Tolu, Uses of 763
Tomato Sauce 2227
Tongues, to Carve 2664 to Cure 1652 Glazing for 1651
Tonic, Aperient, Prescription for 656 Gargle 523 Pills 552 Powders 570 and Stimulant, Mixture 563 Tonics, Nature and Uses of 714-719 Prescriptions for 651 (18, 27, 45) Properties of 906
Tools, Family Chests and Closets of, to Furnish 308-324 How to Find When Wanted 324 How to Keep in Place 321, 322 Injured if Kept in Box 319 Necessary for Household Use 310 Suspension of, against Walls 318 Visible when Hung against Wall 320
Toothache, Cure for 645, 2444 Tooth-powder, American 1690 Camphorated 1688 Myrrh 1689 Quinine 1691 Tooth-stopping, Gutta Percha 2445 Succedaneum 2446
Tortoiseshell, Imitation of 1423
Tow, Surgical Uses of 804
Towels, Worn, to Mend 474 (xv)
Tracing Paper, to Make 2343
Tragacanth, Properties and Uses of 788
Travellers, Cookery for 1130 Nightcap for 2281
Trays, Japanned, to Clean 393
Trees, Mildew on, to Remove 278
Tricotee, or Oriental Crochet 1823
Troco, or Lawn Billiards 2595 Rules of 2596
Trou Madame 2581
Trout, to Carve 2647
Turbot, to Carve 2637
Turkey, to Carve 2626, 2677 to Choose 19 Cold, to Dress 1172 Pulled, to Prepare 1173
Turnip Radishes, to Boil 1123 Turnips, Cold, to Dress 1121 Turnip-wine 2276
Turpentine Enema 513 Liniment 509 Oil of 755 Venice 749
Tusseh Silk 1890
Typhus Fever, Remedy for 646
Uncleanliness of Person Deprecated 2022
Underdone Meat 1073
Unfermented Cakes 2098-2100
Unmarried Ladies, How to Address 236 (v)
Ure's (Dr.,) Ink 2482
Urns, Japanned, to Clean 393
V, Use of, for W, Enigma on 215
Valerian, Nature and Uses of 707
Valse a Deux Temps 151 Cellarius 148
Vapour Bath, Improvised 2451-2452
Varnish for Damp Walls 333 for Cabinet Work 365, 366
Vaseline, Uses of 2324-2328
Veal a la mode 1159 Breast of, to Carve 2662 to Choose 13 Cold, ragout of 1164 Fillet of, to Carve 2661 to Roast 1048 and Ham Patties 1256 Knuckle of, to Carve 2666 Loin of to Carve 2660 to Roast 1049 Minced 1144 Neck of, to Roast 1051 Pie 1243 Rissoles 1146 to Roast 1047 Sausages, to Make 1189 Shoulder of, to Roast 1050 to Stew 1135 Sweetbread, to Roast 1052 Various Joints of, Described 28 (v) When in Season 28 (v) with White Sauce 1145
Vegetable Irritant Poisons, Treatment for 1361
Vegetables, to Boil 1093, 1097-1100 for Children 2078 to Choose 1091 to Choose Fresh 1101 to Cleanse from Insects 1102 to Cut or Gather 1095 for Dinner, Where to set them 2625 for Drying 36 (v)-38 (v) Forced, When in Season 31 (v), 33( v) for Pickling 37 (vi), 38 (vi) to Prepare for Cooking 1088 Preservation of 1096 Quality of 1091 Soup 1213 Unripe 1090 to Wash and Clean 1094 When in Season 31-42 (iv) When Indigestible 1100 Vegetation, Maturity of 1624-1627
Veil, White Lace, to Wash 2731
Velvet, Grease from, to Remove 433 to Renovate 2263
Venice Turpentine, Properties and Uses of 749
Venison, to Choose 18 Haunch of, to Carve 2651 Various Joints of Described 28 (vi) When in Season 28 (vi)
Ventilation, Best Mode of 474 (xxxi) in Houses, Necessity of 918 Simple Method of 2449
Verb, Accent on 188
Vermicelli Soup 1212
Vermifuges 579, 580
Vermin, How Generally Bred 1722-1723 Vermin-killer, Borax as a 2314
Vesicants, Medical Properties of 907
Vinegar, Cheap and Good 2211 Cress 2210 Horseradish 2208 Mint 2209 Poultice 809 Raspberry 2285
Vingt-un, Game of 113-116 Method of Playing 114 Natural in 115, 116
Violent Shocks, Effects of, Treatment for 1329
Violet, Why Unfavourable to Every Complexion 1805
Visiting, Dress, Etiquette of 1927 Etiquette of 1936 the Sick, Cautions as to 474 (xii), 1373 Visits of Condolence, Etiquette of 1975
Vitremanie, Art of 2559
Vitriol, White, Nature and Uses of 727
Volatile Salt, Nature and Uses of 702
Vowels, Sounds of, Influenced by Accentuation 184
Vulgarity, Avoidance of 1994
W, Use of, for V, Enigma on 215
Wages, Necessity of Receipts for Paid 1460 Table of 2772
Wainscot, Painted to Clean 398
Waiter at Table, Duties of 2629-2632 Waiters, to Clean 393
Walking, Proper Mode of 1758
Walls, Damp, to Remedy 332, 333
Walnut Ketchup 2204 Walnuts, to Pickle 1665
Waltz a Deux Temps 151 Cellarius 148 Circular 149 Cotillon 143 Polka 150 Redowa 147
Warehouseman, General Terms of Hiring 1464
Warmth, Dry, to the Body, Best Mode of Applying 837 for the Body, Desirability of 916 Exercise Best for Producing 917
Warts, Cure for 2427
Washing, Economy of Various Processes 2741 Frequent, Good Effects of 1735 Lime, Use of in 2734-2735 Machinery for 2738 Muslins and Chintzes 2740 to Prepare Hard Water for 2737 Preventive of Infection 1733-1734 Saving of Soap and Labour in 2739 Supremacy of Soapsuds 2736
Wasps, to Destroy 286 Stings of, Cure for 287, 2430
Waste, Caution Against 447, 466
Waste-paper, Economy of 328
Wasting of Fluid Part of Body 912 of Solid Part of Body 911
Water, Adulteration of 2758 as a Beverage, Excellence of 912 on the Brain, Remedy for 647 Effect of, on Meat, if Left in, when Cooked 1072 Encrustation of Certain Vessels by 341 Erect Position in 1403-1404 Hard, to Prepare for Washing 2737 Hard to Soften 342 Hot, Efficacy of 2453 in Holland and England 1730 Soft, to Prepare 458
Watercress, to Stew 1126
Waterproofing for Boots and Shoes 2245, 2246
Wax Flowers, to Make 2525-2536 Fruits, to Make 2525, 2537-2547 Models, to Make 2381 to Remove from Cloth 2260
Weather, Effects of, on the Blood 1760 Hot, Beverage for 2455 Precautions against 967 Signs of 962-966
Wedding; Breakfast, Etiquette of 1950 Bridegroom's Position in Church 1945 Cake, Almond Icing for 1955 Sugar Icing for 1956 Recipe for 1954 Cards, Etiquette of 1951 Ceremony, Formularies after 1948 Dress, Choice of 1943 Fees, Amount of 1947 Order of Going to and Coming from Church 1944-1949 Position of Bridesmaids 1946 Reception after, Etiquette of 1952 Ring, Why Worn on Fourth Finger 1980 Origin of Wearing 1979 Signature of Register in Vestry 1948 Tour, Best Places for 1953
Weights for Medicines 661 How Marked 662
Wet Blankets for Fire 1380
Wheeling Yarn 1880
Whey, Alum 2304
Whisky Toddy 2282
Whist, Advice to Players at 78 Laws of 76 Maxims for 75 Principles of 73-79 Short 77, 78 Terms Used in 74
White-Currant Jelly 2125, 2126
White-Lead as Cement 2498
White-Mice, Care of 2168
White-Vitriol, Nature and Uses of 727
Whites, Remedy for 648
Whiting, to Carve 2645
Whooping Cough (see Hooping Cough, 609)
Widow's Claim on Intestate Estate 1586
Wife, and Husband, Hints to 2189 Debts of, before Marriage, Liability of Husband for 1581 Power of 2188 Property of, Order for Protection of 1576-1580 Wearing Apparel, &c., of, cannot be Willed Away 1595
Widgeon, to Dress 1235
Wild Duck, to Dress 1233 Sauce for 1234
Will, How to Make 1585-1599 Legal Alteration in 1591 Revoking 1589-1590, 1592 to Search for 1584 Simple Form of 1598 Special, should be Drawn by Legal Adviser 1599 Validity of 1587-1588 What to be Written on 1593
Window-curtains on Fire, How to Act 1382 Windows, Dirty 474 (ix) Open at Night, Bad Effect of 2068
Wine, Art of Making 2273 Biscuits 2106 Blackberry 2277 Elderberry 2278 Home-made, Varieties of, to Make 2273-2278 Parsnip 2275 to Serve at Dinner 2630 Stains from Linen to Remove 426 Turnip 2276
Wives, Hints for 2190, 2192, 2194, 2196
Woman's Conversation 217
Women, Christian Names of 972
Wood, Models of, to Construct 2357-2359 to stain 1430-1439
Woodcock, to Carve 2674 to Choose 26 Scotch, to Prepare 1193
Wooden Ware, Care of 444
Wool, to Dye 2711-2717 German or Berlin 1873 Other Kinds of 1878 Woollen Clothes, to Wash 442 Dresses, Coloured, to Clean 2721
Words, Mischoice of 166 Mispronunciation of 165 often Wrongly Pronounced, Proper Pronunciation of 197 Whose Meaning is not Varied by Accent 190 Whose Meaning is Varied by Accent 189
Work by Daylight Preferable in Winter 474 (xxvi) How to Accomplish 460
Wormwood, Nature and Uses of 718
Worms, Homeopathic Remedies for 959 in the Intestines, Remedy for 649 Remedies for 579, 580
Worsted Stockings, to Mend 2264
Wounds and Cuts, Treatment of 1324 Homoeopathic Treatment of 934
Wow-Wow Sauce 2230
Wrapping-Paper, to Purchase 325
Writing, for the Press, Directions for 247 Ink, to Remove from Paper 437 Materials, Advice Respecting 232 Paper and Books, Economy of 446 Paper and Envelopes should be Clean 233-234
Yak Lace and Fringe 1885
Yeast, Economical, to Make 1005 Poultice 809 to Make 1003-1004
Yellow Blinds in Smallpox 586 Lotion 536
Yorkshire, Dialect, Errors of 175 Example of 178 Pudding 1036
Young, Counsels for the 2185 Ladies, Advice to 2186 Lady's Toilette (Poetry) 1713
Youth, to Preserve Health in 1770
Yule Cake 2111
Zinc, Chloride of, Solution 781 and Camphor Eyewash 483 Eyewash 481 and Lead Eyewash 480 Oxide of, Uses of 712 Poisoning by, Treatment for 1350 Sulphate of, Nature and Uses of 727
(Written on the publication of the Four Hundred and Thirtieth Thousand.)
Only a few short years have sped Since I this work of love begun; By thousands sought, by millions read, All their approving smiles I've won. Now, while reflecting on the past, My day of life seems closing in, Let me, while powers of reason last, "Enquire Within,"
Oh, ye—who gentle are and fair— Who to these modest pages turn, To raise a smile, to soothe a care, Or some moot point of duty learn,— Forget not this: that whilst you live, Your hearts may yield to pride or sin, Take, then, the warning here I give,— "Enquire Within."
Would you acquire the greatest peace— The sweetest joy—this world can give? Bid hatred, pride, and envy cease, And learn a Christian's life to live; Each eve, before your eyelids close, And slumbers of the night begin, That your own heart may find repose, "Enquire Within."