Volume 9, No. 9, pp. 347-351 August 15, 1956
Extensions of Known Ranges of Mexican Bats
Editors: E. Raymond Hall, Chairman, A. Byron Leonard, Robert W. Wilson
Volume 9, No. 9, pp. 347-351 Published August 15, 1956
Extensions of Known Ranges of Mexican Bats
Incidental to studies of speciation of North American mammals, made possible by assistance from the National Science Foundation and the Kansas University Endowment Association, a number of bats have been taken beyond the limits of their previously known geographic ranges. Pending the completion of more detailed faunal accounts, these notes are published so that the distributional records will be available to interested students of Mexican mammals.
Many of these bats are essentially tropical and the new records here reported, extend the known geographic ranges to the northward on either the east or the west coast of Mexico. Continued collecting, especially by the intensive application of a variety of methods including the use of mist nets, in the northern parts of the zone of tropical vegetation can be expected to yield other species of tropical bats beyond the limits of the ranges now known. Catalogue numbers cited in parentheses are those of the Museum of Natural History.
Chilonycteris psilotis Dobson.—Six specimens (36426-36431) taken 7 mi. W and 1/2 mi. S Santiago, at sea level, Colima, by J. R. Alcorn, on March 17, 1950, extend the known range of this species 330 miles westward from the most northwestern recorded occurrence at Alpuyeca, Morelos (Davis and Russell, 1952:234). Use of the name psilotis is explained by de la Torre (1955:697).
Chilonycteris parnellii mexicana Miller.—One specimen (54934) from 10 mi. W, 2 mi. S Piedra, 1200 ft., Tamaulipas, taken by Gerd H. Heinrich, on June 13, 1953, extends the known range of this species 76 miles east-northeast (Goodwin, 1954:4), previously the most northern recorded occurrence in northeastern Mexico. Thirty other specimens have been taken from four additional localities between El Pachon and the place 10 mi. W, 2 mi. S Piedra.
Pteronotus davyi fulvus (Thomas).—Ten specimens (57525-57534) from Rancho Santa Rosa, 25 km. N, 13 km. W Cd. Victoria, 260 meters, Tamaulipas, taken by W. Schaldach, V. Grissino, and R. Grimsley, from December 26, 1953, to January 5, 1954, extend the known range of this species 360 miles northward from Mirador, Veracruz (Davis and Russell, 1952:235). Another specimen from Tamaulipas in our collection is from Rancho Pano Ayuctle, 8 mi. N Gomez Farias, 300 feet.
Glossophaga soricina leachii (Gray).—Two specimens (54942-54943) from 16 mi. W, 3 mi. S Piedra, Tamaulipas, taken by Gerd H. Heinrich, on June 15, 1953, extend the known range of this species on the Gulf Coast of Mexico northward 60 miles from 5 mi. NE Antiguo Morelos, near El Pachon, Tamaulipas (de la Torre, 1954:114).
Anoura geoffroyi lasiopyga (Peters).—Three specimens (36574-36576) from 2 mi. SE Jalcocotan, 3000 ft., Nayarit, the first records for the state, taken by J. R. Alcorn, on February 15, 1950, extend the known range of the species 50 miles northward from San Sebastian, Jalisco (Sanborn, 1933:27).
Choeronycteris mexicana Tschudi.—Three specimens (60176-60178) from 4 km. N Joya Verde, near Huisachal, 4000 ft., Tamaulipas, taken by W. Schaldach, on July 17, 1954, extend the known range of this species eastward into the state of Tamaulipas. Eastern marginal records in northeastern Mexico were 1 mi. S and 4 mi. W Bella Union, 7000 ft., Coahuila (Baker, 1956:174), and Hacienda Capulin, San Luis Potosi (Dalquest, 1953:27).
Centurio senex Gray.—One specimen (54958) from 14 mi. W, 3 mi. S Piedra, Tamaulipas, extends the known range of the species 58 miles northward from Pano Ayuctle, near Gomez Farias, Tamaulipas (de la Torre, 1954:114).
Natalus mexicanus saturatus Dalquest and Hall.—Two specimens (54999-55000) from the Sierra de Tamaulipas, 14 mi. W, 3 mi. S Piedra, Tamaulipas, taken by Gerd H. Heinrich, on June 12, 1953, extend the known range of this species 61 miles northward from El Pachon, Tamaulipas (Goodwin, 1954:5). Forty-one other specimens have been taken from three localities between El Pachon and the new record station mentioned above.
Rhogeessa parvula tumida H. Allen.—One specimen (55192) from 4 mi. N La Pesca, Tamaulipas, taken by Gerd H. Heinrich, on May 24, 1953, extends the known range of the species on the east coast of Mexico northward 115 miles from 10 kms. WSW Ebano, Veracruz (Dalquest, 1953:58), and also northeastward 115 miles from Santa Maria, Tamaulipas (Goodwin, 1954:6). Another new marginal locality for this species, represented by 39 specimens in our collection, is 10 mi. W, 2 mi. S Piedra, 1200 ft., Tamaulipas.
Baeodon alleni (Thomas).—A specimen (68773) from 6 mi. W and 2 mi. N Nejapa, Oaxaca, taken by A. A. Alcorn, on August 6, 1955, extends the known range of this species southeastward 100 miles from Cuicatlan, 590 meters, Oaxaca (Hall, 1955:2). Until recently this species was known from the type locality only.
Lasiurus borealis ornatus Hall.—Sixteen specimens (55325-55340) from near Piedra, 1200 to 1400 ft., Tamaulipas (1 from 10 mi. W, 2 mi. S; 1 from 14 mi. W, 3 mi. S; and 14 from 16 mi. W, 3 mi. S Piedra) tend to fill a gap in the known distribution of this species. Previously it was known from Matamoros, Tamaulipas (Miller, 1897:108), to the north and from Bledos, San Luis Potosi (Dalquest, 1953:61), to the south. Assignment to the subspecies L. b. ornatus is tentative and is based primarily on the scanty cover of hair toward the margin of the interfemoral membrane and scanty cover of hair on the ventral surface of the membrane along the forearm. Adequate comparative material of L. b. ornatus from southern Mexico is not available.
BAKER, R. H. 1956. The Mammals of Coahuila. Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 9:125-335, 75 figs. in text, June 15.
DALQUEST, W. W. 1953. Mammals of the Mexican State of San Luis Potosi. Louisiana State Univ. Studies, Biol. Sci. Ser., No. 1:1-233, December 28.
DAVIS, W. B., and R. J. RUSSELL 1952. Bats of the Mexican state of Morelos. Jour. Mamm., 33:234-239, May 16.
DE LA TORRE, L. 1954. Bats from southern Tamaulipas, Mexico. Jour. Mamm., 35:113-116, May 26.
1955. Bats from Guerrero, Jalisco and Oaxaca, Mexico. Fieldiana: Zoology, 37:695-703, 2 plates, June 19.
GOODWIN, G. G. 1954. Mammals from Mexico collected by Marian Martin for the American Museum of Natural History. American Mus. Novit., 1689:1-16, November 12.
HALL, E. R. 1955. Nuevos murcielagos para la fauna Mexicana. Acta Zool. Mexicana, 1(No. 3):1-2, September 10.
MILLER, G. S., JR. 1897. Revision of the North American bats of the family Vespertilionidae. N. Amer. Fauna, 13:1-135, October 16.
SANBORN, C. C. 1933. Bats of the genera Anoura and Lonchoglossa. Zool. Ser., Field Mus. Nat. Hist., XX:23-28, December 11.
Transmitted May 12, 1956.