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Poet and Thinker. His early bent towards poetry and metaphysics, his prose style, his early poems, their merits and defects, his sonnets, Coleridge at his best, untimely decline of his poetic impulse, Wordsworth's great influence on him, Coleridge's mastery of the true ballad manner, estimate of his poetic work, comparison with Byron and Wordsworth, his wonderful power of melody, his great projects, his critical powers, his criticism of Shakespeare, his philosophy, his contemplated "Great Work," his materials for various poems, his metaphysics and theology, his discourses, exaggerated notions of his position and influence, his "unwritten books,"
Precocious boyhood, descriptions of him at various times, his voice, his conduct as a husband, religious nature, revolutionary enthusiasm, consciousness of his great powers, generous admiration for the gifts of others, his womanly softness, his pride in his personal appearance, his contempt for money, his ill-health, his opium-eating, his restlessness, best portrait of him, his unbusinesslike nature, sorrows of his life, his laudanum excesses, his talk, his weaknesses,
Coleridge, Mrs.,
Coleridge, Rev. Derwent,
Coleridge, Rev. George,
Coleridge, Hartley,
Coleridge, Rev. John,
Coleridge, Luke,
Coleridge, Nelson,
Coleridge, Sarah,
Coleridge and Opium Eating (De Quincey's),
Condones ad Populum (Bristol Lectures), their warmth of language, evidence of deep thought and reasoning in, their crudeness,
Consulate, Coleridge on the French,
Cottle, Joseph,
Courier, The,
Dark Ladie,
Dejection, Ode to, Coleridge's swan song, its promise, Coleridge's spiritual and moral losses bewailed in, stanzas from, biographical value of,
De Quincey,
Descriptive Sketches (Wordsworth's),
Devil's Thoughts,
Early Years and Late Reflections (Dr. Carrlyon's),
Essays on his own Times,
Eve of St Agnes (Keats's),
Excursion (Wordsworth's),
Fall of Robespierre,
Fears in Solitude,
Fire, Famine and Slaughter,
Fox, Letters to,
France, Coleridge on, ode to,
Fricker, Edith, Mary, Sara,
Friend, The, Coleridge's object in starting it, its short-lived career, causes of its failure, compared with the Spectator,
Frost at Midnight (lines),
Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, Ode to,
Germany, Coleridge and Wordsworth in,
Gillman, Mr.,
Green, Mr. J. H.,
Grenville, Lord,
Greta Hall, description of,
Group of Englishmen (Miss Meteyard's),
Harz Mountains, Coleridge's tour through the,
Joan of Arc (Southey's), Coleridge's contribution to,
Johnson, Samuel,
Juvenile Poems,
Keats, Coleridge's meeting with and description of,
Kosciusko (Sonnet),
Kubla Khan, 39; a wild dream-poem, its curious origin, when written,
Lake Poets (De Quincey's),
Lamb, Charles,
Lamb, Mary,
Lay Sermons,
"Lear,": Coleridge on,
Lectures, Coleridge's, at Bristol, at the Royal Institution, on Shakespeare and Milton, at Flower de Luce Court, extempore lecture,
Le Grice, Charles,
Liberal, The,
Lines on ascending the Bracken,
Lines to William Wordsworth,
Literary Remains,
Lloyd, Charles,
Love, fascination of melody in,
Lovell, Robert,
Lover's Resolution,
Lyrical Ballads, origin of, Coleridge's contributions to, appearance of, anecdote concerning,
Malta, Coleridge's stay at,
Metaphysics and theology; Coleridge's,
Meteyard, Miss,
Milton, lectures on Shakespeare and,
Monody on the Death of Chatterton,
Montagu, Mr. and Mrs.,
Morgan, Mr. John,
Morning Post, The, Coleridge's connection with,
Nether Stowey, Coleridge at,
New Monthly Magazine,
Omniana (Southey's), Coleridge's contribution to,
Opium, Coleridge's resort to, origin of the habit, De Quincey on,
Pains of Sleep,
Parry, Coleridge's fellow-student in Germany,
Peau de Chagrin (Balzac's),
Philosophy, Coleridge's, (see Spiritual Philosophy)
Pilgrimage (Purchas's),
Pitt, sonnet to,
Pius VII., Pope,
Poems on Various Subjects,
Poetical and Dramatic Works,
Poetry and the Fine Arts, Coleridge's lectures on,
"Polonius," Coleridge's estimate of the character of,
Poole, Mr. Thomas,
Prometheus, Coleridge's paper on,
Quantock Hills, Coleridge and Wordsworth among the,
Recollections (Cottle's),
Recollections of a Literary Life (Miss Mitford's)
Reflections on having left a Place of Retirement,
Religious Musings,
Revolution, the French,
Rome, Coleridge in,
Royal Institution, Coleridge's lectures at the,
Scott, Sir Walter,
Sermons, Lay,
Shakespeare, lectures on, criticisms on,
Shakespearianism, German,
Shrewsbury, Coleridge's preaching in,
Sibylline Leaves,
Slave Trade, Coleridge's Greek Ode on the,
Songs of the Pixies,
Sonnets on Eminent Characters,
Sotheby, Mr.,
Southey, Cuthbert,
Southey, Edith,
Spiritual Philosophy (Green's), an exposition of Coleridge's Philosophy, Coleridge's great fundamental principle, the reason and the understanding, will, not thought, the ultimate fact of self-consciousness, a philosophy of Realism, philosophy valued by Coleridge mainly as an organon of religion, growth of the soul, the idea of God, idea of the Trinity, "a guidebook written in hieroglyphics,"
Statesman's Manual,
Sterling, Life of (Carlyle's),
Stuart, Mr. Daniel,
Swinburne's praise of Coleridge's lyrics,
Table Talk,
Theology and metaphysics, Coleridge's system of,
Unitarian, Coleridge as a,
Visionary Hope,
Voyages (Shelvocke's),
Wallenstein, Coleridge's translation of,
Wedgwood, Josiah,
Wedgwood, Thomas,
Wordsworth, Dorothy,
Year, Ode to the Departing,
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