applied, 548. shake, with a king, 563. that might have swayed, 384. their knell is rung, by fairy, 389. then take, 42. to valour given, 574. two, upon the breast, 667. washing with invisible soap, 584. watch that wants both, 415. were made before knives, 293. wings or feet, 230. with his two happy, 31. Handel 's but a ninny, 351. Handle not taste not, 847. toward my hand, 119. Handles, everything hath two, 746. Handful of meal in a barrel, 815. of silver, just for a, 646. Hand-in-glove, were, 293. Handiwork, showeth his, 819. Handmaid of justice, truth the, 460. Hand-saw, hawk from a, 134. Handsome, everything about him, 53. in three hundred pounds a year, 46. is that handsome does, 401. wee thing, 450. Handy-dandy, change places and, 148. Hang a calf's skin, 79. a doubt on, nor loop to, 154. out our banners, 125. sorrow care will kill a cat, 177. the pensive head, 248. themselves in hope one will come and cut the halter, 222. together, we must all, 361. upon his pent-house lid, 116. us every mother's son, 57. Hangs a tale, thereby, 68, 73. his head for shame, 681. on Dian's temple, 103. on prince's favours, 99. upon the cheek of night, 105. Hanging and marriage go by destiny, 192. and wiving go by destiny, 10, 63. his cat on Monday, 856. in a golden chain, 230. was the worst use man could be put to, 175. Hangman of creation mark, 449. Hangman's whip, fear o' hell, 448. Hannibal had mighty virtues, 186. was a very pretty fellow, 295. Haphazard, let no act be done at, 751. Hapless love, pangs of, 367. Happened once, this could but have, 650. Happens at all, whatever, happens as it should, 751. Happier in the passion we feel, 795. than I know, feel that I am, 237. things, remembering, 621. Happiness below, virtue alone is, 319. distant views of, 181. depends as nature shows, 413. domestic, thou only bliss, 419. fireside, 455. glimpse of, saw a, 221. lies in superfluities, 738. man's, to do proper things, 755. of the greatest number, 856. of the rational animal, 755. our being's end and aim, 318. our pastime and our, 477. produced by a good inn, 372. pursuit of, 434. spectacle of human, 462. that makes the heart afraid, 584. thought of tender, 476. through another's eyes, 71. too familiar, 483. too swiftly flies, 382. virtue sufficient for, 760. was born a twin, 557. we prize, if solid, 362. Happy accident, 174, 402, 792. am I from care I 'm free, 689. as a lover, 476. because God wills it, 658. constellations, 238. could I be with either, 348. days, a world of, 96. earthlier, is the rose distilled, 57. few, we band of brothers, 92. fields farewell, 223. for him his father was before him, 293. he whose name has been well spelt, 559. he with such a mother, 630. hills pleasing shade, 381. is he born or taught, 174. is the blameless vestal's lot, 333. little, if I could say how much, 51. make two lovers, 330. man be his dole, 46. man happy dole, 11. man that hath his quiver full, 824. man 's without a shirt, 8. mixtures of happy days, 554. never so, as we suppose, 794. pair live while ye may, 233. soul that all the way, 259. that have called thee so, 508. the man and happy he alone, 273. the man whose wish, 334. to the unhappy owe, what the, 343. walks and shades, 239. was it for that son, 95. who in his verse, can steer, 799. why so few marriages are, 291. years, ah, 541. Harass the distrest, 366. Harbinger, springtime's, 199. Harbingers of blood and death, 126. to heaven, 221. Harbour give, in life did, 178. Hard a keeping oath, sworn too, 54. crab-tree, 211. long is the way and, 227. nothing so, but search will find it, 203. their lot, how, 672. to part when friends are dear, 433. to please everybody, 712. to please, uncertain coy and, 490. way of transgressors is, 826. Hardship, life of danger and, 537. Hardships prevent melancholy, 373. Hardens all within, 448. Hardest-timbered oak, 94. Hardy as the Nemean lion's nerve, 131. Hare, hold with the, 12. mad as a March, 18, 790. to run with the, 33. to start a, 84. Hark from the tombs, 303. hark the lark, 159. the shrill trumpet sounds, 296. they whisper, 334. Harm me, fate cannot, 461. win us to our, 116. Harmes two the lesse, of, 5. Harmless as doves, 839. day, entertains the, 174. earth, bowels of the, 83. flaming meteor, 261. necessary cat, 64. pleasure, stock of, 369. Harmonies, concerted, 580. Harmonious numbers, 230. sound on golden hinges, 236. whose touch, 367. Harmoniously confused, 333. Harmony for thee O universe, 752. heaven drowsy with, the, 56. heavenly, 271. hidden soul of, 249. in her bright eye, 259. in immortal souls, 65. like deep, enforce attention, 81. not understood, 316. of circumstances, 706. of shape, air and, 287. of the universe, 409. of the world, her voice the, 31. sentimentally disposed to, 509. to harmony, 271. touches of sweet, 65. Harness, dead in his, 837. him that girdeth on his, 816. on our back, die with, 126. Haroun Alraschid, good, 623. Harp, high-born Hoel's, 383. in divers tones, 631. of life, love took up the, 625. of Orpheus, 253. of thousand strings, 303. open palm upon his, 617. sings to one clear, 631. through Tara's halls, 519. Harps upon the willows, 824. Harper, wind that grand old, 667. Harping on my daughter, 133. Harpy-footed Furies, 228. Harrow up thy soul, 131. Harry the King Bedford, 92. with his beaver on, 86. Harsh as truth, I will be as, 605. the words of Mercury are, 57. Harshness gives offence, no, 324. Hart, like a youthful, 302. panteth after water brooks, 820. ungalled play, 138. Harvest, earth laughs with a, 597. of a quiet eye, 471. of the new-mown hay, 296. truly is plenteous, 839. Harvest-home, a stubble-land at, 83. Harvest-time of love, 508. Haste, I am always in, 359. make, the better foot before, 80. maketh waste, 9. married in, 295. mounting in hot, 542. one with moderate, 129. sweaty, 126. to be rich, 829. to repay an obligation, 795. to wed at leisure, wooed in, 72. Hasten to be drunk, 273. Hastening ills, prey to, 396. Hasty as fire deaf as the sea, 80. Hat, broad-brimmed, 352. by his cockle, 405. fashion of his, 50. it was not all a, 571. not the worse for wear, 417. that bows to no salaam, 586. the ultimum moriens of respectability, 638. three cornered, the old, 635. upon my head, with my, 375. Hats, shocking bad, 463. Hatched, chickens ere they are, 214, 791. to the woful time, 120. Hatches, his body 's under, 436. Hate a dumpy woman, 556. cherish those hearts that, 100. immortal, 223. in the like extreme, 345. Juno's unrelenting, 274. lost between us, no, 173. of hate scorn of scorn, 623. of those below, 543. thine enemy, 838. those you have injured, to, 747. your neighbour, 591. Hates that excellence, 355. Hated him, loved my country and, 555. needs but to be seen, to be, 317. with a hate, 558. Hater, he was a good, 375. Hathaway, angels must love Ann, 690. Hating David, not only, 268. no one love but her, 547. Hatred, love turned to, 294. Haughtiness of soul, 298. Haughty spirit before a fall, 826. Haunt, exempt from public, 67. Haunts in dale or mountain, 504. of men, the busy, 570. the guilty mind, suspicion, 95. Haunted holy ground, 541. me like a passion, 467. spring and dale, from, 251. Have and to hold, 850. it so, you would, 798. naught venture naught, 15. we prize not what we, 53. Have-much and Have-little, 789. Havens, ports and happy, 80. Having nothing yet hath all, 174, 846. Havoc, cry, and let slip the dogs, 113. Hawk from a hand-saw, 134. Hawks, between two, 93. Hawthorn bush with seats, 395. in the dale, under the, 248. Hay, harvest of the new mown, 296. make, while the sun shines, 787. needle in a bottle of, 670. reposing himself in the, 400. when the sun shineth make, 10. Hazard of concealing, 448. of the die, I will stand the, 98. He alone is blessed, 289. best can paint them, 333. comes too near, 193, 350. cometh unto you, 34. first deceased, 175. for God only, 232. knew what 's what, 8. may run that readeth, 836. that is down, 212, 266. that is not with me, 842. that is robbed, 154. that runs may read, 422. that wrestles with us, 411. He was the word that spake it, 177. who can call to-day his own, 273. Head and front of my offending, 149. beauteous honours on its, 337. buck of the first, 55. coals of fire on his, 828, 844. cover my, now, 584. crotchets in thy, thou hast some, 45. crown of his, 51, 173, 198. crown old winter's, 259. dissever from the fair, 326. eternal sunshine settles on its, 397. fame over his living, 565. fantastically carved, 90. fruitless crown upon my, 121. gently falling on thy, 302. gently lay my, 218. good gray, 627. green grass turf at his, 405. hairs of your, all numbered, 839. hands wings, 230. hang the pensive, 248. hangs his, for shame, 681. hat upon my, 375. heart may give a lesson to the, 422. heaven to the weary, 584. helmet for a blow on the, 764. here rests his, 386. hoary, is a crown of glory, 826. imperfections on my, 132. is as full of quarrels, 107. is fancy bred, in heart or, 63. is not more native to the heart, 127. is sick and the heart faint, 832. learned lumber in his, 325. less beloved, 547. lodgings in a, 210. nail on the, 20, 183. no roofe to shrowd his, 194. not where to lay his, 839. not yet completely silvered, 419. of the table, 790. of things, great, 717. off with a golden axe, 108. off with his, 97, 296. on horror's, 154. one small, 397. plays round the, 319. precious jewel in his, 67. repairs his drooping, 248. seems no bigger than his, 148. silent doctor shook his, 349. silvered o'er by time, 419. so many books upon his, 457. so young a body so old a, 64. some less majestic, 547. stroked with a slipper, 703. sweet tooth in his, 33. that wears a crown, 89. the wise the reverend, 303. to be let unfurnished, 210. to contrive, 255, 430. turns no more his, 499. uneasy lies the, 89. was silvered o'er with age, 348. what seemed his, 228. which statuaries loved to copy, 590. with reading stuff the, 332. Heads beneath their shoulders, 150. hide their diminished, 231. houseless, 147. ignominious, 339. nailed by the ears, 214. never raising, 469. so many wits so many, 10. sometimes so little, 222. tall men had empty, 170. too little for wit, 222. touch heaven, hills whose, 150. two better than one, 12. Head-stone of the corner, 823. Headstrong as an allegory, 440. Healer, scorn not death the, 696. Healing in his wings, 836. of the most High cometh, 837. Health, be thou a spirit of, 130. best physic to preserve, 167. dainties might hurt their, 398. good sense and good, 713. he that will this, deny, 672. hunt in fields for, 270. is the second blessing, 208. my nerves and fibres brace, 357. peace and, 387. peace and competence, 319. unbought, 270. vital principle of bliss, 358. while grace affordeth, 22. Healths five-fathom deep, 105. Healthful play, 302. Healthy nature, blessed is the, 579. wealthy and wise, 360. Heap, misfortunes laid in one, 736. of dust alone remains of thee, 335. Heaps of miser's treasures, 244. of pearl, 96. unsunned, of treasure, 244. Heapeth up riches, 819. Hear a voice you cannot hear, I, 314. be silent that you may, 113. be swift to, 849. by tale or history, 57. he that hath ears to, 841. it not Duncan, 119. listening still they seemed to, 345. me for my cause, 113. none so deaf that will not, 19, 283. these tell-tale women, 97. to see to feel to, 541. Heard and do in part believe it, 127. for much speaking, 838. I will be, 605. it said full oft, 163. melodies are sweet, 576. of thee by the hearing of the ear, 818. round the world, 599. so coldly, 606. the world around, 251. wished she had not, it, 150. Hearers, too deep for his, 399. Hearing ear, the, 827. ear the speaking tongue, 603. of the ear, heard of thee by the, 818. Hearings, younger, quite ravished, 55. Hearkeners seldom hear good of themselves, 283. Hearse, underneath this sable, 179. Hearsed in death, 130. Heart, a little heaven in each, 288. a merry, 826. afraid, that makes the, 584. and hand both open, 102. and lute, my, 525. arrow for the, 560. as he thinketh in his, 828. awake to the flowers, 520. bare the mean, 328. be troubled, let not your, 843. beating of my own, 634. beatings of my, 467. beats high and warm, blood-tinctured, 620. bowed down by weight of woe, 561. bread which strengthens man's, 283. buildeth on the vulgar, 89. burn within us, 842. can know, ease the, 389. can ne'er a transport know, 377. can this fond, forget, 582. cockles of the, 853. command my, and me, 258. comes not to the, 319. congenial to my, 398. could find it in my, 52. detector of the, 307. detests him, my, 338. did break, some, 631. distrusting asks, 398. doth ache, while his, 266. doth the full, reveal, 502. doubt one, that if believed, 641. dupe of the, 795. ease of, her look conveyed, 444. eat not thy, 729. evening twilight of the, 562. every, to heaven aspires, 534. every woman is a rake at, 321. fails thee, if thy, 26. faint, ne'er won fair lady, 789. faint and the head is sick, 832. felt along the, 467. first set my poor, free, 184. fool hath said in his, 818. for any fate, with a, 612. for every fate, here 's a, 553. for falsehood framed, 442. fountain of sweet tears, 469. gently upon my, 617. gets his speeches by, 456. give lesson to the head, 422. give me back my, 540. gladness of, 837. glows in every, 310. great thoughts come from the, 803. grief tears his, 341. griping griefs the, wound, 404. grow fonder, absence makes the, 581. hand upon many a, 616. hand with my, in 't, 43. hard was the, 38. has learned to glow, 346. hath 'scaped this sorrow, 162. hath tried, save he whose, 550. he seeth with the, 503. head is not more native to the, 127. how dear to this, 537. I give my hand and, 530. if guilt 's in that, 522. in concord beats, 485. in conjecture of a neighbour's, 749. in thy hand, 43. incense of the, 362, 538. is a free and fetterless thing, 680. is fixed, my, 821. is freedom's shield, each, 675. is idly stirred, my, 471. is in a vein, when the, 525. is in the highlands, my, 450. is true as steel, 58. is wax to be moulded, 792. kind and gentle, he had, 400. kindlier hand the eager, 633. knew of pain, all the, 679. knock at my ribs, 116. know truth by the, 799. knoweth his own bitterness, 826. let me wring your, 140. level in her husband's, 75. look in thy, 34. look then into thine, 612. lord of the lion, 392. maketh glad the, 823. man after his own, 814. man's, deviseth his way, 826. many a feeling, 502. merry, doeth good, 827. merry, goes all the day, 77. merry, maketh a cheerful countenance, 826. more native to the, 127. moved more than with a trumpet, 34. music in my, I bore, 473. must have something to cherish, 617. my book and, 686. my fond, shall pant for you, 671. naked human, 308. nature's, beats strong, 634. nature's, in tune, 580. ne'er within him burned, 488. new opened, I feel my, 99. next our own, 569. of a maiden is stolen, when the, 521. of a man is depressed, 348. of courtesy, seated in the, 34. of heart, in my, 138. of man depressed with cares, 348. of man, the devil dwells in, 218. of my mystery, pluck out the, 139. of nature, out from the, 598. old man's, blood in an, 655. on her lips, 554. or head, where is fancy bred in, 63. or hope, nor bate a jot of, 252. out of the abundance of the, 839. pang that rends the, 398. plays an old tune on the, 654. preaching down a daughter's, 626. ran o'er with silent worship, 554. repairs, a generous, 344. replies, and the, 422. responds unto his own, 613. riven with vain endeavour, 473. rotten at the, 61. ruddy drops that visit my sad, 112. ruddy drops that warm my, 383. seeth with the, 503. Shakespeare unlocked his, 485, 652. show his eyes and grieve his, 123. sick, maketh the, 826. sigh that rends thy constant, 402. sinking, changing cheek, 550. sky did never melt into his, 468. sleeps on his own, 471. so full a drop overfills it, 658. spring of love gushed from my, 498. strike mine eyes not my, 178. stuff which weighs upon the, 125. such partings break the, 540. suffered idleness to eat his, 30. sweet creation of some, 546. sweetly tender, 624. take thy beak from out my, 640. tears rise in the, 630. tenderest, even the, 569. that break and give no sign, 636. that has truly loved, 520. that is broken, soothe a, 492. that is soonest awake, 520. that loved her, betray the, 467. that mighty, is lying still, 470. that never feels a pain, 377. that was humble, 518. the seson priketh every gentil, 2. they say Ward has no, 456. to conceive, 688. to eate thy, 30. to heart mind to mind, 488. to resolve, 430. toil on poor, unceasingly, 654. tongue nor, cannot conceive, 120. unpack my, with words, 135. untainted, 94. untravelled fondly turns to thee, 394. upon my sleeve, wear my, 149. want of, 584. war was in his, 821. warm within, 422. was kind and soft, 436. was wax to receive, 554. way to hit a woman's, 597. weed's plain, 656. what female, can gold despise, 381. when we meet a mutual, 358. where your treasure is, 838. which most enamour us, 554. which others bleed for, 294. whispers the o'er-fraught, 124. whose lines are mottoes of the, 514. widow's, to sing for joy, 817. will break, thus the, 543. with heart in concord, 485. with strings of steel, 139. with your treasure, 838. within and God o'erhead, 612. would break my jealous, 279. would fain deny, 124. Hearts are mighty, 46. are warm, our, 676. believe the truths I tell, 389. bid the tyrants defiance, 516. cheerful, now broken, 523. cherish those, that hate thee, 100. day-star arise in your, 849. dry as summer dust, 479. endure, of all that human, 367. ensanguined, 420. feeling, touch but rightly, 455. hands not, 155. he fashioneth their, alike, 819. here bring your wounded, 524. in love use their own tongues, 51. kind, are more than coronets, 624. lie withered, when true, 521. love in your, as idly burns, 213. of his countrymen, 445. of his fellow-citizens, 445. of kings, enthroned in the, 64. of oak are our ships, 388. our, our hopes are all with thee, 615. our, our hopes our prayers, 615. passion of great, 656. resolved on victory or death, 804. steal away your, 114. that love, dissensions between, 526. that once beat high, 519. that the world had tried, 526. there is no union here of, 496. though stout and brave, 612. thousand, beat happily, 542. to live in, we leave behind, 516. two, that beat as one, 805. union of, union of hands, 596. unkind, I have heard of, 466. unto wisdom, apply our, 822. Heart's core, wear him in my, 138. current lends the cup its glow, 636. deep well, 683. desires be with you, your, 66. hope and home, 574. supreme ambition, 377. Heartache, end the, 135. Heartfelt joy, sunshine and, 319. Hearth, clean fire and clean, 508. cricket on the, 250. vanished from his lonely, 486. Heartsome wi' thee, 671. Heart-stain, ne'er carried a, 519. Heart-strings, jesses were my dear, 153. Heart-throbs, count time by, 654. Hearty old man, 506. Heat, cold that moderates, 792. fantastic summer's, 81. for the cold and cold for the hot, 792. have neither, nor light, 180. ma'am it was so dreadful, 461. not a furnace for your foe, 98. of conflict, through the, 476. of the day, burden and, 840. one, doth drive another, 36. one draught above, 74. that Promethean, 156. Heath, land of brown, 489. my foot is on my native, 493. Heathen Chinee is peculiar, 669. Heath-flower dashed the dew, from the, 491. Heating, warm without, 312. Heat-oppressed brain, 119. Heaven a time ordains, 252. all places alike distant from, 190. all that we believe of, 280. all the way to, 259. all things in, and earth, 31. alone is given away, 658. and earth, more things in, 133. and earth unfolds, 57. and happy constellations, 238. and home, points of, 485. approving, 355. around our infancy, 658. around us all, 522. ascribe to, 73. beauteous eye of, 79. beholding, feeling hell, 526. below, like a little, 302. better than serve in, 224. breaks the serene of, 507. breath of, 416. bright sun of, 101. bring with thee airs from, 130. but tries our virtue, 380. cannot heal, no sorrow that, 524. commences, his, 396. confess yourself to, 141. dear to, is saintly chastity, 245. dearest foe in, 128. deeds are the sons of, 368. doth with us as we with torches, 46. drowsy with the harmony, 56. every heart aspires to, 534. every purpose under the, 830. every virtue under, 329. exhaled and went to, 308. face of, so fine, 107. fantastic tricks before high, 48. farther off from, 583. fault to, 127. fell from, 225. fiercest spirit that fought in, 226. first taught letters, 333. first-born, offspring of, 230. floor of, is thick inlaid, 65. fragrance smells to, 362. from all creatures hides, 315. from, it came, 508. from yon blue, 624. gained a friend from, 386. gates of, to the, 473. gems of, 233. gentle rain from, 64. gives its favourites early death, 546. gluttony ne'er looks to, 246. God alone to be seen in, 553. God is in his, 644. good sense the gift of, 322. grants before the prayer, 269. great eye of, 27. had made her such a man, 150. harbingers to, 221. has no rage like love to hatred turned, 294. has not power upon the past, 274. has willed we die alone, 569. hath done for this land, what, 540. he cried, O, 513. he gained from, a friend, 386. hell I suffer seems a, 231. high hope for a low, 54. hills whose heads touch, 150. his blessed part to, 100. how art thou fallen from, 833. husbandry in, 119. in each heart a little, 288. in her eye, 237. in hope to merit, 540. invites hell threatens, 307. is heard no more in, 235. is love for love is heaven, 487. is not always angry, 289. is shining o'er us, 675. is there care in, 28. itself would stoop to her, 246. journey like the path to, 244. joy of, to earth come down, 672. just are the ways of, 344. kindred points of, 485. lay up treasures in, 838. leave her to, 132. led the way to, 313. less of earth than, 491. lies about us in our infancy, 477. light from, 447, 549. light of, restore, 340. livery of the court of, 588. made him, every man is as, 788. man alone beneath the, 488. matches are made in, 192. moderation the gift of, 698. my offence is rank it smells to, 139. nothing can cover his fame but, 198. nothing true but, 524. of charms divine, 343. of hell, in itself can make a, 224. of invention, the brightest, 90. offspring of, 230. on earth, 232. one minute of, 526. opened wide her ever-during gates, 236. opening bud to, conveyed, 500. or hell, summons thee to, 119. path to, 244. permit to, 240. Persian's, is easily made, 519. pities hapless man, 343. places shall be hell that are not, 41. points out an hereafter, 298. prayer ardent opens, 309. quite in the verge of, 307. recompense did send, 386. remedies we ascribe to, 73. report they bore to, 307. riches flow from bounteous, 346. sends us good meat, 388. she did but dream of, 270. shed, light which, 522. silent finger points to, 481. so much of earth so much of, 472. soul look down from, 277. soul white as, 197. sounds my fame, 344. spires point to, 481. starry cope of, 234. steep and thorny way to, 129. stole the livery of, 588. succour dawns from, 492. sweetened by the airs of, 597. taken quick to, 37. the selfsame, that frowns, 98. things are the sons of, 368. thy hues were born in, 574. to be young was very, 476. to earth, doth glance from, 59. to gaudy day denies, which, 551. to the weary head, 584. too, all this and, 282. tries the earth, 658. 't was whispered in, 't was muttered in hell, 674. upon earth, that, 584. visits, places the eye of, 80. wanted one immortal song, 267. was all tranquillity, 527. were not heaven if we knew what it were, 256. when earth was nigher, 644. will bless your store, 433. winds of, visit her face, 128. with all its splendors, 658. Heavens blaze forth the death of princes, 112. bowed the high, 23. declare the glory of God, 819. hear these tell-tale women, 97. hung be the, with black, 93. should fall, if ever the, 771. spangled, a shining frame, 300. that which we call the, 717. Heaven's best treasures, 387. breath smells wooingly, 117. chancery, flew up to, 379. cherubim horsed, 118. decree, curst by, 398. ebon vault, 568. eternal year is thine, 270. first law, order is, 319. gate, the lark at, 159. gates, she claps her wings at, 32. hand, argue not against, 209. help is better than early rising, 790. immortal noon, 566. last best gift, 235. lights, godfathers of, 54. melodious strains, 640. own light, 496. pavement, riches of, 225. Sovereign saves, 308. sweetest air, 162. wide pathless way, 250. Heaven-born band, 465. Heaven-directed to the poor, 321. Heaven-eyed creature, 486. Heaven-kissing hill, 140. Heavenly blessings, 302. days that cannot die, 469. empire of the, 29. gift of poesy, profaned thy, 270. habitants, converse with, 245. harmony, from, 271. hope is all serene, 535. host, ye, 278. jewel, have I caught my, 34. lays, pure delight by, 477. maid was young, 390. paradise is that place, 485. spirits, is there love in, 28. Heaven-taught lyre, 377. Heaviest battalions, 801. Heaviness, spirit of, 834. Heavy and red, eyelids, 585. change, but O the, 247. Hebrew in the dying light, 589. Hecuba to him, what 's, 134. Hector still survives, while, 338. Hedge a king, divinity doth, 142. Hedgehog rolled up, lies like a, 584. Hedgehogs dressed in lace, 635. Heed for himself, will take no, 470. take, lest he fall, 845. Heedless, unwise to be, 715. Heeds not he hears not, 666. Heel, at his, a stone, 405. of the courtier, 143. tread each other's, 308. tread upon another's, 143. Heels, Caesar with a senate at his, 319. detraction at your, 76. I took to my, 703. of pleasure, treads upon the, 295. slippers good to the, 637. with an income at its, 415. Height, objects in an airy, 287. of man, measure of the, 719. of this great argument, 223. Heights by great men reached, 616. other, in other lives, 645. the soul is competent to gain, 480. Heir of all the ages, 626. of fame, great, 251. the world creation's, 394. to, shocks that flesh is, 135. to the first, each second stood, 149. with all her children wants an, 321. Heirs of truth and pure delight, 477. unknown, 321. Helen, like another, 272. Helen's beauty in a brow of Egypt, 59. Helicon's harmonious springs, 382. Helios, Antigonous the son of, 740. Hell, agreement with, 605, 834. all places shall be, 41. beholding heaven feeling, 526. better to reign in, 224. blasts from, 130. broke loose, all, 234. characters of, to trace, 383. contains no fouler fiend, 345. cunning livery of, 48. damned use that word in, 108. detests him as the gates of, 338. fear of, 's a hangman's whip, 448. for hoarding went to, 95. for horses, England, 192. for women, Italy, 192. from beneath is moved, 833. grew darker at their frown, 229. guests in the depths of, 825. has no fury like a woman scorned, 294. I suffer seems a heaven, 231. injured lover's, 235. into the mouth of, 628. is full of good intentions, 372. is full of good meanings, 205. is moved for thee, 833. it is in suing long to bide, 29. itself breathes out contagion, 139. long is the way out of, 227. making earth a, 540. milk of concord into, 124. myself am, 231. no fiend can match in, 296. of heaven in itself can make a, 224. of waters, 545. of witchcraft, 163. paved with good intentions, 372. procuress to the lords of, 632. quiet to quick bosoms is a, 543. rebellious, 140. riches grow in, 225. shall stir for this, all, 93. summons thee to heaven or to, 119. terrible as, 228. threatens heaven invites, 307. to choose love by another's eyes, 57. to ears polite, never mentions, 322. trembled at the hideous name, 229. 't was muttered in, 674. which way I fly is, 231. within him, 231. within myself, I feel a, 218. Hell's concave, tore, 224. Helm, Palinurus nodded at the, 332. pleasure at the, 383. when the sea is calm, 710. Hellespont and the Propontic, 155. Helmet for a blow on the head, 764. shall make a hive for bees, 25. that is Mambrino's, 786. Help, angels make assay, 139. encumbers him with, 370. hindrance and a, 472. his ready, was ever nigh, 366. in trouble, a very present, 820. me Cassius or I sink, 110. me, who ran to, 535. of man, vain is the, 821. others out of a fellow-feeling, 185. past, should be past grief, 77. themselves, God helps them that, 360. thyself and God will, 206, 797. Helper, our antagonist is our, 411. our, he amid the flood, 770. Helter-skelter hurry-scurry, 506. Hempen string, sing in a, 184. Hen gathereth her chickens, 841. Hender, no one nigh to, 659. Henpecked you all, 555. Heraclitus would not laugh, what, 484. Herald Mercury, like the, 140. no other, after my death, 101. of joy, perfectest, 51. Herald's coat without sleeves, 87. Heraldry, our new, is hands, 155. the boast of, 384. Herbe, dainty flowre or, 28. Herbs and other country messes, 248. better is a dinner of, 826. powerful grace that lies in, 106. Hercules do what he may, 145. he is a second, 722. no more like than I to, 128. Herd, the lowing, 384. Here a little and there a little, 834. I and sorrows sit, 79. in the body pent, 497. is the whole set, 442. 's to the housewife, 442. 's to the maiden, 442. 's to the widow of fifty, 442. lies a truly honest man, 259. lies our sovereign, 279. nor there, neither, 156. rests his head, 386. we will sit, 65. Hereafter, points out an, 298. Hereditary bondsmen, 541. Heritage, I have a goodly, 818. noble by, 285. of old age, 608. of woe, lord of himself, that, 551. service is no, 73. the sea, our, 537. Hermit, a sceptred, 677. dwell a weeping, 390. dwell, shall I like a, 26. man the, sighed, 513. of Prague, the old, 77. of the dale, gentle, 402. Hermitage, take that for an, 260. Hero and the man complete, 299. as in life a friend, 340. he who aspires to be a, 374. made by murder of millions, 425. perish or sparrow fall, 315. see the conquering, 281. to his valet, no one is a, 740. Herod, out-herods, 137. Heroes as great have died, 340. hail ye, heaven-born band, 465. of old, my peers the, 650. Heroic deed, counsel and, 456. enterprise is gone, 409. poem a biography, 578. stoic Cato, 559. Herostratus lives, 219. Herring, nor good red, 13. Herrings, Douglas in red, 563. Herte, seson priketh every gentil, 2. Herveys, men women and, 461. Hesitate dislike, 327. Hesperus that led the starry host, 233. Heterodoxy another man's doxy, 858. Hew and hack, somebody to, 211. Hexameter, in the, 504. Hey-day in the blood, 140. Hic jacet, its forlorn, 469. these two narrow words, 27. Hid, murder cannot long be, 62. Hidden soul of harmony, 249. Hide her shame, 403. man within him, 49. myself in thee, let me, 432. offences to bare to, 101. the fault I see, to, 334. their diminished heads, 231. those hills of snow, 49, 184. thou wear a lion's, 79. your diminished rays, 322. Hides a dark soul, 244. a shining face, 423. beauties while she, reveals, 378. from himself his state, 365. Hideous, makes night, 331. making night, 131. Hiding-place, dark and lonely, 501. Hierophants of inspiration, 568. Hies to his confine, erring spirit, 126. High ambition lowly laid, 487. and low, death makes equal, 9. and palmy state of Rome, 126. characters cries one, 257. converse, hold, 356. erected thoughts, 34. estate, fallen from his, 271. hope for a low heaven, 54. hopes, stirred up with, 254. instincts, 478. life, high characters from, 320. mountains are a feeling, 543. of the most, cometh healing, 837. on a throne of royal state, 226. over-arched, 224, 239. thinking and plain living, 472. to Him no, no low, 316. High-blown pride broke under me, 99. High-born Hoel's harp, 383. Higher law than the Constitution, 595. Highest, peppered the, 399. thing is truth, 4. Highland Mary, spare his, 618. Highlands, my heart 's in the, 450. High-lived company, 402. Highly fed and lowly taught, 73. what thou wouldst, 117. Highness' dog at Kew, 334. High-road to England, 370. Highways, rivers are, 799. Hill apart, sat on a, 228. by the wind-beaten, 515. city that is set on an, 838. cot beside the, 455. had climbed the highest, 673. heaven-kissing, 140. king of France went up the, 686. on the 'customed, 386. that skirts the down, 428. yon high eastward, 127. Hills ancient as the sun, 572. and valleys dales and fields, 40. cattle upon a thousand, 820. far across the, they went, 627. happy, pleasing shade, 381. hewn on Norwegian, 224. of snow, hide those, 49, 184. of the stormy north, 571. over the, and far away, 348, 627. peep o'er hills, 323. rock-ribbed and ancient, 572. strong amid the, 634. to the reverberate, 75. where spices grow, 302. whose heads touch heaven, 150. Hillside, conduct ye to a, 253. Him, from, that hath not, 841. no high no low to, 316. of the western dome, 268. Himself a host, 337. from God he could not free, 598. Hind mated by the lion, 73. rational, Costard, 54. Hinders needle and thread, 585. Hindmost, devil take the, 211. Hindrance and a help, 472. Hinge nor loop, 154. Hinges, golden, moving, 236. grate harsh thunder, 229. pregnant, of the knee, 137. Hint a fault, just, 327. to speak, it was my, 150. upon this, I spake, 151. Hip and thigh, smote them, 814. have ye him on the, 18. I have you on the, 65. Hippocrene, blushful, 575. Hire, labourer is worthy of his, 842. His faith might be wrong, 260. time is forever, 260. Hiss for the fly, the Lord shall, 833. Historian of my country's woes, 342. poet naturalist and, 367. Histories make men wise, 168. History, anything but, 304. assassination has never changed, 607. best studied, 590. bloom upon the stock of, 486. dignity of, 304, 593. ever hear by tale or, 57. hath triumphed over time, 26. he has invented, 801. in a nation's eyes, 385. is philosophy teaching by examples, 304. must be false, 304. of England written with knowledge, 609. picture of human crimes, 801. portance in my travels', 150. register of crimes, 430. repeats itself, 808. strange eventful, 69. truth of anything by, 724. what is her, 75. with all her volumes, 546. Hit, a very palpable, 145. the nail on the head, 183. Hits the mark, 161. Hitch your wagon to a star, 603. Hitches in a rhyme, 328. Hitherto shalt thou come, 817. Hive for bees, his helmet a, 25. Hiving wisdom, 544. Hoar antiquity, ways of, 403. Hoard of maxims preaching, 626. Hoarding went to hell, for his, 95. Hoarse rough verse, 324. Hoarseness of his note, 423. Hoary head is a crown of glory, 826. my days but dull and, 264. Hobby-horse is forgot, 138. Hobgoblin, consistency is a, 601. Hobson's choice, 857. Hocus-pocus science, 350. Hoe, tickle the earth with a, 597. Hoel's harp, to high-born, 383. Hog in Epicurus' sty, fattest, 393. Hogs eat acorns, greater ease than, 210. Hoist with his own petar, 141. Hold a candle, 351. enough, cries, 126. fast that which is good, 847. high converse, 356. his peace hereafter, forever, 850. makes nice of no vile, 79. the fleet angel, 362. the fort I am coming, 681. the mirror up to nature, 137. thou the good, 632. to have and to, 850. with the hare, 12. Holds fast the golden mean, 424. Hole, Caesar might stop a, 144. in a' your coats, 449. like a poisoned rat in a, 292. mouse of one poor, 206, 336. of discretion, the little, 56. Holes, foxes have, 839. triangular and square, 461. where eyes did once inhabit, 96. Holiday, to make a Roman, 546. Holidays, all the year were playing, 83. Holiday-rejoicing spirit, 509. Holiest thing alive, 502. Holily, that wouldst thou, 117. Holiness, in the beauties of, 823. Holland lies, where, 395. Hollow, all was false and, 226. blasts of wind, 347. murmurs died away in, 390. oak our palace is, 537. Hollows crowned with summer sea, 629. Hollow-eyed, sharp-looking, 50. Holly branch on the old oak wall, 582. Holy angels guard thy bed, 302. ground, call it, 570. haunted ground, 541. text around she strews, 385. time is quiet as a nun, the, 470. writ, old odd ends stolen out of, 96. writ, proofs of, 154. Homage, all things do her, 31. from contemporaries, 591. of a tear, the, 541. of thoughts unspoken, 616. vice pays to virtue, 795. worthless pomp of, 571. Home, anchor of our peace at, 435. at ease, live at, 176. at evening's close, hie him, 386. behold our, 550. best country ever is at, 394. day's march nearer, 497. deep imaged in his soul, 345. draw near their eternal, 221. dream of, 525. exile from, 568. filled one, with glee, 570. God who is our, 477. his footsteps he hath turned, 488. homely features to keep, 246. I am going, 598. in a better place at, 67. in the ambush of my name strike, 47. is home though ever so homely, 568. is on the deep, 514. kiss till the cow comes, 197. keep his only son at, 392. make friends at, 722. makes her loved at, 447. man goeth to his long, 831. next way, farthest way about, 204. no place like, 568. of the brave, 517. old England is our, 605. on the rolling deep, 679. out of house and, 89. points of heaven and, 485. revered abroad and loved at, 447. sweet home, 568. that dear hut our, 362. there 's nobody at, 336. though never so homely, 568. to men's bosoms, 164. to roost, chickens come, 606. uneasy and confined at, 315. when you knock is never at, 415. Homes, forced from their, 395. homeless near a thousand, 465. of England, the stately, 569. of silent prayer, eyes are, 632. Home-bound fancy, 594. Home-bred kine, beeves and, 474. Home-keeping youth, 44. Homeless near a thousand homes, 465. Homely features to keep home, 246. wits, home-keeping youth have, 44. Homer all the books you need, 280. deep-browed, 576. Greece boasts her, 271. himself must beg, 189. living begged his bread, 189. nods, nor is it, 323. our poets steal from, 185. sometimes nods, 706. seven cities warred for, 194. Homer's birth, seven cities claim, 194. golden chain, 191. lamp appeared, ere, 414. rule the best, 328. Hone, I like your book ingenious, 509. Honest and true, 450. as any man living, 52. as the world goes, 133. exceeding poor man, 62. good just and, 670. I am myself indifferent, 136. in the sight of all men, 844. labour bears a lovely face, 182. man is aboon his might, 452. man is the noblest work of God, 319. man preferred to rich, 733. my friends were poor but, 73. tale speeds best, 97. to be direct and, 154. whatsoever things are, 847. Honester, old man and no, 52. Honesty, armed so strong in, 114. corruption wins not more than, 100. dwells like a miser, 72. is his fault, 109. is the best policy, 790. neither manhood nor, 83. no legacy so rich as, 73. no, nor manhood in thee, 83. party, is party expediency, 669. spring and root of, 729. Honey, flowing with milk and, 813. gather, all the day, 302. words sweet as, 337. Honey and the honeycomb, 819. Honey-dew, hath fed on, 500. Honeyed dew, 692. showers, 247. Honey-heavy dew of slumber, 111. Honeyless, leave them, 115. Honorable, ancient and, 833. Honour, all is lost save, 807. and greatness of his name, 101. and shame from no condition rise, 319. and years, full of, 655. as in war, 103. bed of, 212, 305. but an empty bubble, 272. chastity of, 410. comes a pilgrim gray, 390. dead on the field of, 808. depths and shoals of, 100. faithful and clear in, 323. from corruption keep, 101. gives greatness, if, 436. grip, where feel your, 448. hath no skill in surgery, 87. hurt that, feels, 626. is a mere scutcheon, 87. is at the stake, 142. is lodged, place where, 214. is lost, what is left when, 709. is spick and span new, 212. is the subject of my story, 110. jealous in, 69. lies, there all the, 319. love obedience troops of friends, 124. loved I not, more, 259. man being in, abideth not, 820. mine shall be the post of, 349. new made, forgets men's names, 78. of more weight than an oath, 757. one vessel unto, 844. our fortunes and our sacred, 434. pension list the roll of, 669. perfect ways of, 101. pluck up drowned, 84. post of, is a private station, 298. praise and glory given, 303. pricks me on, 87. prophet not without, 839. public, is security, 689. razed from the books of, 161. rooted in dishonour, 629. set to a leg, 87. she knew what was, 237. sin to covet, if it be a, 92. sinks where commerce long prevails, 394. that part more hurts, 214. the king, fear God, 849. thy father and mother, 695. there comes, 390. to pluck bright, 84. turns with frown, defiant, 637. unto the wife, giving, 849. what is that word, 87. without deserving, 35. Honours, bears his blushing, 99. more substantial, 406. of the dead, fading, 487. on its head, beauteous, 337. to the world, he gave his, 100. Honour's truckle-bed, 212. voice, can, 384. Honourable, men, all, 113. retreat, 70. wife, true and, 112. Honoured bones, Shakespeare's, 251. by strangers, 335. how loved how, 335. in his grave, 620. in the breach, 130. in their generations, 837. so known so, 330. Hood, a page of, 637. drink with him that wears a, 22. Hooded clouds like friars, 613. Hoodwinked, judgment, 422. Hoofs of a swinish multitude, 410. Hook baited with a dragon's tail, 217. or crook, 15, 28. salt-fish on his, 158. Hooks of steel, 129. Hookas, divine in, 555. Hook-nosed fellow of Rome, 90. Hooping, out of all, 70. Hoops of steel, grapple them with, 129. three-hooped pot shall have ten, 94. Hoop's bewitching round, 378. Hooting at the glorious sun, 501. Hope abandon who enter here, 769. against hope, 496, 844. animated by faith and, 369. bade the world farewell, 513. bate a jot of heart or, 252. break it to our, 126. cling to weakest, 561. constancy in wind, 539. could never hope too much, 634. deferred, 826. earthly, how bright soe'er, 535. elevates, 239. exiles feed on, 695. farewell, fear remorse, 231. final, is flat despair, 226. flag of the free heart's, 574. fooled with, 276. for a fool, more, 828. frustrate of his, 253. hath happy place with me, 655. heavenly, is all serene, 535. her to attain, 28. high, for a low heaven, 54. I laugh for, 655. in sure and certain, 851. is brightest, 491. is theirs by fancy fed, 381. is there no, the sick man said, 349. light of, leave the, 514. lighthouse looked lovely as, 528. like the gleaming taper, 399. lined himself with, 88. never comes that comes to all, 223. never to, again, 99. no other medicine but only, 48. none e'er loved without, 377. nor bate a jot of heart or, 252. of all ills that men endure, 261. of all who suffer, 619. of day, without all, 241. of many nations, 547. of my spirit, the, 524. of the resurrection, 851. of Troy, Astyanax the, 338. one only, my heart can cheer, 587. phantoms of, 367. pleasure, yet all, 276. prevail, let not, 683. prisoners of, 836. repose in trembling, 386. springs eternal, 315. still relies on, 398. strength is felt from, 340. tells a flattering tale, 683. the charmer, 513. the dream of those that wake, 288. the wretch relies on, 398. thou hovering angel, 243. thou nurse of young desire, 427. though hope were lost, 433. to attain her, 28. to feed on, 29. to have mercy, 29. to meet again, the, 587. to merit heaven, 540. to the end, 849. to write well hereafter, 253. told a flattering tale, 683. travels through, 318. true, is swift, 97. uncheered by, 537. we have such, 846. whence this pleasing, 298. where reason would despair, love can, 377. while there 's life there 's, 349. white-handed, 243. withering fled, 551. world will disagree in faith and, 318. Hopes, airy, my children, 480. be filled, with better, 674. belied our fears, 583. crawling upon my startled, 296. laid waste, 606. like towering falcons, 287. mortal, defeated, 482. my fondest, decay, 526. of future years, 615. of living, high, 254. sordid, and vain desires, 534. startled, 296. stirred up with high, 254. tender leaves of, 99. Hope's perpetual breath, 474. tender blossoms, 805. Hopeless anguish, 366. fancy feigned, by, 630. Horace whom I hated so, 545. Horatio, as just a man, 137. I knew him, 144. in my mind's eye, 128. thrift, thrift, 128. to what base uses may we return, 144. Horatius kept the bridge, 593. Horde, one polished, 560. Horizon, I saw her just above the, 409. Horn, blast of that dread, 490. of the hunter, 673. one blast upon his bugle, 492. Pan lends his pagan, 331. the lusty horn, 71. thrice yon moon had filled her, 306. Triton blow his wreathed, 477. voice of that wild, 490. Horrible discord, brayed, 236. imaginings, 116. shadow hence, 122. Horrid grind, one demd, 652. Horror, nodding, 243. of falling into naught, 298. of his folded tail, 251. secret dread and inward, 298. Horrors, hail, 223. on horror's head, 154. supped full with, 125. Horse, anger is like a full hot, 98. call me, 84. cart before the, 18. dark, 608. give me another, 97. gray mare the better, 17. little dearer than his, 626. look a gift, in the mouth, 11. lost for want of a shoe, 360. made fat by the king's eye, 729. my kingdom for a, 98. of that colour, 75. one, was blind, 510. philosophy is a good, 401. ride a free, to death, 792. scarce would move a, 416. short, soon curried, 12. sick as a, 379. something in a flying, 468. starveth, while grass groweth, 14. talks of his, 61. that which is now a, 158. the taxed, 462. to the water, 14. trumpet sounds to, 296. Horses, between two, 93. Italy a paradise for, 192. oats food for, 187. Horseback, beggar on, 190. sits on his, 78. Horsed, heaven's cherubim, 118. Horse-leech hath two daughters, 829. Horsemanship, noble, 86. Horsemill, perpetual rack or, 188. Hortensius, his friend, 559. Hose a world too wide, 69. Hospitable thoughts intent, 235. Hospitality, given to, 844. sitting with gladness, 617. Host, himself a, 337. mingling with the vulgar, 342. of the Garter, 45. reckoning without their, 12. that led the starry, 233. universal, up sent a shout, 224. ye heavenly, 278. Hostages to fortune, 165. Hostess' door, at mine, 78. without their, 32. Hot and rebellious liquors, 67. cold moist and dry, 229. hammer your iron when it is, 709. haste, mounting in, 542. heat not a furnace too, 98. in the mouth, 75. temper leaps o'er a cold decree, 61. Hound, hold with the, 33. or spaniel, 148. run with the, 12. Hour, await the inevitable, 384. before the worshipped sun peered forth, 104. bounties of an, 306. busy with the crowded, 600. by his dial, 68. by Shrewsbury clock, 88. catch the transient, 366. cloud which wraps the present, 380. delight my private, 241. evening's calm and holy, 488. ever thus from childhood's, 526. for a dark, 120. for one short, 554. friendliest to sleep, 235. I have had my, 274. if we do but watch the, 555. improve each shining, 302. in a sunny, fall off, 526. insects of the, 410. lives its little, 573. luckless from that, 228. make the coming, o'erflow, 73. may lay it in the dust, 541. nothing can bring back the, 478. now 's the day and now 's the, 450. of blind old Dandolo, one, 545. of glorious life, one crowded, 493. of might, in their, 526. of night, the cheerless, 568. of night, the tranquil, 587. of that Dundee, single, 474. of virtuous liberty, 298. one self-approving, 319. pensioner on the bounties of an, 306. rose that lives its little, 573. some wee short, 446. this consecrated, 674. time and the, 116. to hour we ripe and ripe, 68. to open for the world a purer, 655. torturing, 226, 382. troublesome insects of the, 410. upon the stage, frets his, 125. weep for the, 520. when God sends a cheerful, 252. when lovers' vows, 551. with beauty's chain, 525. wonder of an, the, 541. wraps the present, 380. Hours I once enjoyed, peaceful, 422. mournful midnight, 617. of bliss, winged, 514. of ease, to, 455. of ease, woman in our, 490. of time, creeping, 68. on angel wings, 450. set apart for business, 362. seven, to law, 438. six, in sleep, 24. some wee short, 446. steal a few, from the night, 521. unheeded flew the, 464. waked by the circling, 235. wise to talk with our past, 307. with flying feet, 542. Hour's talk withal, never spent an, 55. Houris, lying with, 387. House and home, out of, 89. appointed for all living, 817. babe in a, 640. be divided against itself, 841. brawling woman in a wide, 827. chimney in my father's, 94. clouds that loured upon our, 95. dark, and long sleep, 590. daughter of my, 542. daughters of my father's, 76. get out of my, 791. ill spirit have so fair a, 43. is to be let for life, 204. like a miser in a poor, 72. little pleasure in the, 427. man's, his castle, 24. mansions in my Father's, 843. moat defensive to a, 81. nae luck about the, 426. of every one as his castle, 24. of feasting, 830. of Lords, honoured at the, 330. of mourning, better go to the, 830. of my friends, 836. of my God, 821. of Pindarus, 252. of prayer, wherever God erects a, 286. on another man's ground, 45. one mind in an, 851. peace be to this, 842. prop of my, 65. rejects him, fired that the, 326. return no more to his, 816. set thine, in order, 834. shot mine arrow o'er the, 145. so fair a, 43. sole daughter of my, 542. to lodge a friend, 289. when we see the figure of the, 88. you take my, when you take the prop, 65. Houses fer asonder, 2. mended, old, 296. plague o' both your, 107. seem asleep, the very, 470. thick and sewers annoy, 239. Household, ways of her, 829. words, familiar as, 92. Houseless heads, 147. Housetop, corner of the, 827. Housewife that 's thrifty, 442. How are the mighty fallen, 815. art thou fallen, 833. blest is he, 396. he will talk, 281. I pities them, 510. it talked, Lord, 197. not to do it, 652. Howards, blood of all the, 319. Howe'er it be it seems to me, 624. Howling of the wolf, 38. Howls along the sky, 392. Hub of the solar system, 638. Huddle up their work, 419. Hue as red as the rosy bed, 678. cuckoo-buds of yellow, 56. love's proper, 238. of resolution, the native, 136. sinuous shells of pearly, 511. unto the rainbow, add another, 79. Hues, flowers of all, 232. like nature's, 355. of bliss, 386. were born in heaven, thy, 574. Hug the dear deceit, we, 362. Hugged by the old, 585. by the strumpet wind, 62. the offender, 273. Hugs it to the last, 525. Huldy all alone there sot, 659. Hum, beehive's, 455. midst the crowd the, 541. no voice or hideous, 251. of either army sounds, 91. of human cities torture, 543. of men, the busy, 249. of mighty workings, 576. Human, all that is, must retrograde, 430. bliss to human woe, 794. creatures' lives, 585. ends are ultimately answered, 530. events, course of, 434. face divine, 230. features, differences in, 718. form divine, 344. form, teemed with, 394. heart, naked, 308. hearts endure, all that, 367. kind, plagues and dotages of, 188. kindness, milk of, 117. life, leaves from the book of, 617. mind in ruins, 682. mortals, 57. nature's daily food, 474. offspring, true source of, 234. race, forget the, 547. race from China to Peru, 365. soul take wing, to see the, 552. spark is left, nor, 332. thought is the process, 530. to err in opinion, 742. to err is, 325. to step aside is, 448. Humanities of old religion, 504. Humanity, aught that dignifies, 594. imitated abominably, 137. of a veined, 620. still sad music of, 467. suffering sad, 614. wearisome condition of, 35. with all its fears, 615. Humankind, lord of, 277. lords of, 395. porcelain clay of, 277. Humble, be it ever so, 568. cares and delicate fears, 469. heart that was, 518. livers in content, 98. none shall rule but the, 599. Port to imperial Tokay, 380. tranquil spirit, 182. wisdom is, 422. Humbleness, whispering, 61. Humility and modest stillness, 91. is a virtue all preach, 195. like the virtue of, 207. pride that apes, 501, 507. proud in, 188. that low sweet root, 527. Humorous ladyship, 79. sadness, wraps me in, 70. sigh, very beadle to a, 55. Humour, career of his, 51. of it, there 's the, 45. such as distils from gods, 732. the only test of gravity, 578. void of wit and, 389. was ever woman in this, won, 96. Humours, in all thy, 300. turn with climes, 321. Huncamunca's eyes, in, 363. Hundred and fifty ways, 71. isles, throned on her, 544. while one might tell a, 129. years are gone, when a, 667. Hung be the heavens with black, 93. over her enamoured, 235. with grooms and porters, 626. Hungarian wight, 45. Hunger, food that appeases, 792. if thine enemy, feed him, 844. is the teacher of arts, 305. obliged by, 326. two weak evils age and, 69. Hungry as the grave, 356. judges, 326. lean-faced villain, 50. look, a lean and, 111. sinner, the, 560. Hunt for a forgotten dream, 472. in fields for health unbought, 270. it in the dark, 416. Hunter and the deer a shade, 443, 514. horn of the, 673. mighty, prey was man, 333. Hunting amusement of English gentlemen, 376. labour of savages of North America, 376. which the devil designed, 272. Hunts in dreams, like a dog, 626. Huntsman his pack, as a, 399. Hurly-burly 's done, when the, 115. Hurrah for the next that dies, 641. Hurry, in haste but never in a, 359. Hurry-scurry helter-skelter, 506. Hurt cannot be much, 107. he that sweareth to his own, 818. more afraid than, 11. of the inside, 212. past all surgery, 152. that honour feels, 626. Hurtles in the darkened air, 384. Husband cools, ne'er answers till a, 321. frae the wife despises, advices the, 451. lover may be lost in the, 377. she commandeth her, 222. such duty woman oweth to her, 73. truant, should return, 556. Husband's eye, lovely in her, 465. heart, level in her, 75. Husbanded and so fathered, 112. Husbandman, life of the, 597. Husbandry, dulls the edge of, 130. in heaven there 's, 119. Hush my dear lie still, 302. Hushed be every thought, 484. in grim repose, 383. Huswife's wool, tease the, 246. Hut, he made him a, 391. love in a, 574. that dear, our home, 362. Huzzas, loud, 319. Hyacinthine locks, 232. Hydras and Chimaeras dire, 228. Hyena, voice of the, 38. Hymn affords, fineness which a, 205. its low perpetual, 680. to his own death, 63, 80. Hyperion to a satyr, 128. Hyperion's curls, 140. Hypocrisy, an organized, 607. is the homage, 795. of a bishop, 688. Hypocrites, cant of, 378. Hypocritic tear, 571. Hyrcan tiger, 122. Hyssop, from the cedar to the, 593. Hysterica passio, down, 146.
I am here I shall remain, 808. am no orator, 114. am Sir Oracle, 60. am the state, 808. came I saw I conquered, 735. have nothing I owe much, 770. know not I ask not, 522. love it I love it, 654. Iago, the pity of it, 155. Ice, be thou chaste as, 136. fortune's, to virtue's land, 267. in June, seek, 539. motionless as, 473. starve in, 228. thick-ribbed, 48. to smooth the, 79. Iceland, no snakes in, 373. Icicle, chaste as the, 103. Icily regular splendidly null, 631. Icy hands, death lays his, 209. Idea, American, 639. he had only one, 371, 609. of her life shall sweetly creep, 53. possess but one, 371. teach the young, 355. Ideas, man of nasty, 291. who sung divine, 599. Ides are come, 112. of March, beware the, 110, 728. Idiot, tale told by an, 125. Idle as a painted ship, 498. brain, children of an, 105. hands to do, mischief for, 302. thunder in his lifted hand, 267. toil does not come to help the, 707. waste of thought, 517. whom the world calls, 420. wild and young, 676. wind, pass by me as the, 114. wishes, stay in, 444. Idleness an appendix to nobility, 361. bread of, 829. frivolous work of polished, 457. penalties of, 332. to eat his heart away, 30. Idler, busy world an, 420. is a watch, 415. Idly spoken, word so, 606. Idolatry, god of my, 106. Idols to the moles and bats, 832. If any speak, 113. is the only peacemaker, 72. it be now 't is not to come, 145. much virtue in, 72. she be not so to me, 199. there be or ever were, 159. we do meet again, 115. we should fail, 118. Ignis aurum probat, 197. Ignominious heads, hide their, 339. Ignominy sleeps with thee, 87. Ignorance, bonds of, 639. distinguished for, 609. folly and, 102. is bliss, 't is folly to be wise, 382. it was a childish, 583. knew nothing but the fact of his, 760. knowledge from, 650. let me not burst in, 130. let, talk as it will, 797. man sedate in, 366. mother of devotion, 275. of the law excuses no man, 195. of wealth, best riches, 396. our comfort flows from, 287. plays the chief part among men, 758. the one only evil, 760. Ignorant despise education, the, 711. in foreboding evil, 695. in spite of experience, 376. of anything, be not, 837. of what he 's most assured, 48. to be conscious you are, 609. Ignorantly read, blockhead, 325. Il dolce far niente, 748. Iliad and Odyssey, 503. Ilium, topless towers of, 41. Ill, better made by, 455. can he rule the great, 29. crowning good repressing, 438. deeds-done, makes, 80. fares the land, 396. final goal of, 632. good and, together, 74. goodness thinks no, 231. habits gather by unseen degrees, 274. make themselves strong by, 121. news goes quick, 738. nothing becomes him, 55. nothing, can dwell in such a temple, 43. seal up the avenues of, 600. shapes of, may hover, 577. sovereign o'er transmuted, 366. spirit have so fair a house, 43. the good are better made by, 455. transmuted, 366. weed groweth fast, 13. where no ill seems, 231. wind blows no man to good, 90. wind that bloweth no man to good, 20. wind turns none to good, 20. Ills, bear those, we have, 136. betide, resigned when, 362. cure for life's worst, 594. flood of mortal, 770. love on through all, 527. of life, victorious o'er a' the, 451. that men endure, of all, 261. the scholar's life assail, what, 365. to come, no sense of, 381. to hastening, a prey, 396. what mighty done by woman, 280. Ill-favoured faults, 46. thing but mine own, 72. Illiterate him from your memory, 440. Ill-luck, as, would have it, 785. never comes alone, 786. people fond of, 597. Ill-seeming thick, 73. Ill-used ghost, like an, 355. Illumed the eastern skies, 639. Illumine, what in me is dark, 223. Illusion given, for man's, 524. Illustrious acts high raptures do infuse, 220. predecessor, 364, 408. spark, the parson, 416. Image, cherished thine, 682. of bloody Mary, 585. of eternity, time is the, 760. of God in ebony, 222. of good Queen Bess, 585. twofold, we saw a, 481. Images and precious thoughts, 481. in golden coats, like, 86. Imaginary joys pursues, 391. Imagination, abhorred in my, 144. all compact, are of, 59. boast, can, 355. bodies forth the forms of things, 59. cold and barren, 408. comparisons of a disturbed, 412. indebted to his, for his facts, 443. into his study of, 53. like the wings of an ostrich, 590. of a feast, bare, 81. so fair to fond, 482. solitude needful to the, 661. such tricks hath strong, 59. to sweeten my, 148. trace the noble dust, 144. travelling is to regulate, 375. Imaginations are as foul, 138. Imagining fear in the night, 59. Imaginings, horrible, 116. Imbower, high over-arched, 224. Imitated humanity abominably, 137. Imitates nature, art, 305. Imitation is the sincerest flattery, 675. Immediate jewel of their souls, 153. Immemorial elms, 630. Immense pleasure to come, 380. Imminent deadly breach, 150. Immodest words, 278. Immoral thought, not one, 377. Immortal as they quote, 310. beauty awakes, 428. blessing from her lips, 108. crown, 359. fame gives, 311. fire, spark of that, 549. garland is to be run for, 254. gods I crave no pelf, 109. hate and courage, 223. longings in me, 159. mind remains, the, 341. names, one of the few, 562. noon, heaven's, 566. part of myself, have lost the, 152. reign, where saints, 303. scandals fly, 670. sea, sight of that, 478. song, wanted one, 267. souls, such harmony is in, 65. that the soul was, 760. though no more, 541. verse, married to, 249, 481. with a kiss, make me, 41. youth, flourish in, 299. Immortality, born for, 484. he ne'er is crowned with, 574. longing after, 298. quaff, and joy, 235. to die aspiring, 37. Immortals never appear alone, 502. Immovable, infixed to pine, 228. Imparadised in one another's arms, 233. Impartial laws were given, by whom, 313. Impeachment, own the soft, 441. Impearls on every leaf, 235. Impediment, marched on without, 97. Impediments, admit, 163. in fancy's course, 74. to great enterprises, 165. Imperceptible water, 584. Imperfect offices of prayer, 479. Imperfections on my head, 132. pass my, by, 459. Imperial ensign high advanced, 224. fancy, his, 457. oxlips and the crown, 78. theme, swelling act of the, 116. Tokay, humble Port to, 380. votaress passed on, 58. Imperious Caesar dead, 144. Impious in a good man, 308. men bear sway, 298. Importance, matters of, 757. Important day, the great the, 297. Imports the nomination, what, 145. Importunate, rashly, 586. Importune, too proud to, 387. Imposes an oath, he that, 214. Imposition of a mightier hand, 590. Impossibility, metaphysical, 578. Impossible, because it is, 756. few things, to diligence, 368. for a man to be cheated, 601. not, though hard to master, 753. nothing is, 11. she, that not, 258. that is not physically, 441. to be soiled, truth is, 253. to please all the world, 797. what 's, can't be, 454. Impotence of woe, raging, 341. Impotent conclusion, 151. Impregns the clouds, when Jupiter, 233. Imprisoned in the viewless winds, 48. wranglers, set free the, 420. Imprisonment, penury and, 49. Improbable fiction, condemn it as, 76. Improve each moment, 366. each shining hour, 302. Impulse from a vernal wood, one, 466. quench appetite check, 755. slave of circumstance and, 554. Impunity, ravage with, 643. In God is our trust, 517. pace ut sapiens, 425. Inaction disciplined, 457. Inactivity, masterly, 457. Inanimate grieves, if aught, 543. Inaudible foot of time, 74. Incapable of a tune, 509. of relishing wit, 389. of stain, 226. Incarnadine, multitudinous seas, 120. Incarnation of fat dividends, 564. Incense, gods themselves throw, 148. of the heart, 362, 538. Incense-breathing morn, 384. Incensed, odours most fragrant when, 165. with indignation, 229. Inch, every, a king, 148. every, that is not fool, 269. give an, he 'll take an ell, 20. I 'll budge an, 72. I will not retreat a single, 605. of joy, one, 770. thick, let her paint an, 144. Inches, die by, 283. Incidis in Scyllam, 64. Inclination gets the better of judgment, 698. leads, read as, 371. Inclined, to embrace me she, 252. Income at its heels, 415. tears, her, 204. Incomparable oil Macassar, 555. Incompleteness, goodness flowed around our, 620. Inconsequence, fortuitous, 663. Inconsistencies of opinions, 533. Inconsistent man, 307. Inconsolable to the minuet, 441. Inconstant moon, 106. Increase, God gave the, 845. of appetite grew by what it fed on, 128. to her truth, time brings, 378. Incredulity, knowledge lost by, 724. Ind, wealth of Ormus and of, 226. Indebted and discharged at once, 231. to his memory, 443. Indemnity for the past, 364. Independence be our boast, let, 465. let me share, thy spirit, 392. now and forever, 531. Indestructible, love is, 508. states, union of, 619. Index, dab at an, 403. of a mind, the marble, 475. thunders in the, 140. Index-learning, 331. India's coral strand, 536. Indian, like the base, 156. lo the poor, 315. steep, on the, 243. Indictment against a whole people, 408. Indies, wealth of the, 373. Indifference, cold, 301. to the concerns of man, 703. Indifferent honest, I am myself, 136. Indifferently, we have reformed that, 137. Indignation, incensed with, 229. Indistinct as water in water, 158. Indocti discant et ament, 325. Indolent vacuity of thought, 420. Indued with sanctity of reason, 236. Indus to the Pole, 333. Inebriate, cheer but not, 312, 420. Inestimable stones, 96. Inevitable, arguing with the, 663. hour, await the, 384. Inexorable scourge, 226. Inexplicable dumb-shows, 137. Infamous are fond of fame, 413. rich quiet and, 592. thing, crush the, 801. Infamy, who prefer any load of, 462. Infancy, age most remote from, 799. heaven around our, 658. heaven lies about us in, 477. old age is most remote from, 169. the babe she lost in, 508. Infant crying for the light, 632. crying in the night, 632. mewling and puking, 69. Infants, canker galls the, 129. Infant's breath, regular as, 502. Infected, all seems, 325. Infection, fortress against, 81. Infernal, newspapers are, 441. Infidel as a dog is an infidel, 371. now, I have you on the hip, 65. worse than an, 847. Infidels adore, Jews kiss and, 325. Infinite day excludes the night, 303. deal of nothing, speaks an, 60. in faculty, 134. jest, fellow of, 144. riches in a little room, 41. the cause of all things, 759. variety, nor custom stale her, 157. wrath and despair, 231. Infirm of purpose, 120. Infirmities, bear his friend's, 114. Infirmity of noble mind, 247. Infixed and frozen round, 228. Inflexible in faith, 428. Inflict, those who, must suffer, 566. Influence, bad, 476. of example, salutary, 369. shed their selectest, 238. unawed by, 675. whose bright eyes rain, 249. Influences of Pleiades, sweet, 818. servile to the skyey, 48. Information, know where we can find, 372. Infortune, worst kind of, 5. Inglorious arts of peace, 263. Milton, some mute, 385. Ingloriously, we do, 255. Ingratitude, besotted base, 246. of men, 373. thou marble-hearted fiend, 146. unkind as man's, 70. Ingredient is a devil, the, 152. Ingredients, commends the, 118. Ingress into the world, man's, 439. Inhabit this bleak world, 521. where eyes did once, 96. Inhabitants, look not like, 116. Inherit, all which it, shall dissolve, 43. Inhuman, ev'y thin' thet 's done, 658. Inhumanity to man, man's, 446. Inimitable his deeds, 36. Iniquity, that grey, 85. Injure you, I ne'er could, 442. Injured, forgiveness to the, 275. hate whom they have, 714, 747. lover's hell, jealousy, 235. Injurious, beauty though, 242. Injury, adding insult to, 716. Injustice, corrupted with, 94. jealousy is, 313. rigorous, is rigorous law, 704. swift erect, 339. to beasts, man's, 742. Ink, gall enough in thy, 76. he hath not drunk, 55. small drop of, 558. that never saw pen and, 77. Inky cloak, not alone my, 127. Inland far we be, though, 558. Inmate of the skies, some, 346. Inn, die in an, 379. happiness produced by a good, 372. take mine ease in mine, 11, 86. to gain the timely, 121. warmest welcome at an, 379. Inn's worst room, 322. Innocence and health, 396. closing up his eyes, 40. glides in modest, 365. her, a child, 270. mirth and, 554. of love, dallies with the, 75. our fearful, 472. Innocency next thing to confession, 715. Innocent as gay, 308. flower, look like the, 117. lamb, skin of an, 94. minds, 260. nose, coursed down his, 67. of the knowledge, be, 121. shall not be, 829. shames, a thousand, 52. sincere officious, 366. sleep, 119. though free, 428. within is armed without, 329. Innocuous desuetude, 669. Innumerable as the stars, 235. bees, murmuring of, 630. caravan, join the, 572. Inoffensive pace, 237. Inordinate cup is unblessed, 152. Insane root, 116. Insanity, power to charm, 603. Insatiate archer, 306. Inscription upon my tomb, no, 675. Inscriptions, lapidary, 372. Inscrutable invisible, 44. Insects of the hour, 410. Insensibility, it argues an, 509. Inseparable, one and, 533. Inside, hurt of the, 212. I am quite full, 510. of a church, forgotten the, 86. Insides, carrying three, 464. Insignificancy and an earldom, 352. Insolence and wine, flown with, 224. of office, 135. Insolent foe, taken by the, 150. Inspiration, contortions without the, 412. unapprehended, 568. without the, 688. Inspiring John Barleycorn, 451. Instance of itself, sends some, 142. Instances, wilderness of single, 627. wise saws and modern, 69. Instant, we rose both at an, 88. Instil a wanton sweetness, 357. Instinct, coward on, 85. of the soul, indulging every, 650. with music, bright gem, 485. Instincts, a few strong, 479. feelings came to them like, 634. high, 478. man plant himself on his, 601. unawares like, 634. Instinctive taste, an, 504. Instruct my sorrows to be proud, 79. Instruction, better the, 63. of youth, examples for the, 411. Instructions, we but teach bloody, 118. Instrument, God's most awful, 482. stringed, 723. sweeter than the sound of an, 177. to know if the moon shine, 214. Instruments, mortal, 111. of darkness tell us truths, 116. to plague us, 149. Insubstantial pageant faded, 43. Insult, look that threatened, 410. to injury, adding, 716. Insults unavenged, 480. Insulting foe, to meet the, 443. Insupportable, the unreasonable, 742. Insurrection, nature of an, 111. Intellect, argument and, 402. eye of the, 579. the march of, 506. Intellectual being, would lose this, 227. lords of ladies, 555. power, the, 465, 480. Intellectualized emotion, 662. Intelligence, controlling, 753. Intelligible forms of ancient poets, 504. Intense, concentred in a life, 544. Intent, on hospitable thoughts, 235. spur to prick the sides of my, 118. to do mischief, 186. working out a pure, 482. Intents wicked or charitable, 130. Intentions, hell paved with good, 372, 808. Intercourse of daily life, 468. speed the soft, 333. Interest of man, justice the great, 531. most concerned in my own, 702. speaks all sorts of tongues, 794. unborrowed from the eye, 467. Interests, conciliation of, 795. Interested in others, when, 708. Interim is like a phantasma, 111. Interlunar cave, her vacant, 241. Intermission, sans, 68. Interpretations, necessary to interpret, 779. Interpreter hardest to be understood, 441. Interred with their bones, the good is oft, 113. Interval, lucid, 857. Intervals, falling at, 422. Intimates eternity to man, 299. Intolerable deal of sack, 85. in Almighty God, 857. Intrusive, sorrow 's held, 594. Intuition, passionate, 481. Intuitions, sanctuary of the, 602. Inurned in the sepulchre, 130. weep a people, 592. Invent a shovel, 263. as difficult to appropriate as to, 604. God, necessary to, 800. young men fitter to, 167. Invented history, 801. work, who first, 509. Invention, art so nearly allied to, 441. brightest heaven of, 90. is unfruitful, 408. necessity the mother of, 305. of the enemy, 296. Young must torture his, 290. Inventions, sought out many, 831. Inventor, return to plague the, 118. Inverted year, ruler of the, 420. Investigate, ability to, 750. things, men ought to, 759. Investigation guided by principles, 767. Inveterate foes saluted, 269. Invigorated and reimpressed, 369. Invincible in arms, 428. locks, shaking her, 254. Inviolate sea, compassed by the, 623. Invisible inscrutable, 44. soap, 584. spirit of wine, 152. Invitation than command, more, 297. Invited me oft, 150. Invites you by his looks, 415. Invoked, though oft, 240. Inward and spiritual grace, 850. bruise, parmaceti for, 83. eye the bliss of solitude, 475. light, men of, 214. quality, do draw the, 158. self-disparagement, 480. Inwardly digest, 850. Io, a bull to beguile, 32. Iona, ruins of, 369. Ipsa quidem virtus, 207. Ipse dixit, 765. Iris, livelier, 625. Iris' woof, spun out of, 243. Iron, armies clad in, 242. bars a cage, 260. did on the anvil cool, 80. entered into his soul, 851. hard crab-tree and old, 211. is hot, strike while the, 10. meddles with cold, 211. nor any tool of, 815. sharpeneth iron, 829. shuts the golden opes, 247. sleet of arrowy shower, 384. tears down Pluto's cheek, 250. tongue of midnight, 59. when it is hot, hammer your, 709. with a rod of, 849. written with a pen of, 835. Irons in the fire, two, 196. Iron-bound bucket, 537. Irrecoverably dark, 241. Irreligious man, 578. Irrepressible conflict, 595. Is she not passing fair, 44. Island, bulwark of our, 392. tight little, 675. Islands lift their fronded palms, 619. round many western, 576. Island-valley of Avilion, 629. Isle, fast-anchored, 418. in Baiae Bay, 565. in the far-off seas, 644. it frights the, 152. of Beauty fare thee well, 581. on a lone barren, 666. Scio's rocky, 550. this sceptred, 81. Isles of Greece, the, 557. ships that sailed for sunny, 589. that o'erlace the sea, 645. throned on her hundred, 544. when we shall touch the happy, 625. Islington, village less than, 261. Israel, I arose a mother in, 814. Jephthah judge of, 134, 404. of the Lord beloved, when, 493. sweet psalmist of, 815. was from bondage led, when, 261. Issues good or bad, 476. touched but to fine, 46. Isthmus, this narrow, 525. It is this it is this, 527. might do good, some said, 265. might have been, 619. must be so, 298. were all one, 73. Italia O Italia, 545. Italian priest, 79. Italy a hell for women, 192. a paradise for horses, 192. linking our England to his, 651. my Italy, 647. some jay of, 160. Venice the masque of, 544. Itch of disputing, 175. Itching palm, 114. Iteration, thou hast damnable, 83. Ithuriel with his spear, 234. Ivory, in ebony as if done in, 222. Ivy green, rare old plant is the, 652. Ivy-branch over the wine, 714.
Jack, banish plump, 85. life of poor, 436. loved his friend, 436. Robinson, could say, 853. shall pipe and Gill shall dance, 199. spanking, 436. Jackdaws, eagles to fight, 735. Jacksonian vulgarity, the, 668. Jacob's ladder, talk to him of, 597. voice, the voice is, 813. Jade, arrant, on a journey, 401. let the galled, wince, 138. Jail, in a ship is being in a, 370. patron and the, 365. Jangled out of tune, 136. Janus, two-headed, 59. Jargon of the schools, 287, 414. Jaundiced eye, all yellow to the, 325. Javan or Gadire, bound to, 242. Jaws of darkness to devour it up, 57. of death, 77, 628, 783. ponderous and marble, 131. Je crains Dieu, 391. Je ne vous aime pas, 286. Jealous in honour, 69. one not easily, 156. Jealousy, beware my lord of, 153. full of artless, 142. is cruel as the grave, 832. is injustice, 313. the injured lover's hell, 235. Jean, farewell to my, 671. Jacques Rousseau, ask, 417. Jeffersonian simplicity, the, 668. Jehovah has triumphed, 524. Jove or Lord, 334. Jehu, like the driving of, 816. Jenooary, streams snow-hid in, 660. Jephthah judge of Israel, 134, 404. Jericho, tarry at, 815. Jerusalem, if I forget thee, 824. Jeshurun waxed fat, 814. Jessamine, pale, 247. Jesses were my dear heart-strings, 153. Jest and riddle of the world, 317. and youthful jollity, 248. be laughable, Nestor swear the, 59. bitter is a scornful, 366. fellow of infinite, 144. it would be a good, forever, 84. life is a, 350. put his whole wit in a, 196. unseen inscrutable, 44. Jests at scars that never felt a wound, 105. indebted to his memory for, 443. Jesting with edge tools, 198. Jest's prosperity lies in the ear, 56. Jet, pansy freaked with, 248. Jew, else I am a, 84. hath not a, eyes, 63. I am an Ebrew, 84. I thank thee, 65. that Shakespeare drew, 347. Jews might kiss, cross which, 325. Jewel, consistency thou art a, 854. discretion thou art a, 854. experience be a, 45. have I caught my heavenly, 34. in an Ethiope's ear, 105. in his head, wears a precious, 67. lies within our breast, this, 362. of gold in a swine's snout, 826. of the just, 264. of their souls, 153. rich in having such a, 44. Jewels five words long, 630. in the carcanet, 162. into a garret, Nature never put her, 170. of the mine, bright, 569. unvalued, 96. Jewelled mass of millinery, 631. Jewish gaberdine, 61. Jingling of the guinea, 626. Jingo, by the living, 402. Job, as to a pitiful, 410. Jock be aye sticking in a tree, 495. Jocund day stands tiptoe, 108. John Barleycorn, bold, 451. Naps of Greece, 72. of Gaunt, old, 80. P. Robinson he, 659. print it, some said, 265. Johnson a classic in his own age, 591. Join in hand, then, 426. Joined together, God hath, 840. Joiner squirrel or old grub, 104. Joint labourer with the day, 126. of mutton, 90. time is out of, 133. Joke, college, to cure the dumps, 290. gentle dulness ever loves a, 331. into a Scotch understanding, 459. many a, had he, 397. Jokes, wooden shoes are standing, 300. Jollity for apes, 160. I live in the crowd of, 368. jest and youthful, 248. tipsy dance and, 243. Jolly miller, there was a, 427. place in times of old, 472. Joly whistle, wel ywette, 3. Jonathan, Saul and, 815. Jonson knew the critic's part, 390. rare Ben, 177. Jonson's learned sock, 249. Jot of heart, nor bate a, 252. Journey, agreeable companion on a, 708. arrant jade on a, 401. good company in a, 207. like the path to heaven, 244. on Sundays, begin a, 293. Journeys end in lovers meeting, 75. Journeymen, nature's, 137. Jove alone endued the soul, 340. daughter of, 382. for his power to thunder, 103. gave us life, when, 339. laughs at lovers' perjuries, 106, 272. lifts the golden balances, 341. like a painted, 267. some christened, 331. the front of, himself, 140. the poor are sent by, 343. to those we give is lent to, 343. weighs affairs of earth, 343. young Phidias brought his awful, 598. Jove's dread clamours, 154. Joy ambition finds, such, 231. and bliss that poets feign, 94. and everlasting love, 280. and love triumphing, 230. apprehend some, 59. asks if this be, 398. ballad-singer's, 473. be unconfined, let, 542. be wi' you a', 458. behind, and my, 161. brightens his crest, 239. cease every, 514. checkered paths of, 362. comes grief goes, 658. current of domestic, 367. envy withers at another's, 355. eternal and everlasting love, 280. forever dwells, where, 223. forever, thing of beauty is a, 574. how pure the, 456. is the sweet voice, 502. Marcellus feels more true, 319. mother's pride father's, 492. o'erflow with, 73. of evils past, 346. of heaven to earth come down, 672. of the whole earth, 820. of the whole table, 122. of youth and health, 444. of youthful sports, 547. oil of, for mourning, 834. one inch of, 770. pain for promised, 446. present, therein I find, 22. quaff immortality and, 235. remember days of, 769. renews the life of, 577. riding is a, 646. rises in me, 502. shouted for, 817. smiles of, the tears of woe, 524. snatch a fearful, 381. so seldom weaves a chain, 520. some bringer of that, 59. sunshine and the heartfelt, 319. sweeten present, 588. the luminous cloud, 502. the perfectest herald of, 51. the world can give, not a, 553. turns at the touch of, 389. we wear a face of, 471. which warriors feel, the stern, 491. who ne'er knew, 335. widow's heart to sing for, 817. would win, all who, 557. Joys, Africa and golden, 90. all we have our youth our, 26. blest with some new, 276. departed not to return, 354. flow from our own selves, 362. of other years, 497. of sense, all the, 319. pursues imaginary, 391. remembered, are never past, 496. society's chief, 415. such present, 22. that came down shower-like, 503. that faded like morning dew, 513. three parts pain, be our, 649. to rob us of our, 406. too exquisite to last, 496. we dote upon, fading are the, 281. with age diminish, do your, 651. Joy's delicious springs, 540. Joyful in the day of prosperity, be, 830. let the poet be, 655. school days, my, 509. Joyfulness of a man, 837. Joyous prime, 28. the birds, 238. time will not be staid, 30. Judas had given them the slip, 284. Judea stretches far, wild, 640. Judee, down in, 659. Judex damnatur, 910. Judge, amongst fools a, 331, 415. an upright learned, 65. in his own cause, 711, 798. neutrality of an impartial, 411. not by appearance, 843. not of a man before he dieth, 696. of all things, 799. of Israel, Jephthah, 134, 404. of the man, mind is the, 715. of truth, sole, 317. sober as a, 363. you as you are, 47. Judges alike of the facts and laws, 671. all ranged a terrible show, 348. fool with, 415. hungry, soon the sentence sign, 326. Judge's robe, the, 47. Judgment, a Daniel come to, 65. book, leaves of the, 666. day, waiting the, 668. defend against your, 270. faculty that forms thy, 750. falls upon a man, we say, 195. fled to brutish beasts, 113. green in, when I was, 157. guide his bounty, gives not till, 102. he which is the top of, 47. hoodwinked, surrender, 422. inclination gets the better of, 698. man's erring, 323. of any man or thing, right, 578. reserve thy, 130. shallow spirit of, 93. suspension of, 766. vulgarize the day of, 597. we still have, here, 118. when the, 's weak, 672. young in limbs old in, 62. Judgments as our watches, 256, 323. men's, are a parcel of their fortunes, 158. Judicious care, with, 447. drank and daring dined, 332. grieve, make the, 137. Juggling fiends no more believed, 126. Juice, bee buried in its own, 168. divine nectareous, 344. nectarean, 577. Julep, this cordial, 246. Julia, lips of, 201. Juliet is the sun, 105. Juliet's hand, white wonder of, 108. Julius fell, ere the mightiest, 126. ye towers of, 383. July, second day of, 429. warmth of its, 595. Jump the life to come, 118. June, leafy month of, 499. rose newly sprung in, 451. seek ice in, 539. what so rare as a day in, 658. Juno smiles, Jupiter on, 233. Juno's eyes, lids of, 77. unrelenting hate, 274. Jupiter a bull to beguile Io, 32. in the shape of Amphitrio, 32. on Juno smiles, 233. Juries, trial by, 435. Jurisprudence, gladsome light of, 24. Jury passing on the prisoner's life, 47. Jurymen may dine, 326. Just, actions of the, 209. and mightie death, 26. and right, grounded on, 238. are the ways of God, 242. as the twig is bent, 320. battled for the true the, 632. be, and fear not, 100. God forgive, 473. he was a good man and a, 842. hint a fault, 327. jewel of the, 264. knows and knows no more, 414. less than sage, 518. memory of the, is blessed, 825. men, spirits of, 848. our cause is, 426. path of the, 825. prosperous to be, 657. remembrance of the, 851. the gods are, 149. whatever is is in its causes, 276. Justice a debt put off with ease, 740. as uncompromising as, 605. be thy plea, 65. conquers evermore, 600. course of, 65. even-handed, 118. in fair round belly, 69. love of, 795. mercy seasons, 65. of my quarrel, 40. poetic, with lifted scale, 330. rails upon yond thief, 148. revenge a kind of wild, 164. shall be done, 653. the great interest of man, 531. to all men, equal and exact, 435. to be patient is a branch of, 751. truth the handmaid of, 460. unwhipped of, 147. virtue of the soul, 762. which the, which the thief, 148. with mercy I shall temper, 239. Justifiable to men, 242. Justified of her children, 839. Justify the means, the end must, 287. the ways of God to men, 223. Jutty frieze buttress, no, 117. Juvenal, most bucolical, 494. Juventus mundi, 169.
Katerfelto with hair on end, 420. Kathleen mavourneen, 673. Keel, and sail on even, 354. she steadies with upright, 498. Keep clean as fruit, 264. moving, push on, 457. no bad company, 398. step to the music of the Union, 588. the word of promise to our ear, 126. thy shop and thy shop will keep thee, 37. who can, they should, 473. your powder dry, 588. Keeper, am I my brother's, 812. Ken, far as angels', 223. Kendal green, knaves in, 84. Kennin' wrang, gang a, 448. Kepen wel thy tonge, 5. Kept the faith, I have, 848. Kettle black, pot calls the, 791. Kew, his highness' dog at, 334. Key, in a bondman's, 61. Shakespeare unlocked his heart with this, 485. that opes the palace, 243. Keys, clutch the golden, 633. of all the creeds, 632. Peter's, 331. two massy, he bore, 247. Keystane o' night's black arch, 451. Kibe, galls his, 143. Kick against the pricks, 843. in that part more hurts honour, 214. may kill a sound divine, 416. me down stairs, why did you, 445. their owners over, 439. Kicks, from crowns to, 559. Kicked until they can feel, 213. waxed fat and, 814. Kickshaws, little tiny, 90. Kid, lie down with the, 833. Kidney, man of my, 46. Kill a man as a good book, 254. a sound divine, 416. princes privileged to, 425. the bloom before its time, 483. thee a hundred and fifty ways, 71. time, how to, 772. too apt before to, 261. Kin, little more than, 127. neither kith nor, 404. prohibited degrees of, 215. the whole world, 102. Kind and gentle heart, he had a, 400. as kings upon their coronation day, 269. base in, 413. be to her virtues very, 287. best in this, 59. cruel only to be, 141. deeds with coldness, 466. enjoy her while she's, 274. hearts are more than coronets, 624. kiss before we part, one, 671. lost him half the, 272. makes one wondrous, 387. more than kin and less than, 127. of alacrity in sinking, 46. of easiness, lend a, 141. of excellent dumb discourse, 43. of good deed to say well, 98. of grace, sweet attractive, 23. of heaven to be deluded by him, 281. of semi-Solomon, 593. of ways, newest, 90. porcelain clay of human, 277. to her virtues, 287. to my remains, 270. will creep where it may not go, 14. yet was he, 397. Kinds, lilies of all, 78. Kindest man, the, 64. Kindle soft desire, 272. Kindled by the master's spell, 455. Kindles false fires, 484. wantonness in clothes, 201. Kindlier hand the eager heart, 633. Kindling her undazzled eyes, 255. Kindly, frosty but, 67. fruits of the earth, 850. had we never loved sae, 452. Kindness, greetings where no, is, 468. law of, 829. little deeds of, 642. milk of human, 117. nameless acts of, 467. save in the way of, 463. to his majesty, 563. who does a, 320. Kindnesses, do me some mischief for these, 731. she doeth little, 658. Kindred points of heaven, 485. Kine, beeves and home-bred, 474. King, balm from an anointed, 81. Cambyses' vein, 85. cat may look on a, 17. city of the great, 820. conscience of the, 135. contrary to the, 94. Cophetua loved, 105. cotton is, 854. drinks to Hamlet, 145. equals the shepherd with the, 792. every inch a, 148. expedients with such a, 352. farewell, 82. fellow with the best, 93. first who was, 801. God bless the, 351. God save our gracious, 285. God save the, 285. great as a, 436. here lies our sovereign, 279. himself, greater than the, 364. himself has followed her, the, 400. if chance will have me, 116. if I were tedious as a, 52. I 'll call thee Hamlet, 130. is dead long live the king, 860. long live our noble, 285. long live the, 417. lustre that surrounds a, 778. never dropped out of the clouds, 196. not only hating David but the, 268. of day, powerful, 355. of England cannot enter, 365. of France went up the hill, 686. of good fellows, 93. of shreds and patches, 141. of snow, mockery, 82. of terrors, 817. pageantry of a, 688. reigns but does not govern, 810. ruin seize thee ruthless, 383. shake hands with a, 563. state without, or nobles, 588. Stephen was a worthy peer, 152, 406. such divinity doth hedge a, 142. under which, Bezonian, 90. was a' for our rightful, 452. when George the Third was, 556. who pretender is and who, 351. who would wish to be thy, 492. worm that hath eat of a, 141. Kings and republics, farce of, 777. are like stars, 565. can cause or cure, 367. come bow to it, bid, 79. death lays his icy hands on, 209. dread and fear of, 64. enthroned in the hearts of, 64. for such a tomb would die, 251. guilt of Eastern, 258. he shall stand before, 828. invest knights and barons, 189. it makes gods, 97. may be blest, 451. may love treason, 182. meaner creatures, 97. of Brentford, two, 417. of modern thought are dumb, 665. pride of, the, 314. princes are the breath of, 447. reigned in green palaces, 221. right divine of, 332. ruined sides of, 196. setter up and puller down of, 95. showers on her, barbaric pearl, 226. stories of the death of, 82. this royal throne of, 81. upon their coronation day, 269. will be tyrants from policy, 410. would not play at, 421. King's Bench walks, chambers in, 297. creation, you may be of the, 282. crown, not the, 47. English, abusing the, 45. every subject's duty is the, 92. eye, horse made fat by the, 729. name a tower of strength, 97. stamp, 't is not the, 282. Kingdom for a horse, 98. good man possesses a, 715. good mind possesses a, 22. like to a little, 111. my large, for a little grave, 82. my mind to me a, is, 22. Kingdom come, 't was kin' o', 659. Kingdoms, God has sifted three, 616. Kingly crown, likeness of a, 228. line in Europe, the longest, 494. Kinship, things that have, 755. Kirk, the near to, from God more far, 29. Kiss but in the cup, leave a, 179. drew my soul with one long, 623. had won, many a loving, 584. immortal with a, 41. long long, 557. me and be quiet, 350. me sweet-and-twenty, 75. of youth and love, 557. one kind, before we part, 671. she with traitorous, 676. snatched hasty, 356. the place to make it well, 535. till the cow comes home, 197. to every sedge, giving a gentle, 44. which Jews might, 325. Kisses bring again, my, 49. dear as remembered, 630. first invented, 293. from a female mouth, 554. tears and smiles, 474. thinking their own, sin, 108. Kissed, courtesied when you have, 42. lips that I have, 144. the ground, 343. Kitchen bred, in the, 552. ruled the rost in the, 194. Kites or crows, wars of, 255. Kith nor kin, neither, 404. Kitten, I had rather be a, 85. Knave best defence against knave, 730. he is an arrant, 132. how absolute the, is, 143. more, than fool, 41, 787. rascally yea-forsooth, 88. thank God you are rid of a, 52. that wears a title lies, 310. Knaves, flatter, or lose his pension, 290. he called them untaught, 83. in Kendal green, 84. little better than false, 53. whip me such honest, 149. Kneaded clod, to become a, 48. Knee, his head on his, 406. pregnant hinges of the, 137. Knees, bow stubborn, 139. down on your, 70. man at arms must serve on his, 25. on parent, 438. saint upon his, 422. Kneeling take aim, 597. Knell is rung by fairy hands, 389. of parting day, 384. overpowering, 559. sighed at the sound of a, 416. sound like a rising, 542. that summons thee to heaven, 119. the pall the bier, 562. the shroud the mattock the, 308. Knells call heaven invites, 307. in that word alone, 606. to a world of death, 499. us back, each matin bell, 500. Knew, all declared how much he, 397. himself to sing, 246. more, no man spoke less and, 738. that before you were born, 716. that one small head could carry all he, 397. thee but to love thee, 562. what 's what, 8. Knife, blood will follow the, 312. carved upon it with a, 90. to thy throat, put a, 828. war even to the, 541. Knight, a prince can make a belted, 452. parfit gentil, a veray, 1. pricking on the plain, 27. Knights, accomplishing the, 92. barons kings can invest, 189. carpet, 187. Knight's bones are dust, 502. Knightly counsel, 456. Knitters in the sun, spinsters and, 75. Knives, hands made before, 293. Knock and it shall be opened, 839. as you please, 336, 415. at my ribs, make my heart, 116. it never is at home, 415. the breast, nothing to, 242. Knocks, apostolic blows and, 210. open locks whoever, 123. Knock-down argument, 277. Knocker, tie up the, 326. Knolled to church, bells have, 68. Knot in a bulrush, 701. of roots, man is a, 601. unloose the Gordian, 91. Knotted and combined locks, 131. oak, to bend a, 294. Know a subject ourselves, 372. a trick worth two of that, 84. all words are faint, 437. all ye need to, 576. does both act and, 263. enough for man to, 319. everything except myself, 769. happier than I, 237. her own, so well to, 238. her was to love her, 455. him no more, shall, 816. how frail I am, 820. how little can be known, 319. how sublime a thing it is, 613. it is not safe to, 217. knowledge is ourselves to, 320. me, not to, 234. me, when it came to, 526. men who their duties, 438. mine end, make me to, 820. myself, not if I, 509. not I ask not, 522. not for what he was made, 755. not what, to be we, 276. not what 's resisted, 448. not what we may be, 142. nothing really, we, 766. one's self, difficult to, 757. or dream or fear all we, 562. reason but from what we, 315. that deformed, I, 52. that I love thee, 522. thee not, who, 437. their own good, how few, 274. their rights, men who, 438. then thyself, 317. thought so once now I, 350. thyself, 791. thyself and nothing too much, 736. to esteem to love, 502. we believe what we least, 775. we loved in vain, 539. what we are, 142. what were good to do, 60. where to find information, 372. where'er I go, yet I, 477. ye the land of cypress and myrtle, 549. Knowing dare maintain, 438. that they know nothing, 702. Knowledge, ample page of, 384. and timber, 638. be innocent of the, 121. book of, 230. by suffering entereth, 620. comes but wisdom lingers, 626. diffused, immortalizes itself, 457. evergreen tree of, 440. from ignorance, 650. great step to, 609. grow from more to more, let, 631. he that hath, 827. he that increaseth, 830. increaseth strength, 828. in excess, desire of, 165. is but sorrow's spy, 207. is of two kinds, 372. is ourselves to know, 320. is power, 168. is proud, 422. is the one only good, 760. is the only fountain, 530. lost by incredulity, 724. manners must adorn, 353. more than equivalent to force, 368. multiplieth words without, 817. night unto night showeth, 819. not according to, 844. of divine things, 724. of what is excellent, 727. out-topping, 665. shall be increased, 835. spirit of, 833. sweet food of sweetly uttered, 34. the fountain of human liberty, 530. too high the price for, 313. true, leads to love, 465. under difficulties, 528. we must snatch half our, 320. Known, to be forever, 260. too late, 105. Knows and knows no more, 414. no man distinctly, 766. not till he tries, 713. Knuckle-end of England, 459. Kosciusko fell, shrieked as, 513. Kubla Khan, 500. |