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Familiar Quotations
by John Bartlett
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shames, 52. little one shall become a, 834. liveried angels, 245. melodies unheard before, 455. one man among a, 830. perils, safe through a, 497. picked out of ten, 133. soldiers, substance of ten, 97. stars, beauty of a, 41. strings, harp of a, 303. tongues, conscience hath a, 97. tongues to allure him, 407. upper ten, 655. voices, earth with her, 501. years in thy sight, 822. years of peace, 633. years scarce serve to form a state, 541. Thousands at His bidding speed, 252. countless, mourn, 446. die without or this, 322. has been slave to, 153. of undone widows, 172. peace slays its ten, 425. to murder, 311. war slays its, 425. Thrasyllus and Antigonus, 732. Thread, feels at each, 316. hinders needle and, 585. of his verbosity, the, 56. of life, fate has wove the, 343. plying her needle and, 585. sewing at once a double, 585. that ties them, 779. weave their, with bones, 75. Threadbare sail, set every, 635. saint in wisdom's school, 181. Threaten and command, an eye to, 140. Threatening eye, looks with a, 79. Threats, no terror in your, 114. of a halter, 436. of pain and ruin, 385. Three, chief among the blessed, 611. corners of the world, 80. firm friends, more sure than day, 502. gentlemen at once, 440. good friends, 70. good men unhanged in England, 84. hundred, grant but three of the, 557. hundred pounds a year, 46. insides, carrying, 464. kingdoms, had sifted, 266. may keep counsel, 6, 17. merry boys are we, 184. misbegotten knaves, 84. per cents, simplicity of the, 437, 610. poets in three distant ages, 270. removes bad as a fire, 360. stories high long dull and old, 454. treasures love light and thoughts, 502. when shall we, meet again, 115. words, joys of sense lie in, 319. years' child, listens like a, 498. Three-cornered hat, the old, 635. Threefold cord, 830. fourfold tomb, 179. Three-hooped pot, 94. Three-man beetle, 88. Threescore, bachelor of, 50. burden of, 395. years and ten, 822. Three-tailed Bashaw, 454. Threshold of the new world, 221. Thrice flew thy shaft, 306. he assayed, 225. he routed all his foes, 271. he slew the slain, 271. is he armed, 94. my peace was slain, 306. their weight in gold, 456. Thrice-driven bed of down, 151. Thrift may follow fawning, 137. thrift Horatio, 128. Thriftless ambition, 120. Thrill, glory's, is o'er, 519. of a happy voice, 655. the deepest notes of woe, 452. Throat, amen stuck in my, 119. of war, brazen, 240. put a knife to thy, 828. scuttled ship or cut a, 557. straining his, 399. to feel the fog in my, 650. Throats, cutting foreign, 105. engines whose rude, 154. Throbs of fiery pain, 367. Throe, never grudge the, 649. Throne, footsteps of a, 26. here is my, bid kings come bow to it, 79. light which beats upon a, 629. like a burnished, 157. my bosom's lord sits lightly in his, 108. night from her ebon, 306. no brother near the, 327. of kings, this royal, 81. of rocks in a robe of clouds, 553. of royal state, high on a, 226. sapphire blaze the living, 382. shake hands with a king upon his, 563. shape the whisper of the, 633. something behind the, 364. through slaughter to a, 385. two kings of Brentford on one, 417. wrong forever on the, 657. Thrones and globes elate, 438. dominations princedoms, 235. whose stakes were, 555. Throned monarch, 64. on her hundred isles, 544. Throng into my memory, 243. lowest of your, 234. Throw physic to the dogs, 125. within a stone's, 787. Throws, wise player ought to accept his, 697. Thrummed, I was ne'er so, 182. Thrush sings each song twice over, 647. Thumb, miller's golden, 2. Thumbs, pricking of my, 123. sealed their letters with their, 460. Thumping on your back, 423. Thumps upon the back, 312. Thunder, doors grate harsh, 229. heard remote, 227. in a fair frosty day, 266. in his lifted hand, 267. Jove's power to, 103. leaps the live, 544. lightning or in rain, 115. loud roared the dreadful, 453. steal my, 282. Thunders in the index, 140. of white silence, 621. rattle, and the loud, 666. Thunderbolts, with all your, 114. Thunder-harp of pines, 667. Thundering sound, 395, 397. to the moon, 358. Thunder-storm against the wind, 546. Thus let me live unseen unknown, 334. Thwack, with many a stiff, 211. Thyme, pun-provoking, 380. where the wild, blows, 58. Tiber, not a drop of allaying, 103. Tickle the earth with a hoe, 597. your catastrophe, 89. Tickled with a straw, 318. Tide and wind stay no man, 10. in the affairs of men, 115. no man can tether time or, 451. of love, pity swells the, 308. of successful experiment, 435. of the years, 668. of times, lived in the, 113. tarrieth for no man, 10. turning of the, 91. without a breeze without a, 498. Tides that followed thought, 634. Tidings as they roll, confirm the, 300. dismal, when he frowned, 397. Tie, in whose, a wild civility, 201. love endures no, 272. silver link the silken, 488. up the knocker, 326. Ties, sight of human, 333. Tied to the stake, I am, 148. Tiger, Hyrcan, 122. in war imitate the action of the, 91. Tight little island, 675. Tiles and chimney-pots, 511. Tillage, other arts follow, 531. Tilt at all I meet, 328. Tilts with a straw, 484. Timber, knowledge and, 638. like seasoned, 204. wedged in that, 278. Timbrel, sound the loud, 524. Time, age and body of the, 137. all in good, 791. already of old, 830. ambles withal, 70. and age, his youth 'gainst, 24. and space, through, 416. and the hour runs, 116. annihilate but space and, 330. assuages sorrow, 704. backward and abysm of, 42. bank and shoal of, 118. bastard to the, 78. be good whilst thou hast, 751. be ruled by, 724. beholds no name so blest, 345. between two eternities, gleam of, 580. bounds of place and, 382. break the legs of, 635. breathing, of day with me, 145. brief chronicles of the, 134. brings increase to her truth, 378. by, subdued, 671. by the forelock, take, 30. cannot benumb, some feelings, 545. chinks that, has made, 221, 456. choose thine own, 433. coming, there 's a good, 493, 653. common arbitrator, 102. compliments are loss of, 387. count, by heart-throbs, 654. creeping hours of, 68. curious, requires, 168. do not squander, 360. elaborately thrown away, 311. enough, take, 351. enough to find a world, 656. even such is, 26. every man be master of his, 121. flies death urges, 307. footprints on the sands of, 612. for all things, 791. for courtesy, always, 603. for supper, the proper, 763. forefinger of all, 630. foremost files of, 626. frozen round periods of, 228. gallops withal, 70. gives to her mind, 378. had been, as if the moving, 468. hair's-breadth of, 750. has laid his hand gently, 617. has not cropt the roses, 378. has taught us a lesson, 723. hath to silver turned, his silver locks, 24. he that lacks, 594. his, is forever, 260. history hath triumphed over, 26. how a man should kill, 772. how small a part of, they share, 220. I think upon that happy, 587. in misery, happy, 618. is a river of passing events, 752. is a very shadow, 836. is fleeting, art is long and, 612. is money, 361. is out of joint, 133. is quiet as a nun, the holy, 470. is still a-flying, 202. is the image of eternity, 760. is the soul of this world, 742. kill the bloom before its, 483. last syllable of recorded, 125. leaves have their, to fall, 570. lettered pomp to teeth of, 618. look into the seeds of, 116. look like the, 117. makes these decay, 200. many a, and oft, 61. men have died from time to, 71. merry dancing drinking, 272. most valuable thing to spend, 762. nae man can tether, 451. new hatched to the woful, 120. nick of, 257. no delight to pass away the, 96. noiseless falls the foot of, 464. noiseless foot of, 74. nor place adhere, 118. not of an age but for all, 179. nothing so precious as, 773. now is the accepted, 846. of day, no proper, 586. of night, witching, 139. of peace, this weak piping, 96. of scorn, figure for the, 155. of the singing of birds, 832. offends at some unlucky, 328. old bald cheater, 178. ordains, mild Heaven a, 252. our oars keep, 518. out of mind, 104. panting, toiled after him, 366. peace only as a breathing, 407. play the fools with the, 89. point of, life of man but a, 729. procrastination the thief of, 307. promised on a, 30. quaffing and unthinking, 272. relish of the saltness of, 88. return, bid, 81. rich with the spoils of, 384. ripens all things, 790. robs us of our joys, 406. rolls his ceaseless course, 491. sees and hears all things, 679. sent before my, 95. shall throw a dart at thee, 179. shall unfold, 146. show and gaze of the, 126. silence and slow, 576. silvered o'er by, 419. so gracious is the, 127. so hallowed is the, 127. soul of the whole past, 580. speech is of, 579. speech is shallow as, 579. spoils the pleasure of the, 122. stand still withal, 70. still as he flies, 378. stream of, 455. subdue, what will not, 671. syllabes jar with, 180. take no note of, 306. taught by, 671. teaches many lessons, 695. tears and laughter for all, 620. tell her that wastes her, 220. that takes in trust, 26. the moving, 468. the wisest counsellor, 724. to be learning, is it a, 761. to beguile the, 117. to come, sweet discourses in our, 108. to every purpose under heaven, 830. to grow old, we may always find, 312. to marry, choose a proper, 417. to mourn, lacks, 594. to weep, night is the, 497. too swift, O, 24. tooth of, 49, 311. touch us gently, 538. transported, with envy, 406. travels in divers paces, 70. tries the troth in everything, 18. trieth troth in every doubt, 18. trots withal, 70. turn backward O, 668. which was before us, 830. whips and scorns of, 135. whirligig of, brings in his revenge, 77. who steals our years away, 518. will doubt of Rome, 558. will explain it all, 698. will run back, 251. will teach thee, 613. wise through, 337. witching, of night, 139. with falling oars they kept the, 262. with reckless hand, 617. with thee conversing I forget all, 233. worn out with eating, 233. writes no wrinkle, 547. Times, brisk and giddy-paced, 75. corrector of enormous, 199. cowards die many, 112. cunning, 63. do shift, thus, 203. fashion of these, 67. glory of the, they were the, 837. good or evil, 166. in the morning of the, 627. later, more aged, 169. light for after, 507. lived in the tide of, 113. make former, shake hands, 212. of need, ever but in, 273. of old, jolly place in, 472. principles turn with, 321. shake hands with latter, 212. signs of the, 840. that try men's souls, 431. those golden, 421. when the world is ancient, 169. wherein we now live, 169. wise men say nothing in dangerous, 196. Time's devouring hand, 352. furrows on another's brow, 309. iron feet can print, 610. noblest offspring is the last, 312. Time-honoured Lancaster, 80. Timelessly, primrose fading, 251. Timely dew of sleep, 233. inn, to gain the, 121. Timoleon's arms, 391. Timothy learnt sin to fly, 687. Tinct with cinnamon, 575. Tinged by the rising sun, 677. Tinkling cymbal, 845. Tints of woe, sabler, 386. Tip of his subduing tongue, 163. Tips his tongue, persuasion, 297. with silver, 106. Tipple in the deep, fishes that, 259. Tipsy dance and jollity, 243. Tiptoe, jocund day stands, 108. religion stands on, 205. when this day is named stand, 92. Tire of all creation, 638. Tires in a mile-a, 77. Tired he sleeps, till, 318. nature's sweet restorer, 306. Tithe of mint and anise, 840. or toll, no Italian priest shall, 79. Title and profit I resign, 349. gained no, lost no friend, 323. knave that wears a, 310. long and dark successive, 268. please thine ear, whatever, 330. weigh the man not his, 282. when I can read my, clear, 303. Titles are marks of honest men, 310. decider of dusty and old, 199. high though his, 488. power and pelf, 488. Titus with uncommon sense, 352. To all to each a fair good night, 490. be or not to be, 135. horse away, 296. Toad, I had rather be a, 154. rose-water on a, 597. squat like a, 234. ugly and venomous, 67. Toad-eater, Pulteney's, 389. Toast pass, let the, 442. Tobacco, anything for thy sake, 509. sublime, 555. Tocsin of the soul, 559. To-day his own, who can call, 273. I have lived, 273. in, already walks to-morrow, 504. nor care beyond, 381. our youth we can have but, 312. pleasure to be drunk, 362. speed, to be put back to-morrow, 29. to-morrow cheerful as, 321. Toe, from top to, 683. light fantastic, 248. of frog, eye of newt, 123. of the peasant, 143. Toil and care, fond of, 805. and of tears, weary of, 668. and trouble, 123. and trouble, war is, 272. and trouble, why all this, 466. does not come to help the idle, 707. envy want the jail, 365. govern those that, 395. he wins his spirits light from, 387. he won, what with his, 267. horny hands of, 656. is lost, or all the, 416. is the sire of fame, 699. morn of, nor night of waking, 491. not neither do they spin, 838. o'er books, 348. of dropping buckets into wells, 419. on poor heart unceasingly, 654. patient of, 428. those that think govern those that, 395. verse sweetens, 393. waste their, for a smile, 487. winding up days with, 92. with servile, 571. without recompense, 668. Toils despair to reach, what others', 288. Toiled after him in vain, 366. forgot for which he, 161. Toiling upward in the night, 616. Tokay, imperial, 380. Told her love, she never, 75. old tale and often, 489. Toledo trusty, blade, 211. Tolerable and not to be endured, 52. Toll for the brave, 423. or tithe, no Italian priest shall, 79. Tolling a departing friend, 88. Tom, loves me best that calls me, 194. or Jack, hails you, 423. 's a-cold, poor, 147. Tom's food seven long year, 147. Tomb, awakes from the, 428. cannot bind thee, the, 666. cradles rock us nearer to the, 309. darkness encompass the, 535. kings for such a, 251. more than royal, 168. nature cries from the, 385. no inscription on my, 675. of him who would have made glad the world, 589. of the Capulets, 412. stood upon Achilles', 558. threefold fourfold, 179. Tombs, hark from the, 303. To-morrow and to-morrow, 125. boast not thyself of, 829. cheerful as to-day, 321. defer not till, 295. do thy worst, 273. in to-day already walks, 504. is falser than the former day, 276. never leave that till, 360. speed to-day to be put back, 29. the darkest day live till, 423. tints with prophetic ray, 550. to fresh woods, 248. we shall die, 833. will be dying, 202. will be the happiest time, 624. will repay, think, 276. To-morrows, confident, 481. To-morrow's sun may never rise, 295. Tone of languid nature, 417. spirit ditties of no, 576. voice of sweetest, 583. with a peremptory, 415. Tones, harp in divers, 631. in its hollow, 562. Tongs, shovel and, 583. Tongue an unruly member, 849. bear welcome in your, 117. braggart with my, 124. brings in a several tale, every, 97. came mended from that, 333. can no man tame, 849. confuted by his conscience, 222. dropped manna, 226. fair words never hurt the, 38. fool cannot hold his, 737. from evil, keep thy, 819. give it understanding but no, 129. give thy thoughts no, 129. hide it under his, 817. his mother, 419. in every wound of Caesar, 114. is an unruly evil, 849. is known in every clime, one, 605. is the pen of a ready writer, 820. law of kindness in her, 829. let a fool hold his, 713. let the candied, 137. man that hath a, 44. moderate the rancour of your, 681. murder though it have no, 135. music's golden, 575. never eare did heare that, 23. never repented that he held his, 735. nor heart cannot conceive, 120. nor speak with double, 600. not she denied him with unholy, 676. of dog, wool of bat and, 123. of him that makes a jest, 56. of midnight hath told twelve, 59. of the mind, pen is the, 789. outvenoms all the worms of Nile, 160. persuasion tips his, 297. ran on, still his, 215. restreine and kepen wel thy, 5. sad words of, 619. slanderous, 344. so varied in discourse, 511. soul lends the, vows, 130. sounds as a sullen bell, 88. stopped his tuneful, 335. such a, glad I have not, 146. sweet morsel under his, 283. that Shakespeare spake, 472. the speaking, 603. through every land by every, 302. tip of his subduing, 163. to curse the slave, O for a, 526. to persuade, 255. to wound us, no, 522. treasure of our, 39. truth in every shepherd's, 25. use of my oracular, 440. win a woman with his, 44. windy satisfaction of the, 343. Tongues, airy, 243. aspic's, for 't is of, 155. called fools in all, 71. conscience hath a thousand several, 97. evil days and evil, 236. hearts in love use their own, 51. in trees books in the running brooks, 67. interest speaks all sorts of, 794. lovers', by night, 106. nations kindreds and, 849. of dying men, 81. of men, speak with the, 845. shall rehearse, 162. silence envious, 100. slanderous, done to death by, 54. strife of, 819. that syllable men's names, 243. to allure him, thousand, 407. whispering, 500. Tongue-tied by authority, 162. Too civil by half, 440. late I stayed, 464. low they build, 309. much thinking, 321. thin, 101. Tool of iron, nor any, 815. Tools, always work and, 656. no jesting with edge, 198. nothing but to name his, 210. of working our salvation, 215. sin has many, 637. to him that can handle them, 579. Tooth and nail, 781. for tooth, eye for eye, 813. of time, 49, 311. poison for the age's, 78. sharper than a serpent's, 146. Tooth-ache, endure the, 53. Toothpicks, supply of, 597. Top, die at the, 294. of judgment, 47. of my bent, fool me to the, 139. to toe, dressed from, 683. whips his taxed, 462. Tops of the eastern pines, 81. Topics, fashionable, 402. Topless towers of Ilium, 41. Topples round the west, 631. Torches, as we do with, 46. light my candle from their, 192. Torments our elements, 227. Torn from their destined page, 456. me and I bleed, they have, 544. Torpedo, pen becomes a, 369. Torrent and whirlwind's roar, 394. is heard, naught but the, 428. of a downward age, 356. of a woman's will, 313. of his fate, 366. roar, should like the, 324. so the loud, 394. Torrents, motionless, 501. Torrent's smoothness, 516. Torrid tracts, through, 398. Torture, boil in endless, 545. hum of human cities is, 543. of the mind, 121. one poor word, 270. Torturing hour, the, 226. Toss him to my breast, 205. Touch, beautiful beneath his, 514. dares not put it to the, 257. harmonious, whose, 367. no state matters, 398. not taste not, 847. of a vanished hand, 627. of celestial temper, 234. of joy or woe, 389. of Liberty's war, first, 525. of nature, one, makes the whole world kin, 102. soiled by any outward, 253. sprang up forever at a, 634. that 's scarcely felt, 350. the best, fear not to, 25. them but rightly, 455. us gently Time, 538. we feel the tenderest, 274. with chiselled, 769. wound with a, 350. Touches of sweet harmony, 65. Touched by her fair tendance, 237. nothing that he did not adorn, 367. spirits are not finely, 46. the highest point, I have, 99. Toucheth pitch, he that, 837. Touchstone, man's true, 197. Touchy testy pleasant fellow, 300. Tough is J. B., 652. wedge for a tough log, 712. world, rack of this, 149. Tower, age shakes Athena's, 541. and tree, light on, 673. guardian on the, 655. intending to build a, 842. of strength, king's name is a, 97. of strength, that, 628. Towers above her sex, Marcia, 298. along the steep, 514. and battlements, 248. disparting, trembling, 358. distant spires ye antique, 381. elephants endorsed with, 240. of Ilium, burnt the topless, 41. of Julius, ye, 383. old palaces and, 565. the cloud-capped, 43. trembling all precipitate, 358. ye antique, 381. Towered citadel, 158. cities please us then, 249. Towering falcons, hopes like, 287. in his pride of place, 120. in the confidence of twenty-one, 376. passion, put me into a, 145. Town, axis of the earth in every, 638. callen daisies in our, 6. gaze with all the, 677. man made the, 417. Towns, elephants for want of, 289. Toys, fantastic, 391. of age, beads and prayer-books, 318. of simulated stature, 621. to the great children, 357. we spent them not in, 260. Track, drive on your own, 729. pursue, each other's, 275. Tract behind, leaving no, 109. Tracts, leaves no, 36. of calm from tempest made, 634. through torrid, 398. Trade, doing good is not our, 417. of lying, 774. thou learned, love the little, 752. two of a, can never agree, 349. Trades, ugliest of, 597. Trade's proud empire, 367. Tradition, marrow of, 510. Tragedie, go my little, 6. Tragedies, Attic, 254. Tragedy, gorgeous, 250. of Hamlet with the prince left out, 494. to those who feel, 389. Trail of the serpent, 526. Trailing clouds of glory, 477. Train, a melancholy, 395. a royal, believe me, 100. at Coventry, waited for the, 626. every motion of his starry, 485. fear and bloodshed miserable, 476. of night, last in the, 235. of thy amber-dropping hair, 246. starry, heaven her, 233. up a child, 827. when I am dead no pageant, 571. woes love a, 308. Traitor, arrant as any, 93. love treason but hate the, 182. Traitors, fears do make us, 123. our doubts are, 47. Traitorous kiss, 676. Trammel up the consequence, 117. Trample on my days, 263. Tramplings of three conquests, 219. Trance, no nightly, 251. or breathed spell, no, 251. unimaginable, stood in, 504. Tranquil life, to lead a, 752. mind, farewell the, 154. Tranquillity, heaven was all, 527. of mind, 766. thou better name, 501. Transatlantic commentator, 592. Transcend our wonted themes, 264. Transcendent moment, one, 657. Transcribed, what is, 369. Transfigures its golden hair, 657. Transforms old print, 419. Transgressors, way of, 826. Transient chaste, early bright, 308. hour, catch the, 366. sorrows simple wiles, 474. Transition, what seems so is, 615. Transitory, action is, 465. Translated, thou art, 58. Translucent wave, glassy cool, 246. Translunary things, 40. Transmigration of the soul, 765. Transmitter of a foolish face, 354. Transmuted ill, sovereign o'er, 366. Transmutes, subdues, 476. Transport know, can ne'er a, 377. Trappings and suits of woe, 127. of a monarchy, 369. Traps, Cupid kills some with, 51. Trash, who steals my purse steals, 153. Travail, labour for my, 101. Travel is a part of education, 166. on life's common way, 472. thought the, long, 23. twelve stout miles, 472. Travels, contemplation of my, 70. in divers paces, time, 70. Travels' history, in my, 150. Travelled in realms of gold, 576. life's dull round, 379. Traveller from Lima, 592. from New Zealand, 591. from the Zuyder Zee, 592. lamp that lighted the, 522. now spurs the lated, 121. returns, bourne whence no, 136. Travellers must be content, 67. Travelleth, as one that, 825. Travelling is to regulate imagination, 375. Tray Blanch and Sweetheart, 147. Treacle, fly that sips, 348. Tread a measure with you, 56. again the scene, who would, 497. each other's heel, 308. in air, seem to, 339. on classic ground, 299. the globe, all that, 572. upon another's heel, one woe, 143. where angels fear to, 325. where'er we, 541. Treads alone some banquet-hall, 523. so light the grass stoops not, 161. Treason can but peep, 142. corporations cannot commit, 24. doth never prosper, 39. flourished over us, bloody, 114. has done his worst, 121. if this be, make the most of it, 429. like a deadly blight, 526. none dare call it, 39. Treasons, is fit for, 66. Treasure is, where your, 838. of his eyesight, 104. of our tongue, 39. rich the, 271. unsunned heaps of miser's, 244. what a, hadst thou, 134. Treasures, Apollo's Pythian, 339. hath he not always, 502. heaven's best, 387. in heaven, 838. love light and calm thoughts, 502. sea-born, fetched my, 598. up a wrong, him who, 555. Treatise, rouse at a dismal, 125. Treble, turning again toward childish, 69. Tree, aye sticking in a, 495. come to the sunset, 570. die at the top like that, 294. falleth, where the, 831. friendship is a sheltering, 503. fruit of that forbidden, 223. garden of Liberty's, 516. give me again my hollow, 328. green leaves on a thick, 338. hale green, 667. I planted, thorns of the, 544. in the wide waste, a, 552. is inclined, as the twig is bent the, 320. is known by his fruit, 839. leaf is on the, 611. light on tower and, 673. like a green bay, 819. near his fav'rite, 386. 'neath yon crimson, 573. of deepest root is found, 432. of liberty, 804. of life, the middle tree, 232. spare the beechen, 516. things done in a green, 842. too happy happy, 576. under a sycamore, 406. under the greenwood, 67. woodman spare that, 595. Zaccheus he did climb the, 687. Trees, blossoms in the, 316. bosomed high in tufted, 248. brotherhood of venerable, 474. drop tears as Arabian, 157. just hid with, 536. like leaves on, 338. promontory with, 158. tall ancestral, 569. tongues in, 67. unto the root of the, 841. Trelawney die, and shall, 687. Tremble for my country, I, 436. like a guilty thing, 478. my firm nerves shall never, 122. see my lips, 333. thou wretch, 147. when I wake, 418. while they gaze, angels, 382. Trembles, Satan, 422. too, turning, 389. Tremblers, boding, 397. Trenchant blade, 211. Trencherman, a very valiant, 50. Tresses fair, insnare, 326. like the morn, 246. whitening lip and fading, 636. Trial by juries, 435. Triangular holes and persons, 461. Tribe increase, may his, 536. is the badge of all our, 61. richer than all his, 157. were God Almighty's gentlemen, 268. Tribes, formed of two mighty, 560. that slumber in its bosom, 572. Tribute, laid all nature under, 457. not one cent for, 673. of a sigh, the passing, 385. of a smile, vain, 487. Trick of our English nation, 88. of singularity, 76. when in doubt win the, 861. worth two of that, I know a, 84. Tricks, his tenures and, 143. in plain and simple faith, 114. plays such fantastic, 48. shaped for sportive, 95. such, hath strong imagination, 59. that are vain, 669. Trident, flatter Neptune for his, 103. Tried each art, 396. little knowest that hast not, 29. patient though sorely, 614. save he whose heart hath, 550. thou that hast not, 29. to blame that has been, 350. to live without him, 175. without consent bin only, 193. Tries, knows not till he, 713. Trifle, as 't were a careless, 117. think naught a, 311. Trifles light as air, 154. make life, 311. make the sum of human things, 437. seeks painted, 391. snapper-up of unconsidered, 77. win us with honest, 116. Trim, dressed in all his, 163. gardens, in, 249. gilded vessel in gallant, 383. he that shot so, 105. meadows, 248. reckoning, 87. that shoots so, 405. Trip it as you go, 248. Trissotin, half, 593. Triton blow his wreathed horn, 477. of the minnows, hear you this, 103. Triumph advances, chief in, 491. in redeeming love, 674. pedestaled in, 651. pursue the, 320. Triumphal arch, 516. Triumphant death, 240. faith, o'er our fears, 615. Triumphed, Jehovah has, 524. over time, 26. Trivet, right as a, 676. Trivial fond records, 132. round the common task, 569. things, contests rise from, 325. Trod, proper men as ever, 110. Trodden out, little fire is quickly, 95. the wine-press alone, 834. Trojans, the distant, 337. Troop, farewell the plumed, 154. Troops of error, charged the, 217. of friends, love obedience, 124. Trope, out there flew a, 210. Trophies, need not raise, 258. unto the enemies of truth, 217. Tropic, under the, 220. Troth, not break my, 54. time tries the, in everything, 18. Troubadour, gayly the, 581. Trouble, double toil and, 123. man is born unto, 816. of few days and full of, 817. our days begin with, 687. present help in, 820. remedy for every, 701. war is toil and, 272. why all this toil and, 466. Troubles, against a sea of, 135. of the brain, the written, 125. peck of, 791. Troubled air, meteor to the, 383. let not your heart be, 843. like a fountain, 73. waters, fish in, 283. with thick-coming fancies, 125. Troublesome disguises, 234. Troublest me, thou, 97. Troubling, wicked cease from, 816. Trousers, steam-engine in, 461. Trowel, laid on with a, 66. Troy, Astyanax the hope of, 338. divine, tale of, 250. doubted, heard, 558. fired another, 272. half his, was burnt, 88. heard, doubted, 558. laid in ashes, 280. where is, 352. Troy's proud glories, 337. Truant, aged ears play, at his tales, 55. husband should return, 556. Truckle-bed, honour's, 212. Trudged along unknowing, 273. True Amphitryon, 277. and honourable wife, 112. are you good men and, 51. as fate, 182. as steel, 58, 107. as the dial to the sun, 215. as the needle to the pole, 306. battled for the, 632. beginning of our end, 59. blue, Presbyterian, 210. dare to be, 205. easy to be, 671. good to be honest and, 450. hearts lie withered, 521. hope is swift, 97. I have married her, 149. if England to itself rest, 80. like the needle, 389. love, course of, never did run smooth, 57. love is like ghosts, 795. man's apparel, every, 49. nature the first cause of the, 755. nothing, but heaven, 524. patriots all, 445. perfection, praise and, 66. so tender and so, 380. strange but, 560. tender and, Douglas, 38. 't is pity and pity 't is 't is true, 133. to one party, 659. to the kindred points of heaven, 485. to thine own self be, 130. too good to be, 284. use of speech, 403. way to be deceived, 795. whatsoever things are, 847. True-fixed and resting quality, 112. Truepenny, art thou there, 132. Truly loved never forgets, 520. Trump, shrill, 154. Trumpery, with all their, 231. Trumpet give an uncertain sound, 845. moved more than with a, 34. shifted his, 400. sound the, beat the drums, 281. sounds to horse, 296. the thing became a, 485. Trumpets, never heard the sound of, 734. silver snarling, 575. Trumpet-tongued, angels, 118. Trumps, if dirt was, 510. Truncheon, the marshal's, 47. Trundle-tail, tike or, 148. Trust all and be deceived, better, 641. all power is a, 608. government is a, 517. in all things high, 630. in God is our, 517. in God, put your, 588. in princes, put not your, 824. in Providence, put your, 313. magistracy is a great, 411. no agent, 51. no future howe'er pleasant, 612. no man on his oath, 109. no man without a conscience, 379. old friends to, 171. somehow good will be, 632. soothed by an unfaltering, 572. takes in, our youth, 26. woman's faith and woman's, 494. Trusts, offices are public, 529. public, 859. Trusted, let no such man be, 66. Trustees, officers of government are, 517. Trusty drouthy crony, 451. Truth and daylight meet, 255. and noonday light to thee, 654. and pure delight, heirs of, 477. and shame the devil, 85, 772. and soberness, words of, 843. authority and show of, 52. basis of every, 409. be in the field, so, 255. born to inquire after, 778. bright countenance of, 253. crushed to earth, 573. denies all eloquence to woe, 551. doubt, to be a liar, 133. enemies of, 217. fiction lags after, 408. forever on the scaffold, 657. from his lips prevailed, 397. from pole to pole, spread the, 300. great is, and mighty, 836. great ocean of, 278. has such a face, 269. hath a quiet breast, 80. he ought to die for, 600. her glorious precepts draw, 675. his utmost skill, 174. I will be harsh as, 605. impossible to be soiled, 253. in every shepherd's tongue, 25. in masquerade, 560. in the light of, 475. in the strife of, 657. in wine there is, 719. increase to her, 378. is always strange, 560. is beauty beauty is truth, 576. is its handmaid, 460. is precious and divine, 213. is the handmaid of justice, 460. is the highest thing, 4. is truth, 49. lend her noblest fires, 540. lie which is half a, 628. lies deep down, 766. lies like, 125. makes free, whom the, 421. man never harmed by, 754. may be, tell how the, 487. may bear all lights, 578. mercy and, are met together, 821. miscalled simplicity, 162. mournful, 366. nature is styled, 755. not to be spoken at all times, 780. nothing so powerful as, 534. nothing so strange as, 534. ocean of, all undiscovered, 278. of a song, swear to the, 287. of history, 724. of truths is love, 654. on the scaffold, 657. one, is clear, 316. one way possible of speaking, 651. pardon error but love, 801. patriot, 675. purity and, eternal joy, 280. put to the worse, 255. quenched the open, 491. ridicule the test of, 578. sanctified by, 483. seeming, 63. severe by fairy fiction drest, 383. shall be thy warrant, 25. shall ever come uppermost, 653. shall make you free, 843. simple, his utmost skill, 174. so pure of old, kept thy, 252. sole judge of, 317. speak as much as I dare, 777. speak every man, 847. speech is, 489. statesman yet friend to, 323. stooped to, 328. stranger than fiction, 560. strife of, with falsehood, 657. the brilliant Frenchman never knew, 414. the poet sings, this is, 626. the test of ridicule, 444. there is no, in him, 843. throughout the world, 483. time brings increase to her, 378. time trieth truth, 18. time will teach thee soon the, 613. to side with, is noble, 657. urge him with, 342. vantage ground of, 164. we know, by the heart, 799. well known to most, 424. whispering tongues can poison, 500. who having unto, 42. will come to sight, 62. will sometimes lend her noblest fires, 540. with gold she weighs, 330. with him who sings, 631. with the emblem of, 537. would you teach, 319. Truths as refined as Athens heard, 672. discovery of divine, 304. divine came mended from that tongue, 333. electrify the sage, whose, 514. fictions like to, 692. great, are portions of the soul, 656. I tell, believe the, 389. instruments of darkness tell us, 116. refined as ever Athens heard, 672. that wake to perish never, 478. to be self-evident, 434. two, are told, 116. which are not for all men, 801. who feel great, 654. Truth's, thy country's thy God's and, 100. Try first then call in God, 699. men's souls, times that, 431. our fortunes, ready to, 90. the man, let the end, 89. Tub, tale of a, 772. to the whale, fling a, 291. upon its own bottom, every, 350. Tufted crow-toe, 247. trees, bosomed high in, 248. Tug of war, then was the, 281. Tugged with fortune, 121. Tully's curule chair, 391. Tumble, another, 585. ready with every nod to, 97. Tumours of a troubled mind, 695. Tumult of the soul, 481. Tune, bells jangled out of, 136. incapable of a, 509. memory plays an old, 654. nature's heart in, 580. of flutes, 157. our voices keep, 518. out of, above the pitch, 771. should keep so long in, 303. singeth a quiet, 499. to sing the same, 729. Tunes, devil have all the good, 673. Turbans, white silken, 240. Turbulence eludes the eye, 473. Turf, at his head a green grass, 405. beneath their feet, 515. green be the, above thee, 562. green grassy, 428. of fresh earth, smell to a, 222. oft on the dappled, 473. that wraps their clay, 390. Turk, base Phrygian, 45. bear like the, 327. out-paramoured the, 147. Turkman's rest, cheers the, 555. Turn and fight another day, 216. at need, good, 782. backward O Time, 668. each thing his, does hold, 203. of the tide, 91. one good, asketh another, 15. over a new leaf, 174, 182. the smallest worm will, 95. your hand to anything, 787. Turning trembles too, 389. Turnips, man who, cries, 375. Turns at the touch of joy, 389. with ceaseless pain, 394. Turph, Peter, 72. Turrets of the land, 636. Turtle, love of the, 549. voice of the, is heard, 832. Twain, if, be away, 6, 17. Twal, short hour ayont the, 446. Tweed, at York 't is on the, 318. Tweedledum and Tweedledee, 351. Twelve, Cristes lore and his apostles, 2. good men into a box, 528. good rules, the, 398. honest men have decided, 671. in the sworn, 47. miles from a lemon, 460. stout miles, might travel, 472. tongue of midnight hath told, 59. years ago I was a boy, 595. Twenty bokes clothed in black, 1. days are now, long as, 470. kiss me sweet and, 75. more such names, 72. mortal murders, 122. worlds, should conquer, 181. Twenty-one, in the confidence of, 376. the minor pants for, 329. Twice read, what is, 369. Twice-told tale, life is tedious as a, 79, 345. Twig is bent, just as the, 320. Twilight dews are falling fast, 524. dews, no, 493. disastrous, 225. fair, as stars of, 474. gray in sober livery, 233. lets her curtain down, 582. of the heart, an evening, 562. repairing, when at, 515. soft and dim, 682. Twilights, her dusky hair like, 474. Twilight's curtain, 582. Twin brethren, great, 593. happiness was born a, 557. Twins even from the birth, 343. Twinkling of a star, but the, 214. of an eye, in the, 62, 846. Twitch quick as lightning, 214. 'Twixt two boundless seas, 525. Two clouds at morning, I saw, 677. eternities, past and future, 525. handles, everything hath, 746. hands upon the breast, 667. heads better than one, 12. hearts in one, 782. hearts that beat as one, 806. irons in the fire, 196. lovely berries on one stem, 58. narrow words hic jacet, 27. of a trade can never agree, 349. of that, trick worth, 84. pale feet crossed in rest, 667. sides to every question, 765. single gentlemen rolled in one, 454. souls with a single thought, 806. strings to his bow, 15. truths are told, 116. voices are there, 478. Two-and-seventy stenches, 503. Twofold image, we saw a, 481. Two-handed engine, 247. Two-headed Janus, 59. Two-legged animal, man is a, 763. thing a son, 267. Type, careful of the, 632. of the wise who soar, 485. of thee, Ferdinand Mendez Pinto was but a, 294. Types of things, loose, 473. Typical of strife, clubs, 420. Tyrannous to use it like a giant, 48. Tyranny begins, where law ends, 364. Tyrant, beautiful, 107. custom, the, 151. of his fields, 385. Tyrants, be wasted for, 525. ever sworn the foe to, 459. from policy, kings will be, 410. necessity the argument of, 453. rebellion to, 859. watered by the blood of, 804. Tyrant's plea, necessity the, 232.

Ugliest of trades, 597. Ugly and venomous, the toad, 67. sights, so full of, 96. Ultimate angels' law, 650. Ultimum moriens of respectability, 638. Umbered face, sees the other's, 92. Una with her milk-white lamb, 477. Unadorned, adorned the most, when, 356. Unalienable rights, 434. Unalterable days, the, 600. Unaneled, disappointed, 132. Unanimity is wonderful, their, 441. Unapprehended inspiration, 568. Unassuming commonplace, 473. Unattained, the far-off, 680. Unattempted yet in prose, 178. Unavenged, insults, 480. Scipio's ghost walks, 298. Unaware, I blessed them, 498. Unawares, like instincts, 634. Unawed by influence, 675. Unblemished let me live, 333. Unblessed, every inordinate cup is, 152. Unborn ages, ye, 383. Unborrowed from the eye, 467. Unbought grace of life, 410. health, hunt in fields for, 270. Unbounded courage, 299. stomach, man of an, 100. Unbribed by gain, 675. Unburied men, bodies of, 181. Uncertain, comes and goes, the world, 602. coy and hard to please, 490. glory of an April day, 44. paper, certain portion of, 556. the visible for the, 766. voyage, life's, 109. Uncertainty, certainty for an, 369. cloaca of, 799. of the law, glorious, 350. Unchained strength, the giant's, 572. Unchanging law of God, 639. Uncharitableness, all, 850. Uncheered by hope, 537. Uncle me no uncle, 862. Unclean lips, man of, 833. Unclouded ray, whose, 321. Unclubable man, a very, 371. Uncoffined and unknown, 547. Uncompromising as justice, 605. Unconditional surrender, 664. Unconfined, let joy be, 542. Unconning, thou art so, 6. Unconquerable mind, 382, 471. will and study of revenge, 223. Unconquered steam, 474. will, star of the, 613. Unconscious of decays, age, 341. Unconsidered trifles, snapper-up of, 77. Uncreated night, 227. Uncreating word, before thy, 332. Unction, flattering, 141. Undazzled eyes, 255. Undefyled, well of English, 28. Undepressed in size, 479. Under the rose, 219. Underlings, we are, 110. Underneath his feet he cast, 23. this sable hearse, 179. this stone doth lie, 178. Understand, believe what they least, 779. Understanding and wisdom, 833. candle of, 836. dupe of the heart, 795. for thy more sweet, 54. give it an, but no tongue, 129. God gives, 421. joke into a Scotch, 459. more, than my teachers, 823. not obliged to find you an, 375. passeth all, 847. to direct, 688. with all thy getting get, 825. Understood, harmony not, 316. her by her sight, 177. the interpreter hardest to be, 441. Undervalue me, if she, 26. Undescribable, describe the, 545. Undeserved praise, 330. Undevout astronomer is mad, 310. Undiscovered country, 136. Undisputed thing, 635. Undivulged crimes, 147. Undone, another victory we are, 171. his country, they 've, 298. if we are known we are, 761. if we had not been undone, 724. in another fight I were, 733. to want to be, 30. widow, some, 194. widows, thousands of, 172. wrong-doer that has left something, 755. Undreamed shores, 78. Undress, fair, best dress, 357. her gentle limbs did she, 499. Uneasy lies the head, 89. light, remnant of, 474. Uneffectual fire, 'gins to pale his, 132. Unessential, irrecognition of the, 662. Unexercised, virtue, 254. Unexpected always happens, the, 701. death the best, 735. Unexpressed, uttered or, 497. Unexpressive she, fair chaste and, 70. Unextinguished laughter, 337, 344. Unfaltering trust, 572. Unfashionable, lamely and, 95. Unfathomed caves of ocean, 385. Unfeathered two-legged thing, 267. Unfeeling for his own, 381. Unfed sides, 147. Unfinished, deformed, 95. Unfirm, more giddy and, 75. Unfit, for all things, 399. for ladies' love, 272. to sink or soar, 554. Unfold, I could a tale, 131. Unfolds both heaven and earth, 57. Unforgiving eye, 442. Unformed occident, 39. Unfortunate by a calamity, 766. Miss Bailey, 454. one more, 586. Unfriended melancholy slow, 394. Unfriendly to society, 415. Unfruitful, invention is, 408. Unfurnished, head to be let, 210. Ungalled play, the hart, 138. Ungracious pastors, 129. Ungrateful, man who is, 795. Unhabitable downs, 289. Unhand me gentlemen, 131. Unhandsome corse, a slovenly, 83. Unhanged, not three good men, 84. Unhappy far-off things, 473. folks on shore, 510. never so, as we suppose, 794. none but the great, 301. none think the great, 310. what the happy owe to the, 343. Unheard by the world, 524. Unheeded flew the hours, 464. Unholy blue, eyes of, 521. Unhonoured and unsung, 488. his relics are laid, 519. years, laden with, 449. Unhouseled, disappointed, 132. Un-idea'd girls, 369. Unimaginable trance, 504. Unintelligible world, this, 467. Uninterred, he lies, 341. Union, flag of our, 596. fragments of a once glorious, 533. here of hearts, there is no, 496. in partition, 58. indestructible, 619. is perfect, our, 426. liberty and, now and forever, 533. music of the, keep step to the, 588. must be preserved, our Federal, 458. of hearts union of hands, 596. of lakes union of lands, 596. of states none can sever, 596. our Federal, 458. sail on O, strong and great, 615. with his native sea, 480. Unison, some chord in, 422. United we stand, 595. yet divided, 417. Uniting we stand, 426. Unity, God is, 764. on earth, confound all, 124. to dwell together in, 824. Universal blank, 230. cure, cheap and, 261. darkness buries all, 332. good, partial evil, 316. grin, nature wears one, 362. peace, uproar the, 124. world, in the, 93. Universe, better ordering of the, 768. born for the, 399. forsakes thee, 803. glory and shame of the, 799. God is the creator of the, 765. harmony of the, 409. is change, 751. loves to create, 756. made up of all that is, one, 754. nature of the, 755. vast, scenes for a theatre, 777. University of these days, 580. Unjust peace before a just war, 361. to nature and himself, 307. Unkind as man's ingratitude, 70. when givers prove, 136. Unkindest cut of all, the most, 113. Unkindness, I tax not you with, 146. Unknelled uncoffined, 547. Unknowing what he sought, 273. Unknown and like esteemed, 245. and silent shore, 509. argues yourselves, 234. forms of things, 59. it is good to love the, 509. she lived, 469. thus let me live, unseen, 334. to fortune and to fame, 386. too early seen, 105. Unlamented let me die, 334. Unlearn not what you have learned, 763. Unlearned, amaze the, 324. men of books, 310. their wants may view, 325. Unless above himself he can erect himself, 39. Unlessoned girl unschooled, 64. Unlettered small-knowing soul, 54. Unlineal hand, with an, 121. Unlooked for, she comes, 333. Unmannerly untaught knaves, 57. Unmarried, primroses die, 77. Unmask her beauty to the moon, 129. Unmeasured by flight of years, 497. Unmerciful disaster, 640. Unmoving finger, his slow, 155. Unmusical to the Volscians' ears, 103. Unnatural, nothing is, 441. Unnumbered woes, 336. Unpack my heart with words, 135. Unpaid-for silk, rustling in, 159. Unpathed waters undreamed shores, 78. Unperceived decay, melts in, 365. shade softening in shade, 357. Unpitied sacrifice, 408. unrespited, unreprieved, 227. Unpleasant body, moist, 652. people, leaving, 556. Unpleasantest words, 64. Unpleasing sharps, 108. Unpolluted flesh, fair and, 144. Unpractised unschooled, 64. Unpremeditated verse, 238. Unpresumptuous eye, 421. Unprofitable, fretful stir, 467. stale flat and, 128. Unprofitably burns, our oil, 415. Unpurchased hand, with, 636. Unreal mockery hence, 122. Unreclaimed blood, 133. Unredressed, wrongs, 480. Unreflected light, 594. Unrelenting foe to love, 358. hate, Juno's, 274. Unremembered acts, 467. Unrespited unpitied unreprieved, 227. Unrest or noyance, 357. Unresting sea, life's, 636. Unreturning brave, 543. Unrighteous man his thoughts, 834. Unripened beauties, 298. Unruly evil, tongue is an, 849. member, 849. Unschooled unpractised, 64. Unseasonable, the insupportable is, 742. Unseen, born to blush, 385. walk the earth, 234. Unsighed for past, 482. Unskilful laugh, make the, 137. Unsought be won, 237. is better, love given, 76. Unspoken, what to leave, 168. Unspotted life is old age, 836. lily, a most, 101. Unstable as water, 813. fortune is, 766. Unsuccessful or successful war, 418. Unsung, unwept unhonoured, 488. Unsunned heaps of treasure, 244. snow, chaste as, 159. Unsuspected isle in the far seas, 644. Untainted, heart, 94. Untaught knaves, he called them, 83. Unthinking idle wild, 676. time, quaffing and, 272. Untimely death, 335. frost, death's, 450. grave, 200, 851. graves, emblems of, 420. Unto dying eyes, 630. the pure all things are pure, 848. Untravelled, my heart, 394. Untrewe, tellen his tale, 2. Untrodden ways, among the, 469. Untune that string, 102. Untutored mind, 315. Untwined me from the mass of deeds, 644. Untwisting all the chains, 249. Unused, fust in us, 142. to the melting mood, 157. Unutterable things, looked, 356. Unutterably bright stars, 568. Unvalued jewels, 96. Unvarnished tale, a round, 150. Unveiled her peerless light, 233. Unvexed with cares of gain, 348. Unwashed artificer, another lean, 80. Unwearied spirit, 64. Unwelcome news, bringer of, 88. Unwept unhonoured and unsung, 488. Unwhipped of justice, 147. Unwilling ploughshare, 486. Unwillingly to school, creeping, 69. Unwomanly rags, woman in, 585. Unworthy a religious man, 578. spurns of the, 135. Unwritten and written law, 760. Unwrung, our withers are, 138. Up and doing, let us be, 612. game is, 160. in my bed now, 584. my friend and quit your books, 466. rose Emilie, 2. rose the sonne, 2. stairs into the world, 294. with you, it is, 702. Upbraiding shore, buried by the, 545. Upland lawn, sun upon the, 386. Upmost round, attains the, 111. Upon the platform, 129. this hint I spake, 151. Upper ten thousand, 655. Upper-crust, they are all, 580. Upright, God hath made man, 831. keel, she steadies with, 498. man, behold the, 819. Uproar, sand and wild, 598. the universal peace, 124. Upstairs and downstairs, 679. Upturned faces, sea of, 493, 531. Urania govern thou my song, 236. Urge him with truth, 342. no healths, 398. Urges sweet return, retirement, 239. Urn, bubbling and loud-hissing, 420. can storied, 384. day fills his blue, 600. fancy's pictured, 382. life from its mysterious, 577. mouldering, 428. of poverty, penny in the, 588. Urns, fire in antique Roman, 213. in their golden, draw light, 236. lamps in old sepulchral, 415. rule our spirits from their, 554. Urs, those dreadful, 636. Use almost can change the stamp of nature, 141. both thanks and, 46. doth breed a habit in a man, 44. him as though you loved him, 208. of nature, against the, 116. of speech, the true, 403. remote from common, 556. soiled with all ignoble, 633. strained from that fair, 106. them kindly they rebel, 313. things beyond all, 112. Uses of adversity, sweet are the, 67. of this world, 128. to what base, we may return, 144. Used to a thing, 441. Useless if it goes as if it stands, 415. to excel where none admire, 377. Ushers in the even, full star that, 163. Utica, no pent-up, 439. Utility, laws of beauty and, 644. Utmost need, deserted at his, 271. Utterance, give them voice and, 420. of the early gods, 575. Uttered knowledge, 34. or unexpressed, 497. Uttermost parts of the sea, 824.

Vacancies by death are few, 435. by resignation none, 435. Vacancy, bend your eye on, 141. gloomy calm of idle, 376. Vacant chair, one, 615. garments, stuffs out his, 79. interlunar cave, 241. mind a mind distressed, 415. mind and body filled, 92. mind quite, 415. mind, that spoke the, 396. Vacation, conscience have, 213. Vacuity of thought, 420. Vagrom men, comprehend all, 52. Vain as the leaf upon the stream, 491. beauty is, 829. call it not, 488. did she conjure me, in, 407. fantasy, nothing but, 105. I only know we loved in, 539. is the help of man, 821. my weary search, 395. pomp and glory of this world, 99. seals of love but sealed in, 49. splendour dazzles in, 568. time toiled after him in, 366. to love in, 261. to tell thee all I feel, 594. was the chief's pride, 330. wisdom all, 228. wishes stilled, be my, 674. Vale, meanest floweret of the, 386. of life, sequestered, 385, 425. of pain, pleasures in the, 492. of tears, beyond this, 497. of years, declined into the, 153. where bright waters meet, 520. yon taper cheers the, 402. Vales, pyramids in, 309. the Delphian, 562. Valentine's day, to-morrow is, 142. Valet, no one a hero to his, 740. Valet-de-chambre, my, is not aware, 740. Valiant, all the brothers were, 852. and cunning in fence, 76. but not too venturous, 32. man and free, 633. taste death but once, 112. the reproof, 72. thou little, great in villany, 79. trencher-man, a very, 50. Valley, lord of the, 520. of death, all in the, 628. of decision, 836. so sweet, 520. Valleys and rocks never heard, 416. hills and, dales and fields, 40. Vallombrosa, brooks in, 224. Valour formed, for contemplation and, 232. given, angel hands to, 574. is certainly going, my, 441. is oozing out, my, 441. is sneaking off, my, 441. the better part of, 87. Valuable, what is, is not new, 532. Value, being lost we rack the, 53. learning has its, 797. Van, in the battle's, 680. Vandunck, Mynheer, 454. Vanilla of society, 460. Vanish like lightning, 594. Vanished hand, touch of a, 627. Vanishings blank misgivings, 478. Vanities of earth, fuming, 483. of life forego, 492. Vanity, all is, 829, 830. all others are but, 508. and vexation of spirit, 830. Fair, beareth the name of, 265. in years, 85. lighter than, 265, 821. man is altogether, 820. men of low degree are, 821. of this wicked world, 850. of vanities, 829. Vanquished, e'en though, 397. Vantage best have took, 47. coign of, 117. Vantage-ground of truth, 164. Vapour melting in a tear, 346. of a dungeon, 154. sometime like a bear, 158. Vapours, congregation of, 134. Variable as the shade, 490. lest thy love prove, 106. Varied God, are but the, 357. year, to rule the, 356. Variety is the spice of life, 419. men pleased with, 729. nor custom stale her infinite, 157. order in, 333. pleasure unseasoned by, 710. Various, a man so, 268. are the tastes of men, 391. bustle of resort, 244. earth was made so, 417. his employments, 420. Varying verse, to join the, 329. Vase, you may shatter the, 522. Vassal tides, 634. Vast and middle of the night, 128. antres, and deserts idle, 150. expense, maintained at, 273. is art, so, 323. Vasty deep, spirits from the, 85. Vault, deep damp, 308. fretted, the long-drawn aisle, 384. heaven's ebon, 568. makes this, a feasting presence, 109. mere lees is left this, 120. of all the Capulets, 412. Vaulted with such ease, 86. Vaulting ambition, 118. Vaward of our youth, 88. Veering gait, when his, 485. Vehemence of youth, fiery, 491. Veil is unremoved, whose, 485. no mortal ever took up my, 740. Veils her sacred fires, 332. spirits clad in, 653. Vein, Cambyses', 85. I am not in the, 97. it checks no, 357. this is Ercles', 57. when the heart is in a, 525. Venerable men from a former generation, 530. trees, brotherhood of, 474. Veneration but no rest, 166. Vengeance, big with, 363. waits on wrong, 344. Vengeful blade, 459. Veni vidi vici, 735. Venice, I stood in, 544. once was dear, 544. sate in state, where, 544. Venom, bubbling, 540. himself, all, 400. Venomous, toad ugly and, 67. Ventered life an' love an' youth, 660. Ventricle of memory, begot in the, 55. Vents in mangled forms, 68. Venture, nought, nought have, 15, 21. Ventures in one bottom, 59. or lose our, 115. Venturous, not too, 32. Venus sets ere Mercury can rise, 336. the Grecian, 378. Ver, primrose first-born child of, 199. Veracity increases with old age, 796. Verbosity, thread of his, 56. Verdure, spreads the fresh, 414. Vere de Vere, caste of, 623. Verge enough, ample room and, 383. enough for more, 277. of heaven, quite in the, 307. of her confine, 146. of the churchyard mould, 585. Vermeil-tinctured lip, 246. Vernal bloom or summer's rose, 230. morn, suns that gild the, 424. seasons of the year, 254. wood, one impulse from a, 466. Versailles, dauphiness at, 409. Verse, accomplishment of, 479. cheered with ends of, 212. cursed be the, 327. happy who in his, 799. herself inspires, decorate the, 540. hitches in a rhyme slides into, 328. hoarse rough, 324. married to immortal, 249, 481. may find him, a, 204. my gentle, 162. octosyllabic, 550. one, for sense, 213. one, for the other's sake, 213. or two, to write a, 204. sweetens toil, 393. the subject of all, 179. the varying, 329. thy rare gold song of, 651. unpremeditated, 238. who says in, 329. will seem prose, 280. Verses, false gallop of, 70. quire of bad, 593. rhyme the rudder is of, 211. Versed in books, deep, 241. Very like a whale, 139. Vessel, one, unto honour, 844. the gilded, goes, 383. wife the weaker, 849. Vessels large may venture more, 360. Vestal modesty, pure and, 108. Vestal's lot, blameless, 333. Vesture of decay, this muddy, 65. Veteran, superfluous lags the, 365. Veterans rewards, the world its, 321. Vex not his ghost, 149. the brain, researches, 443. Vexation of spirit, 830. Vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man, 79. Viaticum of old age, 762. Vibrates in the memory, music, 567. Vibrations, to deaden its, 617. Vicar of the Almightie Lord, 6. Vice, amusements prevent, 371. by action dignified, 106. distinction between virtue and, 370. encourage no, 398. end in sight was a, 646. gathered every, 332. good old-gentlemanly, 556. is a monster, 317. is sold, almost every, 178. itself lost half its evil, 410. of fools, never-failing, 323. of old age, a common, 705. pays to virtue, the homage, 795. prevails, when, 298. some tincture of, in the best virtue, 777. that reverend, 85. virtue itself turns, 106. Vices disguised, virtues are, 794. Hannibal had many, 186. ladder of our, 616. our pleasant, 149. small, do appear, 148. wallets for our, 716. Vicious and virtuous, 318. Vicissitudes in all things, 703. man used to, 368. of fortune, 430. of sects and religions, 168. of things, the sad, 379, 393. Victims play, the little, 381. priests altars, 323. Victor exult, shall, 514. Victors, to the, belong the spoils, 676. Victories, after a thousand, 161. peace hath her, 252. Victorious, o'er a' the ills o' life, 451. wreaths, bound with, 95. Victory, a Cadmean, 807. follows in its train, 460. grave where is thy, 335, 846. if not, is yet revenge, 226. it was a famous, 507. of endurance born, 573. or death, resolved on, 804. or Westminster Abbey, 446. undone by another, 171. Vienna, congress of, dances, 803. looker-on here in, 49. View, keep probability in, 349. landscape tire the, 358. me with a critic's eye, 459. order gave each thing, 98. that mocks me with the, 394. with extensive, 365. Views of happiness, distant, 181. of themselves, interested, 304. Viewless winds, imprisoned in, 48. Vigil long, patient search and, 555. on the green, keep their, 635. Vigils keep, poets painful, 331. Vigilance, eternal, 855. Vigilant, be sober be, 849. Vigour, dies in youth and, 341. from the limb, 542. is in our immortal soul, 707. press on with, 359. relents, my, 408. Vile, durance, 450. guns, but for these, 83. hold to stay him up, 79. ill-favoured faults, 46. man that mourns, 316. nought so, that on the earth doth live, 106. only man is, 536. squeaking of the fife, 62. Vilest sinner may return, 303. Village bells, music of those, 422. cock, early, 97. Hampden, some, 385. less than Islington, 261. maiden sings, 393. sweet Auburn loveliest, 395. Villain and he be miles asunder, 108. condemns me for a, 97. hungry lean-faced, 50. ne'er a, in all Denmark, 132. one murder made a, 425. smile and be a, 132. smiling damned, 132. Villains by necessity, 146. march wide, the, 87. Villanies, sum of all, 358. Villanous company, 86. low, foreheads, 43. saltpetre, 83. smell, rankest compound of, 46. Villany, clothe my naked, 96. great in, thou little valiant, 79. you teach me I will execute, 63. Villatic fowl, tame, 242. Vindicate the ways of God, 315. Vine, the gadding, 247. thou monarch of the, 158. under his, and fig-tree, 836. Vines, bosomed deep in, 332. foxes that spoil the, 832. Vinegar saltness and oil agree, 399. Vinegar-cruet, neck of a, 376. Vintage of Abi-ezer, 814. Violence, blown with restless, 48. perseverance more prevailing than, 726. Violent delights have violent ends, 107. over civil or over, 268. Violently if they must, 505. Violet by a mossy stone, 469. glowing, 248. here and there a, 428. in the youth of primy nature, 129. of his native land, 632. oxlips and the nodding, 58. throw a perfume on the, 79. Violets blew, roses red and, 28. blue, daisies pied and, 56. breathes upon a bank of, 74. dim but sweeter than the lids of Juno's eyes, 77. Europe's, faintly sweet, 570. I would give you some, 142. plucked, 183, 405. roses lilies and, 581. sicken, when sweet, 567. spring from her fair flesh, 144. Virgil, Rome can claim, 271. Virgin me no virgins, 862. sword, flesh his, 346. thorn, withering on the, 57. Virgins are soft as the roses, 549. Virgin's sidelong looks, bashful, 396. Virginian, I am not a, 429. Virginity, power o'er true, 245. Virtue, admiration of, 254. all that are lovers of, 208. alone is happiness, 319. ambition the soldier's, 158. as wax to flaming youth, 140. assume a, if you have it not, 141. blushing is the colour of, 283. blushing is the complexion of, 764. could see to do what virtue would, 244. crime called, 715. distinction between vice and, 370. feeble were, if, 246. for which all, now is sold, 178. forbearance ceases to be a, 407. fugitive and cloistered, 254. God gives to every man the, 421. golden through and through, 646. grace and, are within, 215. has difficulties to wrestle with, 775. has its degrees, 197. heaven but tries our, 380. homage vice pays to, 795. humility is a, 195. in exchange for wealth, 736. in her shape how lovely, 234. is bold goodness never fearful, 49. is its own reward, 207. is like a rich stone, 167. is like precious odours, 165. is sufficient for happiness, 760. is the chief good in life, 762. itself 'scapes not, 129. itself turns vice, 106. linked with one, 551. lovers of, all that are, 208. makes the bliss, 320. men of most renowned, 255. more, than doth live, 178. most in request is conformity, 601. much, in If, 72. must go through, brake that, 98. nobility is the only, 721. no man's, nor sufficiency, 53. now is sold, 178. of a sacrament, 767. of humility, 207. of necessity, to make a, 3, 192, 773. of the soul, justice a, 762. only makes our bliss below, 320. outbuilds the pyramids, 309. passes current over the world, 699. progressive, approving heaven, 355. requires a rough and stormy passage, 775. royalty of, 668. seek, for its own sake, 764. she finds too painful, 321. some fall by, 47. some mark of, 63. successful crime called, 34. that possession would not show, 53. the first, if thou wilt lere, 5. then we find the, 53. though in rags, 274. thousand crimes and one, 551. tincture of vice in the best, 777. under heaven, every, 329. wars that make ambition, 154. with whom revenge is, 311. Virtues, all heavenly, shoot, 527. be to her, very kind, 287. but vices disguised, 794. curse all his, 298. did not go forth of us, if our, 46. friend to her, 377. Hannibal had mighty, 186. is it a world to hide, in, 74. nothing could surpass her in, 555. pearl chain of all, 182. powers dominations, 235. spring of, 35. to sustain good fortune, 794. waste thyself upon thy, 46. we write in water, 100. will plead like angels, 118. Virtue's ferme land, 267. guide, this maxim be my, 350. manly cheek, 424. side, his failings leaned to, 396. Virtuous actions, 670. all the sisters, 852. and noble education, 253. and vicious every man, 318. because thou art, 75. deeds, blessings wait on, 294. deeds, matter for, 36. if a man be, withal, 4. liberty, hour of, 298. life, walk of, 307. man, slumbers of the, 299. Marcia towers above her sex, 298. outrageously, 297. soul, only a sweet and, 204. who that is most, 4. woman's counsel, 36. world to hide, 74. Virtuousest discreetest best, 238. Virtuously, many daughters have done, 829. Visage, devotion's, 135. in his mind, saw Othello's, 151. lean body and, 222. on his bold, 491. Visages do cream and mantle, 60. Visible for the uncertain, 766. no light but darkness, 223. Vision, a more delightful, 409. and the faculty divine, 479. baseless fabric of this, 43. beatific, enjoyed in, 225. clear dream and solemn, 245. feminine, dazzles the, 594. I took it for a faery, 244. never dazzle the feminine, 594. of unfilled desire, 768. sensible to feeling, 119. where there is no, 829. write the, make it plain, 836. young men's, 268. Visions, I have multiplied, 835. of glory, 383. young men shall see, 836. Visit her face too roughly, 128. my sad heart, 112. o'er the globe, our annual, 438. Visits like those of angels, 281, 355, 514. Visitations daze the world, 594. Visiting acquaintance, 440. Visitings, compunctious, 117. Visual nerve, 240. Vital in every part, 236. spark of heavenly flame, 334. Vixerunt fortes ante Agamemnona, 555. Vocal spark instinct with music, 485. voices, singers with, 285. Vocation, 't is my, 83. to labour in his, 83. Vociferation, in sweet, 285. Vociferous, vocal voices most, 285. Voice and utterance, give them, 420. ascending high, my, 302. big manly, 69. bird shall carry the, 831. but a wandering, 474. cry sleep no more, I heard a, 119. each a mighty, 478. give few thy, 130. I sing with mortal, 236. in every wind, 381. in my dreaming ear, 515. in the street, uttereth her, 824. is Jacob's voice, 813. is still for war, my, 298. joy is the sweet, 502. like a prophet's word, 562. living, sways the soul, 748. lost with singing of anthems, 88. love's familiar, 566. methought I heard a, 119. monstrous little, 57. more safe I sing with mortal, 236. my spirit can cheer, 586. of all the gods, 56. of charmers, 821. of God, daughter of the, 475. of gratitude, still small, 383. of nature cries, 385. of sea and mountains, 478. of sweetest tone, 583. of that wild horn, 490. of the hyena, 38. of the past, audible, 580. of the sluggard, 302. of the turtle is heard, 832. or hideous hum, 251. pleasing on their ear, his, 345. seasoned with a gracious, 63. so charming left his, 237. sole daughter of his, 239. sounds like a prophet's, 562. still small, 815. sweeter thy, 630. that is still, sound of a, 627. that wakens the slumbering ages, 594. the harmony of the world, 31. thrill of a happy, 655. was ever soft gentle and low, 149. watch-dog's, 396. without reply, 600. you cannot hear, I hear a, 314. Voices, ancestral, 500. earth with her thousand, 501. keep tune and oars keep time, 518. lead, where airy, 574. most vociferous, 285. music when soft, die, 567. thank you for your, 103. two, are there, 478. your most sweet, 103. Voiceful sea, swelling of the, 503. Void, left an aching, 422. rapture to the dreary, 549. yawning, of the future, 753. Volcano, dancing on a, 811. Volscians in Corioli, I fluttered your, 103. Volscians' ears, unmusical to, 103. Voltiger a painted vest had on, 685. Voluble is his discourse, sweet and, 55. Volume of my brain, book and, 132. small rare, 456. within that awful, 494. Volumes from mine own library, 42. history with all her, 546. in folio, I am for whole, 55. Voluptuous swell, music with its, 542. Voluptuously surfeit out, 102. Vomit, dog is turned to his, 849. Votaress, imperial, passed on, 58. Votaries, how the world rewards its, 802. Votarist, like a sad, 243. Vote, hand and heart to this, 530. that shakes the turrets of the land, 636. Vow and not pay, 830. better thou shouldst not, 830. me no vows, 862. Vows, lovers', seem sweet, 551. our, are heard betimes, 269. soul lends the tongue, 130. with so much passion, 281. Vowels, open, tire the ear, 324. Voyage, dry as the biscuit after a, 68. of their life, 115. Voyaging through strange seas, 475. Vulcan's stithy, foul as, 138. Vulgar boil an egg, the, 330. deaths unknown to fame, 339. familiar but by no means, 129. flight of common souls, 393. the great, and the small, 262. Vulgarity, the Jacksonian, 668. Vulgarize the day of judgment, 597. Vulture, rage of the, 549. Vultures, protection of, to lambs, 442.

Wad some power, Oh, 448. Wade through slaughter, 385. Wades or creeps or flies, 230. Waft a feather or to drown a fly, 306. me from distraction, 543. thy name beyond the sky, 539. Wafted by thy gentle gale, 455. Wafture of your hand, angry, 112. Wag all, in hall where beards, 21. let the world, 11. Wags, see how the world, 68. Wager, opinions backed by a, 554. Wagers, fools use arguments for, 213. lay no, 398. Wages of sin is death, 844. Wagon, hitch your, to a star, 603. Wail, nothing to, 242. with old woes, new, 161. Wailing winds and naked woods, 573. Wain, wheels of Phoebus', 243. Waist, lover's arm around her, 627. round the slight, 548. Wait a century for a reader, 670. to him who will but, 617. who only stand and, 252. Waited for the train, 626. Wake and call me early, 624. and sleep, still did, 163. and weep, here must I, 450. dream of those who, 721. if I should die before I, 687. thee, till angels, 367. to perish never, 478. tremble when I, 418. Wakes, at country, 274. the bitter memory, 231. Waked by the circling hours, 235. me too soon, you have, 302. she fled, I, 252. Wakeful nightingale, 233. Wakefulness, fail with, 590. Wakens the slumbering ages, 594. Waking bliss, certainty of, 244. man, dream of a, 761. morn of toil nor night of, 491. Wales a portion, 447. Walk about, foolery does, 76. beneath it steadfastly, 641. beyond the common, 307. by faith not by sight, 846. by moon or glittering starlight, 234. in fear and dread, 499. in silk attire, 673. into my parlour, 605. milky way or solar, 315. none durst, but he, 275. of art, every, 457. of virtuous life, 307. on wings, seem to, 339. the earth unseen, 234. under his huge legs, 110. while ye have the light, 843. with, pretty to, 256. with stretched-forth necks, 833. with you talk with you, 61. Walks abroad, take my, 301. and shades, these happy, 239. benighted under midday sun, 244. echoing, between, 239. eye nature's, 315. happy, and shades, 239. in beauty like the night, 551. in King's Bench, 297. o'er the dew, 127. the waters like a thing of life, 550. to-morrow, already, 504. unavenged amongst us, 298. up and down with me, 19. Walked in glory, him who, 470. in paradise, 639. in Thebes's streets, 517. straight out of the ark, 460. Walketh in darkness, 822. Walking and mincing as they go, 833. in an air of glory, 263. shadow, life 's but a, 125. Wall, bores through his castle, 82. close the, up with our English dead, 91. feather bed betwixt a, 211. in the office of a, 81. of partition, middle, 847. weakest goes to the, 104. whitewashed, 397. Walls, banners on the outward, 125. have ears, 2. peace be within thy, 824. stone, do not a prison make, 260. theatres porches, 438. wooden, of England, 861. Wallace bled, Scots wha hae wi', 450. Waller was smooth, 329. Wallets for our vices, 716. Walnuts and the wine, 623. Walton's heavenly memory, 484. Wand, bright gold ring on her, 520. he walked with, 224. Wander through eternity, 227. with me, come, 611. Wandered by the brookside, 634. east I 've wandered west, 580. long in fancy's maze, 328. Wanderers o'er eternity, 543. Wandering, as the bird by, 828. mazes lost, in, 228. moon riding near, 250. on a foreign strand, 488. on as loth to die, 484. passenger, forlorn and, 243. steps and slow, 240. voice, but a, 474. Wanderings of thy thought, 497. Wanders heaven-directed, 321. Want as an armed man, 825. exasperated into crime, 639. lonely, retired to die, 366. not what we wish but what we, 390. of a horse the rider was lost, 360. of a nail the shoe was lost, 360. of a shoe the horse was lost, 360. of decency is want of sense, 278. of heart, as well as, 584. of thought, evil wrought by, 584. of thought, whistled for, 273. of towns, elephants for, 289. of wealth, rich from very, 387. though much I, that most would have, 22. to be undonne, to, 30. Wants but little, man, 308, 402. money means and content, 70. supply, his presence shall my, 3. that pinch the poor, 424. Wanted a good word, never, 400. many an idle song, 326. one immortal song, 267. Wanting, art found, 835. not, what is stolen, 154. the accomplishment of verse, 479. Wanton boys that swim on bladders, 99. eyes, stretched-forth necks and, 833. stings and motions of the sense, 47. sweetness, witchingly instil a, 357. wiles, quips and cranks and, 248. Wantoned with thy breakers, 548. Wantonness in clothes, 201. War, aid after the, 205. blast of, blows in our ears, 91. brazen throat of, 240. by nature in a state of, 290. cause of a long ten years', 280. Christ went agin, an' pillage, 659. circumstance of glorious, 154. corn is the sinews of, 771. delays are dangerous in, 276. even to the knife, 541. ez fer, I call it murder, 658. first in, first in peace, 445. first touch of liberty's, 525. flinty and steel couch of, 151. garland of the, 159. grim-visaged, 95. hand of, infection and the, 81. he sung is toil and trouble, 272. he who did well in, 648. in peace prepare for, 712. in time of peace thinks of, 191. is a game, 421. is still the cry, 541. its thousands slays, 425. law spoke too softly for, 725. let slip the dogs of, 113. magnificent but not, 808. man of peace and, 214. my sentence is for open, 226. my voice is still for, 298. neither learn, any more, 832. never was a good, 361. no discharge in that, 831. no room for second miscarriage in, 733. not with the dead, I, 338. of elements, amidst the, 299. or battle's sound, 251. peace no less renowned than, 252. pestilence and, 229. seeks its victims in the young, 697. sinews of, 810. spoils of, 569. squadrons and right form of, 112. storm of, was gone, 465. testament of bleeding, 82. the state of nature, 407. the study of a prince, 407. this is, 678. to be prepared for, 425. tug of, then was the, 281. unjust peace before a just, 361. unsuccessful or successful, 418. voices prophesying, 500. was in his heart, 821. weak defence in, 273. with honour as in, 103. Wars and rumours of wars, 841. big, that make ambition virtue, 154. more pangs and fears than, 99. no sound of clashing, 642. noise of endless, 229. of kites or crows, 255. thousand, of old, 633. who does i' the, 158. War's glorious art, 311. red techstone, 660. Warble his native wood-notes, 249. Warbled to the string, 250. Warbler of poetic prose, 421. Warblers roam, where idle, 523. Ward has no heart they say, 456. thou knowest my old, 84. Warder of the brain, 119. Ware, great bed at, 305. Warm as ecstasy, 414. heart within, 422. without heating, 312. Warmest welcome at an inn, 379. Warms in the sun, 316. Warmth, dear as the vital, 280. lack of kindly, 109. of its July, 595. soft ethereal, 228. Warn comfort and command, 475. Warning, at th' expected, 447. come without, 680. for a thoughtless man, 481. give little, 433. take from others, 703. wilderness of, 661. Warp, weave the, 383. Warrant, truth shall be thy, 25. Warrior famoused for fight, 161. intrepid and unselfish, 571. taking his rest, like a, 563. Warriors feel, stern joy that, 419. fierce fiery, 112. Warres and faithful loves, 27. Warsaw, order reigns in, 809. Wash, dirty linen to, 800. her guilt away, 403. Washed with morning dew, 491. Washing his hands with invisible soap, 584. Washington, America has furnished a, 530. is in the clear upper sky, 531. name of, shall shed an eternal glory, 572. Washington's awful memory, 507. Washingtonian dignity, the, 668. Waste, affections run to, 546. haste maketh, 9. in the wide, is a tree, 552. its sweetness on the desert air, 385. long nights, 29. not the remnant of thy life, 750. ocean's melancholy, 572. of feelings unemployed, 549. of hopes laid, 606. of thought, thinking is idle, 517. thyself upon thy virtues, 46. Wasted for tyrants, 525. some nine moons, 149. Wasteful and ridiculous excess, 79. Wasteth at noonday, 822. Wasting in despair, 199. Watch a mouse, as a cat would, 293. an idler is a, 415. authentic, is shown, 256. call the rest of the, 52. care keeps his, 106. each believes his own, 323. in every old man's eye, 106. in the night, 822. no eye to, no tongue to wound, 522. o'er man's mortality, 478. some must, while some sleep, 138. stars set their, in the sky, 515. that wants both hands, 415. the hour, do but, 555. whispers of each other's, 91. with more advised, 60. your opportunity, 758. Watches, dictionaries are like, 375. judgments as our, 323. Watch-dog's honest bark, 556. voice that bayed, 396. Watched her breathing, 583. Watcher of the skies, 576. Watchful eye, guard me with a, 300. night, the, 508. Watching thee from hour to hour, 634. Watchman what of the night, 833. Water and a crust, 574. at Lodore, 506. brooks, hart panteth after, 820. but the desert, 546. but limns on, 170. conscious, saw its God, 258. continually dropping, 728. cup of, a little thing, 577. deeds writ in, 197. deepest in smoothest stream, 33. drink no longer, 848. drops, women's weapons, 146. earth hath bubbles as the, 116. glass of brandy and, 457. horse to the, 14. imperceptible, 584. in the rough rude sea, 81. in water, indistinct as, 158. made his mouth to, 212. milk and, 554. miller sees not all the, 192. more, glideth by the mill, 104. much, goeth by the mill, 18. name was writ in, 577. nectar and rocks pure gold, 44. ne'er left man in the mire, 109. rats and land rats, 61. sipped brandy and, 454. smooth runs the, 93. spilt on the ground, 815. thieves and land thieves, 61. this business will never hold, 296. travel by land or, 293. unstable as, 813. virtues we write in, 100. water everywhere, 498. went by, instead of land, 725. whole stay of, 833. Waters, beside the still, 819. blood-dyed, 513. blood thicker than, 493. blue, fades o'er the, 540. cannot quench love, 832. cast thy bread upon the, 831. cold, to a thirsty soul, 828. do business in great, 823. dreadful noise of, in mine ears, 96. fish in troubled, 283. hell of, 545. meet, where the bright, 520. noise of many, 822. of the Nile, 596. once more upon the, 542. o'er the glad, 550. rave, where the scattered, 679. rising world of, 230. she walks the, 550. stolen, are sweet, 825. unpathed, undreamed shores, 78. where the bright, meet, 520. wide as the, be, 484. words writ in, 37. Waterloo, every man his, 641. Watermen look astern while they row, 739. row one way and look another, 186. Watery deep, plough the, 337. Wattle, did you ever hear of Capt., 436. Wave, all sunk beneath the, 423. break of the, 561. cool translucent, 246. fountain's murmuring, 428. life on the ocean, 679. long may it, 517. Munich all thy banners, 515. of life kept heaving, 583. of the ocean, 680. o' the sea, I wish you a, 78. so dies a, along the shore, 434. spangling the, 492. succeeds a wave, 202. while the sea rolls its, 675. winning, deserving note, 201. with dimpled face, 681. Waves, amidst a sea of, 345. are brightly glowing, 611. bound beneath me, 542. Britannia rules the, 358. can roll, wherever, 413. come as the, come, 493. dashed high, the breaking, 569. lapsing, on quiet shores, 619. nothing save the, and I, 558. o'er the mountain, 514. proud, be stayed, 817. sea rolls its, 675. went high, when the, 267. were rough, when the, 526. what are the wild, saying, 680. whist, the wild, 42. with roots deep set, 618. Waved her lily hand, 348. Wavering, more longing, 75. Wax, my heart is, to be moulded, 792. to flaming youth, virtue be as, 140. to receive marble to retain, 554. Way, adorns and cheers our, 399. as birds I see my, 643. but how carve, 651. dim and perilous, 465, 480. eftest, 53. face is like the milky, 256. freed his soul the nearest, 367. glory leads the, 281. glory shows the, 281. God moves in a mysterious, 423. guide my lonely, 402. heaven's wide pathless, 250. home, the next, 204. home, the shortest, 204. homeward plods his weary, 384. I am going a long, 629. in such a solemn, 635. let the wicked forsake his, 834. life's common, 472. lion in the, there is a, 828. long is the, and hard, 227. longest, round, 204. madness lies that, 147. man's heart deviseth his, 826. marshall'st me the, 119. mind my compass and my, 354. narrow is the, 839. no t' other side the, 586. noiseless tenor of their, 385. of all flesh, 181. of all the earth, 814. of bargain, in the, 85. of kindness, save in the, 463. of life, my, 124. of transgressors, 826. on their winding, 536. one, possible of speaking truth, 651. out of his wreck, 100. parting of the, 835. permit nature to take her, 780. pretty Fanny's, 305. she dances such a, 256. small to greater must give, 157. solar walk or milky, 315. something given that, 185. sordid, he wends, 564. steep and thorny, to heaven, 129. tenor of his, 425. that milky, which nightly, 236. through Eden took their, 240. through many a weary, 580. to be deceived, 795. to dusty death, 125. to heaven, all the, 259. to heaven led the, 313. to hit a woman's heart, 597. to parish church, plain as, 68. we will precede lead the, 441. where is the good, 835. where prudence points the, 672. which, I fly is hell, 231. which, shall I fly, 231. which, the wind is, 195. which, they walk, 119. wide is the gate broad the, 839. wisdom finds a, 444. working out its, 267. Ways, amend your, 835. among the untrodden, 469. cheerful, of men, 230. fortune hath divers, 35. God fulfils himself in many, 629. hundred and fifty, 71. newest kind of, 90. of glory, trod the, 100. of God, just are the, 242. of God to man, vindicate the, 315. of God to men, justify the, 223. of heaven, just are the, 344. of her household, 829. of hoar antiquity, 403. of honour, the perfect, 101. of men, far from the, 345. of pleasantness, 825. of the gods full of providence, 749. shadow falls both, 240. stand ye in the, 835. the heart doth reveal, 502. that are dark, 669. to lengthen our days, 521. torture ten thousand, 270. travel on life's common, 472. wandered all our, 26. Wayfaring men, 835. Wayward and tetchy, 97. sisters depart in peace, 676. We are men my liege, 121. are ne'er like angels, 182. never mention her, 581. Weak against the strong, 653. and beggarly elements, 846. and despised old man, 147. concessions of the, 408. fine by defect and delicately, 321. minds led captive, 240. overcome the strong, 696. protest of the, 653. the flesh is, 841. to be a sinner, too, 109. to be, is miserable, 223. women went astray, if, 287. Weaker vessel, as unto the, 849. Weakest bodies, strongest works in, 141. goes to the wall, 104. kind of fruit, 64. Weakness, amiable, 442. strength perfect in, 846. stronger by, 221. Weaknesses, amiable, 430. Weal, prayer for others', 539. the public, 777. Wealth, accumulates, where, 396. and commerce, 680. and freedom reign, 394. boundless his, 488. by any means get, 329. e'er gave, all that, 384. excess of, is cause of covetousness, 41. excludes but one evil, 373. genuine and less guilty, 257. get place and, 329. ignorance of, his best riches, 396. loss of, is loss of dirt, 8. of Ormus and of Ind, 226. of seas the spoils of war, 569. of the Indies, 373. preferring to eternal praise, 341. private credit is, 689. rich from want of, 387. shade that follows, 402. that sinews bought, 418. virtue in exchange for, 736. Wealthy and wise, healthy, 360. curled darlings, 149. Weans in their bed, are the, 679. Weapon, satire 's my, 328. still as snowflakes, 538. Weapons, women's, water-drops, 146. Wear a crown, sweet to, 94. a face of joy, 471. a golden sorrow, 98. a lion's hide, 79. motley 's the only, 68. not much the worse for, 417. out than rust out, better, 853. Wearers of rings and chains, 511. Weariest worldly life, 49. Weariness can snore, 160. may toss him, 205. of the flesh, 832. Wearing, worse for the, 16. Wearisome condition, 35. Wears a hood, drink with him that, 22. Weary and old with service, 99. and worn, with fingers, 585. be at rest, there the, 816. bones, come to lay his, 100. of breath, one more unfortunate, 586. of conjectures, I am, 299. of toil and of tears, 668. stale flat and unprofitable, 128. with disasters, 121. Weasel, it is like a, 139. Weather, fair, out of the north, 817. many can brook the, 55. through pleasant and cloudy, 433. will be fair for the sky is red, 840. wind or, nought cared for, 503. Weathercock on a steeple, 44. Weathered the storm, 464. Weave the warp, 383. Weaver's shuttle, swifter than a, 816. Web from their own entrails spin, 274. in middle of her, 175. like the stained, 526. of our life is of mingled yarn, 74. tangled, we weave, 490. that whitens in the sun, 526. Webster a steam-engine, 461. Wed at leisure, wooed in haste, 72. December when they, 71. itself with thought, speech, 632. with this ring I thee, 851. Wedded love, hail, 234. maid and widowed wife, 494. Wedding is destiny, 10. Wedding-gown is prettiest, 597. Wedge, for a tough log a tough, 712. Wedges of gold, 96. Wedged in that timber, 278. Wedlock compared to public feasts, 176. Wee short hour, some, 446. thing, bonny, 450. thing handsome, 450. wife of mine, sweet, 450. Willie Winkie, 679. Weed flung from the rock, 542. ill, groweth fast, 13. ill, grows apace, 35. in palmer's, 243. on Lethe wharf, 131. pernicious, 415. who art so lovely fair, 155. Weeds, bittern booming in the, 592. dank and dropping, 253. of glorious feature, 30. outworn, winter, 566. who in widow, appears, 449. wiped away the, 598. Weed's plain heart, 656. Weeded, rich soils often to be, 168. Week, argument for a, 84. divide the Sunday from the, 126. of all the days that 's in the, 285. Weeks thegither, fou for, 451. Week's labour, good, 174. Weep a people inurned, 592. away the life of care, 566. here must I wake and, 450. in our darkness, let us, 655. laugh that I may not, 558. leaves the wretch to, 402. let the stricken deer go, 138. make the laughter, 163. might not, for thee, 563. night is the time to, 497. no more, lady, 405. no more nor sigh, 183. not for him, 655. such tricks as make the angels, 48. tears such as angels, 225. that trust and that deceiving, 641. the more because in vain, 386. to record, 513. while all around thee, 438. who would not, 327. women must, 664. words that, 262. yet scarce know why, 525. Weeper laugh, make the, 163. Weeping eyes, wipe my, 303. for the morrow, 803. thou sat'st, 438. to

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