50. Tea. (Teo.)
(For Vocabularies see sections 4-6 & 14-15.)
English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. - - Will you come to Cxu vi venos por choo vee veh'nohss pohr tea? trinki teon? trin'kee teh'ohn? Tea is ready La teo estas preta la teh'oh ehstahss prehtah Pour out the tea Versxu la teon vehr'shoo la teh'ohn Ring, if you Sonorigu, mi petas so-noree'goo, mee please peh'tahss A little more milk Iom plu da lakto ee'ohm ploo dah lahk'toh Some more bread Iom plu da pano kaj ee'ohm ploo dah pah'no and butter butero kahy bootehr'oh Do you like your Cxu vi sxatas vian choo vee shah'tahss tea strong? teon forta? vee'ahn teh'ohn fort'ah? Not too strong Ne tro forta neh tro fort'ah I like it rather Mi sxatas gxin iom mee shah'tahss jeen strong forta ee'ohm fort'ah Bring a saucer Alportu subtason ahlport'oo soobtah'sohn Do you take cream? Cxu vi prenas kremon? choo vee preh'nahss kreh'mohn? This cream is sour Tiu cxi kremo estas tee'oo chee kreh'mo malfresxa eh'stahss mahlfreh'shah Another cup of Ankoraux tason da ahnkoh'rahw tah'sohn tea? teo? dah teh'oh? Is your tea sweet Cxu via teo estas choo vee'ah teh'oh enough? suficxe sukerita? eh'stahss soofee'cheh soo-kehree'tah? I should like a Mi preferas iom malpli mee prefehr'ahss ee'ohm little less milk da lakto mahl'pli dah lahk'toh
51. Health. (La Sano.)
(For Vocabulary see section 13.)
English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. - - How are you? Kiel vi fartas? kee'ehl vee fahr'tahss? I am very well Mi tre bone fartas mee treh bo'neh fahr'tahss I am ill Mi estas malsana mee eh'stahss mahlsah'nah I am not very well Mi ne tre bone fartas mee neh treh bo'neh fahr'tahss Are you quite Cxu vi bone fartas? choo vee bo'neh well? fahr'tahss? Quite well, thank Tute bone, mi dankas too'teh bo'neh, mee you dahn-kahss Pretty well, Suficxe bone, dankon soofee'cheh bo'neh, thanks dahn-kohn How do you feel? Kiel vi vin sentas? kee'ehl vee vin sehn'tahss? I don't feel well Mi ne sentas min en mee neh sehntahss min tre bona stato ehn treh bo'nah stahtoh I feel better Mi sentas min en pli mee sehn'tahss min ehn bona stato plee bo'nah stahtoh I hope you will Mi esperas ke vi mee espeh'rahss, keh soon be better baldaux resanigxos vee bahl'dahw rehsahnee'johss Do you sleep well? Cxu vi bone dormas? choo vee bo'neh dohr-mahss? I have caught a Mi malvarmumis mee mahlvahrmoo'meess chill I have a headache Mi havas kapdoloron mee ha'vahss kahp-dolohr'ohn I feel sick Mi sentas nauxzon mee sehn-tahss nahw'zohn Send for the Venigu la kuraciston vehnee'goo lah doctor kooraht-sees'tohn She has a bad Sxi havas malbonan shee ha'vahss cough tuson mahlbo'nahn too'sohn How much is the Kiom estas la kee'ohm eh'stahss lah doctor's fee for honorario de l' honoh-rahree'oh dehl a visit? kuracisto por kooraht-see'stoh pohr vizito? veezee'toh? Where is there a Kie estas apoteko? kee'eh eh'stahss chemist's? ahpoh-teh'ko? Have this Plenumigu tiun cxi plehnoomee'goo tee'oon prescription recepton chee rehtsehp'tohn made up One tablespoonful Unu granda plenkulero oonoo grahndah three times a tri fojojn cxiutage plehn'kooleh'roh tree day foh'yoyn chee'oo-tah'gheh To be taken after Prenota post cxiu prehno'tah post chee'oo each meal mangxo mahn'jo Shake the bottle Skuu la botelon skoo'oo lah boteh'lohn For outward Nur por ekstera noor pohr eksteh'rah application only aplikado ahpleekah'doh Poison Veneno vehneh'no
52. In Town. (En la Urbo.)
(For Vocabulary see section 9.)
English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. - - Where shall we go? Kien ni iru? kee'ehn nee ee'roo? Which is the way Kiu estas la vojo kee'oo eh'stahss la to...? al...? vo'yo ahl...? To the right left Dekstren maldekstren dehkstrehn mahldehk'strehn Straight before Rekte antauxen rek'teh ahntah'wehn you Is it far from Cxu malproksime de tie choo mahl-proksee'meh here? cxi? deh tee-eh chee? About a mile Proksimume unu mejlon proksee-moo'meh oonoo may'lohn Go up the street Supreniru la straton soo'prehn-eer'oo lah strah'tohn Where does this Kien kondukas tiu cxi kee'ehn kondoo'kahss road lead to? vojo? tee'oo chee vo'yo? How far is it Kiom da vojo estas kee'ohm dah vo'yo to...? gxis...? eh'stahss jeess...? Show me the way Montru al mi la vojon mohn'troo ahl mee la vo'yohn Straight on Rekte antauxen rek'teh ahntah'wehn Turn to the right Turnu dekstren toor'noo dehk'strehn Second turning to La dua vojo dekstren la doo'ah vo'yo the right dehk'strehn Keep to the left Iradu maldekstren eerah'doo mahl-dehk'strehn Take the third on Sekvu la trian sehk'voo la tree'ahn the left maldekstren mahl-dehk'strehn At the top of this Cxe la fino de tiu cxi cheh la fee'no deh street strato tee'oo chee strah'toh Cross the road Transiru la vojon trahnseer'oo la vo'yohn Let us go! Ni iru! nee eer'oo! In what street En kiu strato ehn kee'oo strah'toh is...? estas...? eh'stahss...? Is this the way Cxu tiu estas la vojo choo tee'oo eh'stahss to...? al...? la vo'yo ahl...? Do you know Mr. Cxu vi konas Sinjoron choo vee ko'nahss F.? F.? seenyohr'ohn F.? I don't know Mi ne konas iun tiel mee neh ko'nahss anyone of that nomitan ee'oon, tee'ehl name no-mee'tahn I know him very Mi tre bone konas lin mee treh boneh ko'nahss well leen He is a friend of Li estas unu el miaj lee eh'stahss oo'noo mine amikoj ehl mee'ahy ahmee'koy Where does he Kie li logxas? kee'eh lee lo'jahss? live? Can you direct me Cxu vi povas direkti choo vee po'vahss to his house? min al lia domo? deerek'tee meen ahl lee'ah do'mo? Can I see Mr. F.? Cxu mi povas vidi choo mee po'vahss Sinjoron F.? veedee seenyohr'ohn F.? He is out just now Nunmomente li ne estas noon-mo-mehn'teh lee hejme neh ehstahss hehy'meh Is Mrs. F. at Cxu Sinjorino F. estas choo seenyo-ree'no F. home? hejme? eh'stahss hehy'meh? Mrs. F. is not at S-no F. ne estas seenyo-ree'no F. neh home hejme es'tahss hehy'meh I will call again Mi revenos mee rehveh'nohss I expect him every Mi atendas lian venon mee ahtehn'dahss moment cxiumomente lee-ahn veh'nohn chee'oo-mo-mehn'teh Have you your Cxu vi havas choo vee ha'vahss card? vizitkarton? vee-zeet-kahr'tohn? Does he expect Cxu li atendas vin? choo lee ahtehn'dahss you? veen? He is expecting me Li atendas mian venon lee ahtehn'dahss mee'ahn veh'nohn I have an Mi havas rendevuon kun mee ha'vahss appointment with li rehndeh-voo'ohn koon him lee I am engaged Mi estas okupata kun mee eh'stahss iu ohkoopah'tah koon ee'oo Good morning! Bonan matenon! bo'nahn ma-teh'nohn! Good day! Bonan tagon! bo'nahn tah'gohn! How do you do? Kiel vi fartas? kee'ehl vee fahr'tahss? How is Mrs. F.? Kiel fartas S-no F.? kee'ehl fahr'tahss seen-yo-ree'no F.? Give my Prezentu miajn prehzehn'too mee'ahyn compliments to komplimentojn al komplee-mehn'toyn ahl Miss F. Frauxlino F. frahw-lee'no F. So pleased to see Tre kontenta vidi vin treh kontehn'tah you vee'dee vin Good-bye! Adiaux! ahdee'ahw! Farewell! Gxis revido! jeess rehvee'doh! Must you go yet? Cxu vi devas jam choo vee deh'vahss yahm foriri? foreer'ee? I must go Mi devas foriri mee deh'vahss foreer'ee Good evening! Bonan vesperon! bo'nahn vespehr'ohn! Good night! Bonan nokton! bo'nahn nok'tohn!
53. Shopping. (Acxetado.)
(For Vocabularies see sections 3-8 & 14-18.)
English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. - - I wish to buy Mi volas acxeti mee vo'lahss ah-cheh'tee Do you keep...? Cxu vi havas...? choo vee ha'vahss...? We have none in Ni ne havas en nee neh ha'vahss ehn stock magazeno ma-gahzeh'no We can get you Ni povas iom por vi nee po'vahss ee'ohm some akiri pohr vee ahkeer'ee What price would Je kioma prezo vi gxin yeh kee-oh'ma preh'zo you like? deziras? vee jeen dehzeer'ahss? About half-a-crown Po cxirkaux duonkrono po cheer'kahw a yard par jardo doo-ohn-kro'no pohr yahrdoh May we get it for Cxu ni gxin por vi choo nee jeen pohr vee you? akiru? ahkeer'oo? What is the price? Kiom estas la prezo? kee'ohm eh'stahss lah preh'zo? How much? Kiom? kee'ohm? That is too much Tio estas tro kara tee'oh eh'stahss tro kah'rah Have you a Cxu vi havas alian choo vee ha'vahss different specon? ah-lee'ahn pattern? speht'sohn? a better pli bonan sxtofon? plee bo'nahn material? shto'fohn? Can you recommend Cxu vi povas gxin choo vee po'vahss jeen it? rekomendi? rehkomehn'dee? We can recommend Ni povas rekomendi nee po'vahss this tion rehkomehn'dee tee'ohn We guarantee this Ni tiun cxi kvaliton nee tee'oon chee quality garantias kvah-lee'tohn gahrahn-tee'ahss I should like to Mi dezirus vidi mee dehzeerooss veedee see some ribbons rubandojn roobahn'doyn I want some calico Mi deziras iom da mee dehzeer'ahss ee'ohm kalikoto dah kahlee-ko'toh This colour is too Tiu cxi koloro estas tee'oo chee ko-lohr'oh dark tro malpala ehstahss tro mahlpah'lah It is faded La koloro iom la ko-lohr'oh ee'ohm malaperis mahl-ahpehr'eess Have you any Cxu vi havas pli choo vee ha'vahss plee narrower? mallargxan? mahl-lahr'jahn? What is this a Kiom tio kostas por kee'ohm tee'o kost'ahss yard? unu jardo? pohr oo'noo yahr'doh? This will do Tio cxi tauxgos tee'oh chee tahw'gohss I will take this Mi tion prenos mee tee'ohn preh'nohss A reel of cotton Unu bobeno da kotono oonoo bo-beh'no dah ko-toh'no A skein Fadenaro fahdeh-nah'ro A packet of mixed Paketo da miksitaj pahkeh'toh dah pins pingloj miksee'tahy peen'gloy Not so fine Ne tiel delikata neh tee'ehl dehleekah'tah Show me some Montru al mi gantojn mohntroo ahl mee gloves gahn'toyn Try on these Prove surmetu cxi pro'veh soormeh'too tiujn chee tee'ooyn What are they a Kiom kostas unu paro? kee'ohm ko'stahss pair? oo'noo pah'ro? That is too dear Tio estas tro kara tee'oh eh'stahss tro kah-rah They fit you very Ili tre bone tauxgas ee'lee treh bo'neh well tah'w-gahss I will take them Mi kunprenos cxion mee koon-preh'nohss with me chee'ohn Please give me my Volu doni mian vo'loo doh'nee mee'ahn bill kalkulon kahl-koo'lohn Send all this home Sendu cxion cxi hejmen sehn'doo chee'ohn chee at once tuj hehy'mehn tooy Can I send them Cxu mi povas sendi choo mee po'vahss for you? ilin por vi? sehn'dee ee'leen pohr vee? Send them to... Sendu ilin al... sehn'doo ee'leen ahl... Will you send them Cxu vi tuj sendos choo vee tooy sehndohss at once? ilin? ee'leen? What name, please? Kiu nomo, mi petas? kee'oo no'mo, mee peh'tahss? To what address? Al kiu adreso? ahl kee'oo ahdreh'so?
54. The Dressmaker. (La Modistino.)
(For Vocabulary see section 16.)
English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. - - Here is the Jen estas la yehn eh'stahss lah dressmaker modistino mo-distee'no Ask her to wait Petu, ke sxi atendu peh'too, keh shee ah-tehn'doo Show her in Enirigu sxin ehneeree'goo sheen Have you brought Cxu vi alportis mian choo vee ahlpohr'teess my dress? robon? mee'ahn ro'bohn? Here it is, madam Jen, sinjorino yehn, seenyoh-ree'no Will you try it Cxu vi prove surmetos choo vee pro'veh on? gxin? soor-meh'tohss jeen? It fits you very Gxi tre gxuste tauxgas jee treh joo'steh well al vi tah'w-gahss ahl vee It is not a good Gxi ne gxuste tauxgas jee neh joo'steh fit tah'w-gahss The skirt is too La jupo estas tro lah yoo'po eh'stahss narrow mallargxa tro mahl-lahr'jah It is too La talio estas tro lah tahlee'oh eh'stahss short-waisted mallonga tro mahl-lohn'gah The sleeves are La manikoj ne estas lah mahnee'koy neh not wide enough suficxe largxaj eh'stahss soofee'cheh lahr'jahy Make all these Faru cxiujn cxi fah'roo chee'ooyn chee alterations sxangxojn shahn'joyn What trimming Per kio vi gxin pehr kee'oh vee jeen would you put garnus? gahr'nooss? on? Pale pink ribbon Pala rozkolora pah'lah rohz-ko-loh'rah rubando roobahn'doh When can you let Kiam vi povos doni kee'ahm vee po'vohss me have it? gxin al mi? doh'nee jeen ahl mee? You shall have it Vi havas gxin sabaton vee ha'vohss jeen on Saturday sah-bah'tohn Without fail Nepre neh'preh Don't disappoint Ne trompu miajn neh trohmpoo mee'ahyn me esperojn espehr'oyn
55. The Shoemaker. (La Sxuisto.)
English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. - - I wish to see some Mi deziras vidi botojn mee dehzeer'ahss ladies' boots por sinjorinoj vee'dee bo-toyn pohr seen-yoh-ree'noy Take my measure Prenu mian mezuron preh-noo mee-ahn meh-zoor'ohn The soles are La plandumoj estas iom la plahndoo'moy rather thick dikaj eh'stahss ee-ohm dee'kahy They are too tight Ili tro premas ee-lee tro preh-mahss I cannot get my Mi ne povas enigi la mee neh po-vahss foot in piedon ehnee'ghee la pee-eh'dohn Here is a Jen estas sxukorno yehn eh-stahss shoe-horn shookohr'no Are they Cxu ili gxenas? choo ee-lee jeh-nahss? comfortable? I cannot walk in Mi ne povas iri en mee neh po-vahss eer-ee them ili ehn ee-lee They hurt my heel Ili dolorigas mian ee-lee doh-loree'gahss kalkanon meeahn kahlkah'nohn I must have them Estas necese, ke mi eh-stahss nehtsah'seh, as soon as ilin havu kiel eble keh mee ee-leen possible plej baldaux ha-voo kee-ehl eh-bleh plehy' bahl-dahw I want some Mi bezonas lacxojn mee behzoh'nahss bootlaces lah'choyn How much are they Kiom kostas unu paro? kee-ohm ko-stahss a pair? oo-noo pah-ro? I want these shoes Mi deziras lasi mee dehzeer'ahss lahsee soled and heeled plandumi kaj plahndoo'mee kahy kalkanumi tiujn cxi kahlkahnoo'mee sxuojn tee-ooyn chee shoo-oyn Send my boots to Sendu riparigxi miajn sehn-doo ripahree'jee be mended botojn mee'ahyn bo-toyn When will they be Kiam ili estos kee-ahm ee-lee ehstohss done? pretaj? preh' tahy?
56. The Laundress. (La Lavistino.)
(For Washing List see section 17.)
English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. - - I want this linen Mi volas lavigi cxi mee vo-lahss washed tiun tolajxon lahvee'ghee chee tee-oon toh-lah'zhohn I miss a collar Mankas unu kolumon mahn-kahss oo-noo ko-loo'mohn You don't put Vi ne enmetas suficxe vee neh ehnmeh'tahss enough starch in da amelo soofee'cheh dah ah-meh'lo This is too limp Tio cxi estas tro tee-oh chee ehstahss mola tro mo-lah See how badly that Vidu, kiel malbone tio vee-doo, kee-ehl is done estas farita mahl-bo'neh tee-oh ehstahss fahree'tah You must take it Vi devas reporti gxin vee deh-vahss back rehpohr'tee jeen This is badly Tio cxi estas malbone tee-oh chee eh-stahss ironed gladita mahlbo'neh glahdee'tah You have scorched Vi iom brulbrunigis vee ee-ohm this dress tiun cxi robon brool'broo- nee'gheess tee'oon chee ro-bohn You put too much Vi metas tro da bluo vee meh-tahss tro dah blue in my linen en mian tolajxon bloo-oh ehn mee-ahn tohlah'zhohn This is not my Tio cxi ne estas mia tee-oh chee neh handkerchief naztuko eh'stahss mee-ah nahz-too'ko You have torn the Vi sxiris la punton vee sheer-eess la lace poon-tohn When can I have Kiam mi povos havi kee-ahm mee po-vohss it? gxin? hah-vee jeen? Return this linen Resendi tiun cxi rehsehn'dee tee-oon on... tolajxon la... chee tohlah'zhohn la... You must bring Estas necese, ke vi eh-stahss nehtseh'seh, back this list reportu tiun cxi keh vee rehpohr'too liston tee-oon chee lee-stohn Have you your Cxu vi havas vian choo vee ha-vahss bill? kalkulon? veeahn kahlkoo'lohn? I will pay you Mi pagos vin mee pa-gohss veen
57. Amusements. (Amuzajxoj.)
(For Vocabulary see section 22.)
English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. - - Shall we go to the Cxu ni iru al la choo nee eer-oo ahl la theatre? teatro? teh-ah'tro? What is on at Kion oni ludas cxe kee-ohn ohnee loo-dahss the...? la...? cheh la...? When does the Kiam komencigxas la kee-ahm performance prezentado? komehnt-see'jahss la begin? prezentah'doh? What time do the Je kioma horo oni yeh kee-oh'mah ho-ro doors open? malfermas la ohnee mahlfehr'mahss pordojn? la pohr-doyn? Is the box-office Cxu la lokoficejo choo la open? estas malfermita? loh'kofeetseh'yo eh-stahss mahlfehrmee'tah? Where can we book Kie oni povas antauxe kee-eh oh-nee po-vahss seats? rezervi lokojn? ahntah'weh rehzehr'vee lo-koyn? I should like to Mi dezirus vidi mee dehzeer'ooss veedee see a plan planon plah-nohn Let us take a box Ni prenu logxion nee preh-noo lohjee'ohn These seats are Cxi tiuj segxoj estas chee tee'ooy seh-joy reserved rezervitaj eh'stahss rehzehrvee'tahy We will take four Ni prenos kvar lokojn nee preh-nohss kvahr seats lo-koyn Where are our Kie estas niaj lokoj? kee-eh ehstahss nee'ahy seats? lo-koy? Where is the Kie estas la kee-eh eh-stahss la cloakroom? vestodeponejo? veh-sto-dehpohneh'yo? Give me a Donu al mi programon doh-noo ahl mee programme prohgrah'mohn What is the play? Kion oni ludas? kee-ohn ohnee loo-dahss? How well the band Kiel bone la orkestro kee-ehl bo-neh la plays! ludas! or-keh'stro loo-dahss! There is a fine Estas bonega orkestro ehstahss bo-neh'gah orchestra orkeh'stro What an excellent Kiel bonega pianisto! kee-ehl bo-neh'gah pianist! pee-ahnist'o! An interval of Intertempo de dek-kvin in'tehr-tehm'po deh fifteen minutes minutoj dehk-kveen meenoo'toy Would you like Cxu vi deziras ion choo vee dehzeer'ahss some mangxi aux trinki? ee-ohn mahn-jee ahw refreshment? trinkee? Shall we go to the Cxu ni iru al la choo nee ee-roo ahl la buffet? bufedo? boofeh'doh? Is there a good Cxu estas cxi tie bona choo eh-stahss chee museum? muzeo? tee-eh bo-nah moozeh'oh? The works of art La artajxoj estas tre la ahrtah'zhoy are very fine belaj eh-stahss treh beh'lahy Are tickets Cxu oni devas havi choo oh-nee deh-vahss required? biletojn? hah-vee beeleh'toyn? Who sells them? Kiu vendas ilin? kee-oo ven-dahss eeleen? The coach leaves La diligxenco la deelee-jehnt'so at ten ekveturas je la deka ehk-veh-toor'ahss yeh la deh-kah How much will it Kiom gxi kostos? kee-ohm jee ko-stohss? cost? It will take all La veturo tien okupos la vehtoor'oh tee-ehn day to go there la tutan tagon ohkoo'pohss la too-tahn tah-gohn Can you put us up Cxu vi povas kunmeti choo vee po-vahss some por ni iom da koon-meh'tee pohr nee refreshment? nutrajxo? ee-ohm dah nootrah'zho? We should like Ni deziras nee dehzeer'ahss some sandwiches sandvicxojn sahnd-vee'choyn Is there a good Cxu estas bona loko, choo eh-stahss bo-nah place for lunch? kie oni povas lo-ko, kee-eh ohnee tagmangxi? po-vahss tahg-mahn'jee?
58. Cycling. (La Ciklismo.)
(For Vocabularies see sections 23-24.)
English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. - - I want to hire a Mi deziras lui mee dehzeer'ahss loo-ee machine biciklon beetsee'klohn. With all Kun cxiuj koon chee-ooy accessories akcesorajxoj ahktseh-so-rah'zhoy By the hour Lauxhore lahw-ho'reh By the day Lauxtage lahw-tah'gheh What are your Kiom vi postulas? kee-ohm vee terms? postoo'lahss? Have you a cycle Cxu vi havas remizon choo vee hah-vahss shelter? por bicikloj? reh-mee'zohn pohr beet-see'kloy? Tighten this nut Fiksu tiun cxi fik-soo tee-oon chee sxrauxbingon shrahw-been'gohn Loosen the chain Malstrecxu la cxenon mahl-streh'choo la cheh-nohn What are the roads Kiaj estas la vojoj? kee-ahy eh-stahss la like? vo-yoy? Are the roads Cxu la vojoj estas choo la vo-yoy ehstahss good? bonaj? bo'nahy? The roads are bad La vojoj estas la voyoy ehstahss malbonaj mahl-bo'nahy The roads are in La vojoj estas en bona la vo-yoy eh-stahss ehn good condition stato bo-nah stah-toh We will start Ni ekiros je la... nee ekeer'ohss yeh at... la... Are you ready? Cxu vi estas preta? choo vee eh-stahss preh-tah? Make haste! Rapidu! rahpee'doo! Turn to the right Turnu dekstren toor-noo dehk-strehn Keep straight on Iru rekte antauxen ee-roo rehkteh ahntah'wehn This hill is Cxi tiu deklivo estas chee tee-oo dehklee'vo dangerous dangxera eh-stahss dahn-jeh'rah Ring your bell Tintigu vian tintilon tintee'goo vee-ahn tin-tee'lohn Don't go so fast Ne iru tiel rapide neh ee-roo tee-ehl rah-pee'deh Look out! Stop! Atentu! Haltu! ahtehn'too! hahl-too! The chain is off La cxeno deigxis la cheh-no deh-ee'jeess I must pump up my Estas necese, ke mi eh-stahss nehtseh'seh, tyres sxveligu la keh mee shvehlee'goo pneuxmatikojn la pnehw-mahtee'koyn My tyre is Mia pneuxmatiko estas mee-ah pnehw-mahtee'ko punctured trapikita eh-stahss trahpee-kee'tah The back tyre is La malantauxa la mahl-ahntah'wah burst pneuxmatiko krevis pnehw-matee'ko kreh-veess I have broken a... Mi rompis... mee rohmpeess... Where can I get my Kie mi povas riparigi kee-eh mee povahss bicycle mended? mian biciklon? reepahree'ghee mee-ahn beetsee'klohn? Where is the Kie estas la plej kee-eh eh-stahss la nearest cycle proksima plehy proksee'mah shop? biciklobutiko? beetsee'klo- bootee'ko? Will you please Cxu vi afable choo vee ahfah'bleh repair...? riparos...? ree-pahr'ohss...? When will it be Kiam gxi estos preta? kee-ahm jee eh-stohss ready? prehtah? I want my machine Mi deziras lasi purigi mee dehzeer'ahss cleaned mian masxinon lah-see pooree'ghee mee-ahn mahshee'nohn How long will it Kiom da tempo tio kee-ohm dah tehm'po take? okupos? tee-oh ohkoo'pohss? Is it time to Cxu estas la horo por choo eh-stahss la ho-ro light up? lumigo? pohr loomee'go? We must light up Ni devas lumigi nee deh-vahss loomee'ghee Lighting-up time La lumiga horo estas la loomee'gah ho-ro is at eight je la oka eh-stahss yeh la o'clock oh-kah Please fill my Volu plenigi mian vo-loo plehnee'ghee lamp lampon mee-ahn lahm-pohn It wants a new Gxi bezonas novan jee behzoh'nahss wick mecxon no-vahn meh-chohn How much is it? Kiom estas? kee-ohm eh-stahss? Have you a road Cxu vi havas vojan choo vee hah-vahss guide? gvidplanon? vo-yahn gveed-plah'nohn? Which do you Kiun vi bezonas? kee-oon vee require? behzoh'nahss? A map of the Paris Mapon de la Pariza mah-pohn deh la district regiono pah-ree'zah reh-gheeoh'no
59. Motoring. (Auxtomobilismo.)
(For Vocabularies see sections 23-24; see also Cycling Phrases, above.)
English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. - - Is there a motor Cxu estas remizo por choo eh-stahss garage in this auxtomobiloj en tiu rehmee'zo pohr town? cxi urbo? ahwtohmoh-bee'loy ehn tee-oo chee oor-bo? Give me some Donu al mi petrolon doh-noo ahl mee petrol peh-tro'lohn I want a Mi deziras mee dehzeer'ahss carburator for karburatoron por kahr-boo-rahtohr'ohn motor-car auxtomobilo pohr ahw-toh-mohbee'lo The clutch is out La konektumo ne la kohnehktoo'mo neh of order funkcias foonk-tsee'ahss Have you examined Cxu vi ekzamenis la choo vee my rapidsxangxan ehkzahmeh'neess la speed-changing mekanismon? rah-peed'shahn'jahn gear? mehkah-nees'mohn? Replace my brake Remetu mian bremson rehmeh'too mee-ahn brehm-sohn My back spring is Mia malantauxa risorto mee-ah mahl-ahntah'wah broken estas rompita ree-sohr'toh ehstahss rohmpee'tah Have you an Cxu vi havas choo vee hah-vahss accumulator akumulatoron de kvar ah-koomoo- four volts? voltoj? lahtohr'ohn deh kvahr vohl-toy? What is the power Kioma estas la potenco keeoh'ma eh-stahss la of this motor? de tiu cxi po-tehnt'so deh auxtomobilo? tee-oo chee ahwtohmohbee'lo? This is an Tiu cxi estas masxino tee-oo chee eh-stahss eight-horse- de okcxevala potenco mahshee'no deh power engine ohk'chehvah'lah potehnt'so A pinion is wanted Mankas dentradeto cxe mahn-kahss for the small la malgranda akso dehnt'rah-deh'toh axle cheh la mahl-grahn'dah ahk'so I want my Mi deziras sxargigi mee dehzeer'ahss accumulator mian akumulatoron shar-ghee'ghee charged mee-ahn ah-koomoolahtohr'ohn I have lost my Mi perdis mian kornon mee pehrdeess mee-ahn horn (or (or blekilon) kohr'nohn hooter) (blehkee'lohn) Are you an Cxu vi estas sperta choo vee eh-stahss experienced motorveturigisto? spehr-tah driver? motohr'veh-tooree- gheess'toh? What experience Kiun spertadon vi kee'oon spehrtah'dohn have you had? havis? vee hah'veess? Drive slowly Veturu malrapide tra vehtoor'oo through the town la urbo mahlrahpee'deh trah la oor-bo Speed not to La rapideco devas ne la rahpeedeht'so exceed...miles esti pli ol...mejloj deh-vahss neh eh-stee per hour cxiuhore plee ohl...meh'y-loy chee-oo-ho'reh
60. Photography. (La Fotografarto.)
(For Vocabulary see section 25.)
English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. - - Must permission be Cxu oni devas havi choo oh-nee deh-vahss obtained to permeson por hah-vee pehrmeh'sohn photograph? fotografi? pohr fo-tograh'fee? I wish to take the Mi volas fotografi la mee vo-lahss interior internon fo-tograh'fee la intehr'nohn Have you brought Cxu vi kunportis vian choo vee koonpor'teess your camera? kamereton? veeahn kam-ehreh'tohn? This is my camera Tio cxi estas mia tee-oh chee eh-stahss kamereto mee-ah kam-ehreh'toh The lens is broken La lenso estas la lehn-so eh-stahss rompita rohmpee'tah The light is too La lumo estas tro la loo-mo eh-stahss tro strong forta fohr-tah What exposure must Kiom mi devas espozi kee-ohm mee deh-vahss I give it? gxin? ehspo'zee jeen? It is out of focus Gxi ne estas gxuste en jee neh ehstahss fokuso joo'steh ehn fo-koo'so What size of plate Kioman grandon de keeoh'mahn grahndohn do you use? plato vi uzas? deh plah-toh vee oo-zahss? Have you a dark Cxu vi havas choo vee hah'vahss room? rivelejon? ree-vehleh'yohn? I want to develop Mi volas riveli mee vo-lahss reeveh'lee some plates kelkajn platojn kehl'kahyn plah-toyn This plate is Tiu cxi plato estas tee-oo chee plah-toh spoilt difektita eh-stahss deefehk-tee'tah That is due to Tio estas pro troa tee-oh eh-stahss pro over-exposure espozo tro-ah ehspo'zo I am going to Mi presos plu da mee preh'sohss ploo da print more ekzempleroj ehkzehm-pleh'roy copies This was spoilt in Tiu cxi difektigxis tee-oo chee the printing dum la presado deefehktee'jeess doom la prehsah'doh What a beautiful Kiel bela kee-ehl beh-la photograph! fotografajxo! fo-to-grahfah'zho! The grouping is La gruparangxo estas la groop-ahrahn'jo very good tre bona eh-stahss treh bo-nah I have secured Mi kaptis bonegajn mee kahp-teess some fine views vidajxojn bo-neh'gahyn veedah'zhoyn Do you sell Cxu vi vendas choo vee vehn-dahss photographic fotografajn fo-tograh'fahyn materials? materialojn? mahteh-reeah'loyn? I want some pretty Mi deziras beletajn mee dehzeer'ahss mounts muntokartojn beh-leh'tahyn moontoh-kahr'toyn What do you Kion vi bezonas? kee-ohn vee require? behzohn'ahss? I should like some Mi bezonas plu da mee behzoh'nahss ploo more films filmoj dah feel-moy
61. Religion. (La Religio.)
(For Vocabulary see section 26.)
English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. - - Is there an Cxu estas cxi tie choo eh-stahss chee English church Angla pregxejo? tee-eh ahnglah here? prehjeh'yo? Is it near here? Cxu gxi estas proksima choo jee ehstahss de tie cxi? prohksee'ma deh tee-eh chee? Who is the Kiu estas la kee-oo eh-stahss la preacher? predikanto? prehdee-kahn'toh? What time is the Je kioma horo yeh keeoh'ma horo service? komencigxas la kohmentsee'jahss la diservo? deesehr'vo? The seats must be Oni devas pagi pri la oh-nee deh-vahss paid for sidlokoj pahghee pree la seed-lo'koy The seats are free La sidlokoj estas la seed-lo'koy senpagaj eh-stahss sehnpah'gahy Is there a Cxu estas monkolekto? choo ehstahss collection? mohnko-lek'toh? An offertory is Oni faras monkolekton ohnee fahrahss taken mohnko-lek'tohn Can you find me a Cxu vi povas trovi por choo vee povahss trovee seat? mi sidejon? pohr mee sid-eh'yohn? The verger will La pedelo trovos la pehdeh'lo tro-vohss find you a seat sidejon por vi sid-eh'yohn pohr vee Mass is being Oni faras la meson oh-nee fah-rahss la celebrated meh-sohn Let us wait go Ni atendu ni iru nee ahtehn'doo nee eer'oo Pass me a Volu transdoni vo-loo trahnsdoh'nee hymn-book himnolibron him'no-lee'brohn What other Kiuj aliaj diservoj kee-ooy ahlee'ahy services are estas? deesehr'voy there? eh-stahss?
62. The Time of Day. (La Horo.)
English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. - - What time is it? Kioma horo estas? kee-oh'ma ho-ro ehstahss? It has just struck Jxus sonis la nauxa zhooss so-neess la nine (horo) nahwah (ho-ro) Exactly 3 o'clock Precize la tria prehtsee'zeh la tree-ah Ten (minutes) past Dek minutoj post la dehk meenoo'toy post la seven sepa seh-pa A quarter past one Kvarono post la unua kvahro'no post la oonoo'ah Half-past four Duono post la kvara doo-o'no post la kvahra Twenty (minutes) Dudek minutoj antaux doo-dehk meenoo'toy to six la sesa ahn'tahw la seh-sah At what time? Je kioma horo? yeh kee-oh'ma ho-ro? At a quarter to Je kvarono antaux la yeh kvahro'no ahn'tahw eight oka la oh-kah At nine a.m. Je la nauxa matene yeh la nah-wah mahteh'neh Seven-fifteen p.m. La sepa-dek-kvin la seh'pa-dehk-kveen vespere veh-speh'reh Is it late? Cxu estas malfrue? choo eh-stahss mahlfroo'eh? It is (not) late (Ne) estas malfrue (neh) eh-stahss mahlfroo'eh It is still early Estas ankoraux frue eh-stahss ahnko'rahw froo'eh It is getting late Malfruigxas mahl-froo-ee'jahss It is only ten Estas nur la deka eh-stahss noor la deh-kah The clock is La horo sonas la ho-ro so-nahss striking
63. Times, Seasons and Weather. (La Horoj, la Sezonoj, kaj la Vetero.)
(For Vocabularies see sections 1 & 8.)
English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. - - This day week Unu semajnon de oo-noo sehmah'y-nohn hodiaux deh ho-dee'ahw That was three or Tio okazis antaux tri tee-oh ohkah'zeess four days ago aux kvar tagoj ahn'tahw tree ahw kvahr tah-goy To-morrow Du semajnojn de doo sehmah'y-nohn deh fortnight morgaux mohr'gahw At about this time Proksimume je tiu cxi prohksee-moo'meh yeh horo tee-oo chee ho-ro In a month's time Post unu monato post oo-noo mohnah'toh The first of next La unua de l' proksima la oonoo'ah dehl month monato prohksee'mah mohnah'toh In (after) six Post ses semajnoj post sehss sehmah'ynoy weeks On the last day of La lastan tagon de l' la lah-stahn tah-gohn the month monato dehl mohnah'toh At the end of this Je la fino de tiu cxi yeh la fee-no deh month monato tee-oo chee mohnah'toh Towards the middle Cxirkaux la mezo de cheer'kahw la meh-zo of January Januaro deh yahnooah'ro In the course of a En la dauxro de unu ehn la dahw'ro deh week semajno oo-noo sehmah'y-no From time to time De l'tempo al tempo dehl tehmpo ahl tehmpo From one day to De unu tago al alia deh oo-noo tah-go ahl another ahlee'ah A few days ago Antaux kelkaj tagoj ahn'tahw kehl'kahy tah-goy A short time since Antaux nelonga tempo ahn'tahw nehlohn'gah tehmpo Scarcely two days Antaux apenaux du ahn'tahw apeh'nahw doo ago tagoj tahgoy At least a month Antaux almenaux unu ahn'tahw ahlmeh'nahw ago monato oo-noo mo-nah'toh It is full moon Estas plena luno ehstahss plehnah loono The heat is La varmo estas la varmo ehstahss unbearable neelportebla nehehlpohrteh'blah I am very warm Mi estas tre varma mee ehstahss treh varma I am afraid it Mi timas, ke pluvos mee teemahss, keh will rain ploovohss We shall have a Ni havos fulmotondron nee ha-vohss storm fool-mo-tohn'drohn Did you see the Cxu vi vidis la choo vee vee-dees la lightning? fulmon? fool-mohn? I heard the Mi auxdis la tondron mee ahw-dees la thunder tohn-drohn How it pours! Kiel pluvegas! kee-ehl plooveh'gahss! Would you like an Cxu vi deziras choo vee dehzeer'ahss umbrella? pluvombrelon? ploov-ohmbreh'lohn? I am wet through Mi estas trae mee eh-stahas trah-eh malsekigita mahlsehkee-ghee'tah Look at the Rigardu la cxielarkon reegahr'doo la rainbow chee-ehlahr'kohn It is growing very Tre malvarmigxas treh mahlvarmee'jahass cold Winter will soon La vintro baldaux la veen-tro bahl'dahw be here alvenos ahlveh'nohss It snows Negxas neh-jahss It freezes it Frostas degelas fro-stahss thaws dehgheh'lahss It is very dirty Estas tre malpure eh-stahss treh mahl-poor'eh It is very windy Tre ventas treh vehntahss How high the wind Kiel forta estas la kee-ehl fohrtah is! vento! ehstahss la vehntoh! The wind is in the La vento blovas el la la vehntoh blovahss ehl east oriento la ohree-ehn'toh The dust is La polvo estas terura la pohlvo eh-stahss terrible teh-roor'ah I hope it will be Mi esperas, ke la mee espeh'rahss, keh la fine vetero estos bela vehteh'ro ehstohss behla What a beautiful Kiel bela tago! kee-ehl beh-la tah-go! day!
64. Post and Telegraph. (La Posxto kaj la Telegrafo.)
(For Vocabulary see section 30.)
English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. - - Number of Customs' Nombro de doganaj nohm'bro deh declarations deklaroj dohgah'nahy dehklah'roy Nature of contents Priskribo de la preeskree'bo deh la enhavo ehnhah'vo Value of contents Valoro de la enhavo vahlohr'oh deh la ehnhah'vo Stamp of office of Stampo de la stahm-po deh la origin elsendinta oficejo ehl-sehndin'tah offeetseh'yo Place of Kien sendata kee-ehn sehndah'tah destination Name and address Nomo kaj adreso de no-mo kahy ahdreh'so of sender l'sendinto dehl sehndin'toh Where is the Kie estas la kee-eh ehstahss la post-office? posxtoficejo? pohst-offeetseh'yo? Have you any Cxu vi havas leterojn choo vee hah-vahss letters for...? por...? letehr'oyn pohr...? Will this letter Cxu tiu cxi letero choo tee-oo chee go to-night? forsendigxos jam lehtehr'o hodiaux nokte? fohrsendee'johss yahm ho-dee'ahw nok-teh? What stamp will Kiom estos la afranko kee-ohm eh-stohss la this letter de tiu cxi letero? ahfrahn'ko deh tee-oo require? chee lehteh'roh? To register a Registri leteron rehghis'tree letter lehtehr'ohn I wish to send a Mi volas sendi mee vo-lahss sehn-dee telegram telegramon tehlehgrah'mohn The first ten La unuaj dek vorto la oonoo'ahy dehk words vortoy Every extra word Cxiu plua vorto chee-oo ploo-ah vor-toh I expect a Mi atendas telegramon mee ahten'dahss telegram to-day hodiaux tehleh-grah'mohn ho-dee'ahw When does the post Kiam alvenas la kee-ahm ahlveh'nahs la from Rome come? kuriero de Romo? kooree-eh'ro deh romo? The letters will La leteroj estos la lehteh'roy eh-stohss be delivered alportataj cxirkaux ahl-portah'tahy about noon la tagmezo cheer'kahw la tahg-meh'zo When does the mail Je kioma horo foriras yeh kee-oh'ma ho-ro leave for Italy? la kuriero por foreer'ahss la Italujo? kooree-eh'ro pohr eetaloo'yo? Is the London mail Cxu la Londona kuriero choo la lohndoh'nah in yet? ankoraux alvenis? kooree-eh'ro ahnko'rahw ahlveh'neess? When is the next Kiam okazos la kee-ahm ohkah'zohss la delivery? proksima disporto? proksee'mah dispor'toh? The latest La lasta disporto la lah-stah dispor'toh delivery is okazas je la... ohkah'zahss yeh la... at... I want a money Mi deziras mee dehzeer'ahss order for... posxtmandaton por... posht-mahndah'tohn pohr... Payable at the Pagebla cxe la Cxefa pah-gheh'blah cheh la General Posxtoficejo, cheh'fah Post-office, Londono posht-offeetseh'yo London lohndoh'no What is the Kiom da afranko pri kee-ohm dah ahfrahn'ko postage on this tiu cxi letero? pree tee-oo chee letter? lehteh'roh? Is this letter Cxu tiu cxi letero choo tee-oo chee over-weight? estas tro peza? lehteh'roh ehstahss tro pehzah? It requires Gxi bezonas pluan jee bezoh'nahss plooahn another stamp posxtmarkon posht-mar'kohn
65. Correspondence. (La Korespondado)
(For Vocabulary see section 31.)
English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. - - I have a letter to Mi devas respondi mee deh-vahss answer leteron rehspohn'dee lehteh'rohn I must write a Mi devas skribi mee deh-vahss skreebee letter leteron lehtehr'ohn Do you want a pen? Cxu vi deziras choo vee dehzeer'ahss plumon? ploo-mon? I want some paper Mi bezonas paperon kaj mee behzoh'nahss and envelopes kovertojn pahpeh'rohn kahy kovehr'toyn Will you give me Cxu vi donos al mi choo vee doh-nohss ahl some? iom? mee ee-ohm? Lend me a sheet Pruntedonu al mi proon-teh-doh'noo ahl folion mee fohlee'ohn Have you any? Cxu vi havas iom? choo vee hah-vahss ee-ohm? Can you lend me a Cxu vi povas choo vee povahss pen? pruntedoni al mi proon-teh-doh'nee ahl plumon? mee ploo-mohn? Do you like a soft Cxu vi sxatas molan choo vee shah-tahss pen? plumon? mo-lahn ploo-mohn? I like a hard one Mi preferas malmolan mee preh-fehr'ahss mahlmo'lahn Where is the ink? Kie estas la inko? kee-eh eh-stahss la eenko? There is no ink Ne estas inko neh eh-stahss een-ko What is the day of La kioma tago de la kee-oh'ma tahgo dehl the month? l'monato estas? mo-nah'toh eh-stahss? To-day is the Hodiaux estas la unua ho-dee'ahw eh-stahss la first oonoo'ah This is the ninth Hodiaux estas la ho-dee'ahw eh-stahss la nauxa nah-wah Is your letter Cxu via letero estas choo vee-ah lehteh'roh ready for the preta par la posxto? eh-stahss preh-tah post? por la posh-toh? Seal your letter Sigelu vian leteron sigeh'loo vee-ahn lehteh'rohn There is no Ne estas sigelvakso neh eh-stahss sealing-wax sigehlvahk'so Take this letter Portu tiun cxi leteron portoo tee-oon chee to the post al la posxto lehteh'rohn ahl la posh-toh Pay the postage Afranku gxin ahfrahn'koo jin
66. Legal and Judicial. (Legxaj kaj Juraj Frazoj.)
(For Vocabulary, see section 28.)
English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. - - Call the police Alvoku policanon ahlvo'koo pohleet-sah'nohn I give this man in Mi arestigas tiun cxi mee ahreh-stee'gahss charge homon tee-oon chee ho'mohn What do you charge Pri kio vi akuzas pree kee-oh vee him with? lin? ahkoo'zahss lin? He has stolen my Li sxtelis mian lee shteh-leess mee-ahn purse monujon monoo'yohn He has taken my Li prenis mian lee prehneess mee-ahn watch posx-horlogxon posh-horlo'john Where is the Kie estas la kee-eh eh-stahss la police-station? policejo? pohleet-seh'yo? Have you any Cxu vi havas choo vee hah-vahss witnesses? atestantojn? ahteh-stahn'toyn? I have two Mi havas du mee hahvahss doo witnesses atestantojn ahtehstahn'toyn Where is the Kie estas la kee-eh eh-stahss la court? tribunalo? treeboonah'lo? You must take out Vi devas eldonigi vee deh-vahss a summons asignon ehldoh-nee'ghee ahseeg'nohn I want a summons Mi deziras asignon mee dehzeer'ahss ah-seeg'nohn Do you wish to Cxu vi deziras choo vee dehzeer'ahss prosecute? persekuti? pehrsehkoo'tee? I don't care to Mi ne volas persekuti mee neh vo-lahss prosecute pehr-sehkoo'tee What do you Kion vi konsilas? kee'ohn vee advise? konsee'lahss? What am I to do? Kion mi faru? kee-ohn mee fah-roo? Can you recommend Cxu vi povas rekomendi choo vee po-vahss me a solicitor? al mi solicitoron? reh-komehn'dee ahl mee sohleet-seetor'ohn? Will you take up Cxu vi okupos vin pri choo vee ohkoo'pohss my case? mia afero? vin pree mee-ah ahfeh'roh? Can I have an Cxu mi povas havi choo mee po-vahss interpreter? interpretiston? hahvee intehrprehtis'ton? I want bail Mi deziras, ke oni min mee dehzeer'ahss, keh liberigu je kauxcio oh-nee min libehree'goo yeh kahwtsee'oh Send to my friends Sendu iun al miaj sehn-doo ee-oon ahl amikoj mee'ahy ahmee'koy Where is the Kie estas la Brita kee-eh eh-stahss la British Embassy Ambasadorejo bree-tah (Consulate)? (Konsulejo)? ahmbahsahdoreh'yo (konsooleh'yo)? This is quite Tio estas tute tee-oh eh-stahss wrong malgxusta too-teh mahl-joos'tah It is not just Ne estas juste neh eh-stahss yoos-teh I accept your Mi akceptas vian mee ahktsehp'tahss apology peton veeahn peh-tohn I apologise Mi petas pardonon mee peh-tahss pardoh'nohn It was all a La tuta afero estis la too-tah ahfehr'oh mistake eraro eh-steess ehrah'ro I claim damages Mi postulas mee postoo'lahss monkompenson mohnkompehn'sohn The case is La proceso estas la prohtseh'so adjourned prokrastita gxis... eh-stahss until... prohkrah-stee'tah jiss... I will be here Mi estos tie cxi mee ehstohss tee-eh chee
67. Commercial and Trading. (Komercaj kaj Negocaj Frazoj.)
(For Vocabulary see section 29.)
English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. - - The firm has La firmo bankrotis la feer'mo failed bahnkro'teess What assets are Kiom da aktivo estas? kee-ohm dah ahktee'vo there? eh-stahss? Show me a Montru al mi bilancon mohn-troo ahl mee balance-sheet bee-lahnt'sohn What dividend is Kioman dividendon oni keeohman dividen'dohn declared? deklaris? ohnee deklah'reess? The Bank rate is La Banka kurso la bahn-kah koor-so down malaltigxis mahlahltee'jeess Send in my account Sendu mian konton sehn-doo mee-ahn kontohn There is an error Estas eraro en via eh-stahss eh-rah'ro ehn in your account konto vee-ah kon-toh You have Vi kalkulis al mi tro vee kahlkoo'leess ahl over-charged me kare mee tro kah-reh This has been paid Tio estas pagita teeoh ehstahss pahgheetah Your account is Estas jam post la ehstahss yahm pohst la overdue pagdato de via konto pahg-dah'toh deh veeah kon-toh Give me a receipt Donu al mi kvitancon donoo ahl mee kvitahnt'sohn My samples are Miaj specimenoj mee'ahy delayed malfruas speht-seemeh'noy mahl-froo'ahss Your esteemed Via sxatata mendo vee-ah shahtah'tah order to hand alvenis mehndoh ahlveh'neess We require trade Ni bezonas nee behzoh'nahss references negocreferencojn nehgohts- rehfehrent'soyn I have a letter of Mi havas prezentan mee havahss introduction leteron prehzehn'tahn lehteh'rohn When can you Kiam vi povas liveri kee-ahm vee po-vahss deliver the la komercajxojn? leeveh'ree la goods? komehrtsah'zhoyn? We will deliver on Ni liveros la unuan de nee leeveh'rohss la the 1st proximo la proksima monato oonoo'ahn deh la proksee'mah mohnah'toh To execute an Plenumi mendon plehnoo'mee mehndohn order Can I insure my Cxu mi povas asekuri choo mee po-vahss baggage? miajn pakajxojn? ahsehkoo'ree mee'ahyn pahkah'zhoyn? Your baggage is Viaj pakajxoj estas vee'ahy pahkah'zhoy liable to duty imposteblaj eh-stahss imposteh'blahy What is the rate? Po kiom? po kee-ohm? To discount a bill Diskonti kambion diskon'tee kahmbee'ohn Will you accept a Cxu vi akceptos choo vee ahktsehp'tohss bill? kambion? kahmbee'ohn? Give me your Donu al mi vian dohnoo ahl mee vee-ahn estimate kostproponon kost-prohpo'nohn Quote me a price Proponu prezon prohpo'noo preh-zohn Carriage forward Transporto pagota de trahnspor'toh la ricevonto pahgoh'tah deh la ritsehvon'toh Send by fast train Sendu per rapidira sehn'doo pehr vagono rahpeedee'rah vahgo'no It is short weight Mankas iom al la pezo mahn-kahss ee-ohm ahl la peh-zo What is the Kiom estas la pezo? kee-ohm eh-stahss la weight? peh-zo? The consignment is La sendajxo estas la sehndah'zho ehstahss bad malbona mahl-bo'nah Not according to Ne laux specimeno neh lahw spehtseemeh'no sample
68. Changing Money. (Por sxangxi monon.)
English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. - - Where can I get Kie mi povas sxangxigi kee-eh mee po-vahss money changed? monon? shahnjee'ghee mo-nohn? I want change for Mi volas havi monerojn mee volahss hahvee a five-pound por kvinfunta moneh'royn por note bankbileto kvinfoon'tah bahnk-beeleh'toh Will you give me Volu doni al mi Anglan vo-loo doh-nee ahl mee English money? monon? ahn-glahn mo-nohn? What is the Po kiom estas la kurso po kee-ohm eh-stahss la exchange on pri Angla mono? koor-so pree ahn-glah English money? mo-no? A bank-note Bankbileto bahnk-beeleh'toh Will you change me Cxu vi povas sxangxi choo vee po-vahss these por mi cxi tiujn shahnjee por mee chee sovereigns? funtojn sterlingajn? tee-ooyn foon-toyn stehrlin'gahyn? Will you cash this Cxu vi povas sxangxi choo vee po-vahss cheque for me? por mi cxi tiun shahnjee por mee chee cxekon? tee-oon cheh-kohn? This cheque needs Estas necese, gxiri eh-stahss nehtseh'seh, endorsing tiun cxi cxekon jee-ree tee-oon chee cheh-kohn
MONEY. (Mono.)
The following tables will be found useful:
English Money, with French, German and Italian Equivalents.
ENGLISH. FRENCH. GERMAN. ITALIAN. -+ -+ -+ - L. s. d. Fr. C. Mark Pf. Lire Cent. 50 0 0 1250 00 1000 00 1260 00 10 0 0 250 00 200 00 252 00 5 0 0 125 00 100 00 126 00 4 0 0 100 00 80 00 100 80 1 0 0 25 00 20 00 25 20 16 0 20 00 16 00 20 16 10 0 12 50 10 00 12 60 5 0 6 25 5 00 6 30 4 0 5 00 4 00 5 04 2 6 3 12.5 2 50 3 15 1 0 1 25 1 00 1 25 6 62.5 50 62 5 52 41 52 4 41 33 41 1 10 8 10 0-1/2 5 4 5
French, German and Italian Money, with English Equivalents.
FRENCH. ENGLISH. GERMAN. ENGLISH. ITALIAN. ENGLISH. - - L. s. d. s. d. L. s. d. 50 francs = 2 0 0 1 mark = 1 0 50 lire = 1 19 8 20 " = 16 0 8 pfennig = 1 20 " = 16 0 5 " = 4 0 4 " = 1/2 5 " = 4 0 1 franc = 10 1 lira = 9-1/2 10 centimes = 1 10 centesimi = 1 5 " = 1/2 5 " = 1/2
Considerable use is also made by Esperantists of the International Auxiliary Money-unit (Internacia Helpa Mono) introduced by M. Rene de Saussure, of the Internacia Scienca Asocio, Geneva. The unit is the Speso, equivalent to one-tenth of a farthing in English money.
10 spesoj (abbr. 10 s.) = 1 spesdeko (1 sd.) = 1/4d. 100 spesdekoj (100 sd.) = 1 spesmilo (1 sm.) = 2s. 0d. 1 sm. = 100 sd. = 1,000 s.
The approximate values of 10 spesmiloj in terms of the various national units are as follows: 10 spesmiloj = 25 francs = 20 shillings = 20 marks = 5 dollars = 24 Austrian kroner = 18 Scandinavian kroner = 12 Dutch florins = 9-1/2 roubles = 4-1/2 Portuguese milreis = 9 Brazilian milreis = 5 pesetas = 9-3/4 yen.
The chief point to remember is that 1 spesmilo equals 2 shillings, and 1 spesdeko equals approximately 1 farthing.
WEIGHTS & MEASURES. (Pezoj kaj Mezuroj.)
The Metric System is the one in general use among Esperantists. The following table shows the essential decimal character of the system:
Parts. Length. Weight. Capacity. One-thousandth. Milimetro. Miligramo. Mililitro. One-hundredth. Centimetro. Centigramo. Centilitro. One-tenth. Decimetro. Decigramo. Decilitro. ONE. METRO (unit). GRAMO (unit). LITRO (unit). Ten. Dekametro. Dekagramo. Dekalitro. Hundred. Hektometro. Hektogramo. Hektolitro. Thousand. Kilometro. Kilogramo. Kilolitro.
MEASURES OF LENGTH. (Mezuroj de Longeco.)
English. Esperanto. 1 inch = 2.54 centimetroj 1 foot (12 in.) = 30.48 " 1 yard (3 ft.) = 91.43 " 1 furlong (220 yds.) = 201 metroj 1 mile (1760 yds.) = 1.61 kilometroj 5 miles = 8.05 "
Esperanto. English. 1 centimetro = 0.394 (1/3) inch 1 decimetro = 3.94 inches 1 metro = 39.37 in. (3 ft. 3-1/3 in.) 1 hektometro = 109 yds. 1 ft. 1 kilometro = 1093 yds. (5/8 mile) 5 kilometroj = 3 miles 220 yds.
WEIGHTS. (Pezoj.)
English. Esperanto. 1 ounce... = 28 gramoj 1 lb. (16 oz.) = 453 " 1 stone (14 lb.) = 6 kilo. 345 gr. 1 quarter (28 lb.) = 12 kilo. 690 gr. 1 cwt. (112 lb.) = 50 kilo. 750 gr. 1 ton (20 cwt.) = 1015 kilogramoj
Esperanto. English. 1 gramo = .0357 (1/30) oz. (15.432 gr.) 1 hektogramo = 3-1/2 oz. 1 kilogramo = 2.2 lb. 5 kilogramoj = 11 lb. 1000 " = 19 cwt. 2 qr. 23 lb.
LIQUIDS. (Fluidajxoj.)
English. Esperanto. 1 pint = 0.57 litro 1 quart (2 pints) = 1.14 litroj 1 gallon (4 quarts) = 4.54 " 1 barrel (36 gallons) = 160.32 " 1 hogshead (54 gall.) = 240.48 "
Esperanto. English. 1 litro = 1.76 (1-3/4) pints (0.22 gall.) 5 litroj = 1 gallon 1 pint 1 hektolitro = 22 gallons 1 kilolitro = 220 "
AREA. (Areo.)
English. Esperanto. 1 sq. inch = 6.45 kvadrataj centimetroj 1 sq. foot = 9.29 " decimetroj 1 sq. yard = 83.6 " decimetroj 1 acre = 4046.78 kv. metroj
Esperanto. English. 1 centiaro (1 kv. metro) = 1.196 sq. yd. 1 aro (100 kv. metroj) = 0.099 rood 1 hektaro (10,000 kv. metroj) = 2.471 acres
The following Esperanto translations of English units are sometimes needed: Colo, inch; futo, foot; jardo, yard; mejlo, mile; unco, ounce; funto, pound; ekro, acre.
The postage on LETTERS from the United Kingdom to foreign countries (except Egypt and the United States) is 2-1/2d. for 1 ounce, and 1-1/2d. for each succeeding ounce or fraction thereof; POSTCARDS, 1d.; NEWSPAPERS, 1/2d. for every 2 ounces; COMMERCIAL PAPERS, 2-1/2d. for the first 10 ounces, and 1/2d. per 2 ounces thereafter. Special Coupons for PREPAYMENT OF REPLY are issued in connection with many countries.
[1] Any information as to Esperanto groups, literature, etc., may be obtained on application to The British Esperanto Association, 142, High Holborn, London, W.C. 1.
[2] The names of trees and bushes are formed by adding the suffix -uj (or simply -arbo, tree) to the root denoting the fruit or flower. E.g., pruno, plum—prunujo or prunarbo, plum-tree; marono, chestnut—maronujo, maronarbo, chestnut-tree; rozo, rose—rozujo, rozarbeto, rose-bush.
[3] See section "The Noun."
[4] Where a country is called after its inhabitants, the Esperanto name for it is formed by adding the suffix *-uj* (= that which contains, see section "Suffixes") or *-lando* (land) to the root denoting the inhabitant. Thus: Belg-o, Belgian—Belg-ujo, Belgium; Brito, Briton—Grandbritujo, Great Britain; Sviso, a Swiss—Svisujo, Switzerland; or Belgolando, Skotlando, Anglolando, Svislando, etc. Where the name of the inhabitants is formed from that of the country, use is made of the suffix *-ano* (= member of). Thus: Euxropo, Europe—Euxropano, European; Irlando, Ireland—Irlandano, Irishman.
[5] See *-an*, section "Suffixes".
[6] See section "Participles".
[7] See section "Suffixes".
[8] See section "Suffixes".
[9] For this purpose the small penny Esperanto "key," which contains the fundamental roots of the language, will be found useful. It may be obtained of any Esperanto bookseller.
The diacritical letters "c", "g", "h", "j" and "s" with hats, and "u" with a breve, are represented in this version using the digraphs "cx", "gx", "hx", "jx", "sx" and "ux" respectively. The letters "i" and "o" with a breve are represented as "ĭ" and "ŏ" respectively.
Text printed in italics or in *bold* was represented as shown.
References to page numbers have been rewritten to use section titles or numbers (including sections 38 to 68 which are not numbered in the original).
The following typographic errors were corrected:
p. 20, piedovojeto > piedvojeto p. 46, sxraubturnilo > sxrauxbturnilo p. 60, Telephono > Telefono (in title) p. 78, double > duoble (duoble, doubly) p. 85, -ac > -acx p. 87, autaux'cxambro > antaux'cxambro p. 101, Lauhore > Lauxhore p. 103, esta > estas (Cxu la matenmangxo estas...?) p. 108, miaj-amikoj > miaj amikoj p. 114, sxraubingon > sxrauxbingon p. 118, ight-horse-power > eight-horse-power
as well as several punctuation errors and inconsistencies in the Prononciation column of the tables, which were silently corrected.