names, 562. in the extreme, 318. is all the world, that, 39. in the extreme, 318. know their own good, how, 274. let thy occupations be, 752. let thy words be, 830. plain rules, a, 479. real friends, 377. shall part where many meet, 515. strong instincts, 479. that only lend their ear, 39. things impossible to diligence, 368. too many yet how, 545. we happy, 92. Fezziwig, in came Mrs., 652. Fiat justitia ruat coelum, 855. Fib, destroy his, or sophistry, 327. Fibs, I 'll tell you no, 401. Fickle as a changeful dream, 491. fierce and vain, 491. Fico for the phrase, 45. Fiction, by fairy, drest, 383. condemn it as an improbable, 76. lags after truth, 408. truth stranger than, 560. Fictions like to truth, 692. Fiddler statesman buffoon, 268. Fie foh and fum, 147. on possession, 4. Field accidents by flood and, 150. as a flower of the, 823. be lost, what though the, 223. beat this ample, 315. cow a good animal in the, 371. fresh verdure of the, 414. hath eyes, 2. he rushed into the, 542. in the tented, 150. lilies of the, 838. of air, through the, 424. of fight, business in the, 340. of his fame, from the, 563. of honour, dead on the, 808. Prussia hurried to the, 443, 489. six Richmonds in the, 98. so truth be in the, 255. squadron in the, 149. with his back to the, 514. Fields, babbled of green, 91. beloved in vain, 381. better to hunt in, 270. dales and, 40. farewell, happy, 223. happy autumn, 630. little tyrants of his, 385. out of the old, 6. poetic, encompass me, 299. rude militia, raw in, 273. showed how, were won, 396. with purpureal gleams, 482. Fiend, a frightful, 499. angelical, 107. equivocation of the, 125. hell contains no fouler, 345. no, in hell can match, 296. thou marble-hearted, 146. Fiends, juggling, 126. Fiend-like to dwell in sin, 793. Fierce and vain, fickle, 491. as ten furies, 228. as they paint him, the lion is not so, 206, 222. democratie, 241. repentance rears her crest, 355. Fiercer by despair, 226. Fiery floods, to bathe in, 48. pain, throbs of, 367. Pegasus, turn and wind a, 86. soul working its way, 267. Fife, ear-piercing, 154. sound the clarion fill the, 493. squeaking of the wry-necked, 62. Fifteen, maiden of bashful, 442. Fig for care and a fig for woe, 9. Figs, in name of the prophet, 517. Fig-leaves, they sewed, together, 812. Fig-tree, under his, 836. Fight again, those that fly may, 215, 403. another day, live to, 216, 403. another such, I were undone, 733. business in the field of, 340. but when her ladyship is by, 79. famoused for, 161. first in the, 337. for such a land, dare to, 489. good at a, 519. I give up the, 643. I have fought a good, 848. it out on this line, 664. the good fight, 848. the last in, 337. well hast thou fought the better, 236. Fights and runs away, 216, 403. he that gained a hundred, 628. Fighting, bellyful of, 159. foremost fell, 542. rusty for want of, 211. still destroying and still, 272. Fighter, fits a dull, 87. Figure for the time of scorn, 155. in company, makes no, 376. of man, God not the, 765. of the giant mass, baby, 102. of the house, 88. the thing we like, we, 594. Figures on a dial, 654. strange and sweet, 499. Filches from me my good name, 153. Files of time, foremost, 626. Fill a pit as well as better, 87. Filled with fury, 390. Fillip with a three-man beetle, 88. Fills, he bounds connects he, 316. Filthy lucre, not greedy of, 847. Final goal of ill, 632. hope is flat despair, 226. ruin drives her ploughshare, 448. ruin fiercely drives, 309. Find it in my heart, could not, 52. safe, safe bind, 10. seek and ye shall, 839. too late that men betray, 403. Finds the down pillow hard, 160. tongues in trees, 67. Findeth, he that seeketh, 839. Fine by defect, 321. by degrees and beautifully less, 287. frenzy rolling, poet's eye in a, 59. how exquisitely, 316. in love, nature is, 142. manners need the support of fine manners in others, 603. puss-gentleman, 415. thing to be father-in-law, 454. too, a point to your wit, 792. words wonder where you stole 'em, 290. Finely touched, spirits are not, 46. Fineness which a hymn affords, 205. Finer form or lovelier face, 490. Finger and thumb, twixt, 83. freed from his ambitious, 98. in every pie, 789. more goodness in her little, 293. of a clock, like the, 420. pipe for fortune's, 138. points to heaven, whose silent, 481. points to the sky, silent, 504. slow unmoving, 155. writes and having writ, 768. Fingers, four, from death, 758. decay's effacing, 548. rude, with forced, 246. weary and worn, with, 585. were made before forks, 293. within two, of death, 758. Finger's breadth of being mad, 763. Fingers' ends, at my, 12, 74. Finished by such as she, 78. my course, I have, 848. Fire answers fire, 92. bastion fringed with, 631. books that you may carry to the, 375. burn and cauldron bubble, 123. burned, while I was musing, 819. burnt child dreads the, 16. clean hearth a clear, 508. clothes and meat, 322. coals of, on his head, 828, 844. cold performs the effect of, 228. day fills his blue urn with, 600. doubt thou the stars are, 133. fantasy's hot, 488. fat is in the, 9. fretted with golden, 134. fringed with, 631. from beds of raging, 228. from the mind, years steal, 542. from the sun, moon snatches her, 109. frying-pan into the, 18, 785. glass of liquid, 457. glow like sparks of, 202. hasty as, 80. in antique Roman urns, 213. in each eye, 326. in his bosom, 825. in his hand, who can hold the, 81. is not quenched, 841. is the test of gold, 197, 714. little, kindleth, 849. little, quickly trodden out, 95. melt in her own, 140. motion of a hidden, 497. now stir the, 420. O for a muse of, 90. O love O, 623. one, burns out another's, 104. pillar of, by night, 813. purge off the baser, 226. shirt of, martyr in his, 667. sitting by a sea-coal, 89. snatches from the sun, 109. souls made of, 311. source of motion, 781. spark of that celestial, 425. spark of that immortal, 549. sparkle the right Promethean, 56. stood against my, 148. that warms cold, 792. three removes as bad as a, 360. two irons in the, 196. uneffectual, 'gins to pale his, 132. with white, laden, 565. without some smoke, no, 17, 33. yreken in our ashen cold, 3. Fires, confined to fast in, 131. kindles false, 484. live their wonted, 385. of passion, to light the, 617. of ruin glow, 513. religion veils her sacred, 332. the tops of the eastern pines, 81. truth lend her noblest, 540. Fired another Troy, 272. the Ephesian dome, 296. Fire-hearts sowed our furrows, 620. Fireside happiness, 455. howsoe'er defended, no, 615. to make a happy, 449. Firm concord holds, 227. thy purpose, 307. Firmament, the sun in the, 530. no fellow in the, 112. now glowed the, 233. o'erhanging, 134. on high, the spacious, 300. pillared is rottenness, 245. showeth his handiwork, 819. stars in earth's, 613. Firmness in the right, 622. nature shakes off her wonted, 354. Firm-set earth, thou sure and, 119. First and the last, 849. be not the, by whom the new is tried, 324. dark day of nothingness, 548. flower of the earth, 522. gem of the sea, 522. great cause, 334. he wrought, 2. in a village, 727. in banquets and in the fight, 337. in glory first in place, 344. in the hearts of his countrymen, 445. in war first in peace, 445. step which costs, 801. true gentleman, 182. who came away, 556. First-born's breath, feels her, 562. Fir-trees dark and high, 583. Fish, all is, that cometh to net, 15. cat would eat, 14. in troubled waters, 283. no, ye 're buying, 493. nor flesh, 13. not with this melancholy bait, 60. sold for more than an ox, 734. to fry, other, 772, 790. what cat 's averse to, 381. with the worm, man may, 141. Fishes gnawed upon, men that, 96. live in the sea, how do the, 161. men live like, 264. men were first produced in, 739. that tipple in the deep, 259. Fisher's chorus-note, 674. life, gallant, 209. Fishermen on the beach, 148. Fishified, how art thou, 107. Fishing, may the east wind never blow when he goes a, 207. Fish-like smell, very ancient and, 43. Fist instead of a stick, 209. Fit audience though few, 236. for the gods, a dish, 111. it for the sky, 672. man, most senseless and, 51. 's upon me now, the, 198. to hold a candle, 351. Fits, 't was sad by, 390. Fitful fever, after life's, 121. Fitness of things, eternal, 364. Fitted him to a T, 375. in arts, well, 55. Fitting, done well and as is, 837. season is best, 694. Fittest place man can die, 680. survival of the, 622, 681. Five fathom deep, healths, 105. fathom under the Rialto, 554. hundred friends, 419. reasons why men drink, 793. Five-words-long, jewels, 630. Fixed fate free will, 228. figure for the time, 155. like a plant, 317. my heart is, 821. star, name to every, 54. Flag, death's pale, 109. freedom waves the fustian, 518. has braved a thousand years, 514. is known in every sea, 605. nail to the mast her holy, 635. of England, the meteor, 515. of our union forever, 596. of the free heart's hope, 574. the sceptre all who meet obey, our, 550. to haul down the American, 678. Flame, adding fuel to the, 242. freedom's holy, 382. if you nurse a, 516. love's devoted, 523. love's holy, 508. nor public nor private, 332. that lit the battle's wreck, 570. vital spark of heavenly, 334. words so full of subtile, 196. Flames, throng their paly, 92. yet from those, no light, 223. Flaming meteor, harmless, 261. youth, 140. Flanders received our yoke, 220. swore terribly in, 378. Flash and outbreak of a fiery mind, 133. of the lightning, 561. Flashes of merriment, 144. of silence, occasional, 461. Flat and unprofitable, 128. as pancakes, 173. burglary as ever was committed, 53. despair, our final hope is, 226. sea sunk, in the, 244. that 's, 86. Flatter knaves, to, 290. Neptune for his trident, 103. Flattered, being then most, 111. to tears this aged man, 575. whom all the world hath, 26. Flatterers besieged, by, 327. he hates, 111. Flattering painter, a, 399. tale, hope told a, 683. unction to your soul, 141. Flattery, I come not to hear such, 101. imitation is the sincerest, 675. is the food of fools, 290. never lost on poet's ear, 487. soothe the cold ear of death, 384. to name a coward, 463. Flaunting extravagant quean, 442. Flax, smoking, 834. Flaxen was his poll, 142. Flea has smaller fleas, 290. in his ear, 184, 771. that 's a valiant, 91. Fleas, great, have little, 290. little fleas have lesser, 290. that on him prey, 290. Fled, I waked she, 252. like a passing thought, 447. murmuring, 234. Flee when no man pursueth, 829. Fleet, all in the Downs the, 348. is a glance of the mind, 416. Fleets, ten thousand, 547. Fleetest, brightest still the, 522. Fleeting as 't is fair, 535. is the estate of man, 753. show, the world is all a, 524. some, good, 394. Flesh and blood can't bear it, 351. and blood, strong as, 477. and blood, to ears of, 131. and the devil, the world, 850. collop of thy own, 14. fair and unpolluted, 144. going the way of all, 181. his virgin sword, 346. how art thou fishified, 107. is grass, all, 834. is heir to, the shocks that, 135. is weak, but the, 841. little breath little, 749. nor good red herring, 13. of my flesh, 812. of thy flesh, 784. one of the, 656. service to the, 754. take off my, 461. that this too solid, would melt, 127. thorn in the, 846. weariness of the, 832. will not out of the, 19. will quiver; the, 312. Fleshed thy maiden sword, 87. Fleshpots, when we sat by the, 813. Flies an eagle flight, 109. close mouth catches no, 787. in amber, 168. of estate and sunneshine, 204. preyed on half-starved, 413. the higher pitch, 93. Flight, attained by sudden, 616. brighten as they take their, 307. flies an eagle, 109. of ages, once in the, 496. of common souls, above the, 393. of future days, 227. of years, unmeasured by the, 497. selfsame, the selfsame way, 60. Flighty purpose never is o'ertook, 123. Fling away ambition, 100. but a stone the giant dies, 354. Flint, everlasting, 107. weariness can snore upon the, 160. Flinty and steel couch of war, 151. Flirtation, that significant word, 353. Float double swan and shadow, 474. Floating bulwark of our island, 392. Flock however watched, no, 615. tainted wether of the, 64. Flocks, my father feeds his, 392. Flogging in schools, 372. Flood and field, accidents by, 150. bridge that arched the, 599. leap into this angry, 110. of mortal ills prevailing, 770. seems motionless as ice, yon, 473. shadow lies floating on the, 640. taken at the, 115. Floods, bathe in fiery, 48. passions are likened best to, 25. Floor, modest front of this small, 259. nicely sanded, 397. of heaven is thick inlaid, 65. Florence, ungrateful, 545. Flounder, squat as a, 771. Flourish in immortal youth, 299. princes and lords may, 396. Flourished, whilst bloody treason, 114. Flout the sky, banners, 115. Flow gently sweet Afton, 449. how well so e'er it, 327. like thee, could I, 257. of soul, feast of reason and, 328. Flower, amaranthine, 482. and bee, summer cometh with, 571. born to blush unseen, 385. bright consummate, 235. bright golden, 245. dear common, 657. death lurks in every, 535. every, enjoys the air, 466. every leaf and every, 235. every opening, 302. first, of the earth, 522. gives scent to every, 414. glistering with dew, 233. herself a fairer, 232. it fell upon a little western, 58. lightly like a, 634. look like the innocent, 117. lovely little, is free, 487. man a, he dies, 366. meanest, that blows, 478. near the lark's nest, every, 486. no daintie, or herbe, 28. no sooner blown but blasted, 251. no stronger than a, 162. O fairest, 251. of floures, 6. of glorious beauty, 276. of sweetest smell, 485. of the field, as a, 823. of wickedness, 651. of wifly patience, 4. offered in the bud, 301. pleasure like the midnight, 520. proved a beauteous, 106. safety, pluck this, 84. that sad embroidery wears, 248. that smiles to-day, 202. the sculptured, 573. Flowers, all the sweetest, 28. and fruits of love, 555. appear on the earth, 832. are lovely love is flower-like, 503. are springing, sweet, 524. azure moss and, 565. baptism o'er the, 202. bitter o'er the, 540. buy my, O buy I pray, 607. chaliced, 159. charities scattered like, 481. clouds that shed May, 233. cover with leaves and, 181. crown old winter's head with, 259. earth laughs in, 598. from Dis' waggon, 77. have their time to wither, 570. in the mede, of all the, 6. most can raise the, 629. no path of, leads to glory, 797. nosegay of culled, 779. of all hue, 232. of the forest, 393. only treads on, 464. Proserpine gathering, 232. purple with vernal, 247. shut of evening, 239. so blue and golden, 613. some bitter o'er the, 540. soonest awake to the, 520. sweeter in the air, breath of, 167. that do best perfume the air, 167. that grows beside the way, 657. that in the forest grew, 28. that skirt the eternal frost, 501. to feed on, 30. when spring unlocks the, 535. white and red, 6. worthy of Paradise, 232. Flower-de-luce, 78. Floweret of the vale, meanest, 386. pluck ere it close, 805. Flowery meads in May, 199. oratory he despised, 304. Flowing cups pass swiftly round, 259. cups, remembered in, 92. fees and fat contentions, 253. limb in pleasure drowns, 357. with milk and honey, 813. Flown with insolence and wine, 224. Flows all that charms, 502. in fit words, sense, 268. Fluctuation, world-wide, 634. Flung rose flung odours, 238. Flush as May, 139. Flushing his brow, 575. Flutes and soft recorders, 225. to the tune of, 157. Fluttered your Volscians in Corioli, 103. Fly betimes, then, 200. busy curious thirsty, 671. from pleasure, I, 368. hiss for the, 833. in the rivers of Egypt, 833. is hell, which way I, 231. like a youthful hart or roe, 302. not yet 't is just the hour, 520. O could I, I 'd fly with thee, 438. of the coach, 797. or I can run, I can, 246. said a spider to a, 605. that sips treacle, 348. those that, may fight again, 215. those that run away and, 212. to drown a, 306. which way shall I, 231. within a bead of amber, 203. Flying all abroad, 23. chariot, 424. old time is still a, 202. Foam is amber, whose, 257. o'er the dark sea's, 653. of perilous seas, 575. on the river, like the, 491. wiped away the weeds and, 598. Foe, Byzantium's conquering, 545. censure from a, 339. ever sworn the, 459. grim death my son and, 229. heat not a furnace for your, 98. insolent, 150. is now before us, 675. let in the, 242. manly, give me the, 464. met my dearest, in heaven, 128. overcome but half his, 225. the, they come, 543. to love, unrelenting, 358. to make one worthy man my, 327. to meet the insulting, 443. to tyrants, this hand sworn, 459. was in his soul a friend, each, 338. where breathes the, 574. with his feet to the, 514. Foes, long inveterate, 269. thrice he routed all his, 271. to comfort friends and, 400. Foemen worthy of their steel, 491. Fog in my throat, to feel the, 650. or fire by lake or fen, 244. Foggy cloud, sits in a, 123. Foibles, misery from our, 437. Fold, like the wolf on the, 551. Folded arms, lord of, 55. tail, horror of his, 251. Folding of the hands, 825. Folio, whole volumes in, 55. Folk, a world of, 6. to gon on pilgrimages, 1. Folks, ancestors good kind of, 440. on shore, unhappy, 510. Follies, count o'er their youthful, 492. may cease with their youth, 376. of the wise, 365. that themselves commit, 62. youthful, 492. Follow as the night the day, 130. Followed her, king himself has, 400. Followers, more, than a thief to the gallows, 213. Following his plough, 470. Folly, according to his, 828. and ignorance, 102. as it flies, shoot, 315. grow romantic, if, 321. into sin can glide, 492. is all they 've taught me, 522. is at full length, 312. loves the martyrdom of fame, 552. mirth can into, glide, 492. no soul exempt from, 775. of others, profit by the, 720. shunn'st the noise of, 249. stays and genius goes, 600. to be wise, 382. when lovely woman stoops to, 403. Fond and billing, 215. imagination, so fair to, 482. of humble things, 671. of toil and care, why are we, 805. recollection, 537. to rule alone, man too, 327. Fondest hopes decay, seen my, 526. Fondness, eyes that weep in, 280. Fontarabian echoes borne, on, 490. Food, are of love the, 238. crops the flowery, 315. for powder, 87. human nature's daily, 474. minds not craving for, 444. of sweet and bitter fancy, 71. of fools, flattery 's the, 290. of love, if music be the, 74. of sweetly uttered knowledge, 34. one man's, is another's poison, 199. pined and wanted, 465. rats and mice have been Tom's, 147. right choice, 652. that appeases hunger, 792. Fool, answer a, 828. at forty is a fool indeed, 311. cannot hold his tongue, 737. difference between a wise person and a, 702. doth think he is wise, the, 71. every inch that is not, 269. every, will be meddling, 827. eyes of a, 827. hath said in his heart, 818. hold his tongue, let a, 713. in a mortar, bray a, 829. in the forest, I met a, 67. is counted wise when he holdeth his peace, 827. knows himself to be a, 71. laughter of a, 830. man at thirty suspects himself a, 307. me no fools, 861. me to the top of my bent, they, 139. more hope of a, 828. more knave than, 41, 787. motley, 67. must now and then be right, 414. no creature smarts so little as a, 327. of fate, 346. of nature stood, 273. one draught makes him a, 74. only good for, 797. outlives in fame the pious, 296. resolved to live a, 196. said my muse to me, 34. the more, I, 67. there is more hope of a, 828. to fame, nor yet a, 327. to make me merry, 71. when he holdeth his peace, 827. who thinks by force or skill, 670. with judges, 415. Fools, a judge amongst, 331, 415. admire, men of sense approve, 324. and children cannot lie, 15. are my theme, 539. best, are a little wise, 177. bolt is soon shot, 16. by heavenly compulsion, 146. call nature what I call God, 651. chronicle small beer and suckle, 151. contest for forms of government, 318. ever since the conquest, 279. flattery 's the food of, 290. for arguments use wagers, 213. in all tongues are called, 71. in idle wishes, 444. like you, we thrive on, 334. little wise are the best, 177. make a mock at sin, 826. men may live, 308. never-failing vice of, 323. of nature, 131. old doting, 729. old men know young men are, 36. only good for, 797. paradise of, 231, 444. print it and shame the, 326. profit less by wise men, 725. rush in where angels fear to tread, 325. should be so deep-contemplative, 68. since the conquest have been, 279. supinely stay, 444. that crowd thee so, 261. these mortals be, what, 58. they cannot die, 308. thinks better of a gilded, 181. to be wise among, 721. what gift to, avails, 344. who came to scoff, 397. who roam, they are, 362. wise men avoid the fault of, 725. with the time, thus we play the, 89. words are the money of, 200. young men think old men, 36. Fooled with hope, 276. Foolery, a little, governs the world, 195. that wise men have, 66. walks about the orb, 76. Foolish rheum, how now, 79. thing, never says a, 279. things to confound the wise, 845. whistling of a name, 262. Foolishness will not depart, 829. Foot and hand go cold, 23. before, the better, 80. chancellor's, 195. for foot hand for hand, 813. great shoe for a little, 737. has music in 't, his very, 427. horse and, rise up when I stamp, 727. in the grave, one, 198, 729. is on my native heath, my, 493. more light, step more true, 491. no rest for the sole of her, 812. of a conqueror, lie at the proud, 80. of time, noiseless, 74, 464. one, in sea and one on shore, 51, 405. one, in the grave, 198. so light a, 107. sole of our, 173, 198. to the sole of his, 51. upon a worm, needlessly sets, 422. Footprints on the sands of time, 612. Footsteps he hath turned home, 488. in the sea, 423. of a throne, 26. willing, meeting here, 534. Footstool, the earth my, 316. Fop, the solemn, 415. Forbearance ceases to be a virtue, 407. Forbid, God, 844. it almighty God, 430. Forbidden tree, fruit of that, 223. Forbids to crave, my mind, 22. Force abated, nor his natural, 814. and road of casualty, 62. knowledge more than equivalent to, 368. more by art than, 341. of nature, 271. of temporal power, 64. shall have spent its novel, 626. who overcomes by, 225. Forces, opposing and enduring, 595. Forced by fate, 274. from their homes, 395. Forcible are right words, 816. Feeble, 89. Forcibly if we must, 516. Fordoes me quite, makes me or, 156. Forefathers had no other books, 94. of the hamlet, 384. think of your, 458. Forefinger of all time, 630. of an alderman, 104. Foregone conclusion, 155. Forehead lowers, instantly your, 377. of the morning sky, 248. of the skies, 781. the godlike, 486. Foreheads villanous low, 43. Foreign aid of ornament, 356. hands, by, 335. Foreknowledge absolute, 228. will and fate, 228. Forelock, from his parted, 232. time by the, 30. Foremost fighting fell, 542. files of time, 626. man of all this world, 114. Foresaw, sees what he, 476. Forespent night of sorrow, 258. Forest by slow stream, 504. flowers of the, 393. met a fool in the, 67. primeval, this is the, 615. Forests are rended, when, 493. Foresters, Diana's, 82. Forever and a day, 71. and forever farewell, 115. dear forever kind, 340. death and that vast, 664. fallen, arise or be, 224. fare thee well, 552. fortune wilt thou prove, 358. his time is, 260. honoured, forever mourned, 341. known, to be, 260. now and, 533. singing as they shine, 300. still forever, 552. thou art gone and, 491. yesterday and to-day and, 848. Forfeit, all the souls that were, were, 47. fair renown, 488. Forgave the offence, 273. Forget all time, with thee, 233. and forgive, 148. at times with advantage, 709. can this fond heart, 582. expedient sometimes to, 709. me, go, 563. men's names, 68. my sovereign, when I, 426. never never can, 580. taught me at last to, thee, 682. the human race, that I might, 547. thee O Jerusalem, 824. thyself to marble, 249. Forgetful, be not, to entertain strangers, 848. Forgetfulness, not in entire, 477. prey to dumb, 385. steep my senses in, 89. sweets of, 428. Forget-me-nots of the angels, 616. Forgets, the truly loved never, 520. Forgetting, a sleep and a, 477. the world, 333. Forgive, divine to, 325. forget and, 148. our enemies, 171. our friends, 171. the crime, 464. Forgiveness, awkwardness has no, 603. is better than revenge, 758. to the injured, 275. Forgot, and all the rest, 161. as soon as shed, 381. by the world, 333. for which he toiled, 161. proposed as things, 325. should auld acquaintance be, 449. thou art not, 679. when by thy side, 563. Forgotten dream, hunt for a, 472. dreams, glimpses of, 623. even by God, 643. nothing and learned nothing, 811. nothing new except what is, 811. the inside of a church, 86. the names of their founders, 222. Forked mountain, 158. radish, like a, 90. Forks, fingers made before, 293. Forlorn hope, 783. Form and fear, mother of, 39. and feature, outward, 503. and moving, admirable in, 134. cliff that lifts its awful, 397. combination and a, 140. divine, the human, 344. doth take, the bodie, 29. finer, or lovelier face, 490. glass of fashion and mould of, 136. had yet not lost, 225. of life and light, 549. of manliest beauty, 436. soft metal flowered to human, 329. soul is, 29. spoiled the, 778. teemed with human, 394. Forms of ancient poets, 504. of government, fools contest for, 318. of hairs or straws or dirt, 327. of things unknown, 59. that once have been, 614. unseen their dirge is sung, by, 389. vents in mangled, 68. Formed by thy converse, 320. Former times shake hands, 212. Forrest, flowres that grew in, 28. Forsake me, do not, 278. not an old friend, 837. Forsaken, not seen the righteous, 819. when he is, 584. Forsworn, that so sweetly were, 49. Forted residence, 49. Forth on, bold and, 109. Fortress built by nature, 81. mighty, is our God, 770. my refuge and my, 822. Fortuitous circumstances, 494. concourse of atoms, 284. occurrence, 403. Fortune and to fame unknown, 386. architect of his own, 167. carves out his own, 785. crested, 424. diligence mother of good, 791. easy to get a favour from, 709. favours and blessings of, 737. flatters, when, 709. forever, wilt thou prove, 358. gives us birth, 340. hath divers ways, 35. hostages to, 165. I care not, 357. is blind, though, 167. is like glass, 709. is on our side, when, 709. is unstable, 766. leads on to, 115. leaves some door open, 785. means to men most good, 79. method of making a, 387. most dejected thing of, 148. mould of a man's, 167. not easy to keep a favour from, 709. not satisfied with one calamity, 709. not with the faint-hearted, 697. out of suits with, 66. railed on Lady, 68. reigns in gifts of the world, 66. slings and arrows of outrageous, 135. to prey at, 153. tugged with, 121. vicissitudes of, 430. well-favoured man is the gift of, 51. wishes to destroy, whom, 713. Fortunes battles sieges, 150. before you, than, 76. carry Caesar and his, 728. lest it may mar your, 146. lives and sacred honour, 434. manners turn with, 321. my pride fell with my, 66. parcel of their, 158. ready to try our, 90. virtues to sustain good, 794. Fortune's buffets and rewards, 137. cap, button on, 133. champion, thou, 79. cup, the dregs of, 341. finger, pipe for, 138. ice prefers to virtue's land, 267. power, not now in, 212. sharpe adversite, 5. Forty days and forty nights, 812. fat fair and, 495. feeding like one, 469. fool at, is a fool indeed, 311. knows it at, 307. minutes about the earth, in, 58. parson power, 559. pounds a year, rich at, 396. stripes save one, 846. years old, 638. Forward and frolic glee, 491. as occasion offers, 756. not permanent, 129. Foster-child of silence, 576. Fou for weeks thegither, 451. Fought a good fight, 848. a long hour, 88. all his battles o'er again, 271. and bled in freedom's cause, 465. his last battle, he has, 666. the better fight, 236. upon the clouds, 112. Foul as Vulcan's stithy, 138. deeds will rise, 129. is fair fair is foul, 115. Foules maken melodie, 1. Found, best gift my latest, 235. make a note of, when, 652. myself famous, 560. only on the stage, 558. out a gift for my fair, 380. Founded upon a rock, 839. Founders, the pyramids have forgotten the names of their, 222. of civilization, 531. Found'st me poor at first, 398. Fount of joy's delicious springs, 540. Fountain by a forest side, 225. heads, pathless groves, 184. hither as to their, 236. in the desert springing, 552. knowledge is the only, 530. like the bubble on the, 491. of human liberty, 530. of sweet tears, a heart the, 469. of the Nile, show me the, 602. pitcher broken at the, 831. stream and sea, at once, 496. troubled, is like a, 73. Fountains, Afric's sunny, 536. large streams from little, 459. Fountain's murmuring wave, 428. silvery column, 504. Four-in-hand, the fiery, 505. Four rogues in buckram, 84. Fourscore years, wind him up with, 276. Four-square to all the winds, 628. Fourteen hundred years ago, 82. Foutre for the world, 90. Fowl, opinion concerning wild, 77. tame villatic, 242. Fox when he had lost his tail, 186. Foxes have holes, 839. that spoil the vines, 832. Fox's skin, lion's skin pieced with the, 734. Fragments, gather up the, 843. of a once glorious union, 533. Fragrance after showers, 233. plants while they grow bestow no, 398. smells to heaven, 362. Fragrant, most, when crushed, 165. posies, thousand, 41. the fertile earth, 233. Frail a thing is man, so, 687. I am, how, 820. Frailties from their dread abode, 386. Frailty, from the organ-pipe of, 80. of a man, 164. thy name is woman, 128. Frame, a shining, 300. of man, goodly, 782. of nature, the whole, 300. quit this mortal, 334. rapture-smitten, 513. this goodly, the earth, 134. this universal, 271. whatever stirs this mortal, 501. Framed in prodigality of nature, 96. strange fellows, nature hath, 59. to make women false, 151. France and England, best thing between, 597. king of, went up the hill, 686. nothing is changed in, 809. order this better in, 379. the world or, or England, 93. threatening, 267. ye sons of, 804. Frank haughty rash, 606. Frankincense, lumps of, 751. Frantic, the lover all as, 59. Fraud, notoriously base, 715. Frauds and holy shifts, 212. Fraught with all learning, 399. swell bosom with thy, 155. Fray, beginning of a, 19. eager for the, 296. latter end of a, 87. Frayd, more, then hurt, 11. Freakish youth, 419. Free and fetterless thing, 680. as air, love, 333. as nature first made man, 275. battle for the, 562. both open and both, 102. great glorious and, 522. land of the, 516, 517. nature's grace, 357. soil free men free speech, 856. spirit of mankind, 572. struggling to be, 139. to fall, though, 230. trade is not a principle, 607. trade the greatest blessing, 590. truth shall make you, 843. we must be, or die, 472. who would be, must strike, 541. whom the truth makes, 421. will fixed fate, 228. Freedom, bastard, 518. bounds of, wider yet, 623. fail, what avail if, 601. fetter the step of, 596. from her mountain height, 573. has a thousand charms, 414. idea of, 639. in my love, if I have, 260. in that, bold, 487. is its child, 460. leaning on her spear, 637. new birth of, 622. of religion of the press, 435. only deals the blow, for, 459. ring from mountain-side, let, 619. shall awhile repair, 390. shrieked as Kosciusko fell, 513. to the free, 622. to the slave, 622. to worship God, 570. where wealth and, reign, 394. whose service is perfect, 851. yet thy banner torn, 546. Freedom's banner, streaming, 574. battle once begun, 548. cause, fought and bled in, 465. hallowed shade, 459. holy flame, 382. shield, each heart is, 675. soil beneath our feet, 574. Free-livers on a small scale, 536. Freeman with unpurchased hand, 636. whom the truth makes free, 421. without education, 639. Freeman's will, executes a, 538. Freemen, corrupted, 387. we will die, 436. who rules o'er, 375. Freeze thy young blood, 131. French have empire of the land, 577. wiser than they seem, 166. Frenche she spake ful fayre, 1. of Paris was to hire unknowe, 1. Frenchman I praise the, 358. must be always talking, a, 374. the brilliant, 414. only one more, 809. Frenchman's darling, 421. Frenchmen, three, on one pair of English legs, 91. Frenzy, poet's eye in a fine, 59. Frenzy's fevered blood, 492. Fresh as a bridegroom, 83. gales and gentle airs, 238. woods and pastures new, 248. Freshly ran he on, 276. Freshness fills the air, a dewy, 507. of its youth, learning in the, 695. Fret a passage, 221. thy soul with crosses, 30. Fretful porpentine, 131. stir unprofitable, 467. Frets his hour upon the stage, 125. Fretted the pygmy body, 267. vault the long-drawn aisle, 384. with golden fire, 134. Friars and eremites, 231. hooded clouds like, 613. Frie in his own grese, 3. Friend after friend departs, 496. as you choose a, 278. barren metal of his, 61. better one, of great value, 758. countenance of his, 829. death of a dear, 59. defend your departed, 270. equal to a brother, 694. faithful the wounds of a, 829. favourite has no, 381. forsake not an old, 837. gained from heaven a, 386. guide philosopher and, 320. handsome house to lodge a, 289. in deed, 16. in his soul, a, 338. in life a, 340. in my retreat, 416. in need, 701. indeed to pardon or to bear it, 423. is another I, 764. is another self, 692. is one soul in two bodies, 762. loan oft loses itself and, 130. men esteem a real, 692. mine own familiar, 851. my father and my, 278. need be very much his, 423. new, as new wine, 837. no, no brother there, 540. of every friendless name, 366. of my better days, 562. of pleasure wisdom's aid, 390. of woe, sleep the, 508. one that hath no, 540. praise from a, 339. received with thumps, 312. religious book or, 174. save me from the candid, 464. should bear friend's infirmities, 114. sticketh closer than a brother, 827. the masterpiece of nature, 602. thou art not my, 598. to close his eyes, not a, 271. to her virtues be a, 377. to human race, 346. to my life, 326. to public amusements, 371. to Roderick, art thou a, 491. to truth, statesman yet, 323. tolling a departing, 88. treat your, as if he might become an enemy, 710. who hath not lost a, 496. who lost no, 323. world is not thy, 108. Friends, adversity of our best, 796. and foes, to comfort, 400. are exultations agonies, thy, 471. at home, make, 722. by hunger and request of, 326. call you that backing of your, 84. dear five hundred, 419. decent boldness ever meets with, 343. defend me from my, 808. depart and memory takes them, 581. eat and drink as, 72. enter on my list of, 422. fallyng out of faithfull, 21. had been in youth, 500. he cast off his, 399. he who has a thousand, 767. house of my, 836. how we should behave to, 762. I 've met many, 582. is without three good, 70. lay down his life for his, 843. like summer, 204. man that hath, 827. my never-failing, 506. nature teaches beasts to know their, 103. of humblest, scorn not one, 486. of my youth where are they, 550. old, are best, 195. old times old, 401. old, to trust, 171. out of sight we lose, 569. poor make no new, 611. princes find few real, 377. property of, is common, 761, 763. prosperity makes, 713. remember absent, 757. Romans countrymen, 113. separateth very, 827. thou hast grapple to thy soul, 129. thousand, sufficeth not, 767. three firm, more sure than day, 502. to congratulate their, 269. troops of, 124. we have been, together, 679. were poor but honest, 73. you and I were long, 361. Friend's departing feet, 661. infirmities, bear his, 114. Friendless name, friend of every, 366. Friendliest to sleep, hour, 235. Friendly, must show himself, 827. Friendship but a name, 402. cement of the soul, 354. constant save in love, 51. distance sometimes endears, 581. elegance of female, 368. exchange of good offices, 795. is a sheltering tree, 503. is love without his wings, 560. love and liberty, 503. love like, steady, 523. might divide, joy but, 335. no cold medium knows, 339. retirement rural quiet, 355. sounds too cold, 524. sudden, springs from wine, 350. swear an eternal, 462, 798. take a breed for barren metal, 61. that like love is warm, 523. with all nations, 435. Friendship's laws, 346. name, speak to thee in, 523. Frieth in her own grease, 16. Frieze buttress nor coign of vantage, 117. Frighted swears a prayer or two, 105. Frightful fiend behind him, 499. Frights the isle, 152. Fringed curtains of thine eye, 43. with fire, 631. Fringing the dusty road, 657. Frisk away like schoolboys, 447. Frisked beneath the burden, 395. Frivolous work of idleness, 457. Frog, eye of newt toe of, 123. thus use your, 208. Frogs, boys throw stones at, 741. wise as the, 352. Frolic and the gentle Lamb, the, 486. Frolics, youth of, 321. From all who dwell below the skies, 302. Front, deep on his, 227. his fair large, 232. me no fronts, 861. of battle lour, see the, 450. of Jove himself, 140. of March, in the, 625. of my offending, 149. of this small floor, 259. smoothed his wrinkled, 94. Fronts bore stars, their restless, 479. Frore, parching air burns, 228. Frost a killing frost, 99. curdled by the, 103. death's untimely, 450. fixed as in a, 317. flowers that skirt the eternal, 501. itself as actively doth burn, 140. Frosts, encroaching, 671. Frosty but kindly, 67. Caucasus, thinking on the, 81. day, thunder in a, 266. Frown at pleasure, 309. hell grew darker at their, 229. trembled with fear at your, 680. yesterday's sneer and, 664. Frowns, her very, are fairer, 677. on me, selfsame heaven that, 98. Frowning Providence, 423. Frozen at its marvellous source, 486. by distance, 473. music, architecture is, 807. Frugal mind, she had a, 417. swain, 392. Fruit fell like autumn, 276. from such a seed, 544. keep clean be as, 264. let it blossom then bear, 743. of cultivation, gratitude the, 376. of sense is rarely found, 323. of that forbidden tree, 223. ripest, first falls, 81. that can fall without shaking, 350. that mellowed long, 276. thou drop like ripe, 240. to me, thy seasons bring, 752. tree is known by his, 839. weakest kind of, 64. which I bore was the sun, 740. would spring, from such a seed, I should have known what, 544. Fruits are pleasant, 685. by their, ye shall know them, 839. kindly, of the earth, 850. no, no flowers no leaves, 586. of love are gone, 555. Fruitful mind, 168. of golden deeds, 230. Fruitless crown on my head, 121. labours mourn, our, 344. Fruit-tree tops, 106. Frustrate of his hope, 253. Fry, other fish to, 772, 790. Frying-pan into the fire, 18, 785. Fuel of magnificence, 603. to the flame, adding, 242. Fugitive and cloistered virtue, 254. false, to thy punishment, 229. Ful wel she sange the service devine, 1. Fulfilling of the law, 845. Full age, to thy grave in a, 816. assurance given by lookes, 23. fathom five thy father lies, 42. fayre sight, 404. heart reveal, 502. little knowest thou, 29. man, reading maketh a, 168. many a flower, 385. many a gem, 385. of dead men's bones, 841. of good intentions, 808. of goodly prospect, 253. of good works, 843. of honour and years, 655. of life, more, 53. of quarrels as an egg of meat, 107. of sound and fury, 125. of spirit as the month of May, 86. of strange oaths, 69. of sweet days, and roses, 204. of wise saws, 69. resounding line, 329. royally he rode, 23. serenely, 461. tide of successful experiment, 435. well the busy whisper, 397. well they laughed, 397. without o'erflowing, 257. Full-blown poppies, as, 338. rose, like a, 575. Full-hot horse, anger like a, 98. Full-orbed glory, in, 507. Fulmined over Greece, 241. Fulness of perfection, 78. Fun grew fast and furious, 451. you think he 's all, 637. Function, as to a holy, 410. Funeral baked meats, 128. marches to the grave, 612. mirth in, dirge in marriage, 127. note, not a, 563. tapers, sad, 615. Funny as I can, to write as, 636. Fur, doctors of the Stoic, 246. fly, make the, 212. Furies, fierce as ten, 228. harpy-footed, 228. Furious and temperate, 120. Furlongs of sea, a thousand, 42. Furnace, heat not a, for your foe, 98. lover sighing like, 69. Furnish, all we ought to ask, 569. Furor fit laesa saepius patientia, 269. Furred gowns, robes and, 148. Furrows in my face, no odious, 445. time's, 309. Further and fared worse, 17. Fury, filled with, 390. full of sound and, 125. in your words, 155. like a woman scorned, 294. make use of me for the, 745. of a patient man, beware, the, 269. of a disappointed woman, 296. why flash those sparks of, 672. with the abhorred shears, 247. withstood the winter's, 671. Fust in us unused, 142. Fustian flag, freedom waves her, 518. is so sublimely bad, 327. Future days, flight of, 227. favours, sense of, 304. is yet unseen the past is gone, 750. judged by the past, 429, 776. prophets of the, 561. retrospection to the, 446. security for the, 364. sure, the, 482. trust no, howe'er pleasant, 612. yawning void of the, 753. Futurity casts, shadows which, 568.
Gaberdine, Jewish, 61. Gadding vine, the, 247. Gadire or Javan, bound for, 242. Gaffer Grey, 673. Gain, better incur loss than make, 701. every way my, 156. his private ends, 400. man's loss from his, 650. not base gains, 694. of a few, 336. of man, the steady, 618. of our best glory, 39. or lose it all, 257. set down as so much, 705. the timely in, to, 121. the whole world, 840. to die is, 847. turns his necessity to, 476. unbribed by, 675. unvexed with all the cares of, 348. Gains base, the same as losses, 696. counts his sure, 496. nothing risks nothing, 21. Gained from heaven a friend, 386. my experience, 70. Gait, and every motion, 485. laxer in their, 510. when his veering, 485. Gaiters, lax in their, 510. Galaxy that milky way, 236. Gale, catch the driving, 318. down he bears before the, 677. note that swells the, 386. partake the, 320. passion is the, 317. sail with gentle, 354. scents the evening, 447. so sinks the, 434. the lightning and the, 635. wafted by thy gentle, 455. Gales and gentle airs, 238. that from ye blow, I feel the, 381. Galilean lake, pilot of the, 247. Galileo with his woes, 545. Gall enough in thy ink, 76. Galls his kibe, 143. the infants of the spring, 129. Gallant fisher's life, 209. gay Lothario, 301. Gallantry, conscience with, 442. Galled jade wince, let the, 138. Gallery critics, 419. Galley, what the devil did he want in that, 798. Galligaskins long withstood, 671. Gallop of verses, 70. Gallops, time, 70. Gallows, thief to the, 213. Gallows-tree, under the, 184. Gamaliel, feet of, 843. Gambol from, which madness would, 141. Gambols, where be your, 144. Game is up, 160. little pleasure of the, 287. of goose royal, 398. rigour of the, 508. war is a, 421. was empires, whose, 555. Gamester and poet, 388. Gang a kennin' wrang, 448. aft a-gley, 446. Ganymede, the matchless, 340. Gaping age, mirror to a, 564. mouth and stupid eyes, 273. Garden and greenhouse too, 420. bird-cage in a, 180. come into the, Maud, 631. God first planted a, 167. in her looks, 261. God the first, made, 261. in her face, there is a, 685. noblemen of the, 597. of cucumbers, lodge in a, 832. of girls, the rosebud, 631. of liberty's tree, 516. was a wild, the, 513. we turn a cow out of a, 371. Gardens trim, that in, 249. Garden's end, river at my, 289. Gardener, the grand old, 624. Gardeners, no ancient gentlemen but, 143. Garish eye, day's, 250. sun, worship to the, 107. Garland and singing robes, 253. green willow is my, 9. immortal, is to be run for, 254. of the war is withered, 159. to the sweetest maid, 314. Garlands dead, whose, 523. would grace a summer's queen, 492. Garment of praise, 834. out of fashion, 160. Garments, stuffs out his vacant, 79. Garmented in light, 567. Garners be full of fruit, 693. Garnish, eye of heaven to, 79. Garret, born in the, 294, 552. jewels into a, 170. living in a, 391. Garrick is a salad, our, 399. Gars auld claes, 447. me greet, it, 451. Garter, familiar as his, 91. mine host of the, 45. Garters gold amuse, 318. Garth did not write his own Dispensary, 325. Gashed with honourable scars, 496. Gate, lark at heaven's, 159. of Eden, Peri at the, 526. strait is the, 839. suspicion sleeps at wisdom's, 231. what boots it at one, 242. wide is the, 839. Gates ever-during, her, 236. of heaven, to the, 473. of hell, detests him as the, 338. of light, unbarred the, 235. of mercy shut, 385. she claps her wings at heaven's, 32. Gath, tell it not in, 814. Gather up the fragments, 843. ye rosebuds while ye may, 202. Gathers no moss, rolling stone, 14, 711. Gathered every vice, 332. Gatherer and disposer, 175. Gathering her brows, 451. Gaudy, neat not, 510. rich not, 130. Gaul, to Greece to, 416. Gaunt, old John of, 80. Gauntlet with a gift in 't, 621. Gave his father grief, 335. to misery all he had, 386. what we, we have, 802. Gay and festive scenes, 678. and ornate, 242. cities, far from, 345. from grave to, 320. gilded scenes, 299. grandsire, 395. hope is theirs, 381. innocent as, 308. Lothario, haughty gallant, 301. rhetoric, dear wit and, 246. would not if I could be, 456. Gayety of nations, eclipsed the, 369. Gayly the troubadour, 581. Gaze and show of the time, 126. thou art gone from my, 587. with all the town, 677. Gazed, and still they, 397. Gazelle, nursed a dear, 526. Gazing rustics, amazed the, 397. Gebir, wicked spells of, 512. Geese are swans, all our, 188. Gem instinct with music, 485. of purest ray serene, 385. of the old rock, 219. of the sea, first, 522. upon her zone, the best, 598. Gems, eyes reflecting, 96. of heaven, 233. of Samarcand, all the, 437. rich and rare were the, 520. the starry girdle of the year, 513. General, good captain lost in an ill, 779. 't was caviare to the, 134. Generalities, glittering, 589. Generation, men from a former, 530. passeth away, 830. Generations, enmity of twenty, 592. honoured in their, 837. the cross leads, on, 566. Generous and free, 285. friendship, 339. Genial current of the soul, 384. morn appears, when, 513. Genius and mortal instruments, 111. bane of all, 567. commands thee, 674. goes and folly stays, 600. no, without a tincture of madness, 714. one, fit one science, 323. parting, is with sighing sent, 251. patience an ingredient of, 608. proof of, 590. the substitute for, 414. which can perish, all of, 552. work of, 662. Genteel in personage, 285. thing, the, 401. Gentil dedes, to do the, 4. herte, priketh every, 2. knight, a veray parfit, 1. that doth gentil dedis, 4. Gentility, cottage of, 507. Gentilman, Jafeth, 182. Jhesus, 182. take him for the gretest, 4. Gentle airs, fresh gales and, 238. and low her voice, 149. beast, very, 59. blood, signe to know the, 29. craft, 856. deeds, to do the, 4. dulness ever loves a joke, 331. earth, lie lightly, 197. his life was, 115. knight, a very perfect, 1. lights without a name, 256. limbs did she undress, her, 499. peace, carry, 100. rain from heaven, 64. shepherd tell me where, 672. sleep nature's soft nurse, 89. spring, come, 355. though retired, 444. yet not dull, 257. Gentle-hearted Charles, my, 501. Gentleman and scholar, 447. first true, that ever breathed, 182. grand old name of, 633. is not in your books, 50. no ancient, but gardeners, 143. nomination of this, 145. now be thing the, 686. prince of darkness is a, 147, 256. since I was a, 182. so stout a, 87. who was then the, 685. Gentlemen, cooks are, 187. God Almighty's, 268. mob of, 329. of England, 176. of the French guards, 856. of the shade, 82. the seamen were not, 593. three, at once, 440. two single, rolled in one, 454. were not seamen, 593. who wrote with ease, 329. Gently as a sucking dove, 57. do my spiriting, 42. on him, his faults lie, 100. scan your brother man, 448. speak, 't is a little thing, 683. time has touched me, 445. touch us, time, 538. upon my heart, 617. Genuine and less guilty wealth, 257. Geographers in Afric maps, 289. in their maps, 722. Geography, despite of, 212. Geometric scale, 210. Geometry, royal path to, 811. George, if his name be, 78. that swinged the dragon, 78. the Third was king, when, 556. German to the matter, 145. Germans have the empire of the air, 577. Gestic lore, skilled in, 395. Gesture, dignity in every, 237. Get a man's own, to, 279. money still get money, 177. out of my house, 791. place and wealth, 329. thee behind me Satan, 840. thee to a nunnery, 136. understanding, 825. Gets him to rest, 92. Getting and spending, 476. up not so easy as lying, 584. Ghastly smile, death grinned a, 229. Ghost besprent with April dew, 180. like an ill-used, 355. of him, I 'll make a, 131. Scipio's, walks unavenged, 298. stubborn, unlaid, 244. the hollow, 665. there needs no, 132. vex not his, O let him pass, 149. what beckoning, 335. Ghosts of defunct bodies, 210. shoals of visionary, 344. true love is like, 795. Giant branches tossed, 569. dies, pang as great as when a, 48. dies, fling but a stone the, 354. mass, baby figure of the, 102. on the shoulders of a, 185, 206, 504. the western, 687. tyrannous to use it like a, 48. Giants in the earth, 812. Giant's strength, excellent to have a, 48. unchained strength, 572. Giant-dwarf Dan Cupid, 55. Gibber, squeak and, 126. Gibbets keep in awe, 311. unloaded all the, 86. Gibes, where be your, 144. Giddy and unfirm, our fancies are more, 75. and unseen, 89. paced times, 75. Gift for my fair, found out a, 380. heaven's last best, 235. horse in the mouth, 11, 211, 771. is as a precious stone, 827. of beauty, the fatal, 545. of fortune, well-favoured man is a, 51. of heaven, good sense the, 322. of heaven, moderation the, 698. of noble origin, 474. of poesy, heavenly, 270. that no philosophy can lift, 486. to fools avail, what, 344. to know it, they have the, 68. which God has given, 488. Gifts and dispensations, 212. death craves not only, 696. of a bad man, 698. of the world, 66. rich, wax poor, 136. seven hundred pounds is good, 45. that took all eyes, 600. Giftie gie us, 448. Gild refined gold paint the lily, 79. the vernal morn, 424. Gilded fool, thinks better of a, 181. Gilead, balm in, 835. Gill shall dance, 199. Gilpin long live he, 417. Gilt, dust that is a little, 102. o'er-dusted, more laud than, 102. Gineral C. is a dreffle smart man, 659. Ginger shall be hot in the mouth, 75. Gingerly, as, 852. Girdeth on his harness, 816. Girdle of the year, starry, 513. round about the earth, 58. round about the world, 36. Girl, then spoke I to my, 201. unschooled unpractised, 64. Girls, be courted in your, 406. between two, 93. golden lads and, 160. that are so smart, of all the, 285. rosebud garden of, 631. un-idea'd, 369. Girl-graduates, sweet, 629. Girt with golden wings, 243. Give a cup of water, to, 577. ample room and verge enough, 383. an inch he 'll take an ell, 20. every man thy ear, 130. give, crying, 829. him a little earth for charity, 100. his little senate laws, 327, 336. it an understanding, 129. me a cigar, 555. me a look give me a face, 178. me again my hollow tree, 328. me another horse, 97. me back my heart, 540. me liberty or death, 430. me my childhood again, 668. me the ocular proof, 154. me that man, 138. me what this riband bound, 220. more blessed to, 843. me neither poverty nor riches, 829. sorrow words, 124. the devil his due, 83. the world the lie, 25. thee all I can no more, 525. thee sixpence, I, 464. thy thoughts no tongue, 129. to get esteem, they, 395. what thou canst, 421. Gives, blesseth him that, 64. much receives but nothing, 672. not till judgment guide, 102. the nod, 337. what he has, he, 102. Given, to him that hath shall be, 841. them the slip, 284. to hospitality, 844. unsought is better, love, 76. you, ask and it shall be, 839. Givers prove unkind, 136. Giveth his beloved sleep, 824. Giving, godlike in, 519. thy sum of more, 67. Glad diviner's theme, 268. father, wise son maketh a, 825. he thanks God, 370. me with its soft black eye, 526. of yore, we have been, 471. the heart of man maketh, 823. waters of the dark blue sea, 550. would lay me down, 239. Glade, points to yonder, 335. Gladiator, I see before me the, 546. Gladlier grew, 237. Gladly to the badder end, 4. wolde he lerne, 2. would I meet mortality, 239. Gladness, hospitality sitting with, 617. of heart, 837. shared each other's, 611. youthful poets begin in, 470. Gladsome light of jurisprudence, 24. Glance from heaven to earth, 59. of the mind, how fleet is a, 416. their many-twinkling feet, 382. Glancing of an eye, upward, 497. Glare, maidens caught by, 540. of false science, 428. Glass darkly, see through a, 845. dome of many-coloured, 565. excuse for the, she 'll prove, 442. he was indeed the, 89. is good and a lass is good, 673. of fashion and mould of form, 136. of liquid fire, 457. she made mouths in a, 147. thou art thy mother's, 161. turn down an empty, 760. wherein the noble youth, 88. Glasses, fill all the, 260. itself in tempests, 547. Shakespeare and musical, 402. stand to your, steady, 641. Glassy essence, his, 48. Gleam of time, life a, 580. Gleams purpureal, 482. Gleamed upon my sight, first she, 474. Gleaming taper's light, 399. Gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim, 814. Glee, filled one home with, 570. forward and frolic, 491. laughed with counterfeited, 397. so many and such, 574. Glib and oily art, I want that, 146. Glide through a quiet dream, 538. Glides the bonnie boat, 674. the smooth current, 367. Glimmer on my mind, to, 514. Glimmering and decays, 264. square, slowly grows a, 630. tapers to the sun, 443. through the dream of things, 541. Glimpse divine, is left, nor, 332. gives but a, 378. of happiness, 221. Glimpses of forgotten dreams, 623. of the moon, 131. that would make me less forlorn, 476. Glisteneth, all is not gold that, 173. Glistering grief, perked up in, 98. with dew, 233. Glisters, all that, is not gold, 62. Glittering eye, with his, 498. generalities, 589. in golden coats like images, 86. like the morning star, 409. Globe, all that tread the, 572. annual visit o'er the, 438. in this distracted, 132. itself shall dissolve, 43. twirls the spotty, 637. Gloom, chase my, away, 456. counterfeit a, 250. of earthquake, 564. Gloomy and peculiar, 677. as night he stands, 345. Glorie, thin be the, 3. Glories in the dust shall lay, 337. like glow-worms, 181. of our blood and state, 209. past, all their, 561. Glorified candy, 509. Glorify, a God to, 672. what else is damned, 354. Glorious and free, 522. by all that 's good and, 554. by my pen, 257. by my sword, 257. in arms, 55. in a pipe, tobacco, 555. morning, full many a, 161. song of old, that, 640. summer, 95. Tam was, 451. uncertainty of the law, 350. war, circumstance of, 154. works, these are thy, 235. Gloriously drunk, 421. Glory, air of, walking in an, 263. and good of art, 651. and peace, he died in, 571. and shame of the universe, 799. and the dream, 477. but his country's good, no, 571. desire of, 747. dies not, the, 674. do not seek, 460. excess of, obscured, 225. first in place first in, 344. from defect arise, so may a, 650. from his gray hairs gone, 618. full meridian of my, 99. full-orbed, 507. go where, waits thee, 519. guards with solemn round, 681. hoary head is a crown of, 826. honour praise and, 303. in a sea of, 99. is in their shame, whose, 847. jest and riddle of the world, 317. leads the way, 281. left him alone with his, 563. no path of flowers lead to, 797. no sound can awake him to, 666. not hate but, 338. nothing so expensive as, 460. of a capacious mind, 342. of a creditor, 46. of an April day, the uncertain, 44. of God, heavens declare the, 819. of the Creator, 169. of the times, were the, 837. of this world, vain pomp and, 99. one shame and one, 658. or the grave, rush to, 515. passed from the earth, 477. path of duty the way to, 628. paths of, lead to the grave, 384. peep into, 264. pursue, and generous shame, 382. Rome in the height of her, 533. set the stars of, 573. share the, the many's eyes, 104. shows the way, 281. sons of France, awake to, 804. that was Greece, 640. this gain of our best, 39. to God in the highest, 841. track the steps of, 552. trailing clouds of, 477. trod the ways of, 100. vain pomp and, 99. visions of, 383. waits ye, this goin' ware, 659. who pants for, 329. who walked in, 470. Glory's lap, low they lie in, 496. morning gate, 639. page, rank thee upon, 518. thrill is o'er, 519. Gloss of art, than all the, 398. Glove, hand and, 413. O that I were a, 105. Glow, my heart has learned to, 346. Glowered amazed and curious, 451. Glows in every heart, 310. in the stars, 316. with one resentment, 339. Glow-worm lend thee her eyes, 202. shows the matin to be near, 132. Glow-worms, glories like, 181. Glozed the tempter, 239. Gluttony, swinish, 246. Gnat, strain at a, 840. Go ahead, be sure you are right then, 852. and do thou likewise, 842. boldly forth my simple lay, 437. call a coach, 285. call it madness, 456. down to the sea in ships, 823. forget me, 563. forth under the open sky, 572. his halves, I 'll, 772. little booke, 6. lovely rose, 220. no more a-roving, 553. on forever, but I, 627. poor devil get thee gone, 378. shall I bid her, 406. soul the body's guest, 25. that the devil drives, 18. to grass, 198. to the ant thou sluggard, 825. we know not where, 48. where glory waits thee, 519. whither thou goest I will, 814. with fainting steps they, 398. Goads, words of the wise as, 832. Goal, do not turn back just at the, 711, 729. of ill, final, 632. the grave is not its, 612. ye win, till the, 641. Goats upon the left hand, 657. Goblet, parcel-gilt, 89. Goblin damned, 130. God a necessary Being, 266. a zeal of, 844. above or man below, 315. all mercy is a God unjust, 308. Almighty first planted a garden, 167. Almighty's gentlemen, 268. alone was to be seen in heaven, 553. an animal immortal, 764. an atheist half believes a, 308. an attribute to, 64. and Mammon, cannot serve, 838. and nature with actors fill, 194. and your native land, 561. answers sudden on some prayers, 621. as lightning does the will of, 538. assumes the, 271. attribute to, 64. at all, who think not, 242. awe-inspiring, 480. be for us, if, 848. beginning mean and end, 654. bless no harm in blessing, 351. bless the king, 351. bless us all, 351. bosom of his, 386. bosom of, the seat of the law, 31. builds a church to, 322. built a church to, 415. called mind fate and Jupiter, 764. calm on the bosom of thy, 570. conscious water saw its, 258. could hardly love and be wise, a, 708. could have made a better berry, 157. dear to, and famous to all ages, 254. declare the glory of, 819. devote ourselves to, 643. disposes, man proposes but, 7. door-keeper in the house of my, 821. dreadful as the Manichean, 421. due reverence to, 170. erects a house of prayer, wherever, 286. eternal years of, 573. every, did seem to set his seal, 140. excellent angler now with, 208. farthest from, 283. fast by the oracle of, 223. favours the heaviest battalions, 801. fear of, before their eyes, 844. feared, and eschewed evil, 816. first planted a garden, 167. follows nature up to nature's, 304. fools call nature what I call, 651. forbid, 844. freedom to worship, 570. from thee we spring, great, 367. from whom all blessings flow, 278. fulfils himself in many ways, 629. further from, 12. gave the increase, 845. give each moment to, 359. gives us love, 624. gives virtue to every man, 421. gives wind by measure, 206. glad that he thanks, 370. grace of, to man, 673. had I but served my, 100. has given you one face, 136. has not the figure of man, 765. has sifted three kingdoms, 616. hath a temple, where, 192. hath joined together, 848. hath made man upright, 831. hath made them so, 301. hath made this world so fair, 497. heavens declare the glory of, 819. help thyself and, will help thee, 206. helps them that help themselves, 360. helps those who help themselves, 265. her fathers', before her, 493. himself scarce seemed to be, 499. I want to be forgotten by, 643. image of, in ebony, 222. in apprehension how like a, 134. in clouds, sees, 315. in his works and word, 304. in the bush with, may meet, 598. is God, since, 653. is in his heaven, 644. is love, 640. is near, none but, 497. is our refuge, 820. is our trust, in, 517. is the creator of the universe, 765. is the perfect poet, 643. is unity, 764. just are the ways of, 242. justify the ways of, 223. let us worship, 447. living as if there were no, 643. made all the creatures, 647. made him let him pass, 61. made the country, 417. majesty of, revere, 391. marble leapt to life a, 564. may be had for the asking, 658. mighty fortress is our, 770. mills of, grind slowly, 793. moves in a mysterious way, 423. my father and my friend, 278. nature is the art of, 218, 310. necessary to invent, 800. never dooms to waste, 643. never sends the mouth, 11. no, dare wrong a worm, 600. noblest work of, 319, 447. obedience to, 859. of my idolatry, 106. of sea, the stern, 253. of storms, give her to the, 635. on our side, 506. on the side of the heaviest battalions, 801. one law one element one, 634. one of those that will not serve, 149. one that feared, 816. one that would circumvent, 143. only, he for, 232. or devil, every man was, 268. our mind is, 742. Pan the awe-inspiring, 480. passed the days with, 305. powers ordained of, 844. put your trust in, 588. reason and the will of, 665. revere the majesty of, 391. round fat oily man of, 357. sanction of the, 337. save the king, 285. scourge of, 571. security of a, 164. send thee good ale enough, 23. sendeth and giveth, 20. sends a cheerful hour, 252. sends his hail, unless, 643. sends meat, 20. servant of, well done, 236. service ranks the same with, 644. shall raise me up, 26. sifted a whole nation, 266. so near to man is, 600. spirit shall return unto, 832. stern daughter of the voice of, 475. sunflower turns on her, 520. takes a text, 205. temple built to, 206. tempers the wind, 379. the Father God the Son, 303. the first garden made, 261. the soul, 316. the Spirit three in one, 303. the varied, are but the, 357. through darkness up to, 632. thy God my, 814. to glorify, a, 672. to ruin designed, 269. to scan, presume not, 317. to take in, 658. up to nature's, 320, 610. vindicate the ways of, 315. waited six thousand years, 670. what shall I render to my, 301. who builds a church to, 323. who gave us life, 434. who is our home, 477. whose, is their belly, 847. will help thee, 797. wrote the bill, as if, 600. zeal of, 844. Gods and men, dear to, 347. angels would be, 316. approve the depth, 481. are just, the, 149. arrive when half-gods go, 599. aspiring to be, 316. bestow what man gives, 346. daughter of the, 624. detest my baseness, the, 158. dish fit for the, 111. fast doth diet oft with, 249. had made thee poetical, 70. how he will talk, 281. in the names of all the, 110. it doth amaze me, 110. kings it makes, 97. land of lost, 541. love, whom the, 558. of the place, worship the, 193. provide thee, the good the, 272. sacred to, is misery, 343. see everywhere, the, 615. temples of his, 593. themselves throw incense, 148. utterance of the early, 575. voice of all the, 56. God's blessing, out of, 17, 785. earthly power show likest, 64. first temples, the groves were, 573. goodness flowed around, 620. image, man, 254. justice tardy, 652. mill grinds slow, 206. nature's good and, 644. own hand, writ by, 310. patience, abusing of, 45. providence seeming estranged, 586. side, one is a majority on, 641. skirts, caught at, 645. sons are things, 368. thy country's, and truth's, 100. Goddess, like a thrifty, 46. night sable, 306. roves, where'er the, 382. she moves a, 337. shone before, the, 340. sing, heavenly, 336. write about it and about it, 332. Godfathers of heaven's lights, 54. God-given strength, 489. Godlike forehead, the, 486. in giving, 519. is it all sin to leave, 793. reason, capability and, 142. Godliness, cheerful, 472. cleanliness next to, 359. Goes against my stomach, 70. honest as the world, 133. to bed sober, 184. to the wall, weakest, 104. Goeth a-borrowing, 21. Goethe's sage mind, 665. Goin' ware glory waits ye, this, 659. Going guest, speed the, 328. home, I am, 598. looketh well to his, 826. the way of all flesh, 181. the way of all the earth, 814. upon the order of your, 122. Gold, age of, 251. all Bocara's vaunted, 437. all is not, that glisteneth, 173. all that glisters is not, 62, 790. almighty, 178, 431. and silver not the only coin, 699. apples of, 828. as a jewel of, 826. barbaric pearl and, 226. beauty provoketh thieves sooner than, 66. black with tarnished, 456. bright and yellow, 585. clad in blue and, 456. clasps, book in, 104. despise, what female can, 381. fire the test of, 714. gild refined, paint the lily, 79. gleaming in purple and, 551. gold gold gold, 585. harmless, 657. he loved, in special, 2. in cofre, but little, 1. in phisike is a cordial, 2. in the realms of, 576. into a shower of, 32. laburnums dropping, 570. life not bought with, 339. maiden true betrayed for, 489. narrowing lust of, 633. ne is no, as I have herd, 5. patines of bright, 65. road whose dust is, 236. saint-seducing, 104. servile opportunity to, 488. that shineth as the, 5. the rocks pure, 44. thrice their weight in, 456. thumb of, had a, 2. trodden, 225. turning opportunity to, 483. wedges of, 96. weighs truth with, 330. whose crying is a cry for, 629. whose dust is, 236. Golden axe, with a, 108. bowl be broken, 831. deeds, fruitful of, 230. exhalations of the dawn, 504. keys, clutch the, 633. lads and girls, 160. lamps in a green night, 262. locks, his, 24. mean, 345, 424. numbers, add to, 182. opes the iron shuts amain, 247. opinions, I have bought, 118. prime of Haroun Alraschid, 623. shores, to these, 45. silence is, 579. sorrow, wear a, 98. story, locks in the, 104. urns draw light, 236. window of the east, 104. wings, angel girt with, 243. Goldsmith foolish without a pen, 374. here lies Nolly, 388. wrote better than any man, 373. Gondola, you have swam in a, 71. Gone and done it, having, 608. and forever, thou art, 491. and past help, what 's, 77. before, not dead but, 455. before, not lost but, 283. further and fared worse, 17. now thou art, 247. Good, all things work together for, 844. Americans when they die, 638. and bad angel, 187. and great, proclaim him, 299. and glorious, by all that 's, 554. and ill together, 74. and the bad, two nations, 263. apprehension of the, 81. are better made by ill, 455. as a feast, enough is, 20, 38. as a play, 856. as she was fair, she was, 455. at a fight, 510. at sudden commendations, 101. beginning good end, 13. beneath the, how far, 382. be out of the world, as, 296. bodes me no, 349. books however, 444. bye proud world, 598. by stealth, do, 329. cannot come to, 128. cheer, play and make, 20. clever men are, 578. company and good discourse, 208. company in a journey, 207. conscience, 59. deed in a naughty world, 66. deed, kind of, to say well, 98. die first, the, 479. diffused may more abundant grow, 415. digestion wait on appetite, 122. disinterested is not our trade, 417. embryo, 660. evil be thou my, 231. faire is by nature, 29. familiar creature, wine is a, 152. fellows, king of, 93. fellows together, we 're all, 673. fellowship in thee, 83. few know their own, 274. for a bootless bene, what is, 479. for our country's, 445. for sore eyes, 292. for us to be here, 840. fortune, diligence mother of, 791. fortune means to men most, 79. from seeming evil educing, 357. glow for others', 335, 346. gods! how he will talk, 281. gray head, oh, 627. great man, 502. hand that made you fair made you, 49. hater, he was a, 375. he scorned stalked off, the, 355. hold fast that which is, 847. hold thou the, 632. ill wind blows no man to, 90. ill wind turns none to, 20. in everything, 67. interred with their bones, 113. is a good doctor, 603. just and honest, 670. kill a man as a good book, 254. know what were, to do, 60. love sought is, 76. luck would have it, 46. luxury of doing, 295, 394, 444. makes his promise, 851. man never dies, the, 496. man prolongs his life, 722. man yields his breath, 496. man's feast, sat at a, 68. man's life, best portion of, 467. man's love, thank heaven for a, 70. man's sin, 513. man's smile, 397. means my son be, 444. means of evil out of, 223. men and true, are you, 51. men must associate, 408. moral evil and of, 466. morning, bid me, 433. mouth-filling oath, 86. my stomach is not, 22. name better than precious ointment, 830. name in man and woman, 153. name is rather to be chosen, 827. never shall be one lost, 649. news baits, 242. news from a far country, 828. night and joy be wi' you, 458. night, my native land, 540. night, say not, 433. night till it be morrow, 106. night, to each a fair, 490. no glory but his country's, 571. noble to be, 't is, 624. nor aught so, 106. not, that man should live alone, 812. not too bright or, 474. nothing, or bad, 134. of my country, 305. of themselves, hearkners seldom hear, 283. oft interred with their bones, 113. old age, in a, 812. old cause, beauty of the, 472. old-fashioned but choicely, 208. old-gentlemanly vice, 556. old man he will be talking, 52. old rule, the, 473. opinion of the law, 440. or evil side, 657. or evil times, 166. or ill of man, 744. orators when they are out, 71. overcome evil with, 844. parent of, 235. part, hath chosen that, 842. partial evil universal, 316. people all with one accord, 400. pleasure ease content, 318. repay evil for his, 346. report and evil report, 846. repressing ill crowning, 438. sense the gift of heaven, 322. set terms, 68. sir I owe you one, 454. some fleeting, 394. some said it might do, 265. some special, 106. sword rust, 502. that call evil, 833. that I would I do not, 844. the gods provide thee, take the, 272. the law is, 847. the more communicated, 235. there dwelt all 's that, 220. thing, too much of a, 71. thing out of Nazareth, 842. things will strive to dwell, 43. time coming, there 's a, 493. to be honest and true, 450. to be merry and wise, 937. to be noble we 'll be, 406. to be true, too, 284. to be zealously affected, 846. to know what were, 60. to love the unknown, 509. to me is lost, all, 231. to the heels is the slipper, 637. truly great who are truly, 37. universal, all partial evil, 316. very excellent, 71. war or bad peace, 361. we oft might win, lose the, 47. what was shall be, 649. will be the final goal of ill, 632. will toward men, 841. wind that bloweth no man, 20. wind which turneth none to, 20. wine needs no bush, 72. wits jump, 378, 791. works, full of, 843. works, rich in, 848. world to live in, 279. Goods, all my worldly, 851. the gods provide you, 701. thou hast much, laid up, 842. Goodliest, express her, 148. man of men, Adam the, 232. Goodly are thy tents, 813. heritage, 818. outside, falsehood hath a, 61. sight to see, 540. Goodman Dull, 55. Goodness and grace, I thank the, 534. flowed around God's, 620. greatness and, are not means, 502. greatness on, loves to slide, 267. how awful is, 234. in his little finger, more, 293. in things evil, there is some, 92. lead him not, if, 205. morrow I bade to sorrow, 574. never fearful, 49. of good men, 699. thinks no ill, 231. Good-night, gives the stern'st, 119. Good-will on earth, 841. Goose, pampered, 318. royal game of, 398. sold him a bargain, a, 55. Goose-pen, write with a, 76. Gorboduc, king, 77. Gordian knot unloose, 91. Gore, shedding seas of, 559. Gorge rises at it, my, 144. Gorgeous east, 226. palace, deceit in, 107. palaces the solemn temples, 43. Gorgons hydras and chimaeras dire, 228. Gory locks at me, never shake thy, 122. Gospel, all is not, 16. brown bread and the, 283. emanation from the, 460. Gospel-books, lineaments of, 23. Gospel-light first dawned, 387. Gossip of the air, babbling, 75. report, 63. Govern, king reigns but does not, 810. my passion, may I, 670. the world, syllables, 196. they that, make least noise, 196. those that toil, 395. thou my song, 236. Government, a conservative, 607. for forms of, 318. founded on compromise, 409. half slave half free, 622. is a trust, 517. made for and by the people, 532, 622. of all the people, 639. of the people by the people, 622. preservation of the general, 435. the best, 589. without a king, 588. Gowans fine, and pu'd the, 449. Gowd, man 's the, for a' that, 452. Gown, plucked his, 397. Gowns, fellow that hath two, 53. furred, hide all, 148. Grace, act that blurs the, 140. affordeth health, 22. all above is, 270. and blush of modesty, 140. and virtue are within, 215. angels and ministers of, 130. beyond the reach of art, 323. chief of a thousand for, 682. does it with a better, 75. ease with, 357. fallen from, 846. free nature's, 357. half so good a, 47. if possible with, 329. inward and spiritual, 850. let your speech be with, 847. love of, for, 141. me no grace, 862. melancholy, 482. melody of every, 259. mickle is the powerful, 106. more of his, than gifts, 174. my cause, little shall I, 150. never mind did mind his, 23. of a day, the tender, 627. of finer form, 490. of God to man, 673. of life, unbought, 410. power of, 513. powerful, that lies in herbs, 106. purity of, 550. snatch a, 323. supply, let thy, 390. swears with so much, 281. sweet attractive kind of, 23, 232. that is dead, 627. that makes simplicity a, 178. that won, 237. to his meat, never to say, 291. to win, with, 600. was in all her steps, 237. was seated on this brow, 140. Graces, all other, 265, 351. lead these, to the grave, 74. peculiar, shot forth, 235. sacrifice to the, 353. Graced with polished manners, 422. Graceful acts, those, 238. Graceless zealots fight, 318. Gracious is the time, 127. parts, remembers me of his, 79. Tam grew, 451. words and apt, 55. Gradation, not by old, 149. Gradations, no pale, 493. of decay, 367. Graecia Maeonidam jactet sibi, 271. Grain, cheeks of sorry, 246. say which, will grow, 116. Grains of sand, little, 642. of wheat, two, 60. Grammar controls kings, 798. Grammar-school, erecting a, 94. Grammaticus, rhetor, 268. Grampian hills, on the, 392. Grand gloomy and peculiar, 677. old ballad Patrick Spence, 502. old gardener and his wife, 624. old harper, wind that, 667. old name of gentleman, 633. Grandam, soul of our, 77. Grandeur, moon's unclouded, 568. old Scotia's, 447. that was Rome, 640. to our dust, so nigh is, 600. with a disdainful smile, 384. Grandmother Eve, child of, 54. Grandsire cut in alabaster, 60. phrase, proverbed with a, 104. skilled in gestic lore, 395. Grandsires, wives and, 804. Grange, in the moated, 49. Grant an honest fame, 333. Grape, from out the purple, 243. Grapes, have eaten sour, 835. of Ephraim, 814. Grapple them to thy soul, 129. Grasp it like a man of mettle, 313. the ocean, 303. Grass, all flesh is, 834. go to, 198. groweth, while the, 14. his days are as, 823. like rain upon the mown, 821. splendour in the, 478. stoops not, the, 161. tread a measure on this, 56. two blades of, 290. Grasshopper shall be a burden, 831. Grasshoppers rejoice, like, 337. under a fern, 410. Grateful evening mild, 233. for the prize, ever, 465. mind by owing owes not, 231. Gratiano speaks an infinite deal, 60. Gratitude, fruit of great cultivation, 376. is expensive, 430. of men, alas the, 466. of most men, 796. of place-expectants, 304. still small voice of, 383. Gratulation, gave sign of, 238. Gratulations flow in streams, 285. Grave, a little little, 82. an obscure, 82. and reverend signiors, 149. aspect he rose, with, 227. between the cradle and the, 358. botanize upon his mother's, 471. but she is in her, 469. come to thy, in a full age, 816. dark and silent, 26. dread thing, 354. Druid lies in yonder, 390. Duncan is in his, 121. earliest at his, 676. feet clear of the, 598. forget thee, could not the, 547. funeral marches to the, 612. ghost come from the, 132. he bade them lie in the, 314. honoured in his, 620. hungry as the, 356. ignoring sleep with thee in the, 87. in a common, 430. in the cold, 583. is not its goal, 612. jealousy is cruel as the, 832. kingdom for a little, 82. lead these graces to the, 74. low laid in my, 78. Lucy is in her, 469. mattock and the, 308. measure of an unmade, 108. night of the, 428. on my, as now my bed, 218. one foot in the, 198. or mellow, humours whether, 300. our cradle stands in the, 182. paths of glory lead to the, 384. perhaps the early, 558. pompous in the, 219. rest in the, 561. rush to glory or the, 515. secret as the, 792. senators, most, 151. steps of glory to the, 552. strewed thy, 144. study, law's, 24. sun shine sweetly on my, 428. this earth, this, 26. thou art gone to the, 535. thy humble, adorned, 335. to gay lively to severe, 320. to light from, pleasant to severe, 273, 799. unknelled without a, 547. untimely, 200, 851. where is thy victory, 335, 846. where Laura lay, 26. with sorrow to the, 813. Graves are pilgrim shrines, 562. are severed far and wide, their, 570. dishonourable, 110. emblems of untimely, 420. let 's talk of, 81. of memory, 497. of your sires, green, 561. stood tenantless, 126. Grave-digger or hangman, 597. Gravel gold, streams their, 257. Gravity, humour the test of, 578. out of his bed at midnight, 59. to play at cherry-pit, 76. Gray hair, wisdom is the, 836. hairs with sorrow, 813. it is gone and all is, 545. Marathon, age spares, 541. mare the better horse, 17. red spirits and, 173. tears and love for the, 668. Gray-hooded even, 243. Grazed the common of literature, 376. Grease, frieth in her own, 16. Greasy aprons, slaves with, 159. citizens, you fat and, 67. Great as a king, 436. between the little and the, 424. Caesar fell, 114. Caesar grown so, 110. cause, die in a, 555. contest follows, 419. engines move slowly, 170. families of yesterday, 286. far above the, 382. First Cause, 334. fleas have little fleas, 290. glorious and free, 522. good and, 299. guns, blew, 436. Hall, contentions of the, 592. ill can he rule the, 29. important day, 297. in mouths of wisest censure, 152. in villany, thou little valiant, 79. is Diana of the Ephesians, 843. is truth and mighty, 836. let me call him, 311. lord of all things, 317. lords' stories, 454. man's memory outlive his life, 138. many a small maketh a, 5, 15. men not always wise, 817. none unhappy but the, 301, 310. nothing, achieved without enthusiasm, 602. of old, worship of the, 554. ones, ceremony to, 47. ones eat up the little ones, 161. rightly to be, 142. shade of that which once was, 471. some are born, 76. some must be, 421. souls are portions, 656. taskmaster's eye, 252. there is no small no, 601. things with small, compare, 230. though fallen, 541. thoughts great feelings, 634. to be, is to be misunderstood, 601. to Him no high no low, no, 316. to little man, things, 394. truths are portions, 656. twin brethren, 593. unhappy, none think the, 310. vulgar and the small, 262. whatever was little seemed, 591. who are truly good are truly, 37. who is what he is, he is, 602. wits allied to madness, 267. wits will jump, 378. Greater feeling to the worse, 81. love hath no man, 843. than the king himself, 364. Greatest clerks not the wisest men, 3. happiness of the greatest number, 856. love of life, 432. men, the world knows nothing of its, 594. of faults to be conscious of none, 579. only are, as the, 627. scandal on greater state, 161. whose ends will make him, 37. Greatness and goodness, 502. eternal substance of his, 198. far stretched, 27. farewell to all my, 99. highest point of all my, 99. if honour gives, 436. is a-ripening his, 99. of his name, 101. on goodness loves to slide, 267. some achieve, 76. thrust upon 'em, some have, 76. Grecian chisel trace, ne'er did, 490. Venus, the, 378. Greece, Achilles wrath to, 336. Athens, the eye of, 241. beauties of exulting, 356. boasts her Homer, 271. but living Greece no more, 548. fair, sad relic, of departed worth, 541. fulmined over, 241. glory that was, 640. in early, she sung, 390. isles of, the, 557. John Naps of, 72. might still be free, 557. most power of any in, 723. we give our shining blades, to, 525. Greedy of filthy lucre, 847. Greek, above all, 329. come in Latin or in, 220. or Roman name, above any, 267. small Latin and less, 179. 't is known he could speak, 210. to me, 't was, 111. Greeks, heaven doomed, 344. in common, all the, 698. joined Greeks, when, 281. Green and yellow melancholy, 76. bay-tree, like a, 819. be the turf above thee, 562. dry smooth-shaven, 250. grassy turf, 428. graves of your sires, 561. in judgment, when I was, 157. in youth, 338. keep his memory, 519. keep their vigil on the, 635. leaves on a thick tree, 338. mantle, 147. memory be, 127. night, golden lamps in a, 262. old age, 276. one red, making the, 120. pastures, lie down in, 819. thy leaf has perished in the, 633. thought in a green shade, 263. tree, things done in a, 842. Green-eyed monster, 153. Greenhouse too, loves a, 420. Greenland's icy mountains, 536. Green-robed senators, 575. Greenwood tree, under the, 67. Gregory remember thy swashing blow, 104. Greetings where no kindness is, 468. Greta woods are green, 492. Gretest gentilman, take him for the, 4. Grew in beauty side by side, 570. together like to a double cherry, 58. Grey mare the better horse, 17. Greyhound mongrel grim, 148. Greyhounds in the slips, 91. Grief and pain naught but, 446. bravery of his, 145. canker and the, are mine, 555. crowned with consolation, 157. days of my distracting, 392. every one can master a, 51. fills the room up of my absent child, 79. for boys, 160. gave his father, 335. hath known, all that, 606. is past, the, 674. is proud, 79. lies onward, my, 161. no greater, 769. of a wound, 87. only time for, 585. past help should be past, 77. patience on a monument smiling at, 76. perked up in a glistering, 98. plague of sighing and, 85. silent manliness of, 398. spite of all my, revealing, 689. tears his heart, 341. that does not speak, 124. treads upon the heels, 295. which they themselves not feel, 53. with proverbs, patch, 53. Griefs, griping, 404. some, are medicinable, 159. that harass the distrest, 366. what private, they have, 114. Grievances, repeat no, 398. Grieve his heart, show his eyes and, 123. make the judicious, 137. yet not repent, to, 444. Grieves, if aught inanimate e'er, 543. Grieved, we sighed we, 262. Griffith, honest chronicler as, 101. Grim death, 194, 229. feature, scented the, 239. repose, hushed in, 383. Grimes is dead, old, 596. Grim-visaged war, 95. Grin, one universal, 362. owned with a, 507. sin to sit and, 635. so merry, every, 431. the devil did, 501. vanquish Berkeley by a, 380. Grind, axe to, 528. one demd horrid, 652. slowly, mills of God, 793. the faces of the poor, 833. the poor, laws, 395. Grinders cease because they are few, 831. Grindstone, noses to the, 11, 172, 191, 360. Grinned horrible, death, 229. Grinning, mock your own, 144. Grip, where ye feel your honour, 448. Gripe, barren sceptre in my, 121. of noose, necks to, 440. Griping griefs, 404. Grisly terror, so spake the, 229. Gristle, people in the, 408. Grizzled, his beard was, 129. his hair just, 276. Groan, anguish poured his, 366. bubbling, sinks with, 547. condemned alike to, 381. nor sigh nor, 183. the knell the pall the, 562. Groans of the dying, 489. sovereign of sighs and, 55. thy old, ring yet in my ears, 106. Groaning ever for the past, 651. Groined the aisles of Christian Rome, 598. Grooms and porters on the bridge, 626. Grooves of change, ringing, 626. Grose, his name was, 559. Gross and scope of my opinion, 126. ear can hear, things that no, 245. Grossness, by losing all its, 410. Ground, acre of barren, 42. another man's, 45. as water spilt on the, 815. call it holy, 570. every vice on Christian, 332. fathom-line could never touch, 84. gently kissed the, 343. haunted holy, 541. herbe that growes on, 28. I live a burden to the, 340. least willing to quit the, 432. let us sit upon the, 82. no slave to till my, 418. low sitting on the, 28. my tail go to the, 10. not upon dreams, 172. of nature, solid, 485. purple all the, 247. seem to tread on classic, 299. temple and tower went to the, 252. withering on the, 338. Grounded on just and right, 238. Groundlings, ears of the, 137. Grove, his name was printed, 559. nightingale's song in the, 428. of Academe, the olive, 241. of myrtles, 175. Groves are of laurel and myrtle, 803. fountain heads and pathless, 184. frequenting sacred, 221. God's first temples, 573. Grow dim with age, the sun, 299. double, surely you 'll, 466. learning wiser, 422. old, always find time to, 312. to what they seem, 395. wiser and better, 670. Growing when ye 're sleeping, 495. Grown by what it fed on, 128. so great, he is, 110. Grownd, herbe that growes on, 28. Grows old and fat, 84. with his growth, 317. Growth, children of a larger, 275. confidence a plant of slow, 364. man is the nobler, 433. man seems the only, 394. of mother earth, 468. Grub, joiner squirrel or old, 104. Grudge, feed fat the ancient, 61. the throe, never, 649. Grundy say, what will Mrs., 457. Grunt and sweat, 136. Guard dies never surrenders, 810. me with a watchful eye, 300. our native seas, 514. our spoons, from whom we, 593. thy bed, holy angels, 302. Guardian angel o'er his life, 455. angels sung the strain, 358. on the tower, the, 655. Guardians of the fair, eunuchs, 310. Gude nicht and joy be wi' you, 458. time coming, 493. Gudeman 's awa', when our, 427. Gudgeon, this fool, 60. Gudgeons, to swallow, 214. Guerdon, the fair, 247. Guesseth but in part, he, 503. Guest, keen, fits a dull fighter, 87. speed the going, 328. speed the parting, 328, 346. the soul the body's, 25. Guests in the depths of hell, 825. Guid to be honest and true, 450. to be merry and wise, 450. Guide in smoke and flame, 493. mine equal my, 820. my companion my, 851. my lonely way, 402. philosopher and friend, 320. providence their, 240. till judgment, 102. Guides, blind, 840. the planets in their course, 456. Guilded shore, 63. Guile, lips from speaking, 819. Guilt away, wash her, 403. can look on, 297. is in that heart, I ask not if, 522. of Eastern kings, 258. so full of artless jealousy is, 142. those who fear not, 413. to cover, the only art her, 403. Guiltier than him they try, 47. Guilty consciences make cowards, 691. man escape, let no, 664. mind, suspicion haunts the, 95. of his own death, 143. of such a ballad, 54. thing, started like a, 126. thing surprised, 478. wealth, his genuine and less, 257. Guinea, jingling of the, 626. within the compass of a, 536. Guinea's stamp, rank is but the, 452. Guitar, touched his, 581. Gulf profound, 228. Gulled, if the world will be, 192. Gum, medicinal, 157. Gun, certain as a, 211. never lost an English, 628. shot out of an elder, 92. sure as a, 277, 786. Guns, but for these vile, 83. though winds blew great, 436. Gust hath blown his fill, the, 250. Gusty thieves, 585. Guy, county, the hour is nigh, 494. Gypsies, pilfers like, 413. serve stolen children, as, 441. Gypsying, days when we went, 683. Gyves, as if they had, 87.
Habeas corpus, protection of, 435. Habit, apparelled in more precious, 53. costly thy, 130. increased by actions, 745. is second nature, 779. powerful is the empire of, 709. use doth breed a, in a man, 44. Habits devil is angel yet in this, 141. ill, gather by unseen degrees, 274. of peace and patience, 207. small, well pursued, 437. Habitable world, look round the, 274. Habitants, converse with heavenly, 245. Habitation, giddy and unsure, 89. local, and a name, 59. Habitual, practise what you would make, 745. Had we never loved sae kindly, 452. Hades, descent to, 759. no one goes to, with his wealth, 694. Haggard, if I do prove her, 153. Hags, black and midnight, 123. Hail Columbia happy land, 465. fellow well met, 290. holy light, 230. horrors, 223. the rising sun, let others, 387. to the chief, 491. unless God send his, 643. wedded love, 234. Hails you Tom or Jack, 423. Hair, amber-dropping, 246. as free, robes loosely flowing, 178. beauty draws us with a single, 274, 326. been lives, had all his, 156. distinguish and divide a, 210. each particular, stand an end, 131. every, a soul doth bind, 274. flaming meteor shone for, 261. girl-graduates in their golden, 629. just grizzled, 276. loose his beard and hoary, 383. man that coloured his, 732. most resplendent, 483. my fell of, 125. ninth part of a, 85. of a woman, one, 191. of the same dog, 16. on end at his own wonders, 420. sacred, dissever, 326. shakes pestilence, his horrid, 229. single, casts its shadow, 709. streamed like a meteor, 383. strung with his, 56. tangles of Neaera's, 247. transfigures its golden, 657. trimmed in silence, 731. would rouse and stir, 125. wisdom is the gray, 836. Hairs, bring down my gray, 813. of your head all numbered, 839. superfluity comes sooner by white, 60. were silver-white, 589. Hair-breadth 'scapes, 150. Hairs-breadth of time, 750, 753. Hal, no more of that, 85. Halcyon days, 93. Half broken-hearted, 539. dust half deity, 554. exceeds the whole, 693, 758. hidden from the eye, 469. his Troy was burnt, 88. in shade and half in sun, 523. knows everything, 593. made up, 95. my better, 34. our knowledge we snatch, 320. part of a blessed man, 78. slave and half free, 622. so good a grace, 47. the creeds, faith in, 633. the world knoweth not how the other half liveth, 771. too civil by, 440. Half-brother of the world, 654. Half-gods go, when, 599. Halfpenny loaves for a penny, 94. Half-pennyworth of bread, 85. Half-shirt is two napkins, 87. Half-shut eye, before the, 357. eyes, sees with his, 326. Half-world, now o'er the one, 119. Hall, Douglas in his, 490. merry in, where beards wag all, 21. merry swythe it is in, 21. or bower, never heard in, 243. Halls, dwelt in marble, 561. of dazzling light, 678. of death, the silent, 572. Halloing and singing of anthems, 88. Halloo your name, 75. Hallowed is the time, 127. relics should be hid, 251. Halt between two opinions, 815. to learn to, 729. Halter draw, felt the, 440. in hope one will cut the, 222. now fitted the, 288. threats of a, 436. Halves, I 'll go his, 772. Hamlet at the close of the day, 428. king father, I 'll call thee, 130. now the king drinks to, 145. rude forefathers of the, 384. tragedy of, with the prince of Denmark being left out, 494. Hammer, no sound of, 421. nor axe, neither, 815. smith stand with his, 80. your iron when it is hot, 709. Hammers, aprons rules and, 159. closing rivets up, 92, 296. no, fell, 535. Hampden, some village, 385. Hand, adore the, 289. against every man, 812. and glove, 413. and heart, I give my, 530. and heart open and free, 102. angry wafture of your, 112. bird in the, 15, 740. books to hold in the, 375. cheek upon her, 105. cloud like a man's, 815. eager heart the kindlier, 633. findeth to do do it, 831. foot and, go cold, 23. for hand foot for foot, 813. forget her cunning, 824. freeman with unpurchased, 636. glove upon that, 105. handle toward my, 119. has brushed them, no friendly, 296. her 'prentice, 446. his red right, 227. hold a fire in his, 81. I argue not against heaven's, 252. imposition of a mightier, 590. in hand, 50, 240, 362, 787. in thy right, carry gentle peace, 100. led by the Almighty's, 261. length of days in her right, 825. let not thy left, know, 838. licks the, just raised, 315. lifted in awe, 311. like the dyer's, 163. may no rude, deface it, 469. misery is at, 769. morn with rosy, 235. mortality's strong, 80. nature's sweet and cunning, 74. not able to taste, 58. of little employment, 143. of war, 81. open as day for melting charity, 90. put in every honest, a whip, 155. riches and honour in her left, 825. Satan was now at, 228. sweet Roman, 76. sweeten this little, 124. sworn foe to tyrants, 459. that dealt the blow, 514. that fed them, bite the, 411. that gave the blow, 277. that gives the blow, 289. that hath made you fair, 49. that made us is divine, 300. that rounded Peter's dome, 598. then join in, 426. thunder in his lifted, 267. time has laid his, gently, 617. time with reckless, 617. time's devouring, 352. to execute, 255, 430. to take occasion by the, 623. touch of a vanished, 627. unblessed thy, 346. upon a woman, man that lays his, 463. upon many a heart, 616. upon the ark, to lay their, 418. upon the ocean's mane, 588. upon thy mane, 548. wash this blood from my, 120. waved her lily, 348. whatsoever thou takest in, 837. white wonder of dear Juliet's, 108. with my heart in 't, 43. withhold not thine, 831. wrenched with an unlineal, 121. writ by God's own, 310. you cannot see, 314. Hands are the hands of Esau, 813. by angel, 574. by foreign, 335. death lays his icy, 209. entire affection hateth nicer, 27. establish the work of our, 822. fatal, their, 229. former times shake, 212. from picking and stealing, 850. hath not a Jew, 63. little folding of the, 825. many, make light work, 17. mischief for idle, 302. mouths without, 273. never made to tear each other, 302. not hearts, 155. of fellowship, the right, 846. promiscuously |