be of good, 840. but not inebriate, 312, 420. make good, play and, 20. small, and great welcome, 50. Cheers the tar's labour, tobacco, 555. Cheer'd with ends of verse, 212. Cheerer of his spirits, 207. Cheerful as to-day, to-morrow, 321. at morn he wakes, 394. countenance, 826. dawn, may-time and the, 474. godliness in, 472. hour, God sends a, 252. ways of men, 230. yesterdays, man of, 481. Cheerly she loves me dearly, 574. Cheese, moon made of green, 19, 771. Cheese-paring, man made of, 90. Chelsea, dead as, 854. Chequered shade, dancing in the, 248. Cherish and to obey, 851. heart something to, 617. life let us, 805. those hearts that hate thee, 100. to love and to, 850. Cherries hang that none may buy, 685. those, fairly do enclose, 685. Cherry, like to a double, 58. ripe, ripe, ripe, I cry, 201. ripe themselves do cry, 685. three bites of a, 773. Cherry-isle, there 's the land, 201. Cherry-pit, to play with Satan at, 76. Cherub, he rode upon a, 818. sweet little, 436. Cherubs and on cherubims, 23. Cherubim, heaven's, 118. Cherubims, on cherubs and on, 23. Cherubin, rose-lipped, 155. Cherubins, young-eyed, 65. Chest of drawers by day, 397. Chester charge on Stanley on, 490. Cheveril consciences, 193. Chew the cud and are silent, 410. Chewed and digested, books to be, 168. Chewing the food of fancy, 71. Chi fa ingiuria non perdona mai, 275. Chian strand, on the, 503. Chicken and champagne, 350. she 's no, 292. Chickens, all my pretty, 124. come home to roost, 606. count their, ere they are hatched, 214, 791. curses are like young, 606. hen gathereth her, 841. Chief among the blessed three, 611. a rod, wit 's a feather a, 319. hail to the, 491. octogenarian, the, 545. of a thousand for grace, 682. Chiefs in bloody fights, 337. scion of, 547. Chief's pride, vain the, 330. Chiel 's amang ye takin' notes, 449. Child again, make me a, 668. a naked new-born, 438. a simple, draws its breath, 466. as yet a, nor yet a fool, 327. dreads the fire, a burnt, 16. happy Christian, 534. her innocence a, 270. I have seen a curious, 480. infirm, fear not then thou, 600. in simplicity a, 335. is father of the man, a, 469. is not mine as the first was, 657. like a tired, 566. listens like a three years', 498. meet nurse for a poetic, 489. of many prayers, 614. of misery, baptized in tears, 427. of mortality, 434. of nature, behold the, 318. of our grandmother Eve, 54. of suffering, 636. of the skies, 674. of Ver, first-born, 199. room of my absent, 79. Rowland to the dark tower came, 147. Shakespeare, fancy's, 249. spake as a, 845. spare the rod spoil the, 213, 262. sports of children satisfy the, 394. to have a thankless, 146. train up a, 827. what constitutes a, 744. when I was a, 845. where is my, 550. wise father knows his own, 62. Childhood, careless strayer, 381. eye of, 120. fears a painted devil, 120. fleeted by, how my, 595. give me my, again, 668. in my days of, 509. scenes of my, 537. shows the man, 241. there was a place in, 583. womanhood and, fleet, 614. Childhood's hour, from, 526. Childish days, sweet, 470. ignorance, it was a, 583. tears, eyes are dim with, 471. things, I put away, 845. treble, turning again toward, 69. Childishness, second, 69. Childless with all her children, 321. Childlike and bland, 669. Children, airy hopes my, 480. and fools cannot lie, 15. as gypsies serve stolen, 441. bright and agreeable, 746. call her blessed, 829. childless with all her, 321. father's sin upon the, 699. fear in, increased with tales, 164. fear to go in the dark, 164. followed with endearing wile, 397. gathering pebbles, 241. impediments to great enterprises, 165. learn to creep, 15. like olive plants, 824. mother who talks about her, 608. nature fits all her, 650. nine small, 687. no longer any, 798. of a larger growth, 275. of an idle brain, 105. of light, 842. of one family fall out, 302. of the brain, books the, 291. of the sun, 311. of this world, 842. Rachel weeping for her, 838. sports of, 394. tale which holdeth, from play, 34. through the mirthful maze, led, 395. to liberal studies, 729. toys to the great, leave, 357. wisdom justified of her, 839. wives and grandsires, 804. Children's teeth set on edge, 835. Chill November's surly blast, 446. penury, 384. Chills the lap of May, 394. Chimera, what a, is man, 799. Chimaeras dire, Hydras and, 228. Chime, bells do, 205. faintly as tolls the evening, 518. heard their soothing, 523. to guide their, 262. Chimes at midnight, 90. Chimney in my father's house, 94. stockings were hung by the, 527. Chimney-corner, men from the, 34. Chimney-pots, what tiles and, 511. Chimney-sweepers come to dust, 160. Chin, close-buttoned to the, 422. dimple on his, 31. new-reaped like a stubble-land, 83. some bee had stung, 256. China fall, though, 322. to Peru, mankind from, 365, 403. Chinee, the heathen, 669. Chink, importunate, 410. Chinks of her body, 221. shall have the, 105. that time has made, 221, 456. Chip of the old block, 412. Chisel trace, ne'er did Grecian, 490. Chivalry, age of, is gone, 410. beauty and her, 542. charge with all thy, 515. Spain's, 560. Choice and master spirits, 112. feast, light and, 252. goes by forever, 657. Hobson's, 857. in rotten apples, there 's small, 72. life's business being the terrible, 65. of difficulties, 673. of loss, rather makes, 158. word and measured phrase, 470. Choicely good, old-fashioned but, 208. Choirs, bare ruined, 162. Choleric word in the captain, 48. Choler, aggravate your, 89. Choose a firm cloud, 321. an author as you choose a friend, 278. love by another's eyes, 57. not alone a proper mate, 417. thine own time, 433. where to, their place, 240. which of the two to, 298. Choosers, beggars must be no, 14, 197. Choosing and beginning late, 238. Chord in melancholy, 584. in unison is touched, 422. smote the, of self, 625. Chords, smote on all the, 625. that vibrate sweetest pleasure, 452. Chorus, landlord's laugh was ready, 451. Chorus-note, the fisher's, 674. Chosen, but few are, 840. the less is to be, 7. Christ, gave his soul unto his captain, 82. it is a goodly sight to see, 540. ring in the, 633. that it were possible, ah, 631. to live is, 847. went agin war an' pillage, 659. Christian charity, rarity of, 586. child, a happy, 534. days, in these, 534. dupe, gamester, 388. faithful man, as I am a, 96. ground, every vice on, 332. is God Almighty's gentleman, a, 268. is the highest style of man, a, 308. perfectly like a, 336. thou persuadest me to be a, 844. Christians agree in essential articles, 370. good, good citizens, 529. have burnt each other, 556. love one another, how these, 756. of the best edition, 772. what these, are, 62. Christianity was muscular, his, 609. Christ-like for sin to grieve, 793. Christmas comes but once a year, 20. desire a rose at, 54. 't was the night before, 527. Chronicle small beer, 151. Chronicles, look in the, 72. Chronicler, such an honest, 101. of the time, 134. Chrononhotonthologos, 285. Chrysippus, books of, 765. sophism of, 765. Chrysolite, one entire and perfect, 156. Chuck, be innocent dearest, 121. Chuckle, make one's fancy, 266. Church army physic law, 424. built God a, 415. by daylight, can see a, 50. forgotten the inside of a, 86. Church, plain as way to parish, 68. seed of the, 756. to be of no, is dangerous, 369. where bells have knolled to, 68. where God built a, 770. who builds to God a, 322. without a bishop, 588. Churches, chapels had been, 60. the scab of, 175. with spire steeples, 504. Church-door, wide as a, 107. Church-going bell, 416. Churchyard mould, 585. stone, some beneath the, 595. thing, a palsy-stricken, 575. Churchyards yawn, when, 139. Churl, chaff-threshing, 790. Churlish, the reply, 72. Chymist, fiddler statesman, 268. Cicero, Demosthenes or, 459. Cigar, give me a, 555. Cimmerian darkness, 513. Cincinnatus ploughing in his field, 719. Cinders ashes dust, 574. Cinnamon, tinct with, 575. Cipher too, he could write and, 397. Circle of the golden year, 625. spreads, the desert, 507. swinging round the, 678. within that, none durst walk, 275. Circled orb, changes in her, 106. Circuit is Elysium, within whose, 94. runs the great, 420. Circulating library, 440. Circumcised dog, 157. Circumlocution office, 652. Circumstance allows, best his, 307. breasts the blows of, 633. creature of, 608. lie with, 72. of glorious war, 154. slave of, and impulse, 554. Circumstances alter cases, 580. creatures of men, 608. discordant harmony of, 409. fortuitous, 494. over which I have no control, 463. Circumvent God, one that would, 143. Cistern, wheel broken at the, 831. Citadel, towered, 158. winged sea-girt, 541. Cities, crowded, wail its stroke, 562. far from gay, 345. hum of human, 543. remote from, lived a swain, 348. seven, warred for Homer, 189, 194. towered, please us, 249. Citizen of the world, 605, 739, 764. Citizens before man made us, 657. fat and greasy, 67. good Christians good, 529. City, better than he that taketh a, 827. Cain the first, made, 261. long in populous, pent, 239. of the great king, 820. of the soul, Rome the, 546. that is set on an hill, 838. City's ancient legend, 626. Civet, give me an ounce of, 148. in the room, talk with, 415. Civil discord, effects from, 299. over violent or over, 268. sea grew, at her song, 57. so, that nobody thanked him, 373. too, by half, 440. Civilities of life, the sweet, 273. Civility, I see a wild, 201. Civilized man, founders of, 608. Clad in blue and gold, 456. in complete steel, 244. russet mantle, 127. Claes, gars auld, 447. Claim higher, Bourbon or Nassau, 283. Claims of long descent, 624. Clamours, Jove's dread, 154. Clap of thunder in a fair day, 266. Clapper-clawing one another, 213. Claret is the liquor for boys, 374. Clarion, sound sound the, 493. spring shall blow her, 565. Clasp his teeth, drunkard, 34. of things divine, 620. Clasps, that book in gold, 104. Classic ground, 299. Classical quotation, 374. Clay, blind his soul with, 630. Caesar dead and turned to, 144. if, could think, 483. of humankind, porcelain, 277. porcelain of human, 558. potter power over the, 844. tenement of, 267. turf that wraps their, 390. Clean, keep, be as fruit, 264. Cleanliness next to godliness, 359. Cleanly, leave sack and live, 88. Cleanness of body, 170. Cleanse the stuffed bosom, 125. Clear as a whistle, 351. deep yet, 257. fire and a clean hearth, 508. in his great office, 118. the coast was, 40. Clearer than the noonday, 816. Cleon dwelleth in a palace, 653. hath a million acres, 653. Cleopatra died, since, 158. nose of, 799. Clergymen, men women and, 461. Clerk foredoomed, 326. me no clerks, 861. scarce less illustrious, 416. ther was of Oxenforde, 1. Clerks, greatest not the wisest, 3, 17. Clever, let who will be, 664. man by nature, 457. men are good, 578. Clicked behind the door, 397. Clients, nest-eggs to make, 215. Cliff, as some tall, 397. Cliffs rent asunder, like, 500. Climate, cold, or years, 238. Climb, fain would I, 26. how hard it is to, 428. not a tall, 26. Climber upward turns his face, 111. Climbing sorrow, down thou, 146. Clime, cold in blood, cold in, 549. Crusaders from some infernal, 635. deeds done in their, 549. in every, adored, 334. in every age and, 349. in some brighter, 433. in the eastern, 234. our tongue is known in every, 605. soft as her, 554. to make a happy fireside, 449. to ravage all the, 428. Climes beyond the western main, 395. cloudless, and starry skies, 551. humours turn with, 321. Clink of hammers, 296. Clip an angel's wings, 574. Cloaca of uncertainty, 799. Cloak, martial, around him, 563. not alone my inky, 127. take thy old, about thee, 406. Cloaked from head to foot, 632. Clock, like the finger of a, 420. long hour by Shrewsbury, 88. the varnished, 397. worn out with eating time, 276. Clod, to become a kneaded, 48. Clog of his body, 221. Cloistered virtue, fugitive and, 254. Close against the sky, 583. love that never found his, 625. of the day, at the, 428. our souls sit, 274. the shutters fast, 420. the wall up with our English dead, 91. up his eyes and draw the curtain, 94. Close-buttoned to the chin, 422. Closeness, all dedicated to, 42. Close-shorn sheep, 206. Closet, do very well in a, 353. Cloth, cut my coat after my, 12. to us, meat drink and, 773. Clothe a man with rags, 828. my naked villany, 96. Clothed and in his right mind, 841. in black or red, 1. in sorrow's dark array, 802. Clothes, brushers of noblemen's, 171. meat fire and, 322. through tattered, 148. up he rose and donned his, 142. wantonness in, 201. when he put on his, 400. Clothing the palpable and familiar, 504. Cloud, a fast-flying, 561. by day, 813. choose a firm, 321. in shape of a camel, 139. joy the luminous, 502. like a man's hand, 815. nature is a mutable, 601. of witnesses, 848. out of the sea, 815. overcome us like a summer's, 122. sable, 243. sits in a foggy, 123. so fades a summer, 434. sun will pierce the thickest, 650. that 's dragonish, 158. through a fleecy, 250. thrown on with a pitchfork, 292. which wraps the present hour, 380. with silver lining, 243. Clouds and changing skies, 573. castles in the, 357. dropped down from the, 86. dropping from the, 356. he that regardeth the, 831. heavily in, brings the day, 297. hooded like friars, 613. I saw two, at morning, 677. impregns the, 233. looks in the, 111. never king dropped out of the, 196. no more through rolling, 539. of glory, trailing, 477. peaks most wrapt in, 543. play i' the plighted, 244. robe of, throne of rocks, 553. rolling, are spread, 397. sees God in, 315. sit in the, and mock us, 89. smiles the, away, 550. spots and, in the sun, 189. that gather round the setting sun, 478. that loured upon our house, 95. that shed May flowers, 233. thy, dispel all other, 564. warriors fought upon the, 112. Cloud-capped towers, 43. Cloudless clear and beautiful, 553. Clouted brogues, 160. shoon, 245. Cloy the hungry edge of appetite, 81. Cloyless sauce, sharpen with, 157. Clubs typical of strife, 420. Cluster, woes, 308. Clutch the golden keys, 633. thee, come let me, 119. Coach and six, 855. come my, 142. fly of the, 797. go call a, 285. O for a, ye gods, 285. Coach-house, a double, 507. Coachmakers, the fairies', 104. Coal and salt, mines for, 563. Coals of fire on his head, 828, 844. Coarse, familiar but not, 369. Coast, stern and rock-bound, 569. to reach the distant, 416. was clear, the, 40. Coat, after my cloth cut my, 12. buttoned down before, 596. herald's, without sleeves, 87. of many colours, 813. riband to stick in his, 646. Coats, glittering in golden, 86. hole in a' your, 449. Cobham, brave, 321. Cobwebs, laws are like, 757. out of my eyes, 790. Cock, early village, 97. on his own dunghill, 14, 710. on the crowing of the, 127. this is a, 788. Cocks that will kill fighting, 734. Cockloft is empty, often the, 222, 772. Cockle hat and staff, 405. Cockles of the heart, 853. Code, shrines to no, 562. Codeless myriad of precedent, 627. Coffee which makes the politician wise, 326. Coffin, care adds a nail to our, 431. Cofre, litel gold in, 1. Cogibundity of cogitation, 285. Cogitative faculties immersed, his, 285. Cohesive power of public plunder, 529. Cohorts were gleaming, 551. Coign of vantage, 117. Coil, not worth this, 78. shuffled off this mortal, 135. Coin, gold and silver not the only, 699. pays him in his own, 293. that purchases all things, 792. Coins, authors grow dear like, 329. Coinage of your brain, 141. Coincidence, a strange, 559. Cold and unhonoured, 519. as a cucumber, 197. as any stone, 91. boughs which shake against the, 167. ear of death, 384. foot and hand go, 23. friendship sounds too, 524. in clime are cold in blood, 549. indifference came, 301. in the summer of her age, 276. iron, meddles with, 211. lest the bargain catch, 159. marble leapt to life, 564. marble, sleep in dull, 99. neutrality of a judge, 411. obstruction, to lie in, 48. on Canadian hills, 427. performs the effect of fire, 228. that moderates heat, 792. the changed perchance the dead, 545. 't is bitter, 126. waters to a thirsty soul, 828. words congealed by, 738. Coldest that ever turned up ace, 159. Coldly furnish forth, 128. heard, so, 606. sweet so deadly fair, so, 548. think'st I speak too, 523. Coldness still returning, 466. Cold-pausing caution, 447. Coleridge, mortal power of, 486. Coliseum, when falls the, 546. while stands the, 546. Collar, braw brass, 447. Collection of books a university, 580. College joke to cure the dumps, 290. or a cat, endow a, 322. Collied night, lightning in the, 57. Collier and a barber fight, 363. Cologne, wash your city of, 505. Collop of thy own flesh, 14. Coloquintida, bitter as, 151. Colossus bestride the world, 110. Colour, horse of that, 75. imbues with a new, 545. of virtue, blushing is the, 283. Colours a suffusion, 502. coat of many, 815. idly spread, mocking the air, 80. of the rainbow, 244. that are but skin-deep, 282. under whose, he had fought, 82. Colouring, take a sober, 478. Columbia happy land, 465. sons of, 675. to glory arise, 674. Columbine, what 's that a, 35. Column pointing at the skies, 322. rising towards heaven, 529. thou nameless, 546. throws up a steamy, 420. where London's, 322. Combat deepens, the, 515. whose wit in the, 519. Combination and a form, 140. of circumstances, 494. Combine, when bad men, 408. Combustion and confused events, 120. Come again, cut and, 444. and men may go, 627. and trip it as you go, 248. as the waves come, 493. as the winds come, 493. avoid what is to, 141. forth into the light, 466. gentle spring, 355. hitherto shalt thou, 817. home to men's bosoms, 164. if it be now 't is not to, 145. immense pleasure to, 380. in our time to, 108. in the evening or morning, 680. into the garden Maud, 631. jump the life to, 118. like shadows so depart, 123. live with me and be my love, 40. men may, 627. o'er the moonlit sea, 611. of things to, 102. one come all, 491. past and to, seems best, 89. perfect days, if ever, 658. rest in this bosom, 522. then expressive silence, 357. thou monarch of the vine, 158. to good, it cannot, 128. to the bridal chamber, 562. to the sunset tree, 570. to this, that it should, 128. unto these yellow sands, 42. wander with me, 611. what come may, 116. what may I have been blessed, 549. when it will come, 112. when sorrows come, 142. when the heart beats, 562. when you 're looked for, 680. when you call them, 85. whistle and I 'll, 198, 449. without warning, 680. Comes a reckoning, 348. after, that which, 752. not in my books, 198. to be denied, 193, 350. to pass, never never, 454. unlooked for if at all, 333. Comedy, the world is a, 389. Comely but not costly, 32. Jack was so, 436. love, sincerity and, 52. Comet, like a, burned, 229. Comets seen, there are no, 112. Comfort and command, 475. be to my age, 67. continuall, in a face, 23. flows from ignorance, 287. friends and foes, to, 400. from above, 674. speak, to that grief, 53. spring, whence can, 479. thou art all, 160. to have companions, 192. Comforts, adversity is not without, 164. our creature, 283. Comforters, miserable, are ye all, 817. Comfortlesse dispaires, 30. Coming events cast shadows, 514. eye will mark our, 556. far off his, shone, 236. good time, there 's a, 653. guest, welcome the, 328, 346. hour o'erflow with joy, 73. meet thee at thy, 833. on of grateful evening, 233. Command, correspondent to, 42. my heart and me, 258. much more invitation than, 297. success, not in mortals to, 297. Commandeth her husband, she, 222. Commandments, keep his, 832. set my ten, 93. ten, will not budge, 661. two great, 591. Commandress of the world, 35. Commend, another's face, 377. Commendations, good at sudden, 101. of age, 171. Commends the ingredients, 118. Comment, meek nature's evening, 483. Commentator, transatlantic, 592. Commentators, plain, give me, 443. shun each dark passage, 311. Commerce long prevails, where, 394. to promote, 310. wealth and, 680. Commercing with the skies, 249. Commiseration, brotherly, 578. Commit the oldest sins, 90. Commodity of good names, 83. Common arbitrator time, 102. as light is love, 566. curse of mankind, 102. growth of mother earth, 468. he nothing, did, 263. make it too, 88. men, in the roll of, 85. mind, education forms, 320. natures, same with, 313. of literature, grazed the, 376. passage, act of, 160. people of the skies, 174. souls, vulgar flight of, 393. sun the air the skies, 386. task, trivial round, 569. things because they are, 720. thought, to have, 321. to friends, all things, 705. use, remote from, 556. walk of men, beyond the, 307. way, life's, 472. Commonplace of nature, 473. Common-sense, rich in saving, 627. Commonwealth, an ordinary, 369. to lie abroad for the, 175. Communicated, good the more, 235. Communications, evil, 846. Communion sweet, quaff in, 235. with nature's visible forms, 572. with the skies, 414. Compact, are of imagination all, 59. Companies of men, busy, 263. Companion, book is a blessed, 597. even thou my, 851. on a journey, 708. Companions, comfort to have, 192. for middle age, 165. I have had playmates, 509. innocence and health his best, 396. in musing, 714. musing on, gone, 489. of a disturbed imagination, 688. of the spring, 438. thou 'dst unfold, 155. Companionship in peace, 103. Company, crowds without, 431. good discourse and good, 208. high-lived, 402. in a journey, good, 207. man is like his, 699. man who makes no figure in, 376. not so much to enjoy, 368. of ladies, fond of the, 376. of righteous men, 698. shirt and a half in my, 87. tell thee by thy, 789. villanous, the spoil of me, 86. with pain and fear, in, 476. Compare, beautiful beyond, 497. great things with small, 230. Comparisons are odious, 7, 40, 177, 789. are odorous, 52. make no, 398. of a disturbed imagination, 412. Compass, a narrow, 220. I mind my, and my way, 354. no points of the, on the chart of patriotism, 638. of a guinea, within the, 536. of the notes, through all the, 271. Compassed by the inviolate sea, 623. Compassion, bowels of, 849. courage and, joined, 299. Compatriots, all men are my, 779. Compelled sins, our, 48. Competence, health peace and, 319. Competency lives longer, 60. Complements, captain of, 106. Complete steel, clad in, 244. steel, armed with more than, 40. Complexion, mislike me not for my, 62. of virtue, 764. to this, thou must come, 388. Complexions, coarse, 246. Complies against his will, 215. Compliments are loss of time, 387. Composture of excrement, 109. Compound for sins, 211. of villanous smell, 46. Compounded of many simples, 70. Comprehend all vagrom men, 52. Comprehends some bringer of joy, 59. Compromise, founded on, 409. Compulsion, a reason on, 85. fools by heavenly, 146. in music, sweet, 250. Compulsive ardour gives the charge, 140. course, icy current and, 155. Compunctious visitings, 117. Computation backward, 169. Compute, we partly may, 448. Comus and midnight crew, 383. Concatenation accordingly, 401. of circumstances, 534. of self-existence, 401. Concave, that tore hell's, 224. Conceal his thoughts, speech to, 800. the mind, talk only to, 310. Concealing, hazard of, 448. Concealment like a worm in the bud, 75. Conceit in weakest bodies, 141. what are they in their high, 598. wise in his own, 828. wiser in his own, 828. Conceits, wise in your own, 844. Conceive nor name thee, 120. Concentred in a life intense, 544. Conception of the joyous prime, 28. Concern, charity all mankind's, 318. Concerns of man, indifferent to the, 703. Concerted harmonies, 580. Concessions of the weak, 408. Conciliation of interests, 795. Conclusion, a foregone, 155. lame and impotent, 151. of the whole matter, 832. Concord, heart with heart in, 485. holds, firm, 227. of sweet sounds, 66. sweet milk of, 124. Concourse of atoms, fortuitous, 284. Condemn the fault, 47. the wrong yet pursue it, 295. you me, 180. Condemned alike to groan, 381. into everlasting redemption, 53. the wretch, 398. Condemns me, every tale, 97. Condescend, men of wit will, 290. Condition, highest, rises in the lowest, 713. honour and shame from no, 319. not a theory, 669. of doing nothing, 148. wearisome, 35. Conduct, advice cannot inspire, 796. and equipage, 285. genteel in, 285. of a clouded cane, 326. still right, his, 399. Confabulate or no, if birds, 417. Confer, minds nothing to, 487. Conference maketh a ready man, 168. Confess yourself to heaven, 141. Confession, suicide is, 533. Confidence, filial, inspired, 421. of reason give, 475. of twenty-one, towering in the, 376. plant of slow growth, 364. Confident to-morrows, man of, 481. Confine, on the very verge of her, 146. spirit hies to his, 126. Confines of daylight and truth, 255. of earth, on the, 674. Confirm the tidings as they roll, 300. Confirmations strong, 154. Conflict, dire was the noise of, 236. heat of, through the, 476. irrepressible, 595. the rueful, 473. Conformity is the virtue in most request, 601. Confounded, faith is half, 673. Confusion made his masterpiece, 120. on thy banners wait, 383. so quick bright things come to, 57. worse confounded, 230. Congenial to my heart, 398. Conger, Antagoras boiling a, 132. Congregate, merchants most do, 61. Congregation, devil has the largest, 286. of vapours, 134. Congress of Vienna dances, 803. Conjectures, I am weary of, 299. Conjure him, in vain did she, 407. Conjuror—he knew everything, 721. Conned by rote, 115. Conquer, like Douglas, 392. love, they that run away, 200. our fate, to bear is to, 515. twenty worlds, 181. we must, then, 517. Conquering hero comes, see the, 281. so sharpe the, 6. Conqueror, came in with the, 72. every, creates a muse, 220. great Emathian, 252. lie at the proud foot of a, 80. Conquerors, beats all, 181. crier that proclaims the, 733. Conquest, ever since the, 279. of our sovereign might, 29. of the mind, 345. Conquests, tramplings of three, 219. Conquest's crimson wing, 383. Conscience avaunt, 296. bend to our dealings, 661. coward, 97. does make cowards of us all, 136. guilty, never feels secure, 712. hath a thousand tongues, 97. have vacation, 213. is a sure card, a clere, 33. is corrupted with injustice, 94. laws of, 774. of her worth, 237. of the king, catch the, 135. still and quiet, 99. that spark of celestial fire, 425. the chancellor's, 195. trust no man without a, 379. wakes despair, 231. with gallantry, 442. Consciences, cheveril, 193. guilty, make cowards, 691. Conscious stone to beauty grew, 598. that you are ignorant, to be, 609. water blushed, 258. Consciousness remained, a, 481. Consecrated hour, 674. Consecration and the poet's dream, 475. Consent, whispering I will ne'er, 556. silence gives, 401. Consents, my poverty not my will, 108. Consequence, deepest, 116. life is not a theory of, 753. scorn of, 623. trammel up the, 117. Consequences, think of the, 802. Conservative government, 607. Consider the end, 797. the lilies of the field, 838. the reason of the case, 278. too curiously, 144. Consideration like an angel, 90. Considereth the poor, 820. Consistency is a hobgoblin, 601. thou art a jewel, 854. wuz a part of his plan, 659. Consolation, grief crowned with, 157. Consolations in distress, 479. Consoler, death the, 616. Conspicuous by his absence, 747. Constable, outrun the, 212. Constancy in wind, hope, 539. lives in realms above, 500. to purpose, success is, 608. Constant as the northern star, 112. friendship is, save in love, 51. in a wondrous excellence, 163. man but, 44. to me and so kind, 574. to one thing, never, 51, 405. Constellations, happy, 238. Constitution, higher law than the, 595. one country one, 531. Construction, mind's, in the face, 117. Consumed the midnight oil, 348. Consumedly, they laughed, 305. Consummate flower, bright, 235. Consummation devoutly to be wished, 135. Consumption, birds are in, 180. Consumption's ghastly form, 562. Contagion, hell itself breathes out, 139. Contagious blastments, 129. Contemplation, formed for, 232. her best nurse, 244. mind serene for, 349. of my travels, 70. Contemporaneous posterity, 361. Contemporaries, homage from, 591. Contempt and anger of his lip, 76. familiarity breeds, 712. upon familiarity, 45. Content, elegant sufficiency, 355. farewell, 154. good pleasure ease, 318. humble livers in, 98. if hence the unlearned, 325. myself with wishing, 376. poor and, is rich, 153. shut up in measureless, 119. therewith to be, 847. to dwell in decencies, 321. to follow, 339. travellers must be, 67. wants money means and, 70. Contented, when one is, 788. with little, 451. why ar 'n't they all, like me, 689. Contentedness, procurer of, 207. Contention, a man of, 835. Contentions, fat, 253. of the Great Hall, 592. Contentious woman, 829. Contentment fails and honour sinks, 394. of noblest mind, the best, 27. Contest follows, great, 419. Contests from trivial things, 325. Conthraries, drames go by, 582. Contiguity of shade, 418. Continent, whole boundless, 439. Continual dropping wears, 706, 829. feast, merry heart a, 826. plodders, small have, won, 54. Contortions of the sibyl, 412. Contra-alto, even the, 554. Contradiction, woman 's a, 322. Contrary, dreams are ever, 172. runneth not to the, 392. wills and fates run so, 138. Contrive, head to, 255, 430. Control stops with the shore, his, 547. Controls them and subdues, 476. Contumely, proud man's, 135. Convents bosomed deep in vines, 332. Conversation, brisk in, 369. coped withal, 137. does not show the minute-hand, his, 376. perfectly delightful, 461. questioning is not the mode of, 373. Conversation's burrs, 636. Converse, formed by thy, 320. with heavenly habitants, 245. with the mighty dead, 356. Conversing with thee I forget all time, 233. Convey the wise it call, 45. Conveyed, bud to heaven, 500. the dismal tidings, 397. Convinced me, unwillingly, 364. Convincing, thought of, 399. Convolutions of a shell, 480. Cooking is become an art, 187. Cooks are gentlemen, 187. devil sends, 20, 388. epicurean, 157. Cool reflection came, 494. Cool sequestered vale, 385, 425. shade of aristocracy, 537. sweet day so, 204. Cools, answers till her husband, 321. Coolness, dripping with, 537. Cope of heaven, the starry, 234. Cophetua, king, 105. Copious Dryden, 329. Copy, leave the world no, 74. nature's, is not eterne, 121. the princeps, 456. Corages, nature in hir, 1. Coral lip admires, 200. of his bones are, made, 42. of his lip, 31. strand, from India's, 536. Cord, a threefold, 830. silver, be loosed, 831. Cords of motion, pulling the, 754. Cordial, gold in phisike is a, 2. to the soul, 222. Core, wear him in my heart's, 138. Corinthian lad of mettle, 84. Corioli, Volscians in, 103. Cormorant, sat like a, 232. Corn, amid the alien, 575. breast-high amid the, 584. flies o'er the unbending, 324. in chaff, hope, 539. is the sinews of war, 771, 783. like as a shock of, 816. reap an acre of neighbour's, 472. sickle in another man's, 711. two ears of, where one grew, 290. Corne, cometh al this new, 6. the staffe of life, 283. Cornelia, jewels of, 192. Corner, headstone of the, 823. in the thing I love, 154. narrow the, where man dwells, 650. of nonsense, 505. of the housetop, 827. sits the wind in that, 51. was not done in a, 844. Corners of the world, all the, 160. of the world, four, 781. of the world, the three, 80. Corner-stone of a nation, 616. Cornish men, twenty thousand, 687. Coromandel, black men of, 592. Coronation day, kings upon their, 269. Coronets, kind hearts are more than, 624. Corporal oath, take my, 788. sufferance, 48. Corporations have no souls, 24. Corpse of public credit, 531. pain lays not his hand upon a, 696. Correct, easier to be critical than, 607. Corrector of enormous times, 199. Correggios and their Raphaels, 400. Correspondent to command, 42. Corrupt a saint, able to, 83. good manners, 846. Corrupted freemen, 387. the youth of the realm, 94. Corruption destines for their heart, 518. keep mine honour from, 101. lends lighter wings, 322. wins not more than honesty, 100. Corsair's name, he left a, 551. Corse, slovenly unhandsome, 83. to the rampart we hurried, his, 563. Cortez, like stout, 576. Cost a sigh a tear, 433. counteth the, 842. little less than new, 296. Costs, only the first step which, 801. dearest, most valued, 788. Costard, rational hind, 54. Costly, comely but not, 32. thy habit, 139. Cot beside the hill, 455. Cottage might adorn, looks the, 398. my lowly thatched, 568. of gentility, 507. poorest man in his, the, 365. stood beside a, 589. the soul's dark, 221. was near, knew that a, 518. with double coach-house, 507. Cottages, poor men's, 60. Cotton is king, 854. Couch, drapery of his, 572. frowsy, in sorrow steep, 450. grassy, they to their, 233. of war, flinty and steel, 151. Coude songes make, 1. Could bear to be no more, 497. I flow like thee, 257. I fly I 'd fly with thee, 438. Council, mortal instruments in, 111. statesmen at her, 623. Councils of the brave, 526. Counsel and speak comfort, 53. by words darkeneth, 817. in his face yet shone, 227. take and sometimes tea, 326. three may keepe, 6, 17. took sweet, together, 820. virtuous woman's, a, 36. who cannot give good, 190. Counsels, dash maturest, 226. monie, sweet, 451. Counsellors, multitude of, 825. Count a man's years when he has nothing else to, 603. our spoons, let us, 370. that day lost, 688. their chickens, 214. time by heart-throbs, 654. who makes a, 282. Counts his sure gains, 496. Countenance and profit, 164. brightened with joy, 480. damned disinheriting, 442. light of thy, 818, 851. man sharpeneth the, of his friend, 829. merry heart maketh a cheerful, 826. more in sorrow than in anger, 128. never fading serenity of, 299. of truth, bright, 253. Counteraction, action and, 409. Countercheck quarrelsome, 72. Counterfeit a gloom, 250. presentment, 140. Counterfeited glee, with, 397. Counters, such rascal, 114. words are wise men's, 200. Counteth the cost, 842. Countless thousands mourn, 446. Country, bliss to die for our, 340. churchyard, corner of a, 412. dared to love their, 336. die nobly for their, 102. die to save our, 298. down, pride that puts the, 406. essential service to his, 290. for the good of my, 305. God made the, 417. good news from a far, 828. he sighed for his, 515. hated him and loved my, 555. his first best, is at home, 394. I love thee still, my, 418. I tremble for my, 436. in another, 245. left for country's good, 445. man dear to all the, 396. messes, herbs and other, 248. my bleeding, save, 513. my, is the world, 605. my, 't is of thee, 619. nothing but our, 530. one constitution, one, 531. our, however bounded, 638. our, is the world, 605, 760. our, right or wrong, 675. our whole country, our, 530. save in his own, 839. the undiscovered, 136. to be cherished and defended, 638. undone his, 298. wakes, sung ballads at, 274. who serves his, best, 339. with all her faults she is my, 413. Country's cause, his, 336. earth, that pleasant, 82. ends thou aim'st at be thy, 100. good, no glory but his, 571. pride, peasantry their, 396. wishes blessed, 389. Countryman who looked for his ass, 792. Countrymen, all mankind my, 605. applauses of his, 537. friends Romans, 113. hearts of his, 445. Romans, and lovers, 113. what a fall was there my, 114. County Guy the hour is nigh, 494. Courage and compassion, 299. gods look with favour on, 747. mounteth with occasion, 78. never to submit, 223. screw your, to the sticking-place, 118. stout will be put out, 26. whistling to bear his, up, 354. Courageous captain of complements, 106. Couriers of the air, 118. Course, her silent, advance, 237. I have finished my, 848. impediments in fancy's, 74. I must stand the, 148. icy current and compulsive, 155. nature's second, 120. of empire, westward the, 312. of human events, in the, 434. of justice, in the, 65. of love, my whole, 150. of nature is the art of God, 310. of one revolving moon, 268. of true love, 57. planets in their, 456. time rolls his ceaseless, 491. westward the, of empire, 312. whose, is run, 387. Courses even with the sun, 178. like ships that steer their, 211. stars in their, 814. steer their, 211. Coursed down his innocent nose, 67. Court an amorous looking-glass, to, 95. love rules the, 487. when Arthur first in, 406. Courts, a day in thy, 821. of the nation, other, 213. Courted by all the winds, 242. in your girls again, 406. Courteous, the retort, 72. though coy, 444. Courtesies, unwearied spirit in doing, 64. Courtesy, always time for, 603. in the heart of, 34. mirror of all, 98. very pink of, 107. Courtier, heel of the, 143. Courtier's scholar's eye, 136. Courtsied when you have, 42. Coute, le premier pas que, 801. Covenant with death, 834. Coventry, march through, 86. waited for the train at, 626. Cover my head now, 584. to our bones, which serves as, 82. Covert yield, try what the, 315. Covet honour, sin to, 92. Covetous, sordid fellow, 352. when Brutus grows so, 114. Covetousness, cause of, 41. Cow comes home, kiss till the, 197. very good in the field, 371. Coward conscience, 97. flattery to name a, 463. greatest, in the world, 730. on instinct, I was a, 85. scoundrel and a, 370. sneaks to death, 671. stands aside, while the, 657. that would not dare, 489. thou slave thou wretch thou, 79. Cowards, conscience makes, 136. die many times, 112. do not count in, 699. guilty consciences make, 691. mannish, many other, 66. may fear to die, 26. mock the patriot's fate, 681. plague of all, 84. what can ennoble, 319. Cowslips wan, 248. Cowslip's bell, in a, I lie, 43. Coxcombs vanquish Berkeley, 380. Coy and hard to please, 490. courteous though, 444. submission, yielded, 232. Cozenage, strange, 276. Crabbed age and youth, 163. not harsh and, 245. Crab-tree and old iron rang, 211. Crack of doom, stretch out to the, 123. the voice of melody, 635. would hear the mighty, 300. your cheeks, blow winds, 146. Crackling of thorns, as the, 830. Cradle and the grave, 358. changed in the, 790. little one's, in my, 657. of American liberty, 534. of reposing age, 328. of the deep, 676. our, stands in the grave, 182. procreant, 117. Cradles rock us nearer to the tomb, 309. Cradled into poetry by wrong, 566. Craft, gentle, 856. of will, 163. so long to lerne, 6. Craftiness, wise in their own, 816. Crag of Drachenfels, 543. Crammed, as they on earth were, 468. with distressful bread, 92. with observation, 68. Crams and blasphemes his feeder, 246. Cranks and wanton wiles, 248. Cranny, every, but the right, 424. Crannying wind, save to the, 543. Crape, saint in, 320. Cras amet qui nunquam amavit, 306. Crave, my mind forbids to, 22. no pelf, I, 109. Craving on credulity, 607. minds are not ever, 444. Crawling on my startled hopes, 296. Cream and mantle, 60. Create a soul under ribs of death, 245. Created equal, all men, 434. half to rise and half to fall, 317. suddenly, no great thing, 743. Creating, of nature's own, 358. Creation, amid nature's gay, 355. bodiless, 141. by right of an earlier, 590. from every scene of the, 457. from heat-oppressed brain, 119. hangman of, 449. hints for the, 768. lords of the, 448. nature's gay, 355. of some heart, sweet, 546. ploughshare o'er, 309. since the world's, 169. sleeps, 306. tire of all, 638. you may be of the king's, 282. Creations, God acts his own, 643. Creation's blank creation's blot, 672. dawn beheld, such as, 547. heir the world, 394. Creator drew his spirit, his great, 270. endowed by their, 434. glory of the, 169. remember now thy, 831. Creator's praise arise, let the, 302. Creature comforts, our, 283. drink pretty, drink, 472. every, lives in a state of war, 290. every, shall be purified, 41. good wine is a good familiar, 152. heaven-eyed, 486. is at his dirty work again, 327. misgivings of a, 478. not too bright or good, 474. of circumstances, 608. small beer, 89. smarts so little as a fool, 327. was stirring, not a, 527. what more felicitie can fall to, 30. why should every, drink but I, 260. Creatures bace, heavenly spirits to, 28. God made all the, 647. heaven hides from all, 315. man is an inconstant, 730. millions of spiritual, 234. of men, circumstances are the, 608. of the element, 244. rational, 227. these delicate, 154. you dissect, 323. Creatures' lives but of a day, 736. lives, human, 585. Crebillon, romances of, 387. Credit, blest paper, 322. corpse of public, 531. his own lie, 42. private, is wealth, 689. Creditor, glory of a, 46. Credulity, ye who listen with, 367. Credulities to nature, dear, 486. Creed, an Athanasian, 609. argument to thy neighbour's, 598. Calvinistic, 365. of slaves, necessity is the, 453. put your, into your deed, 600. sapping a solemn, 544. suckled in a, outworn, 476. Creeds agree, ask if our, 520. keys of all the, 632. than in half the, 633. Creep, children learn to, 15. in one dull line, ten low words, 324. into his study of imagination, 53. kind will, 14. wit that can, 328. Creeps in this petty pace, 125. Creepeth o'er ruins old, 652. Creeping hours of time, 68. like snail to school, 69. where no life is seen, 652. Crept upon our talk, 115. Crest, joy brightens his, 239. repentance rears her snaky, 355. Crested fortune, 424. Cretan against Cretan, 725. Cretur, on sech a blessed, 659. Crew, Comus and his midnight, 383. Crib, ass knoweth his master's, 832. Cribbed confined, 122. Cricket on the hearth, 250. Crickets, merry as, 771. Cried razors up and down, 432. Crier of green sauce, 771. that proclaims the conqueror, 733. Cries, hear their, 804. Crime, blanch without the owner's, 483. called virtue, fortunate, 715. forgive the, 464. it is worse than a, 805. madden to, 549. more than a, 805. numbers sanctified the, 425. of being a young man, 376. want exasperates into, 639. Crimes, all his, broad blown, 139. done in my days of nature, 131. history is the register of, 430, 801. in the name of liberty, 804. may reach the dignity of, 437. one virtue and a thousand, 551. undivulged, 147. Criminal, a, fool not to fly, 733. is acquitted, when the, 710. Crimson in thy lips, 109. wing, conquest's, 383. Crisis doth portend, what mortal, 212. Crispian, feast of, 92. rouse him at the name of, 92. Cristes lore and his apostles, 2. Critic, attribute of a good, 661. each day a, on the last, 325. Critics, admiration from most fastidious, 591. before you trust in, 539. gallery, 419. like brushers of clothes, 171. men who have failed, 505, 609. not even, criticise, 420. you know who the, are, 609. Critic's eye, not view me with, 459. part, too nicely knew the, 390. Critical, easier to be, than correct, 607. nothing if not, 151. Criticise, not even critics, 420. Criticising elves, 412. Criticism, cant of, 378. with every wind of, 375. Croak, his ill-betiding, 349. Crocodile, tears of the, 38, 192. Cromwell, Charles the First had his, 429. damned to fame, 319. guiltless of his country's blood, 385. if thou fallest, O, 100. Crony, trusty drouthy, 451. Crook, by hook or, 15. the pregnant hinges of the knee, 137. Crooked lane, straight down the, 584. Crops the flowery food, 315. Cross, last at his, 676. leads generations on, the, 566. nailed on the bitter, 82. she wore a sparkling, 325. Crosses, fret thy soul with, 30. relics crucifixes, 215. Crossed in love, an oyster may be, 442. with adversity, a man I am, 44. Crotchets in thy head, 45. Crow like chanticleer, 69. might be supposed a, 423. that flies in heaven's air, 162. Crows, swans seem whiter when by, 781. wars of kites or, 255. Crowbar, tire of all creation for a, 638. Crowche, to fawne, to, 30. Crowd, far from the madding, 385. midst the, the hum, 541. not feel the, 420. not on my soul, unborn ages, 383. of common men, 209. of jollity, I live in the, 368. we met 't was in a, 581. who foremost, 331. Crowds without company, 431. Crowded hour of glorious life, 493. Crowing of the cock, 127. Crown, better than his, 64. chance may, me, 116. emperor without his, 307. fruitless, upon my head, 121. head that wears a, 89. his breeches cost him but a, 152, 406. immortal, 359. likeness of a kingly, 228. Luke's iron, 395. not the king's, 47. of glory, hoary head is a, 826. of his head, from the, 51, 198. of life, receive the, 848. of snow, singer with the, 661. of sorrow, a sorrow's, 626. ourselves with rosebuds, 836. sweet to wear a, 94. Crowns a youth of labour, 396. all, the end, 102. to kicks, from, 559. twenty mortal murders on their, 122. Crown's disguise, through a, 391. Crowned with consolation, 157. Crowner's quest law, 143. Crowning good, 438. Crow-toe, tufted, 247. Crucifixes beads pictures, 215. Crucify the soul of man, diseases, 188. Crude surfeit reigns, where no, 245. Cruel as death, 356. as the grave, jealousy is, 832. death is always near, 687. mercies of the wicked are, 825. only to be kind, 141. Cruell'st she alive, you are the, 74. Cruelly sweet, 654. Crueltie and ambition of man, 27. Cruelty to load a falling man, 101. Crumbs from the table, 840. picked up his, 393. Crusaders, think they are, 635. Cruse, little oil in a, 815. Crush of worlds, 299. the infamous thing, 801. Crushed, odours, 455. crushed to earth, truth, 573. Crusoe, poor Robinson, 391. Crust of bread and liberty, 328. share her wretched, 657. water and a, 574. Crutch, shouldered his, 396. Cry and no wool, all, 211. bubbling, the, 557. for being born, 170. for gold, whose crying is a, 629. have a good, 584. havoc and let slip the dogs, 113. in bed we, 794. is still they come, 125. my eyes out, I shall, 787. no language but a, 632. not when his father dies, 375. to Lockow, far, 857. war is still the, 541. Crying, first voice I uttered was, 837. give give, 829. Crystal bounds, dances in his, 246. of his brow, 31. river, fair and, 180. Cuckoo buds of yellow hue, 56. mocks married men, 56. shall I call thee bird, 474. Cucumbers, as cold as, 197. lodge in a garden of, 832. sunbeams out of, 291. Cud, chew the, and are silent, 410. of bitter fancy, 71. Cudgel know by the blow, 213. thy brains no more about it, 143. Cuisses on his thighs, 86. Cultivate literature on oatmeal, we, 460. Cultivation, gratitude the fruit of, 376. Cummin, mint and anise and, 840. Cumnor Hall, the walls of, 426. Cunning as fast and loose, 55. hand, nature's sweet and, 74. in fence, 76. livery of hell, 48. point of, 166. right hand forget her, 824. sin cover itself, 52. stagers, old, 213. unfold what plaited, hides, 146. Cunningest pattern, 156. Cup and the lip, 190. dregs of fortune's, 341. inordinate, is unblessed, 152. leave a kiss but in the, 179. life's enchanted, 542. my, runneth over, 819. of hot wine, 103. of still and serious thought, 471. of water, little thing, 577. runneth over, my, 819. the heart's current lends the, 636. to the dead already, 641. Cups, in their flowing, remembered, 92. flowing, pass swiftly round, 259. that cheer but not inebriate, 420. Cupid and my Campaspe, 31. bolt of, fell, 58. giant dwarf, Dan, 55. is painted blind, 57. kills with arrows, 51. note which, strikes, 218. young Adam, 105. Cupid's curse, concludes with, 25. Curdied by the frost, 103. Cure, cheap and universal, 261. desperate, for desperate disease, 775. for life's worst ills, 594. is not worth the pain, 725. kings can cause or, 367. on exercise depend for, 270. the dumps, college joke to, 290. Cured, what can't be, 190, 773. Curfew time, magic chains at, 245. tolls the knell of parting day, 384. Curious, amazed and, 451. child, I have seen a, 480. thirsty fly, 671. time, 169. Curiosity, by way of, 353. Curiously, consider too, 144. Curled Assyrian bull, 631. darlings of our nation, 149. smoke that so gracefully, 518. Curls, auburn locks ye golden, 636. Hyperion's, 140. shakes his ambrosial, 337. ye golden, 636. Current and compulsive course, 155. of a woman's will, 670. of domestic joy, 367. of the soul, the genial, 384. 't is the heart's, 636. when it serves, take the, 115. Currents turn awry, 136. Curried, short horse soon, 12. Curs mouth a bone, as, 412. of low degree, 400. Curse all his virtues, 298. all men's, 710. causeless shall not come, 828. concludes with Cupid's, 25. many a deadly, 449. his better angel, 156. of mankind, 102. of marriage, 154. of service, 't is the, 149. on all laws, 333. primal eldest, 139. Curses are like young chickens, 606. dark, rigged with, 247. not loud but deep, 124. so, all Eve's daughters, 46. Cursed be he that moves my bones, 163. be the verse, 327. man low sitting, 28. spite, 133. the spot is, 472. with every prayer, 321. Cursing like a very drab, 135. Curst by heaven's decree, 398. hard reading, easy writing 's, 443. Curtailed of this fair proportion, 95. Curtain, close up his eyes and draw the, 94. draw the, 74. drew Priam's, 88. fall, Anarch lets the, 332. let down the, 770. the sleeping world, to, 568. twilight's, spreading far, 582. Curtains, fringed, of thine eye, 43. let fall the, 420. Curule chair, Tully's, 391. Cushion and soft dean invite, 322. lay your golden, down, 677. Custom, a thing of, 122. always of the afternoon, 132. followed because it is a custom, 799. is second nature, 735. more honoured in the breach, 130. nature her, holds, 143. nothing is stronger than, 707. of Branksome Hall, 487. reconciles us to everything, 407. should corrupt the world lest, 629. stale her infinite variety, 157. that monster, 141. tyrant, 151, 784. what is done against, 741. Customs and its businesses, 424. Customary suits of solemn black, 127. 'Customed hill, missed him on the, 386. Customers, sign brings, 797. Cut and come again, 444. beard of formal, 69. him out in little stars, 107. is the branch, 41. loaf, to steal a shive of a, 104. most unkindest, of all, 113. take the short, 753. Cutpurse of the empire, 140. Cut-throat dog, 61. Cycle and epicycle, 237. of Cathay, 626. Cygnet to this pale faint swan, 80. Cymbal, tinkling, 845. Cymbrian plain, 27. Cynic, a talent is too much for a, 732. character of a, 746. Cynosure of neighbouring eyes, 248. upon the sea obscure, 782. Cynthia fair regent of the night, 426. of this minute, 321. Ralph howls to, 331. Cypress and myrtle, land of the, 549. Cypress-trees bear no fruit, 734. Cytherea's breath, 77.
Dab at an index, 403. Dacian mother, there was their, 546. Dad, called my brother's father, 78. Daemons, that there are, 760. Daffed the world aside, 86. Daffadills fair, we weep to see, 202. Daffodils before the swallow, 77. Dagger, air-drawn, 122. I see before me, is this a, 119. of the mind a false creation, 119. smiles at the drawn, 299. Daggers, I will speak, to her, 139. in men's smiles, there 's, 120. though it rain, 192. Daggers-drawing, been at, 213. Daily beauty in his life, 156. life, lies before us in, 237. Daintie flowre or herbe, 28. Daintier sense, hath the, 143. Dainties bred in a book, 55. might hurt their health, 398. Daintiest last to make the end most sweet, 80. Dainty plant is the ivy green, 652. Daisie the eye of the day, 6. Daisies, myriads of, 486. pied, and violets blue, 56. pied, meadows trim with, 248. that men callen, in our toun, 6. Daisy protects the dewdrop, 486. there 's a, 142. Dale, haunted spring or, 251. musk-rose of the, 248. or piny mountain, 504. under the hawthorn in the, 248. Dales and fields hills and valleys, 40. Dalliance, primrose path of, 129. Dallies like the old age, 75. with the innocence of love, 75. Dally with wrong, 500. Dam, pretty chickens and their, 124. the waters of the Nile, 596. Damask cheek, feed on her, 76. Dame of Ephesus, 295. sulky sullen, 451. Dames, it gars me greet ah gentle, 451. of ancient days, 395. Damiata and Mount Casius, 228. Damien's bed of steel, 395. Damn me, abuses me to, 135. with faint praise, 327. your precious soul, 772. Damnable deceitful woman, 280. iteration, thou hast, 83. Damnation, distilled, 457. of his taking off, 118. round the land, deal, 334. to suffer wet, 34. within two fingers' breadth of, 758. Damned all silent and all, 468. be him that first cries hold, 126. better be, 431. democrats, the, 559. devil with devil, 227. first, I 'll see thee, 464. seen him, ere I would, 76. spirit of health or goblin, 130. spot, out I say, 124. to everlasting fame, 319. to fame, 331, 354. use that word in hell, the, 108. Damning those they have no mind to, 211. Damp fell round, when a, 485. my intended wing, 238. Damsel lay deploring, a, 347. with a dulcimer, 500. Dan Chaucer, well of English undefyled, 28. Cupid regent of love rhymes, 55. to Beersheba, from, 379, 814. Dance and jollity, 243. and Provencal song, 575. and wine, banquet song with, 562. attendance, 101. Gill shall, 199. of snow, like a, 648. on with the, 542. their wayward round, 469. the Pyrrhic, 557. when you do, 78. who have learned to, 324. Dances, Congress of Vienna but, 803. in his crystal bounds, 246. in the wind, 274. midnight, and the public show, 335. such a way, she, 256. Danced, laughed and, 676. Dancing days, past our, 105. drinking-time, a merry, 272. in the chequered shade, 248. more like wrestling than, 754. on a volcano, 811. Dandin, George, you would have it so, 798. Dandolo, hour of blind old, 545. Dane, an antique Roman than a, 146. royal, Hamlet king, 130. Danger, delay always breeds, 787. on the deep, 581. out of this nettle, 84. pleased with the, 267. shape of, cannot dismay, 476. Dangers, loved me for the, 151. of the seas, 176. sing the, of the sea, 672. thou canst make us scorn, what, 451. Danger's troubled night, 515. Dangerous, delays are, 276. ends, delays have, 93. little learning is, 323. sea, most, 63. something in me, 144. such men are, 111. to be of no church, 369. Daniel come to judgment! yea, a Daniel! 65. second Daniel, a Daniel, Jew, 65. well-languaged, 201. Dank and dropping weeds, 253. Dante, no such figure in literature as, 662. of the dread Inferno, 645. sleeps afar like Scipio, 545. Dappled turf, on the, 473. Dare and yet I may not, 25. do all becomes a man, 118. fain would I but I, not, 25. not do an ill thing, I, 730. not wait upon, I would, 118. not, would fain deny and, 124. the elements to strife, 550. to be true, 205. to chide me, who shall, 654. to die, bear to live or, 318. what man, I dare, 122. what men, do, 52. will to do the soul to, 491. Dared to love their country, 336. what he thought he, 342. what none hath, thou hast, 26. Dares do more, who, 118. not put it to the touch, 257. stir abroad, 127. think one thing, who, 338. this pair of boots displace, 388. Darien, silent upon a peak in, 576. Daring dined, and greatly, 332. in full dress, 555. pilot in extremity, 267. the lovers are the, 666. Dark amid the blaze of noon, 241. and bright, best of, 535. and doubtful, from the, 443. and dreary, some days, 613. and lonely hiding-place, 501. and silent grave, 26. as children fear to go in the, 164. as Erebus, affections, 66. as pitch, 265. at one stride comes the, 498. backward in the, 42. blue depths, 507. blue sea, glad waters of the, 550. cottage, the soul's, 221. ever-during, surrounds me, 230. eye in woman, 544. horse, 608. illumine what in me is, 223. irrecoverably, 241. leap into the, 770. mournful rustling in the, 615. rigged with curses, 247. shining nowhere but in the, 264. sun to me is, 241. ways that are, 669. with excessive bright, 231. words, with these, 479. Darkeneth counsel by words, 817. Darker grows the night, as, 399. Darkest day, the, 423. Darkish, the leaf was, 245. Darkly deeply beautifully blue, 507, 559. see through a glass, 845. Darkness and the worm, 308. born, in silent, 39. Cimmerian, 513. dawn on our, 535. encompass the tomb, 535. falls from the wings of night, 614. from light, 650. instruments of, tell us truths, 116. jaws of, devour it, 57. land of, 816. leaves the world to, 384. let us weep in our, 655. night and storm and, 544. not in utter do we come, 477. of the land, ring out the, 633. of the sky, cast the, 23. pestilence that walketh in, 822. prince of, 147, 256. raven down of, 244. sorrows and, 535. through, up to God, 320, 610. universal, buries all, 332. up to God, through, 632. visible, no light but, 223. which may be felt, 813. Darksome cave they enter, 28. Darling, an old man's, 19. of nature, 776. sin, his, 501. the Frenchman's, 421. the poet's, 473. Darlings, wealthy curled, 149. Darnel cockle wild oats, 783. Dart, death shook his, 240. feather on the fatal, 539. like the poisoning of a, 261. shook a dreadful, 228. stricken with a, 696. time shall throw a, at thee, 179. Darts, breaking the bundle of, 731. Dash him to pieces, 114. maturest counsels, 226. Date, short is my, 339. Daughter, farewell to thee Araby's, 526. lyeth at the point of death, 841. of his voice, sole, 239. of Jove, relentless power, 382. of my house and heart, 542. of the dawn, 338, 342. of the voice of God, 475. one fair, and no more, 134. still harping on my, 133. this old man's, 149. to her daughter take, 683. Daughters, fairest of fair Zurich's, 677. fairest of her, 232. horseleech, hath two, 829. many, have done virtuously, 829. of earth, words are the, 368. of my father's house, 76. so curses all Eve's, 46. words are men's, 368. Daughter's daughter cries, 688. heart, preaching down a, 626. Dauphiness at Versailles, 409. David and Josias, 686. not only hating, 268. Daw, no wiser than a, 93. Dawn, belong not to the, 235. creation's, 547. daughter of the, 338, 342. golden exhalations of the, 504. is breaking, gray, 673. is overcast, the, 297. later star of, 485. may-time and the cheerful, 474. no, no dusk no noon, 586. of light, 563. on our darkness, 535. Dawning, bird of, 127. of morn, with the, 515. tongue and pen aid the, 653. Daws to peck at, 149. Day after the fair, 12. and night, more sure than, 436. and night, O, 133. as it fell upon a, 175. as one shall see in a summer's, 57. as she lay on that, 453. at the close of the, 428. be drunk the business of the, 273. be she fairer than the, 199. better deed the better, 172. better, the worse deed, 282. beyond the night across the, 627. big the fate of Cato, 297. blabbing and remorseful, 94. break of, 49. breathing time of, with me, 145. brought back my night, 252. burden and heat of the, 840. by algebra tell what hour of, 210. by day, that see we, 5. cap by night a stocking all the, 397. cares that infest the, 614. chest of drawers by, 397. close the drama with the, 312. close the eye of, 251. continual dropping in a rainy, 829. count that, lost, 688. daisie the eye of the, 6. darkest, the, 423. deceased, of every, 307. deficiencies of the present, 368. denies to gaudy, 551. dies like the dolphin, parting, 545. dog will have his, 145. dogs ye have had your, 347. each, critic on the last, 325. each moment is a, 608. entertains the harmless, 174. every, should be passed as if it were our last, 712. eye of, 6, 251, 434. eyes the break of, 49. fills his blue urn with fire, 600. for ever and a, 71. gather honey all the, 302. gaudy blabbing and remorseful, 94. great avenging, 337. great the important, 297. hand open as, 90. he that outlives this, 92. her suffering ended with the, 639. I dearly love but one, 285. I 've lost a, 307. in clouds brings on the, 297. in its pride, 528. in June, what so rare as a, 658. in thy courts, 821. infinite, excludes the night, 303. into the light of common, 478. is aye fair, the, 458. is done and darkness falls, 614. is long, merry as the, 50. is past and gone, 570. jocund, stands tiptoe, 108. joint labourer with the, 126. kings upon their coronation, 269. knell of parting, 384. life confined within the space of a, 736. life is like unto a winter's, 263. live-long, the, 110. love of life's young, 580. maddest merriest, 624. makes man a slave, whatever, 346. marked with a white stone, 789. may bring forth, what a, 829. merry heart goes all the, 77. morning shows the, 241. must follow as the night the, 130. night is long that never finds the, 124. no proper time of, 586. not to me returns, 230. now 's the, now 's the hour, 450. of adversity, 828, 830. of death, ere the first, 548. of deliverance, 429. of judgment, vulgarize the, 597. of nothingness, first dark, 548. of prosperity, 830. of small things, 836. of thy power, in the, 823. of virtuous liberty, 298. of woe the watchful night, 508. of wrong, I have seen the, 56. or ever I had seen that, 128. parting, linger and play on its summit, 529. peaceful night from busy, 387. peep of, 202. posteriors of this, 56. powerful king of, 355. precincts of the cheerful, 385. promise of your early, 535. rain it raineth every, 77. right must win the, 653. rival in the light of, 482. Rome was not built in a, 15, 792. short or never so long, 19. so calm so cool, 204. so shuts the eye of, 434. star arise in your hearts, 849. steal something every, 330. sufficient unto the, 838. summer's, hath a, 259. sunbeam in a winter's, 358. superfluous burden loads the, 252. sun shall not smite thee by, 824. sweet Phosphor bring the, 203. that comes betwixt a Saturday and Monday, 285. that is dead, grace of a, 627. the bricks are alive at this, 94. think that, lost, 688. thunder in a fair frosty, 266. uncertain glory of an April, 44. unto day, uttereth speech, 819. unto the perfect, 825. very rainy, 839. without all hope of, 241. worse deed the better, 282. wrong side of thirty if she be a, 292. yield, to night, 93. you shall seek all, 60. Days, afternoon of her best, 97. among the dead, 506. are as grass, his, 823. are dwindled, whose, 433. are in the yellow leaf, 555. are swifter than a shuttle, 816. as thy, so thy strength, 814. begin with trouble here, 687. born in better, 341. brighten all our future, 380. called the feast of Crispian, 92. dames of ancient, 395. dead-letter, 508. dull and hoary, 264. even from my boyish, 150. fear nor wish for your last, 722. find it after many, 831. flight of future, 227. forty, and forty nights, 812. friend of my better, 562. full of sweet, and roses, 204. giants in those, 812. halcyon, 93. happy mixtures of happy, 554. heavenly, one of those, 469. in her right hand, length of, 825. in my born, 787. in the week, of all the, 285. in these Christian, 534. light doth trample on my, 263. light of other, 523, 561. live laborious, 247. long as twenty, are now, 470. looked on better, 68. measure of my, 820. melancholy, are come, 573. men in these degenerate, 337. my, are dull and hoary, 264. next, never so good, 713. of absence sad and dreary, 802. of art, elder, 615. o' auld lang syne, 449. of childhood, in my, 509. of few, and full of trouble, 817. of my distracting grief, 392. of nature, in my, 131. of old, in the brave, 593. of our years are threescore, 822. of thy youth, in the, 831. of your life, live all the, 293. on evil, though fallen, 236. one of those heavenly, 469. past our dancing, 105. peace and slumberous calm, 575. perfect, if ever come, 658. pride of former, 519. race of other, 564. red-letter, 508. salad, when I was green, 157. shuts up the story of our, 26. some, must be dark and dreary, 613. supported by precedents, 726. sweet childish, 470. teach us to number our, 822. that are no more, 630. that need borrow, 258. though fallen, on evil, 236. to all our nights and, 117. to lengthen our, 521. to lose good, 29. to remember better, 769. trample on my, 263. we have seen better, 68, 109. when we went gypsying, 683. with God he passed the, 305. with toil winding up, 92. world of happy, 96. Day's business, end of this, 115. garish eye, 250. life, death of each, 120. march nearer home, 497. Daylight and truth meet, 255. can see a church by, 50. confines of truth and, 255. finish, must in death your, 651. sick, this night is but the, 66. we burn, 45. Day-star arise in your hearts, 849. so sinks the, 248. Daze the world, 594. Dazzle the vision feminine, 594. Dazzles to blind, 428. Dazzling fence of rhetoric, 246. Dazzlingly in full dress, 555. Dead and gone, he is, 405. and turned to clay, 144. are there, knoweth not the, 825. as Chelsea, 854. being, with him is beauty slain, 161. better be with the, 121. bivouac of the, 681. but sceptred sovereign, 554. converse with the mighty, 356. cup to the, already, 641. day that is, grace of a, 627. days among the, 506. fading honours of the, 487. fault against the, 127. for a ducat, dead, 140. he mourns the, 307. in his harness, 837. in look so woe-begone, 88. languages, 556. lion, living dog better than a, 831. men's bones, full of, 841. men's skulls, 96. men, who wait for, 16. mournings for the, 615. nature seems, 719. no pageant train when I am, 571. not, but gone before, 455. not to speak evil of the, 758. of midnight, 433. of night, 88. on the field of honour, 808. only the, who do not return, 804. past bury its dead, 612. poets in their misery, 470. rest her soul, she 's, 143. say I 'm sick, I 'm, 326. sheeted, did squeak, 126. sleeping but never, 656. the breathers of this world are, 162. the law hath not been, 48. the noble living and the noble, 476. this earth that bears thee, 87. thought it happier to be, 600. vast and middle of the night, 128. when I am, let fire destroy the world, 707. when I am, no pageant train, 571. when the living might exceed the, 219. who hath bent him o'er the, 548. would I were, now, 584. Dead-letter days, 508. Deadly fair so coldly sweet, 548. breach, imminent, 150. Deaf adder, like the, 821. as the sea in rage, 80. none so, that will not hear, 19, 283. Deal damnation round the land, 334. of nothing, infinite, 60. of sack, intolerable, 85. of scorn, what a, 76. of skimble-skamble stuff, 85. Dealings, whose hard, 62. Dean, cushion and soft, 322. Deans, dowagers for, 629. Dear as remembered kisses, 630. as the light of these sad eyes, 383. as the ruddy drops, 383. as the vital warmth, 280. as these eyes that weep, 280. be what men call life, 699. beauteous death, 264. charmer away, 348. common flower, 657. five hundred friends, 419. for his whistle, paid, 361. for my possessing, too, 162. forever kind forever, 340. hut our home, 362. makes the remembrance, 74. man to all the country, 396. my, my better half, 34. sixpence all too, 152, 406. son of memory, 251. to God, worthy patriots, 254. to gods and men, 347. to me as are the ruddy drops, 112. to me as life and light, 450. to memory, thou art, 587. to this heart, 537. Dearer than his horse, something, 626. than self, something dear, 541. Dearest enemy, nearest and, 174. foe in heaven, met my, 128. thing he owed, 117. Dearly let or let alone, 204. Dears, the lovely, 446. Death, a hero in, 340. a necessary end, 112. a stopping of impressions, 754. after, the doctor, 205. aims with fouler spite, 203. all in the valley of, 628. and his brother sleep, 567. and life, bane and antidote, 299. and taxes, 361. and that rest forever, 664. and the sole death, 650. armed with new terror, 528. back resounded, 229. be thou faithful unto, 849. begun, birth is nothing but, 309. bones hearsed in, 130. borders upon our birth, 182. broke the vital chain, 367. brother to sleep, 39. by slanderous tongues, done to, 54. calls ye, 209. came with friendly care, 500. can this be, my soul, 335. come to the bridal chamber, 562. cometh soon or late, 593. covenant with, 834. coward sneaks to, 671. cruel as, 356. cruel, is always near, 687. dear beauteous, 264. doors that lead to, 218. drawing near her, 221. dread of something after, 136. dull cold ear of, 384. early, to favourites, 546. eclipsed the gayety of nations, 369. eloquent just and mighty, 26. epitaph after your, 134. ere thou hast slain another, 179. faithful unto, 849. fell sergeant, 145. first day of, 548. forerunneth love to win, 621. four fingers from, 758. from sickness unto, 497. give me liberty or give me, 430. gone to her, 586. grim, 194, 229. grinned horrible, 229. guilty of his own, 143. had the majority long since, 355. harbingers of blood and, 126. has done all death can, 648. hath a thousand doors, 180, 194. hath so many doors, 198. heaven gives to its favourites early, 546. herald after my, 101. his Maker and the angel, 502. how wonderful is, 567. hymn to his own, 80. I bled and cryed out, 229. I would fain die a dry, 42. in battle, prise of, 660. in itself is nothing, 276. in life, oh, 630. in that sleep of, 135. in the midst of life, 851. in the pot, 816. into the world, brought, 223. intrenched, 309. is a secret of nature, 751. is an eternal sleep, 805. is beautiful, 661. is certain to all, 89. is nigh at hand, 751. is not the worst evil, 696. is strict in his arrest, 145. is this life really, 766. just and mightie, 26. kneeling by his bed, 40. laid low in, 514. lays his icy hands, 209. lieth at the point of, 841. life perfected by, 620. love is strong as, 832. loves a shining mark, 309. lurks in every flower, 535. makes equal the high and low, 9. man makes a, 308. meetest for, 64. men equal in presence of, 708. men fear, 164. most in apprehension, 48. nativity chance or, 46. no difference between life and, 757. no other herald after my, 101. not divided in, 815. nothing our own but, 82. of a dear friend, the, 59. of each day's life, 120. of his saints, 823. of kings, sad stories of the, 82. of princes, heavens blaze forth, the, 112. of the righteous, 813. of the saints of the Lord, 823. old men's prayers for, 697. only craves not gifts, 696. paradise to what we fear of, 49. quiet us in, so noble, 242. reaper whose name is, 613. remembered kisses after, 630. rides on every breeze, 535. righteous hath hope in his, 826. ruling passion strong in, 321. sense of, most in apprehension, 48. shades of, 228. shadow of, 816. shook his dart, 240. should sing, 't is strange that, 80. silence deep as, 515. silent halls of, 572. slavery or, which to choose, 298. sleep before, 736. sleep is a, 218. smooth the bed of, 328. sorrows of, compassed me, 818. soul under the ribs of, 245. speak me fair in, 65. still lovely in, 308. studied in his, 117. succeeded life so softly, 270. such ugly sights of, 96. sweats to, Falstaff, 84. the beauteous ruin lovely in, 308. the consoler, 616. the fear of, 711. the healer, scorn thou not, 696. the jaws of, 77, 628. there is no, 615. thing that nature wills, 755. think not, disdainfully of, 755. thou hast all seasons, 570. till they have wakened, 151. till, us do part, 850. 't is not all of, to die, 496. to a world of, 500. to life, from, 40. to us play to you, 670. to what we fear of, 49. triumphant, 240. ugly sights of, 96. under the ribs of, 245. unexpected, the best sort, 735. untimely stopped, 335. urges knells call, 307. vacancies by, are few, 435. valiant taste but once of, 112. victory or, resolved on, 804. wages of sin is, 844. way to dusty, 125. we fear our, in every hedge, 783. what men call life, 766. what should it know of, 466. where is thy sting, 335, 846. where sin and, abound, 497. which nature never made, 308. whose portal we call, 615. with rust, eaten to, 88. Deaths, cowards die many times before their, 112. feels a thousand, 308. unknown, to fame, 339. Death's pale flag, 109. Death-bed a detector of the heart, 307. of fame, from the, 514. Death-beds, ask, they can tell, 307. Debate, Rupert of, 606, 607. Debt, a double, to pay, 397. a national, is a national blessing, 532. no, with so much prejudice put off as that of justice, 740. to nature 's quickly paid, 204. Debts, he that dies pays all, 43. Debtor to his profession, 164. Decalogue, can hear the, 468. Decay, fretted the pigmy body to, 267. gradations of, 367. hastes to swift, 367. majestic in, 347. melts in unperceived, 365. muddy vesture of, 65. wealth accumulates and men, 396. Decays, age unconscious of, 341. glimmering and, 264. Decay's effacing fingers, 548. Deceased, he first, 175. he is indeed, 62. spirit of every day, 307. Deceit, hug the dear, 362. in gorgeous palace, 107. men favour the, 276. Deceitful, appearances are, 766. favour is, 829. shine deceitful flow, 524. woman damnable, 280. Deceive when first we practise to, 490. Deceived, true way to be, 795. trust all and be, 641. Deceiver, to deceive the, 797. Deceivers ever, men were, 51, 405. December, in a drear-nighted, 576. mirth of its, 595. seek roses in, 539. snow, wallow naked in, 81. when men wed, 71. Decencies content to dwell in, 321. those thousand, 238. Decency, die with, 280. right meet of, 380. want of, is want of sense, 278. Decently and in order, 846. Decide, moment to, 657. when doctors disagree who shall, 322. Decider of dusty and old titles, 199. Decision, in the valley of, 836. Deck, boy stood on the burning, 570. Decked, thy bride-bed to have, 144. Declined into the vale of years, 153. Decoy, fashion's brightest arts, 398. Decrease, life is in, 309. Decree, curst by heaven's, 398. doom of fates, 29. Decrees, a mighty state's, 633. Dedes, gentil, to do the, 4. Dedicate his beauty to the sun, 104. Dedicated to closeness, 42. Dedis, gentil that doth gentil, 4. Dee, across the sands o', 664. lived on the river, 427. rises o'er the source of, 673. Deed, applaud the, 121. attempt and not the, 119. better day the better, 172. better day the worse, 282. dignified by the doer's, 73. first in every graceful, 337. friend in, 16. go with it, unless the, 123. in every eye, blow the, 118. kind of good, to say well, 98. no noise over a good, 753. of dreadful note, 121. of mischief, every, 430. of shame, each, 616. purpose is equal to the, 307. put your creed in your, 600. shall blow the horrid, 118. so shines a good, 66. tells of a nameless, 456. will for the, 292, 297, 772, 782. without a name, 123. Deeds are men, 206. are the sons of heaven, 368. be not careless in good, 755. blessings wait on virtuous, 294. done in their clime, 549. excused his devilish, 232. foul, will rise, 129. fruitful of golden, 230. inimitable his, 36. in, not years, 542. is known by gentle, 29. kind, with coldness, 466. life measured by, 443. matter for virtuous, 36. means to do ill, make deeds ill done, 80. not words, 185. of kindness, little, 642. of men, looks quite through the, 111. of mercy, teach us to render, 65. power shall fall short in, 644. unlucky, relate, 156. we live in, not years, 654. which make up life, 644. words are no, 98. Deep and dark blue ocean, 547. and gloomy wood, 467. are dumb, 25. as a well, 't is not so, 107. as death, silence, 515. as first love, 630. beauty of the world skin, 262. bosom of the ocean, 95. bottom of the, dive into the, 84. calleth unto deep, 820. curses not loud but, 124. damnation of his taking off, 118. damp vault, 308. danger on the, 581. deep sea, under the, 583. drink, or taste not, 323. embosomed in the, 395. fishes that tipple in the, 259. for his hearers, too, 399. healths five fathom, 105. home is on the, 514. home on the rolling, 679. in the lowest, a lower, 231. malice to conceal, 232. of night is crept upon our talk, 115. on his front engraven, 227. philosophy, search of, 260. plough the watery, 337. potations pottle, 152. rocked in the cradle of the, 676. sleep falleth on men, 816. spirits from the vasty, 85. thoughts too, for tears, 478. to boil like a pot, 818. versed in books, 241. where the brook is, 93. yet clear, 257. Deep-contemplative, fools so, 68. Deeper than all speech, 653. than plummet sounded, 43. Deepest consequence, 116. Deeply beautifully blue, 507, 559. Deep-mouthed welcome, 556. Deer, a-chasing the, 450. a shade, hunter and the, 443, 514. let the stricken, go weep, 138. mice and such small, 147. Defamed by every charlatan, 633. Defeats more triumphant than victories, 774. Defect arise, so may a glory from, 650. cause of this, 133. caused by any natural, 168. fine by, 321. Defective comes by cause, 133. Defence against lightning, 713. at one gate, to make, 242. immodest words admit of no, 278. in war a weak, 273. millions for, 673. of nations, cheap, 410. Defend me from my friends, 808. your departed friend, 270. Defensive as a moat, 81. Defer, madness to, 306. not till to-morrow, 295. Deferred, hope, 826. Defiance, bid the tyrants, 516. in their eye, 395. Deficiencies of the present day, 368. Definitions of prose and poetry, 505. Deformed, I know that, 52. unfinished, 95. Deformity which beggars mimicked, 590. Defunct bodies, ghosts of, 210. Defy the devil, 76. the tooth of time, 311. Degenerate days, in these, 337. sons, earth's, 341. Degenerates from the sire, the son, 337. Degree, all in the, 318. curs of low, 400. is preserved, unless, 714. men of low and high, 821. of woe, bliss must gain by, 377. wight of low, 406. Degrees, fine by, 287. ill habits gather by unseen, 274. it grows up by, 197. of kin, prohibited, 215. scorning the base, 111. take but, away, 102. virtue has its, 197. Deified by our own spirits, 470. Deity, half dust half, 554. offended, for, 448. omnipresent like the, 534. Dejected never, never elated, 320. thing of fortune, the most, 148. Dejection do we sink as low, 470. Delay, above all low, 524. always breeds, 787. Mecca saddens at the long, 356. reluctant amorous, 232. reproved each dull, 396. the law's, 135. Delays are dangerous, 276. have dangerous ends, 93. Delectable mountains, 266. Deliberates, woman that, 298. Deliberation sat, on his front, 227. Delicate creatures, call these, 154. Delicately weak, 321. Delicious bed O bed O bed, 584. land, done for this, 540. Delight and dole, in equal scale, 127. faints with its own, 549. go to it with, 158. he drank, 444. heirs of pure, 477. in, a sight to, 506. in, labour we, 120. in love, if there 's, 294. in others' misfortunes, 407. in sorrowing soul, 346. into a sacrifice, 204. land of pure, there is a, 303. lap me in, 564. life seemed one pure, 587. mounted in, 470. my ever new, 235. my private hours, 241. over-payment of, 508. paint the meadows with, 56. plaything gives his youth, 318. she 's my, 279. she was a phantom of, 474. the wonder of our stage, 179. to do the things I ought, 535. to pass away the time, 96. we all quote by, 603. with liberty, to enjoy, 30. Delights, all passions all, 501. not me, man, 134. that witchingly instil, 357. to scorn, 247. violent, have violent ends, 107. Delightful measures, to, 95. studies, still air of, 253. task, 355. Deliverance, day of, 429. Dell, wandering down the shady, 587. Delphian vales, the, 562. Delphic oracle, sayings of the, 736. Delphos, steep of, 251. Deluge, after me the, 807. showers, the rain a, 453. Delusion a mockery and a snare, a, 527. of youth, 608. Delusive vain and hollow, 683. Demd damp moist body, 652. horrid grind, 652. Demi-paradise, this other Eden, 81. Democracy, egg of, 662. in your own house, 734. Democratie, fierce, 241. Democrats, the damned, 559. Democritus would not weep, what, 484. Demonstrate a providence, to, 743. Demosthenes and Phocion, 728. and Pythias, 728. chance to fall below, 459. with pebbles in his mouth, 728. De mortuis nil nisi bonum, 758. Den, beard the lion in his, 490. Denied the faith, he hath, 847. who comes to be, 193. Denizen, the world's tired, 541. Denmark, it may be so in, 132. ne'er a villain in all, 132. something is rotten in, 131. Deny, heart would fain, 124. Depart come like shadows, so, 123. loth to, 288. Departed worth, relic of, 541. Departing friend, tolling a, 88. Deplore thee, we will not, 535. Deploring, a damsel lay, 347. Depressed by poverty, 366. with cares, 348. Depth, far beyond my, 99. in philosophy, 166. in whose calm, 577. of some divine despair, 630. of the soul, gods approve the, 481. Depths and shoals of honour, 100. chasms and watery, 504. dark blue, 507. of hell, guests are in the, 825. of life, piercing the, 542. of the ocean, 674. sinks into thy, 547. Deputed sword, nor the, 47. Derangement of epitaphs, 440. Derby dilly with three insides, 464. Descant amorous, 233. Descended from above, 23. Descending, never ending always, 506. Descent and fall is adverse, 226. claims of long, 624. to Hades, 759. Describe the undescribable, 545. Description, beggared all, 157. Desdemona would incline, 150. Desert air, sweetness on the, 385. blossom as the rose, 834. fountain in the, 552. in the wide, 583. of a thousand lines, 329. of the mind, the leafless, 549. of the sea, 833. or water but the, 546. use every man after his, 134. water but the, 546. were my dwelling-place, 547. where no life is found, 583. wildernesses, 243. Deserts full of wild beasts, 722. his, are small, 257. idle and antres vast, 150. Deserted at his utmost need, 271. Deserve better of mankind, 290. we 'll do more we 'll, 297. Deserving, honour without, 35. Design, things difficult to, 368. Designs close in like effects, 646. Desire, bloom of young, 382. every man has business and, 132. fierce, liveth not in, 488. hope thou nurse of young, 427. is a perpetual rack, 188. kindle soft, 272. lift from earth our low, 549. more love, I shall, 66. of glory, 747. of knowledge in excess, 165. of power in excess, 165. of receiving greater benefits, 796. of the moth for the star, 567. shall fail, 831. the soul's sincere, 497. this fond, 298. vision of unfilled, 768. Desires of the mind, 169. sordid hopes and vain, 534. your hearts, be with you, 66. Desired, it is that which I, 837. no more to be, 788. Desk's dead wood, 509. Desolate, no one so utterly, 613. none are so, 541. Desolation, abomination of, 841. Despair, black, 564. conscience wakes, 231. depth of some divine, 630. fiercer by, 226. from hope and from, 340. hurried question of, 550. nympholepsy of some fond, 546. of getting out, 180. our final hope is flat, 226. shall I wasting in, 199. that slumbered, 231. the message of, 513. where reason would, 377. where seraphs might, 540. wrath and infinite, 231. Despaires, comfortlesse, 30. Despairing, sweeter for thee, 452. Despatch is the soul of business, 353. that business quickly, 810. Despatchful looks, 235. Desperate appliance, relieved by, 141. disease, desperate cure for, 775. diseases grown, 141. steps, beware of, 423. Despise me, ay do, 428. Despised, I like to be, 428. weak and, old man, 147. Despond, slough of, 265. Despondency and madness, 470. Destined page, 456. Destinies, fates and, 62. Destiny, hanging and wiving go by, 63. in shady leaves of, 258. man's genius is a, 742. marriage and hanging go by, 192. one country, one, 531. wedding is, 10. Destroy his fib or sophistry, 327. is murder one to, 311. strong only to, 421. Destroyed by thought, 413. once, never supplied, 396. so cowardly, 83. Destroying, fighting and still, 272. Destruction of the poor, 825. pride goeth before, 826. startles at, 298. that wasteth at noonday, 822. Destructive man, smiling, 281. woman, damnable deceitful, 280. Desuetude, innocuous, 669. Desultory man, 417. Detect, lose it the moment you, 320. Detector of the heart, 307. Detest the offence, 336. Detraction at your heels, 76. will not suffer it, 87. Deviates into sense, never, 269. Device, banner with the strange, 614. Devices still are overthrown, 138. Devil a monk was he, 772. as a roaring lion, 849. at everything, 787. author of lies, 193. bane of all that dread the, 466. brooked the eternal, 110. builds a chapel, 192, 196, 206, 286. can cite Scripture, 61. defy the, 76. did grin, the, 501. don't let him go to the, 372. drives, when the, 18, 73, 772, 787. drove them, as if the, 772. eat with the, 18. every man was god or, 268. fears a painted, 120. for all, 191. go poor, get thee gone, 378. go to the, 372. God or, every man was, 268. has the largest congregation, 286. hath power to assume, 135. have all the good tunes, 673. his due, give the, 83. how the, they got there, 327. hunting for one fair female, 272. in all his quiver, 560. is gone, a-walking the, 507. is in, the place the, 218. laughing, in his sneer, 551. let us call thee, 152. livery to serve the, 588. of habits, is angel yet in this, 141. renounce the, 850. resist the, 849. sends cooks, 20, 388. stood abashed, 234. sugar o'er the, himself, 135. synonyme for the, 590. take the hindmost, 211. tell truth and shame the, 85, 772. the ingredient is a, 152. to pay, 519. to serve the, 588. was sick, 772. wear black, let the, 138. when most I play the, 96. when thou wast made a, 183. with devil damned, 227. world flesh and the, 850. would build a chapel, 770. Devils at Worms, 770. must print, 520. Devil's back, got over the, 773. Devil-in-all to pay, 787. Devilish deeds, excused his, 232. sly, tough and, 652. Devine, wel she sange the service, 1. Devise wit write pen, 55. Devised by the enemy, 98. Devotion, ignorance mother of, 193, 275. object of universal, 536. solemn acts of, by, 429. the still prayer of, 524. to something afar, 567. Devotion's visage, 135. Devour, seeking whom he may, 849. thy heart, do not, 765. Devouring hand, time's, 352. Devoutly to be wished, 135. Dew, as sunlight drinketh, 623. besprent with April, 180. chaste as morning, 308. diamonds in their infant, 275. drop of ink falling like, 558. exhaled as the morning, 270. faded like the morning, 513. from the heath-flower, 491. glistering with, 233. her eye dissolved in, 427. like a silent, 202. of sleep, timely, 233. of slumber, honey-heavy, 111. of thy birth, 851. of thy youth, 823. of yon high eastward hill, 127. of youth, morn and liquid, 129. on his thin robe, 515. on the mountain, like the, 491. thaw and resolve itself into a, 127. upon a thought, like, 558. walks o'er the, 127. washed with morning, 491. wombe of morning, 28. Dews, brushing away the, 386. his wrath allay, no twilight, 493. morn the mother of, 355. of summer nights, 426. of the evening, 353. twilight, are falling fast, 524. Dewdrop clinging to the rose, 611. daisy protects the, 486. from the lion's mane, 102. there 's a woman like a, 644. Dewdrops which the sun impearls, 235. Dewy eve, from noon to, 225. freshness fills the silent air, 507. Diabolical knowledge, 440. Diadem of snow, 553. precious, stole, 140. Dial from his poke, drew a, 68. hour by his, 68. not in figures on a, 654. to the sun, true as, 215, 306. usefulness of a, 764. Dialect, a Babylonish, 210. Dialogism, a problematical, 401. Diamond, cut diamond, 670. form, of, 420. great rough, 353. me no diamonds, 861. pen with point of a, 835. Diamonds, bright as young, 275. Dian's temple, hangs on, 103. Diana, burnt the temple of, 219. of the Ephesians, great is, 843. Diana's foresters, 82. Diapason closing full in man, 271. Dice of Zeus, 697. were human bones, whose, 555. Dicers' oaths, false as, 140. Dickens, what the, 46. Dictionaries are like watches, 375. Dictynna goodman Dull, 55. Did it, thou canst not say I, 122. Die a bachelor, I would, 51. a dry death, I would fain, 42. all shall, 89. all that lives must, 127. all alone we, 569. and endow a college, 322. and go we know not where, 48. and there an end, 122. as much beauty as could, 178. aspiring, immortality to, 37. at the top like that tree, 294. bear to live or dare to, 318. because a woman 's fair, 199. before I wake, if I, 687. better, how can man, 593. but first I have possessed, 549. but fools they cannot, 308. but once, a man can, 90. but once, we can, 298. by inches, 283. cannot but by annihilating, 236. cowards may fear to, 26. for love, 73. for our country 't is a bliss to, 340. for the truth he ought to, 600. free men, we will, 436. greatly think or bravely, 335. harder lesson how to, 425. hazard of the, 98. here in a rage, 292. hope nor quits us when we, 318. in a great cause, who, 555. in an inn, 379. in scenes like this to live and, 522. in the last ditch, 854. in yon rich sky, they, 630. informs me I shall never, 299. is cast, the, 727. landing on some silent shore, 295. leisure as to, 735. let us do or, 183. look about us and to, 314. lot of man but once to, 204. lot of man to suffer and to, 342. love on till they, 527. many times, cowards, 112. names that were not born to, 562. nature broke the, 552. nor all of death to, 496. not born to, 562. not willingly let it, 253. O last regret regret can, 633. of a rose in aromatic pain, 316. or unknown, 333. since I needs must, 25. taught them how to, 314. taught us how to, 313. teach him how to, 314. teach men to, 774. there let me sing and, 558. thoughts that shall not, 481. to, is gain, 847. to-morrow we shall, 833. to save charges, 188. to, to sleep no more, 135. unlamented let me, 334. wandering on as loth to, 484. when beggars, 112. when brains were out, 122. who tell us love can, 508. with decency, 280. with harness on our back, 123. without or this or that, 322. without thee I dare not, 569. young, whom the gods love, 558. Dies a wave along the shore, so, 434. alas how soon he, 366. an honest fellow, 184. and makes no sign, 94. but never surrenders, 810. good man never, 496. he that, pays all debts, 43. hurra for the next that, 641. in single blessedness, 57. nothing, but something mourns, 558. Died as if overcome with sleep, 693. as one that had been studied, 117. away in hollow murmurs, 390. had no poet and they, 330. heroes as great have, 340. if I had thought thou couldst have, 563. liked |