it not and, 175. of no blast he, 276. since Cleopatra, 158. the dog it was that, 400. Diet, be sober in your, 350. doctor quiet and doctor, 293, 686. me with, the gods will, 160. Dieu mesure le froid, 379. Differ, agreed to, 506. though all things, all agree, 333. Difference, distinction without a, 364. strange all this, should be, 351. to me, but oh the, 469. wear your rue with a, 142. Different, like but oh how, 476. Difficile, Latin was no more, 210. Difficult, best things most, 729. to design things, 368. to know one's self, 757. Difficulties, choice of, 673. knowledge under, 528. show what men are, 744. Difficulty and labour hard, 230. Diffused good abundant grows, 415. knowledge immortalizes itself, 457. Digest, mark and inwardly, 850. of anarchy, 409. Digested, books to be chewed and, 168. Digestion bred, from pure, 234. wait on appetite, 122. Diggeth a pit, whoso, 829. Dignified by the doer's deed, 73. vice sometimes by action, 106. Dignifies humanity, 594. Dignities, peace above all earthly, 99. Dignity, in every act of, 752. in every gesture, 237. of crimes, reach the, 437. of history, 364, 593. Washingtonian, 668. Digression, there began a lang, 448. Diligence, best of me is, 146. few things are impossible to, 368. increaseth the fruit of toil, 694. is the mother of good fortune, 791. Diligent in his business, 828. Dim and perilous way, 465. eclipse, in, 225. religious light, 250. with age, sun shall grow, 299. with childish tears, eyes are, 471. with the mist of years, 541. Dim-discovered, ships, 356. Dimensions senses affections, 63. Diminished heads, hide their, 231. rays, hide your, 322. Dimness, sight faints into, 549. Dimple on his chin, 31. Dimpling all the way, run, 328. Dine, that jurymen may, 326. Dined, greatly daring, 332. to-day, I have, 461. Diners-out from whom we guard our spoons, 593. Dining, thought of, 399. Dinner, good enough, 371. lubricates business, 437. much depends on, 560. nap after, 372. of herbs, better is a, 826. others stay, 263. to ask a man to, 371. Dinner bell the tocsin of the soul, 559. Diogenes I would be were I not Alexander, 739. Dire was the noise of conflict, 236. Direct and honest, to be, 154. the lie, 72. Direction, all chance, 316. Directs the storm, 299, 331. Dirge in marriage, 127. is sung by forms unseen, 389. Dirge-like sound, winter loves a, 486. Dirt, faithless leather met the, 311. loss of wealth is loss of, 8. was trumps, if, 510. Dirty work again, the creature 's at his, 327. Dis's waggon, flowers from, 77. Disagree, men only, 227. when doctors, 322. Disagreeable, more, to say than do, 728. Disappointed unaneled, 132. woman, fury of a, 296. Disappointment follow, lest, 683. of manhood, 608. Disaster, unmerciful, 640. Disasters in his morning face, 397. weary with, 121. Disastrous chances, 150. end, borne to, 30. twilight, 225. Discharge, no, in that war, 831. Disciplined inaction, 457. Disconsolate, a Peri stood, 526. Discontent is want of self-reliance, 601. nights in pensive, 29. winter of our, 95. Discord, brayed horrible, 236. dire effects from civil, 299. harmony not understood, 316. Discords sting through Burns and Moore, 635. straining harsh, 108. Discourse, bid me, 161. good company and good, 208. kind of excellent dumb, 43. like a Persian carpet, 723. more sweet, 228. most eloquent music, 138. of reason, beast that wants, 128. of the elders, miss not the, 837. such large, 142. sweet and voluble is his, 55. Sydneian showers of sweet, 259. the banquet of the mind, 346. tongue so varied in, 511. Discourses in our time to come, 108. Discovery of divine truths, 304. Discreetest best, virtuousest, 238. Discreetly blot, 221. Discretion is the better part of valour, 87, 197. of speech, 167. philosophy is nothing but, 195. thou art a jewel, 854. through the little hole of, 56. Disdain, my dear lady, 50. Disease called lack of money, 771. remedy worse than, 165, 709. shapes of foul, 633. young, 317. Diseases crucify the soul of man, 188. desperate grown, 141. extreme, 700. Diseased, minister to a mind, 125. nature breaks forth, 85. Disguise, scandal in, 330. thyself as thou wilt, 379. Disguises, troublesome, 234. Dish, butter in a lordly, 814. fit for the gods, 111. Dishes, are these choice, 388. Dishonour, honour rooted in, 629. I have lived in such, 158. Dishonourable graves, 110. Disinheriting countenance, 442. Disinterested good not our trade, 417. Disinterestedness, part of, 794. Dislike, hesitate, 327. Dislimns the rack, 158. Disloyalty, to doubt would be, 653. Dismal tidings, conveyed the, 397. treatise rouse, would at a, 125. Dismaying solitude, 592. Dismiss us with thy blessing, 674. Dismissed without a parting pang, 296. Dismissing the doctor, 454. Disobedience, man's first, 223. to nature, 746. Disorder, brave, 323. most admired, 122. sweet, in the dress, 201. Dispaires, comfortlesse, 30. Disparting towers, 358. Dispel this cloud, 340. Dispensary, Garth did not write his, 325. Dispensations, holy shifts are, 212. Displaced the mirth, 122. Disposer of other men's stuff, 175. Disposes, man proposes God, 7. Disposition, shake our, 131. very melancholy, 50. wisdom acquired by, 700. Dispraise or blame, 242. other men's, 258. Dispraises, praising most, 327. Dispraised no small praise, 240. Dispute, could we forbear, 221. my right there is none to, 416. Disputing, itch of, 175. Disrespect, luxury of, 483. Disrespectfully of the equator, speak, 459. Dissect, creatures you, 320. Dissemble, right to, 445. Dissembling nature, 95. Dissension between hearts, 526. Dissent, dissidence of, 408. Dissevering power, 246. Dissipation without pleasure, 431. Dissolve, great globe itself shall, 43. Dissolves, all the world, 41. Dissonance, air with barbarous, 245. Distance, frozen by, 473. lends enchantment, 512. made more sweet by, 477. notes by, more sweet, 390. smooth at a, 181. sometimes endears friendship, 581. Distant prospects please us, 181. spires, ye, 381. Trojans never injured me, 337. views of happiness, 181. Distemper, died of no, 276. Distil goodness out of evil, 92. Distilled damnation, 457. Distinct as the billows, 496. persons, two, 186. Distinction between virtue, 370. without a difference, 364. Distinguish and divide a hair, 210. Distinguishable, shape had none, 228. Distinguished for ignorance, 609. Distraction, waft me from, 543. Distress, brothers in, 447. consolations in, 479. Distressed by poverty, 367. in mind body or estate, 850. Distressful bread, crammed with, 92. stroke of my youth, 150. Distrest, griefs that harass the, 366. Distrusting asks if this be joy, 398. Ditch, both fall into the, 840. die in the last, 854. Ditties of no tone, pipe to, 576. Ditto to Mr. Burke, 412. Diurnal, there swift return, 237. Diver, adventure of the, 643. did hang a salt-fish, 158. Divers paces with divers persons, 70. Diverter of sadness, 207. Divide a hair, distinguish and, 210. Sunday from the week, 126. Divided against itself, house, 841. duty, perceive a, 151. excellence, fair, 78. in death they were not, 815. united yet, 417. we fall, united we stand, 595. Dividends, incarnation of fat, 564. Dividing, his cares, 455. we fall by, 426. Divina natura dedit agros, 167. Divine, all save the spirit of man is, 549. Apollo can no more, 251. enchanting ravishment, 243. hand that made us is, 300. how, a thing, 475. how, woman may be made, 475. human face, 230. in hookas, tobacco, 555. kill a sound, 416. makes drudgery, 204. Milton, the, 479. of kings, the right, 332. or holy, aught, 225. philosophy, 245, 632. she 's lovely she 's, 682. she sang the service, 1. to forgive, 325. to love, too, 564. vision and faculty, 479. Divineness, participation of, 169. Diviner air, ampler ether, a, 482. Diviner's theme, the glad, 268. Divinity doth hedge a king, 142. in odd numbers, there is, 46. sacred and inspired, 170. that shapes our ends, 145. that stirs within us, 298. Divinely fair, 340, 624. tall, daughter of the gods, 624. Division of a battle, 149. Do good by stealth, 329. if to, were as easy as to know, 60. it with thy might, 831. noble things not dream them, 664. nothing left to, 727. or die, let us, 183, 450. so many worlds so much to, 633. we should do that we would, 142. well and right, 205. what has by man been done, 309. what I pleased, I would, 788. what I will with mine own, 840. what men dare, 52. ye even so to them, 839. Dock the tail of rhyme, 635. Doctor, after death the, 205. dismissing the, 454. Fell, I do not love thee, 286. for a nauseous draught fee the, 270. good is a good, 603. old because you never were my, 737. silent, shook his head, 349. Doctors disagree, when, 322. of the Stoic fur, 246. Doctors' spite, in learned, 564. Doctrine, all the winds of, 255. from women's eyes, 56. not for the, but the music, 324. orthodox, prove their, 210. sanctified by truth, 483. the bible is a book of, 530. with every wind of, 847. Doctrines plain, what makes all, 215. Doer and the thing done, 461. Doer's deed, place is dignified by, 73. Does well acts nobly, 307. Doff it for shame, 79. Dog, Alcibiades and his, 733. and bay the moon, 114. circumcised, 159. faithful, his, 315. hair of the same, 16. his Highness', at Kew, 334. hunts in dreams like a, 626. in that town was found a, 400. in the manger, 188. infidel as a, 371. is thy servant a, 816. is turned to his vomit, 849. it was that died, 400. let no, bark, 60. living, better than dead lion, 831. love me love my, 19. mine enemy's, 148. misbeliever, cut throat, 61. ounce bear and bull, 783. shall bear him company, 315. smarts, this, 363. something better than his, 626. to gain his private ends, 400. Tobias and his, 836. walking on his hind legs, 371. whose, are you, 334. will have his day, 145. wool of bat tongue of, 123. word to throw at a, 66. Dogs bark at me, 95. between two, 93. delight to bark and bite, 301. drinking from the Nile, 715, 719. eat of the crumbs, 640. fighting in the streets, 363. little, and all, 147. of war, let slip the, 113. rain cats and, 293. throw physic to the, 125. ye have had your day, 347. Doggedly, set himself, 371. Doing and saying are two things, 284. or suffering, 225. whatever is worth, 352. Doings, amend your ways and your, 835. Doit, beggarly last, 421. Dole, delight and, in equal scale, 127. happy man be his, 46. happy man happy, 11. Doleful dumps, 404. sound, from the tombs, a, 303. Dollar, the Almighty, 536. Dolphin, dies like the, 545. Dolphin-chamber, in my, 89. Dolphins play, pleased to see the, 354. Domain, o'er the hushed, 642. Dome, fired the Ephesian, 296. hand that rounded Peter's, 598. him of the western, 268. life like a, 565. no gilded, 571. of many-coloured glass, 565. of thought, 541. Domestic happiness, 419. joy, smooth current of, 367. Domestics, few admired by their, 778. Dominations princedoms, 235. Dominions, sun never sets in, 804. tithe or toll in our, 79. Domus sua cuique, 24. Done all is, in vain, 453. all is, that men can do, 453. decently and in order, 846. for, so soon that I am, 689. if it were, when 't is, 117. in a corner, 844. it, gone and, 608. like lightning, 178. make deeds ill, 80. my duty and no more, 362. quickly, 't were well it were, 117. such things to be so little, 633. things which we ought to have, 850. to death by slanderous tongues, 54. we may compute what 's, 448. well and as is fitting, 837. well, is done soon enough, 781. what 's, is done, 121. where much is to be, 376. with so much ease, 267. Donned his clothes, he rose and, 142. Don't see it, I, 297. Doom, had an early, 589. of fate, 29. regardless of their, 381. the crack of, 123. Doomed for a certain term, 131. Doon, ye banks and braes of bonny, 452. Door, at mine hostess', 78. beside a human, 472. clicked behind the, 397. drove me from the, 433. haunt the rich man's, 424. shut shut the, 326. shut the stable, 13. to door, sung ballads from, 189. wolf from the, 8. Doors, death hath a thousand, 180, 194, 218. death hath so many, 198. infernal, 229. men shut their, 109. nor locks can shield you, 538. Doorkeeper in the house of my God, 821. Dorcas, a woman called, 843. Dorian mood of flutes, 225. Dorians pray, to whom the, 593. Doric lay, warbling his, 248. Dost thou love life, 360. Dotage, streams of, 365. Dotages and plagues of human kind, 188. Dote on his very absence, 61. upon, how fading the joys we, 281. Dotes yet doubts suspects, 153. Doting with age, pyramids, 222. Double cherry, like to a, 58. debt to pay, contrived a, 397. double toil and trouble, 123. my life's fading space, 262. pity, challenge, 25. sure, I 'll make assurance, 123. surely you 'll grow, 466. swan and shadow, float, 474. Doublet, carving the fashion of a, 51. Doubling his pleasures, 455. Doubly armed, thus am I, 299. dying, 488. feel ourselves alone, 489. Doubt, faith in honest, 633. modest, 102. my mind is clouded with a, 629. never, I love, 133. never stand to, 203. nor loop to hang a, 154. one heart, than, 641. that the sun doth move, 133. the equivocation of the fiend, 125. the wise are prone to, 345. thou the stars are fire, 133. to be once in, 153. trieth the troth in every, 18. truth to be a liar, 133. who read to, 494. win the trick, when in, 861. would be disloyalty, to, 653. Doubts, our, are traitors, 47. bound in to saucy, 122. suspects yet strongly loves, 153. Doubted, heard Troy, 558. Doubtful, from the dark and, 443. Doubting in his abject spirit, 657. Dough, my cake is, 73. Douglas deals in red herrings, 563. in his hall, 490. like, conquer or die, 392. song of Percy and, 34. tender and true, 38. Dove, beside the springs of, 469. burnished, 625. found no rest, 812. gently as any sucking, 57. more of the serpent than, 41. wings like a, oh that I had, 820. Doves and team of sparrows, 31. harmless as, 839. moan of, 630. Dove-cote, eagle in a, 103. Dowagers for deans, 629. Dowered with the hate of hate, 623. Down among the dead men, 672. and out of breath, 88. he that is, 212, 266. hill that skirts the, 428. I grant you I was, 88. levelling, 370. of darkness, the raven, 244. on your knees and thank heaven, 70. pillow hard, finds the, 160. this story will not go, 363. the wind, let her, 153. thou climbing sorrow, 146. thrice driven bed of, 151. to the dust with them, 525. Downs, all in the, 348. unhabitable, 289. Downcast modesty, 356. Downward age, torrent of a, 356. bent, thoughts, 225. Dozen, a baker's, 773. Doxy, another man's, 858. Drab, cursing like a very, 135. Drachenfels, castled crag of, 543. Drachm is too little for a king to give, 732. Draff, still sow eats all the, 13. Drag angels down, 532. the slow barge, 424. Drags at each remove, 394. its slow length along, 324. Dragon, evening, 242. Saint George that swinged the, 78. Dragon's tail, baited with a, 217. Dragonish, cloud that is, 158. Drained by fevered lips, 577. Drakes and ducks, 37. Drama has outgrown such toys, the, 621. with the day, close the, 312. Drames go by conthraries, 582. Drank delight, 444. judicious, 332. Drapery of his couch, 572. Draught above heat, one, 74. nauseous, 270. of cool refreshment, 577. slavery a bitter, 379. Draughts, shallow, 323. Draw men as they ought to be, 399. the curtain and show the picture, 74. the curtain close, 94. you with a single hair, 274. Draws us with a single hair, beauty, 191, 326. Drawers, chest of, by day, 397. Drawn dagger, smiles at the, 299. Dread and fear of kings, 64. of all who wrong, 619. of something after death, 136. the devil, bane of all that, 466. whence this secret, 298. Dreadful as the Manichean god, 421. bell, silence that, 152. reckoning, 348. thing, between the acting of a, 111. thought, thou pleasing, 299. urs, those, 636. Dream, a hideous, 111. a shadowy lie, was thy, 654. all night without a stir, 575. as we glide through a quiet, 538. as youthful poets, 249. change o'er the spirit of my, 553. clear, and solemn vision, 245. consecration and the poet's, 475. fickle as a changeful, 491. gone like a beautiful, 587. her face stirred with her, 558. hope is but the, 288. hunt half a day for a forgotten, 472. I have had a, 58. is but a shadow, a, 134. life is but an empty, 612. love's young, 521. not Homer nods but we, 323. of, a sight to, 499. of a waking man, 761. of heaven, she did but, 270. of home, the, 525. of love melted away, in a, 677. of peace, deep, 536. of things that were, 541. of those that wake, 288. old men's, 268. past the wit of man to say what, 58. short as any, 57. silently as a, 421. the glory and the, 477. to sleep perchance to, 135. when one awaketh, 821. which was not all a dream, 553. Dreams and fables of the skies, 342. and slumbers light, 490. angels in some brighter, 264. books are each a world, 477. full of ghastly, 96. glimpses of forgotten, 623. ground not upon, 172. hence, babbling, 296. in some brighter, 264. lies down to pleasant, 572. like a dog he hunts in, 626. of avarice, beyond the, 374, 378. of cutting foreign throats, 105. of those who wake, 721. old men shall dream, 836. smooth or idle, 255. such stuff as, are made on, 43. that wave before the half-shut eye, 357. their own, deceive 'em, 288. true I talk of, 105. what, may come, 135. Dreamed that life was beauty, 654. Dreaming ear, voice of my, 515. ever of thee I 'm, 586. past the size of, 159. Dreamland, adamantine logic of, 663. Dreamt I dwelt in marble halls, 561. of in your philosophy, 133. Drear-nighted December, 576. Dreary intercourse of daily life, 468. sea now flows between, 500. Dregs of fortune's cup, 341. of life, from the, 276. Dress, be plain in, 350. daring in full, 555. fair undress best, 357. felt through this fleshly, 263. of thoughts, style is the, 353. sweet disorder in the, 201. Dressed in all his trim, 163. Drest in a little brief authority, 48. still to be neat still to be, 178. Drew an angel down, she, 271. Drift, snow in a dazzling, 648. Drink and to be merry, 831, 842. as friends, 72. as he brews so shall he, 177. cannot make the horse, 14. deep or taste not, 323. if he thirst give him, 844. let us eat and, 833. mandragora, 157. meat and, to me, 71, 773. no longer water, 848. no more than a sponge, 771. no sperit, I never, 659. nor any drop to, 498. old wine to, 171. pretty creature drink, 472. reasons why men, 793. small beer, felony to, 94. strong, is raging, 827. that quenches thirst, 792. they eat they, 235. they never taste who always, 287. 't is to thee I would, 553. to-day drown all sorrow, 184. to me only with thine eyes, 179. to the general joy of the table, 122. to the lass, 442. what ye shall eat or, 838. when I have occasion, 790. why should every creature, but I, 260. wild anarchy of, 180. with him that wears a hood, 22. with me and drink as I, 671. with you eat with you, 61. ye to her that each loves best, 516. Drinks and gapes for drink again, 260. Drinking dancing laughing, 272. largely sobers us, 323. not to be blamed, 195. unhappy brains for, 152. Drip of the suspended oar, 543. Dripping with coolness, 537. Drive a coach and six, 855. four rogues let, 84. on your own track, 729. whom the devil doth, 18, 73. Driveller and a show, 365. Driveth o'er a soldier's neck, 105. Driving far off each thing, 245. of Jehu, like the, 816. Drizzled blood upon the capitol, 112. Drooped the willow, where, 596. Drooping head, repairs his, 248. Drop a tear and bid adieu, 671. hinders needle and thread, every, 585. in for an after-loss, 162. in the well, last, 553. into thy mother's lap, 240. manna, you, 66. of a bucket, 834. of allaying Tiber, 103. of ink, small, 558. of manly blood, ruddy, 602. to drink, nor any, 498. Drops, dear as the ruddy, 112, 383. from off the caves, 250. his blue-fringed lids, 501. like kindred, 418. of rain pierce the marble, 32. of water, little, 642. the light drip, 543. what precious, are those, 275. wiped our eyes of, 69. Dropped a tear upon the word, 379. down from the clouds, 86. from an angel's wing, 484. from the zenith, 225. manna, his tongue, 226. out of the clouds, 196. Droppeth as the gentle rain, 64. Dropping buckets into wells, 419. continual, in a rainy day, 829. continual, wears a stone, 706. eye, an auspicious and a, 127. Droughte of March, 1. Drown a fly, 306. all sorrow, 184. my book, 43. the brim, 73. what pain it was to, 96. Drowned honour, pluck up, 84. Drowsiness clothe man in rags, 828. Drowsy man, dull ear of a, 79. syrups of the world, 154. with the harmony, 55. Drowsyhed, land of, 357. Drudgery at the desk, 509. divine, makes, 204. Druid lies in yonder grave, 390. Drum ecclesiastick, 209. spirit-stirring, 154. was heard, not a, 563. Drum-beat, the morning, 533. Drums and tramplings of three conquests, 219. beat the, 281. in his ear, 105. like muffled, are beating, 612. quietly rested under the, 219. Drunk, all learned all, 420. gloriously, 421. hasten to be, 213. ink, he hath not, 55. it is our pleasure to be, 362. though he never was, 454. Drunkard clasp his teeth, 34. Drunken sailor on a mast, 97. Drunkenness identical with ruin, 765. Drury lane for you, no, 510. Drury's, happy boy at, 595. Dry as summer dust, hearts, 479. as the remainder biscuit, 68. death, I would fain die a, 42. light, 722. sun dry wind, 21. tree, done in the, 842. Dryden, copious, 329. taught to join the varying verse, 329. Drying up a single tear, 559. Du sublime au ridicule, 431. Ducat, dead for a, 140. Duck or plover, aimed at, 439. Ducks and drakes, 37. Due, give the devil his, 83. more is thy, than more than all, 117. season, word in, 826. Dues, render to all their, 844. Duke of Norfolk deals in malt, 563. the, did love me, 180. Dukedom, my library was, 42. Dulcimer, damsel with a, 500. Dull as night, the motions of his spirit are, 66. beyond all conception, 566. cold ear of death, 384. cold marble, sleep in, 99. ear of a drowsy man, 79. gentle yet not, 257. goodman, Dictynna, 55. naturally, 371. Peter was dull very, 566. product of a scoffer's pen, 479. tame shore, on the, 538. Duller than the fat weed, 131. Dulness in others, cause of, 374. loves a joke, gentle, 331. Dum vivimus vivamus, 359. Dumb, beggar that is, 25. discourse, kind of excellent, 43. forgetfulness, a prey to, 385. kings of modern thought are, 665. modest men are, 454. the deep are, 25. the oracles are, 251. Dumb-shows and noise inexplicable, 137. Dumps, college joke to cure the, 290. the mind oppress, doleful, 404. Dumpy woman, I hate a, 556. Duncan hath borne his faculties so well, 118. hear it not, 119. is in his grave, 121. Dunce kept at home, 414. sent to roam, 414. with wits, 331. Dundee, single hour of that, 474. Dundee's wild warbling measure, 447. Dungeon dark, dweller in, 449. the vapour of a, 154. Dunghill, cock on his own, 14. Dunsinane, come to, 125. remove to, 124. Dupe gamester and poet, 388. of the heart, 795. Durance vile, in, 450. During good behaviour, 855. Dusk faces with turbans, 240. Dusky hour, midnight brought on the, 235. race, she shall rear my, 626. Dust and heat, not without, 254. blossom in the, 209. chimney-sweepers come to, 160. down to the vile, 488. down to the, with them, 525. dry as summer, 479. enemies shall lick the, 821. glories in the, shall lay, 337. half deity, half, 554. heap of, alone remains, 335. hearts dry as summer's, 479. hour may lay it in the, 541. is gold, whose, 236. lie still dry, 625. much learned, 419. must come to, 160. mysteries lie beyond thy, 264. of Alexander, trace the noble, 144. of servile opportunity, 483. pays us with age and, 26. pride that licks the, 328. provoke the silent, 384. return to the earth, 832. sleeps in, 851. so nigh is grandeur to our, 600. that is a little gilt, 102. the knight's bones are, 502. this earth this grave this, 26. thou art and unto dust shalt thou return, 812. thou art to dust returneth, 612. to dust ashes to ashes, 851. with eternity, flattering, 554. write the characters in, 494. write them in the, 314. writes in, 170. Dusty and old titles, 199. death, the way to, 125. Duties, men who know their, 438. primal, shine aloft, 481. property has its, 582, 609. Duty, a divided, 151. England expects every man to do his, 446. faithful below he did his, 436. found that life was, 654. in that state of life, 850. I 've done my, 362. let us dare to do our, 622. not a sin this is a, 359. of humanity, general, 775. of some right of all, 505. pursues us ever, sense of, 534. service sweat for, 67. simpleness and, 59. subject's, is the king's, 92. such as the subject owes, 73. the path of, 628. to do my, in that state, 850. whispers low, when, 600. whole, of man, 832. Dwarf on a giant's shoulders, 185, 206, 504. Dwell below the skies, 302. in decencies forever, 321. in such a temple, 43. like an hermit, 26. together in unity, 824. Dweller in yon dungeon dark, 449. Dwellest thou, where, 103. Dwelling is light of setting suns, 467. Dwelling-place, the desert were my, 547. Dwells, hereabouts he, 108. where joy forever, 223. Dwelt all that 's good, 220. among the untrodden ways, 469. Dwindle peak and pine, 116. Dwindles, man only, 394. Dyer's hand, like the, 163. Dying eyes, unto, 630. eyes were closed, 335. fall, it had a, 74. farewells to the, 615. I am dying Egypt, 158. man to dying men, 670. to-morrow will be, 202. when she slept we thought her, 583. with groans of the, 489.
Eager for the fray, 296. heart the kindlier hand, 633. Eagle eye and lion heart, 392. flight, flies an, 109. he was lord above, 474. in a dove-cote, 103. like a young, 518. mewing her mighty youth, 255. old age of an, 704. so the struck, 539. stricken with a dart, 696. suffers little birds to sing, 104. Eagles be gathered together, 841. dare not perch, 96. good to fight jackdaws, 735. having lately bathed, like, 86. Eagle's fate and mine are one, 219. Eagles' wings, fly on, 670. Ear, adder that stoppeth her, 821. applying shell to his, 480. can hear, that no gross, 245. drums in his, 105. dull, of a drowsy man, 79. enchant thine, 161. falling at intervals upon the, 422. flattery ne'er lost on poet's, 487. flea in mine, 771. give every man thy, 130. heard me, when the, 817. hearing of the, 818. I was all, 245. I will enchant thine, 161. in at one, 19. in many a secret place, 469. it came o'er my, 74. it heard, one, 6. jest's prosperity lies in the, 56. jewel in an Ethiope's, 105. more meant than meets the, 250. never did hear that tongue, 23. not to the sensual, 576. of a drowsy man, 79. of death, dull cold, 384. of Eve, close at the, 234. of man hath not seen, 58. of night, the listening, 640. piercing the night's dull, 92. seeing eye and hearing, 827. voice in my dreaming, 515. with a flea in his, 184. word of promise to our, 126. wrong sow by the, 19, 785. Ears, aged, play truant at his tales, 55. belly has no, 725, 772. blast of war blows in our, 91. hangs from beauty's, 424. he that hath, to hear, 841. in my ancient, 106. lend me your, 113. look with thine, 148. music to attending, 106. nailed by the, 214. noise of water in mine, 96. of flesh and blood, 131. of the groundlings, 137. polite, mentions hell to, 322. same sound is in my, 471. she gave me, 469. small pitchers have wide, 17. sounds of music creep in our, 65. the woods have, 2, 17. took captive, whose words all, 74. two, of corn where one grew, 290. with ravished, 271. wolf by the, 705. Earldom and insignificancy, 353. Earliest at his grave, 676. Early and provident fear, 411. bright transient chaste, 308. death, to favourites, 546. nothing is too, for thee, 752. nothing to him falls, 183. rising sun, 202. seen unknown, too, 105. to bed early to rise, 360. root and early doom, 589. Earnest, I am in, 605. stars, 575. Ear-piercing fife, 154. Earth a hell, making, 540. affords or grows by kind, 22. a sphere, preserves the, 456. a stage, 194. a step-dame, 782. alive and so bold, O, 566. all forgot, 522. all things in heaven and, 31. all unity on, 124. all ye know on, 576. ancients of the, and in the morning of the times, 627. bears a plant, while the, 675. bleeding piece of, 113. bliss that, affords, 22. bowels of the, 182. bowels of the harmless, 83. bridal of the, and sky, 204. changes but thy soul stands sure, 649. common growth of mother, 468. daughters of, 368. dust return to the, 832. Elysium on, if there be, 527. exposed he lies on the bare, 271. eyes of a fool are in the ends of the, 827. fed by the bounty of, 597. felt the wound, 239. first flower of the, 522. flowers upon the, 832. fragrant the fertile, 233. full of woes, 693. fuming vanities of, 483. gave sign of gratulation, 238. giants in the, there were, 812. girdle round about the, 58. give him a little, for charity, 100. give some special good to the, 106. glance from heaven to, 59. glory passed from the, 477. has no sorrow, 524. hath bubbles, 116. heaven on, 232. heaven tries the, 658. huge fabric rose out of the, 225. inhabitants of the, 116. insensible, and be, 239. is a thief, 109. Jove weighs affairs of, 343. joy of the whole, 820. kindly fruits of the, 850. lards the lean, 84. laughs in flowers, 598. lay her in the, 144. less of, than heaven, 491. lie lightly gentle, 197. lift our low desire from, 549. loveth the shower, 756. making, a hell, 540. man marks the, with ruin, 547. model of the barren, 82. more things in heaven and, 133. my footstool, 316. naught beyond O, 570. naught so vile that on the, 106. nightly to the listening, 300. none on, above her, 455. of majesty, this seat of Mars, 81. of the, earthy, 846. on the confines of, 674. one beloved face on, 552. one society alone on, 476. overwhelm them, 129. peace good-will on, 841. plants suck in the, 260. pleasant country's, 82. poetry of, is never dead, 577. power is passing from the, 477. proudly wears the Parthenon, 598. rejoice, let the, 822. salt of the, ye are the, 838. so much of heaven so much of, 472. soaks up the rain, the thirsty, 260. sounds my wisdom, 344. sovereign'st thing on, 83. speak to the, it shall teach thee, 317. spot which men call, 243. sure and firm-set, 118. that bears thee dead, 87. that e'er wore, 182. the revel of the, 544. this blessed plot, this, 81. this goodly frame the, 134. this grave this dust this, 26. this is the last of, 459. this opacus, 237. through, sea and air, 501. tickle the, with a hoe, 597. to earth ashes to ashes, 851. to every man upon this, 593. to highest skie, 30. to make, happy, 642. truth crushed to, 573. unfolds both heaven and, 57. upon the lap of, 386. walk the, unseen, 234. was made so various, 417. was nigher heaven, when, 644. way of all the, 814. when it is sick, 199. whereon thy feet do tread, 27. whose table, 555. with her thousand voices, 501. with orient pearl sowed the, 234. Earth's base built on stubble, 245. biggest country, 660. bitter leaven, 473. boastful boys, 598. firmament, stars in, 613. greatest nation, 660. noblest thing, 656. Earthlier happy is the rose, 57. Earthly bliss, the sum of, 238. dignities, peace above all, 99. godfathers of heaven's lights, 54. hope and heavenly hope, 535. nothing, bounds her, 524. nothing, could surpass her, 555. paragon, 160. power show likest God's, 64. Earthquake, gloom of, 564. shock the ocean storm, 562. Ease, age of, 396. and alternate labour, 355. and speed in doing a thing, 724. done with so much, 267. flow with artless, 437. for aye to dwell, at, 623. hours of, 455, 490. in mine inn, 11, 86. in writing comes from art, 324. live at home at, 176. mob who wrote with, 329. of burdens, 786. of heart her look conveyed, 444. peace nor, the heart can know, 389. ran on with greater, 215. roots itself in, on Lethe wharf, 131. studious of, 671. things which men confess with, 746. vaulted with such, to his seat, 86. with grace, 357. would recant vows made in pain, 231. you write with, 443. Eased the putting off, 234. Easier for a camel, 840. to be played on than a pipe, 139. Easily as a king, 110. Easiness to the next abstinence, 141. property of, 143. East, golden window of the, 104. it is the, and Juliet is the sun, 105. where the gorgeous, 226. wind never blow, may the, 207. Easter-day, sun upon an, 256. Eastern kings, guilt of, 258. Easy as lying, 138. if to do were as, as to know, 60. leap, methinks it were an, 84. to be true, 671. writing curst hard reading, 443. Easy-chair, Rabelais', 330. Eat and drink as friends, 72. and drink, bad men live to, 738. and drink, let us, 833. and eat I swear, 93. drink and be merry, 831. each other, cannibals that, 150. I cannot, but little meat, 22. not the heart, 729. of a king, worm that hath, 141. or drink, what ye shall, 838. paper, he hath not, 55. some have meat and canna, 452. thy cake and have it, 205. thy heart, 30. to live we must, 363. with a friend, 4. with the devil, 18. with you, I will not, 61. your cake and have your cake, 20. Eaten out of house and home, 89. sour grapes, 835. Eating, appetite comes with, 771. cares, 249. time, worn out with, 276. Eaves, drops from off the, 250. Ebb, ne'er feels retiring, 155. to humble love, ne'er, 155. Ebony, image of God in, 222. Ebrew Jew, I am an, 84. Eccentric and centric, 237. Ecclesiastical lyric, 609. Ecclesiastick drum, 209. Echo answers where, 550. applaud thee to the very, 125. caught faintly the sound, 674. of the sad steps, 481. to the sense, sound an, 324. Echoes dying dying dying, 630. Fontarabian, 490. how cruelly sweet are the, 563. of that voice, melodies the, 502. roll from soul to soul, 630. set the wild, flying, 630. Echoing walks between, 239. Eclipse, built in the, 247. in dim, 225. first the rest nowhere, 855. total, without all hope of day, 241. Eclipsed the gayety of nations, 369. Economy is the fuel of magnificence, 603. Ecstasy, cunning in bodiless creation, 141. of love, the very, 133. to lie in restless, 121. waked to, the living lyre, 384. warm as, 414. Eden, one morn a Peri at the gate of, stood disconsolate, 526. solitary way through, 240. this other demi-paradise, 81. Edge, cloy the hungry, of appetite, 81. finest, made with blunt whetstone, 32. is sharper than the sword, 160. of appetite, clog the hungry, 81. of battle, the perilous, 224. of husbandry, dulls the, 130. teeth are set on, 835. tools, jesting with, 198. Edged with poplar pale, 207. Edified, whoe'er was, 419. Edition, Christians of the best, 772. Education a refuge in adversity, 762. common to all, making, 662. felicity of good, 729. forms the common mind, 320. freemen without, 639. men of liberal, 284, 786. the ignorant despise, 711. to love her was a liberal, 297. travel is a part of, 166. viaticum of old age, 762. virtuous and noble, 253. Educing good from evil, 357. Edward, sons of, 97. Eel of science, 331. Effect, cause of this, 133. defective comes by cause, 133. Effects, what dire, 299. Eftest way, 53. Eftsoones they heard, 28. Egeria! sweet creation, 546. Egg, as one, is like another, 789. full of meat, 107. learned roast an, 330. of democracy, 662. Eggs, as if he trod upon, 192. as like as, 77. in one basket, all his, 786. new laid roasted rare, 274. Eglantine, musk-roses and, 58. Egregiously an ass, 152. Egypt, beauty in a brow of, 59. I am dying, 158. rivers of, 833. Egypt's dark sea, o'er, 524. monuments, 309. pyramid, the mystery of, 621. Eies and eares and every thought, 23. Elaborately thrown away, time, 311. Elated, never dejected never, 320. Elbow, 'twixt shoulder and, 351. Eld, palsied, 48. Elder days of art, 615. let the woman take an, 75. Scripture, 310. soldier not a better, 114. Elder-gun, shot out of an, 92. Elders, discourse of the, 837. Elections, biennial, 283. Electric chain, striking the, 545. Elegance of female friendship, 368. Elegant as simplicity, 414. but not ostentatious, 369. simplicity of three per cents, 437. sufficiency content, 355. Element, creatures of the, 244. lowering, scowls, 227. one God one law one, 634. thy, is below, 146. Elements, become our, 227. dare the, to strife, 550. I tax not you, you, 146. large, in order brought, 634. so mixed in him, 115. unhurt amidst the war of, 299. weak and beggarly, 846. Elephant learns to dance, 739. man's plaything, 739. what is bigger than an, 739. Elephants endorsed with towers, 240. for want of towns, 289. Elevate, in thoughts more, 228. Eleven die nobly, 102. points of the law, possession is, 296. Eliza's days, names in great, 671. Ell, he 'll take an, 20. Elm, pears from an, 791. star-proof, branching, 250. Elms, immemorial, 630. Eloquence and poetry, 260. heavenly, 268. mother of arts and, 241. of eyes, 339. resistless, 241. splendid, 353. the soul, 228. to woe, truth denies all, 551. Eloquent just and mighty death, 26. music, discourse most, 138. that old man, 252. Tully was not so, 546. Elves, criticising, 412. faery, whose midnight revels, 225. whose little eyes, 202. Elysian beauty, 482. life, suburb of the, 615. Elysium, lap it in, 244. on earth, if there be, 527. within whose circuit is, 94. Emanation from the gospel, 460. Emathian conqueror, 252. Embalmed in tears, 491. Embattled armies, 242. farmers stood, here the, 599. Embers glowing, 250. Emblem of truth, 537. to friends and enemies, 483. Emblems of deeds, 549. of untimely graves, 420. right meet of decency, 380. Emboldens sin, mercy, 109. Embosomed in the deep, 395. Embrace, arms take your last, 109. caught a star in its, 681. endure then pity then, 317. me she inclined, 252. Embroidery, every flower wears sad, 248. Embryo, chancellor in, 380. yesterday in, 753. Embryos and idiots, 231. Emelie, up rose, 2. Emergencies, untried, 663. Emerald isle, 855. Emerson, first there comes, 658. whose rich words, 658. Eminence, that bad, 226. Eminent, tax for being, 291. Emotion, intellectualized, 662. Emperor without his crown, 307. Empire, cutpurse of the, 140. is peace, the, 810. my mind to me an, 22. of habit is powerful, 709. of land to the French, 577. of the air to Germany, 577. of the heavens bright, 29. of the sea to the English, 577. sun never sets on the immense, 495. survey our, 550. swayed the rod of, 384. thy dread, chaos, 332. trade's proud, 367. westward the course of, 312. westward the star of, 312. will be dreadful, their, 550. Empires, whose game was, 555. Employ, teach heaven's, 649. Employment, chase brave, 205. hand of little, 143. Employments, how various his, 420. of idle time, 207. prevents melancholy, 373. wishing is the worst of all, 308. Empress, sovereign law sits, 438. Emprise and floure of floures, 6. Emptiness, smiles betray his, 328. Empty boxes, beggarly account of, 108. bubble, honour but an empty, 272. heads, tall men have, 170. louder but as, quite, 318. often the cockloft is, 222. praise, pudding against, 330. thanks, words are but, 296. Empty-vaulted night, 244. Enamelled eyes, quaint, 247. stones, sweet music with, 44. Enamoured, hung over her, 235. Enchant thine ear, 161. Enchanting ravishment, 243. Enchantment, distance lends, 512. Enchants the world, 356. Encounter, free and open, 255. of our wits, keen, 96. Encourage no vice, 398. Encreasing, youth waneth by, 24. Encumbers him with help, 370. Encyclopedic mind, 593. End and aim, but being's, 318. at my finger's, 12. at their wit's, 12, 823. attempt the, 203. badder, gladly to the, 4. be well all is well, 802. beginning and the, 849. beginning of our, the true, 59. beginning of the, 808. bitter, 853. born to disastrous, 30. crowns all, 102. death a necessary, 112. die and there an, 122. do not forsake me at my, 278. each particular hair stands an, 131. good beginning, good, 13. guide original and, 367. happiness our being's, 318. hope to the, 849. in wandering mazes, found no, 228. is not yet, the, 841. life's great, 309. make me to know mine, 820. me no ends, 861. means unto an, 654. most sweet, to make the, 80. must justify the means, 287. my last, be like his, 813. of a fray, latter, 87. of a shot, 19. of fame, what is the, 556. of it, there is an, 788. of language, nature's, 310. of reckoning, 49. of returning, 49. of the chapter, 773. of this day's business, 115. one must consider the, 797. original and, 367. prophetic of her, 306. remember Milo's, 278. remember the, 837. served no private, 326. set gray life and apathetic, 625. swan-like, fading in music, 63. the sooner to make an, 171. to all things, 654. try the man, 89. End-all, might be the, 118. Endearing elegance, 368. wile, children with, 397. Endearment, each fond, 396. Endeavour, riven with vain, 473. too painful an, 321. with useless, 617. Ended, his cares are now all, 90. Ending, a good, 11. always descending, never, 506. on the rustling leaves, 250. still beginning, never, 272. Endite, songes make and well, 1. Endless error, in, 317. night closed his eyes in, 382. Endow a college or a cat, 322. Ends, at my fingers', 74. delays have dangerous, 93. divinity that shapes our, 145. good in everything, 197. human, ultimately answered, 530. neglecting worldly, 42. of the earth, 827. of verse, cheered with, 212. old odd, of holy writ, 96. this strange eventful history, 69. thou aimest at, 100. violent, violent delights, 107. well, all is well that, 13. whose, will make him greatest, 37. Endurance, foresight, 475. is the crowning quality, 656. victory born of, 573. Endure, human hearts, 367. the like himself, 53. the toothache patiently, 53. we first, then pity, 317. Endured, tolerable and not to be, 52. what can't be cured must be, 190, 773. Endures no tie, love, 272. Enduring as marble, 792. Enemies, fallen amongst, 734. naked to mine, 100. of nations, mountains make, 418. of truth, 217. shall lick the dust, 821. unhappy lot which finds no, 710. Enemy dies, no tears are shed when an, 710. hate thine, 838. he who has one, 767. hunger, if thine, 844. in their mouths, 152. nearest and dearest, 174. thing devised by the, 98. to life, care 's an, 74. to mankind, 76. we have met the, 676. weak invention of the, 296. you are now my, 361. Enemy's dog, mine, 148. Energy divine, march and, 329. Enforced ceremony, 114. Engine, two-handed, 247. Enginer hoist with his own petar, 141. Engines, great, move slowly, 170. you mortal, 154. England, best thing between France and, 597. be what she will, 413. expects every man to do his duty, 446. hath need of thee, 472. high-road that leads to, 370. history of, written with knowledge, 609. martial airs of, 533. men of light and leading in, 410. meteor flag of, 515. never shall lie at the proud foot of a conqueror, 80. not three good men unhanged in, 84. old, on the lee, 537. old, is our home, 605. roast beef of, 363. royal navy of, 392. slaves cannot breathe in, 418. stately homes of, 569. this realm, this, 81. to his Italy, linking our, 651. true to itself, 80. with all her faults, 413. with all thy faults, I love thee, 418. wooden walls of, 861. world or in France or in, 93. ye gentlemen of, 176. ye mariners of, 514. England's greatest son, 628. English, abusing the king's, 45. air, sweet as, 629. ballad-singer's joy, 473. dead, close the wall up with our, 91. empire of the sea to the, 577. gun, who never lost an, 628. legs, one pair of, 91. nation, trick of our, 88. style, to attain an, 369. undefyled, well of, 28. Englishman says nothing if he has nothing to say, 374. stands firmest in his shoes, 603. the dying, 462. Enigmatical sort of calamity, 766. Enjoy delight with libertie, 30. her while she 's kind, 274. nought better than to, 649. we prize not whiles we, 53. your dear wit, 246. Enjoyed, with more spirit chased than, 62. Enjoying, think it worth, 272. Enmities of twenty generations, 592. Ennoble sots, what can, 319. Enormous faith of many, 318. times, corrector of, 199. Enough for man to know, 319. is equal to a feast, 363. is good as a feast, 20, 38. 't will serve, 107. verge, for more, 277. with over-measure, 103. Enriches not him and makes me poor, 153. Ensample, this noble, 2. Ensanguined hearts, 420. Ense petit placidam, 264. Ensign, beauty's, is crimson, 109. imperial, high advanced, 224. tear her tattered, down, 635. Enskyed and sainted, a thing, 47. Entangling alliances, 435. Enterprise, heroic, is gone, 410. life-blood of our, 86. Enterprises, impediments to, 165. of great pith and moment, 136. Entertain strangers, to, 848. Entertained angels unawares, 848. Entertains the harmless day, 174. Enthroned in the hearts of kings, 64. Enthusiasm, nothing achieved without, 602. Entice thee, if sinners, 824. Entire affection hateth, 27. and perfect chrysolite, 156. Entity and quiddity, 210. Entrails spin, spiders from their, 274. Entrancing our senses, 677. Entrance to a quarrel, beware of, 130. wisdom at one, 230. Entrances and exits, have their, 69. Entuned in hire nose, 1. Envious people, disposition of, 762. tongues, to silence, 100. worm, bit with an, 104. Envy hatred and malice, 850. of less happier lands, 81. of the world, 408. time transported with, 406. will merit pursue, 324. withers at another's joy, 355. Epaminondas, witty saying of, 735. Ephemeral is fame, 752. Ephesian dome, fired the, 296. Ephesians, Diana of the, 843. Ephesus, dame of, 295. Ephraim, grapes of, 814. Epic's stately rhyme, 618. Epicure would say, the, 461. Epicurean cooks, 157. Epicurus' sty, fattest hog in, 393, 706. Epicycle, cycle and, 237. Epimenides, the sleep of, 759. Epitaph, believe a woman or an, 539. better a bad, 134. no man write my, 675. not remembered in thy, 87. Epitaphs, derangement of, 440. let 's talk of, 81. Epitome, all mankind's, 268. Epocha in history of America, 429. Epochs, actions are our, 554. Equal, all men created, 434. and exact justice, 435. to all things, 399. Equator, speak disrespectfully of the, 459. Equity is a roguish thing, 194. is according to conscience, 194. Equipage, conduct and, 285. senseless, 438. Equivocate, I will not, 605. Equivocation of the fiend, 125. will undo us, 143. Era of good feeling, 855. Erant quibus appetentior famae, 247. Ercles' vein, this is, 57. Ere I was old, 503. sin could blight, 500. Erebus, dark as, his affections are, 66. Erect, unless above himself he can himself, 39. Erected look, with, 269. spirit, the least, 225. Erection, we rate the cost of, 88. Eremites and friars, 231. Erin, a poor exile of, 515. Err, art may, 272. in opinion, human to, 742. to, is human, 325. Errand, sleeveless, 612. Erring reason's spite, 316. rod to check the, 475. sister's shame, 548. spirit hies to his confine, 126. Error hurled, in endless, 317. lies in pride, our, 315. love truth but pardon, 801. of opinion may be tolerated, 434. wounded, writhes with pain, 573. Errors like straws, 275. seem, stratagems which, 323. some female, 325. Eruption, bodes some strange, 126. Eruptions, breaks forth in strange, 85. Esau, the hands of, 813. Escape calumny, shalt not, 136. Eschewed evil, 816. Essay, to make a short, 273. Essence, glassy, 48. of a thing, look to the, 755. of good and evil, 744. Essential liberty, 359. Estate, fallen from his high, 271. flies of, and sunneshine, 204. greatest, gained easy, 741. of man, fleeting is the, 753. relief of man's, 169. that man's, owns him, 761. Esteem, they give to get, 395. to know, to love, to, 502. Estranged, providence seeming, 586. Estridges, all plumed like, 86. Et spes inanes, 288. Et tu, Brute! 112. Eternal anarchy, 229. beadroll, fame's, 28. blazon must not be, 131. devil, brooked the, 110. doom of fate, 29. fitness of things, 364. friendship, swear an, 462, 798. frost, that skirts the, 501. home, near to their, 221. hope springs, 315. joy and everlasting love, 280. new romances, 387. now does always last, 261. Providence I may assert, 223. sabbath of his rest, 277. smiles emptiness betray, 328. summer gilds them yet, 557. summer shall not fade, 161. sunshine settles on its head, 397. vigilance, price of liberty, 855. year, heaven's, 270. years of God are hers, 573. Eterne, nature's copy is not, 121. Eternities, past and future, two, 525. time between two, 580. Eternity, flattering dust with, 554. hath triumphed over time, 26. in bondage, worth a whole, 298. intimates, to man, 299. mighty ages of, 642. mourns that, 594. opes the palace of, 243. passing through nature to, 127. pilgrim of, 565. portions of, great souls are, 656. shall tell, 683. silence is deep as, 579. thou pleasing dreadful thought, 299. time is the image of, 760. wander through, 227. wanderers o'er, 543. white radiance of, 565. Ether, ampler, 482. the holy, knows what love is, 756. through the clear, silently, 576. Ethereal mildness, come, 355. mould incapable of stain, 226. sky, the blue, 300. warmth, soft, 228. Ethics from Byron's poetry, 591. Ethiope's ear, jewel in an, 105. Ethiopian change his skin, 835. Etrurian shades, 224. Eunuchs guardians of the fair, 310. Euphrasy and rue, 240. Eureka, the cry of Archimedes, 738. Europe, better fifty years of, 626. he sauntered, round, 332. rings, of which all, 252. Europe's violets, 570. Euxine, dangerous breakers of the, 559. Eve ate apples, since, 560. close at the ear of, 234. fairest of her daughters, 232. from noon to dewy, 225. grandmother, a female, 54. one summer's, 589. son of Adam and, 288. span and Adam dolve, 685. Eve's daughters, 46. Eveleen's bower, when to, 520. Even, gray-hooded, 243. star that ushers in the, 163. such is time, 26. sweet approach of, 230. tenor of their way, 385. ushers in the, 163. Even-handed justice, 118. Evening air, fairer than the, 41. bells, those, 523. chime, faintly tolls the, 518. come in the, 680. dews of the, carefully shun, 353. dragon came, an, 242. exhalation in the, 99. flowers at shut of, 239. grateful, mild, 233. never morning wore to, 631. now came still, on, 233. shades of, close, 677. shades prevail, soon as the, 300. sun shine sweetly, 428. twilight of the heart, 562. welcome peaceful, 420. when it is, 840. yet, was never, 651. Evening's calm and happy hour, 488. close, at, 386. Even-song, ringeth to, 19. Event, faculties to bear every, 742. far-off divine, 634. one, happeneth to all, 830. say not small, 643. Events, coming, 514. confused, 120. course of human, 434. not to lead but follow, 746. of fate's remote decrees, 343. repeat themselves, 726. river of passing, 752. spirits of great, 504. Eventful history, this strange, 69. Ever and a day, for, 71. charming ever new, 358. do nothing but that, 78. fair and ever young, 271. his time is for, 260. of thee I 'm dreaming, 586. thus from childhood's hour, 526. Ever-during dark surrounds me, 230. gates, opened wide her, 236. Evergreen tree of knowledge, 440. Everlasting fame, damned to, 319. fixed his canon, 127. flint, wear out the, 107. love and eternal joy, 280. now, 261. preordained from, 756. redemption, condemned into, 53. yawn confess, thy, 332. Everlastingness, shoots of, 263. Evermore thanks, 81. Every clime adored, in, 334. fool will be meddling, 827. inch a king, 148. man for himself, 20, 787. man has business and desire, 132. man's work, 845. one as heaven made him, 788. one can master a grief, 51. one that asketh, 839. one that hath, unto, 841. sweet its sour, 404. virtue under heaven, 329. why hath a wherefore, 50, 210. woe a tear can claim, 548. Everybody's business, 207. Everything advantageous to life, 43. by starts and nothing long, 268. comes if man will wait, 609. custom reconciles to, 407. devil at, 787. find a tale in, 466. good in, 67. handsome about him, 53. has two handles, 746. is made of one hidden stuff, 601. is nought, 517. result of change, 752. sans taste sans, 69. that pretty is, 159. that 's old, I love, 171. there is a season to, 830. they that are above have ends in, 197. time tries the troth in, 18. Everywhere be bold, 28. his place, 260. the gods see, 615. the sun shines, 76. Evidence of things not seen, 848. Evident, things true and, 746. Evil, be ignorant in foreboding, 695. be not overcome of, 844. be thou my good, 231. bent on doing, 710. communications, 846. days, though fallen on, 236. death is not the worst, 696. essence of good and, 744. feared God and eschewed, 816. for himself, man work, 693. for his good repay, 346. fruit of a bad man, 693. good and good evil, 833. good from seeming, 357. goodness in things, 92. ignorance is the one only, 760. is null, is nought, the, 649. is wrought by want of thought, 584. keep thy tongue from, 819. love of money is the root of all, 848. manners live in brass, 100. moral, and of good, 466. new and untried, 778. news rides post, 242. obscures the show of, 63. of that purpose, I knew the, 698. of the dead, speak not, 758. oldest and best known, 778. out of good find means of, 223. partial, universal good, 316. recompense to no man evil for, 844. report and good report, 846. root of all, love of money is the, 848. submit to the present, 715. that men do lives after them, 113. thereof, sufficient unto the day is the, 838. thing that walks by night, 244. tongue an unruly, 849. universal good all partial, 316. vice itself lost half its, 410. wealth excludes but one, 373. which I would not I do, 844. Evils, less of two, 7. philosophy triumphs over past, 794. the school of mankind, 411. two weak, 69. Exactness, with, grinds he all, 793. Exalted sat, Satan, 226. Example from the lives of men, 705. joy of past, 346. profit by their, 429. results of your own, 716. salutary influence of, 369. thy stream my great, 257. to deter, as an, 688. you with thievery, 109. Examples for the instruction of youth, 411. more efficacious than precept, 368. philosophy teaching by, 304. Exceeding fair she was not, 35. tall men, 166. wise, fair-spoken, 101. Exceedingly beautiful, 499. well read, 86. Excel, 't is useless to, 377. unstable thou shalt not, 813. Excellence, fair divided, 78. in a wondrous, 163. it cannot reach, hates that, 355. smallest scruple of her, 46. to maturity, 713. Excellent dumb discourse, 43. in neither, 163. knowledge of what is, 727. thing in woman, 149. to have a giant's strength, 48. Excelling nature, pattern of, 156. Excels all earthly bliss, 22. another, one man, 702. the quirks of blazoning pens, 151. Exception prove the rule, 187. Excess, desire of knowledge in, 165. desire of power in, 165. nothing in, 757. of glory obscured, 225. of it, give me, 74. of light, blasted with, 382. of wealth is cause of covetousness, 41. our own prodigal, 483. to be blamed, 195. wasteful and ridiculous, 79. Exchequer of the poor, 81. rob me the, 86. Excise our brains, 413. Excitement, be not hurried by, 746. Excrement, general, 109. Excuse, fault worse by the, 80. for being, beauty is its own, 599. for the glass, she 'll prove, 442. I will not, 605. in her face, came prologue, 239. Excused his devilish deeds, 232. Excusing a fault makes it worse, 80. Execrable shape, what art thou, 229. Execute the villany you teach me, 63. their airy purposes, 224. Executes a freeman's will, 538. Exemplary, lives in acts, 36. Exempt from public haunt, 67. Exercise, for cure depend on, 270. strength of mind, 317. the principle of health, 358. the sad mechanic, 631. Exhalation, like a bright, 99. rose like an, 225. Exhalations of the dawn, 504. Exhaled and went to heaven, 308. he was, 270. Exhausted worlds, 366. Exhilarate the spirit, 417. Exile from home, 568. of Erin, poor, 515. Exiles feed on hope, 695. Existence, I called the new world into, 464. love is woman's sole, 556. soul secured in her, 299. struggle for, 622. Exit, called to make our, 436. Exits and their entrances, 69. Expatiate free o'er all this, 314. Expatiates in a life to come, 315. Expectancy and rose of the state, 136. Expectation, better bettered, 50. fails, oft, 73. makes a blessing dear, 256. rise, bids, 398. to bury them, merely in, 222. Expects nothing, blessed who, 347. Expediency, a principle not, 609. party honesty is party, 669. Expedient to forget sometimes, 709. Expedients with such a king, 352. Expensive, gratitude is, 430. Experience be a jewel, 45. from home, 568. gained my, 70. ignorant in spite of, 376. keeps a dear school, 360. lamp of, 429. made him sage, long, 348. old, do attain, 250. sharp mordant of, 663. tells in every soil, 395. to make me sad, 71. Experiment, full tide of successful, 435. Explain a thing till all doubt, 332. spoil it by trying to, 441. the asking eye, 328. Expletives their feeble aid to join, 324. Exploits, glorious, 727. Explore the thought, 328. Expose thyself to feel, 147. Exposition of sleep, I have an, 58. Express and admirable in form, 134. more than painting can, 301. not so much to, as to conceal, 403. Expressed in fancy, not, 130. thought but ne'er so well, 323. Expression, beyond, 178. Expressive silence, come then, 357. Exquisite, joys too, 496. Exquisitely fine, how, 316. Extant, the story is, 138. Extend a mother's breath, 328. Extent, my offending hath this, 149. Extenuate, as for the brandy nothing, 597. nothing, 156. Exterior, fair, a recommendation, 709. Extravagant and erring spirit, 126. Extreme diseases, 700. few in the, 318. hate in the like, 345. perplexed in the, 156. remedies, 700. Extremes by change more fierce, 228. heard so oft in worst, 224. in man and nature, 317, 322. meet, 808. Extremity, a daring pilot in, 267. in man's most dark, 492. Exultations, agonies and loves, 471. Eye and prospect of his soul, 53. apple of his, 814. apple of the, 818. bear welcome in your, 117. behind you, an you had any, 76. bend your, on vacancy, 141. black is a pearl in woman's, 35. blow the horrid deed in every, 118. brighter when we come, 556. could not 'scape the Almighty's, 314. courtier's soldier's, 136. day's garish, 250. defiance in their, 395. did see that face, 23. dissolved in dew, 427. distinguish not by the, 715. don't view me with a critic's, 459. explain the asking, 328. fades in his, 298. fire in each, 326. for eye tooth for tooth, 813. foresees, whose certain, 343. fringed curtains of thine, 43. glad me with its soft black, 526. great, of heaven, 27. great taskmaster's, 252. guard me with a watchful, 300. half hidden from the, 469. harmony in her bright, 259. harvest of a quiet, 471. hearing ear and seeing, 827. heaven in her, 237. hide her shame from every, 403. I have a good, 50. in a fine frenzy rolling, 59. in my mind's, 128. lack-lustre, looking on it with, 68. light of a dark, 544. light of a pleasant, 655. light of the body is the, 838. like Mars to threaten, 140. lion heart and eagle, 392. locked up from mortal, 258. looks with a threatening, 79. looks yellow to the jaundiced, 325. lovely in her husband's, 465. man a microscopic, 316. muse on nature with a poet's, 513. nature's walks, 375. negotiate for itself, 51. no, hath seen such scarecrows, 86. not satisfied with seeing, 830. of a needle, camel through the, 840. of childhood fears a painted devil, 120. of the day, 6, 251, 434. of Greece, Athens the, 241. of heaven, beauteous, 79. of heaven visits, places that the, 80. of nature, lived in, 468. of newt and toe of frog, 123. of solitude, that inward, 475. of the intellect, 579. of time, 345. of vulgar light, 520. one auspicious and dropping, 127. open alle night with, 1. peril in thine, 105. postern of a small needle's, 82. power behind the, 603. precious seeing to the, 56. pupil of the human, 518. saw me it gave witness to me, 817. sleep all night with open, 1. smile in her, 582. still-soliciting, 146. sublime declared, 232. such beauty as a woman's, 55. sun cannot be looked at with a steady, 794. tear in her, 489. tear stands trembling in her, 343. that inward, 475. the seeing, 827. to watch, no, 522. twinkling of an, 62, 846. unborrowed from the, 467. unforgiving, an, 442. unpresumptuous, 421. upward glancing of an, 497. was dim and cold, his, 589. was in itself a soul, that, 550. was not dim, his, 814. was on the censer, 636. watch in every old man's, 106. wave before the half-shut, 357. welcome in your, your hand, 117. where feeling plays, an, 486. which hath the merriest, 93. white wench's black, 106. who sees with equal, 315. will mark our coming, 556. with a watchful, 300. with his glittering, 498. with threatening, 79. Eyes and eares and every thought, 23. are dim with childish tears, my, 471. are homes of silent prayer, 632. are in his mind, his, 503. as stars of twilight fair, 474. bend on me thy tender, 607. black, and lemonade, 519. book in many's, 104. close up his, 94. closed his, in endless night, 382. cobwebs out of my, 790. cynosure of neighbouring, 248. dear as these, 280. did once inhabit, holes where, 96. displayed the joy of youth, 444. drink to me only with thine, 179. eloquence of, 339. fear of God before their, 844. gifts that took all, 600. glow like the sparks of fire, 202. good for sore, 292. gospel-light from Bullen's, 387. hands were never made to tear each other's, 302. happiness through another man's, 71. hath not a Jew, 63. hell to choose love by another's, 57. I will not give sleep to mine, 824. in scorn of, 96. innocence closing up his, 40. kindling her undazzled, 255. ladies whose bright, 249. light that lies in woman's, 522. light that visits these sad, 383. like stars start from their spheres, 131. look your last, 109. looked love to eyes, 542. love darting, 246. love looks not with the, 57. make pictures when shut, 502. man may see with no, 148. man with large gray, 472. Marlborough's, 365. may weep, those watchful, 511. meet far off, when, 274. night has a thousand, 669. no speculation in those, 122. not a friend to close his, 271. not yet created, 162. of a fool, 827. of gallery critics, 419. of my cash-box, 798. of sentiment, pluck the, 635. of unholy blue, 521. offensive to my, 296. ope their golden, 159. pearls that were his, 42. play the woman with mine, 124. pleasant sights salute the, 655. poorly satisfy our, 174. quaint enamelled, 247. rain influence, 249. read their history in a nation's, 385. reflecting gems, 96. sans, sans teeth, 69. severe, 69. shall cry my, out, 787. she gave me ears she gave me, 469. show his, and grieve his heart, 123. shut, he could go there with his, 761. sights of death within mine, 96. sought the west afar, 487. soul sitting in thine, 249. soul within her, 554. star-like, 200. stood with stupid, 273. streaming, and breaking hearts, 625. sublime with tears, 620. such beaming, 520. sweeter than the lids of Juno's, 77. sweetest, were ever seen, 621. tears gather to the, 630. that shone now dimmed, 523. that would not look on me, 442. the break of day, 49. the glow-worm lend thee, 202. they strike mine, 178. thy dying, were closed, 335. to the blind, feet to the lame, 817. unto dying, 630. wanton, 833. were closed, thy dying, 335. were made for seeing, 599. where'er I turn my ravished, 299. which fail with wakefulness, 590. whose subdued, 157. will not give sleep to mine, 824. wipe my weeping, 303. wiped our, 69. with his half-shut, 326. women's, from, 56. Eyeballs roll, lips tremble and, 333. Eyebrow, ballad to his mistress', 69. Eyelids heavy and red, 585. of the morn, opening, 247. slumber to mine, 824. weigh down my, 89. Eyesight, treasure of his, 104. Eyne, Bacchus with pink, 158.
Fable, in a Libyan, 696. read my little, 929. Fables and legends of the Talmud, 166. Fabric, huge, rose like an exhalation, 225. of the sky, 342. of this vision, baseless, 43. rose silently as a dream, 421. the mystic, sprung, 535. Face, apparitions start into her, 52. Aurora shows her brightening, 367. bury me on my, 763. call it fair not pale, 500. can't I commend another's, 377. climber-upward turns his, 111. continual comfort in a, 23. disasters in his morning, 397. divine, human, 230. excuse in her, 239. familiar with her, 317. features of my father's, 552. finer form or lovelier, 490. garden in her, there is a, 685. give me a look give me a, 178. God has given you one, 136. hides a shining, 423. in his morning, 397. in many a solitary place, 468. in the moon, 766. in the sweat of thy, 812. is as a book, 117. labour bears a lovely, 182. like a benediction, 785. like a blessing, 785. like the milky way, 256. look on her, and you'll forget, 325. magic of a, 200. man had fixed his, as if the, 468. mind's construction in the, 117. music breathing from her, 550. music of her, 259. never eie did see that, 23. no odious furrows in my, 445. nose on a man's face, 44, 192, 772, 785. nose upon his, 415. ocean on whose awful, 610. o'er which a thousand shadows go, 486. of heaven so fine, 107. of joy we wear a, 471. one beloved, on earth, 552. pardoned all except her, 559. princely counsel in his, 227. saw the manners in the, 367. shining morning, 69. shyned bright, her angels, 27. some awful moment, 476. spit in my, 84. stirred with her dream, 558. ten commandments in your, 93. that launched a thousand ships, 41. that makes simplicity a grace, 178. to feel the mist in my, 650. transmitter of a foolish, 354. truth has such a, 269. umbered, see the other's, 92. visit her, too roughly, 128. wave with dimpled, 681. Faces, dusk, with turbans, 240. none alike, 218. of the poor, grind the, 833. sea of upturned, 493, 531. the old familiar, 509. Facility of the octosyllabic verse, 550. Facing fearful odds, 593. Facts and the laws, 671. angularity of, 601. are stubborn things, 392, 800. for poor men's, 36. imagination for his, 443. Faculties, benumbs all his, 369. hath borne his, 118. to bear every event, 742. Faculty divine, visions and, 479. every, contemplates certain things, 744. infinite in, 134. that forms thy judgment, 750. Fade, all that 's bright must, 522. as a leaf, we all do, 835. dazzle as they, 492. may flourish or may, 396. nothing of him that doth, 42. thy eternal summer shall not, 161. Faded like the morning dew, 513. on the crowing of the cock, 127. Fades a summer cloud, so, 434. in his eye, 298. Fading are the joys we dote upon, 281. honours of the dead, 487. in music, a swan-like end, 63. never, serenity of countenance, 299. Faery elves whose midnight revels, 225. lands forlorn, 575. Queen, read the, 663. Fagots and fagots, there are, 797. Fail, if this, 245. if we should, 118. no such word as, 606. nor fall, never to, 745. not ashamed to, 366. not for sorrow, 641. they never, who die in a great cause, 555. we will not, 118. Fails, oft expectation, 73. Failed the bright promise, 535. Failing, every, but their own, 548. Failings leaned to virtue's side, 396. Fain die a dry death, 42. would I but I dare not, 25. would I climb yet fear I to fall, 26. Faint and fear to live alone, 569. heart ne'er won fair lady, 789. in the day of adversity, 828. so spiritless so, 88. why should we, 569. Fair, all that is, by nature good, 29. and crystal river, 180. and ever young, ever, 271. and good as she, 179. and never proud, 151. and softly goes far, 785. and unpolluted flesh, 144. as a star, 469. brave deserves the, 271. chaste and unexpressive she, 70. daffadills we weep to see, 202. day after the, 12. die because a woman 's, 199. divided excellence, 78. eunuchs guardians of the, 310. fat and forty, 495. for all that is, 29. found out a gift for my, 380. good as she was, 455. good-night, to each a, 490. Greece sad relic, 541. hand that hath made you, 49. humanities of old religion, 504. if ladies be but young and, 68. in death, speak me, 65. is foul foul is fair, 115. is she not passing, 44. laughs the morn, 383. lov'd the brightest, 377. maidens are commonly fortunate, 33. matchless Ganymed divinely, 340. Melrose, would'st view, 487. not pale, call it, 500. or good alone, nothing is, 598. round belly with capon lined, 69. science frowned not, 386. she spake full, 1. she was not exceeding, 35. so deadly, 548. spirit rest thee now, 570. spoken and persuading, 101. supreme ambition to be, 377. sweet and, she seems to be, 220. the rose looks, 162. to fair he flew, from, 489. too, to worship, 564. tresses insnare, 326. undress best dress, 357. weather it will be, 840. weather out of the north, 817. what care I how, she be, 26, 199. women and brave men, 542. words never hurt the tongue, 38. words, to give, 12. young and so, 586. Zurich's waters, 677. Fairer, she never studied to be, 35. spirit conveyed, 313. than the day, be she, 199. than the evening air, 41. Fairest of fair Zurich's daughters, 677. of her daughters Eve, 232. of stars, 235. Fairies' coachmakers, 104. midwife, 104. Fairy elves, 225. fiction drest, by, 383. hands their knell is rung, 389. of the mine, swart, 245. takes nor witch hath power, 127. tales did tell, 583. Fairy-like music, what, 677. Faith a passionate intuition, 481. amaranthine flower of, 482. and hope, animated by, 369. and hope, world will disagree in, 318. and morals Milton held, 472. belief ripened into, 481. bible is a book of, 530. fanatic, 525. has centre everywhere, 632. he hath denied the, 847. herself is half confounded, 673. I have kept the, 848. in honest doubt, 633. in some nice tenets, 260. in womankind, 630. inflexible in, 428. is kneeling by his bed, 40. is the substance of things hoped for, 848. man should render reason for his, 460. mirror of constant, 342. modes of, for, 318. now abideth, 845. of many made for one, 318. of reason, no longer in the, 504. perhaps wrong, 260. plain and simple, 114. pure-eyed, 243. simple, more than Norman blood, 624. that right makes might, 622. that wears well, 663. triumphant over fears, 615. unfaithful kept him, 629. we walk by, not by sight, 846. who breaks his, 784. Faith's defender, the, 351. pure shrine, 569. Faithful below he did his duty, 436. dog bear him company, 315. found among the faithless, 235. in action in honour clear, 323. loves shall moralize my song, 27. only he, 235. the wounds of a friend, 829. unto death, be thou, 849. Faithfull frends, fallyng out of, 21. Faithless, among the, faithful, 235. Falcon towering in her pride, 120. Falcons, hopes like towering, 287. Fall, brook with many a, 455. by dividing we, 426. caused man to, 165. caused the angels to, 165. divided we, 595. fain would I climb yet fear to, 26. haughty spirit before a, 826. he that is down needs fear no, 266. it had a dying, 74. never to fail or, 745. no lower, he that 's down can, 212. of a sparrow, 145. out and chide and fight, 302. pride will have a, 13. some, some grow, 338. take heed lest he, 845. though free to, 230. to us is adverse, descent and, 226. what a, was there, 114. Falls as I do, 99. as the leaves do, 184. early or too late, 183. like Lucifer, 99. shallow rivers to whose, 41. with the leaf, 184. Fallen, arise or be forever, 224. Babylon is, 833. from grace, 846. from his high estate, 271. how are the mighty, 815. into the sere the yellow leaf, 124. Lucifer how art thou, 833. on evil days, though, 236. Fallest a blessed martyr, 100. Falling at intervals upon the ear, 422. fear 's as bad as, 160. in melody back, 504. man, cruelty to load a, 101. man, press not a, 99. of a tear, the, 497. with a falling state, 336. world, secure amidst a, 300. Fallings from us vanishings, 478. Falling-off was there, what a, 132. Fallyng out of faithfull frends, 21. False and fleeting as 't is fair, 535. and hollow, all was, 226. as dicers' oaths, 140. fires, kindles on the coast, 484. framed to make women, 151. fugitive, 229. history must be, 304. philosophy, 228. science, the glare of, 428. thou wouldst not play, 117. to any man, canst not be, 130. what was new was, 374. Falsehood and truth grapple, 255. framed, heart for, 442. hath a goodly outside, 61. no, can endure, 234. strife of truth with, 657. under saintly shew, 232. wedded to some dear, 525. Falsely luxurious man, 355. Falstaff sweats to death, 84. Falter not for sin, 641. to, would be sin, 653. Fame, above all Roman, 329. blush to find it, 329. church to God not to, 322. damned to, 354. damned to everlasting, 319. death-bed of, 514. earth sounds my, 344. elates thee, while, 519. family of, 501. fool to, nor yet a, 327. for a pot of ale, 91. from the field of his, 563. gives immortal, 311. grant an honest, 333. great heir of, 251. hard to climb the steep of, 428. hath created something of nothing, 222. I slight, nor, 333. is ephemeral, 752. is no plant, 247. is the spur, 247. martyrdom of, 552. most infamous are fond of, 413. nor yet a fool to, 327. nothing can cover his high, 198. on lesser ruins built, 258. over his living head, 565. rich in barren, 344. shade that follows wealth or, 402. that comes after life, 750. the pious fool outlives in, 296. the rolls of, 345. then was cheap, 275. to patch up his, 412. too fond of, 747. too mighty such monopoly of, 189. unknown to, 339. unknown to fortune and to, 386. what is the end of, 556. what rage for, 431. Fame's eternal beadroll, 28. eternal camping ground, 681. ladder, ascended, 655. proud temple, 428. Familiar as his garter, 91. as household words, 92. as the rose in spring, 752. be thou, but not vulgar, 129. beast to man and signifies love, 45. beauty soon grows, 298. but not coarse, 369. clothing the palpable and, 504. creature, good wine is a, 152. faces, the old, 509. friend, mine own, 851. with her face, 317. with his hoary locks, 588. Familiarity breeds contempt, 712. contempt upon, 45. Familiarly talks of roaring lions, 78. Families, but two, in the world, 789. most ancient, 190. of fame, all the, 501. of yesterday, 286. Family, children of one, 302. father of a, 748. Famine, his, should be filled, 229. is in thy cheeks, 108. philanthropists in time of, 597. they that die by, 283. Famous by my pen, 257. by my sword, 257. found myself, 560. founders of civilization, 531. orators repair, thence to the, 241. to all ages, 254. victory, it was a, 507. Famoused for fight, 161. Fan me while I sleep, 418. brain him with his lady's, 84. Fanatic faith wedded fast, 525. Fancies do we affect, sad, 483. men's more giddy, 75. thick-coming, 125. Fancy bred, where is, 63. bright-eyed, 382. by hopeless, feigned, 630. chuckle, makes one's, 266. draws, gives a glimpse and, 378. fed, hope is theirs by, 381. food of sweet and bitter, 71. free, maiden meditation, 58. his imperial, 457. homebound, 594. like the finger of a clock, 420. most excellent, 144. motives of more, 74. not expressed in, 130. painted her, all my, 682. reason virtue, 357. whispers of, 367. young man's, 625. youthful poet's, 301. Fancy's child, Shakespeare, 249. course, impediments in, 74. maze, wandered long in, 328. meteor ray, misled by, 447. rays the hills adorning, 447. Fanny, Lord, spins, 328. Fanny's way, pretty, 305. Fantasies, no figures nor no, 111. our lightest, 656. thousand, begin to throng, 243. Fantasy, nothing but vain, 105. Fantasy's hot fire, 488. Fantastic, alike, if too new or old, 324. as a woman's mood, 492. fickle fierce and vain, 491. if too new or old alike, 324. summer's heat, 81. toe, light, 248. toys, painted trifles and, 391. tricks, plays such, 48. Fantastical, not in fashion is, 191. Fantastically carved, 90. Far above the great, 382. amid the melancholy main, 357. as angels' ken, 223. as the breeze can bear, 550. as the solar walk, 315. beneath the good how, 382. from gay cities, 345. from mortal cares, 534. from the lips we love, 521. from the madding crowd, 385. he seems so near and yet so, 633. less sweet to live, 521. off his coming shone, 236. press not a falling man too, 99. stretched greatness, 27. Farce is done, the, 770. played by kings and republics, 777. Fardels bear, who would, 136. Fare, brown bread and the gospel is good, 283. thee well and if forever, 552. thee well, isle of beauty, 581. Fared worse, further and, 17. Farewell a long farewell, 99. a word that must be, 548. bade the world, 513. content, 154. forever and forever, 115. goes out sighing, 102. happy fields, 223. hope fear remorse, 231. I only feel farewell, 539. if ever fondest prayer, 539. mercy sighed, 551. that fatal word, 551. the neighing steed, 154. the plumed troop, 154. the tranquil mind, 154. to all my greatness, 99. to every fear I 'll bid, 303. to Lochaber, 671. to thee Araby's daughter, 526. Farewells to the dying, 615. Far-heard whisper, 498. Far-off divine event, one, 634. things, old unhappy, 473. unattained and dim, 680. Farm, each reaps on his own, 701. moderate sized, 693. of the world, 507. Farmer, I have fed like a, 293. Farmers, embattled, 599. Farther from God near the church, 283. off from heaven, 583. Farthing candle to the sun, 311. Fascinate, blandishments will not, 436. Fascination of a name, 422. Fashion, fantastical that is not in, 191. garment out of, 160. glass of, 136. high Roman, 159. of a new doublet, carving the, 51. of his hat, his faith the, 50. of these times, 67. of this world passeth away, 845. out of the world as out of, 296. the world's new, 54. wears out more apparel, 52. Fashions, in words as with, 324. Fashion's brightest arts, 398. Fashionable topics, 402. Fashioned so slenderly, 586. Fashioneth their hearts alike, 819. Fast and loose, 55. bind fast find, 10. by a brook, 428. by the oracle of God, 223. hold, that which is, 847. in fires, confined to, 131. some break their, 263. spare, 249. too late who goes too, 712. Fast-anchored isle, 418. Fast-flitting meteor, 561. Fast-flying cloud, 561. Fasten him as a nail, 834. Fasting for a good man's love, 70. Fat and greasy citizens, 67. contentions, 253. dividends, incarnation of, 564. fair and forty, 495. feed, the ancient grudge, 61. I am resolved to grow, 275. is in the fire, 9. laugh and be, 670. liberal soul shall be made, 826. men about me that are, 111. more, than bard beseems, 357. must stand upon his bottom, 265. oily man of God, 357. one of them is, and grows old, 84. oxen, who drives, 375. things, feast of, 834. waxed, and kicked, 814. weed on Lethe wharf, 131. Fatal and perfidious bark, 247. bellman, the owl, 119. gift of beauty, the, 545. hands, their, 229. shadows that walk by us, 183. so sweet was ne'er so, 156. word farewell, 551. Fate and wish agree, did my, 489. binding nature fast in, 334. cannot harm me, 461. cowards mock the patriot's, 681. cries out, my, 131. display, thy future, 344. each cursed his, 672. eagle's, and mine are one, 219. eternal doom of, 29. fixed, free-will, foreknowledge, 228. forced by, 274. gave me whate'er else denied, 661. hanging breathless on thy, 615. has wove the thread of life, 343. he either fears his, too much, 257. heart for any, 612. heart for every, 553. heaven hides the book of, 315. itself could awe the soul of Richard, 296. limits of a vulgar, 382. man is never wide of his, 599. man meets his, 307. man the fool of, 346. no armour against, 209. no man appears to tell their, 344. no one is so accursed by, 613. of mighty monarchs, 356. of Rome, big with the, 297. seemed to wind him up, 276. sits on these dark battlements, 456. stamp of, 337. struggling in the storms of, 336. take a bond of, 123. things produced by, 765. to bear is to conquer our, 515. torrent of his, 366. true as, 182. where the good man meets his, 307. why should they know their, 381. with a heart for any, 612. Fates and destinies, 62. men are masters of their, 110. of mortal men, the, 341. wills and, so contrary run, 138. Fate's remote decrees, 343. Father Abram, 62. all the world and one's, 797. and mother, honour thy, 695. and my friend, my, 278. antic the law, 83. craves a booby son, booby, 310. feeds his flocks, 392. have a turnip than his, 375. her, loved me, 150. hoarding went to hell, 95. lies, full fathom five thy, 42. mother brethren all in thee, 338. my, made them all, 421. no more like my, 128. of a family, 748. of all in every age, 334. of the man, the child is, 469. Son and Holy Ghost, 278. to that thought, wish was, 90. was before him, happy that his, 293. William, you are old, 506. wise, knows his own child, 62. wise son maketh a glad, 825. Fathers, ashes of his, 593. have eaten sour grapes, 835. sins of the, 699. where are thy, 836. worshipped stocks, our, 252. Father's brother, my, 128. face, features of my, 552. house, chimneys in my, 94. house, daughters of my, 76. house, many mansions in my, 843. joy mother's pride, 492. spirit, I am thy, 131. Fathered, so, and so husbanded, 112. Father-in-law, fine thing to be, 454. Fatherly, I cannot lift it up, 657. Fathom five, thy father lies full, 42. five, under the Rialto, 554. line could never touch ground, 84. Fatigued with life, 513. Fattest hog in Epicurus' sty, 393. Fault against the dead, 127. condemn the, and not the actor, 47. every man has his, 109. excusing of a, makes it worse, 80. grows two thereby, 205. he that does one, 301. I see, hide the, 334. in great matters, 724. is not in our stars, 110. just hint a, 327. of a penetrating wit, 796. of angels and of gods, 335. of fools, wise men avoid the, 725. one loves him better for all his, 401. on one side, 796. political, 805. proudly clung to their first, 643. rich without a, 337. seeming monstrous, 70. their stars were more in, 287. to heaven to nature, 127. Faults, all his, observed, 115. be blind to her, 287. England with all her, 413. England with all thy, 418. if he had any, 399. in vain you quote my, 511. lie gently on him, 100. men moulded out of, 50. thou hast no, 295. to be conscious of no, 579. to scan, careless their, 396. to see all others', 319. world of vile ill-favoured, 46. Faultily faultless, 631. Faultless body, 342. monster, 279. piece to see, thinks a, 323. Favour is deceitful, 829. must come to this, 144. Favours are denied, when, 362. call, nor for her, 333. given, pleased with, 362. hangs on princes', 99. lively sense of future, 304. sweet and precious, 451. Favourite has no friend, 381. sin, his, 507. to be a prodigal's, 475. Favourites, early death, heaven gives its, 546. Fawne and crouch, 30. Fawning, thrift may follow, 137. Fayre and fetisly, spake ful, 1. Fear, adored through, 421. and bloodshed, 476. and sorrow, pine with, 29. bid farewell to every, 303. boys with bugs, 72. cannot taint with, 124. death in every hedge, 783. death, men, 164. each bush an officer, 95. early and provident, 411. God honour the king, 849. God nothing else to fear, 391. in the night, imagining some, 59. is affront, 313. is as bad as falling, the, 160. is sharp-sighted, 785. may force a man, 11. mother of form and, 39. no, in love, 849. not and be just, 100. not guilt, those who, 413. not to touch the best, 25. of death, 711. of God before their eyes, 844. o' hell 's a hangman's whip, 448. of kings, 64. perfect love casteth out, 849. strange that men should, 112. thy nature, yet do I, 117. to be we know not what, 276. to die, cowards may, 26. to fall yet fain would climb, 26. to live alone, 569. Fears and saucy doubts, 122. do make us traitors, 123. faith triumphant o'er our, 615. God and knows no other fear, 391. his fate too much, 257. hope when it dawns from, 491. humanity with all its, 615. humble cares and delicate, 469. more, than wars or women have, 99. no, to beat away, 482. of the brave, 365. our hopes belied our, 583. present, less than imaginings, 116. prosperity is not without many, 164. Fearful adversaries, souls of, 95. goodness is never, 49. joy, snatch a, 381. odds, facing, 593. summons, upon a, 126. Fearfully and wonderfully made, 824. Fearing to attempt, 47. Feast, as you were going to a, 178. beginning of a, 87. chief nourisher in life's, 120. enough is good as a, 20, 38, 363. gorgeous, 246. imagination of a, 81. invite your friend to a, 694. merry, great welcome makes a, 50. merry heart hath a continual, 826. of Crispian, is called the, 92. of fat things, 834. of languages, have been at a, 56. of nectared sweets, 245. of reason and flow of soul, 328. sat at any good man's, 68. Feasts, wedlock compared to public, 176. Feasting, house of, 830. presence, full of light, 109. Feather, a wit 's a, chief a rod, 319. bed betwixt a wall, 211. birds of a, 191. drown a fly or waft a, 306. from an angel's wing, 484. her winged spirit is, 36. if wafted downward, 614. of his own, espied a, 219. on the fatal dart, his own, 539. that adorns the royal bird, 689. Feathers, see their own, plucked, 518. she plumes her, 244. two-legged animal without, 763. Feathered Mercury, rise like, 86. my nest, 771. Feats of broil and battle, 150. Feature, cheated of, 95. outward form and, 503. so scented the grim, 239. weeds of glorious, 30. Features, homely, 246. of men, differences in, 718. of my father's face, 552. Fed of the dainties, bred in a book, 55. show lowly taught and highly, 73. Federal union must be preserved, our, 458. Fee, set my life at a pin's, 131. the doctor, than, 270. Fees, contentions and, flowing, 253. clear of the grave, 598. Feeble, if virtue, were, 246. most forcible, 89. temper, man of such, 110. Feed fat the ancient grudge, 61. he that doth the ravens, 67. me with a shepherd's care, 300. my revenge if nothing else, 63. on floures and weeds, 30. on hope, to, 29. on prayers, 25. Feeds and breeds by a composture, 109. himself his neighbor and me, 658. Feeder, blasphemes his, 246. Feel and to possess, 541. another's woe, teach me to, 334. it most, those who, 566. like one who treads alone, 523. no time to, 594. that I am happier than I know, 237. those who would make us, 412. to feel what wretches, 147. to hear to see to, 541. which they themselves not, 53. your honour grip, 448. Feels a thousand deaths, 308. at each thread, 316. meanest thing that, 472. the noblest acts the best, 654. the wanton stings, 47. Feeling deeper than thought, 653. eye where, plays, 486. hearts touch them but rightly, 455. high mountains are a, 543. is quick and transient, 648. of his business, 143. of sadness and longing, 614. petrifies the, 448. plays, an eye where, 486. sensible to, as to sight, 119. to the worse, gives greater, 81. Feelings, great, came to them, 634. to mortals given, some, 491. unemployed, waste of, 549. Feet, at her, he bowed, 814. bar my constant, 357. beneath her petticoat, 256. clouted brogues from off my, 160. every turf beneath their, 515. friend's departing, 661. hands wings or, 230. hours with flying, 542. lamp unto my, 823. lie close about his, 634. like snails did creep, 202. many-twinkling, 382. nailed on the bitter cross, 82. of Gamaliel, at the, 843. shoes were on their, 510. standing with reluctant, 614. through faithless leather, 311. time's iron, 610. to the foe, his, 514. to the lame eyes to the blind, 817. two pale, crossed in rest, 667. underneath his, 23. Feetur, haint one agreeable, 659. Felicitie, what more, can fall, 30. Felicities, nature's old, 486. Felicity, absent thee from, 146. and flower of wickedness, 657. God made man to enjoy, 746. in fortune's favours, 737. our own, we make, 367. Fell, by that sin, the angels, 100. Doctor, I do not love thee, 286. down, all of us, 114. great Caesar, 114. like autumn fruit, 276. like stars, they, 496. of hair would rouse and stir, 125. purpose, shake my, 117. swoop, at one, 124. though the brightest, 124. Fellow, covetous sordid, 352. dies an honest, 184. hail, well met, 290. Hannibal was a pretty, 295. hook-nosed, of Rome, 90. in a market-town, 432. in the cellarage, hear this, 132. in the firmament, 112. mad, met me, 86. many a good tall, 83. no feeling of his business, 143. of but one idea, 371, 609. of infinite jest, 144. of no mark nor likelihood, 86. of the selfsame flight, 60. that hath had losses, 53. that hath two gowns, 53. that will have no sovereign, 24. there 's a lean, beats all, 181. touchy testy pleasant, 300. vindictive and touchy, 730. want of it the, 319. with the best king, 93. Fellows, best king of good, 93. nature hath framed strange, 59. of the baser sort, 843. we 're all good, together, 673. young, will be young, 428. Fellow-fault to match it, 70. Fellow-feeling, help others out of, 185. makes one wondrous kind, 387. Fellow-men, one who loves his, 536. Fellowship, manhood nor good, 83. right hands of, 846. Felony to drink small beer, 94. Felt along the heart, 467. as a man, thought as a sage, 428. darkness which may be, 813. in the blood, 467. the halter draw, 440. with spirit so profound, 471. Female errors fall, if to her share, 325. friendship, elegance of, 368. hunting for one fair, 272. mouth, kisses from a, 554. of sex it seems, 242. Feminine, the vision, 594. Fence, cunning in, 76. of rhetoric, dazzling, 246. Fens bogs dens, 228. Ferdinand Mentez Pinto, 294. Fern, grasshoppers under a, 410. Ferre as I can gesse, 6. Festus I plunge, 643. Fetisly, fayre and, spake ful, 1. Festivity, pleasant place of, 544. Fetterless, free and, 680. Fetters off, throws its last, 572. Fever, after life's fitful, 121. Fever of the world, the, 467. so when a raging, burns, 303. Few and far between, 514. are chosen, many called but, 840. die and none resign, 435. fit audience though, 236. grinders cease because they are, 831. immortal |