiches, of the Burgomaster of Antwerp, 53 of the Burgomaster of Brussels, 10, 11, 181, 182 forbidding a menacing look, etc., 32 German, proclaiming victories, 30, 67 German, of Von der Golst, 67, 68 instructions to citizens, 67
American Consul, help from, 66, 77
Antwerp, the forts of, 73 the heavy guns, 73 news of the downfall of, 96
Austrian prisoners, 148
Automobiles of the Flying Column, 146, 169
Belgian Red Cross Society, 5, 12
Bishop, sad fate of the, 103
Boden, a night at, 103, 104
Brassard, the Red Cross, 61
Brussels, fortifications of, 9 German patients in fire-station hospital at, 20 hospitals in, 13 occupied by the Germans, 14 the start to, 6, 7
Burgomaster of Antwerp, 53 of Brussels, 10, 11, 54, 74 of Charleroi, 20
Camp, a German, 61, 62
Cannon, distinction between French and German, 40
Cholera, rumours of, 97
Charleroi, burning of, 20, 22, 32 and Charleville, 36 terrorization of peasants in, 33
Christmas Eve in Zyradow, 167 fare, 170
Cologne, arrival at, 85-87
Copenhagen, arrival at, 92
Danish-German soldiers as guards, 81
Danish welcome, a, 92
Death of a Breton soldier, 44 of a certain French count, 48, 49
Difference in French and German equipment, 47
Echevins of Brussels, 74
Empress Marie Federovna, interview with, 111
Equipment of French and German soldiers, 47
Expulsion of nurses and doctors from Brussels, 80
Firing at the Red Cross, 35
Fire-station hospital, 13, 19, 20
Flandres Liberale, 71
Flying Column, 125, 126
Fortress of St. Peter and St. Paul, 107
French convent, a, 60 prisoners as patients, 28, 29
German officers' behaviour at Herbesthal, 83 patients at fire-station, 20 patients at M——, 41 preparations for war, 33 surgeon at M——, 31
Grand Duchess Cyril's Hospital in Warsaw, 144
Hamburg, 88, 89
Hansen, Dr. Norman, 95
Harsh treatment of wounded, 42
Haparanda, 104
Herbesthal, search at, 83
Holland, rumoured war with, 31
"Hoosh," 85
Hotel Cosmopolite, Copenhagen, 92
Hotel d'Europe, Warsaw, 124
Hotel at Lodz, 140
Ikons, 115, 173
Improvised hospital from theatre, 152
Infiladed trench, a, 162
Insects, 139
Inscription over gateway in Charleroi, 30
Interview with Dowager Empress of Russia, 111
St. John Ambulance Society, 5, 97
Jumet, the burning of, 21
Karungi, 104
Kiel Canal, 90
Liege, 65, 83
Lodz, 131 hospital at, 132-38 shelling of, 132, 135
London, first week of the war, 2
Louvain, destruction of, 81 refugees from, 11
Lowice, 150
Luggage problem, the, 126
Malines, 60, 63, 81
M—— Red Cross Hospital, 23 Committee, 28 dinner-time, 27 a night on duty, 23-24 the cure of, 44
Max, Monsieur, 10, 11, 55, 74
Maubeuge taken, 41
Muenster, breakfast at, 88
Neutrality of Belgium, 82 of Denmark, 100
Newspaper boy caught by Germans, 71, 72
Night in the trenches, a, 171-74
Nurses in Brussels, 8, 19, 66
Operation, a severe, 25, 26
Ostend in August, 7
Patients sent off to Germany, 41, 46
Petrograd, 107, 108
Pigeons, loss of, 55
Poem to British surgeons and nurses, 95
Poland, distress in, 97
Prisoners, Austrian, 148 French, 28 German, 148
Proclamation of Burgomaster of Brussels, 10, 11 forbidding "a menacing look," 32 German announcing victories, 30, 67 of Von der Golst, 67, 68
Queen of Holland, 31
Radzivilow, 161 Castle, 151
Raphael, St., 104
Rawka, the river, 172
Refugees from Termonde and Louvain, 11 in Poland, 142
Registration of trained nurses, 4
Red Cross flag in Brussels, 55 hospital in Warsaw, 113-21 workers in Belgium, 23, 28, 46
Russian factory laws, 158
Russian Red Cross, Committee, 108 permission to serve, 97
Russian roads, 146
Russian sisterhoods, 109
Russian soldiers, 123 their relationship with their officers, 123
Scarcity of supplies, 24, 37, 169
Searched by German sentries, 62
Siberian ponies, 128
Skiernevice, 146
Skirmish between Belgian and German outposts, 59
Spies, 148
Stamps, issue of Belgian, 74
State registration of nurses, 4
St. Raphael, 104, 106
Stockholm, 102
Taube aeroplane, 147, 176
Termonde, refugees from, 11
Theatre at Skiernevice, 152
Times, the price of, 70
Tirlemont, 57, 82
Torchlight tattoo, 1
Turco soldiers, 29
Turkestan soldiers, 151, 152
Untrained nurses, the danger, 5, 120
Vendrup, 91
Voluntary Aid Detachments, 5
Waelheim, forts of, 73
Water-supply difficulties, 39
Warsaw, the city of, 121 the Red Cross Hospital, 113-20
Wavre St. Catherine, forts of, 73
Wounded French prisoners sent to Germany, 46 German soldiers at M——, 41
Zeppelins, 81
Zouave patients, 45
Zyradow Hospital, 158
* * * * *
Transcriber's note: Spelling and punctuation have been normalized.