English Synonyms and Antonyms - With Notes on the Correct Use of Prepositions
by James Champlin Fernald
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ponder, deliberate, 125

populace, mob, 243

popular, general, 181

population, people, 266

port, air, 27

portal, entrance, 154

portend, augur, 66

portentous, awful, 70

portion, 279 " part, 264

portion out, allot, 34

pose, attitude, 65

position, attitude, 65 " circumstance, 105

positive, absolute, 8 " dogmatic, 137 " radical, 299 " real, 301

possess, have, 194

possession, be in, have, 194

possibility, accident, 14 " event, 158

postulate, assume, 61

posture, attitude, 65

pound, beat, 75

poverty, 279

power, 279 " cause, 98

practise, v., follow, 174

practise, n., exercise, 162 " habit, 187

practised, skilful, 335

praise, 280

prate, babble, 71

prattle, babble, 71

pray, 281 " ask, 59

precarious, 282

precaution, care, 94

precedent, a., previous, 285

precedent, n., 282 " cause, 98 " example, 160

preceding, previous, 285

precept, doctrine, 136 " proverb, 293

precious, rare, 300

precipitancy, temerity, 353

precipitation, temerity, 353

precipitous, steep, 342

precise, minute, 242

preclude, prevent, 284 " prohibit, 290

preconception, prejudice, 283

predestination, 282

predicate, state, 341

predict, augur, 66

predilection, fancy, 167

prefer, choose, 104 " promote, 291

preference, alternative, 38

prejudice, 283 " injury, 219

preliminary, previous, 285

premium, subsidy, 345

prenomen, name, 247

preoccupied, abstracted, 11

prepared, alert, 28

prepossession, prejudice, 283

preposterous, absurd, 11 " queer, 297

prerogative, right, 319

presage, augur, 66 " sign, 332

prescience, wisdom, 372

present, gift, 184

presentiment, anticipation, 48

presently, immediately, 211

preserve, keep, 226

press, v., plead, 274

press, n., throng, 356

press forward, quicken, 297

prestige, sign, 332

presumable, apparent, 52 " likely, 232

presume, assume, 61

presumption, assurance, 61 " impudence, 213 " prejudice, 283 " pride, 286 " temerity, 353

pretend, assume, 61

pretender, hypocrite, 204

pretense, 283 " hypocrisy, 204

pretension, pretense, 283

preternatural, supernatural, 347

pretext, pretense, 283

pretty, beautiful, 76

prevail, succeed, 346

prevailing, usual, 362

prevail over, conquer, 115

prevail upon, persuade, 271

prevalent, general, 181 " usual, 362

prevarication, deception, 123

prevent, 284 " hinder, 199 " prohibit, 290

previous, 285

prevision, anticipation, 48

price, 285

pride, 286

prim, neat, 249

primal, primeval, 287

primary, primeval, 287

prime, primeval, 287

primeval, 287

primitive, primeval, 287 " radical, 299

primordial, primeval, 287 " transcendental, 361

princely, royal, 320

principle, doctrine, 136 " law, 229 " reason, n., 302

prior, previous, 285

pristine, primeval, 287

privacy, retirement, 315

privation, poverty, 279

privilege, right, 319

prize, esteem, v., 156

probable, apparent, 52 " likely, 232

probity, virtue, 370

problem, riddle, 318

procedure, operation, 258

proceed, rise, 319

proceeding, act, 16 " transaction, 360

proceeds, harvest, 192 " profit, 288

process, motion, 245

proclaim, announce, 46 " avow, 69

proclivity, appetite, 54 " desire, 128

procrastinate, protract, 293

procrastinating, slow, 337

procure, attain, 64 " get, 183 " purchase, 295

prodigality, excess, 160

produce, v., allege, 31

produce, n., harvest, 192

product, harvest, 192 " work, 374

production, work, 374

profane swearing, oath, 254

profanity, oath, 254

profess, avow, 69

profession, business, 88

proficiency, progress, 289

proficient, skilful, 335

profit, 288 " utility, 363

profitless, vain, 364

profound, obscure, 255

profundity, wisdom, 372

profuse, plentiful, 276

profusion, excess, 160

prognostic, sign, 332

prognosticate, augur, 66

progress, 289

progression, progress, 289

prohibit, 290 " abolish, 6

prohibition, barrier, 74 " order, 258

project, v., send, 327

project, n., design, 128

prolixity, circumlocution, 105

prolong, protract, 293

promise, contract, 118

promote, 291 " abet, 4 " quicken, 297

promoter, agent, 24 " auxiliary, 67

prompt, v., influence, 217

prompt, a., active, 17 " alert, 28 " nimble, 253

promulgate, announce, 46

prone, addicted, 19

proneness, appetite, 54

pronounce, speak, 339 " state, 341

proof, demonstration, 127 " testimony, 355

prop, support, 348

propel, drive, 140 " send, 327

propensity, appetite, 54 " desire, 128

proper, becoming, 77

property, attribute, n., 66 " characteristic, 103 " money, 244

prophesy, augur, 66

propinquity, approximation, 55

propitiation, 291

propitious, 291

proportion, analogy, 43 " portion, 279

proposal, 292 " design, 128

propose, 292

proposition, proposal, 292 " topic, 359

propound, announce, 46 " state, 341

prosecute, arraign, 56

proselyte, convert, 119

prosper, succeed, 346

prospered, fortunate, 177

prosperous, fortunate, 177 " happy, 190

prostitute, abuse, 12

protect, cherish, 104 " keep, 226 " shelter, 331

protection, defense, 123

protest, avow, 69 " state, 341

prototype, example, 160 " ideal, 206 " model, 243

protract, 293

proud, high, 198

prove, confirm, 114 " reason, v., 302

provender, food, 175

proverb, 293

provided, but, 89

providence, frugality, 180 " prudence, 294

provoke, affront, 24

prowess, 294

proxy, delegate, 125

prudence, 294 " care, 94 " frugality, 180 " wisdom, 372

prying, inquisitive, 221

public, general, 181 " usual, 362

publications, literature, 233

public life, career, 95

publish, announce, 46

puerile, youthful, 375

pull, draw, 138

pungent, bitter, 81 " racy, 299

punish, avenge, 69 " chasten, 103 " requite, 313

pupil, scholar, 324

purchasable, venal, 365

purchase, 295

pure, 296 " fine, 172 " innocent, 220

purify, amend, 41 " chasten, 103 " cleanse, 107

purity, virtue, 370

purloin, abstract, 10

purpose, v., propose, 292

purpose, n., aim, 26 " design, 128 " end, n., 148 " idea, 206 " reason, n., 302

purposeless, faint, 164

pursue, follow, 174

pursuit, hunt, 203

push, drive, 140 " promote, 291

put, 296

put down, conquer, 115

put on, assume, 61

putrefy, decay, 122

put to death, kill, 226

put up with, endure, 150

puzzle, riddle, 318

quaint, antique, 48 " queer, 297

quake, shake, 330

qualification, power, 279

qualified, adequate, 21

qualify, change, n., 100

quality, attribute, n., 66 " characteristic, 103

quarrel, feud, 170

quash, cancel, 92

quaver, shake, 330

queer, 297

question, v., reason, v., 302

question, n., doubt, n., 138 " topic, 359

questionable, equivocal, 155

quick, active, 17 " alive, 30 " clever, 109 " nimble, 253

quicken, 297

quick of scent, sagacious, 322

quick-scented, sagacious, 322

quick-witted, clever, 109

quiescence, rest, 313

quiet, allay, 31 " calm, 91 " rest, 313

quietness, apathy, 50 " rest, 313

quietude, rest, 313

quit, abandon, 1 " cease, 98 " end, v., 148 " requite, 313

quiver, shake, 330

quote, 298

rabble, mob, 243

race, career, 95 " kin, 227 " people, 266

racy, 299

radical, 299

rage, anger, 44

raging, fierce, 171

raider, robber, 320

rail at, abuse, 12

raillery, banter, 73 " wit, 373

raiment, dress, 140

raise, promote, 291

ramble, wander, 371

rampart, barrier, 74 " defense, 123

rancor, enmity, 152 " hatred, 193

range, wander, 371

rank, class, 106

rap, blow, 83

rapacious, avaricious, 68

rapture, enthusiasm, 153 " happiness, 189

rapturous, happy, 190

rare, 300 " obsolete, 256

rashness, temerity, 353

rate, calculate, 90

ratify, confirm, 114

ratiocination, reasoning, 303

rational, sagacious, 322

ravish, abuse, 12

raze, demolish, 127

reach, 300 " attain, 64 " make, 236

readiness, address, n., 20 " dexterity, 129 " ease, 143 " power, 279

reading, education, 143

ready, active, 17 " alert, 28

real, 301 " authentic, 67 " pure, 296

reality, veracity, 367

realize, do, 135

reanimate, recover, 305

reaping, harvest, 192

reason, v., 302

reason, n., 302 " cause, 98 " mind, 241 " wisdom, 372

reasonableness, wisdom, 372

reasoning, 303

rebellion, revolution, 317

rebellious, 304 " restive, 314

rebuke, v., reprove, 312

rebuke, n., reproof, 311

recalcitrant, restive, 314

recall, renounce, 309

recant, abandon, 1 " renounce, 309

receipts, profit, 288

receive, get, 183

received, authentic, 67

recent, new, 252

reciprocal, mutual, 246

reciprocate, requite, 313

recital, history, 200 " report, 311 " story, 343

recite, quote, 298

recklessness, temerity, 353

reckon, calculate, 90

recognition, knowledge, 227

recognize, confess, 114 " discern, 133

recollection, memory, 239

recompense, pay, 266 " requite, 313

reconciliation, propitiation, 291

recondite, mysterious, 247

record, 304 " character, 102 " history, 200 " report, 311 " story, 343

recover, 305

recreate, entertain, 152

recreation, entertainment, 153 " rest, 313

recruit, recover, 305

rectify, amend, 41

rectitude, justice, 225 " virtue, 370

recuperate, recover, 305

redoubted, formidable, 176

reduce, abase, 2 " abate, 3 " alleviate, 33 " conquer, 115

redundance, circumlocution, 105 " excess, 160

redundancy, circumlocution, 105 " excess, 160

reel, shake, 330

refer, allude, 36 " attribute, v., 65

referee, judge, 224

refine, chasten, 103

refined, fine, 172

refinement, 305

reflect, deliberate, 125

reflection, reproof, 311

reform, amend, 41

refractory, obstinate, 256 " rebellious, 304 " restive, 314

refrain, cease, 98 " keep, 226

refreshing, delightful, 126

refuse, renounce, 309

refute, 306

regain, recover, 305

regal, royal, 320

regard, v., esteem, v., 156 " look, 234 " love, 235

regard, n., attachment, 63 " esteem, n., 157 " friendship, 179

regeneration, change, n., 101

regimen, food, 175

register, history, 200 " record, 304

regret, v., mourn, 246

regret, n., grief, 187 " repentance, 310

regular, continual, 117 " normal, 253 " usual, 362

regularity, system, 350

regulation, law, 229

rehearsal, report, 311

reign over, govern, 185

reject, renounce, 309

rejoiced, happy, 190

rejoicing, a., happy, 190

rejoicing, n., happiness, 189

rejoinder, answer, 46

relation, analogy, 43 " report, 311 " story, 343

relationship, kin, 227

release, absolve, 9

relegate, commit, 110

relentless, severe, 329

reliable, 306 " authentic, 67

reliance, faith, 164

relieve, alleviate, 33

religion, 307

relinquish, abandon, 1 " surrender, 349

relish, appetite, 54

reluctant, 308

remain, abide, 5

remains, body, 84 " trace, 359

remark, 308

remarkable, rare, 300

remembrance, memory, 239

reminiscence, memory, 239

remission, pardon, 262

remissness, neglect, 251

remit, pardon, 262

remnant, trace, 359

remonstrate, complain, 112 " reprove, 312

remorse, repentance, 310

remote, alien, a., 29 " old, 257

remove, abolish, 6 " abstract, 10 " alleviate, 33 " cancel, 92 " carry, 96 " convey, 119 " displace, 135 " exterminate, 163

remunerate, requite, 313

remuneration, pay, 266

rend, 309 " break, 86

render, make, 236

rendering, definition, 124

renewal, change, n., 101

renewing, change, n., 101

renounce, 309 " abandon, 1

renown, fame, 166

repair, amend, 41

repartee, answer, 46

repay, requite, 313

repeal, abolish, 6 " cancel, 92

repeat, quote, 298

repel, drive, 140 " refute, 306

repentance, 310

repine, complain, 112

replete, plentiful, 276

replica, duplicate, 141

reply, answer, 46

report, v., announce, 46

report, n., 311

repose, rest, 313

repossess, recover, 305

reprehend, reprove, 312

reprehension, reproof, 311

representation, model, 243

representative, delegate, 125

repress, restrain, 315

reprimand, v., reprove, 312

reprimand, n., reproof, 311

reproach, v., abuse, 12 " reprove, 312

reproach, n., blemish, 82 " reproof, 311

reprobate, v., condemn, 113

reprobation, oath, 254

reproduction, duplicate, 141

reproof, 311

reproval, reproof, 311

reprove, 312 " condemn, 113

repudiate, abandon, 1 " renounce, 309

repugnance, antipathy, 48 " hatred, 193

repugnant, incongruous, 214

repulse, drive, 140

repulsion, antipathy, 48

reputation, character, 102 " fame, 166

repute, fame, 166

request, v., ask, 59 " pray, 281

require, ask, 59 " make, 236

required, necessary, 250

requirement, necessity, 250

requisite, a., necessary, 250 " order, 258

requisite, n., necessity, 250

requital, pay, 266 " revenge, 316

requite, 313

rescind, cancel, 92

resemblance, analogy, 43 " approximation, 55

resembling, alike, 30

resentful, restive, 314

resentment, anger, 44 " hatred, 193 " pique, 272

reserve, modesty, 244 " pride, 286

reserved, taciturn, 351

reside, abide, 5

residence, home, 201

resign, abandon, 1

resignation, patience, 265

resist, drive, 140 " hinder, 199

resistance, defense, 123

resolute, obstinate, 256

resolution, fortitude, 176

resolved, obstinate, 256

resource, alternative, 38

respect, v., admire, 23 " venerate, 366

respect, n., esteem, n., 157

response, answer, 46

responsibility, duty, 142

rest, v., abide, 5

rest, n., 313

restiff, restive, 314

restive, 314

restless, active, 17 " restive, 314

restore, recover, 305

restrain, 315 " arrest, 57 " bind, 81 " govern, 185 " keep, 226

restraint, barrier, 74

restrict, bind, 81 " restrain, 315

restriction, barrier, 74

result, v., follow, 174

result, n., consequence, 116 " end, n., 148 " event, 158 " harvest, 192 " operation, 258

resume, recover, 305

retain, keep, 226

retainer, accessory, 13

retaliate, avenge, 69 " requite, 313

retaliation, revenge, 316

retard, hinder, 199 " obstruct, 257

reticent, taciturn, 351

retire, abandon, 1

retirement, 315

retort, answer, 46

retract, abandon, 1

retribution, revenge, 316

retrieve, recover, 305

retrospect, memory, 239

retrospection, memory, 239

return, v., requite, 313

return, n., harvest, 192 " profit, 288

returns, profit, 288

reveal, announce, 46

revelation, 316

revenge, v., avenge, 69 " requite, 313

revenge, n., 316 " hatred, 193

revere, admire, 23 " venerate, 366

reverence, v., venerate, 366

reverence, n., veneration, 366

reverie, dream, 139

reverse, v., abolish, 6

reverse, n., misfortune, 242

revile, abuse, 12 " slander, 336

revoke, abolish, 6 " cancel, 92 " renounce, 309

revolt, n., revolution, 317

revolution, 317 " change, 101

revolve, 318

reward, v., requite, 313

reward, n., subsidy, 345

rhythm, meter, 240

rich, plentiful, 276 " racy, 299

ride, drive, 140

riddle, 318

ridicule, banter, 73

ridiculous, absurd, 11 " queer, 297

right, a., innocent, 220

right, n., 319 " duty, 142 " justice, 225

right away, right off, immediately, 211

righteous, innocent, 220

righteousness, duty, 142 " justice, 225 " religion, 307 " virtue, 370

rightfulness, justice, 225

rightness, virtue, 370

rigid, severe, 329

rigorous, severe, 329

rim, bank, 72

rime (rhyme), poetry, 277

rinse, cleanse, 107

riot, revolution, 317

rip, rend, 309

rise, v., 319

rise, n., beginning, 78

risk, n., danger, 121 " hazard, 194

risky, precarious, 282

rite, sacrament, 321

rival, n., enemy, 151

rivalry, ambition, 40

rive, break, 86 " rend, 309

road, way, 372

roadway, way, 372

roam, wander, 371

roar, call, 91

robber, 320

robes, dress, 140

rock, shake, 330

roll, v., revolve, 318

roll, n., record, n., 304

romance, dream, 139 " fiction, 170

root out, exterminate, 163

rot, decay, 122

rotate, revolve, 318

rough, awkward, 70 " bluff, 83

rout, conquer, 115

route, way, 372

routine, habit, 187

rove, wander, 371

royal, 320

rub off or out, cancel, 92

rude, barbarous, 73 " bluff, 83 " rustic, 321

rudeness, impudence, 213

rue, mourn, 246

ruin, v., abuse, 12 " demolish, 127 " subvert, 346

ruin, n., misfortune, 242

ruinous, pernicious, 270

rule, v., govern, 185

rule, n., habit, 187 " law, 229 " system, 350

rumor, report, 311

rupture, break, 86 " rend, 309

rural, rustic, 321

ruse, artifice, 58 " pretense, 283

rush, career, 95

rustic, 321

sable, dark, 122

sacrament, 321

sacred, holy, 200

sacrifice, surrender, 349

sadness, grief, 187

safeguard, defense, 123

sagacious, 322 " astute, 62

sagacity, acumen, 18 " wisdom, 372

sage, sagacious, 322

saintly, holy, 200

salable, venal, 365

salary, pay, 266

sale, 323

salubrious, healthy, 195

salutary, healthy, 195

salutation, parting, farewell, 168

salute, address, v., 19

same, alike, 30 " synonymous, 349

sample, 323 " example, 160

sanctimoniousness, hypocrisy, 204

sanctimony, hypocrisy, 204

sanction, v., abet, 4 " allow, 35 " confirm, 114

sanitary, healthy, 195

sarcasm, banter, 73

sate, satisfy, 324

satiate, satisfy, 324

satire, banter, 73

satisfaction, happiness, 189 " propitiation, 291

satisfactory, adequate, 21 " comfortable, 110

satisfied, comfortable, 110

satisfy, 324 " requite, 313

satisfying, delightful, 126

sauciness, impudence, 213 " pertness, 271

savage, barbarous, 73 " bitter, 81 " fierce, 171

savant, scholar, 324

save, but, 89

saving, frugality, 180

savory, delicious, 126

saw, n., proverb, 293

say, allege, 31 " announce, 46 " speak, 339 " state, 341

saying, proverb, 293

scan, look, 234

scarce, rare, 300

scare, frighten, 180

schedule, record, 304

scheme, design, 128 " hypothesis, 205

schismatic, heretic, 196

scholar, 324

scholarship, knowledge, 227

school, v., teach, 353

schooling, education, 143

science, 325 " knowledge, 227

scintilla, particle, 264

scintillation, light, 231

scoff, sneer, 337

scorch, burn, 87

scorn, v., abhor, 5

scorn, n., neglect, 251

scour, cleanse, 107

scourge, beat, 75

scout, spy, 340

scrap, particle, 264

scratch out, cancel, 92

scream, call, 91

screen, hide, 197 " palliate, 261 " shelter, 331

scrimping, frugality, 180

scroll, record, 304

scrub, cleanse, 107

scruple, doubt, n., 138

scrutinizing, inquisitive, 221

search, hunt, 203

searching, inquisitive, 221

season, time, 356

seat of government, capital, 94

seclusion, retirement, 315

second, help, 195

secret, mysterious, 247

secrete, hide, 197

section, part, 264

secure, arrest, 57 " attain, 64 " bind, 81 " catch, 97 " get, 183 " purchase, 295

security, 326

sedate, calm, 91

sedition, revolution, 317

seditious, rebellious, 304

seduce, allure, 37

sedulous, industrious, 215

sedulousness, industry, 216

see, discern, 133 " look, 234

seed, plant, 274

seed down, plant, 274

seem, appear, 52

seeming, a., apparent, 52

seeming, n., pretense, 283

seemly, becoming, 77

segment, part, 264

seize, arrest, 57 " catch, 97

select, allot, 34 " choose, 104

self-abnegation, 329

self-assertion, assurance, 61 " egotism, 145

self-complacency, pride, 286

self-conceit, egotism, 145 " pride, 286

self-condemnation, repentance, 310

self-confidence, assurance, 61 " egotism, 145

self-consciousness, egotism, 145

self-control, abstinence, 10 " self-abnegation, 326

self-denial, abstinence, 10 " self-abnegation, 326

self-devotion, self-abnegation, 326

self-esteem, egotism, 145 " pride, 286

self-exaltation, pride, 286

self-immolation, self-abnegation, 326

self-opinionated, dogmatic, 137

self-possessed, calm, 91

self-reliance, assurance, 61

self-renunciation, self-abnegation, 326

self-respect, pride, 286

self-restraint, abstinence, 10

self-sacrifice, self-abnegation, 326

sell, convey, 119

semblance, analogy, 43 " pretense, 283

send, 327

senile, old, 257

sensation, 328

sense, mind, 241 " sensation, 328 " wisdom, 372

senseless, absurd, 11

senselessness, idiocy, 207

sensibility, 328

sensible, conscious, 116 " physical, 272 " sagacious, 322

sensitive, fine, 172

sensitiveness, sensibility, 328

sensual, brutish, 87

sentence, v., condemn, 113

sententious, terse, 354

sentient being, animal, 45

sentiment, idea, 206

separate, abstract, 10

separately, apiece, 51

sequel, catastrophe, 97 " consequence, 116 " event, 158

sequence, time, 356

serene, calm, 91

sermon, speech, 339

service, profit, 288 " sacrament, 321 " utility, 363

serviceableness, utility, 363

set, v., plant, 274 " put, 296

set, n., class, 106 " flock, 173

set apart, allow, 34 " holy, 200

set aside, abolish, 6

set fire to, burn, 87

set forth, state, 341

set free, absolve, 9

set on fire, burn, 87

set out, plant, 274

settle, confirm, 114

settle with, requite, 133

set upon, attack, v., 63

sever, break, 86 " rend, 309

severally, apiece, 51

severe, 329 " difficult, 132 " morose, 245

severity, acrimony, 15

sex, gender, 181

shackle, v., bind, 81

shackle, n., fetter, 169

shadowy, dark, 122 " vain, 364

shady, dark, 122

shake, 330

sham, hypocrisy, 204

shame, v., abash, 3

shame, n., abomination, 7 " chagrin, 100

shamelessness, effrontery, 144

shape, make, 236

share, v., apportion, 54

share, n., part, 264 " portion, 279

sharp, astute, 62 " bitter, 81 " clever, 109 " fine, 172 " sagacious, 322 " steep, 342

sharpness, acrimony, 15 " acumen, 18

sharp-witted, sagacious, 322

shatter, break, 86

sheen, light, 231

sheer, pure, 296 " steep, 342

shelter, v., 331 " cherish, 104

shelter, n., defense, 123

shield, v., shelter, 331

shield, n., defense, 123

shift, v., change, v., 100 " convey, 119

shimmer, light, 231

shine, light, 231

shining, light, 231

shiver, break, 86 " shake, 330

shock, blow, 83 " collision, 109

shocking, awful, 70

shore, bank, 72

short, terse, 354 " transient, 361

should, ought, 260

shout, call, 91

show, array, 57 " ostentation, 259 " pretense, 283

shred, particle, 264

shrewd, astute, 62 " sagacious, 322

shrewdness, acumen, 18

shriek, call, 91

shudder, shake, 330

shun, abhor, 5

shyness, modesty, 244

sickness, disease, 134

sight, array, 57

sign, 332 " characteristic, 103 " emblem, 146 " trace, 359

signal, sign, 332

signify, allude, 36

silent, taciturn, 351

silver, money, 244

similar, alike, 30 " synonymous, 349

similarity, analogy, 43 " approximation, 55

similarly, also, 37

simile, allegory, 33 " analogy, 43

similitude, analogy, 43

simple, candid, 93 " pure, 296

simulation, pretense, 283

sin, 332

since, because, 77 " therefore, 355

sincere, candid, 93 " honest, 202

sine qua non, necessity, 250

sinful, criminal, 120

sing, 333

singe, burn, 87

singular, queer, 297 " rare, 300

singularity, characteristic, 103

sink, abase, 2 " immerse, 212

sinless, innocent, 220 " perfect, 268

situation, circumstance, 105

skeleton, sketch, 334

skeptic, 334

skepticism, doubt, n., 138

sketch, 334

skilful, 335 " clever, 109

skill, dexterity, 129 " power, 279 " wisdom, 372

skilled, skilful, 335

skirmish, battle, 74

skittish, restive, 314

slack, slow, 337

slackness, neglect, 251

slander, 336 " abuse, 12

slang, 336

slant, v., tip, 357

slaughter, kill, 226 " massacre, 237

slay, kill, 226

sleep, rest, 313

sleepless, vigilant, 369

slender, fine, 172 " minute, 242

slight, a., fine, 172 " venial, 367

slight, n., neglect, 251

sling, send, 327

slit, rend, 309

slope, v., tip, 357

slothful, idle, 208

slow, 337 " reluctant, 308

slowness, stupidity, 344

sluggish, idle, 208 " slow, 337

sluggishness, apathy, 50 " stupidity, 344

slumber, rest, 313

small, fine, 172 " minute, 242

smart, clever, 109

smartness, pertness, 271

smash, break, 86

smiling, happy, 190

smirch, blemish, 82

smite, beat, 75

smooth, calm, 91 " fine, 172

snappish, morose, 245

snatch, catch, 97

sneer, 337

snug, comfortable, 110

sobriety, abstinence, 10

sociable, friendly, 178

social, friendly, 178

socialism, 338

society, association, 60

soften, alleviate, 33 " chasten, 103

soil, v., defile, 124 " stain, 341

soil, n., blemish, 82

sojourn, abide, 5

soldiers, army, 56

soldiery, army, 56

solemn, awful, 70

solemnity, sacrament, 321

solemnize, celebrate, 99

solicit, ask, 59 " plead, 274

solicitude, alarm, 28 " anxiety, 49 " care, 94

solitude, retirement, 315

somber, dark, 122

song, poetry, 277

soothe, allay, 31

sordid, avaricious, 68

sorrow, v., mourn, 246

sorrow, n., grief, 187 " misfortune, 242 " repentance, 310

sorrowful, pitiful, 273

sort, air, 27

sottish, brutish, 87

soul, mind, 241

sound, a., healthy, 195

sound, n., 338

sour, bitter, 81 " morose, 245

source, beginning, 78 " cause, 98

sourness, acrimony, 15

sow, plant, 274

spacious, large, 229

spank, beat, 75

sparing, frugality, 180

sparkle, light, 231

speak, 339

speaking, speech, 339

speak to, address, v., 19

specie, money, 244

specify, state, 341

specimen, example, 160 " sample, 323

speck, blemish, 82

speculation, hypothesis, 205

speech, 339 " language, 228

speechless, taciturn, 351

speed, v., quicken, 297

speedy, nimble, 253

spicy, racy, 299

spirit, character, 102 " mind, 241

spirited, racy, 299

spite, enmity, 152 " hatred, 193

splendid, fine, 172

splenetic, morose, 245

split, break, 86

spoil, decay, 122 " defile, 124

sponge, cleanse, 107

spontaneous, 340

sport, entertainment, 153

spot, v., stain, 341

spot, n., blemish, 82

spotless, innocent, 220 " perfect, 268 " pure, 296

spousal, marriage, 236

spread abroad, announce, 46

sprightliness, pertness, 271

sprightly, active, 17 " airy, 27 " happy, 190 " nimble, 253

spring, v., rise, 319

spring, n., beginning, 78 " cause, 98

spruce, neat, 249

spry, active, 17 " nimble, 253

spy, 340

stable, permanent, 269

stain, v., 341 " defile, 124

stain, n., blemish, 82

stainless, innocent, 220 " perfect, 268 " pure, 296

stamp out, abolish, 6

stanch, faithful, 165

standard, example, 160 " ideal, 206 " model, 243

stand by, help, 195

stare, look, 234

start, beginning, 78

state, v., 341 " allege, 31 " announce, 46

state, n., people, 266

stately, awful, 70

statement, report, 311

statute, law, 229

stay, abide, 5 " hinder, 199 " obstruct, 257 " rest, 313

steadfast, permanent, 269

steal, abstract, 10

steep, 342 " high, 198

stern, severe, 329

sticking, adhesive, 22

sticky, adhesive, 22

stiff, severe, 329

stigma, blemish, 82

still, v., allay, 31

still, a., calm, 91

still, conj., but, 89 " notwithstanding, 254 " yet, 374

stillness, apathy, 50 " rest, 313

stinging, bitter, 81

stingy, avaricious, 68

stipend, pay, 266

stipulation, contract, 118

stir, influence, 217

stoicism, apathy, 50

stolid, brutish, 87

stoop, bend, 79

stop, v., abide, 5 " arrest, 57 " cease, 98 " end, v., 148 " hinder, 199 " obstruct, 257

stop, n., rest, 313

store up, amass, 38

storm, v., attack, v., 63

storm, n., 343

story, 343 " fiction, 170 " history, 200 " report, 311

straightforward, candid, 93 " clear, 107 " honest, 202

straightway, immediately, 211

strand, bank, 72

strange, alien, a., 29 " queer, 297 " rare, 300

stranger, alien, n., 29

stratagem, artifice, 58

stray, wander, 371

street, way, 372

strength, power, 279

strengthen, confirm, 114

strict, severe, 329

strife, battle, 74 " feud, 170

strike, beat, 75

stripe, blow, 83

strive, endeavor, v., 149

stroke, blow, 83 " misfortune, 242

strong, healthy, 195

stronghold, fortification, 176

struggle, endeavor, n., 150

stubborn, obstinate, 256 " perverse, 272 " restive, 314

student, scholar, 324

study, education, 143

stupefaction, stupidity, 344 " stupor, 344

stupid, absurd, 11 " brutish, 87

stupidity, 344 " idiocy, 207

stupor, 344 " stupidity, 344

style, air, 27 " diction, 130 " name, 247

subdivision, part, 264

subdue, chasten, 103 " conquer, 115

subject, v., conquer, 115

subject, n., topic, 359

subjection, allegiance, 32

subjective, 345 " inherent, 218

subjoin, add, 18

subjugate, conquer, 115

submerge, immerse, 212

submission, patience, 265

submissive, docile, 136

submit, bend, 79

submit to, endure, 150

subordinate, auxiliary, 67

subside, abate, 3

subsidy, 345

subsisting, alive, 30

substantial, real, 301

substantiate, confirm, 114

substitute, v., change, v., 100

substitute, n., delegate, 125

subterfuge, artifice, 58 " pretense, 283

subtile, astute, 62 " fine, 172

subtle, astute, 62 " fine, 172

subvention, subsidy, 345

subvert, 346 " abolish, 6

succeed, 346 " follow, 174

success, victory, 369

successful, fortunate, 177 " happy, 190

succession, time, 356

succinct, terse, 354

succor, help, 195

suck up, absorb, 9

suffer, allow, 35 " endure, 150

sufferance, patience, 265

suffering, pain, 261

suffice, satisfy, 324

sufficient, adequate, 21 " plentiful, 276

suggest, allude, 36

suggestion, 347

suitable, adequate, 21 " becoming, 77

sulky, morose, 245

sullen, morose, 245

sully, defile, 124 " stain, 341

summary, abridgment, 7

summon, arraign, 56 " convoke, 120

sum up, add, 18 " calculate, 90

sunder, break, 86 " rend, 309

sunny, happy, 190

superabundance, excess, 160

superannuated, antique, 48

superciliousness, pride, 286

superfluity, excess, 160

superhuman, supernatural, 347

superintendence, oversight, 260

supernatural, 347

supersede, subvert, 346

superstition, fanaticism, 166

supervene, happen, 188

supervision, oversight, 260

supplant, abolish, 6 " subvert, 346

supple, active, 17

supplement, appendage, 53

supplicate, ask, 59 " pray, 281

supply, give, 185

support, v., 348 " abet, 4 " endure, 150 " keep, 226

support, n., help, 195 " subsidy, 345

supporter, adherent, 21

suppose, 348

supposition, fancy, 167 " hypothesis, 205 " idea, 206

suppress, abolish, 6 " hide, 197 " restrain, 315 " subvert, 346

supremacy, victory, 369

supreme, absolute, 8

sure, authentic, 67 " conscious, 116 " faithful, 165

surety, security, 326

surfeit, satisfy, 324

surly, morose, 245

surmise, v., doubt, v., 137 " suppose, 348

surmise, n., hypothesis, 205

surmount, conquer, 115

surname, name, 247

surpass, beat, 75

surplus, excess, 160

surplusage, circumlocution, 105

surprise, amazement, 39

surrender, 349 " abandon, 1

surrounded by, amid, 42

surveillance, oversight, 260

survey, look, 234

susceptibility, power, 279 " sensibility, 328

suspect, doubt, v., 137

suspense, doubt, n., 138

suspicion, doubt, n., 138

suspicious, envious, 155 " equivocal, 155

sustain, carry, 96 " confirm, 114 " endure, 150 " help, 195 " keep, 226 " support, 348

sustenance, food, 175

swallow, absorb, 9

swallow up, absorb, 9

swarm, flock, 173

swart, dark, 122

swarthy, dark, 122

sway, govern, 185 " influence, 217 " shake, 330

swear, state, 341

swearing, oath, 254

sweep, cleanse, 107

sweet, amiable, 42

swerve, fluctuate, 173 " wander, 371

swift, nimble, 253

swindle, n., fraud, 177

swindling, fraud, 177

swing, shake, 330

swinish, brutish, 87

switch, beat, 75

swoon, stupor, 344

swooning, stupor, 344

sworn statement, oath, 254

sycophancy, praise, 280

sylvan, rustic, 321

symbol, emblem, 146 " sign, 332

symmetry, harmony, 191

sympathetic, humane, 203

sympathize with, console, 117

sympathy, benevolence, 80 " pity, 273

symphony, melody, 238

symptom, sign, 332

syncope, stupor, 344

synonymic, synonymous, 349

synonymous, 349

synopsis, abridgment, 7

system, 350 " body, 84 " habit, 187 " hypothesis, 205

systematic, dogmatic, 137

system of government, polity, 278

taciturn, 351

tact, address, n., 20

taint, v., defile, 124

taint, n., blemish, 82

take, assume, 61 " carry, 96 " catch, 97

take away, abstract, 10

take hold of, catch, 97

take in, take up, absorb, 9

take into custody, arrest, 57

take-off, caricature, 95

take place, happen, 188

take prisoner, arrest, 57

take to task, reprove, 312

tale, report, 311 " story, 343

talent, genius, 183 " power, 279

talented, clever, 109

talents, genius, 183

talk, speak, 339

talk, n., conversation, 118 " speech, 339

talkative, garrulous, 181

tall, high, 198

tame, docile, 136

tangible, evident, 159 " physical, 272

tangled, complex, 112

tardy, slow, 337

tarnish, blemish, 82 " defile, 124 " stain, 341

tarry, abide, 5

tart, bitter, 81

tartness, acrimony, 15

tasteful, 352

tasty, tasteful, 352

tattle, babble, 71

taunt, sneer, 337

tautology, circumlocution, 105

teach, 353

teachable, docile, 136

teaching, doctrine, 136 " education, 143

tear, rend, 309

tease, affront, 24

tediousness, circumlocution, 105

teeming, plentiful, 276

tell, announce, 46 " speak, 339 " state, 341

temerity, 353

temper, anger, 44 " character, 102

temperament, character, 102

temperance, abstinence, 10

tempest, storm, 343

temporary, transient, 361

tempt, allure, 37

tendency, aim, 26 " direction, 132

tender, friendly, 178 " humane, 203

tender-hearted, humane, 203

tenderness, attachment, 63 " love, 235 " mercy, 239 " pity, 273

tenet, doctrine, 136

tenuous, fine, 172

term, 354 " boundary, 84 " time, 356

terminate, abolish, 6 " cease, 98 " end, v., 148

termination, boundary, 84 " end, n., 148

terminus, end, n., 148

terrible, awful, 70 " formidable, 176

terrific, awful, 70

terrify, frighten, 180

terror, alarm, 28 " fear, 168

terse, 354

testify, avow, 69 " state, 341

testimony, 355

that, but, 89

theme, topic, 359

then, therefore, 355

thence, therefore, 355

theology, religion, 307

theory, hypothesis, 205 " idea, 206

therefore, 355

thief, robber, 320

thin, fine, 172

think, esteem, v., 156 " suppose, 348

thirst, appetite, 54

tho, but, 89 " notwithstanding, conj., 254

thorough, radical, 299

thoroughfare, way, 372

thoroughgoing, radical, 299

thought, idea, 206 " mind, 241

thoughtless, abstracted, 11

thoughtlessness, neglect, 251

thrash, beat, 75

threatening, imminent, 212

thrift, frugality, 180

thrill, shake, 330

thrive, succeed, 346

throe, pain, 261

throng, 356 " company, 110

through, by, 89 " notwithstanding, conj., 254

throw, send, 327

thrust, drive, 140

thump, blow, 83

thus far, yet, 374

thwart, hinder, 199

tidy, neat, 249

tie, bind, 81

tillage, agriculture, 25

tilt, tip, 357

time, 356

time-honored, old, 257

timeless, eternal, 157

time-worn, old, 257

timid, faint, 164

timidity, alarm, 28 " fear, 168 " modesty, 244

tinge, stain, 341

tint, stain, 341

tiny, minute, 242

tip, v., 357

tip, n., end, n., 148

tire, v., 357

title, name, 247

tittle, particle, 264

toil, work, 374

toilsome, difficult, 132

token, emblem, 146 " sign, 332 " trace, 359

tolerate, abide, 5 " allow, 35 " endure, 150

tone, sound, 338

tongue, language, 228

too, also, 37

tool, 358

topic, 359

torment, pain, 261

torpor, stupor, 344

torture, pain, 261

total, radical, 299

totter, shake, 330

touching, pitiful, 273

tour, journey, 223

tow, draw, 138

towering, high, 198

trace, 359 " characteristic, 103

track, trace, 359 " way, 372

tractable, docile, 136

trade, business, 88 " sale, 323

trading, business, 88

traduce, slander, 336

traffic, business, 88

trail, trace, 359

train, teach, 353

trained, skilful, 335

training, education, 143

trait, characteristic, 103

trance, dream, 139

tranquil, calm, 91

tranquilize, allay, 31

tranquillity, apathy, 50 " rest, 313

transact, 360 " do, 135

transaction, 360 " act, 16 " business, 88

transcendent, transcendental, 361

transcendental, 361 " mysterious, 247

transcript, duplicate, 141

transfer, convey, 119

transfigure, change, v., 100

transform, change, v., 100

transformation, change, n., 101

transgress, break, 86

transgression, sin, 332

transient, 361

transit, journey, 223 " motion, 245

transition, change, 101 " motion, 245

transitory, transient, 361

translation, definition, 124

translucent, clear, 107

transmit, carry, 96 " convey, 119 " send, 327

transmutation, change, n., 101

transmute, change, v., 100

transparent, candid, 93 " clear, 107 " evident, 159

transport, carry, 96 " convey, 119 " enthusiasm, 153

trappings, caparison, 93

travel, journey, 223

travesty, caricature, 95

treachery, fraud, 177

treason, fraud, 177

treasure, cherish, 104

treat, transact, 360

tremble, shake, 330

trembling, fear, 168

tremendous, formidable, 176

tremor, fear, 168

trepidation, fear, 168

trespass, attack, n., 64

trial, endeavor, n., 150 " misfortune, 242

tribe, people, 266

tribulation, grief, 187 " misfortune, 242

tribute, subsidy, 345

trick, artifice, 58 " fraud, 177 " pretense, 283

trickery, deception, 123

trifling, idle, 208 " vain, 364

trim, neat, 249

trip, journey, 223

triumph, happiness, 189 " victory, 369

trivial, vain, 364 " venial, 367

troops, army, 56

trouble, anxiety, 49 " care, 94 " grief, 187 " misfortune, 242

true, authentic, 67 " faithful, 165 " honest, 202 " pure, 296 " real, 301

truism, axiom, 71 " proverb, 293

trunk, body, 84

trust, v., commit, 110

trust, n., assurance, 61 " faith, 164

trustworthy, authentic, 67 " faithful, 165 " honest, 202 " reliable, 306

trusty, faithful, 165 " honest, 202 " reliable, 306

truth, justice, 225 " veracity, 367 " virtue, 370

truthful, candid, 93

truthfulness, veracity, 367

try, chasten, 103 " endeavor, v., 149

trying, difficult, 132

tug, draw, 138

tuition, education, 143

tumult, revolution, 317

turbid, obscure, 255

turn, bend, 79 " change, v., 100 " revolve, 318

tutor, teach, 353

twaddle, babble, 71

twain, both, 84

twine, bend, 79

twinge, pain, 261

twinkle, light, 231

twinkling, light, 231

twist, bend, 79

two, both, 84

type, emblem, 146 " example, 160 " model, 243 " sign, 332

typical, normal, 253

tyrannical, absolute, 8

tyro, amateur, 39

umbrage, pique, 272

umpire, judge, 224

unadorned, clear, 107

unadulterated, pure, 296

unambiguous, clear, 107

unanimity, harmony, 191

unassured, precarious, 282

unavailing, vain, 364

unavoidable, necessary, 250

unavoidableness, necessity, 250

unbelief, doubt, n., 138

unbeliever, skeptic, 334

unbiased, candid, 93

unbidden, spontaneous, 340

unblemished, perfect, 268 " pure, 296

unbounded, infinite, 216

unbroken, continual, 117

unceasing, continual, 117 " eternal, 157

uncertain, equivocal, 155 " precarious, 282

uncertainty, doubt, n., 138

unchangeable, permanent, 269

unchanging, permanent, 269

uncivil, bluff, 83

uncivilized, barbarous, 73

uncommon, queer, 297 " rare, 300

uncommunicative, taciturn, 351

uncompromising, severe, 329

unconcern, apathy, 50

unconditional, absolute, 8

unconditioned, infinite, 216

uncongeniality, antipathy, 48

unconnected, alien, a., 29

unconquerable, obstinate, 256

unconsciousness, stupor, 344

uncontrollable, rebellious, 304

uncorrupted, pure, 296

uncouth, awkward, 70 " barbarous, 73 " rustic, 321

uncreated, primeval, 287

uncultivated, fierce, 171

undaunted, brave, 85

undefiled, perfect, 268 " pure, 296

undeniable, necessary, 250

underestimate, disparage, 134

undergo, endure, 150

underrate, disparage, 134

understand, perceive, 267

understanding, mind, 241 " wisdom, 372

undertake, endeavor, v., 149

undervalue, disparage, 134

undismayed, brave, 85

undisturbed, calm, 91

undulate, fluctuate, 173

undying, eternal, 157

uneducated, ignorant, 208

unemployed, idle, 208 " vacant, 363

unending, eternal, 157

unenlightened, ignorant, 208

unequivocal, absolute, 8 " clear, 107

unfading, eternal, 157

unfailing, eternal, 157

unfairness, injustice, 220 " prejudice, 283

unfathomable, infinite, 216 " mysterious, 247

unfathomed, mysterious, 247

unfeelingness, apathy, 50

unfilled, vacant, 363

unflinching, obstinate, 256

unfold, amplify, 43

ungainly, awkward, 70

ungodliness, sin, 332

ungovernable, perverse, 272 " rebellious, 304

unhandy, awkward, 70

unhealthful, pernicious, 270

unhealthiness, disease, 134

unhomogeneous, heterogeneous, 196

unification, union, 362

uniform, a., alike, 30

uniform, n., dress, 140

uniformity, harmony, 191

unimportant, vain, 364

uninformed, ignorant, 208

uninstructed, ignorant, 208

unintellectual, brutish, 87

unintelligible, obscure, 255

uninterrupted, continual, 117

union, 362 " alliance, 34 " association, 60 " attachment, 63 " harmony, 191 " marriage, 236

unique, queer, 297 " rare, 300

unison, harmony, 191 " melody, 238

unity, harmony, 191 " union, 362

universal, general, 181

unkindness, acrimony, 15

unknown, mysterious, 247

unlawful, criminal, 120

unlearned, ignorant, 208

unless, but, 89

unlettered, ignorant, 208

unlike, alien, a., 29 " heterogeneous, 196

unlikeness, difference, 131

unlimited, infinite, 216

unmanageable, rebellious, 304

unmannerly, bluff, 83

unmatched, queer, 297

unmeasured, infinite, 216

unmingled, pure, 296

unmistakable, evident, 159 " clear, 107

unmitigated, severe, 329

unmixed, pure, 296

unobtrusiveness, modesty, 244

unoccupied, idle, 208 " vacant, 363

unparalleled, rare, 300

unpolished, rustic, 321

unpolluted, pure, 296

unprecedented, rare, 300

unprejudiced, candid, 93

unpremeditated, extemporaneous, 163

unprofitable, vain, 364

unquestionable, real, 301

unreal, vain, 364

unreasonable, absurd, 11

unrelenting, severe, 329

unremitting, continual, 117

unreserved, candid, 93

unrighteousness, injustice, 220 " sin, 332

unruffled, calm, 91

unruly, restive, 314

unsatisfying, vain, 364

unselfishness, benevolence, 80

unserviceable, vain, 364

unsettle, displace, 135

unsettled, precarious, 282

unskilful, awkward, 70

unskilled, ignorant, 208

unsophisticated, candid, 93 " rustic, 321

unsoundness, disease, 134

unspiritual, brutish, 87

unspotted, pure, 296

unstable, precarious, 282

unstained, pure, 296

unsteady, precarious, 282

unsubstantial, vain, 364

unsuitable, incongruous, 214

unsullied, pure, 296

untainted, pure, 296

untamed, barbarous, 73

untarnished, pure, 296

untaught, ignorant, 208 " rustic, 321

untenanted, vacant, 363

untoward, perverse, 272

untrained, fierce, 171

untruth, deception, 123

untutored, ignorant, 208

unusual, queer, 287 " rare, 300

unvarying, continual, 117

unwavering, faithful, 165

unwholesome, pernicious, 270

unwilling, reluctant, 308

unyielding, severe, 329 " obstinate, 256

upbraid, reprove, 312

upbraiding, reproof, 311

uphold, abet, 4 " confirm, 114 " help, 195 " support, 348

uplifted, high, 198

upright, honest, 202 " innocent, 220 " pure, 296

uprightness, justice, 225 " virtue, 370

uproot, exterminate, 163

upshot, consequence, 116

upstart, new, 252

urbane, polite, 277

urge, influence, 217 " persuade, 271 " plead, 274 " quicken, 297

urge forward, promote, 291

urgency, necessity, 250

urge on, drive, 140 " promote, 291 " quicken, 297

usage, habit, 187

use, employ, 147 " exercise, 162 " habit, 187 " utility, 363

usefulness, profit, 288 " utility, 363

useless, vain, 364

use up, employ, 147

usual, 362 " general, 181 " normal, 253

usurp, assume, 61

utensil, tool, 358

utility, 363 " profit, 288

utmost, end, n., 148

utter, speak, 339

utterance, remark, 308 " speech, 339

uttermost, end, n., 148

vacant, 363 " idle, 208

vacate, abandon, 1 " cancel, 92

vacillate, fluctuate, 173

vacuous, vacant, 363

vagary, fancy, 167

vain, 364

vainglory, pride, 286

valediction, farewell, 168

valedictory, farewell, 168

valiant, brave, 85

valor, prowess, 294

value, cherish, 104 " esteem, v., 156 " price, 285 " profit, 288

vanity, egotism, 145 " pride, 286

vanquish, beat, 75 " conquer, 115

vapid, vain, 364

variant, heterogeneous, 196

variation, change, 101 " difference, 131

variety, change, 101 " difference, 131

various, heterogeneous, 196

vary, change, 100 " fluctuate, 173

vast, large, 229

vaunt, ostentation, 259

vaunting, ostentation, 259

veer, change, 100 " fluctuate, 173 " wander, 371

vehemence, enthusiasm, 153

vehement, eager, 142

veil, hide, 197 " palliate, 261

venal, 365

venerable, old, 257

venerate, 366 " admire, 23

veneration, 366

vengeance, revenge, 316

venial, 367

venture, hazard, 194

venturesome, brave, 85

venturesomeness, temerity, 353

veracity, 367

verbal, 368

verbiage, circumlocution, 105 " diction, 130

verbose, garrulous, 181

verbosity, circumlocution, 105

verdant, rustic, 321

verge, boundary, 84

veritable, authentic, 67 " real, 301

verity, veracity, 367

vernacular, language, 228

verse, meter, 240 " poetry, 277

vestige, trace, 359

vestments, dress, 140

vesture, dress, 140

vex, affront, 24

vexation, anger, 44 " chagrin, 100

viands, food, 175

vibrate, shake, 330

vice, sin, 332

vicious, criminal, 120 " restive, 314

viciousness, sin, 332

vicissitude, change, n., 101

victimize, abuse, 12

victory, 369

victuals, food, 175

view, look, 234

vigilance, care, 94

vigilant, 369 " alert, 28

vigorous, active, 17 " healthy, 195

vile, brutish, 87 " criminal, 120

vilify, abuse, 12 " slander, 336

villainy, abomination, 7

vindicate, avenge, 69

vindication, apology, 51 " defense, 123

vinegarish, bitter, 81

violate, abuse, 12

violent, fierce, 171

virile, masculine, 237

virtue, 370 " justice, 225

virtuous, innocent, 220 " pure, 296

virtuousness, virtue, 370

virulence, acrimony, 15

virulent, bitter, 81

viscid, adhesive, 22

viscous, adhesive, 22

visible, evident, 159 " physical, 272

vision, dream, 139

visionary, fanciful, 167 " vain, 364

visit, avenge, 69

visitation, misfortune, 242

vitiate, defile, 124

vituperate, abuse, 12

vivacious, alive, 30

vocabulary, diction, 130 " language, 228

vocal, verbal, 368

vocation, business, 88

vociferate, call, 91

void, vacant, 363

voluntary, spontaneous, 340

vow, oath, 254

voyage, journey, 223

vulgar, the, mob, 243

vulgarism, slang, 336

vulgarity, slang, 336

wages, pay, 266

waggery, wit, 373

waggishness, wit, 373

wait, abide, 5

wakeful, vigilant, 369

wander, 371

want, necessity, 250 " poverty, 279

warble, sing, 333

ward, shelter, 331

wariness, care, 94

warmth, enthusiasm, 153

warn, reprove, 312

warning, example, 160

warp, bend, 79

warrant, precedent, 282

wary, vigilant, 369

wash, cleanse, 107

waste, excess, 160 " vacant, 363

wastefulness, excess, 160

watch, look, 234

watch for, abide, 5

watchful, alert, 28 " vigilant, 369

watchfulness, care, 94

watch, on the, alert, 28

wave, shake, 330

waver, fluctuate, 173 " shake, 330

way, 372 " air, 27 " direction, 132

wayward, perverse, 272

weak, faint, 164

weapon, tool, 358

weapons, arms, 55

wearied, faint, 164

wear out, tire, 357

weary, tire, 357

wedded, addicted, 19

wedding, marriage, 236

wedlock, marriage, 236

weigh, deliberate, 125

weight, load, 233

welcome, delightful, 126

well, healthy, 195

well-behaved, polite, 277

well-bred, polite, 277

well-disposed, friendly, 178

well-mannered, polite, 277

well off, comfortable, 110

well-provided, comfortable, 110

well to do, comfortable, 110

whence, therefore, 355

wherefore, therefore, 355

while, time, 356

whim, fancy, 167

whimsical, queer, 297

whip, beat, 75

whit, particle, 264

whiten, bleach, 82

whitewash, bleach, 82

wholesome, healthy, 195

wicked, criminal, 120

wickedness, abomination, 7 " sin, 332

wide, large, 229

wide-awake, active, 17 " alert, 28 " vigilant, 369

widen, amplify, 43

wild, absurd, 11 " fierce, 171

wile, artifice, 58 " pretense, 283

wilful, perverse, 272

willing, spontaneous, 340

win, allure, 37 " attain, 64 " conquer, 115 " get, 183 " succeed, 346

wind up, end, v., 148

winning, amiable, 42 " charming, 103

win over, persuade, 271

winsome, amiable, 42

wipe, cleanse, 107

wipe out, exterminate, 163

wisdom, 372 " knowledge, 227 " prudence, 294

wise, sagacious, 322

wish, desire, 128

wit, 373

with, by, 89

withal, also, 37

withdraw, abstract, 10

withdraw from, abandon, 1

wither, die, 130

withhold, keep, 226 " restrain, 315

without delay, immediately, 211

without end, eternal, 157

witness, avow, 69 " testimony, 355

witticism, wit, 373

wo, grief, 187 " pain, 261

woful, pitiful, 273

womanish, feminine, 169

womanly, feminine, 169

wonder, admire, 23 " amazement, 39

wont, habit, 187

wonted, usual, 362

woo, address, v., 19

word, term, 354

wordiness, circumlocution, 105

wording, diction, 130

work, 374 " act, 16 " business, 88

workman, artist, 58

work out, do, 135

worn, faint, 164

worn down, faint, 164

worn out, faint, 164

worry, anxiety, 49 " care, 94

worship, religion, 307

worst, beat, 75 " conquer, 115

worth, price, 285 " virtue, 370

worthiness, virtue, 370

worthless, vain, 364

worthy, becoming, 77

wound, affront, 24

wrangle, reason, v., 302

wrath, anger, 44

wretched, pitiful, 273

writing, metrical, poetry, 277

writings, literature, 233

wrong, v., abuse, 12

wrong, a., criminal, 120

wrong, n., injury, 219 " injustice, 220 " sin, 332

wrong-doing, sin, 332

yearning, eager, 142

yell, call, 91

yet, 374 " but, 89 " notwithstanding, conj., 254

yield, allow, 35 " bend, 79 " harvest, 192 " surrender, 349

yielding, docile, 136

young, new, 252 " youthful, 375

youthful, 375 " new, 252

zeal, enthusiasm, 153

zealous, eager, 142

zest, appetite, 54

Transcriber's Endnotes:

Significant amendments, invalid links and further notes have been listed below.

p. 45, ANIMAL, synonyms re-ordered (fauna originally last);

p. 45, ANIMAL, 'individal' amended to individual;

p. 70, AWFUL, 'mein' amended to mien;

p. 75, BEAT, invalid reference: 'SHATTER', see INDEX;

p. 78, BEGINNING, '1 John 1' amended to John i, 1;

p. 82, BITTER, 'quinin, or strychnin' amended to quinine, or strychnine;

p. 98, CAUSE, 'conseqeunce' amended to consequence;

p. 128, DESIRE, 'concupisence' amended to concupiscence;

p. 148, END, v., 'synonymns' amended to synonyms;

p. 148, END, v., invalid reference: 'BEGIN', see INDEX;

p. 149, END, n., 'CONSEQENCE' amended to CONSEQUENCE;

p. 153, ENTHUSIASM, 'ecstacy' amended to ecstasy;

p. 167, FANCIFUL, 'arangement' amended to arrangement;

p. 190, HAPPINESS, invalid reference: 'COMFORT', see INDEX;

p. 196, HETEROGENEOUS, 'heterogenious' amended to heterogeneous (twice);

p. 202, HONEST, 'fradulent' amended to fraudulent;

p. 212, IMMERSE, invalid reference: 'BURY', see INDEX;

p. 214, IMPUDENCE, invalid reference: 'ARROGANCE', see INDEX;

p. 227, KNOWLEDGE, 'or' amended to of—'... perception of external objects ...';

p. 276, PLENTIFUL, '(Compare synonyms especial reference to giving or expending.', amended, using a later edition, to (Compare synonyms for ADEQUATE.);

p. 278, POLITE, 'devolopment' amended to development;

p. 297, QUEER, 'an' amended to as—'... and so uneven, as an odd number ...';

p. 305, RECORD, 'deposito' amended to depository;

p. 316, REVELATION, 'mistery' amended to mystery;

p. 334, SKETCH and p. 335, SKEPTIC, out-of-sequence entries re-ordered; estimated new placement of p. 335 marker; index amendments include: p. 511, agnostic; p. 513, atheist; p. 523, deist; p. 525, disbeliever; p. 526, doubter; p. 532, freethinker; p. 537, infidel; p. 555, skeptic; p. 560, unbeliever;

p. 400, ASSUME, 'and' amended to or—'Unless he do profane, steal, or ——.';

p. 418, DEXTERITY, 'imimitable' amended to inimitable;

p. 431, EXTERMINATE, added is—'... what is the original meaning ...';

p. 433, FEAR, 'right' amended to fright—'How does it compare with fright ...';

p. 434, FEUD, 'contentention' amended to contention;

p. 443, HAPPINESS, 'ecstacy' amended to ecstasy;

p. 487, PROVERB, 'apothem' amended to apothegm;

p. 515, INDEX, because: 'therefor' amended to therefore;

p. 516, INDEX, bodily: page number added to physical;

p. 530, INDEX, fancy: sub-listing ordered alphabetically;

p. 535, INDEX, imagination: page number corrected for idea;

p. 535, INDEX, 'immeasureable': amended to immeasurable;

p. 539, INDEX, kind: sub-listing ordered alphabetically;

p. 540, INDEX, loving: 'friendy' amended to friendly;

p. 543, INDEX, nutrition: oath removed from sub-listing and listed separately;

p. 546, INDEX, plan: horizontal removed from sub-listing.


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