3rd Torturer. Thou read, by Apollyon!
4th Torturer. Yea, as I am a true knight. I am the best Latin wright Of this company; I will go withouten delay And tell you what it is to say. Behold, sirs, verily, Yonder is written—Jesus of Nazarene He is King of Jews, I ween.
1st Torturer. Ah, that is written wrong.
2nd Torturer. He calls himself so, but he is none.
3rd Torturer. Go we to Pilate and make our moan, Have done, and dwell not long. [They go to Pilate. Pilate, yonder is a false table, Thereon is written naught but fable, Of Jews he is not king, He calls him so, but he not is, It is falsely written, I wis, This is a wrong-wise thing.
Pilate. Boys, I say, what melle ye yon?[391] As it is written shall it be now, I say certain Quod scriptum scripsi,[392] That same wrote I, What gadlyng[393] grumbles there again.
4th Torturer. Since that he is a man of law He must needs have his will; I trow he had not written that saw Without some proper skill.
1st Torturer. Yea, let it hang above his head It shall not save him from the dead Naught that he can write.
2nd Torturer. Now ill a hale[394] was he born!
3rd Torturer. My faith, I tell his life is lorn He shall be slain as tyte.[395] If thou be Christ, as men thee call Come down now among us all And thole[396] not these missays.[397]
4th Torturer. Yea, and help myself that we may see And we shall all believe in thee, Whatsoever thou says.
1st Torturer. He calls himself good of might, But I would see him be so wight[398] To do such a deed. He raised Lazare out of his delf[399] But he cannot help himself Now in his great need.
Jesus. Eli, Eli, lama sabacthani! My God, my God! wherefor and why Hast thou forsaken me?
2nd Torturer. How, hear ye not as well as I How he can upon Eli cry Upon this wise?
3rd Torturer. Yea, there is no Eli in this country Shall deliver him from this meneye[400] No, in no wise.
4th Torturer. I warrant you now at the last That he shall soon yield the ghost For bursten is his gall.
Jesus. Now is my passion brought to end, Father of heaven, into thy hende[401] I do commend my soul.
1st Torturer. Let one prick him with a spear, And if it should do him no dere[402] Then is his life near past.
2nd Torturer. This blind knight may best do that.
Longeus. Gar me not do, save I wit what.
3rd Torturer. Naught, but strike up fast.
Longeus. Ah! Lord, what may this be? Once I was blind, now I can see; Gode's son, hear me, Jesu! For this trespass on me thou rue[403] For, Lord, other men me gart[404] That I thee struck unto the heart, I see thou hangest here on high, And dies to fulfil the prophecy.
4th Torturer. Go we hence, and leave him here For I shall be his bail, this year He feels now no more pain; For Eli, ne for none other man All the good that ever he won Gets not his life again. [Exeunt Torturers.
Joseph. Alas, alas, and well a way! That ever I should abide this day To see my master dead; Thus wickedly as he is shent, With so bitter tornament[405] Thro' the false Jews' red.[406] Nicodeme, I would we yede[407] To Sir Pilate, if we might spede His body for to crave; I will strive with all my might For my service to ask that knight, His body for to grave.[408]
Nicodemus. Joseph, I will wend with thee For to do what is in me For that body to pray; For our good-will and our travail I hope that it may us avail Hereafterward some day.
Joseph. Sir Pilate, God thee save! Grant me what I crave If that it be thy will.
Pilate. Welcome, Joseph, might thou be, What so thou askest, I grant it thee So that it be skill.[409]
Joseph. For my long service, I thee pray, Grant me the body, say me not nay Of Jesus dead on rood.
Pilate. I grant it well if he dead be, Good leave shalt thou have of me. Do with him what thou think good.
Joseph. Gramercy, sir, of your good grace That you did grant me in this place. Go we our way: Nicodeme, come me forth with, For I myself shall be the smith The nails out for to dray.[410]
Nicodemus. Joseph, I am ready here To go with thee with full good cheer To help with all my might. Pull forth the nails on either side And I shall hold him up this tide; Ah, Lord, how art thou dight!
[They take down the body.
Joseph. Help now, fellow, with all thy might, That he be wounden[411] and well dight, And lay him on this bier: Bear we him forth into the kirk To the tomb that I gar'd[412] work Since full many a year.
Nicodemus. It shall be so, withouten nay, He that died on Good Friday, And crowned was with thorn; Save you all that now here be That Lord that thus would dee, And rose on Pasche[413] morn.
The Gardener—Jesus Christ The Three Maries— Mary Magdalene Mary, Mother of James Mary Salome First Angel Second Angel
[Enter Mary Magdalene, and Mary, mother of James.]
Mary Magdalene. What shall I do, alas! My Lord went to the tomb, To-day is the third day; Go now see indeed If he comes and rises, As he said to me truly.
Mary, Mother of James. I will go and see The body of him who redeemed me with pain, If it be risen again. Great comfort he was to us; That we should have seen his death! Alas! alas!
[Enter Mary Salome
Mary Salome. The third day is to-day; If the body of Christ be risen, Go to see. For the torment which he had Is ever in my heart; This sorrow does not leave me.
[Here she shall meet the other Maries.
Mary Magdalene. Women, joy to ye! And Mary, mother of James, And Salome also. Sorrow is in my heart, alas! If the body of God himself is gone, Where may it be found?
Mary, Mother of James. So it is with me, Much and great torment for him; If he will not, through his grace, Help me in a short time, My heart in me will break Very really through troubles.
Mary Salome. So with me is sorrow May the Lord see my state After him. As he is head of sovereignty, I believe that out of the tomb To-day he will rise.
Mary Magdalene. Oh! let us hasten at once, For the stone is raised From the tomb. Lord, how will it be this night, If I know not where goes The head of royalty?
Mary, Mother of James. And too long we have stayed, My Lord is gone his way Out of the tomb, surely. Alas! my heart is sick; I know not indeed if I shall see him, Who is very God.
Mary Salome. I know truly, and I believe it, That he is risen up In this day. How will it be to us now, That we find not our Lord? Alas! woe! woe!
[They sing.
[The Dirge.]
Alas! mourning I sing, mourning I call, Our Lord is dead that bought us all.
Mary Magdalene. Alas! it is through sorrows, My sweet Lord is dead Who was crucified.
[Mary Magdalene weeps at the tomb.
He bore, without complaining, Much pain on his dear body, For the people of the world Mary, Mother of James. I cannot see the form Of him on any side; Alas! woe is me! I would like to speak with him, If it were his will, Very seriously.
Mary Salome. There is to me sharp longing In my heart always, And sorrow; Alas! my Lord Jesus, For thou art full of virtue, All mighty.
[The Dirge.]
Alas! mourning I sing, mourning I call, Our Lord is dead that bought us all.
Mary Magdalene. Jesus Christ, Lord of Heaven, O hear now our voice; Who believes not in thee, miserable he! He will not be saved. When I think of his Passion, There is not any joy in my heart; Alas! that I cannot at once Speak to thee.
Mary, Mother of James. Gone he is to another land, And with him many angels; Alas! now for grief I am sorrowful. I pray thee, Lord of grace, To send a messenger to us, That something we may be knowing How it is to thee.
Mary Salome. O Jesus, full of mercy, Do think of us; To thy kingdom when we come, Hear our voice. For desire I become very sick, I cannot stand on my standing, Alas! now what shall I do? O Lord of heaven!
[The Dirge.]
Alas! mourning I sing, mourning I call, Our Lord is dead, that bought us all.
1st Angel. I know whom ye seek: Jesus is not here, For he is risen To life in very earnest, As I tell you, Like as he is worthy.
Mary Magdalene. O angel, now tell me, The body (none, equal to him), To what place is it gone? Like as his grace is great, Joy to me, with my eyes To see him yet.
2nd Angel. O Mary, go forthwith, Say to his disciples And to Peter, Like as he promised to them He will go to Galilee, Very truly without doubt.
Mary, Mother of James. Now he is risen again indeed, Jesus our Saviour, Gone from the tomb. Worship to him always; He is Lord of heaven and earth, Head of sovereignty.
Mary Salome. Hence go we to the city, And let us say in every place As we have seen: That Jesus is risen, And from the tomb forth gone, To heaven really.
Mary Magdalene. Never to the city shall I go, If I do find not my Lord, Who was on the cross tree. O Jesus, King of grace, Joy to me once to see thee, Amen, amen.
Mary, Mother of James. Mary, be with thee All the blessings of women, And the blessing of Jesus Son of grace; Of full heart I pray him, Joy and grace always good to do To us now, from God the Father.
Mary Magdalene. My blessing on ye also, From Christ, as he is gone to the tomb, Joy to ye to do well to-day. Lord, give me the grace Once to see thy face, If it be thy will with thee.
Mary Salome. Amen, amen, let us seek Christ, who redeemed us in pain, With his flesh and with his blood; Much pain he suffered, For love of the people of the world, As he is the King of power.
[Here Mary, the mother of James, and Salome retire from the tomb, and sit down a little way from it.
Mary Magdalene. He who made heaven, . as he is gone to the tomb, After him . great is my desire. Christ, hear my voice, . I pray also That thou be with me . at my end.
Lord Jesus, . give me the grace, As I may be worthy . to find a meeting, With thee to-day, . in some sure place, That I may have a view . and sight of thy face.
As thou art Creator . of heaven and earth, And a Redeemer . to us always, Christ my Saviour, . hear, if it regards thee Disclose to me, . what I so much desire.
Through great longing . I am quite weary, And my body also, . bones and back. Where is there to-night . any man who knows Where I may yet find . Christ full of sorrow.
[She goes to the garden.
[Enter the Gardener.
Gardener (Jesus). O woeful woman, . where goest thou? For grief thou prayest, . cry out thou dost. Weep not nor shriek, . he whom thou seekest Thou didst dry his feet . with thy two plaits.
Mary Magdalene. Good lord, . if thou hast chanced to see Christ my Saviour, . where is he truly? To see him . I give thee my land; Jesus, Son of grace, . hear my desire.
Gardener. O Mary, . as I know thee to be Within this world, . one of his blood, If thou shouldst see him . before thee, Couldst thou . know him?
Mary Magdalene. Well I do, . know the form Of the son of Mary, . named Jesus; Since I see him not . in any place, I feel sorrow; . else I would not sing "alas!"
[And then Jesus shall shew his side to Mary Magdalene, and say:
Gardener. Mary, see . my five wounds, Believe me truly . to be risen; To thee I give thanks . for thy desire, Joy in the land . there shall be truly.
Mary Magdalene. O dear Lord, . who wast on the cross tree, To me it becomes not . to kiss thy head. I would pray thee . let me dare Now to kiss . once thy feet.
[Woman, touch me not!]
Gardener. O woeful woman, . touch me not near, No, it will not serve, . nor be for gain; The time is not come; Until I go . to heaven to my Father, And I will return . again to my country,— To speak with thee.
Mary Magdalene. Christ, hear my voice, . say the hour That thou comest from heaven . again to earth To speak with us. Thy disciples . are very sad, And the Jews . with violence always Are round about them.
Gardener. O Mary, . tell them, Truly I go . to Galilee, As I said; And besides that, . bear in memory to speak Good comfort . to Peter by me; Much he is loved.
Jesus Mary Magdalene Thomas Peter Andrew John James the Greater James the Less Matthew Philip Simon Judah
[Now Mary comes to the apostles, and says to them in Galilee:
Mary Magdalene. Now, O apostles, I will tell you news: Jesus is risen from the tomb; I saw him lately, I spoke to him also, I looked on his wounds, Pitiful it was to see them; To the world they bring healing.
Thomas. Silence, woman, with thy tales, And speak truth, as I pray thee; Christ who was cruelly slain, To be alive I will not believe; Waste no more words, For lies I do not love; Our Lord is dead; Alas! I tell the truth.
Mary Magdalene. I speak true, Thomas, And I, though poor, will prove it. Lately I saw him,— The Lord (none equal to him), And by me he sent, I swear to ye, as ye may know, Like as he promised; He named to me none but Peter.
Thomas. Silence, and speak not, woman! I pray thee, mockery with us Now do not make; Stout though Castle Maudlen be, If thou mock, I will break thy head About thee from above.
Mary Magdalene. I will not be silent from fear I will prove it true what I say Before we separate. Like as he is King of heaven, He is with God the Father, On his right side.
Peter. Ah! Jesus Christ, happy am I To hear that he is risen Out of the tomb; For I know very well That he is son to Mary, And God likewise.
Thomas. Peter, peace, and leave thy mockery, For idle it is to say That he is risen. Never can, for the world, Any man be raised After dying.
James the Greater. Thomas, very well it may be; The Son of God will rise When he will; For Jesus, Son of Mary, He made heaven, and this world, And every thing that was not.
Thomas. O James, it is no use for thee; A man who is dead certainly Does not live again. Foolish idleness, not to leave it, But to go to assert A thing of no benefit.
John. O Thomas, thou art a fool; That is the belief of all: Jesus Christ after dying, To be put into the ground; After that to rise again At the end of three days, and to stand up.
Thomas. O John, be not absurd, For my wonder,—it is great, That thou shouldst speak folly. Christ through sufferings was Indeed put to death on the cross tree; My curse on him that did it!
Bartholomew. Thomas, believe me, though I am gray; Man could not have power To put him to death. For us he would die, And go into the tomb, and rise, To carry all Christians to heaven.
Thomas. O Bartte, thou art mad And fond beyond all men Who are fools. God, without dying, might have Caused all men to be saved, Over all the world.
Matthew. That is true, he could Destroy every thing again, That it be no more. But nevertheless for us, Christ wished to go into the ground, And to live again.
Thomas. And thou art a fool, Matthew; If thou art wise thou wilt be silent, And withdraw. He lives not, through all thy words, When I saw him, he was dead On the cross tree.
Philip. Alas! to be so foolish! Crooked, wilt thou not believe The Head of sovereignty; And he saying to us That after dying he would rise Out of the tomb?
Thomas. Sit silent, wilt thou, Philip, For in faith thou swearest wrongly About him. Christ's limbs were bruised, And on his body a thousand wounds; Alas! he is not risen.
James the Greater. O do not say so, That Jesus the best Lord Cannot rise, For very truly he is risen; To be his servant thou art not worthy, It appears well.
Thomas. O thou James, if he were alive His servant I would be Very joyfully. But he is not alive, leave off thy noise; The thorn even into his brain, Went to his head.
Simon. Though the thorn went into his head, And through his heart and side The spear was seen, Nevertheless need is to believe Jesus Christ will rise again, As he is true God.
Thomas. O Simon, do not speak a word; Never, never, unhappily, He has not risen again. But if it were so, Together we should all be Exceedingly at ease.
Judah. Sir Thomas, it is so, He has risen again to-day Out of the tomb. For if he should not rise again, Never with us would there be Joy without end.
Thomas. O Judah, Judah, leave thy belief; His heart torn in pieces I saw. Notwithstanding what any man may say, That same body will remain; It has not risen.
Andrew. Peace, Thomas, and say not a word; Very truly our dear Lord Is risen again. Surely too much thou hast disbelieved, For Mary has spoken With him to-day.
Thomas. Thou art a fool, Andrew; The girl has told a lie, Do not think otherwise. That he ever rose again I will not believe it. As long as I am alive.
Mary Magdalene. I have not said an untrue word; For to me all his wounds He shewed. And to that I will Bear witness at all times, That the tale is true.
[Here let Thomas and Mary Magdalene go down.
Thomas. Notwithstanding vain words, I do not believe thee; thou failest To make me believe. Though thou dost chatter so much, Any thing from thee regards me not, Though thou be busy.
Mary Magdalene. I tell thee the truth; The angel said to us, Surely at the tomb, That he was risen up, And was gone to the bright heaven, With many angels.
Thomas. Peace, chattering woman, say no more; I will not believe thee, That is gone to heaven. The body, which I saw dead,— Great are my anxieties After it.
Mary Magdalene. Surely Mary, mother of James, And Mary Salome, Will witness to me; Like as I saw, So I tell the tale to thee; Do believe it.
Thomas. Never can it go into my heart, That the body dead before us Should rise again; When I think on his passion, Grief takes me immediately For him, woe is me!
Mary Magdalene. There is to me wonder of thee, That thy heart is so hard, Thou believest it not. If thou doest not believe it, Never shalt thou come to the joy Surely which is in heaven.
Thomas. Silence thou, now, for shame; With Jesus thou hast no secrets: Surely not! I believe Thou art a sinner, without a mistake; The greatest that was in the country By every body thou wast called.
Mary Magdalene. I have been a sinner; I have sinned wondrous much; On Jesus I cried, That he would forgive me my trespass; And he said to me, Thy sin is forgiven to thee, Through thy faith thou art saved: Now no more, do not sin. Thomas, thou art very stupid, Because thou wilt not believe The Lord to have risen Easter-day morning. Who believes not shall not be saved, Nor with God shall he dwell, And for that, I pray thee, Believe in time.
* * * * *
Thomas. Hold thy prate, nor be busy, For I will not believe thee; The body was seen by me Fastened on the cross with nails; With a sharp spear they pierced him, So that it passed through the heart; To the earth the blood fell, And made him soon dead. That body cannot live, Nor rise up again, Surely, thou woman. There is not any man of this world Who shall make me now Believe otherwise.
Mary Magdalene. Thomas, thou art mad, And in madness lost; Evil it is with me now. I advise thee believe, And if thou dost not, seriously, Thou shalt have sharp repentance.
Thomas. With you since there is no peace, From you I will go My ways in the country. Are ye not now fools? So God help me, I love not lies.
[Then Jesus comes to the apostles, and says (in Galilee, the doors being closed, he kisses them):
Jesus. The peace of God, O apostles! I, Christ, to rise from the tomb, Believe well; For certainly as many as believe it, And are faithfully baptized, Shall be saved.
Peter. O dear Lord, happy is my lot To see thee risen again, Jesus, though I denied thee. Abundant mercy, I pray, As the Jews are always Here laying snares for us. Jesus, Lord of heaven and earth, And Saviour to us also, Pardon me my trespass, For great are my sorrows. For sharp repentance falls on me For denying thee: now Mercy I pray at all times, Certainly, with full heart.
Jesus. Peter, pardon thou shalt get, For thy repentance is perfect, Through the Holy Ghost. Like as I redeemed thee dearly, Strengthen also thy brethren In full belief.
John. O Lord, I am glad That thou wouldst come with us Hither, for our joy; That I will say likewise, We are, through great longing, After thee pining.
Jesus. From you I go to my country; At the right side of God the Father, I shall sit. To strengthen you in belief, To you the comfort of the Holy Ghost I shall send.
James the Greater. Lord, it is wonderful; When thou comest, Jesus powerful, To look at us, And to speak peace to us, Though they were fast, thou didst open Our doors.
[Here Jesus goes away from the apostles.
He is the Lord of power, And he has purchased with his blood The people of the world; That Jesus Christ is risen again,— A day is coming that shall tell All them that do believe it not!
Jesus Adam Eve Simeon John the Baptist Moses Esaias David Ribald Beelzebub Sathanas
[The Extraction of Souls from Hell.]
Jesus. My fader[414] me from blys has send Till's erthe for mankynde sake, Adam mys[415] for to amend, My deth nede must I take:
I dwellyd ther thyrty yeres and two, And som dele more, the sothe to say,[416] In anger, pyne, and mekylle wo, I dyde on cros this day.
Therefor tille helle now wille I go, To chalange[417] that is myne, Adam, Eve, and othere mo, Thay shalle no longer dwelle in pyne;
The feynde[418] theym wan withe trayn,[419] Thrughe fraude of earthly fode,[420] I have theym boght agan With shedyng of my blode.
And now I wille that stede[421] restore, Whiche the feynde felle from for syn, Som tokyn wille I send before, Withe myrthe to gar[422] thare gammes begyn.
A light I wille thay have, To know I wille com sone; My body shalle abyde in grave Tille alle this dede be done.
Adam. My brether, herkyn unto me here, More hope of helth never we had, Four thousand and six hundred yere Have we bene in darknes stad;[423]
Now se I tokyns of solace sere,[424] A gloryous gleme to make us glad, Wherthrughe I hope that help is nere, That sone shalle slake[425] oure sorrowes sad.
Eve. Adam, my husband heynd,[426] This menys solace certan, Siche lighte can on us leynd[427] In paradyse fulle playn.
Isaias. Adam, thrugh thi syn Here were we put to dwelle, This wykyd place within, The name of it is helle;
Here paynes shalle never blyn[428] That wykyd ar and felle, Love, that lord, withe wyn His lyfe for us wold selle.
[Et cantent omnes "Salvator mundi" primum versum.[429]
Adam, thou welle understand, I am Isaias, so Crist me kende,[430] I spake of folk in darknes walkand,[431] I saide a light shuld on them lende;
This light is alle from Crist commande, That he tille us has hethir sende, Thus is my poynt proved in hand, As I before to fold[432] it kende.
Simeon. So may I telle of farlys feylle,[433] For in the tempylle his freyndes me fande, Me thoght dayntethe[434] with hym to deylle, I halsyd[435] hym homely with my hand,
I saide, Lord, let thi servandes leylle[436] Pas in peasse to lyf lastande,[437] Now that myn eeyn has sene thyn hele[438] No longer lyst[439] I lyf in lande.
This light thou has purvayde For theym that lyf in lede,[440] That I before of the have saide I se it is fulfillyd in dede.
Johannes Baptista. As a voice cryand I kend[441] The wayes of Crist, as I welle can, I baptisid hym with bothe myn hende In the water of flume[442] Jordan;
The Holy Gost from heven discende As a white dowfe downe on me than, The Fader voyce, oure myrthes to amende, Was made to me lyke as a man;[443]
"Yond is my son," he saide, "And whiche pleasses me fulle welle," His light is on us layde, And commys oure karys to kele.[444]
Moyses. Now this same nyght lernyng have I, To me, Moyses, he shewid his myght, And also to another one, Hely,[445] Where we stud on a hille on hyght,
As whyte as snaw was his body, His face was like the son for bright, No man on mold[446] was so mighty Grathly[447] durst loke agans[448] that light, And that same lighte here se I now Shynyng on us, certayn, Wherethrughe truly I trow That we shalle sone pas fro this payn.
Rybald. Sen fyrst that helle was mayde and I was put therin Siche sorow never ere I had, nor hard I siche a dyn,[449] My hart begynnys to brade,[450] my wytt waxys thyn,[451] I drede we can not be glad, thise saules mon fro us twyn;[452]
How, Belsabub! bynde thise boys, siche "Harow"[453] was never hard in helle.
Belzabub. Out, Rybald! thou rorest what is betyd? can thou oght telle?
Rybald. Whi, herys[454] thou not this ugly noyse? Thise lurdans[455] that in lymbo dwelle, They make menyng[456] of many joyse, And muster myrthes theym emelle.[457]
Belzabub. Myrth? nay, nay! that poynt is past, More hope of helthe shalle they never have.
Rybald. They cry on Crist fulle fast, And says he shalle thaym save.
Belzabub. Yee, though he do not, I shalle, For thay ar sparyd[458] in specyalle space, Whils I am prynce and pryncypalle, Thay shalle never pas out of this place;
Calle up Astarot[459] and Anaballe, To gyf us counselle in this case; Belle, Berith and Bellyalle[460] To mar theym that siche mastry mase;[461]
Say to sir Satan oure syre, And byd hym bryng also Sir Lucyfer lufly of lyre.[462]
Rybald. Alle redy, lord, I go.
Jesus. Attolite portas, principes vestras, et elevamini portoe aeternales, et introibit rex gloriae.[463]
Rybald. Out, harro,[464] out!—what deville is he That callys hym kyng over us alle? Hark Belzabub, com ne,[465] For hedusly[466] I hard hym calle.
Belzabub. Go spar the yates,[467] ylle mot thou the![468] And set the waches[469] on the walle, If that brodelle[470] come ne With us ay won[471] he shalle:
And if he more calle or cry, To make us more debate, Lay on hym hardlly, And make hym go his gate.[472]
David. Nay, withe hym may ye not fyght, For he is king and conqueroure, And of so mekille myght, And styf in every stoure;[473]
Of hym commys alle this light That shynys in this bowre; He is fulle fers in fight, Worthi to wyn honoure.
Belzabub. Honoure! harsto,[474] harlot, for what dede Alle erthly men to me ar thralle,[475] That lad that thou callys lord in lede[476] He had never harbor, house, ne halle;
How, sir Sathanas, com nar And hark this cursid rowte!
Sathanas. The dewille you alle to har![477] What ales the so to showte?[478] And see, if I com nar, Thy brayn bot I bryst owte.[479]
Belzabub. Thou must com help to spar,[480] We ar beseged abowte.
Sathanas. Besegyd aboute! whi, who durst be so bold For drede to make on us a fray?
Belzabub. It is the Jew that Judas sold For to be dede this othere day.
Sathanas. How, in tyme that tale was told, That trature travesses[481] us alle way; He shalle be here fulle hard in hold, Bot loke he pas not I the pray.
Belzabub. Pas! nay, nay, he wille not weynde[482] From hens or it be war,[483] He shapys hym for to sheynd[484] Alle helle e'er he go far.
Sathanas. Fy, faturs,[485] therof shalle he faylle, For alle his fare[486] I hym defy; I know his trantes[487] fro top to taylle,[488] He lyffes by gawdes[489] and glory.
Therby he broght furthe of oure baylle[490] The lathe[491] Lazare of Betany, Bot to the Jues I gaf counsaylle That thay shuld cause hym dy:
I entered there into Judas That forward[492] to fulfylle, Therfor his hyere[493] he has Alle wayes to won here stylle.[494]
Rybald. Sir Sathan, sen we here the say[495] Thou and the Jues were at assent, And wote,[496] he wan the Lazare away That unto us was taken to tent,[497] Hopys thou that thou mar hym may To muster[498] the malyce that he has ment? For and he refe[499] us now oure pray We wille ye witt e'er he is went.
Sathanas. I byd the noght abaste[500] Bot boldly make you bowne,[501] Withe toyles that ye intraste,[502] And dyng[503] that dastard downe.
Jesus. Attolite portas, principes vestras, et elevamini portae aeternales, et introibit rex gloriae.[504]
Rybald. Outt, harro![505] what harlot is he That says his kyngdom shal be cryde?
David. That may thou in sawter se,[506] For of this prynce thus err I saide;[507]
I saide that he shuld breke Youre barres and bandes by name,[508] And of youre wareks take wreke;[509] Now shall thou se the same.
Jesus. Ye prynces of helle open youre yate, And let my folk furthe gone, A prynce of peasse shalle enter therat Wheder ye wille or none.
Rybald. What art thou that spekys so?
Jesus. A kyng of blys that hight Jesus.
Rybald. Yee hens fast I red[510] thou go, And melle[511] the not with us.
Belzabub. Oure yates[512] I trow wille last, Thay ar so strong I weyn,[513] Bot if oure barres brast, For the, thay shalle not twyn.[514]
Jesus. This stede[515] shalle stande no longer stokyn;[516] Open up and let my pepille pas.
Rybald. Out, harro![517] oure baylle is brokyn,[518] And brusten ar alle oure bandes of bras.
Belzabub. Harro! oure yates begyn to crak, In sonder, I trow, thay go, And helle, I trow, wille all to-shak; Alas, what I am wo![519]
Rybald. Lymbo is lorn, alas! Sir Sathanas, com up! This wark is wars[520] than it was.
Sathanas. Yee, hangyd be thou on a cruke;[521]
Thefys, I bad ye shuld be bowne[522] If he maide mastres[523] more To dyng[524] that dastard downe, Sett[525] hym bothe sad and sore.
Belzabub. "So sett hym sore" that is sone saide. Com thou thi self and serve hym so; We may not abyde his bytter bradye,[526] He wold us mar and we were mo.[527]
Sathanas. Fy, fature![528] wherfore were ye flayd?[529] Have ye no force to flyt hym fro? Loke in haste my gere be grayd,[530] My self shalle to that gadlyng go.[531]
How, thou belamy, abyde,[532] Withe alle thi boste and beyr,[533] And telle me in this tyde What mastres[523] thou makes here.
Jesus. I make no mastry bot for myne, I wille theym save, that shalle the sow, Thou has no powere theym to pyne,[534] Bot in my pryson for thare prow[535]
Here have thay sojornyd,—not as thyne, Bot in thi wayrd,[536] thou wote as how.
Sathanas. Why, where has thou hene ay syn[537] That never wold neghe[538] theym nere e'er now?
Jesus. Now is the tyme certan My Fader ordand herfor,[539] That they shuld pas fro payn In blys to dwelle for ever more.
Sathanas. Thy fader knew I welle by syght, He was a wright his meett to wyn,[540] Mary, me mynnys,[541] thi moder hight, The utmast ende of alle thy kyn:
Say who made the so mekille[542] of myght?
Jesus. Thou wykyd feynde lett be thi dy[n], My Fader wonnes[543] in heven on hight, In blys that never more shalle blyn:[544] I am his oonly son his forward[545] to fulfylle, Togeder wille we won, in sonder when we wylle.
Sathanas. Goddes son! nay, then myght thou be glad For no catelle thurt the crave;[546] Bot thou has lyffed ay lyke a lad, In sorow, and as a sympille[547] knave.
Jesus. That was for the hartly[548] luf I had Unto man's saulle, it for to save, And for to make thee masyd[549] and mad, And for that reson rufully to rafe.[550]
My Godhede here I hyd In Mary, moder myne, Where it shalle never be kyd[551] To the, ne none of thyne.[552]
Sathanas. How now? this wold I were told in towne, Thou says God is thi syre; I shalle the prove by good reson Thou moyttes[553] as man dos into myre.
To breke thi byddyng they were fulle bowne,[554] And soon they wroght at my desyre, From paradise thou putt thym downe, In helle here to have thare hyre;[555]
And thou thi self, by day and nyght, Taght[556] ever alle men emang, Ever to do reson and right, And here thou wyrkys[557] alle wrang.
Jesus. I wyrk no wrang, that shalle thou wytt.[558] If I my men fro wo wille wyn;[559] My prophettes playnly prechyd it, Alle the noytys[560] that I begyn;
They saide that I shud be that ilke In helle where I shud entre in, To save my servandes fro that pytt Where dampynyd saullys[561] shalle syt for syn.
And ilke true prophete taylle[562] Shalle be fulfillid in me; I have thaym boght fro baylle,[563] In blis now shalle thay be.
Sathanas. Now since thou list to legge the lawes[564] Thou shalbe tenyd or we twyn,[565] For those that thou to witnes drawes Fulle even agans the shalle begyn;
As Salaman saide in his sawes,[566] Who that ones commys helle within He shalle never owte, as clerkes knawes Therfor, belamy, let be thy dyn.[567] Job thi servande also In his tyme can telle That nawder freynde nor fo Shalle fynde relese in helle.[568]
Jesus. He sayde fulle soythe, that shalle thou se, In helle shalbe no relese, Bot of that place then ment he Where synfulle care shalle ever encrese.
In that baylle ay shalle thou be, Where sorrowes seyr shalle never sesse[569] And my folk that wer most fre[570] Shalle pas unto the place of peasse;
For thay were here with my wille, And so thay shalle furthe weynde,[571] Thou shalle thi self fulfylle, Ever wo withoutten ende.
Sathanas. Whi, and wille thou take theym alle me fro?[572] Then thynk me[573] thou ar unkynde; Nay, I pray the do not so, Umthynke[574] the better in thy mynde,
Or els let me with the go; I pray the leyfe me not behynde.
Jesus. Nay, tratur, thou shalle won in wo,[575] And tille a stake[576] I shalle the bynde.
Sathanas. Now here I how thou menys[577] emang With mesure and malyce for to melle,[578] Bot sen thou says it shalbe lang, Yit som let alle wayes with us dwelle.
Jesus. Yis, witt thou welle, els were greatt wrang, Thou shalle have Caym[579] that slo Abelle, And alle that hastes theym self to hang, As dyd Judas and Architophelle; And Daton and Abaron and alle of thare assent,[580] Cursyd tyranttes ever ilkon[581] that me and myn tormente.
And alle that wille not lere[582] my law That I have left in land for new[583] That makes my commyng knaw,[584] And alle my sacramentes persew;
My deth, my rysyng, red by raw,[585] Who trow thaym not thay ar untrewe, Unto my dome[586] I shalle theym draw, And juge thaym wars[587] then any Jew. And thay that lyst to lere my law and lyf therby Shalle never have harmes here, bot welth as is worthy.
Sathanas. Now here my hand, I hold me payde, Thise poyntes ar playnly for my prow,[588] If this be trew as thou has saide We shalle have mo then we have now;
Thise lawes that thou has late here laide I shalle thym lere not to alow,[589] If thay myn take[590] thay ar betraide, And I shalle turne thym tytte I trow.[591]
I shalle walk eest, I shalle walk west, And gar theym wyrk welle war.[592]
Jesus. Nay feynde, thou shalbe feste,[593] That thou shalle flyt no far.[594]
Sathanas. Feste? fy! that were a wykyd treson! Belamy, thou shalle be smytt.[595]
Jesus. Deville, I commaunde the to go downe Into thi sete where thou shalle syt.
Sathanas. Alas! for doylle[596] and care, I synk into helle pyt.
Rybald. Sir Sathanas, so saide I are,[597] Now shalle thou have a fytt.
Jesus. Com now furthe, my childer alle, I forgyf you youre mys;[598] Withe me now go ye shalle To joy and endles blys.
Adam. Lord, thou art fulle mekylle of myght,[599] That mekys thi self on this manere, To help us alle as thou had us hight, When bothe frofett I and my fere;[600]
Here have we dwelt withoutten light Four thousand and six hundreth yere, Now se we by this solempne sight How that mercy makes us dere.
Eva. Lord, we were worthy more tornamentes[601] to tast,[602] Thou help us lord of thy mercy, as thou of myght is mast.[603]
Johannes. Lord, I love the inwardly, That me wold make thi messyngere, Thi commyng in erthe to cry, And teche thi fayth to folk in fere;[604]
Sythen before the forto dy,[605] To bryng theym bodword[606] that be here, How thay shuld have thi help in hy, Now se I alle those poyntes appere.
Moyses. David, thi prophette trew, Of tymes told unto us; Of thi commyng he knew, And saide it shuld be thus.
David. As I said ere yit say I so, Ne derelinquas, domine, Animam meam in inferno;[607] Leyfe never my saulle, Lord, after the,
In depe helle whedur[608] dampned shalle go Suffre thou never thi sayntes to se The sorrow of thaym that won in wo,[609] Ay, fulle of fylthe, and may not fle.[610]
Moyses. Make myrthe bothe more and les, And love oure lord we may, That has broght us fro bytternes In blys to abyde for ay.
Ysaias. Therfor now let us syng To love oure lord Jesus, Unto his blys he wille us bryng, Te Deum laudamus.
Pater Coelestis The Heavenly Father Adam Primus Homo Adam, the First Man Justus Noah Just Noah Abraham Fidelis Faithful Abraham Moses Sanctus Saint Moses David Rex Pius The Pious King, David Esaias Propheta The Prophet Isaiah Baleus Prolocutor John Bale, who speaks the Prologue
A Tragedy or interlude manifesting the chief promises of God unto man by all ages in the old law, from the Fall of Adam to the Incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Compiled by John Bale, (Anno Domini MDXXXVIII.).
Baleus Prolocutor. If profit may grow, most Christian audience, By knowledge of things which are but transitory, And here for a time, of much more congruence, Advantage might spring, by the search of causes heavenly, As those matters are that the gospel specify. Without whose knowledge no man to the truth can fall, Nor ever attain to the life perpetual, For he that knoweth not the living God eternal The Father, the Son and also the Holy Ghost, And what Christ suffered for redemption of us all, What he commanded, and taught in every coast, And what he forbode, that man must needs be lost, And clean secluded, from the faithful chosen sort, In the Heavens above, to his most high discomfort. You therefore, good friends, I lovingly exhort, To weigh such matters as will be uttered here, Of whom ye may look to have no trifling sport In fantasies feigned, nor such-like gaudy gear, But the things that shall your inward stomach cheer. To rejoice in God for your justification, And alone in Christ to hope for your salvation. Yea first ye shall have the eternal generation Of Christ, like as John in his first chapter write, And consequently of man the first creation The abuse and fall, through his first oversight, And the rise-again through God's high grace and might; By promises first which shall be declared all: Then by his own Son, the worker principal. After that, Adam bewaileth here his fall; God will shew mercy to every generation, And to his kingdom of his great goodness call His elected spouse, or faithful congregation, As shall appear by open protestation, Which from Christ's birth shall to his death conclude: They come, that thereof will shew the certitude.
Pater Coelestis. In the beginning before the heavens were create, In me and of me was my Son sempiternal With the Holy Ghost, in one degree or estate Of the high Godhead, to me the Father coequal And this my Son was with me one God essential Without separation at any time from me. True God he is of equal dignity. Since the beginning my Son hath ever been Joined with his father in one essential being. All things were create by him in each degree, In heaven and earth and have their diverse working: Without his power, was never made any thing That was wrought; but through his ordinance Each have his strength, and whole continuance. In him is the life and the just recoverance For Adam and his, which nought but death deserved. And this life to men is an high perseverance Or a light of faith, whereby they shall be saved. And this light shall shine among the people darkened With unfaithfulness. Yet shall they not with him take But of wilful heart his liberal grace forsake. Which will compel me against man for to make In my displeasure, and send plagues of correction Most grievous and sharp, his wanton lusts to slake, By water and fire, by sickness and infection Of pestilent sores, molesting his complexion; By troublous war, by dearth and painful scarceness, And after this life by an extreme heaviness. I will first begin with Adam for his lewdness Which for an apple neglected my commandment. He shall continue in labour for his rashness, His only sweat shall provide his food and raiment: Yea, yet must he have a greater punishment, Most terrible death shall bring him to his end To teach him how he his Lord God shall offend.
[Here Adam falls headlong upon the earth and after rolling over four times, at last gets up.
Adam. Merciful Father, thy pitiful grace extend To me, careful wretch, which have me sore abused Thy precept breaking, O Lord, I mean to amend, If now thy great goodness would have me excused, Most heavenly Maker, let me not be refused, Nor cast from thy sight for one poor sinful crime; Alas! I am frail, my whole kind is but slime.
Pater Coelestis. I wot it is so, yet art thou no less faulty Than thou hadst been made of matter much more worthy. I gave thee reason and wit to understand The good from the evil, and not to take on hand Of a brainless mind, the thing which I forbade thee.
Adam. Such heavy fortune hath chiefly chanced me For that I was left to mine own liberty.
Pater Coelestis. Then thou are blameless, and the fault thou layest to me?
Adam. Nay, all I ascribe to my own imbecility. No fault in thee Lord but in my infirmity, And want of respect in such gifts as thou gavest me.
Pater Coelestis. For that I put thee at thine own liberty, Thou oughtest my goodness to have in more regard.
Adam. Avoid it I cannot, thou layest it to me so hard. Lord, now I perceive what power is in man, And strength of himself, when thy sweet grace is absent, He must needs but fall, do he the best he can, And endanger himself, as appeareth evident; For I sinned not so long as thou wert present; But when thou wert gone, I fell to sin by and by, And thee displeased. Good Lord, I ask thee mercy.
Pater Coelestis. Thou shalt die for it and all thy posterity.
Adam. For one fault, good Lord, avenge not thyself on me, Who am but a worm, or a fleshly vanity.
Pater Coelestis. I say thou shalt die with thy whole posterity.
Adam. Yet mercy, sweet Lord, if any mercy may be.
Pater Coelestis. I am immutable, I may change no decree. Thou shalt die, I say, without any remedy.
Adam. Yet gracious Father, extend to me thy mercy, And throw not away the work which thou hast create To thine own image, but avert from me thy hate.
Pater Coelestis. But art thou sorry from bottom of thy heart?
Adam. Thy displeasure is to me most heavy smart.
Pater Coelestis. Then will I tell thee what thou shalt stick unto, Life to recover, and my good favour also.
Adam. Tell it me, sweet Lord, that I may thereafter go.
Pater Coelestis. This is my covenant to thee and all thy offspring. For that thou hast been deceived by the serpent, I will put hatred betwixt him for his doing And the woman kind. They shall hereafter dissent; His seed with her seed shall never have agreement; Her seed shall press down his head unto the ground, Slay his suggestions, and his whole power confound. Cleave to this promise with all thy inward power, Firmly enclose it in thy remembrance fast, Fold it in thy faith with full hope, day and hour, And thy salvation it will be at the last. That seed shall clear thee of all thy wickedness past, And procure thy peace, with most high grace in my sight, See thou trust to it and hold not the matter light.
Adam. Sweet lord, the promise that thyself here hath made me, Of thy mere goodness and not of my deserving, In my faith I trust shall so established be, By help of thy grace, that it shall be remaining So long as I shall have here continuing; And shew it I will to my posterity That they in like case have thereby felicity.
Pater Coelestis. For a closing up, take yet one sentence with thee.
Adam. At thy pleasure, Lord, all things might ever be.
Pater Coelestis. For that my promise may have the deeper effect In the faith of thee and all thy generation, Take this sign with it, as a seal thereto connect. Creep shall the serpent, for his abomination, The woman shall sorrow in painful propagation. Like as thou shalt find this true in outward working, So think the other, though it be a hidden thing.
Adam. Incessant praising to thee most heavenly lord For this thy succour, and undeserved kindness, Thou bindest me in heart thy gracious gifts to record, And to bear in mind, now after my heaviness, The bruit of thy name, with inward joy and gladness. Thou disdainest not, as well appeareth this day, To fetch to thy fold thy first sheep going astray. Most mighty Maker, thou castest not yet away Thy sinful servant, which hath done most offence. It is not thy mind for ever I should decay, But thou reservest me, of thy benevolence, And hast provided for me a recompence, By thy appointment, like as I have received In thy strong promise here openly pronounced. This goodness, dear Lord, is of me undeserved, I so declining from thy first institution, At so light motions. To one that thus hath swerved, What a lord art thou, to give such retribution! I, damnable wretch, deserved execution Of terrible death, without all remedy, And to be put out of all good memory. I am enforced to rejoice here inwardly, An imp though I be of hell, death and damnation, Through my own working: for I consider thy mercy And pitiful mind for my whole generation. It is thou, sweet Lord, that workest my salvation, And my recovery. Therefore of a congruence From hence thou must have my heart and obedience. Though I be mortal, by reason of my offence, And shall die the death like as God hath appointed: Of this I am sure, through his high influence, At a certain day again to be revived. From ground of my heart this shall not be removed, I have it in faith and therefore I will sing This anthem to him that my salvation shall bring.
[Then with sonorous voice, on his bent knees, he begins an antiphon, "O Sapientia," which the chorus follows with instruments, as it removes from the stage. Or else in the same it may thus be sung in English:
O Eternal Sapience, that proceedest from the mouth of the highest, reaching forth with a great power from the beginning to the end, with heavenly sweetness disposing all creatures, come now and instruct us the true way of thy godly prudence.
Pater Coelestis. I have been moved to strike man diversely, Since I left Adam in this same earthly mansion; For why? He hath done to me displeasures many, And will not amend his life in any condition: No respect hath he to my word nor monition, But what doth him lust, without discreet advisement, And will in nowise take mine advertisement. Cain hath slain Abel, his brother, an innocent, Whose blood from the earth doth call to me for vengeance: My children with men's so carnally consent, That their vain working is unto me much grievance: Mankind is but flesh in his whole dalliance. All vice increaseth in him continually, Nothing he regardeth to walk unto my glory. My heart abhorreth his wilful misery, His cancred malice, his cursed covetousness, His lusts lecherous, his vengeable tyranny, Unmerciful murder and other ungodliness. I will destroy him for his outrageousness, And not him only, but all that on earth do stir, For it repenteth me that ever I made them here.
Noah. Most gentle Maker, with his frailness somewhat bear, Man is thy creature, thyself cannot say nay. Though thou punish him to put him somewhat in fear, His fault to acknowledge, yet seek not his decay. Thou mayest reclaim him, though he goeth now astray, And bring him again, of thy abundant grace, To the fold of faith, he acknowledging his trespass.
Pater Coelestis. Thou knowest I have given to him convenient space, With lawful warnings, yet he amendeth in no place. The natural laws, which I wrote in his heart, He hath outraced, all goodness putting apart: Of health the covenant, which I to Adam made, He regardeth not, but walketh a damnable trade.
Noah. All this is true, Lord, I cannot thy words reprove, Let his weakness yet thy merciful goodness move.
Pater Coelestis. No weakness is it, but wilful working all, That reigneth in man through mind diabolical. He shall have therefore like as he hath deserved.
Noah. Lose him not yet, Lord, though he has deeply swerved. I know thy mercy is far above his rudeness, Being infinite, as all other things are in thee. His folly therefore now pardon of thy goodness, And measure it not beyond thy godly pity. Esteem not his fault farther than help may be, But grant him thy grace, as he offendeth so deeply, Thee to remember, and abhor his misery. Of all goodness, Lord, remember thy great mercy, To Adam and Eve, breaking thy first commandment. Them thou relievedst with thy sweet promise heavenly, Sinful though they were, and their lives negligent. I know that mercy with thee is permanent, And will be ever so long as the world endure: Then close not thy hand from man, which is thy creature. Being thy subject he is underneath thy cure, Correct him thou mayest and so bring him to grace. All lieth in thy hands, to leave or to allure, Bitter death to give, or grant most sovereign solace. Utterly from man avert not then thy face; But let him savour thy sweet benevolence Somewhat, though he feel thy hand for his offence.
Pater Coelestis. My true servant Noah, thy righteousness doth move me Somewhat to reserve for man's posterity. Though I drown the world, yet will I save the lives Of thee and thy wife, thy three sons and their wives, And of each kind two, to maintain you hereafter.
Noah. Blessed be thy name, most mighty merciful Maker, With thee to dispute, it were inconvenient.
Pater Coelestis. Why dost thou say so? Be bold to speak thy intent.
Noah. Shall the other die without any remedy?
Pater Coelestis. I will drown them all, for their wilful wicked folly That man hereafter thereby may know my power, And fear to offend my goodness day and hour.
Noah. As thy pleasure is, so might it always be, For my health thou art and soul's felicity.
Pater Coelestis. After that this flood have had his raging passage This shall be to thee my covenant everlasting. The seas and waters so far never more shall rage, As all flesh to drown, I will so temper their working; This sign will I add also, to confirm the thing, In the clouds above, as a seal or token clear, For safeguard of man, my rainbow shall appear. Take thou this covenant for an earnest confirmation Of my former promise to Adam's generation.
Noah. I will, blessed Lord, with my whole heart and mind.
Pater Coelestis. Farewell then, just Noah, here leave I thee behind,
Noah. Most mighty Maker, ere I from hence depart, I must give thee praise from the bottom of my heart. Whom may we thank, Lord, for our health and salvation But thy great mercy and goodness undeserved? Thy promise, in faith, is our justification, As it was Adam's when his heart therein rested, And as it was theirs which therein also trusted. This faith was grounded in Adam's memory, And clearly declared in Abel's innocency. Faith in that promise old Adam did justify, In that promise faith made Eve to prophecy. Faith in that promise proved Abel innocent, In that promise faith made Seth full obedient. That faith taught Enoch on God's name first to call, And made Methuselah the oldest man of all. That faith brought Enoch to so high exercise, That God took him up with him into Paradise. Of that faith the want made Cain to hate the good, And all his offspring to perish in the flood. Faith in that promise preserved both me and mine: So will it all them which follow the same line. Not only this gift thou hast given me, sweet Lord, But with it also thine everlasting covenant Of trust forever, thy rainbow bearing record, Never more to drown the world by flood inconstant; Alack! I cannot to thee give praise condign, Yet will I sing here with heart meek and benign.
[Then in a great voice he begins an antiphon, "O Oriens Splendor," falling upon his knees while the chorus follows with instruments, as before.
O most orient clearness, and light shining of the sempiternal brightness! O clear sun of justice and heavenly righteousness, come hither and illuminate the prisoner sitting in the dark prison and shadow of Eternal Death.
Pater Coelestis. Mine high displeasure must needs return to man, Considering the sin that he doth day by day; For neither kindness nor extreme handling can Make him to know me by any faithful way, But still in mischief he walketh to his decay. If he do not soon his wickedness consider, He is like, doubtless, to perish altogether. In my sight, he is more venym[611] than the spider, Through such abuses as he hath exercised, From the time of Noah to this same season hither. An uncomely act without shame Ham commysed.[612] When he of his father the secret parts revealed. In like case Nimrod against me wrought abusion As he raised up the castle of confusion. Mirus hath also, and all by the devil's illusion Through image-making, up raised idolatry, Me to dishonour. And now in the conclusion The vile Sodomites live so unnaturally That their sin vengeance asketh continually, For my covenant's sake, I will not drown with water, Yet shall I visit their sins with other matter.
Abraham. Yet, merciful Lord, thy graciousness remember To Adam and Noah, both in thy word and promise: And lose not the souls of men in so great number But save thine own work, of thy most discreet goodness. I wot thy mercies are plentiful and earnest, Never can they die nor fail, thyself enduring, This hath faith fixed fast in my understanding.
Pater Coelestis. Abraham my servant, for thy most faithful meaning, Both thou and thy stock shall have my plenteous blessing. When the unfaithful, under my curse evermore, For their vain working, shall rue their wickedness sore.
Abraham. Tell me, blessed Lord, where will thy great malice light? My hope is, all flesh shall not perish in thy sight.
Pater Coelestis. No truly, Abraham, thou chancest upon the right, The thing I shall do I will not hide from thee, Whom I have blessed for thy true fidelity: For I know thou wilt cause both thy children and servants, In my ways to walk, and trust unto my covenants, That I may perform with thee my earnest promise.
Abraham. All that I will do, by assistance of thy goodness.
Pater Coelestis. From Sodom and Gomor the abominations call For my great vengeance, which will upon them fall, Wild fire and brimstone shall light upon them all.
Abraham. Pitiful Maker, though they have kindled thy fury, Cast not away yet the just sort with the ungodly. Peradventure there may be fifty righteous persons Within those cities, wilt thou lose them all at once, And not spare the place for those fifty righteous' sake Be it far from thee such rigour to undertake. I hope there is not in thee so cruel hardness, As to cast away the just men with the reckless, And so to destroy the good with the ungodly: In the judge of all: be never such a fury.
Pater Coelestis. At Sodom, if I may find just persons fifty, The place will I spare for their sakes verily.
Abraham. I take upon me to speak here in thy presence, More than becomes me, lord, pardon my negligence: I am but ashes and were loth thee to offend.
Pater Coelestis. Say forth, good Abraham, for ill dost thou not intend.
Abraham. Haply there may be five less in the same number, For thy sake I hope thou wilt not the rest accombre.[613]
Pater Coelestis. If I among them might find but five and forty Them would I not lose for that just company.
Abraham. What if the city may forty righteous make?
Pater Coelestis. Then will I pardon it for those same forty's sake.
Abraham. Be not angry, Lord, though I speak undiscreetly.
Pater Coelestis. Utter thy whole mind and spare me not hardly.
Abraham. Peradventure there may be thirty found among them.
Pater Coelestis. May I find thirty, I will nothing do unto them.
Abraham. I take upon me too much, Lord, in thy sight.
Pater Coelestis. No, no, good Abraham, for I know thy faith is right.
Abraham. No less, I suppose, than twenty can it have.
Pater Coelestis. Could I find twenty, that city would I save.
Abraham. Once yet will I speak my mind, and then no more.
Pater Coelestis. Spare not to utter so much as thou hast in store.
Abraham. And what if there might be ten good creatures found?
Pater Coelestis. The rest for their sakes might so be safe and sound, And not destroyed for their abomination.
Abraham. O merciful Maker, much is thy toleration And sufferance of sin: I see it now indeed; Vouchsafe yet of favour out of those cities to lead Those that be faithful, though their flock be but small.
Pater Coelestis. Lot and his household, I will deliver all, For righteousness sake, which is of me and not them.
Abraham. Great are thy graces in the generation of Shem.
Pater Coelestis. Well, Abraham, well, for thy true faithfulness Now will I give thee my covenant or third promise. Look thou believe it as thou covetest righteousness.
Abraham. Lord, so regard me as I receive it with gladness.
Pater Coelestis. Of many peoples the father I will make thee, All generations in thy seed shall be blessed: As the stars of heaven, so shall thy kindred be; And by the same seed the world shall be redressed In circumcision shall this thing be expressed, As in a sure seal, to prove my promise true, Print this in thy faith, and it shall thy soul renew.
Abraham. I will not one jot, Lord, from thy will dissent But to thy pleasure be always obedient, Thy laws to fulfil, and most precious commandment.
Pater Coelestis. Farewell, Abraham, for here in place I leave thee.
Abraham. Thanks will I render, like as it shall behove me. Everlasting praise to thy most glorious name, Which savedst Adam through faith in thy sweet promise Of the woman's seed, and now confirmest the same In the seed of me. Forsooth great is thy goodness. I cannot perceive but that thy mercy is endless. To such as fear thee, in every generation, For it endureth without abbreviation. This have I printed in deep consideration, No worldly matter can rase it out of mind. For once it will be the final restoration Of Adam and Eve, and other that hath sinned; Yea, the sure health and race of mankind. Help have the faithful thereof, though they be infect; They, condemnation, where as it is reject. Merciful Maker, my crabbed voice direct, That it may break out in some sweet praise to thee; And suffer me not thy due lauds to neglect, But let me show forth thy commendations free. Stop not my windpipes, but give them liberty, To sound to thy name, which is most gracious, And in it rejoice with heart melodious.
[Then in a loud voice he begins the antiphon, "O rex gentium," the chorus following the same with instruments.
O most mighty Governor of thy people, and in heart most desired, the hard rock and the true corner-stone, that of two maketh one, uniting the Jews with the Gentiles in one church, come now and relieve mankind, whom thou hast formed of the vile earth.
Pater Coelestis. Still so increaseth the wickedness of man, That I am moved with plagues him to confound. His weakness to aid, I do the best I can, Yet he regardeth me no more than doth a hound, My word and promise in his faith taketh no ground; He will so long walk in his own lusts at large, That naught he shall find his folly to discharge. Since Abraham's time, which was my true elect, Ishmael have I found both wicked, fierce and cruel: And Esau in mind with hateful murder infect. The sons of Jacob to lusts unnatural fell, And into Egypt did they their brother sell. Laban to idols gave faithful reverence, Dinah was corrupt through Shechem's violence. Reuben abused his father's concubine, Judah got children of his own daughter-in-law: Yea, she in my sight went after a wicked line. His seed Onan spilt, his brother's name to withdraw. Achan lived here without all godly awe. And now the children of Israel abuse my power In so vile manner that they move me every hour.
Moses. Pacify thy wrath, sweet Lord, I thee desire, As thou art gentle, benign, and patient, Lose not that people in fierceness of thine ire For whom thou hast shewed such tokens evident, Converting this rod into a lively serpent, And the same serpent into this rod again, Thy wonderful power declaring very plain. For their sakes also puttest Pharaoh to pain By ten divers plagues, as I shall here declare. By blood, frogs, and lice; by flies, death, botch and blain;[614] By hail, by grasshoppers, by darkness, and by care; By a sudden plague, all their first gotten ware, Thou slewest, in one night, for his fierce cruelness. From that thy people withhold not now thy goodness.
Pater Coelestis. I certify thee, my chosen servant Moses, That people of mine is full of unthankfulness.
Moses. Dear Lord, I know it, alas! yet weigh their weakness, And bear with their faults, of thy great bounteousness. In a flaming bush having to them respect, Thou appointedst me their passage to direct, And through the Red Sea thy right hand did us lead Where Pharaoh's host the flood overwhelmed indeed. Thou wentest before them in a shining cloud all day And in the dark night in fire thou shewedst their way. Thou sentest them manna from heaven to be their food. Out of the hard stone thou gavest them water good. Thou appointedst them a land of milk and honey. Let them not perish for want of thy great mercy.
Pater Coelestis. Content they are not with foul nor yet with fair, But murmur and grudge as people in despair. As I sent manna they had it in disdain, Thus of their welfare they many times complain. Over Amalek I gave them the victory.
Moses. Most glorious Maker, all that is to thy glory. Thou sentest them also a law from heaven above, And daily shewedst them many tokens of great love. The brazen serpent thou gavest them for their healing, And Balaam's curse thou turnedst into a blessing. I hope thou wilt not disdain to help them still.
Pater Coelestis. I gave them precepts, which they will not fulfil Nor yet acknowledge me for their God and good Lord, So do their vile deeds with their wicked hearts accord Whilst thou hast talked with me familiarly On Sinai's mountain, the space but of days forty, These sights all they have forgotten clearly, And are turned to shameful idolatry. For their God, they have set up a golden calf.
Moses. Let me say something, sweet Father, in their behalf.
Pater Coelestis. I will first conclude, and then say on thy mind. For that I have found that people so unkind, Not one of them shall enjoy the promise of me, For entering the land, but Caleb and Josue.[615]
Moses. Thy eternal will evermore fulfilled be. For disobedience thou slewest the sons of Aaron, The earth swallowed in both Dathan and Abiron. The adders did sting other wicked persons else, In wonderful number. Thus hast thou punished rebels.
Pater Coelestis. Never will I spare the cursed iniquity. Of idolatry, for no cause, thou mayst trust me.
Moses. Forgive them yet, Lord, for this time, if it may be.
Pater Coelestis. Thinkest thou that I will so soon change my decree? No, no, friend Moses, so light thou shalt not find me. I will punish them all; Israel shall it see.
Moses. I know, thy people have wrought abomination, Worshipping false gods, to thy honour's derogation, Yet mercifully thou mayest upon them look; And if thou wilt not, thrust me out of thy book.
Pater Coelestis. Those great blasphemers shall out of my book clean, But thou shalt not so, for I know what thou dost mean. Conduct my people, mine angel shall assist thee, That sin in a day will not uncorrected be. And for the true zeal that thou to my people hast, I add this covenant unto my promises past. Raise them up I will a prophet from among them, Not unlike to thee, to speak my words unto them. Whoso heareth not that he shall speak in my name, I will revenge it to his perpetual shame. The passover lamb will be a token just Of this strong covenant. This have I clearly discussed, In my appointment this hour for your deliverance.
Moses. Never shall this thing depart from my remembrance. Praise be for ever to thee, most merciful Lord, Who never withdrawest from man thy heavenly comfort, But from age to age thy benefits do record What thy goodness is, and hath been to his sort. As we find thy grace, so ought we to report. And doubtless it is to us most bounteous, Yea, for all our sins most ripe and plenteous. Abraham our father found thee benevolous,[616] So did good Isaac in his distress among. To Jacob thou wert a guide most gracious. Joseph thou savedst from dangerous deadly wrong, Melchisedec and Job felt thy great goodness strong, So did good Sarah, Rebecca, and fair Rachel, With Zephorah my wife, the daughter of Raguel. To praise thee, sweet Lord, my faith doth me compel, For thy covenant's sake wherein rests our salvation, The seed of promise, all other seeds excel, For therein remaineth our full justification. From Adam to Noah, in Abraham's generation, That seed procureth God's mighty grace and power; For the same seed's sake, I will sing now this hour.
[Then he begins to sing an antiphon in a clear voice, "O Emmanuel," which the chorus (as before) follows with instruments.
O high king Emmanuel, and our liege Lord! the long expectation of the Gentiles, and the mighty Saviour of their multitude, the health and consolation of sinners, come now to save us, as our Lord and our Redeemer.
Pater Coelestis. For all the favour I have shewed Israel, Delivering it from Pharaoh's tyranny, And giving the land, fluentem lac et mel,[617] Yet will it not leave its old idolatry, Nor know me for God. I abhor its misery. Vexed it I have with battles and decays, Still must I plague it, I see no other ways.
David. Remember yet, Lord, thy worthy servant Moses, Walking in thy sight, without rebuke of thee. Both Aaron, Jethro, Eleazar, and Phinees,[618] Evermore feared to offend thy majesty, Much thou acceptedst thy servant Josue.[619] Caleb and Othniel sought thee with all their heart, Aioth and Sangar for thy folk did their part. Gideon and Tholus thy enemies put to smart, Jair and Jephtha gave praises to thy name. These, to leave idols, thy people did court. Samson the strongest, for his part did the same. Samuel and Nathan thy messages did proclaim. What though fierce Pharaoh wrought mischief in thy sight, He was a pagan, lay not that in our light. I know the Benjamites abused the ways of right, So did Eli's sons, and the sons of Samuel. Saul in his office was slothful day and night, Wicked was Shimei, so was Ahitophel. Measure not by them the faults of Israel, Whom thou hast loved of long time so entirely, But of thy great grace remit its wicked folly.
Pater Coelestis. I cannot abide the vice of idolatry, Though I should suffer all other villany. When Joshua was dead, that sort from me did fall To the worshipping of Ashteroth and Baal, Full unclean idols, and monsters bestial.
David. For it they have had thy righteous punishment, And forasmuch as they did wickedly consent To the Philistines and Canaanites ungodly Idolaters, taking to them in matrimony, Thou threwest them under the King of Mesopotamy, After thou subduedst them for their idolatry. Eighteen years to Eglon, the King of Moabites, And twenty years to Jabin, the King of Canaanites, Oppressed they were seven years by the Midianites, And eighteen years vexed by the cruel Ammonites. In three great battles, of three score thousand and five, Of this thy people, not one was left alive. Have mercy now, Lord, and call them to repentance.
Pater Coelestis. So long as they sin, so long shall they have grievance. David my servant, something must I say to thee, For that thou lately hast wrought such vanity.
David. Spare not, blessed Lord, but say thy pleasure to me.
Pater Coelestis. Of late days thou hast misused Bathsheba, The wife of Uriah, and slain him in the field.
David. Mercy, Lord, mercy; for doubtless I am defiled.
Pater Coelestis. I constitute thee a king over Israel, And thee preserved from Saul, who was thine enemy. Yea, in my favour, so much thou didst excel, That of thine enemies I gave thee victory. Philistines and Syrians to thee came tributary. Why hast thou then wrought such folly in my sight. Despising my word, against all godly right?
David. I have sinned, Lord, I beseech thee, pardon me,
Pater Coelestis. Thou shalt not die, David, for this iniquity, For thy repentance; but thy son by Bathsheba Shall die, forasmuch as my name is blasphemed Among my enemies, and thou the worse esteemed. From thy house for this the sword shall not depart.
David. I am sorry, Lord, from the bottom of my heart.
Pater Coelestis. To further anger thou dost me yet compel.
David. For what matter, Lord? I beseech thy goodness tell.
Pater Coelestis. Why didst thou number the children of Israel? Supposest in thy mind therein thou hast done well?
David. I cannot say nay, but I have done indiscreetly To forget thy grace for a human policy.
Pater Coelestis. Thou shalt of these three choose which plague thou wilt have, For that sinful act, that I thy soul may save. A scarceness seven years, or else three months' exile, If not, for three days a pestilence most vile, For one thou must have, there is no remedy.
David. Lord, at thy pleasure, for thou art full of mercy.
Pater Coelestis. Of a pestilence then, three score thousand and ten, In three days shall die of thy most puissant men.
David. O Lord, it is I who have offended thy grace, Spare them and not me, for I have done the trespace.[620]
Pater Coelestis. Though thy sins be great, thine inward heart's contribution Doth move my stomach in wonderful condition. I find thee a man according to my heart; Wherefore this promise I make thee, ere I depart. A fruit there shall come forth issuing from thy body, Whom I will advance upon thy seat for ever. His throne shall become a seat of heavenly glory His worthy sceptre from right will not dissever, His happy kingdom, of faith shall perish never. Of heaven and of earth he was author principal, And will continue, though they do perish all. This sign shalt thou have for a token special, That thou mayst believe my words unfeignedly, Where thou hast minded, for my memorial, To build a temple, thou shalt not finish it truly; But Solomon thy son shall do that action worthy, In token that Christ must finish everything That I have begun, to my praise everlasting.
David. Immortal glory to thee, most heavenly King, For that thou hast given continual victory To me thy servant, ever since my annointing, And also before, by many conquests worthy. A bear and lion I slew through thy strength only. I slew Goliath, who was six cubits long. Against thine enemies thou madest me ever strong. My fleshly frailness made me do deadly wrong, And clean to forget thy laws of righteousness. And though thou visitedst my sinfulness among, With pestilent plagues, and other unquietness; Yet never tookst thou from me thy plenteousness Of thy godly spir't, which thou in me didst plant. I having remorse, thy grace could never want. For in conclusion, thy everlasting covenant Thou gavest unto me for all my wicked sin; And hast promised here by protestation constant, That one of my seed shall such high fortune win, As never did man since this world did begin. By his power he shall put Satan from his hold, In rejoice whereof to sing will I be bold.
[Then he begins in a musical voice an antiphon, "O Adonai," which the chorus (as before) follows with instruments.
O Lord God Adonai, and guide of the faithful house of Israel, who sometime appearedst in the flaming bush to Moses, and to him didst give a law on Mount Sinai, come now to redeem us in the strength of thy right hand.
Pater Coelestis. I brought up children from their first infancy, Who now despise all my godly instructions. An ox knoweth its lord, an ass its master's duty, But Israel will not know me, nor my conditions. Oh, froward people, given all to superstitions, Unnatural children, expert in blasphemies, Provoke me into hate, by their idolatries. Take heed to my words, ye tyrants of Sodoma, In vain ye offer your sacrifice to me. Discontent I am with you beasts of Gomorrah And have no pleasure when I your offerings see. I abhor your fasts and your solemnity, For your traditions my ways ye set apart, Your works are in vain, I hate them from the heart.
Esaias. Thy city, sweet Lord, is now become unfaithful, And her conditions are turned upside down. Her life is unchaste, her acts be very hurtful, Her murder and theft have darkened her renown. Covetous rewards do so their conscience drown, That the fatherless they will not help to right, The poor widow's cause comes not before their sight. Thy peaceable paths seek they neither day nor night; But walk wicked ways after their fantasy. Convert their hearts, Lord, and give them thy true light, That they may perceive their customable folly: Leave them not helpless in so deep misery, But call them from it of thy most special grace, By thy true prophets, to their souls' health and solace.
Pater Coelestis. First they had fathers, then had they patriarchs, Then dukes, then judges for their guides and monarchs: Now have they stout kings, yet are they wicked still, And will in no wise my pleasant laws fulfil. Always they apply to idols' worshipping, From the vile beggar to the annointed king.
Esaias. For that cause thou hast in two divided them, In Samaria the one, the other in Jerusalem. The king of Judah in Jerusalem did dwell, And in Samaria the king of Israel. Ten of the twelve tribes became Samaritans, And the other two were Hierosolymitans.[621] In both these countries, according to their doings, Thou permittedst them to have most cruel kings. The first of Judah was wicked king Roboam, Of Israel the first was that cruel Jeroboam; Abiah then followed, and in the other Nadab, Then Bassa, then Helah, then Zambri, Jehoram and Ahab. Then Ochesius, then Athaliah, then Joas;[622] On the other part was Jonathan and Achaz. To rehearse all them that have done wretchedly In the sight of thee, it were long verily.
Pater Coelestis. For the wicked sin of filthy idolatry, Which the ten tribes did in the land of Samarie, In space of one day fifty thousand men I slew, Three of their cities also I overthrew, And left the people in such captivity, That in all the world they knew not whither to flee. The other two tribes, when they from me went back To idolatry, I left in the hand of Shishak, The king of Egypt, who took away their treasure, Conveyed their cattle, and slew them without measure. In time of Ahaz, a hundred thousand and twenty Were slain at one time for their idolatry. Two hundred thousand from thence were captive led, Their goods dispersed, and they with penury fed. Seldom they fail it, but either the Egyptians Have them in bondage, or else the Assyrians.
Esaias. Well, yet blessed Lord, relieve them with thy mercy. Though they have been ill other princes' days, Yet good Hezekiah hath taught them goodly ways. When the prince is good, the people are the better; And as he is nought, their vices are the greater. Heavenly Lord, therefore send them the consolation, Which thou hast covenanted with every generation. Open thou the heavens, and let the lamb come hither, Who will deliver thy people altogether. Ye planets and clouds, cast down your dews and rain, That the earth may bear out healthful savour plain.
Pater Coelestis. May the wife forget the child of her own body?
Esaias. Nay, that she can not in any wise verily.
Pater Coelestis. No more can I them who will do my commandments, But must preserve them from all inconvenience.
Esaias. Blessed art thou, Lord, in all thy acts and judgments.
Pater Coelestis. Well, Esaias, for this thy fidelity, A covenant of health thou shalt have also of me. For Zion's sake now I will not hold my peace, And for Jerusalem, to speak will I not cease Till that righteous Lord become as a sunbeam bright, And their just saviour as a lamp extend his light. A rod shall shoot forth from the old stock of Jesse, And a bright blossom from that root will arise, Upon whom always the spir't of the Lord shall be, The spir't of wisdom, the spir't of heavenly practice, And the spir't that will all godliness devise. Take this for a sign, a maid of Israel Shall conceive and bear that Lord Emmanuel.
Esaias. Thy praises condign no mortal tongue can tell, Most worthy maker and king of heavenly glory, For all capacities thy goodness doth excel, Thy plenteous graces no brain can compass truly, No wit can conceive the greatness of thy mercy, Declared of late in David thy true servant, And now confirmed in this thy later covenant. Of goodness thou madest Solomon of wit more pregnant, Asa and Josaphat, with good king Hezechiah, In thy sight to do that was to thee right pleasant. To quench idolatry thou raisedst up Elijah Jehu, Elisha, Micah, and Obdiah, The Syrian Naaman thou purgedst of a lepry[623] Thy works wonderful who can but magnify? Arise, Jerusalem, and take faith by and by,[624] For the very light that shall save thee is coming. The Son of the Lord appear will evidently, When he shall resort, see that no joy be wanting. He is thy saviour, and thy life everlasting, Thy release from sin, and thy whole righteousness, Help me in this song t' acknowledge his great goodness.
[Then in a tuneful voice he begins an antiphon, "O radix Jesse," which the chorus follows with instruments.
O fruitful root of Jesse, that shall be set as a sign among people, against the worldly rulers shall fiercely open their mouths, whom the Gentiles worship as their heavenly Lord. Come now to deliver us, and delay the time no longer.
Pater Coelestis. I have with fierceness mankind oft-times corrected, And again I have allured him by sweet promise. I have sent sore plagues, when he hath me neglected, And then by and by, most comfortable sweetness. To win him to grace, both mercy and righteousness I have exercised, yet will he not amend. Shall I now lose him, or shall I him defend? In his most mischief, most high grace will I send To overcome him by favour, if it may be. With his abuses no longer will I contend But now accomplish my first will and decree. My word being flesh, from hence shall set him free, Him teaching a way of perfect righteousness, That he shall not need to perish in his weakness.
John the Baptist. Manasseh is past, who turned from thee his heart. Ahaz and Ammon have now no more ado, Jechoniah with others who did themselves avert From thee to idols, may now no farther go. The two false judges, and Baal's wicked priests also, Phassur and Semaiah, with Nebuchadnosor, Antiochus and Triphon, shall thee displease no more. Three score years and ten, thy people into Babylon Were captive and thrall for idols' worshipping. Jerusalem was lost, and left void of dominion, Burnt was their temple, so was their other building, Their high priests were slain, their treasure came to nothing; The strength and beauty of thine own heritage, Thus didst thou leave them in miserable bondage. Oft had they warnings, sometimes by Ezekiel And other prophets, as Isay and Jeremy, Sometimes by Daniel, sometimes by Hosea and Joel, By Amos and Abdiah, by Jonah and Sophonya,[625] By Nahum and Micah, Haggai and by Zachary, By Malachias, and also by Habakkuk, By Olda the widow, and by the prophet Baruch. Remember Josiah, who took the abomination From the people, then restoring the laws again. Of Rahab consider the faithful generation, Whom to wine drinking no friendship might constrain. Remember Abimelech, the friend of truth certain, Zerubabel the prince, who did repair the temple, And Jesus Josedech, of virtue the example. Consider Nehemiah, and Esdras the good scribe, Merciful Tobias, and constant Mardocheus;[626] Judith and Queen Esther, of the same godly tribe, Devout Matthias and Judas Maccabaeus. Have mind of Eleazer, and then Joannes Hircanus, Weigh the earnest faith of this godly company, Though the other clean fall from thy memory.
Pater Coelestis. I will John, I will, for as I said before, Rigour and hardness I have now set apart, Minding from henceforth to win man evermore By wonderful kindness to break his stubborn heart, And change it from sin. For Christ shall suffer smart, In man's frail nature for his iniquity, This to make open, my messenger shalt thou be.
John the Baptist. As thy pleasure is, so blessed Lord appoint me, For my health thou art, and my soul's felicity.
Pater Coelestis. Long ere I made thee, I the predestinate, Before thou wert born I thee endued with grace. In thy mother's womb wert thou sanctificate By my godly gift, and so confirmed in place, A prophet, to shew a way before the face Of my most dear son, who will come: then until Apply thee apace thine office to fulfil. Preach to the people, rebuking their negligence, Dip them in water, acknowledging their offence; And say unto them, The kingdom of God doth come.
John the Baptist. Unmeet, Lord, I am, Quia puer ego sum.[627] And other than that, alas, I have no science Fit for that office, neither yet clean eloquence.
Pater Coelestis. Thou shalt not say so, for I have given thee grace, Eloquence and age, to speak in desert place. Thou must do therefore as I shall thee advise, My appointed pleasure forth utter in any wise; My strong mighty words put I into thy mouth, Spare not, but speak them to east, west, north and south.
[God stretching out his hand, touches John's lips with his finger and confers upon him a golden tongue.
Go now thy way forth, I shall thee never fail, The spir't of Elijah have I given thee already. Persuade the people, that they their sins bewail; And if they repent their customable folly, Long shall it not be ere they have remedy. Open thou their hearts: tell them their health is coming As a voice in a desert; see thou declare the thing. I promise thee sure, thou shalt wash him among them In Jordan, a flood not far from Jerusalem.
John the Baptist. Shew me yet, good Lord, whereby shall I know that man, In the multitude which will resort to Jordan.
Pater Coelestis. In thy mother's womb of him hadst thou cognition. Have thou no fear John, him shalt thou know full well, And one special token afore will I thee tell. Super quem videris spiritum descendentem et manentem Super eum, hic est qui baptizat spiritu sancto: Among all other whom thou shalt baptise there Upon whom thou seest the Holy Ghost descend In shape of a dove, resting upon his shoulder, Hold him for the same, that shall the world amend, By baptism of spirit, and also to man extend Most special grace. For he must repair his fall, Restoring again the justice original. Take now thy journey, and do as I thee advise, First preach repentance, and then the people baptise.
John the Baptist. High honour, worship, and glory be unto thee, My God eternal, and patron of all purity. Repent good people, for sins that now are past, The kingdom of heaven is at hand very nigh. The promised light to you approacheth fast, Have faith, and apply now to receive him boldly. I am not the light, but to bear testimony Of him am sent, that all men may believe, That his blood he will for their redemption give. He is such a light as all men doth illumine, That ever were here, or shall be after this. All the world he made by his mighty power divine, And yet that rude world will not know what he is. His own he entering, is not regarded of his. They that receive him, are God's true children plain, In spir't regenerate, and all grace shall attain. Many do reckon, that I John Baptist am he, Deceived are they, and that will appear in space. Though he come after, yet he was long afore me. We are weak vessels, he is the well of grace, Of his great goodness all that we have we purchase. By him are we like to have a better increase Than ever we had by the laws of Moses. For Moses' hard law we had not else but darkness, Figure and shadow, all was not else but night, Punishment for sin, much rigour, pain, and roughness, An high charge is there, where all is turned to light, Grace and remission anon will shine full bright. Never man lived that ever saw God afore, Which now in our kind man's ruin will restore. Help me to give thanks to that Lord evermore, Which am unto Christ a crier in the desert, To prepare the paths and high ways him before For his delight is on the poor, simple heart. That innocent lamb from such will never depart, As will faithfully receive him with good mind. Let our voice then sound in some sweet musical kind. |