Let Me Help Where I Am Rather Than Help in Siam
There are many persons who act and advocate ideals merely for effect—they are hypocrites.
Here's a little true heart story that probably passed unnoticed excepting to a very few persons.
Little Spencer Nelson, a poor boy, eight years old, recently died in a hospital with a little bank clasped to his breast. The bank had $3.41 in pennies the boy had saved to buy presents for poor children.
The little hero had fought manfully through three months' suffering, enduring the torture of five lacerating operations. The pain failed to dim his spirit of unselfishness that burned brightly and clearly in his tired, fever-racked body.
After each operation his mind became more securely fixed on his project to help bring cheer to poor children.
A little savings bank was his companion and each visitor was asked to contribute to his fund.
Three hours before he died a smile beautified his thin wasted face as the nurse dropped a dime in his bank. His last words were to his mother and the message was in a scarcely audible whisper, asking her to remember to use the money to make poor children happy.
That was real charity; that boy had no hypocrisy in his heart.
The daily paper chronicles sensational charity, where men vie with each other to see who can give most and get the most advertising. They overlook the wonderful love and charity they are capable of, if they would look into out-of-the-way places and get direct connection with pain and suffering.
Little Spencer looked from his cot and saw the suffering of other little children and he wanted to help them, and the very resolve and impulse made him forget his own pains and misery.
In the Book of Good Deeds the name of Spencer Nelson will be recorded as a sweeter act of charity than any million-dollar gift to a great institution.
What one of you who read these lines can read the story of that little hero and not be touched by the generous love and beautiful conception of charity he possessed.
He did not need sensational stories in newspapers or solicitors of charitable organizations to stir him to action.
He found opportunity at his door, close at home, near by, where all of us can find it if we only look.
I don't believe much in this far-away charity idea so many have.
I believe in helping those near where I am rather than sending money to Siam.
It may be a pleasurable sensation for you to contribute fifty dollars to a missionary scheme in Siam, and get the Missionary report of the budget made up from the foreign missionary fund.
I know that a bucket of coal in an empty stove, a basket of bread and liberal hunk of round steak to the starving family around the corner brings the donor a better sensation.
Take a trip to the hospitals, learn about the homes of the suffering patients in the charity ward, and you will resolve it's a better act to send flour to the poor than flowers to the rich.
Little Spencer Nelson had the right idea of charity: definite, immediate help to those he could reach right where he was, rather than sending money to sufferers far, far away.
Let your gifts be principally flour and beef; they help those who need help. Flowers are all right in their place, but there are more places where flour can be used to better purpose.
I'm keener for filling the coffee can of my suffering neighbor than filling the coffers of the big charity five thousand miles away.
I try to help both ways, but the home help pays the bigger dividends. What do you think about it?
A Most Abused, Too Often Used Word
You have found a friend who has been so much help and comfort to you. I have such a friend. Tonight I am in the mood to think of that friend and write him a letter like this:
This is to You. It is for You. It is about You. You I have in mind and the good influence you have had on me. It is a happiness and satisfaction to know you, and to bask in the atmosphere of you.
The world is better because of you. You have helped to raise the average.
You and your goodness, you do not appreciate what that means. You are so modest, so loath to think of yourself, so unselfish in this respect that I must tell you of you and about you.
You have a warm heart that throbs for others' woes and holds sympathy. The great world is cold, selfish, and cares little for others. But you are different; you are a great pillow of rest on which I and others who love you may lay our tired, weary heads, and you wrap your arms of friendship and goodness about us and feel our very heartbeats.
You with your great goodness, your quiet, sympathetic understanding, you soothe our troubled spirits and make us glad of you and glad we have the precious privilege of knowing you.
Even now as I am telling you how I love you, you are trying to wave me aside and stop me, but I am in the mood and I want to express myself. You know that there is a great sin of omission, which is the refraining of expressing gratitude for goodness extended to us.
I want to express my gratitude. I do not want to be guilty of the sin of omission.
So here then for you is this little message, to tell you I appreciate you, I love you, and these words will last after you are gone and after I am gone, to tell those of tomorrow about you and what those of today thought about you.
You life, your goodness, is an everlasting plant that will flourish in many hearts. Your influence will last beyond the calendar of time; it is indestructible. You have a great credit in the universal bank of good deeds, where you have deposited worth-while acts, deeds, kindnesses, cheer, help, friendship, sympathy, courage, gratitude, and all the precious jewels worth while.
I am happy the very moment I think of you. I try to express myself but feelings and emotions I would describe have not words or sentences to express them. You understand, you are so big in heart, so sensitive in fabric of feeling, so wise in understanding, that I want you to think and feel all the genuine, noble, lovable, appreciative thoughts you can gather together about the one you most appreciate.
Think hard, sincerely, deeply, about that one, with all your resources of beautiful thought. Think hard that way and now you will begin to understand what I feel about you, and how I appreciate you.
You, my inspiration, you who are so sensitized to feeling, so delicately adjusted to read heart vibrations, you must feel this within me I am trying to convey to you. Not the love between sweethearts, not the love of kin, not the love of friends, but a great universal love I have for you—a love all who know you have for you.
It is a love you cannot return to me in equal measure, because you have not the object in me that can merit such love. That you should love me in the way I love you, even in the most diminished proportions, is satisfaction supreme.
It is glorious to know you. You water the good impulses I have, you encourage all that is noble, elevating, and bettering, in me. I shall try to be like you, that is, so far as I can. You are my model, there is but one you. Many may copy you, none equal you. You my comfort, you my joy. A great glorious you, that a little I am trying to paint a picture of.
How futile my efforts. I might as well try to improve the deep beautiful colors of the morning glory, or try to retint the lily with more beautiful white.
And so I bid you good-bye, happy that there is such a you in the world, more happy that I know you, and most happy that I know how to appreciate you.
The sum of all good things I can say, is I love you, and the word "love" I use in its greatest, broadest sense, which covers all the good adjectives.
This is what I think of YOU.
In the Midday of Your Life, Look Out
There is a time in the business man's life between the age of 48 and 52 when the man undergoes a pronounced change in his life.
More big men are cut off at 50 than at any other age between 45 and 60.
At 48 to 52 most men change vitally in their physical and mental make-up.
Many men, hitherto straight, moral men, go to the bad at this time, and per contra many men quit their immoral and health hurting habits and change to moral men.
This danger period is when the newly-rich find fault with their wives who have helped them to their success. They grow tired of their wives and seek the companionship of young women.
The divorce courts give most interesting figures on this point.
At this danger period men who have been high livers, voracious eaters and heavy drinkers find themselves victims of diabetes, Bright's disease or other forms of kidney troubles.
Most every man between 48 and 52 who works indoors, eats too much, exercises too little, sleeps insufficiently.
Here are a few things for the 50-year-old man to do:
Drink two glasses of warm, not hot, water immediately on arising.
Eat an apple before breakfast; positively you must eat the skins too. The skins have the phosphorus, phosphates, and brain food. The skins make roughage and keep the alimentary tract active.
Eat for breakfast a little bacon, cooked rare; crisp bacon has all the good fried out, and you simply have ashes left.
One cup of coffee, an egg or two, some cereal and toast, no red meat, no potatoes.
Walk to your office if it is less than three miles; if over three miles ride the extra distance, but walk three miles anyway.
Walk alone. This is most important; it relaxes your brain. Walking with company makes it a physical exertion and a mental pull as well, for a man will talk when he has company.
Eat a light lunch; be sure to eat an apple; with it drink two or three glasses of water, cool but not cold.
Let your hearty meal be supper, eat slowly and don't talk business. After supper play with the kids or joke with your wife; get a smile on your face.
Just before you retire read a chapter from a worth-while book. The last thoughts which you take in at night are the ones which stick.
Leave your business in your business clothes, and get in a good night's sleep.
Keep a sharp look-out for tendencies to change your habits and morals.
At 50 you are walking on thin ice; look out, danger is near.
After you are 55 your habits are pretty well established. If you have lived rightly till then you're safe thereafter and likely on your way to a good ripe old age if you take reasonable care of yourself.
They Pattern After Us; Be Worth Copying
We love our own the best; maybe that's why we indulge our own too much. Our duty to our boys: that's a subject old as the hills and it is as important as it is old.
Today I had the boy problem forcibly presented to me. Today in court twenty-four boys were brought before the Judge charged with petty crimes. Three were sent to the penitentiary, seven to reform school and fourteen let go temporarily on good behavior.
A friend of mine interested in criminology tells me the great bulk of hold-ups, thefts, burglaries and murders are committed by boys between 16 and 22 years of age.
These twenty-four boys I mention were just ordinary boys, capable of making good citizens if they had had the right kind of home treatment and surroundings. Most of them got in trouble through their association with "gangs" or "the bunch," or the "crowd," and this because daddy didn't have his hand on the rein.
That boy must have companionship; he must have a confidante to whom he can share his joys, his sorrows, his hopes, his ambitions. If he doesn't get this comeraderie at home he gets it "round the corner."
We know where the boy is when he is at school, but how few know the boy's doings between times.
Pool halls tempt the boys, and these places are breeding places where filthy stories, criminal slang and evil practices are hatched.
Pool halls and saloons invite and fascinate the boy. He sees the lights. There is a keen pleasure in watching the pink-shirted dude with cigarette in his mouth making fancy shots.
There is no one to nag him or bother him; it gets to be his "hang-out," and soon he drifts into a crowd that knows the trail to the red light district.
Painted fairies dazzle the giddy boy. It takes money to go the pace. Crime is gilded over with slang words. Stealing is called "easy money." Robbery is "turning a trick," and so on.
A boy becomes what he lives on mentally and physically; that's the net of it.
If Dad is his chum, if sister shares with him his amusements, if the family work and live on the "all for one and one for all" plan, if the boy is kept busy and interested, he can be easily trained.
Neglect him and he will neglect you. Love him and he will love you. Meet him half way; he's impressionable.
Show him kindness, he will respond. Show him example, he will follow.
You have to be with him or know where he is every minute.
During his period of adolescence, say from twelve or thirteen to sixteen or seventeen, that boy is a mass of plaster of paris, easily shaped while plastic, but once set, impossible to recast.
That's the time, Dad, you must be on YOUR job with your boy.
Your counsel, example, love, interest and teaching will MAKE the boy.
Think of these things, Dad, and think hard, and think hard NOW. Tomorrow may be too late.
Form, Frills, Ceremony vs. Excitement, Ecstacy, Enthusiasm
Many churches today are running to extremes one way or the other.
On the one hand they are conducted along the lines of form, ceremony and ritualism, while the other extreme is excitement, ecstacy and enthusiasm.
The church of form, rituals and ceremonies attracts the passive who are willing to let the priest or pastor or prelate take charge of the religious work while they, the attendants or worshippers, sit quietly by and say amen and join in the responses.
Paul said, "Away with those forms." Christ in ministering to humanity gave no forms or made no set sentences for his followers. The Lord's Prayer was given with the admonition, "After this manner pray ye," and certainly not with the command, pray ye with these words.
Form, ceremony and rituals are much like most associated charities, a sort of convention. Forms can not express the deep emotions, the natural longings, or the human desires; they are echoes, hollow and unsatisfying.
For those who do not feel, for those who do not act, for those who belong to churches because of convention, or for social reasons, form and frills fill the bill.
Form is an exterior religion, an outward show. Form doesn't touch the heart or awaken the soul. Form in religion is like a formal dinner. It is show rather than a plan to satisfy human heart hunger.
Opposite to formal religion is the frenzied "scare-you-to-death" excitement method, which relies upon mental intoxication to stir the people, and like other forms of intoxication, the effect soon wears off.
I have little patience or sympathy for the business men who hire professional evangelists to come to town to start revivals. The sensational revivalists have too acute appreciation of the dollar to convince me of their sincerity in their work.
A laborer is worthy of his hire, and a preacher, teacher or benefactor of any sort should be well paid. But when I see these big guns taking away ten to twenty thousand dollars in cold cash for three weeks' campaign converting the poor suffering people, the thought comes to me, that if the evangelist is sincere he should buy a lot of bread, coal and underwear and hire a lot of trained nurses with a big part of that money.
Christ and his Apostles were of the people; they worked with, and among the people; they had no committees, no guarantees and no business men's subscription lists.
It's mighty hard to read about these sensational evangelists taking in thousands of dollars for a couple of weeks' revival meetings, and harmonize that religion with the religion of Christ, the carpenter, and his Apostles, who were fishermen and workmen.
The excitement, intoxicating, frenzy revival method is pretty much always the same in its working. The evangelist starts in with the song "Where is My Wandering Boy Tonight," then follows the picture of mother, which is painted with sobs of blood. Then follows mother's death-bed scene until the audience is in tears. Gesticulation, mimicry, acting, sensationalism, slang and weepy stories follow, until the ferment of excitement is developed into a high state and droves flock to the altar to be made over on the instant into sanctified beings.
The evangelist stays until his engagement is up, and then departs with a pocket full of nice fat bank drafts.
It is a sad commentary on the established profession of ministry that sensational professionals are called in and paid fabulous prices to convert the people in their community.
I do not take much stock in either the frigid form with its frills or the frenzied fire and brimstone, scare-you-to-it extremes.
Somewhere between these extremes is the rational natural sane road to travel; the religion of brotherly love; of cheers, not tears; of hope, not fear; of courage, not weakness; of joy, not sorrow; of help, not hindrance.
The religion that makes us love one another here, not the kind that says we shall know each other there. The religion that has to do with human passions, human trials, human needs, instead of the frigid form or the fevered frenzy; the religion that avoids the extremes of heat and cold, that's the kind the world needs most.
Christ taught love, kindness, charity, and not beautiful churches, opera singing choirs. He spoke not of robes, vestments, forms or rituals.
One of the most beautiful things in the Bible is the story of the good Samaritan with his simple, unostentatious aid to a wounded man, an enemy of his people whom the Samaritan knew was none the less a brother. And you will remember the priest of the temple, the man who taught charity, and love, drew up his skirts and passed the wounded man by.
We Are Becoming a Nation of Sitters
Danger is in extremes. Too much of anything is bad for the human being's health.
There is a comfortable proportion of exercise and rest mixed together that will give bodily efficiency. Too much exercise is bad, too little is bad.
Until recent years our vocations and the going to or from our places of business gave us a well balanced amount of exercise, rest, work and pleasure, and all went well.
Lately we hear much about worry, neurasthenia, nervous prostration and the like. There are several contributing causes to the mental and physical ills which are caused by "nerves."
First of all, we have an epidemic of labor-saving devices. The principal arguments used by the manufacturer of a labor-saving device is, "It makes money and saves work." Making money and getting soft snaps seem to be the objectives of most human beings.
The labor-saving devices take away exercise. The machine does the work. The artisan simply feeds the hopper, puts in a new roll, or drops in the material. He sits down and watches the wheels go around, likely smoking a cigarette the meanwhile, and more than likely reading the sporting sheet of a yellow newspaper.
Possibly few of my readers have given the matter serious thought, and they will be astounded at the changed work conditions which have come into our modern life.
It will be interesting to note just here some of these changes. Men used to live within walking distance of their work. Now the electric street railway and the speedy automobile have eliminated the necessity for much walking.
Men used to climb stairs. The elevator has now so accustomed us to the conveniences that stairs are taboo.
Machines have replaced muscles. The old printer walked from case to case and got exercise. Today he sits in an easy backed chair and uses a linotype.
Telephoning is quicker than traveling. No one "runs for a doctor."
Our houses have electric washers, electric irons and many other labor-saving devices.
Even the farmer has his telephone, his auto, his riding plow, his milking machine and his cream separator.
In the stores the cash boy has disappeared, the cash carrier takes the money to a girl who sits, a machine makes the change, another machine does her mathematics.
The modern idea of efficiency puts a premium on the sedentary feature of occupations and employees are frequently automatons that sit.
The business man sits at his desk, sits in a comfortable automobile as he goes home, sits at the dinner table and sits all evening at the theater, or at the card table. It is sit, sit, sit until he gets a big abdomen, a puffy skin and a bad liver.
He tries to counteract this with forced exercise in a gymnasium or a couple of hours golfing a week. Very likely his golfing is more interesting because of the side bets, than because of the exercise.
We are losing out on the natural, pleasurable, and practical exercises, mixed in the right proportions to promote physical poise and health. Things are too easy, luxury and comfort too teasing, for the ordinary mortal to resist, and the great mob sits or rides hundreds of times when they should stand or walk.
When my objective point is five or six blocks I walk and I think on the way. I probably get in two to four miles of walking every day, which my friends would save by riding in the street cars or autos.
I walk to my office every morning, a distance of nearly four miles.
I walk alone, so I may relax and not require conscious effort as is the case when one walks with another.
That morning walk prevents me reading slush and worthless news and relieves me of the necessity of talking and using up nerve energy.
I get the worth-while news from my paper by the headlines and by the trained ability to separate the wheat from the chaff.
I just feel fine all the time and it's because I get to bed early, sleep plenty, exercise naturally, think properly and get the four great body-builders in plenty: air, water, sunshine, food; and the other four great health-makers which are: good thought, good exercise, good rest, and good cheer.
The great crowd aims at ease and so the business man sits and loses out on the exercise his body and mind must have, and therefore the great crowd pays tribute to doctors, sanitariums, rest cures, fake tonics, worthless medicines, freakish diet fads, and crazy cults, isms, and discoveries, that claim to bring health by the easy, lazy, sitting, comfortable route.
Believe me, dear reader, it is not in the cards to play the game of health that way. There "aint no sich animal" said the ruben as he saw the giraffe in the circus, and likewise there "aint no sich thing" as health and happiness for the man who persistently antagonizes nature, and hunts ease where exercise is demanded.
The law of compensation is inexorable in its demand that you have to pay for what you get, and that you can't get worth-while things by worthless plans.
You must exercise enough to balance things, to clear the system, to preserve your strength; it doesn't take much time.
A Grand, Glorious, Restful Recreation
This afternoon I am sitting on a glacial rock in the forest at the foot of Mount Shasta. A beautiful spot to rest and a glorious book of nature to read.
A canopy of deepest blue sky above, with sunshine unstopped by clouds. The rays of old Sol pulsate themselves into an endless variety of flowers, plants and vegetable life which Mother Earth has given birth to in evidence of her gladness and love of the beautiful.
Glorious trees of magnificent size reach up into the blue and give us shade. Ozone sweeps gently through the forest impregnated with the perfume of fir, balsam, cedar, pine and flowers.
In this spot, nature has thrown up mountains of volcanic rock, which hold the winter's snow in everlasting supply to quench the thirst of plant, of animal and millions of humans in the lower country.
The whole hillside around me is a community of springs of crystal water laden with iron, and precious salts. It is the breast of Mother Earth which nurses her offspring.
Here are no noises of the street; the newsboy's cry of "extra" is not heard. The peddler, the din of trucks, the honk of automobiles, the clatter of the city—all these are absent.
There is no noise here; just the sweet music of falling water, and the aeolian lullaby made by the breeze playing on the pine needles.
My eyes take in a panorama of beautiful nature in colors and contrasts that would give stage fright to any artist who tried to paint the scenes on canvas.
I am getting pep, this is my treatment for tired nerves; 'tis the "medcin' of the hills," 'tis nature's cure, and how it brings the pill box or the bottle of tonic into contempt!
I'm letting down the high tension voltage and getting the calm, natural pulsation that nature intended the human machine to have.
So quiet, so peaceful, so natural that I drink in inspiration of a worth-while kind. No war news to read, no records of tragedy, of man's passions, of man's meanness and man's selfishness.
A little chipmunk sits upright on a rock before me wondering at the movements of my yellow pencil and the black mark it makes on the paper.
A delicate lace-winged insect lights on my tablet and a saucy "camp robber" or mutton bird wonders at the unusual sight of me, the big man animal brother. A big beetle is getting his provisions for the winter. I recognize his occupation, for I've read about him in Fabre's wonderful books on insect life.
Here in the sanctum sanctorium of the forest I am made a member of Nature's lodge, and the ants, and bugs, and beetles, and flowers and plants and trees are initiating me and telling me the secrets of the order.
I can only tell you who are in the great busy world outside, the lessons and morals. The real secrets I must not tell; you will receive them when you, too, come to the hills and forests, and sit down on a rock alone and go through the initiation.
You are invited to come in; your application is approved, and you are eligible to membership.
Come to Nature's lodge meeting and clear away the cobwebs from your weary brain; get inspiration and be a man again.
Come and soothe and rest and built up those shredded, weakened, tired, weary nerves. Let the sun put its coat of health and the ozone put the red blood of strength in your veins.
Come and get perfect brain and body-resting sleep. Come to this wonderful, happy, helpful lodge and get a store of energy, and an abundance of vital ammunition with which to make the fight, when you go back to your factory or office.
The doctor can lance the carbuncle, but Nature's outdoor medicine will prevent your having a carbuncle.
The doctor can stop a pain with a poison drug, but Nature's outdoor medicine will prevent you having the disorder which makes the pain.
No, brother, you can't get health out of a bottle or a pill box. You can get it from the Mother Nature's laboratory where she compounds air, water, sunshine, beauty, music, thought; where she gives you exercise and rest, health, happiness, all summed up into cashable assets for the human in the shape of poise, efficiency, peace and that spells PEP.
The Most Unselfish Person in the World
Mother, you are the one person in all the world whose kindness was never the preface to a request.
That's the sweetest tribute we can pay you, and the most truthful one.
It covers devotion, love, sentiment, motherhood, and all the noble attributes that go to make the word, Mother, the most hallowed, most sacred, most beautiful word in the English language.
There are not words or sentences that can express to you what we think of you or convey our appreciation of you.
You want our love; you have it. You should be told of our love; we tell you. Appreciation and gratitude are payments on account, but with all our appreciation and with our whole life's gratitude, the debt we are under can never be paid.
"We have careful words for the stranger, And smiles for the some time guest— But oft to our own the bitter tone, Though we love our own the best."
We've hurt you, Mother, many times, by our thoughtlessness and by our resentment of your plans and your views about the things we did, and you have had heartaches because of such actions of ours.
Forgive us, Mother, we're sorry; and there you are, dear; the moment we ask your forgiveness, your great, tender, loving heart has forgiven us and erased the marks of transgression.
Always thinking of us, always excusing us, always doing for us, always watching us and always loving us in the most unselfish way.
We love you, Mother; we appreciate you. We are going to show our appreciation and love so much more from now on. We have just come to our senses and realized what a wonderful, necessary, helpful being you are.
Your sweetness, your gentleness, your goodness, your love, are parts of you.
They all go to make up that word, Mother.
Your life, your acts, your example, your Motherhood, have all helped the world so much more than you will ever know.
In the everlasting record of good deeds your name is in gold.
In the everlasting memory of those who appreciate you, your face, your life, is the sacred, helpful picture that grows more beautiful as the days pass.
In tenderness, in appreciation, in love, let us dedicate these thoughts, and voice these expressions to Mother, who gives her life, by inches, and who would give it all on the instant for her children, if necessity called for the sacrifice.
How feeble are words when we try to describe Mother!
They Are Made Up of Mineral Substances
We speak of the three kingdoms: the animal, the vegetable and the mineral kingdoms, and every substance is classified into one of these.
The exact truth is there is but one kingdom, which is the mineral. The vegetable substances and animal combinations are made of mineral elements.
In a rough way we distinguish the mineral kingdom as those substances called elements, such as iron, sulphur, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, sodium and the like.
These elements are unchangeable in themselves; they do not grow. The animal is made of mineral elements associated in certain proportions, such as albumin, carbon, lime, water, salt and the like. The vegetable kingdom consists of these various chemical combinations also.
Seed when planted extracts from the air and the earth the minerals and combines them into a plant which grows and has for its object the making of seeds to reproduce and perpetuate itself.
The plant has life but it has no spiritual or mental equipment and therein vegetable life differs from the animal life. The animal eats vegetable and animal flesh. Through the vegetable he gets the mineral necessary for his body building. Through the animal food he gets the mineral from the flesh he eats, which flesh was first of all built up through the vegetables the animal ate.
These are definite facts; there is no theory about them.
The human body analyzed and separated into something like a dozen substances, among which are water, which is three-fourths of the body's structure; carbon, lime, phosphorus, iron, potassium, salt and so on.
By reading a book on anatomy you can learn just exactly the proportions of the substances in the human body.
All these chemicals are formed in the shape of little cells, myriads of which are in the body. These cells are constantly being destroyed and new ones made to take their place.
Parts of the body are replaced every twenty-four hours, other parts less often.
Scientists tell us that the whole body is replaced every seven years. Every move you make destroys cells which nature has to replace. Isn't it reasonable then to conclude that if a man should fail to eat enough lime for his body-building, his bones would suffer. If he does not get enough iron his blood will suffer, and so on.
I am definitely convinced that most of the actual physical ailments are caused by a deficiency of the mineral elements in the body.
Phosphorus and potash are necessary to the human welfare. These elements are in the husk of the wheat and the husk is taken off in making flour, and the flour is mostly starch.
The person who lives mostly on white bread will suffer from lack of phosphorus and potash.
Phosphorus also is found in the skin of an apple, so if you peel an apple you do not get the phosphorus.
The Food We Eat Is Fuel for the Human Engine
The practice of medicine in the past has been directed towards the curing of developed disease and physical ailments. The practice of medicine in the future is to be along the line of preventive practice. Science is showing us how to prevent infection. Science is fighting the deadly microbe which comes to us in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat and the infected things we touch.
Nature has supplied the human body with a home guard of necessary bacteria and in the circulation system are phagocytes which fight the invading microbes and generally destroy them.
When the system is weakened through disease, through lack of exercise or through improper food, disease has an easy time.
The important thing to prevent disease is to keep yourself fit, and the golden prescription which I have given in PEP will serve to keep you in perfect health.
I want you to remember this golden prescription; it is composed of the following: Good Air, Good Water, Good Sunshine, Good Food, Good Exercise, Good Cheer, Good Rest and Good Thought. If you take this golden prescription you will make of yourself a giant in brain and brawn strength.
You can't get health out of a bottle. You can't get the system to absorb iron if you take it in the form of tincture of iron. You can eat a pound of rust, which is oxide of iron, and none of that iron will be absorbed in the system.
As I have explained in another chapter you must take the mineral in the system through the vegetable route. You will get iron, that will be assimilated, when you eat beefsteak. Beefsteak has blood, the blood has iron. You will also get iron when you eat spinach.
Every element necessary for your body is found in some vegetable or animal food; therefore, you should refrain from confining yourself to a very few articles of food.
Don't pay any attention to the faddist who gives you a rigorous diet or unpalatable food. You simply make yourself miserable and you generate more worry and unhappiness by your discipline than the good you get from these freak fads.
We all eat too much, especially too much meat.
That a strict vegetarian diet is the necessary thing for good health I deny. The sheep, the cow, and horse are vegetarians and they are short lived. The eagle, the lion and man, eat animal food and they are long lived.
I may be prejudiced, but it does seem to me that the strict vegetarians are skinny, sallow looking lot of humans, speaking generally. I do find that the healthier specimens of vegetarians are those who eat plenty of eggs and drink plenty of milk, both of which are animal food, and both of which have nearly all the elements necessary to sustain life.
I don't like the fads in the matter of eating. The amount a person should eat is in exact accord with the law of compensation.
The human body is a machine from a food standpoint. It is an engine that has work to do and accordingly the amount of fuel necessary for the engine should be in proportion to the amount of work that engine is called on to perform.
The hotels, restaurants and food purveyors invent palate tickling food to tease the human to eat, and hotels and restaurants are mostly patronized by people who do not have much physical work to do; the consequence is they eat too much.
You do not often find dyspepsia or indigestion among men or women who work hard physically.
You who work indoors with little physical exercise will find wonderful benefits if you will cut down the fuel.
You will get sick if you pile in more fuel than is necessary for the engine.
If your engine needs twenty pounds of steam how foolish it is to keep up a hundred pounds pressure.
If you had five-horsepower work to perform how foolish it would be to install a two-hundred-and-fifty-pound engine.
Much of the physical trouble comes from filling up the boiler too much.
Cut down the food and you will feel better.
A Message From a Daddy's Heart
Dear little Mary Elizabeth and Nancy Lou and dear little girls everywhere who read these lines: here is a message and a wish from daddy's heart.
I want you to be golden girls, girls who love home and children; girls who love simple things, natural things; I want you to be sweet rather than pretty, lovable rather than popular.
May the mirror never reflect paint, rouge or make-up on your face. A little talcum powder is all right.
Do not look upon matrimony as a means to provide food and finery for you.
Do not be ashamed of an old-fashioned mother. Do not be a "good fellow." Do not be afraid to say "I can't afford it."
Help the family; be part of it, and not apart from it.
When you are old enough to have a beau, do not be afraid to bring him into your home, no matter how humble it is.
When I was a beau I courted my sweetheart in her home. My treat was red apples and a walk down the lane. Most every beau nowadays courts his girl with a taxi to the theatre, and red lobsters after the dinner; ten dollars they pay where I paid ten cents, and I had ten times more happiness.
Be modest, girls; it is your greatest asset.
Don't gossip or belittle other girls; find the good you can say of others; that quality makes you more attractive.
Keep your voice low, be gentle, sweet, kind, human and simple; that is what my sweetheart is; that is why our married life has been a honeymoon all these years.
Watch out for word candy and flattery; these things mark the hypocrite and a hypocrite is an abomination. Flattery is a practiced deceit—a dishonorable bait to catch affections.
Do not allow any young man to relate a story in your presence that has the slightest risque turn to it. Show by your words and your actions that such presumption is an insult.
Fine feathers never make fine birds; don't borrow finery; don't be attractive for your fine dresses; the men attracted by fluff, frills, feathers and furbelows are not worth shucks.
Be square with yourself and square to the man who is after your heart; put yourself mentally in the place of a wife, when a man gets serious.
Don't hurry, girls; don't judge the man by his money prospects but by his character and ambition.
Have nothing to do with any young suitor who isn't always kind, considerate and attentive to his mother.
Marry a man of character who courts you in the sweet, simple old way.
If a young man spends money extravagantly before marriage, hard times will always be around during his married life.
The most precious possessions in the world are happiness and love, and these; come from simple things, genuineness, and usefulness.
Learn to cook and to sew. You can't be happy and idle at the same time.
Learn to be independent of dressmaker and milliner and cooks. You may have them, I hope you will, but master these useful vocations yourself, then you will have dresses and hats and dinners worth while.
The world is full of new-fashioned slangy, dancy, fancy, foolish girls who marry for style, stunts and society, and their married life is failure, worry and sorrow.
Be the golden, pure, old-fashioned, sweet, simple, quiet, modest girl who knows things, rather than one who is a show-off girl.
And here's a tip to you, young man, who reads these lines, get a golden girl like I have described; a girl of pure gold and not glittering tinsel; a sweet, natural, sensible girl, that will do team work and be a helpmate to you and not a drawback and money spender.
Daddy knows these things; he's been around the world. He is endowed with an ability to observe, analyze and benefit.
He's had experience, he's seen the world from cottage to castle, and these things he tells you because of his love for you and because he wants you to have such a home life as he has.
And these truths, these hopes, are from the very bottom of his heart to his daughters Mary Elizabeth and Nancy Lou and all the other girls who have read these lines.
A Necessity to the Person Who Accomplishes
There are men who cannot be kept down by circumstances or obstacles.
These men progress with confidence in their hearts and smiles on their faces. They do not lie in wait for the band wagon or favorable winds; they make things happen.
They are, of course, alert and alive to favorable opportunity and helpful influences when they come their way.
These men are men of good health. They are out of doors much, they carry their heads high and breathe in good air deeply. They greet friends with a smile and put meaning and feeling into every hand clasp.
Let's you and I follow their trail, for it leads out on to the big road.
Do not fear being misunderstood, right will finally come in to its own.
We will keep our minds off our enemies, and keep our thoughts on our purpose; we will make up our minds what we want to do. We will mark a straight line on the log and hew to that line.
Fear is the dope drug that kills initiative, hate the poison that shatters clear thinking.
Hate and fear are iron ore in our life's vessel, it deflects the compass and prevents our holding to the course.
There are splendid worth-while things for us to do and with continuity of action and singleness of purpose the days will pass by, as we are seizing opportunity and making use of the things required for the fulfillment of our desires.
We are like the coral insect that takes from the running tide the material to build a solid fortress. Our running tide is the gliding golden days.
Let's waste no time in trying to make friends or in seeking to attach ourselves to others. True friends are not caught by pursuit; they come to us, they happen through circumstances we do not create.
Self-reliance is ours and we must first use it for our own betterment. We will then have a surplus of energy to allow us to help others.
Solitude beats society, relaxation beats conventional function, and foolish so-called pleasures.
Our energy hours must be devoted to our purpose and ideals. Atween times we must rest, relax and recuperate the waste that strenuosity makes.
Breathe good air, bask in the sunshine, see nature and say to yourself, "All these treasures are for me, all these things I am part of."
Do not prepare for death, prepare for life. Preparing for death brings the end before your allotted time.
Like Job of old that which we fear will come to us. We must not think of death, or waste time preparing for it. It makes us miserable today. It makes us weak and fills us with fear and it draws the day of our departure nearer.
Today is ours. Live, freely, fully today. Be unafraid, unhurried, and undisturbed.
We are building character, and the way we build it is by mental attitude, by our acts, and the way we employ the precious time today.
Lay hold of the great forces of nature, realize the wonderful power of the will and you will be strong, a veritable king among men.
Knitting From Necessity Today, Knitting for Pleasure Tomorrow
As I write these lines I am riding on a slow train through Oklahoma. Purposely I am in the day coach smoker for that's the place to study local color, and see the natives.
The atmosphere around is oil and gas, the talk is "bringing in a gusher," "tanks," "rigs," "leases," "wild cat sales," "offsets," "selling stock," and the like; all the phrases, all the talk is striking it rich, getting money.
Indians, Mexicans, Negroes, college boys in surveying crews and speculators form a hodge podge. Men from all parts of the states are here seeking dollars.
I have been around these oil and gas fields in autos and by teams. I've been observing life, character, passions and habits.
I've seen brave women here with nursing babies living in tents or patchwork shacks. Some of these women dream at night of silks and satins and mansions and position.
By day these poor women work and mend and cook and sew, doing their part to help things along. Many of the husbands are earning five to eight dollars a day and spending most of it on foolishness. The poor wives get only enough for bare necessities, and yet they patiently work and mend and cook and sew.
Talk about patience; talk about devotion; talk about grit; talk about courage; just come down to the oil fields and see these poor pioneer women.
Talk about selfishness; talk about cowardice; talk about brutality; talk about debasement; come down and see some of these men making $25 to $50 a week and never a cent in their pockets Monday morning.
Woman is called weak—that means the rich woman—the poor woman possesses strength that psychology cannot explain. Men can be analyzed, but you are at a loss to understand woman. Poor women grow into a sweet replica of their mothers, the most unselfish, patient, generous, forgiving, lovable, adorable creatures on earth.
Man grows away from his mother; he roughens and cools and grows selfish and expects and demands the woman shall love him with all these faults, and generally she does.
The poor woman makes an idol of her husband and in her love thinks he is ideal.
Let him spend his money, she sticks to him; let poverty and want come to the home, she sticks. Let ill treatment be her portion, she sticks; and withal there are smiles on her lips most of the time.
I'm sorry for the poor woman in the oil fields, and the only glimmer of compensation I can find is that she doesn't have nervous prostration like her wealthy society sister has.
Those little husky children I see over there in the yard playing Indian will likely know the worth of a dollar later on. I peep into the future and predict that those boys will get on in the world, and Mother who is chopping wood for supper I see some day with a nice black grosgrain silk dress and a ball of knitting in her silk hand bag.
I see her from necessity knitting stockings for her children. In the future some day, far beyond want, for her sons will be successful men, she still is knitting and mending and helping, a smile on her lips and a soft light in her eye.
Plump, round and well fed, she sits there knitting with pleasure and dreaming of the pioneer days she spent in the Oklahoma cabin. Yes, that's the picture of the future.
The train is pulling into a city; I don't want the picture of the poor, hard-working, unselfish, sacrificing woman and her worthless husband to remain in my memory.
The sons will come out all right; they always do when they have a shiftless dad and a good mother. And somehow in this great open splendid Western country there is opportunity for such boys.
The big men here were all poor a short time ago. Their grandfathers were rich, their fathers spent their inheritance, they suffered poverty and want and their extremity was the son's spur to ambitious activity.
In the car are four young sports coming home from college on a vacation. Their daddies are all oil kings, and these youngsters will inherit fortunes.
Those youngsters who were playing Indian will get on in the world; these four young millionaire kids will go broke; their heads are not shaped right; their jaws slant back; it isn't in them. I know something of character.
Bye-bye, Mamma, with your little cabin and your boys; some day you will have peace and plenty.
Those four oil Johnnies will marry girls who have plenty and some day those girls will have to do the family washing.
The wheel turns, it's the history of the past. From shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves in three generations.
Lincolns, Garfields, and Edisons came from just such little cabins and just such rough, hard, bare life as I have been seeing this afternoon.
It's a Temporary Mental Derangement
Anger and acts of revenge are great pull-backs to health.
Anger makes the blood rush to the head, weakens the body, and distorts the vision.
When a woman gets angry, she quarrels with her lover, her husband or her children. Any one of these things is a calamity.
When a man gets angry he is a wild man, his eyes glitter, his mouth is cruel, his fists clinch, his body trembles, his blood veins strain and he does more harm in five minutes' anger than nature can repair in a day.
Anger makes weak stomachs, dizzy heads, poor judgment, lost friends, despair, sickness and likely the confirmed habit will lead to apoplexy.
When two men have differences, watch the cool man finish victor, the angry man always loses.
Keep your head; let the other fellow fret and fume.
He will tie himself up in a knot and finish loser.
Serenity is a God's blessing and fortunate is the man who can hold his serenity.
When you get a letter that stirs you to anger, don't answer that letter for forty-eight hours, then write a moderately vitriolic letter,—and then tear it up.
I know you are tempted, goaded and your limit of endurance is sometimes exhausted.
I know revenge is sweet only in anticipation. I know that revenge by anger and by the cruel "eye for an eye" measure is never, never sweet.
I have had imposition, ingratitude, insincerity and advantages taken of me because I kept my poise and serenity.
I have been called easy, and soft, and friends have shown me where I was imposed upon, but I was stooping to conquer. I kept my reserve, my resistance and my power ready until time, place, and preparedness let me spring my coup and then I cashed in beautifully in principal and interest for those acts and hurts.
I have power now in my hands to make others suffer, keenly and deeply, for wrongs they have done me. Yet I do not exercise that power to revenge.
I have been misjudged and misunderstood because cowardly persons have lied and villified me and accused me of motives and acts of which I was innocent.
I am well hated now by one person in particular who blames me for things another is guilty of. A word from me would clear me, but it would bring gloom and despair to that person and would not make me any less cognizant of my innocence.
Time somehow will bring out the truth; the cowardly, guilty individual who basks in the favor of the one who is angry at me will surely pay for his wrong.
This I know and I am satisfied with the ultimate result.
My former friend who is angry at me would simply switch the anger current to the guilty one if I told the facts; the guilty person couldn't stand that anger like I can. My act would break up a home and bring misery.
I am far removed from the location where these people live, and I can stand the anger of the one who puts the blame on me and accepts the lies of another as truth.
I have the documents in black and white, yet I don't use them because I have poise and the consciousness of knowing I am right and those who are dear to me know it, too.
I could be angry, but I couldn't live and enjoy and write books like "Pep" and this book if I let anger get in and spoil the serenity which is mine.
I've tried both plans, anger and poise, and I like poise better.
I believe I hear more birds, I believe I get more pleasure out of life and living than the man who gets angry and loves revenge.
Anyway I think so, and "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."
It's a Drug; Too Much Is Bad for You
Don't eat too much salt. Salt is a drug; it carries with it lime and magnesia and they tend to clog up things.
Too much salt will likely cause gall stones or gravel.
Some persons sprinkle salt over potatoes, beef and everything they eat; it's a bad practice.
You get enough salt in your bacon, and in the meat you eat. The food as it comes from the kitchen has plenty of salt in it.
Those who eat too much salt must suffer.
People have told me that the craving for salt was a natural thing; it isn't so, it's a cultivated taste. You didn't like salty olives the first time you tasted them.
Because deer and cattle greedily lick salt is no proof salt is natural and good, and needed in quantities. Cattle and horses will eat loco weed and when they get the habit they will eat and eat until they get crazy.
Man will crave tobacco; it isn't a natural taste, it's merely a cultivated taste.
The desire for excess salt on everything you eat is a habit and a bad habit.
It tends to make calcareous deposits in your system, and it will affect the blood and the muscles and the bones.
Nature puts practically enough salt in the food and cooks certainly add enough salt in their seasoning to furnish all the system needs.
Excess salt eating dulls the finer sensibilities of taste just as excess pepper or Worcester sauce or mustard does. It kills the fine natural flavor.
There's enough salt in butter to season the eggs you eat. Try your eggs next time without putting pepper and salt on them.
Learn to get the natural flavors and you will enjoy your food more.
Remember again excess craving for salt is simply evidence that you have a drug habit, not as dangerous as other drug habits, but bad for you just the same.
Check yourself every time you reach for a salt cellar.
Watch the children; don't let them eat too much salt.
It's Caused By High Mental Tension
Sleeping, like breathing and digesting, is controlled by the subconscious brain centers. Natural sleep requires no positive mental impulse; it's just relaxing and nature takes care of the process.
That is natural sleep, but when you start your dry cell battery, the brain, and commence to worry and fear, you are going to stay awake; then the conscious mind dominates the subconscious mind and you banish the very comforter you seek to woo.
Business men who keep up high tension all day on business matters, and high tension all evening in threshing all over again the business of the day, are almost sure to suffer from insomnia.
The continuance of the day and night habit of thinking of business brings on the insomnia habit and that starts the auto suggestion that you are fighting for your natural sleep. This produces worry, the demon that kills and maims.
To have an occasional wakeful night is natural; it is an evidence of intelligence: the mental dullard never has wakeful nights.
Unless the fear of sleeplessness becomes a full grown phobia no anxiety need be felt. The fear of insomnia, the over anxiety to go to sleep, is to be more dreaded than insomnia itself.
To get refreshing sleep you must get physical tiredness. Take exercise. Walk in one direction until the first symptoms of becoming tired appears, then walk home. Take a hot bath, then sponge with cold or cool water. Put a cold cloth at the head, rub the backbone with cold water.
Open your windows wide, then relax. Don't worry; you are going to sleep.
Lie on your back, open your eyes wide, look up as if you were trying to see your eyebrows, hold your eyes open this way ten to twenty seconds, then close them slowly. Repeat this several times. Soon the sandman will come.
Concentrate your mind on auto suggestion like this: "I am going to sleep—sound heavy, restful, peaceful sleep. My eyelids are getting heavy—heavy. I am going to close them and go to sleep."
Don't try counting imaginary sheep jumping over fence rails. Don't count numbers. It is a bad habit.
If these suggestions do not help you the first night say, "All right, my brain was too active, so then tomorrow I will let down a bit."
Next night eat one or two dry crackers, chew them slowly, masticate them thoroughly until you can swallow easily.
This little food will draw the blood pressure from the brain and help you to go to sleep.
Drive out business and worry thoughts. Think faith and courage thoughts.
Not the Making But the Repeating, Is Your Danger
To live down the past and erase the errors, live boldly the present.
Do not chastise or condemn yourself for mistakes you have made; you are not alone; everyone has made missteps, has hurt others, has wronged himself.
Everyone has had trouble, reverses and misfortune; it's the plan of things, and these things come to give us experience and correct our future acts by the knowledge of how to avoid errors and wrongs.
Yesterday is dead; forget it. Face about; live today; be busy, be active, be intent on doing right and accomplishing things worth while.
The world's memory is short. A misdeed, an error, a wrongful act on your part may set busy tongues wagging today and you may suffer from calumny and criticism. Of course your errors will be magnified and your wrongs enlarged beyond the truth; that's the penalty you pay.
Lies are always added to truth in telling of one's misdeeds. Be brave; weather the storm, it will soon blow over. Tomorrow the world will forget.
You've suffered in your own conscience; that's all the debt you can pay on the old score.
Now, then, get busy with the glorious opportunity today presents. Don't make the same mistake again. There are no eyes in the back of your head; look forward.
Don't worry by envying the other fellow and comparing his good deeds with your mistakes; you only see his good. He has had troubles and made mistakes too, but you and the world have forgotten them.
If every man's sins were printed on their foreheads the crowds you pass would all wear their hats over their eyes.
I'm trying to comfort you, and slap you on the back and tell you you are just human and all humans make false steps.
The patriarchs in the Bible made mistakes, but they got in the fold. History has perpetuated their names. Their lives on the whole were worth while. It's the sum total of acts that count.
A Little Analysis of Our Relation to Eternity
One man says the present is everything, the eternity is nothing.
The other man says eternity is everything, present is nothing.
I believe the real truth is, both are man's chief concern, and neither is all truth.
In this matter the general rule I have so often pointed out will harmoniously apply; that rule is, avoid extremes.
Those who believe that the now, the present, is the all important thing in man's life have the fashionable or favorite point of view.
Man definitely knows much about the present, he knows much about life. He is in the midst of life—it pulsates all around him and in him.
We know positively that the law of compensation is inexorable in its demands for right and positive in its punishment of wrong.
We know that on this earth kindness, love, occupation, help, truth, honor and sympathy are investments which bring happiness today. You get your pay instantly when you have done a helpful act and you get your punishment instantly when you have done a hurtful act.
That there is a future most of us agree, because good sense and logic points to that sane and reasonable conclusion.
So be it, with a belief in the future estate, it is reasonable to assume that our acts and lives in the present estate will have influence on our future estate.
We know positively of today, and the happiness we can get from good deeds done today.
If we will have power in the future to look back to today's acts, well and good, if today's acts are worth while.
The other view that eternity is everything and the present is nothing is the antiquated view, the narrow view; the, I might say, illiterate view.
That view warps the present life; it calls for present self-chastisement, present gloom, present sorrow and present misery.
It takes the tangible definite today, calls it nothing, and accepts the intangible unknown eternity as everything.
It trades the definite for the indefinite. It calls life a bubble, a vapor, a shadow. In fact, it makes gloom on today's sunshine and puts its believers into a purgatory; a dismal unhappy punishment antechamber where man exists and waits peeping out of his cell windows for a little imagined view of eternity.
He waits and endures the unpleasant interval, steeled against definite pleasures and evident life of today, and worried into an intoxicated colored belief in the expected happiness of the undefined future.
He refuses to think of definite life of today and spoils the thought of those who do.
He is a blockade to progress, a disagreeable part of life's picture.
He gets no happiness in the today which is in his hands, he loses this opportunity during his definite existence, and lives on future hopes in a future state which no man today knows what it will be.
Both theories as ultimate beliefs are wrong, yet each has some truth in its conclusion.
By taking the words eternity and present and saying both means everything, we avoid extremes and form a truth that is rational, and harmonious to good reason.
The man who says present is all does so because he is an utilitarian. He acts on the definite and refuses to believe in the abstract. Anything that is outside the sphere of his vision and action is of little concern to him.
The man who says eternity is all, wastes opportunity, example and warps himself into a miserable hermit.
Life is irrevocable. Every act in our life is placed, set, and fixed.
Every act goes in the record book of yesterday and it cannot be changed.
Acts that hurt others will rebound and hurt us. Deeds that helped others will rebound and help us. This much is certain.
There is a future, I believe that. There is a God, I believe that.
Just what the future is, and just what God is, I do not know in perfect detail.
Reward for good and punishment for bad, is part of God's plan, and I am conscious of this truth.
I know that justice prevails in this life, and this life is what I am living now.
If I live and act today in what I sincerely believe is in tune with God's purpose, I shall in my future estate benefit by those acts.
If I live and act today, disregarding all around me, selfishly catering to personal purpose, believing that eternity is everything and present is nothing, I am passing definite opportunity to do good now, for a hope of personal reward in an eternity, the which is indefinite as to what it shall be.
I shall therefore strive to do, and to be, right; to be kind, helpful, cheery and smiling now, for the reward such acts bring now.
And I shall doubtless have as good a record and passport to the future as the man who suffers now and lives only upon his selfish hope of the future.
His is fear thought, mine is faith thought, in the all wise, all powerful, all seeing, all right Ruler of the universe, who gave me my life, my brain, my reason, which I am trying to use, as nearly as my limitations will allow, to helping myself and helping others to smile, to be happy, to be serene, to be confident, to be competent, to be useful.
This is as I see it. I wouldn't do what I do, think what I think or act as I act unless I were sincere.
Below all this is charity, which means you have the unquestioned right to do and to be what your best thought and conscience tells you to do and to be.
Nevertheless it is well to reason with one another on the subject of the now and the tomorrow of our existence for it is a universal subject on which all men must make a decision.
Do Not Accept Sincerity as Proof of Truth
"I believe in him because he is so sincere."
You've heard that, haven't you? I never could understand why a sensible person would use such logic.
Sincerity is no evidence of truth. The Hindu mother is sincere who throws her babe to the crocodiles, but her sincerity is no proof that by this sacrifice she is sure of her salvation.
The Christian Scientist is sincere in the belief that medicines do not cure diseases. The doctor is equally sincere that medicines will cure disease.
The Theosophist is sincere, the Atheist, the Agnostic, the Christian, the Pagan, the Mohammedan, the Buddhist, the Sun-worshipper, the Republican, the Democrat, the Progressive, the Prohibitionist, the Brewer, all these are sincere in their beliefs. And as these beliefs are different, it is common sense to say that no one creed, sect, belief, branch, dogma or system, is all truth.
It is true every channel or avenue we meet in life's travel has some truth, but it is not for you or me to assume that we are the sole possessors of wisdom and the real discoverers of all truth.
We must not take the conclusions we arrive at and expect to force the world to accept without protest our rules for conduct, our methods for living, our practices for morals, or our beliefs, for their guide.
Converts to new doctrines, new issues, new cults and to the old ones, too, are made largely because the ambassadors or proselyters seem so fervid and sincere in expounding what they claim is the definite truth.
The believers in a cult or code of ethics are auto hypnotized, their visions are narrowed.
By focusing their thought on their special belief they bring together sophistry, arguments, examples and so-called proof that gives them facility in arguing the case or expounding their doctrine.
You can make no gain to try to argue with a Christian Scientist. You ask for concrete rules, definite answers and other proofs than their flat statements, and you are told you have not the understanding, that your attitude is not in the right plane, and that the truth cannot be shown you.
You are told to have faith, belief, to eliminate antagonism, and to study "Science and Health" and you will receive the divine spirit and see the light.
The Scientist is sincere; he shows you "Science and Health" with a lot of testimonials in the back to prove that Christian Science cures disease. Every patent medicine, every science, every system of healing has testimonials by the hundreds.
Scientists say there is no disease, no material, that we are only spirit or soul, or thought; that we are not matter but mind. That health is truth and disease is error. They deny disease yet "Science and Health" and the midweek experience meetings have testimonials of disease cured by Christian Science.
There is much truth in Christian Science. People are helped by it, people are sincere in their belief in it, but that Christian Science is all truth, all powerful, all right, all sufficient, cannot be proven.
What about the people who have gone hence before Christian Science was ever heard of?
The theological religion today, the practices and beliefs, differ from the vogue of fifty years ago.
If the Protestant religion be all truth what became of our religious ancestors who died before Martin Luther found the truth?
I have no quarrel with the Christian Scientist, the Protestant, the Roman Catholic, the Buddhist, or the Mohammedan. I must be generous and broad enough to say others have the right to think and be sincere. All sciences have truth, but no science, sect, cult, dogma, or creed is ALL truth.
Sincerity may be satisfaction and necessary for the possessors of that sincerity, but that your sincerity in your belief must be accepted by me as proof that I should believe as you do, is, I believe, the place where I have the undoubted right to say, "I reserve the right to my own conclusions and I am unjust to myself if I force myself to accept your viewpoint without full belief myself that you are right."
So, then, because a person is sincere in a belief that is contrary to your conscientious belief, do not be disturbed or swerved from common sense analysis or convinced against your better judgment.
No one possesses all the truth. It is for you and me to do our plain duty as we see it, to do the best we can each day in act and thought and word.
We can pretty much agree on the simple essential truths which are proven. That is, being honest, truthful, kind, lovable, sympathetic, cheerful, doing good, helping one another and doing things worth while.
If we agree on these things and do useful work and think helpful thoughts, we are doing our duty.
Theories, arguments and studying too deeply on bootless systems, codes, beliefs, cults, isms, or doctrines, is a waste of time.
When we can here and now derive definite benefits from doing the simple and helpful things and acting and thinking the simple practical cheer thoughts, it is not necessary or good for us to waste time on spiritualism or theoretical beliefs that cannot be proved to our own selves satisfactorily.
We are asked to believe these strange, impractical, unnatural beliefs, because of the sincerity of others. It's better to do, and to be the thing we can ourselves measure, understand and sincerely believe.
There are hundreds of strange beliefs and spiritual systems, each claiming to be all powerful, all right. If any one is all truth then all the others are all wrong.
The bigot who assumes he is the sole possessor of truth, the cult, sect, ism, or science that claims to possess all truth, and the exact rules for the world to obey, should be classed with those other misguided men and religions which burned human beings who dared to doubt their right to the possession of all truth.
God never gave his approval to any one man-made religious sect.
God is the universal good power; man often tries to interpret God's idea to his own selfish narrow vision.
The Man Who Has a Pill for Every Ill
How often we see the pill fiend. In his vest pocket he has a small apothecary shop, a collection of round paste-board boxes and little bottles.
Every little while he dopes himself. If his stomach is on a strike he pops in a pill. If his head aches he takes a tablet. If he sneezes he takes a cold cure pill.
When anyone around speaks of a pain or ache he hands the person a pill.
The pill eater is a hypochondriac and very likely his doctor knows it. The salvation is that the doctor probably gives him harmless stuff in pill form. The patient doesn't know this and it's like a rabbit's foot or a piece of pork rubbed on a wart; it satisfies the mind and nature makes the cure.
Often, however, the pills are not innocent; the pill fiend buys the tablets and pills direct from the druggist. The headache tablet is most likely one of the coal tar drugs like acetanilid, and that is positively harmful when taken too often.
There are times to take pills, in cases of emergency, when you can shock nature with a poison and bring a wholesome reaction.
These times are rare, and the doctor should be the sole judge as to when they are necessary.
Exercise, diet, correct habits of living will prevent congestion and illness that cause pain.
The pill habit is nothing less than a drug habit, and the drug habit positively weakens the system.
The headache tablet does not cure the headache, it only stops the pain; the evil is still there. The headache is merely nature's signal that something is out of whack.
Headaches are generally caused by the stomach, eye strain, or neuralgia; the latter in turn is caused by too much uric acid in the system.
Eat fruit, drink plenty of water, and that will flush the system and stop stomachic headache.
See the optician if it's eyes. If you have frequent headache in the forehead, very likely it's the eyes, even though you do not suspect it.
If it's neuralgia, get a corrective diet list from the doctor.
I know scores of men and women, too, who take pills enough to kill a person. Their systems have been educated up to it; they are saturated with poison.
And the worst of it is they never get well while taking the pills; it is only a temporary deadening of the pain.
Then there are many who take pills to make them sleep. That's a crime. It's murder in slow degrees for they are surely shortening their lives by this poison dope pill habit.
Mark this: Nature, and Nature alone, effects cures and it's in very, very few instances that a poison pill can be used to advantage.
You can keep well by getting good air, good water, good sunshine, good food, good exercise, good rest, good cheer and good thought. That is what I call my golden prescription, and it will do wonders for you, and every doctor will tell you so.
Pills kill, if you keep up the habit. There are no two ways about it. I say positively and knowingly, that this pill habit is absolutely life shortening.
Don't try to argue; the evidence is unshakable on this point.
If you had seen the derelicts in the hospitals I have seen, if you had seen the wretched bodies, destroyed nerve systems, the drugged, shattered, hopeless patients resulting from the baneful pill habit, you would be as positive as I am in saying pills kill if you keep up the habit.
Life is sweet and precious to us all. Do not shorten it by taking pills and tablets for every ache or pain. Try nature's way. Realize that mental suggestion and will power will drive away most pains or temporary aches.
Brace up, cheer up; chuck the pills in the garbage can.
Like Whiskey, the End Is Near
Whiskey must go. It is written on the pages of the records of man's progress. Likewise must the quack doctor and the fake medicine go.
The side-whiskered advertising doctors are nothing short of criminal when they by powerful use of words magnify symptoms and feelings to be grave, serious fore-runners of awful disease, and by fright, bring in the hypochondriac to his spider-web and filch him in a manner no better than a thief uses. The thief is really more honorable, for he steals because he wants your money and makes no bones about it.
The doctor charlatan steals your money under the guise of being your benefactor.
As I have explained in "Pep," illness, feeling out of sorts, local pains and sickness, unless of the contagious or infectious kind, are largely conditions of the mind and of food habits, and surely are accentuated by fear thought.
Because people have off days, and aches and pains, the frock-coated, white lawn tie doctors and pseudo professors work on the minds and imaginations, magnify trifles into troubles, then when the victims lose courage these charlatans rob them under the guise of professional advice and treatment.
Most of the temporary ailments are caused by constipation, wrong diet or lack of exercise. The doctor gives a laxative, nature re-asserts herself, and the patient is cured.
Chronic ailments require long treatments, so as to make long bills and many visits for the quack doctor.
Read "Pep" and fool the doctors. Your health and happiness are things largely in your own control.
When you feel you must have a doctor, go to your family physician and not to a strange doctor who advertises. His advertisement is merely a spiderweb to catch and hold you while he robs you.
It is a hopeful sign of the brighter future to which man is progressing, that the respectable papers will not lend their aid to swindling doctors. The best papers will not carry these doctor or fake medicine ads.
Before long the government will pass laws on this baneful, shameful, quack advertising. Quack doctors, gambling houses, liquor selling, are all swindling methods to get money, and in the getting they are killing men, ruining homes, destroying happiness, holding back progress.
The one object of the quack doctor is to size you up and see what you "are good for." "Good for" means how much money can he get from you and how long can he keep you as a patient to contribute to his coffers.
Let every reader of this book enroll as an opponent to quack doctors and quack medicines, and by word and influence help to hasten the day when such pernicious swindlers are things of the past. You can't get health out of a bottle.
And this is true.
It Is Hampered By Too Many Sects
No two minds can see the same picture, nor can two persons with logic, on religion, come to the same definite conclusion.
The old Scripture said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." The new Scripture teaches us to "turn the other cheek" and "love your enemies."
Two hundred years ago they burned witches.
Thirty years ago the preacher who took exception to the universal belief of a hell of fire and brimstone was thrown out of the church. Today no preacher believes in such a hell.
Present day religion is really a Sunday religion. One and a half hours a week the members of the church join in singing "we shall know each other there." The remainder of the week they make it a point to keep from knowing each other here.
The protestant church divides itself into a lot of sects, each one built on some particular ordinance or practice and each one swallows a camel and strains at a gnat. One sect insists that baptism shall be by immersion because the disciples baptized that way. They believe in following customs literally, yet in the cities they immerse the members in a big tub under the pulpit, which practice is entirely different from the method employed by John the Baptist.
One sect insists upon having a communion every Sunday because the Bible says, "as often as you do this," etc. To be literal in the matter of communion, the Lord's Supper should be served at night as the original was, and it should be supper and not a few pieces of broken crackers.
The sect that insists on following the Scriptures in the matter of baptism by immersion fails to follow the Scriptures in the matter of washing the feet or anointing the head.
Many years ago the church considered it a sacrilege to use an organ. Today they have orchestras and hire operatic singers.
So it seems that the church is broadening out. Thinking men believe that religion should not be an auto-intoxication of self-condemnation or worry, sobs and misery. Because so much of this sort of teaching is prevalent the church is not making the gains it should. The church is largely supported by nice little women, many of them maiden ladies who have little to do, and know little of the great problems of the busy world.
I am thoroughly convinced that the church must recognize that evolution is taking place, that we are to be more charitable, more broad in our views, less technical in our tenets and more practical in our work.
We will have to cut down the fences between the sects and all get together in the great field for a common cause rather than trying to maintain little independent vineyards.
Religion must teach smiles and joy, courage and brotherly love, instead of frowns, dejection, fear and envy.
It must teach how to be and how to get good out of our today on earth. If we are good and do good here, we certainly will help our future prospects.
Certainly we are progressing from narrowness, bigotry, selfishness and envy, to broadness, reason, brotherly love and contentment, and we shall progress from the narrow confines of obstinate orthodoxy or bulldogmatics, by breaking down the sect, cult, ism, and doxy barriers until we all join in a universal church in which all can put their hearts and beliefs, in which all can find full range for their spiritual belief and expression.
That big, broad, right church will be in harmony with God's purpose.
The Creator made all men and He doesn't confine His love or His interest to any one little man-made narrow sect, or creed.
"God is love." "Love thy neighbor." "Help the weak, cheer the grief stricken." Those are the commands and purposes we find everywhere in the Scriptures.
"He that believeth in me shall be saved." That's a definite promise and it is not qualified with a lot of creed paragraphs and beliefs. That promise doesn't have any buts or ifs. It doesn't say we shall be saved whether we are Methodists or Catholics, or Baptists or Presbyterians. Those names are man-made, and creeds of those churches are man-made, too.
At the congress of religions in the World's Fair at Chicago over three hundred religions and sects were represented by delegates from all over the world, and every one there with hearty accord sang, "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow" and "Rock of Ages." Those hymns were universal; they fitted all creeds and sects.
Big men in the church are intensely interested in the get-together, universal church, and each year will mark a definite progress toward amalgamation of sects and divisions.
There should be no Methodist Church North and Methodist Church South.
There should not be churches like the Congregational and Presbyterian, whose creeds are identical, the difference being only in the officers.
The country village of 1,000 population has five churches; it should have only one. The country is full of half starved preachers and weak, struggling congregations.
The get-together movement will help religion, and it's going to happen surely.
A Necessary Practice to Bring Efficiency
Every year the business man goes over his stock, tools, fixtures, and accounts, and prepares a statement of assets and liabilities so as to get a fairly accurate understanding of his profit and loss.
If he didn't take this inventory his net worth would be guess work.
This inventory deals with money and things which are mixed more or less with the human element and affected more or less by conditions or trade, crops, competition, supply and demand.
The business man takes all these conditions into consideration in preparing for the coming year. He red flags the mistakes and green flags the good plans.
The business man should carry the inventory further. Every month or so he should take a careful inventory of himself, putting down his assets of health, initiative, patience, ability to work, smiles, honesty, sincerity, and the like. So also he must put down in the debit side the pull backs, hindrances and other business killers in the list of liabilities. These items are smoothness, untruth, unfairness, grouchiness, impatience, worry, ill health, gloom, meanness, broken word, unfulfilled promises and the like.
In making up the inventory pay particular attention to your habits: smoking, drinking, over-eating, useless display, useless social functions and other useless things that pull on your nerves and your pocket book.
Then check up department A, which is your family. How have you dealt with your family and children?
Department B is friends; how do you stand in your treatment of them?
Department C, all other persons. Did you lie to, cheat, steal from or defraud any one? How much cash profit did you make? How much less a man did the act make you?
Go over your self-respect account. Does it show profit or loss.
Check up your employees' account. What has your stewardship shown? Have you drawn the employees closer, or driven them further from you?
Analyze your spiritual account. Is your religious belief a sham or conviction? Do you sing on Sunday, "we shall know each other there," or do you make it a point to know and love your brother here, seven days a week.
Be fair in your inventory. Write down the facts in the two columns "good" and "bad," then go over the list and put a red danger flag on the bad. Keep the list until next inventory and see whether you have made a gain or loss in your net moral standing.
Don't read this and say, "a good idea." Do the thing literally.
Take a clean sheet of paper and write your personal assets and liabilities down in the two columns marked "good" and "bad."
If this inventory doesn't help then you may call me a false prophet.
I know the plan is a good one. I know it will help you. If it helps you, you will thank me. There can be no harm in trying, because it's a worth-while thing to test.
The business man who never takes inventory is likely to go bump some day.
Those Who Decry It Most Have It Most
The ego is in us. It is good to have, but egotism needs the soft pedal when we speak or do things.
Many people are unconscious of their egotism yet they suggest between lines in their conversation, "even I who am superior to the herd would do this or that."
For instance, two persons were arguing about the merits of an inexpensive automobile. Parenthetically I may say one belonged to the Ford class and the other to the can't afford class. A can't afford snob came to the rescue of the Ford champion by saying, "that's a good car; why, I wouldn't mind owning one of them myself," and he beamed at the party with the consciousness of having settled the matter and removed the stigma from the Ford car.
The egotism crops out often when one shows a group picture in which he appears. He doesn't wait for you to find him; he pokes his arm over your shoulder and says, "that's me."
To each of us in the manner of things the I is the center of our world. We see things always through our I's.
If we wish to get along without friction we must remember that the other fellow has his I's also, and when we try to make him see things through our I's it makes trouble.
The hall mark of education, refinement and character in the broad sense is the ability to exclude the personal so far as possible from our conversation. And be big enough to grant to others their undoubted right to see and think from their own standpoint.
Argument develops egotism more than most any other thing will.
How often have you convinced another in an argument?
How often have you been convinced in an argument?
The world is big, there are millions of others in it and our job is a big one if we 'tend pretty well to our own knittin'.
It Is the Last Step in the Race That Counts
Four hundred and twenty-three years ago Christopher Columbus landed on an island which he thought was India.
Chris was mighty happy as he put his foot on good old mother earth; not so much because he had discovered a new way to India, as he thought, but because his foot touched land.
Two days before he landed on San Salvador his crew pitched into him and threatened to throw him in the sea and turn about the ship to Spain.
If Chris had shown the white feather, 1492 would not be the date of the first line in the geography, announcing the "Discovery of America."
Chris had perseverance, the stuff that makes men successful.
He started to find India by sailing westward. He didn't succeed in his purpose, but his determination was rewarded just the same, for he found a new country, and that was worth while.
Before he started he was promised ten per cent of the revenue from any lands he might discover. Just imagine what that would mean today.
Columbus had perseverance and pep, and his unwavering fidelity to his cause brought him success in his efforts.
The world has improved since 1492, but the percentage of men who would keep on like Columbus did has not increased, perhaps.
Columbus sailed with three ships, the largest sixty-six feet long. He steered to the direction of the setting sun. His crew was 120 men. None of them were enthusiastic at the start; all of them disgusted, discouraged and ready to mutiny at the last.
But Christopher kept the ships pointed West, through rain, shine, through drifting breezeless days and through storms. He kept on, and on and on, and he brought home the bacon, which being interpreted means success crowned his efforts.
Perseverance and pep produce prosperity, peace and plenty.
It was the mileage made on October 12th, 1492, that counted.
It is the last step in a race that counts.
It is the last stroke on the nail that counts.
The moral is that many a prize has been lost just when it was ready to be plucked.
Perseverance—patience—pluck—pep—are particularly profitable if pursued until you ring the bell.
The Earth's Incontestable Pages of Truth
On the wall in the room where I write these lines is a fossil herring which the boys dug up in the Rockies near Frozen Dog, at an altitude of six thousand feet.
The herring is a salt water fish proving that the country around Frozen Dog was at one time under the sea.
A few weeks ago, in the Missouri River bottom near Omaha, some Harvard scientists discovered the remains of three ancient towns, one buried on top of the other.
In the Nile valley in Egypt nine towns, in one location, have been unearthed, each town in a different strata of alluvial deposit.
The ninth or top city is the ancient City of Memphis, once the largest city in the world.
Those cities and the mute eloquence of my fossil herring plainly point out the fact that the world is millions of years old.
Last summer I found some coral on Washington Island, which is off the point of land where Lake Michigan and Green Bay meet. Coral is only formed in salt water.
Geologists tell me that Washington Island and surrounding country plainly shows marks of three distinct glacial periods.
Several times the poles were in the tropical climate, and consequently the tropics or the temperate zones at least were under permanent snow and ice.
The earth changes its axis every few thousand centuries, that we know.
The rains and snows wash the earth to the sea, depositing layers of sand and sediment, which as the ages go by, turn to stone and form permanent pages that man may read in succeeding eras.
During the world's changes, vast surfaces of earth and rock are lifted to mountain heights and other places lowered and the sea covers them.
Thus the habitations of man have been buried, new earth covered them, new towns were built and again the covering process.
Scientists are deciphering the story of the earth and its people. Babylonia and Egypt left records which our learned men can read, but ages and eons before these ancients there were races who could not write even crude picture or hieroglyphic languages, and probably we shall never know much about these very old times.
Around our Mississippi Valley we know of Mound Builders before our Indians. In the Southwest the relics of the cliff dwellers are abundant.
This summer at Salt Lake City I saw seven mummies of fair-haired people that were discovered in Southern Utah.
Near Naples, in digging a well, the workmen found statuary, jewelry and cooking utensils. The Italian government began excavating and they opened up to modern gaze an old city. The town was Pompeii.
People may now walk the streets of old Pompeii as freely as the streets of Kansas City, and the old pavements are likewise worn and torn like the present streets of Kansas City. |