the, thou sluggard, 825. Ants entombed, 168. Antagonist is our helper, our, 411. Antagoras boiling a conger, 732. Anthem, the pealing, 384. Anthems, singing of, 88. Anthropophagi, the, 150. Antic, old father, the law, 82. round, while you perform your, 123. Anticipate the past, 440. Antidote, bane and, 299. some sweet oblivious, 125. Antigonus and Thrasyllus, 732. the son of Helios, 740. Antique Roman than a Dane, 146. song, metre of an, 161. towers, ye, 381. world, service of the, 67. Antiquitas saeculi, 169. Antiquities, living men were, 219. Antiquity, a little skill in, 222. is accounted by farther distance, 169. ways of hoar, 403. Anti-republican tendencies, 435. Antres vast and deserts idle, 150. Anvil, iron did cool on the, 80. Anything but history, 304. for a quiet life, 852. glad he thanks God for, 370. can be amiss, never, 59. owe no man, 844. what is worth in, 213. whereof it may be said, 830. Anythingarian, he is an, 292. Apace, ill weed grows, 35. Apathy, in lazy, 317. Ape, like an angry, 48. Apes, jollity for, 160. Apert, prive and, 4. Apollo, bards in fealty to, 576. from his shrine, 251. Pallas Jove and Mars, 642. Apollo's laurel bough, burned is, 41. lute, musical as bright, 56, 245. Apollos watered, 845. Apologies account for what they do not alter, 608. Apology too prompt, 239. Apostles shrank, while, 676. twelve, he taught, 2. would have done as they did, the, 556. Apostolic blows and knocks, 210. Apothecary, I remember an, 108. ounce of civet good, 148. Apparel, every true man's, 49. fashion wears out more, 52. oft proclaims the man, 130. Apparelled in more precious habit, 53. Apparition, a lovely, 474. Apparitions, seen and gone, like, 281. thousand blushing, 52. Appeal from Philip drunk, 807. unto Caesar, 843. Appear the immortals, never, 502. Appearance, not according to the, 843. of things to the mind, 744. Appearances are deceitful, 766. Appendix to nobility, 187. Appetite, breakfast with, 99. cloy the hungry edge of, 81. colours were then to me an, 467. comes with eating, 779, 791. good digestion wait on, 122. grown by what it fed on, 128. man given to, 828. may sicken and so die, 74. quench, check impulse, 755. with cloyless sauce sharpen his, 157. Applaud the deed, 121. thee to the very echo, 125. Applause, attentive to his own, 327. delight the wonder, the, 179. of a single human being, 374. of listening senates, 385. Applauses of his countrymen, 537. Apple of his eye, 814. of the eye, 818. rotten at the heart, 61. Apples of gold, 828. since Eve ate, 560. small choice in rotten, 72. swim, how we, 291. Appliance, desperate, 141. Appliances and means, 89. Apprehend some joy, 59. Apprehension, death most in, 48. how like a god in, 134. of the good, 81. Apprentice, nature but an, 446. Approach like the rugged Russian bear, 122. of even or morn, 230. Approaches make the prospect less, 181. Approbation from Sir Hubert Stanley, 457. Appropinque an end, 212. Appropriate, as difficult to invent as to, 604. Approved good masters, 149. Approving Heaven, 355. April day, uncertain glory of an, 44. dew, besprent with, 180. June and November, 684. of her prime, 161. proud-pied, 163. wears, pinks that, 49. when men woo, 71. with his shoures, 1. Apron, thy words smell of the, 732. Aprons of fig leaves, 812. with greasy, 159. Apt alliteration 's artful aid, 413. and gracious words, 55. Arabia, all the perfumes of, 124. breathes from yonder box, 325. Arabian trees, 157. Arabs, fold their tents like the, 614. proverb of the, 606. Araby the blest, 232. Araby's daughter, farewell to thee, 526. Arbiter of his own fortunes, 709. Arbitrator time, old common, 102. Arbitress, moon sits, 225. Arborett with painted blossoms, 28. Arcades ambo, 558. Arcadia, I too was born in, 793. Arcadian scenes, 421. Arch, night's black, 451. night's blue, 424. on Prague's proud, 513. that fill'st the sky, 516. Archangel ruined, 225. Archelaus and the barber, 731. Archer, insatiate, 306. little meant, mark the, 492. well-experienced, 161. Archimedes cried I have found it Eureka, 738. Architect of his own fortunes, 167. Architecture is frozen music, 807. Arctic sky, Ophiuchus in the, 229. Arcs, on the earth the broken, 649. Arcturus with his sons, 818. Arden, now am I in, 67. Ardour, compulsive, gives the charge, 140. Are, we know not what we, 142. Argue not against Heaven's hand, 252. though vanquished, 397. Argues an insensibility, 509. yourselves unknown, 234. Arguing, owned his skill in, 397. Argument and intellect too, 402. for a week, 84. height of this great, 223. I have found you an, 375. knock-down, 277. not to stir without great, 142. of tyrants, necessity is the, 453. sheathed their swords for lack of, 91. staple of his, 56. stateliest and most regal, 254. to thy neighbor's creed, 598. truth is the strongest, 697. with an east wind, 663. wrong, his, 399. Arguments and questions, all kinds of, 163. use wagers, fools for, 213. Ariadne, minuet in, 441. Ariosto of the North, 545. Arise, my lady sweet, 159. Aristocracy, cool shade of, 537. Aristotle and his philosophie, 1. Ark, hunt it into Noah's, 416. mouldy rolls of Noah's, 268. to lay their hand upon the, 418. walked straight out of the, 460. Arm, she leant upon her lover's, 627. sits upon mine, 194. the obdured breast, 228. Arms against a sea of troubles, 135. against a world in, 593. and the man I sing, 274. glorious in, 55. had seven years' pith, 149. hung up for monuments, 95. imparadised in one another's, 233. invincible in, 428. land of scholars nurse of, 395. lord of folded, 55. my soul 's in, 296. never would lay down my, 364. of seeming, 273. on armour clashing, 236. puking in the nurse's, 69. ridiculous, made, 242. take your last embrace, 109. the Smiths never had any, 460. the world in, 80. Timoleon's, 391. to, ye brave, 804. try everything before, 703. Arm-chair, old, 654. Armed at all points, 128. at point exactly, cap-a-pe, 128. gallantly, 86. so strong in honesty, 114. thrice is he, 94. thus am I doubly, 299. with more than complete steel, 40. with resolution, 295. without, he is, 329. Armies clad in iron, 242. swore terribly, our, 378. whole have sunk, where, 228. Arminian clergy, an, 365. Armour against fate, no, 209. clashing, brayed, 236. is his honest thought, 174. Armourers accomplishing knights, 92. Army, hum of either, stilly sounds, 91. of martyrs, the noble, 850. with banners, terrible as an, 832. Aromatic pain, die of a rose in, 316. plants bestow no fragrance while they grow, 398. Arrant, thankless, 25. thief, the moon is an, 109. traitor as any is, 93. Array, battle's magnificently stern, 543. sorrow's dark, 802. Arrears of pain and darkness, 650. Arrest, death is strict in his, 145. Arrow for the heart, 560. from a well-experienced archer, 161. o'er the house, shot mine, 145. Arrows, of light, swift-winged, 416. of outrageous fortune, 135. quiver bow and, 31. some Cupid kills with, 51. Arrowy Rhone, rushing of the, 543. Ars longa, vita brevis, 6. Arsenal, shook the, 241. Art, adorning thee with so much, 261. adulteries of, than all the, 178. all nature is but, 316. all the gloss of, 398. and part, 852. beyond the reach of, 323. can wash her guilt away, what, 403. concealed by, 310. contemplates certain things, 744. cookery is become an, 187. ease in writing comes from, 324. elder days of, 615. every walk of, 457. failed in literature and, 609. first professor of our, 274. glib and oily, 146. glory and good of, 651. he tried each, 396. her guilt to cover, the only, 403. imitates nature, 305. is long, life short, 700, 803. is long time is fleeting, 612. is too precise, 201. last and greatest, 329. made tongue-tied, 162. may err Nature cannot miss, 272. mistress of her, 446. more matter with less, 133. nature is above, in that respect, 148. nature is but, 316. nature lost in, 390. nature not inferior to, 756. nearly allied to invention, 441. not strength obtains the prize, 341. of artisans, 438. of God, nature is the, 218, 310. pleasure disguised by, 403. poetry a mere mechanic, 414. preservative of all arts, 852. so vast is, 323. subdues the strong, 344. than force, more by, 341. to blot, 329. to find the mind's construction, 117. war's glorious, 311. with curious, 413. Arts and sciences not in the same mould, 776. fashion's brightest, 398. Greece mother of, 241. hunger is the teacher of the, 305. imitate natural forms, 756. in which the wise excel, 279. of peace, inglorious, 263. remote from common use, 556. taught the wheedling, 348. the academes, 56. well fitted in, 55. which I loved, 260. with lenient, 328. Artaxerxes' throne, 241. Artery, each petty, 131. Arthur first in court, when, 406. Article, snuffed out by an, 560. Articles, all agree in the essential, 370. Artificer, another lean unwashed, 80. Artist, no man is born an, 206. Artless jealousy, 142. As gingerly, 852. he thinketh in his heart, 828. it fell upon a day, 175. the case stands, 172. Ascent, laborious at the first, 253. Ashamed, needeth not to be, 848. of being loved, 794. Ashbourn, down thy hill romantic, 464. Ashbuds, more black than, 625. Ashen cold is fire yreken, 3. Ashes, beauty for, 834. in itself to, burn, 617. laid old Troy in, 280. man is splendid in, 219. of his fathers, 593. to ashes, dust to dust, 851. violet made from his, 632. wonted fires live in our, 385. Asia could not bear two kings, 732. Aside, human to step, 448. last to lay the old, 324. Ask and it shall be given you, 839. death-beds they can tell, 307. me no questions, 401. the brave soldier, 520. where is the North, 318. Askelon, in the streets of, 814. Asketh, every one that, 839. Asking eye, explain the, 328. Asleep in lap of legends old, 575. lips of those that are, 832. the very houses seem, 470. Asonder, houses fer, 2. Aspect, meet in her, 551. of princes, sweet, 99. sweet grave, 784. with grave, he rose, 227. Aspen leaf, right as an, 5. light quivering, 490. Asphodel, ever-flowing meads of, 347. Aspics' tongues, 155. Aspiration sees only one side, 662. Aspired to be, what I, 649. Aspiring to be angels, 316. to be gods, 316. to die, 37. youth, 296. Ass, burial of an, 835. countryman who looked for his, 792. egregiously an, 152. knoweth his master's crib, 832. of Balaam, 813. will carry his load, 792. write me down an, 53. Assailant on perched roosts, 242. Assassination, absolutism tempered by, 807. could trammel up, if the, 117. has never changed history, 607. Assault, death preparing his, 309. Assay, help angels make, 139. so hard so sharp, 6. Assayed, thrice he, 225. Assembled souls, 217. Assemblies, masters of, 832. of the skies, bright, 345. Assent with civil leer, 327. Asses, to live according to the convenience of, 731. Assume a pleasing shape, 135. a virtue, if you have it not, 141. Assumes the god, 271. Assurance double sure, I 'll make, 123. given by lookes, 23. of a man, give the world, 140. Assured, ignorant of what he 's most, 48. Assyrian bull, curled, 631. came down like the wolf, the, 551. Astray, light that led, 447. like one that had been led, 250. Astronomer, undevout, is mad, 310. Astyanax the hope of Troy, 338. Asunder, let not man put, 840. villain and he many miles, 108. Athanasian Creed, the, 609. Atheism, philosophy inclineth to, 166. the owlet, 501. Atheist by night half believes a God, 308. Atheist's laugh, 448. Athena's tower, age shakes, 541. Athens heard, truths refined as, 672. immortal influence of, 590. maid of, ere we part, 540. sending owls to, 760. the eye of Greece, 241. Atlantean shoulders, 227. Atlantic Ocean and Mrs. Partington, 462. Atlas unremoved, 234. Atomies, team of little, 104. Atoms, fortuitous concourse of, 284. into ruins hurled, 315. or systems, 315. Atossa cursed with granted prayer, 321. Atrocious crime of being young, 376. Attack is the reaction, 372. Attain her, in hope to, 28. unto, that which I could, 837. Attains the upmost round, 111. Attempt and not the deed, 119. by fearing to, 47. the end, 203. Attendance, to dance, 101. Attending ears, 106. Attention like deep harmony, 81. still as night, 227. Attentive to his own applause, 327. Attic bird trills her notes, 241. taste, light and choice of, 252. tragedies, 254. Atticus were he, 327. Attire be comely, let thy, 32. walk in silk, 673. wild in their, 116. Attitude in life, proper, 744. Attraction robs the vast sea, 109. Attractive grace, sweet, 232. kind of grace, 23. metal more, 138. Attribute of God, 460. to awe and majesty, 64. to God himself, 64. Auburn locks ye golden curls, 636. loveliest village, 395. Audience, his look drew, 227. fit, though few, 236. Aught in malice, nor set down, 156. in the world beside, 452. that dignifies humanity, 594. that ever I could read, 57. Augur schoenobates, 268. Auld acquaintance, should, 449. claes, gars, 447. moon in her arm, 404. nature swears, 446. Aurora daughter of the dawn, 338, 342. displayed her mantle, 786. shows her face, 357. Auspicious eye, an, 127. Austrian army awfully arrayed, 689. Authentic scripture, 310. watch, 256. Author choose as a friend, 278. man of rank as an, 374. no, ever spared a brother, 349. of lies, the devil the, 193. teaches such beauty, where is any, 55. who speaks about his own books, 608. would his brother kill, 258. Authors do not make acknowledgment, 716. like coins grow dear, 329. old, to read, 171. steal their works, most, 325. Authority and show of truth, 52. art made tongue-tied by, 162. drest in a little brief, 48. from others' books, 54. Automaton, mechanized, 567. Autumn fruit, fell like, 276. garner to the end of time, 644. nodding o'er the plain, 356. that grew more by reaping, 159. Autumnal leaves in Vallombrosa, 224. leaves, thick as, 337. Autumn-fields, happy, 630. Avarice, dreams of, 374, 378. old-gentlemanly vice, 556. old men sicken with, 173. Avaunt, conscience, 296. Avenging day, that great, 337. Avenues of ill, seal up the, 600. Aversion, begin with a little, 440. Avilion, island-valley of, 629. Avoid shame do not seek glory, 460. what is to come, 141. Avon, sweet swan of, 179. to the Severn runs, 484. Awake, lie ten nights, 51. my St. John, 314. my soul, 359. Awakes from the tomb, 428. Awe and majesty, attribute to, 64. of such a thing as I, 110. the soul of Richard, 296. Aweary of the sun, 126. Awe-inspiring God, 480. Awful goodness is, how, 234. guide in smoke and flame, 493. moment, face some, 476. pause, Nature made an, 306. volume, within that, 494. Awkwardness has no forgiveness, 603. Axe, head off with a golden, 108. laid unto the root of the tree, 841. many strokes with little, 94. neither hammer nor, 815. to grind, he has an, 528. woodman's, lies free, 570. Axes, no ponderous, rung, 535. Axis of the earth, 638. Axle, sleeps on her soft, 237. Ayont the twal, short hour, 446. Azure brow, no wrinkle on thine, 547. hue, mountain in its, 512. main, from out the, 358. robe of night, the, 573.
Baaelim and Peor, 251. Babbled of green fields, 91. Babbling dreams, hence, 296. gossip of the air, 75. Babe, bent o'er her, 427. in a house, a, 640. pity like a naked new-born, 118. she lost in infancy, 508. sinews of the new-born, 139. was sleeping on her breast, the, 568. Babes and sucklings, 818. Babel, stir of the great, 420. Baby figure of the giant mass, 102. was sleeping, 582. Babylon in all its desolation, 682. is fallen is fallen, 833. learned and wise, 483. Babylonish dialect, 210. Bacchus ever fair and young, 271. plumpy, with pink eyne, 158. Bachelor, I would die a, 51. of threescore, shall I never see a, 50. Back and side go bare, 23. borne me on his, 144. call yesterday, 81. die with harness on our, 126. got over the devil's, 773. never a shirt on his, 286. on itself recoils, 238. over the devil's, 800. resounded death, 229. revolutions never go, 641. sits on his horse, 78. their opinions by a wager, 554. thumping on your, 423. thumps upon the, 312. to the field, with his, 514. to thy punishment, 229. Backed like a weasel, 139. Backing of your friends, 84. plague upon such, 84. Backward and abysm of time, 42. mutters, 246. turn backward O time, 668. yesterdays look, 307. Bacon, broken bones for, 791. or brave Raleigh spoke, words, 330. save our, 772. shined, think how, 319. Bad affright afflict the best, the, 382. and good of every land, 654. as falling, the fear 's, as, 160. beginning makes a bad ending, 698. begins and worse remains, 141. begun, things, 121. better for being a little, 50. better than downright, 700. eminence, to that, 226. for the, all that was theirs dies, 699. in the best, 163. man, a bold, 27, 98. men live to eat and drink, 738. most men were, 758. the world is grown so, 96. two nations, good and the, 263. wiser being good than, 650. Badder end, to the, 4. Bade me adieu, sweetly she, 380. Badge, nobility's true, 103. of all our tribe, sufferance is the, 61. Badness choose in a heap, 693. Baffled oft is ever won, 548. Bag and baggage, 70. empty, to stand upright, 360. Baiae's bay, isle in, 565. Bailey, unfortunate Miss, 454. Bait, this melancholy, 60. Baits, good news, 242. Baited like eagles, 86. with a dragon's tail, 517. with many a deadly curse, 449. Baker's dozen, 773. Balaam's ass, 813. Balance, in nice, 330. of power, 304. of the old world, 464. Balances, Jove lifts the golden, 341. weighed in the, 835. Baldric, milky, of the skies, 573. Bales unopened to the sun, 307. Ballad of Sir Patrick Spence, 502. to his mistress' eyebrow, woful, 69. world was guilty of such a, 54. Ballads from a cart, sung, 274. of a nation, 281. sing from door to door, 189. Ballad-mongers, same metre, 85. Ballad-singer's joy, the English, 473. Ballast to keep the mind steady, 662. Balloch, o'er the braes of, 674. Balloon, something in a huge, 468. Ballot-box, 't is the, 538. Balm from an anointed king, 81. in Gilead, is there no, 835. of hurt minds, 120. Balmy sweets, diffuse their, 398. Band of brothers, 92. they march a blustering, 273. Bands of Orion, loose the, 818. Bane and antidote, my, 299. of all genius virtue freedom, 567. of all that dread the Devil, 466. precious, 225. Bang, with many a, 211. Banish plump Jack, 85. strong potations, 432. Banishment, bitter bread of, 81. Bank and bush, over, 28. and shoal of time, 118. moonlight sleeps upon this, 65. of violets, breathes upon a, 74. snow-white ram on a grassy, 481. to make a, 263. where wild thyme blows, 58. Banks and braes o' bonny Doon, 452. furnished with bees, 380. Bank-note world, this, 563. Banner, freedom's, 574. in the sky, to see that, 635. star-spangled, 517. the royal, 154. with the strange device, 614. Banners, army with, 832. confusion on thy, 383. flout the sky, 115. hang out our, 125. wave, all thy, 515. Banquet, born but to, 344. is o'er, when the, 348. of the mind, 346. song and dance, 562. Banquet-hall deserted, 523. Baptism o'er the flowers, 202. Baptized in tears, 427. Barbarians all at play, 546. Barbaric pearl and gold, 226. Barbarous dissonance, 245. skill, is but a, 261. Barber and a collier fight, 363. Bard here dwelt more fat, 357. on Chian strand, that blind, 503. Bards in fealty to Apollo hold, 576. who sung, Olympian, 599. Bare, back and side go, 23. imagination of a feast, 81. the mean heart, 328. too thin and, to hide offences, 101. Barefoot, him that makes shoes go, 186. Bargain catch cold, lest the, 159. hath sold him a, 55. in the way of, 85. repentance ground of a bad, 719. to sell a, 55. two words to that, 294. Barge, drag the slow, 424. she sat in, 157. Bark and bite, dogs delight to, 301. at me, dogs, 95. at me, see they, 147. attendant sail, 320. drives on and on, whose, 543. fatal and perfidious, 247. is on the sea, my, 553. is worse than his bite, 205. let no dog, 60. on even keel, thus I steer my, 354. scarfed, the, 62. sinks, if my, 655. watch-dog's honest, 556. Barkis is willin', 652. Barleycorn, bold John, 451. Barrel, handful of meal in a, 815. of meal wasted not, 815. Barren earth, small model of the, 82. sceptre in my gripe, 121. 't is all, 379. Bars, nor iron, a cage, 260. Base born, bravest have been, 190. column with the buried, 546. fly from its firm, 491. him that uttered nothing, 623. Hungarian wight, 45. in kind, 413. is the slave that pays, 91. uses we may return, 144. who is here so, 113. world and worldlings, 90. Baseless fabric of this vision, 43. Baseness, the gods detest my, 158. to write fair, hold it, 145. Bashaw, three-tailed, 454. Bashful fifteen, maiden of, 442. sincerity and comely love, 52. virgin's sidelong looks, 396. Basis of every truth, 409. Basket and store, 814. eggs in one, 786. who was in the, 46. Basso even contra-alto, 554. Bastard Freedom waves her flag, 518. Latin, soft, 554. to the time, he is but a, 78. Bastards, ancient families, 190. live like nature's, 246. Bastion fringed with fire, 631. Bat, tongue of dog wool of, 123. Bats, to the moles and the, 832. Bate a jot of heart or hope, 252. Bated breath, 61. Bath, sore labour's, 120. Bathe in fiery floods, 48. Battalions, heaviest, 801. side of the strongest, 811. sorrows come in, 142. Battle, again to the, 516. and the breeze, 514. cowards do not count in, 699. division of a, 149. feats of broil and, 150. for the free, won the, 562. freedom's, once begun, 548. he has fought his last, 666. he who is in, slain, 403. I had a regular, 701. in the lost, 489. is lost and won, when the, 115. life is a, 750. lost and battle won, 463. not to the strong, 831. perilous edge of, 224. prize of death in, 660. rages loud and long, the, 515. see the front of, lour, 450. sees the other's umbered face, 92. smelleth the, afar off, 818. who in life's, 805. Battles, fought his, o'er again, 271. long ago, 473. rains fall after great, 725. sieges fortunes, 150. Battle's magnificently stern array, 543. sound, no war or, 251. van, in the, 680. Battled for the true and just, 632. Battle-field, march to the, 675. Battlements bore stars, 479. fate sits on these dark, 456. towers and, 248. Bauble, pleased with this, 318. Baucis' busy care, 274. Bay of Biscay O, 453. the moon, be a dog and, 114. Bay-tree, like a green, 819. Be as be we would, 38. good sweet maid, 664. lief not be as live to, 110. matters not what you are thought to, 713. no better than you should, 197. not afraid, it is I, 840. not overcome of evil, 844. not righteous overmuch, 830. or not to be, to, 135. powers that, 844. sure you are right then go ahead, 852. we know not what we may, 142. ye all of one mind, 849. ye angry and sin not, 847. Beach, fishermen that walk upon the, 148. there came to the, 515. Beacon of the wise, 102. Beade of amber, flie within a, 203. Beadle to a humorous sigh, 55. Beadroll, Fame's eternall, 28. Beads and prayer-books, 318. in drops of rain, tell their, 613. pictures rosaries, 215. they told, their, 678. Beak from out my heart, take thy, 640. Beaker full of the warm south, 575. Be-all and the end-all, 118. Beam, full midday, 255. on the outward shape, cast a, 245. that smiles the clouds away, 550. unpolluted in his, 169. Beams athwart the sea, 625. little candle throws his, 66. spreads his orient, 233. tricks his, 248. Beans, abstain from, 729. Bear a charmed life, 126. another's misfortunes, 336. bit you if it had been a, 292. borne and yet must, 566. how easy is a bush supposed a, 59. it calmly, we, 289. lick into form as a, 186. like the Turk, 327. me not so swiftly o'er, 674. or lion, sometime like a, 158. pain to the, 593. rugged Russian, 122. the palm alone, 110. those ills we have, 136. to conquer our fate is to, 515. to live or dare to die, 318. up and steer right onward, 252. with your own brother, 743. Bears and lions growl, 301. lick their cubs, 776, 780. when first born, 719. Bear-baiting heathenish, 593. Beard and hoary hair, 383. he that hath a, 50. of formal cut, 69. singed the Spanish king's, 616. the lion in his den, 490. was as white as snow, 142. was grizzled, 129. Bearded like the pard, 69. men, tears of, 489. Beards be grown, until your, 815. wag all, in hall where, 21. waveth all, when the, 21. Bearings of this observation, 652. Beast to man, familiar, 45. little better than a, 61. that wants discourse of reason, 128. the righteous man regardeth the life of his, 826. very gentle, 59. Beasts, brutish, 113. man's injustice to, 742. nature teaches, 103. pair of very strange, 71. that perish, like the, 820. Beat the bush, 10. this ample field, 315. your pate, you, 336. Beaten, he that is, 212. with his own rod, 9. Beatific vision, 225. Beating of my own heart, 634. Beatings of my heart, 467. Beatitude, eighth, 347. Beaumont lie a little further, 179. lie a little nearer Spenser, rare, 179. Beauteous, all that is most, 483. eye of heaven, 79. flower, may prove a, 106. ruin lay, lovely in death the, 308. ruin lies, prostrate the, 453. Beauties, lovers admire thy naked, 555. modestly conceals her, 378. of exulting Greece, 356. of holiness, 823. of the night, meaner, 174. of the north, unripened, 298. Beautiful, all round thee lying, 680. and free, their old age is, 471. and to be wooed, 93. as sweet and young as, 308. beneath his touch, grow, 514. beyond compare, 497. both were young and one was, 552. clear and purely, 553. exceedingly, 499. eyes of my cash-box, 798. for situation, 820. is night, how, 507. mouth in the world, most, 353. necessity, from a, 640. old rhyme, 163. outward, appear, 841. palace, the, 266. thought, thou wert a, 546. tyrant! fiend angelical, 107. what a deal of scorn looks, 76. Beautifuller, evening seemed, 651. Beautifully blue, 507, 559. less, fine by degrees and, 287. Beauty, a thing of, 574. adorned in naked, 234. and her chivalry, 542. and youth, wisdom rare in, 343. as could die, as much, 178. bereft of, 73. born of murmuring sound, 469. calls and glory shows the way, 281. come near your, 93. cost her nothing, 35. dead, black chaos comes again, 161. dedicate his, to the sun, 104. draws us with a single hair, 326. dreamed that life was, 654. dwells in deep retreats, true, 485. e'er gave, all that, 384. elysian, 482. fatal gift of, 545. fills the air around with, 545. fires the blood, 273. for ashes, 834. form of manliest, 436. full-blown flower of glorious, 276. garmented in light from her own, 567. grew, the conscious stone to, 598. hath its source in the beautiful, 751. hath strange power, 242. hold a plea, shall, 162. if she unmask her, 129. imaged there in happier, 482. immortal awakes, 428. in a brow of Egypt, 59. in his life, daily, 156. in need of praise, 752. is a joy forever, thing of, 574. is a short-lived tyranny, 761. is a silent deceit, 761. is a sovereignty in need of no guards, 761. is an ivory mischief, 761. is its own excuse for being, 599. is the best introduction, 761. is the gift of God, 761. is truth truth beauty, 576. is vain, 829. isle of, fare thee well, 581. led captive, 240. like the night, walks in, 551. lingers, lines where, 548. makes this vault a feasting presence, 109. making beautiful old rhyme, 163. of a thousand stars, clad in the, 41. of surpassing, 702. of the good old cause, 472. of the world, 262. on the shore, left their, 598. ornament of, is suspect, 162. power of, I remember the, 272. provoketh thieves, 66. she walks in, 551. slain, with him is, 161. smile from partial, 513. smiling in her tears, 513. soon grows familiar, 298. stands in the admiration, 240. such, as a woman's eye, 55. there is music in the, 218. they grew in, 570. thou art all, 295. though injurious, 242. to die for, 600. to sport with, 525. truly blent, 74. upon the cheek of night, 105. waking or asleep, 235. winds of March with, 77. Beauty's chain, hour with, 525. ears, gem that hangs from, 424. ensign is crimson, 109. heavenly ray, 549. Beaux, where none are, 377. Beaver, dear the, is to him, 586. on, Harry with his, 86. Beckoning ghost, 335. shadows dire, 243. Beckons me away, a hand which, 314. Becks and wreathed smiles, 248. Becomes him ill, nothing, 55. the throned monarch, 64. Becoming mirth, limit of, 55. Bed at Ware, 305. betwixt a wall, feather, 211. born in, in bed we die, 794. bravely thou becomest thy, 159. by night, 397. day-star in the ocean, 248. delicious bed, 584. early to rise early to, 360. from his brimstone, 507. go sober to, 184. goes to, mellow, 184. goes to, sober, 184. gravity out of his, 85. holy angels guard thy, 302. hue as red as the rosy, 678. lies in his, 79. made his pendent, 117. mighty large, 305. of death, faith kneeling by his, 40. of death, smooth the, 328. of down, my thrice-driven, 151. of honour, 212, 305. on my grave as now my, 218. up in my, now, 584. we laugh in bed we cry in, 794. welcome to your gory, 450. with the lamb, to, 33. with the lark, to, 454. Beds of raging fire, from, 228. of roses, make thee, 41. Beddes hed, lever han at his, 1. Bedfellows, strange, 43. Bedtime, would it were, 87. Bee, brisk as a, 369. buried in its own juice, 168. busy as a, 33. enclosed in amber, 722. had stung it newly, 256. not good for the, 754. the little busy, 302. where sucks the, 43. would choose to dream in, 678. Bees, banks furnished with, 380. his helmet, a hive for, 25. murmuring of innumerable, 630. rob the Hybla, 115. the government of, 782. Beechen tree, spare the, 516. Beef of England, roast, 363. Beehive's hum, 455. Been and may be again, 473. what has been has, 274. who that hath ever, 497. Beer, bemus'd in, 326. chronicle small, 151. felony to drink small, 94. poor creature small, 89. Beersheba, Dan to, 379, 814. Beetle, intolerable to a black, 857. that we tread upon, 48. three-man, 88. Beeves and home-bred kine, 474. Before and after, looking, 142. come after which was, 212. not lost but gone, 283. that which is gone, 752. the better foot, 80. the whole world, 798. you could say Jack Robinson, 853. Beg, Homer himself must, 189. or borrow or get a man's own, 279. they poor I rich they, 22. Began best can't end the worst, 650. Beggar maid, loved the, 105. on horseback, 190. that I am I am poor in thanks, 134. that is dumb may challenge double pity, 25. Beggars die, when, 112. in the streets mimicked, 590. must be no choosers, 197. should be no choosers, 14. Beggared all description, 157. by the strumpet wind, 62. Beggarly account of empty boxes, 108. elements, weak and, 846. last doit, 421. Scotchman, 370. Beggary in the love, 157. Begging bread, nor his seed, 819. the question, 853. Beginning and the end, 849. bad, bad ending, 698. good end good, 13. hard, 11. late, choosing and, 238. mean and end to all things, 654. never ending, still, 272. no great love in the, 45. of a feast, 87. of a fray, 19. of our end, the true, 59. of the end, 808. Beginnings, friendships from, 703. Begone dull care, 684. Begot, by whom, 335. how nourished how, 63. of nothing but vain fantasy, 105. Beguile her of her tears, 150. light of light, 54. the thing I am, 151. the time look like the time, 117. Beguiled by one, 155. Begun for, wonder what I was, 689. things bad, 121. Behaviour, check to loose, 297. during good, 855. laws of, 602. upon his good, 559. Behind, worse remains, 141. you, if you had any eye, 76. Behold, hath power to say, 57. our home, survey our empire, 550. the upright man, 819. Beholding heaven, 526. Being, beauty its own excuse for, 599. God a necessary, 266. hath a part of, 544. intellectual, 227. one principle of, 754. momentary taste of, 768. pleasing anxious, 385. scarcely formed, a lovely, 560. shot my, through earth, 501. Beings, reasoning, 751. Being's end and aim, our, 318. Belated peasant, 225. Belerium, from old, 333. Belgium's capital had gathered there, 542. Belgrade, by battery besiege, 689. Belial, sons of, 224. Belief ripened into faith, 481. within the prospect of, 116. Believe, have heard and do in part, 127. it because it is impossible, 756. oft repeating they, 288. some make believe what they, 776. Believes his own watch, each, 323. Believing, with true, 641. Bell, as a sullen, 88. book and candle, 785. church-going, 416. each matin, knells us back, 500. in a cowslip's, I lie, 43. merry as a marriage, 542. silence that dreadful, 152. strikes one, 306. tocsin of the soul, the dinner, 559. Bells and the Fudges, 592. chime, the sweet, 587. do chime, think when the, 205. have knolled to church, 68. jangled out of tune, 136. music of those village, 422. ring happy, 633. ring out wild, 633. those evening, 523. Belle, it is vain to be a, 377. Belligerent discordant States, 533. Bellman, the owl the fatal, 119. Belly, God send thee good ale, 23. has no ears, 725, 772. man must mind his, 371. spent under the devil's, 773. whose God is their, 847. with good capon lined, 69. Bellyful of fighting, 159. Belongings, thyself and thy, 46. Beloved face on earth, one, 552. from pole to pole, 499. in vain, fields, 381. sleep, he giveth his, 824. Below, a little heaven, 302. my thoughts remain, 140. thy element is, 146. Bemused in beer, a parson, 326. Ben Adhem's name led, 536. Ben Bolt, 680. Ben Jonson, rare, 177. Bench chambers, in the kings, 297. of heedless bishops, 380. Bend a knotted oak, 294. low, shall I, 61. your eye on vacancy, 141. Bendemeer's stream, roses by, 526. Bene, good for a bootless, 479. Beneath the churchyard stone, 595. the good how far, 382. the milk-white thorn, 447. the rule of men, 606. Benedick the married man, 50. Benediction, doth breed perpetual, 478. out of heavens, 17. Benedictions, celestial, 615. Benefit, he who confers a, 775. of men, use and, 266. Benefits, desire for greater, 796. Benevolence and love, acts of, 342. Benighted, feels awhile, 522. walks under the midday sun, 244. Bent, affection cannot hold the, 75. him o'er the dead, 548. just as the twig is, 320. o'er her babe, 427. though on pleasure she was, 417. top of my, 139. Bequeathed by bleeding sire, 548. Berkeley, coxcombs vanquish, 380. said there was no matter, 560. to, every virtue under heaven, 329. Bermoothes, still-vexed, 42. Berries, come to pluck your, 246. moulded on one stem, two, 58. Berry, God could have made a better, 208. Berth of the wombe, 28. Beside a human door, 472. the springs of Dove, 469. the still waters, 819. Besier semed than he was, 2. Besotted base ingratitude, 246. Bess, image of good queen, 585. Best administered, whate'er is, 318. are but shadows, 59. bad in the, 163. companions, 396. contentment, 27. days, afternoon of her, 97. discreetest, 238. fear not to touch the, 25. fools be little wise, 177. good man, 279. he serves his party, 665. his circumstance allows, 307. honest tale speeds, 97. lads and lassies in their, 683. laid schemes of mice and men, 446. men moulded out of faults, 50. men of few words are the, 91. of all possible worlds, 801. of all ways, 521. of dark and bright, all that 's, 551. of me is diligence, 146. of men that e'er wore earth, 182. of what we do and are, 473. of womankind, 346. old friends are, 195. part of valour, discretion the, 197. past and to come seems, 89. portion of a good man's life, 467. prayeth best who loveth, 499. prize that which is, 753. second thoughts are, 277. state, every man at his, 820. stolen sweets are, 297. things most difficult, 729. things not for the, 700. who does the, 307. who serves his country, 339. Best-conditioned and unwearied, 64. Bestial, what remains is, 152. Bestowing, most princely in, 101. Bestride the narrow world, 110. Besy a man, nowher so, 2. Beteem the winds of heaven, 128. Bethumped with words, 78. Betimes, what is 't to leave, 145. Betray, nature never did, 467. that men, 403. Better a bad epitaph, 134. be damned, 431. be with the dead, 121. berry, never made a, 208. bettered expectation, he hath, 50. day the better deed, 172. day the worse deed, 282. days, if ever you have looked on, 68. days, friend of my, 562. days, we have seen, 109. did I say, 114. elder soldier, not a, 114. fifty years of Europe, 626. foot before, 80. for being a little bad, 50. grace, does it with a, 75. grow wiser and, 670. had they ne'er been born, 494. half, my dear my, 34. horse, gray mare the, 17. is a dinner of herbs, 826. is half a loaf than no bread, 15. is it to bow than break, 12. late than never, 13, 284. love given unsought is, 76. made by ill, good are, 455. much more the, 50. or for worse, 850. part of valour is discretion, 87. reck the rede, may you, 448. spared a better man, 87. strangers, desire we may be, 70. striving to, 146. than downright bad, 700. than false knaves, 53. than he knew, builded, 598. than his dog, something, 626. than nothing, little is, 710. than one of the wicked, 83. than you should be, 197. the instruction, 63. the worse appear the, 226. thou shouldest not vow, 830. to be lowly born, 98. to be much abused, 154. to be vile than vile esteemed, 163. to dwell in a corner, 827. to give than to take, 11. to have loved and lost, 632. to hunt in fields, 270. to love amiss, 444. to reign in hell, 224. to sink beneath the shock, 549. to wear out than to rust, 853. trust all and be deceived, 641. world, another and a, 805. world than this, 66. Bettered by the borrower, 253. expectation, 50. Bettering of my mind, 42. Between the cradle and the grave, 358. two stools, 808. Bevy of fair women, 240. Beware my lord of jealousy, 153. of a man of one book, 853. of desperate steps, 423. of entrance to a quarrel, 130. of had I wist, 9. the fury of a patient man, 269. the ides of March, 110. Bewilder, leads to, 428. Bezonian, under which king, 90. Bias, rules with strongest, 323. Bible, burdens of the, 598. is a book of doctrine, the, 530. is a book of faith, the, 530. is a book of morals, the, 530. knows her true, 414. shows the extent of the English language, 590. studie was but litel on the, 2. Bibles laid open, 205. Bickerings to recount, 255. Bid me discourse, 161. Bidding, thousands speed at his, 252. Bids expectation rise, 398. Biennial elections, 283. Bier, waste sorrows at my, 571. Big manly voice, 69. round tears, 67. with the fate of Rome, 297. with vengeance, 363. Big-endians and small-endians, 290. Bigger than an agate-stone, no, 104. than his head, seems no, 148. Biggest rascal that walks, 748. Bigness which you see, 265. Bilbow, the word it was, 351. Bilious, when I am only, 586. Bill, as if God wrote the, 600. Billing, amorous fond and, 215. Billows, bounding, 674. distinct as the, 496. foam, the, 550. never break, where, 295. pilot cannot mitigate the, 730. roar, or heard the, 344. swelling and limitless, 503. trusted to thy, 548. Bind, fast find fast, 10. safe find safe, 21. up my wounds, 97. Binding nature fast in fate, 334. Biography, an heroic poem is a, 578. Bird, by wandering, as the, 828. each fond endearment tries, 396. in the hand, 15, 740, 787. in the solitude singing, 552. night with this her solemn, 233. O cuckoo! shall I call thee, 474. of dawning singeth all night, 127. of passage, the cuckoo a, 720. of the air, 831. on the wing, 680. rare, in the land, 770. soul of our grandam might inhabit a, 77. that fyleth his own nest, 8, 18. that shunn'st the noise, 206. the Attic, 241. Birds, charm of earliest, 233. confabulate, if, 417. eagle suffers little, to sing, 104. I see my way as, 643. in cages, as with, 778. in last year's nest, 613, 792. in their little nests agree, 302. joyous the, 238. melodious, sing madrigals, 41. of the air have nests, 839. sang east and west, 620. sang, where late the sweet, 162. time of the singing of, 832. with chaff, catch old, 787. without despair to get in, 180. Bird-cage in a garden, 180. Birnam wood, 124, 125. Birth, death borders upon our, 182. dew of thy, 851. is but a sleep, 477. nothing but our death begun, 309. of that significant word flirtation, 353. our Saviour's, is celebrated, 127. place of my, 550. repeats the story of her, 300. revolts from true, 106. science frowned not on his, 386. smiled on my, 534. the sunshine is a glorious, 477. 't is fortune gives us, 340. Birthplace, great Homer's, 189. Biscay, bay of, 453. Biscuit, dry as the remainder, 68. Bishop, church without a, 588. hypocrisy of a, 688. Bishops, bench of heedless, 380. Bit me, though he had, 148. with an envious worm, 104. you if it had been a bear, 292. Bite, bark worse than his, 205. dogs delight to bark and, 301. the hand that fed them, 411. the man recovered of the, 400. Bites, three, of a cherry, 773. shrewdly, the air, 130. Biteth like a serpent, 828. Biting for anger, eager soul, 221. Bitter as coloquintida, 151. change, feels the, 228. cold, 't is, 126. cross, on the, 82. end, 853. ere long, 238. fancy, food of, 71. is a scornful jest, 366. memory, wakes the, 231. o'er the flowers, some, 540, 706. past, more welcome is the sweet, 74. Bittern booming in the weeds, 592. Bitterns, London an habitation of, 592. Bitterness, knoweth his own, 826. of things, from out the, 484. Bivouac of the dead, 681. Blabbing and remorseful day, 94. eastern scout, 243. Black and gray, friars white, 231. and midnight hags, 123. beetle, intolerable to a, 857. customary suits of solemn, 127. despair, 564. every white will have its, 404. eyes and lemonade, 519. hung be the heavens with, 93. is a pearl in woman's eye, 35. is not so black, 464. it stood as night, 228. let the devil wear, 138. men of Coromandel, 592. more, than ash-buds, 625. or red, bokes clothed in, 1. spirits and white, 173. to red began to turn, 213. white shall not neutralize the, 651. with tarnished gold, 456. Blackberries, plentiful as, 85. Blackbird to whistle, 210. Blackguards both, 558. Blacks had no rights, the, 675. Bladder, blows a man up like a, 85. Bladders, boys that swim on, 99. Blade, heart-stain away on its, 519. notches on the, 811. sheathes the vengeful, 459. trenchant Toledo trusty, 211. Blades, Spanish, 105. to Greece we give our shining, 525. two, of grass to grow, 290. Blaize, lament for Madam, 400. Blame, dispraise or, 242. in part to, is she, 193, 350. Blameless vestal's lot, 333. Blanch without the owner's crime, 483. Blanche, Sweetheart and Tray, 147. Bland, childlike and, 669. Blandishments of life, 671. will not fascinate us, 436. Blank, creation 's, 672. misgivings of a creature, 478. my lord, a, 75. of Nature's works, 230. Blasphemes his feeder, 246. Blasphemy in the soldier, 48. Blast, chill November's surly, 446. he died of no, 276. of that dread horn, 490. of war blows in our ears, 91. rushing of the, 573. striding the, 118. upon his bugle horn, 492. Blasts from hell, 130. of wind, hollow, 347. Blasted, no sooner blown but, 251. with excess of light, 382. Blastments, contagious, 129. Blaze, burst out into sudden, 247. Liberty's unclouded, 564. of noon, 241. Blazed with lights, 109. Blazon, eternal, must not be, 131. Blazoning pens, quirks of, 151. Bleak our lot, though, 676. Bleed, carcasses, at the sight of the murderer, 187. heart for which others, 294. they have torn me and I, 544. Bleeding country save, my, 513. piece of earth, 113. Blend our pleasure, 472. Bless, none whom we can, 541. the hand that gave the blow, 277. the hand that gives the, 289. thee Bottom, 58. thee, hold fast till he, 362. Blessed, children call her, 829. dejected, while another 's, 320. do above, what the, 220. feet nailed on the bitter cross, 82. he alone is, 289. he that considereth the poor, 820. he who expects nothing, 347. I have been, 549. is the healthy nature, 579. man, half part of a, 78. martyr, thou fallest a, 100. mood, that, 467. more, to give, 843. none but such as be, 38. part to heaven, gave his, 100. shall be thy basket, 814. them unaware, I, 498. three, chief among the, 611. who ne'er was born, 289. Blessedness, single, 57. Blesses his stars, 297. Blesseth her with happy hands, 31. him that gives, 64. Blessing dear, makes a, 256. health is the second, 208. I had most need of, 119. Lord dismiss us with thy, 374. national debt a national, 532. no harm in, 351. of the Old Testament, 164. out of God's blessing, 17, 785. steal immortal, from her lips, 108. that money cannot buy, 208. the Pretender, no harm in, 351. Blessings be with them, 477. brighten as they take their flight, 307. from whom all, flow, 278. liberty one of the most valuable, 792. on him that invented sleep, 792. two of life's greatest, 713. wait on virtuous deeds, 294. without number, 302. Blest, Araby the, 232. never is, but always to be, 315. I have been, 549. in blessing others, 343. it is twice, 64. kings may be, 451. paper-credit, 322. with temper with unclouded ray, 321. with some new joys, 276. Blew great guns, 436. you hither, what wind, 90. Blight, bloom or, 657. treason like a deadly, 526. Blind bard, be that, 503. be to her faults a little, 287. dazzles to, 428. eyes to the, feet to the lame, 817. fortune though she is, 167. fury, comes the, 247. girl comes from afar, 607. guides strain at a gnat, 640. he that is strucken, 104. his soul with clay, 630. lead the blind, if the, 840. love is, and lovers cannot see, 62. love must needs be, 503. man's erring judgment, 323. none so, as will not see, 19, 283, 293. old man of Scio's rocky isle, 550. winged Cupid is painted, 57. Blindly, loved sae, 452. Blindness, or I all, 295. Bliss, all that poets feign of, 94. bowers of, 313. brightly glow the hues of, 386. centres in the mind, 395. certainty of waking, 244. domestic happiness, only, 419. gained by some degree of woe, 377. health the vital principle of, 358. how exquisite the, 447. ignorance is, where, 382. in possession, will not last, 496. in that dawn to be alive, 476. it excels all other, 22. momentary, 381. must gain, we every, 377. no greater, 38. of paradise, thou only, 419. of solitude, inward eye the, 475. source of all my, 398. sum of earthly, 238. that earth affords, 22. to die for our country, 340. virtue makes the, 389. virtue only makes our, 320. which centres in the mind, 395. winged hours of, 514. Blissful and dear, 521. Blithe, no lark more, 427. Block, chip of the old, 412. Blockhead, no, ever wrote for money, 373. the bookful, 325. Blood and state, glories of our, 209. beats with his, 630. beauty fires the, 273. brain may devise laws for the, 61. burns, when the, 130. clean from my hand, wash this, 120. cold in clime cold in, 549. drenched in fraternal, 533. drizzled upon the Capitol, 112. dyed waters, 441. earth helped him with the cry of, 478. fierce as frenzy's fevered, 492. flesh and, can't bear it, 351. freeze thy young, 131. glories of our, 209. guiltless of his country's, 385. hand raised to shed his, 315. harbingers of, 126. her pure and eloquent, 177. hey-day in the, 140. in an old man's heart, 655. in him, so much, 124. in their dastardly veins, 525. is tame, when the, 141. is thicker than water, 493. is very snow-broth, 47. is warm within, 60. of a British man, 147. of all the Howards, 319. of the martyrs, 756. of tyrants, 804. rebellious liquors in my, 67. ruddy drop of manly, 602. savageness in unreclaimed, 133. sensations sweet felt in the, 467. sign to know the gentle, 29. so cheap, flesh and, 585. spoke in her cheeks, 177. stepped so far in, 123. stirs to rouse a lion, 84. strong as flesh and, 477. summon up the, 91. that healest with, 199. to ears of flesh and, 131. was thin and old, 589. weltering in his, 271. what potent, hath May, 599. whoso sheddeth man's, 812. will follow the knife, 312. Bloodless race with feeble voice, 337. Bloods, breed of noble, 110. Bloodshed, fear and, 476. Blood-tinctured heart, 620. Bloody instructions, we but teach, 118. Mary, image of, 585. Bloom, drives full on thy, 448. is shed, seize the flower its, 451. lips he has pressed in their, 635. of young desire, 382. of youth, in the, 702. or blight, 657. sight of vernal, 230. that kill the, 483. Blooming alone, left, 521. Blossom and bear fruit, let it, 743. as the rose, 834. in the dust, 209. that hangs on the bough, 43. to-morrow, 99. Blossomed the lovely stars, 616. Blossoms, arborett with painted, 28. hope's tender, 805. in the trees, 316. of my sin, cut off in the, 132. Blot, art to, 329. creation's, 672. know what they discreetly, 221. not one line he could wish to, 377. on his name, no, 514. Blotted it out forever, 379. paper, that ever, 64. Blow, adore the hand that gives the, 289. and swallow the same moment, 701. bless the hand that gave the, 277. bold I can meet his, 464. bugle blow, 630. death loves a signal, 309. freedom only deals the deadly, 459. hand that dealt the, 514. hand that gives the, 289. liberty is in every, 450. might be the be-all, 118. on the head, 764. on whom I please, 68. perhaps may turn his, 464. remember thy swashing, 104. the horrid deed in every eye, 118. themselves must strike the, 541. the stormy winds do, 515. thou winter wind, 70. till they have wakened death, 151. what wood a cudgel is by the, 213. wind! come wrack, 126. winds and crack your cheeks, 146. word and a, 107, 277. Blows and buffets of the world, 121. and knocks, apostolic, 210. man up like a bladder, 85. of circumstance, 633. Bloweth where it listeth, 842. Blown, no sooner, but blasted, 251. with restless violence, 48. Blue above and blue below, 538. and gold, clad in, 456. bide by the buff and, 450. darkly deeply beautifully, 507, 559. ethereal sky, 300. eyes of unholy, 521. heaven above us bent, 624. love and tears for the, 668. meagre hag, 244. presbyterian true, 210. roses red and violets, 28. rushing of the Rhone, 543. sky bends over all, 499. sky, canopied by the, 553. the fresh the ever free, 538. why does thy nose look so, 673. Blue-fringed lids, 501. Blue-stocking, sagacious, 593. Blunder free us, frae monie a, 448. worse than a crime, 805. you find in men this, 437. youth is a, 608. Blunderbuss against religion, 370. Blundering kind of melody, 269. Blunders about a meaning, 327. Blush of maiden shame, 573. of modesty, grace and, 140. shame where is thy, 140. to find it fame, do good and, 329. to give it in, 513. unseen, born to, 385. Blushed as he gave in the oath, 379. before, we never, 262. the conscious water, 258. young men that, 734. Blushes at the name, 681. bear away those, 52. man that, not quite a brute, 309. Blushful Hippocrene, 575. Blushing apparitions, 52. honours, bears his, 99. is the colour of virtue, 283, 764. like the morn, 237. Blustering band, they march a, 273. railer, 672. Boards, ships are but, 61. Boast, can imagination, 355. he lives to build not, 354. independence be our, 465. Murray was our, 332. not thyself of to-morrow, 829. of heraldry, 384. such is the patriot's, 394. veil the matchless, 356. Boastful boys, earth's, 598. neighs, high and, 92. Boat is on the shore, 553. oar in every man's, 789. swiftly glides the bonnie, 674. Boatman, take thrice thy fee, 806. Boats should keep near shore, 360. Bobbed for whale, 217. Bobtail tike, 148. Bocara's vaunted gold, 437. Bodes me no good, 349. some strange eruption, 126. Bodied forth, softly, 546. Bodies, conceit in weakest, 141. ghosts of defunct, 210. of unburied men, 181. one soul in two, 762. pressed the dead, 86. princes like to heavenly, 166. soldiers bore dead, by, 83. to life, brought dead, 604. two, with one soul, 340. Bodiless creation, 141. Boding tremblers, 397. Bodkin, with a bare, 136. Body, absent from the, 508. absent in, 845. blameless mind and faultless, 342. cleanness of, 170. clog of his, 221. demd damp moist, 652. distressed in mind or estate, 850. enough to cover his mind, not, 460. eye is the light of the, 838. filled and vacant mind, 92. form doth take, of the soul, 29. is under hatches, 436. lodged a mighty mind, whose, 338. mind, or estate, 850. nature is, whose, 316. nought cared this, 503. of the time, very age and, 137. one of a lean, 221. pent, here in the, 497. presence of, 509. sickness-broken, 221. so young with so old a head, 64. sprang at once to the height, the, 649. thought, almost say her, 177. to that pleasant country's earth, his, 82. with my, I thee worship, 851. Body's guest, go soul the, 25. Bog or steep, o'er, 230. Serbonian, 228. Bogs dens and shades of death, 228. unapproachable, 722. Boil an egg, the vulgar, 330. like a pot, maketh the deep, 818. Boisterous captain of the sea, 392. Bokes clothed in black or red, 1. Bold as a lion, 829. bad man, 27, 98. everywhere be, 28. I can meet his blow, 464. John Barleycorn, 451. man that first eat an oyster, 292. virtue is, 49. Boldest held his breath, 515. Boldness again boldness, 808. ever meets with friends, 343. Bolingbroke was a scoundrel, 370. Bolt of Cupid fell, where the, 58. the fool's, is soon shot, 16. Bombastes, must meet, 388. Bond, nominated in the, 65. of fate, take a, 123. 't is not in the, 65. trust man on his oath or, 109. word good as his, 790. Bondage led, when Israel was from, 261. out of the land of, 493. whole eternity in, 298. Bondman let me live, 475. so base that would be a, 113. Bondman's key, in a, 61. Bonds of ignorance, 639. Bondsmen, hereditary, 541. Bone and skin, two millers, 351. as curs mouth a, 412. bites him to the, 363. bred in the, 19, 691. of manhood, 408. of my bones, 812. of thy bone, 784. wasted to skin and, 784. Bones are coral made, of his, 42. canonized, 130. cursed be he that moves my, 163. for bacon, broken, 791. full of dead men's, 841. good oft interred with their, 113. his honoured, 251. made no more, 784. misery worn him to the, 108. mutine in a matron's, 140. paste and cover to our, 82. rattle his, over the stones, 683. tell all my, I may, 819. to lay his weary, among ye, 100. to sit in my, 461. weave thread with, 75. whose dice were human, 555. with aches, fill all thy, 42. Bonny Doon, banks and braes of, 452. Bononcini, compared to, 351. Booby son, father craves a, 310. mother who 'd give her, 348. Book, adversary had written a, 817. all the world knows me in my, 778. and heart must never part, 686. and volume of my brain, 132. beware of a man of one, 853. blessed companion is a, 597. containing such vile matter, 107. dainties bred in a, 55. face is as a, 117. go little, 6. good kill a man as kill a good, 254. half a library to make one, 372. honestly come by, 663. I 'll drown my, 43. in black or red, 1. in breeches, Macaulay is a, 461. in gold clasps, 104. in sour misfortune's, 108. is a book, 539. is the precious life-blood, a, 254. never read, like a sacred, 181. no, but has something good, 748, 788. note it in a, 834. of fate, heaven hides the, 315. of human life, 617. of knowledge fair, 230. of nature short of leaves, 585. of songs and sonnets, 45. only read perhaps by me, 470. or friend, with a religious, 174. security in an old, 663. so fairly bound, 107. so unconning, O little, 6. what to put first in a, 799. when a nobleman writes a, 374. who reads an American, 462. words printed in a, 817. Books a university, 580. and dreams are each a world, 477. and money placed for show, 215. are a substantial world, 477. assume the care of, 310. authority from others', 54. by which the printers lost, 222. cannot always please, 444. comments on, 779. deep versed in, 241. forefathers had no other, 94. he comes not in my, 198. in her mind the wisest, 261. in the running brooks, 67. knowing I loved my, 42. like proverbs, 266. lineaments of gospel, 23. men that will make you, 788. must follow sciences, 168. next o'er his, 331. not in your, 50. of honour razed from the, 161. of making many, 832. of nature, 784. old manners old, 401. on the soul, I have written three, 645. or work or healthful play, 302. our forefathers had no other, 94. philosophers will put their names to their, 188. preserved and stored up in, 254. some are lies, 446. some, to be tasted, 168. speaks about his own, 608. spectacles of, 277. stuffed with stoical reasonings, 744. sweet serenity of, 617. talismans and spells, 422. tenets change with, 321. that nourish all the world, 56. they read, their, 678. to hold in the hand, 375. toil o'er, 348. up and quit your, 466. upon his head, so many, 457. were woman's looks, my only, 522. which are no books, 509. wiser grow without, 422. you need, Homer all the, 280. Bookful blockhead, 325. Bookish theoric, 149. Bookmen, you two are, 55. Boot, appliances and means to, 89. Booted and spurred, 682. Bootless bene, good for a, 479. Boots displace, dares this pair of, 388. it at one gate, what, 242. Bo-peep, played at, 202. Border, let that aye be your, 448. Bore a bright golden flower, 245. my point, thus I, 84. the world, him who, 483. without abuse, 633. Boreas, blustering railer, 672. Bores and bored, the, 560. through his castle wall, 82. Born, better ne'er been, 494. better to be lowly, 98. blessed who ne'er was, 289. cry for being, 170. days, in my, 787. for immortality, 484. for success, 600. for the universe, 399. great, some are, 76. highest calamity to be, 736. how happy is he, 174. in Arcadia, I too was, 793. in a bower, 581. in a cellar, 294, 391. in a wood to be afraid of an owl, 292. in bed in bed we die, 794. in better days, 341. in silent darkness, 39. in sin, Adam's sons, 190. in the garret, 552. knew that before you were, 716. or taught, happy is he, 174. poet is made as well as, 179. so, men are to be, 207. that ever I was, 133. to be a slave, 413. to blush unseen, 385. to die that were not, 562. to do, the thing that I was, 39. to inquire after truth, 778. to set it right, 133. to the manner, 130. under a rhyming planet, 54. Borne, and yet must bear, 566. away with every breath, 554. down by the flying, 489. his faculties so meek, 118. like thy bubbles, onward, 547. Borrow the name of the world, to, 166. to beg or to, 279. Borrowed things, disguising, 779. wit, wings of, 200. Borrower, bettered by the, 253. is servant to the lender, 828. nor a lender be, 130. of the night, 120. Borrowing dulls the edge, 130. such kind of, 253. who goeth a, goeth a sorrowing, 21, 360. Bosom, cleanse the stuffed, 125. bears, snow which thy frozen, 49. come rest in this, 522. man take fire in his, 825. of God, her seat is the, 31. of his Father and his God, 386. of the ocean, buried in the, 95. of the sea, 94, 182. of thy God, calm on the, 570. on thy fair, silver lake, 677. sleep in Abraham's, 97. slow growth in an aged, 364. swell, with thy fraught, 155. third in your, 107. thorns that in her, lodge, 132. warm cheek and rising, 382. was young, when my, 515. what, beats not, 336. wife of thy, 813. with his hand on his, 406. wring his, and die, 403. Bosoms, come home to men's, 164. quiet to quick, 543. Bosom's lord sits lightly, 108. Bosomed deep in vines, 332. high in tufted trees, 248. Bosom-weight, your stubborn gift, 486. Boston and Concord, there is, 532. solid men of, 432. State House the hub, 638. Botanize upon his mother's grave, 471. Botany, Latin names all their, 599. Both and either, 731. in the wrong, 348. sides, much may be said on, 300, 363. thanks and use, 46. were young, 552. Bottle, little for the, 436. of hay, needle in a, 670. Bottom, my ventures are not in one, 59. of the deep, dive into the, 84. of the sea, 96. of the worst, 102. search not his, 257. thou art translated, 58. tub upon its own, 265, 350. Bough, Apollo's laurel, 41. blossom that hangs on the, 43. the bud is on the, 611. touch not a single, 595. Boughs are daily rifled, 585. so pendulous and fair, 501. that shake against the cold, 162. Bought, now cheaply, 456. Bound in shallows and miseries, 115. in those icy chains, 184. into saucy doubts, 122. Bounding billows, 674. Boundless contiguity of shade, 418. his wealth, 488. our thoughts as, 550. seas, twixt two, 525. Bounds, dances in his crystal, 246. of freakish youth, 419. of freedom wider yet, 623. of modesty, 108. of place and time, 382. vulgar, 323. Bounties of an hour, 306. Bounty fed, those his former, 271. large was his, 386. no winter in his, 159. not till judgment guide his, 102. of earth, fed by the, 597. Bourbon or Nassau, 288. Bourn no traveller returns, 136. Bout, many a winding, 249. Bow before thine altar love, 392. better to, than break, 12. many strings to your, 15. stubborn knees, 139. to that whose course is run, 387. too tensely strong, 710. two strings to his, 15. Bowed, at her feet he, 814. the heavens high, 23. Bowels of compassion, 849. of the earth, 182. of the harmless earth, 83. of the land, 97. Bower, born in a, 581. by Bendemeer's stream, 526. Eveleen's, 520. led her to the nuptial, 237. of roses, 526. orange flower perfumes the, 494. Bowers of bliss, 313. silver, leave, 28. Bowl, born to drain the, 344. golden, be broken, 831. mingles with my friendly, 328. Bows, 't is penning, 387. Box, breathes from yonder, 325. twelve good men into a, 528. where sweets compacted lie, 204. Boxes, beggarly account of empty, 108. Boy and youth, 'twixt, 489. at Drury's a happy, 595. Chatterton the marvellous, 470. get money, 177. hath sold him a bargain, 55. lad of mettle a good, 84. laughing, hear that, 637. love is a, by poets styled, 213. O would I were a, again, 679. parlous, 96. playing on the sea-shore, 278. stood on the burning deck, 570. than when I was a, 583. that shoots so trim, 405. twelve years ago I was a, 595. who would not be a, 541. you hear that, laughing, 637. Boys, claret the liquor for, 374. earth's boastful, 598. fear, with bugs, 72. go wooing in my, 406. grief for, 160. like little wanton, 99. three merry, are we, 184. throw stones at frogs, 741. to learn what is necessary for, 760. to learn what is useful as men, 737. Boyhood's years, tears of, 523. Boyish days, even from my, 150. Brach or lym, 148. Bradshaw bullied, 352. Braes, among thy green, 449. of Balloch, o'er the, 674. we twa hae run about the, 449. Braggart with my tongue, 124. Braid, blowing the ringlet from the, 627. Braids of lilies, twisted, 246. Brain, book and volume of my, 132. books the children of the, 291. children of an idle, 105. coinage of your, 141. dry as the remainder biscuit, 68. heat-oppressed, 119. him with his lady's fan, 84. like madness in the, 500. made out of the carver's, 499. may devise laws, 61. memory warder of the, 119. mint of phrases in his, 54. paper bullets of the, 51. shallow draughts intoxicate the, 323. should possess a poet's, 40. too finely wrought, 413. vex the, with researches, 443. written troubles of the, 125. Brains could not move, 457. cudgel thy, no more about it, 143. excise our, 413. steal away their, 152. unhappy, for drinking, 152. when the, were out, 122. Brake that virtue must go through, the, 98. Branch, cut is the, 41. Branch-charmed oaks, 575. Branches, giant, tossed, 569. of learning, 62. Branching elm, star-proof, 250. Brandy, a hero must drink, 374. and water, sipped, 454. nothing extenuate for the, 597. Branksome Hall, custom of, 487. Brass, evil manners live in, 100. nor stone nor earth, 162. sounding, 845. Brave, annals of the, 663. councils of the, 526. days of old, 593. deserves the fair, none but the, 271. fears of the, 365. fortune helps the, 704. home of the, 517. how sleep the, 389. live on, the, 671. man chooses, 657. man struggling, 336. men before Agamemnon, 555. that are no more, 423. the unreturning, 543. toll for the, 423. who rush to glory, 515. Bravely becomest thy bed, 159. fleshed thy maiden sword, 87. Bravery, all her, 242. of his grief, 145. Bravest are the tenderest, the, 666. Braw brass collar, 447. Brawling woman in a wide house, 827. Bray a fool in a mortar, 829. Brayed with minstrelsy, 109. Brazen throat of war, 240. Breach, imminent deadly, 150. more honoured in the, 130. once more unto the, 91. Breaches, ambuscades, 105. Bread and butter, quarrel with my, 292. and butter, no, of mine, 787. and butter, smell of, 554. and the gospel is good fare, 283. better is half a loaf than no, 15. crust of, and liberty, 328. crammed with distressful, 92. die for beauty than live for, 600. eaten in secret, 825. half-penny worth of, 85. he took the, and brake it, 177. Homer begged his, 189. if his son ask, 839. in one hand stone the other, 701. in sorrow ate his, 803. is buttered, which side my, 19. is the staff of life, 283, 291. looked to government for, 411. man doth not live by, only, 813. man shall not live by, alone, 838. nor his seed begging, 819. of banishment, eating the bitter, 81. of idleness, 829. should be so dear, that, 585. upon the waters, cast thy, 831. whole stay of, 833. wondering for his, 420. Break, better to bow than, 12. it to our hope, 126. of day, eyes the, 49. of the wave, 561. Breakers the Euxine's dangerous, 559. wantoned with thy, 548. Breakfast on a lion's lip, 91. scheme for her own, 311. with what appetite you have, 99. Breaking waves dashed high, 569. Breast, against Othello's, 156. arm the obdured, 228. beauteous head drops upon his, 338. bless it upon my, 657. calm the troubled, 611. cross on her white, 325. eternal in the human, 315. fair as thine ideal, 546. feeble woman's, 482. knock the, 242. marble of her snowy, 219. master-passion in the, 317. monuments upon my, 571. ne'er learned to glow, whose, 335. on her white, 325. round its, the rolling clouds, 397. soothe the savage, 294. sunshine of the, 381. tamer of the human, 382. thine ideal, 546. told but to her mutual, 516. toss him to my, 205. truth hath a quiet, 80. two hands upon the, 667. where learning lies, 336. with dauntless, 385. within his own clear, 244. within our, this jewel lies, 362. Breast-high, amid the corn, 584. Breastplate, what stronger, 94. Breasts the keen air, 394. Breath, bated, 61. boldest held his, the, 515. borne away with every, 554. call back the fleeting, 384. came o'er the sea, no, 611. can make them, 396. Cytherea's, 77. down and out of, 88. extend a mother's, 328. hope's perpetual, 474. is in his nostrils, 833. last moment of his, 398. life of mortal, 615. lightly draws its, 466. little flesh a little, 749. most breathes, where, 162. mouth-honour, 124. of flowers sweeter in the air, 167. of heaven, 416. of kings, princes are, 447. of men, she takes away the, 621. of morn, sweet is the, 233. one more weary of, 586. regular as infant's, 502. revives him, 329. rides on the posting winds, 160. smells wooingly, heaven's, 117. suck my last, 333. summer's ripening, 106. the tempest's, prevail, 542. thou art, a, 48. to cool his porridge, 773, 789. to cool his pottage, 738. to the latest, 321. weary of, 586. when the good man yields his, 496. wither at the north-wind's, 570. Breaths, we live in thoughts not, 654. Breathe not his name, 519. thoughts that, 382. were life as though to, 625. Breathed the long long night, 639. Breathers of this world, 162. Breathes despair, there, 551. from yonder box, 325. must suffer, who, 289. there the man, 488. Breathing household laws, 472. of the common wind, 471. time of day with me, 145. time, peace only a, 407. upon a bank of violets, 74. we watched her, 583. world, into this, 95. Breathless with adoration, 470. Bred in a book, dainties that are, 55. in the bone, 19, 691. in the kitchen, 552. where is fancy, 63. Breech where honour 's lodged, 214. Breeches are so queer, 635. cost but a crown, 152, 406. Macaulay is a book in, 461. women wear the, 186. Breed a habit, use doth, 44. for barren metal, 61. of men, this happy, 81. of noble bloods, 110. Breeding, to show your, 443. Breeds by a composture, 109. Breeze, battle and the, 514. every passing, 535. far as the, can bear, 550. is on the sea, the, 494. of nature stirring, 480. refreshes in the, 316. without a, without a tide, 498. Breezy call of morn, 384. hill that skirts the down, 428. Brent, your bonny brow was, 449. Brentford, two kings of, 417. Brethren, great twin, 593. to dwell together in unity, 824. Brevity is the soul of wit, 133. Brews, as he, 177. Bribe, too poor for a, 387. Brick-dust man, the, 363. Bricks are alive this day, 94. by chance or fortune, 739. Bridal chamber, come to the, 562. of the earth and sky, 204. Bride, society my glittering, 480. wife dearer than the, 377. Bride-bed to have decked, 144. Bridegroom, fresh as a, 83. Brides, as the lion wooes his, 392. Bridge, Horatius kept the, 593. of sighs, on the, 544. that arched the flood, 599. with grooms and porters on the, 626. Bridle, taxed, 462. Brief as the lightning, 57. as woman's love, 138. authority, drest in a little, 48. candle, out out, 125. let me be, 132. 't is, my lord, 138. Briers, working-day full of, 66. Bright and yellow gold, 585. angels are still, 124. as young diamonds, 275. best of dark and, 551. consummate flower, 235. dark with excessive, 231. her angels face shined, 27. honour, pluck, 84. must fade, all that is, 522. old age serene and, 475. or good, not too, 474. particular star, a, 73. promise of your early day, 535. things come to confusion, 57. waters meet, where the, 520. Brighten all our future days, 380. blessings, as they take their flight, 307. Brightening to the last, 396. Brightens his crest, joy, 239. how the wit, 324. Brightest and best of the sons, 535. fell, though the, 124. still the fleetest, 522. wisest, meanest, 319. Bright-eyed fancy, 382. science watches, 383. Brightly breaks the morning, 676. smile and sweetly sing, 563. Brightness, amazing, 280. lost her original, 225. purity and truth, 280. Brignall banks are wild, 492. Brilliant Frenchman, 414. Brim, pleasure drown the, 73. sparkles near the, 542. the Quaker loves an ample, 586. Brimstone bed, from his, 507. Bring me to the test, 141. the day, sweet Phosphor, 203. the rathe primrose, 247. your wounded hearts, 524. Bringer of that joy, 59. of unwelcome news, 88. Brisk and giddy-paced times, 75. as a bee in conversation, 369. Britain at Heaven's command, 358. where now is, 592. Britain's monarch uncovered sat, 352. Britannia needs no bulwarks, 514. rules the waves, 358. Brither, like a vera, 451. British isles, the little speck, 637. man, smell the blood of, 147. manhood, piece of, 579. oak, shadow of the, 410. public in a fit of morality, 591. soldier, the, 537. stare, with a stony, 631. Briton even in love should be a subject, 485. Britons never shall be slaves, 358. Broad is the way, 839. blown all his crimes, 139. Broad-based upon her people's will, 623. Broad-brimmed hat, 352. Broadcloth without, 422. Brogues, my clouted, 160. Broil and battle, feats of, 150. Broke the die, nature, 552. the good meeting, 122. Broken reed, this, 834. with the storms of state, 100. Broken-hearted, half, 539. ne'er been, 452. Brokenly live on, 543. Bronze is the mirror of the form, 696. Broods and sleeps on his own heart, 471. Brook and river meet, where, 614. as thou these ashes little, 483. can see no moon but this, the, 521. falls scattered down, the, 501. fast by a, 428. I could not hear the, 634. is deep, where the, 93. noise like of a hidden, 499. Siloa's, 223. sparkling with a, 536. that turns a mill, 455. the weather, many can, 55. Brooks, books in the running, 67. in Vallombrosa, 224. make rivers, 274. moon looks on many, 521. murmuring near the running, 471. panteth after the water, 820. rivers wide and shallow, 248. shallow, rivers wide, 248. sloping into, 536. Brooked the eternal devil, 110. Brookside, I wandered by the, 634. Broom, new, sweeps clean, 16. Broomstick, write finely upon a, 294. Brother, am I not a man and a, 852. bear with your own, 743. call my, back to me, 571. every author would his, kill, 258. exquisite to relieve a, 447. followed brother, fast has, 486. hurt my, 145. in dealing with a, 694. my father's, 128. near the throne, no, 327. no author ever spared a, 349. no friend no, there, 540. of death, sleep the, 692. of the angle, 207. of the sky, 343. resume the man and forget the, 343. sleep, death and his, 567. sticketh closer than a, 827. to death, sleep, 39. to his sister, as a, 52. we are both in the wrong, 348. you called me, 160. Brothers, all the, of my father's house, 76. all valiant, 852. counterfeit presentment of two, 140. forty thousand, 144. in distress, affliction's sons are, 447. in peace, 342. men my, 626. row, the stream runs fast, 518. sons and kindred slain, 258. we are both in the wrong, 348. we band of, 92. Brotherhood, monastic, 480. of venerable trees, 474. Brother's father dad, called, 78. keeper, am I my, 812. murder, curse upon a, 139. Brow, crystal of his, 31. flushing his, 575. furrows on another's, 309. grace was seated on this, 140. no wrinkle on thine azure, 547. o'er that, a shadow fling, 563. of Egypt, beauty in a, 59. pain and anguish wring thy, 490. sweat of a man's, 693. was brent, your bonny, 449. Brows bound, now are our, 95. gathering her, 451. night-cap decked his, 401. of him that uttered nothing base, 623. sweat of my, 785. whose shady, 243. Brown bread and the gospel, 283. study, some, 32. Bruce has often led, Scots whom, 450. Bruise, parmaceti for an inward, 83. Bruised reed shall he not break, 834. with adversity, 50. Brunt of cannon ball, 211. Brushers of noblemen's clothes, 171. Brushing with hasty steps, 386. Brute, et tu, 112. Brute, not quite a, 309. Brutes, without women we had been, 280. Brutish, life of man, 200. Brutus, Caesar had his, 429. grows so covetous, 114. I am no orator as, 114. is an honourable man, 113. there was a, once, 110. will start a spirit, 110. Bubble burst and now a world, 315. fire burn and cauldron, 123. honour but an empty, 272. on the fountain, like the, 491. reputation, seeking the, 69. whose life is a, 201. world is a, 170. Bubbles, borne like thy, 547. the earth hath, 116. with beaded, 575. Bubbling cry of a strong swimmer, 557. groan, sinks with, 547. loud-hissing urn, 420. venom, flings its, 540. Buck of the first head, 55. Bucket, as a drop of a, 834. moss-covered, the, 537. old oaken, iron-bound, 537. Buckets into empty wells, 419, 460. Buckhurst choose, I would, 279. Buckingham, so much for, 296. Buckram suits, rogues in, 84. Bucolical juvenal, 494. Bud bit with an envious worm, 104. flower when offered in the, 301. is on the bough again, 611. like a worm in the, 75. of love, this, 106. of youth, worm is in the, 423. out faire, 28. shut and be a, again, 575. the rose is sweeter in the, 33. to heaven conveyed, 500. Budding rose above the rose, 476. rose is fairest when 't is, 491. Budge an inch, I 'll not, 72. doctors of the Stoic fur, 246. significant and, 415. Buds the promise of celestial worth, 311. Buff and the blue, bide by the, 450. Buffets and rewards, fortune's, 137. of the world, blows and, 121. Buffoon, statesman and, 268. Bug in a rug, snug as a, 361. Bugs, fear boys with, 72. Bugle, blow, 630. horn, one blast upon his, 492. Build as chance will have it, 594. beneath the stars, who, 309. for him, others should, 470. not boast, he lives to, 354. thee more stately mansions, 636. the lofty rhyme, 246. we up the being that we are, 480. when we mean to, 88. Builded better than he knew, 598. Builders refused, stone which the, 823. wrought with greatest care, 615. Buildeth on the vulgar heart, 89. Building, stole the life of the, 120. Builds a church to God, 322. Built a lordly pleasure-house, 623. a paper-mill, 94. God a church, 415. in one day, Rome was not, 15. in the eclipse, 247. on another man's ground, 45. on stubble, earth's base, 245. Bull, Assyrian, 631. dog ounce bear and, 783. or forge a, 586. to enjoy Leda, 32. Bullen's eyes, gospel-light from, 387. Bullets of the brain, paper, 51. Bullocks, how a good yoke of, 89. whose talk is of, 837. Bulls in Cymbrian plain, 27. Bully, like a tall, 322. Bulrush, knot in a, 701. Bulrushes, dam the Nile with, 596. Bulwark of our island, floating, 392. never-failing, 790. Bulwarks against anti-republican tendencies, 435. Britannia needs no, 514. Bundle of relations, man a, 601. Bunghole, stopping a, 144. Bunker-hill, there is Lexington and, 532. Burden and heat of the day, 840. every man bears his own, 846. grasshopper shall be a, 831. I live an idle, 340. of a sigh, 497. of his song, this the, 427. of some merry song, sad, 328. of the desert of the sea, 833. of the mystery, 467. of threescore, 395. prosperous fool a grievous, 696. sacred, is this life, 641. superfluous, loads the day, 252. Burdens of the Bible old, 598. the ease of, 786. Burglary, flat, as ever was committed, 53. Burial of an ass, 835. Buried base, column with the, 546. Burn, bubbles winking at the, 575. daylight, 275. to the socket, hearts, 479. while the lamp holds out to, 303. within us, heart, 842. words that, 382. Burned is Apollo's laurel bough, 41. Burning and a shining light, 843. burns out another's, 104. deck, boy stood on the, 570. marle, over the, 224. your lights, 842. Burnished dove, 625. sun, livery of the, 62. Burn-mill meadow, sweets of, 474. Burns, adores and, 316. alive all the whores, 287. out another's burning, 104. with one love, 339. Burnt child dreads the fire, 16. half his Troy was, 88. Burrs, conversation's, 636. Burst in ignorance, let me not, 130. Bury Caesar, I come to, 113. in oblivion, 201. me on my face, 763. Bush and bank, over, 28. beat the, 10. good wine needs no, 72. hawthorn, with seats beneath, 395. man in the, with God may meet, 598. supposed a bear, how easy is a, 59. the thief doth fear each, 95. Bushel, do not sit down on a, 765. Bushels of chaff, 60. Busier seemed than he was, 2. Business, come home to men's, 164. despatch is the soul of, 353. dinner lubricates, 437. end of this day's, 115. every man has, 132. everybody's, is nobody's, 207. every man mind his own, 786. hours set apart for, 362. in great waters, 823. in this state, 49. man diligent in, 828. man to double, bound, 139. nobody's, 207. no feeling of his, 143. not to question our, 340. of one who studies philosophy, 745. of the day, be drunk the, 273. prayer all his, 305. so ends the bloody, 347. some men take to, 321. talents equal to, 747. talk of nothing but, 810. that we love, 158. those that are above, 284. unembarrassed by cares of, 712. will never hold water, this, 296. with an income at its heels, 415. Businesses and customs, 424. Buskin, shuffles of the, 637. Bust, animated, 384. Bustle of resort, various, 244. Busts between, placed the, 312. Busy, a man, so, 2. as a bee, 33. bee, how doth the, 302. companies of men, 263. curious, thirsty fly, 671. hammers closing rivets up, 92. haunts of men, in the, 570. hum of men, 249. whisper circling round, 397. with the crowded hour, 600. world an idler to, 420. Busybodies speaking things, 848. Busybody, be not wordy nor a, 750. But me no buts, 861. Butchered to make a Roman holiday, 546. Butchers, gentle with these, 113. Butter, bread and, of mine, 787. bread and, smell of, 554. in a lordly dish, 814. quarrel with my bread and, 292. words smoother than, 821. would not melt in her mouth, 13, 292. Buttered, which side my bread is, 19. Butterflies no bees, no, 586. Butterfly, I 'd be a, 581. upon a wheel, 328. Button, did not care a, 771. on fortune's cap, 133. Buttoned down before, coat, 596. Button-hole lower, let me take you, 56. Buttons be disclosed, 129. I had a soul above, 454. Buttress nor coign of vantage, 117. Buy it, they lose it that do, 59. my flowers, O buy, 607. with you sell with you, 61. Buyer, it is naught saith the, 827. Buying or selling of pig, 20. By and by is easily said, 139. Byron's poetry, ethics from, 591. Byword, proverb and a, 815. Byzantium is not big enough to hold us, 741. Byzantium's conquering foe, 545.
Cabbage, pepper his, 712. Cabined cribbed confined, 122. loop-hole, 243. Cable for a line, 217. Cadence of a rugged line, harsh, 270. sweet in, 422. Cadmean victory, 807. Cadmus gave the letters, 558. Caesar and his fortunes, 728. bled, where some buried, 768. dead and turned to clay, 144. great, fell, 114. had his Brutus, 429. hath wept, 113. I appeal unto, 643. I come to bury, 113. imperious, dead, 144. in every wound of, 114. not that I loved, less, 113. rebellion fraud and, 297. render therefore unto, 840. start a spirit as soon as, 110. upon what meat doth, feed, 110. with a senate at his heels, 319. yesterday the word of, 113. you carry, and his fortunes, 728. Caesar's, things which are, 840. wife above suspicion, 727. wife not to be suspected, 727. Cage, nor iron bars a, 260. Cages, as with birds in, 778. young ladies make nets not, 291. Cain, old Tubal, 654. the first city made, 261. Cake, eat thy, and have it, 205. is dough, my, 73. Cakes and ale, no more, 75. Calamity, enigmatical sort of, 766. fortune not satisfied with one, 709. is man's true touchstone, 197. learn from another's, 708. of so long life, 135. to be born the highest, 736. Caledonia stern and wild, 489. Caledonia's cause, support, 450. Calf's-skin on those recreant limbs, 79. Call a coach, go, 285. a spade a spade, 733. back yesterday, 81. evil good good evil, 833. for the robin-redbreast, 181. it by some better name, 524. it holy ground, 570. me a spade, don't, 293. me early mother dear, 624. my brother back to me, 571. nothing but coach, coach, 285. our own, nothing can we, 821. shapes that come not at an earthly, 482. the breezy, 384. the cattle home, 664. these delicate creatures ours, 154. things by their right names, 457. to-day his own, he who can, 273. us to penance, 226. you that backing your friends, 84. Called, many are, 840. the new world into existence, 464. Caller, him who calleth be the, 285. Calling, in his, let him nothing call but coach, 285. shapes, 243. Calls back the lovely April, 161. Calm, after a storm, comes a, 284. and silent night, 642. day of slumberous, 575. familiar talk, 341. here find that, 367. lights of philosophy, 297. of idle vacancy, 376. on the bosom of thy God, 570. on the listening ear, 640. so deep, I never felt a, 470. the troubled breast, 611. thou mayst smile, 438. tracts of, from tempest, 634. Calmer of unquiet thoughts, 207. Calmness made, keeps the law in, 476. Calms after tempest, 151. Calumnious strokes, 129. Calumny, shalt not escape, 136. Calvin and oatmeal, land of, 459. Calvinistic creed, a, 365. Cambuscan bold, story of, 250. Cambyses' vein, 85. Came I saw I conquered, 735. prologue, excuse, 239. saw and overcame, 90. Camel, cloud in shape of a, 139. like a, indeed, 139. swallow a, 640. through the eye of a needle, 840. to thread the postern, 82. Camilla scours the plain, 324. Camomile the more it is trodden, 32. Campaspe, Cupid and, 31. Camping-ground, fame's eternal, 681. Can it be that this is all, 548. such things be, 122. this be death, 335. Canadian hills, cold on, 427. Candid friend, the, 464. where we can, be, 315. Candied tongue, let the, 137. Candle, from their torches I light my, 192. hold a, 351. in the sun, 191. light such a, 685. looking in the daytime with a, 763. of understanding, 836. out out brief, 125. poor sport not worth the, 206. scarcely fit to hold a, 351. shall never be put out, 685. throws his beams, 66. to my shames, 62. to the sun, 265, 311. to thy merit, thy modesty 's a, 362. Candles are all out, 119. are out, when the, 739. be out all cats be grey, 11, 790. night's, are burnt out, 108. of the night, 66. Candy, glorified, 509. Cane, conduct of a clouded, 326. Canker and the grief are mine, the, 555. galls the infants of the spring, 129. Cankers of a calm world, 86. Cannibals that eat each other, 150. Cannikin, why clink the, 646. Cannon ball, brunt of, 211. by our sides, 145. to right of them, 628. Cannon's mouth, even in the, 69. Cannot come to good, 128. tell how the truth be, 487. Canon 'gainst self-slaughter, 128. Canonized bones, 130. Canopied by the blue sky, 553. Canopy, most excellent, the air, 134. the skies, my, 316. under the, 103. which love has spread, 568. Canst not say I did it, 122. thou guide Arcturus, 818. Cant of criticism, 378. of hypocrites, 378. Cantankerous, you won't be so, 441. Cantilena of the law, 527. Canting world, in this, 378. Cants which are canted, 378. Canvas glowed beyond nature, 394. Cap, addressing myself to my, 798. button on fortune's, 133. by night a stocking all the day, 397, 401. of youth, riband in the, 142. whiter than driven snow, 380. Capacity, soul discontented with, 512. Cap-a-pe, armed at point exactly, 128. Capability and godlike reason, 142. Capable of nothing but dumb-shows, 137. Caparisons don't become a young woman, 440. Cape, round the stormy, 356. Caper, provokes the, 442. Capers nimbly in a lady's chamber, 95. Capital, Belgium's, 542. solicits the aid of labor, 532. Capitol, drizzled blood upon the, 112. who was 't betrayed the, 280. Capon, lined with good, 69. Captain, becomes his captain's, 158. but a choleric word in the, 48. Christ, soul unto his, 82. good, lost in an ill general, 782. ill, good attending, 162. jewels in the carcanet, 162. of complements, 106. of the sea, a boisterous, 392. Wattle, ever hear of, 436. Captive good, attending, ill, 162. whose words all ears took, 74. Capulets, family vault of all the, 412. tomb of the, 412. Car, drive the rapid, 424. rattling o'er the street, 542. Caravan, innumerable, 572. the phantom, 768. Carcanet, jewels in the, 162. Carcase is, wheresoever the, 841. of Robinson Crusoe, 391. Carcasses bleed at the sight of the murderer, 187. Card, clear conscience is a sure, 33. he 's a sure, 277. reason the, passion the gale, 317. speak by the, 143. Cards, old age of, 321. patience and shuffle the, 789. played for kisses, 31. Care, begone dull, 684. beyond to-day, 381. cast away, 786. deliberation and public, 227. draws in the trains of men, 111. earliest latest, 377. feed me with a shepherd's, 300. fig for woe, and a fig for, 9. for me, if naebody, 449. for nobody no not I, 427. his useful, was ever nigh, 366. I how chaste she be, 26. I how fair she be, 26, 199. I 'm free from, 689. in heaven is there, 28. is an enemy to life, 74. keeps his watch, 106. lift her with, 586. lodges where sleep will never lie, 106. make pale my cheeks with, 199. not, I may although I, 25. ravelled sleave of, 119. so wan with, 82. that buy it with much, 59. the least as feeling her, 31. there 's neither could nor, 458. to our coffin adds a nail, 431. weep away the life of, 566. why are we fond of toil and, 805. will kill a cat, 177, 199. with judicious, 447. wrinkled, derides, 248. Cares and delicate fears, humble, 469. are all ended, his, 90. beguiled by sports, 394. depressed with, 348. dividing his, 455. ever against eating, 249. far from mortal, 534. fret thy soul with, 30. if no one, for me, 427. nobler loves and nobler, 477. of business, unembarrassed by, 712. of gain, unvexed with the, 348. that infest the day, 614. unvexed with all the, of gain, 348. whose constant, 392. Care-charmer sleep, 39. Cared not to be at all, 226. Career of his humour, 51. Careful of the type, 632. Careless childhood strayed, 381. in deeds, be not, 755. of the single life, 632. shoe-string, 201. song now and then, 389. their merits or faults, 396. trifle, as 't were a, 117. Caress, wooing the, 555. Carlyle, scolding from, 637. Carnegie, Johnnie, lais heer, 288. Carols as he goes, 394. Carpet knights, 187, 774, 783. Carry Caesar, you, 728. gentle peace, right hand, 100. Carrying three insides, 464. Cart before the horse, 18. now traversed the, 288. sung ballads from a, 274. Carved for many a year, names, 635. head fantastically, 90. not a line, we, 563. with figures strange, 499. Carver's brain, made out of the, 499. Carves out his own fortune, 785. Carving the fashion of a new doublet, 51. Casca, the envious, 113. Case as plain as a pack-staff, 172. consider the reason of the, 278. I am in, what a, 72. stands, as the, 172. when a lady is in the, 349. Cases, circumstances alter, 580. tenures and tricks, 143. Casement slowly grows, 630. Casements, charmed magic, 575. Cash-box, beautiful eyes of my, 798. Cask, at the beginning of the, 694. Casius, old Mount, 228. Cassio, I love thee, 152. Cassius has a lean and hungry look, 111. help me, or I sink, 110. no terrors in your threats, 114. should I have answered so, 114. Cast beyond the moon, 11, 32. bread upon the waters, 831. of thought, the pale, 136. off his friends, 399. set my life upon a, 98. the darkness of the sky, 24. your pearls before swine, 838. Caste of Vere de Vere, 623. Casting a dim religious light, 250. Castle, a man's house is his, 24. hall, the mistletoe hung in the, 582. hath a pleasant seat, 117. house of every one as his, 24. wall, bores through his, 82. Castles in the air, 187, 790, 854. in the clouds, 357. Castle's strength will laugh a siege, 125. Castled crag of Drachenfels, 543. Rhine, dwelleth by the, 613. Casualty, road of, 62. Casuists, convocation of, 786. soundest, doubt, 322. Cat and a rat and a coward, 786. care will kill a, 177, 199. endow a college or a, 322. hanging of his, on Monday, 856. harmless necessary, 64. in the adage, like the poor, 118. in the pan, 166. is averse to fish, what, 381. may look upon a king, 17. monstrous tail our, has, 285. nine lives like a, 16, 691. watches a mouse, as a, 293. when I play with my, 776. will mew, 145. would eat fish, 14. Cats and dogs, rain, 293. be gray when candles are out, all, 11, 790. Cat's ear, breeds in the, 18. Catalogue, go for men in the, 121. of common things, 574. Cataract, the sounding, 467. Cataracts, silent, 501. Catastrophe, I 'll tickle your, 89. Catch and hold, 10. ere she change, 321. larks, hoped to, 771. my flying soul, 333. old birds with chaff, 787. the conscience of the king, 135. the driving gale, 318. the manners living, 315. the transient hour, 366. Catechism, so ends my, 87. Caters for the sparrow, 67. Cathay, cycle of, 626. Cato, big with the fate of, 297. give his senate laws, 327, 336. heroic stoic, 559. statue of, 741. the sententious, 559. Cattle are grazing, the, 469. call the, home, 664. thousands of great, 410. upon a thousand hills, 820. Caucasus, thinking on the frosty, 81. Caught by glare, maidens, 540. my heavenly jewel, have I, 34. Cauld nor care there, neither, 458. Cauldron bubble, fire burn and, 123. Cause, beauty of the good old, 472. effect defective comes by, 133. hear me for my, 113. how light a, may move, 526. in his country's, 336. is just, our, 426. judge in his own, 711, 798. little shall I grace my, 150. magnificent and awful, 418. me no causes, 861. of all men's misery, 31. of all things, 759. of covetousness, 41. of doing any action, 742. of dulness in others, 374. of mankind, in the, 520. of policy, turn him to any, 91. of this defect, 133. of this effect, 133. report me and my, aright, 145. that wit is in other men, 88. their, I plead, 387. the weak in a just, 696. thou first great, 334. when our, it is just, 517. who die in a great, 555. Causes and occasions, 93. just, whatever is is in its, 276. offence from amorous, 325. Causeless, the curse, 828. Caution's lesson scorning, 447. Cavalrymen, not many dead, 680. Cave Adullam, 814. that darksome, 28. vacant interlunar, 241. Caves, dark unfathomed, 385. lakes fens bogs, 228. Cavern, misery's darkest, 366. Caverns measureless to man, 500. memory's, pure and deep, 581. Caviare to the general, 134. Cavil on the ninth part of a hair, 85. Caw, what says he, 424. Cease every joy to glimmer, 514. from troubling, the wicked, 816. rude Boreas, 672. ye from man, 833. Ceases to be a virtue, 407. Ceasing of exquisite music, 616. swiftness never, 24. Cedar in Lebanon, 822. to the hyssop, from the, 593. Celebrated, Saviour's birth is, 127. Celestial benedictions, 615. fire, spark of, 425. rosy red, 238. temper, touch of, 234. worth, promise of, 311. Cell, dwell on a rock or in a, 26. each in his narrow, 384. prophetic, 251. Cellar, born in a, 294, 391. Cellarage, fellow in the, 132. Cellarer, old Simon the, 682. Cement of the soul, 354. Censer, thine eye was on the, 636. Censure is the tax eminent men pay, 291. from a foe, 339. mouths of wisest, 152. take each man's, 130. Cent, not one, for tribute, 673. Centre, faith has, everywhere, 632. Centric and eccentric, 237. Centuries ago, in the solemn midnight, 642. no sequent, hit, 600. of sonnets, 645. Century for a reader, wait a, 670. Cerberus, not like, 440. Cerements, burst their, 130. Ceremony, enforced, 114. that to great ones 'longs, 47. certain as a gun, 211. to all, death is, 89. Certainty for an uncertainty, 369. of waking bliss, 244. to please, 455. Certum est, quia impossibile est, 756. Cervantes smiled Spain's chivalry away, 560. Cervantes' serious air, 330. Chaff, catch old birds with, 787. hope corn in, 539. two bushels of, 60. Chaff-threshing churl, 790. Chain, death broke the vital, 367. drags a lengthening, 394. hanging in a golden, 230. Homers golden, 191. hour with beauty's, 525. joy so seldom weaves a, 520. of all virtues, 182. slumber's, 523. striking the electric, 545. to sport with beauty's, 525. Chains and slavery, price of, 430. at curfew time, 245. bound in those icy, 184. stagnant in, 525. untwisting all the, 249. wearers of rings and, 511. Chair, my little one's, 657. one vacant, 615. rack of a too easy, 332. Tully's curule, 391. Chalice, our poisoned, 118. Chaliced flowers, 159. Challenge double pity, 25. life that dares send a, 258. Challenged, seen him damned ere I would have, 76. Chamber, come to the bridal, 562. get you to my lady's, 144. in a lady's, 95. in the silent halls of death, 572. where the good man meets his fate, 307. Chambers, King's Bench, 297. whisper softness in, 254. Champagne and a chicken, 350. Champion cased in adamant, 484. thou fortune's, 79. Champions fierce, four, 229. Chance, all, direction, 316. by happy, we saw, 481. comes from art, not, 324. decides fate of monarchs, 356. erring men call, 245. main, 93, 214. may crown me, 116. now and then be right by, 414. or death, nativity, 46. set my life on any, 121. skirts of happy, 633. will have me king, if, 116. wisdom controlled by, 778. Chances for a happy change, 698. most disastrous, 150. Chancellor in embryo, 380. Chancellor's conscience, 195. encyclopedic mind, 593. foot, 195. Chancery, up to heaven's, 379. Change, and such a, 544. be no robbery, 17. came o'er my dream, 553. can give no more, 671. everything is the result of a, 752. fear of, perplexes monarchs, 225. for worse pray gods, 25. heavy, O the, 247. nature loves so well to, 752. of fierce extremes, 228. of many-coloured life, each, 366. old love for new, 25. ringing grooves of, 626. seasons and their, 233. studious of, 417. the place but keep the pain, 303. the stamp of nature, 141. the universe is, 751. Changed all that, we have, 797. and such a change, 544. in the cradle, 790. mind not to be, 224. Changeful dream, fickle as a, 491. Changing years, through many, 611. Chanticleer, crow like, 68. Chants a doleful hymn, 80. Chaos and old night, 224. black, comes again, 161. eldest night and, 229. is come again, 153. is restored, empire of, 332. of thought and passion, 317. Chaos-like together crushed, 333. Chapel, Devil builds a, 196, 206, 286, 770. Chapels had been churches, 60. Chap-fallen, quite, 144. Chapman, till I heard, 576. Chapter of accidents, 353. to the end of the, 773. Character dead at every word, 442. I leave behind me, my, 442. man that makes a, 311. most women have no, 321. of a Cynic, 746. of Hamlet left out, 494. wholesome for the, 661. Characters from high life, 320. high, cries one, 257. in dust, write the, 494. of hell to trace, 383. Characteristic of the present age, 607. Charge Chester charge, 490. compulsive ardour gives the, 140. if it be in his, 2. in peace, a, 273. is prepared, the, 348. to keep I have, 672. with all thy chivalry, 515. Charges, die to save, 188. Chariest maid is prodigal enough, 129. Chariot, the flying, 424. Chariots, brazen, raged, 236. Charitable intents, wicked or, 130. speeches, leave it to men's, 170. Charities that soothe, 481. Charity, all mankind's concern is, 318. covers multitudes of sins, 849. envieth not, 845. faith hope, 845. for all, malice towards none, 622. give him a little earth for, 100. greatest of these is, 845. hand open as day for melting, 90. nothing if I have not, 845. pity gave ere, began, 396. rarity of Christian, 586. suffereth long, 845. to all mankind, 458. vaunteth not itself, 845. Charlatan, defamed by every, 633. Charles the First had his Cromwell, 429. Charles, gentle-hearted, 501. Charm ache with air, 53. blest with that, 455. can soothe her melancholy, what, 403. from the skies, 568. in melancholy, such a, 456. mutter and mock a broken, 500. no, can tame, 670. no more, till life can, 390. no need of a remoter, 467. nor witch hath power to, 127. of earliest birds, 233. of poetry and love, 486. one native, 398. that lulls to sleep, 402. the air, I 'll, 123. to stay the morning star, 501. Charms divine, a heaven of, 343. freedom has a thousand, 414. her modesty concealed, 356. music hath, 294. or ear or sight, 502. solitude where are the, 416. strike the sight, 326. Charmed life, I bear a, 126. with distant views of happiness, 181. with the foolish whistling of a name, 262. Charmer, hope the, 513. sinner it or saint it, 321. were t' other dear, away, 348. Charmers, hearken to the voice of, 821. wooing the caress like other, 555. Charming, ever, ever new, 358. harp of Orpheus not more, 253. he saw her, 356. is divine philosophy, 245. left his voice so, 237. never so wisely, 821. Charoba, that wondrous soul, 512. Chart of true patriotism, 638. Charter large as the wind, 68. Chartered libertine, air a, 91. Charybdis your mother, 64. Chase big round tears in piteous, 67. brave employment, 205. wild-goose, 786. Chased with more spirit, 62. Chasms and watery depths, 504. Chaste and unexpressive she, 70. as ice, be thou, 136. as morning dew, 308. as the icicle, 103. as unsunned snow, 159. to me, if she seem not, 26. what care I how, she be, 26. Chasteneth whom he loveth, 848. Chastises whom most he likes, 289. Chastity my brother, 244. of honour, 410. so dear is saintly, 245. Chateaux, most beautiful of, 801. Chatham's language, 419. Chatterton marvellous boy, 470. Chaucer, Dan, 28. I will not lodge thee by, 179. learned, 179. that broad famous poet, 173. with his clasp of things, 620. Cheap defence of nations, 410. fame then was, 275. standing as sitting, 292. Cheat, life 't is all a, 276. Cheated, impossible to be, 601. of feature by dissembling nature, 95. pleasure of being, 214. Cheater time, old bald, 178. Check to loose behaviour, 297. Checkered paths of joy, 362. Cheek by joule, 780. changing, sinking heart, 550. drew iron tears down Pluto's, 250. feed on her damask, 76. he that loves a rosy, 200. o'er her warm, 382. of night, hangs upon the, 105. rose growing on his, 31. tear down virtue's manly, 424. that I might touch that, 105. the roses from your, 378. upon her hand, 105. Cheeks, blow winds crack your, 146. crimson, in thy, 109. eloquent blood spoke in her, 177. famine is in thy, 108. make pale my, with care, 199. of sorry grain, 246. stain my man's, 146. Cheer, |