Nap 147 Necromancy 243 Negus 87 Nemorivagus 77 Neophyte 107 Nesh 118 Niggot 85 Nimm 118 Noonscape 129 Noonshun 129 Normal 72 Nostril 251 Nugget 85 Nuncheon 128
Oblige 69 Obsequies 241 Oculissimus 90 Orange 241 Orichalcum 237 Ornamentation 72 Orrery 87 Orthography 245
Pagan 202 Painful, painfulness 186 Pandar, pandarism 89 Panorama 107 Pasquinade 87 Patch 87 Pate 146 Pease 159 Peck 193 Pester 84 Philauty 105 Photography 72 Physician 101 Pigmy 229 Pinchpenny 144 Pleurisy 244 Plunder 73, 106 Poet 101 Polite 200 Polytheism 107 Porcupine 253 Porpoise 63 Postremissimus 91 Potecary 64 Praevaricator 196 Pragmatical 206 Preliber 56 Preposterous 195 Prestige 68 Prevaricate 196 Privado 16 Prose, proser 206 Punctilio 16 Punto 16 Pyramid 235
Quellio 17 Quinsey 63 Quirpo 16 Quirry 64
Rakehell 145 Rame 241 Rathe, rathest 138 Realmrape 119 Recover 233 Redingote 63 Refuse 241 Regoldar 149 Religion 183 Renegade 254 Renown 103 Resent 233 Reynard 89 Rhyme 245 Riches 159 Rickets 243 Righteousness 137 Rodomontade 89 Rome 227 Rootfast 119 Rosen 162 Ruly 136 Runagate 254
Sag 118 Sardanapalisme 88 Sash 63 Satellites 61 Satire, satirical 250 Satyr, satyric 249, 250 Scent 232 Schimmer 118 Scrip 232 Seamster, seamstress 155, 156 Selfish, selfishness 105 Sentiment 107 Sepoy 240 Serene 135 Shrewd, shrewdness 209 Silhouette 88 Silvern 163 Silvicultrix 77 Siren 247 Skinker 117 Skip 147 Slick 132 Smellfeast 143 Smug 146 Solidarity 70 Songster, songstress 155, 156 Sorcerer 101 Spencer 88 Sperr 118 Spheterize 72 Spinner, spinster 156 Starconner 120 Starvation 80 Starve 192 Stereotype 72 Stonen 163 Suckstone 120 Sudden 220 Suicide 105 Suicism, suist 105 Suendflut 238 Sunstead 120 Swindler 74 Sycophant 208
Tabinet 88 Tapster 157 Tarre 118 Tartar 237 Tartary 238 Tea 227 Theriac 187 Thou 171 Thrasonical 89 Tind 118 Tinnen 163 Tinsel 180 Tinsel-slippered 180 Tontine 88 Topsy-turvy 215 Tosspot 144 Tram 88 Treacle 187 Trigger 73 Trounce 147 Turban 13
Umstroke 120 Uncouth 124
Vancurrier 64 Vicinage 63 Villain 201, 208 Volcano 86 Voltaic 88 Voyage 191
Wanhope 117 Waterfright 120 Watershed 103 Weed 192 Welk 118 Welkin 158 Welsh rabbit 240 Whole 234 Windflower 120 Wiseacre 240 Witch 101 Witticism 106 Witwanton 119 Woburn 220 Woodbine 229 Worship 185 Woerterbuch 111
Yard 193 Youngster 156
Zoology 107 Zoophyte 107
Butler & Tanner, The Selwood Printing Works, Frome, and London.
* * * * *
Variation in the spelling of the names Jonson/Johnson, Spenser/Spencer, and Ralegh/Raleigh is as in the original.
The following have been left as they appear in the original:
fetisch There are who venture substraction tanquum consummata (probable error for "tamquam consumpta") divergencies In 'grogram' we are entirely to seek
The following obvious printing errors have been corrected:
ORIGINAL TEXT CHANGE up words n every quarter in el lagarto' removed quote mark 'trespasses' might be substitued substituted matter than in our authorized Authorized Galations v. 19 Galatians artificial, made-up, facititious factitious such doublets is given by Pro f Prof.
_ORIGINAL TEXT_ _CHANGE_ masterpieces of antient ancient {Greek: He:thos} is a word at E:thos 'hca/racter' with Spenser; chara/cter perfectly well recognised recognized Shakesspeare than we find now Shakespeare 'maumet', meaning an idol{95} added comma after footnote marker 'aretinisms', from an, removed comma after "an" whith hitherto they held which Missouri and the Missisippi Mississippi things lacking, would have mended added comma after "mended" "The word t must be it we have in common with the French added period after "French" Language Francais_, p. 12. Langage 'fursehung' and 'vorsehung' fuersehung
ORIGINAL TEXT CHANGE so dose 'flitter-mouse' does is an old preterite praeterite instrinsic value it may possess. intrinsic which it belongs; being the same added ")" before semicolon 'guideress'; 'charmeress' changed semicolon to comma superlatives as 'griveousest' grievousest 'dwarfling', 'sherperdling' shepherdling contra/ry run"—Shakespeare. added period after quotes their charms".—Spenser, changed comma to period bu h-sum, i.e. 'bow-some', buch-sum
ORIGINAL TEXT CHANGE Shakespeare in I Henry VI changed I to 1 words justI quoted have conveyed? I just misapprehension in their persual perusal as by sea, was a 'voyage', changed final comma to period before they return back again. added double quotes after "again" 1589, p. 181 (ed. 181, ed. Preface to Bible, 1611. added ")" before period Secker, Sermons, iii, 85 (ed. 85, ed.
ORIGINAL TEXT CHANGE of the arbitary in spelling arbitrary 'vert', 'verre' and 'vers', changed final comma to period v corresponding in the Greek. changed "v" to {Greek: y} and a very horried one horrid {Greek: ch ymo} chymos Croker's edit. 1848, pp. 57 '5' unclear in the original oua 'aunt'. our
ORIGINAL TEXT CHANGE Alcove 15 16 Book 20 21 Creansur 46 45 Flota 16 17 Galvanism 9 88 Girdle 20 21 Hooker 15 16 Icefield 73 74 Imp 215 205 Kirtle 20 21 Matachin 16 17 Milken 162 163 Postremissimus 90 91 Quellio 16 17 Rosen 161 162 Silvern 162 163 Stonen 162 163 Tapster 156 157 }