5 Days. 6 Days. 7 Days. 8 Days. 9 Days.
L s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0-1/4 0 0-1/4 2 1 0-1/4 1 0-1/4 1 0-1/4 1 0-1/2 0 0-1/2 3 1 0-1/4 1 0-1/2 1 0-1/2 1 0-3/4 0 0-3/4 4 1 0-1/2 1 0-3/4 1 0-3/4 1 1 0 1 5 1 0-3/4 1 0-3/4 1 1 1 1-1/4 0 1-1/4 6 1 0-3/4 1 1 1 1-1/4 1 1-1/2 0 1-3/4 7 1 1 1 1-1/4 1 1-1/2 1 1-3/4 0 2 8 1 1-1/4 1 1-1/2 1 1-3/4 1 2 0 2-1/4 9 1 1-1/2 1 1-3/4 1 2 1 2-1/4 0 2-1/2 10 1 1-1/2 1 1-3/4 1 2-1/4 1 2-1/2 0 2-3/4 20 1 3-1/4 1 3-3/4 1 4-1/2 1 5-1/4 0 5-3/4 30 1 4-3/4 1 5-3/4 1 6-3/4 1 7-3/4 0 8-3/4 40 1 6-1/2 1 7-3/4 1 9 1 10-1/2 0 11-3/4 50 1 8 1 9-3/4 1 11-1/2 1 1 1 2-3/4 60 1 9-3/4 1 11-3/4 1 1-3/4 1 3-3/4 1 5-3/4 70 1 11-1/2 1 1-3/4 1 4 1 6-1/4 1 8-1/2 80 1 1 1 3-3/4 1 6-1/4 1 9 1 11-1/2 90 1 2-3/4 1 5-3/4 1 8-1/2 1 11-1/2 2 2-1/2 100 1 4-1/4 1 7-1/2 1 11 2 2-1/4 2 5-1/2 200 2 8-3/4 3 3-1/4 3 10 4 4-1/2 4 11 300 4 1-1/4 4 11 5 9 6 6-3/4 7 4-3/4 400 5 5-3/4 6 6-3/4 7 8 8 2 9 10-1/4 500 6 10 8 2-1/2 9 7 10 11-1/2 12 3-3/4 ———————————————————————————————-
9 Days. 10 Days. 20 Days. 30 Days. L s. d. s. d. L s. d. L s. d. 1 0 0-1/4 0 0-1/4 0 0 0-1/2 0 0 0-3/4 2 0 0-1/2 0 0-1/2 0 0 1-1/4 0 0 1-3/4 3 0 0-3/4 0 0-3/4 0 0 1-3/4 0 0 2-3/4 4 0 1 0 1-1/4 0 0 2-1/2 0 0 3-3/4 5 0 1-1/4 0 1-1/2 0 0 3-1/4 0 0 4-3/4 6 0 1-3/4 0 1-3/4 0 0 3-3/4 0 0 5-3/4 7 0 2 0 2-1/4 0 0 4-1/2 0 0 6-3/4 8 0 2-1/4 0 2-1/2 0 0 5-1/4 0 0 7-3/4 9 0 2-1/2 0 2-3/4 0 0 5-3/4 0 0 8-3/4 10 0 2-3/4 0 3-1/4 0 0 6-1/2 0 0 9-1/4 20 0 5-3/4 0 6-1/2 0 1 1 0 1 7-1/2 30 0 8-3/4 0 9-3/4 0 1 7-1/2 0 2 5-1/2 40 0 11-3/4 1 1 0 2 2-1/4 0 3 3-1/4 50 1 2-3/4 1 4-1/4 0 2 8-3/4 0 4 1-1/4 60 1 5-3/4 1 7-1/2 0 3 8-1/4 0 4 11 70 1 8-1/2 1 11 0 3 10 0 5 9 80 1 11-1/2 2 2-1/4 0 4 4-1/2 0 6 9-3/4 90 2 2-1/2 2 5-1/2 0 4 11 0 7 4-3/4 100 2 5-1/2 2 8-3/4 0 5 5-3/4 0 8 2-1/2 200 4 11 5 5-3/4 0 10 11-1/2 0 16 5-1/4 300 7 4-3/4 8 2-1/2 0 16 5-1/4 1 4 7-3/4 400 9 10-1/4 10 11-1/2 1 1 11 1 12 10-1/2 500 12 3-3/4 13 8-1/4 1 7 4-3/4 2 1 1 ———————————————————————————————-
2774. Interest Table for One Year.
By this Table unlimited calculations may made. Thus, to find interest on L1,250 per annum, add sums given for L1,000, L200, and L50. 2 per cent, is found by taking half of 4 p.c; 8 p.c., by doubling 4 p.c.; 7-1/2 p.c., by adding 5 to 2-1/2 p.c., and so on.
Principal. 2-1/2 P.C. 3 P.C. 3-1/2 P.C. 4 P.C. 5 P.C. L L s. d. L s. d. L s. d. L s. d. L s. 1 0 0 6 0 0 7-1/4 0 0 8-1/2 0 0 9-1/2 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 2-1/2 0 1 4-3/4 0 1 7-1/4 0 2 3 0 1 6 0 1 9-1/2 0 2 1-1/4 0 2 4-3/4 0 3 4 0 2 0 0 2 4-3/4 0 2 9-1/2 0 3 2-1/2 0 4 5 0 2 6 0 3 0 0 3 6 0 4 0 0 5 6 0 3 0 0 3 7-1/4 0 4 2-1/2 0 4 9-1/2 0 6 7 0 3 6 0 4 2-1/2 0 4 10-3/4 0 5 7-1/2 0 7 8 0 4 0 0 4 9-1/2 0 5 7-1/4 0 6 4-3/4 0 8 9 0 4 6 0 5 4-3/4 0 6 3-1/2 0 7 2-1/2 0 9 10 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 10 20 0 10 0 0 12 0 0 14 0 0 16 0 1 0 30 0 15 0 0 18 0 1 1 0 1 4 0 1 10 40 1 0 0 1 4 0 1 8 0 1 12 0 2 0 50 1 5 0 1 10 0 1 15 0 2 0 0 2 10 60 1 10 0 1 16 0 2 2 0 2 8 0 3 0 70 1 15 0 2 2 0 2 9 0 2 16 0 3 10 80 2 0 0 2 8 0 2 16 0 3 4 0 4 0 90 2 5 0 2 14 0 3 3 0 3 12 0 4 10 100 2 10 0 3 0 0 3 10 0 4 0 0 5 0 200 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 300 7 10 0 9 0 0 10 10 0 12 0 0 15 0 400 10 0 0 12 0 0 14 0 0 16 0 0 20 0 500 12 10 0 15 0 0 17 10 0 20 0 0 25 0 600 15 0 0 18 0 0 21 0 0 24 0 0 30 0 700 17 10 0 21 0 0 24 10 0 28 0 0 35 0 800 20 0 0 24 0 0 28 0 0 32 0 0 40 0 900 22 10 0 27 0 0 31 10 0 36 0 0 45 0 1000 25 0 0 30 0 0 35 0 0 40 0 0 50 0
2775. Ready-Reckoning or Marketing Table.
No. 2d. 2-1/2d. 3d. 3-1/2d. 4d. 4-1/2d. 5d. 5-1/2d. 6d. 6-1/2d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 2 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 1 0 1 1 3 0 6 0 7.5 0 9 0 10.5 1 0 1 1.5 1 3 1 4.5 1 6 1 7.5 4 0 8 0 10 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 9 1 10 2 0 2 2 5 0 10 1 0.5 1 3 1 5.5 1 8 1 10.5 2 1 2 3.5 2 6 2 8.5 6 1 0 1 3 1 6 1 9 2 0 2 3 2 6 2 9 3 0 3 3 7 1 2 1 5.5 1 9 2 0.5 2 4 2 7.5 2 11 3 2.5 3 6 3 9.5 8 1 4 1 8 2 0 2 4 2 8 3 0 3 4 3 8 4 0 4 4 9 1 6 1 10.5 2 3 2 7.5 3 0 3 4.5 3 9 4 1.5 4 6 4 10.5 10 1 8 2 1 2 6 2 11 3 4 3 9 4 2 4 7 5 0 5 5 11 1 10 2 3.5 2 9 3 2.5 3 8 4 1.5 4 7 5 0.5 5 6 5 11.5 12 2 0 2 6 3 0 3 6 4 0 4 6 5 0 5 6 6 0 6 6 13 2 2 2 8.5 3 3 3 9.5 4 4 4 10.5 5 5 5 11.5 6 6 7 0.5 14 2 4 2 11 3 6 4 1 4 8 5 3 5 10 6 5 7 0 7 7 28 4 8 5 10 7 0 8 2 9 4 10 6 11 8 12 10 14 0 15 2 56 9 4 11 8 14 0 16 4 18 8 21 0 23 4 25 8 28 0 30 4
No. 7d. 7-1/2d. 8d. 8-1/2d. 9d. 9-1/2d. 10d. 10-1/2d. 11d. 11-1/2d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 2 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 3 1 9 1 10.5 2 0 2 1.5 2 3 2 4.5 2 6 2 7.5 2 9 2 10.5 4 2 4 2 6 2 8 2 10 3 0 3 4 3 4 3 6 3 8 3 10 5 2 11 3 1.5 3 4 3 6.5 3 9 3 11.5 4 2 4 4.5 4 7 4 9.5 6 3 6 3 9 4 0 4 3 4 6 4 9 5 0 5 3 5 6 5 9 7 4 1 4 4.5 4 8 4 11.5 5 3 5 6.5 5 10 6 1.5 6 5 6 8.5 8 4 8 5 0 5 4 5 8 6 0 6 4 6 8 7 0 7 4 7 8 9 5 3 5 7.5 6 0 6 4.5 6 9 7 1.5 7 6 7 10.5 8 3 8 7.5 10 5 10 6 3 6 8 7 1 7 6 7 11 8 4 8 9 9 2 9 7 11 6 5 6 10.5 7 4 7 9.5 8 3 8 8.5 9 2 7 7.5 10 1 10 6.5 12 7 0 7 6 8 0 8 6 9 0 9 6 10 0 10 6 11 0 11 6 13 7 7 8 1.5 8 8 9 2.5 9 9 10 3.5 10 10 11 4.5 11 11 12 5.5 14 8 2 8 9 9 4 9 11 10 6 11 1 11 8 12 3 12 10 13 5 28 16 4 17 6 18 8 19 10 21 0 22 2 23 4 24 6 25 8 26 10 56 32 8 35 0 37 4 39 8 42 0 44 4 46 8 49 0 51 4 53 8
The Numbers in this Index refer to the Paragraphs, NOT to the Pages.
Ablutions, Frequent, Salutary Effects of 1735
Absorbents, Medical Properties of 852
Accent, Definition of 182 Differences of 186 Varieties of 183, 184 Words Influenced by 189
Accidents, Cautions for Prevention of 1368 How to Act in Cases of 1316 Carriage 1369
Accounts, Regularity of Paying 469
Acetate, of Ammonium Solution, Uses of 757 of Lead with Opium Lotion 538 of Potassa, Properties and Uses of 752 of Zinc Eye-wash 481
Acids, Poisoning by, Treatment for 1352
Acidulated Gargle 520
Acrostics 47 Double 48 Triple 49
Acted Charades 53
Acute Diseases, Prescriptions for 651 (vii)
Address at Head of Letter 227
Addresses of Letters 225, 226, 236, 1375 of Petitions 246
Addressing Ambassadors, etc 245 Clergymen 241 Judges 242 Members of Parliament 240 (x), 246 Municipal Officers 244 Nobility and Gentry 240 Officers of Army and Navy 243 Officers of State 240 (x) Persons of Rank 237 Royal Family 238, 239 Several Letters at Same Time 236 (i) Unmarried Ladies 236 (v)
Adhesive Plaster, to Prepare 806
Adjective, Misuse of 164
Adulterations, Evils besides 2759 Various 2747-2760
Advice of Medical Man desirable in Illness 590 to Young Ladies 2186
Affectation, Avoidance of 1993
Agreeable, Art of Being 1981
Agreement between Employers and Employed, Mutuality of 1447 between Employers and Employed, Terms of 1446 for Furnished House or Apartments 1521 for House on Annual Tenancy 1485 for House on Three Years' Tenancy 1489 Stamped, between Landlord and Tenant 1531, 1532 When Necessary to Stamp 1445
Ague, Remedy for 622
Ailments, Treatment of by Homoeopathy 930
Air, Pure, what Composed of 910
Alabaster, to Clean 388 to Stain 1414
Alamode Beef or Veal 1159
Alcohol, Nature and Uses of 693
Ale, to Brew 2268 Amber, to Brew, 2269 Burton, to Brew 2270 Edinburgh, to Brew 2271
Alkalies, Poisoning by, Treatment for 1357
All-Fours, Game of 91-94 Laws of 92 Maxims for 94 Terms Used in 93
Allopathic Treatment, Method of 928 Allopathy, Principle of 927
Allspice, Tincture of 2207
Almond Confection 487 Custards 2122 Flavour 2136 Icing for Wedding Cake 1955 Paste 2140 Pudding 1284 Sauce for 1285 Sponge Cake 2110 Almonds, to Blanch 2141 to Pound 2140
Aloes, Properties and Uses of 743
Alpaca Wool 1884
Alteratives, Medical Properties of 853
Alternations, Sudden, of Heat and Cold Prejudicial to Health 923
Alum Confection 488 Eye-wash 477 Gargle 524 Poultice 809 Whey 2304
Ambassadors, to Address 245
Amber Ale, to Brew 2269
American "Spider" 1073 Tooth-powder 1690
Ammonia 702 Bicarbonate of 703 Sesquicarbonate of 704 Ammoniacum, Properties and Uses of 762 Ammoniated Embrocation (Compound) 505 Strong 504
Anagrams, Specimens of 50
Analeptics, Properties of 854
Anchovies, British, to Prepare 1675 Anchovy Butter 2221 Sandwiches 1201 Toast 1202
Andalusian Wool 1877
Anglo-Japanese Work 2506
Angola Wool 1882
Angostura Bark 719
Animals, to Stuff 2339
Annealing Glass 424
Anodyne Liniment 503 Anodynes, Properties of 855
Antacids, Nature of 773 Properties of 856
Antalkalies, Nature of 775 Properties of 857
Anthelmintics 579-580 Nature of 783 Properties of 858
Antibilious Medicines, Properties of 859
Anti-Diarrhoeal Powders 573
Antimonial Powder, Properties and Uses of 759 Antimony, Poisoning by, Treatment for 1348 Properties and Uses of 758
Antipertussal Powders 575
Antirheumatics, Properties of 860
Antiscorbutics, Properties of 861
Antiseptic, Borax as an 2311 Charcoal as an 1775 Antiseptics, Properties of 862
Antispasmodic Electuary 497 Mixture 562 Powders 574 Antispasmodics, Nature and Uses of 701 Properties of 863
Ants, to Destroy 2473
Anxiety, Effects of 920
Apartments, Brokers Entering 1508 Landlord Using Lodgers 1516
Aperient, Alterative, for Children 651 (6) Gingerbread for Children 2462 in Acute Diseases 651 (7) Infant's 657 Medicines 652-658 Pills 651 (3, 22, 24), 654 Tonic 656 Aperients, Medical Properties of 864 Spring 653
Aphides, to Destroy 283
Apoplexy, Prescription for 651 (1) Remedy for 591 Treatment of 1337
Apostrophe, Definition of 208
Apparatus to keep Bedclothes from Leg, &c 835
Apparel, Frequent Change of, Necessary 1718-1720
Appetite, How Lost and Regained 1763
Apple Bread, to Make 1020 Cake, for Children 2084 Pie 1246 Puddings 1269-1270 Sauce 2225 Sauce, why Eaten with Pork and Goose 1791 Tart, Cold, to Re-dress 1298 Water 2307 Apples, Dried 1633 for Children 474 (xxviii) in Syrup 1313, 2139 to Store 1632 with Custard 1312
Appraisement 1525
Apprentice Indentures 1453
Apricot Jam 2135 Jelly 2128 Apricots, Dried 1635 Stewed in Syrup 1314
April, Flowers for 256 Food in Season in 34
Arithmorems 51
Arnica for Bites 2433
Aromatic Mixture 557 Aromatics, Properties of 865
Arrack, Imitation 2279
Arrasene 1893
Arrowroot Blancmange 2123 Jelly 2130 Properties and Uses of 793
Arsenic, Poisoning by, Treatment for 1345
Art of being Agreeable 1981
Artichokes, to Cook 1125 to Pickle 1667, 1668
Articles of Food, Choice of 1
Artificial Manners 1982 Mushroom Beds 275
Arts of Writing and Conversation, Common Idea of 221
Asiatic Cholera 937 (ii)
Asparagus Soup 1214 to Cook 1124
Assafoetida Enema 518 Uses of 705
Asterisk, Definition of 213
Asthma, Homeopathic Medicines for 931 Remedy for 2398 Symptoms of 931
Astringent Gargle 521 Pills 554 Astringents, Nature and Uses of 720 Properties of 866
Athol Brose 2283
Atmosphere, Pure, near Dwellings, Essential 915
Attenuants, Properties of 867
August, Flowers for 264 Food in Season in 38
Auxerre, Tapestry of 1921
Backgammom, Game of 136
Bacon, to Boil 1198 to Choose 17 to Cure 1652 to Economise 1227 Minced, with Fried Eggs 1262 Rashers of, Relisching 1200 Slices of, to Dress 1199
Badminton 2768
Bagatelle 2577 French Game 2579 Old Canon Game 2580 Rules of 2578
Baking Powders 1011, 1012 Baking, Rationale of 1082
Baldness, Erasmus Wilson's Lotion for 1700 Lotion for 2421 Pomade for 1699 Remedy for 2420
Balls, Etiquette of 1937
Balsamics, Properties of 868
Banbury Cakes 2113 Meat for 2114
Bandage, Cord 831 Cravat 830 for the Belly 821 for the Chest 820 for the Foot 824 for the Hand 822 for the Head 823 for Inflamed Breast 833 for the Leg and Foot 825 Handkerchiefs as Substitute for 827 Long Square 829 Oblique 817 Recurrent 819 Single-Headed 814 Sling 834 Spiral 818 Two or more Handkerchiefs 832 Bandages, Best Substitutes for 826 Circular 815 Ends of, to Confine 816 Surgical, Employment of 811 Triangular Handkerchief 828 Various 812, 813
Bandoline, Recipes for 1701
Bankruptcy Acts of Bankruptcy 1537 Adjudication when Composition not Accepted 1546 Arrest, Powers of 1560 Bankrupt to render every assistance 1549 Maintenance Allowance of 1554 Closing Bankruptcy 1556 Committee of Inspection 1548 Composition or Arrangement 1544 Default of Payment under 1545 Debtor, Duties of 1542 Debtors, all kinds of, subject to Laws of Bankruptcy 1535 Discharge, Order of 1557 Dividend Final 1555 Fraud, in Cases of 1558 Landlord, Power of, to Distrain 1553 Liquidation by Private Arrangement 1535 Official Receiver 1540 Petition, all Proceedings to commence with 1536 Conditions of Presentment 1539 Priority of certain Debts 1552 Public Examination 1548 Receiving Order 1538 Settlement on Wife or Children 1559 Trustee, Appointment of 1547 Duties of 1550-51
Banns of Marriage 1941
Banting's Hints on Corpulence 1768
Baptism, Ceremony of 1958 Baptismal Name, Change of, after Registration 1960
Bark Angostura 719 Nature and Uses of 708 Oak, Nature and uses of 723
Barley Broth (Scotch) 1205 Pudding 1281 Water 2305
Barometer, Chemical 969 Hints on 973-983 Leech 968 When highest, and why 980, 981 When lowest, and why 982, 983 Why called "Weather Glass" 975 Why Hand on Dial changes Position 976 Why Pressure of Atmosphere Denoted by 974 Why Tapping Face of, causes Hands to Move 977
Baryta, Poisoning by, Treatment of 1358
Bastings for Roast Meats, &c. 1084
Bath Buns 2115
Bath, to Fit up 1715, 1716 Vapour 2451, 2452 Bathing, Cramp in 2412 Healthy Effects of 1714 Hands and Feet at Night 1737 Necessary Precautions in 1409
Batter, French 1291 Pudding 1276, 1277
Beads, Use of, in Canvas Work 1919
Beans, French, to Cook 1122
Bed, Feather, to Cleanse 474 (xxi) Furniture, to Wash 2733 To Ascertain if Aired 339 Bedclothes, Management of 2450 Bed-curtains On Fire 1382 Unhealthiness of 468 Bedrooms for Children 2064, 2069 Ventilation of 2448 Beds for the Poor, How to Make 329
Beef, Aitchbone, Economy of 29 (iii) Aitchbone, to Boil 1151 ^ la mode 1159 Bones, Grilled 1156 Brisket, Economy of 29 (ii) Brisket of, to Bake 1153 Brisket of, to Carve 2655 Brisket of, to Stew 1152 Broth 1208 Bubble and Squeak 1141 Curried (Madras Fashion) 1170 Extract (Liebig's Method) 1220 Fore-quarter, Joints of 28 (i) Fresh to Stew 1135 Glaze, to Prepare 1211 Gravy Sauce 2228 Hashed 1161 Leg and Shin, Economy of 29 (vi) Hind-quarter, Joints of 28 (i) Hints on Choosing 12 Lobscous 1142 Loss of in Roasting and Boiling 1067, 1079 Minced 1139 Potted 1221 Ribs, Boned and Rolled, to Roast 1038 Ribs, Economy of 29 (viii) Ribs of, to Carve 2653 Ribs of, to Roast 1037 Rissoles 1143 Round, to Carve 2654 Round of, Economy of 29 (i) Rump, Economy of 29 (iv) Rump of, to Carve 2652 Rump Steak, and Onion Sauce 1158 Salted, Plain Boiled 1136 Salted, Round of, to Boil 1150 Salted, Stewed with Pork 1131 Sausages 1260 Shin, Economy of 29 (vi) Silver side of 29 (i) Sirloin, to Carve 2652 Sirloin, Economy of 29 (viii) Soup, French 1134 Top side of Round 29 (i) Various Joints of, Described 28 Veiny Piece, Economy of 29 (v) When in Season 28 (i) With Mashed Potatoes 1140 Beef-tea, to Prepare 1209
Bee-sting, Cure for 2430, 2431
Beer Poultice 809
Beetles, To Exterminate 2470 To Keep from Clothes 429
Beetroot, to Pickle 1666
Behaviour, Hint on 2012
Bellows, How to Use 987, 988
Belvidere Cakes 2116
Berlin or German Wool 1873
Beverage for Hot Weather 2455
Bezique, Game of 122-129 Terms Used in 124
Bicarbonate of Ammonia, Nature and Uses 703
Bile, Remedy for 592 Bilious or English Cholera 625, 937
Bill of Fare for Large Dinner Parties 2619
Billiards, Games at 2582-2590
Bills of Exchange, &c., Stamps for 2769
Bills of Sale 1610-1618 Execution of, in presence of Solicitor 1618 Registration of 1615 Renewal of 1616 Voidance of 1617 What Term includes 1611
Birdcages, to drive away Insects from 2165
Birdlime, to Prepare 2505
Birds, Eggs of, to Preserve, for Cabinets 2341 to Keep from Fruit-buds 285 to Stuff 2339, 2340 Why are some limbs of more Tender than Others 1795
Birth, Registration of 1959-1962
Biscuits, Excellent 2105 Ginger 2119 Pic-nic 2118 Sugar 2120 Wine 2106
Bismuth, Poisoning by, Treatment for 1351
Bites, Arnica for 2433 of Insects 2422 of Mad Animals 1366 of Reptiles 1365
Biting the Finger Nails 2394
Black Cloth Clothes, to Clean 2722 Cloth, Reviver for 472 Draught 655 Lace, to Revive 2319 Paper Patterns 2508 Pepper Confection 490 Pool (Billiards) 2588 Pudding 1192 Wash Lotion 537
Blackberries, Properties of 2762 Blackberry Jam 2087 Pudding or Pie 2088 Wine 2277
Blackbirds, Care of 2155, 2156
Blacking, Best Kind of, for Boots and Shoes 2244 for Leather Seats 471 Liquid 2242 Paste 2243 for Stoves, to Make 396 to Make 2241
Bladder, Inflammation of, Remedy for 612
Blancmange, Arrowroot 2123
Bleeding, how Performed 839 from the Nose, to Stop 1328, 2393
Blistered Feet, Remedy for 2424
Blond Lace, to Revive 2732 Blonde Complexion, Why Favoured by Green 1803
Blood, Influence of the Weather on the 1760 Process of Thinning 2454
Blotched Face, Wash for 2439
Bluestone, Properties and Uses of 779
Blue Veils, Why do they Preserve the Complexion 1807 Why Unsuitable to Brunettes 1806
Boards to Remove Ink Stains from 406 to Scour 399
Body Lighter than Water 1400, 1401
Boiling, Effects of, on Meat 1077 Loss Resulting from 1078, 1079 Meat, Length of Time Required 1069 Meats, &c., Time Required for 1071 Rationale of 1068
Boils, Treatment of 2425
Bologna Sausages 1185
Bone, to Stain 1415-1421 in Throat, How to Act 1332
Bonnets, to Dye 2718 to Preserve 462 Straw, to Bleach 2728 Straw, to Clean 2726
Books, Grease Spots from, to Extract 435 Stains from, to Extract 436
Boot Tops, to Clean 2248 Liquid for 2249 Boots, French Polish for 2238 to Clean 2240 Waterproofing for 2245, 2246
Borax, and its Uses 2310-2323
Borrowed Money, Repayment of, by Minor 1603
Boss, or the Fifteen Puzzle 2591
Boston Apple Pudding 1270
Botanical Specimens, to Preserve 2336
Botany Bay Wood, Imitation of 1432
Bottles, to Clean 392 Glass Stoppers of, to Remove 357
Bottling Liquors 354
Boulettes of Lint 802 Bourdounet of Lint 802
Bowels, Inflammation of, Remedy for 613 Looseness of, Remedy for 625
Braids, Gold and Silver 1897 Varieties of 1894
Brain, Compression of, Treatment of 1331 Inflammation of, Remedy for 614 Water on, Treatment for 647
Brandy Peaches 1637
Brass Kettles, to Clean 455
Ornaments, to Clean 371-373, 411-413
Breach of Promise of Marriage 1561-1566
Bread, Adulterated, to Detect 2748 Apple, to Make 1020 Baking and Egg Powders in 1011, 1012 Cheap and Excellent, to Make 1013 Cheap and Pure 1006 for Children 2035 for Dinner, to Cut 2621 Economical and Nourishing, to Make 1014 Economy of 448 French, to Make 1022 German Yeast, to Make with 1009 Home-made 1007 Home-made, to Increase 1015 of Indian Corn Flour and Wheat 1008 Nutritious Properties of 2760 Potatoes in 1017 Pudding 1271, 1274 Pulled, to Make 1021 Rice, to Make 1019 Rye and Wheat Flour, to Make 1016 Unfermented 1010 Use of Lime Water in 1018
Breakage by a Servant, Law Respecting 1450
Breakfast, Late at 474 (iii)
Breath, Offensive, Remedy for 2405 Tainted by Onions, Remedy for 2406
Brewing, Hints on 2267
Brewis, to Make 449
Brill, to Carve 2638
Brimstone, Flour of 658
Britannia Metal, to Clean 413
Brocoli, to Pickle 1664
Broderie Anglaise 1865
Brogue, Irish 193 Provincial 195 Scottish 194
Broiling, Rationale of 1081
Broken Leg, Splints for 836
Brokers, Appraisement by 1525
Bronchitis, Homeopathic Medicines for 933 Symptoms of 933
Bronzed Chandeliers, &c., to Clean 410
Brose, Athol 2283 Scotch 1204
Broth, Barley (Scotch) 1205 Beef 1208 of Boiled Meats for Soup 1074-1076 for Infants 2073
Brown Gravy 1225 Stock 1223, 1224
Bruises, Homeopathic Treatment of 934 Hot Water for 2453 Remedy for 2422
Brunettes, Why Blue Unsuitable to 1806
Brunswick Black 395
Bubble and Squeak 1141
Buckthorn, Uses of 742
Bugs, to Destroy 2476, 2477
Bullfinches, Care of 2160
Bunions, Remedy for 2426
Buns, Bath 2115 Lemon 2103
Burgundy Pitch, Properties and Uses of 768
Burnett's Disinfecting Fluid, Uses of 781, 1779
Burns, Cure for 2434-2436 Treatment of 1317, 1318
Burton Ale, to Brew 2270
Business, Best Articles for, in New Neighbourhoods 2605 Hints for Entering upon 2598, 2609 Man, Habits of 2597
Butcher's Meat, to Purchase 474 (xvi)
Butter, Adulteration of 2749 Bad, to Remedy 1646 Rancid, to Cure 1647 Salt, to Freshen 1648 Why Produced by Churning 1793
Buttered Rum 2284 Butterflies, to Destroy 284
Cabbage, to Pickle 1661 Water, to Get Rid of 343 Why Boiled in Two Waters 1788
Cabinet Pudding 1273 Work, Italian, to Varnish 365, 366
Cake, Almond Sponge 2110 Banbury 2113 Banbury, Meat for 2114 Belvidere 2116 Drop 2094 Fish 1263 Ginger 2107, 2119 Gingerbread 2093, 2117 Luncheon 2101 Meat 1252 Mixed Fruit 2112 Nice and Cheap 2095 Plum 2092, 2102 Sally Lunn 1024 Soda 2104 Sponge 2108, 2109 Unfermented 2098-2100 Yule 2111
Caledonians 141
Calf's Feet, Uses and Properties of 28 (ix) Jelly 2132
Calf's Head Pie 1229 to Carve 2665
Calico, Cheap, No Economy in 474 (xxxii) to Dye 2685-2689
Calomel, Uses of 713
Calves' Heads, &c., Uses and Economy of 28 (ix)
Cambridgeshire Dialect 169
Camel-hair Wool 1883
Camomile Flowers, to Gather. 2464 Tea 2309 Uses of 717
Camp Cookery 1130
Camphorated Dentifrice 1688 Liniment 507 Ointment 542 Camphor, Balls for Chaps 2411 Nature and Uses of 694 Properties of 710 Tincture of Uses of 938
Canaries, Care of 2158, 2159
Candle-light Reading by, Hint on 474 (xxiv) Sewing by 474 (xxiii) Candles, to Light, Best Way 1000 to Preserve 999
Cane Chairs to Clean 387
Cantharides, Uses of 767
Canvas Work 1857-1919 Cross Stitch in 1912 Designs on Cloth for 1909 Framing in 1908 Materials Used in 1872 Mode of Doing 1907 Stitches in 1911 Stretching in 1910 Varieties of Canvas for 1904-1906
Capitalists, Advice to, on Embarking in Business 2599, 2600
Carbolic Powder and Fluid as Disinfectants 1782
Carbonate of Soda, Uses of 774
Carded Cotton, Surgical Uses of 803
Cards, Games at 73-134
Carminatives, Properties of 869
Carpets, Beating 376 Choosing 297 Cleaning 375 Elegant Kind of 301 Few Colours Desirable 303 Light Coloured 298 Middle Tint in 299 Securing 374 Shaking 456 Stair, to Sweep 379 Taste in Selection 300 Worn, to Repair 378
Carriage Accidents, Cautions Respecting 1369
Carrot Poultice 809 Pudding 1282 Soup 1215 Carrots, Cold, to Dress 1121
Carver, Duties of 2627 Room for, Necessary 2624 Carving Art of, Ceremonies of the Table, &c. 2616-2681 Remarks on 2681 Carving-knives, to Set 2622
Cash and Credit, Advice on 2612
Casks, to Sweeten 355
Cassino, Game of 110-112 Laws of 112 Terms Used in 111
Cast-iron Work, to Preserve 369
Castor Oil Enema 515 Properties and Uses of 735 and Senna Confection 494
Casts, Gutta Percha 2382
Catarrh, Homoeopathic Treatment of 935 Symptoms of 935
Catechu Ointment 546 Uses of 721
Caterpillars, to Destroy 283
Cathartic Mixture 558 Cathartics, Properties of 732 Nature of 870
Cats, Care of 2179
Cauliflower, to Pickle 1664
Cautions for Prevention of Accidents 1368 in Visiting the Sick 1373
Cayenne Pepper 2212 Adulteration of 2750
Celery, Essence of 2206
Cement for Broken China, &c. 2496 Cheese 2495 Diamond 2493 for Leather and Cloth 2504 Lime and Egg 2497 Mastic 2503 Paper 2370 Preparation of 2487 Red 2501 Rice Flour 2494 Soft, for Corks 2502 White Lead as 2498
Cerates 541-547
Ceremonies, Importance of 1977
Chairs, Cane, to Clean 387
Chalk Ointment 543 Properties and Uses of 726
Champagne, English 2274 Lemonade 2290 Summer 2291
Chandeliers, Bronze, to Clean 410
Chapped Hands, Ointment for 2410
Chaps, Camphor Balls for 2411
Character, Manly, Elements of 1990
Charades, Acted 53 Examples of 52 Words for Acting, or Written 54
Charcoal Applied to Sores 1777 as an Antiseptic 1775 as a Disinfectant 344, 400, 1774, 1776 for Cooking, Caution Respecting 1087 Poultice 809 Powder for Polishing Knives 461 Respirators 1776 Suffocation from Fumes of, to Treat 1372
Charpie, or Lint 801
Charts, to Varnish 349
Chattels, Personal 1612, 1613
Cheap Calico, No Economy in 474 (xxxii) Fuel 984
Cheese, Blue Mould on 1794
Chemical Barometer 969 Remedies 769
Chenille 1892
Cheques, Crossing 1600 Banker's Name Across 1601 Effect of Words, "Not Negotiable" on 1602
Cheshire Dialect 169
Chess, Laws of 71
Chicken, and Ham Patties 1259 Pulled 1173
Chicken-Pox, Remedy for 593
Chilblains, Broken, Ointment for 2410 Homoeopathic Treatment of 936 Remedy for 594, 2422 Symptoms 936
Children, Apple Cake for 2084 Bedsteads for, How to be Placed 2069 Blackberry Jam for 2087 Born at Sea, Directions for Registration of 1962 Bread as Food for 2035 Bringing up of 2025, 2052, 2053 Choice of Names for 1961 Cookery for 2070 Crying, Cause of 2040-2055 Cutlery, Dangers of 1374 Discipline of 2090 Drink for 2036-2039 Fruit for 2082 Fruits for, most Wholesome 2085, 2086 Indulging Pernicious, Effect of 2051 Keep Dry and Warm 474 (xxvii) Luncheon for 2075 Meats for 2077 Medicines for 651-653, 2089 Milk for 2074 Milk Porridge for 2076 Potatoes and Peas for 2079 Proper Food for 2025-2030 Proper Time for Feeding 2031-2034 Puddings and Pancakes for 2081 Rice and Apples for 2083 Rice Pudding with Fruit for 2080 Sleep of, Duration 2056-2063 Talking, to Check 470 Vegetables for 2078, 2079
Chimaphila Decoction 499
Chimney, Fire in, to Put out 1381, 1391, 1392 Smoky, to Guard Against 345 Chimneypieces, Marble, to Clean 367
China, to Clean 419 Teapots, Desirability of 359 Chinese Porcelain, Modern 422
Chintzes, to Wash 2740
Chloride of Lime as a Disinfectant 1781 of Zinc, Solution of 781
Chlorine, Poisoning by, Treatment for 1353
Chocolate, Adulteration of 2751 Iceland Moss 2303
Choice of Friends 2180
Choking, Treatment for 1332
Cholera, Asiatic or Malignant 937 Bilious or English, Remedies for 625, 937 (i) Homoeopathic Treatment of 937 Special Rules for Prevention of 908 Symptoms of 938
Chops, Relish for 2233
Christening, Ceremony and Etiquette of 1958
Christian Name or Initials, Use of in Letter-writing 236 (iv)
Christian Names of Men 971 of Women 972
Chronograms 55
Churning, Why Action of, Produces Butter 1793
Chutney (Sauce) 2229
Cider 2197 to Bottle 2198 Champagne 2199 Properties of 2200
Cinders, Models of 2351, 2352
Circassian Circle, Dance 152
Citric Acid, Uses of 776
Civility in Business 2606
Clark's Pills for Nervous Headache 2384
Cleanliness, among the Brute Creation 1740 Conducive to Comfort 1741 Desirability of, in Towns 1728-1731 in Eastern Countries 1732 Essential among Sick Persons 1738 Estimable Quality of 1742 in Hospitals, etc. 1739 Importance of 1934 Indispensable 1717 Moral Influence of 1733 Situation of English Towns Favourable to 1730 Want of, a Cause of Fevers 1724, 1725
Cleansing Purposes, Borax for 2313, 2315
Clergy, How to Address 241
Clerk, General Terms of Hiring 1464 Clerks, Law of, Employment Respecting 1443-1444
Cloaks at Funerals 1970
Clocks, to Oil 347
Closet for Tools, &c. 315 Closets, to Remove Moths from 430
Cloth, Black, Reviver for 472 Cement for 2504 to Dye 2690-2693 Grease from, to Remove 433 Clothes, Balls for Cleaning 2729 Black Cloth, to Clean 2722 on Fire, How to Act 1319 Loose, Why Warmer than Tight Garments 1798 Mending 362 to Preserve from Moths, &c. 429 with Smooth Surfaces, Why Best for Hot Weather 1797 Woollen, to Wash 442
Clouds as a Sign of the Weather 965
Clyster, Prescription for 651 (xx)
Coaguline, Kay's 2500
Coal, Best Mode of Purchasing 989 How to Put on the Fire 995, 996
Cock-a-Leekie 1216
Cockney Speakers, Hints to 191
Cockroaches, to Kill 2471
Cocoa, Adulteration of 2751
Cod to Choose 4 Head and Shoulders of, to Carve 2635
Cod-Liver Oil 2463
Coffee, Adulteration of 2752 as a Disinfectant 1773 to Make 2300 Milk 2302 Standing in Tin 443 Turkish Mode of Making 2301
Coins, to Take Impressions from 2344
Cold, to Avoid Catching 2457 Cream, to Make 1684 Evaporating Lotion 534 Fowl, Nice Way of Dressing 1178 in the Head, Homeopathic Treatment of 935 Meat, Broiled with Poached Eggs 1181 Meat, Economy of 466 Mixture for 2401 Symptoms of 935
Colic, Homeopathic Treatment of 939
Collops, Minced 1218
Collyria or Eye-Washes 476-484
Colocynth, Uses of 741
Colon, Nature and Value of 202
Colour of Dresses, to Preserve 2254 Colours, Classification of 2683 to Restore 453 Various, and Complexion 1802
Comfort, Home, Hints for 474
Comma, Nature and Value of 202
Complexion, Dark, Various Colours affecting 1802 to Improve 1685 Pale Blonde, Green Favourable to 1803 Ruddy, Why Green is Unfavourable to 1804 Why Blue Veils Preserve 1807 Why Violet is Unfavourable to 1805
Composition (Literary) Art of 223
Compresses, Surgical, Nature of 807
Compression of the Brain, Treatment of 1331
Concussion, Treatment of 1330
Conduct, Rules of 2183
Confections, Various 485-497
Connexions, Game of, Described 106, 107
Consistency, Advisability of 1988
Constipation, Homeopathic Treatment of 940 Remedy for 597
Consumption, Remedy for 598
Contusions, to Heal 1326
Conundrums, Selection of 56
Conversation and Writing, Arts of, Difference between 221 Art of 216, 222 of Females 217 Mode of Making Interesting 222
Convulsions, Cure for 2397 Homeopathic Treatment of 941 Remedy for 599
Cookery, Borax in 2316 for Children 2070 Economy in 1228 Meat 1138 for Soldiers, &c. 1130 Cooking, Instruments 1025 Loss in 1067 Theory of 1034 Various Processes of 1032
Copper, to Clean 413 Poisoning by, Treatment for 1346 Sulphate of 779
Cordials, Properties of 871
Cork Models, to Construct 2354-2356 2362, 2368 Corks, Soft Cement for 2502
Cornish Dialect 171 Schoolboy 177
Corns, Cure for 2428, 2429
Coronation Braid 1895
Corpulence, Banting's Hints on 1768
Correct Speaking, Rules and Hints for 181 Correction of Errors in Speaking 180
Corroborants, Properties of 872
Cossack's Plum Pudding 1137
Cotillon Waltz 143
Cotton, Balls or Reels, Place for 474 (vii) Carded, Surgical Uses of 803
Cough, Bad, Pills for 2402 Common, Remedy for 596, 2400 Homeopathic Treatment of 942 Mixture for 560, 2401 Mixture for Children 561 Pills 553 Remedies for 651 (14), 2399-2401
Counsels for the Young 2185
Country Dances 156
Covering for Preserves 1630
Cowhage Confection 491 Properties and Uses of 784
Crab, Mock 2234 Crabs, to Choose 9
Cradle, for the Protection of Limbs, to Form 835
Cramp in Bathing, Treatment of 2412 in the Legs 2413 when Swimming 1408
Crape, Black, to remove Stains from 2258 China, to Wash 2730 Trimmings, to Preserve 474 (xxxvii)
Crayfish, to Choose 9
Cream, Pancakes 1305 Substitute for 2299 of Tartar, Confection 496 of Tartar, Properties and Uses of 744
Credit, Deceitful Appearance of 992-994
Creditor and Debtor, Laws of 1534
Creosote Lotion 539
Cress Vinegar 2210
Crewel Work 1898
Cribbage, Game of 80, 90 Counting for Game 84 Eight-card 90 Examples of Hands 85 Five-card 83 Laws of 82 Maxims for Laying out Crib Cards 86 Six-card 89 Terms Used in 81 Three-hand 87, 88
Crochet, Instructions in 1809 Oriental 1823 Popularity of 1810 Square 1817 Stitches in 1811-1816 Tricotee 1823 to Use several Colours in 1820 to Work Cord Over 1822
Croquet, Difference between Old and New Laws of 2575 Game of, to Play 2568-2576 Implements for 2570 Laws of 2573 Supplementary Laws of 2574 Technical Terms Used in 2576
Crossing Letters 230
Croup, Homeopathic Treatment of 943 Remedy for 600
Crying of Children, Cause of 2040-2055
Cryptography 57
Cucumbers, to Pickle 1663 to Preserve 1655
Culinary Economy 1228
Cumberland Dialect 170
Cup in Pie-dish, Use of 1247
Cupping, Dry 840 Ordinary 841
Curing of Hams and Bacon 1652
Curiosity about Contents of Letters 2015
Currant Jelly, Black 2127 Red 2124 White 2125, 2126 Currant Wine 2273
Curried Beef, Madras Fashion 1170 Eggs 1180 Oysters 1182 of any Kind, to Prepare 1179 Powder 2215-2218 Powder, True Indian 2219 Rice, to Boil for 1294
Curtailments 58
Curtains, Choosing 302 on Fire, to Extinguish 1382 Thick, for Beds, Injurious 468
Cusparia, Nature and Uses of 719
Custard, Almond 2122 Apples with 1312 Baked 1290 Boiled 1289
Cutaneous Eruptions, Remedy for 2438
Cutlery and Children, Caution as to 1374
Cuts and Wounds, Treatment of 1324 Ordinary, to Dress 1325
Dahlias, to Protect from Earwigs 288
Damages, Recovery of by Workmen from Employers 1606 Actions, where to Bring 1609 Amounts Recoverable 1607 Notice to Employer 1608
Damp Linen, Advice respecting 2460 Situations, Remedy for 2329 Walls, to Remedy 332, 333
Dances Described 139-158 Terms used to Describe the Movements of 159
Dandelion Decoction 501
Darning on Netting 1830
Daughters, Management of 2187
Days, Table of Number of, from One Month to Another 2771
Deafness, Remedy for 2387
Dealings, Cash and Credit, Advice on 2612
Death, Apparent, from Drink, Treatment for 1336 Certificate of 1966 Observance of 1967 Registration of 1963, 1964 at Sea, Registration of 1965
Debt, Don't run in 2615 Debtor and Creditor, Laws of 1534-1560
Decalcomanie, Art of 2560-2567
Decapitations 58
December, Flowers for 272 Food in Season in 42
Decoction of Medicines 674 Decoctions 498
Decomposing Substances, Effect of 915
Deed of Separation between Man and Wife 1567
Delicacies, Fish 2649
Demulcents, Nature of 787
Dentifrice, Camphorated 1688 Myrrh 1689
Deobstruents, Properties of 874
Dessert, How Served 2633 Ices, Recipes for 2144, 2150
Detergents, Properties of 875
Devil (in Cookery) 1197
Devonshire Dialect 171 Junket 2280
Dew as a Sign of the Weather 963
Dialects, Provincial 168, 179
Diamond Cement 2493
Diaphanie, Art of 2548-2558
Diaphoretics, Properties of 876 Nature of 756
Diarrhoea, Homeopathic Treatment of 944
Digestion of Medicines 672 Digestives, Properties of 877
Diluents, Nature of 794
Dining Tables, to Polish 385
Dinner, Napkins 2620 Pills, Prescription for 651 (2) Table, Appointments of 2616-2633 Ceremonies of 2616 Laying Out of 2617
Dirt in the Eye, to Remove 1320
Dirty People to be Avoided 1726 Windows, What a Sign of 474 (ix)
Discipline of Children 2090
Discounts, Table of 2770
Discutient Liniment 503 Discutients, Properties of 878
Diseases, of the Skin, to what Attributable 1721 Various Remedies for 589-649
Dish, Economical 1165
Disinfectant, Borax as a 2312 Carbolic Acid as a 1782 Charcoal as a 344, 1774-1776 Chloride of Lime as a 1781 Coffee as a 344, 1773 Disinfectants, Various 344 Disinfecting Fluid, Sir William Burnett's 781, 1779 Fumigation 1772 Liquid 1771 Disinfection of Rooms 1778
Dislocated Thumb 1323
Dismissal, Summary, of Domestic Servants 1442
Disputation, Avoidance of 2004
Dissenters, Marriage of 1957
Distress for Rent, Legal and Illegal 1523 under Bill of Sale in Bankruptcy 1614
Distinctness in Speaking, Importance of 2019
Diuretic Mixture 559 Diuretics, Nature of 750 Properties of 879
Diving for Eggs to test Buoyancy of Water 1398, 1399
Divorce, a Mensa et Thoro, Meaning of 1569 Absolute 1571 and Other Matrimonial Causes 1568-1575 Grounds of 1572
Documents, Stamped, Importance of 1533
Dogs, Care of 2175-2178 Distemper in 2176 Hydrophobia in 2177 Mange in 2178
Domestic Hints 1783-1807 Pharmacopoeia 475 Rules, Mrs. Hamilton's 439 Surgery 796
Dominoes, Game of 137 Method of Playing 138
Door, to Keep Open 338
Double Accentuation of Words 183
Drastics, Properties of 880
Draughts, Rules of the Game 72
Dredgings for Roast Meats, &c. 1085
Dress, Etiquette of 1927-1929 Faded, to Bleach 2727 Female, Hints on 2235 on Fire, How to Act 1386 Precaution 1387 Mourning, to Remove Stains from 2259 Officers', Etiquette of 1928 Simplicity of, Becoming 1933 to Preserve the Colour of 2254 Visiting, Etiquette of 1927 Dressing Well, Advice on 2021
Dressings, Surgical 797 Instruments for 798 Materials for 799 Rules to be Observed in 800
Drink for Children 2039 for the Heartburn 2306 Drinks, Medicinal 565-567
Drop Cakes 2094
Dropsy, Prescription for 651 (10)
Drowning, Treatment for 1334
Drugs, Preparation of, 666-675 Their Properties and Doses 689
Drunkenness, Apparent Death from, Treatment for 1336 Avoidance of 2020
Dry Warmth to any Part of Body, to Apply 837
Drying Herbs 43
Duck, to Carve 2679 to Choose 22 Cold, to Dress 1172 to Hash 1175 ragout of 1171 to Roast 1236 Stuffing 1226 Wild, to Dress 1233 Sauce for 1234
Dumplings, Apple 464, 474 (xiv) 1287 Rice 1288 Suet 474 (xiv)
Dutch Oven, to Use 1030
Dutch People, Cleanliness of 1729
Dwarf Plants, Management of 276
Dyeing 2682-2718 Bonnets 2718 Calico, Linen and Muslin 2685-2689 Cloth 2690-2693 Feathers 2516-2523, 2694-2699 Gloves 2702-2703 Hair 1692-1697, 2700 Leather 2701 Silk 2704-2710 Wool 2711-2717
Dysentery, Homeopathic Treatment, of 945 Simple Remedy for 2752
Dyspepsia, Homoeopathic Treatment of 946 Symptoms of 946
Early Rising, Advantages of 1762, 2610
Earnings, &c., of Married Women 1582
Earwigs, to Kill 288, 2472
Eat Slowly 474 (i) Eating, Moderation in 924
Ecarte 118-119
Economical Dish 1165
Economy 441-469 Culinary, Practice of 466, 1228 of Fat 1080 of Fuel 985-996 of Liquor from Boiled Meats 1075, 1076 of Ready-Money Purchases 990, 991, 994 of Soapsuds 441 of Tea 2295 in What it Consists 992
Edinburgh Ale, to Brew 2271
Education, First Principle of 2052-2053
Eels, to Carve 2646
Egg Powders, Action of 1011 and Ham Patties 1255 to Cast in Wax 2543 Eggs Curried 1180 Fried with Minced Ham or Bacon 1262 of Birds to Preserve for Cabinets 2341 to Pickle 1673 to Preserve 1642-1645
Eis Wool 1876
Elderberry Wine 2278
Elderflower Lotion 529
Electuaries 485, 486, 497
Elephant Penelope Canvas 1905
Embrocations 502-509
Embroidery 1857-1919 Application in 1861 Braiding in 1862 Braid Stitches in 1863 Couching in 1902 Distinction in 1859 Elaborate 1864 Frame for 1868 Instructions in 1857 Materials for 1860, 1872 Netting Silk in 1870 Silk Described 1891 Stitches, Fancy, in 1867 Stitches, Various, in 1898-1904 What it Includes 1858
Emetic, Prescription for 651 (16) Tartar 758 Emetics, Nature of 729 Properties of 881
Emigrants, Cookery for 1130
Emmenagogues, Properties of 882
Emollient Lotion 528 Emollients, Nature of 795 Properties of 883
Employer, Bankrupt, Law Respecting Wages Due 1459 Nature of Contract entered into 1448 Purchases made for, by Servant 1469 Responsibility of, for Servant 1468 Employers' Liability Act, Recovery for Damages under 1606-1609 Employers and Employed, Laws Relating to 1440-1470 Employment, Permanent, Agreement to Give 1449
Emulsion, Laxative 581 Purgative 582
Enemas 510-518
English Champagne 2274 Cholera, Remedies for 625, 651 (19-21), 937 (i)
Enigmas, Description of 59
Enunciation, Imperfect 167
Envelope, Place of Stamp on 224
Envy, Avoidance of 2003
Epilepsy, Remedies for 602, 651 (18)
Epispastics, Nature of 766 Properties of 884
Epistolary Correspondence, Hints on 236
Epsom Salts, Properties and Uses of 746
Errhines, Properties of 885
Errors in Speaking 161-163 Correction of 180
Eruptions, Cutaneous, Remedy for 2438 of the Skin, Prescription for 651 (30) on the Face, Remedy for 603
Erysipelas, Remedy for 604
Escharotics, Nature of 778 Properties of 886
Esquire to be written in full 236 (iii)
Essence of Celery 2206 of Mushrooms 2205
Essex Dialect, Errors of 172
Ether, Uses of 695 Nitric, Uses of 697 Sulphuric, Nature and Uses of 696, 709 Sulphuric, Compound Spirit of, Nature and Uses of 698
Etiquette, Books on, Use of 1985, 1986 Hints upon 1924
Euchre, Game of 120, 121
Evaporating Lotion, Cold 534
Evening Parties, Etiquette of 1937 Pastimes 46
Excess of Lace and Flowers in Dress 1931
Exclamation, Note of, Defined 211
Executors to Will 1591
Exercise, Active, Results of 1746 After Meals 1757 Before Meals 1755, 1756 Beneficial in the Forenoon 1754 Best Kind of 1750 Best Mode of Taking 1745 Duration of 1749 Excessive, Hurtful 1753 How to Commence and Finish 1751 Importance of 917, 921, 1744 Open Air, Superior Advantages of 1752 Passive, Results of 1747 Points to be Observed in 1745 Time for Taking 1748
Expectorants, Nature of 761 Properties of 887
Expenses, Table of 2772
Extract of Beef, to Make 1220 Extracts, How Made 675
Eye, Dirt in, to Remove 1320 Iron or Steel Spiculae in 1322 Lime in, to Remove 1321 Eyelashes, to Strengthen and Improve 1686 Eyes, Inflamed, Remedy for 620 Weak and Sore, Cure for 2388 Eye-washes, Various 476-484
Face, Blotched, Wash for 2439 Eruptions, on, Remedy for 603
Faded Dress, to Bleach 2727
Failures in Business, Hints on Avoiding 2603
Fainting, Treatment for 1333 Faintness, Remedy for 605
Fair Person, Sky Blue Becoming to 1801
Falling into Water, How to Act 1405
Falsehood, Avoidance of 1989
Family Circle, The 45 Clocks, Oil for 347 Pudding 1275
Fancy Needlework 1808
Fat, Economy of 1080 a Sign of Young and Tender Meat 1784
Feather Beds, for Children, Pernicious 2067 to Cleanse 474 (xxi)
Feathers, to Cleanse of Animal Oil 2724 to Dye 2516, 2523, 2694, 2699, 2719 White Ostrich, to Clean 2725
Febrifuges, Properties of 888
February, Flowers for 252 Food in Season in 32
Feet, Blistered, Remedy for 2424 Importance of Keeping Warm 474 (ii, xxvii) Warm Bathing of, Healthy 1737 Washing of, Conducive to Health 1736
Female Dress, Hints on 2235 Temper, Management of 2184
Fern Root, Male, Uses of 579, 785
Fever, Common Continued, Remedy for 595 Homeopathic Remedy for 947 How Frequently Caused 1724, 2725 Intermittent, Remedies for 622, 651 (13) Mixture, Prescription for 651 (8) Mixture (Simple) 556 Powders, Prescription for 651 (4, 5) Scarlet, Remedy for 638 Typhus, Remedy for 646 With Debility, Prescription for 651 (9)
Fifteen Puzzle, or Boss 2591
Fig Pudding 1279
Filoselle Silk 1888
Filtering Medicines 670
Finger Glasses, Use of 2632
Fining Liquors 354
Fire Breaking out, First thing to be done 1378 Buckets, &c., to be kept at Hand 1389 in Chimney, to Extinguish 1381, 1391, 1392 to Diminish Risk from 1390 Effect of on Air 918 to Escape from 1393 Precautions in Case of 1377-1390 Prevention of 1376 Solution to Extinguish 1388 Fire-grate, Economical 997 Brunswick Black for 395 Fire-guards, Necessity of 474 (xxv) Fire-irons, Rusty, to Clean 370 Fire-screens, Paper, to Make 351
Fish, Cake 1263 to Choose 2-11 Flat, to Carve 2640 Freshwater, to Choose 7 Fried, to Carve 2634 How to Send to Table 2634 Gold, Care of 2174 Poisonous, Remedy for 1364 Preserved as Specimens 2342 Remarks on Carving 2649 Sauces 2223, 2224 When in Season 31, 42 (i)
Fits, Treatment for 1337
Fixature for Hair 1701
Flannel Petticoat, Preservation of 474 (xvii) to Shrink 2265 to Wash 2266
Flatulency, Homeopathic Treatment of 948
Flavouring, Almond 2136
Fleecy Wool 1874
Flesh, Why some is White and some Red 1785
Flies, to Destroy 2478-2480
Flirtation, Avoidance of 2017
Floating in Water, Test of Capability of 1398, 1399
Floors, to Remove Stains from 431
Floss Silk 1889
Flour of Brimstone 658 Rye and Wheat 1016
Flowers, Amount of Heat for 1625, 1626 Artificial, Excess of 1931 Feather, to Make 2510-2515 Leaves for 2524 of the Months: Jan. 250 Feb. 252 March 254 April 256 May 258 June 260 July 262 Aug. 264 Sept. 266 Oct. 268 Nov. 270 Dec. 272 Unfit for Bedrooms 1396 Waxen, to Make 2525-2536 When to Gather 1625
Fluid, to Drink, Proper Proportion of 912, 913
Fluor Spar, Use of, in Modelling 2352
Food, Articles of, to Choose 1 and Exercise, Rationale of 911-924 for Children 2027 for Children, Proper Time of Giving 2031 Infants', to Prepare 2071 Seasons for Various Kinds of 30-42 Food and Drugs Act, Extracts from 2747
Foppery, Avoidance of 2017
Forced Vegetables, when in Season 31-33 (v)
Forcemeat Balls 1219
Forks and Knives, to Clean 397 Uncleaned, Don't put by 474 (xx)
Fowl, to Carve 2672 to Choose 20 Cold, to Dress 1172, 1178 to Fatten in a Short Time 2172 to Grill 1177 Pulled, to Prepare 1173
Fox and Geese 2593
Frame for Embroidery 1863 Frames, Gilt, to Preserve 331 Mahogany, to Clean 386
Freckles, Remedies for 2440, 2441
Freezing Mixture, Sal-Ammoniac 2153, 2154 Nitrate of Ammonium 2151 Washing Soda 2152 Without Ice or Acids 2142, 2143
French Batter 1291 Beans to Cook 1122 Beans to Pickle 1659 Bread, to Make 1022 Rolls, to Make 1022 Polish for Boots and Shoes 2238 Polishes 2237
Fresh-killed Meat, Time for Cooking 1070
Fresh-water Fish, to Choose 7
Fresh Water, Floating on 1402
Friar's Omelette 1308
Friend, Choice of 2180 Conduct when on a Visit to 2014 Friendships, Advice on 2010
Fritters, Apple 1303 Observations on 1310 Oyster 1301 Potato 1302 to Prepare 1300
Frivolite, or Tatting, Instructions in 1833
Frost Bite, Remedy for 606
Frugality, Dr. Franklin's Maxims 2611
Fruit Bottling 1631 Buds of, to Prevent Birds Destroying 285 for Children 2082 for Children, Most Wholesome Kinds 2085 Mixed, Cake of 2112 to Preserve 1619-1623 Skeletons 2331 Stains of, to Remove from Linen 427 Use of, as Food 2761 Waxen, to Make 2525, 2537-2547 When in Season 31-42 (v)
Frying, Rationale of 1083 Frying-pan, to use 1027
Fuel Cheap 984 Economy of 985, 990, 994-996
Full-point, Nature and Value of 202
Fumigator, Disinfecting 1771
Funerals, Etiquette of 1963-1976 Walking 1973
Fungi, to Preserve 2338
Furnished Apartment, Agreement for Letting 1521 House, Agreement for Letting 1521 Lodgings 1513 Furnishing House, Hints for 296
Furniture, to Clean 363, 364 Made in Winter, Liable to Crack 350 Mahogany, to Take Stains out of 401, 402 New, Caution Respecting 350 to Remove White Spots from 452 Removed, Liable to be Seized for Rent 1524 Rosewood, to Polish 383
Furs, to Clean 2723 to Rid of Moths 2262
Galbanum, Uses of 706
Galling in Invalids, Prevention of 2395 Galls, for Lotion 540
Galopade, Dance 144 Quadrilles 145
Gamboge, Uses of 786
Game, to Hash 1174 Ragout of 1171 to Roast 1064 When in Season 31-42 (iii)
Garden, Borax in the 2322 Labels, Ink for 2486a Stands, Paint for 473 Gardening Operations for every Month in the Year 249-273 Kitchen Garden 274
Gargles, Prescriptions for 519-526, 651 (17)
Garlic, to Pickle 1662
Garnishes, Various 2232
Geese, to Choose 21
Gentian, Uses of 716
Gentleman, How to be a 1996 the True 1997
German Paste, for Birds 2164
Gherkins, to Pickle 1672
Gilt Frames, to Preserve 331
Ginger Beer 2286 Beer Powders 2287 Biscuits 2119 Cakes 2107, 2119 Properties and Uses of 765 to Preserve 1641 Gingerbread Aperient 2462 Cake 2117 Snaps 2093
Girls, Management of 2187
Glacialine 1780
Glass, to Anneal 424 Bottles, to Clean 392 to Clean 390, 419, 423 Easy Mode of Breaking 353 Ground, to Imitate 346 Powdered, Use of in Modelling 2352 Stoppers, to Loosen 357 Vessels, to Clean 391
Glazing, for Hams, Tongues, &c. 1651
Glauber's Salts, Properties and Uses of 747
Gloves, Care of 2250 to Dye 2702, 2703 French Kid, to Clean 2252 at Funerals 1969 Kid, to Clean 2251 Kid, to Wash 2253
Glue, Common, to Prepare 2492 Liquid 2491 Marine 2499 Mouth 2488
Gold, Poisoning by, Treatment for 1351
Gold-fish, Care of 2174
Goods Removed, Seizure of 1524
Goose, Broiled 1176 to Carve 2626, 2678 Cold, to Dress 1172 to Hash 1175 Marbled 1264 Mock 1166 to Roast 1167 Royal Game of 2594 Stuffing 1226 Stuffing Sauce 2231
Gooseberry Wine 2273
Gorlitza (Dance) 154
Gossiping, Consequences of 2182
Gout Mixture 2391 Pills for 2390 Remedy for 607 Rheumatic, Mixture for 2392
Grammar, Errors from Imperfect Knowledge of 163
Grape Wine 2273
Grate, the Parson's 997 Brunswick Black for 395
Gravel, Remedy for 608
Gravy, Brown 1225 Soup, Clear 1210
Grease, Oil, to Remove 407 to Remove from Cloth or Velvet 433 Scouring Drops to Remove 432 Spots, to Extract from Books and Papers 435 Spots, to Remove from Silk 2261
Grecian Netting 1831
Green Paint for Garden Stands 473 Why Favourable to Blonde Complexions 1803 Why Unfavourable to Ruddy Complexions 1804
Greengage Jam 2135
Greens, to Choose 1092
Grill Sauce 2226
Grilled Fowl 1177
Gridirons, How to Use 1026
Griffiths's Mixture 651 (39)
Ground Glass, to Imitate 346
Grouse, to Roast 1240
Growth Influenced by Light 914
Grubs, to Destroy 282
Guinea Pigs, Care of 2170
Gum-Arabic, Mucilage 587 Starch 2742
Gurnet, to Carve 2644
Gutta-percha Casts 2382 Soles, to Put on 2247 Tooth Stopping 2445
H, Enigma on 215 or no H? 215 When Silent 215 Wrong Use of, Enigma on 215
Habits of a Man of Business 2597
Haddock, to Carve 2644
Haemorrhage, How to Stanch 1327
Haemorrhoids, Ointment for 2409
Hair, Becoming Arrangement of 1930 Brushes, to Clean 1711 Compounds to Promote Growth of 1698-1700 Dyes 1692-1697, 2700, 2719 Oils, Rose 1703-1705 to Restore 2419 Superfluous, to Remove 1710 to Test Dye for 1696 Wash for, Excellent 1702
Hake, to Carve 2636
Half-Pay Pudding 1278
Ham, to Carve 2670 to Cure 1652 Glazing for 1651 Minced with Fried Eggs 1262 Patties 1255 Slices of, to Dress 1199
Handkerchief, Etiquette of 1935
Hands, Chapped 2410 to Remove Stains from 1683 Warm Bathing of, Salutary 1737 to Whiten 1681
Hanging, Meat 474 (x, xi) Treatment for 1335
Hard Water, to Soften 342
Hare, to Carve 2680 to Choose 24 Jugged 1168 Smithfield 28 (viii) Stewed 1169
Hashing Cold Meat, Economy of 466
Hat, How to take Care of 2236 Hatbands at Funerals 1970
Headache, Homoeopathic Treatment of 949 Nervous, Pills for 2384 to Prevent 474 (ii) Tea a Cure for 1796
Head-dress, Sky Blue, Why Becoming to Fair Persons 1801
Health, Light Necessary to 474 (xviii) Preservation of 909 to Preserve, in Youth 1770
Heartburn, Effervescent Drink for 2306 Homoeopathic Remedy for 950
Hearth, Dirty, Ill Appearance of 440 to Remove Oil or Grease from 407
Hearth-rug, Handsome Kind of 305 to Choose 304
Heat and Cold, Sudden Alternations of, Injurious 923
Heavenly Bodies as a Sign of the Weather 966
Herbs, Pot, for Drying, When in Season 36 (v)-38 (v) Time for Drying 43
Herefordshire Dialect 173
Herrings, to Choose 6
Hiccough, Remedy for 2414
Hidden Words 60
Highland Reel (Dance) 158
Hints on Barometer 973-983 to Capitalists 2599-2600 to Cockney Speakers 191 Domestic 1783-1807 upon Etiquette 1924 for Home Comfort 474 on Household Management 438 for Husbands 2191, 2193, 2195 on Making Preserves 1628 on Money Matters 2613 on Pianofortes 248 on Spelling 214 for Wives 2190, 2192, 2194, 2196
Hiring and Dismissal of Servants 1441
Hitching, Mrs. Alexander 215
Hog Pudding, Black 1192
Home Comfort, Hints for 474
Homeopathy 925-951 Diet in 961 Extent of Doses in 960 Medicines, How Given 929 Principle of 926 Treatment of Ailments by 930
Honesty, Importance of 1998
Honey Soap 1680 Water 1679
Hooping Cough, Homoeopathic Treatment of 958 Powders for 575 Remedies for 609, 2404
Hops as a Narcotic 699
Horn, to Stain 1422
Horseradish, Why to be Scraped just before being Used 1789 Powder 2214 Vinegar 2208
Hotch Potch, Summer 1206 Winter 1207
Hot Water, Efficacy of 2453 not Good for China or Glass 423 Weather, Beverage for 2455
Hours of Labour and Study Must be Regulated 920
House, Advice about taking 291 Agreement for Annual Tenancy 1485 Agreement for Taking for Three Years 1489 Details to be Considered before Taking 295 Healthfulness of Situation 293 Hints for Furnishing 296 Rent to be Considered 292
Household Management, Hint on 438 How to Learn 463
Husband and Wife 2189 Deed of Separation between 1567 Value of Little Attentions by 474 (v)
Husbands, Hints for 2191, 2193, 2195
Hydragogues, Properties of 889
Hydrochlorate of Ammonia Lotion 535
Hydrophobia in Dogs 2177
Hyphen, Definition of 209
Hypnotics, Properties of 890
Hysterical Disorders, Prescription for 651 (xii) Hysterics, Remedy for 610 Treatment for 1338
Ice, Lemon Water 2149 Orange Water 2150 Raspberry Water 2148 Strawberry Water 2147 Ice-creams 2145, 2146 Iceland Moss Chocolate 2303 Ices, for Desserts, Recipes for 2144, 2150 Materials for, to be Cool 2154
Icing for Wedding Cakes 1955, 1956
Idle Tales, Avoid Telling 2001
Idleness, Avoidance of 2000
Illegitimate Child, Legacy to 1594
Ill-Temper, Manifestations of, to Avoid 1991
Imitation Tortoiseshell 1423
Income, Table of 2772
Indemnification against Rents, Rates, and Taxes, Form of 1488
Indenture, Apprentice's, When Void 1453
Indian Pickle, to Make 1671 Syrup 2138
Indigestion, Caution respecting 474 (xxxiv) Homeopathic Treatment of 946, 951 Mixture for 2407 Remedy for 611 Symptoms of 946, 951
Indulgence of Appetite, Pernicious Effects of 922
Infants, Aperient for 657 Food, to Prepare 2071 How to Feed 2025-2030 Milk for, to Prepare 2072, 2074
Infectious Diseases, 1727-28 Notification of 1743
Inflammation, Prescription for 651(1) of Bladder 612, 651 (3, 5, 11) of the Bowels 613 of the Brain 614 of the Eyes 620 of the Kidneys 615 of the Liver 616 of the Stomach 618 of the Throat 526
Inflammatory Sore Throat, Remedy for 619
Influenza, Remedy for 621
Infusion of Medicines 673
Ink, Dr. Ure's 2482 for Garden Labels 2486a Marking, without Preparation 2485 Powder 2483 Preparation of 2481 Red Writing 2484 Ink-stains, to Remove from Boards 406 from Mahogany 402 from Silver 403 from Table Covers 404, 405
Insects, Bites of, Remedy for 2422 to Rid Bird-cages, &c., of 2165 Stings of, Treatment for 1367
Integrity in Business 2607
Intellectual Superiority not to be Boasted of 220
Interest-Table for One Year 2774 for Savings and Investments 2773
Intermeddling, Avoidance of 1987
Intermittent Fever, Remedy for 622
Interrogation, Note of, Defined 210
Interruptions, Rudeness of 218
Intestate's Estate, Division of 1586
Introduction to Society, Etiquette of 1925
Invalids, Caution to Visitors to 474 (xii)
Ipecacuanha, Nature and Uses of 730
Irish Brogue, Hints for the Correction of 193 Dialect, Importance of Correcting 179 Stew, to Prepare 1162
Iron, Black Staining for Ship's Guns, &c. 1424 New, Treatment of 454 Polished, to Preserve 368, 369 Rust on, to Prevent 415 to Remedy 370 Spiculae in the Eye 1322 Wipers, to Make 416
Isinglass Plaster 806
Italian Cabinet Work, Varnish for 365, 366
Itch, Ointment for 544 Remedy for 623
Ivory, to Stain 1415-1421
Jack, to Carve 2648
Jactitation of Marriage 1570
Jalap, Uses of 740
Jam, Plum, Greengage, or Apricot 2135
January, Flowers for 250 Food in Season in 31
Japanned Articles, to Clean 393
Jaundice, Remedy for 624, 2396
Jelly, Apricot 2128 Arrowroot 2130 Black Currant 2127 Calf's Feet 2132 Excellent for the Sick Room 2131 Ox-Heel 2129 Red Currant 2124 White Currant 2125, 2126
Jersey Wonders (Cakes) 2096
Jewellry, Excess of, Deprecated 2023
John Dory, to Carve 2639
Joints of Meat: English Method of Division 28 Names and Situation of 27 Relative Economy of 29 Scottish Division of 28 (vii) Various, to Carve 2623
Judges, How to Address 242
Judicial Separation, Costs of 1575 When Obtainable 1573
Jugged Hare 1168
July, Flowers for 262 Food in Season in 37
June, Flowers for 260 Food in Season in 36
Juniper, Properties and Uses of 754
Junket, Devonshire 2280
Ketchup, Oyster 2203 Walnut 2204
Kettle, to Keep Clean 341 Brass, to Clean 455
Kidneys, to Broil 1196 Inflammation of, Remedy for 615
Kind Words, Power of 2181
Kindness in Little Things 2005
Kino, Uses of 722
Kitchen, Chimney, to put out Fire in 1381 Floor, Best Covering for 307 Garden, Operations in 274 Utility of the 1033
Kitchiner's (Dr.) Rules for Marketing 44
Kite, Use of, in Swimming 1411
Knitting, Abbreviations in 1855 Casting Off 1852 Casting On 1844 Decreasing 1849 Instructions in 1841 Improvements in 1842 Implements for 1845 Needles, Size of 1856 Plain 1846 Purling in 1847 Round, to Join a 1850 Stitches, Mode of Making 1848
Knives and Forks, to Clean 397, 474 (xxxv) Caution when Cleaning 459 to Polish 461 Uncleaned, not to be put by 474 (xx)
Knowledge in Housewifery, How Gained 463
Kreosote Lotion 539
Labour and Study, Excessive, Injurious 920 Proper Order of 921
Lace, Black, to Revive 2319 Blond, to Revive 2732 Excess of, to be Avoided 1931 Veil, White, to Wash 2731
Ladies, Deference to be Paid to 2016 Dress, Etiquette of 1929 Treatment of, at Table 2628
Lamb 1053 to Choose 15 Chops, or Cutlets, to Dress 1148 to Dress, before Carving 1059 Fore-Quarter of, to Roast 1058 Fore-Quarter, Dressing for 1059 Grass, When in Season 1054 Hind-Quarter of, to Roast 1057 House, When in Season 1055 Leg of, to Roast 1060 Loin of, to Roast 1063 Quarter of, to Carve 2659 Ribs of, to Roast 1062 Shoulder of, to Roast 1061 Stove or Stew 1155 Various Joints of Described 28 (iii) When in Season 1054, 1055
Lambswool Stockings, to Mend 2264 Thin, Use of 1880
Lamps, Bronze, to Clean 410 Oil for, the Best 358 to Prevent the Smoking of 340
Lancashire Dialect 174
Lancers (Dance) 140
Landlord, and Tenant, Laws Relating to 1471-1533 Stamped Agreements Between 1531 Duty of, to Repair Premises 1477 Notice to Quit by 1498, 1500 Right of, to Enter Premises 1479 What Taxes he has to Pay 1486
Lansquenet 133
Larder, to Ventilate 337
Larks, Care of 2162
Laundry, Borax in the 2318
Late Hours, Effect of 920
Lavender Scent Bag 1677 Water 1678
Lawn Billiards, or Troco 2595
Lawn Tennis 2765 Rules of 2766 Three-handed and Four-handed 2767
Laws of Employer and Employed 1440 of Landlord and Tenant 1471-1533
Laxative Emulsion 581 Enema 511 Laxatives, Properties of 891
Lead, Poisoning by, Treatment for 1354
Leaf, Facsimile of, on Copper 2333 Impressions, Directions for Taking 2335 Printing 2334 Skeletons 2330
Lease, Definition of a 1472 Leases, Agreement Respecting Rent and Taxes 1475 Copyholder's 1482 Covenant for Repairs 1477 Covenants Usual in 1474 How Assignable 1476 Precautions in Taking 1473 Special Power of Married Women to Grant and Take 1481 Termination of 1480
Leather, Cement for 2504 to Dye 2701 Enamelled, to Polish 2239 Ornamental 2507 Seats, Blacking for 471 Strap, Convenience of 474 (xxix)
Leaves, Impressions of 2332 Skeleton, to Form 2330
Leech Barometer 968 Bites, Treatment of 846, 847 Swallowed, Remedy for 849 Leeches, Amount of Blood Drawn by 845 to Apply 843 to Apply to Gums 844 Changing the Water of 2459 Description of 842 Treatment of, after Using 848
Legacy to Illegitimate Child 1594
Legal Separation, Good Reasons Necessary for 1574
Legs, Cramp in 2413
Leicestershire Dialect 174
Lemon Buns 2103 Kali 2292 Peel Syrup 2137 Peel, Tincture of 2308 Rice 1295 Sponge 2121 Water Ice 2149 Lemonade 2288 Champagne 2290 Milk 2289 Lemons, Uses of 772 Whole, Preserved for Dessert 1640
Letters, Addresses on 225, 226, 236, 1375 Crossing of 230 Old, to Preserve 445 Signature to 229 Letter-writing, Hints Respecting 227 Perspicuity in 228 to Strangers 231
Liability for Debts contracted under Age, Acceptance of 1604
Lice, to Free Plants from 289
Licences, Common, for Marriage 1940 Special, for Marriage 1939
Life Belts, Excellent Kinds of 1370, 1371
Light Essential to Health 474 (xviii) Influence of, on Growth 914
Lightning, Persons Struck by, to Treat 1339
Lime and Egg Cement 2497 and Oil Embrocation 506 in the Eye, to Remove 1321 Poisoning by, Treatment for 1356 Washing with 2734, 2735 Lime-water a Cure for Burns 2436
Limitation of Recovery of Land or Real Estate 1605
Lincolnshire Dialect 174
Linen, Care of 360 Damp, Caution 2460 to Dye 2685-2689 Mending 362 Mildewed, to Restore 428, 2743 to Overlook 474 (xxx) Rags, Economy of 457 to Remove Marking Ink from 425 to Remove Fruit Stains from 427 to Remove Wine Stains from 426 to Render Incombustible 2744 Repairing 361 Sweet Bags for 2745
Liniments 502-503
Linnets, Care of 2161
Linseed, Properties and Uses of 789
Lint, How made 801 Various Forms and Uses of 802
Lip Salve, Rose 2447
Lipogram 61
Liquid Glue 2491
Liquor of Boiled Meat, Economy of 1074-1076
Liquorice, Uses of 792
Listening Preferable to Talking 2011
Little Attentions 474 (v) Things, Kindness in 2005
Liver Complaint 592 Inflammation of 616 Sauce, for Fish 2223
Living Objects, to Model 2375
Lobscous, Beef or Mutton 1142
Lobster Butter 2222 to Choose 8 Patties 1254
Local Stimulants, Nature of 728
Localities for Business, Hints on 2601
Lodgers, and Lodgings, Laws Relating to 1504-1521 Apartments, Landlord Using 1516 Application to Magistrate for Restoration of Goods 1507 Broker Entering Apartments of 1508 Distraint on Furniture of 1506 Goods, not Liable for Distress for Rent due to Superior Landlord 1505 Laws by which they are Bound 1510 Leaving Apartments Without Notice 1514 Weekly Rent Payable by 1511
Lodgings, Furnished, Laws Relating to 1513 Let to Immodest Women, Law Respecting 1517 Liability for Rent 1520 Quitted, Rent Recoverable 1518 Removing Goods from 1519 Renting of, for Specific Term 1509 Verbal Agreements for Taking 1515 Yearly, of Whom to be Taken 1512
Logograph 62
Logwood, Decoction 500 Uses of 724
London Dialect 172 Postal District Initials on Letters 226
Londoners, Advice to, on Errors in Speaking 192
Loo, Game of 95-100 Five-card 100 Laws of 97 Limited 98 (iv) Three-card 96 Unlimited 98 (iv)
Looking Glasses, to Clean 417
Looseness of the Bowels, Remedy for 625
Loss of Meat in Cooking 1086 Per Cent., in Cooking 1066-7, 1078-9
Lotions, Prescriptions for 651 (23, 29, 31, 32, 35, 48) Various 527, 540
Love's Telegraph 1978
Lumbago, Remedy for 2422
Lunar Caustic, Uses of 780
Luncheon, Cakes for 2101 For Children 2075
Lungs, Inflammation of, Remedy for 617 State of, to Ascertain 2456
Lustra Painting 1923
Maceration of Medicines 671
Mackerel, to Carve 2643 to Choose 2
Mad Animals, Bite of, to Treat 1366
Magisterial Order for Protection of Wife's Property 1576-1580
Magnesia, Properties and Uses of 737 Powders of Rhubarb and 571
Mahogany, Frames of, to Clean 386 to Remove Ink Stains from 402 to Remove Stains from 401
Male Fern Root, Properties and Uses of 579, 785
Mallow, Uses of 791
Man and Wife, Deed of Separation Between 1567
Man of Business, Habits of 2597
Management, Household, Hints on 438 How to Learn 463
Mange in Dogs 2178
Mangoes, to Pickle 1663
Mania for Greek and Latin Quotations 219
Manifold Writing 2486b
Manly Character 1990
Manna, to Make Palatable 2089 Uses of 733
Manners, Artificial 1982 Personal, Hints upon 1983-2024
Maps, to Varnish 349
Marble, to Clean 367, 389, 408, 2315 To Stain 1414
Marbled Goose 1264
March, Flowers for 254 Food in Season in 33
Margarine 2747
Marine Glue 2499
Marketing, Dr. Kitchiner's Rules for 44 Table for 2775
Marking Ink, without Preparation 2485 to Remove 425
Marmalade, Apple 2134 Orange 2133
Marriage, Banns of, How Published 1941 Breach of Promise of 1561-1566 of Dissenters 1957 Etiquette of 1938 License, Cost of 1939, 1940 by Registration 1942
Married Women, Earnings of 1582 Personal Property of 1583
Marrow Bones, to Cook 1157
Marshmallow, Uses of 790
Mastic Cement 2503
Matches, Keep from Children's Reach 474 (xiii)
Matrimonial Causes and Divorce 1568-1575
Matrimony, Game of 108
Matting, Straw, to Clean 381
May, Flowers for 258 Food in Season in 35
Mazurka (Dance) 146
Meaning of Words Indicated by Accent 186 Varied by Accentuation 189
Measles, Homoeopathic Treatment of 952 Remedy for 626 Symptoms of 952
Measures in Medicine, Signs of 663 Substitutes for 665
Meat, Baking 1082 Basting 1084 Boiled, Liquor from, Use of 1074-1076 Boiling, Effect of, on 1077 Broiling 1081 Cakes 1252 for Children 2077 Cold, Broiled with Poached Eggs 1181 Cold, Economy of 466 Cookery 1138 Dredging 1085 Fat of, What it Indicates 1784 Flesh of, Why sometimes Red and sometimes White 1785 Fresh Killed, Length of Time Required for Boiling 1070 Frying 1083 Hook, How to Use 1029 How to Cook Properly 1073 Hung, Treatment of 474 (x, xi) Joints of, Names and Situations 27 Joints of, Relative Economy of 29 Marbled, Why Best 1784 Method of Cutting up 28 Pie, Paste for 1258 Potted (Strasburg Mode) 1222 to Preserve 1650, 2317 to be Purchased in Person 474 (xvi) Time Required for Boiling 1069 Underdone 1073 When in Season 31-42 (ii)
Mechanical Remedies, Enumeration of 782
Medical Man's Advice Desirable in Illness 590
Medicinal Uses of Vaseline 2325
Medicine, Administering, Cautions 676 Aperients, Various 652-658 Articles Required in Mixing 660 Classification of 690 Climate 681 Decoction 674 Digestion 672 Directions for Preparation 659 Doses, According to Age 688 Extracts 675 Filtering 670 Forms best suited for 684 General Health 682 Habits 679 Homoeopathic, How Given 929 How to Administer 687 Idiosyncrasy 683 Infusion 673 Maceration 671 Measuring Accurately 664 Miscellaneous Recipes 578-588 Mixtures, Various 555-564 Pounding 666-668 Preparation of 659 Process of Making 666 Sex 677 Sifting 669 Signs for Measures 663 Substitutes for 665 Signs for Weights 662 Stains of, to Remove 434 Stimulants and Narcotics 680 Taste of, to Prevent 685, 686 Temperament 678 Terms Used to Express Properties of 851 Weights and Measures 661
Melons, to Pickle 1663
Mending, Best Time for 450 Clothes 362
Menial Servants, Agreements with 1445
Menstruation, Excessive, Remedy for 627 Painful 629 Scanty 628
Mental and Bodily Exercise, Alternation of 921
Menu for Large Dinner Parties 2619
Mercury, Poisoning by, Treatment for 1347
Merino Wool 1831
Metagram 63
Mice, White, Care of 2168
Mildew from Linen, to Remove 428, 2743 on Trees, to Prevent 278
Milk, Adulteration of 2753 for Children 2074 for Infants, to Prepare 2072 Lemonade 2289 Porridge for Children 2076 to Preserve 1649 of Roses, Recipe for 1710 When Purest 2764 Why it Turns Sour during Thunderstorms 1792
Minced Beef 1139 Collops 1218
Mincemeat, to Prepare 1217
Minor Operations in Surgery 838
Mint, Sauce, Substitute for 1056 Vinegar 2209 Why it is Eaten with Pea Soup 1790
Mirrors, to Clean 418
Misdivision of Words 166 Mispronunciation of Words 165
Mississippi, Game of 2581
Mistress and Servants, Table of Expenses 2772
Mixtures, Medicinal, Various 555-564
Mock Crab 2234 Goose 1166
Modelling 2346-2383 Ancient Cities, in Cork 2362 Cathedrals, Churches, &c. 2365-2366 Caves 2350 Caves in Cinders 2351 Caves in Cork 2354 Caves, to Represent Water Issuing from 2360 Cities and Temples, to Construct 2374 Cork, Small 2355 Countries 2368 Finishing Various Parts 2356 Houses 2364, 2367 Living Objects 2375-2380 Materials Required in 2348 Modern Cities, in Cork 2363 Monuments 2372 Mountains 2371 Paper Cement for 2370 Public Buildings 2365 Ruins 2373 Scale for 2347 Stalactites 2353 Starch Paste 2361 Temples 2374 Tools Required in 2349 Topographical 2369 in Various Materials 2346 Wax to Make 2381 Wooden 2357-2359
Moderation in Eating and Drinking Beneficial 924
Money, Borrowed when Under Age, Repayments of 1603 for Daily Expenses 2614 Matters, Hints upon 2613
Monkeys, Care of 2169
Moral, A (Poetry) 290
Mordants, in Dyeing 2684
Morning Milk 2764
Mortars, Proper Kinds of, for Medicines 668
Mother Eve's Pudding 1315
Moths, Garden, to Destroy 284 to Exterminate from Clothes Closets 430 to Preserve Clothes from 429 to Preserve Furs from 2262 to Prevent 1676, 2474-2475
Mourning, Dresses, to Remove Stains from 2259 Economy in 1974 Etiquette of 1971 Families in, Correspondence with 1976
Mouth Glue 2488
Mucilage of Gum Arabic 587 of Starch 588
Muffins, to Make 2097
Mumps, Homoeopathic Treatment of 953 Remedy for 630
Mushrooms, Artificial Beds for 275 Essence of 2205 to Distinguish from Fungi 1129 to Pickle 1669 to Stew 1127 Wholesome, to distinguish 1128
Muslin, to Dye 2685-2689 to Wash 2740
Mustard, Adulteration of 2754 Leaves, Rigollot's 810 Medicinal Uses of 731 Poultices 810
Mutton, Advantages of Hanging 474 (x), 1040 Breast of, to Roast 1044 Chine of, to Roast 1041 Choice of 14 Fed near Sea, Nutritious 1783 Hashed 1147-1161 Haunch of, to Carve 2651 to Roast 1045 Leg of, to Carve 2657 Lobscous 1142 Loin of, to Carve 2658 to Roast 1043 Loss of, in Roasting and Boiling 1086 Neck of, to Roast 1044 Pie 1244 Saddle of, to Carve 2650 to Roast 1041 Sausages, to Make 1188 Shanks for Stock 467 Shoulder of, to Carve 2656 to Roast 1042 Soup, to Prepare 1132 Stew 1135 Various Joints of, Described 28 (ii) Venison Fashion, to Roast 1046 When in Season 28 (ii)
Myrrh Dentifrice 1689 Gargle 525
Nail-box 313 Nails and Screws 311, 312
Nails, Finger, Biting 2394 to Whiten 1682
Names, Signification of 970
Naphtha Polish 2237
Napkins, Table, to Fold 2620
Napoleon, Game of 130
Narcotic Poisons, Treatment for 1360 Narcotics, Nature and Uses of 692 Properties of 892
Needles, Short Ones the Best 474 (iv) How to Thread 474 (xxii)
Needlework, Fancy 1808
Nervous Headache, Pills for 2384
Nervousness, Remedy for 631
Netting 1824-1832 Darning on 1830 Diamond 1827 Grecian 1831 Implements Used in 1826 Regularity Necessary in 1825 Round 1828 Square 1829 Stiches in, How Counted 1832
Nettlerash, Homoeopathic Treatment of 954 Nettle-sting, Cure for 2432
New Neighbourhoods for Business 2602
New Paint, Smell of, to Remove 335
Newspapers, Waste, Care of 327 Unfit for Wrappers 326
Nightcap for Travellers 2281
Nightlights, to Make 1001
Nipples, Sore, Ointment for 2408
Nitrate of Ammonium as Freezing Mixture 2151 of Silver, Properties and Uses of 780
Nitre, Poisoning by, Treatment for 1359 Uses of 751
Nitric Ether, Uses of 697
Nobility, Directions for Addressing 240
Nose, Bleeding at, to Arrest 1328, 2393
Notice to Quit, Form of, from Landlord to Tenant 1500 Form of, from Tenant to Landlord 1499 Given by Landlord or Tenant 1498 Legal Term of 1501 or Pay Increase of Rent 1502
Noun, Accent on 187 Definition of 187
November, Flowers for 270 Food in Season in 41
Noxious Gases, How Generated 915, 918
Nursery, Borax in the 2321 Children's 2064 Servants Sleeping in 2065
Nutrients, Properties of 893
Nutritive Enema 512
Oak Bark, Uses of 723
October, Flowers for 268 Food in Season in 40
Offensive Breath 2405
Officers' Dress, Etiquette 1928
Official Members of the State, to Address 240 (x)
Oil, Burning, Best Mode of Keeping 998 Clocks, Best for 347 Enema 517 Lamp, Best for 358 Paint, Smell of, to Remove 336 Paintings, Cautions Respecting 356 To Remove from Hearths 407 of Roses, for Hair 1705 of Turpentine, Properties and Uses of 755
Oilcloth, to Clean 380
Ointments and Cerates, Various 541-547 Proper Employment of 805
Omelette, Friars' 1308 Ordinary 1309 Observations on 1310
Onions, to Pickle 1660 Smell of, to Remedy 2406
Open Doors or Windows in Fire 1383
Operations, Surgical, Minor 838
Opium Enema 516 Lotion 531 Nature and Uses of 700 Properties of 711
Orange Confection 489 Marmalade 2133 Peel as a Tonic 2461 Peel Syrup. 2137 Seville, Properties and Uses of 771 Water Ice 2150
Ordinary Lotion 533
Organzine, What it is 1887
Ornamental Leather Work 2507
Ornaments, Brass, to Clean 373, 411 Personal, Appropriateness of 1932
Ostrich Feathers, to Clean 2725
Ottomans, to Clean 384
Oven, Dutch 1030 Revolving 1002
Ox-Cheek, to Stew 1160 Uses and Economy of 29(vii) Ox-Heart 28 (viii) Ox-Heel Jelly 2129 Ox-Tail, Uses and Properties of 28 (viii) Ox-Tongue 28 (viii)
Oxalic Acid, Poisoning by, Treatment for 1362
Oxide of Zinc, Uses of 712
Oxygen of Air, Consumed by Fire 918
Oyster Fritters 1301 Ketchup 2203 Patties 1253 Pie 1265 Powder 2220 Oysters, Choosing 11 Curried 1182 Fried 1183 Raw, Why most Wholesome 1786 Stewed 1184 Why some have a Green Tinge 1787
Pads, Surgical Employment of 808
Pains in Head and Face 2385
Paint for Garden Stands 473 Smell of, to Remove 335, 336
Painted Wainscot, to Clean 398
Paintings, Oil, Caution Respecting 356
Palatable Stew 1163
Palpitation of Heart 632
Pancakes 1304 Cream 1305 for Children 2081 Observations on 1310 Rice 1306
Paper Cement 2370 for Children 446 Hangings, to Choose 306 to Clean 382 Patterns, Black 2508 Printed, Unfit for Wrapping 326 to Remove Writing Ink from 437 to Stain 1425-1429 Wrapping 325
Papier-Mache Articles, to Clean 394
Parchment, to Stain 1425-1429
Paregorics, Properties of 894
Parenthesis 212
Parliament, Members of, to Address 240 (x), 246
Parrots, Care of 2163
Parsnip Wine 2275
Parson's Grate 997
Parties, Evening, Etiquette of 1937
Partridge, to Carve 2673 to Choose 25 Pie, Cold 1242 Pudding 1238 to Roast 1237
Paste for Fruit or Meat Pies 1248 for Meat or Savoury Pies 1258 Permanent 2490 Puff 1257 to Prepare 2489
Pastilles, for Burning, to Make 352
Pastime, Evening, Suggestions for 46
Pastry, Flour for 1250 for Tarts 1249
Pasty, Seven-Bell 1245
Patterns, Black Paper 2508 on Cloth or Muslin 2509
Patties, Chicken and Ham 1259 Egg and Ham 1255 Lobster 1254 Oyster 1253 Veal and Ham 1256
Pea Soup, Plain 1133
Peaches in Brandy 1637 to Preserve 1636
Pears Baked 1311 for Children, to Prepare 474 (xxviii)
Peas, to Prepare for Children 2079 Powder 2213 Pudding 1286 When best Fit for Eating 1089
Pelote of Lint, its Use 802
Penelope Canvas 1905
Penny Pot (Billiards) 2590
Pepper, Adulteration of 2755 Cayenne 2212 Adulteration of 2750
Percentage of Loss in Roasting 1066-1067
Percentages, Table of 2770
Perfume, A Pleasant 1676
Period, or Full-stop, Nature and Value of 202
Perry 2201
Person on Fire 1319
Personal, Chattels, Meaning of Term 1612 Important Provision respecting 1613 Manners, Hints upon 1983-2024 Property of Married Women 1583
Persons of Rank, How to Address 237
Perspiration 1718
Peruvian Bark, Nature and Uses of 708
Petticoat, Flannel, Economy of 474 (xvii)
Pharmacopoeia, Domestic 475
Pheasant, to Carve 2671 to Truss and Roast 1241
Phosphorus, Poisoning by, Treatment for 1355
Pianofortes, Hints on Keeping 248
Pickle, Indian, to Make 1671 Pickles, Various Kinds of 1659-1673 Pickling, Hints on 1656-1658, 1674
Pic-Nic Biscuits 2118
Picquet, Game of 131
Pie, Apple 1246 Calf's Head 1229 Fruit or Meat, Paste for 1248 Mutton 1244 Oyster 1265 Partridge, Cold 1242 Raised 1232 Rump Steak 1231 Savoury, Paste for 1258 Sea 1230 Veal 1243 Pie-dish, Cup in, Use of 1247
Pigeon, to Carve 2675 to Choose 23 Cold, to Dress 1172
Pike, to Carve 2648
Piles, Homoeopathic Remedies for 955 Ointment for 2409 Remedy for 633
Pills, Aperient 651 (3, 22, 44), 654 Various 548-554
Pitch, Burgundy 768
Pitting in Small-Pox, to Prevent 583-586, 2437
Plaice, to Carve 2640
Plant Skeletons 2330
Plants, to Protect from Leaf Lice 289
Plaster, Adhesive, to Prepare 806 of Paris, to Harden Objects in 2345
Plate, Uncleaned, Don't put by 474 (xx) Plated Ware, to Clean 409
Plum Cake 2092, 2102 Jam 2135 Pudding 1272 Cold, to Re-dress 1299 Cossack's 1137 Plums, to Preserve 1638-1639
Points in Punctuation Described 200-201 Importance of Properly Placing 205 Relative Duration of 203-204 Sentence Properly Punctuated 207 Sentence without, Illustrated 206
Poison, A, Definition of 1341 Poisoning, Treatment for, by Acids 1352 by Alkalies 1357 by Antimony 1348 by Arsenic 1345 by Bites of Reptiles or Animals 1365, 1366 by Baryta 1358 by Bismuth 1351 by Chlorine 1353 by Copper 1346 by Fish 1364 by Gold 1351 by Insect Stings 1367 by Lead 1354 by Lime 1356 by Mad Animals, Bites of 1366 by Mercury 1347 by Narcotics 1360 by Nitre 1359 by Oxalic Acid 1362 by Phosphorus 1355 by Reptiles, Bites of 1365 by Silver 1351 by Spanish Flies 1363 by Stings of Insects 1367 by Tin 1349 by Vegetable Irritant Poisons 1361 by Zinc 1350 How to Act in Cases of 1343 Symptoms of 1341 Poisons Antidotes for 1344 General Observations on 1340 Various Kinds of 1342
Poker, or Draw-Poker, Game of 132 Use of 986
Polish for Enamelled Leather 2239 Polishes, French 2237
Politeness, to Practise 2006
Polka 153 Country Dances 157 Waltz 150
Pomade, Castor Oil, to Make 1709 to Remedy Baldness 1699 Pomatum, Common 1707 Directions for Making 1706 Hard 1708
Pool (Billiards) 2585, 2590
Poor, Beds for the 329
Pope Joan, Game of 109
Porcelain to Clean 419-422 Red in 422
Pork, and Beef, Salted, to Stew 1131 to Choose 16 Fresh, to Stew 1135 Leg of, to Carve 2667 Loin of, to Carve 2668 Slices of, to Dress 1149 Spare Rib of, to Carve 2669 to Roast 1154 Various Joints of, Described 28 (iv)
Porridge, Scotch 1203
Portable Soup 1211
Porter, to Brew 2272
Possession, Giving up Refused 1503
Postage Stamp, Where to Place on Envelope 224 Postal Districts in London 226
Potash and Sulphur Powders 572 Sulphate of 748 Potassa, Acetate of 752
Potato Balls ragout 1112 Colcanon 1110 Potato, Cheesecakes 1109 Fritters 1302 Pie 1118 Pudding 1283 Puffs 1261 Scones 1117 Snow 1113 Potatoes 1103 Boiled 1104 in Bread 1017 for Children 2079 Cold, to Dress 1119 Escalloped 1116 Fried in Slices 1115 Fried Whole 1114 Fried with Fish 1107 Mashed with Onions 1108 with Spinach and Cabbage 1120 New, when Best Fit for Eating 1089 to Peel 1105 to Preserve 1654 Roasted under Meat 1111 to Steam 1106
Pot-au-Feu, to Prepare 1134
Pot-Herbs for Drying, When in Season 36-38(v)
Potichomanie, Art of 2559
Potted Beef 1221 Meat, Strasburg 1222
Poultices, Uses of 809
Poultry, to Fatten 2171 to Hash 1174 Hints Respecting 2173 ragout of 1171 to Roast 1064 When in Season 31-42 (iii)
Powders, Medicinal 568-577
Prawns, to Choose 10
Precautions in Beginning Business 2604 in Case of Fire 1377-1390 in Giving Medicines 676
Prescriptions, Various 650, 651
Presence of Mind a Safeguard against Drowning 1405, 1406
Presentations, Etiquette of 1936
Preserves, Covering for 1630 Hints about Making 1628 Preserving Eggs 1642-1645 Fruit 1619-1623
Press, Direction for those who Write for 247
Preston Salts 2466
Pride, Avoidance of 1992
Principles for Government of Personal Conduct 1996 Personal, Avowal of 1988
Printed Papers, Unfit for Wrapping 326
Privileges of Servants 1465
Promise of Marriage, Breach of 1561-1566
Promissory Notes, Stamps for 2769
Pronunciation, Definition of 182 to Obtain Good Knowledge of 185 Proper, of Words often wrongly Pronounced 197 Rules of 196
Prophylactics, Properties of 895
Provincial Brogues, Hints for Correction of 193-195 Dialects, Examples of 176 Provincialisms, Effect of 179 Use of 168
Ptarmigan, to Roast 1239
Public Places, Behahaviour in 2018
Pudding, Almond 1284 Sauce for 1285 Apple 1269 Boston 1270 Barley 1281 Batter 1276 Baked or Boiled 1277 Black Hog 1192 Bread 1271, 1274 Cabinet 1273 Carrot 1282 Economical Family 1275 Fig 1279 Half Pay 1278 Mother Eve's 1315 Peas 1286 Plain Suet 1280 Plum 1272 Cold, to Re-dress 1299 Cossack's 1137 Potato 1283 Rice, Cold to Re-dress 1297 with Fruit for Children 2080 without Eggs 465 Yorkshire 1036 Puddings for Children 2081
Puff Paste 1257
Puffs, Potato 1261
Pulled Bread, to Make 1021
Punch, Scotch 2282
Punctuality, Practice of 2008
Punctuation, Definition of 198 Importance of 199 Marks Used in 200-213
Pure Air, Necessity of 910
Purgative Emulsion 582 Pills, Mild 550 Ordinary 551 Strong 549 Powders 576 Purgatives, Properties of 896
Put Game of 101-104 Laws of 104
Puzzle, Diagonal 67 Diamond 68 Oblique 66 Puzzles, Specimens of 65 Pyramids (Billiards) 2584
Quadrille, Game of 117
Quadrilles 139
Quadrupeds, to Stuff 2339
Quassia, Uses of 715
Quinine Tooth-powder 1691
Quinsey, Remedy for 634
Quinze, Game of 134
Quotations, Greek and Latin, to be avoided 219
Rabbits, Care of 2167 to Choose 24 Cold, to Dress 1172 to Hash 1174
Radishes, Turnip, to Boil 1123
Ragout of Cold Veal 1164 of Duck, Poultry, or Game 1171 Potato Balls 1112
Rags, Linen, Economy of 457
Raised Pie 1232
Raspberry Ice Cream 2146 Vinegar 2285 Water Ice 2148
Rates and Taxes in Arrear, Indemnification against 1488
Rats, to Destroy 2467
Reading by Candle Light, Best Mode 474 (xxiv) in Bed 1394
Ready Money Purchases, Benefit of 990, 991, 994 Reckoner for Marketing 2775
Rebuses, Example of 69
Receipts for Wages paid 1460
Recipes, Miscellaneous Medicinal 578-588
Recovery of Damages by Workmen from Employer 1606-1609 of Land or Real Estate, Limitation of 1605
Red Cabbage, to Pickle 1661 Cement 2501 Currant Jelly 2124
Redowa Waltz Described 147
Refrigerants, Nature of 770 Properties of 897
Registration of Births 1959 of Deaths 1963, 1964
Regularity in Living, Benefits of 1769
Relish for Chops 2233
Remedies, Chemical 769 Mechanical 782
Rent, Care of Receipts for 1497 Distraining for, Expenses 1582 Broker's Charges, Delivery of 1529 Legal and Illegal 1523 Due from Bankrupts 1526 Form of Receipt 1495, 1496 Goods Seized for, Valuation and Sale of 1530 Illegal Charges on Distraining for 1527 Legal Tender of 1494 Mode of Recovering 1522 Payment of, Imperative 1491 Receipt for, Legal Form of 1493 the Proper Person to Demand it 1492 When Legally Payable 1490
Repairs by Tenant 1477 of Household Property, Landlord's Neglect of 1478
Reptiles, Bites of, to Treat 1365
Respirators, Charcoal 1776
Revolving Ovens 1002
Rheumatic Gout, Mixture for 2392 Rheumatism, Pills for 2390 Remedy for 635, 2422
Rhubarb, and Magnesia Powders 571 to Preserve 1634 Uses of 739 Wine 2273
Rice, and Apples for Children 474 (xxviii), 2083 to Boil, for Curry 1294 Bread, to Make 1019 to Dress, Black Man's Recipe 1292 Dumplings 1288 Lemon 1295 Pancakes 1306 Pudding, Cold, to Re-dress 1297 with Fruit for Children 2080 without Eggs 465 Yellow, to Dress 1293
Rickets, Remedy for 636
Rigollot's Mustard Leaves for Poultices 810
Rings, Finger 2746 Wedding 1979, 1980
Ringworm, Remedy for 637 Treatment of 2416
Roasting, Loss Occasioned by 1066-1067 Rationale of 1065 Remarks on 1035-1067
Roche's Embrocation for Hooping Cough 2404
Rolls, to Make 1023 French, to Make 1022
Roots, Greens, Salads, How to Refresh 1092
Rose Leaves, Uses of 725 Oil, Red 1704 Roses, Milk of 1710 Oil of 1705 Rose-trees, to Clear from Blight 277
Rosewood Furniture, to Polish 383 Imitation of 1438
Royal Family, How to Address 238, 239
Royal Game of Goose 2594
Rubefacients, Nature of 766 Properties of 898
Rules, and Hints for Correct Speaking 181 of Conduct 2183 Domestic, Mrs. Hamilton's 439 for Marketing, Dr. Kitchiner's 44 for Preservation of Health 909 of Pronunciation 196 Special, for Prevention of Cholera 908
Rum, Buttered 2284
Rumpsteak, and Onion Sauce 1158 Pie 1231
Rust, on Steel and Iron, to Remedy 370 Steel Goods, to Preserve from 414, 415
Rustic Work Seats for Models 2383
Rye and Wheat Flour 1016
Sage and Onion Sauce 2231
Sailors, Cookery for 1130
St. Vitus's Dance 642
Sal-Ammoniac as a Freezing Mixture 2153
Salad, French Mode of Dressing 1267 to Choose 1266 to Mix 1266 Mixture in Verse 1268
Sale of Food and Drugs Acts, Extracts from 2747
Salivation, Gargle for 522
Sally Lunn Tea Cakes, to Make 1024
Salmon to Carve 2642 to Choose 5
Salt, Beef and Pork, Stew of 1131 Drying for Table, Hint on 474 (xix) Liquor of Boiled Meat, How to Use 1076 Meat, Treatment of, before Boiling 1076
Salts, Preston 2466
Salutations, Advice on 2010
Sal-Volatile, to Restore Colours 453 Use of 702
Samphire, to Pickle 1670
Sandwiches, Anchovy 1201
Sarsaparilla, Decoction of 2465 Uses of 760
Satin to Clean 2721 White, to Clean 2720
Sauce, Apple 2225 Beef Gravy 2228 Chutney 2229 Fish 2224 Grill 2226 Liver, for Fish 2223 Sage and Onions 2231 Tomato 2227 Wow-wow 2230
Saucepan, Uses of 1031
Sausages 1185 Adulteration of 2756 Beef 1260 Bologna 1185 Mutton 1188 Oxford 1186 to Prepare Skins for 1190 Veal 1189 Worcester 1187 Saveloys, to Make 1191
Scalds, Cure for 2435 Treatment of 1317-1318
Scammony, Uses of 745
Scandal, Live it Down 160
Scarification, Surgical Use of 850
Scarlet Fever, Remedy for 638
Scent-bag, Lavender 1677
Schottische 155
Scones, to Make 1307
Scotch Barley Broth 1205 Brose 1204 Fingering Wool 1879 Porridge 1203 Punch 2282 Woodcock 1193
Scottish Brogue, Hints for Correction of 194 Dialect 170 Importance of Correcting 179
Scouring Bedrooms, Hints about 334 Boards, Directions for 399 Drops for Removing Grease 432
Scratches, Treatment of 2415
Screw-box 313 Screws and Nails 311, 312
Scrofula, Remedy for 639 Scrofulous Ulcerations, Ointment for 545
Scurf, Ointment for 2417 Treatment of 2418
Scurvy, Remedy for 640
Sea Pie 1230
Sea water, Artificial, to Prepare 2458 Seaweeds, to Collect and Prepare 2337
Sedative Lotion 530 Sedatives, Properties of 899
Seidlitz Powders 2294
Self-Praise, Avoidance of 2002
Selling on Credit, Reasons for 993
Semicolon, Nature and Value of 202
Senna and Manna, to Render Palatable 2089 Confections 492, 493 Properties and Uses of 738
Separation of Man and Wife, Deed of 1567
September, Flowers for 266 Food in Season in 39
Servant, Deceased, Who may Claim Wages due to 1458 Incapacitated from Work, Law Relating to 1454 Leaving Without Due Notice 1451 Liability of, for Breakages 1450 Medical Attendance for, Liability of Employer 1462 Purchases Made by, for Employer 1469 Reservation of Special Privileges by 1465 Seduced from Employment, Employer's Recovery 1467 When he may Refuse to perform Certain Duties 1468 Woman, Married, Entitled to Receive her Wages 1461 Servants, Character, Law Respecting 1470 Disabled by Sickness, Law Relating to 1455 Dismissal of 1441 Dismissed, Wages Claimed by 1463 Hired by the Year, Law Relating to 1456, 1457 Hiring of 1441 Ill-paid and Young, Caution as to 474 (xxxvi) Livery, Special Law Concerning 1452 Menial, Agreements with 1445 Responsibility of Employers for 1468 should not Sleep with Children 2065 Special Hirings 1465 Treatment of 2202
Sesquicarbonate of Ammonia, Uses of 704 of Soda, Uses of 774
Seven-Bell Pasty 1245
Seville Oranges, Properties and Uses of 771
Sewing, by Candlelight, Hint on 474 (xxxiii) When best done 451
Shalots, to Pickle 1662
Shanks of Mutton for Stock 467
Sheep, fed near Sea, Why Flesh of Nutritious 1783 Sheepskins, Dried, for Hearthrugs 305
Sheets, to Mend 474 (xv, xxiii)
Shelves in Tool Closet 315, 317
Sherbet, to Prepare 2292
Shetland Wool 1875
Shirts, to Mend 474 (xxiii)
Shocks, Violent, Treatment of 1329
Shoes, Blacking for 2244 to Clean 2240 Waterproofing for 2245, 2246
Shop, Directions for Taking 2598-2609 Shopkeeper, Duties of 2608 Shopkeeping, Useful Work on 2609
Shrimps, to Choose 10
Sialogogues, Nature of 764 Properties of 900
Sick, Visiting the, Cautious as to 474 (xii), 1373 Sick-room, Borax in 2323 Jelly for 2131
Sideboard, Utility of 2618
Signature, How to Write it 229
Signification of Names 970
Signs of the Weather 962
Silk, Black, to Revive 2256 to Clean 2721 to Dye 2704-2710 Embroidery, Stitches in 1899 Flowered, to Clean 2720 to Remove Grease Spots from 2261 to Renovate 2255 to Restore Colour of 2257 Thread, How Made 1886 Various Kinds of 1887-1893
Silver, to Clean 409 Nitrate of, Uses of 780 Poisoning by, Treatment of 1351 to Remove Ink Stains from 403
Simmering Meat 29 (ii)
Simplicity and Grace, Desirability of 1933
Singing, Utility of 1759
Single Pool (Billiards) 2586
Sinks, to Disinfect 344
Sir Roger de Coverley Dance Described 156
Skeleton Fruits 2331 Leaves 2330
Skin, Diseases of, How generally Caused 1721 Necessity of Keeping it Clean 919 to Soften 1685
Skittle Pool (Billiards) 2589
Sky, Colour of, a Sign of the Weather 964
Skylarks, Care of 2162
Sleep, How to Obtain 1761 of Children, Duration 2056-2064
Sling for the Arm 834
Sloe Wine 2763
Slugs, to Destroy 280, 2468, 2469
Small Birds, to Stuff 2340
Small-pox, Pitting in, to Prevent 583-586, 2437 Remedy for 641
Smell of Paint, to Remove 335, 336
Smithfield Hare 28 (viii)
Smoky Chimney, to Guard Against 345
Snails, to Destroy 280 Traps for 281
Snipe, to Carve 2676 to Choose 26
Soap, Honey, to Make 1680 Liniment with Spanish Flies 508 Soapsuds, Economy of 441
Sociable, How to be 2007 Society, Conduct in 2013 Introduction to, Etiquette of 1925
Soda Cake 2104 Carbonate of, Properties and Uses of 774 Powders, Compound 569 Soda-water Powders 2293
Sofa, to Choose 302 to Clean 384
Soft Water, to Prepare 342, 458
Soldering, Neat Mode of 348
Soldiers, Cookery for 1130
Sole, to Carve 2641
Soles of Boots, Gutta Percha, to Put on 2247
Solitaire, Game of 135
Song Birds, Care of 2156-2162
Soporifics, Properties of 901
Sore Nipples, Ointment for 2408 Throat, Gargle for 2386 Inflammatory, Remedy for 619 Sores, Charcoal applied to 1777
Soup, Asparagus 1214 Carrot 1215 Clear Gravy 1210 French Beef, to Prepare 1134 Mutton 1132 Pea 1133 Portable 1211 Vegetable 1213 Vermicelli 1212
Spanish Dance 142 Fly, Poisoning by, Treatment for 1363 Uses of 767
Spasmodic Disorders, Prescription for 651 (12)
Speaking, Correctly, Rules and Hints for 181 Errors in 161-168 Correction of 180
Special Marriage Licences 1939
Speculation, Game of 105
Spelling, Hints upon 214
Spirit Polish 2237
Spit, How to Use 1028
Splints, Substitutes for 836
Sponge Cake 2108, 2109 Almond 2110 Lemon 2121
Sponges, to Clean 1712
Spongio-Piline for Poultices 809
Spots from Furniture, to Remove 452
Sprains, Homeopathic Treatment of 956 Remedy for 2422, 2423
Spring Aperients 653
Square Words 70
Squills, Uses of 753
Squinting, Remedy for 2389
Squirrels, Care of 2166
Stable, Vaseline in the 2328
Staining, General Observations on 1413 Stains from Books, to Extract 426 Floors, to Remove 431 the Hands, to Remove 1683
Stair Carpet, to Sweep 379
Staircase on Fire 1384
Stamp On Envelope, Where to Place 224
Stamped Agreements between Landlord and Tenant 1531 Correspondence respecting 1532 Documents, Importance of 1533 Stamps for Bills of Exchange, &c. 2769
Star (or Asterisk) Definition of 213
Starch, Gum Arabic 2742 Mucilage of 588 Paste Models, to Form 2361
Steel, Rust on, to Remedy 370 Goods, to Preserve from Rust 414, 415
Stew, Irish, to Prepare 1162 Palatable, to Prepare 1163
Stimulant and Tonic Mixture 563 Gargle 523 Lotion 539 Stimulants, General 691 Local 728 Nature and Uses of 691 Properties of 902
Sting of Nettle, Cure for 2432 Stings of Bees and Wasps, Cure for 2430, 2431 of Insects, to Treat 1367
Stock, Brown 1223, 1224 from Shanks of Mutton 467
Stockings, Worsted and Lambswool, to Mend 2264
Stomach, Inflammation of, Remedy for 618 Stomachic Mixture 564 Stomachics, Properties of 903
Stone, to Stain 1414
Stoppers of Bottles, to Loosen 357
Stoves, Blacking for, to Make 396 Brunswick Black for 395
Strap, Leather, Convenience of 474 (xxix)
Strasburg Potted Meat 1222
Straw Bonnets, to Bleach 2728 to Clean 2726 Matting, to Clean 381
Strawberry Ice Cream 2145 Water Ice 2147
Stuffing Birds, Quadrupeds, &c. 2339, 2340
Stuffing for Goose or Duck 1226
Styptics, Properties of 904
Succedaneum, Tooth Stopping 2446
Sucking Pig, to Carve 2626, 2663
Sudorific Powders 577 Sudorifics, Properties of 905
Suet Dumplings, Hint on Boiling 474 (xiv) Pudding, Plain 1280
Suffocation from Charcoal Fumes, to Treat 1372 from Noxious Gases, Treatment for 1338
Suffolk Dialect 169
Sugar Biscuits 2120 Icing for Wedding Cake 1956
Sulphate of Copper, Uses of 779 of Potash, Properties and Uses of 748 of Zinc 727 Eye-wash 482 Sulphur 736 and Potash Powders 572 and Senna Confection 495 Sulphuric Ether, Compound Spirit, Uses of 693 Nature and Uses of 709
Summer Champagne 2291
Sun, Warmth of, in Dwelling, Essential 914 Sunburn, Wash for 2442 Sunstroke, Treatment for 1339
Superiority, Intellectual, Rudeness in Boasting of 220
Suppers, My Wife's 1251
Surgery, Domestic 796 Surgical Dressings 797 Instruments for 798 Materials for 799 Operations, Minor 838
Swearing, Avoidance of 1995
Sweet Bags for Linen 2745 Dishes, Cold, to Redress 1296-1299
Sweetbread, to Prepare 1194, 1195
Swimming 1397-1412 Belts, to Make 1412 Comfort in 1401 Cramp in 1408 Dr. Franklin's Advice on 1398-1411 Kite, Aid of 1411
Syrup, Apples in 2139 Indian 2138 to Make 1629 Orange or Lemon Peel 2137
Table of Days from One Month to Another 2771 of Expenses, Income, and Wages 2772 of Interest for Savings, Investments, &c. 2773 of Percentages 2770
Table, Dinner, How to Lay Neatly 474 (vi) 2617 Room, Economy of 2623 Table-covers, to Remove Ink Stains from 404 Tables, Dining, to Polish 385 to Preserve 330
Tamarind Drink 566-567 Uses of 734
Tapestry of Auxerre 1921 Painting 1920
Tart, Cold Apple, to Re-dress 1298
Tartar, Cream of 744 Emetic 758 Ointment 547 Tartaric Acid, Uses of 777
Tarts, Paste for 1249
Taste of Medicine, to Prevent 685, 686
Tatting, or Frivolite, Instructions in 1833-1840 Implements for 1834 Picots in 1840 Stitches in 1835, 1836 Trefoil 1838
Taxes Payable by Landlord 1486
Tea, Adulteration of 2757 Economy of 2295 to Make 2296-2298 Parties, My Wife's 2091 Standing in Tin 443 Why Made with Boiling Water 1799 Why its First Infusion has the most Aroma 1800 Why it often Cures Headache 1796
Tea-cakes 2099 Sally Lunn, to Make 1024
Tea-kettle, to Keep Clean 341
Teal, to Dress 1235
Teapots, China, Desirability of 359
Teeth, Solution for 1687 Teething 2443 Homeopathic Treatment of 957
Telegraph, Love's 1978
Temper, Female, Management of 2184 Keep Your 474 (viii), 1991
Temperance, Benefits of 1764-1767
Tenancies, Notices Relating to 1483 Yearly, Terms of 1484 Tenant and Landlord, Law of 1471-1533 Indemnity to Incoming Tenant 1487 Notice to Quit 1498 Stamped Agreements 1531
Tent of Lint 802
Termination of Leases 1480
Terra Cotta Painting 1922
Theory of Cooking 1034
Thinning the Blood, Mode of 2454
Thirty-four Puzzle, The 2592
Throat, Bone in, Treatment for 1332 Inflamed, Gargle for 526 Inflammatory Sore, Remedy for 619 Sore, Gargle for 2386
Thrush, Remedy for 643
Thrushes, Care of 2157
Thumb, Dislocated, Remedy for 1323
Tic-Douloureux, Remedy for 644, 2385
Tincture of Allspice 2207 of Camphor, its Uses 938 of Lemon Peel 2308
Tin, Poisoning by, Treatment for 1349
Tin-ware, Care of 444 to Clean 413
Titled Persons, to Address Properly 235
Toads, Uses of, in Gardens 279
Toast, Anchovy 1202
Toddy, Whisky 2282
Toilet, Borax for the 2320 Etiquette of the 1926 Vaseline for the 2326 Young Lady's 1713 |