From MRS. CHARLES J. MCCLUNG, of Tennessee, Alternate Lady Manager.
Cut one chicken into small pieces (not too small); boil one egg hard and pulverize the yolk (cut the white into the chicken); add the beaten yolks of three raw eggs; one-half teaspoonful each of ground mustard, white pepper, salt, sugar and celery salt or seed, the juice of one lemon, one tablespoonful melted butter, one tablespoonful salad oil (some prefer all butter); beat all well together until light and pour into one gill of boiling vinegar and let all cook until thick as cream, stirring constantly to avoid curdling. When cold pour over your chicken, to which has been added as much chopped celery, and salt and pepper to taste.
From MRS. MARGARET M. RATCLIFFE, of Arkansas, Alternate Lady Manager.
As the Irishman would say, turkey makes the best chicken salad. Boil till well done. Use only the white meat, which cut with sharp scissors into pieces about one-half inch square; add an equal quantity of celery cut in same manner, sprinkling over it salt and pepper. Put in a cold place till two hours before serving, when add the following dressing: For one chicken take three eggs, one cup of vinegar, one cup of sweet milk, one-half cup butter, one tablespoon made mustard, salt, black and red pepper, beat eggs, melt butter; stir all together over a slow fire till it thickens; when cool beat into it one cup of cream. Serve salad on crisp, well-bleached lettuce leaves, on the top of each putting a small quantity of the following mayonnaise dressing: The yolks of two uncooked eggs, one tablespoon salt, beat with an eggbeater, adding gradually pure olive oil till one pint is used. When the mixture becomes too thick add, as required, one teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice. If the oil is well incorporated by thorough beating, this dressing will keep an indefinite time.
From MRS. FLORENCE H. KIDDER, of North Carolina, Lady Manager.
One pint of cold boiled potatoes, cut in slices; one-third the quantity of cold boiled beets cut fine; one-third the quantity of green peas (winter beets and canned peas are as good as fresh ones); sprinkle with salt and pepper, then pour over it a French dressing made of a saltspoonful of salt, one of black pepper, a teaspoonful of onion juice or grated onion, three tablespoonfuls of olive oil and one of vinegar; mix thoroughly and set aside. When ready to serve spread over it a thick mayonnaise dressing and garnish with slices of beet, cut in shapes, hard boiled egg and parsley; if made in summer a border of crisp lettuce leaves is an additional garnish. If the quantity of vegetable is increased the amount of dressing must also be doubled or the salad will be dry. A small portion of the mayonnaise mixed with the vegetables also is an improvement.
From MRS. CAROLINE E. DENNIS, of New York State, Alternate Lady Manager-at-Large.
String the beans and boil them whole; when boiled tender and they have become cold, slice them lengthwise, cutting each bean into four long slices; season them an hour or two before serving, with a marinade of a little pepper, salt, and three spoonfuls of vinegar to one spoonful of oil. Just before serving, drain from them any drops of superfluous liquid that may have collected and carefully mix them with a French dressing. This makes a delicious salad.
French Salad Dressing—One tablespoon of vinegar; three tablespoons of olive oil; one saltspoon of pepper, and one saltspoon of salt. (This is half a spoon too much pepper for Americans.) Add a trifle of onion, scraped fine, or rubbed on the salad bowl, if it is desired at all. Pour the oil, mixed with the pepper and salt, over the salad; mix them well together; then add the vinegar, and mix again. Serve on a leaf of crisp lettuce.
From MRS. GENEVIEVE M. GUTHRIE, of Oklahoma, Lady Manager.
For four or six people. Cut into dice six medium sized potatoes (boiled); three medium onions; salt and pepper them to taste; pour over and mix well the following dressing: Three well beaten eggs, three large tablespoonfuls of strong vinegar, a lump of butter size of a walnut, pinch of salt, pepper and mustard (unmixed); put on the stove and cook to a thin custard, stirring constantly.
From MRS. MIRA B. F. LADD, of New Hampshire, Lady Manager.
Six tomatoes, one-half cup of mayonnaise dressing, the crisp part of one head of lettuce. Peel the tomatoes and put them on the ice until they are very cold; make the mayonnaise and stand it on the ice until wanted; wash and dry the lettuce. When ready to serve, cut the tomatoes in halves, make twelve little nests with two or three salad leaves each, arrange on the dish, place half a tomato in each nest, put a tablespoonful of mayonnaise on each tomato and serve immediately.
From MISS MARY CREASE SEARS, of Massachusetts, Alternate Lady Manager.
Rub through a coarse sieve one can of tomatoes; cover with cold water a half box of Cox gelatine and let it stand a half hour or more; then pour in enough hot water to thoroughly dissolve it; then mix with one full pint of the strained tomatoes; add a little salt; pour into small round moulds and put in a cool place to harden. Serve on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise dressing.
From MRS. THERESA J. COCHRAN, of Vermont, Alternate Lady Manager.
Mix together one-half cup of sugar, one teaspoonful of mustard, one teaspoonful of salt, one-half teaspoonful black pepper; then add three well beaten eggs, one-half cup of vinegar, six tablespoonfuls of cream, three of butter. Cook the same as boiled custard in a kettle of water; when cold add the cabbage chopped fine.
From MRS. MARY C. BELL, of Florida, Lady Manager.
Pour boiling water over a large mackerel and let stand for ten minutes; take out and dry thoroughly by draining on a sieve or clean towel. Remove the head, tail and fins, and skin and bones. Shred the fish finely and mix with one large onion, well chopped. Add mustard, vinegar, and pepper to taste. Serve as salad, with young lettuce leaves, and garnish with hard-boiled eggs, sliced. This is a delightful relish with thin-sliced bread and butter, and is called "Salmagundi."
From MISS LORAINE PEARCE BUCKLIN, of Rhode Island, Alternate Lady Manager.
Three eggs, beat yolks and whites separately. To the beaten yolks add one tablespoonful of mustard, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, one teaspoonful of salt. To the beaten whites of the eggs add one cup of cream; beat this thoroughly together, pour the yolks, mustard, sugar and salt into this and put the dish containing it over the teakettle when the water boils. When the mixture begins to harden around the edge, pour in a cup of vinegar; stir it all the time it is over the kettle. After you add the vinegar take it from the heat and set in a dish of cold water to cool.
From MISS FRANCES E. WILLARD, of Illinois, Lady Manager.
_To tell you the truth, I never knew anything about cooking or had a particle of taste for it, but I will send you the recipe for her famous 'doughnuts,' written out by my beloved mother, and I think about the last communication she ever prepared for the press; it was in March of last year. There is nothing specially valuable about the recipe except that it is good and decidedly old-fashioned. I used to think there was nothing so toothsome as mother's 'fried cakes,' for so we called them on the old Wisconsin farm.
Believe me, yours, with all good wishes, Frances E. Willard_
Take a little over one pint of rich, sweet milk, into which put two- thirds of a teacup of sugar and a little salt. Sift as much flour as you think will be required, into which mix four heaping teaspoonfuls of best baking powder. Stir into the milk and sugar six tablespoonfuls of very hot fresh lard, pour the mixture into the flour and make a sponge. When cooled sufficiently to prevent cooking the egg add one egg slightly beaten. Mix to a proper consistency, roll and cut into rings. It is hard to give a recipe where so much depends upon the judgment and care of the cook. Much depends upon having the lard in which the doughnuts are fried very hot before they are put in, otherwise they "soak up the fat" and are heavy.
From MRS. ELLEN M. CHANDLER, of Vermont, Lady Manager.
One pint warmed milk, one cup sugar, one-half cup yeast, one-half teaspoon salt; mix about 10 A.M., let rise four hours then add: One cup sugar, two eggs, one-fourth cup lard, one-fourth cup butter. Knead and let rise in warm place until night, then roll thin and cut out; let rise over night in warm place and fry in the morning.
From MRS. LAURA E. HOWEY, of Montana, Secretary State Board and Lady Manager.
Beat well together one egg, one cup sweet milk, one cup sugar (small cup), large teaspoonful of baking powder, sprinkle in two cups flour, piece butter size of an egg, pinch of salt. Knead soft, cook in skillet well filled with lard just to the boiling point; place in dripping pan, so that they may not get soggy with the grease while cooling off.
DOUGHNUTS. From MISS ANNIE M. MAHAN, of West Virginia, Alternate Lady Manager.
One-half cup of butter, one cup of sour milk, one and one-half cup of sugar, four eggs, one teaspoon soda (in milk), nutmeg, flour to make it stiff enough to roll.
From MRS. BELLE H. PERKINS, of Louisiana, President of State Board, Lady Manager.
One teacup of rice well boiled and mashed, one small coffee cup of sugar, two tablespoons yeast, three eggs and flour sufficient to make a thick batter; beat the whole well together and fry in hot lard. Be careful not to have the batter too thin, or it will not fry well.
From MRS. M. P. HART, of Ohio, President of State Board and Lady Manager.
Make a batter with one cup sweet milk, one teaspoonful sugar, two eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately, two cups flour, one teaspoonful baking powder mixed with flour. Chop some good tart apples, mix them in the batter and fry in hot lard. Serve them with maple syrup.
From MRS. E. V. McConnell, of North Dakota, Lady Manager
Two eggs, one tablespoon of cream or sweet milk, one cup oyster crackers rolled fine, one can or six ears of sweet corn scraped from the cob, pepper and salt to taste. Put tablespoon butter in frying pan, have it hot and drop in batter by spoonfuls. Fry brown and serve hot for breakfast.
From MRS. SALLIE S. COTTEN, of North Carolina, President State Board and Alternate Lady Manager.
Open as oysters and chop fine. Make a stiff batter of eggs and flour, with a little black pepper. Stir into this batter the chopped clams and a little of the clam liquor, if necessary to make the batter the proper consistency. Fry in hot butter or lard.
From MRS. SARAH S.C. ANGELL, of Michigan, Lady Manager.
One pint white corn meal, Into which you stir two saltspoonfuls salt. Gradually moisten this with boiling water until the mixture is somewhat thicker than hasty pudding. Stir constantly and after the right consistency is attained, beat thoroughly for two minutes. Drop from spoon into boiling lard and fry for five or six minutes. Serve immediately. It is of absolute importance that the water should be boiling and kept so, and therefore it is wise to bring the mixing dish very near the stove when the teakettle is heated. The same paste may be fried on a griddle like buckwheat cakes, but the first method makes the crispest, nuttiest flavor. This recipe makes bannocks enough for six people.
From MISS LILY IRENE JACKSON, of West Virginia, Lady Manager.
One or two eggs, whites beaten to a froth; one quart of sweet milk; pinch of salt; meal enough to make a thin batter. Bake very thin on hot griddle and serve at once. Meal must not be too finely ground or bolted.
From MRS. GEORGE HOXWORTH, of Arizona, Alternate Lady Manager.
Three pints boiling water; one cup wheat flour; enough corn meal to make stiff batter. Fry while hot in plenty of grease. Think it more convenient than the old way and much better. A tablespoonful of sugar added makes it brown better.
From MRS. MARY B.P. BLACK, of West Virginia, Alternate Lady Manager.
One quart of buttermilk; one pint of sweet new milk; four eggs, beaten separately; little salt; teaspoonful soda, dissolved in half teacup sour cream or buttermilk, and enough flour to make the dough of proper consistency. Sift your flour; begin with three pints, you may need less or more. Add buttermilk (sour cream will do instead), then sweet milk; then yolks of eggs, well beaten; then soda, having dissolved it in half teacupful of buttermilk or sour cream; add more flour now, should it be needed; lastly, whites of eggs, beaten to a stiff froth and stirred gently into the thin dough. Let the cook be careful to fill the iron scantily half full, to bake, as these beautiful waffles to be crisp and tender must have ample space to rise.
From MRS. FRANC LUSE ALBRIGHT, of New Mexico, Lady Manager.
1. To make the tortillas for the enchiladas, take one quart of blue corn meal mixed with water and salt, making a batter stiff enough to flatten out into round cakes, and bake on the bare hot lid.
2. To make the chili sauce: One cup of tepid water; three tablespoonfuls of ground chili; let boil down to a batter.
3. Filling for tortillas: Grated cheese and chopped onions, very fine.
Dip into a pan of boiling hot lard one tortilla; then dip this tortilla into the chili batter; then sprinkle with the filling, first the cheese and then the onion. Then put on one spoonful of chili batter and lay like a layer cake as many cakes as desired, and then pour over the chili batter. Cut like cake and serve hot.
From MRS. CAROLINE E. DENNIS, of New York State, Alternate Lady Manager-at-Large.
Three pounds of sugar, to three pounds of tomatoes; add two lemons, peeled and sliced very thin; sliver the peel into smallest bits and add, with two inches of preserved ginger root, also cut very fine. Put tomatoes in a kettle, mash with a spoon, mix in the sugar, lemons and ginger, and boil slowly for three hours, or until the preserve is of the consistency of marmalade. This is a new and very choice sweetmeat; and, so far as we know, is not to be found in any other recipe-book.
One dozen imperial oranges (good pulp and thick yellow skin); their scant weight in sugar. Peel six and grate the yellow rind without the white skin. Slice the peel from the other six into thin shreds; boil in three waters till very tender. Chop the oranges, removing all tough fibres and seeds; put on, with the juice that drains from the oranges, the sugar, a little water and the drained orange peel shreds; boil fifteen minutes, thon add the pulp and grated rind and boil twenty minutes.
From MRS. HATTIE E. SLADDEN, of Oregon, Alternate Lady Manager.
Make a syrup of one quart of water and one pint of white sugar. Pare and core (without breaking) six tart apples; stew in syrup until tender. Remove the apples to a deep glass dish; then add to the syrup a box of gelatine and cinnamon stick. When thoroughly dissolved, pour over the apples, first removing the cinnamon bark.
From MRS. W. NEWTON LINCH, of Went Virginia, Lady Manager.
Place the fruit in a steamer and allow it to remain until skin can be removed, as that from a scalded tomato. Make a strong syrup of granulated sugar; place the peaches in the jar, pour the syrup over them very hot and seal at once. Steamed peaches make a delightful dish for lunch during their season. Do not make the syrup quite so strong and allow the peaches to get very cold before serving.
From MRS. M.P. HART, of Ohio, President of State Board and Lady Manager.
Pare and core the quinces. Put the parings and cores into a kettle with sufficient water to cover them, and let them boil for a short time. Then strain and pour the liquid over the quinces. Let the quinces cook until they are soft before adding the sugar. The quinces and syrup must be boiled until they become transparent and of a rich color. The rule is one pound of sugar to a pound of fruit; a less quantity of sugar will be sufficient if the fruit should be well cooked and carefully sealed.
From MRS. H.K. INGRAM, of Florida, Alternate Lady Manager.
Take a thick rind of a ripe watermelon. Cut into small strips, or any desirable fancy shapes; cut off all the red inside part and scrape off all the hard outside shell. Boil the pieces in water with peach or grape leaves and soda, in the proportion of a dozen leaves and a teaspoonful of soda to two quarts of water. When tender, take them out of the water and put them in cold water that has had half a large spoonful of alum dissolved in it. They will then become brittle and green. Let them soak in the alum water for an hour; then rinse in clear, cold water, and boil in a syrup made of equal weight of white sugar. Boil with them lemons cut in thin slices, allowing one lemon to two pounds of rind. Boil fifteen or twenty minutes. When a little cool, add a little essence of ginger, or if not the essence, boil in the syrup with the rinds a little green or ground ginger tied in bits of thin cloth. After three or four days pour the syrup off and boil down to a rich syrup that will just cover the rinds, and pour it over them scalding hot.
From MRS. MARY S. MCNEAL, of Oklahoma, Alternate Lady Manager.
Put the fruit into a preserving kettle and boil fifteen or twenty minutes, stirring often and skimming off any scum that may rise; then add sugar in the proportion of three-fourths pound of sugar to one pound of fruit. Boil thirty minutes longer, stirring continually; when done, pour into small jars or jelly glasses.
From MRS. H.J. PETO, of Arizona, Alternate Lady Manager
Wash the berries carefully and drain in a colander. For each quart of fruit add two cups granulated sugar and one-half cup of pure cider vinegar. Put all in a porcelain lined sauce pan, set on the stove and scald thoroughly; then add one-half dozen cloves and one and one-half ounces stick cinnamon for each quart of berries. While the fruit is hot, pour into glass jars and cover at once; it will be ready for use in three or four days. A delicious relish.
From MRS. GEORGE A. MUMFORD, of Rhode Island, Alternate Lady Manager.
Five pounds green grapes (wild are best); three pounds sugar; one pound raisins; one-half pint vinegar; one tablespoonful ground cloves; one tablespoonful ground allspice; one tablespoonful ground cinnamon. Stone the grapes and raisins; simmer one hour.
From MRS. THERESA J. COCHRAN, of Vermont, Alternate Lady Manager.
Grate the yellow rinds of two oranges and two lemons and squeeze the juice into a porcelain lined preserving kettle, adding the juice of two more oranges and removing all the seeds; put in the grated rind a quarter of a pound of sugar, or more if the fruit is sour, and a gill of water, and boil these ingredients together until a rich syrup is formed; meantime dissolve two ounces of gelatine in a quart of warm water, stirring it over the fire until it is entirely dissolved; then add the syrup, strain the jelly, and cool it in molds wet in cold water.—White House Cook Book.
Prom MRS. M.P.H. BEESON, of Oklahoma, Lady Manager.
One-half cup sugar to one cup currant juice. Boil for fifteen minutes. This will make a lovely jelly.
From MRS. GENEVIEVE M. GUTHRIE, of Oklahoma, Lady Manager.
Wash and quarter large Siberian crabs, but do not core; cover to the depth of an inch or two with cold water and cook to a mush; pour into a coarse cotton bag or strainer, and, when cool enough, press or squeeze hard to extract all of the juice. Take a piece of fine Swiss muslin or crinoline, wring out of water, spread over colander placed over a crock, and with a cup dip the juice slowly in, allowing plenty of time to run through; repeat this process twice, rinsing the muslin frequently. Allow the strained juice of four lemons to a peck of apples and three-quarters of a pound of sugar to each pint of juice. Boil the juice from ten to twenty minutes; while boiling, sift in the sugar slowly, stirring constantly, and boil five minutes longer. This is generally sufficient, but it is always safer to "try it" and ascertain whether it will jelly. This will make a clear, sparkling jelly.—From Practical Housekeeping Cook Book.
The jelly is excellent.
From MRS. HARRIET A. LUCAS, of Pennsylvania, Lady Manager
Peel carefully, by scalding, small onions; drain; place in salt and water, not too strong, for forty-eight hours; then drain again till dry. Put together one-half pint of milk and one-half pint water; place the small onions in it and allow them to scald, not boil, or they will be softened. Remove, rinse in cold water and drain. Place in a jar and pour over them white wine vinegar, with a little mace and small red peppers; no dark spice. You will have a beautifully white, mild pickled onion if this is carried out.
OIL PICKLES. From MRS. IDA. M. BALL, of Delaware, Lady Manager.
Two dozen large cucumbers, sliced without paring; sprinkle with salt; place in a colander to drain for two or three hours. One dozen onions prepared in the same way, separately. Put in a stone jar, in alternate layers, sprinkling between with ground black pepper and a mixture of mustard and oil, the mixture to be made in the proportion of a small box of mustard to one-half pint of salad oil. When the jar is full, pour in enough cold vinegar to cover.
From MRS. SAM. S. FIFIELD, of Wisconsin, Lady Manager.
Take small cucumbers, onions, beans, cauliflower, broken up, and pour over boiling hot brine made of one teacup of coarse salt to a gallon of water, for three mornings. The fourth morning drain well. (I put into a flour sack and hang out doors until dry.) To one gallon of good cider vinegar put a teaspoon of pulverized alum, four of white mustard seed, two of celery seed, five or six tiny red peppers, a handful of cloves and as much of stick cinnamon; pour over the pickles when real hot; add a good quantity of horseradish root to keep pickles from moulding.
From MRS. PARTHENIA P. RUE, of California, Lady Manager.
For two gallons of pickles, place the cucumbers in salt and water for three days; then rinse in fresh water. One teacupful of whole white mustard; one handful of whole cloves; allspice and black pepper; a teacupful of broken cinnamon. Put all into a large thin bag and boil in one quart vinegar. Put two or three red pepper pods and a few sprigs of horseradish root among the cucumbers, in a keg or jar. Take sufficient vinegar to cover them and put into it one pound of brown sugar; let it scald and cool a little; then pour over the pickles; then the spices and vinegar, allowing the spices to remain on top. The spices and vinegar must be poured off and scalded for five mornings, and, when cool, poured over the pickles; the last day pour over a cup of molasses. Use good cider vinegar. If desired sweeter, sugar to vinegar when heating. Cucumbers used late in the season make better pickles than the earlier ones. Put cucumbers in salt water when freshly picked.
From MRS. CORA PAYNE JACKSON, of Kentucky, Lady Manager.
One gallon of cider vinegar; one pound of brown sugar; one tablespoon of allspice; one tablespoon of cloves; one tablespoon of black pepper; one tablespoon of mace; two tablespoons of root ginger; two tablespoons of celery; two tablespoons of white mustard; one handful of horseradish. After it begins to boil add cold cucumbers, well soaked, and boil until tender enough to pierce with a fork.
From MISS MARY ELLIOTT MCCANDLESS, of Pennsylvania, Lady Manager.
Slice twenty-five large cucumbers in pieces between one and two inches thick; lay in salt water two days; wash out the salt. Boil in alum water half an hour, alum size of a walnut (English); take out and boil in ginger water an hour; one ounce of ginger and water to cover. Make a syrup of five pounds of light brown sugar, three quarts of vinegar, one pint of water, two ounces of whole cloves, two ounces of stick cinnamon, half an ounce of whole allspice, half an ounce of mace (put spices in bags). Let all boil until a rich syrup, then put in the cucumbers and boil between one and two hours.
From MRS. AMEY M. STARKWEATHER, of Rhode Island, Superintendent State Work and Lady Manager.
Nine pounds of gooseberries; add five pounds of sugar, one quart of vinegar, three tablespoonfuls of cinnamon, one and one-half each of allspice and cloves. The gooseberries should be nearly or quite ripe. Take off the blossoms, wash, and put them into a porcelain kettle, scald, then put through a colander, add the sugar and spices; boil fifteen minutes; then add the vinegar; bottle immediately before it cools. Almost any recipe for spiced gooseberries makes a good recipe when the gooseberries are put through a colander or coarse sieve, and the vinegar added, cooled in this way.
If you wish a smaller recipe, use the following: To four quarts of fruit, take three pounds of sugar, one pint of vinegar, one tablespoonful each of ground cloves, allspice and cinnamon. Make as in the above recipe.
From MRS. CARRINGTON MASON, of Tennessee, Alternate Lady Manager.
Quarter small, hard heads of cabbage, removing the outer leaves; put in a brine for three days, then let it soak in fresh water six hours. Wipe perfectly dry, squeezing the water out. Scald the cabbage in weak vinegar and water, to which add turmeric in a thin muslin bag. Then put into a stone jar alternate layers of cabbage and seasoning as follows: Mace, ginger, cinnamon, white mustard seeds, onions, red pepper, and horse radish. Bring to a boil enough good cider vinegar to cover the whole, and pour into the jar hot.
From MRS. ELLA RAY MILLER, of Idaho, Alternate Lady Manager.
One peck green tomatoes; twelve large onions; one ounce each of allspice, cloves, cinnamon, whole pepper and white mustard seed; two ounces flour of mustard, one and one-half pound sugar. Slice and salt tomatoes, drain over night. Put spices in bags, cover all with vinegar, and boil till tender. Seal in glass jars.
From MRS. NELLIE B. PLUMER, of Pennsylvania, Alternate Lady Manager.
Ten pounds peaches—pared; five pounds sugar; one quart best cider vinegar; one tablespoonful allspice; one tablespoonful mace; one tablespoonful cinnamon; one teaspoonful cloves. Put the spices in thin muslin bags. Boil all together half hour; then put in the peaches, and boil twenty minutes. Take out the fruit with a skimmer, and spread upon dishes to cool. Boil the syrup until thick, pack the peaches in glass jars, and pour syrup over them scalding hot.
From MRS. H.K. INGRAM, of Florida, Alternate Lady Manager.
One-half peck green tomatoes; one dozen peppers; two heads cabbage (medium size); one-half peck onions; one-fourth peck cucumbers. Chop fine (or, better still, run through a sausage grinder), and mix thoroughly with three handfuls of salt. Pour all into a thin bag to drain for twelve hours, or over night. At the end of this time put sufficient vinegar to cover into a large iron, tin or porcelain vessel, and add two ounces black pepper grains, two ounces allspice grains, two ounces celery seed, one-fourth pound mustard, one pound sugar. Scald the vinegar and pour contents of bag into it; add the spices, mix well, and let all come to a boil, and remove instantly. This will be found equal to the best imported bottled chow-chow.
From MRS. ALICE B. CASTLEMAN, of Kentucky, Alternate Lady Manager.
Two dozen cucumbers, cut in chunks about an inch thick; two heads of cabbage, chopped fine. Sprinkle with salt and let stand all night. One dozen large green peppers, chopped up; five dozen small seed onions. Soak the onions and peppers separately in salt water all night; next morning squeeze all the salt water from them. Then place in a kettle a layer of pickle and a layer of seasoning composed of two ounces of white mustard seed; two ounces celery seed; one ounce turmeric; one- half pound box of Coleman's mustard, mixed smooth with vinegar, adding two and one-half pounds brown sugar. After putting all in the kettle, cover with vinegar and boil thirty minutes, This recipe makes two gallons of pickles, and one and one half gallons of vinegar covers it. Use best cider vinegar.
From MISS MARY ELLIOTT MCCANDLESS, of Pennsylvania, Lady Manager.
One peck green tomatoes; two large heads of cabbage; two good sized onions; three small red peppers; one-fourth pound yellow mustard seed; one-fourth pound ground mustard; one and one-half ounces celery seed; one tablespoonful cayenne pepper, three quarts best vinegar; one quart granulated sugar. Slice tomatoes, salt them, then chop very fine, and drain all green water off; put the chopped tomatoes on in a preserving kettle, with some good vinegar, bring them to the scald, then pour in colander to drain and cool. Chop cabbage, onions and peppers fine, and when the tomatoes are cold, mix all together. Bring to boil vinegar, sugar, mustard seed, celery seed, red pepper and more salt. Mix ground mustard with chopped tomatoes, cabbage, etc. When the vinegar, sugar, etc., is cold, pour on the chopped mixture; stir thoroughly and put in wide-mouthed bottles.
From MISS HATTIE T. HUNDLEY, of Alabama, Lady Manager.
One cup of bread crumbs, very dry and fine; two scant cups of milk; one-half pound of old cheese, grated; three eggs, whipped very light, and one tablespoonful of butter. Season with pepper and salt and a pinch of soda dissolved in hot water and stirred into the milk. Soak the crumbs in the milk, beat with these the eggs, butter, seasoning, and lastly the cheese; put into a buttered baking dish, put dry bread crumbs on top and bake in a rather quick oven until a delicate brown. Serve immediately.—Mrs. Henderson's Cook Book.
From MRS. MARGARET M. RATCLIFFE, of Arkansas, Alternate Lady Manager.
Six tablespoons of grated cheese; two tablespoons of melted butter; enough flour to make a soft dough. Roll thin, cut in strips and bake in floured pan in quick oven.
From MRS. L. M. N. STEVENS, of Maine, Lady Manager.
One cup sugar; juice of one lemon; one egg and yolks of two eggs; one dessertspoonful rolled cracker, scalded in two-thirds cup milk. Bake in a deep plate. After baking frost with the whites of two eggs beaten stiff, adding two spoonfuls of sugar. Brown the frosting a little.
From MRS. IDA L. TURNER, of Texas, Lady Manager.
Make the crust, line pie tin and bake. While it is baking prepare the following filling: Grate one lemon (do not roll it); after the yellow rind is all grated, squeeze in the juice and if any little cells go in, do not say them nay; then put in a cupful of sugar and the yolks of two eggs; stir well together; upon this pour a large cupful of cold water, into which has been stirred a dessertspoonful of corn starch; put all into a sauce pan and stir until it is cooked into a rich, clear, straw-colored jelly. Then fill the crust and from the whites of the eggs make a meringue to cover each. Put into the oven for one brief instant.
From MRS. VIRGINIA C. MEREDITH, of Indiana, Lady Manager and Vice- Chairman of Executive Committee.
Two cups of sugar; one cup of boiling water; four eggs; two lemons; one and one-half tablespoon flour. Stir the sugar and flour well together; add the juice and grated rind of the lemons; to this add the well beaten yolks; after stirring well, add the boiling water; put over a clear fire and stir constantly until it boils, then pour into the shells. Spread over the top a meringue made of the whites of the four eggs and one tablespoon of sugar; place in the oven and brown slightly. This is sufficient for two pies. The shells should he made of ordinary pie pastry and baked before being filled with the mixture.
From MISS LUCIA B. PEREA, of New Mexico, Alternate Lady Manager.
One and one-half cups of sugar; one cup of water; two tablespoonfuls flour or corn starch; one tablespoonful butter; yolks of three eggs; two lemons, grated; add juice, beat well all together, then boil until thick. Beat up one cup of pulverized sugar with the whites of three eggs. Pour over the pie when done, and brown.
From MRS. FRANCES C. HOLLEY, of North Dakota, Alternate Lady Manager.
Pare pumpkin, cut into inch pieces; steam till well done, or stew until soft and dry; then sift through a wire sieve or colander. Add one well beaten egg for each pie, also one tablespoonful of cream, if you have it, for each, together with sufficient milk to give the required thickness when cooked. Sugar and salt to your taste, flavor with nutmeg, adding also a little ginger. Use deep custard plates; bake, rather slowly at first, until well thickened and nicely brown on top.
From MRS. ANNIE L. Y. ORFF, of Missouri, Alternate Lady Manager.
One cup milk; yolks of two eggs; four grated apples; small spoon of melted butter; one-half cup sugar; nutmeg to flavor; pinch of salt. Bake in one crust. Make a frosting with whites of eggs and two spoons of sugar. Brown delicately.
From MRS. M. R. LEE, of Mississippi, Lady Manager.
Put one-half pint milk and one-half cupful sugar in a frying pan and let it come to a boil; then dissolve one tablespoonful corn starch in a little milk reserved from the half pint. Add to it the beaten yolk of one egg, stir into the boiling milk, and when thickened and smooth, remove and add a little salt and lemon flavoring. Pour into a flaky crust that has been just baked, and frost with the white of one egg and one tablespoonful sugar; place in hot stove till a delicate brown.
From MRS. LOUISE CAMPBELL, of New Mexico, Alternate Lady Manager.
Bake an undercrust. Boil one pint of sweet milk; when boiling, stir in one-quarter cup of corn starch, one-half a cup of sugar, and the yolks of two eggs, which must be well beaten together. Cook thoroughly, flavor with vanilla, and add a little salt. Pour this mixture into the baked crust. Beat the whites of the two eggs, and to them add half a cup of sugar, and use as meringue.
From MRS. ALICE VINEYARD BROWN, of North Dakota, Alternate Lady Manager.
Sift into a chopping bowl three small caps of flour; then with the knife chop in thoroughly one cup of lard, one-half cup of butter, that have been on ice for an hour; mix with four to six tablespoons of ice water, as may be needed to handle, roll thin and line a shell, into which slice thinly any tart apples that will cook rather quickly. Dredge with the grated rind of a lemon—a somewhat dry lemon is preferable—which has been mixed thoroughly with one tablespoon of sugar and one small teaspoon of corn starch. Now break an egg into a howl, beat well and add four tablespoons of sugar and one cup of rich milk; pour this over the apples; with the jag iron cut the remainder of the paste into narrow strips and lay across to form squares. Bake in a moderate oven until the custard "sets." Place on ice in summer; eat slightly warm in winter.
From MRS. ANNIE L, Y. ORFF, of Missouri, Alternate Lady Manager.
One cup lard; one-half cup cold water; a pinch of salt, and flour enough to roll. This will make exactly two pies.
From MRS. MARCIA LOUISE GOULD, of Illinois, President State Board and Lady Manager.
Two pounds of lean fresh beef boiled; when cold chop fine; one pound of beef suet cleared of strings and minced to a powder; five pounds of apples, pared and chopped; two pounds of raisins, seeded and chopped; one pound of Sultana raisins, washed and picked over; two pounds of currants, washed and carefully picked over; three-quarters of a pound of citron, chopped fine; two tablespoonfuls of cinnamon, one of nutmeg (powdered), two of mace, one of cloves, one of allspice, one of fine salt; two and a quarter pounds of brown sugar; one quart brown sherry, and one pint best brandy or three pints of grape juice.
From MRS. LAURA F. COLEMAN, of Colorado, Lady Manager.
Two pounds of beef; half pound suet; half pound butter; five pounds apples; two pounds raisins; two pounds seedless raisins; half pound citron; three tablespoonfuls cinnamon, two of mace, two of allspice; one nutmeg; three pounds brown sugar; half gallon sweet cider. Boil beef until tender, then chop fine; also chop suet, apples and citron. Then mix all the ingredients thoroughly and boil until the apples are cooked. After removing from the stove add one-half teacupful of brandy if desired.
From MRS. ROLLIN A. EDGERTON, of Arkansas, Secretary of State Board and Lady Manager.
_ The Christmas pudding which I add was served up this Christmas on my table and pronounced delicious. Dyspeptics need not fear this "Plum Pudding" and it is rich enough to please the most fastidious.
Wishing your philanthropic efforts every success, I am, Very truly yours,_
Beat two eggs; take one-half cup of sweet milk; one-half cup of molasses, in which dissolve one-half teaspoon of soda; a lump of butter the size of an egg; one cup of Graham flour (don't sift) two cups of flour, in which a cup of stoned raisins are well rubbed; one small teaspoon of salt; spice with cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg, one teaspoonful all together. Then steam two hours and serve with a hard sauce of butter and fine sugar creamed together, with one well beaten egg and grated nutmeg as a finish. Wholesome, delicious, and extremely simple to prepare.
From MRS. GEORGE A. MUMFORD, of Rhode Island, Alternate Lady Manager.
One and one-half cups of Graham flour; one cup of milk; one-half cup of molasses; one cup of raisins, seeded and chopped; one teaspoonful soda; one-half teaspoonful salt. Sift the Graham flour to make it light, but return the bran. Dissolve the soda in one tablespoonful of the milk and add the remainder of the milk, molasses and salt. Then pour all the mixture on the Graham flour, beating it thoroughly with a spoon; then stir in the fruit (and spice if you wish). Pour the pudding into a well greased mould and steam four hours. Serve with a wine or any rich sauce.
From MRS. WM. P. LYNDE, of Wisconsin, Lady Manager.
Three-quarters pound grated bread; one-half pound best figs, minced fine; six ounces minced beef suet; six ounces sugar; one teacup sweet milk; a little nutmeg; one egg. Mix the bread and suet together; then add figs, sugar and nutmeg; then the egg, well beaten; lastly the milk. Boil in a mould four hours.
Wine Sauce—Two cups sugar; one-half cup butter. Stir to a cream; then add one glass of wine and some flavoring and a little nutmeg; then pour in a small cup boiling water and set on the stove in a pan or kettle of water and keep hot until served.
From MRS. M. D. THATCHER, of Colorado, Lady Manager.
Set a jelly mould on ice; put a layer of maraschino jelly (or any wine jelly) in the bottom of the mould; when set, add a layer of pink jelly (made by adding a drop of prepared cochineal); when set, put a lining in the centre of the mould; if you have not the centre-form, use a small tin baking-powder box, placing it in the centre of the mould; then add alternate layers of the jellies until the mould is filled, and when well set and firm, gently withdraw the lining (or can), filling the hollow thus formed with a custard cream. When all is quite firm, turn out on a dish and serve with whipped cream around the pudding.
From MRS. FLORENCE H. KIDDER, of North Carolina, Lady Manager.
One and one-half pounds of stoned raisins, torn in half; one pound of currants; one and one-half pounds of citron, cut fine; one and one- quarter pounds of butter; one pound of sugar; eight eggs, well beaten; one pound of stale bread crumbs; one and one-half pints of sweet milk, boiled and poured on bread crumbs; two grated nutmegs; two tablespoons of cinnamon; one tablespoon of mace, one of cloves and two of allspice; eight tablespoons of sifted flour, rubbed in with fruit; one-half pint of French brandy and one-half pint of Madeira or sherry. Have a bag two thicknesses of white unbleached cloth; grease and flour the inside well; pour in mixture, tie tightly to exclude water, and leave room for pudding to swell. Put in a pot of boiling water, which must be kept boiling for five hours. Put plate in bottom of pot to prevent sticking. The bag must be turned repeatedly and kept under water.
Sauce for Plum Pudding—Butter and powdered sugar, thoroughly stirred, and seasoned with wine and nutmeg. When pudding is ready to serve, pour alcohol over it and set on fire.
This recipe makes a large pudding, but it can be packed away with brandy poured over it, and can be used by steaming over as long as it lasts.
From MRS. PHOEBE M. HARTPENCE, of Ohio, Chairman Committee on Woman's Work, Lady Manager.
One cup molasses; one cup sour milk; one cup suet, chopped fine; one cup raisins; one-half cup currants; two and one-half cups flour; one teaspoonful soda. Mix well, salt and spice to taste, and steam two hours.
Dressing—Mix one heaping tablespoonful flour and two of sugar; add to these grated nutmeg. Stir and add one-half pint of boiling water; add to this a small tablespoonful of butter, a little lemon and vanilla, one teaspoonful vinegar. Let it come to a boil, and if too thick, add more water.
From Mrs. S. W. McLaughlin, of North Dakota, Lady Manager.
A pound of suet, chopped fine; a pint of sugar; one pound of grated stale bread; one pound of raisins, two of currants; a glass of unfermented wine or jelly; two teaspoonfuls of ginger, one of soda; two nutmegs; half a pint of milk; a little salt. Beat well and steam five hours. Serve with rich sauce.
From MISS MARY E. BUSSELLE, of New Jersey, Lady Manager.
One-half pound flour; one-half pound chopped suet; one-half pound currants; one-half pound prunes; one-quarter pound grated raw carrots; three-quarters pound grated raw potatoes; one-half pound brown sugar; one large teaspoonful of baking powder; pinch of salt. Flavor with a teaspoonful each of nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves. The moisture from the raw vegetables makes sufficient wetting.
From MRS. HELEN C. BRAYTON, of South Carolina, Vice-President of State Board and Lady Manager.
One pound seedless raisins; one pound dried currants; one pound stale bread crumbs; one-half pound finely chopped beef suet; one-fourth pound shredded citron; eight eggs; one quart milk; one-half cup sugar; mace or nutmeg; one gill of brandy; one teaspoon salt; eggs well beaten and put in last; raisins floured before stirring in. Boil gently five hours without stopping. Water must be boiling when pudding is put in and kept boiling till done. Eat with liquid wine sauce. Pour alcohol around pudding and set it on fire. A sprig of holly in centre for Christmas.
From MRS. ALICE J. WHALEN, of Utah, Lady Manager.
One pint and a half of grated bread crumbs (soft, not dried), one pint of chopped suet, one pint of currants, one pint and a half of stoned raisins, half a cup of citron shaved thin, one scant cup of sugar, half a teaspoonful of salt, half a teaspoonful of grated nutmeg, one teaspoonful of mace, five eggs, yolks and whites beaten separately, two even teaspoonfuls of flour made into a thin batter with milk, and half a glass of brandy; mix in the order given and steam four hours.
Sauce for Pudding—Cream one-fourth pound butter, add one- fourth pound of brown sugar and stir over hot water until liquid, then add the yolks of two eggs, well beaten; stir until it thickens. Just before serving add a cup of brandy and hot water equal parts.
From MRS. LOUISE L. BARTON, of Idaho, Alternate Lady Manager.
One pint of flour, one heaping teaspoonful of baking powder, lump of butter the size of a hickory nut, one pinch of salt, wet up with milk to a thick batter as stiff as for gems; add one pint of cherries with the juice strained off; stir the cherries into the batter; steam in stem cake dish; butter cake dish, and steam three-quarters of an hour. When done turn out on plate.
Sauce for same—One cup of cherry juice, one cup of sugar, one cup of water, small lump of butter, one tablespoonful of thickening; when it boils up add two tablespoons of cherry wine and nutmeg to taste. This pudding is enough for twelve persons.
From MRS. NANCY HUSTON BANKS, of Kentucky, Alternate Lady Manager-at-Large.
Butter thin slices of bread and place them in dish; then a layer of fruit, such as berries (or preserves will do); then another layer of bread and butter, and so on until the dish is full. Then pour beaten eggs in a quart of milk, say three eggs to the quart, over the ingredients and bake half an hour.
From MRS. S. W. MCLAUGHLIN, of North Dakota, Lady Manager.
One quart of milk, two heaping tablespoonfuls of Indian meal, four of sugar, one of butter, three eggs, one teaspoonful of salt; boil the milk in the double boiler; sprinkle the meal into it, stirring all the while; cook twelve minutes, stirring often. Beat together the eggs, salt, sugar and half a teaspoonful of ginger; stir the butter into the meal and milk; pour this gradually on the egg mixture. Bake slowly one hour.
Prom MRS. MARIAM D. COOPER, of Montana, Alternate Lady Manager.
Three large tablespoons corn meal. Scald one quart sweet milk; stir meal in while hot; small lump butter, one cup molasses, salt; add one pint cold milk after putting in pan; bake five hours; eat with a little butter.
From MRS. CLARK WARING, of South Carolina, Alternate Lady Manager.
Soak two pounds of prunes in cold water over night; drain through a colander and seed them. Make your puff paste; roll it out; place your prunes on the paste, sprinkling with a little sugar on top; then roll smoothly. Bake in a steady heat and serve hot with hard butter sauce, or very rich wine sauce.
From MRS. HATTIE E. SLADDEN, of Oregon, Alternate Lady Manager.
Thoroughly wash one pound of prunes; soak over night, stewing in same water until very soft; sweeten to the taste while cooking. Next mash the fruit, removing the stones, and add half a box of gelatine (previously dissolved in a little water) and whites of four eggs well beaten. Serve cold with cream.
From MRS. MARY S. MCNEAL, of Oklahoma, Alternate Lady Manager. To a large cup of stewed prunes (chopped fine) add a large tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of cream of tartar; then the well beaten whites of seven eggs. Bake about twenty minutes in a shallow pan or dish with a greased paper in bottom so pudding can be turned out without breaking. Serve cold with whipped cream.
From MRS. JOHN R. WILSON, of South Dakota, Lady Manager.
One cup of prunes, one cup of raisins, one cup suet, one cup molasses, one cup bread crumbs, one-half cup milk, one and one-half cup flour, one teaspoon soda, one teaspoon each of cloves and cinnamon, one-half nutmeg. Steam three hours.
From MRS. KATE CANTHON MCDANIEL, of Texas, Alternate Lady Manager.
Place in a buttered tin alternate layers of buttered bread and raisins or chopped apples. Take the yolks of four eggs and two cups of sugar, beat until light; add a pint of sweet milk; flavor to suit taste; pour over the bread and bake in a moderate oven. When done, beat the whites to a stiff froth, add a little sugar, flavor, heap on the pudding and return to the oven until a light brown.
From MISS MARY B. HANCOCK, of Iowa, Treasurer State Board and Alternate Lady Manager.
One quart milk, heated in double kettle; six tablespoons of grated chocolate; four yolks of eggs, beaten well and mixed with eight tablespoons of sugar; two tablespoons, or a little more, of cornstarch, dissolved in a little cold milk. Let these ingredients just come to a boil and flavor with vanilla, place in pudding dish and cover on top with the stiff froth of four whites of eggs, sweetened with three large teaspoons of sugar, into which stick twenty-four separated blanched almonds. To be eaten with sweetened cream flavored with a little vanilla.
Ten eggs; one quart of cream; eight tablespoonfuls of sugar; one dessertspoon of vanilla. Beat the eggs and sugar together, heat the cream and pour over it.
Caramel—Two and one-half cups of brown sugar, cooked until very brown; then add one cup of cold water and pour into the pudding and bake.
From MRS. ELIZABETH C. LANGWORTHY, of Nebraska, Lady Manager.
To two cups of boiling milk add four tablespoons of floor and two of butter, beaten together. When thickened, add four tablespoons sugar and yolks of eight eggs. When quite cold add whites of eggs, well beaten, and bake in moderate oven twenty minutes. Serve hot with sauce made of one-half cup of butter, beaten to a cream, one cup of sugar, added gradually; white of egg, beaten stiff. Add lemon or vanilla to taste.
From MRS. HELEN M. BARKER, of South Dakota, Lady Manager.
One cup chopped suet; one cup molasses (New Orleans); one cup chopped raisins; one cup sweet milk; three cups sifted flour; one teaspoon soda dissolved in milk; spices to taste. Steam three hours.
Serve with sauce made as follows: One cup of sugar; one-half cup of butter; one egg—cream well. Cook by pouring boiling water and stirring constantly.
From MRS. LEANDER STONE, of Chicago, Lady Manager.
_The following recipe for Suet Pudding has been unfailing in my family for forty years past. Sincerely yours,
One cup molasses; one cup suet, chopped fine; one cup sweet milk; one cup fruit; one teaspoon salt; a piece of soda size of a pea; flour to make it as stiff as pound cake. Steam three hours.
Prom MRS. L. C. GILLESPIE, of Tennessee, Lady Manager.
One quart of sweet milk; one pint of grated bread crumbs; one teacup of white sugar; four eggs, and butter the size of hen's egg. Beat yolks of eggs with the sugar until very light; cream butter and add to eggs and sugar; then stir in bread crumbs and after these ingredients are well mixed, pour in the milk, stirring all thoroughly. Bake in porcelain pan or granite iron, under a good fire with a well heated oven. Twenty minutes is sufficient time to bake it. You do not want it baked until it is stiff and hard, but it must quake as you lift it from the oven. You now cover the top of the pudding, first with a half glass of jelly cut in very thin slices, and over this you put the whites of the four eggs, beaten to a stiff froth, to which you add and beat in two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Put the pudding again into the stove, this time in the top, where the whites of the eggs may brown quickly. Serve cold, with cream whipped and flavored with vanilla. This, properly baked, is a delicate, delicious pudding.
From MRS. JOHN S. BRIGGS, of Nebraska, Lady Manager.
One quart flour, one coffeecup chopped raisins or currants, one teacup chopped suet, one teacup half filled with molasses, finish with brown sugar, one teaspoon soda, two teacupfuls sweet milk, a little salt, mix and steam three hours.
Steam Pudding Sauce—Three-quarters of a cup of butter, one and a half cups of sugar, one egg, juice and grated rind of a lemon all well beaten together. Just before serving, pour on the beaten mixture one pint of boiling water.
From MRS. CLARA L, MCADOW, of Montana, Lady Manager.
Four cups flour, four spoons baking powder, one-half can cherries, little salt, stir a stiff batter; steam one and a half hours.
From MRS. NELLIE B. PLUMER, of Pennsylvania, Alternate Lady Manager.
Two cups light brown sugar, one cup butter and lard mixed, one cup sour milk, four eggs, one teaspoonful of soda, one quart huckleberries. Make the dough as thick as jelly cake; bake three- quarters of an hour in a moderate oven. Use wine or butter sauce as preferred.
From MRS. H. J. PETO, of Arizona, Alternate Lady Manager.
Two lemons, two tablespoonfuls of cornstarch, one and one-half cup granulated sugar, three eggs. Grate rind of one lemon; squeeze juice and pulp of two lemons; beat yolks of the eggs with a portion of the sugar, then add balance of sugar and the grated rind and lemon juice; mix the cornstarch with a little water; add boiling water, stirring constantly until thick and clear; add the ingredients previously mixed and stir until thoroughly incorporated with the starch; pour into a pudding dish, cool a little, then set into the oven for a few minutes to brown; beat the whites of the eggs stiff; add a little powdered sugar and put over top of pudding; brown slightly. May be served warm, but is delicious if set on ice until thoroughly cold.
From MRS. MARIE J. GASTON, of South Dakota, Alternate Lady Manager.
One-half cup of sugar, one cup flour, one-half cup cold water, one egg, one tablespoonful of butter, two level teaspoonfuls baking powder, a pinch of salt. Grease cups and put in the bottom of the cups a little fruit, such as dried currants, cherries, etc., or a little preserves; pour in the batter, filling the cups a little more than half full; set them in a steamer and steam forty minutes. This will make five cups. Served with the following sauce:
Pudding Sauce—Six tablespoonfuls pulverized sugar, two tablespoons of butter, one egg; beat altogether with an egg beater; flavor with vanilla. When ready to serve, add one cup of boiling water.
From MRS. F. H. DANIELL, of New Hampshire, Alternate Lady Manager.
Mix together one-half pound fine flour and from four to five ounces of sifted sugar; put in a sauce pan and bring to the boiling point, one- half pint of new milk and one-quarter pound fresh butter; stir in gradually the flour and sugar; beat well four fresh eggs, add them with the grated rind of a lemon, stirring until the mixture is thick like dough. Put it on a pasteboard and when cold roll to the desired thickness, about one-quarter of an inch thick; lay any kind of jam over the paste, roll it into a bolster-like form and bake. Serve cold, whole, or in slices nearly an inch thick. Time twenty to twenty-five minutes to bake.
From MRS. ANNIE L. Y. ORFF, of Missouri, Alternate Lady Manager.
One pint nice, fine bread crumbs to one quart of milk; one cup sugar; yolks of four eggs beaten light; grated rind of one lemon; butter size of an egg; bake until done, but not watery. Whip the whites of four eggs beaten stiff; beat in a teacup of sugar; then add the juice of one lemon; pour over pudding; eat cold.
From MRS. IDA L. TURNER, of Texas, Lady Manager.
Pare and core ten good sized apples. Stew them to a pulp, with sugar enough to sweeten; thickly butter the sides and bottom of an earthen baking dish and press all around them crumbs from the inside of a loaf of bread, having them nearly an inch thick. Mix with the apples a tablespoonful of butter and one egg, beaten; put the apples into the dish without disturbing the crumbs; over the surface put a layer of crumbs, dotted with bits of butter, and bake the pudding until brown; turn a platter over the pudding dish, quickly turn both upside down so the pudding will slip out on platter. Dust with powdered sugar and serve hot.
From MRS. SCHUYLER. COLFAX, of Indiana, Alternate Lady Manager-at- Large.
Pare and core tart apples; fill the centers with sugar, butter and a small pinch of cinnamon or a little grated nutmeg. Make a rich, light pie crust, roll, cut in squares, fold a square around each apple, put them into a buttered pan. Now cream together half a cup of butter and a cup of sugar, and put over the whole, when they are ready for the oven, pour a little cold water into the pan, and bake slowly an hour and a half or two hours.
From MRS. CARRINGTON MASON, of Tennessee, Alternate Lady Manager.
Three teacupfuls of pulverized sugar; one of butter; three tablespoonfuls of flour; one teacupful of boiling water. Beat butter, sugar and flour together thoroughly; stir into the boiling water; let it boil up and flavor with vanilla, and serve immediately.
From MRS. ISABELLA BEECHER HOOKER, of Connecticut, Lady Manager.
The recipe I send for Sponge Cake was one constantly in use twenty- five years ago, when this picture was taken, and so might well be used in connection with that recipe, which is the only one in which I fell a personal interest.
It gives me pleasure to oblige you, and I am cordially yours for womankind, also for mankind.
Ten eggs; one-half pound flour; one pound pulverized sugar; one lemon; small teaspoon salt. Beat yolks separately and very thoroughly; add sugar, salt, lemon juice and grated peel, and beat again. Beat whites to stiffness and add to the yolks, beating well together. Then cut the flour in slowly with large knife and avoid beating after this. Bake in two deep, long, narrow tins, in rather slow oven, but hot on the bottom. The secret of success is in cutting in the flour and the baking. But few people will believe this and cannot reach my standard. I have made this cake for forty years with uniform success.
From MRS. MARTHA A. GRIGGS, of Washington, Alternate Lady Manager.
Six eggs; two cups of sugar. Beat twenty minutes, stir in lightly two cups of flour and a little salt. Flavor to taste.
From MRS. MARIE J. GASTON, of South Dakota, Alternate Lady Manager.
Four eggs; two cups of sifted floor; two cups of granulated sugar; one cup of boiling water; two level teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Beat the eggs very light, yolks and whites together; add the sugar, then one cup of flour, little by little; put baking powder in the other cup of flour and add in the same way; then pour in the cup of boiling water, a little at a time, stirring constantly. Flavor with vanilla. Bake in dripping pan twenty-five minutes.
From MRS. ALICE VINEYARD BROWN, of North Dakota, Alternate Lady Manager.
One cup of sugar, one cup of flour, four eggs. Beat yolks of eggs to a light creamy mixture, pour over the sugar and beat two minutes; add whites beaten to a foam, and stir hard for two minutes; now add one cup of flour which has been sifted three times, and to which was added a pinch of salt; stir very lightly, usually four whisks of the spoon is sufficient; now pour into a shallow pan; let stand one minute; raise the pan several inches from the table and let it drop suddenly, striking flat on the bottom; this will cause air bubbles to break and make the cake fine grained; put into a very moderate oven and in five minutes heat quickly; twelve to fifteen minutes will suffice. Have ready a lemon frosting, and the result will be a most beautiful cake, fit to grace any occasion.
From MRS. ANNIE L. Y. ORFF, of Missouri, Alternate Lady Manager.
Mix one and one-half cups pulverized sugar; one teacup flour; a little salt; one teaspoon baking powder; beat the whites of eleven eggs to a stiff froth; flavor with lemon or vanilla; mix all together and bake. Use yolks for custard or gold cake.
From MISS FRANCES S. IVES, of Connecticut, Lady Manager.
One pound of sugar, two pounds of flour, three eggs, one-fourth pound citron, one pound of butter, one pint of milk, one pound of raisins, one good-sized wine glass rum or brandy, one-half nutmeg, one cup yeast, cream one-half butter and sugar; mix this with all the flour, yeast and milk; let this mixture stand in a warm place until quite light, then add the remaining half of butter and sugar creamed and the eggs beaten very light; then let the mixture stand in a warm place until again very light; then add rum, raisins, citron and nutmegs then put into pans for baking, letting it remain out of oven until very light again. This makes three loaves. Bake about one hour.
From MRS. MARTHA. A. GRIGGS, of Washington, Alternate Lady Manager.
Two and one-half cups sugar, one cup butter, one cup milk, four cups flour, three eggs, one wine glass sherry; one wine glass brandy, one- half teaspoon soda, one pound raisins (stoned), one-half pound citron, one teaspoon cloves, two teaspoons cinnamon, one nutmeg; bake one hour.
From MRS. MARY C. BELL, of Florida, Lady Manager.
Three cups sugar, one cup butter, three eggs, one bowlful stoned raisins, floured, one teaspoonful allspice, ground, one teaspoonful cloves, ground, one tablespoonful cinnamon, ground. When well mixed add three cups of bread sponge before the flour is added for kneading; stir well and then add flour until as stiff as can be easily stirred; half fill two medium-sized pans and stand in a warm place till light and bake in a moderate oven.
From MRS. KATHERINE S. G. PAUL, of Virginia, Lady Manager.
One and one-half pounds flour; one pound white sugar; ten ounces of butter; one-half teacup sweet milk; one-half teacup good yeast; four eggs; one cup of currants and seed-less raisins, chopped and mixed together; one teaspoonful each mace and cinnamon and a little allspice; work butter and sugar together; sift flour into a bowl; stir in milk and yeast with one-half the creamed butter and sugar; beat hard and long until very light; set to rise in a moderately warm place over night. In the morning, if it be well risen, work in the remainder of the butter and sugar and the eggs; dredge the fruit with flour and beat in a little at a time with the spice; beat for fully five minutes; divide and put into two pans to rise. The second rising generally requires about three hours. When the dough is very light bake in a moderate oven. When carefully made this cake is very fine.
From MRS. CLARA L. MCADOW. of Montana, Lady Manager.
Three cups of very light dough, three cups sugar, one cup butter, three eggs, one nutmeg, one teaspoonful cinnamon, raisins, a teaspoon of salaratus dissolved in a little hot water.
One cup butter, two cups sugar, one teaspoon cream tartar, one-half teaspoon soda, two cups flour, one cup corn starch, four eggs, one cup milk.
From MRS. S. E. VERDENAL, of New York, Lady Manager-at-Large.
Two cups sugar, two cups of sifted flour, one-half cup of water, two teaspoonfuls yeast powder mixed with the flour, the yolks of five eggs and the whites of three beaten separately, the grating and juice of one orange; bake in layers like jelly cake.
Filling—One cup sugar, grating and juice one orange, whites of two eggs beaten into a froth.
From MRS. FRANCES WELLES SHEPARD, of Chicago, Lady Manager.
I send you with pleasure the enclosed recipe for Orange Cake. I have used it for twenty-five years and know it to be excellent. Wishing you all success in your kind efforts. Believe me, Yours very truly,
One coffeecup sugar, one-half coffeecup butter, two coffeecups flour, one-half coffeecup milk, yolks of four eggs, whites of two eggs, two teaspoons of baking powder; bake in four layer tins. For the filling, grate the yellow part of the rind of two oranges and mix it with the juice and one coffeecup of powdered sugar; spread, this mixture between the cakes; frost the cake, using the two remaining whites of eggs beaten thoroughly, adding two small cups of powdered sugar.
From MRS. MARY C. HARRISON, of Wyoming, Lady Manager.
The whites of fifteen eggs; one and one-half cups of powdered sugar; one cup of flour; one teaspoon of cream of tartar; sift sugar three times; mix cream of tartar with flour, sift seven times; beat eggs stiff, add sugar gradually, beating all the time with egg beater; take out; stir the flour quickly with wooden spoon; do not grease or line the tin; bake slowly and steadily; turn out on platter for frosting.
From MRS. DANIEL HALL, of New Hampshire, Lady Manager.
The whites of eleven eggs beaten to a stiff froth; add one and one- half cups of pulverized sugar and one teaspoonful of vanilla extract; take one even cup of flour and one teaspoonful cream of tartar and sift with flour four times; beat lightly but thoroughly; bake fifty minutes in an ungreased pan; cut out when cold.
Yolks of eleven eggs, two cups of sugar, one cup of butter, one cup of milk, one teaspoonful cream tartar, one-half teaspoonful of soda, three cups of sifted flour, one teaspoonful of vanilla.
From MRS. HELEN C. BRAYTON, of South Carolina, Vice-President State Board and Lady Manager.
Four pounds flour; two pounds butter; two and one-half pounds sugar; two and one-half pounds raisins; one-half pound citron; one-half ounce mace; tumbler of brandy; one pint yeast; one and one-half pint milk; eight eggs. Add to the yeast one pint of milk; then beat in smoothly three pints of flour. Take all the flour and half the sugar and butter (when beaten to a cream); add the milk and yeast and make a dough a little softer than bread. When raised very light, add remainder of ingredients and let it rise again. When very light put into pans. Bake in moderate oven one hour.
From MRS. VIRGINIA T, SMITH, of Connecticut, Alternate Lady Manager.
Two pounds best pastry flour; one pound shortening (half butter and half lard); one pound and two ounces sugar; whites of two eggs; one nutmeg; half a pound of raisins (loose Muscatels); quarter teaspoon of mace; one tablespoon of lemon juice; one tablespoon extract of orange; half teaspoon salt; half a compressed yeast cake, and two ounces of citron. Work the shortening and sugar to a cream; then rub half of it into the flour; dissolve the yeast cake in a little warm water; mix the flour and yeast with sufficient milk (about one and a half pints that has been scalded and cooled) to make a batter about like graham bread; work with the hands for at least twenty minutes; make at night and set in a moderately warm room to rise; in the morning add the remainder of the shortening and sugar; work again with the hands, as when first made, for fifteen or twenty minutes, and set to rise again. Seed and cut the raisins, grate the nutmeg and sprinkle that and the mace over the raisins. When the cake is light, add first the lemon juice, then extract of orange and whites of eggs, well beaten; stir in fruit well floured: dip into three pans, buttered and lined with paper. Let it stand until it begins to rise—it will come up very quickly in the oven if it has been twice well raised. Have oven hot enough to check the rising after it has reached the top of the pans; after it begins to brown, check the fire and let it bake rather slowly the remainder of the time. Whole time, one hour and a quarter.
From MRS. FLORA BEALL GINTY, of Wisconsin, Seventh Vice-President Board of Lady Managers.
Two cupfuls of pulverized sugar; one-quarter cupful of butter; one cupful of sweet milk; three cupfuls of flour; two and a half teaspoonfuls of baking powder; whites of four eggs, beaten very light; one-half teaspoonful of vanilla. Bake in four layers. Whip one cupful of sweet cream to a froth, stirring gradually into it half a cupful of pulverized sugar, a few drops of vanilla, one pound of almonds, blanched and chopped fine. Spread thick between layers; frost top and sides.
From MRS. SALLIE S. COTTEN, of North Carolina, President State Board and Alternate Lady Manager.
One pound sugar; one pound flour; one-half pound butter; four eggs; one teacup of cold water; one teaspoonful cream of tartar; one-half teaspoonful soda. Put yolks and whites of eggs in separate vessels; dissolve soda in the water, sift the cream tartar in the flour. Beat the sugar and butter to a white cream; add the flour and water, stirring well. Next add the whites and lastly the yolks, both well beaten. Flavor with lemon and beat all together for three minutes. Bake an hour. Excellent also for a layer cake, with any filling.
From MRS. JAMES R. DOOLITTLE, JR., of Chicago, Lady Manager.
One even cup butter; two even cups sugar; three even cups flour; whites of eight eggs; two even teaspoonfuls baking powder; one teaspoonful vanilla; one cup milk. Stir butter and sugar to a cream, add milk slowly, then flour in which the baking powder has been mixed, and lastly the well beaten whites of eggs and vanilla. Bake in three layers and to prevent sticking use white paper cut the size of the tin and well greased with lard.
Caramel Filling—Two cups of brown sugar; one cup of cream or milk; three tablespoonfuls butter; one teaspoonful vanilla. Boil until the mixture will hold together in water; then spread between the layers and on the outside. If it curdles when boiling, strain through coarse sieve and put on the stove again. When done, put in vanilla.
From MRS. FRANCE LUSE ALBRIGHT, of New Mexico, Lady Manager.
To be baked in layers. Four eggs; three-fourths of a cup of butter; one-half cup of milk; three and one-half cups of flour; two teaspoonfuls of baking powder; flavor to suit taste.
Filling—Two cups of brown sugar; one cup of rich cream; size of a walnut of butter; boil one-half hour well stirred; spread between the layers of the cake while hot.
Chocolate Filling—Six tablespoonfuls of grated chocolate; one and one-half cups of pulverized sugar; two tablespoonfuls of cream; put the chocolate in the pan with the cream and one-half the sugar and let dissolve; add the remainder of the sugar to the whites of two eggs well beaten; flavor with vanilla for four layers of cake.
From MRS. FLORA BEALL GINTY, of Wisconsin, Seventh Vice-President Board of Lady Managers.
Five eggs, two cupfuls of sugar, two of flour, one-half cupful of milk, two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar, one of soda; bake in square tins, spread with jelly and roll while warm. Lemon jelly is very nice. This recipe makes four rolls.
From MRS. RALPH TRAUTMANN, of New York City, First Vice-President Board of Lady Managers.
Have ready one-half pound sweet chocolate grated; one-fourth pound chopped citron; one-fourth pound almonds, blanched and chopped; five soda crackers, browned and rolled very fine; wineglass of brandy and the juice and grated rind of two lemons; separate the yolks of eggs from the whites; beat yolks well, mix with other ingredients and lastly add the whites whipped to a stiff froth; bake two hours in a slow oven; cover with frosting and ornament with candied fruit.
From MRS. CLARK WARING, of South Carolina, Alternate Lady Manager.
Three teaspoonfuls of soda; one cup butter; one cup molasses; two cups brown sugar; two cups sour milk; four eggs; four and one-half cups flour; one tablespoonful mixed spices; two pounds dates, weeded and chopped fine; rub the butter and sugar to a cream, add the molasses, then the sour milk, break one egg in at a time and beat well; sift the soda in the flour and add, saving a little to dust the dates; add the spices and last of all add the dates; bake slowly like a fruit cake.
From MRS. CARRINGTON MASON, of Tennessee, Alternate Lady Manager.
Four eggs beaten separately and added to one cup of butter and one cup of sugar thoroughly creamed, flavor with nutmeg; line small patty pans with puff paste; place in the bottom a teaspoonful of jelly and pour over it a tablespoonful of the egg, butter and sugar mixture; bake in a rather slow oven. This is a nice tart for lunch or picnics as it keeps well and never gets dry.
From MRS. A. K. DELANEY, of Alaska, Lady Manager.
One and one-half pound of flour; one and one-half pound of sugar; one and one-fourth pound of butter; two pounds of raisins; two pounds of currants; three-fourths pound candied lemon, four nutmegs; one teaspoonful soda; one teaspoonful cinnamon; one teaspoonful cloves; one cup brandy or wine; bake slowly.
From MRS. PHOEBE M. HARTPENCE, of Ohio, Chairman Commissioners on Woman's Work, Lady Manager.
Four cups brown sugar; two cups butter; twelve eggs; one lemon, grated; two nutmegs, grated; one-half tablespoonful cloves; one tablespoonful cinnamon; one tablespoonful allspice; one-half pint cream; one cup pure brandy; eight cups flour, sifted; one-half cup molasses; two and one-half pounds raisins, seeded, whole; two and one- half pounds currants; six teaspoonfuls baking powder; one level teaspoonful soda. The success of this cake depends very largely upon having every ingredient prepared before commencing to use them. Begin by thoroughly mixing sugar and butter, then yolks of eggs well beaten; put the soda into the molasses and cream, add this to the above; next add spices and stir up thoroughly; now add the brandy (good whisky will do); take a portion of the flour and thoroughly flour the fruit with it; put the baking powder in the flour that remains and sift part of it into the mixture; now add the beaten whites of eggs and stir gently; stir in the fruit, bake from two to two and one-half hours in a moderate oven.
From MRS. M. P. H. BRESON, of Oklahoma, Lady Manager.
Yolks of one dozen eggs, one pound dried currants, one pound seeded raisins, one pound butter, one-half pound citron, one pound brown sugar, one cup sorghum molasses, one pound blanched almonds, one-half pound Brazil nuts, one-half cup sour milk, two teaspoonfuls soda, six cups flour, with cinnamon, allspice and cloves. The flour should be browned in slow oven in order to make the cake look dark and rich. This recipe will make a very large cake, the same to be baked for three hours in slow oven.
From MRS. HESTER A. HANBACK, of Kansas, Lady Manager.
One pound butter, one pound brown sugar, one pound flour, twelve eggs, four pounds currants, four pounds raisins, one pound citron, two pounds figs, two pounds blanched almonds, two oranges, one tablespoonful cinnamon, one tablespoonful allspice, one-half tablespoonful mace, one-half tablespoonful cloves, one nutmeg, one lemon peel (chopped fine), one gill wine, one gill brandy; chop orange peel and pulp (removing seeds), then work in all the sugar you can (this is extra sugar), slice the almonds thin, also citron, chop figs quite fine. Fruit should he weighed after seeding and currants washed. Beat whites and yolks of eggs separately and roll fruit in flour before putting together. This makes a ten quart pan full. One tablespoonful baking powder; five pounds raisins, four pounds seeded; four and one-fourth pounds currants, four pounds washed; six pounds almonds, two pounds blanched.
From MRS. FLORENCE H. KIDDER, of North Carolina, Lady Manager.
The "Sally White Cake" is delicious, and if I am not mistaken, has yet only a local fame, but it should have a national one. Wishing you every success in your undertaking, I am, Very sincerely yours,
One pound of butter, three pounds of citron, one and one-fourth pound of sugar, one pound of flour, fifteen eggs, two small cocoanuts grated, one and one-half pound of almonds, blanched and pounded (weigh after blanching), one nutmeg, one tablespoonful of mace, one wineglass of best brandy, one of Madeira or sherry, bake slowly as a fruit cake and frost.
From MRS. JOHN A. LOGAN, of District of Columbia, Lady Manager.
Four ounces butter, fourteen ounces sugar, whites of six eggs, twelve ounces of flour, two teaspoons of baking powder, one cup of milk. Rub the butter and sugar together until they form a cream, stir the baking powder through the flour, then add it, a cupful at a time, to the butter and sugar, then stir in the milk, putting in the whites of the eggs after being beaten to a froth, a large spoonful at a time. Bake in a brisk oven.
From MRS. HARRIET T. UPTON, of Ohio, Alternate Lady Manager.
Use the same size cup for all ingredients. Two cups (coffee) sugar, one-half cup butter, stir to a cream; whites of eight eggs beaten stiff, three-fourths cup sweet milk, two and one-half cups flour, two teaspoons baking powder stirred into flour; put whites of eggs in last and stir gently.
From MRS. GOVERNOR JOHN M. STONE, of Mississippi, Lady Manager.
Whites of twelve eggs, five teacups flour, three teacups sugar, one teacup sweet milk, one full cup butter, two teaspoonfuls yeast powder.
From MRS. FRANCES C. HOLLEY, of North Dakota, Alternate Lady Manager.
Three cups of sugar; one cup of butter; four cups of flour; one and one-half cup of sweet milk; three cups of walnut or butternut meats; whites of eight eggs. Cream the butter and sugar; sift two teaspoons of cream tartar into the flour, into which stir the meats. Dissolve one teaspoon of soda in the milk. Salt and extract as you like, adding the thoroughly-whipped whites the last thing before putting into the oven. Half of this rule can he used.
From MISS JOSEPHINE SHAKSPEARE, of Louisiana, Lady Manager.
Four tablespoons of flour; four tablespoons of brown sugar; one tablespoon of butter; one egg; one teacup of chopped nuts; a pinch of salt and black pepper. Grease and heat a long biscuit pan, mix all ingredients well and spread thinly on heated pan. Bakes in a few moments. When done and while warm, run a knife through center of pan lengthwise, then crosswise in strips. Turn pan over, and when cool cakes should be quite crisp. Very old French recipe.
From MRS. MINNA G. HOOKER, of Vermont, Alternate Lady Manager.
One-half cup butter; two cups sugar; one cup milk; three cups flour; four eggs; cue pint nut meats; two teaspoons baking powder. Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs well whipped, milk, flour with baking powder, and nut meats chopped fine. Bake in loaf. English walnuts best.
From MRS. ALICE HOUGHTON, of Washington, Lady Manager.
One and one-half cup sugar; one-half cup butter; whites of six eggs, beaten stiff; one-half cup milk; one and two-thirds cup flour; one- third cup corn starch; one teaspoon baking powder; one and one-half pound English walnuts, chopped fine and floured. Bake slowly in moderate oven.
From MRS. RUSSELL. B. HARRISON, of Montana, Vice-President-at-Large.
One cup of butter; two and a half cups of flour; two cups of sugar; one-half cup of sweet milk; whites of eight eggs; two teaspoonfuls baking powder. Beat together butter and sugar; add a little of the beaten egg; then put in a cup of flour, then some milk, then again flour and milk; put all the milk in with the second cup of flour; then add the rest of the egg.
Icing to fill and put over top of Pecan Cake—Whites of six eggs, beaten stiff with powdered sugar; one small can of grated pineapple and two cups of pecans, chopped fine. The nuts should soak awhile in the pineapple before mixing them into the egg and sugar. Put whole pecan kernels over the top of the cake while the icing is still soft.
From MRS. SARAH H. BIXBY, of Maine, Alternate Lady Manager.
Break two eggs in a cup and fill with cream, and one cup sugar, one teaspoonful cream tartar, one-half teaspoonful soda and one and one- half cup of flour, with a little salt.
From MRS. MARY PAYTON, of Oregon, Lady Manager.
One cup of sweet thick cream, sweetened and flavored with vanilla. Cut a loaf of cake in two and spread the frosting between and on top. This tastes like Charlotte Russe.
From MRS. LANA A. BATES, of Nebraska, Alternate Lady Manager.
Whites of four eggs; one pound of sweet almonds; one pound powdered sugar; a little rose water. Blanch the almonds by pouring boiling water over them and stripping off the skins. When dry, pound them to a paste, a few at a time, in a mortar, moistening with rose water as you go on. When beaten fine and smooth, beat gradually into icing. Put on the cake very thick and when nearly dry cover with plain icing.
From MRS. IDA M. BALL, of Delaware, Lady Manager.
One teacup sweet milk, one teacup brown sugar, one teacup butter or mixed butter and lard, one teacup molasses, one tablespoonful ginger, one tablespoonful cinnamon, four cups flour, two eggs, one pound of raisins, well floured before being put in, two teaspoonfuls baking powder.
From MRS. S. E. VERDENAL, of New York, Lady Manager-at-Large.
One cup molasses, one cup sugar, one-half cup water, one-half cup lard, one teaspoonful soda, season with ginger or cinnamon, put flour in until stiff enough to roll out thin and cut into small cakes.
From MRS. SAM. S. FIFIELD, of Wisconsin, Alternate Lady Manager.
One-half cup of molasses, one-half cup of sugar, one-half cup of butter, one-half cup of sour milk, one and one-half cup of flour, two small eggs, one-half teaspoon of soda, teaspoonful of cinnamon, ginger, and one-half teaspoon of cloves, a little nutmeg.
From MRS. MARY R. KINDER, of Delaware, Lady Manager.
One cupful of molasses, one of butter, one of sugar, one of sour cream, one tablespoonful of ginger, three eggs, one dessertspoonful of soda, ground spice according to taste, and one quart of sifted flour. Mix the butter and sugar to a cream, then add the other ingredients.
From MRS. A. K. DELANEY, of Alaska, Lady Manager.
Two eggs, one-half cup molasses, two-thirds cup sugar, half cup lard or butter, one-half cup milk, three cups flour, one tablespoon ginger, one teaspoonful cinnamon, one-half tablespoonful soda dissolved in boiling water, stir in quickly and put in the oven at once.
From MRS. SUSAN G. COOKE, of Tennessee, Secretary of the Board of Lady Managers.
I take pleasure in sending you the enclosed recipes. I thought if anyone should send you a recipe for Cookies it ought to be myself. I anticipate spending many pleasant hours in the hereafter trying the recipes of our well known Lady Managers. With best wishes, believe me always, Most cordially yours.
Three eggs, one and one-half cup sugar, one cup butter, one large cup of raisins stoned and chopped, one teaspoon soda; one teaspoon cloves, one teaspoon allspice, one teaspoon cinnamon, flour enough to roll. |